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The Spire - Woodmont's Newsletter - July 22, 2014

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July 21, 2014 Volume 43, Issue 22
In This Issue
This Editions Highlights cover
From Your Pastoral Staff 2-3
The Bridge 3
Woodmont Kids 4
WCC Youth & Adult Education 5
In and Around Woodmont 6
Mission Wed. & Hymn Choir 7
News/Events 8
Bulletin Board 9
Upholding Our Church back cover
Small Groups
Strategic Planning
Core Values
2014 Areas of Focus
Mary Ellen, Rip & Creason Clayton - 6/8/14
Woodmont Christian Churchs Mission: Growing Disciples of Christ by Seeking God, Sharing Love and Serving Others.
Jenny, Paul, Sophie & Ella Grace Steele -7/13/14
Creason Elizabeth Clayton -7/13/14
(The Claytons are also New Members!)
John Glover & Robert McNeilly Thompson with
Clay Stauffer & parents Margaret & John - 7/13/14
Deborah & Mike Lovett - 7/13/14


Eric Morgan joined 7/20/14 at The Bridge. (l to r) Stephen Daniel
King, Trey Flowers, Eric Morgan & Andra Moran. Stephen & Andra
serve as The Bridge Creative Directors & Trey is a WCC Minister.
Read more about
Mission Wednesdays
on page 8!
Volume 42, Issue 23 The Spire
pg. 2
A few Sundays ago, Clay shared
in his sermon what one New Testament
scholar calls fve categories or divisions in
American Christianity today:
Conservative Christians believe
in the absolute authority of divine
Revelation and emphasize that how we
live now will determine where we will
spend eternity. Most Conservative Christians also believe that
Jesus and Christianity are the only way to salvation. The
emphasis on salvation is about going to heaven when you die.
Conventional Christians are in the church because their
families have always been in the church.
Uncertain Christians are unsure of what they make of
conservative and conventional Christian teachings. They
continue to be a part of the church, whether occasionally
(Christmas, Easter, Mothers Day) for reasons of convention
or regularly for reasons of community. For some, belonging is
more important than believing.
Former Christians have left the church primarily because
the form of Christianity they learned growing up ceased to
be persuasive and compelling. They are still curious about
Christianity, still seeking, and hoping there might be a vision of
Christianity they can embrace.
Progressive Christians reject biblical inerrancy, literal
interpretation, and that Christianity is the only way of salvation.
They believe salvation is just as much about transformation in
this life, and not primarily about an afterlife. They believe Jesus
came to proclaim and initiate the Kingdom of God here on earth,
as in heaven, not to pay for our sins. Progressive Christians may be
better known for what they do not believe than for what they affrm.
In light of these categories of Christians, I am inviting
anyone who is interested in being part of a six-eight week small
study group this Fall to email me (rstauffer@woodmontcc.
org) or leave a message for me at church letting me know. I
would encourage you to be open to progressive, new ways
of thinking about God and Christianity. In the study we will
explore some of the new ideas that are being put forth today,
even ideas we may totally disagree with. Hopefully we can
do this without being upset or threatened. We will share our
thoughts about the future of Christianity, especially in light of
the fve categories above. And we will look at traditional beliefs
that challenge us, trouble us, or we have a hard time accepting
(especially literally. Example: God saying to kill all women and
children in the Old Testament).
Im thinking about having this study on Wednesday
nights, beginning September 10th, at 6:30-7:30 PM. If for
some reason the majority of those who let me know they are
interested but cant do it at that time, we will look at some other
times. So, if youre interested in exploring these new ideas, email or
call me and let me know and Ill look forward to meeting with
you in the Fall.
- Roy
Exploring Different Understandings of God - A New Study Group by Roy Stauffer
Our memories tend to be organized
based on major events in our lives.
Some of those memories are lovely and
uplifting like birthdays, weddings, births,
vacations and other happy occasions.
Other chapters of our lives are segmented
by events not so lovely like the loss of
loved ones, illness, devastating storms
and terrifying global crises. I suspect
those of my generation (old) will recall with great clarity how
you felt and where you were when Elvis and The Beatles frst
performed on The Ed Sullivan Show and when Neil Armstrong
took those frst steps on the moon. Alternatively, Ill bet you
also have vivid recollections of The Cuban Missile Crisis, JFKs
assassination and the tragic deaths of Martin Luther King, Jr.
and Robert Kennedy.
In the midst of this otherwise peaceful summer several
shadowy events have unfolded that may cause us to shake our
heads, wring our hands and turn away in horror and uncertainty.
Thousands of desperate children and families have rushed to
our southern border, 300 innocent human beings lost their
lives when their airplane was shot from the sky and the ages-
old Middle East confict has escalated, once again. The big picture
may seem hopeless and we, in turn, may feel helpless. Fear not!
As believers in Gods Word we have the assurance that
all will be well not because of what we will do as individuals
or as a society - because God is ultimately in control. Why, you
may wonder, has God allowed things to progress in a manner
that is so out of sorts so sad, so violent, so angry? That is a
question for the Ages. I only know (and believe this): Hes got
the whole world in His hands.
7 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the
excellence of the power may be of God and not of us. 8 We
are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are
perplexed, but not in despair; 9 persecuted, but not forsaken;
struck down, but not destroyed II Corinthians 4:7-9
xo - Thom
Hes Got the Whole World... by Thom Schuyler
The Spire July 21, 2014
pg. 3
Last week, Stephen and I took a few
members of The Bridge band, and
went up to lead music and keynote for
the Great Lakes Regional Youth Event
at Lakeland College in Sheboygan,
Wisconsin. There were about 500
young people and their youth sponsors
gathered for four days of song, story,
service projects, workshops and music.
We particularly enjoyed one of the other keynoters, Valerie
Tutson, a master story teller from Rhode Island.
As part of building worship, Valerie taught a workshop on
storytelling, and helped the youth to develop creative ways to
share the Gospel Story.
In worship one night, the house lights dimmed, the youth
took the stage, and the Story began to be told. The youth
stood in a line, one behind another, and each told a piece of
the Story. As their piece of the telling fnished, theyd move to
the end of the line.
In the middle of the Story, in the middle of the line,
something happened. A petite brunette with a neon tshirt got
to the front of the line for her moment of telling, and froze.
She stammered a couple words, put her hands over her eyes,
and choked out, Im sorry, you guys.
There were two awful seconds of silence. Then, one person
in the darkened auditorium began clapping. Quickly, loud
applause, whistles and stomping of feet followed from the rest
of the crowd. Someone hollered out, You got this, girl. Tell it!
The girl in the front of the line rubbed her eyes, took a deep breath,
and fnished her piece of the Story, her face redbut smiling.
Think of a time in your life where your own story felt caught
in your throat. Who was there to encourage you to keep up
the telling; to keep moving, supported and surrounded by
your community? When have you been that encouragement
for someone else? What actions can you take today to offer
encouragement to another person? What words and actions
speak love and acceptance to someone needing a little
We are all in this unfolding Story together. Christs love is still
speaking; still sharing the words of Good News, and we each
have the chance to get in the lines to help the Story be told.
We got this. Tell it!
by Andra Moran
Join us this Sunday at 5:15 p.m. for the
second of four weeks of the NEW Series
WADE IN THE WATER. In this series,
we discover how God uses water in the
Bible to transform peoples lives.
Preaching: Trey Flowers
Title: Walking on Water
Scripture: Matthew 14:22-23
Description: Jesus not only walks on water
himself, but he also challenges Peter to
come with him. What is keeping us sitting in
the boat? ReImagine Worship
The Bridge - Sunday Evenings at 5:15 pm in Drowota Hall
Volume 42, Issue 23 The Spire
pg. 4
Bring Your Dad to Sunday School -
Stars Class, 2 years: August 3rd
Pandas Class 3 years: August 10th
Frogs Class 4 years: August 17th
Monkeys Class 5 years: August 24th
Blessing of the Backpacks
Sunday August 10th at 9:30 am
Fall Kick-off Picnic
Friday September 5th at 6:00 pm
Pancakes & Pajamas
Sunday September 7th at 9:00 am
Trunk or Treat
Friday October 31st at 5:30 pm
Thanks & Giving Meal
Sunday November 16th at 12:00 pm
9:30 a.m. Classes
ChristQuest - Ronda Hirst
Stars - Claire Drowota; Jane Clay & Porter Meadors - 10 Commandments
Pandas - Christi Williams - Daniel
Frogs - Joy Jackson - Jesus Makes Lazarus Come Alive
Monkeys - Laurie Cooper & Keith Walker - Jesus Makes Lazarus Come Alive
11:00 a.m. Classes
Childrens Church - Sarah Drury
4th/5th Grade Class - Topher Endress

The Spire July 21, 2014
pg. 5
Reading the electronic version of Te Spire? Click HERE to watch the CYF Graduation Reunion Promo Video!
Wednesday Evening Summer Series
5:30 pm Sing-A-Long (Rm 105) with David Regen and the Wednesday Evening Wailers.
6:15 pm Potluck Supper (DH) - Please bring one dish: salad, meat, vegetable or dessert.
6:45 pm Bible Study led by Roy Stauffer (Rm 105) The Five Blocks of Jesus Teaching in Matthews Gospel
JULY 23 - 4th Block of Teaching, Chapter 18-19:9, Greatness and Forgiveness
JULY 30 - 5th Block of Teaching, chapters 24-25, The End of the Age
Woodmont Adult Sunday School
9:30 a.m. Classes
Disciples Class Led by Roy Staufer - Rm. 105
Challenge Class Led by Bob Herrick - Rm. 200
Young Adult Class Led by Rob Quinn - BR
Spiritual Journeys Class for Women
Led by Rev Anne Staufer - The Bay
11:00 a.m. Classes
Hr. Spiritual Journeys - Open to Men - Led by Rev Anne Staufer - The Bay
Refections - Rm. 200
Points of View Discussion Group - Rm. 105
College & University-Aged Young Adults Led by Thom Schuyler - Rm. 107
Pathways Class for Parents - BR


Sunday School and Wednesday Evening Classes
SCHEDULE coming!!
get more information at the Fall
kick off party august 17th!
Youth Group KicK off NiGht opEN houSE JoiN uS SuNdaY auGuSt 17th
at 6:15 pm iN thE NEwlY rENovatEd Youth wiNG!
thiS EvENt iS opEN to thE commuNitY aNd will providE iNformatioN oN wood-
moNtS Youth Group, thE NEw fall SchEdulE aNd what parENtS NEEd to KNow!
thiS iS thE timE to aSK quEStioNS aNd GEt to KNow thE Youth Group lEadErS at
woodmoNt chriStiaN church.
Volume 42, Issue 23 The Spire
pg. 6
In and Around Woodmont - photos by Alan Nelson
The Spire July 21, 2014
pg. 7

Hymn Choir - A Sound Adventure
For as long as I can remember, the Chancel Choir has taken a singing vacation from the week after Birthday Sunday
until our September Kickoff. It is much deserved, since they discipline their time to include every Wednesday night
and Sunday morning between September and middle of July in the pursuit of worship enhancement. That totals 135+
hours of service per year. May the good Lord bless them and keep me...
This year, I would like to pursue a new adventure during those 6-7 weeks while they vacate - a Hymn Choir, if you will.
It will be made of volunteers from the congregation who love to sing but dont have the time to commit to 45 weeks of
service. It will require showing up on Sunday mornings at 10:30 (in the choir room) and learning an easy arrangement
of a well-known hymn to be performed as the anthem for the 11:00 A.M. service.
For those whose attention I have, let me answer some questions:
Do I have to read music? No. The anthems will be well-known hymns with which you are familiar.
Do I have to wear a robe? No. We will not robe.
Will we process? No.
Is this user-friendly? Yes, very.
Can I miss a week during the 6-7 week period? Yes. Two, if you must.
Since this is a hymn choir, are hers invited, too? Yes, defnitely!
If you have any further questions, email me at Hope to see you on Sunday, July 27!

Michael Graham
On the frst Wednesday evening of the month we are having Mission Wednesdays! What exactly is that?
Join us for Wednesday evening supper in Drowota Hall - sound familiar? But WAIT! Mission Wednesdays
is DIFFERENT and SPECIAL - it is in partnership with the Nashville Food Project and will feature a
presentation/speaker/panel of individuals that have a very important story to tell during supper.
Teir story will describe the impact that Woodmonts Mission Ministry has had on them, their
family, others, and/or their community. We urge you to attend supper, learn about the outreach work
Woodmont is doing, and stay for a brief Worship Service to end the evening. More information to follow
on reservations and exact times. Te dates for Mission Wednesdays are: September 3rd, October 1st,
November 5th and will most likely continue on....
Volume 42, Issue 23 The Spire
pg. 8
Seeking, Sharing, Serving
Wednesdays Led by Clay Stauffer
and Ministerial Staff
Sept 10 Seeking
Sept 17 Sharing
Sept 24 Serving
more details coming soon!
Thank you to Whitmey Goetz for making
Woodmonts 71st Birthday Celebration a success!
THREE FOR THREE!!! I am totally surprised to fnd
out today that I am a Finalist for the American Prize in
Chamber Music Composition. Last week, I learned I am
also a Finalist in the Orchestra Composition Division. One
week prior to that, it was announced that I am also a
Finalist in the Band/Wind Ensemble Composition Division.
Judging continues; the winners will be announced in all
three categories in a month or so. Fingers crossed (and
the toes on one foot, to make three!) - Dave
The Spire July 21, 2014
pg. 9
Sunday July 27
9:30 & 11:00 a.m. Worship Services (Sanc)
9:30 & 11:00 a.m. Sunday School
12:00 p.m. Woodmont Youth CYF Graduation Reunion (YW)
5:15 p.m. The Bridge Worship Service (DH)
Monday, July 28
4:00 p.m. The Geezers (BR)
6:30 p.m. WCC Board Meeting (BR)
Tuesday, July 29
All Day Youth Group Day Trip to Cummins Falls
9:00 a.m. Womens Prayer Group (C/S)
Wednesday, July 30
6:15 a.m. Mens Small Group 107)
7:00 a.m. Mens Bible Study (105)
Younger Mens Bible Study (BR)
5:30 p.m. Wed. Night Sing-A-Long (105)
6:15 p.m. Potluck Dinner
6:45 p.m. Wed. Night Bible Study (105)
Thursday July 31 Library Workday
Opportunities at Woodmont
In the Hospital:
Pauline Gilpatrick, mother-in-law of Anne Arney, Cookeville Regional
Medical Center
New Concerns:
Patricia Brown, mother of Christy Brown
Will Keim
Jackson Hand, son of J.R. and Kailey Hand
Stacy Whittington, daughter-in-law of Michael & Debbie Whittington
Continuing Concerns:
Ashley Price, sister of Kristen Malone
Andy York, husband of Mary Glynn Williamson, St. Thomas, Nashville
John Collins
Suzannah King Watson, daughter of Doug and Terri King
Mim Ingman - Visitors or cards: Temporary address: Elmcroft of
Brentwood, 5436 Edmondson Pike, Rm #37, Nashville, TN 37211
Jim and Denese Grifn, Sister/brother-in-law of Karen Conrad
Wayne Puckett
Debbie McPherson, daughter of Rita Baldwin
John Crowe, godson of Glenn & Mary Kiger
Susan Murphy
Maddie Murphy
Jeannette Miller Claiborne-Hughes Health Center Rm 114
Military Prayer List:
Richie Mercado, Afghanistan, son-in-law of Barbara and
Doug Schoerke
Dave Albritton, nephew of Dave and Pat Malone
Those Serving Abroad:
Jesse Garrison, Peace Corp in Armenia
Courtney Valk, Peace Corp in Republic of Georgia
Jeremy & Diane Williams on the birth of their son Gavin Craig Williams
on July 2nd. Proud big brother is Rhys!
Prayers for our Church Family
July 7, 2014 Woodmont Christian Church
Dear Friends,
On behalf of the staff and families of the Nashville Ronald McDonald House, I would like to take the opportunity
to thank you for your continued support in collecting pop tabs for us. We appreciate you always thinking of us and
for your continued love and support of our mission. Your kindness is truly a blessing here!
The general community must be credited with providing the major support of our House. Because of this support,
the Ronald McDonald House served as a home away from home for over 680 families in 2013, averaging a
23-night stay. Every year 4.5 million children are helped around the world through Ronald McDonald House
Charities programs and services. Every night, more than 7,200 families with critically ill children will stay
at one of the 315 Ronald McDonald Houses around the world where they receive shelter, emotional support,
understanding and a homelike environment.
Thank you for understanding the importance of providing a place those families with seriously ill children can call
home for a while.
Kaye Slate
House Manager
Thank You from the Ronald McDonald House!
Communion Prep: Nora Rich
Service Coordinator: 9:30 - Nicole Clayton
11:00 - Linda Webb
5:15 - Jay Everett
Video Camera: 9:30 - George Keith
11:00 - OPEN
July 27, 2014
9:30 a.m.
Kathy Patten
Mart Sesler
11:00 a.m.
Gene Regen
Pete Kyne
Pat Malone - Hospital
5:15 p.m.
Bryan Sargent
Date Sunday School Total Atd. Operating
June 29 250 726 $36,042
July 6 230 635 $27,144
July 13 241 765 $23,469
July 20 237 703 $43,171
9:30 and 11:00 a.m.
Clay Staufer, Preaching
Title: Family Dynamics
Scripture: Ephesians 5:21-6:4, I Corinthians 13:4-7
5:15 p.m. - The Bridge
Trey Flowers, Preaching
Title: "Walking on Water"
Scripture: Matthew 14:22-23
Northside Christian Church,
Rev. Clay Staufer, Senior Minister

Michael Graham, Director of Music Ministry Topher Endress, Ministerial Intern Martha Duf, Director of Preschool
Sarah Hufman, Accompanist Mary Clare Pyron, Parish Nurse &Small Groups Coordinator Linda Whitson, Staf Administrator
Sara Koppelman, Communications Director Rebecca Vaughan, Receptionist Steven Austin, Housekeeping
Chris Beck, Finance Manager Beverly Honeycutt, Housekeeping Shirley Taylor, Housekeeping
Sam Marsh, Property Manager - Housekeeping Supervisor Nancy Holmes, Childrens Ministry Assistant
9:30 a.m.
Roy Jordan
Cynthia Arnholt
Mike McConnell
Tim Perry
Hope Walker
Laura Dovan
Terri McConnell
Honey Hetzel
11:00 a.m.
Cathy Williams
Doug Schoerke
Darden Copeland
Natalie Copeland
Teri Diamond
Steve LaForge
Jade Forlidas
Nick Forlidas
5:15 p.m.
Jay Everett
Rebecca Everett
Virginia Dinker
Stuart Lackey
Jennifer Lackey
David Stewart - A/V
Dr. C. Roy Staufer, Minister of Adult Education & Church Life
Rev. Justin Gung, Minister of Children & Congregational Care
Farrell Mason, Minister of Family Life & Pastoral Care
Carla CJ Schooler, Minister of Jr. High Youth
Rev. Trey Flowers, Minister of Youth & The Bridge
Thom Schuyler, Director of College, Young Adults, Missions & Outreach
Andra Moran & Stephen Daniel King, Creative Directors for The Bridge
Tallu Quinn, Director of TNFP
Woodmont Christian Church
3601 Hillsboro Rd. Nashville, TN 37215
The Spire
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