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Goblins!!!: Core Rulebook, Atlas of The Walking Dead, One of The Living, and Dungeons & Zombies

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A Variant Deadworld based on the Dungeons & Zombies
Sourcebook for the All Flesh Must Be Eaten RPG
By TexasZombie
Original (non-Eden) concepts 2005,
No copyright infringement is intended.
WARNING: Some language and ideas herein may be offensive to some.
Exercise personal responsibility and read at your own risk.
The following Eden Studios Books are recommended for this Deadworld:
Core Rulebook, Atlas of the Walking Dead, One of the Living, and
Dungeons & Zombies

Thanks for that fascinating report, Susan. Those darned Scythians

And tonight city officials are reporting yet more mysterious disappearances. The
most baffling and disturbing of these involve the disappearance of fifteen children
from an inner city orphanage. No evidence of foul place was found at the
childrens shelter, but word on the street is that the disappearances are all

Police are urging citizens to exercise caution and keep all doors and windows
locked. 911 lines are currently experiencing an incredibly high volume of calls
from understandably panicked citizens, and police are asking citizens not to call
unless they have reason to believe they, or someone they know, are in danger.

In the meanwhile, the Mayor urged calm and for neighborhoods to form Watch
Groups to maintain vigilance in the face of what can only be described as a
plague of kidnappings and disappearances.

Back to you, Susan.

WGBL, Local Channel 97, Ettercap, Texas

And its not just in Ettercap that people are disappearing. Its happening
everywhere. Within 1D6 days of the start of play, the word will hit the airwaves
there may well be tens of millions of missing people reported worldwide.


Remember all those stories you used to hear about bogey-men and monsters
under the bed? They were true.

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The parents statement read that their daughter had recently become hysterical
in her belief that monsters were hiding in the walls of their house

Goblins have existed alongside humans for millions of years, lurking in the
shadows, only occasionally glimpsed by humans. Long ago their numbers
dwindled due to increasing competition with humans and they moved
underground, evolving separately. They were forgotten, relegated to the status of
childrens and gamers imaginations.

In the meanwhile, both parents are being held without bail pending the outcome
of the investigation

Now they have returned. Their numbers are increasing geometrically. Even
despite their inferior technology, they may well gain a permanent foothold once
more on the surface of the earth. They have found a new habitat that suits them
ideally and they intend to stay.

Police investigators continue to search for clues in the bizarre mutilation
murders of two dozen workers and security personnel at a local factory.
Investigators are focusing on cult or gang activity as the condition of the bodies
indicates that the victims were dismembered and many appeared to have been
partially eaten

Their new preferred habitat? Large cities and industrial complexes.


Over the years many different world governments have tested various forms of
ultra-low frequency communication devices that were designed to be transmitted
through the earth. These systems would be utilized to communicate in the event
of a nuclear war or other global catastrophe that made more conventional
methods of communication difficult if not impossible. After all, surface
installations can be destroyed, but the earth would remain intact. And if anything
destroyed the earth, well, it wouldnt matter then, would it?

What no one knew was that the sound waves pounding the subterranean
passages of the earth were inflicting changes on the hidden colonies of Goblins.
Long since adapted to life below ground, the Goblins were adept at making do
with very little and surviving on what food could be located. Cannibalism was a
fact of life, with the deceased becoming food for the survivors. Other forms of
nutrition were found in subsurface life forms, many of which the Goblins

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Then the sound waves came. Warrens collapse, food stocks were lost, and a
resounding voice vibrated in the very bones of the Goblins. Go.GoGo it
seemed to be telling them.

This was taken as a sign by the Warlocks and Witches among the Goblins that
their long exile was at an end. Across the world, beneath every nation, the tribes
began to move upwards again. Changelings were acquired and trained. Scouts
were dispersed. And finally, it was time. There were new warrens to be found on
the surface world. There was food in legendary abundance. Truly, this was the
will of the spirits of the Oldest Ones.

Dozens of reports of monkey-men were called in last night just before the four-
alarm fire destroyed the housing unit

Only the vaguely-remembered demons of their past stood in the Goblins way:


Key words for this Deadworld are 1) paranoia, 2) confusion, 3) panic.

Goblins are small, hairy creatures with huge bat-like ears, long fingers, big teeth,
and a generally bad disposition. Since being driven to the surface, they have
found urban areas more closely resemble the claustrophobic conditions of their
former subterranean realm. Fortunately for the Goblins and unfortunately for
humans, the level of resources, especially food and shelter, allowed the Goblin
population to expand explosively. Before the humans realized what was
happening, hundreds of millions of Goblins were established in hidden enclaves
in the major cities of the world.

Well, at least the land lord finally got rid of all the rats. Darned things used to be
everywhere until last month

Given the primitive state of Goblin technology, they stand little chance against
organized human opposition backed up by modern firepower. As a result,
Goblins rely on their traditional methods of hunting and warfare surveillance,
stealth, and poisoned weapons. Since the ability to kill or incapacitate quickly is
key to Goblin hunting and warfare, brewing poisons from a variety of sources is
something all Goblins learn at an early age. Time only improves their abilities in
this endeavor.

The officer appeared to have been stabbed to death, suffering multiple puncture
wounds to his torso and neck. It is suspected that he knew his assailants as no
shots were fired during the attack
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Over the years, Goblins have taken humans captive, especially infants and
young children, who were then raised as members of the Goblin tribe by whom
they were taken. These humans are called Changelings. Changelings may be
indistinguishable for Goblins except for their size and appearance if they were
taken as infants and never learned of human culture. Changelings who were
older may still speak some degree of their human language and retain
knowledge of human technology and civilization.

Anyone with information concerning the whereabouts of these children is urged
to contact their local police department. A substantial reward is being offered

In the growing struggle between Goblins and humans, the Changelings may tip
the scales. Changelings can gain the Goblins access to human weapons and
facilities. Changelings can also turn on their Goblin captors and act as spies or
guides for human counter attackers.

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Goblin Tribal Warrior
Str: 1
Dex: 3
Con: 3
Int: 1
Per: 3
Wil: 3
Goblin (see Dungeons & Zombies)
Acute Senses (Hearing
Situational Awareness
Bag of Tricks

Attractiveness -2
Cowardly -1
Minority (Goblin) -3
Cruel 2

Climbing 4
Dodge 3
Notice 3
Stealth 4
Brawling 2
Rituals (Goblin) 3
Surveillance 3
Hand Weapon (Hooked Knife) 3
Thrown Weapon (Javelin) 3
Myth and Legends (Goblin) 2
Craft (Make Poison) 2
Gear: Hooked knife [D6(3) X Str],
whetstone, leather jerkin [D4(2)],
swag bag*, quiver, 3 javelins
[D6(3) X Str], 2 vials of weapon
poison (treat as curare or cobra
venom, each vial is good for 1D6
rounds of combat)
*A Goblins swag bag can contain
almost anything that the creature
has picked up and decided to
keep, including food, trophies,
human-made items, and
traditional Goblin-made items
Hrrrrrshhhhhh. Chaloch
sbaranochtanoch. Dreelochta...
WDR, 2004,

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Goblin Tribal Champion
Str: 4
Dex: 4
Con: 4
Int: 2
Per: 4
Wil: 4
Goblin (see Dungeons & Zombies)
Acute Senses (Hearing
Situational Awareness
Bag of Tricks
Threat Detection
Hard to Kill 5
Fast Reaction Time
Underground Direction Sense
Nerves of Steel
Charisma (Goblin) 3

Attractiveness -2
Cowardly -1
Minority (Goblin) -3
Cruel 2

Climbing 4
Dodge 4
Notice 3
Stealth 5
Surveillance 3
Craft (Make Poison) 3
Rituals (Goblin) 3
Myth and Legends (Goblins) 2
Shield 3
Hand Weapon (Hooked Sword) 4
Running (Sprint) 2
Thrown Weapon (Javelin) 3
Gear: Hooked sword [D8(4) X
Str**&], whetstone, reinforced
leather jerkin [D6+1 (4)], swag
bag*, quiver with 3 javelins [D6(3)
X Str], 4 vials of weapon poison
(treat as curare or cobra venom,
each vial is good for 1D6 rounds
of combat)
*A Goblins swag bag can contain
almost anything that the creature
has picked up and decided to
keep, including food, trophies,
human-made items, and
traditional Goblin-made items
Hrrrrrshhhhhh. Chaloch
sbaranochtanoch. Dreelochta...
WDR, 2004,

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Goblin Warlock/Witch
Str: 2
Dex: 3
Con: 3
Int: 4
Per: 5
Wil: 5
Goblin (see Dungeons & Zombies)
Acute Senses (Hearing
Situational Awareness
Bag of Tricks
Threat Detection
Hard to Kill 5
Fast Reaction Time
Underground Direction Sense
Jury Rigging
Charisma (Goblin) 3

Attractiveness -2
Cowardly -1
Minority (Goblin) -3
Cruel 2

Climbing 3
Dodge 1
Notice 4
Stealth 1
Surveillance 4
Craft (Make Poison) 4
Rituals (Goblin) 5
Myth and Legends (Goblins) 4
Hand Weapon (Hooked Knife) 2
Running (Sprint) 1
Craft (Cobble Useful Things) 5
6 additional points of Knowledge and/or
Craft skills pertaining to making or modifying
things for Goblin use.
Gear: Hooked knife [D6(3) X Str],
whetstone, reinforced leather
jerkin [D6+1 (4)], swag bag*,
*A Goblins swag bag can contain
almost anything that the creature
has picked up and decided to
keep, including food, trophies,
human-made items, and
traditional Goblin-made items
Hrrrrrshhhhhh. Chaloch
sbaranochtanoch. Dreelochta...
"<sinister hissing chant>
WDR, 2004,
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Goblin Scout
Str: 3
Dex: 4
Con: 4
Int: 3
Per: 4
Wil: 4
Goblin (see Dungeons & Zombies)
Acute Senses (Hearing
Situational Awareness
Bag of Tricks
Threat Detection
Hard to Kill 5
Fast Reaction Time
Underground Direction Sense
Nerves of Steel
Jury Rigging

Attractiveness -2
Cowardly -1
Minority (Goblin) -3
Cruel 2

Climbing 4
Dodge 3
Notice 3
Stealth 5
Surveillance 3
Craft (Make Poison) 3
Rituals (Goblin) 2
Myth and Legends (Goblins) 2
Shield 2
Hand Weapon (Hooked Sword) 2
Gun (Handgun) 2
Running (Sprint) 2
Thrown Weapon (Javelin) 3
3 points in one or more Human languages
Gear: Hooked sword [D8(4) X
Str**&], whetstone, reinforced
leather jerkin [D6+1 (4)], swag
bag*, quiver with 3 javelins [D6(3)
X Str], 4 vials of weapon poison
(treat as curare or cobra venom,
each vial is good for 1D6 rounds
of combat), rusty .38 Special
revolver, 4 bullets
*A Goblins swag bag can contain
almost anything that the creature
has picked up and decided to
keep, including food, trophies,
human-made items, and
traditional Goblin-made items
Hrrrrrshhhhhh. Chaloch
sbaranochtanoch. You. Too late.
Die soonby own hand. Poison.
You. Too late. We here. We stay.
Westay here. Thiswe,
noour place now. Yes. Our
place. We stay here.
You will die. You all will die.
"Shhhhh. No hurt. You come with
me. Or your parents die.
WDR, 2004,
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Changeling 1 Point Drawback
Knowledge (Goblins) 3
Language (Goblin) 4
Status -3 (Raised by Goblins)
Minority -1 (Raised by Goblins)
Humorless -1
Attractiveness -3 (Ritual/Tribal Scarring)

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Power Description
Weight Life-like (0)
Weak Spot All (0)
Getting Around The Quick Dead, Climbing (12)
Strength Ninety-Pound Weakling (-3)
Senses Like a Hawk (2)
Sustenance Occasionally, All Flesh Must Be Eaten (2)
Intelligence Language, Long-term Memory, Problem Solving,
Teamwork (25)
Spreading the Love N/A One is either born a Goblin or not (0)
Special Powers Enter the Zombie
Wall Crawling (2)
Atlas of the Walking Dead
Emotional Instability (-1)
Horrific Appearance 1 (2)
Night Stalker (-2)
Night Vision (2)
Rage (2)
Stealthy (2)
Power 52
Dead Points 26
Str 1 Int 1 Dex 3 Per 3
Con 2 Wil 2 Spd 18 Essence 12
Skills: Brawling 2, Language (Goblin) 5, Rituals 5 (Goblin), Hand Weapon
(Hooked Knife) 3, Climbing 1, Dodge 1, Notice 1, Stealth 1

Natural Attack: Bite D4X2 (4) Slashing

Goblin Tribal Champions Increase Strength to Dead Joe Average, add Skill
levels, especially to Hand Weapon, Dodge, Brawling and Stealth
Goblin Warlocks and Witches* Increase Int to 3, add skills to Rituals, allow
skill in local human language, other skills as applicable
Goblin Scouts Increase Int to 2, add skills in Survival (Urban), local human
languages, and Streetwise. They will also possess skill levels in human
technological fields, such as Gun, Drive, or general things like Craft
(Understands On/Off Buttons).

*Not a reflection or commentary on modern warlocks and witches I know
yallre out there, but this is a game, not an implication that all warlocks and
witches are Goblins or otherwise nasty critters.
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Yes, you can no doubt see there are significant differences between the Goblin
Archetypes and Goblins presented in the format of undead from the AFMBE
game. My recommendation is to use the Archetypes were interactions are
needed, but its up to you.

at the National Guard roadblock. I can hear gunfire in the distance
andyes Im still here. We heard a series of explosions a short time ago. A
portion of the old paint factory appears to have collapsed and at least two
buildings appear to be completely engulfed in flames. I cant see any fire trucks,
and no sirens are being sounded. At this point, no one is being allowed past the
barricades, and no explanation is being provided

Recommended Cast Member Archetypes
Pretty much any type of big city Archetype would be suitable for this Deadworld.
Since there are no zombies, per se, background, personalities and quotes might
need to be suitably tweaked by the ZM and Cast Members.


There are variety of settings, set ups, and scenarios that could be used for this
Deadworld. A few ideas are presented here.

1. One or more of the Cast Members has lost a young family member to the
Goblins. The Cast Member(s) may or may not realize who has taken the young
person. This is a good way to surprise players who may be expecting ghosts,
zombies, or other undead. The first time a shower of poisoned javelins rains
down on them, they may well be caught completely off guard.

In order to save their family member(s), the Cast may have to face not only
Goblin Scouts, Tribal Warriors, and other Changelings. They may also face the
threat of human attacks as society begins to realize what is happening and
begins to unravel.

A variation of this would have Cast Members in the roles of police officers
investigating disappearances. In this case, they may well run afoul of government
attempts to keep the existence of Goblins secret in their attempt to delay a
general panic.

2. The Cast Members could be working for the government, tasked with the job
of maintaining secrecy and misinformation concerning the Goblin invasion.

3. Cast Members could be scientists sent in to study the Goblins and learn of any
weaknesses. If one or more of them are captured, the game could take a
decidedly interesting turn.

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4. An ambitious ZM could have the Cast Members sent on a mission to discover
the source of the Goblins. No telling what else is hiding down there in the dark.

5. Cast Members could be neighbors who find themselves under attack in their
own homes by Goblins. Desperate battles fought in the dark alleys, poorly lit
yards, and crowded apartment buildings would present an atmosphere of action
and horror.
Roll Inner City Suburbs
1 Locals Locals
2 Locals Locals
3 Event Locals
4 Event Locals
5 Criminals Event
6 Criminals Event
7 Vigilante mob Criminals
8 Vigilante mob Vigilante mob
9 Goblin raid! Vigilante mob
10 Goblin raid! Goblin raid!

Roll Event
1 Regular Joes/Janes (1D100) going about their normal
2 Regular Joes/Janes (1D100) going about their normal
3 Regular Joes/Janes (1D100) going about their normal
4 Street Preacher (complete with placard and Bible)
5 Beggar (1D6)
6 People preparing to leave the area permanently
7 Survivors of Goblin raid
8 People who have been displaced due to Goblin raid
9 Public official(s) going about their normal routine
10 Roll twice on this table, or choose
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Roll Event
1 Aftermath of battle (Police/Army vs. Goblins); Cast
Members will be ordered away and will be arrested if
they do not obey.
2 News crew looking for people to interview; some of
these might be government agents looking for
human criminals taking advantage of the Goblin
attack (which is still officially denied by the
3 Goblin sighting (may or may not involve the cast
4 Traffic accident (may or may not be Goblin related)
5 Changeling(s) one or more Changelings may either
follow and watch the group or may try to entice or
trick them into a Goblin ambush
6 Signs of Goblin activities could be arcane graffiti,
collapsed or blocked tunnel, etc.
7 Parents looking for lost child
8 Stray dogs (may or may not be hostile)
9 Fire (may or may not be Goblin-related)
10 Roll twice on this table, or choose

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Roll Event
1 Mugger(s) may be in larger group
2 Gang members (5D6) may be dispersed over a
large area to avoid attracting unwanted attention
3 Robbery in progress
4 Arsonist (roll on Locals table to find out who theyre
pretending to be)
5 Sex criminal on the prowl (roll on Locals table to find
out who theyre pretending to be)
6 Car jacking (may or may not involve Cast Members)
7 Assault (may or may not involve Cast Members)
8 Police brutality (may or may not involve Cast
9 Police or military deserters (roll on Locals table to
find out who theyre pretending to be)
10 Roll twice on this table, or choose

Roll Event
1 Lone sniper
2 Lone bomber
3 Small group (1D6) random civilian weapons
4 Medium group (3D6) random civilian and police
5 Large group (6D10) random civilian, police, and
military weapons
6 Mob (1D100 X 1D10) may or may not be armed
7 Activists out to destroy whatever they blame for the
rash of disappearances (1D6)
8 Religious fanatics looking for the Servants of Satan
9 Demagogue trying to raise a vigilante mob
10 Roll twice on this table, or choose
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Roll Event
1 Goblin Scout
2 Goblin Scouts (1D6)
3 Goblin Warrior Probe (6D6) with Champion
4 Goblin Champions on the hunt (2D10)
5 Goblins looking to find new Changelings
6 Goblins attacking renegade or escaped Changelings
7 Goblin Warriors (6D10) escorting Goblin
Warlocks/Witches (1D6)
8 Goblin Tribal Warband (1D100)
9 Goblin Tribal Army (1D100 X 1D100 or more)
10 Roll twice on this table, or choose

As you have no doubt noticed, these tables are vague, allowing the ZM to modify
the results to fit the needs and goals of the gaming group.
TexasZombie, a.k.a. Evil Overlord 668, the Neighbor of the Beast
eMail comments to:
All Flesh Must Be Eaten, icons, personalities, and images are copyright 2000
Eden Studios. All Flesh Must Be Eaten is a trademark of Eden Studios. Use of
the All Flesh Must Be Eaten trademark on this site has been expressly granted
by Eden Studios, but Eden exercises no editorial review or responsibility for
the content of this site. Requests for such permission should be directed to
Eden Studios.
None of my work is their fault. Theyre nice folks.

This Deadworld Inspired By:
Too many years of playing that other Dungeons & Critters Game
The Descent (novel, Jeff Long)

Original (non-Eden) concepts 2005,

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