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4g Comparison

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[Khan et al.

, 3(5): May, 2014] ISSN: 2277-9655

Scientific Journal Impact Factor: 3.449
(ISRA), Impact Factor: 1.852

http: // (C)I nternational J ournal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology
4G Wireless Communication as an Emerging Revolutionary Technology
Dr. Mohammad Yousuf Khan
, MD Touseef Sumer

Principal, MANUU, Hyderabad, India
Assistant Professor,MANUU,Hyderabad, India
4G Wireless Communication plays a vital role as it replaces 3G with high capacity, greater speed and at
lower cost, 4G provides us 3 times faster speed than 3G technology.4G is the short name of fourth generation of
wireless /mobile communication That will enable things like IP based voice, data, gamming services, video calling
& high quality streamed multimedia on portable devices with cable modem like transmission speed. It seems to be a
very promising generation of wireless communication that will change the peoples life in the wireless world. There
are many striking attractive features proposed for 4G which ensures a very high data rate, global roaming etc .The
telecommunication process is aggravated various infrastructural developments to reach in this current level such as
4G communication system. This paper provides a technological feature of an existing 4G communication
technology and its applications like Wi-MAX, ZIG BEE . The main objective of this paper is to review the various
reasons for implementing 4G and it becomes an emerging technology.

Keywords: 4G, WI-MAX, ZIGBEE
Wireless communication is currently
undergoing a fundamental transformation from the
era of personal computers and wired Internet services
to a new paradigm based on portable devices
connecting wirelessly to the emerging mobile
Internet. The mobile Internet represents the second
wave of the wireless revolution which started with
the remarkable adoption of cellular phones. 4G is a
Mobile multimedia, anytime anywhere, Global
mobility support, integrated wireless solution, and
customized personal service network system. the
primary Expectation is that they provide enormously
high data rates to an excessive number of users at the
same time. fourth-generation (4G) services starting
around 2005, enabling a wide range of new
anytime/anywhere computing and multimedia
applications ranging from navigation and search to
mobile video streaming. Mobile data services are
currently experiencing rapid growth because of the
popularity of Internet applications on mass-market
mobile platforms including smart phones, net books,
and laptops. The main features of 4G services of
interest to users are application adaptability and high
dynamism. It means services can be delivered and
available to the personal preference of different users
and support the users traffic, radio environment ,air
interfaces, and quality of service.
Evolution of 4G
The development of 4G Networks and
related technologies in todays scenario is imperative
indicator of advancement in the field of wireless
communication and technology. 4G will utilize most
of the existing wireless communication
infrastructure. The 4G Mobile communications will
be based on the Open Wireless Architecture (OWA)
to ensure the single terminal can seamlessly and
automatically connect to the local high speed wireless
access systems when the users are in the offices,
homes, airports or shopping centers where the
wireless access networks (i.e. Wireless LAN,
Broadband Wireless Access, Wireless Local Loop,
Home RF, Wireless ATM, etc) are available. When
the users move to the mobile zone (i.e. Highway,
Beach, Remote area, etc.), the same terminal can
automatically switch to the wireless mobile networks
(i.e. GPRS, W-CDMA, cdma2000,TD-SCDMA,
etc.). Based on this OWA model, 4G mobile will
deliver the best business cases to the wireless and
mobile industries, i.e. cdma2000/WLAN/ GPRS 3-in-
1 product, WCDMA/OFDM/ WLAN 3-in-1 product,
etc. The converged wireless communications can
provide the following advantages:
1. Greatly increase the spectrum efficiency
[Khan et al., 3(5): May, 2014] ISSN: 2277-9655
Scientific Journal Impact Factor: 3.449
(ISRA), Impact Factor: 1.852

http: // (C)I nternational J ournal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology
2. Mostly ensure the highest data-rate to the wireless
3. Best share the network resources and channel
4. Optimally manage the service quality and
multimedia applications with the appropriate
combination of resources; it is possible for 4G
Networks to create alternatives that exceed consumer
and industry expectations. Therefore, 4G
developers must consider the appropriate
security measures; the promotion of high-speed
data transmission across the network, this 4G is
intended to replace the current 3G systems
within few years. The ambitious goal of 4G is to
allow everyone to access the Internet anytime
and everywhere. The provided connection to
Internet will allow users to access all type of
services including text, databases, and
multimedia. 4G, unlike 3G, is IP based, that is
every user connected to the Internet will have an
IP address. This feature makes it easier to
integrate the infrastructure of all current
networks and consequently it will be easier for
users to access services and applications
regardless of the environment. 4G will also
provide higher bandwidth, data rate, lower
authentication overhead, and will ensure that
the service is constantly provided to the user
without any disruption. Another key feature of
4G networks is high level of user friendly
customization. That is, each user can choose the
preferred level of quality of service, radio
environment; etc. Accessing 4G networks will be
possible virtually by using any wireless device
such as PDAs, cell phones, and laptops. In
various forms and at various levels connection with
the network applications can be accomplished
efficiently and correctly.

4G Challenges and Features
The first step in analyzing cellular wireless
security is to identify the security objectives. These
are the goals that the security policy and
corresponding technology should achieve. To ensure
that information generated by or relating to a user is
adequately protected against misuse or
misappropriation. Ensure that the security features
are compatible with world-wide availability. Also
ensure that the security features are adequately
Standardized to ensure world-wide interoperability
and roaming between different providers. To ensure
that the level of protection afforded to users and
providers of services is considered to be better than
that provided in contemporary fixed and mobile
networks. the implementation of security features and
mechanisms can be extended and enhanced as
required by new threats and services. In 4G
Networks, security measures must be established
such that they enable data transmission to be as safe
and secure as possible. The nature of the 4 G
network, gives an increased likelihood of security
attacks due to vast facilities. Hence, multiple levels
[Khan et al., 3(5): May, 2014] ISSN: 2277-9655
Scientific Journal Impact Factor: 3.449
(ISRA), Impact Factor: 1.852

http: // (C)I nternational J ournal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology
of security, including authentication, will be
necessary to protect the data that gets transmitted
across the network. Wireless systems face a number
of security challenges, one of which comes from
interference. As more wireless devices begin to use
the same section of electromagnetic spectrum, the
possibility of interference increases. This can result
in a loss of signal for users. Moreover, an abuser can
intentionally mount a denial-of-service attack
(lowering availability) by jamming the frequencies
used. Sos of 4G of the features of 4G
High usability and global roaming: The end
user terminals should be compatible with any
technology, at anytime, anywhere in the world. The
basic idea is that the user should be able to take his
mobile to any place, for example, from a place that
uses CDMA to another place that employs GSM.
Multimedia support: The user should be able to
receive high data rate multimedia services. This
demands higher bandwidth and higher data rate.
Personalization: This means that any type of person
should be able to access the service. The service
providers should be able to provide customized
services to different type of users.
4G Issues and Advantages:
Location co-ordination
Resource co-ordination to add new user
Support for quality of Service.
Wireless Securities & Authentication.
Network failure & backup.
Pricing and billing.
Support for interactive multimedia voice,
streaming video, internet & other
broadband services.
IP based mobile system.
High speed, high capacity & low cost per
Global access, service portability & scalable
mobile services.
Better scheduling and call admission control
Ad-hoc & multi-hop network.
Better spectral efficiency.
Seamless network of multiple protocols &
air interfaces.

WiMAX Technology
Wi-MAX (World interoperability for
Microwave Access) is a wireless technology mainly
designed for bridging the last mile to the end user and
providing him with a broadband connection. WiMAX
is based on standards developed by IEEE and ETSI,
notably the IEEE 802.16 range of standards and the
HIPERMAN standards. WiMax can be used in
different frequency bands in the range 2-66 GHz. It is
claimed to be useful for urban, suburban and rural
areas, sometimes with a non line of sight condition
between base station antenna and subscriber station
antenna. The 802.16 standard, the Air Interface for
Fixed Broadband Wireless Access Systems, is also
known as the IEEE Wireless MAN air interface. This
technology is designed from the ground up to provide
wireless last-mile broadband access in the
Metropolitan Area Network (MAN), delivering
performance comparable to traditional cable, DSL, or
T1 offerings. The principal advantages of systems
based on 802.16 are multi-fold: the ability to quickly
provision service, even in areas that are hard for
wired infrastructure to reach; the avoidance of steep
installation costs; and the ability to overcome the
physical limitations of traditional wired
infrastructure. Providing a wired broadband
connection to a currently underserved area through
cable or DSL can be a time-consuming, expensive
process, with the result that a surprisingly large
number of areas in the US and throughout the world
do not have access to broadband connectivity. 802.16
wireless technologies provides a exible, cost-
effective, standards based means of filling existing
gaps in broadband coverage, and creating new forms
of broadband services not envisioned in a wired
world. WiMax will be used in urban, suburban and
rural areas, particularly where other broadband means
are not available or installations are expensive.
Competition to DSL will not be fierce in areas where
it is already established due to its relatively low costs
and high penetration. Furthermore, a high density of
WiMax base stations will be needed in urban and
suburban areas to serve customers with self-
installable CPE and reasonable data rates. In fact, the
cell sizes under these conditions are only a few
hundred meters. WiMax is likely to play an important
role in serving rural areas. There, cell sizes of 5-10
km are possible requiring outdoor antennas at the
customer premises. The speed can be increased by
strengthening the signals. For a fixed transmitting
power and antenna gain, this means lower range.
Thus, ranges are lower if more speed is desired, e.g.,
for 26 Mb/s the 1-2 km range for terrain type B
would drop down to 700 mbps.
[Khan et al., 3(5): May, 2014] ISSN: 2277-9655
Scientific Journal Impact Factor: 3.449
(ISRA), Impact Factor: 1.852

http: // (C)I nternational J ournal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology

ZIGBEE Wireless Technology
ZigBee wireless mesh technology has been
developed to address sensor and control applications
with its promise of robust and reliable, self
configuring and self-healing networks that provide a
simple ,cost-effective and battery-efficient approach
to adding wireless to any application, mobile, fixed
or portable. A typical IEEE 802.15.4-based, ZigBee-
device is
shown in
Figure 4.The
standard at
the PHY is
factor in
the RF architecture and topology of ZigBee enabled
transceivers. The IEEE standard brings with it the
ability to uniquely identify. Every radio in a network
as well as the method and format of communications
between these radios, but does not specify beyond a
peer-to-peer communications link a network
topology, robust schemes or network growth and
repair mechanisms.

IEEE 802.15.4 PHY/MAC and Zig Bees
The IEEE 802.15.4 PHY layer includes
features such as receiver energy detection (ED), link
quality indication (LQI) and clear channel
assessment(CCA).The network addressing follows
64-bit IEEE and 16-bit short addressing, supporting
over65,000 nodes per network. The IEEE 802.15.4
MAC sub layer controls the access to the radio
channel using unslotted CSMA-CA (Carrier Sense
Multiple Access ZigBee Applications: ZigBee
networks handle multiple traffic types with their own
unique characteristics, including periodic data,
intermittent data, and repetitive low latency data. The
characteristics of each are as follows: 1) Periodic
data application defined rate (e.g. wireless sensor
or meter). Data is typically handled using a
beaconing system whereby the sensor wakes up at a
set time and checks for the beacon from the PAN
coordinator, it then requests to join the network. If
the coordinator accepts it, data is passed by the
sensor before it goes to sleep again. This capability
provides for very low duty cycles. (2) Intermittent
data either application or external stimulus defined
rate (e.g. Wireless light switch). Data can be handled
in a beaconless system or disconnected. In
disconnected operation, the device will only attach to
the network when communications is required thus
saving Considerable energy. (3) Repetitive low
latency data Allocations of time slots. (e .g.
medical alerts and security systems). These
applications may use the guaranteed time slot (GTS)
capability when timeliness and critical data passage is
required. GTS is a method of QoS that allows each
device a specific duration of time as defined by the
PAN coordinator in the Super frame to do whatever it
requires without contention or latency.

This paper has described the fundamentals
of 4G Wireless communication, Wi MAX and
ZigBee networking. Persistent technological
evolution in wireless communications is needed
mainly due to emerging demands for broadband
packet-based services. In this paper, we briefly
discussed the current advancements in 4G wireless
communication. The use of4G technology Users
access the information from the departments, hostels
and computer centers and also from the libraries. We
are witnessing today the emergence of global
network infrastructure, Furthermore, a high density
[Khan et al., 3(5): May, 2014] ISSN: 2277-9655
Scientific Journal Impact Factor: 3.449
(ISRA), Impact Factor: 1.852

http: // (C)I nternational J ournal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology
of Wi MAX base stations will be needed in urban and
suburban areas to serve customers with self-
installable CPE and reasonable data rates. Currently
the interoperability between ZigBee implementations
is an issue. There are no standards governing mesh
networks. Bridges must be constructed between the
different mesh networks4G issues advantages also
discuss in a brief.

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