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Rakesh Kumar Sahoo: Objective

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Rakesh Kumar Sahoo

Plot no-N4/102, Nayapalli, Bhubaneswar- !101! "#elephone-9938583403, 9937794351 " $mail-
#o be asso%iate& with the best in the in&ustry an& be the best amon' them( #o brow as the ben%h
mark )or the or'ani*ation throu'h %ontinuous inno+ation an& %onstant ,uest )or e-%ellen%e(
Area o !"terest#
.# an& #$/$01223N.04#.1N
.N51R24#.1N S$03R.#6
$/$0#R1N.0S 4N7 .NS#R32$N#4#.1N
8/S. 7$S.9N 4N7 $2B$77$7 S6S#$2S
B( #e%h in :$/$0#R1N.0S 4N7 #$/$01223N.04#.1N $N9.N$$R.N9; .N 2011 5R12 BP3# 17.S<4
12th with )rom(0(<(S($ in 200=
10th with )rom B(S($ in 2004
'roessio"al (rai"i"gs#
Si- weeks trainin' )rom >Re'ional #ele%ommuni%ation #rainin' 0enter :BSN/;?in 200@ Bhubaneswar(
2ain 5o%usA
B P02 prin%iples
B Broa&ban& #e%hnolo'y
B 5iber opti%s te%hnolo'y
B 2obile 0ommuni%ations A9S2 an& 0724
?8ery lar'e s%ale inte'ration &esi'n? :1 month %ourse; )rom C0entral #ool Room D #rainin' 0enter,
BhubaneswarE in 200F
2ain 5o%usA
B 0omputer )un&amentals, Basi% o) 8/S., 8<7/ Pro'rammin', 2i%ro%ontroller Pro'rammin' et%
Orga"i)atio"al $*perie"ces#
+A,A-$. /O'$.A(!O,01 2 O3(A-O, 3O+($34 '5( 6(7, 8498A,$0:A., O7!04A 2 04;0<;=01= >
(!66 7A($
K$6 R$SP1S.B./.#.$SA
Gorkin' as a key )a%tor %oor&inatin' with the presales an& post sales a%ti+ities(
Responsible )or pro+i&in' a&e,uate trainin' to the te%hni%al team o) 9PS #ra%kin' Solutions(
0ustomerHs support i(e( trainin', sol+in' problems, te%hni%al meetin' an& Sales support i(e( te%hni%al
,ueries, te%hni%al presentations et%(
2onitorin' an& e-e%utin' the proIe%ts with respe%t to bu&'ete& %ost, &eman& )ore%asts an& time o+er-
runs to e-e%ute the proIe%t(
2ana'in' on-site a%ti+ities to ensure the %ompletion o) the proIe%t within time D %ost parameters an&
eJe%ti+e resour%e utili*ation to ma-imi*e the output(
Pla%in' pur%hase or&ers on appro+e& supplier as per appro+e& submittals in timely manner(
7ire%tin', lea&in' an& moti+atin' the work)or%e(
Pro%urin' proIe%t materials, %o-or&ination an& )ollow-up with +en&ors )or the +arious proIe%ts
System stu&y, site inspe%tion an& or'ani*e manpower, material an& +ehi%les )or installation 1) 9PS /
9S2 units on +ehi%les a%ross .n&ia(
.&enti)y, e+aluate, ne'otiate %ommer%ials an& appoint Ser+i%e asso%iates )or installation o) har&ware at
+arious lo%ations a%ross .n&ia(
Super+ises internal te%hni%al staJ on a )un%tional or proIe%t basis, as appropriate(
24K1R PR1K$0#S <4N7/$7A
C9PS 8$<.0/$ #R40K.N9 S1/3#.1NE PR1K$0# 51R 17.S<4 P1/.0$ <$47L34#$R 4S #$42 /$47$R(
C9PS S1/3#.1NS 4N7012P/$#$ 5/$$# 24N49$2$N# S1/3#.1NE 51R SG1S#. 9R13P 15 <1#$/S,
R47.1 #4M. $-04BS 51R $S0$/ <1/.746S 4N7 64#R4 #R48$/S .N B<3B4N$SG4R 4S #$42 /$47$R
.? $,-!,$$. 2 7O( ($34,O6O-@, 8498A,$0:A., O7!04A 2 04;01;=01= > 0=;0<;=01=
K$6 R$SP1S.B./.#.$SA
R5 S3R8$6A
7e%i&e the pla%e )or new site, hei'ht, tilt an& orientations o) 9S2 antenna
/o%atin' the Nominal usin' 9PS
#akin' paranomial Snap shots o) surroun&in' area o) sele%te& options
3sin' 2ap.n)o %he%kin' the surroun&in' sites
0olle%tin' 'ri&s as mu%h as possible, insertin' them in 2ap 9ri&
9ettin' the &istan%e D 4n'le
4%%or&in' orientations o) 9S2 4ntenna &e%i&in' the se%tors
Preparin' sur+ey report(
#est #oolsA 9PS, 2a'neti% 0ompass et%(
P4R##.2$ 4SS.9N2$N#A
Pa'e 2
Gorke& as 520 e-e%uti+e in 520 :5ault 2onitor D 0ontrol; &epartment at C8iom Networks /imite&E, a Ioint
+enture between #ata #eleser+i%es an& Luippo, a SR$. 9roup enterprise at 5ortune #ower Bhubaneswar(
Kob ResponsibilitiesA
1( #o Nn& out the )ault lies with B#S se%tion on operation an& maintenan%e terminal with help o) &iJerent
alarmin' systems
2( 4&&ressin' the problems to site te%hni%ians, super+isors an& en'ineer throu'h email or phone )or trouble
shootin' the problems(
(ech"ical 0kills#
S15#G4R$ SK.//SA
1peratin' SystemsA Gin&ows 2000/MP/8ista/
:.nstallation, #rouble shootin' an& 4&ministration;
So)tware #ools A 2i%roso)t 1O%e :200P/200/2010; 4N7 their tools
4&obe Photoshop
<4R7G4R$ SK.//SA
4ssemblin' o) P0
Networkin' D #roubleshootin' P0
AeB 0kills C Abilities#
4 result oriente& pro)essional seekin' a ri'ht position to show%ase my %apability(
9oo& sense o) #ime mana'ement an& %an meet &ea&lines eO%iently(
Pro+en ability to lea&, moti+ate an& buil& su%%ess)ul teams(
3n&erstan& all le'al, re'ulatory, in)ormation se%urity an& %omplian%e re,uirements(
0om)ortable workin' in&epen&ently or as part o) a team(
4n eJe%ti+e %ommuni%ator with e-%ellent relationship buil&in' D interpersonal skills(
4nalyti%al, 'oo& at problem sol+in' an& e-%ellent in maintainin' interpersonal relationship(
9oo& +erbal an& written skills(
7etermine& to learn with pra%ti%al approa%h(
$nthusiasti% an& %an pro&u%e results un&er &ea&line %onstraints(
Pa'e P

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