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Acebedo Optical Company Vs CA

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Acebedo Optical Company, Inc. vs.

G.R. No. 100152, March 31, 2000

Police Power as exercised by LGUs, restrictions and qualifications
Power of city mayor to grant/cancel/revoke business permits
Granting of business permits vs. granting of permit to practice profession


Petitioner applied with the Office of the City Mayor of Iligan for a business permit. Permit was
therefor issued, subject to certain conditions like prohibition of putting up an optical clinic,
examining and/or prescribing reading and similar optical glasses, etc. When it was found that
petitioner violated these conditions, its business permit was cancelled.

Whether or not the imposition of special conditions by the public respondents were
acts ultra vires


Police Power exercised by LGUs

Police power as an inherent attribute of sovereignty is the power to prescribe regulations to
promote the health, morals, peace, education, good order or safety and general welfare of the
people. The State, through the legislature, has delegated the exercise of police power to local
government units, as agencies of the State, in order to effectively accomplish and carry out the
declared objects of their creation. This delegation of police power is embodied in the general
welfare clause of the Local Government Code xxx

The scope of police power has been held to be so comprehensive as to encompass almost all
matters affecting the health, safety, peace, order, morals, comfort and convenience of the
community. Police power is essentially regulatory in nature and the power to issue licenses or
grant business permits, if exercised for a regulatory and not revenue-raising purpose, is within
the ambit of this power.

Power of city mayor to grant business permits

The authority of city mayors to issue or grant licenses and business permits is beyond cavil. It is
provided for by law.


However, the power to grant or issue licenses or business permits must always be exercised in
accordance with law, with utmost observance of the rights of all concerned to due process
and equal protection of the law.

But can city mayor cancel business permits or impose special conditions? As aptly discussed
by the Solicitor General in his Comment, the power to issue licenses and permits necessarily
includes the corollary power to revoke, withdraw or cancel the same. And the power to revoke or
cancel, likewise includes the power to restrict through the imposition of certain conditions.

Did the conditions or restrictions imposed amount to a confiscation of the business?

Distinction must be made between the grant of a license or permit to do business and the
issuance of a license to engage in the practice of a particular profession. The first is usually
granted by the local authorities and the second is issued by the Board or Commission tasked to
regulate the particular profession. A business permit authorizes the person, natural or otherwise,
to engage in business or some form of commercial activity. A professional license, on the other
hand, is the grant of authority to a natural person to engage in the practice or exercise of his or
her profession.

In the case at bar, what is sought by petitioner from respondent City Mayor is a permit to
engage in the business of running an optical shop. It does not purport to seek a license to engage
in the practice of optometry as a corporate body or entity, although it does have in its employ,
persons who are duly licensed to practice optometry by the Board of Examiners in Optometry.

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