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2003schacter - The Seven Sins of Memory

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Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1001: 226-239 (2003). 2003 New York Academy of Sciences.
doi: 10.1196/annals.1279.012
The Seven Sins of Memory
Implications for Self
Department of Psvchologv, Harvard Universitv,
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, USA
ABSTRACT: We examine the relation between memory and self by consid-
ering errors of memory. We draw on the idea that memory`s imperfections
can be classified into seven basic categories or ~sins. Three of the sins con-
cern different types of forgetting (transience, absent-mindedness, and
blocking), three concern different types of distortion (misattribution, sug-
gestibility, and bias), and one concerns intrusive memories (persistence).
We focus in particular on two of the distortion-related sins, misattribution
and bias. By describing cognitive, neuropsychological, and neuroimaging
studies that illuminate these memory sins, we consider how they might
bear on the relation between memory and self.
KEYWORDS: memory; self; forgetting; distortion; misattribution; bias
Scientists and philosophers have long recognized an intimate connection be-
tween memory and the selI. Ideas about the nature oI this relationship can
be Iound as early as 1829 when James Mill underscored not only the strong
interdependence between selI and memory, but went so Iar as to suggest that
the two are actually one and the same:
!he phenomenon oI SelI and that oI Memory are merely two sides oI the same
Iact, or two diIIerent modes oI viewing the same Iact .This succession oI Ieel-
ings, which I call my memory oI the past, is that by which I distinguish my SelI
(Mill, |1829/1982|, p. 175).
The strong relation between memory and selI has not escaped the attention
oI modern theorists, either. Indeed, in his recent book Svnaptic Self, Joseph
LeDoux (2002) has made the case Ior the close interplay between memory
and selI by contending that in the absence oI learning and memory processes,
Address Ior correspondence: Daniel L. Schacter, Department oI Psychology, Harvard Univer-
sity, 33 Kirkland St., Cambridge, MA 02138. Voice: 617-495-3855; Iax: 617-496-3122.
the selI would only be 'an empty, impoverished expression oI our genetic
constitution (p.9). Erom a diIIerent perspective, Greenwald (1980) argued
Ior a similarly tight link between memory and selI, claiming that the past is
remembered 'as iI it were a drama in which the selI is the leading player (p.
604). Thus, not only is our sense oI selI based on memories oI past experi-
ences, as Mill contended, but our retrieval, recollection, and reconstruction oI
the past is, reciprocally, inIluenced by the selI. Given these links between
memory and selI, it seems that we cannot make much progress in thinking
about the selI without Iirst trying to understand memory and how it contrib-
utes to the online narrative that comprises one`s sense oI selI.
In its attempt to contribute to such an understanding, this paper takes a
somewhat counterintuitive tack. Rather than trying to tackle memory head-on
by examining the ways in which it typically blends into the Iabric oI our ev-
eryday lives, we try to gain insight into the selI by instead looking at the im-
perIections, Ioibles, and quirks oI memory. II memory and selI are related, it
Iollows that an understanding oI the selI will beneIit Irom, or even depend on,
a better understanding oI memory`s imperIections and Iailures. To this end,
we describe memory Iailures within the context oI recent proposals by
Schacter (1999, 2001) that memory`s imperIections can be organized into
seven basic categories or 'sins (by analogy to the seven deadly sins). We
Iirst brieIly summarize the seven sins oI memory and then Iocus on a pair oI
the sins that, we believe, have direct and important implications Ior the selI.
In the ancient world, and later as part oI Catholic theology, the seven dead-
ly sins were those transgressions Iatal to spiritual progress. When applied to
memory, the seven sins describe those ways in which the normal, everyday
operations oI our mind may occasionally produce suboptimal or Ilawed
memory experiences. TABLE 1 outlines these seven sins oI memory. The Iirst
three oI the seven memory imperIections can be thought oI as sins oI omis-
sion, that is, diIIerent types oI Iorgetting. Transience reIers to the decreasing
accessibility oI memory over time. This Iundamental Ieature oI memory was
Iirst documented in the laboratory by Ebbinghaus (1885/1964) over a century
ago, but examples oI transience are also plentiIul in everyday experience; try,
Ior example, to recall where you were this time exactly one year ago. To the
extent that our sense oI selI is built, at least in part, on these kinds oI recol-
lections about what has happened to us, transience will have important impli-
cations Ior selI. Indeed, which aspects oI our experience remain available to
us and which, in contrast, Iade away over time will contribute importantly to
how we think oI ourselves. The second sin, absent-mindedness, reIers to lap-
ses oI attention that result in Iorgetting to do things. We all experience this
kind oI irritating, everyday IorgetIulness when we cannot recall where we
placed our eyeglasses or when we temporarily lose our car in a crowded park-
ing lot. However, this sin does not appear to be strongly related to the selI.
The third sin, blocking, reIers to cases in which inIormation has not Iaded out
oI memory but is temporarily inaccessible Ior a variety oI reasons. The most
common example oI blocking is probably the 'tip oI the tongue experience,
where we temporarily cannot retrieve a name or word that, nevertheless, we
are certain that we know (e.g., Schwartz, 1999; Maril, Wagner & Schacter,
2001). Examples oI blocking oI more direct relevance to the selI can be Iound
in rare, but Iascinating, cases oI amnesia in which people are unable to recall
large aspects oI their past and even their own identities (Kihlstrom &
Schacter, 2000; Klein, Rozendal & Cosmides, 2002).
In contrast, the next three sins can be thought oI as sins oI commission:
instances in which memory is present but wrong. Misattribution occurs when
we remember that something happened to us, but attribute the memory to an
incorrect source. We might recall, Ior example, that we heard a Iact on the
radio, when it was instead told to us by a Iriend. Or, we might have only
imagined doing something but then mistakenly come to believe that we`ve
actually done it, sometimes resulting in a phenomenon called Ialse recogni-
tion. The second sin in this group, suggestibilitv, reIers to implanted memo-
ries, oIten generated by leading questions or suggestions that lead us to
believe things about ourselves, sometimes entire events, that never actually
occurred. Dramatic examples oI suggestibility have been documented, such
as the bizarre story oI Paul Ingram. Ingram, a Washington State sheriII`s dep-
uty, came to believe that he had sexually abused his daughters as part oI his
participation in a satanic cult (Wright, 1994). Although all indications are
TABLE 1. The seven sins of memory
Sin Description Example
Transience Decreasing accessibilty oI memory
over time
Simple Iorgetting oI
long-past events
Absent-mindedness Lapses oI attention that result in
Eorgetting location oI car
Blocking InIormation is present but
temporarily accessible
Misattribution Memories are attributed to an
incorrect source
ConIusing a dream Ior a
Suggestibilitv Implanted memories about things
that never occurred
Leading questions
produce Ialse memories
Bias Current knowledge and belieIs
distort our memories oI the past
Recalling past attitudes in
line with current attitudes
Persistence Unwanted recollections that we can
never Iorget
Traumatic war memories
that the incidents in question never happened and that his belieIs were
Iormed largely in response to suggestive questioning, Ingram came to a rad-
ically diIIerent view oI his pastand selIthan was warranted by actual
events. Ingram eventually came to reject his suggested memories, but such
examples oI suggestibility (Ior review, see LoItus & Ketcham, 1994; Pender-
grast, 1995; Schacter, 1996, 2001) illustrate the wide-ranging implications oI
memory distortion Ior the sense oI selI. The third oI the distortion-related
sins, bias, reIers to the ways in which our current knowledge and belieIs can
distort our memories Ior the past. Indeed, what we know and believe about
ourselves in the present can be a powerIul lens through which we view the
past (Ross & Wilson, 2000).
Einally, persistence, the seventh sin, reIers to unwanted recollections that
people cannot Iorget. These tend to be traumatic experiences that haunt our
memories and that cannot be expunged Irom our mind. Persisting memories
can, in extreme cases, become selI-deIining recollections that permanently
color how we view the present, past, and Iuture, such as the intrusive memo-
ries sometimes experienced by war veterans or survivors oI sexual assault
(Applebaum, Uyehara & Elin, 1998; Holman & Silver, 1998).
This brieI overview suggests a number oI intriguing points oI contact be-
tween selI and the memory sins. As mentioned above, the connection be-
tween memory and selI is most obviously apparent Ior two oI the memory
sinsmisattribution and biasand we now turn to highlighting the implica-
tions oI these two sins Ior an understanding oI the selI. Our laboratory has be-
gun to examine both oI these sins using a combination oI cognitive,
neuroimaging, and neuropsychological approaches, and we brieIly describe
some oI this work in the context oI related observations made by others.
As he did about most topics oI psychological inquiry, William James had
something interesting to say both about memory distortion in general as well
as about how inaccurate memories are related to the selI. In his classic Prin-
ciples of Psvchologv, James (1890) made an explicit link between memory
errors and the selI:
Alterations oI memory are either losses or Ialse recollections. In either case the
me is changed. Ealse memories are by no means rare occurrences in most oI us,
and, whenever they occur, they distort the consciousness oI the me. Most peo-
ple, probably, are in doubt about certain matters ascribed to their past. They
may have seen them, may have said them, done them, or they may only have
dreamed or imagined they did so. (James, |1890/1950|, p. 373)
According to James, then, errors in remembering not only produce memo-
ry distortions but also result in selI-distortions. Knowing whether we actually
did somethingor only dreamed or imagined itclearly has signiIicance Ior
how we understand both our autobiographical history and our general sense
oI selI. When we mistake a dream or a Iantasy Ior an actual event in the past,
we are committing a classic misattribution error with the potential to change
how we view ourselves and our relationships with others (Jacoby, Kelley &
Dywan 1989; Johnson, Hashtroudi & Lindsay, 1993; Schacter, 2001).
One striking illustration oI how a distorted memory can result in a distort-
ed or even IalseselI comes Irom an extreme case oI misattribution Iol-
lowing brain damage. Moscovitch (1989) described the interesting case oI
H.W., who sustained damage to the ventromedial aspects oI the Irontal lobes
(the basal Iorebrain area) as a result oI a burst aneurysm. The location oI the
brain damage caused H.W. to be amnesic Ior previous events, rendering him
unable to recall his past experiences. More interestingly, however, H.W.
Iilled in the gaps in his memory by conIabulating. This Iabrication oI a new
past that makes sense oI the selI can be seen in the Iollowing excerpt
(Moscovitch, 1989, pp. 135137):
MOSCOVITCH: Can you just tell me a little bit about yourselI? How old
are you?
H.W.: I`m 40, 42. Pardon me, 62. |the latter is correct|
MOSCOVITCH: Are you married or single?
H.W.: Married.
MOSCOVITCH: How long have you been married?
H.W.: Oh, about 4 months.
MOSCOVITCH: What`s your wiIe`s name?
H.W.: Martha. |correct|
MOSCOVITCH: How many children do you have?
H.W.: Eour |he laughs|. Not bad Ior Iour months.
H.W. goes on to talk a little bit about his children, accurately naming all oI
them, and then Moscovitch asks the patient iI everything he had been saying
sounds a little strange. Laughing, H.W. said he did think it a little strange. But
then the depth oI H.W.`s conviction becomes clear:
MOSCOVITCH: I think when I looked at your record it said that you`ve
been married Ior over 30 years. Does that sound more reasonable
to you iI I told you that?
H.W.: No.
MOSCOVITCH: Do you really believe that you have been married Ior Iour
H.W.: Yes.
MOSCOVITCH: You have been married Ior a long time to the same wom-
an, Ior over 30 years. Do you Iind that strange?
H.W.: Very strange.
Although H.W. has manuIactured what appears to be a Ialse selI, he still
has the general sense oI his past right. He knows that he has been married and
the names oI his Iour children, but he is wrong on one critical dimension, the
temporal context oI his past. He lacks appropriate inIormation regarding the
relative timing oI liIe events, and thereIore misattributes some key experienc-
es that have occurred over the past thirty years to the past Iour years. In addi-
tion, he also seems to have a deIective ability to monitor the appropriateness
oI this inIormation.
Clearly, H.W. represents an extreme case oI misattribution (Ior other cases
in which damage to Irontal regions is associated with heightened misattribu-
tion, see Parkin, Ward, Binschaedler, Squires & Powell, 1999; Schacter, Cur-
ran, Galluccio, Milberg & Bates, 1996). Recently, we have been examining
more prosaic Iorms oI misattribution in the laboratory, to help explain both
the extreme cases like H.W., as well as how misattribution may be relevant to
understanding`s one`s own pastand hence, selImore generally.
One method recently developed by psychologists to study misattribution
and its neural bases is known as the DeeseRoedigerMcDermott (or DRM)
paradigm (Roediger & McDermott, 1995). In the DRM paradigm, partici-
pants study a set oI associated words that all converge on a non-presented
theme word, which is never seen or heard during study list presentation. Eor
example, participants might hear the Iollowing list oI words: candv, sour,
sugar, bitter, good, taste, tooth, nice, honev, soda, chocolate, heart, cake, eat,
and pie. Later, participants perIorm a recognition test consisting oI words
Irom the study list, such as taste, along with completely unrelated words that
were not presented earlier, such as point. Critically, the recognition test also
includes a nonstudied theme word on which all the studied associates con-
verge, such as sweet. Numerous studies using the DRM procedure show that,
aIter having studied lists like the one above, participants exhibit extremely
high levels oI Ialse alarms to the theme wordsometimes indistinguishable
Irom hit rates to studied wordsand that these Ialse alarms are oIten accom-
panied by extremely high conIidence. Even in this straightIorward experi-
mental paradigm, then, people can Ieel certain that they recently experienced
an eventhearing the word sweet on the study listthat, in Iact, had never
occurred (e.g., Gallo & Roediger, 2002; Norman & Schacter, 1997; Payne,
Elie, Blackwell & Neuschatz, 1996; Roediger & McDermott, 1995).
One way to think about this misattribution error is that it represents mem-
ory Ior the general sense, or gist, oI what was presented. Indeed, these misat-
tributed memories are 'accurate at the semantic or gist level (cI., Brainerd
& Reyna, 1998; Payne et al., 1996; Schacter, VerIaellie & Pradere, 1996),
since participants in these types oI experiments heard words that reIerred to
just about everything to do with sweetness, except the word sweet itselI.
Thus, Ialse recognition in the DRM procedure may be one way oI getting a
handle on memory Ior general or gist-like inIormation and its contributions
to misattribution more generally.
To understand the brain basis Ior these kinds oI misattribution errors, we
have taken several complementary approaches, including the study oI amne-
sic patients. Such patients typically have experienced damage to the hippo-
campus and related structures in the medial temporal lobe or to regions oI the
diencephalon. As a result, these patients are unable to remember their recent
experiences explicitly, despite otherwise normal cognitive Iunctions (Ior re-
view, see Kopelman, 2002; Squire, 1992). The studies in our laboratory in-
cluded a mixed group oI amnesics that included cases oI KorsakoII`s disease,
as well as patients with damage to the medial temporal lobe as a result oI an-
oxia, encephalitis, and stroke. Using the DRM procedure, these studies
(Schacter, VerIaellie & Pradere, 1996; Schacter, VerIaellie & Anes, 1997;
Schacter, VerIaellie, Anes & Racine, 1998; VerIaellie, Schacter & Cook,
2002) have consistently shown that amnesic patients are less susceptible to
this Iorm oI misattribution error than are healthy controls (Ior similar Iindings
Irom related procedures, see Koutstaal, Schacter, VerIaellie, Brenner & Jack-
son, 1999; Koutstaal, Schacter & VerIaellie, 2001). This Iinding is reliably
observed despite the Iact that amnesics tend to Ialse alarm more oIten than
controls to unrelated words that had no associative links to words presented
One way oI Iraming these results is to suggest that the medial temporal
lobe and diencephalic structures damaged in amnesic patients play a critical
role in remembering the general sense or gist oI what has recently taken
place. We know that such regions are, oI course, critical Ior remembering the
particular words on a study list or the speciIics oI past events, and these re-
sults would suggest that the same regions may also contribute importantly to
gist memory. In other words, because oI damage to medial temporal lobe and
diencephalic regions, amnesics may lose out on both speciIic memory as well
as gist memory.
This Iramework is supported by neuroimaging studies in which we
scanned participants during the recognition component oI the DRM proce-
dure, aIter having studied a series oI associate lists. Our initial studies
revealed activation in the vicinity oI the medial temporal lobes during both
true recognition and Ialse recognition as compared to a low-level Iixation
baseline (Schacter, Reiman, et al., 1996; Schacter, Buckner, et al., 1997).
Interestingly, there were no diIIerences in the medial temporal regions during
true recognition and Ialse recognition, highlighting the strength oI partici-
pants` Ialse memory Ior the critical lures.
In a more recent study (Cabeza, Rao, Wagner, Mayer & Schacter, 2001),
we again presented DRM lists (along with similar categorized lists) during
study. Lists were presented on videotape by either a male or Iemale source,
and participants were instructed to try to remember both the words and by
whom they were presented. This slightly diIIerent experimental design was
used to increase the amount oI visual/perceptual processing in which partic-
ipants engaged during study list presentation: previous behavioral research
has indicated that when participants Iocus on perceptual inIormation during
study oI DRM lists, Ialse recognition is reduced relative to true recognition
(e.g., Schacter, Israel & Racine, 1999). Eollowing our 'perceptual study
conditions, IMRI was used to scan participants during a recognition test.
Replicating and extending previous results, we Iound that the hippocampus
showed activation during both true and Ialse recognition compared with a
control condition in which subjects responded to new words that were unre-
lated to previously studied words; there were no diIIerences in hippocampal
activation during true and Ialse recognition. In contrast, a diIIerent structure
within the medial temporal lobe, the parahippocampal gyrus, showed greater
activation during true recognition than during Ialse recognition, perhaps re-
Ilecting memory Ior perceptual aspects oI the study context. This idea is con-
sistent with several lines oI evidence implicating the parahippocampal gyrus
in visual processing and memory (Ior discussion, see Cabeza et al., 2001).
Together, the neuropsychological and neuroimaging data suggest that the
hippocampus may be involved in making semantic or associative inIormation
available to support memory Ior the general gist oI previously studied items.
Although the studies we considered used word lists in laboratory settings, it
is nonetheless interesting to think about the potential role oI the hippocampus
Ior the larger issue oI memory and selI. Clearly, a brain region that plays a
role in memory Ior the gist oI the past should contribute importantly to the
maintenance oI a sense oI a consistent selI over time. However, because neu-
roimaging investigations oI the selI have only recently begun, we can only
speculate at the present time about the critical role played by the hippocam-
pus in maintaining a sense oI selI.
As mentioned above, bias can be deIined as retrospective distortions pro-
duced by current knowledge and belieIs. Schacter (2001) delineated Iive diI-
Ierent types oI memory biases (consistency, change, egocentric, hindsight,
and stereotypic biases). The bias most directly relevant to the present discus-
sion is egocentric bias, a pervasive tendency to remember the past in a selI-
enhancing manner. The existence oI such a bias is, oI course, no surprise: one
need only look to the quintessential 'Iish tale, in which the incredible size
oI an earlier year`s catch is extolled. The existence oI such egocentric biases
has also been demonstrated empirically in elegant studies conducted by
Michael Ross and his colleagues (see, Ior example, Ross & Wilson, 2000),
who have demonstrated a variety oI ways in which people distort past recol-
lections in order to enhance the present selI (see also Taylor`s |1988, 1991|
work on positive illusions).
Egocentric bias reIlects, in part, the strong role played by the selI in the en-
coding and retrieval oI episodic memories. Beginning with the work oI Rog-
ers and colleagues (Rogers, Kuiper & Kirker, 1977), and since replicated and
extended by many others (Ior review, see Symons & Johnson, 1997), it has
been shown that when inIormation is encoded in relation to ourselves, it is
usually better remembered than other types oI semantic inIormation. These
Iindings, oIten reIerred to collectively as the 'selI-reIerence eIIect, suggest
that the selI serves as a potent knowledge structure with a powerIul inIluence
on what we retain and later recall Irom our everyday experiences.
Recently, Kelley et al. (2002; see also Craik et al., 1999) have used IMRI to
elucidate some oI the brain regions that play a role in the selI-reIerence eIIect.
In this study, participants were scanned while they either decided whether a
series oI trait adjectives (e.g., honest, friendlv) described themselves or decid-
ed whether they described a Iamiliar other person (in this case, George Bush).
The Iirst condition has been used extensively to engage processing in relation
to the selI, while the latter condition is assumed to involve semantic, but not
selI-reIerent, encoding. These conditions were compared to a nonsemantic en-
coding condition in which participants judged whether words appeared in up-
per or lower case. Semantic, but non-selI, encoding (compared with the
nonsemantic control condition) was associated with activation in the leIt inIe-
rior preIrontal cortex, an area implicated in semantic encoding by a number oI
earlier IMRI studies (e.g., Wagner et al., 1998). In contrast, selI-reIerent en-
coding was associated with activation in a distinct Irontal region, the medial
preIrontal cortex. These Iindings thereIore suggest a link between the medial
preIrontal region and encoding oI inIormation relevant to the selI, although the
nature oI that link is not well understood. However, because selI-reIerent en-
coding did not simply produce more activation in the same brain regions as se-
mantic, non-selI encoding, these data strongly suggest that selI-reIerent
encoding is not merely a stronger Iorm oI semantic encoding. Rather, selI-
reIerent and semantic encoding engaged distinct brain regions, suggesting a
qualitative diIIerence between the two types oI memory encoding.
Likewise, a Iorm oI bias closely related to egocentric bias, called consis-
tencv bias, also bears on our understanding oI the selI. Consistency bias
reIers to our tendency to reshape the past to make it consistent with present
knowledge and belieIs. The work oI Ross and colleagues (Ross & Wilson,
2000) indicates that this kind oI bias is oIten used to help preserve selI-
stability, allowing us to remember the past in a way that supports our current
selI. A classic study by Marcus (1986) on political attitudes illustrates the
point. Individuals were asked to rate their attitudes towards various political
issues in 1973 and then again in 1982. In the 1982 session, they were also
asked to recall what their attitudes had been back in 1973. Critically, people
demonstrated a systematic tendency to misjudge their past attitudes in a par-
ticular direction; speciIically, people tended to misremember their past atti-
tudes in line with the attitudes they currently held. Eor instance, iI a person
had expressed liberal views on drug use in 1973 but had grown more conser-
vative over the intervening decade, they were likely to recall their earlier
stance as more conservative than it had actually been. According to Ross and
others, this type oI consistency bias allows us to present ourselves as being
stable and consistent over time, even though, in Iact, we have changed.
Consistency bias is also related an to interesting phenomenon with clear
relevance to the understanding oI the selI, namely cognitive dissonance,
which has been studied extensively by social psychologists. Cognitive disso-
nance reIers to the psychological discomIort that results Irom conIlicting
thoughts and Ieelings. Eor example, an unhappily married person who
believes that her marriage should be successIul may try to distort the past to
make the present seem more palatable. A man who purchases an expensive
car, but then reads a negative review asserting that the car has serious prob-
lems, might try to belittle the reviewer as a misinIormed or ignorant amateur
who should not be writing about cars.
Social psychologists have traditionally assumed that the experience oI cog-
nitive dissonance requires the ability to recall the behavior that produced con-
Ilict in the Iirst place. II the man who bought the car does not remember
making the purchase, the bad magazine review should not bother him and he
should not experience dissonance. This rationale assumes that the past can
inIluence the present only through conscious or explicit recollection oI past
happenings. However, more than two decades worth oI research on implicit
memory (Schacter, 1987) has demonstrated that past experiences can inIlu-
ence subsequent experience and behavior despite an absence oI conscious or
explicit recollection. This eIIect is revealed most clearly in studies oI amnesic
patients, who oIten exhibit intact implicit memory Ior recent experiences
despite reduced or completely absent explicit memory (Ior reviews, see
Schacter & Curran, 2000; Squire, 1992; VerIaellie & Keane, 2002).
Can cognitive dissonance occur in the absence oI explicit memory? II so,
then amnesic patients should be susceptible to the eIIect, just like healthy par-
ticipants in earlier studies. Lieberman, Ochsner, Gilbert & Schacter (2001)
have provided relevant data. This study was based on earlier work in which
consistency bias and dissonance were created by asking participants to
choose one oI two art prints that they had previously rated as equally desir-
able. AIter making this somewhat diIIicult choice, people later claim to like
the chosen print more and the rejected print less than they had indicated ear-
lier. Presumably, people act to reduce the dissonance that arises Irom choos-
ing one print over the other by indicating that they had liked the preIerred
print better all along. The question that Lieberman et al. (2001) asked is
whether this type oI bias require explicit recall oI which print was chosen.
To address this question, amnesic patients and control participants Iirst
ranked art prints according to how much they liked them. Both groups oI par-
ticipants then made a choice between two prints, indicating which one they
would preIer to hang in their homes. Later, they ranked all the prints a second
time according to how much they liked them. Einally, all participants were
given an explicit memory test in which they were asked to indicate which
prints they had chosen earlier. As one would expect, amnesic patients showed
no explicit memory Ior which prints they had chosen earlier, whereas controls
remembered their choices well. Nevertheless, both groups oI participants in-
Ilated how much they liked the chosen print relative to the print they had
passed over. That is, amnesic patientsjust like control participantsranked
the chosen print higher and the rejected print lower during the second ranking
compared with the Iirst ranking; in contrast, there was no change in the rank-
ings oI control prints about which subjects made no choice. These results
suggest that amnesic patients were trying to reduce the dissonance created by
choosing between the two prints even though they lacked conscious memory
Ior making the choice that produced dissonance in the Iirst place.
To the extent that the type oI cognitive dissonance examined in this para-
digm is related to a consistency bias that people use to maintain stability be-
tween current and past selves, the results suggest that considering implicit
Iorms oI memory is critical Ior understanding the relation between memory
and selI. Indeed, this is a key point made by LeDoux (2002) in Svnaptic Self;
where he argues that much oI what we call 'selI is the product oI implicit
learning and memory processes that occur without awareness. We concur
with this assessment and suggest that Iuture research on memory and selI
explore this link more Iully.
We have considered a variety oI ways in which imperIections oI memory,
especially misattribution and bias, may relate to the selI. Although still in its
inIancy, existing cognitive, neuropsychological, and neuroimaging research
on the selI has already begun to illuminate relevant issues. Against the back-
drop oI these recent attempts to understand the link between memory and
selI, we are impressed by the prescience and cogency oI Williams James` ob-
servation that Ialse memories 'distort the consciousness oI the me. Since it
is never a bad idea to reIer back to James when speculating about broad psy-
chological topics, we conclude by oIIering one oI his general reIlections
about the relation between memory and selI as Iood Ior thought:
II a man wakes up some Iine day unable to recall any his past experiences, so
that he has to learn his biography aIresh, or iI he only recalls the Iacts oI it in a
cold abstract way, as things that he is sure once happened, or iI, without this
loss oI memory, his bodily and spiritual habits all change during the night, each
organ giving a diIIerent tone, and the act oI thought becoming aware oI itselI in
a diIIerent way, he Ieels and he says that he is a changed person (James, |1890/
1950|, p. 336).
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NIMH MH57505 to D.L.S. J.P.M. was supported by a predoctoral National
Research Service Award Iellowship. J.Y.C. was supported by a National Sci-
ence Eoundation predoctoral Iellowship.
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