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The Physics of Golf

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The article provides an overview of how physics has been applied to understand and improve golf performance, including modelling the swing, analyzing ball and club behavior, and measuring differences between skilled and unskilled golfers.

The golf swing has been modelled as a double pendulum and triple-link model to determine the effect of swing parameters on clubhead speed. Kinematic and kinetic measurements have also been used.

Kinematic and kinetic measurements as well as force measurements have been taken on recorded golf swings and highlight differences in swing mechanics between skilled and unskilled golfers.


Rep. Prog. Phys. 66 (2003) 131171 PII: S0034-4885(03)31567-2

The physics of golf
A Raymond Penner
Physics Department, Malaspina University-College, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9R 5S5,
Received 31 October 2002
Published 20 December 2002
Online at
An overview of the application of physics to the game of golf is given. The golf swing is
modelled as a double pendulum. This model and its variations have been used extensively by
researchers in determining the effect that various swing parameters have on clubhead speed.
These results as well as examples of three-link models are discussed. Kinematic and kinetic
measurements taken on the recorded downswings of golfers as well as force measurements
are reviewed. These measurements highlight differences between the swings of skilled and
unskilled golfers.
Several aspects of the behaviour of a golf ball are examined. Measurements and models
of the impact of golf balls with barriers are reviewed. Such measurements have allowed
researchers to determine the effect that different golf ball constructions have on their launch
parameters. The launch parameters determine not only the length of the golf shot but also the
behaviour of the golf ball on impact with the turf. The effect of dimples on the aerodynamics of
a golf ball and the length of the golf shot is discussed. Models of the bounce and roll of a golf
ball after impact with the turf as well as models of the motion of a putted ball are presented.
Researchers have measured and modelled the behaviour of both the shaft and the clubhead
during the downswing and at impact. The effect that clubhead mass and loft as well as the shaft
length and mass have on the length of a golf shot are considered. Models and measurements
of the exing of the shaft as well as research into the exing of the clubface and the effects
of its surface roughness are presented. An important consideration in clubhead design is its
behaviour during off-centre impacts. In line with this, the effects that the curvature of a clubface
and the moments of inertia of the clubhead have on the launch parameters and trajectory of an
off-centred impacted golf ball are examined.
0034-4885/03/020131+41$90.00 2003 IOP Publishing Ltd Printed in the UK 131
132 A R Penner
1. Introduction 133
2. The physics of the golf swing 133
2.1. Modelling the golf swing 134
2.1.1. Double pendulum model 134
2.1.2. Increasing clubhead speed 138
2.1.3. Triple-link model 139
2.2. Measurements taken on golfers 140
2.2.1. Kinematic and kinetic measurements 140
2.2.2. Force measurements 143
3. The physics of the golf ball 143
3.1. Impact between golf ball and clubhead 144
3.1.1. Normal forces and the coefcient of restitution 144
3.1.2. Tangential forces and spin 146
3.2. Golf ball aerodynamics 150
3.3. Interaction between golf ball and turf 153
3.3.1. The run of a golf ball 153
3.3.2. Putting 155
4. The physics of the golf club 156
4.1. The shaft 156
4.1.1. Effect of length and mass 156
4.1.2. Shaft exibility 157
4.2. The clubhead 160
4.2.1. Optimum mass and loft 160
4.2.2. Clubface exibility 162
4.2.3. Clubface roughness 163
4.2.4. Off-centre impacts 164
4.3. Club design 167
5. Conclusion 168
References 169
The physics of golf 133
1. Introduction
The game of golf, in one form or another, has been around for over ve hundred years. It
can be assumed that even during the very early stages of the game, players, especially those
with a scientic inclination, were curious as to the behaviour of the ball and the clubs, and
experimented on ways to improve their performance. Over the years, changes to the equipment,
as well as the golf swing, have been based more on trial and error than on any application of
scientic principles. It has only been over the last several decades that science, and physics
in particular, has been used in a signicant way to understand and improve the performance
of golfers and their equipment. In fact, it can be argued that the scientic study of the game
undertaken by the Golf Society of Great Britain in 1968, with their ndings presented by
Cochran and Stobbs (1968) in their book Search for the Perfect Swing, is the starting point of
the scientic development of the game of golf. Since then a myriad of papers in a wide range of
journals have appeared on the subject. Books by Daish (1972) and more recently by Jorgensen
(1994), and Werner and Greig (2000) have all provided detailed analyses of different aspects
of the game. In 1990, the rst World Scientic Congress of Golf was held in St Andrews,
Scotland, with topics ranging from biomechanics to ball dimple patterns. This Congress has
met every four years since, and its published proceedings (Cochran 1990, Cochran and Farrally
1994, Farrally and Cochran 1999) have been a major source for this review.
The goal of much of the scientic research into the game and its equipment has been to
improve the performance of golfers, professional and amateur alike. This research has not been
totally altruistic as golf companies compete for larger portions of the golng worlds economic
pie. However, some research has also been carried out solely in order to understand the physics
behind some particular phenomena, and few sports provide as many physics problems as does
the game of golf.
This review paper will present many examples of the research that has been carried out
in the eld. Certainly, not all of the research that has found its way into the many journals,
books and conference proceedings is included in this paper. Also, for the work that is reported,
typically only a small part of the given research is presented. The author apologizes for the
omissions; however, it is hoped that the theories, models and results that are presented will
give the reader a broad overview of the eld. The research has been divided into three main
areas: the physics of the golf swing, the physics of the golf ball and the physics of the golf
club. Although some of the research overlaps more than one of these areas, this division has
allowed the author to maintain some order in the manuscript.
2. The physics of the golf swing
There is no aspect of golf that has been discussed, analysed and advised upon more than the
golf swing. The most comprehensive scientic study of the golf swing is still that which
was undertaken by the Golf Society of Great Britain and presented by Cochran and Stobbs
(1968). In this study the golf swing is modelled as a double pendulum system, a model that
later researchers have used extensively to analyse the swings of both skilled and unskilled
golfers. The rst part of this section on the physics of the golf swing will focus on the double
pendulum swing model, and its variations, along with its use in determining ways to increase
the clubhead speed. The use of three-link swing models in the analysis of golf swings will then
be discussed. Following this, some of the kinematic, kinetic and force measurements that have
been taken on golfers, both skilled and unskilled, and their relationship to the swing models,
will be presented.
134 A R Penner
2.1. Modelling the golf swing
2.1.1. Double pendulummodel. Figure 1 shows the motion of the arms and golf club during a
typical downswing. The primary model that golf researchers have used to analyse this motion
is based on a double pendulumor double link system. The two links that are used in this model
are included in gure 1. The upper link represents the golfers shoulders and arms, which
rotate about a central hub corresponding roughly to a point between the golfers shoulders.
The lower link represents the golf club, which rotates about a point or hinge located at the
centre of the hands and wrists of the golfer. The basis for the double pendulum model stems
from the modern practice of keeping the left arm (for a right-handed golfer) straight during
the downswing. In the model the backswing is normally ignored and the two links begin in
the stationary position that is shown in gure 1(a). The angular position of the lower link, ,
at the top of the backswing is referred to as the backswing angle while the angular position of
the upper link, with respect to the lower link, is referred to as the wrist-cock angle, . During
the downswing the two links are taken to rotate in a single plane that is inclined to the vertical.
In the basic version of the model the hub is taken to be xed in position and all the golfers
efforts in rotating his or her hips, trunk and arms are equated to a single couple,
, applied at
this central pivot. In addition, this couple is often modelled to be constant over the duration
of the downswing.
Measurements of the angular positions of the arms and clubs of skilled golfers, such
as those made by Budney and Bellow (1979, 1982), indicate that the wrist-cock angle stays
approximately constant during the rst half of the downswing. The downswing in the double
pendulum model has, therefore, typically been divided into two distinct stages. During the
rst stage of the downswing the wrist-cock angle is xed and the double pendulum system
rotates as one. The value of the wrist-cock angle during this rst stage is primarily determined
by the ability, or inability, of a golfer to cock his or her wrists. The couple exerted by the
hands and wrists,
, on the club or lower link, which is required to maintain this wrist-cock
angle, will initially be positive for the orientation shown in gure 1(a). During this time the
hands and wrists are basically behaving as a stop in preventing the club from falling back
towards the golfer. As the downswing proceeds the centrifugal force acting on the lower link
will increase and the couple required by the hands and wrists to maintain the wrist-cock angle
will subsequently decrease. When the required couple drops to zero the lower link will, unless
prevented, begin to swing outwards. This is referred to as a natural release. Jorgensen (1970)
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Figure 1. The double pendulum model of the golf swing; (a) at the beginning of the downswing;
(b) at the release point; (c) after releasing the club and (d) at impact.
The physics of golf 135
showed that for the basic double pendulumswing model the required hand couple drops to zero
when the upper link has swung through an angle, given by in gure 1(b), of I
, where
and I
are the rst and second moments of the club about the centre of the golfers hands
and L
is the length of the upper link. For a typical golf swing and driver this corresponds
to an angle of approximately 47. The angular position of the upper link at the point where
the club swings out, in gure 1(b), is referred to as the release angle. An expert golfer
normally swings the club in such a manner that the wrist-cock angle stays xed beyond the
natural release point. If the hands and wrists continue to hold the club at a constant wrist-cock
angle after the natural release point, the couple they exert must become increasingly negative.
A typical downswing lasts on the order of 200 ms and the rst stage is normally modelled as
lasting from 100 to 150 ms.
The second stage of the downswing begins when the club swings outwards, either naturally
or with a delayed release, and ends when contact with the ball is made. The hands and wrists
are normally modelled as exerting no couple during this stage. In the case of a delayed release,
the club will swing out much more rapidly than is the case for a natural release due to the
larger centrifugal force that is acting on it. As is shown in gure 1(d), the golf ball is typically
positioned ahead of the hub so that at impact the nal wrist-cock angle, , is not equal to zero.
Daish (1972), Lampsa (1975) and Jorgensen (1970, 1994) derive the equations of motion
for the basic double pendulum model using the Langrangian approach. Expressions for the
kinetic energies of the two links are determined and the potential energy of the system is
equated to the work done by the couples, which are exerted at the hub and at the hands. In the
simplest case, where the effects of gravity are neglected, Daish (1972) derives the following
equations of motion:

+ B

cos( ) B

sin( ) =

cos( ) + B

sin( ) + C

, (1b)
where the generalized coordinates, and , are the angular positions of the two links with
respect to the vertical. The angular position of the upper link, , is as shown in gure 1(a),
while , the angular position of the lower link, is given by + . The constants A, B and C,
are functions of the mass, the length and the rst and second moments of the two links. During
the rst stage of the downswing the wrist-cock angle, , is held xed and the general
equations reduce to



, (2)
where I is the moment of inertia of the whole system about the hub.
The orientation of the club at impact, in the two-stage double pendulummodel, will depend
on the magnitude of the couple applied at the hub, as well as the backswing, initial wrist-cock,
and release angles. In gure 1(d) the club is in the vertical position at impact, which, in general,
is what would be wanted. Figure 2 shows an example where the values for the hub couple,
release angle and wrist-cock angle, are the same as were used for gure 1, but the backswing
angle is greatly reduced. In this case the hands will be ahead of the clubhead at impact and
the ball would be missed or at best miss-hit. In the case of an increased backswing angle, with
the other parameters xed, the model shows that the clubhead will lead the hands at impact.
Timing is, therefore, crucial in the model, as it is with a real golf swing, and changing one
parameter in the model will normally require another parameter to be changed if the clubhead
is to make solid contact with the golf ball.
Although, the two-stage double pendulum model is a good approximation to the
downswing of skilled golfers, researchers have found that better agreement can be obtained if
136 A R Penner
Figure 2. The position of the two links at impact in the case of a reduced backswing.
the constraint of a xed hub is removed. Jorgensen (1994) did a detailed study of the swing
of a professional golfer and found that including a lateral shift of the hub was necessary in
order to get good agreement between modelled and experimental positions and speeds of the
club, obtained from a stroboscopic photograph during the downswing. Golfers are typically
advised to keep their centre or hub still during the swing, but photographs of expert golfers often
indicate that they do tend to shift towards the ball during their downswing. Jorgensen modelled
this shift as an initial positive acceleration of the hub towards the ball followed by a negative
acceleration. Figure 3 shows the position of the two links as determined by Jorgensens swing
model. A constant value for the hub torque of 77.3 Nm, along with a backswing angle of
166, an initial wrist-cock angle of 124, and a release angle of approximately 110 was used
to generate this swing. The lateral acceleration of the hub was taken to be 14.4 ms
during the rst 160 ms of the downswing followed by a negative acceleration of 15.4 ms
(1.57g). The parameters used in Jorgensens double swing model cannot be considered as
unique, although the agreement that was obtained between the modelled clubhead speeds and
the measured ones was found to be excellent.
Jorgensen (1994) also discusses the energy transfer during the modelled downswing. The
work done on the double pendulumsystemduring the downswing by the hub couple,
, which
is taken to be constant, will simply be
. In Jorgensens model, work is also done on
the system by the lateral shift of the hub and by the gravitational force. Figure 4 shows the
resulting time evolution of the kinetic energy of the two links in the swing model. As is shown
in the gure, the kinetic energy of the upper link rst increases, reaching a maximum halfway
through the swing, and then decreases through the rest of the downswing. The kinetic energy
of the lower link, the club, increases throughout the downswing. This gure clearly shows
that kinetic energy is transferred from the upper link to the lower link during the downswing
and that the slowing of the hands before impact, which some golf experts advise to avoid, is a
natural consequence of this. For this particular swing model, 71%of the total kinetic energy of
the system at impact comes from the work done by the applied couple at the hub, 13% comes
from the decrease in gravitational energy, and 16% from the work done on the system by the
shift of the hub towards the target.
Reyes and Mittendorf (1999) use a variation of Jorgensens lateral shift to model the swing
of a long distance driving competitor. In this model the lateral shift is due to a constant force
that is applied at the hub over the duration of the downswing. They found that with a shift
force of 40.0 N applied at the hub, along with a hub couple of 81.3 Nm, their model matched
well with Jorgensens modelled swing. They then found that tting this model to the swing of
The physics of golf 137
Figure 3. Jorgensens double pendulum model of the downswing. Adapted from gure 3.3 in
Jorgensen (1994).
the long distance driving competitor, by matching modelled and experimental clubhead speeds
at impact, required a hub couple of 94.9 Nm, a shift force of 89.0 N, along with a backswing
angle of 180 and an initial wrist-cock angle of 90.
Miura (2001) presents a double pendulumswing model in which an upward force is applied
at the hub just prior to impact. This inward pull motion at the impact stage has been observed
with some expert players. Miura found that a constant upward acceleration of the hub applied
to the model during the nal 40 ms before impact resulted in good agreement between the
modelled and measured hand positions of a low-handicap golfer.
Lampsa (1975) did not use the standard two-stage model of the downswing but instead
used optimal control theory to determine how
should vary during the downswing so
that the clubhead speed would be a maximum at impact. Both the peak values of the couples
and the total time of the downswing were xed in the analysis. The optimal
both found to increase approximately linearly through the downswing. An interesting result
of the analysis is that not only was the clubhead speed found to evolve in basically the same
manner as is found with the standard two-stage model, with a constant
, but the calculated
wrist-cock angle was found to stay approximately constant over the rst half of the downswing.
This would imply that applying smoothly increasing torques at the hub and the hands can give
the same apparent constant wrist-cock angle during the initial part of the downswing that is
observed with expert golfers and that is built into the two-stage double pendulum model.
138 A R Penner
Figure 4. The evolution of the kinetic energy of the two links in the double pendulumswing model.
Adapted from gure 5.1 in Jorgensen (1994).
2.1.2. Increasing clubhead speed. Researchers have used the double pendulum model to
determine the effect that the various swing parameters have on the impact speed of the clubhead.
The clubhead speed at impact is the primary factor in determining the length of a drive and, as
a rough approximation, each percentage gain in clubhead speed will result in a corresponding
percentage increase in drive distance. In varying the parameters in the swing model there is,
however, the constraint that the golf club needs to be approximately vertical at impact if solid
contact with the golf ball is to be made. This will typically mean that if one parameter is varied
it will be required to vary another parameter in order to restore the timing.
As would be expected, increasing the backswing angle or the initial wrist-cock angle in the
double pendulum model is found to lead to a greater clubhead speed at impact. For example,
Reyes and Mittendorf (1999) found that for their swing model increasing the backswing angle
from 180 to 190, a 5.6% increase, resulted in clubhead speeds increasing by approximately
3.1%. However, the model also shows (Mittendorf and Reyes 1997) that changing the
backswing angle or initial wrist-cock angle has a signicant effect on timing. For example,
increasing the backswing angle while keeping the other swing parameters xed would, in
general, result in the clubhead leading the hands of the golfer at impact while increasing the
initial wrist-cock angle results in the hands leading the club.
The release angle is one swing parameter whose effect on clubhead speed is not as obvious.
As has been stated, measurements have shown that expert golfers normally maintain the initial
wrist-cock angle beyond the natural release point. Cochran and Stobbs (1968), Jorgensen
(1970, 1994), and Pickering and Vickers (1999) have all considered the effect of delaying
the release of the club in the double pendulum swing model and have found that, in general,
this will result in a greater clubhead speed at impact. For example, Pickering and Vickers
found that for their swing model, reducing the release angle from 132, which corresponds
to a natural release, down to 90, resulted in an increase in the clubhead speed at impact
of approximately 3%. Delaying the release of the club results in greater clubhead speed at
impact by keeping the club closer to the hub during the downswing so that the rst and second
The physics of golf 139
moments of the double pendulum system about the hub will be reduced. Delaying the release
will, however, also have an effect on the orientation of the club at impact, with the hands, in
general, leading the clubhead at impact.
Pickering and Vickers (1999) also investigated the effect of positioning the golf ball
forward of the hub point. This is normally the practice of golfers and is included in gure 1(a).
One benet of doing this is that for a properly timed swing the clubhead speed will be increasing
throughout the downswing. Positioning the ball forward and thereby delaying the impact will,
therefore, result in a greater clubhead speed at impact. Pickering and Vickers specically
determined the ball position that would result in the maximum horizontal component of
clubhead velocity at impact in their swing model. They found that in the case of a drive
and with a natural release, the optimal ball position was 0.226 m forward of the hub position.
This resulted in an increase of 1.3% in the clubhead speed compared to having the ball placed
in line with the hub. For a delayed release the effect is slightly greater. For example, at a
release angle of 110 they found that the optimal ball position is 0.249 m forward of the hub
and the corresponding increase in clubhead speed at impact is 1.6%. Pickering (1998) also
considered the optimal ball position for other clubs and found that for the shorter and more
lofted clubs, the ball should be placed closer to the hub position to maximize the horizontal
component of the clubhead velocity at impact.
Certainly, increasing the couple applied at the hub would also be expected to increase the
clubhead speed at impact. Jorgensen (1994) found that a 5%increase in
, in his swing model,
leads to an increase in the clubhead speed at impact of 1.7%. Reyes and Mittendorf (1999)
found that increasing
by 29%, in their swing model, resulted in the clubhead speed increasing
by 8.5%. The gain in clubhead speed is, therefore, not commensurate with the increase in the
applied couple at the hub. Not only will the magnitude of the hub couple affect the clubhead
speed at impact, but also the way the hub couple evolves during the downswing. As has been
discussed, Lampsa (1975) found that the optimal hub couple, in terms of maximizing clubhead
speed, increased approximately linearly throughout the downswing.
Jorgensen (1994) also considered the effect of exerting a positive couple at the hands and
wrists throughout the downswing, in addition to the couple required to maintain the constant
wrist-cock angle during the rst stage. Surprisingly it was found that for the given swing
model the additional positive couple resulted in the clubhead at impact having a lower speed as
the club is brought around too early. Of course, the effect of applying any additional positive
couple at the hands will depend on the particular swing model. For example, applying a
positive couple at the hands after a delayed release can result not only in increased clubhead
speed but also in correct timing.
As has been discussed, Jorgensen (1994) and Miura (2001) found that in order to get good
agreement between the double pendulummodel and experimental measurements the constraint
of a xed hub had to be removed. Jorgensen considered the effect that different lateral shifts,
or different accelerations, of the hub have on the impact speed of the clubhead. Removing the
lateral shift altogether from the model resulted in the clubhead speed at impact being reduced
by approximately 8.8%. Increasing the lateral shift resulted in the clubhead speed at impact
being increased by as much as 17%. Any lateral shift will of course need to be timed with the
motion of the double pendulum system in order to achieve these improvements in clubhead
speed, as well as maintaining the orientation of the club at impact. Miura found that including
the upward shift of the hub, during the nal 40 ms before impact, in his swing model resulted
in an increase in the clubhead speed at impact of approximately 7%.
2.1.3. Triple-link model. Several researchers have used a triple-link model in their analysis
of the golf swing. As with the double pendulum model all three links are taken to be swinging
140 A R Penner
in a single plane. The upper link represents the motion of the golfers shoulder as it rotates
about the central hub of the golfer. The middle and lower links correspond to the left arm, for a
right-handed golfer, and the golf club, respectively. The couple applied at the hub corresponds
to the torque generated by the rotation of the golfers hips and trunk. The couple applied by the
upper link on the middle link corresponds to that applied by the golfer in the rotation of the
arms about the shoulder joint, while the couple applied on the lower link, the club, is
, as
with the double pendulum model.
Turner and Hills (1999) present a triple-link model of the golf swing in which both the
backswing and the downswing are considered. Separate sets of constant couples are applied
at all the pivot points for both the backswing and the downswing. The switch between the
backswing and the downswing couples occurs during the backswing, and in their model the
upper link ends up starting in the downswing while the club is still continuing in the backswing.
Experimental measurements of the torques exerted by players in static positions allowed Turner
and Hills to obtain estimates of the couples that correspond to
in the model.
In the swing model that they present the couples applied by the hub, shoulder and hands were
set to constant values of 14, 26.8 and 7.3 Nm for the backswing and 105, 75 and 20 Nm
for the downswing. The timing of the simulated swing was found to be sensitive to the relative
values of these two sets of couples.
Kaneko and Sato (2000) use a triple-link model along with optimal control theory to
determine the time evolution of the couples exerted at the hub, shoulder and hands that
corresponded to the minimization of certain criteria. It was found that the couples that
correspond to a minimization of the total power expenditure agreed quite well with the couples
that they determined from measurements taken from the recorded downswing of a golfer.
The optimal couples, under this criterion, for both the hub and the shoulder were found to
increase up until approximately 50 ms before impact, after which they both dropped down
to approximately zero at impact. Both the hub and shoulder couples reached peak values
of approximately 175 Nm. Using the minimum power expenditure criterion for their swing
model, Kaneko and Sato then considered the expected effect that increasing the club mass,
length and impact speed would have on the applied couples.
2.2. Measurements taken on golfers
2.2.1. Kinematic and kinetic measurements. In order to measure the positions of the club
and the golfer during the downswing, researchers have taken high-speed lms, videos or
stroboscopic photographs of the swings of both skilled and unskilled golfers. These
measurements have then allowed for the determination of the linear and angular velocities
and accelerations of both the club and the golfer. Some of the results of these particular studies
will now be considered.
One of the simplifying approximations made in the double pendulum swing model is that
the golf club swings in a plane over the duration of the downswing. Vaughan (1979) considered
this and measured the variations of the instantaneous plane of the golf club for a particular
swing. It was found that there was signicant variation in the early stages of the downswing,
approximately the rst 100 ms, up until the point where the golfers arms are approximately in
the horizontal position. After this point, corresponding to the last 100 ms of the downswing,
the plane of the swing was fairly well established. This seems reasonable in that, during the
initial stages of the downswing where a constant wrist-cock angle is maintained, the motion
of the arms primarily determines the position and motion of the club. After the club is allowed
to swing out, the motion of the club will be primarily determined by the centrifugal forces
acting on it.
The physics of golf 141
Using measurements taken from the photographed swings of skilled golfers, Milburn
(1982) determined the time evolution of the angular velocities and accelerations of both the
club and arms and Vaughan (1979) determined the time evolution of the speed of the golfers
hands and the clubhead. Both found that the velocity of the arms or hands reached a maximum
approximately halfway through the downswing and then decreased until impact. This agrees
with the double pendulum model and the natural transfer of energy from the upper link to the
lower link. The velocity of the clubhead in the case of Vaughans golfer increased steadily
right up until impact, while for Milburns golfer the angular velocity of the club peaked just
prior to impact.
Cooper and Mather (1994) also determined the time evolution of the angular velocity of the
club in their analysis of the swings of professional, low-handicap and high-handicap golfers. In
the case of the professional golfer, the angular velocity of the club was found to peak exactly at
ball impact, corresponding to Vaughans result. For low-handicap golfers the angular velocity
curve peaked just before impact, as found with Milburns golfer. For high-handicap golfers it
was found that the angular velocity of the club increased very rapidly during the rst half of
the downswing but peaked well before impact and then decreased substantially before impact.
Mather (2000) found that the arms and shaft of the weaker golfers are almost in line after the
arms have turned through 90 and not only is there no further acceleration of the clubhead
after this point, but the position of the body and arms may promote a deceleration. In terms
of the two-stage swing model these results indicate that the less skilled golfers are releasing
and accelerating the club much too soon. A comparison between the resulting evolution of the
clubhead speed of a high-handicap amateur and a professional golfer is shown in gure 5.
The early release of the club by less skilled golfers is also shown in the results of Robinson
(1994), who measured a series of swing characteristics for both professional and amateur
golfers. Of all the characteristics that Robinson measured, the most signicant, in terms of
correlating with the clubhead speed at impact, was the wrist-cock angle at the point in the
downswing where the left forearm is parallel to the ground. At this point in the swing it was
Figure 5. A comparison of the evolution of the clubhead speed for a high-handicap amateur and a
professional player. Adapted from gure 1 in Mather (1999). represents the angle into the swing
with the impact occuring at 190.
142 A R Penner
found that, for the professional golfers, the average wrist-cock angle was approximately 100
while for the amateurs it was only 77. This would indicate that the amateurs had, by this point
in the downswing, already released the golf club while the professionals were still maintaining
their initial wrist-cock angle.
Several researchers have determined, from measured angular velocities and accelerations
of the arms and club, the time history of the resultant couple that must have been exerted,
in terms of the swing model, at the hub and at the hands. Lampsa (1975), from the analysis
of his own swing, found that as the downswing proceeded, the hub couple steadily increased
until 100 ms before impact, reaching a peak value of approximately 270 Nm. The hub couple
then decreased, falling to zero at impact. Kaneko and Sato (2000) found a qualitatively similar
result for the calculated couples exerted at the hub and shoulders in their triple-link model of the
swing of a particular golfer. In this case, the peak values for both couples were approximately
150 Nm, and occurred at 50 ms before impact. These results showthat the constant hub couple
often used in swing models is, at best, a very rough approximation.
Lampsa (1975), Vaughan (1979), Budney and Bellow (1979), and Kaneko and Sato
(2000), all determined the couple that must have been exerted by the hands of their golfers
from measurements of the angular acceleration of the club. Although there are signicant
differences, all these researchers found that the couple exerted by the hands stayed positive
until late into the downswing, when it reversed and then stayed negative until impact. This
behaviour, with the couple staying negative until impact, is very different from that normally
associated with the two-stage double pendulum model.
Neal and Wilson (1985) also determined the couple exerted by the hands of a golfer
during the downswing. They also found that, for their golfers, the hands and wrists exerted a
positive couple followed by a negative couple. However, the couple applied at the hands and
wrists reversed and was positive for the nal 30 ms of the downswing, which resulted in a
steadily increasing clubhead speed up until impact. The application of a positive couple at
the hands late in the downswing agrees with the result of Budney and Bellow (1990) who
measured the pressure exerted on the grip by the hands of a professional golfer by tting a
driver with transducers. One of their ndings was that the right hand of the right-handed golfer
although relatively passive at the start of the downswing, applied a force impulse that peaked
approximately 50 ms prior to impact. This force impulse by the bottom hand would result in
a positive couple being exerted on the club.
There, thus, appear to be fundamental differences in the ways golfers use their hands prior
to impact. If golfers swing out the club too early in the downswing they will need to apply a
negative couple at the hands later in the downswing in order to retard the swinging out of the
club so as to have it in the proper position at impact. If the release of the club is delayed too
much, a positive couple would need to be applied at the golfers hands in order to get the club
around in time for impact. A benet of this action is that applying a positive couple to the club
just prior to impact would result in an increased clubhead speed.
Several researchers, using high-speed video, have made measurements of the rotation of
the hips about the feet and the rotation of the trunk about the hip during downswings. These
rotations will be a major contributor to the hub couple. McTeigue et al (1994) found that
professional golfers generally rotate their hips rst in the downswing followed by the rotation
of the torso. They also found that although both the professionals and amateurs whom they
considered had their hips and torso rotated back the same amount, approximately 55 and 87
respectively, at the top of the backswing, the amateurs rotated around much slower during the
downswing taking an additional 31% more time. Robinson (1994) also measured the angular
velocities of the hips and found that the professionals hips, on average, were rotating 28%
faster than the amateurs at approximately the mid-point of the downswing.
The physics of golf 143
Watanabe et al (1999) used a body-twist motion jacket sensor and measured the angle
between the shoulders and hips, or what they referred to as the body-twist angle, during
the downswing. They found large differences between a particular low-handicap and very
high-handicap golfer. Not only did the low-handicap golfer have 50% more twist than
the high-handicap player, he also generated approximately twice the body-twist velocity
throughout the downswing. Surprisingly, this only resulted in the low-handicap player having
a clubhead speed 8.6% greater. This would imply that the high-handicap golfer compensated
with greater shoulder torque, a technique that is often observed with high-handicap golfers.
2.2.2. Force measurements. In addition to the analysis of golf swings based on high-speed
photography, researchers have also directly measured the forces exerted by the golfer. These
measurements generally fall into two categories, the measurement of ground reaction forces
through the use of force plates and measurements of muscle activity through electromyography.
Dillman and Lange (1994) have written a review on the biomechanics of the golf swing.
This includes the measurements of the ground reaction forces that have been made and
electromyography. A brief summary of some of the key ndings will be presented here.
From ground reaction force measurements researchers have found that golfers start the
downswing with their weight shifted to their back foot. As an example, Koenig et al (1994)
found that, for the golfers that they measured, approximately 65% of their weight rested on
their back foot at the top of the backswing. The golfers then rapidly shifted their weight to their
front foot during the downswing. Skilled golfers are found to transfer their weight at a fast rate
and reach a peak, in terms of the weight resting on the front foot, near mid-downswing. Less
skilled golfers are found to transfer their weight at a much slower rate with peak weight transfer
coming later in the downswing. In addition, the actual weight transfer for both the backswing
and the downswing is found to be much less for the less skilled player. These results would
seem to indicate that the more skilled players generate more power through the use of the large
muscles of the legs and hips while the high-handicap player relies more on the swinging of
his or her arms. In terms of the swing model, these results also imply that a skilled golfer is
applying a greater lateral shift of the hub than are the unskilled players.
Electromyography measurements have shown that the major difference between skilled
and unskilled golfers is not so much in the individual forces generated by the muscles but
their coordination and consistency. Indeed, Hosea et al (1990) found that the myoelectric
activity in the backs of the professional golfers that were tested, were much less than that
found for the amateurs. In general, muscle activation patterns are found to be very consistent
from swing to swing for expert subjects while they are highly variable for high-handicappers.
Muscle coordination and timing patterns, therefore, appear to be crucial in obtaining high
swing velocities.
3. The physics of the golf ball
Few sports items of such apparent simplicity have undergone more study and analysis than
the golf ball. Modern day golf balls come in a variety of different constructions using a wide
range of different materials, as manufacturers continually strive to produce a better golf ball.
The rst topic considered in this section will be the measurements and models of the normal
and tangential forces exerted on the various golf ball constructions during impact with the
clubhead or with xed barriers. The normal force will determine the launch speed of the golf
ball while the tangential force will determine the amount of spin.
One of the most interesting phenomena in the game of golf is the distance the ball can be
driven. The large distances are due to the effect that the dimples on the cover as well as the
144 A R Penner
spin of the golf ball have on the aerodynamics. Measurements of lift and drag coefcients will
be presented, including the effect of various dimple patterns.
The nal topic that will be considered is the interaction between the golf ball and the turf.
Golfers are especially concerned with the amount of bounce and roll for shots that land on
the green. Various models of the run of a golf ball will, therefore, be presented as well as the
behaviour of a putted golf ball.
3.1. Impact between golf ball and clubhead
3.1.1. Normal forces and the coefcient of restitution. The impact between the clubhead and
a golf ball is a very violent event. The normal force acting on the golf ball during impact is
large, with values reaching 10 kN, and the apparently solid ball is deformed signicantly, with
compression along the direction of impact being of the order of 1 cm. Agolfer will, in general,
want a golf ball launched with maximum possible speed. The measured characteristic of a
golf ball that directly corresponds to its maximum possible launch speed is its coefcient of
restitution. The coefcient of restitution is dened as the ratio of the normal component of
the velocity of the ball, relative to the clubhead, after impact, to its velocity relative to the
clubhead before impact, and for a perfectly elastic collision has a value equal to 1.00. A golfer
will typically want a golf ball with a high coefcient of restitution.
In general, the greater the deformation of the golf ball the greater the energy loss and
the lower the coefcient of restitution. The coefcient of restitution will, therefore, normally
decrease withimpact speedas a result of the greater deformationof the golf ball. As anexample,
Chou et al (1994) present results showing the dependence of the coefcient of restitution of a
one-piece solid golf ball on its impact speed. The coefcient of restitution was found to drop
from approximately 0.85, for an impact speed of 20 ms
, down to approximately 0.78, for
an impact speed of 45 ms
. Other researchers, such as Ujihashi (1994), have reported data
showing a similar dependence of the coefcient of restitution on impact speed.
In addition to the impact speed, the structure of the golf ball will also affect its coefcient
of restitution. Historically, golf balls have been classied as being of either two-piece or
three-piece construction. A standard two-piece ball will typically have a solid rubber core
with a hard ionomer blend cover while a standard three-piece ball will have either a solid
rubber or liquid lled core wrapped in a layer or rubber windage and will normally be covered
with a softer synthetic balata. The standard two-piece ball has traditionally been known for
its durability and its performance in distance while professionals have normally preferred the
standard three-piece ball for its ability to hold the green with its higher spin rates. Nowadays,
all combinations of cores and covers can be found on the market as well as multilayer golf
balls, which consist of three or more solid layers of various materials.
As the rst step towards a fundamental understanding of howgolf ball construction affects
its coefcient of restitution, researchers have measured and modelled the normal force exerted
on the different golf ball constructions during collisions with xed barriers. Gobush (1990),
Ujihashi (1994), and Johnson and Ekstrom (1999), have all presented measurements of the
time history of the normal force for both standard two-piece and three-piece golf balls red
from air cannons onto force transducers mounted to xed barriers. In the case of Ujihashi, the
impact between the ball and the barrier was normal while Gobush, and Johnson and Ekstrom
considered oblique impact.
In general, it is found fromthese normal force measurements that, at a given impact speed,
the standard three-piece ball is in contact longer with the barrier than the standard two-piece
ball. As an example, Ujihashi (1994) found that the average contact time for three-piece balls
was 15% greater than the contact time for two-piece balls, approximately 480 s to 420 s
The physics of golf 145
respectively. These force transducer measurements agree, in general, with those of Roberts
et al (2001) who directly measured the electrical contact time between conductive-coated golf
balls and various clubheads. Roberts et al found that three-piece balls were in contact for
approximately 16 s longer than two-piece balls.
Although the three-piece ball is found to be in contact longer, at normal or low angle
impacts the peak normal force and the coefcients of restitutions for both two-piece and three-
piece balls are found to be similar. As an example, Gobush (1990) found that, for a 20 oblique
impact, with an impact speed of 29 ms
, the peak normal force acting on a two-piece ball was
8.49 kN compared to 8.71 kN for a three-piece ball. By integrating the normal time histories
Gobush also found that both the two-piece and three-piece balls had a coefcient of restitution
of 0.78 at this impact angle. The shape of the time histories of the normal force exerted on the
two-piece and three-piece balls were, however, quite different. The three-piece ball exhibited
distinctive shoulders about the central maximum. Such shoulders are normally characteristic
of balls with a hollow centre.
At higher impact angles both Gobush (1990), and Johnson and Ekstrom (1999), found
greater differences between two-piece and three-piece balls. For the 40 oblique impact that
Gobush considered and the 45 oblique impact of Johnson and Ekstrom, the peak normal force
is approximately 10% greater for the two-piece ball. Gobush calculated the coefcient of
restitution for the two ball types and found that the value for the two-piece ball, 0.78, was sig-
nicantly higher as compared to the three-piece ball whose value was 0.68. The deformation
of the two-piece ball was also signicantly less, by approximately 8%, as compared with the
three-piece ball. Two-piece balls are, therefore, found to behave more stify, with a corre-
sponding higher coefcient of restitution, than a three-piece ball at the greater impact angles.
Golfers, in general, do nd that standard two-piece balls y farther for the higher lofted clubs.
These results are in line with the results of Mather and Immohr (1996) who carried out
compression tests on both two-piece and three-piece golf balls. These results were then used
to calculate the dependence of the elastic modulus on the amount of deection. The two-piece
ball was found to have a much greater elastic modulus at smaller loads as compared to the
three-piece ball. However, as loads approached 11 kN, the elastic modulus for both ball types
approached a value of 90 MPa. Therefore, for the higher loads experienced at the lower impact
angles the two ball types will have approximately the same stiffness, while for the lower loads
experienced at the higher impact angles the two-piece ball would be expected to behave more
stify than the three-piece ball.
Chou et al (1994) and Taveres et al (1999a) used nite element analysis to simulate the
normal impact of golf balls. Chou et al modelled the golf ball as a disc and found that the
simulated impact provided a good t to the experimental time histories of the impact forces and
the dependence of the coefcient of restitution on normal impact velocities as given by Gobush
(1990). Chou et al also used the model to show how the coefcient of restitution depends on
both the PGA compression number, which is related to the Youngs modulus of the ball, and
on the viscosity of the golf ball. As expected, the coefcient of restitution increases with the
PGA number, or the stiffness of the ball, and decreases with increasing viscosity. Taveres et al
measured and simulated the normal force time history for both two-piece and multilayered golf
balls. Good agreement was obtained between the measured and the simulated results and the
multilayered normal force time history was found to be similar to that of a standard two-piece
golf ball.
Several researchers have presented mechanical models of the normal impact of a golf ball
against a barrier. In these models the deformation arising from impact is equated to the motion
of a lumped mass in combination with nonlinear elastic and dissipative elements. The simplest
example is the two-parameter model presented by Cochran (1999) in which the elastic element
146 A R Penner
Figure 6. The ve-parameter model of the golf ball. Adapted from gure 1 in Johnson and
Lieberman (1994a).
behaves as a Hertzian spring. The force exerted by a Hertzian spring is proportional to x|x|
where x is the amount of deformation. This is the theoretical behaviour of a solid, uniform
sphere, undergoing small deformations against a plane surface. The reason for this nonlinear
behaviour is that as the ball compresses against the barrier the area in contact increases result-
ing in a greater stiffness. In Cochrans model the elastic element is in parallel to a dissipative
element, which by analogy with the elastic force, is taken to be proportional to x|x|
. This
fairly simple two-parameter model results in the coefcient of restitution decreasing with im-
pact speed, in agreement with the experimental results of Chou et al (1994) and Ujihashi (1994).
Increasing the number of elements and parameters in the mechanical model will, of course,
allow for better agreement with the measured normal time histories and their dependence
on impact velocity. Johnson and Lieberman (1994a, 1996) have presented a ve-parameter
mechanical model of the golf ball for normal impact with a xed barrier. The model consists of
a lumped mass attached to a series and parallel combination of two nonlinear elastic elements
and one dissipative element. This mechanical model is shown in gure 6. In this model the
forces exerted by the elastic elements are taken to be proportional to a power of the strain. Two
parameters are, therefore, required for each elastic element, one for the exponent and one for
the proportionality constant, while one parameter is required for the dissipative element, whose
force is taken to be proportional to the ball speed. The mathematical equations of motion for
this model are
m x
= k
c( x
) (3a)
c( x
) = k
. (3b)
Values for k
and a were estimated from compression measurements while the other three
parameters were determined by obtaining the best t to normal force time histories. This
ve-parameter model provides a good t to the normal time histories of both two-piece and
three-piece balls. In the case of two-piece balls, Johnson and Lieberman (1996) further found
that very good agreement could still be had if the ve-parameter model was reduced to three
parameters, by setting the two exponents of the spring forces to the Hertzian value of
3.1.2. Tangential forces and spin. Although differences do exist with normal force time
histories and coefcients of restitution, the most distinguishing feature between the different
The physics of golf 147
ball constructions is the amount of spin that they acquire during the impact with the clubhead.
The amount of backspin affects the aerodynamics of the launched ball and in general there will
be, in terms of maximizing the drive distance, an optimal amount of backspin. The amount
of backspin will also affect the ability of a golfer to hold the green, which refers to limiting
the bounce and roll of the ball on landing for short iron shots to the green. The amount
of sidespin imparted to the ball will affect the ability of the good golfer to draw and fade
the ball while affecting the amount of hook and slice for the weaker player. The tangential or
frictional forces exerted on a golf ball during impact will determine the amount of spin acquired
by it.
Gobush (1990), and Johnson and Ekstrom (1999), all measured the time histories of the
tangential force acting on the surfaces of both standard two-piece and three-piece golf balls red
obliquely onto barriers. Johnson and Ekstrom found that for 45 impacts, at impact speeds
of 42.7 ms
, the tangential force exerted on three-piece balls during the collision reached
signicantly greater values than for the two-piece balls, approximately 2.5 kN and 1.5 kN
respectively. Gobush found a similar result for the 40 impact at an impact speed of 29 ms
with a peak tangential force for the three-piece ball of 1.29 kN as compared to 1.08 kN for the
two-piece ball. For both these relatively high impact angles, the tangential force was found
to oppose the initial motion of the ball throughout the collision. However, at a lower impact
angle of 20, Gobush found that the time history of the tangential force changed signicantly.
For both the two-piece and the three-piece ball constructions, the tangential force reversed
direction approximately 100 s before the ball left the barrier. It was during this stage that the
differences between the wound three-piece ball and the two-piece ball became evident. Gobush
found that the magnitude of the tangential force, after reversing direction, reached values that
were approximately 40% greater for the two-piece ball than for the three-piece ball.
Using the measured tangential forces, Gobush calculated the torque, which is the product
of the tangential force and the instantaneous ball radius, over the duration of the collision for
both the 20 and the 40 impacts. Given the torque, the time evolutions of the spin of the
two golf ball constructions were then determined. For the 40 impact, the greater measured
tangential force acting on the three-piece ball resulted in its calculated spin at rebound being
signicantly greater, 123 rps compared to 107 rps, than for the two-piece ball. This result
agreed well with experimentally measured spin rates, found using stroboscopic photography.
For the 20 impact, the calculated spin rate for both ball types were found to be approximately
the same, 107 rps, at the point where the tangential force reversed direction. After this point the
calculated spin rates of both balls decreased until rebound. The lower tangential force during
this period resulted in the calculated spin rate at rebound for the three-piece ball, 72.9 rps,
being greater than the corresponding value for the two-piece ball, 63.1 rps. These values were
in reasonable agreement with the measured rebound spin rates, again found using stroboscopic
Hocknell et al (1999) used non-contacting transducers, laser Doppler vibrometers, to
measure directly the time history of the spin of a two-piece golf ball during the collision with the
clubhead of a driver that had a loft of 10.5. They found that the spin of the ball increased rapidly
for the rst 100 s and then slowly but steadily increased over the remainder of the impact
reaching a value of 45.8 rps at launch. These experimental results agreed with a simulation
using nite element models of the clubhead and the golf ball. Unlike Gobushs result for a 20
impact angle, the spin of the golf ball did not decrease during the nal stages of the rebound. It
may be that Gobushs calculations, which are based on tangential force measurements, relate
more to the average spin of the whole ball while the experimental measurements of Hocknell
et al relate to the motion of the cover. One of the difculties in calculating or measuring
the time history of the spin of an impacting golf ball is that the golf ball is greatly deformed
148 A R Penner
during the collision. The spin of a golf ball during the collision is, therefore, not clearly
As a rst step in modelling the acquisition of spin by a golf ball, the ball can be treated as
a rigid body. On impact the golf ball will start to slide along the face of the barrier. However,
friction will retard this motion and the ball will be put into a state of rolling. For relatively
high impact angles the golf ball will be in a combined state of sliding and rolling throughout
the impact, while for low impact angles the ball would be expected to be in a state of pure
rolling at launch. Although this simple model is adequate to explain the general dependence
of the acquired spin rates on clubhead loft and impact speed it does not adequately explain
details of the tangential force measurements and the spin rates found with the various golf ball
In order to understand the effect that ball construction has on spin rate, Johnson and
Lieberman (1994b) constructed a mechanical model of the oblique impact of a golf ball and
a barrier that partially takes into account the non-rigid nature of the golf ball. In this model
a torsional component, consisting of a torsion spring and a dissipative element, is added to
their ve-parameter model for normal impact. The golf ball is modelled as having an outer
shell concentric with a rigid inner core. The relative angular motion of the shell and core
is governed by the values of the torsional elements. At impact the transverse motion of the
shell along the barrier is retarded by friction. However, with this model, the shell and the core
undergo separate angular accelerations and the core will initially try to drag the shell after it.
Johnson and Lieberman simulated the impact between this ball model and a barrier and found
that at the relatively high impact angle of 55 the shell was sliding throughout the impact, with
the frictional force exerted by the barrier opposing the initial motion of the golf ball for the
full contact time. However, for impact angles of 45 and lower, they found that the shell was
put into a state of rolling at some point during the collision. The ball remained in this rolling
state until late into the rebound stage when the frictional force decreased to the point where it
could no longer sustain rolling, and the ball then began to slide. For the parameters used in
this simulation the core was oscillating relative to the shell during impact and the simulated
tangential force acting on the shell was found to reverse direction during the collision. The
simulated time histories of the tangential force between the golf ball and the barrier agree, in
their general behaviour, with the experimental results of Gobush (1990).
Johnson and Lieberman (1994b) used their model to compute spin rates for various golf
ball impact speeds and angles. For their particular parameters and at an impact speed of
30.5 ms
, the backspin of the golf ball was found to increase from 32.5 rps, at an impact
angle of 15, to 127 rps, for an impact angle of 45. However, at the even greater impact angle
of 55, the backspin calculated was only 116 rps.
Measurements by Gobush (1990) and Lieberman (1990) show that a standard three-piece
golf ball acquires more spin during impact with a barrier, than a standard two-piece ball. For
example, Lieberman found that at an impact speed of 36.6 ms
the measured backspin of a
three-piece ball was 70 rps, 103 rps, 150 rps and 178 rps for impact angles of 15, 25, 35 and
45 respectively. The corresponding values for a two-piece ball were 55, 91, 131 and 171 rps
for the same impact angles.
The reason for the differences between the spin acquired by the two ball constructions is
due both to the hardness of the cover and to differences between the internal constructions.
Astandard three-piece ball has a softer synthetic balata cover, which has a modulus of elasticity
several times less thanthe hardionomer cover of a standardtwo-piece ball. Asofter cover would
result in a greater coefcient of friction. At the higher impact angles, where the deformation
of the golf ball is less and it may not reach a state of rolling, the greater frictional force will
be the dominant factor in determining the spin rate.
The physics of golf 149
Gobush (1996a) measured the coefcient of friction between both soft covered three-piece
and hard covered two-piece balls and a club insert that was mounted on a force transducer.
The coefcients of friction were determined fromboth the ratio of the measured transverse and
normal forces and from calculations using measurements of the velocity components of the
balls before and after impact. For a relatively high angle of incidence of 70 and an incoming
tangential speed of 12.8 ms
, both methods gave a value of approximately 0.38 for the three-
piece ball and 0.16 for the two-piece ball. The rebound spin rates were found to be 66.2 rps
for the three-piece ball and 25.5 rps for the two-piece ball. For a greater incoming tangential
speed, 26.8 ms
for the three-piece balls and 25.9 ms
for the two-piece balls, the average
coefcient of friction decreased to approximately 0.29 and 0.075 respectively.
Sullivan and Melvin (1994) specically considered the effect that cover hardness,
measured on the Shore D scale, had on the acquired backspin of a 9-iron shot that had a
clubhead speed of 32.0 ms
. Measured spin rates dropped from approximately 175 rps for a
relatively soft cover, approximately 50 on the hardness scale, down to approximately 110 rps for
a relatively hard cover, approximately 67 on the hardness scale. They also directly compared
two-piece and three-piece balls with different covers. For two-piece balls with hard ionomer
covers the amount of backspin acquired was approximately 140 rps, compared to 167 rps for
a two-piece ball with a synthetic balata cover. Similar results are found with the three-piece
balls with hard and soft covers.
At lower impact angles, where the ball starts rolling at some point during the impact, the
acquisition of spin is more complex. In these cases, the nal spin acquired by a golf ball will
depend not only on the friction between the cover and the barrier, but also on the nature of the
internal wind-up of the deformed ball, as well as when and howmuch the golf ball slides during
the nal stages of the rebound. Gobush (1996b) presents a model, similar to that of Johnson
and Lieberman (1994b), where the golf ball is taken to consist of a central core surrounded
by nine concentric layers. In the model each layer is connected to the neighbouring layers
by a torsion spring. The three-piece ball is modelled as having the stiffness of the springs
increasing towards the core while the two-piece has the stiffness of the springs decreasing
towards the core. The spin acquired by the two models for a variety of oblique impacts and
different coefcients of sliding friction were computed. The three-piece ball model was found
to acquire more spin in almost every circumstance.
Sullivan and Melvin (1994) looked at the dependence of the acquired spin of a golf ball
on its compressibility. In general, they found that a golf ball with a hard core acquires more
spin than a soft-core ball that has the same cover. The reason given is that a hard core serves
to compress the cover of the ball against the clubface to a much greater degree resulting in
greater friction.
Tavares et al (1999b) used nite element analysis to investigate spin acquired by two-piece
and multilayered golf balls with different cover hardnesses. They simulated impact for the full
range of clubs, from the driver to the pitch shot, for clubhead velocities typical of professional
golfers. They found that the two-piece ball with the softest cover had the greatest spin for all
shots. They also found that a multilayered golf ball, with a hard mantle layered between the
core and a soft cover, could match the high spin of the soft covered two-piece ball obtained
with the high lofted irons but had signicantly less spin for the driver. The simulation showed
that the mantle layer absorbed some of the impact forces that can generate excess spin. They
found good agreement between their results, using nite element analysis, and the measured
launch conditions of different ball types struck by professional golfers. The benet of such a
golf ball, which has high spin rates for the high-lofted irons and relatively low spin rates for
the driver, is that it would allow the good golfer control around the greens without loss in the
drive distance.
150 A R Penner
3.2. Golf ball aerodynamics
After the golf ball leaves the clubhead its motion is governed by the force of gravity and the
aerodynamic forces that are exerted on it by the air. This section will look at the various
aerodynamic measurements that have been carried out on golf balls. Figure 7(a) shows the
basic features of the air ow pattern around a golf ball. The separation point is the position
where the boundary layer, which is the thin air layer dragged by the surface of the ball, separates
from the surface. In the gure shown, the boundary layer separates just downstream of the
spheres mid-section. The wake that is created is a region of relatively low pressure and the
resulting pressure difference between the forward and rearward regions results in a pressure
drag on the body. The greater the size of the wake the greater the drag will be. As the air ow
velocity increases, the separation point moves forward towards the balls mid-section, and at
high enough velocity into the forward half of the golf ball. During this stage the drag increases
and is proportional to the square of the balls speed. However, if the ball speed continues
to increase, and the critical Reynolds number is reached, the boundary layer in the forward
portion of the sphere becomes turbulent. When this happens the point of separation moves
back downstream. The wake is thereby dramatically reduced along with the resulting pressure
drag, which drops to about half of its pre-critical value.
For a smooth sphere, Achenbach (1972) found that the critical Reynolds number is about
3 10
, which corresponds to a ball the size of a golf ball travelling at around 110 ms
through the air. As the launch velocity of a golf ball off a driver is far below this, only about
80 ms
even for a 300 yard drive, the critical Reynolds number would not be reached if the
surface of the golf ball were smooth. However, any roughness of the sphere, such as dimples,
will accelerate the onset of turbulence in the boundary layer and thereby reduce the critical
Reynolds number. Aoki et al (1999) determined the separation points for both smooth and
Figure 7. The airow and resulting forces acting on a golf ball moving to the left without
backspin (a) and with backspin (b).
The physics of golf 151
dimpled golf balls using oil lm and spark tracing methods. They found that in the range of
ying speeds of 642 ms
the ow around the smooth sphere remained laminar, whereas the
boundary layer for the dimpled ball became turbulent at about 21 ms
corresponding to a
critical Reynolds number of 6 10
. The corresponding decrease in the size of the wake is
very evident in the photographs they present. The effect of dimples on a golf ball is further
highlighted by Fox and McDonald (1992) who obtained samples of golf balls without dimples.
The average drive distance of these balls in tests was only 125 yards compared to 215 yards
for dimpled golf balls.
A spinning golf ball travelling through the air will have, in addition to drag, a force
perpendicular to the balls velocity, commonly referred to as lift. Figure 7(b) shows the airow
pattern around a spinning golf ball, in this case equivalent to a golf ball travelling to the left
with backspin. As is shown in the gure, the boundary layer is dragged around by the spinning
ball and the separation point is delayed on the upper surface while occurring earlier on the
lower surface. The photographs of Aoki et al (1999) clearly show the separation point shifting
downstream at the top of the spinning ball and shifting upstream at the bottom. The resulting
differences in the air ow speeds over the top and bottom surfaces will result in a net upward
force, or lift, being exerted on the golf ball.
It is conventional when measuring drag and lift forces on a golf ball to present results in
terms of drag and lift coefcients. The drag coefcient, C
, is dened as
, (4a)
where F
is the drag force, is the density of the uid, v is the speed of the object
through the uid, and A is the cross-sectional area. Similarly the lift coefcient, C
, is
dened as
, (4b)
where F
is the lift force.
Smits and Smith (1994) determined values for the drag and lift coefcients of a golf ball
in wind tunnel tests. The range of Reynolds numbers and spin rates used covered the ight
conditions experienced by a golf ball for the full range of clubs. The lift coefcients were
found to increase with spin rate, as would be expected, and to be approximately independent
of Reynolds numbers. For Reynolds numbers greater than 5.0 10
the drag coefcient is
also found to increase with spin rate. However, unlike the lift coefcients, the drag coefcients
increase with Reynolds numbers up to 2.010
. Smits and Smith provide empirical equations
for drag and lift coefcients, as well as the spin decay rate, for Reynolds numbers and spin
rates applicable to driver shots.
Researchers have also looked at the effect that different dimple patterns and shapes have
on the lift and drag acting on a golf ball, as well as the resulting trajectories and drive distances.
Stanczak et al (1999) made extensive hot wire velocity measurements in the turbulent wake of
three golf balls with markedly different dimple patterns. They found signicant differences in
the size of the wakes for the three golf balls as one moved downstream. This correlated with
measured drive differences with the ball leaving the widest wake having drive distances that
were approximately 8% less than the ball with the smallest wake.
Aoyama (1994) determined drag and lift coefcients in wind tunnel tests for a wide
range of velocities and spin for both older and newer golf balls. Over the majority of the
range of Reynolds numbers and spin rates tested it was found that a modern ball, with a
384 dimple icosahedron pattern, had drag and lift coefcients of the order of 5% lower than
older balls with a 336 octahedron pattern. Aoyama used the data to computer simulate the
152 A R Penner
trajectories and compared the result with driving tests. For relatively low launch angles and
spins, 7 and 43.3 rps respectively, it was found in both the simulation and the driving tests, that
the older ball would give approximately a 5 yard advantage for a professional golfers drive.
For relatively high launch angles and spins, 10 and 60.0 rps, just the opposite was found with
the modern ball giving a 10 yard advantage. A further advantage of the modern ball is that it
will slice less than the older ones. Ayoma estimates that professional players would reduce
slices by 220% when using the newer golf balls.
Bearman and Harvey (1976) used a wind tunnel to measure lift and drag coefcients for
both hexagonally-dimpled and conventional round-dimpled balls over speeds ranging from
about 14 to 90 ms
and for spin rates up to about 104 rps. They found that the golf balls with
the hexagonally shaped dimples had higher lift coefcients and slightly lower drag coefcients
than the conventionally dimpled balls. They calculated trajectories using their results and
compared the calculated range with measurements taken with a driving machine. They found
good agreement with the hexagonally dimpled balls but the calculated range of the round-
dimpled balls was slightly less than the experimental values. The driving machine results show
that a hexagonally dimpled ball travels approximately 6 yards farther than a round-dimpled
ball under normal driving conditions.
Tavares et al (1999) measured the spin rate decay of golf balls with signicantly different
dimple patterns. They found, at the high spin rates found with the high-lofted irons, that the
dimple pattern can have a signicant inuence on the rate of spin decay with differences of
the order of 30%. The effect that a golf balls moment of inertia has on its ability to retain spin
was also considered. As expected, the greater the moment of inertia the greater the retainment
of spin. This is important to golfers who want to be able to hold the green.
MacDonald and Hanzely (1991) modelled trajectories of golf balls using the lift and drag
coefcients determined by Bearman and Harvey (1976). They determined that the carry of
a golf ball depends approximately linearly on launch speed. This agrees with the empirical
results of both Williams (1959), and Cochran and Stobbs (1968). They also considered the
dependence of the carry on launch angle and found that, for a xed launch speed, maximum
carry would occur at approximately 23, a good deal smaller than the 45 found for a projectile
when aerodynamic forces are neglected.
Erlichson (1983) along with McPhee and Andrews (1988) modelled the drag and lift forces
as being proportional to the speed of the golf ball. This is equivalent to having the drag and lift
coefcients being inversely proportional to the speed of the golf ball. Using linear models for
drag and lift allowed McPhee and Andrews to obtain an analytical solution for the equations of
motion. They show that although this model of aerodynamic forces is in general disagreement
with wind tunnel measurements it is adequate for the range of initial conditions produced
by a driver. Using their model, McPhee and Andrews considered the effect of sidespin and
crosswinds on the golf balls trajectory. One of the results that they found is that a ball hit into
a crosswind, and with sidespin, can y slightly further, by approximately 1%, than the same
ball driven under conditions of no wind.
Although backspin and the accompanying lift is certainly one reason for the great carry
distances golfers are able to achieve on their drives, too much backspin can actually reduce drive
distance. This is due to the higher trajectory, resulting from the increased aerodynamic lift, as
well as the slight increase in the aerodynamic drag. There is, therefore, an optimum amount
of backspin for a given launch speed and launch angle. Werner and Greig (2000) calculated
the dependence of drive distance on spin rate for a xed launch speed of 63.9 ms
and a xed
clubhead loft of 10. They found that for these launch conditions, and for given lift and drag
coefcients, the optimum backspin of the golf ball is approximately 57 rps. Bearman and
Harvey (1976) , using their measured lift and drag coefcients, found that for a launch angle
The physics of golf 153
of 10 and a launch speed of 58 ms
, the maximum range is obtained with a backspin of
approximately 60 rps.
3.3. Interaction between golf ball and turf
3.3.1. The run of a golf ball. The run of a golf ball consists of the bounce phase and the
subsequent rolling after landing. In the case of a drive, golfers will typically want a long run,
while for shots onto the green golfers will want to limit the run of the golf ball.
Several researchers have presented models of golf balls bouncing on turf. In the case of
Daish (1972), the general behaviour of a bouncing ball on a rigid surface is modelled, with the
golf ball used as an example. Daish considers two specic cases. First, is the case where the
ball slides over the surface throughout the impact, which, for the typical impact of a golf ball
on turf, will result in the golf ball retaining some of its backspin as it bounces from the surface.
In the second case, the frictional force between the ball and the surface is great enough to check
the backspin and to have the ball bouncing out of the impact with top spin. Daish determined
that the minimum value of the coefcient of kinetic friction,
, between the ball and the
surface, required to check the backspin, is given by

+ r
7(1 + e)v
, (5)
where v
and v
are the impact velocity components, r is the radius of the ball,
is the
backspin of the impacting ball, and e is the coefcient of restitution between the ball and
the surface. Daish used this model to compute the runs for several different golf shots. For
example, he found that for a given wedge shot, where the golf ball had 191 rps of backspin
at impact, the ball slid throughout the rst bounce and retained enough backspin to check its
motion completely on the second bounce.
Daish used a value of 0.5 for e, the coefcient of restitution between the golf ball and the
turf, in his calculations. In general, however, this value would depend on the impact speed.
Penner (2001a) measured the dependence of the coefcient of restitution for normal impact
on the impact speed of the golf ball and found that although the value of e was approximately
0.5 at low impact speeds, less than 1 ms
, for higher impact speeds the value of e decreased,
approaching a value of 0.12 as impact speeds approached 20 ms
Daishs rigid surface model also leads to several discrepancies with the real behaviour
of golf balls bouncing off a compliant turf. Both rebound height and bounce distance are
found to differ. For a typical golf shot, a golf ball will create an impact crater in the turf
with a depth of the order of 1 cm. Penner (2002b) adapted Daishs model to account for the
compliant nature of the turf by treating the effect of the golf ball rebounding from the impact
crater as being equivalent to a golf ball bouncing off a rigid but sloped surface. The slope
of the equivalent rigid surface was taken to increase linearly with both the impact speed and
the angle of incidence of the golf ball. In Penners model, the golf ball is taken to continue
bouncing until the bounce height drops below 5 mm, after which the golf ball is taken to roll
until friction brings it to rest. Using this model, it was found that the dependence of the run of
a golf ball on the launch speed in the case of drives agreed very well with the empirical results
presented by Williams (1959), and Cochran and Stobbs (1968).
Penner also considered the types of runs that would be expected for golf shots using high-
lofted clubs. By modelling the run of a typical 9-iron shot, it was found that a golf ball could
impact on the turf with enough backspin to cause it to bounce backwards. The total amount
that the ball runs backwards, in this case, increases with the amount of backspin that the ball
has at impact. In addition, in the case of rm greens, where the coefcient of friction is less
than the critical value,
, it is found that golf balls with sufcient amounts of backspin will
154 A R Penner
initially bounce forward before bouncing and rolling backwards. This behaviour is often seen
with the golf shots of professional golfers who can impart sufcient backspin to the golf ball.
Figure 8 shows examples of the types of runs for given 9-iron shots on a rm green calculated
using Penners model.
Haake (1991, 1994) modelled both the normal and oblique impact of golf balls on
compliant turf. For normal impact the turf is modelled as consisting of two layers, with
the rst layer having an elastic as well as a dissipative component, while the second layer is
treated as having only a dissipative component. In the top layer the elastic force is taken to be
proportional to the displacement of the ball, while the dissipative forces, due to each layer, are
taken to be proportional to the speed of the golf ball as well as the area of the ball in contact
with each layer. Haake relates the values of the spring and damping constants to the thickness
of the top layer as well as to the soil composition and moisture content of the turf. In the
case of oblique impact, the horizontal forces exerted by the turf were formulated in the same
manner as the vertical forces with the top layer modelled as being composed of a spring and a
damper in parallel and the bottom layer taken to be composed of a single damper.
Haake used the model to determine the dependence of rebound speed and impact depth
on the impact speed in the case of normal impact. These modelled results were found to
agree, in general, with experimental measurements taken of golf balls dropped or projected
onto greens. The model was also used to predict rebound velocities and spins for various
oblique impacts. Haake compared these results to measurements of oblique impacts using
stroboscopic photography. The general modelled behaviour of a rebounding golf ball agreed
reasonably well with the experimental results. It was found that an increase in impact speed
caused the ball to rebound at a greater speed and at a steeper angle while an increase in the
backspin would cause the ball to rebound at a slower speed and at a steeper angle.
This model of oblique impact is used by Haake to simulate 5-iron and 9-iron shots on both
rm and soft greens. It is assumed in this run model that after the rst two forward bounces,
the golf ball rolls in the direction of the spin. As an example, the model shows that for a
9-iron shot, with the golf ball impacting on a rm green with 148 rps of backspin, the golf
Figure 8. Examples of the run of a golf ball for a 9-iron shot to a rmgreen. Adapted fromgure 8
in Penner (2002b). The impacting golf ball has a backspin of 129 rps (top gure), 159 rps (middle
gure), and 191 rps (bottom gure).
The physics of golf 155
ball will, after the rst two forward bounces, roll backwards approximately 7 m. In general,
Haake found that on a softer green the amount of backspin the golf ball has on impact has less
inuence on its nal position than the equivalent shot on a rm green. The reason being that
for the soft green most, if not all, of the backspin is lost during the rst bounce.
3.3.2. Putting. Putting is the most common shot in the game of golf. Several researchers
have considered the motion of a putted golf ball as well as the interaction between the golf
ball and the hole. The initial motion of a putted golf ball is found to be dependent on the
manner in which the golfer strikes the ball. Daish (1972) found, from high-speed lms, that
most golfers putt the ball on the up. For these cases, the golf ball is projected into the air
and will, therefore, make a series of bounces before it begins rolling along the green. For putts
that are not projected upwards, the golf ball will initially skid along the turf. Both Daish, and
Cochran and Stobbs (1968), state that the golf ball will be in a state of pure rolling after the
ball has travelled approximately 20% of the total length of the putt.
Lorensen and Yamrom (1992), Alessandrini (1995) and Penner (2002a) have presented
models of the motion of a putted ball over a green. The primary difference between the models
is the way the frictional force acting on the golf ball is handled. Lorensen and Yamrom use
two different constant coefcients of friction, one to model an initial sliding phase, and the
other to model the rolling phase. This model was used as the basis for visualizing trajectories,
using computer graphics, of golf balls travelling over piecewise-planar models of real greens.
Alessandrini treats a putt as a two-point boundary value problem and determines the initial
conditions required that would allow the trajectory to terminate at the hole with zero velocity.
In this model the frictional force is kept constant over the total length of the putt. Penner
(2002a) treats the golf ball as being in a state of rolling throughout the length of the putt. In
this model the retarding force acting on the golf ball is taken to be that which constrains the
ball to roll. Using this model, Penner determined the trajectories of golf balls putted on at,
uphill, downhill and sideways-sloped greens.
Several researchers have looked at how the golf ball interacts with the hole and more
specically the conditions required for the golf ball to fall into the hole. Mahoney (1982)
gives an analysis of a ball interacting with a hole and, surprisingly, nds that the probability
of success of an aggressive putt, where the golfer is not concerned with the consequences of
missing, is heightened when the attempt is downhill and the green is fast. Holmes (1991)
presents the most thorough analysis of the interaction between a golf ball and a hole and
determines the overall range of allowable impact speeds and impact parameters that will result
in a successful putt. All the possible ways that a ball can be captured by the hole were
considered. In the case of an online putt it was found that the maximum speed that a golf ball
canhave andstill be capturedis 1.63 ms
. For off-centre impacts the allowedball speedis less.
Penner (2002a) determined the launch conditions required for a successful putt by
determining which golf ball trajectories along the green would lead to allowable impact speeds
and parameters as determined by Holmes ball capture model. As with Mahoney, it was found
that the probability of making a downhill putt can be signicantly greater than the probability
of making an equally distant uphill putt. The reason for this is that for a downhill putt an
off-line trajectory will tend to converge back towards the target line, while the reverse occurs
for uphill putts. This somewhat surprising result must be tempered by the consequences of a
missed putt, as a missed downhill putt will, in general, stop much further from the hole than
an equivalent uphill putt. For most golfers this would result in a preference for uphill putts.
Penner also determined the range of allowable launch speeds and angles for putts across the
slope of a green. It was found that taking a slower uphill path, as opposed to a faster more
direct path, would increase the probability of success.
156 A R Penner
Werner and Greig (2000) did a detailed analysis of several aspects of putting. They looked
at hit patterns on a putter and the stop patterns around the hole for golfers of various handicaps.
They used these results, along with a model of the putt, to determine what is the ideal distance
beyond the hole that a golfer should be aiming for. For example, for a ten-foot putt on a
at green they found that a golfer should strike the golf ball so it would stop a distance of
approximately 2040 cm, depending on the golfers handicap and the green speed, past the
position of the hole.
Lemons et al (1999) looked at the effects of ball construction on both putting distance
and break amounts. They found that the cover hardness played the most important role in the
distance the ball rolls. For example, using a putting robot, they found that for the same putter
head speed, a hard covered two-piece ball rolled approximately 35% farther than either a soft
covered three-piece or soft covered two-piece ball. It was also found that the ball construction
played no part in the break of the putt.
Hubbard and Alaways (1999) considered several aspects of the interaction between a golf
ball and a green. They measured surface viscoelastic properties of the turf by experimentally
dropping balls onto a green and measuring their resulting accelerations and positions. Peak
accelerations of about 50g were measured and even from small drop heights (2 cm) several
bounces were observed. They also measured the variation of the coefcient of rolling friction
over the length of a putt. They found that the rolling friction increased by about 10% over
the course of a 4.3 m putt. This would indicate that the coefcient of rolling friction increases
with decreasing velocity.
4. The physics of the golf club
Few, if any, sports require such a range of equipment as does the game of golf. A professional
player is allowed to carry up to fourteen golf clubs. These clubs are generally divided into
three categories, woods, irons and the putter. For the woods, the modern club consists of a
bulbous hollow clubhead, typically constructed out of steel or titanium, attached to a shaft,
typically constructed out of steel or graphite. These clubs are designed to hit the ball long.
The irons and the wedges have basically solid, at, trapezoidal shaped steel clubheads and are
designed to allow the golfer to control the distance of the shorter shots through the variation in
their lengths and lofts. The putter has a clubhead, which itself can come in a variety of shapes,
that is designed to give a golfer the maximum control while putting.
In the past the design of golf clubs was as much an art as it was a result of any
scientic insight. Over the last several decades things have changed considerably. Nowadays,
manufacturers are basing changes of club design more and more on scientic principles and
measurements. This section will look at some of the research that has gone into understanding
the behaviour of the golf club. It will be grouped under three headings: the shaft, the clubhead
and club design.
4.1. The shaft
4.1.1. Effect of length and mass. Researchers have considered the effect that both the length
and mass of a shaft have on the generated clubhead speed. It may be expected that the longer
the shaft, the greater the generated clubhead speed at impact. However, as the mass and the
rst and second moments of the golf club all increase with increasing club length this is not
necessarily the case. Reyes and Mittendorf (1999) considered the effect of club length in their
double pendulum model of the swing of a driving champion. Keeping all other parameters
xed they found that increasing the club length from 119 (47 in) to 130 cm (51 in), an 8.5%
The physics of golf 157
increase, resulted in the modelled clubhead speed increasing from 56.7 to 58.1 ms
, a 2.4%
increase. These results are in good agreement with experimental measurements of clubhead
speeds that they had taken with their golfer. They considered even longer clubs in their model
and found that for a 152 cm (60 in) driver a clubhead speed of 59.9 ms
could be expected.
However, as the shaft mass is held xed in the model, this value for the clubhead speed is
greater than would be expected. Also the model shows (Mittendorf and Reyes 1997) that
increasing the club length, and keeping all other parameters xed, will result in the clubhead
lagging behind the golfers hands at impact. Therefore, in order to restore timing, a golfer
switching to a longer club would need to adjust one or more of his or her swing parameters.
Werner and Greig (2000) measured clubhead speeds for numerous golfers swinging with
drivers of varying lengths. Using this data, along with models for both the impact and the
resulting golf ball trajectory, they determined that there was an optimum shaft length. The
value they calculated was 128 cm (50.3 in) and was found to depend little on golfer size or
skill level. However, the gain in drive distance that was calculated for the optimal length, as
compared to a standard 117 cm shaft, was found to be only approximately 3 yards.
Decreasing the mass of the shaft will, in general, lead to increased clubhead speed. For
a driver with a conventional steel shaft, approximately 25% of the kinetic energy that a golfer
supplies to the club is spent on the shaft. Shafts are currently constructed froma variety of new
lightweight materials. The major competition for the conventional steel shaft is the graphite
shaft, which is a composite of carbon bre and epoxy resin. Atypical graphite shaft has a mass
of approximately 90 g, compared to 120 g for a steel one. Pelz (1990) measured the total drive
length for three professional golfers who were using both steel and graphite shafts. It was
found that the average drive distance was approximately 3.0 yards longer when the graphite
shafts were used. Werner and Greig (2000) used their swing model to model the effect of
going from a 120 to a 50 g shaft. The result was an approximately 2% increase in clubhead
speed and a gain of 3.3 yards in the drive distance.
Van Gheluwe et al (1990) looked at the effect that the use of graphite shafts has on swing
kinematics. Subjects of various skill levels used clubs with both conventional steel and modern
graphite shafts. It was found that the angular displacement of the upper arm and wrist-cock
angle during the downswing did not display differences between the two types of shafts. They
also did not nd a signicant difference between drive distances for the two shaft types.
4.1.2. Shaft exibility. The shaft property that has received the most attention by researchers
is the exing of the shaft during the downswing. From measurements taken by Horwood
(1994) and Butler and Wineld (1994), using strain gauges attached to club shafts, the general
dynamic behaviour of a golf club shaft during the downswing has been determined. At the
initiation of the downswing the shaft is bent backwards as a result of the inertia of the clubhead
and the torque exerted by the golfer. As the downswing proceeds the shaft gradually straightens
out and then bends forward during the nal moments before impact. A popular view of golfers
and many golf experts is that as the downswing proceeds the club springs back from its initial
bent back state. This has led to the view that it is important to match the exibility of the shaft
to the swing speed of the golfer. It would be expected that for the right exibility the springing
back of the club should lead to greater clubhead speeds at impact. It is normal practice to
recommend exible shafts for weaker players and stiffer shafts for stronger players.
The major difculty with this conventional view of shaft behaviour is that the natural
frequency of oscillation of the clubhead and shaft system is much too high. Mather and
Jowett (1998) calculated the fundamental frequency for the cantilever mode for various shaft
and clubhead combinations. Their calculated values, which included the effect of centrifugal
stiffening, for a clubhead speed of 45 ms
, ranged from 7.07 to 7.37 Hz. These values
158 A R Penner
were in reasonable agreement with measured resonance values that they obtained by whirling
shafts, with attached masses, about their butt ends at various frequencies. These relatively high
natural frequencies would result in the club undergoing more than one oscillation over the time
of a typical downswing, in disagreement with the measurements of Horwood, and Butler and
Wineld. The damping provided by the golfers hands would, therefore, appear to be negating
any possible effect that is due to the natural oscillation of the shaft during the downswing.
Milne and Davis (1992) modelled the swing of a golfer using a double pendulum model
and included the exibility, with centrifugal stiffening, of the shaft. The general simulated
behaviour of the golf shaft during the downswing that they determined is shown in gure 9.
As is shown in the gure, in the initial stages of the downswing the club is bent backwards. As
was previously stated, this is due to the inertia of the clubhead and the torque applied by the
golfer. The simulation nds that the shaft had its maximumbackward deection approximately
100 ms into the downswing. The shaft then gradually straightens out and as indicated in the
gure, bends forward over the last approximately 40 ms of the downswing. Milne and Daviss
model clearly shows that the bending forward of the shaft prior to impact is a result of the large
centrifugal torque applied at its end by the clubhead. For a typical driver the centre of mass of
the clubhead is located a few centimetres rearward of the shaft and due to the high clubhead
speeds the effective weight of the clubhead is quite large, approximately 150 times its actual
weight, at impact. The resulting centrifugal torque is found to be sufcient to explain the
shafts behaviour. Milne and Davis also measured the bending moment at three points along
the shaft during the swing of three different golfers and found good agreement with simulated
values. Although the forward deection of the clubhead may be expected to increase the
clubhead speed at impact, the simulation shows that, at the point of impact, the rate of increase
of the clubhead deection is found to be well past its maximum. Indeed, Milne and Davis
Figure 9. The simulated behaviour of a golf shaft during the downswing. Adapted from gure 1
in Milne and Davis (1992). The bending of the shaft is magnied by approximately 5.
The physics of golf 159
found that for the exible shaft model that was used, the launch speed of the golf ball was
approximately 4% lower than that produced by a rigid shaft. The reason being that part of the
energy transferred at impact went into exciting the exible shaft.
Given Milne and Daviss model of the shaft behaviour, the primary effect of the exibility
of the shaft would be to alter the dynamic loft of the clubhead. The dynamic loft refers to
the angle the clubface makes with the vertical at impact. The dynamic loft in general is not
equal to the clubface loft, which is what is typically specied for a club. The clubface loft
is the angle the clubface makes with the vertical when the sole of the clubhead is at rest on
the ground. In the case of Milne and Daviss simulations, clubhead deections, and therefore
dynamic loft increases, were found to vary between 0.3 and 2.9 depending on the manner in
which the hand couple is applied. Jorgensen (1994) found that for the professional golfers
swing that he analysed, the increase in the dynamic loft, due to the exing of the shaft, was
3.3. This increase in the dynamic loft would affect the launch parameters of the golf ball and,
therefore, will have an effect on the trajectory and the drive distance. As will be discussed
in section 4.2.1, the optimum dynamic loft for a driver decreases for increasing clubhead
speeds. Therefore, the advice given to stronger golfers to use stiffer shafts, which would
thereby reduce the dynamic loft of the clubhead, and for weaker golfers to use more exible
shafts, which would thereby increase the dynamic loft, may be valid. Experimentally, Pelz
(1990) found that, from measurements made with professional golfers, increasing the shaft
frequency, corresponding to increasing the stiffness, did result in increased average drives.
However, it was not determined if this is as a result of the lowering of the dynamic loft or of
reducing energy transfer to the shaft. One must be careful not to generalize, as measurements
by Mather and Cooper (1994) found that the clubface deection, or increase in dynamic loft,
for a weak golfer using a regular shaft was 6.3 while a good golfer using the same shaft had a
clubhead deection of only 3.4. It might have been expected that the greater clubhead speed
generated by the good golfer would lead to a greater centrifugal torque and, therefore, a greater
shaft deection at impact. Mather and Cooper concluded that the amount of shaft deection,
and therefore head deection, depends not only on the speed of the clubhead at impact but also
on the time history of the input acceleration.
Mather and Jowett (2000) measured, using photogrammetry, the distribution of the radii
of curvature for points along the length of given shafts at impact. They compared steel and
graphite shafts as well as the effect of different clubheads and different golfers. They found
that the distribution of the radii of curvature, and therefore the orientation of the clubhead at
impact, was dependent on the shaft material, as well as on the distribution of stiffness along the
shaft. Typically, shafts are tapered either continuously or in steps as one goes from the grip to
the tip. However, they found that, in general, the performance characteristics are determined
more by the design of the clubhead and less by the shaft parameters.
Researchers have also considered the deection of the clubhead and shaft in other
directions. As the centre of mass of the clubhead is also offset from the shaft by several
centimetres towards the toe the centrifugal torque exerted by the clubhead will also cause the
toe of the club to deect down. Butler and Wineld (1994) found that, for the downswings
that they measured, the amount that the toe of the clubhead was deected downwards at
impact ranged from 0.52 cm to as much as 5.44 cm. They also found that the shaft twisted
by approximately 0.5 during the downswing, which resulted in the clubhead being slightly
closed, or turned inwards towards the golfer, at impact. In general, it can be expected that the
more exible the shaft the more the toe of the clubhead will be deected downwards and the
more the clubhead will be closed at impact.
In addition to the behaviour of the shaft during the downswing, researchers have also
considered the vibrations generated by the impact of the clubhead with the golf ball. These
160 A R Penner
vibrations, which travel along the shaft, affect what golfers refer to as the feel of the shot.
Friswell et al (1996, 1998) measured the various frequency modes of a clamped steel shaft
excited by a hammer blow at the clubhead. The fundamental frequency was found to be
approximately 4.50 Hz, which is lower than the results of Mather and Jowett primarily due to
their neglect of centrifugal loading. Friswell et als measurements of the various frequency
modes were in good agreement with modelled behaviour, determined using nite element
analysis for the shaft. The model shows that the asymmetrical head causes the natural
frequencies to separate and couples the bending and torsional vibrations.
Ekstrom (1996) considered the ability of dampers, tted inside the butt of golf shafts, to
reduce the transmission of any shaft vibrations to the golfer. It was found that, in order to
signicantly reduce the vibrations, the frequency response of the damper needs to match that
of the club. It was also found that only frequencies lower than approximately 50 Hz actually
travel up a persons arm farther than the wrist.
4.2. The clubhead
4.2.1. Optimum mass and loft. A primary characteristic of the clubhead of a driver that will
affect the length of a drive is its mass. Neglecting the loft of the clubhead, and treating the
collision between the clubhead and the golf ball as being one-dimensional, the launch speed
of the golf ball will be given by
(1 + e)V
1 + M
, (6)
where V
and M
are the launch speed and the mass of the golf ball, V
and M
are the impact
speed and mass of the clubhead, and e is the coefcient of restitution between the golf ball and
the clubhead. In general, it would be expected that a more massive clubhead would be able
to impart a greater launch speed to a golf ball, although from equation (6) it can be seen that
there will be a limit to the launch speed of a golf ball, for in the case where M
, V
equal (1 + e)V
. The benet of a heavier clubhead will, however, be offset by the ability of a
golfer to swing a heavier club as fast as a lighter one.
The theoretical effect of changing the clubhead mass can be determined from double
pendulum swing models. Reyes and Mittendorf (1999) found, from their swing model, that
reducing the clubhead mass from a conventional value of 191 g down to 170 g resulted in an
8.5% increase in clubhead speed. Using equation (6) this would correspond to approximately
a 5.6% increase in the launch speed of the golf ball. Werner and Greig (2000), using their
swing model, found that reducing the clubhead mass from 215 g down to 195 g resulted in the
launch speed of the golf ball increasing by approximately 1.9%.
These effects of reducing the clubhead mass in the swing models are based on all the swing
parameters except for the clubhead mass remaining xed. Certainly, it would be expected that
changing the clubhead mass, and therefore the mass and moments of the club, would affect
the manner in which the golfer swings the club. Indeed, using the swing models, it is found
that decreasing the clubhead mass, while keeping the other parameters xed, will result in the
hands leading the clubhead at impact. Therefore, it would be expected that a golfer would
normally adapt his or her swing after switching to a lighter clubhead.
Daish (1972) presents experimental results of golfers using clubheads of different masses.
Four golfers of varying abilities and strengths swung a club consisting of a conventional
shaft carrying at its lower end brass discs, whose mass was varied from 100 to 350 g. Daish
found that for all four subjects the speed of the clubhead at the bottom of the swing varied
approximately as M
. Using this result in equation (6), Daish found that the optimum
mass of the clubhead, irrespective of the golfers ability or strength, is approximately 200 g,
The physics of golf 161
in agreement with practice. Also, it is found that the effect of varying the clubhead mass
is small, with an increase or decrease of 50 g from this optimum value resulting in a loss of
launch speed of only approximately 0.5%. Daishs result and the relative insensitivity of the
dependence of the launch speed of the golf ball on the clubhead mass is probably the reason
why manufacturers opted to increase the size of the clubhead, thus compensating for miss-hits,
rather than making the clubhead signicantly lighter when using titanium.
Another characteristic of the clubhead of a driver that will affect the length of a drive is
its loft, or the angle the clubface makes with the vertical. To determine what would be the
optimum loft of a driver, the effect of the clubhead loft on all the launch parameters of the
golf ball needs to be considered. In modelling the collision between the clubhead and the golf
ball, researchers have in general made several simplifying approximations. The primary one
is that the clubhead is treated as a free-body during the collision. Results from Cochran and
Stobbs (1968) show that the shaft plays a small role during impact. Other approximations that
are normally made are that the collision is taken to be instantaneous, with no change in the
orientation of the clubhead during impact, that the collision is taken to occur at a single point,
and that the golf ball is in a state of pure rolling when it leaves the clubface. It is also important
to realize that the optimum lofts, determined by the various researchers, refer to the dynamic
loft of the clubhead.
Since only central impacts are of concern when considering maximum drive distances,
Penner (2001a) modelled the driver clubhead as a at plate and determined the dependence
of the golf balls launch speed, launch angle, and launch spin on the loft of the clubhead.
In general, it was found, that for a given clubhead speed, increasing the loft of the clubhead
will result in a lower launch speed, a greater launch angle, and greater backspin for the golf
ball. Penner then used the determined launch parameters along with suitable models of the
trajectory and run to determine the length of both the carry and the drive. It was found that for
a clubhead speed of 45 ms
, and a clubhead mass of 200 g, the dynamic loft which leads to
the maximum carry, 209 yards, was 14.9, while the dynamic loft which leads to the maximum
drive, 232 yards, was 13.1. The reason for the lower value for the drive is that lower impact
angles lead to longer runs. The optimum value of 13.1 for the dynamic loft agrees well with
the standard driver clubface loft, which is around 10, when the magnitude of the angular
deection of the clubhead due to the exing of the shaft is considered.
Penner also considered the effect that the clubhead speed has on the optimum loft. In
general it was found that the greater the clubhead speed at impact, the lower the optimum loft.
The primary reason being that the greater the clubhead speed at impact, the greater the amount
of backspin imparted to the golf ball and the lower the optimal launch angle. For example,
for a clubhead speed of 55 ms
, corresponding to a 260 yard drive, the optimum dynamic
loft is only 10.7. This result agrees, in general, with the practice of long hitting professional
golfers using drivers with clubface lofts several degrees lower than the standard 10. Overall,
however, it was also found that the length of the drive is relatively insensitive to variations of
the loft about the optimal value, with variations of 3 resulting in a loss in drive distance of
approximately 5 yards.
WineldandTan(1994) presenteda studyonthe optimizationof boththe loft andthe swing
elevation angle at impact. The swing elevation angle is the angle the path of the clubhead makes
with the horizontal at impact. Many golfers will tee the ball up relatively high and forward
in their stance so as to be able to hit the ball on the up in order to increase drive distance.
Wineld and Tan used a general, three-dimensional impact model between the clubhead and
the golf ball to determine the launch parameters of the golf ball. Asuitable aerodynamic model
was then used to simulate ball ight and to determine the carry of the golf ball. In order to
validate their simulation of the impact and the subsequent ight of the ball they compared the
162 A R Penner
calculated carry of a golf ball struck by a driver, with a clubhead speed of 46 ms
, a loft angle
of 10.0, and a swing elevation angle of 0, with experimental results obtained with the use of
a mechanical driver. The calculated value for the carry was 197.3 yards, which was in good
agreement with the experimental value of 200.3 3.6 yards.
Wineld and Tan then determined, by the use of a nonlinear optimization routine, the
optimum loft and swing elevation angles for the given clubhead and a clubhead speed of
49 ms
. For a swing elevation angle of 0 the optimum loft of the clubhead, in terms of
the carry distance, was found from their model to be 12.2 resulting in a carry distance of
220 yards. Increasing the swing elevation angle, in general, results in a lower optimum loft.
For example, for a swing elevation angle of 5 the optimum loft angle was found to be 10.2
resulting in a carry of 230 yards.
4.2.2. Clubface exibility. A characteristic of the clubface, which has, in recent years,
captured the attention of the golng community, is the spring or trampoline effect. The
clubhead is normally modelled as being rigid with all the energy lost during impact occurring
with the deformation of the golf ball. Indeed, it might be expected that the less the clubface
deforms, the less the overall energy loss, and, therefore, the greater the rebound speed of the
golf ball. This is true, in general, and a golf ball will rebound at a greater speed from a very
rigid surface than from a very exible one. However, if the natural frequency of the exing
of the clubface matches that of the golf balls compression and recovery rate during impact,
the clubface can actually add a slight push to the golf ball during the rebound stage. In terms
of energy, the deformation of the clubface during the collision is such that less energy is lost
during its deformation than in that part of the balls deformation, which it replaces. The ability
to use the trampoline effect has risen both with the use of larger clubheads and with the use
of titanium. Normally, the natural compression and recovery frequency of a golf ball, which
is approximately 1000 Hz, is much lower than the frequency of the fundamental exing mode
of a clubface. However, the strength to weight advantage of titanium allows clubfaces to be
made much thinner and clubheads to be made larger. A larger and thinner clubface can result
in its natural frequency decreasing down to values approaching that of a golf ball.
Several researchers have considered the trampoline effect and have presented models and
experimental results of the dependence of the coefcient of restitution for collisions between
golf balls and targets. Cochran (1999) considered the collision between a golf ball and a thin
plate mounted rigidly at its edges. A two-parameter golf ball model was used along with a
two-parameter model of the plate, which is treated as an effective mass attached to a parallel
combination of a linear spring and a dashpot. In general, the spring constant associated with
the plate will depend on its geometry, mass and material properties. Cochran showed that, if
the natural frequency of the exing and recovery of the plate was near that of the golf balls
compression and recovery, the coefcient of restitution could be raised by as much as 12%,
depending on the amount of damping that is included in the model. This corresponds to an
increase of approximately 5% in ball launch speed for a typical drive.
Johnson and Hubball (1999) also modelled the collision between a golf ball and a exible
clubface. They used Johnson and Liebermans ve-parameter model for the golf ball and a
linear two-mass/one-spring representation of the target. They compared their modelled results
with experimental results, which involved ring golf balls at freestanding titanium plates of
various thicknesses. They found that, for both the modelled and the experimental results, as
the thickness of the titaniumplate was reduced from6.35 mmdown to 2.54 mm, the coefcient
of restitution increased by approximately 15%.
Yamaguchi and Iwatsubo (1999) present results showing the dependence of the coefcient
of restitution on the values used for the spring constant and the damping constant in their
The physics of golf 163
model of a clubface. They, like Cochran, found that the maximum value of the coefcient of
restitution occurred when the natural frequencies of the clubface and golf ball matched. Their
modelled results agreed with the experimental measurements they made by ring a simulated
clubhead at golf balls. In addition, they also presented experimental results showing how
the natural frequency of the clubface depends on clubhead volume and material. While the
typically smaller 150 cc stainless steel clubheads have a natural frequency of about 1800 Hz, the
larger 250300 cc titanium clubheads are found to have a natural frequency of approximately
1200 Hz. The natural frequency of golf balls was also found to vary, ranging from 800 Hz for
soft two-piece balls up to 1300 Hz for hard ones. This indicates that to optimize the trampoline
effect, the natural frequency of the clubhead would need to be matched to that of the golf ball.
4.2.3. Clubface roughness. Another feature of the clubface that researchers have looked
into is the roughness of its surface. It would be expected that the rougher the surface of the
clubface, the greater the amount of spin imparted to a golf ball during impact, and this is the
reasoning behind the grooved and sandblasted faces of clubheads. However, as Cochran and
Stobbs (1968) discuss, this is not always so. They indicate that although the roughness of
the clubface will determine how quickly the ball stops sliding and begins to roll along the
clubface during the impact, it will have little effect on the nal spin of the rebounding golf ball.
To demonstrate this, they had pairs of 5-irons, 7-irons and 9-irons constructed. In each pair
one club had a normal grooved and sandblasted surface, whereas the other had a completely
smooth face. Measurements are presented for golf shots hit by a professional golfer and it is
found that both clubfaces impart approximately the same spin to the golf ball and result in the
same carry and run.
Chou et al (1994) present measured and modelled results for the dependence of the spin
rate on loft angle for a one-piece golf ball projected against a steel barrier with both a smooth
and a rough surface. For loft angles below 40, the results show that the spin rate acquired by
the golf ball for both surfaces is approximately the same. This agrees with the general results
of Cochran and Stobbs. However, at higher loft angles, such as would be found with wedges,
differences did occur. For example, at a loft of 50, and an impact speed of 45.9 ms
, it was
found that the rougher surface imparted approximately 250 rps of backspin to the golf ball
compared to only 150 rps for the smoother surface. Their model of the collision shows that
for the higher lofted impacts against the smoother surface the golf ball does not reach a state
of pure rolling and slides throughout the collision with the barrier.
Gobush (1996b) presents similar sets of measurements for golf balls projected against
rough steel, smooth steel and Teon plates. In these measurements both three-piece and two-
piece golf balls were considered and loft angles were varied from0 to 50. The spins imparted
to the soft covered three-piece ball for both the rough and the smooth steel surfaces were found
to be the same over the full range of tested loft angles. For the Teon plate the spin rates
matched the steel plates for lofts up to 20 but then dropped off sharply after that. The results
for the hard covered two-piece ball were much less predictable. For example, for loft angles
greater than approximately 20, the smooth steel plate imparted the greatest backspin to the golf
ball, followed by the rough steel plate, and then the Teon plate. In general, it was concluded
that the ball type has much more effect on the spin imparted to the golf ball than the roughness
of the clubface.
The result, where smoother surfaces can under certain conditions impart greater spin rates,
is further highlighted by Lieberman (1990) who presents results from a study that involved
ring golf balls against barriers with both dry and grassy surfaces. Surprisingly, it was found
that for lofts less than approximately 35 for two-piece balls, and 45 for three-piece balls, the
grassy surface resulted in spin rates of the order of 10% greater than for the dry surface. For
164 A R Penner
the higher loft angles, the dry surface resulted in signicantly greater spin rates than what was
found for the grassy surface.
Ekstrom (1999) presents results showing how the roughness of the stainless steel clubface
inserts affects the coefcient of sliding friction. The experimental technique involved driving
various golf ball types downbetweentwoxedinserts. Three pairs of sandblastedstainless steel
inserts were tested with a RMS surface roughness of 25 in, 100 in and 150 in, respectively.
Both the normal and tangential forces exerted by the golf balls on the inserts were measured
with strain gauges and from these the coefcient of sliding friction was calculated. It was
found that although the coefcient of sliding friction did increase as the roughness went from
25 to 100 in, it did not increase any further for the 150 in surface. This would indicate that
there would be a limit to the benet of roughening the surface of clubfaces.
4.2.4. Off-centre impacts. In order to maximize the distance of their drives, golfers will wish
to strike the ball at the centre of the clubface. Unfortunately, golfers will frequently strike the
ball off-centre. There are several characteristics of the clubhead that affect its performance with
respect to off-centre impacts. One of these, in particular, is the shape of the clubface of a driver.
Off-centre impacts will cause a clubhead to rotate about its centre of mass, which will in
turn cause the clubface to move along the surface of the golf ball, thereby imparting spin. This
imparting of spin to a golf ball as a result of the rotation of the clubhead during the collision is
referred to in golf as the gear effect. In the case of miss-hits in the lateral direction, sidespin
will be added to the golf ball. If the golf ball is struck near the toe of the clubhead, the rotation
of the clubhead and the resulting sidespin will cause the ball to hook and to land, in the case of
a right-handed golfer, to the left of the fairway. Conversely, a heel shot will result in sidespin
that will cause the ball to slice and to land to the right of the fairway. The lateral prole of
the clubface of a driver is, therefore, slightly convex so that the golf ball will be launched, in
the case of off-centre impacts in the lateral direction, in a direction pointing away from the
centre of the fairway. The gear effect will then result in the golf ball curving back towards the
middle of the fairway.
For impacts above or belowthe centre of the clubface, the clubhead will again rotate about
its centre of mass and will in this case affect the amount of backspin with which the golf ball
is launched. Impacts below the centre will result in the golf ball being launched with more
backspin while those above the centre will result in the golf ball being launched with less
backspin. The greater the amount of backspin with which a golf ball is launched the lower
the optimum launch angle, with regard to drive distance. To maximize drive distances the loft
of the clubface should, therefore, decrease as one moves vertically down the clubhead. So
to account for miss-hits in both the lateral and vertical directions the clubheads of drivers are
normally manufactured so as to have the clubface bulging slightly outwards.
Several researchers have modelled the general three-dimensional impact between a
clubhead and a golf ball in order to determine the optimum shape or the optimum curvature of
the clubface. Penner (2001b) modelled off-centre impacts in the lateral direction, treating the
clubhead as a free-body during the collision and with the impact occurring at a single point
on the clubface. By using models for the golf ball trajectory and run, Penner was able to
determine, for a specic impact point, the radius of curvature of the clubface that would result
in the golf ball stopping in the middle of the fairway. Figure 10 shows the dependence of the
trajectory on the radius of curvature for an impact point 2.0 cm from the clubface centre. As
shown in the gure, for a clubhead speed of 45 ms
, the optimum radius of curvature for
the given clubhead model is 21.5 cm. This value is found to be in reasonable agreement with
current clubhead design and empirical results. For example, Maltby (1990) used a mechanical
golfer to determine empirically that the optimumradius of curvature in the lateral direction, for
The physics of golf 165
Figure 10. Overhead view showing the dependence of the trajectory and run of a golf ball, for
various radii of curvature of the clubface for an impact point 2.0 cm from the clubface centre.
Adapted from gure 8 in Penner (2001b).
the clubface of a driver, ranges from approximately 20.3 to 27.9 cm. In addition, Penner found
that increasing the clubhead mass or volume, and thereby increasing the clubheads moment
of inertia, would reduce the gear effect along with the amount of curvature required for the
clubface. It was also found that increasing the impact speed of the clubhead would increase
the gear effect and therefore, in general, would require more curvature for the clubface.
Wineld and Tan (1996) have also presented a model of the general three-dimensional
impact between a clubhead and a golf ball. The clubhead is again treated as a free-body, with
the impact taken to act at a single point. The shape of the clubface is taken to be ellipsoid
and off-centre impacts in both the lateral and vertical directions are considered in this model.
The models of the impact as well as the ball trajectory that were used were tested by taking
experimental measurements of the landing positions of golf balls struck by a golng robot off
the centre, heel and toe of a clubhead of a standard driver. The experimental results agree
quite well with the modelled results. As an example, for a heel shot 1.59 cm from the clubface
centre, the model shows that a golf ball loses approximately 12 yards, on the carry, and lands
approximately 8 yards from the centre of the fairway. Experimentally, the loss in distance for
the same drive was approximately 12 4 yards and the golf ball landed 11 3 yards from the
fairway centre.
Wineld and Tan then used an optimization routine to calculate the radii of curvature of
the clubface that would minimize the dispersion of golf ball landing positions about the centre
of the fairway. They found that, in general, to decrease the dispersion of the landing positions
of the golf ball would require a less convex shape than is normally found with drivers. For
the clubhead that they considered, and at a clubhead speed of 46 ms
, the optimal radius of
curvature in the lateral direction was determined to be 59.8 cm. Part of the reason for this
relatively high value is that the run of the golf ball is neglected in the model. They also found
that the curvature of the clubface should increase with the distance between the centre of mass
of the clubhead and the clubface centre. This is expected as the farther the centre of mass is
from the clubface, while keeping the inertia properties of the clubhead xed, the greater the
gear effect will be.
Two other key characteristics of a golf clubhead, with regard to off-centre impacts,
are its moments of inertia and the location of its centre of gravity. These will affect the
166 A R Penner
amount that the clubhead will twist during off-centre impacts and, thereby, the amount of
spin imparted to the launched golf ball. Certainly an advantage of the modern day hollow
metal driver clubhead over the traditional solid wooden one is its larger moments of inertia.
Currently metal clubheads are manufactured with increasingly greater volumes to even further
increase the moments of inertia. With modern day iron clubheads perimeter weighting is
the norm, with more and more of the clubhead mass being placed along the perimeter of the
Iwatsubo et al (2000) specically consider the effect that the moments of inertia of the
clubhead of a driver and the location of its centre of gravity have on the launch parameters
of a golf ball, in the case of off-centre impacts. Finite element models were constructed for
both the golf ball and for various driver clubheads and impacts were simulated for various
points on the clubface. As expected, the larger the moment of inertia of the clubhead about
the vertical axis the less the amount of sidespin imparted to golf balls struck off the centre of
the clubface. As an example, for an impact 10 mm towards the toe, the sidespin imparted for
a given clubhead was approximately 3.1 rps, while for the same shot with a clubhead with a
moment of inertia about the vertical axis approximately 19%greater, the sidespin imparted was
approximately 2.3 rps. It was also found that the closer the centre of gravity of the clubhead
was to the clubface centre the less the sidespin imparted. This is expected, as the magnitude
of the gear effect would decrease as the centre of gravity moved forward.
Iwatsubo et al also considered the effect that the moment of inertia of the clubhead about
the lateral axis, and the position of the centre of gravity, has on the backspin imparted to golf
balls impacted above or below the clubface centre. Surprisingly, it was found that the greater
this component of the moment of inertia was, for the different clubhead models, the greater the
amount of backspin imparted. It is suggested that this result may be due to the variation in the
other parameters used for the different clubhead models. It was also found that, in general,
the nearer the centre of gravity is to the clubface centre the greater the imparted backspin for
off-centre impacts.
Although the modern day metal clubhead of a driver leads to better performance with
regard to off-centre impacts, as compared to the traditional solid wooden clubhead, it is the
perception of many experienced golfers that the metal clubhead does not have as good a feel as
the older drivers. In line with this, Hocknell et al (1996) compared the differences between the
generated vibrations and the sound produced by various clubhead and ball impacts. One of the
notable differences that they found between the metal and wooden clubheads was the sound
they produced. The hollow metal clubhead produced sound in the relatively high frequency
range, between 5 and 11 kHz, during impact. The wooden clubhead did not generate such high
frequencies. Although the negative perception that golfers have towards the higher pitched
sound is psychological it is considered important by golf club manufacturers.
Several researchers have considered the effect of off-centre impacts with non-driver shots.
Knowles et al (1998) modelled the impact between a two-piece golf ball, using Johnson and
Liebermans ve-parameter model, and a 4-iron. Impacts were simulated for various impact
points on the clubface and results were compared with experimental measurements taken
with professional golfers. The agreement was found to be reasonable. For example, for test
points on the heel of the club the simulated launch speed for the golf ball impacted by the
clubhead, which was moving at 40 ms
, was 51 ms
as compared to 54 ms
for a centre
hit. In the case of the experimental results, normalized to the same clubhead speed used in
the simulation, the average launch speed of the golf ball for a heel shot was 51.6 ms
compared to 56.9 ms
for a centre impact.
Werner and Greig (2000) looked at the benet of using a putter with a large moment of
inertia about the vertical axis. Many modern day putters have this feature, accomplished by
The physics of golf 167
placing most of the clubhead mass at the heel and the toe or far back of the putter face. They
compared the effects of off-centre hits using such a putter with a more conventional one, which
had a uniformmass distribution. As an example, they found that for the high moment of inertia
putter and a 4.6 m (15 ft) putt, an off-centre hit that is 2.54 cm towards the toe will result in
the putt being 33 cm short compared with 53 cm short for the conventional putter. However,
overall they found that the variations in stopping points between the two putters are much
smaller than the variations caused by golfer errors in clubhead alignment and speed.
4.3. Club design
Researchers have examined the effect that club design has on the swing of a golfer. Both club
matching and recent innovative designs will be considered in this section.
In general, a golfer would want the different clubs in their set to feel the same in identical
swings. This would result in greater consistency. For the clubs to feel the same equation (6)
shows that they would need to have the same mass and the same rst and second moments
about the wrist-cock axis. However, in a typical set of golf clubs the length of the shafts vary
as most golfers want more control, and thereby shorter shafts, for the shorter shots. The three
dynamic parameters do, therefore, vary from club to club.
Conventionally golf club manufacturers produce sets of clubs wherein the rst moment
about a particular point on the shaft, normally 30.5 cm(12 in) fromthe grip end, is the same for
each club. This is referred to as swing-weight matching. There seems to be no particular reason
for doing this other than historical. However, it does turn out that swing-weight matching is
a compromise between matching the rst and second moments of the club. Swing-weight
matching results in the rst moment of the club about the grip increasing as one moves from
the 1-iron to the 9-iron and the second moment decreasing.
Jorgensen (1994) presents a club matching technique in which all three dynamic
parameters of the clubs are the same. This method involves the judicious placing of two
slugs of different masses within the shaft of each club, as well as adjustments to the clubhead
Budney and Bellow (1982) determined how the clubhead mass should vary within a set so
that the resulting circumferential force applied at the grip during the downswing would have
the same maximumvalue for each club. They refer to this as dynamic modelling and found that
for the shorter irons the clubheads should have a slightly smaller mass, less than 3.5%, than
found with a conventionally matched set. However, it is also shown that if a golfer preferred
to swing the short irons considerably slower than the longer clubs even greater clubhead mass
than that prescribed by conventional matching would be required.
Mather (2000) looked at how to better match clubs to the swings of amateur golfers.
Amateurs are found (Cooper and Mather 1994) to accelerate their golf club at a much greater
rate early in the downswing as compared to professional players. This leads to the club
exerting greater forces on the amateur during these crucial moments and, therefore, results in
less control. Mather discusses the effect of adding mass to the grip end of the club. This will
increase the moment of inertia about the hub during the initial stages of the downswing but
during the nal stages of the downswing the moment of inertia of the club about the wrists
will be unaffected.
Sprigings and Neal (2001) examined the effect that moving a portion of the mass from the
grip end of a golf club to a position farther down the golf shaft has on clubhead speed. They
concluded that the effect was dependent on the nature of the torque applied to the club. In the
case where only gravitational torque is acting on the club during the downswing the optimal
location of the given added mass was approximately halfway down the shaft. However, in the
168 A R Penner
more realistic case where torque is also applied at the grip, shifting any of the grip mass down
the shaft results in lower clubhead speeds at impact.
Nishizawa et al (2000) examined the effect of adding water to the inside of the shaft. At
the onset of the downswing the water will be at the grip end, but as the downswing proceeds
the water will move towards the clubhead. They simulated the effect of such a club using a
double swing model and found that the angular momentum of the club was 44% greater at
impact than for a conventional club.
5. Conclusion
As stated in the introduction, the primary purpose behind the theories, models and experiments
that have been reviewed in this paper is to determine ways of improving the performance of
both skilled and unskilled golfers.
For many of the studies that have focused on the golf swing, this has corresponded to
determining ways of increasing the clubhead speed at impact and thereby increasing the length
of the golf shot. The double pendulumswing model shows the relative benets of increasing the
hub torque, the backswing angle, and the wrist-cock angle. The difculty for the golfer is that
changing one of these swing parameters will normally require a change in another if the club is
to be in the correct position at impact. Also, and this is critical, unless the timing of the swing
is correct, any possible benet of increasing one of the above swing parameters will be lost.
One of the dening differences between the swings of skilled and unskilled golfers that
measurements have indicated is the delay in the release of the golf club. Experimental results
and the double pendulum swing model clearly show that poor timing, associated with the
early release found with the swings of unskilled golfers, results in the loss of clubhead speed.
However, as the downswing only lasts approximately 200 ms it would be difcult for the
unskilled golfer to conscientiously apply a further delay in the release without completely
throwing off the timing of the swing. Also, the experimentally determined couples that are
applied at the pivot points are found to be signicantly different from what is normally used
in the two-stage swing model. Therefore, incorporation of more realistic couples in swing
models, whether they be two-link or three-link, would be required in order to fully understand
how skilled golfers delay the release of the golf club.
The double pendulum swing model also clearly shows how energy is transferred from the
golfer to the club. In the future, triple-link models, such as Turner and Hills, will hopefully
also give insight into the correct timing of the rotation of the hips, the trunk, and the shoulders
of the golfer, in order to optimize their energy transfer.
Research into the behaviour of a golf ball has again primarily been focused on ways in
which the performance of golfers can be improved. A golfer will normally benet from a golf
ball that will give maximum distance, as well as maximum control around the green. These
two characteristics are typically in direct opposition, for in order to maximize distance the spin
of the golf ball needs to be constrained while for shots around the green a golfer wishes to
maximize the amount of spin. Many of the studies have focused on the behaviour of different
golf ball constructions, primarily two-piece and three-piece balls, during impact with xed
barriers. In general, two-piece balls are found to have greater coefcients of restitution and to
acquire less spin during impact. These balls will, therefore, travel further. Three-piece balls
are found to acquire more spin. However, research has demonstrated that the critical design
parameters of a golf ball has not so much to do with whether the ball is two-piece, three-piece,
or even multilayered but on its exural properties and the hardness of its cover. This research
has and will lead to new ball designs where both reduced spin during drives and increased spin
during shots around the green will be available with one ball.
The physics of golf 169
Studies of golf ball aerodynamics have led to increased understanding of the effect of
different dimple patterns and, in turn, to improved ball ight characteristics. Another benet
of obtaining more accurate models of aerodynamic forces is that this allows for more intensive
and quicker tests of golf balls under various launch conditions. This not only allows for better
matching of golf balls to players abilities but also provides an efcient way for governing
bodies to determine if golf balls conform to the rules.
Research into the design of golf clubs has primarily centred on increasing drive length
and reducing the effect of off-centre impacts. The effect of shaft mass and length as well as
clubhead mass and loft on drive distance has been modelled and the results match reasonably
well with measurements. However, further research is required to determine how these club
characteristics would be optimized for particular swing patterns and golfer abilities.
The effect of shaft ex is still a topic of debate in the golf community. Many golf experts
and manufacturers still tout the benet of weaker players using more exible shafts as a means
of increasing clubhead speed. The modelling and measurements that have been done showthat
this advice is at best very questionable. The more likely reason for manufacturers providing a
range of shaft exes is to compensate for their clubheads, which are in general manufactured
with the same clubface loft.
The springing back of the clubface also requires further modelling and measurements.
Experiments involving actual clubheads as well as analysis of off-centre impacts are required
before the magnitude of the benet of using such a clubface is known.
Overall, there are limits to the performance of golf balls and golf clubs. In their quest
to produce better golf equipment, researchers and manufacturers are constrained by the rules
of golf as laid out by the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews and the United States
Golf Association. Golf balls and golf clubs, specically the driver, are currently at or near the
performance limits that have been set. In the future it can be expected that research will be
focused on better matching of golf balls and golf clubs to a golfers swing characteristics and
skill level.
Finally, although it may be comforting for the average golfer to know that a multitude of
researchers are working relentlessly to improve the performance of golfers, the game of golf
is not easily tamed. Hopefully, in the future, physics will be able to explain why a golfer will
consistently put his or her golf ball into the water hazard at a particular hole on their local
golf course or why the probability of making a putt seems to be inversely proportional to the
importance the golfer places on it!
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