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Od 483532 Fmtnib

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The key takeaways from the document are the passenger itinerary details, check-in requirements, baggage policies, cancellation and refund policies for Malindo Air flights.

For domestic flights operated by Boeing 737 aircraft, check-in usually starts 3 hours prior to departure and check-in counters close 45 minutes before departure. For domestic flights operated by ATR72 aircraft, check-in usually starts 2 hours prior to departure and check-in counters close 30 minutes before departure.

For domestic flights, the free baggage allowance is 15kg for economy class. For international flights to Indonesia it is 20kg for economy class and 40kg for business class. For international flights to Bangladesh it is 25kg-35kg for economy class and 50kg for business class depending on the route.

eTicket Itinerary / Receipt

This is an eTicket itinerary. To check-in, you must present this document along with an official government-issued photo identi?cation such as a passport or
identity card.
Booking Details
Reservation Code : FMTNIB
Issuing Airline: Malindo Air Issued date: Sunday, November 24, 2013
Passenger Details
Passenger Name eTicket Number Passenger Type
Mr.ASVENESH RAMA KRISHNAN 8162100559776 Adult
Itinerary Details
Departure Flight
Flight OD 1155 Depart
Penang Airport
24/11/2013 15:20
Subang Airport
24/11/2013 16:25
Status Confirmed Class Economy (N) Check-In Baggage 15 KG
Seats -
Fare Rules
Booking Class:
Ticket Refund and Exchanges are permitted with payment of fee and fare difference (if
any) and within a defined deadline. Name change is not permitted.
Booking Summary
Flight MYR 140.00
Total Taxes MYR 39.00
Total Paid MYR 179.00

Important Notes
*For Domestic & International Flights( KLIA Operations B737), Check-in usually starts 3 hours prior to departure and the check-in counters close 45
minute before departure time for all classes of passengers.
*For Domestic & International Flights( Subang Operations ATR72), Check-in usually starts 2 hours prior to departure and the check-in counters
close 30 minute before departure time for all classes of passengers.
*Credit Card Purchases: Please note that the credit card used to purchase your Malindo Air flight tickets through our Malindo Air Call Center is required to
be presented at time of check-in by the cardholder for verification purpose. Failure to comply with this requirement, Malindo Air reserves the right to deny
boarding and cancel the ticket(s) and contract of carriage. You may use your credit card for third party purchasing, however, the card holder must be
present for credit card verification at the point of check in. This only applies to Credit Card used to purchase Malindo Air ticket/s through our Call Center.
*For guests flying from all International ( Indonesia Flights) excess baggage charge is:-
International Boeing KUL-CGK : RM 22 per kg
International Boeing CGK-KUL : IDR - 50,000per kg
International Boeing KUL-DPS : RM 25per kg
International Boeing DPS-KUL : IDR 70,000per kg
* For guests flying from all International ( Bangladesh Flights) excess baggage charge is:-
International Boeing KUL-DAC - RM 15 per kg
International Boeing DAC-KUL - USD 10 per kg
* For guests flying from all Domestic Flights excess baggage charge is :-
Domestic Boeing Jet aircraft - RM 12 per kg
Domestic ATR aircraft - RM 25 per kg
Please note that the booking number is uniquely generated by Malindo. It is only valid for this particular booking based on the details stated in the voucher. In
any instance of changes related to your booking such as flight schedule we will contact you via the same e-mail provided in this booking
Important Notes as applicable to E-
Please read the notes below carefully, if you
need any cl ari fi cati ons, pl ease contact our
reservation & ticketing counters or email us at
E-Ticket Passenger Itinerary/Receipt: Please
note that you are required to keep a printed
copy of t hi s "E-Ti cket I t i nerary" wi t h you
throughout the j ourney as i t i s requi red for
entry i nto the ai rport, check-i n, refunds or
To enter the airport and for check-in, you must
present this itinerary receipt along with Official
Government issued photo identification such
as passport or identity card.
Thi s E- Ti cket I t i ner ar y wi l l have t o be
presented along with valid photo identification
at the time of refund or exchanges.
This E-Ticket Itinerary does not constitute a
document for carriage and in the event of any
di f f er ence bet ween i t and t he r ecor d of
booking in the Malindo Air reservation system,
the latter shall prevail.
Fare (s) subj ect to cancel l ati on charges, i f
any. Please contact Malindo Air Reservation
and Ti cket i ng f or det ai l s. By booki ng t hi s
ticket/fare, you agree and accept all terms and
conditions, cancellation and ticket exchanges
rules of this ticket/fare.
1.0 E-Ticket Cancellation & Refund
Pl ease contact our Cal l Center or vi si t our
Websi te for E-Ti cket Refunds/ Exchanges/
Notice: Carriage and other services provided
by the carrier are subject to General Condition
of carriage which are hereby incorporated by
If the Passenger's journey involves an ultimate
destination or stop in a country other than the
country of departure, the Warsaw Convention
may be applicable and the Convention governs
and in most cases limits the liability of carriers
for death or personal injury and in respect of
loss or damage to baggage.
Please note that this ticket is further subject to
all other terms and conditions of carriage as
gi ven bel ow, whi ch ar e deemed t o be
incorporated herein.
2.0 General Information
1) For Domestic & International Flights( KLIA
Operations B737), Check-in usually starts 3
hours prior to departure and t he check- i n
c o u n t e r s c l o s e 4 5 mi n u t e b e f o r e
depar t ur e t i me f o r a l l c l a s s e s o f
passengers.2) For Domestic & International
( Subang Oper at i ons ATR72) , Check- i n
usually starts 2 hours prior to departure and
the check-i n counters cl ose 30 mi nute
before departure ti me f or al l cl asses of
Passengers, who do not report at t he
b o a r d i n g g a t e a t t h e r e q u e s t e d
boardi ng ti me, wi l l not be boarded on
the sai d fl i ght and wi l l be consi dered
no-show passengers.
In the event of delays and misconnection of
flights not within the reasonable control of
Mal i ndo Ai r; Mal i ndo Ai r wi l l di scl ai m any
liability towards the same.
Passengers who arranges own connections
wi t h ot her ai r l i nes ar e advi sed t o l eave
suffi ci ent ti me for connecti ons or termi nal
transfer or baggage re-claim and re-checkin.
Mal i ndo Ai r wi l l not be l i abl e f or any
mi sconnecti on wi th other ai rl i nes outsi de
reasonable control of Malindo Air.
No-Show Passengers: confirmed passengers
who do not present t hemsel ves f or t hei r
booked flight are termed as 'No Shows'
I f f or some r eason you ar e unabl e t o
undertake travel on flight for which you have
a confirmed booking, please contact Malindo
Ai r Reser vat i on & Ti cket i ng as ear l y as
possible to avoid penalty.
Overbooking: In the event of overbooki ng,
Malindo Air will make every effort to provide
seats for which confirmed reservation have
been made, however, no absolute guarantee
of seat s avai l abi l i t y i s denot ed by t he
expression reservations, bookings, status OK
or HK, and the timings attached to them.
Cancellation / Refund / Rebook / Reissuance
of t i cket : Pl eas e c ont ac t Mal i ndo Ai r
Reservation & Ticketing offices for details on
our cancellation and refund policy
Credit Card Purchases: Please note that the
credit card used to purchase your Malindo Air
fl i ght ti ckets through our Mal i ndo Ai r Cal l
Center is required to be presented at time of
check-i n by the cardhol der for veri fi cati on
pur pos e. Fai l ur e t o c ompl y wi t h t hi s
requirement, Malindo Air reserves the right to
deny boarding and cancel the ticket(s) and
contract of carriage. You may use your credit
card for third party purchasing, however, the
card holder must be present for credit card
verification at the point of check in. This only
appl i es t o Credi t Card used t o purchase
Malindo Air ticket/s through our Call Center.
Payment:Fares must be paid in full before
the given time limit expires. In the eventthat
the fare has not been paid in full for any
reason whatsoever, Malindo Air reserve the right
to cancel the reservation/ticket prior to check-in
and/or to deny you to board the flight.
Infants: We reserve the right not to carry infants
l ess than seven (2) days-ol d and Infant aged
between three (3) and seven (7) days requi re
Medical Certificate to confirm that the Infant is fit
to travel on air transport. The Medical certificate
must have been i ssued 72 hours bef ore t he
standard departure time. Maximum age for Infant
i s l ess t han 2 year s ol d. I nf ant t r avel i ng on
Malindo Air must have the Form of Indemnity (FOI)
signed by the parents.
Pregnant Passengers: All expectant Mothers
are required to sign form of Indemnity (FOI). A
Medical certificate that confirms the expectant
mother is fit to travel on air transport is required to
be pr oduced at t he poi nt of check- i n f or
pregnancy over 28 weeks.
3.0 Cabin Baggage Regulations:
Economy Class Passengers are allowed to bring
up to 7KG with the dimension of 40 cm x 30 cm x
20 cm of hand l uggage onboard Mal i ndo Ai r
Flights. The weight of cabin baggage should not
exceed 7kgs. St r ol l er bags wi t h t he above
specified dimensions will be allowed.
Cabin baggage is accepted subject in the cabin
subject to availability of space in the over head
bin. Restricted stowage space is also available
under the front seat. In the event no space being
available in the aircraft to stow cabin baggage, it
will be necessary to remove and load the same in
the baggage hold as per safety regulations.
Free Checked-in Baggage Allowance:
Domestic Malindo Air Flights
Class Adult/Child Infant
Business 30 kgs NA
Economy 15 kgs NA
International Flights
Class Adult/Child Infant
Business 40 kgs NA
Economy 20 kgs NA
Class Adult/Child Infant
Business 50 kgs NA
Economy [KUL-DAC] 35 kgs NA
Economy[DAC-KUL] 25 kgs NA
Please note Infant without a seat are not entitle
for Free Checked-in Baggage allowance and no
seat wi l l be al l ocated for i nfant travel i ng wi th
Malindo Air.

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