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Total Anabolism

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Total Anabolism http://www.MuscleHack.

Total Anabolism
Section Page
Introduction 3
The Workout Plan 4
How to Use this Workout Plan 6
Anabolic Workout Plan Commandments
Shoulders !"
Abs # $ack !%
$ice& !6
Trice&s # Chest !
'egs %%
(uscleHack Anabolic )utritional Strateg* %3
+at Ada&tation %6
Post,Workout )utrition %-
.our Carb,U& Period 3%
T*&ical (enu 3/
Conclusion 30
1l*cemic 'oad Anabolic 2iet 3
The 4"33"33" 4atio 4!
What 5ind 67 +oods Are 'ow 1'8 4%
A T*&ical 2a* 6n The 1'A2 2iet 43
Concluding Thoughts 4/
+urther 4esources 46
Total Anabolism
Tired o not !ettin! the results "ou deser#e$
Are "ou not sure who to belie#e or what the best strate!" is$
You can build more muscle in less time than ever before. The
secrets are in eecti#e% muscle stimulatin! workouts and a trul"
anabolic nutritional strate!".
This book will explain exactl" how to implement both o these
to accelerate "our !ains in lean muscle like ne#er beore.
Alread"% it has helped man" people radicall" transorm their
bodies. See here or unsolicited testimonials rom people &ust
like "ou.
The irst section la"s out the workout plan% the second part o
the book details 2 nutritional approaches. 'ou ma" choose
which diet "ou wish to implement based in "our !oals and
liest"le% or% "ou can trial each one or () da"s to see which one
!i#es the best results.
*et excited because upon the implementation o the ad#ice
detailed in this book% "ou+ll !ain more muscle without the at in
record time. 'ou+ll soon wish "ou had disco#ered it sooner.
This book is absolutel" ree so eel ree about sharin! it with as
man" people as "ou like.
Mark McManus
Author o Total Six Pack Abs.
Total Anabolism
, "ou want to build muscle in the shortest amount o time%
"ou-re !oin! to want to read this book.
The workout plan and explosi#e diet , illustrate or
"ou will help "ou achie#e "our !oal o maximum
muscle in minimum time.
The workout plan is called% -The MuscleHack
Anabolic .orkout Plan.-
The Fundamentals
This plan is based on 2 undamental principles o buildin!
1. The anabolic / optimum rep range of 8-1 reps
2. Seeking Progressi!e "!erload each and e!er# $orkout
, "ou-re a re!ular bod"builder and "ou-re no lon!er !ettin! the
results "ou once did% ,-ll wa!er that "our pro!ress halted once
"ou started complicatin! thin!s.
'ou listened to some !"m rat who carries more at than
'ou mistakenl" took ad#ice rom some ra! o a ma!a/ine
packs more ads than articles
Total Anabolism
'ou copied a roid1head-s routine 2includin! the slopp"
orm3 thinkin! that "ou-d !et similar results.
.hate#er "our stor" is% now is the time to come back to sanit".
.orkin! in the 4112 rep ran!e and ensurin! pro!ressi#e
o#erload e#er" workout 2or as close as possible3 is the wa" to
pack on new slabs o muscle.
5n the other hand% ma"be "ou ne#er e#en !ot started because o
all the conlictin! ad#ice. 6et-s cut throu!h all the noise and !et
started on the road to buildin! some serious muscle7
A ew "ears a!o% , ell or all the !immicks and seriousl"
stunted m" !ains. Are an" o these amiliar$
8orced 9eps
:er" 6ow 9eps 22 1 ;3
:er" Slow 9eps 20 seconds up% 0 seconds down i not
'ep% , was stupid7 *rowth stopped and , actuall" had to stop or
a while due to an arm in&ur"% which , blame on crap coupled
with wei!hts that were wa" too hea#" or me.
, !ot ed up% did some research and !ot back to basics< i "ou
identi" with m" stor"% "ou should too.
Total Anabolism
%o$ to use this &orkout Plan
, ha#e lon! been a belie#er in trainin! 1 muscle !roup &ust once
a week. ,+m aware o the ad#ice !i#en to hard1!ainers that the"
should stick to ull1bod" workouts three times a week but ,+m
not bu"in! it.
.h" not$
=ecause ,+m a hard1!ainer b" nature and ,+#e tried both s"stems<
workout plans that train each bod" part once a week win hands1
down in m" opinion.
Some da"s , train one bod"1part and some da"s , train two% but
ne#er an" more than that. The workout plan detailed here is m"
ad#ice to help "ou build muscle% but it+s also an exact replica o
m" own current workout plan.
,t has been desi!ned to pro#ide maximum muscle !rowth while
at the same time keepin! workout times to a minimum. 'ou
should ne#er be !oin! o#er 12 reps and sets are kept to a
minimum too.
=ecause natural bod"builders must a#oid o#er1trainin! at all
costs. 'ou must stimulate "our muscles to their maximum in the
minimum time possible< that-s what this workout plan does.
>'ip up those muscles (uickl# then get the hell outta there and
relax >
Total Anabolism
Since workouts are kept short "ou M@STA
, ha#e had a lot o eedback rom people who need clariication
on how to use the rep ran!e. ,t+s Fuite simple%
)The $eight #ou are lifting on each and e!er# set should be
light enough to allo$ 8 good reps but hea!# enough to pre!ent
#ou getting more than 1*G
Total Anabolism
The 8 Anabolic &orkout Plan +ommandments
1. Thou shalt workout each bod" part once a week
2. Thou shalt workout ; times a week 2pick the da"s that suit
(. Thine workouts shall ne#er last more than 0; minutes
0. Thou shalt sta" within the optimum muscle1buildin! rep
ran!e o 4112
;. Thou shalt lit or 112 seconds and lower or 2 seconds per
?. Thou shalt seek Pro!ressi#e 5#erload e#er" week 2"ou
need to keep written lo!s o "our workout pro!ress73
H. Thou shalt take 1.; to 2 minutes rest between sets
4. Thou shalt perorm at least ? sets% and at most I sets or
each muscle !roup
'ou can choose the da"s "ou would like to workout on< , like
Monda" to 8rida" with a break at the weekend. 'ou can also
#ar" the muscle !roups to combine on an" !i#en da". 8or
example% at the moment , like to work m" chest and triceps on
the same da"% but "ou can choose to hit "our abs and chest on
the same da" instead.
Total Anabolism
Howe#er% "ou must prioriti/e "our workouts like this:
1 5n da"s when "ou are workin! out 2 bod" parts% work the
bod" part "ou would like most !rowth in irst. This is because
the second bod" part will ha#e become sli!htl" ati!ued and will
not perorm to its ull potential.
1 *i#e priorit" bod" parts a da" o their own. So% i "our chest is
la!!in!% work it separatel" on a da" o its own. Cither this or% at
least% work them irst beore a bod" part "ou consider less
important at this time.
1 5n sin!le bod"1part da"s% do the ull nine sets
1 Alwa"s do one warm1up set beore each bod" part. 'our
warm1up set should be ;)J o the wei!ht that "ou will use or
"our irst real set< perorm 1211; reps and rest or 1.; to 2
minutes beore the irst set.
Eow let+s !et down to the actual pro!ramA
Total Anabolism
Monda# - Shoulders
1 Standing ,umbbell Shoulder Press
Standing ,umbbell Shoulder Press
- Standing ,umbbell Shoulder Press
. Standing ,umbbell Shoulder Press
; Flies /,umbbell 0ateral 'aise1
2 Flies
3 Flies
8 ,umbbell Front 'aises
4 ,umbbell Front 'aises
/5llustration of starting position for ,umbbell Front 'aises1
Total Anabolism
Comments: Standin! o#erhead dumbbell presses are the best
o#erall exercise or shoulders. The" hit all heads o the shoulder
and "ou can eel the dierence between these and sittin!
dumbbell presses. .ith the seated #ersion% "ou ha#e a tendenc"
to allow "our butt to slip orward and in#ol#e more o "our pecs
in the mo#ement< that+s wh" "ou can usuall" push more wei!ht
with the seated #ersion. Howe#er% i "ou reall" want to build up
"our shoulders% stick to standin! dumbbell presses.
8lies are so important or !i#in! width to "our bod". .hen
someone is lookin! at "ou head1on% it+s this part o the shoulder
that stands out most< "ou+ll look broad so don+t skip on these.
Allow "our arms to be bent sli!htl" throu!hout the mo#ement.
Make sure "our shoulders are doin! the work% not "our arms.
8ront raises. An excellent exercise or o#erall shoulder
de#elopment but especiall" the ront head. Alternate each rep
i.e. rom the startin! position% raise one arm up to &ust abo#e
shoulder hei!ht then brin! it back to the startin! position. .hile
restin! that arm perorm the same action with the other K repeat.
A!ain% keep "our arms sli!htl" bent throu!hout.
2 sets onl" because the ront head will also !et stimulated rom
"our chest workout.
Total Anabolism
Tuesda# 6 Abs & Back
Abs /&ith the aid of a Sit-7p 8ench1
1 &eighted ,ecline Sit-7ps
&eighted ,ecline Sit-7ps
- &eighted ,ecline Sit-7ps
. &eighted +runch
9 &eighted +runch
2 &eighted +runch
1 8ent "!er 8arbell 'o$s
8ent "!er 8arbell 'o$s
- 8ent "!er 8arbell 'o$s
. ,eadlifts
9 ,eadlifts
Total Anabolism
2 ,eadlifts
Comments: Abs are like an" other muscle% the" need wei!hted
resistance in order to !row. 1))-s o sit1ups in a row do not
encoura!e an" real !rowth no matter what "our !"m instructor
8or abs , ad#ise a sli!ht #ariation in that the rep ran!e increases
rom 4112 reps to 411?< simpl" because ab exercises are meant
to be perormed slowl" and this sli!htl" hi!her rep ran!e
encoura!es !ood orm because "ou-ll ha#e to use a li!hter
wei!ht. 9emember% buildin! abs is not a race% take it slow7 22
seconds up% 2 seconds down3.
8or both the sit1ups and crunches , recommend "ou hold the
mo#ement at the top or a second. Lust contract "our abs and
hold them or a second beore the ne!ati#e part o the repetition.
Total Anabolism
Six pack abs are the ultimate finishing touch on a de!eloped
frame* To get ripped abs: #ou;ll need to get #our bod# fat
percentage belo$ 1<=* M# book: >Total Six Pack Abs; la#s out
the best strateg# there is for attaining sculpted abs in the
shortest time possible* 5n the book 5 detail
The best diet on the planet to get abs?
The best cardio on the planet @ $orkout pictures
'ecipes: Progress 0og: Shopping 0ist 5temsA
BCB'DT%5EF #ou need to kno$ is in there* Put it this $a#: if
#ou follo$ the program: 5 guarantee #ou;ll get #our abs* 5t;s a
step-b#-step guideG the complete package all in one book*
Total Anabolism
M" back isn+t one o m" main ocus points so ? sets is ine. 2
simple exercises but when perormed correctl" pro#ide !reat
muscle stimulation and o#erload. 5n the barbell rows ensure
that the bar comes up and touches "our bod"< i "ou ha#e to
decrease the wei!ht to accomplish this% do so. Beep "our back
strai!ht throu!hout the whole mo#ement.
9emember real bod#builders feel the muscle: not the $eight. ,
"ou+re natural "ou don+t ha#e the luxur" o !ettin! !reat results
with slopp" orm.
*ettin! the orm ri!ht on deadlits is crucial i "ou want to a#oid
in&ur". This Mdeadlits #ideo tutorialM will walk "ou throu!h how
to execute this mo#e correctl". , hi!hl" recommend "ou check it
Total Anabolism
&ednesda# 6 8iceps
1 Standing ,umbbell +urls /Alternate1
Standing ,umbbell +urls
- Standing ,umbbell +urls
. BH 8ar +url
9 BH 8ar +url
2 BH 8ar +url
3 5ncline ,umbbell +urls
8 5ncline ,umbbell +urls
4 5ncline ,umbbell +urls
,n case an"one doesn+t know what an CN bar is% it+s the one with
the /i!1/a! handle <3
Comments: , reall" like to ocus on m" biceps so , !i#e them a
da" o their own. Oumbbell curls should be at the heart o "our
Total Anabolism
bicep routine. , perorm these b" alternatin! reps on each arm
i.e. the irst rep , perorm with m" ri!ht arm onl" while m" let
sta"s stationar". 5n completion o that rep , keep m" ri!ht arm
stationar" and lit with m" let arm< repeat.
, ind it best to keep m" palms acin! outward ri!ht rom the
be!innin! o the mo#ement. 5thers ad#ise holdin! the dumbbell
in a hammer1curl st"le at the bottom o the mo#ement and
twistin! around on the concentric part o the mo#ement. , ind
this doesn+t actuall" place enou!h stress on the actual bicep at
the hardest part o the lit 2where most stren!th is !ained3. Also
, eel the twistin! can lead to in&ur".
'ou can stick with re!ular barbell curls instead o CN bar curls
i "ou preer. The reason , like usin! the CN bar is that while the
dumbbell curls hit m" bicep head at a I) de!ree an!le% this
stimulates the muscle rom a sli!htl" dierent an!le and helps
#ar" the workout.
6astl"% m" secret bicep weapon7 Eot enou!h people perorm
incline dumbbell curls7 A 8@66 ran!e o motion is critical here.
.hen "our back is in an incline position and "our arms are
han!in! strai!ht b" "our sides% the ran!e o motion is !reatl"
increased compared with a re!ular dumbbell curl. ,n this
position the be!innin! o the lit is actuall" perormed rom a
startin! position behind the back as opposed to parallel with it.
This is !reat but be warned< "ou+ll ha#e to use a much li!hter
wei!ht or this than re!ular dumbbell curls. 'ou-ll eel the
dierence with these% a !reat bicep buildin! exercise7
Total Anabolism
Thursda# 6 Triceps & Chest
1 ,ecline Tricep Bxtensions
,ecline Tricep Bxtensions
- ,ecline Tricep Bxtensions

Total Anabolism
. Tricep +able Push ,o$ns
9 Tricep +able Push ,o$ns
2 Tricep +able Push ,o$n
1 5ncline ,umbbell 8ench Press
5ncline ,umbbell 8ench Press
- Flat ,umbbell 8ench Press
. Flat ,umbbell 8ench Press
9 Flat ,umbbell Flies
2 Flat ,umbbell Flies
Total Anabolism
Comments: .hiche#er o these 2 bod" parts "ou want most
!rowth in !oes irst. ,+m #er" pleased with m" chest and so , hit
m" triceps irst.
8or tricep extensions , like to brin! the dumbbells down behind
m" head or the startin! position. , eel this ull" stimulates the
muscle more.
8or the cable pushdowns , start about shoulder hei!ht and push
ri!ht down to the bottom o the mo#ement. These 2 exercises
alone will allow or ull tricep stimulation.
,t is #er" important to do a ull ran!e o motion or stimulatin!
the chest. 5tentimes "ou-ll see pro1bod"builders workin! their
chest with poor orm but a!ain% "ou-re natural% "ou don-t ha#e
that luxur".
8or example% on the lies% lower "our arms as ar as "ou can
until "ou eel a real stretch ri!ht across "our pecs. Beep "our
arms sli!htl" bent throu!hout and raise the dumbbells a!ain to
the top o the mo#ement. 8lies are !reat or addin! width to
Total Anabolism
"our chest7 9emember to lower the wei!ht slowl"% mo#in!
sli!htl" aster on the concentric part o the rep.
8or both incline and lat dumbbell bench press% lower the wei!ht
slowl" 22 seconds3 so that "ou are controllin! the wei!ht. 6ower
until "ou eel a stretch across "our pecs to ensure ull ran!e o
Total Anabolism
Frida# - 0egs
1 8arbell S(uats
8arbell S(uats
- 8arbell S(uats
. 0eg Press
9 0eg Press
2 0eg Press
Comments: ? sets onl". .ith proper orm six sets are easil"
enou!h to blast "our le!s or maximum !rowth. M" conession
is that because , workout in m" home !"m and don-t ha#e a le!
press machine% , simpl" do six sets o sFuats. =elie#e me%
sometimes , am crippled or a couple o da"s aterwards7 SFuats
are the absolute best exercise or "our le!s 2and also "our ass73.
Oo not a#oid them in a#or o le! extensions or some other
isolation exercise. 'es !u"s% the" hurt like a bitch% but that-s
because the" work.
6e! Presses are excellent and , do recommend them i "ou ha#e
access to a machine< ,-ll ork out or one some da"7
Take this workout plan and implement it7 Take some action and
report back to me on "our results. , ha#e e#er" conidence that
"ou-ll add more muscle to "our rame on this plan in one month
than "ou ha#e in the pre#ious six i "ou reall" obe" the -4
Anabolic .orkout Plan Dommandments.-
Oon-t alwa"s look or what-s new and sex"% practice the
undamentals e#er" da" to achie#e master"7
Total Anabolism
As stran!e as it ma" sound% there is a wa" o mimicking the
effects of anabolic steroids b" implementin! a ew secrets o
anabolic nutrition. , call this the MMuscleHack Anabolic
Nutritional StrategyM (MANS).
,+m not sa"in! that "ou+ll see the same !ains as a roid1head% "ou
won+t. Eo natural diet will replicate the eects o anabolic
steroids. Howe#er% "our results will ar surpass an"thin! "ou are
currentl" experiencin!% and that+s a promise7
,n the next 1; 1 2) minutes , will introduce "ou to the nutritional
strate!" that will re!olutioniIe "our bod"buildin! lie.
And there+s moreA
'ou can make these gains in muscle without the correlatin!
!ains in at7 'ep% "ou reall" can build new slabs o muscle with
#er" little or no at. Those with !reat !enetics can actuall" ind
the holy-grail of bodybuilding as the" build muscle and lose
fat at the same time.
8riends% , ha#e no interest in h"perbole or bullshit< this
nutritional strateg# $orks. ,t took me "ears to ind it% implement
it correctl" and reap the rewards. , had to ind out or m"sel
how to build lean muscle mass like ne#er beore while keepin!
at accumulation at ba". ,t was well worth the eort thou!h.
So i it+s the best bod"buildin! diet in existence% wh" isn+t it
more widel" known$ The bi! supplement companies and ra!1
ma!a/ines would !o out o business Fuickl" i the" couldn+t
peddle their snake1oil to "ou. , the !eneral public were more
nutrition1sa##"% the"+d crap themsel#es7 , doubt #er" much
the"+d !o out o their wa" to make the public aware o it.
Total Anabolism
This article la"s these secrets bare or "ou to learn. ,mplement
this process wisel" and , promise "ou will make muscle gains
like ne#er beore.
Please note that this method takes plannin! and commitment but
it is well worth it7 Also please make sure "our workouts are up
to par b" implementin! MThe MuscleHack 8-! " #-$ %nabolic
&orkout 'lan.+
=eore , !o an" urther , want to credit a ew people as sources
o !reat inormation and inspiration. The" are:
Mauro (i 'as)uale
%nthony Col*o
+ary Taubes
(r Michael ,ades
(r -obert %tkins
'aul Cribb
Total Anabolism
The eason !hy the "MuscleHack Anabolic Nutrition
Strategy# (MANS) $%plodes your &ean Muscle 'ains
So how can this nutritional strate!" produce steroid1like !ains$
There is a wa" to increase anabolic .muscle building/
hormones in the bod" in the same wa" that steroids do. The
onl" dierence is% it+s sae and natural.
Here+s howA
This diet will naturall" maximi/e "our bod"+s production o the
ollowin! anabolic hormones:
1. Testosterone
2. 'ro!th Hormone
(. (nsulin)like gro!th *actor (('+),)
Sounds !ood doesn+t it$ 'ou will also ha#e controlled insulin
spikes which allows the bod" to ha#e hi!h le#els o !rowth
hormone and insulin at the same time7 This does not usuall"
happen and "ou+ll see extremel" impressi#e muscle !ains as a
Breakdo!n o* the "MuscleHack Anabolic Nutritional
Strategy# (MANS)
This plan reFuires that "ou eat a high *rotein0 high fat0 lo1
carbohydrate diet or 2 and a half days. Then or 3# hours
"ou carb-u*. The hi!h protein% hi!h at part o the diet is what
sparks the increase in blood serum le#els o:
'ro!th Hormone
('+), 2insulin1like !rowth hormone production is
stimulated b" !rowth hormone3.
Total Anabolism
+at Adaptation
As "ou will be keepin! "our
carboh"drate le#el low or most o the
week% "our bod" will become a fat-
burning machine. At the be!innin! o
the diet "our bod" will under!o a
metabolic shift and start to burn at as
its primar" source o ener!". This can
take as little as 2 da"s and up to 10 da"s or some people.
Howe#er% the #ast ma&orit" o "ou will ha#e become fat-
ada*ted b" the end o "our irst ; and a hal da"s.
The ad#anta!es o this are:
Increased 4i*olysis .breakdo1n of fat/
(ecreased 4i*ogenesis .*roduction of fat/
(ecreased catabolism .muscle *rotein is s*ared from
(nsulin (sn#t your $nemy
9e!ular lo1-carb dieters want to a#oid spikes in insulin le#els
but or the bod"builder% a controlled spike will do "ou a world
o !ood. 'ou+ll use a (21(? hour window 2, use the weekends
or this3 to deliberatel" cause an insulin spike. 8rida" ?pm to
midni!ht on Saturda" works well or me.
Insulin can make you fat% no doubt about it. ,nsulin has a
dramatic eect on decreasin! lipol"sis i.e. as insulin re!ulates
at metabolism% lar!e amounts means that "our bod" will not
!i#e up its at stores or ener!"< it literall" shuts the !ates to
"our stored bod" at ensurin! that it can+t be released and used
or ener!". Ha#in! said that% insulin is not the enem" o the
,ncreasin! insulin throu!h a carb1loadin! period is beneicial
Total Anabolism
It hel*s shuttle amino acids into the muscle cells
Increases 'rotein 5ynthesis in skeletal muscle
+lycogen su*ercom*ensation .you6ll look a lot bigger
at the 1eekends/.
'ro!th Hormone & (nsulin
As stated pre#iousl" "ou will also reap the anabolic effects of
increasing insulin0 gro1th hormone and testosterone at the
same time. @suall" when insulin le#els increase% the others
decrease and #ise #ersa.
,t seems that the bod" 2once at adapted3 sees the intake o hi!h
carbs at the weekend as a stressul situation and releases gro1th
hormone as a sur#i#al mechanism. ,ncreased +ro1th hormone
is "our bod"+s wa" o mobili/in! ener!" stores to deal with this
stressul situation and so at this time "ou can !et ele#ated
insulin and !rowth hormone le#els simultaneousl" 1 welcome to
muscle buildin! hea#en7
Traditional High)Carb Muscle)Building -iets
5n a high carb diet% 2usuall" recommended or the bulkin!
phase o a bod"buildin! liest"le3 insulin levels are chronically
elevated. 'ou thereore don6t get the edge of ma7imum
release of testosterone0 gro1th hormone and I+8-. Also on
the hi!h carb approach% you *revent your body from using
body fat for fuel and actuall" encourage the laying do1n of
ne1 body fat. That+s
(ecreased 4i*olysis
Increased 4i*ogenesis
not !ood news riends . .hat this anabolic nutritional strate!"
does is take advantage of the anabolic *ro*erties of insulin
and0 at the same time0 restricts the fattening *ro*erties of
the hormone. M.A.E.S. will keep insulin le#els stead" and low
most o the time but "ou will also be creatin! careull" timed
spikes or explosi#e muscle !rowth.
Total Anabolism
.our /ni0ue Carbohydrate Threshold &e1el
The best thin! about this diet is that it+s tailor1itted to "our
uniFue metabolic t"pe< it+s not a one1si/e1its1all diet. 'ou will
ind "our uniFue carb threshold le#el and this will allow "ou to:
+ain muscle 1ithout fat
4ose fat 1ithout sacrificing lean mass 2when cuttin!3
'our carb threshold le#el can be deined as
9The lo1est *ossible daily carbohydrate intake
that allo1s you to function at to* level:
Since we+re concerned with building muscle% we need to ind
the lowest amount o carbs "ou need in a da" to not onl" eel
!ood but hammer out muscle-building 1orkouts that
continuall" impro#e% week1on1week.
I recommend you start out at 3; grams *er day and ad<ust
from there. Oon+t make an" chan!es to this or at least a week
because "ou need to make the metabolic switch to burnin! at
or uel irst. 5nce this is completed "ou will be able to tell rom
"our workout perormances whether or not "ou need some more
carbs 2i so increase in ; !ram per da" increments3.
, personall" a#era!e at around != grams of carbohydrate per
da" or ; and a hal da"s. Some da"s , take in (; !rams but on
others &ust 2) !rams. *oin! hi!her or lower is ine% &ust check
"our weekl" a#era!es. This low amount o carboh"drate is
enou!h to power me throu!h some ama/in! workouts< ,+#e !ot
ba!s o ener!" and eel !reat .
Total Anabolism
2ost)3orkout Nutrition
Takin! in carboh"drates in the post1workout period has lon!
been seen as an essential component o "our muscle buildin!
re!imen. Howe#er% on a carb1c"clin! diet like MAES% the" are
not needed and ma" actuall" be counter1producti#e.
Here6s &hy>
./ Stud" shows inclusion o carboh"drate in post1workout
shake does not increase protein s"nthesis.
The ollowin! stud" took place in the Eetherlands% the sub&ects
bein! health" "oun! men. .hat was !reat about this stud" was
that it was trul" scientiic in that it split the men into ( !roups%
each in!estin! dierent combinations o protein P
carboh"drates. Thereore the onl" #ariable was the le#el o
Cach !roup perormed resistance trainin! or ?) minutes and
was !i#en either protein or a combination o protein and
carboh"drate each hour or ? hours ater trainin!. The amount o
protein or all the !roups was ).(! per k! o bod"wei!ht. The
protein and carbs #aried as ollows:
1. *roup 1 1 Lust Protein% no carbs
2. *roup 2 1 Protein with ).1; ! per k! o bod" wei!ht o
(. *roup ( 1 Protein with ).? ! per k! o bod" wei!ht o
Protein s"nthesis rates were then measured or ? hours ater
trainin!. The results$
1. The intake o protein ater trainin! increases protein
2. The addition o carboh"drate 2whether in small or lar!e
amounts3 to this protein did not urther increase protein
s"nthesis at all. That ma" be surprisin! but in m" opinion
Total Anabolism
it+s !reat news% especiall" or carb1c"clin! MuscleHackers
stud#J Am K Ph#siol Bndocrinol Metab* <<3 SepG4-JB8---
.!/ The ,mpact o Darbs on *rowth Hormone
*rowth Hormone le#els are ele#ated ater resistance trainin!.
,t+s well known that as insulin le#els increase in the bod"%
!rowth hormone decreases. A lar!e spike in insulin will occur
with the in!estion o hi!h *, post workout carbs. Thereore% it
would seem that carb intake ater resistance trainin! ma" be
.3/ ,mpact o Post1.orkout Darbs on 8at15xidation
5b#iousl" i "ou are takin! time to reill "our muscle !l"co!en
stores with carboh"drate ater a workout% "ou are reducin! the
amount o att" acids "our bod" will use to pro#ide the ener!" it
,n order to keep at1oxidation 2usin! at or ener!"% whether
rom bod"1at or ood3 at maximum le#els% it would make sense
to lea#e the carbs out o "our post1workout shake. ,n doin! so
"ou encoura!e the bod" to tap into it+s stored at.
So $hat are the implications of this informationL
213 ,ncreased at1burnin!. 8or the whole o the low1carb period%
"ou now encoura!e the use o att" acids or ener!".
223 Possibl" increased !rowth hormone le#els throu!hout the
low1carb period o the MAES bod"buildin! diet.
The exclusion o post1workout carbs seems to be a #er" positi#e
mo#e indeed. , "ou are worried about depleted !l"co!en le#els%
Total Anabolism
remember that "ou re1ill these +stora!e tanks+ at the weekend%
and "ou are alwa"s ree to ha#e a mid1week carb spike i "ou
eel "our workouts are be!innin! to suer towards the end o
the workin! week.
Total Anabolism
.our Carb)/p 2eriod
This is perect as "ou can en&o" "our lie too ater bein! so strict
durin! the week. Ha#e some pi//a% Dhinese% whate#er "ou eel
like. Take "our woman out or a meal% ha#e some beers with the
!u"s and rest assured that "our actuall" beneitin! rom this. ,
limit the &unk meals to 2 and the rest o the time , eat a mostl"
hi!h1carb% moderate at% moderatel" low1protein diet.
,t isn+t an excuse to !o completel" nuts but let "our hair down a
little. A!ain% there6s no reason to eat *assed satiation% let "our
!ut decide how much to eat.
There is no real limit on the amount o carbs "ou can ha#e. The
ke" is &ust to 1atch the time it takes for you to begin to
smooth-out< it ma" take a little bit o experimentation at irst
and it will be dierent or e#er"one< (2 hours works !reat or
me. 'ou+ll notice that e#er" week "ou !o throu!h a mini1c"cle
o bein! bi!!er and smaller< this is &ust due to luctuatin! water
le#els. .hen "ou be!in to low1carb "ou+ll lush out some water%
it+s perectl" natural.
Dontinuall" monitor "our wei!ht in con&unction with "our bod"
at le#els. , "ou notice that b" Saturda" aternoon% "ou+re
smoothin! out a little bit too much% "ou know that "ou+ll ha#e to
limit "our carb1up period to 20 hrs< keep monitorin! and
ad&ustin! as necessar".
Total Anabolism
3on#t ( get +at i* ( $at Too Many Calories on the &o!)Carb4
3eekday Section5
,n a word 1 Eo. ,t+s a little dierent or when "ou+re cuttin!% but
or !ainin! muscle and simpl" maintainin! "our current bod" at
le#els it+s damn-near im*ossible to gain fat 1ith this
anabolic nutritional strategy. 9emember that insulin is ke"
here< "ou+ll be keepin! insulin le#els #er" low or the ma&orit"
o the time. This is the 2o#er1simpliied3 mechanism o
Carbs - Increased ?lood 5ugar - Insulin increased
- Triglycerides - %di*ose Tissue .body fat/
8rom Healin! Oail" website.
QThese tri!l"cerides in the blood are the direct result
o carboh"drates rom the diet bein! con#erted b"
insulin. These tri!l"cerides do not come directl"
rom dietar" ats. The" are made in the li#er rom
an" excess su!ars which ha#e not been used or
,+d also like to borrow rom an example rom Or Michael
Cades+ blo!% i , ma"% to illustrate the point.
QThese t"pe , diabetics ha#e no insulin so the" can+t
reall" stu at into their at cells. And the" are
breakin! protein down% con#ertin! it to !lucose and
Total Anabolism
urinatin! it awa". The" are #oraciousl" hun!r" and
eat% eat% eat but the" can+t store an" atATheir
ra!ile situation demonstrates that in the absence o
insulin it+s #irtuall" impossible to !ain wei!ht. Ater
ollowin! a low1carb diet or a while% our o#erwei!ht
patients lower their insulin le#els% so% as with t"pe ,
diabetics% it is diicult or them to store at as well.
The" crank up all the utile c"clin!% ele#ate le#els o
uncouplin! protein s"nthesis and increase proton
leaka!e to dissipate the excess ener!" the"+re
consumin!% but the" don+t store it as atA., "ou
start throwin! back the carbs% howe#er% "ou will lose
this ad#anta!e.G
, hope "ou can now see the hu!e beneit there is to eatin! this
wa". The bod"buildin! world is still lar!el" clueless o this. I
urge you to take advantage of this kno1ledge>
Total Anabolism
Typical Menu *or your &o!)Carb -ays
This is ho$ 5 eat on a t#pical Sunda# to 2pm on a Frida#
#.3;am =reakast 1 Scrambled C!!s 2(% 0 or ; dependin! on
hun!er3 1 made with cream not milk. , ha#e this with coee P
cream% sweetened with splenda.
;@am 1 6ow1carb wrap illed with chicken% cheese P ma"o
P a M*o16ower+ bar.
*m@!*m 1 6ow1carb wrap with tuna P cheese P Peperami bar.
A.3;*m 1 Deleriac ries or an" combination o caulilower%
broccoli and cabba!e with steak or pork 22 illets3. , like this
with melted butter on top or ranch dressin!.
=*m 1 Post workout shake. 0) !rams .he" Protein ,solate% ;
!rams creatine monoh"drate% ; !rams 61*lutamine% )11; !rams
!lucose in water.
$ or $.3;*m 1 Drushed .alnuts or almonds in double cream
sweetened with splenda. Sometimes , add a () !ram protein
shake at this sta!e too 2no creatine% !lutamine or !lucose at this
sta!e3. Another Peperami bar.
Total Anabolism
B'(%T, : 8or newbies to MAES% here+s a list o urther
readin! here at MuscleHack:
1. How To =uild More Muscle 5n The MAES Oiet 1
,ncludin! the Mid1.eek Darb1Spike
2. The Eo.1 Mistake People Make 5n The MAES Oiet
(. How Man" Dalories Per Oa" Oo , Eeed To =uild Muscle$
1 , sa" "ou don+t need to be concerned about excess
calories% but "ou ma" want to make sure "ou+re !ettin! the
minimum reFuirement.
0. How To Dalculate Eet Darbs 1 9emember% it+s onl" Eet
Darbs "ou need to count% this is important
;. .hat 8ruit Dan , Cat 5n A 6ow Darb Oiet$
?. .hat C#er" =od"builder Should Cat 8or Oinner
H. .hat , 'ou Dan+t *et 8at 5n A Hi!h18at Oiet$
4. .ant To =uild Muscle$ Cat 'our =ee7 1 9ed Meat is a
staple on the MAES diet
I. The Saturated 8at P Dholesterol M"th Oestro"ed7 K .h"
a hi!her at/lower carb intake is trul" health" or "ou
Total Anabolism
5n +onclusion
That-s the -M.A.E.S.- strate!" laid bare or "ou. Ruestion is 1
.hat are "ou !oin! to do with it$
, encoura!e "ou to stop% once and or all% the endless
bulkin!/attenin! c"cle ollowed b" cuttin! 2losin! as much
muscle as at3 "ear on "ear.
,t O5CS E5T need to be this wa".
, ur!e "ou to &oin me in this wa" o eatin!. ,-m happ" to answer
an" Fuestions "ou ma" ha#e or &ust be here to encoura!e and
!uide "ou i this is totall" new to "ou. Prett" soon "ou-ll be
wonderin! how "ou e#er attempted to build muscle without it7
Sta" tuned to MuscleHack or recipes to help "ou li#e this trul"
anabolic liest"le b" subscribin! here.
Total Anabolism
3hat i* you could ha1e your cake and eat it too5
3hat i* you could build muscle !ithout adding *at !hile still
en6oying your carbs5
This is the power o the 'lycemic (nde% and the 'lycemic
&oad7 The ollowin! bod"buildin! diet pro!ram will be suited to
those who ind it too diicult a task to drop carbs to around ()
!rams a da" or ; da"s 2as in a c"clical carboh"drate diet3. 8or
carb lo#ers% this is as good as it gets?
8or ease o reerence% this is called the +4%( diet i.e. The
M'lycemic &oad Anabolic -ietM.
3hat (s The 'lycemic (nde%5
The 'lycemic (nde% ranks carboh"drates based on how much
the" contribute to a person+s blood su!ar le#el. The hi!her the
*,% the more rapid the spike in blood su!ar le#els. *, is ranked
rom )11)) 2) ha#in! no impact on blood su!ar% 1)) ha#in! the
3hat (s The 'lycemic load5
The *, doesn+t tell the whole picture thou!h. , a ood is hi!h in
carb content% it will still produce a hi!h blood su!ar le#el% e#en
i it has a low *, ratin!. This is where the *l"cemic 6oad comes
in. The *6 takes into account the amount and '( rating o
carboh"drates to !i#e a uller picture o the eects on blood
su!ar le#els. A *6 ratin! o 1) or below is considered low.
Total Anabolism
Ho! -oes This elate To Bodybuilding5
, "ou want to build muscle without !ettin! at "ou need to
accomplish two thin!s simultaneousl":
1. Catin! enou!h to *uel muscle gro!th
2. Beepin! blood su!ar le#els stable in order to keep insulin
le1els lo! and steady 2apart rom the post1workout period
K more on this later3
.e can accomplish this b" eatin! enou!h dail" calories but
ensurin! that our carbs are o the 4o1 +lycemic 4oad variety.
Ho! -oes This 3ork5
As , stated in M.hat , 'ou Dan+t *et 8at 5n A Hi!h18at Oiet$M
and the MMuscleHack Anabolic Eutritional Strate!"M% , belie#e
at accumulation is re!ulated b" the hormone insulin. The hi!her
"our *l"cemic 6oad total or an" !i#en da"% the more insulin
1ill be secreted in res*onse to those carbs. ,t works like this:
C Insulin is secreted in response to carbohydrates in the diet
C More speciicall"% more insulin is secreted Fuicker to Higher-
+lycemic Carbohydrates
C Insulin transports glucose to the at cells to be burned as uel
C %l*ha-glycerol *hos*hate is produced rom glucose when
it+s burnt or uel
C +lycerol 2rom the alpha1!l"cerol phosphate3 binds fatty
acids and stores them in the fat cells as triglycerides i.e. "ou
!et atter
C Also% glucose that is not used u* throu!h ener!" expenditure
will be con#erted b" the li#er and stored as triglycerides in the
fat tissue 2a!ain% "ou !et atter3.
Total Anabolism
Thereore% i we can eat carboh"drates that break down slowl"
and !i#e a more !radual% less pronounced rise in insulin% !e can
ma%imi8e increases in muscle !hile minimi8ing *at gains7
So no$ $e can see $h# a 0o$ Fl#cemic 0oad approach to a
bod#building diet is desirable*
Ho! -o ( 9no! (* (#m $ating $nough5
@nlike MAES% "ou are consumin! more carbs on this diet and
"ou+ll need to watch "our calories. .hat "ou want to do is to eat
around 3;;-2;; calories a day over your maintenance
calories i.e. ;)) more calories than what it would take to simpl"
maintain "our current wei!ht. The more ectomorphic #our bod#-
t#pe: the more calories #ou;ll need.
/Fo here to find out ho$ man# calories per da# #ou need to
gain muscle on this diet1*
Total Anabolism
The :;<=;<=; atio o* Carbs<2rotein<+at
8or this diet we+ll be usin! a macronutrient ratio o 0)/()/().
1. A;D of your daily calories from Carbohydrate
2. 3;D of your daily calories from 'rotein
(. 3;D of your daily calories from 8at
So let+s take our sub&ect who needs ())) calories per da" to
bulk. That means he/she would be eatin!:
1. !;; Calories from Carbohydrate
2. $;; Calories from 'rotein
(. $;; Calories from 8at
.hich eFuates to:
1. 3;; grams of Carbohydrate
2. !!2 grams of 'rotein
(. ;; grams of 8at
-o ( Ha1e to Count "'& points5#
Eo. Most *6 dieters are re!ular% sedentar" olk. The" count
their *6 points or the da" as a means o controlling blood
sugar. As "ou+ll be countin! total calories rom carboh"drate%
this takes care o itsel. All "ou need to concern "oursel with is
consumin! oods that are considered lo1 +4.
Total Anabolism
3hat 9ind o* +oods are &o! in 'lycemic &oad5
2Eote 6 all protein and fat based foods are lo$ F0 e*g* A00
meats: eggs M cheeses* "nl# carboh#drate-based foods ha!e F0
1. Ruinoa
2. So" =eans
(. Douscous
0. =ur!en =read
;. =uckwheat =read
?. .holewheat Tortillas
H. 9olled 5ats
4. Hummus
I. Apples
10. =roccoli
1H.Bidne" =eans
5b#iousl" , can+t list them all. Howe#er% there is a antastic
resource where "ou can check the *, and *6 ratin! o all "our
a#orite oods here 2click on M*, Oatabase+ to the let3. ,
recommend "ou bookmark this link or uture reerence.
Total Anabolism
A Sample -ay on the '&A- -iet 2rogram
S -olled Eats P Protein Shake. Supplementation K 8ish oil%
Ma!nesium% Multi1#itamin
S &hole1heat Tortilla with chicken% onion and hummus.
Protein Shake
S ?ig tuna and onion sand1ich in bur!en or buckwheat bread
S 5teak0 Fuinoa G broccoli
S 'ost-&orkout 5hake $ith carbs /see belo$1
S Chicken 5alad with 5li#e 5il. An apple
A Note About 2ost)3orkout Carbs on '&A-
A!ain% unlike MAES% "ou are not sa#in! "oursel or an insulin
spike at the weekend. % *ost-1orkout insulin s*ike will
thereore be beneicial at this sta!e to shuttle amino acids into
those hungry muscles. Howe#er% most people o#er1consume
post1workout carbs so use the ollowin! ormula to a#oid this:
<*8 x lean bod#$eight in kilograms /Ng O pounds /*1
A 1;)lb man with 1)J bod" at carries 1; lbs o at. His lean
bod" wei!ht is thereore 1(; lbs which eFuals ?1.(? k!.
?1.(? x ).4 T A$.;$ grams of carbohydrate 2let+s call that ;)
!rams o post1workout carbs3. =ear in mind that this is or
workouts lastin! up to 0; minutes% lon!er sessions will reFuire
more carbs. Howe#er i "ou+re workin! out the MuscleHack
wa"% "ou won+t be !oin! o#er 0; minutes% ri!ht$
So "our post workout shake should look somethin! like this:
1. :;)>; grams !hey protein isolate
2. > grams creatine
(. > grams &)'lutamine
Total Anabolism
0. >; 'rams o* glucose<de%trose
So there "ou ha#e it olks. A powerul alternati#e to a
carboh"drate1c"clin! bod"buildin! diet. , hope "ou en&o"ed it7
Total Anabolism
Concluding Thoughts
Please take this ad#ice and use it. Oecide toda" that "ou are
!oin! to take control o "our bod"7 The uture is not pre1
destined< "ou are in the dri#er+s seat.
8eel ree to share this book with as man" people as "ou like.
Thank #ou !er# much and 5 look for$ard to hearing from #ou
about #our explosi!e results?
Mark McManus
Total Anabolism
Here are some helpul resources to aid "our new liest"le.
Carb Counter 5ites
Dount the carbs in "our ood with the ollowin! resources
Darb6ie 2@B3 1 Oispla"s MEet Darbs+ onl". Dlick on MDarb
Dounter+ on let.
Dalorie Dount
8ood Items
Mama 6upe+s Tortillas can be purchased at Eetrition
Mama 6upe+s Tortillas can be purchased at A#idlite 2@B3
.he" Protein ,solate
Nero Darb ,sopure
.he" Protein ,solate 2@B3
So" Protein ,solate 2or cookin!3
So" Protein ,solate 2@B3
Eow So" Protein ,solate
1))J Pure 61*lutamine 2@B3
Eow 61*lutamine
Microni/ed Dreatine Monoh"drate 2@B3
Hi!her Power Microni/ed Dreatine Monoh"drate
Total Anabolism
=od" 8at Dalipers 2Manual3
=od" 8at Dalipers 2Oi!ital3
8or Accurate =od" Measurements
M"otape =od" Tape Measure
.ei!h 'oursel .ith Precision Accurac"
Clectronic Scales
Sit1@p =ench 8or Oecline Sit1@ps
Spartan Slant =oard
Oo Sit1@ps @sin! An" Ooor
Sit1@p =ar
Ma!netic Cxercise =ike K :er" similar to the bike , use or m"
H,,T sessions. The ma!netic resistance is !reat% #er" smooth
and Fuiet.
.ant a Home *"m$
Althou!h the initial expense is a little hi!h% it+s a one1o
purchase. 'ou+ll ne#er ha#e to bu" this eFuipment e#er a!ain.
'ou !et the con#enience o workin! out at home plus "ou sa#e a
lietime o !"m ees7
Power 9ack
These two pieces o eFuipment combined will allow "ou to
perorm an" exercise "ou need to do. 8rom sFuats% bench press
2incline% lat% decline3% militar" press% incline dumbbell
curlsA."ou+ll be co#ered with this eFuipment. , ha#en+t set oot
in a !"m in ( "ears or so since , bou!ht m" own and created m"
home !"m. 2.ei!hts and bars are sold separatel"3.
Total Anabolism
.ei!ht16itin! *lo#es K 8or a better !rip and blister1ree hands7
.ei!ht16itin! =elt K Protect "our back when litin! hea#"
Dalorie P Heart19ate .atch K This watch will tell "ou "our
calories burned and heart rate when doin! "our cardio.
*ood Dalories =ad Dalories K Oestro"s the M6ipid 2at3
H"pothesis+ and puts orward the MDarboh"drate H"pothesis.+
Darb .ars: Su!ar is the Eew 8at K *reat 6ow Darb Dook =ook
Stren!th Trainin! Anatom" K Domprehensi#e book o wei!ht
trainin! exercises% clearl" illustrated. Probabl" the best out
Anabolic Solution or =od"builders K Possibl" the best book or
learnin! about carboh"drate c"clin! or buildin! muscle without

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