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Fiber To The MDU

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A lot of excitement has surrounded

fiber to the premises (FTTP) deploy-

ments in recent yearsand with good
reason. Most of these FTTP deployments
have occurred in residential areas, more spe-
cifically to detached single-family homes.
What service providers (SPs) have large-
ly overlooked in the residential broadband
segment to date is the lucrative opportunity
presented by residences within multidwell-
ing units (MDUs).
Rolling out fiber to the MDU (FTTM)
certainly doesnt come without its fair share
of challenges. But through understanding
some of the key approaches and hurdles to
deploying FTTM, SPs can capitalize on this
largely untapped subscriber base. In fact,
the dynamics of service penetration rate can
also play more favorably into the hands of
an SP when delivering FTTM versus fiber
to the home (FTTH).
How to get there from here
Entities planning deployments to MDUs
must, at a minimum, consider the following
important parameters: whether the building
is a new or existing structure, the buildings
size, and if residential unit entry is internal
or external to the MDU. Its important to
understand that each possible combination
of these factors governs not only the deploy-
ment methodology, but also the product set
used to optimize the network.
Which came firstthe fiber or the sheet-
rockis quite possibly the most significant
parameter. When we sit back and envision
what a greenfield deployment looks like,
we often conjure images of vast cleared lots
with nothing but contractor advertisements
staked into the ground. Unfortunately,
when discussing MDUs, greenfield could
involve a number of deployment states that
can range up to virtually completed build-
ings awaiting the first resident. This vari-
ety obviously affects the deployment
approach since some greenfields may
more closely resemble overbuild deploy-
With greenfield MDU construction, the fi-
ber cable pathway is the most crucial element
to sequence with the rest of the project events.
Generally, the optical hardware accompany-
ing the network, such as fiber distribution
hubs (FDHs), fiber distribution terminals
(FDTs), and network interface devices, can
be placed with considerable flexibility. How-
ever, cable routing and placement are a whole
different story.
For the cable itself, SPs must choose
whether conduit will be placed for protec-
tion and future network scalability. The
placement of conduit for cable pathways, of
course, adds incremental cost to the deploy-
mentbut it can also facilitate the use of less
robust distribution and drop cables within
the building. Alternatively, SPs can choose
to merely route optical distribution and drop
cables within the walls without conduit.
Many regard the passive optical infrastruc-
ture as largely futureproofed, so there is lit-
tle perceived value in having the ability to
swap out optical drop cables to upgrade a
network in the future. In either case, there
are benefits to consider, and these must be
carefully weighed in making the final de-
ployment decision.
The importance of securing the cable
pathway in greenfield MDU deployments
is also dependent on the size and type of
residential entry for the structure at hand.
More specifically, with small MDUs, many
of which feature external residential entry-
ways, the drop terminal and the drop cable
itself may be routed externally to the struc-
Fiber to the MDU is residential broadbands last frontier
FTTM network serving small MDU building
cable to
cable to MDU
FTTM - Fiber to the MDU
MDU - Multidwelling unit
Figure 1. A fiber to the multidwelling-unit (FTTM) architecture can be similar to a single-resi-
dence PON. For a small multidwelling-unit (MDU) building, an MDU terminal can be mounted
on the outside of the building. Separate cables run from this unit to individual subscribers
within the building.
Reprinted with revisions to format, from the September 2005 edition of LIGHTWAVE
Copyright 2005 by PennWell Corporation
ture, terminating at an optical-network ter-
minal (ONT) mounted outside each unit. In
these cases, standard outside plant (OSP)
cables that do not carry flame ratings can be
used, which also saves material cost. Build-
ings of this type allow an SP more flexibil-
ity in the approach and timing of FTTM
Overbuild FTTM deployments, or net-
work overbuilds within existing buildings,
require a good deal of planning to deter-
mine how the rollout of the network will
result in minimal impact to the building
and its eager occupants. It should come as
no surprise that once again the optical-fiber
pathway presents the major hurdle in these
types of deployments. Things become much
more complicated when the availability of
hidden pathways for cable placement are ei-
ther scarce or nonexistent.
When it comes down to it, deploying in
overbuild situations may call for a touch of
creativity. Today, there are innovative solu-
tions available that turn attractive crown
molding and baseboard runs into robust
optical pathways, never to be noticed by
the unsuspecting non-telecom-savvy res-
ident. There is no need to get through or
behind walls in most situations, with the
exception of tapping a small path into the
residential unit itself for the drop cable.
Options like these and others now
afford SPs the opportunity to over-
build networks in the countless MDU
buildings in existence already. Own-
ers of MDU buildings should consider
investing in these pathways independent
of the SP to be prepared for a competitive
communications infrastructure to attract
Putting it all together
Now that we have discussed some of the
driving factors and design considerations
that influence the direction of FTTM de-
ployments, its time to identify the net-
work components that compose the optical
link to these buildings. Bringing fiber to
MDU buildings is really just an extension
of a standard FTTH network in many re-
spects. The biggest difference rests with
the network topology; the true system ar-
chitecture (i.e., PON with 132 splitting
or a point-to-point network) remains the
same. Additionally, the product mix will
vary depending on the size of the MDU
For deployments to smaller MDUs such
as apartment buildings, condominiums, or
town homes, the feeder and FDH portions
of the network remain exactly the same
as for an FTTH network servicing single-
family homes. Where the two deployments
diverge in topology is the fiber service ter-
minal, also known as the network access
point (NAP). Rather than a NAP terminal
installed on an aerial strand or in a hand
hole or pedestal in the neighborhood, a
small MDU is most easily serviced with an
MDU terminal that mounts directly on the
outside of the structure.
An MDU terminal really serves the same
function as an FTTH NAP terminal, which
is a demarcation point for connecting drop
cables to distribution fibers. These devices
typically house connection ports for up to
12 drop cables that serve the units within
the building. From the MDU terminal, drop
cables can be incrementally added in a rap-
id manner as subscribers take service. For
small MDU applications, these drops can be
routed internally or externally to the struc-
ture to terminate at the individual residential
ONTs. Figure 1 represents an approach for
deploying fiber to small MDU buildings.
Stepping up to larger MDUs such as high-
rise residential buildings, the network to-
pology diverges even more from an FTTH
product set. In residential buildings of this
size, which commonly feature a basement
or utilities space, the physical location of the
FDH can actually be transitioned inside the
structure. Therefore, a feeder cable from the
central office or headend directly services
this point in the network. For a PON, the
FDH would hold the number of passive op-
tical splitters required to serve the number
of residential units within the MDU. The
FDH for an MDU application differs from
an OSP FDH in that it does not require the
same level of environmental protection,
and it can be wall-mounted in the interest
of space preservation.
From the FDH, riser cables serving one or
more floors are distributed in a manner anal-
FTTM network serving large MDU building
FTTM - Fiber to the MDU
MDU - Multidwelling unit
Fiber distribution
Figure 2. In a large multidwelling-unit (MDU) building, a feeder-distribution-hub cabinet can
reside in the basement. Riser cables lead to fiber distribution terminals on each floor, from
which distribution cables run to each subscriber.
ogous to the OSP distribution cable link in an
FTTH network. These riser cables connect
the output ports of the splitter for a PON or
the feeder patch for a point-to-point network
to the FDT. The FDT is essentially a thin-
profile wall-mountable device that enables
connection of drop cables to the distribution
fibers. This component serves exactly the
same purpose as the NAP terminal for an
FTTH network and the MDU terminal for
servicing small-sized MDU buildings.
From the FDT point, individual drop
cables are connected and run to residen-
tial units, where the ONT resides just in-
side the living space. Figure 2 represents an
approach for deploying fiber to large MDU
When exploring connectivity options
between the optical hardware components
within MDUs, there are some very advan-
tageous approaches available that are fa-
cilitated by the very environment of the
deployment spaces. Unlike OSP deploy-
ments, optical-link distances in an MDU
structure are typically quite short. Addi-
tionally, there is really not a whole lot of dif-
ference in vertical floor spacing from one
structure to the next, regardless of building
size. Thus, the reasonably predictable floor
and unit spacing coupled with short optical-
link distances allows the optical components
to be engineered, produced, and delivered in
a customized form straight from the factory,
should this option be chosen.
Certainly, each of the connection points
in this type of deployment, from the FDH
to the drop, can be fusion-spliced as the
network is constructed, but a fully connec-
torized approach can greatly simplify and
accelerate deployment within the building.
In any case, the technology to make the op-
tical network truly plug and play is available
today and should be given serious consider-
ation to optimize the deployment.
Ready, set, deploy
Looking at some of the issues and solu-
tions surrounding the approach to FTTM
deployments, it is apparent that this large-
ly untapped residential broadband market
is now ripe for the picking. Mass deploy-
ments of FTTH have already done wonders
in aligning component costs with the bud-
gets of SPs everywhere, from the largest of
regional Bells to the smallest of indepen-
dent telecommunications companies. This
evolution in cost, coupled with many of the
advanced labor-reducing products avail-
able today, have brightened the deployment
picture and eliminated major barriers to
entry for those looking to deploy this tech-
As the competitive battle for winning
over residential subscribers will only con-
tinue to escalate in the years to come,
there are now technology options avail-
able to service providers that enable these
entities to cost-effectively place the ad-
vantage in their own hands. FTTH, and
now FTTM, are the differentiating net-
work technologies that ensure this ad-
vantage not only today, but also well into
the future.
David Meis is technology market
manager for FTTX networks at Corning
Cable Systems (Hickory, NC,
Corning Cable Systems
PO Box 489
Hickory, NC 28603-0489
International: +1-828-901-5000
FAX: +1-828-901-5973

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