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Part 4 - Festivals: Shorts Sections Exclusively Short Form

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Part 4 Festivals

Shorts Sections Exclusively Short Form
BFI London Film Festival Encounters Festival (Short Film &
Animation Festival)
Edinburgh International Film Festival
(Select Strand - Shorts)
Soho Shorts
Leeds International Film Festival
(includes Short Film City)
London Short Film Festival

2. There are plenty of marketing and promotion for these festivals through the use of
social media due to there being an intense presence of many share buttons for
various social networks.
An obvious helpful promotion for these festivals are the well-known actors and
actress who feature in the media texts being screened and therefore bringing with
them many fans who are likely to be interested in that festival and feature, who then
may entice friends and family, thus the promotion and marketing of the festival
expands with little cost.

3. Screening at festivals is important as it is a low-cost and effective way of attracting
not only potential audiences but also potential investors; distributors, producers and
new or experienced talent interested in your next production. Many people from all
corners of the media world may attend the festival or keep tabs on potential stand-
out new talent which can lead to increasing your own film industry persona.

4. Festivals usually welcome all to their screenings and celebrations but most of the
audiences are film fanatics and enthusiasts who genuinely care about what they
consume in the film industry. Also, many of the audience members may be film
students looking for inspiration or a fun night out with friends. With the incredible
variety of films being screened, there are also many shorts available to view which
may attract those who do not have time to watch the feature lengths. Scouts are also
likely to be present at a festival, looking for new talent and possible investment.

5. BFI London Film Festival is supported by the BFI, since it is a traditional and well-
known supportive branch of the film industry it is able to sustain itself with non-
profit festivals. However, they are in partnership with American Express, possibly to
gain profit for setting up the festivals, catering for the audiences but also funding its
own productions to screen at its festivals.
- Edinburgh International Film Festival (EIFF) is supported by a variety of
establishments that are dedicated to upholding the creative arts; Creative
Scotland, the City of Edinburgh Festivals Expo Fund and, of course, the BFI. EIFF
are also in connection to a Scottish Government initiative, Year of Creative
Scotland, led in partnership with Event Scotland, Visit Scotland, Creative Scotland
and VOCAL. They draw focus to and revel in Scotlands cultural and creative
strengths on a world stage.
- Encounters Festival has 32 event partners, including EIFF, Vimeo, Creative
England and Shooting People. The great quantity of partners involved in this
festival dedicated to shorts and animation makes sure that it is well supported.
- Soho Shorts are a not-for-profits organisation, meaning that they are self-
supporting by assisting in the support and furthering of peoples ideas.
- London Short Film Festival (LSFF) showcase cutting-edge UK independent films.
They also provide live music and parties which help support the festival.
- Leeds International Film Festival has 17 supporting partners and many more
hospitality, funding, leading and presenting partners, offering great
opportunities for creating original and high-profile partnerships.

6. Each sites colour scheme largely consist of a white wash background and has
sectioned the information available into different, easy to use categories on the
navigation bar panning across the top. There are large images spread across the
page, more than likely of still images from potential film screenings at the festival.
Each site has several search bars that give quick and easy access to any user who
knows what they want. Although EIFF has a colourful, original design for a
background, the simple wash background and font of each site allows the site to
focus attention on what they want rather than distract the user. Also, the slideshows
of photos being presented are slow paced and humble compared to most
mainstream film sites which expose a much calmer yet stern and dedicated
atmosphere to film and the creative arts; the site is much more interested in the art
of film making rather than profit due to the absence of explicit film adverts.

7. & 8. Raindance Film Festival has devised a list of the Worlds Top Short Film
Festivals, Out of hundreds
to, they selected a top 5 consisting of Sundance (USA), Cannes (France), Palm Spring
International Festival of Short Films (USA), Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film
Festival (France) and Aspen Shortfest (USA). However, they do mention a list of the
top UK Short Festivals, including their own Oscar qualifying Raindance Film Festival
and the above mentioned LSFF, EIFF, LIFF and Encounters International Short Film
Festival but also Manchester International Film Festival.

9. Reelshow Film Contests has a directory that is listed by country and the possible
student film festivals available in that country. They strain to make it as accurate and
up to date as possible. (
international-directory-2014/). The list is very thorough with many different student
film festivals, both national and international, ready for your submission.

10. In recent years there has been exponential growth in the number of online short film
festivals. What advantages/disadvantages do such festivals have when compared to
their traditional theatrical counterparts?
Advantages Disadvantages
There is such a wide range of screenings
to choose from, given this large amount
of choice, you are then able to choose a
festival that caters to your own wants
and needs, such as which direction you
want your career to take and who or
Due to such a massive amount of
festivals available for screening, it is easy
for your product to be consumed and
forgotten because of the large quantity
of products being screened consecutively
in a small time period.
what type of people see your short or
feature length.
With this exponential growth in cheap
and easy online screenings, you are able
to experiment with common folk: show
your product all over the country then
evaluate which region liked/disliked it
the most and therefore you can create
further products knowing beforehand
where it is most likely to be successful.

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