Linear Static Analysis of Jack Up Structure at Different Modes of Operations
Linear Static Analysis of Jack Up Structure at Different Modes of Operations
Linear Static Analysis of Jack Up Structure at Different Modes of Operations
Trends and Recent Advances in Civil Engineering (TRACE- 24th-25th January 2014)
Sree Narayana Gurukulam College of Engineering 1 | P a g e
Linear Static Analysis of Jack Up Structure at Different Modes of
Anoop.K.S*, Kavitha.P.E**, Lija.M.Paul***
*(PG Student, Email:
** (Associate Professor, Email:
***(Assistant Professor, Email:
Department of Civil Engineering, Sree Narayana Gurukulam College of Engineering, Kerala, India
A Jack up is an offshore structure with tubular members consisting of a buoyant hull which is self-elevating with
number of movable legs, capable of raising its hull over the surface of sea. The Jack up is also called a mobile
platform. The buoyant hull enables transportation of the unit and all attached machinery to a desired location.
Once on location the hull is raised to the required elevation above the sea surface on its legs supported by the sea
bed. The legs of such units may be designed to penetrate the sea bed, may be fitted with enlarged sections or
footings, or may be attached to a bottom mat.
It experiences various type of loading such as wind, wave and current forces. There are specific formulae for
finding these loads in the structure. Different classification societies like API, ABS, and DNV etc. have certain
rules for the construction of the Jack up.
Some studies are done on these rules given by classification societies and a certain rule is selected for the present
study. Loads will be calculated and the structure will be modeled using FEA package ANSYS 10.0. Finally
results will be tabulated for different water depths.
Keywords Hull, Jack-Up, Offshore, Self-elevating, Wave.
I. Introduction
The jack-up barges are typically three-legged
structures having a deck supported on their legs. The
legs are made of tubular truss members whereas the
deck is typically buoyant. The jack ups are used for
the drilling operation and, therefore, frequent transit is
required. Sometimes it may be self propelled or they
are transported on top of barges. They are called jack
ups because once at the drilling site, the legs are set
on the ocean bottom and the deck is jacked up on
these legs above the waterline. The jack-up
structures/barges behave like the stationary platform
during the drilling operation. The major loads acting
on the structure at operation are wind, wave and
current forces. In this paper the attention is focused
mainly on wave loading i.e. a dynamic load.
Present study is focused on jack up structures
analysis. M.J. Cassidy [1] studied about the dynamic
assessment of jack up due to random ocean waves and
for increasing sea-state severity there was an
increasing variation in the extreme horizontal deck
displacements. A. Dier [2] concludes that jack-up
effectively reacts statically to the vertical loading.
Bernt J. Leira [3] studied about the site-dependent
response characteristics of a jack-up platform
operating at two different locations in the North Sea
with different water depth and wave environment. D.
Karunakaran [7] studied about the jack up platforms
under extreme wave loading condition which exhibit
significant nonlinear behaviour and concluded that the
major sources of non linear behaviour are the wave
loading, the damping mechanisms and the soil
structure interaction.
In our present study a linear static analysis of jack
up structures at different modes of operations (ie.
Operation, Survival and Transit mode) are considered
for its structural response. A suitable structural
dimension of the model is identified and the wave
forces acting on the structure is calculated at different
sites. The loads will be calculated using linear wave
theory for different site location. Global analysis of
the Jack up structure was carried out by applying
wave loads, a particular joint where maximum stress
was found is analysed and the same joint is taken for
local analysis. For local analysis the joint selected is
analysed to find its stress range and to predict its life.
The linear static analysis will be carried out using
FEA package ANSYS 10.0.
II. Structural Model
There are typically 3-legged and 4-legged
jack-up structures. The jack-up barges are towed
while supported by the buoyancy of their own hull.
Sometimes, they are transported on top of transport
barges. However the majority of the jack-ups that are
produced are 3 legged. Fig.1 shows a typical 3-legged
jack up structure.
International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
Trends and Recent Advances in Civil Engineering (TRACE- 24th-25th January 2014)
Sree Narayana Gurukulam College of Engineering 2 | P a g e
Fig.1 Typical three legged jack up unit [12]
III. Operation Mode
In Operation Mode, the main loads acting on
the structure are wave, current, wind and some other
live loads and operational loads. The wave data in
North Sea at two different locations are considered for
the analysis.
The jack up structure having a spud can of
diameter approximately equal to 14.4 m is considered
for the study. The wave loads are calculated using the
Airys theory and the following equations (ie. Eqn.1
& 2) are mainly used for the calculation of loads and
the wave data for two locations are show in Table 1.
Drag Force, F
, and Inertia Force, F
, are
quantified by;
Where, = density of sea water; D =diameter of
tubular member; =value of dispersion; t =angle in
radians; k=wave number; h = water depth; H=wave
height; C
= drag coefficient and C
= inertia
For considering soil structure interaction effects
FEA carried out using a set of spring elements which
is equivalent to soil stiffness. The jack up structure
having a spud can of diameter approximately equal to
14.4 m is considered for the study. For soil structure
interaction effects depth equal to 2.5 times the
diameter of spud can is considered (i.e. = 36 m).
The following equation gives the spring stiffness in
different directions;
Where, G
and G
= shear modulus for horizontal
loadings in x- diection and z-direction; G
= shear
modulus for vertical loading in y-direction; B =
effective spudcan diameter at the uppermost part of
the bearing area; = Poissons ratio of the soil.
For the dynamic analysis, the foundation spring
stiffnesses are evaluated in accordance with Chan
Ghee Koh [12] and the values are given below.
= 3.2410
= 6.9710
= 3.2410
Fig.2 Simplified model of a jack up structure
Table 1 Wave data in North Sea at two different
DATA Site 1 Site 2
Water Depth (h) 70 m 100 m
Wave Height (H) 15.5 m 11.0 m
Time Period (T) 10.82 sec 13.90 sec
3.1 Finite Element Analysis
In ANSYS 10.0 the following elements Beam188 and
Shell63 is used for our analysis. The Fig.2 shows the
simplified model of the jack up structure at site 1. The
plan view of jack up as shown in Fig.3.
International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
Trends and Recent Advances in Civil Engineering (TRACE- 24th-25th January 2014)
Sree Narayana Gurukulam College of Engineering 3 | P a g e
Fig.3 Plan View of a jack up structure
3.2 Jack Up Structure at Site 1
The jack up structure is oriented such that the two
standing legs are incident by the wave treating it as a
front face loading at site 1. The wave load acting at
the peak height of the Jack up structure on each leg is
calculated and shown in Table 2. The analysis is
carried out in ANSYS10.0 and the stress diagram is
found out as shown in Fig. 4.
Table 2 Wave loads at the peak height of the structure
Wave Load at
Site 1
Leg A
Leg B
Leg C
Member 1 in
Each Leg
140791 140791 38254
Member 2 in
Each Leg
140791 140791 38254
Member 3 in
Each Leg
100229 100229 52022
Fig.4 Stress Diagram at Site1
After the analysis of jack up structure at site 1 got the
maximum value of deformation as 0.326 m.
3.3 Jack Up Structure at Site 2
The jack up structure is oriented such that the two
standing legs are incident by the wave treating it as a
front face loading at site 2. The wave load acting at
the peak height of the Jack up structure on each leg is
calculated and shown in Table 3. The analysis is
carried out in ANSYS10.0 and the stress diagram is
found out as shown in Fig. 5.
Table 3 Wave loads at the peak height of the structure
Applied Wave
Load at Site 1
Leg A
Leg B
Leg C
Member 1 in
Each Leg
55870 55870 5870
Member 2 in
Each Leg
55870 55870 5870
Member 3 in
Each Leg
50542 50542 23983
Fig.5 Stress Diagram at Site 2
After the analysis of jack up structure at site 2 got the
maximum value of deformation as 0.347 m.
IV. Local Analysis
Global analysis of the Jack up structure was
carried out by applying wave loads. A particular joint
where maximum stress was found is analysed and the
same joint is taken for local analysis. For local
analysis the joint selected is analysed to find its stress
range and to predict its life.
In the present study the tubular joint is modelled
and the solution is obtained.Usually in FEA the mesh
size differ at certain locations ie. the area where stress
gets concentrated is finely meshed. In our analysis the
stress gets concentrated at the chord-brace
intersection. So the places intersected (joints) in our
study is meshed using fine elements. The joint which
is considered for the local analysis is shown in Fig.6.
International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
Trends and Recent Advances in Civil Engineering (TRACE- 24th-25th January 2014)
Sree Narayana Gurukulam College of Engineering 4 | P a g e
Fig.6 Joint which is considered for Local Analysis
The stresses are calculated for the particular joint (ie.
the joint which we are interested) as shown in Fig.7.
Fig.7 Stress Diagram
4.1 Fatigue Life
Maximum Stress,
= 0.242 x 10
Minimum Stress,
= 0.3861020 N/m
Stress Range, S =
= 24.2 Mpa
No. of Cycles Required for Fatigue Failure, N = A S
As Per ABS Rules for Tubular Joints (Cathodic
Protection Condition),
Fatigue Strength Coefficient, A = 7.30 x 10
Exponent Coefficient, m = 3
No. of Cycles Required for Fatigue Failure (N),
N = = 52 x 10
No. of Wave Cycles in a Year (n),
n = = 2.9 x 10
Design Life, T
= 15 years
Fatigue Life, T
= N/n = 18 years
V. Survival Mode
When the Unit is performing operations, the
weather is to be monitored. If non-cyclonic storms
which exceed design operating condition environment
are predicted, Operations should be stopped and the
Unit placed in Storm Survival mode. If cyclonic
storms are predicted, the precautions are taken and
personnel evacuated from the Unit.100 year wave
condition is used. The 100 year wave data in North
Sea is show in Table 4.
Table 4 100 Year Wave data in North Sea
Water Depth (h) 70 m
Wave Height (H) 15.5 m
Time Period (T) 10.82 sec
The wave load acting at the peak height of the Jack up
structure on each leg is calculated and shown in Table
5. The analysis is carried out in ANSYS10.0 and the
displacement diagram is found out as shown in Fig. 8.
Table 5 Wave loads at the peak height of the structure
Wave Load
in Survival
Leg A
Leg B
Leg C
Member 1 in
Each Leg
587201 587201 15314
Member 2 in
Each Leg
587201 587201 15314
Member 3 in
Each Leg
477676 477676 60057
Fig.8 Displacement Diagram in Survival Mode
After the analysis of jack up structure in survival
mode got the maximum value of deformation as 2.34
m and the corresponding value is compared with
operation condition. The comparison of result is
shown in Table 6.
International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
Trends and Recent Advances in Civil Engineering (TRACE- 24th-25th January 2014)
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Table 6 Comparison of Results (Operation and
RESULT Operatio
n Mode
at Site
n Mode
at Site 2
0.326 0.347 2.34
VI. Transit Mode
In Transit Mode wind and wave loads are
predominant, but only wave load is considered for the
analysis. The Jack Up structure is transported from
site A (North Sea location1) to site B (North Sea
location 2). Due to lack of availability of data the
wave data are averaged from the two site locations
and is considered for the analysis.
When the Jack Up structure is transported from
site A to site B it experiences wave as well as wind
loading and these loadings are applied on the structure
to get its response. When the structure is in transit the
structure should not fail due to these combined
loadings. So a preliminary analysis is to be done to
check the structure matches the frequency of wave ie.
modal analysis (dynamic) is carried out.
The boundary condition is selected such as the
structure is taken at a point and all its bottom deck
structure is fixed for the analysis purpose. In Transit
Mode, the wave data in North Sea is considered for
the analysis. The wave data is shown below in the
Table 7.
Table 7 Wave data in North Sea
Water Depth (h) 80 m
Wave Height (H) 13.25 m
Time Period (T) 12.36 sec
The model of jack up and the different mode shapes
are as shown in Fig.9 to 12.
After the analysis is carried out, the various
structure frequencies are obtained and it is compared
with the wave frequency. The obtained values of
frequencies are does not match with the wave
frequency and the comparison of results as shown in
Table 8.
Fig.9 Model of a Jack Up under Transit condition
Fig.10 Mode Shape 1 of Jack Up at Transit
Fig.11 Mode Shape 2 of Jack Up at Transit
International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
Trends and Recent Advances in Civil Engineering (TRACE- 24th-25th January 2014)
Sree Narayana Gurukulam College of Engineering 6 | P a g e
Fig.12 Mode Shape 3 of Jack Up at Transit
Table 8 Comparison of Results (Transit Mode)
0.1579 Hz
0.1915 Hz
0.4797 Hz
0.0809 Hz
0.0809 Hz
0.0809 Hz
VII. Conclusion
The jack up structure which is a mobile
offshore drilling unit experiences various kinds of
loads ie while it is in operation and this structure as a
whole is transported to the site for drilling and
exploratory functions so necessity of carrying its
structural response is very important for both survival
and operational conditions. This structure differs
from other offshore structures because of transit loads
i.e other structures is placed in a large floating body,
while majority of jack up is self propelled (some are
towed). So analysis consideration should be
considered for these.
The Jack up structure was identified at two different
locations. Among the two, one with the major
response was identified and the loadings were
calculated using Morisons equation (ie. 25 year wave
data for operational and 100 year wave data for
survival). The structural response was found using
FEA software ANSYS 10.0 for the operational as well
as survival condition. The structural response in
transit is also done for the same structure which
experiences major response.
After the preliminary analysis is done (ie. global
analysis), the next study was focussed on a particular
tubular joint of interest where maximum stress lies.
The same joint was modelled and stresses were
carried for the chord-brace intersection.
Next study was focussed on life of the tubular joint
which we are interested. This was done using an
appropriate S-N curve from the rules (ie. ABS [18])
and by using formulae the life of the tubular joint was
found out.
In survival mode the deflection found using
preliminary wave load calculation was subsequently
higher than the operational modes (ie. 7 times more
than the operational mode). From the theoretical part
the deflection will be greater for survival condition
than in operational mode. The Offshore Industry does
calculation for a 50 or 100 year wave data for the
survival conditions. The major steps taken by the
Offshore Industry is to evacuate personnel from the
platform, stop the operation of the structure and
necessary precautions will be taken for riser
Finally the dynamic analysis (ie. modal analysis) was
carried out to determine the structural response in
transit and its response was found and the results were
tabulated. Soil-Structure Interaction (SSI) was also
studied to incorporate the behaviour of the structure
with the soil.
The analysis model generated can be used for any of
the available offshore loading conditions as an initial
reference to the design of such structures. The
analysis may also be extended to local analysis of legs
for more accurate results.
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