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Cafe Coffee Day - Marketing Report

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- A Marketing Report



CCD aims to be the best coffee chain in the country by offering world class experience at
affordable prices. For this, it closely upgrades and customizes its offerings to meet consumer
needs. CCD induces a sense of belonging in the minds of the consumer. Students and
employed professionals perceive CCD as a hangout place, a place for meeting friends and
conversation. Ambience and interiors appeal to their visual senses and smell of coffee to
their olfactory senses. People feel young at heart and relaxed being at CCD. CCD serves as a
promoter of social networking and going to CCD is also considered as a status symbol.
We have analyzed the marketing mix, to help understand the gap in offerings. E-commerce
websites on web space, English newspapers and business and technology magazines in print
media emerge as key focal media to reach consumers. TVCs should be distributed across all
entertainment, news and music channels.
Based on survey response and analyses we have come up with recommendations enhance
consumer experience which translates into greater consumer satisfaction and consumer



EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................ 2
BRIEF OF THE COMPANY ......................................................................................................................... 4
OBJECTIVE ............................................................................................................................................... 5
SCOPE ...................................................................................................................................................... 5
METHODOLOGY ...................................................................................................................................... 5
MARKETING MIX (7 P ANALYSIS) ............................................................................................................ 6
CONSUMER BEHAVIOR ........................................................................................................................... 8
MASLOW'S THEORY ............................................................................................................................ 8
CUSTOMER MIND MAPPING ............................................................................................................... 9
BRAND ASSET VALUATOR MODEL ...................................................................................................... 9
DIMENSIONS OF BRAND EXPERIENCE............................................................................................... 10
IMPLICATIONS FOR MARKETEER........................................................................................................... 12
RECOMMENDATIONS ........................................................................................................................... 14
Appendix ............................................................................................................................................... 16
Survey................................................................................................................................................ 16
REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................................... 20



Cafe Coffee Day is currently one the biggest and fastest growing company in the branded
coffee business. It is a division of Amalgamated Bean Company Trading Company Limited.
The first CCD outlet was set up on July 11, 1996, at Brigade Road, Bangalore,
Karnataka. Since then, CCD has opened 1481 cafs across 28 states of India. It has also
started international operations by opening cafe shops at cities like Karachi, Vienna, Dubai
and Prague. CCD is unique in the sense that it manufactures the coffee that it serves over an
estate of over 6,000 acres.
The various brands in which CCD reaches to its million consumers are following:
Coffee Day Fresh 'n' Ground, which owns 450 coffee bean and powder retail outlets.
Coffee Day Square, a high level coffee bar in Bangalore.
Coffee Day Xpress, which runs 900 plus Coffee Day kiosks.
Coffee Day Beverages, which runs over 14,000 vending machines.
Coffee Day Exports, its exporting wing.
Coffee Day Perfect, its fast-moving consumer goods packaged coffee division.
Coffee Day B2C Plant, Coffee vending machine manufacturing in India

CCD is credited with creating the cafe culture wave that swept across the country and as an
exclusive store with excellent service aims to enhance the consumers Coffee Experience.
The target population of the cafe is majorly the young population in the urban cities with
disposable income. CCD's claim to fame is its youth centric image, making it one of the most
widely discussed brands on the web. CCD is emerging as the ideal hangout centre or 'adda'
for the Indian youth riding on the emerging cafe market in India. This market although small
from a global perspective, is booming from an Indian perspective. Coffee consumption in
India has increased tremendously doubling from 55,000 tonnes in 1990 to 102,000 tonnes in
Cafe Coffee day has won several awards and recognitions. It was named "most popular
hangout joint amongst youth" at the 3rd Global Youth Marketing Forum in 2011. The Indian
Hospitality Excellence Awards also named it "India's most popular coffee joint" in 2011.



Understand why do people spend INR 75 for a coffee at CCD
Understand consumer behaviour with relation to CCD
Implications for the marketers.


People in the age group of 18 35 years in the metro cities who are regular CCD visitors or
would like to have a CCD coffee.

Survey using a prepared questionnaire from a sample population of 150 people in the
above target segment to understand the value proposition they see from a CCD coffee.
Analyse the market by in-depth study, interviews and secondary research.

The profiling of respondents is as follows : -
Age Group Profession
Particulars Number %
18 - 25 109 71
25 -35 41 26

Particulars Number %
Male 141 72
Female 54 28

Particulars Number %
Student 83 55
IT Professional 34 23
Non - IT
33 22


1. Product
The offerings by Caf Coffee Day have evolved in accordance with changing tastes of
the customer. The wide network of outlets across India requires a standardised
menu which can be replicated keeping in mind same level of quality. The product
should initiate a sense of satisfaction based on aroma, appearance, and taste.
Currently, CCD offers
o Hot Hot Coffee, Hot Tea, Hot Chocolate
o Cold Cold Coffee, Ice Tea, Frappe, Fruit Slush
Food Sandwiches, Samosas, Desserts, Cookies, Ice creams, Cakes
Merchandise Coffee Maker, Coffee Mugs, T Shirts, Coffee/Tea Powders
The normal serving size of the Hot Coffee and Tea is 210 ml. Other beverages have a
normal serving size of 350 ml.

2. Price
In order to attract the consumers, keeping in mind the varying spending power, CCD
has priced its products to appeal to students as well as working professionals. CCD
has priced its products competitively, which has led to it being perceived as a value
for money coffee chain in comparison with its competitors. CCD has adopted
differential pricing based on locations such as premium malls and hot-spots,
colleges, hospitals, IT parks and airports.

3. Place
CCD has adopted an aggressive expansion strategy. Its key strategy has been to open
an outlet in every possible location where decent business can be generated. It is
one of the primary factors in determining its success. To cater to its target segments,
Cafe Coffee Day has mostly opened at strategic locations. It is manifested by the fact
that Cafe Coffee day outlets are available at most malls, High Street, Family
entertainment centers, airports, hotels, colleges, IT parks and residential hotspots.
CCD believes in cluster approach of opening outlets at hotspots. This is not viewed at
cannibalization but is rather aimed at getting consumers accustomed to the brand
and tapping multiple customers in the same area.

4. Promotion
Caf Coffee Day has involved itself in multiple areas of high consumer passion like:
Television: Caf Coffee Day held contests in partnerships with Zee English and
WB channel who regularly air the American classic sitcom 'Friends'. The story of

'Friends' revolve around the lives of lead characters, who mostly hangout in a
coffee shop.
They had tied up with shows like Channel [V]s Get Gorgeous, Roadies etc.
Tie-ups: CCD also tied up lot of the youth brands like Levis, Scooty, Airtel Friends
Sales Promotion: Caf Coffee Day uses special Caf Citizen Card for rewarding
Caf Coffee Days customers. It also tied up with 'Freecharge' to distribute
coupons for complementary coffees with orders

5. People
The staff is trained to be courteous, polite and importance is given to personal
grooming and hygiene. Service is like a hygiene factor which is going to be noticed
when it is absent. Good experience might not be in memory, but bad experiences
have a lasting effect and can end customer association. High level of formalization
must hence be maintained across all the outlets.

6. Process
Earlier, CCD had a convenience model of service, but along with growth and
expansion, CCD has moved to a self-service model for ordering and payment. This
might be perceived as inconvenient by some of the customers, as it affects the
continuity and flow of the experience.

7. Publicity
The brand has gained credibility for filling a much needed gap, which is a location for
spending quality time in the fast moving urban lifestyle. The communication from
the company in the form of taglines - A lot can happen over Coffee, Sit Down
reinforce the offerings. There is a major network effect which has helped CCD retain
customers as CCD has become synonymous with having coffee outside.



We have analyzed the consumer behavior with respect to the Cafe Coffee Day by applying
the following models: -
1. Maslow's Theory
2. Consumer Mind Map
3. Brand Asset Valuator Model
4. Dimensions of Brand Experience


Inference: According to Maslow theory, Caf Coffee Day will fall in the category of psychological
needs inducing in people a sense of belonging to the community. It also overlaps with the Esteem
needs to a fair extent playing on the consumers needs for recognition, status and self-esteem.



Inference: This mental map depicts the knowledge of CCD in the minds of consumers in terms of
the key associations likely to be triggered in a marketing setting and their relative strength,
favourability and uniqueness to consumers.


Applying four pillars of brand equity to CCD based on, following inferences were drawn:
Energized Differentiation: CCD currently has 1,481 outlets and is the market leader in retail
coffee chain segment. 76% of respondents think of CCD when asked to name a retail coffee
At Cafe Coffee Day, conversation is the main product and everything else surrounds it.
People go to a Cafe Coffee Day to have a conversation. This is also what the consumers felt
as maximum number of respondents stated that they consider CCD as a hangout place, a
place for discussions, for meeting friends. 71% of respondents said that they spend more
than an hour at CCD which effectively validates the initial inference.

Relevance: Majority of the 76% respondents who said they think of CCD, belonged to the
age group of 18-35 and consisted of students and working professional. This suggests that
these people visit CCD generally after their classes or office hours and choose CCD as
meeting place, hangout place, etc.
Esteem: 92% of the respondents had a positive perception of CCD. Consumers perceived
CCD as the place for conversation, as a hangout place for meeting friends and a place for
discussions with no interruptions from the staff. Convenient location, ambience and variety
of food, snacks, desserts and coolers were main factors that drive consumers to the store.
Knowledge: Since, 76% of customer think of CCD when asked to name a coffee chain, we
infer that consumers are aware of CCD as a brand. Conversation is the main product offering
of CCD which is in sync with consumer perception as the highest rating as 80% of the
customers considered CCD as a meeting place.

Consumers evaluate a brand based on their experiences with the same. Using this model we
can analyse consumers perception regarding the CCD Experience. The various dimensions
on which we review CCDs brand experience based on the survey can be summarized as
Sensory : CCD as a brand appeals to multiple attributes of a consumers senses.
The survey shows that the interior design of the caf is the highest ranked parameter in
terms of visual appeal for consumers. The layout and seating arrangement, placing of the
sofas, use of table for two and their positioning plays an important role in visual appeal.
Outside view and aesthetic appeal also play an important role. However these parameters
fall below interior design in terms of ranking. These were the aspects which appealed to the
visual sensory feelings of consumers.
One of the most important aspects of a coffee is its smell which was rated as above average
in appealing to the sense of smell of consumers.
For appealing to the auditory senses, upbeat music plays an important role as per the views
of the consumers.
From the perspective of an overall appeal to sensory feelings, survey showed that smell and
visual appeal were the 2 most important factors defining brand experience for consumers.
Affective : Affective attributes which define consumer brand experience include those
which induce strong feelings and sentiments. It is the emotion which the perception of the
brand exudes. Survey shows that approximately 60% of the visitors of CCD feel young by
simply coming to the caf. It induces the feeling of being in a refreshing environment

surrounded by young and active minds, leading to lively discussions and interactive informal
meets. Another important feeling induced in the minds of consumers is that of satisfaction
in terms of status symbol and self-actualization. Being in a well-designed ambience with
great music and visual appeal leads to people feeling a part of a reputed group bringing
some amount of credibility and status level. Another feeling which is evoked at the caf is
that of nostalgia. Having spent great times with friends or peer group at CCD brings back
those feeling on hearing the word-CCD. The feeling of being connected with ones friends,
peers, business partners, social circle on the whole is another offering of CCD. People tend
to feel a part of the group and its nurtures the human need of social satisfaction.
Behavioural : Brand experience can also be defined in terms of attributes which induce
specific behavioural patterns in their consumers. CCD is perceived as a place for fun,
bringing out the light side in its consumers. They tend to behave in a relaxed fashion viewing
CCD as a place to rejuvenate and relax. People who may not go to a gaming parlour to enjoy
games may end up playing the same in a CCD as a part of the group which has come to
enjoy. Thus the perception of CCD as a fun filled hangout spot induces behavioural
attributes underling the same.
Thus an analysis of the dimensions of brand experience based on the primary research data
brings out interesting insights about brand CCD.

CCD emerges as the leader in the retail coffee chain space and has become irresistible,
combining high brand strength with high brand stature. They hence, have greatest potential
to create future value. If we look at the value proposition to the consumers from another
angle, CCD offers space for conversations on rent. The consumer is perceiving value from
the experience rather than just the consumption of the product

Esteem and Knowledge







Media Graphics
During the survey we asked the respondents which of the media graphics amongst
newspaper, television, radio, magazines, internet do they regularly follow. The results of the
survey is as follows
Age Group
Non -IT
Newspaper 60% 62% 63% 60% 65% 63%
Television 35% 34% 39% 32% 50% 27%
Radio 10% 9% 15% 8% 21% 6%
Magazines 17% 19% 17% 16% 21% 24%
Internet 85% 84% 90% 86% 85% 84%

Age Group
Non -IT
English ( ToI,
Hindu, HT)
80% 80% 77% 78% 95% 67%
Hindi 2% 2% 0% 2% 0% 0%
Business (ET,
18% 18% 23% 80% 5% 33%

Inference: Approximately 60% of all respondents read newspapers across all segments of
age and professions.
English newspapers are the most commonly read papers (80% of respondents who
follow papers)
Business newspapers are the second most preferred choice 20% of those who follow
For IT professionals, English newspapers is the logical choice with 95% of them reading
newspapers like ToI, Hindu, HT, Deccan Herald etc.


Inference: Our analysis revealed that only 10% of the respondents follow radio, but we
observed that the level of acceptance of radio was higher amongst working professionals
compared to students. This could be due to use of radio while commute.

Age Group
Non -IT
Entertainment 55% 59% 43% 52% 58% 56%
Sports 55% 43% 81% 48% 47% 89%
Music 56% 68% 38% 48% 71% 56%
News 49% 40% 69% 52% 53% 33%
Movie 58% 54% 69% 51% 71% 56%

Inference: TV penetration is quite good with 35% of all respondents follow Television
channels. There is not a significant difference in terms of preferences for TV channels.

Particulars %
Age Group
Student IT
Non -IT
Health 11% 15% 0% 8% 29% 0%
Fashion 28% 33% 14% 38% 15% 25%
Sports 21% 23% 15% 31% 29% 0%
Business 60% 48% 100% 54% 71% 63%
Travel 18% 24% 0% 8% 29% 25%
Technology 50% 48% 57% 39% 85% 38%

Inference:18% of the population reads magazines. This ratio is skewed towards working
professionals (25%) compared to students (15%)

Business and Technology magazines are the most commonly followed magazines.
Students also prefer Fashion and Sports magazines.


Particulars %
Student IT
Non -IT
89% 90% 86% 88% 96% 85%
E-Commerce 31% 30% 32% 27% 38% 36%
Sports 38% 35% 46% 36% 45% 36%
Search Engines 66% 66% 65% 65% 62% 71%
Gaming 7% 8% 2% 5% 14% 4%
News 49% 42% 68% 40% 58% 64%
Songs & Videos 42% 39% 51% 37% 65% 32%

Inference: We have observed a very high usage of internet amongst all the categories (85%)
A very high proportion of the respondents amongst all categories follow social media
A significant % of people use search engines like Google, Wikipedia and music and videos
E-commerce sites have 35% usage, but considering the growth of e-commerce in the
country, we expect an increase in the number of people who use these sites.

Discounts : Special offers such as discounts on special occasions are preferred by
approximately 60% of the consumers surveyed. Special discounts can be given to students
on show of identity cards.
Combo Deals : Combo meals were given a positive response by about 45% of the
Seating Arrangement : 40% consumers felt the need for better seating arrangement
keeping in mind the concept of a personal segregated space. Also 95% consumers come in
groups of 5 or less. Hence the seating arrangement should be revamped keeping in mind
these two aspects. Smaller personalized seating areas in lounges and smaller tables must be
introduced keeping in mind the trend of visitor pattern.
Menu : 30% people prefer more variety in menu would hence a dynamically changing menu
be an attraction to visit CCD.
Board Games : 25% people prefer to play board games. Survey analysis reveals an equal
stress on this aspect across all segments of consumers surveyed students and
professionals alike. Introduction of board games would help create a more interactive,
friendly, fun-filled experience for its consumers. Apart from Board games, comics and
tablets in premium stores.

Special Occasion Celebrations : Students prefer to celebrate special occasions like
Valentines Day, Rose Day, Friendship Day, etc at CCD. Other working professionals and self-
employed individuals were not much enthusiastic about this concept.
New Stores: Over 80 % consumers spend less than INR 500 at CCD. Keeping this in mind, we
can increase the cafe outlets in the school and college areas. Lounges must be restricted to
affluent localities.
Latte Art
Periodic changes to latte art according to location, occasion, season and customer can be
incorporated to bring in a fresh and unique experience for the customer on every visit. This
would lead to indirect publicity by word of mouth with customers looking forward to every
new cup of coffee.
Changes to Loyalty Card
The existing Loyalty Card can be altered to incorporate points to the customer based on
number of visitors, number of referred enrolments, revolving discounts for future visits,
customized merchandize on reaching landmarks.
Customer Delight
26% of the customers had a positive attitude towards freebies. Customer delight can be
achieved by positively surprising customers without substantial costs to CCD. Some
examples are complimentary cookies, desserts, birthday cards on order of cakes, or any
From Advertising Perspective
With the growth of E-commerce, CCD should start concentrating more on advertising on
E-commerce websites.
In newspapers, consumers have shown a clear preference for English newspapers. In this
section, CCD should concentrate on general category newspapers which have the
maximum readership followed by business newspapers.
CCDs promotion strategy on Television must be an equitable distribution of
advertisements across all channels due to a lack of clear preference indicated by the
Business and technology magazines gain maximum readership as indicated by the results
of the survey, hence CCD should focus on these two segments.


Coffee Chains in India
Q1 Which coffee chain comes to your mind when you hear the words "coffee shop" ?
Q2 How would you describe CCD in one sentence?
Q3 You like going to CCD because:
Q4 How often do you visit CCD
Almost daily (1)
2-3 times a week (2)
2-3 times every month (3)
Not often (4)

Q5 What is the occasion/purpose for which you go to CCD?
Dine out / eat during Snack time (1)
Meet friend(s) (2)
Business Interaction (3)
Small Treats/Parties (4)
Study / Work (5)

Q6 How much money do you spend there?
Less than 200 (1)
200 500 (2)
500 1000 (3)
More than 1000 (4)

Q7 You normally visit CCD in a group of how many people?
Less than 3 (1)
3-5 (2)
5-10 (3)
More than 10 (4)

Q8 How much time do you spend?
Less than an hour (1)
1 2 hours (2)
2 4 hours (3)

More than 4 hours (4)

Q9 What do you prefer to have while at CCD?
Hot Beverages (1)
Cold Beverages (Cold coffee, frappe, slush, juices) (2)
Quick Bites (3)
Desserts (4)

Q10 How do the following factors impact your decision to visit CCD ?Rate the following on a scale of
1-5 (1 being the lowest and 5 the highest),
1 (Very low) (1) 2 (Low) (2) 3 (Average) (3) 4 (High) (4) 5 (Very High)
Value for
money (1)

Interior (2)
Ease of access

Quality of
Service (4)

Variety (Menu)

Quality of food

Quick Service

Q11 What can be a factor for you to visit CCD more often?
Discounts (1)
Freebies (2)
Combo Deals (3)
More Menu Variety (4)
Better Quality of food (5)
Better Interiors (6)
Personalized space (7)
Better Quality of service (8)
Occasion celebration (9)
Board Games (10)

Q13 On the following parameters, select how satisfied you are with CCD on a scale of 1-5, 1 - Being
highly dissatisfied and 5 Highly Satisfied ?

Dissatisfied (1)
Dissatisfied (2)
Neutral (3) Somewhat
Satisfied (4)
Very Satisfied
Interior design

Good crowd (2)
Outside view (3)
Layout/ Seating

Smells nice (5)

Comfortable (7)
Upbeat Music (8)

Q14 Which of the following do you associate with CCD?
Young (1)
Status Symbol (2)
Connected (3)
Fun (4)
Relaxed (5)
Nostalgic (6)

Q15 Your age group
Below 18 (1)
18 25 (2)
25 35 (3)
More than 35 (4)

Q16 Gender
Male (1)
Female (2)


Q17 Profession
Student (1)
IT professional (2)
Non IT professional (3)
Self-employed (4)
Unemployed (5)
If Others, please specify (6) ____________________

Q18 Income level
None (If student click here) (1)
Less than 5 lakhs (2)
5 10 lakhs (3)
More than 10 lakhs (4)

Q19 Location of CCD store most often visited
Delhi / Mumbai / Kolkata / Chennai / Bangalore / Hyderabad (1)
Others (2)

Q20 Which of the following do you regularly follow?
Newspapers (1)
Television (2)
Radio (3)
Magazines (4)
Internet (5)

Answer If Which of the following do you regularly follow? Newspapers Is Selected
Q21 Which newspapers do you read most often?
English newspapers (ToI, Hindu, Deccan Herald, HT, DNA etc) (1)
Hindi newspapers (Dainik Jagran, Navbharat, Hindustan etc) (2)
Business Newspapers (ET, Mint, Business Standard etc) (3)
Answer If Which of the following do you regularly follow? Television Is Selected
Q22 Which TV channels do you follow most often?
Entertainment (1)
Sports Channel (2)
Music Channel (3)
News Channel (4)
Movies Channel (5)


Answer If Which of the following do you regularly follow? Magazines Is Selected
Q23 Which magazines do you read the most?
Health (1)
Fashion and Bollywood (2)
Sports (3)
Business (4)
Travel (5)
Technology (6)

Answer If Which of the following do you regularly follow? Internet Is Selected
Q24 Which websites do you visit the most?
Social networking (1)
E-commerce (2)
Sports (3)
General Info (wiki, google etc) (4)
Gaming portals (5)
News (6)
Songs and videos (7)

Marketing Management A South Asian Perspective,14e, P. Kotler, K. Keller, A. Koshy, M. Jha
Questionnaire and Form Design Chapter in Marketing Research: An Applied Orientation by
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Brand Experience: What is it? How is it measured? Does it affect Loyalty? J. Brakus, B. Schmitt, L.
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Coffee Experience and Drivers of Satisfaction, Loyalty in a Coffee outlet - With special reference to
caf coffee day, A S Sathish, Ramakrishnan Venkatesakumar, The Journal Contemporary
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A comparative study of customer experience in Caf Coffee Day v/s Barista, Vijay.R.Kulkarni,
International Journal of Advanced Research in Management (IJARM), Volume 3, Issue 2, July-
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