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HW 10

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CS 170 Algorithms

Spring 2014 E. Mossel HW 10

Due April 25, 6:00pm
1. (20 pts.) Bounded CLIQUE and Fake Reductions
Consider the CLIQUE problem restricted to graphs in which every vertex has degree at most 3. Call this
problem CLIQUE-3.
(a) Prove that CLIQUE-3 is in NP.
(b) What is wrong with the following proof of NP-completeness for CLIQUE-3?
We know that the CLIQUE problem in general graphs is NP-complete, so it is enough to present a
reduction from CLIQUE-3 to CLIQUE. Given a graph G with vertices of degree 3, and a parameter
g, the reduction leaves the graph and the parameter unchanged: clearly the output of the reduction is
a possible input for the CLIQUE problem. Furthermore, the answer to both problems is identical. This
proves the correctness of the reduction and, therefore, the NP-completeness of CLIQUE-3.
(c) It is true that the VERTEX COVER problem remains NP-complete even when restricted to graphs in
which every vertex has degree at most 3. Call this problem VC-3. What is wrong with the following
proof of NP-completeness for CLIQUE-3?
We present a reduction from VC-3 to CLIQUE-3. Given a graph G = (V, E) with node degrees bounded
by 3, and a parameter b, we create an instance of CLIQUE-3 by leaving the graph unchanged and
switching the parameter to |V| b. Now, a subset C V is a vertex cover in G if and only if the
complementary set V C is a clique in G. Therefore G has a vertex cover of size b if and only if
it has a clique of size |V| b. This proves the correctness of the reduction and, consequently, the
NP-completeness of CLIQUE-3.
(d) Describe an O(|V|
) algorithm for CLIQUE-3.
2. (20 pts.) Restricted Input SAT and Independent Set
Recall that 3SAT remains NP-complete even when restricted to formulas in which each literal (remember x
and x are different literals) appears at most twice.
(a) Show that if each literal appears at most once, then the problem is solvable in polynomial time.
(b) Show that INDEPENDENT SET remains NP-complete even in the special case when all the nodes in the
graph have degree at most 4.
3. (30 pts.) Proving NP-Completeness by Generalization
For each of the problems below, prove that it is NP-complete by showing that it is a generalization of an
NP-complete problem.
(a) Subgraph Isomorphism: Given as input two undirected graphs G and H, determine whether G is a
subgraph of H (that is, whether by deleting certain vertices and edges of H we obtain a graph that is,
up to renaming of vertices, identical to G), and if so, return the corresponding mapping of V(G) into
CS 170, Spring 2014, HW 10 1
(b) Longest Path: Given a graph G and an integer g, nd in G a simple path of length g.
(c) Max SAT: Given a CNF formula and an integer g, nd a truth assignment that satises at least g
(d) Sparse Subgraph: Given a graph and two integers a and b, nd a set of a vertices of G such that there
are at most b edges between them.
4. (30 pts.) Another NP-complete Graph Problem
In an undirected graph G = (V, E), we say DV is a dominating set if every v V is either in D or adjacent
to at least one member of D. In the DOMINATING SET problem, the input is a graph and a budget b, and
the aim is to nd a dominating set in the graph size at most b, if one exists. Prove that this problem is
NP-complete. (Hint: Reduce from VERTEX COVER)
CS 170, Spring 2014, HW 10 2

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