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IELTS Sample of General Training Reading Paper

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SECTION 2 Questions 15 – 27

Read the text below and answer Questions 15-20.

Advice for Employees

Safe computer use

Most people suffer no ill-effects from using VDUs (Visual Display Units) as they don’t
give out harmful levels of radiation and rarely cause any kind of skin complaint. If you
do suffer ill-effects, it may be because of the way you’re using the computer and this can
be avoided by well-designed workstations. When working at a VDU, make sure you keep
a good posture and that your eyes are level with the screen.

Under health and safety regulations your employer should look at VDU workstations, and
reduce any risks by supplying any equipment considered necessary (e.g. a wrist rest).
They should also provide health and safety training. This also applies if you’re working at
home as an employee and using a VDU for a long period of time. There is no legal limit
to how long you should work at a VDU, but under health and safety regulations you have
the right to breaks from work using a VDU. This doesn’t have to be a rest break, just a
different type of work. Guidance from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) suggests
it’s better to take frequent short breaks but if your job means spending long periods at a
VDU, for example as in the case of data input, then longer breaks from your workstation
should be introduced.

If you’re disabled, your employer's duty to make reasonable adjustments for you may
mean that they will provide you with special computer equipment. You can also get
advice and maybe help with paying for equipment from the local job centre.

Studies haven’t shown a link between VDU use and damage to eyesight, but if you feel
that using a VDU screen is making your eyes tired, tell your employee safety
representative. You have the right to a free eyesight test if you use a VDU a lot during
work hours. If you’re prescribed glasses your company must pay for them, provided
they’re required in your job.

If you have any health problems you think may be caused by your VDU, contact your
line manager. He/she has a duty to consult you on health and safety issues that affect
you, and should welcome early reporting of any issue.
Questions 15 – 20

Complete the sentences below.

Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the text for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 15-20 on your answer sheet.

15 It is unusual to get a ………… as a result of using computers.

16 Employers may be required to provide you with items such as a ………… to use
while at work.

17 If your job involves tasks such as ………… , the advice from the HSE may not apply.

18 Financial assistance in the case of special requirements may be available from

the ………….

19 The company is obliged to cover the cost of ………… if you need them while

20 Any concerns about the effect of using a VDU on your general well-being should be
reported to ………… .
Read the text below and answer Questions 21-27.

Careers with Kiwi Air

Flight Attendants – Recruitment and Training Process


The position of Flight Attendant is one of prestige and immense responsibility.

Recruitment is conducted according to operational demands and there can be
periods of up to 12 months where no new intake is required. However, applications
are always welcomed.

After you submit your initial application online, the Kiwi Air HR Services Team review
the details you have provided. Candidates whose details closely match the
requirements of the position are then contacted via email advising that their
application has progressed to the next stage of the recruitment process. Potential
candidates are then asked to attend a Walk-In Day. This could occur several weeks
or months after the original application has been submitted depending on current

The Walk-In Day consists of a brief presentation about the role and a short interview.
Candidates who are successful on the Walk-In Day are notified within 10 days and
invited to attend an Assessment Centre. Please note that candidates are required to
pass a swimming test before attending the Assessment Centre. At the Assessment
Centre, candidates attend an interview as well as participating in a number of
assessments. Verbal references are then requested, and candidates attend a
medical check.

At times, there may not be a need to recruit for Flight Attendant positions. However,
the company continuously maintains a ‘recruitment pool’ of those who have
completed the Assessment Centre stage. These candidates are contacted when a
need for Flight Attendants is established, and attend a full interview before a decision
is made on whether to extend an offer of employment.

Due to the volume of applications received, Kiwi Air is not able to offer verbal
feedback to candidates at any stage of the recruitment process. Unsuccessful
candidates may reapply at any time after 12 months from the date at which their
applications are declined.


Upon being offered a role as a trainee Flight Attendant, a 5-week training course is
undertaken at our Inflight Services Training Centre in Auckland. This covers
emergency procedures, customer care and service delivery, and equipment
knowledge. To successfully complete the course, high standards must be attained
and maintained in all subjects.
Questions 21 – 27

Complete the flow-chart below.

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the text for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 21 -27 on your answer sheet.

Flight attendants of Kiwi Air – Recruitment and Training Process

Candidates go online to complete their 21 ………… .

Suitable candidates are then invited to come to a 22 ………… .

After having satisfactorily completed a 23 ………… , successful

candidates will then go to an Assessment Centre.

Kiwi Air then asks for 24 ………… and candidates are required to
undergo a medical check.

If there is no immediate need for flight attendants, successful candidates

are put into a 25 ………… .

When the need arises, these candidates will then be given

a 26 ………… , after which they may be offered a job.

On starting the job, a 5-week training programme is given which includes

how to look after passengers and what to do in an 27 ………… .

15 skin complaint
16 wrist rest
17 data input
18 (local) job centre
19 (your) glasses
20 your line manager
21 (initial) application(s)
22 Walk-In Day
23 swimming test
24 verbal references
25 recruitment pool
26 full interview
27 emergency

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