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IEM Data - AP

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open access Database

ISSN 0973-2063 (online) 0973-8894 (print)
Bioinformation 4(7): 276-277 (2010) 2010 Biomedical Informatics

A database for inborn errors of metabolism in the Indian
state of Andhra Pradesh

Shaik Abdul Latheef

Department of Biochemistry, School of Life Sciences University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, India
Shaik Abdul Latheef - E-mail:

Received November 18, 2009; Accepted December12, 2009; Published J anuary 21, 2010

A Database for Inborn Errors of Metabolism(IEM) in the Indian State of Andhra Pradesh (DIEMISAP), is a continuously updated literature
depository containing the extensive information on the regional prevalence and heterogeneity of Inborn Errors of metabolism. We report the
construction of a database, a flat file and secondary data resource developed using Microsoft Front Page as the core engine. The database contains
18 summaries regarding 43 IEM disorders reported in the AP population, both in general and region wise, with references and links to the IEM
disorder databases available on web and institutes involved in IEM research, in India. Summaries can be accessed fromthe reference given against
an alphabetically arranged list of IEM disorders. The DIEMISAP is a useful user friendly and extendable online resource for information on
prevalence of IEM in AP.


Keywords: Inborn errors of metabolism, Andhra Pradesh, DIEMISAP, database

In India, the prevalence of Inborn errors of metabolism(IEM) is one in
2497 newborns and in Andhra Pradesh, one in 1000 newborns[1,2].Due
to the improvement in health care and laboratory testing facilities in
India, metabolic disorders are increasingly being recognized. Distinct
religious communities, hierarchical castes and sub castes and isolated
tribal groups inhabiting in the country and high level of endogamy may
be responsible for wide variation in the prevalence of IEM in different
regions and ethnic groups [3]. There is a perceivable need to develop a
database based on region and ethnicity and to develop strategies for the
prevention and management of IEM [4, 5]. Andhra Pradesh is the fifth
largest state in India, accounting for 8.4% of territory and has a
population of about 76 million. The infant mortality rate is 66 per
thousand live births as per 2001 census [6]. The Centre for DNA Finger
printing and Diagnostics, has developed a relational database containing
records of 15,000 newborns screened for IEM in Hyderabad and
accessible to authorized persons in view of sensitive nature of data[7].
To check whether a particular disorder is prevalent in the community or
not; and to know the possible management strategy reported, the
database providing an instant electronic access to literature on IEM, is
of immense help to the physician community. In order to bridge the gap
for data access to physician and scientific community on IEM, a
database named DIEMISAP has been created.

Data Sources:
Datafor theDIEMISAP are collected fromPubMed[8] and Google [9].
Updates for the database take place monthly and the information on the
last update is indicated in the home page. The data base contains the
literature from1993 to till date. The impact factor of journals ranged
from0.4 to 4.6. The major contributors of the literature were: Institute
of Genetics, Center for DNA Finger Printing and Diagnostics and
Center for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad.

Database Contents:
The database is constructed to ensure user-friendly environment.
Microsoft Office Front Page 2000 is used as the core database engine.
Front page provide is a flat filed web enabled database management
system. The main menu of the DIEMISAP is indicated on the left of
each page, summarizing the database contents and each page is
highlighted. The database contains 18 hyperlinked summaries regarding
43 IEM observed in newborn. The list of these IEM disorders are
indexed alphabetically and the reference is hyperlinked to PubMed. The
database consists of three pages in the menu of home page. InAndhra
Pradesh page, the sub menu such as history, geography,
population, health infrastructure and helath status are provided to
acquaint the user, the first hand information, on the state of Andhra
Pradesh, which is the focus of the database. In Prevalence of IEM
disorders in AP page, menus like introduction, Prevalence of IEM
disorders in AP and region wise prevalence of IEM in AP, are

Prevalence of IEM in AP, both in general and region wise, in
percentage and per 1000 subjects, is presented in tabulated form. Hyper
homocysteinemia, Alkaptonuria, Generalized aminoaciduria, Hereditary
tyrosinemia, Hydroxy kynureninuria, Hyperaminoaciduria,
Kynureninuria, Persistent hyperlysinemia, Persistent tyrosinemia,
Phenylketonuria, Threoninaemia were more common IEM disorders
observed in the state of Andhra Pradesh. Lysosomal storage disorders
were found in three sub regions of AP namely Rayalaseema, Telangana
and Coastal. IEM disorders like mitochondrial, lipoprotein and amino
acid disorders were common in Telangana region. This may be due to
the differences in the accessibility of technology, sate-of-art and skilled
manpower and possibility of people other than Telangana, approaching
nearby areas of other States like Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and
Maharashtra. A Comprehensive list of databases on IEM and Institutes
involved in IEM research in India, are shown in the page Electronic
Resources and hyperlink to the respective web page is provided, to avail
further information.

Database Curation and Maintenance:
The DIEMISAP is administered locally by Dr. Latheef and his support
teamat University of Hyderabad. The actual database is hosted on
Biochemserver ( (Figure 1), located in
the Department of Biochemistry. Data entry and database curation is
maintained online through a dedicated IP based and password protected
admin module, fromwhich the administrator can access the database
contents for modification or update[10].

open access Database

ISSN 0973-2063 (online) 0973-8894 (print)
Bioinformation 4(7): 276-277 (2010) 2010 Biomedical Informatics


Figure 1: Database screenshot

Database access:
The DIEMISAP can be accessed on the World Wide Web at the URL
address: Database access is free-of-
charge for all interested users. This compilation and representation of it
are subject to certain copyright policies, especially designed to ensure
that this resource remains freely available to all interested persons [10].

This database serves as instant electronic resource and sensitizes the
physicians of this region on the prevalence of various IEM in the state.
This database may be helpful to the medical students of this region as
an educational tool. Policy makers of this State may use the information
of the database for making strategy for the prevention and management
of prevalent IEM in this region. The information in the database may
formthe basis for enlisting the disorders for screening programmes in
different regions of the state. Researchers of academic and research
institutions and industries can make use of the information in the
database, for making efforts towards developing cost-effective methods
and special diets for the diagnosis and management of IEM. Press and
lay people also may use this database for self education and promoting
awareness on prevalent IEM in this region. This database may stimulate
development of databases on IEM in other regions of India.

Future development:
We plan to update the database with additional information as and when
available. Disadvantages of the DIEMISAP can be considered to be the
flat-file platform. If data influx is increased, this can be overcome by
shifting to the MySQL based relation database platform[10].

The author is thankful to UOH-CREBB Center, University of
Hyderabad for providing Post Doctoral Fellowship.

[1] IC Verma, Indian J Pediatr (2000) 67: 12 [PMID: 11262988].
[2] AR Ramadevi, SM Naushad, Indian J Pediatr (2004) 71: 157
[PMID: 15053381]
[3] Indian Genome Variation Consortium, J Genet (2008) 87: 3
[PMID: 18560169]
[4] AAM Morris, Indian Pediatrics (2000) 37: 1303 [ PMID:
[5] KT Shetty, Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry (2007) 22: 3.
[10] J Zlotogora et al., Human Mutation (2007) 28: 944 [PMID:
Edited by P. Kangueane
Citation: Latheef, Bioinformation 4(7): 276-277 (2010)
License statement: This is an open-access article, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, for non-
commercial purposes, provided the original author and source are credited.

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