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Human Rights Law Final

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Ms. Aparna Singh
Assistant Prof. (Law)
Usman Ghani han
!.A.LL.! ("ons.)
Ro%% No. &'(
&) *ntro,-.tion
/) "-manitarian %aw asp$.ts
A. 0istin.tion
!. 0is.rimination
C. Proportiona%it1
0. Ta2ing R$asona3%$ Pr$.a-tions
4) *nt$rnationa% tri3-na% r-%ings on C%-st$r !om3s
A. Eritr$a5Ethiopia C%aims Commission
!. Th$ Marti. J-,gm$nt
C. Ana%1sis of th$ 6-,gm$nts
7) E8isting Law Prior to th$ /((9 Tr$at1
A. Th$ Con:$ntiona% )$apons Con:$ntion
!. Th$ A,option of a N$w Proto.o% on E8p%osi:$ R$mnants of )ar (ER))
') Tr$at1 on !an of C%-st$r !om3s
A. +ormation of th$ Tr$at1
!. *mportant Asp$.ts of th$ Tr$at1
;) Con.%-sion
C%-st$r m-nitions ha:$ 3$$n -s$, for man1 1$ars an, w$r$ first $mp%o1$, ,-ring th$
S$.on, )or%, )ar. Th$ first .o-ntr1 to ,o so was G$rman1< whi.h ,ropp$, a 3om3
.ommon%1 2nown as th$ =3-tt$rf%1 3om3= ,-ring air rai,s on th$ Unit$, ing,om. Sin.$
th$n< .%-st$r m-nitions ha:$ 3$$n r$p$at$,%1 -s$, in arm$, .onf%i.ts. E8amp%$s ar$ th$
*n,o5China )ar from &>'(s to th$ $ar%1 &>?(s< th$ G-%f )ar in &>>&< R-ssia@Ch$.hn1a
in &>>75&>>;< oso:o in &>>>< Afghanistan in /((&5/((/< *raA in /((4 an, L$3anon in
/((;. At %$ast ?' .o-ntri$s wor%,wi,$ ha:$ sto.2pi%$, .%-st$r m-nitions< an, 47 of th$m
ar$ 2nown to pro,-.$ in tota% o:$r /&( t1p$s of .%-st$r m-nitions. C%-st$r m-nitions ha:$
a.t-a%%1 3$$n -s$, in at %$ast /' .o-ntri$s.

C%-st$r 3om3s .am$ 3a.2 onto th$ wor%, stag$ ,-ring th$ /((; war 3$tw$$n *sra$% an,
"$B3o%%ah< with 3oth si,$s of th$ .onf%i.t ,$p%o1ing th$ w$apons in irr$sponsi3%$ wa1s.
!1 $ar%1 /((?< mom$nt-m ha, gath$r$, for a tr$at1 3anning .%-st$r 3om3s.
m-nitions spr$a, %arg$ n-m3$rs of sma%%$r 3om3%$ts< oft$n r$f$rr$, to as s-3m-nitions<
o:$r wi,$ ar$as oft$n th$ siB$ of s$:$ra% foot3a%% fi$%,s.
Th$1 ar$ ,ropp$, from th$ air<
,$%i:$r$, in arti%%$r1 sh$%%s< or pa.2$, into ro.2$t warh$a,s.
*n man1 .as$s< a signifi.ant
p$r.$ntag$ of th$ 3om3%$ts fai% to $8p%o,$ on impa.t< .r$ating :irt-a% min$fi$%,s of
-n$8p%o,$, or,nan.$.

)h$th$r .%-st$r 3om3s ar$ a .ontro%%a3%$ m$ans of atta.2 has 3$$n a fr$A-$nt A-$stion
Pr$ss r$%$as$ 31 C%-st$r M-nitions Coa%ition< /& Ma1 /((?. An o:$r:i$w 31 CMC of pro,-.$r .o-ntri$s<
.o-ntri$s that own .%-st$r m-nitions an, .o-ntri$s wh$r$ .%-st$r m-nitions ha:$ 3$$n -s$, .an 3$ fo-n, at
ChttpD@@ www.stop.%-st$
"-man Rights )at.h< Unit$, Stat$sD C-t Off C%-st$r M-nition Sa%$s to *sra$%<$ng%ish@,o.s@/((?@(&@/>@-sint&'/&/.htm
!onni$ 0o.h$rt1< Th$ Tim$ *s NowD A "istori.a% Arg-m$nt for a C%-st$r M-nitions Con:$ntion< /( "ar:.
"-m. Rts. J. '4 (/((?).
+$,$ration of Am$ S.i$ntists< M-%tip%$ La-n.h Ro.2$t S1st$m<,o,5
&(&@s1s@%an,@m/;.htm (%ast :isit$, O.t. /4< /((?).
+$,$ration of Am$ S.i$ntists< C%-st$r !om3s< httpD@@,o,5
&(&@s1s@,-m3@.%-st$r.htm (%ast :isit$, O.t. /4< /((?) (,is.-ssing air ,ropp$, .%-st$r m-nitions
"-man Rights )at.h< M$moran,-m to CC) 0$%$gat$sD A G%o3a% O:$r:i$w of E8p%osi:$ S-3m-nitions
(Ma1 /((/)< a:ai%a3%$ at,$r@arms@s-3m-nitions.p,f (,is.-ssing ,iff$r$nt
t1p$s of .%-st$r m-nitions< as w$%% as fai%-r$ rat$s).
for int$rnationa% %aw.
C%-st$r 3om3s ha:$ 3$$n -s$, in at %$ast fo-rt$$n arm$, .onf%i.ts
to ,at$.
C%-st$r m-nitions ar$ ,$sign$, as Har$aH w$apons for ,$stro1ing %ight armor an,
p$rsonn$% o:$r a gi:$n ar$a.
Th$ m-nitions ar$ gro-p$, into s$:$ra% .%-st$rs of sma%%$r
3om3%$ts that ar$ ,$sign$, to $8p%o,$ at or n$ar impa.t. )h$n a n-m3$r of .%-st$r 3om3s
ar$ ,$p%o1$, at on.$< th$1 ar$ .apa3%$ of .o:$ring an ar$a $A-i:a%$nt to nin$t$$n foot3a%%
"-manitarian gro-ps ha:$ wi,$%1 .on,$mn$, th$ -s$ of th$s$ m-nitions on two
3as$s< nam$%1< that .%-st$r 3om3s ar$ in,is.riminat$ 3$.a-s$ th$1 (&) .annot 3$
s$%$.ti:$%1 an, a..-rat$%1 ,$p%o1$,I an, (/) th$ 3om3%$ts whi.h ,o not ,$tonat$ .r$at$
min$fi$%,s that .annot ,isting-ish 3$tw$$n .om3atants an, non.om3atants.
Th$ r$.$nt
tr$at1 on th$ 3an of -s$ of .%-st$r 3om3s .on.%-,$, in Ma1< /((9 h$ra%,s a w$$
.hang$ in th$ position of %aw in .%-st$r 3om3s an, go$rs o-t show th$ so%i,arit1 of th$
int$rnationa% .omm-nit1 in th$ .o%%$.ti:$ .on,$mnation of th$ -s$ of w$apons that %$a,
to ghast%1 .ons$A-$n.$s.
Part on$ of this pap$r ta%2s a3o-t th$ :io%ations of th$ prin.ip%$s of int$rnationa%
h-manitarian %aw that o..-r 3$.a-s$ of th$ -s$ of .%-st$r 3om3s. Part two of th$ pap$r
,is.-ss$s th$ position of %aw ma,$ 31 .o-rts in r$%ation to .%-st$r 3om3s. Part thr$$ ,$a%s
with th$ %$ga% pro:isions -n,$r whi.h .%-st$r 3om3s w$r$ go:$rn$, prior to th$ .-rr$nt
tr$at1. Part fo-r ta%2s a3o-t th$ Os%o pro.$ss an, th$ .oming of th$ 3an tr$at1 in 0-3%in in
Ma1< /((9. A 3ri$f ana%1sis of th$ pro:isions wi%% 3$ -n,$rta2$n. Last%1 th$ r$s$ar.h$r
wi%% .on.%-,$ with h$r o3s$r:ations an, .omm$nts.
Th$r$ $8ist .%$ar 6-stifi.ations within h-manitarian %aw prin.ip%$s in th$ &>?? A,,itiona%
Proto.o% * to th$ G$n$:a Con:$ntions< portions of whi.h ha:$ 3$$n r$.ogniB$, as
Mi.ha$% r$pon< )$apons Pot$ntia%%1 *nh-man$D Th$ Cas$ of C%-st$r !om3s< '/ +or$ign Aff. '>'< '>'5
;(' (&>?7)
Thomas J. "$rth$%< On th$ Chopping !%o.2D C%-st$r M-nitions an, th$ Law of )ar< '& A.+. L. R$:. //><
/49 (/((&).
Thomas Mi.ha$% M.0onn$%%< C%-st$r !om3s O:$r oso:oD A Jio%ation of *nt$rnationa% LawE< 77 AriB. L.
R$:. 4&< >; (/((/).
S-pra not$ 9
.onstit-ting .-stomar1 int$rnationa% %aw. Th$ fo%%owing is a 3ri$f ana%1sis of th$
pro:isions whi.h stan, :io%at$, 31 th$ -sag$ of .%-st$r 3om3s.
A. 0istin.tion
A,,itiona% Proto.o% * of th$ G$n$:a Con:$ntions %a1s o-t th$ prin.ip%$ of r$A-iring
3$%%ig$r$nts to ,isting-ish 3$tw$$n .i:i%ian an, mi%itar1 o36$.ts an, g$n$ra%%1 has 3$$n
r$.ogniB$, as $m3o,1ing .-stomar1 int$rnationa% %aw. Th$ -sag$ of .%-st$r 3om3s as
,is.-ss$, in th$ intro,-.tion .annot 3$ pr$.is$ or targ$t$, %arg$%1 th-s th$ fo%%owing
pro:isions app%1.
Arti.%$ '&(/) from A,,itiona% Proto.o% * (app%1ing to int$rnationa% .onf%i.ts) an, Arti.%$
&4(/) from A,,itiona% Proto.o% ** (app%1ing to int$rna% .onf%i.ts) %a1 o-t th$ 3asi. r-%$
against ma2ing .i:i%ians an, .i:i%ian pop-%ations th$ o36$.t of atta.2.
Arti.%$ '&(;) of A,,itiona% Proto.o% * att$mpts to o-t%aw r$prisa%s against .i:i%ians.
!$.a-s$ r$prisa%s -s-a%%1 .annot 3$ ,ir$.t$, against th$ part1 r$sponsi3%$ for th$ $ar%i$r
atta.2< r$prisa%s oft$n simp%1 %$a, to a spira% of :io%$n.$.
Unfort-nat$%1< th$ pro:isions
of Arti.%$ '&(;) ma1 not ha:$ r$a.h$, th$ %$:$% of .-stomar1 int$rnationa% %aw< a%%owing
thos$ not a part1 to A,,itiona% Proto.o% * to .%aim th$ HrightH to r$prisa% wh$n th$
fo%%owing .rit$ria ar$ m$tD
Hs-3si,iarit1 (fai%-r$ of a%% oth$r a:ai%a3%$ m$ans)I noti.$
(forma% warning of th$ p%ann$, a.tion)< proportiona%it1 (th$ ,amag$ an, s-ff$ring
inf%i.t$, on th$ a,:$rs$ part1 not to $8.$$, th$ %$:$% of ,amag$ an, s-ff$ring r$s-%ting
from its -n%awf-% .on,-.t)< t$mporar1 .hara.t$r (t$rmination of th$ r$prisa% wh$n th$
a,:$rsar1 stops :io%ating th$ %aw).H

!. 0is.rimination
Th$ ,is.rimination prin.ip%$ str$ss$s that .ar$ m-st 3$ ta2$n in th$ s$%$.tion of targ$ts< as
+rits a%sho:$n< R$prisa%s< in Crim$s of )ar 4(> (Ro1 G-tmann K 0a:i, Ri$ff $,s.< &>>>)< a:ai%a3%$ at
httpD@@ www..rim$$3oo2@r$prisa%.htm
w$%% as th$ m$ans an, m$tho,s of atta.2< to %imit th$ ,amag$ to .i:i%ians $:$n wh$n
%$gitimat$%1 targ$ting mi%itar1 o36$.ti:$s. Th$ ,o.-m$ntation of ,amag$s .a-s$, 31
.%-st$r 3om3s in th$ past in th$ :ario-s .onf%i.ts ar$ a .%$ar in,$r that th$ atta.2s ar$
Arti.%$ '&(7) of A,,itiona% Proto.o% * stat$s that HLiMn,is.riminat$ atta.2s ar$ prohi3it$,H
an, ,$fin$s in,is.riminat$ atta.2s as fo%%owsD
(a) thos$ whi.h ar$ not ,ir$.t$, at a sp$.ifi. mi%itar1 o36$.ti:$I
(3) thos$ whi.h $mp%o1 a m$tho, or m$ans of .om3at whi.h .annot 3$ ,ir$.t$, at
a sp$.ifi. mi%itar1 o36$.ti:$I or
(.) thos$ whi.h $mp%o1 a m$tho, or m$ans of .om3at th$ $ff$.ts of whi.h .annot
3$ %imit$, as r$A-ir$, 31 this Proto.o%I an, .ons$A-$nt%1< in $a.h s-.h .as$< ar$ of a
nat-r$ to stri2$ mi%itar1 o36$.ti:$s an, .i:i%ians or .i:i%ian o36$.ts witho-t

Arti.%$ '&(') go$s on to ,$fin$ in,is.riminat$ atta.2s< whi.h .onsist of Han atta.2 31
3om3ar,m$nt 31 an1 m$tho,s or m$ans whi.h tr$ats as a sing%$ mi%itar1 o36$.ti:$ a
n-m3$r of .%$ar%1 s$parat$, an, ,istin.t mi%itar1 o36$.ti:$s$, in a .it1< town<
:i%%ag$ or oth$r ar$a .ontaining a simi%ar .on.$ntration of .i:i%ians or .i:i%ian o36$.ts.H
On$ m-st a%so answ$r th$ A-$stion of 6-st what .onstit-t$ .i:i%ian pop-%ations or o36$.ts<
as oppos$, to mi%itar1 o36$.ti:$s. )i%%iam +$nri.2 has s-mmariB$, th$ %aw
.on.$rning mi%itar1 o36$.ti:$s< ,$s.ri3ing th$m as H(i) .om3atantsI (ii) .i:i%ians ta2ing a
,ir$.t part in hosti%iti$sI an, (iii) in so far as o36$.ts ar$ .on.$rn$,< thos$ o36$.ts whi.h
31 th$ir nat-r$< %o.ation< p-rpos$ or -s$ ma2$ an $ff$.ti:$ .ontri3-tion to mi%itar1 a.tion
an, whos$ tota% or partia% ,$str-.tion< .apt-r$ or n$-tra%isation in th$ .ir.-mstan.$s
r-%ing at th$ tim$< off$rs a ,$finit$ mi%itar1 a,:antag$.H
O36$.ts norma%%1 -s$, for .i:i%ian p-rpos$s sho-%, 3$ pr$s-m$, to 3$ so -s$,< -n%$ss
G$n$:a Proto.o% *< art. '&(7).
)i%%iam J. +$nri.2< Th$ Pros$.-tion of Un%awf-% Atta.2 Cas$s !$for$ th$ *CTN< ? N.!. *nt=%. "-m. L.
&'4< &?( (/((7)
th$1 m$$t th$ a3o:$ .rit$ria.
A..or,ing to th$ r$.$nt .o,ifi.ation of .-stomar1
int$rnationa% h-manitarian %aw 31 th$ R$, Cross< HL.Mi:i%ian o36$.ts ar$ a%% o36$.ts that
ar$ not mi%itar1 o36$.ti:$sH
an, HL.Mi:i%ians ar$ p$rsons who ar$ not m$m3$rs of th$
arm$, for.$s. Th$ .i:i%ian pop-%ation .ompris$s a%% p$rsons who ar$ .i:i%ians.H
Th$ sit-ation g$ts a 3it mor$$, wh$n< as in th$ .as$s .onsi,$r$, h$r$< .i:i%ians
ar$$, n$ar mi%itar1 o36$.ti:$s. )hi%$ th$r$ is no tr$at1 go:$rning this sit-ation< th$
position of man1 .o-ntri$s mat.h$s that of A-stra%iaD HTh$ pr$s$n.$ of non.om3atants in
or aro-n, a mi%itar1 o36$.ti:$ ,o$s not .hang$ its nat-r$ as a mi%itar1 o36$.ti:$.
Non.om3atants in th$ :i.init1 of a mi%itar1 o36$.ti:$ m-st shar$ th$ ,ang$r to whi.h th$
mi%itar1 o36$.ti:$ is $8pos$,.H
M$ans of .omm-ni.ation ar$ g$n$ra%%1 .onsi,$r$, to 3$
%$gitimat$ mi%itar1 targ$ts. Airfi$%,s ha:$ 3$$n i,$ntifi$, as s-.h 31 man1 .o-ntri$s.
Th$ m-%tip%i.it1 in :i$ws on th$ point of what wo-%, .onstit-t$ atta.2 a %$gitimat$ atta.2
with .i:i%ian pop-%ations aro-n, or in .%os$ :i.init1 of a mi%itar1 targ$t %$n,s -n.$rtaint1
to th$ position on .%-st$r 3om3s prior to th$ /((9 3an tr$at1.
C. Proportiona%it1
Proportiona%it1< a .%os$%1 r$%at$, prin.ip%$ of ,is.rimination< ho%,s that th$ anti.ipat$,
.o%%at$ra% ,amag$ from an oth$rwis$ %$gitimat$ atta.2 .annot 3$ $8.$ssi:$ in r$%ation to
an1 anti.ipat$, mi%itar1 a,:antag$.
"ow this ma.a3r$ .a%.-%-s of war m-st 3$
.a%i3rat$, has 3$$n th$ s-36$.t of m-.h ,$3at$. )h$th$r th$ -s$ of .%-st$r 3om3s an, its$s ha:$ 3$$n proportionat$ is a m-.h .ont$st$, ,$3at$ with on on$ si,$ .o-ntri$s
who ha:$ 3$$n -,,$rs of .%-st$r 3om3s in th$ r$.$nt past 6-stif1 th$ -sag$ an, .%aim it is
G$n$:a Proto.o% * art. '/(4).
J$an5Mari$ "$n.2a$rts K Lo-is$ 0oswa%,5!$.2< C-stomar1 *nt$rnationa% "-manitarian LawD Jo%. *D
R-%$s />54/ (/((')
J$an5Mari$ "$n.2a$rts K Lo-is$ 0oswa%,5!$.2< C-stomar1 *nt$rnationa% %awD Jo%. **< Part * //9 (/((')
*3i, at /&&
HLAMn atta.2 whi.h ma1 3$ $8p$.t$, to .a-s$ in.i,$nta% %oss of .i:i%ian %if$< in6-r1 to .i:i%ians< ,amag$ to
.i:i%ian o36$.ts< or a .om3ination th$r$of< whi.h wo-%, 3$ $8.$ssi:$ in r$%ation to th$ .on.r$t$ an, ,ir$.t
mi%itar1 a,:antag$ anti.ipat$,H is in,is.riminat$. G$n$:a Proto.o% *< art. '&(')(3).
not a ,isproportionat$ m$as-r$. "ow$:$r< th$ oth$r si,$ of th$ ,$3at$ is s-pport$, 31
o:$r a h-n,r$, .o-ntri$s an, th$ sam$ is r$f%$.t$, in th$ 3an tr$at1 of /((9.
0. Ta2ing R$asona3%$ Pr$.a-tions
Parti$s to a .onf%i.t ar$ o3%igat$, to ta2$ pr$.a-tions in p%anning atta.2s in or,$r to spar$
.i:i%ians< .i:i%ian pop-%ations< an, .i:i%ian o36$.ts. This in.%-,$s .hoosing w$apons with
th$ p-rpos$ of minimiBing ,amag$ to .i:i%ians an, .i:i%ian o36$.ts.
Thos$ 3$ing
atta.2$, m-st prot$.t .i:i%ians Hto th$ ma8im-m $8t$nt f$asi3%$<H in.%-,ing mo:ing
p$op%$ awa1 from mi%itar1 targ$ts an, not %o.ating mi%itar1 o36$.ti:$s in pop-%at$,
Th$s$ prin.ip%$s pro:i,$ a -s$f-% 3a.2,rop to mor$ ,$tai%$, .onsi,$ration of th$
Two int$rnationa% tri3-na%s r$.$nt%1 ha:$ fo-n, ,$f$n,ants %ia3%$ for .i:i%ian ,$aths
.a-s$, 31 .%-st$r m-nitions. Th$s$ ,$.isions ma1 h$ra%, a t-rning point in th$ r$g-%ation
of th$s$ w$apons. *n /((7< th$ Eritr$a5Ethiopia C%aims Commission (EECC) h$%, Eritr$a
%ia3%$ for th$ ,$aths of .i:i%ians 2i%%$, in .%-st$r m-nition stri2$s on M$2$%$< Ethiopia on
J-n$ '< &>>9.
On J-n$ &/< /((?< th$ *nt$rnationa% Crimina% Tri3-na% for th$ +orm$r
N-gos%a:ia h$%, th$ form$r pr$si,$nt of th$ now5,$f-n.t S$r3ian R$p-3%i. of ra6ina
.rimina%%1 %ia3%$ for ,$aths an, in6-ri$s r$s-%ting from .%-st$r m-nition ro.2$t atta.2s on
Oagr$3< Croatia on Ma1 / an, 4< &>>' (th$ Marti. 6-,gm$nt).

Art. '?. Th$ Arti.%$ is $ntit%$, HPr$.a-tions in Atta.2H
G$n$:a Proto.o% *< Arti.%$ '9 pro:i,$sD
Pr$.a-tions against th$ $ff$.ts of atta.2s.... Th$ Parti$s to th$ .onf%i.t sha%%< to th$ ma8im-m $8t$nt
(a) witho-t pr$6-,i.$ to Arti.%$ 7> of th$ +o-rth Con:$ntion Lprohi3iting mass for.i3%$ transf$rs an,
,$portationsM< $n,$a:o-r to r$mo:$ th$ .i:i%ian pop-%ation< in,i:i,-a% .i:i%ians an, .i:i%ian o36$.ts
-n,$r th$ir .ontro% from th$ :i.init1 of mi%itar1 o36$.ti:$sI
(3) a:oi, %o.ating mi%itar1 o36$.ti:$s within or n$ar ,$ns$%1 pop-%at$, ar$asI
(.) ta2$ th$ oth$r n$.$ssar1 pr$.a-tions to prot$.t th$ .i:i%ian pop-%ation< in,i:i,-a% .i:i%ians an,
.i:i%ian o36$.ts -n,$r th$ir .ontro% against th$ ,ang$rs r$s-%ting from mi%itar1 op$rations.
Partia% Awar,< C$ntra% +ront (Eri. :. Eth)< Ethiopia=s C%aim /< 74 *.L.M. &/?'< &/>75>; (Eritr$a5Ethiopia
C%aims Comm=n Apr. /9< /((7)
A. Eritr$a5Ethiopia C%aims Commission
Th$ &>>9 %$tha% .%-st$r 3om3 atta.2 on M$2$%$ 31 Eritr$an air.raft at th$ o-t3r$a2 of
hosti%iti$s with Ethiopia 2i%%$, s.or$s of .i:i%ians an, fann$, th$ f%am$s of th$ .onf%i.t.
Th$ Commission h$%, Eritr$a %ia3%$ for Hth$ ,$aths< wo-n,s an, ph1si.a% ,amag$ to
.i:i%ians an, .i:i%ian o36$.tsH
for Hfai%ing to ta2$ a%% f$asi3%$ pr$.a-tions to pr$:$nt two
of its mi%itar1 air.raft from ,ropping .%-st$r 3om3s in th$ :i.init1 of th$ A1,$r S.hoo%
an, its .i:i%ian n$igh3orhoo, in th$ town of M$2$%$.H
Th$ EECC r$%i$, -pon A,,itiona%
Proto.o% *< Arti.%$ '?< Hth$ $ss$n.$ of whi.h is that a%% f$asi3%$ pr$.a-tions to pr$:$nt
-nint$n,$, in6-r1 to prot$.t$, p$rsons m-st 3$ ta2$n in .hoosing targ$ts< in th$ .hoi.$ of
m$ans an, m$tho,s of atta.2 an, in th$ a.t-a% .on,-.t of op$rations.H
Th$ Commission
,i, Hnot A-$stion $ith$r th$ . . . .hoi.$ of M$2$%$ airport as a targ$t< or LEritr$a=sM .hoi.$
of w$apons.H
!. Th$ Marti. J-,gm$nt
On J-n$ &/< /((?< th$ *nt$rnationa% Crimina% Tri3-na% for th$ +orm$r N-gos%a:ia
.on:i.t$, Mi%an Marti.< th$ form$r pr$si,$nt of th$ now ,$f-n.t R$p-3%i. of S$r3ian
ra6ina< of war .rim$s an, .rim$s against h-manit1.
!oth pr$5tria% an, tria% pros$.-tion
witn$ss$s pr$s$nt$, $:i,$n.$ a3o-t th$ Or2an s-3m-nitions.
Ea.h ro.2$t -s$, in th$
Oagr$3 atta.2 .arri$, /99 !5& 3om3%$ts< a%so r$f$rr$, to as H,-a% p-rpos$ impro:$,
.on:$ntiona% m-nitionsH.

Pros$.-tor :. Marti.< Cas$ No. *T5>'5&&5T< J-,gm$nt< PP 7';5?4 (J-n$ &/< /((?)< a:ai%a3%$ at httpD@@,g$m$nt@mar5t.6-,(?(;&/$.p,f.
C$,ri. !arn$s< )rit$n$t *n,$p$n,$nt Ana%1sis< EthiopiaD A So.iopo%iti.a% Ass$ssm$nt &/ (Ma1 /((;)
(.ommission$, 31 UN "igh Comm=r for R$f-g$$s)< a:ai%a3%$ at*@77f/>,?(7.p,f.
Partia% Awar,5Ethiopia< 74 *.L.M. &/?'< P J0>
*3i,. P &&(
Marti.< Cas$ No. *T5>'5&&5T< J-,gm$nt< P 7?? (J-n$ &/< /((?).
Trans.ript of R$.or, at '&&7< Marti.< Cas$ No. &T5>'5&&5T (J-n$ ;< /((;) (t$stimon1 of JoB$f Po6$)<
a:ai%a3%$ at$&&@(;(;(;E0.htm
Marti.< Cas$ No. *T5>'5&&5R;&< Trans.ript of th$ Tria% Cham3$r< R-%$ ;& Pro.$$,ings (+$3. /?< &>>;)
Lh$r$inaft$r R-%$ ;& Pro.$$,ingsM< a:ai%a3%$ at$&&@R;&@>;(//?*T.htm
Th$ pros$.-tion pr$s$nt$, $:i,$n.$ as to th$ s-3m-nitions= gr-$som$ $ff$.ts on th$
h-man 3o,1< th$ir a3i%it1 to p$n$trat$ :$hi.%$s< an, th$ir minima% $ff$.t on 3-i%,ings. A
sing%$ Or2an ro.2$t .an ,isp$rs$ its /99 3om3%$ts o:$r an $%%ips$ of appro8imat$%1 &'(
m$t$rs 31 /(( m$t$rs< or a3o-t two h$.tar$s in ar$a.
Th$ Tria% Cham3$r fo-n, that th$
Or2an was a Hnon5g-i,$, high ,isp$rsion w$apon< Lwhi.hM . . . 31 :irt-$ of its
.hara.t$risti.s . . . was in.apa3%$ of hitting sp$.ifi. targ$ts.H
Th$ R-%$ ;& 0$.ision an,
th$ fina% 6-,gm$nt 3oth .onsi,$r$, th$s$ thr$$ f$at-r$s in r$a.hing th$ir .on.%-sions.
Th$s$ .hara.t$risti.s w$r$ $ntir$%1 int$n,$, 31 th$ir ,$sign$rs. Pros$.-tion witn$ss$s
t$stifi$, at th$ R-%$ ;& h$aring an, at tria% that if th$ int$nt ha, 3$$n to ,$stro1 mi%itar1 or
po%i.$ 3-i%,ings< th$ Or2an ro.2$t was th$ wrong w$apon to -s$ 3$.a-s$ of th$ minima%
$8p%osi:$ pow$r of th$ in,i:i,-a% 3om3%$ts.
C. Ana%1sis of th$ 6-,gm$nts
!oth 6-,gm$nts h$%, th$ ,$f$n,ants %ia3%$. !oth .as$s a,,r$ss$, th$ ,$aths of .i:i%ians in
,$ns$%1 pop-%at$, ar$as. "ow$:$r< th$r$ $8ists a ,iff$r$n.$ in th$ approa.h$s. Th$ EECC
,i, not o:$rt%1 A-$stion th$ -s$ of .%-st$r m-nitions n$ar .i:i%ian ar$as< 3-t th$ *CTN ,i,.
Th$ EECC ,ismiss$, .harg$s of int$ntiona% targ$ting of .i:i%iansI th$ *CTN -s$, th$ :$r1
nat-r$ of .%-st$r m-nitions as $:i,$n.$ of int$nt to targ$t .i:i%ians an, in th$ a%t$rnati:$
h$%, that th$ .%-st$r m-nitions w$r$ in,is.riminat$ an, ,isproportionat$ as -s$,. !oth th$
EECC an, th$ *CTN h$%, that .omman,$rs sho-%, a.t to pr$:$nt f-t-r$ stri2$s wh$n th$1
ha:$ for$2now%$,g$ a3o-t th$ a,:$rs$ h-manitarian $ff$.ts of w$aponr1 in a.t-a% .om3at
Part ***D E#*ST*NG LA) PR*OR TO T"E /((9 TREATN
Prior to th$ .on.%-sion of /((9 Tr$at1 th$ int$rnationa% .omm-nit1 .o-%,nQt r$a.h on an1
3in,ing s-3stanti:$ o3%igations how$:$r th$r$ $8ist$, som$ pi$.$m$a% $fforts with ,ir$.t
or in,ir$.t r$f$rn.$ to .%-st$r 3om3s. Th$ most r$%$:ant 3$ing th$ Con:$ntiona% )$apons
Marti.< Cas$ No. *T5>'5&&5T< J-,gm$nt< P 7;4 (J-n$ &/< /((?)
Marti.< Cas$ No. *T5>'5&&5T< J-,gm$nt< P 7;/
Con:$ntions an, prot$.tion within h-manitarian %aw.
A. Th$ Con:$ntiona% )$apons Con:$ntion
Th$ Con:$ntiona% )$apons Con:$ntion was .on.%-,$, in &>9(.
Th$ .on:$ntion 3-i%t
-pon pr$:io-s .on:$ntions< nota3%1 th$ "ag-$ P$a.$ Con:$ntions of &9>> an, &>(? on
th$ Laws an, C-stoms of )ar on Lan,< th$ fo-r R$, Cross Con:$ntions .on.%-,$, at
G$n$:a in &>7> an, th$ A,,itiona% Proto.o%s on th$ Prot$.tion of Ji.tims of *nt$rnationa%
Arm$, Conf%i.ts.
Th$ CC) an, th$ proto.o%s s$$2 to prohi3it an, r$stri.t th$ -s$ of .$rtain .on:$ntiona%
w$apons that ar$ .onsi,$r$, to .a-s$ $8.$ssi:$ in6-ri$s an, -nn$.$ssar1 s-ff$ring< or that
ha:$ in,is.riminat$ $ff$.ts. Th$ CC) its$%f ,o$s not .ontain sp$.ifi. %imitations on th$
-s$ of .$rtain w$apons< an, is inst$a, .onfin$, to g$n$ra% pro:isions< s-.h as its s.op$<
$ntr1 into for.$ an, str-.t-r$.
C%-st$r 3om3s .an 3$ r$a, into th$ CC).
!. Th$ A,option of a N$w Proto.o% on E8p%osi:$ R$mnants of )ar (ER))
On &' S$pt$m3$r /(((< th$ *CRC .a%%$, for a moratori-m on th$ -s$ of .%-st$r w$apons
p$n,ing th$ a,option of r-%$s on ER). This .a%% was 3as$, on two r$ports. Th$ first was
an *CRC st-,1 of th$ $ff$.ts of ER) in oso:o fo%%owing th$ .$ssation of hosti%iti$s in

Th$ *CRC s-3s$A-$nt%1 h$%, a m$$ting in N1on (SwitB$r%an,) on &9 an, &> S$pt$m3$r
/((( at whi.h it ,r$w att$ntion to th$ pro3%$m .a-s$, 31 E8p%osi:$ R$mnants of )ar.
This in fa.t signa%%$, th$ start of th$ ,is.-ssions in th$ CC) fram$wor2 of a proto.o% on
ER). Th$ S$.on, R$:i$w Conf$r$n.$ of th$ Stat$s Parti$s to th$ CC) in 0$.$m3$r
=Con:$ntion on prohi3itions or r$stri.tions on th$ -s$ of .$rtain .on:$ntiona% w$apons whi.h ma1 3$
,$$m$, to 3$ $8.$ssi:$%1 in6-rio-s or to ha:$ in,is.riminat$ $ff$.ts.=
Th$ Thir, R$:i$w Conf$r$n.$ ,$.i,$, on &? No:$m3$r /((; to $sta3%ish a .omp%ian.$ m$.hanism< Th$
t$8t of th$ m$.hanism .an 3$ .ons-%t$, at ChttpD@@ www.-nog..h@9(/';E00((;!9>'7@
(httpAss$ts)@'A&EC&/(!&9+E'E!C&/'?/;C((;/>C&+@ Rfi%$@Comp%ian.$.p,fG.
*CRC< E8p%osi:$ R$mnants of )arD C%-st$r !om3s an, Lan, Min$s in oso:o< G$n$:a< A-g-st /(((.
Th$ *CRC has p-3%ish$, a s-mmar1 r$port $ntit%$, E8p$rt M$$ting on E8p%osi:$ R$mnants of )ar
/((& was to ,$.i,$ on th$ $%a3oration of th$ proposa%s .on.$rning th$ ER) pro3%$m an,
th$ a,option of a possi3%$ n$w proto.o% to th$ CC).
Th$ first forma% ro-n, of n$gotiations for an instr-m$nt on ER) too2 p%a.$ from &( to
&/ Mar.h /((4. Th$1 %$, to th$ a,option of Proto.o% J on ER) on /9 No:$m3$r /((4.
Th$ proto.o% was th-s th$ first m-%ti%at$ra% instr-m$nt to ,$a% with th$ pro3%$m of th$
$8p%osi:$ r$mnants of war. Th$ main $%$m$nt of th$ proto.o% is that th$ Contra.ting
Parti$s in:o%:$, in a .onf%i.t ar$ o3%ig$, to .%$ar th$ ar$as -n,$r th$ir .ontro% of ER) as
A-i.2%1 as possi3%$ aft$r th$ .$ssation of hosti%iti$s
No .ons$ns-s .o-%, 3$ r$a.h$, on 3in,ing m$as-r$s to pr$:$nt ER) whi.h wo-%, 3$
app%i.a3%$ 3$for$ th$ -s$ of w$apons (for $8amp%$< with r$gar, to th$ pro.-r$m$nt<
sto.2pi%ing an, %if$ span) or on th$ a.t-a% -s$ of s-.h w$apons< with a :i$w to a:oi,ing
ER) as far as possi3%$. "ow$:$r< stat$s ,i, -n,$rta2$ to ,is.-ss this in th$ f-t-r$. Th$
proto.o% $nt$r$, into for.$ on &/ No:$m3$r /((;. Th$ proto.o% ha, 3$$n ratifi$, 31 4/
stat$s 31 th$ a-t-mn of /((?.
A%tho-gh Proto.o% J r$.ognis$s th$ s$rio-s h-manitarian post5.onf%i.t pro3%$ms .a-s$,
31 ER) an, intro,-.$s g$n$ra% r$m$,ia% m$as-r$s ,$sign$, to r$,-.$ th$ pr$s$n.$<
$ff$.ts an, ris2 of ER)< it 3$.am$ appar$nt $:$n ,-ring th$ n$gotiations that :ario-s
stat$s as w$%% as int$rnationa% an, non5go:$rnm$nta% organisations ,i, not r$gar, an
instr-m$nt that ,$a%s on%1 with a post5.onf%i.t sit-ation as a,$A-at$.
Th$ ER) pro3%$m th$r$for$ r$main$, on th$ ag$n,a $:$n aft$r th$ a,option of Proto.o%
J. Th$ m$$ting of Stat$s Parti$s ,$.i,$, at th$ $n, of No:$m3$r /((4 on E8p%osi:$
R$mnants of )ar sho-%, .ontin-$ its wor2 in /((7 on th$ 3asis of th$ fo%%owing man,at$
of pr$:$nti:$ m$as-r$s aim$, at impro:ing th$ ,$sign of .$rtain sp$.ifi. t1p$s of
m-nitions< in.%-,ing s-3m-nitions< with a :i$w to minimising th$ h-manitarian ris2 of
th$s$ m-nitions 3$.oming $8p%osi:$ r$mnants of war. E8.hang$ of information<
T$8t a:ai%a3%$ at at ChttpD@@www.-nog..h@9(/';E00((;!9>'7@(httpAss$ts)@
'79704&''?(AC9'?C&/'?&0E(('0;7>9@ Rfi%$@Proto.o%SonSE8p%osi:$SR$mnantsSofS)ar.p,fG.
assistan.$ an, .oop$ration wo-%, 3$ important $%$m$nts of s-.h 3$st pra.ti.$s.
man,at$ was r$n$w$, for /((' an, /((;.
0-ring th$ ,is.-ssions in No:$m3$r /((;< a gro-p of /' .o-ntri$s %$, 31 Norwa1
s-3mitt$, a ,$.%aration .a%%ing for a 3an on th$ -s$ of .%-st$r w$apons within
=.on.$ntrations of .i:i%ians= an, for a 3an on th$ -s$ of .%-st$r w$apons that .a-s$ s$rio-s
h-manitarian haBar,s on a..o-nt of th$ir -nr$%ia3i%it1 or ina..-ra.1.
No .ons$ns-s
.o-%, 3$ a.hi$:$, for th$ ,$.%aration.
A. +ormation of th$ Tr$at1
Th$ tr$at1 pro.$ss was %a-n.h$, in Os%o< Norwa1 in +$3r-ar1 /((? wh$n 7; nations
agr$$, to .on.%-,$ 31 th$ $n, of /((9 an agr$$m$nt prohi3iting .%-st$r m-nitions Tthat
.a-s$ -na..$pta3%$ harm to .i:i%ians.U Th$ tr$at1 t$8t was ,$:$%op$, ,-ring int$rnationa%
m$$tings in P$r-< A-stria< an, N$w O$a%an,< with mor$ than &7( .o-ntri$s parti.ipating
in at %$ast part of th$ pro.$ss.
As a ,$.ision to ,$:$%op a %$ga%%1 3in,ing instr-m$nt .o-%, not 3$ ta2$n at th$ CC)
R$:i$w Conf$r$n.$ in No:$m3$r /((;< Norwa1 .a%%$, offi.ia%%1 on stat$s< th$ *CRC an,
r$%$:ant NGOs to ,$:$%op a %$ga%%1 3in,ing instr-m$nt on .%-st$r m-nitions o-tsi,$ th$
CC) fram$wor2. Norwa1 was s-pport$, 31 /7 .o-ntri$s. This was in fa.t th$ sam$ path
E8.$rpt from th$ R$port of th$ M$$ting of th$ Stat$s Parti$s in /((4< as .ontain$, in CC)@MSP@/((4@4<
p. 4?. S$$ ChttpD@@ www.-nog..h@9(/';E00((;!9>'7@
(httpAss$ts)@EE>9;0+!!7404E9EC&/'?&0E((;E;E?'@ Rfi%$@(4SMan,at$sSVMSPS/((4.p,fG.
Th$ /' .o-ntri$s .a%%$, for an agr$$m$nt that sho-%,< int$r a%iaD prohi3it th$ -s$ of .%-st$r m-nitions
within .on.$ntrations of .i:i%iansI prohi3it th$ ,$:$%opm$nt< pro,-.tion< sto.2pi%ing< transf$r an, -s$ of
.%-st$r m-nitions that pos$ s$rio-s h-manitarian haBar,s 3$.a-s$ th$1 ar$< for $8amp%$< -nr$%ia3%$ an,@or
ina..-rat$I ass-r$ th$ ,$str-.tion of sto.2pi%$s of .%-st$r m-nitions that pos$ s$rio-s h-manitarian haBar,s
3$.a-s$ th$1 ar$< for $8amp%$< -nr$%ia3%$ an,@or ina..-rat$< an, in this .ont$8t $sta3%ish forms for
.oop$ration an, assistan.$. S$$ ,o.. CC)@CON+.***@&& (Part ***)< p. 7&.
"-man Rights )at.h< +ina% Ta%2s on C%-st$r M-nition !an Tr$at1< Ma1 &;< /((9< a:ai%a3%$ at
as th$ on$ that %$, to th$ a,option of th$ Ottawa Con:$ntion on Lan, min$s.
Proto.o% ** was a,opt$, -n,$r th$ CC) in &>>;. This proto.o% impos$, stri.t$r r-%$s on
th$ -s$ of anti5p$rsonn$% min$s< 3-t ,i, not 3an th$m. This ,i, not go far $no-gh for
som$ .o-ntri$s< whi.h want$, an instr-m$nt that wo-%, 3an anti5p$rsonn$% min$s
o-tright. U%timat$%1< this %$, to th$ Ottawa Con:$ntion< or Min$ !an Tr$at1.
A =2i.25off m$$ting=< oth$rwis$ 2nown as th$ Os%o Conf$r$n.$ on C%-st$r M-nitions< was
h$%, in Os%o on // an, /4 +$3r-ar1 /((?. This was $:$nt-a%%1 att$n,$, 31 7> .o-ntri$s.
Man1 important pro,-.$r .o-ntri$s< s-.h as China< *n,ia< *ran< *sra$%< Pa2istan< th$
R-ssian +$,$ration an, th$ Unit$, Stat$s w$r$ a3s$nt. Jario-s int$rnationa% organisations
w$r$ a%so r$pr$s$nt$, at th$ m$$ting< as was th$ C%-st$r M-nition Coa%ition. 0-ring th$
.onf$r$n.$< :ario-s asp$.ts of th$ -s$ of .%-st$r m-nitions w$r$ .onsi,$r$,< as w$%% as th$
s.op$ for an, ,iffi.-%ti$s pr$s$nt$, 31 th$ a,option of an int$rnationa% approa.h to th$
i%%$gitimat$ -s$ of th$s$ w$apons.
Th$ +ina% 0$.%aration of th$ Conf$r$n.$
was a,opt$, 31 7; of th$ 7> .o-ntri$s pr$s$nt.
*t was a po%iti.a% ,$.%aration an, not a %$ga%%1 3in,ing ,o.-m$nt. Thr$$ .o-ntri$s55
Po%an,< Romania an, Japan55in,$, in Os%o that th$1 .o-%, not (1$t) $n,ors$ th$
,$.%aration. A..or,ing to th$ ,ata of "-man Rights )at.h<
&? of th$ 7; .o-ntri$s that
a,opt$, th$ ,$.%aration ,o not poss$ss .%-st$r m-nitions an, n$$, not th$r$for$ ta2$
sp$.ifi. m$as-r$s. Si8t$$n of th$ /> Os%o signatori$s that poss$ss .%-st$r m-nitions a%so
pro,-.$ th$m.

*n th$ fina% ,$.%aration< Norwa1 pro:i,$, that th$ parti.ipating .o-ntri$s .ommitt$,
th$ms$%:$s to .on.%-,$ 31 /((9 a %$ga%%1 3in,ing instr-m$nt that wi%% (i) prohi3it th$ -s$<
pro,-.tion< transf$r an, sto.2pi%ing of .%-st$r m-nitions that .a-s$ -na..$pta3%$ harm to
.i:i%ians< an, (ii) $sta3%ish a fram$wor2 for .oop$ration an, assistan.$ that $ns-r$s
&>>? Con:$ntion on th$ Prohi3ition of th$ Us$< Sto.2pi%ing< Pro,-.tion an, Transf$r of Anti5p$rsonn$%
Min$s an, on th$ir 0$str-.tion
Th$ t$8t of th$ Os%o 0$.%aration of /4 +$3r-ar1 /((? .an 3$ fo-n, at th$ w$3sit$ of th$ Norw$gian
Go:$rnm$nt< ChttpD@@ www.r$g6$ring$,@U0@J$,%$gg@Os%oW/(0$.%arationW/((fina%)W/(/4W
"-man Rights )at.h< A 0irt1 0oB$n C%-st$r M-nitions< +$3r-ar1 /((?<
a,$A-at$ pro:ision of .ar$ an, r$ha3i%itation to s-r:i:ors an, th$ir .omm-niti$s<
.%$aran.$ of .ontaminat$, ar$as< ris2 $,-.ation an, ,$str-.tion of sto.2pi%$s of
prohi3it$, .%-st$r m-nitions. *n a,,ition< th$ fina% ,$.%aration stat$, that th$ parti.ipating
.o-ntri$s wo-%, .onsi,$r ta2ing st$ps at th$ nationa% %$:$% an, wo-%, a,,r$ss th$
h-manitarian .ha%%$ng$s pos$, 31 .%-st$r m-nitions within th$ fram$wor2 of
int$rnationa% h-manitarian %aw an, in a%% r$%$:ant fora.

!. *mportant Asp$.ts of th$ Tr$at1
Th$ n$w .%-st$r m-nitions tr$at1 a,opt$, in 0-3%in on Ma1 4(< /((9. Th$ tr$at1
imm$,iat$%1 3ans a%% t1p$s of .%-st$r m-nitions< r$6$.ting initia% att$mpts 31 som$ nations
to n$gotiat$ $8.$ptions for th$ir own ars$na%s< as w$%% as .a%%s for a transition that wo-%,
,$%a1 th$ 3an for a ,$.a,$ or mor$. *n a,,ition to th$ prohi3itions on -s$< pro,-.tion<
sto.2pi%ing< an, tra,$< th$ tr$at1 a%so in.%-,$s :$r1 strong pro:isions r$A-iring stat$s to
pro:i,$ assistan.$ to :i.tims an, to .%$an -p ar$as aff$.t$, 31 .%-st$r m-nitions.
TThis tr$at1 wi%% ma2$ th$ wor%, a saf$r p%a.$ for mi%%ions of p$op%$<U sai, St$:$ Goos$<
,ir$.tor of th$ Arms ,i:ision at "-man Rights )at.h. TC%-st$r m-nitions ha:$ 3$$n
toss$, on th$ ash h$ap of histor1. No nation wi%% $:$r 3$ a3%$ to -s$ th$m again witho-t
pro:o2ing th$ imm$,iat$ r$:-%sion an, ,isappro:a% of most .o-ntri$s in th$ wor%,.U
This is th$ most signifi.ant a.hi$:$m$nt of th$ tr$at1 3$.a-s$ th$r$ w$r$ sp$.-%ations
that .$rtain 2in,s of .%-st$r 3om3s might 3$ p$rmitt$,< 3-t $:$nt-a%%1 no s-.h thing
happ$n$, an, th$r$ was o:$rwh$%ming s-pport to 3an a%% 2in,s of .%-st$r 3om3s in th$
int$rnationa% .omm-nit1.
This .on:$ntion is a .ompr$h$nsi:$ 3an on .%-st$r m-nitions as a .%ass of w$apons. *n
man1 wa1s it is mor$ .ompr$h$nsi:$ than th$ &>>? Min$ !an Tr$at1. *t 3ans not 6-st
som$ .%-st$r m-nitions< 3-t a%% .%-st$r m-nitions. *t ,o$s not tr1 to ,iff$r$ntiat$ 3$tw$$n
goo, .%-st$r m-nitions an, 3a, .%-st$r m-nitions< it 3ans th$m a%%. Th$ w$apons that ar$
.o:$r$, in th$ Arti.%$ /(C) $8.%-sion .annot ha:$ th$ in,is.riminat$ wi,$ ar$a $ff$.t an,
Th$ t$8t is a:ai%a3%$ at ChttpD@@ www.stop.%-st$$s@LimaW/(,is.-ssionW/(t$8t
"-man Rights )at.h< C%-st$r !om3 Tr$at1 !r$a2s N$w Gro-n,< Ma1 4(< /((9< a:ai%a3%$ at
$8.$ssi:$ -n$8p%o,$, or,nan.$ $ff$.t of .%-st$r m-nitions< an, th-s sho-%, not 3$
.onsi,$r$, .%-st$r m-nitions.

This is a .on:$ntion with no $8.$ptions X no $8.$ptions for in,i:i,-a% nationsQ own
parti.-%ar t1p$s of .%-st$r m-nitions< whi.h wo-%, ha:$ w$a2$n$, th$ tr$at1 s$:$r$%1.
This is a .on:$ntion with no ,$%a1s. Th$r$ is no transition p$rio,< whi.h wo-%, ha:$
-n,$rmin$, th$ int$grit1 of th$ tr$at1.

Th$ .on:$ntion .ontains $8.$%%$nt pro:isions on :i.tim assistan.$< whi.h ar$ gro-n,5
3r$a2ing an, histori. in th$ir own right. *t has :$r1 goo, pro:isions on .%$aran.$<
transpar$n.1< an, int$rnationa% .oop$ration an, assistan.$< a%% of whi.h ar$ an
impro:$m$nt on th$ Min$ !an Tr$at1< ta2ing a,:antag$ of %$ssons %$arn$, o:$r th$ past
A%tho-gh s$:$ra% of th$ wor%,Qs 3igg$st -s$rs or sto.2pi%$rs of .%-st$r m-nitions w$r$ not
pr$s$nt at th$ 0-3%in ta%2s< in.%-,ing th$ Unit$, Stat$s< R-ssia< China< *n,ia< !raBi%<
Pa2istan< an, *sra$%. !-t $8p$ri$n.$ with th$ Min$ !an Tr$at1 s-gg$sts that $:$n non5
signatori$s wi%% -%timat$%1 f$$% 3o-n, 31 th$ 3an on .%-st$r m-nitions. A%tho-gh th$
Unit$, Stat$s has sti%% not sign$, th$ Min$ !an Tr$at1< for $8amp%$< it has not -s$,<
$8port$,< or pro,-.$, an1 antip$rsonn$% %an,min$s sin.$ th$ tr$at1 was n$gotiat$, &&
1$ars ago.
This $ss$ntia%%1 m$ans that th$ fa.t that th$r$ $8ists a tr$at1 with
o:$rwh$%ming int$rnationa% s-pport wi%% a.t as a signifi.ant ,$t$rr$nt to .o-ntri$s who
int$n, to -s$ .%-st$r 3om3s. TTh$ most important thing this tr$at1 ,o$s is to stigmatiB$
.%-st$r m-nitions<U sai, Goos$. TTh$ stigma wi%% grow an, ,$$p$n o:$r tim$< an,
-%timat$%1 ma2$ th$ -s$ of .%-st$r m-nitions -nthin2a3%$ 31 an1on$.U
Th$ n$w tr$at1Qs so%$ ,isappointm$nt .am$ in Arti.%$ /&< whi.h is ,$sign$, to pro:i,$
%$ga% prot$.tion for a signator1Qs arm$, for.$s if anoth$r .o-ntr1 -s$s .%-st$r m-nitions
,-ring 6oint mi%itar1 op$rations. "-man Rights )at.h -rg$, go:$rnm$nts to ma2$ .%$ar
in offi.ia% stat$m$nts a T.ommon -n,$rstan,ingU that th$ tr$at1 ,o$s not a%%ow ,$%i3$rat$
assistan.$ for th$ -s$ of .%-st$r m-nitions ,-ring 6oint op$rations an, ,o$s not a%%ow non5
signatori$s to sto.2pi%$ .%-st$r m-nitions on th$ t$rritor1 of signator1 stat$s.

Arti.%$ /& of th$ tr$at1 a%so in.%-,$s a r$A-ir$m$nt that signatori$s a.ti:$%1 ,is.o-rag$
-s$ 31 oth$r stat$s.
Arti.%$ /& on Tint$rop$ra3i%it1U is th$ on%1 stain on th$ fin$ fa3ri.
of th$ tr$at1 t$8t. Th$ %ang-ag$ is not .%$ar that for$ign sto.2pi%ing an, int$ntiona%
assistan.$ with prohi3it$, a.ts ar$ 3ann$, in a%% .ir.-mstan.$s. Th$r$ is f-rth$r
.%arifi.ation r$A-ir$, from .o-ntri$s that Arti.%$ /& ,o$s not a%%ow in,$finit$ for$ign
sto.2pi%ing or int$ntiona% assistan.$. *f for$ign sto.2pi%ing of .%-st$r m-nitions is a%%ow$,
it -n,$rmin$ th$ f-n,am$nta% o3%igations of th$ tr$at1.
*,$a%%1 stat$s m-st not ,$%$t$ or -n,$r.-t th$ prohi3ition on assisting non5signatori$s with
th$ -s$ of .%-st$r m-nitions. This is a .or$ prohi3ition that is $ss$ntia% to th$ str$ngth of
th$ tr$at1 an, to th$ promotion of th$ norm against th$ w$apon. )$ -n,$rstan, that stat$s
want to $ns-r$ %$ga% prot$.tions to th$ir so%,i$rs for an1 -nint$ntiona% assistan.$ that
.o-%, o..-r ,-ring 6oint mi%itar1 op$rations. !-t< w$ ,o not -n,$rstan, wh1 th$ .on.$rns
.annot 3$ a,,r$ss$, as th$1 w$r$ for th$ Min$ !an Tr$at1< whi.h .ontains i,$nti.a%
%ang-ag$< thro-gh nationa% ,$.%arations an, imp%$m$ntation %aws. *t is .r-.ia% that in
,$a%ing with this iss-$< n$gotiating stat$s ma2$ it .%$ar that th$1 o36$.t to an1 -s$ of
.%-st$r m-nitions 31 an1 arm$, for.$.
*n a,,ition to thos$ r$%at$, to Arti.%$ /&< this in.%-,$s that transit of .%-st$r m-nitions is
prohi3it$,< that in:$stm$nt in .%-st$r m-nition pro,-.tion is prohi3it$,< an, that th$
Tminim-m n-m3$r a3so%-t$%1 n$.$ssar1U of s-3m-nitions r$tain$, for training m$ans
h-n,r$,s or tho-san,s or %$ss< 3-t not t$ns of tho-san,s.

"-man Rights )at.h< C%-st$r !om3 Tr$at1 !r$a2s N$w Gro-n,< Ma1 4(< /((9< a:ai%a3%$ at "
St$:$ Goos$< C%-st$r M-nition Coa%ition Stat$m$nt to th$ Committ$$ of th$ )ho%$ on th$ Agr$$m$nt to
A,opt th$ C%-st$r M-nitions Con:$ntion< Ma1 /9< /((9< a:ai%a3%$ at
Nations ha:$ -s$, .%-st$r m-nitions $8t$nsi:$%1 o:$r th$ past fo-r ,$.a,$s in m-%tip%$
.onf%i.ts aro-n, th$ wor%,.
Ea.h tim$ th$1 ar$ -s$,< signifi.ant .on.$rns ha:$ 3$$n
rais$, a3o-t th$ir r$%ati:$ mi%itar1 -ti%it1 wh$n 3a%an.$, against th$ ,$ath an, ,$str-.tion
to .i:i%ians an, .i:i%ian prop$rt1. Th$ir wi,$5ar$a .o:$rag$ an, poor targ$ting
,ramati.a%%1 in.r$as$ th$ %i2$%ihoo, that .i:i%ians wi%% 3$ in6-r$, ,-ring a .onf%i.t. Th$ir
-na..$pta3%1 high fai%-r$ rat$s r$s-%t in tho-san,s if not h-n,r$,s of tho-san,s of
-n$8p%o,$, 3om3%$ts whi.h 2i%% an, in6-r$ .hi%,r$n an, a,-%ts< ,$n1 a..$ss to
agri.-%t-ra% an, graBing %an,< an, pr$:$nt rapi, post5.onf%i.t r$.onstr-.tion an,
,$:$%opm$nt. Th-s< th$ tr$at1 wi%% ,o so m-.h goo, an, gi:$ strong$r %$ga% 3asis to th$
pr$:$ntion of -s$ of .%-st$r 3om3s in tim$s to .om$.
Jirgi% )i$3$< +ootprints of 0$athD C%-st$r !om3s as *n,is.riminat$ )$apons Un,$r *nt$rnationa%
"-manitarian Law< // Mi.h. J. *nt=% L. 9'< &7(57/ (/((().
Pr$ss r$%$as$ 31 C%-st$r M-nitions Coa%ition< /& Ma1 /((?. An o:$r:i$w 31 CMC of
pro,-.$r .o-ntri$s< .o-ntri$s that own .%-st$r m-nitions an, .o-ntri$s wh$r$ .%-st$r
m-nitions ha:$ 3$$n -s$, .an 3$ fo-n, at ChttpD@@
"-man Rights )at.h< Unit$, Stat$sD C-t Off C%-st$r M-nition Sa%$s to *sra$%<$ng%ish@,o.s@/((?@(&@/>@-sint&'/&/.htm
!onni$ 0o.h$rt1< Th$ Tim$ *s NowD A "istori.a% Arg-m$nt for a C%-st$r M-nitions
Con:$ntion< /( "ar:. "-m. Rts. J. '4 (/((?).
+$,$ration of Am$ S.i$ntists< C%-st$r !om3s< httpD@@,o,5
&(&@s1s@,-m3@.%-st$r.htm (%ast :isit$, O.t. /4< /((?) (,is.-ssing air ,ropp$, .%-st$r
"-man Rights )at.h< M$moran,-m to CC) 0$%$gat$sD A G%o3a% O:$r:i$w of
E8p%osi:$ S-3m-nitions (Ma1 /((/)< a:ai%a3%$ at,$r@arms@s-3m-nitions.p,f (,is.-ssing ,iff$r$nt t1p$s of
.%-st$r m-nitions< as w$%% as fai%-r$ rat$s).
Mi.ha$% r$pon< )$apons Pot$ntia%%1 *nh-man$D Th$ Cas$ of C%-st$r !om3s< '/ +or$ign
Aff. '>'< '>'5;(' (&>?7)
Thomas J. "$rth$%< On th$ Chopping !%o.2D C%-st$r M-nitions an, th$ Law of )ar< '&
A.+. L. R$:. //>< /49 (/((&).
Thomas Mi.ha$% M.0onn$%%< C%-st$r !om3s O:$r oso:oD A Jio%ation of *nt$rnationa%
LawE< 77 AriB. L. R$:. 4&< >; (/((/).
+rits a%sho:$n< R$prisa%s< in Crim$s of )ar 4(> (Ro1 G-tmann K 0a:i, Ri$ff $,s.<
&>>>)< a:ai%a3%$ at httpD@@ www..rim$$3oo2@r$prisa%.htm
)i%%iam J. +$nri.2< Th$ Pros$.-tion of Un%awf-% Atta.2 Cas$s !$for$ th$ *CTN< ? N.!.
*nt=%. "-m. L. &'4< &?( (/((7)
J$an5Mari$ "$n.2a$rts K Lo-is$ 0oswa%,5!$.2< C-stomar1 *nt$rnationa% "-manitarian
LawD Jo%. *D R-%$s />54/ (/((')
J$an5Mari$ "$n.2a$rts K Lo-is$ 0oswa%,5!$.2< C-stomar1 *nt$rnationa% %awD Jo%. **<
Part * //9 (/((')
C$,ri. !arn$s< )rit$n$t *n,$p$n,$nt Ana%1sis< EthiopiaD A So.iopo%iti.a% Ass$ssm$nt &/
(Ma1 /((;) (.ommission$, 31 UN "igh Comm=r for R$f-g$$s)< a:ai%a3%$ at*@77f/>,?(7.p,f.
*CRC< E8p%osi:$ R$mnants of )arD C%-st$r !om3s an, Lan, Min$s in oso:o< G$n$:a<
A-g-st /(((.
of th$ M$$ting of th$ Stat$s Parti$s in /((4< as .ontain$, in CC)@MSP@/((4@4< p. 4?.
S$$ ChttpD@@ www.-nog..h@9(/';E00((;!9>'7@
"-man Rights )at.h< +ina% Ta%2s on C%-st$r M-nition !an Tr$at1< Ma1 &;< /((9<
a:ai%a3%$ at
Th$ t$8t of th$ Os%o 0$.%aration of /4 +$3r-ar1 /((? .an 3$ fo-n, at th$ w$3sit$ of th$
Norw$gian Go:$rnm$nt< ChttpD@@ www.r$g6$ring$,@U0@J$,%$gg@Os%o
W/(0$.%arationW/((fina%)W/(/4W /(+$3r-ar1W/(/((?.p,fG.
"-man Rights )at.h< A 0irt1 0oB$n C%-st$r M-nitions< +$3r-ar1 /((?<
Rights )at.h< C%-st$r !om3 Tr$at1 !r$a2s N$w Gro-n,< Ma1 4(< /((9< a:ai%a3%$ at
St$:$ Goos$< C%-st$r M-nition Coa%ition Stat$m$nt to th$ Committ$$ of th$ )ho%$ on th$
Agr$$m$nt to A,opt th$ C%-st$r M-nitions Con:$ntion< Ma1 /9< /((9< a:ai%a3%$ at
Jirgi% )i$3$< +ootprints of 0$athD C%-st$r !om3s as *n,is.riminat$ )$apons Un,$r
*nt$rnationa% "-manitarian Law< // Mi.h. J. *nt=% L. 9'< &7(57/ (/((().

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