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10 - Health Care Tips

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what everyone needs to know

health care
For further information about this booklet, please contact:
Australian Council for Safety and Quality in Health Care
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This booklet is also available in a range of downloadable formats on the Australian Council for Safety and Quality
in Health Cares website.
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health care
What everyone needs to know
A guide to becoming more actively involved in your health care
What is in this booklet?
This booklet has been produced by the Safety and Quality Council to assist people to
become more actively involved in their health care. It explains how and why things can go
wrong, and how you can work in partnership with your health care professionals to get
the best possible care. The booklet also:
gives 10 Tips for improving your health care, which include questions you might like to
ask your health care professional
outlines what you can expect from your health care professional
lists some sources of information for finding out more about your condition and how to
manage your medicines
explains what you can do if you have concerns about your health care.
Why is health care safety important?
Australia has one of the best health care systems in the world. This means that when we
need to visit a health care professional, we expect to receive the safest health care
But health care is becoming more complicated every day. Even a small oversight in one area
can have a big flow-on effect in another area. Things may go wrong, mistakes and
accidents may happen and sometimes, things dont work out as expected and harm
results from our health care.
Research has found that this happens in about 1 in 10 hospital admissions before, during or
after a hospital stay
. The results can be relatively minor and easily fixed, or more serious.
Most problems happen because of the way things are done, not as a result of who is
doing them. These system problems increase the risk that something will go wrong.
As an example when a doctor orders a test there are several points where
things can go wrong. If the writing is unclear, you might be given the
wrong test or you might be given the right test in the wrong place. After
the test, a mistake could be made in reading the results or in recording
them. The results might be sent to the wrong address or not sent at all. They
might be filed under the wrong name or not acted on by the treating doctor.
Systems in health care need to be improved so that problems are less likely in
the first place. If problems do happen, they need to be noticed quickly and fixed before
they cause harm to patients. In this way health care professionals can be supported to
deliver the best possible care.
Thomas EJ, Studdert DM, Runciman WB et al (1999) A comparison of iatrogenic injury studies in Australia and America 1: context, methods, casemix,
population, patient and hospital characteristics. International Journal for Quality in Healthcare 12(5): 37178.
st re
Using the same example solutions might include making sure that all patients are asked
what test they are having, introducing electronic ordering of tests, and using barcodes to
ensure that the results are sent to the right person.
When things go wrong, it is important that health care services find out exactly what
happened and actively look for ways to help stop it from happening again. They should
also let the patient and their carers know what happened and what will be done about it.
But improving safety is not just the business of doctors, nurses or other health
professionals. No single group can do it on their own. Everyone has a part to play from
governments, who make high level decisions about the health system, to the patients
receiving care.
By taking an active role in your health care, you can help to make sure you get the best
possible care for your needs.
Annies situation, described in the case study below, is a good example of how a person
can become involved in their health care and how a health system can learn from a
mistake, and in the process, help people to do a better job.
Case Study
Annie* realises the importance of becoming involved in her health
Annie had been taking a particular medicine for a period of time. She recently
visited hospital and was discharged with a new prescription for the same
medicine. This time, however, a new brand of the same medicine was dispensed
to Annie.
After taking her medicine for four days, Annie noticed that she
was becoming increasingly tired and clumsy. The next day she
was unable to hold things in her hand. She spilt boiling
water over herself and broke several glasses.
Annie then checked her medicine. She pulled back the label
that covered the box and found out that she had been given
the wrong (higher) dosage.
How can you improve your health care?
Good health care is best achieved through an active and positive partnership between you
and your health care professional. To get the best possible care, see yourself and your
health care professional as a team and be involved as much as possible in every decision
about your health.
Be active: seek and give information
We can lessen the chance of things going wrong by getting our message
across clearly and making sure that we understand whats happening. Its
OK to ask your health care professional questions and to expect
answers you can understand. Some people find it helpful to write
their questions down before their appointment and to take notes.
Others like to have a family member or carer with them.
You can also ask for an interpreter to be with you when you visit
your health care professional. Information about interpreters can
be obtained from your State or Territory health department. Their
contact details are on pages 17 and 18 of this booklet.
After calling the Poisons Information line, Annie contacted her local general
practitioner and together they worked out a program for how she could safely
reduce the amount of the medicine she had been taking.
She later contacted the hospital pharmacy, who apologised sincerely for their
mistake and for what had happened as a result of her taking the higher dose of
the medicine.
The pharmacy has now reviewed their processes for dispensing medicines and
put measures in place to reduce the likelihood of this happening to anyone else.
Annie is now checking all her medicines when they are dispensed to help avoid
this happening again.
* Not her real name
You can contact the Poisons Information Centre in your State or Territory by phoning 13 11 26
10 Tips for safer health care
The following 10 Tips
can assist you to become more active in your health care. Some
questions that you might want to ask your health care professional are also included. You
can make a longer appointment or come back at a more convenient time if there is not
enough time for you to ask all your questions.
A summary version of the tips is included in the tear out section of this booklet. It should
fit easily inside your wallet or purse.
Be actively involved in your own health care
Taking part in decisions that are made about your treatment is the single most important
way to help prevent things from going wrong and to get the best possible care for your
Speak up if you have any questions or concerns
Choose a health care professional with whom you feel comfortable talking about your
health and treatment. Remember that you have a right to ask questions and to expect
answers that you can understand. Your health care professional wants to answer your
questions, but can only answer them if you ask. A family member, carer or interpreter can
be there with you if this will help. If you want to, you can always ask for another
professional opinion.
Ask: Im not sure I understand what you said
Im worried that
Could you please explain that to me again?
Can I come back with my family to talk about this again?
Learn more about your condition or treatments by asking your doctor or
nurse and by using other reliable sources of information
Its a good idea to collect as much reliable information as you can about your condition,
tests and treatments.
These 10 Tips have been adapted from the US Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality patient fact sheets (available on the Internet at
Ask: Can you please tell me more about my condition?
How sure are you that I have this condition?
Do you have any information that I can take away with me?
Can you tell me where I can find out more?
Why do I need to have this particular test?
What are the different treatments for this condition?
How will this treatment help me?
Is this treatment based on the latest scientific evidence?
What are the risks of this treatment?
What is likely to happen if I dont have this treatment?
What does the treatment involve?
What should I look out for?
What can I do to help myself?
When should I come back to see you?
Keep a list of all the medicines you are taking
You can use the list to let your doctor and pharmacist know about
everything you are taking, and about any drug allergies you may have.
Remember to include prescriptions, over-the-counter medicines and
complementary medicines (such as vitamins and herbs) on your list.
Make sure you understand the medicines you are taking
When you get your medicine, read the label, including the warnings.
Make sure it is what your doctor ordered for you.
Ask: Do you have any written information about this medicine?
What do the directions on the label mean?
How much should I take, and when should I take it?
What are the common side effects?
What should I look out for?
How long before it starts to work?
Will this medicine interact with the other medicines that Im taking?
Are there any foods or other things that I should avoid while Im on this medicine?
How long do I need to take this medicine?
Make sure you get the results of any test or procedure
If you dont get the results when expected, dont assume no news is
good news. Call your doctor to find out your results, and ask what they
mean for your care.
The next four tips are for people who are in hospital, who are thinking about going to
hospital, or who are going to have a medical procedure.
Talk to your doctor or other health care professional about your options
if you need to go into hospital
Most hospitals do a good job at treating a wide range of problems. Other hospitals
specialise in particular areas, such as, heart bypass surgery. Become involved in decisions
about your hospital treatment by discussing your options with your health care
Ask: How quickly do I need to have this treatment?
Is there an option to have the surgery/procedure
done as a day patient?
Is there more than one hospital to choose from?
If so, which has the best care and results for treating my condition?
Make sure you understand what will happen if you need surgery or a
Ask your doctor or surgeon exactly what the procedure will involve and who will be in
charge of your care when youre in hospital. If you want, your general practitioner or other
health care professional can help you find out what you need to know.
Remember to tell the surgeon, anaesthetist and nurses, if you have allergies or have ever
had a bad reaction to an anaesthetic or any other drug.
Ask: How will having this surgery/procedure help me?
What are the possible risks, and what are the chances of these happening?
What will happen if I dont have this surgery/procedure?
Are there other ways that this condition could be treated or managed?
Who will be doing the surgery/procedure?
What will it involve and how long will it take?
How can I expect to feel during recovery?
What will happen after the surgery/procedure?
Who will be in charge of my care while Im in hospital?
How long will I be in hospital?
What is the total cost of having this surgery/procedure?
Make sure you, your doctor and your surgeon all agree on exactly
what will be done during the operation
You should confirm with your doctor and your surgeon the
operation to be performed as close as possible to it happening.
Doing surgery on the wrong site (eg operating on the left knee
rather than the right) or doing the wrong operation (eg removing the
appendix instead of the gall bladder) are both extremely rare but
even once is too often. The good news is that many professional
organisations are encouraging surgeons to adopt measures to reduce
the risk of wrong-site surgery.
Before you leave hospital, ask your doctor or other health care
professionals to explain the treatment plan you will use at home
Doctors can sometimes think that their patients understand more than they really do
about their continuing treatment and follow-up after they are discharged home from
Ask: Who will be following up on my care and when do I need to see them?
How long will I be taking this medicine?
Will I require physiotherapy or other rehabilitation services?
When can I return to work?
When can I play sport?
When can I drive?
Will I be given a written summary of my care to pass on to my GP?
Remember to visit your GP as soon as possible after you are discharged.
What you can expect from your health care professional
You can expect your health care professional to:
1. Actively involve patients in their own health care
2. Set aside time to allow patients to talk about any concerns that they may have
3. Provide information for patients in a language and format that is easy to understand
4. Take a complete medication history which includes over-the-counter and
complementary medicines and treatments
5. Provide oral and written information about medicines in plain language
6. Make sure that patients get the results of their tests and investigations
7. Set out all possible treatment options for patients to consider
8. Provide patients with complete information if they are to have surgery or a procedure
9. Make sure patients know exactly what is going to happen to them in surgery and that
there is a written consent to proceed
10. Discuss discharge planning if patients need to go to hospital. Start planning as early as
practical if possible, before the time of the hospital admission.
Where can you go for more information?
The more you know about your condition and its treatment, the more
likely it is that you will get the best possible care. You can talk to your
doctor, nurse, hospital, pharmacist or community health care
professional if you have any queries. You might want to contact
a support group for people with similar health conditions.
Health information
A good place to start finding information about your condition
is the HealthInsite website. HealthInsite is a Commonwealth
Government initiative. It aims to improve the health of Australians
by providing easy access to quality information. It can be found at
Your State or Territory department of health is committed to providing you with reliable
information about health conditions and local health services. Contact details are listed on
pages 17 and 18 of this booklet.
If you dont have access to the internet at home, you can visit your local library where
someone will be happy to show you how to get the information you need.
Be Wise with Medicines
Information and tips about how you can better manage your medicines is contained in the
Be wise with medicines brochure. The brochure is available on the Commonwealth
Department of Health and Ageings website at
wise.htmor freecall 1800 02 06 13.
Do you have concerns about your health care? Need help?
First, talk with your health care professionals about your concerns.
Most health care professionals welcome the opportunity to discuss any concerns you have
about your health care. You might want to make a longer appointment or come back at a
more convenient time.
Seek another professional opinion.
Contact the relevant area of the hospital or health care organisation.
Many hospitals have patient advocates or a complaints officer who welcome feedback and
assist people with their concerns.
Contact the independent health care complaints body in your State or Territory.
Your State or Territory health department can give you the contact details.
Contact details for health information in your State or
Health First:
(02) 6207 7777
TTY (02) 6207 7770
NSW Health:
(02) 9391 9000
TTY (02) 9391 9900
Northern Territory
Department of Health and Community
(08) 8999 2400
TTY (08) 8999 5511
Queensland Health:
(07) 3234 0111
or via TTY (07) 3815 7602
Healthy Living Site:
South Australia
Department of Human Services:
(08) 8226 8800
TTY - Strategy & Planning - (08) 8226 6044
TTY - Disability - (08) 8226 6245
Department of Health and Human Services
1800 067 415
Better Health Channel:
1800 126 637
Western Australia
Health Direct:
1800 022 222
TTY 1800 022 226
The Australian Council for Safety and Quality in Health Care
This booklet was produced by the Australian Council for Safety and
Quality in Health Care, which is an initiative of the Commonwealth,
State and Territory Governments.
The Council is working closely with a broad range of people and
organisations including governments, health departments, health
care funders and managers, health care providers, consumers and
educators to improve the safety of health care in Australia.
Information on Council initiatives can be found on their website at or by calling (02) 6289 4244.
When things go wrong with medicines...

When things go wrong with medicines...

Call the Adverse Medicine Events Line
On 1300 134 237
Monday to Friday, 9 am to 6 pm
Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST)
for reporting or advice on side-effects,
errors or "near-misses" with medicines.

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