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Rotary Cylinders: Transverse Bed Motion Prediction Rheoloeical

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Rotary Cylinders: Transverse Bed Motion Prediction by

Rheoloeical Analvsis
Ecole Polytechnique, Montrial, Quibec, Canada H3C 3A7
and R. T. BUP
Universite du Quibec h Chicoutimi, Chicoutimi, Quebec, Canada G7H 2B2
A method for predicting the transverse motion of a granular bed in a rotary cylinder is proposed, based on a non-
Newtonian rheological model of the pseudo-plastic type, i.e. with a flow behaviour index (n) between 0 and 1. For
a good simulation of bed motion, the model must be able to adequately reproduce the bed velocity profile in both the
upper (downward flowing) and the lower (upward moving) zones. It is shown that to do so there is the need to adjust
not only the consistency index K but even more importantly the flow behaviour index, n. The mass and momentum
conservation equations are solved by the CFD code FLUENT. The model is applied to the simulation of the motion
of an alumina bed and the computed results compared with experimental data.
Onpropose unemethode de prediction du mouvement transversal dun lit de particules dans un cylindre rotatif, basee
sur un modkle rheologique non-Newtonien du type pseudo-plastique, i.e. avec indice de comportement n entre 0 et
1. Pour bien reprksenter ce mouvement, le modkle doit pouvoir reproduire les profils de vitesse dans les deux zones
du lit, soit lazone superieure (oh les particules descendent) et lazone inferieure (ou elles remontent). Onmontre que
pour cefaire, il faut ajuster non seulement lindice de consistance K mais aussi et surtout lindice de comportement
n, donc un modklepseudo-plastique est requis. Les equations de conservation de lamasse et dumouvement son risolues
B laide dulogiciel FLUENT. Lemodble est utilise pour simuler lemouvement dun lit dalumine et les rCsultats cal-
culCs sont compares avec IexpCrience.
Keywords: rotary cylinders, transverse motion, pseudo-plastic rheological model, granular solids
orizontal rotary cylinders, slightly tilted on their axes,
H are commonly used in industrial processes involving
particulate materials such as sand, petroleum coke, cement,
minerals and agricultural products. The raw material travels
along the cylinder axis in a two-component motion: axial
transport and transverse movement. While the former is
important in determining the residence time of the material
within each zone of the cylinder, the latter plays a critical
role in ensuring bed homogeneity and uniform treatment of
the bed material as determined by its exposure to the free-
board gas. In a previous work (Perron and Bui, 1990), a
model for the prediction of axial transport in a rotary cylinder
was proposed. The purpose of this work is to study the
isothermal transverse motion of a bed of particulate materials.
Transverse motions vary widely from one situation to the
next. The type of movement can be determined from the
speed of rotation of the cylinder and the properties of the
bed material. Usually, with increasing rotation speed, the
modes observed are successively: slipping, rolling, cas-
cading, cataracting, and centrifuging. Transition between
modes can be determined by calculating the relevant charac-
teristic parameters (Rutgers, 1965; Henein et al., 1983).
Several previous authors have studied the axial transport
in rotating cylinders: Sullivan (1923, Bayard (1945),
Friedman (1949), Saeman (1951), Vahl (1952), Kramers
(1952), Ronco (1960), Perry (19611, Zablotny (19641,
Heiligenstaedt (1971) and Perron and Bui (1990). All these
studies proposed correlations to predict the mean axial
velocity and therefore th, residence time. The investigators
usually started with experiment-based assumptions and the
fundamentals of physics such as mass conservation, and der-
ived an expression for the axial transport velocity. Surveys
of such work can be found in Zablotny (1964) and Perron
and Bui (1990).
*Correspondence to R. T. Bui
Transverse motion studies are more recent. A review of
the literature reveals a clear trend in the evolution of models
used to represent transverse motions in kilns. Early investi-
gators assumed an infinitely thin layer at the bed surface,
in which the material moved downward with the rest of the
bed forming a lower zone in which the material went upward
in a plug flow movement (Figure la). This was the case with
Saeman (1951), Valh and Kingma (1952), Kramers (1952),
Carley-Macauly and Donald (1962) and Zablotny (1964).
Later came the assumption of an upper zone of finite thick-
ness, where the material moved downward, while in the
lower zone the motion was upward in plug-flow (Figure lb).
This was the case with Rutgers (1965) and Mu and Perlmutter
(1980). More recently, the upper zone was taken to be i n
a crescent shape with an internal velocity profile, while the
lower zone, also crescent shaped, experienced plug-flow
movement (Figure lc). The work of Lehmberg et al. (1975),
Tscheng (1978), Henein et al. (1983), Barr (1986) and Perron
and Bui (1990) belong to this category.
In this work, the isothermal transverse motion of an alu-
mina particle bed will be studied using the laws of continuum
mechanics to model the rheological behaviour of the bed
The problem and the simplifying assumptions
Let a cylinder at rest and partially filled with a granular
material be suddenly submitted to a rotation at constant
angular velocity. At first, the material climbs up the cylinder
wall in a bulk motion until a critical value of the dynamic
friction angle is reached. Then the particles located at the
top part of the bed start rolling down along the bed surface.
After a short time, steady state is reached providing that the
speed of rotation of the cylinder remains constant. Every time
this speed changes, a small change in the dynamic friction
Figure 1 - Assumptions madeto represent transverse motion in
rotating cylinders: (a) thin cascading layer; (b) finite thickness
cascading layer; (c) crescent shapecascading layer.
angle is observed. If the speed increases appreciably, the bed
surface takes on a slightly wavy form with a crest near the
top of the bed and a trough near the lower end.
Clearly, the position and shape of the bed surface are deter-
mined by the forces involved, namely the forces of friction,
of inertia, and of gravity, each with a normal and a tangen-
tial component. Thus, for a high rotation speed, the particles
at the top end of the bed can be ejected upward out of the
bed, resulting in a local deformation of the bed surface.
Knowledge of these forces acting on the particles helps deter-
mine the motion of the particles and therefore the bed shape.
Essentially the problem is that of a body of particles sub-
mitted to an ensemble of forces, the latter being influenced
by the form and density of the particles, and the rotational
speed and inner surface roughness of the cylinder.
A formal analogy exists between the elastic and viscous
fluid mechanical problems (Zienkewicz, 1977). The displace-
ment, strain, stress and shear modulus in elasticity find their
viscous fluid analogies in the velocity, strain rate, stress and
viscosity, respectively. The granular bed can be treated as
an incompressible viscous fluid, to which the known anal-
ysis techniques for incompressible elasticity are readily
applicable. The bed can also be seen as a continuum, as
particle size is small compared to bed dimensions.
The following simplifying assumptions apply:
- only the rolling mode of particle motion is considered.
This is a reasonable assumption considering the range of
rotational speed, e.g. 2 to 5 rpm commonly encountered
i n industrial kilns.
- particle motion, particle average velocity profiles and bed
- bed surface transverse profile is a straight line.
- particle flow as a whole is laminar.
shape are in steady state.
The mass and momentum conservation equations (Navier-
Stokes equations) applied to the body of particles are solved
using FLUENT, a fluid dynamic software with finite-volume
discretization and finite-difference formulation, based on the
SIMPLE algorithm. For a review of Navier-Stokes equa-
tions, an appropriate reference is Ryhming, (1985). The suc-
cessive steps in the methodology applied in this work are
as follows:
1- select among the existing rheological models those that
are applicable to granular materials.
2- apply these rheological models to the experimental data
reported by Tscheng (1978) for a bed of alumina particles.
3- choose a discretization scheme suitable to the geometry
of the problem at hand.
4- solve the equations of conservation using FLUENT.
5- compare the computed bed velocity profiles obtained with
each rheological model with Tscheng's (1978) data.
6- identify a rheological model that best fits the problem.
The rheological models
The general stress-strain rate relationship may take var-
ious forms, a typical one being given by the Ostwald power
law :
and 3 =J20,5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (2)
7 =KC"-'
The second invariant J2 of the stress devjator tensor S,, is:
For a Newtonian fluid, the viscosity 17 is equal to K , and
the flow behaviour index is n =1. For a pseudo-plastic fluid.
n <1, and n >1 for a dilatant fluid. The rheological
behaviour of the granular material must be determined in
order to obtain an expression for 7 to be introduced in the
Navier-Stokes equations. Various models exist for 7 as
applied to granular materials with inter-particle void.
Presented below are four such models obtained by past
workers through different approaches.
Model 1.
Starting with a dimensional and rheological analysis of the
motion of a granular material in a rotating cylinder, Perron
and Bui (1990) derived an expression for the bed apparent
The above relation is valid for an isothermal, steady-state
system, in which the bed motion is in a rolling mode. Perron
and Bui (1990) did not address the problem of predicting a
numerical value for the flow behaviour index n. However,
clearly an initial stress is required to start the particle motion;
therefore, n must be <1 in order to approximate the ideal
behaviour of a Bingham fluid (Miller, 1983).
Model 2
Using the experimental data coming from a study of the
transport properties of gas-particles mixtures, Schugel(l971)
derived an empirical correlation for the apparent viscosity,
assuming that the interactions between particles are non-
Newtonian in nature. He obtained:
?1 =(4/2.65 x 1OP2)(4.61/4) r2pp 42/(&- I $ ) ~ (5)
where 4 is the solid volume fraction of the granular material,
and +<, is the maximum value of 4 taken as 0.6. Schugel's
(1971) model is valid for the interval:
Model 3
Some years later, to account for the inter-particle colli-
sions with better accuracy, Sha and So0 (1977) suggested
an empirical correlation based on Schugel's (1971) work.
The expression for apparent viscosity then became:
where u2 = 1.650
~3 =-0.2709
~4 = 0.01114
The expression was obtained for an expanding bed of solid
volume fraction $J =0.52. The work of Sha and So0 (1977)
is valid for the interval:
In Schugel's (1971) as well as the work of Sha and So0
(1977) no additional information on the possible values for
n was given.
Model 4
In elasto-plasticity , it is generally admitted that beyond the
elastic limit of the material, plastic flow takes place. Plastic
flow starts when the stress reaches an upper limit. For an
isotropic material, the flow rule has the general form:
F =f ( U j j ) - g ( k ) =0 ...................... (7)
where f is a function of stresses ai l , g an experimentally
determined parameter of the material, and k a strain
hardening parameter.
For frictional materials such as concrete, soil, petroleum
coke, the Mohr-Coulomb flow rule and an approximation
of it known as Drucker-Prager model, are frequently used
(Brebbia et al., 1984):
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a'll +Z - K' =0
a' =tan0 (9 +12tan~p)-'.~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (9)
K' =3C(9 +12tan2P)-0.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (10)
where C is the cohesion factor, and 0 the internal friction
angle of the material. For an isotropic fluid, the mean stress
a,,, is given by:
o,,, =z1/3 =-P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (11)
where P is the pressure and Zl the first invariant of the stress
tensor aij :
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I1 =011 +a22 +a33 (12)
Substituting the general stress-strain rate relation, Equa-
tion (l ), into the Drucker-Prager model, Equations (8), (9)
and (lo), and solving for 7, one obtains the following expres-
sion for the apparent viscosity:
q =3 (9 +12tan20)-0.5 (C - 0.333 tanp)/i . (13)
or, by substituting Equation (1 1) into Equation ( 1 3):
7 =3 (9 +12tan2/3)-0.5 (C +Ptanp)/F . . . . . (14)
Application to experimental data
Tscheng (1978) studied the transverse motion of alumina
particles by tracing themusing photographic means. He thus
obtained their trajectories and velocities at various positions
in the bed. The experimental conditions used were as follows:
internal radius of cylinder
average radius of alumina particles
speed of rotation of cylinder
From the above specified experimental conditions and from
the photographic records of the bed, the following data can
be derived:
R =0.0975 m
r =0.0031 m
w =0.500 rad/s
height of bed h =0.066 m
dynamic friction angle a =0.7 rad
filling angle I' =2.48 rad
maximum bed width S =0.187 m
The other data needed are taken as follows:
density of alumina particles pp= 3630 kg/m3
solid volume fraction of bed material 0 =0.523
bulk density of bed material p =1900 kglm'
This value of 4 is obtained by assuming that the spherical-
shaped alumina particles are stacked squarely in lattices, thus
giving 9 =(4/3) ?r3/8r3 =0.523. The bulk density is
taken as the particle density multiplied by the solid volume
fraction 9.
With these data, the apparent viscosity of the bed can now
be evaluated using three of the four models listed previously.
These are models numbered 1 to 3. As for model 4, one more
Figure 2 - Geometry of transverse section of bed. (a) definition
of dynamic friction angle a and internal friction angle/3. (b) analogy
with internal friction angledefined by Kunii.
parameter needs to be determined, namely the internal
friction angle of the granular material.
The values of thus obtained with models 1 , 2 and 3 are
374, 299 and 95 kglm . s, respectively.
By analogy with the internal friction angle for a flow of
particles through an opening at the center of the bottom of
a vertical cylinder (Kunii and Levenspiel, 1962), the internal
friction angle for the granular materials in a rotating cylinder
may be defined as angle /3in Figure 2. It is the angle formed
by the horizontal line with the tangent to the interface between
the upper and the lower sub-crescents. The analogy is justi-
fied by the fact that in both cases, angle cannot grow larger
without causing a downpour of particles from the top of the
pile along its slope.
From Figure 2 we have
p =a +6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
From a simple relation of geometry applied to the arc
lengths of a circle, we have:
..................... 6 =2 tan-' (A10.58
where A is the maximum depth of the upper sub-crescent,
and 0.5 S is the half-width of the bed surface. From the
experimental data of Tscheng (1978), angle /3can be readily
evaluated to be 59" or 1.03 rad.
Byanalogy with the work of Maeda and Matsunaga (1989),
in which a granular flow through a rectangular duct was
studied using the Drucker-Prager model with a cohesion
factor C =0, in this case C is also taken to be 0.
The pressure P in Equation (1 1) results from the force of
gravity prevailing at the given location:
P =pgP ................................. (17)
Figure 3 - Domain discretization and definition of coordinates.
The reference from which 0 is measiired is the direction of the bed
surface, given by a.
where Pis the height of the point considered inside the bed,
measured vertically. A bulk approximation for the mean
value of P, denoted by V , is:
P =0.5Ssina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (18)
which, applied to Tscheng's (1978) case, yields
V =0.060 m.
Substitution of the above numerical values into Equation
(14) yields the following expression for the apparent viscosity
of the bed:
17 EZ 8631C ( 1%
A comparison of Equations (19) and (2) leads to the con-
clusion that the flow of alumina particles in the bed can be
approximated by a non-Newtonian flow with a consistency
index K =863 kglm s2-" and a flow behaviour index
n =0. Therefore, under the assumption that the Drucker-
Prager model applies, Tscheng's (1978) alumina bed can be
considered to behave i n ideal plastic flow, i .e. with a cons-
tant stress independent of the strain rate.
Computational aspects
The domain considered is the two-dimensional cross-
section of the granular bed. The x- and y-directions are
defined as in Figure 3. Gravity g is considered in the x- and
y-directions and neglected in the axial direction of the
cylinder due to the small tilt, usually 2 to 3".
Discretization is done in Cartesian coordinates along .u and
y. Polar coordinates would be inconvenient since the actual
percent fill of the cylinder is usually less than 0.5. Body-
fitted coordinates yield a better match with the domain's
geometry, but cause convergence difficulties at thecells near
the corners. These cells suffer from a serious lack of orthogo-
nality, required to facilitate convergence.
Rheological Models Used in theSimulations
Typeof model Name of Model
~ ~ ~~
K = n = Simulation See
[ kglm . s2-"] CaseNo. Figure5
( n =I ; 7 =K )
Perron-Bui (1990)
Schugel (197 1)
Shaand So0 (1977)
374 1 1
299 1 2 4 and 5
95 1 3
pseudo 374 0.75 4
plastic Perron-Bui (1990) 374 0.50 5 6 and 7
( n <1) 374 0.05 6
plastic Drucker-Prager (Brebbiaet al., 1984) 863 0.05 I 8 and 9
(n =0)
Note: I n case #7, I I is taken as 0.05 instead of 0 simply to accelerate convergence.
The grid is composed of 648 cells. Such a refinement is
appropriate for a good visualization of the velocity profiles
in different parts of the bed. The boundary conditions are
given below. At the cylinder wall:
............................. u =Rw sin 0
v =-Ru cos 0 ...........................
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
0 , 5 e 5 e 2 (22)
where 0 , and e2 are defined by bed position as indicated on
Figure 3.
At the bed surface:
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
u =u,, (23)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
v =0 (24)
Care must be taken to avoid the false numerical diffusion
stemming from the non-alignment of the Cartesian grid with
the tangential velocities along the rotary vessel's wall. One
way of assessing false diffusion is to compute an expression
suggested by Patankar (1980) based on the work of De Vahl
Davis and Mallinson (1972) for a two-dimensional Cartesian
Of =p v Ax Ay sin 2y / 4 (Ay sin3y +Ax c0s3 y) (25)
where: v is the velocity at the point considered, Ax and Ay
are the cell's dimensions (0.00368 m; 0.00382 m) and y is
the angle made by the velocity vector v with the x-direction
(0 to 90').
De Vahl Davis and Mallinson (1972) proposed to take
y =45", which would yield a maximum value for Of in
order to be on the safe side. Then
Of =0.12 kg/m . s ......................... (26)
This value is small compared to the order of magnitude
of 1 coming from any of the four rheological models. It can
be said, therefore, that in this problem false diffusion gener-
ation is negligible.
Next, a check is carried out to ensure that the thickness
of the boundary layer is greater that the half-length of a cell,
so that thenear-wall velocity profile be correctly represented.
The boundary layer thickness can beapproximated with that
for a plane surface in laminar flow:
v G 5X/Re0.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (27)
where X is the longitudinal position of the point considered.
in the flow direction.
In this problem, weconsider the mid-point of the circular
arc covered by the granular bed. Therefore, the distance .U
is the half-length of that arc:
X =R (r/ 2) =(0.0975) (2.48/2) =0.12 m . . . ( 28)
and Re is taken as
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Re =u, S p / v 1 0.9
Then we have
v =5 x 0.12/0.90.5 =0.63 m . . . . . . . . . . . . . (30)
This boundary layer thickness is several orders of magni-
tude greater than the cell dimensions. Therefore the condi-
tion for the representation of the velocity profile at the
cylinder wall is generously satisfied.
The conservation equations are solved for mass and
momentum using FLUENT. The under-relaxation factors
used for pressure and velocities u and v are 0.5, 0.2 and 0.2,
respectively. Convergence taken to bereached when the sum
of the residues for p , u and v is less than lo-'.
Analysis of results
Table 1 shows the results of the seven simulations that have
been carried out, with the corresponding rheological methods
used, of which three are Newtonian (n =1) and four are
non-Newtonian. Among the latter, three are pseudo-plastic
(n <1) and one is ideal plastic (n =0). Note in Table 1
that for the ideal plastic case, n is taken as 0.05 instead of
0 simply to accelerate numerical convergence.
To avoid overcrowding the figures, the simulations are
classified into two groups, namely the ones with Newtonian
models (cases 1 to 3) and the ones with non-Newtonian
models (cases 4 to 7). Such a classification is natural and
appears to be even more so when comparison is made
between the respective velocity profiles obtained by cutting
- . a
Figure 4 - Velocity fields obtained with three Newtonian models.
#I : Perron-Bui (1990), #2 Schugel(1971), #3: Shaand So0 (1977).
radially through the mid-point of the bed. For the Newto-
nian models, Figure 5 shows a sharply curved velocity pro-
file inside the lower, upward-moving subcrescent. For the
non-Newtonian models, Figure 7 shows that this velocity pro-
file displays a much flatter form. A detailed analysis of the
results is given below.
Results of simulation cases 1 to 3 are presented in Figures 4
and 5. Figure 4 shows the velocity fields obtained with the
--t- exp. (Tscheng 1978)
* calc.(Perron and Bui #1)
4 * calc.(Schugel 1971)
calc.(Sha and So0 1977)
0.02 0.04 0.06 0.m 0.10
rsdl sl posi ti on (m)
Figure5 - Velocity profiles in cross-section of bed, for the three
Newtonian models.
three Newtonian models corresponding to three different
values of viscosity namely 374, 299 and 95 kg/m s. The
three velocity fields are similar and do not change signifi-
cantly with the change in the viscosities. In all three cases,
a central recirculation zone exists. The velocity vectors dis-
play a regular behaviour especially near the wall, and numer-
ical convergence is readily reached. The upper,
downward-flowing sub-crescent has a depth of 0.021 m at
its center for all three cases. Note that Tscheng's (1978)
experimental value of the upper layer is 0.015 m. Thus, the
Newtonian models over-estimate the depth of this active layer
of the bed by some 40 percent.
Figure 5 shows the profiles of the velocity magnitudes in
a cross-section at the mid-point of the bed. The curves give
the velocity variations for different radial positions.
Tscheng's (1978) experimental data are also included for
comparison. The three calculated velocity profiles coming
from the three cases are very similar. From the bed surface,
the velocities decrease rapidly as the bed depth increases,
but not rapidly enough to match the data of Tscheng (1978).
The profiles also show that the calculated upper sub-crescent
thickness is over-estimated compared to the experimental
value. In the lower sub-crescent, the calculated velocity pro-
files are significantly different from the experimental one:
the former are curved with convexity pointed in the flow
direction, while the latter is flat, meaning that the bulk motion
observed experimentally is close to plug flow.
Thus, the Newtonian models succeed in predicting the
overall shape of the velocity field and of the velocity pro-
file, but serious discrepancies exist when velocities are deter-
mined at a given bed depth. Also, the plug-flow motion inside
the lower sub-crescent cannot be adequately reproduced by
Newtonian models.
Results of simulation cases 4 to 6 are presented in Figures 6
and 7. These correspond to the pseudo-plastic rheological
models, with flow behaviour index II <1. As shown in
Table 1, as the starting point a consistency index of K =
374 kg/m - s2-" is used, which comes from the K value
determined with the Perron-Bui ( 1990) Newtonian-type
model (case 1). But here, various values for n are tried in
an endeavour to best match Tscheng's (1978) experimental
data. Thus n is given the values of 0.75, 0.5 and 0.25
-f- exp.(Tscheng 1978)
- calc.(Perron and Bui #4)
Q calc.(Perron and Bui #5)
Figure6 - Velocity fields obtained with non-Newtonian, pseudo-
plastic models, K =374 kg/m . s*-"; #4: n =0.75, #5: n =0.5,
#6: n =0.25.
Figure 6 presents the calculated velocity fields for each
of the three cases. The depth of the upper sub-crescent
decreases as n decreases. It is 0.021, 0.017 and 0.0134 m
for n =0.75, 0.5 and 0.25, respectively. As Tscheng's
(1978) experimentally determined depth is 0.015 m, the value
of n =0.5 suits best. Numerical convergence was obtained
for cases 4 and 5 after 1339 and 1500 iterations, respectively,
which is roughly twice the number of iterations required for
the Newtonian models. Case 6 did not converge after 2000
iterations, but the sum of residues then stabilized at
2.6 X lo-'.
It can beseen in Figure 6 that at the right end of the bed
surface, the velocity vectors display a general direction
orthogonal to the bed surface and pointing outward, while
n n O ' l
1- calc.(Perran and Bui #6)
"," , . . I . -
0,02 0. 04 0.06 0.08 0 0
radi al posi ti on (m)
Figure7 - Velocity profiles in cross-section of bed, for the three
pseudo-plastic models.
the opposite occurs at the left end of the bed surface, i.e.
velocity vectors orthogonal and pointing inward. This may
be the phenomenon that contributes to the slightly wavy form
of the bed surface, with a crest at the right end and a trough
at the left end, as previously mentioned.
Figure 7 shows the profiles of velocity magnitude in a
cross-section at mid-pint of the bed. Compared to the New-
tonian models of cases 1 to 3, these pseudo-plastic models
do a better job in reproducing the velocity profiles in the
upper subcrescent, The various numerical values assigned
to the flow behaviour index n allow an adjustment of that
part of the velocity profile to match the experimental data.
This adjustment was not possible with the Newtonian models.
From Figure 7, it is noted that the smaller the value of n.
the thinner the upper subcrescent, and the flatter the velocity
profile in the lower sub-crescent. Also, for small values of
n, the flow behaviour approaches that of an ideal fluid (zcro
viscosity), thus reducing the viscous entrainment effect by
the wall on the adjacent bed layers, and therefore lowering
the average bed velocity.
In summary, it appears that the use of a pseudo-plastic
model is the best way to describe the rheological behaviour
of the granular bed. Adjusting the value of n between 0 and
1 allows us to match the experimental velocity profile in both
upper and lower sub-crescents. For alumina, Figure 7 shows
that case 5 with n =0.5 yields the nearest match.
Results of simulation case 8 are presented in Figures 8 and
9. The flow here is the ideal plastic flow resulting from the
application of the Drucker-Prager model (Equations 8 , 9 and
10) that yields K =863 kg/m . s2 and n =0. The compu-
tation fails to converge even after 4000 iterations, but the
residues stabilize at 3.4 x The more remote a model
is from the Newtonian model, the more difficult it is to obtain
convergence, and the higher the number of iterations
required. In this case, instead of n =0, a value of n =0.05
has been assumed in order to obtain convergence.
Figure 8 shows that the average bed velocity has decreased
considerably. The upper sub-crescent becomes very thin. The
lower sub-crescent is accordingly enlarged, but particle
movement there is slow. In fact, Figure 9 shows a velocity
profile that is so low that clearly it cannot match the
experimental profile.
. -
Figure 8 - Velocity field obtained with ideal plastic Drucker-
Prager model (Brebbia et al., 1984).
--t- exp.(Tscheng 1978)
- calc.(Drucker-Prager 1984)
0, 02 0. 04 0, 06 0. 08 0 , l O
radl al poal tl on (m)
Figure 9 - Velocity profile in cross-section of bed for the ideal
plastic Drucker-Prager model (Brebbia et al . , 1984).
It has been shown that the transverse motion of a granular
bed in a rotating cylinder can be adequately approximated
as a pseudo-plastic fluid flow using the laws of fluid
dynamics. In this work, no particular attention was paid to
the effects of particle size or cylinder diameter, the assump-
tion being that the former must be smali enough compared
to the latter so that the bed can be treated as a continuum.
It was found that neither a Newtonian model (n =1) nor
an ideal plastic model (n =0) could satisfactorily reproduce
the two-zone transverse motion of the bed, while a non-
Newtonian model, of the pseudo-plastic type (0 <n e 1)
is by far more suitable. For a good representativity, the
velocity profile, especially that of the lower zone next to the
cyljnder wall, must be adequately reproduced. As this
velocity profile varies considerably with the intensity of the
viscous entrainment of the wall on the successive layers of
the bed material, it is critically important that a tuning can
be made by varying the flow behaviour index, and therein
lies the great advantage of a pseudo-plastic model.
The often reported sub-crescent shape of the two zones
was clearly predicted. Tschengs (1978) experimental
velocity profile in both zones was well reproduced. For alu-
mina, the flow behaviour index was estimated to be tz =0.5
for a consistency index of K =374 kglm . s2-.
For values of n near zero, numerical convergence was
difficult to obtain. The number of iterations required to reach
a stable residue was found to be approximately inversely
proportional to n3. Use of a Cartesian grid gave a realistic
visualization of the flow pattern inside the bed and at the bed
surface, especially its two ends.
In this work, the transverse profile of the bed surface was
assumed to be a straight line. Carrying on further, the pseudo-
plastic model can be coupled with an algorithm to calculate
the form of the free surface of the bed. Then it will be pos-
sible to completely determine the bed shape and motion for
various rotational speeds of the cylinder. This appears to be
an avenue for further investigation susceptible of giving a
complete integrated model of a granular bed in a rotary
a2 =coefficient, -
a3 =coefficient, -
a4 =coefficient, -
C =cohesion factor [Nim]
F =flow rule [N/m2]
h =bed depth [m]
I ,
=false numerical diffusion [ kg/m. s]
=function of stresses [N/m]
=parameter of material [N/m2]
=bed height measured vertically [m]
=first invariant of stress tensor I N/m2 1
J ,
=second invariant of the deviatoric stress tensor
[ N/m4]
P =pressure [Nim]
S =bed width [m]
u =x-velocity [m/s]
u ,
v =y-velocity [m/sl
x =coordinate, -
y =coordinate, -
=strain hardening parameter, -
=consistency index [kg/m . s-]
=Drucker-Prager model constant [ Nim]
=flow behaviour index, -
=radius of particles [ m]
=radius of cylinder [m]
=Reynolds number =u, Sp / v , -
=stress deviator tensor [N/m2]
=x-velocity at bed surface [m/s]
=half-length of arc covered by bed [m]
=dimension of cell [m]
=dimension of cell [m]
Greek letters
ui, =stress tensor [N/mZ]
=stress [N/rn2]
u , ~ =mean stress [N/m2]
a =dynamic friction angle [rad]
a =Drucker-Prager models constant, -
p =bulk density [ kg/m3]
pp =density of particle [kg/m]
4 =solid volume fraction, -
+(, =maximumsolid volume fraction, -
6 =angle included in upper sub-crescent of bed [rad]
A =depth of upper sub-crescent [m]
y =angle of velocity vector v with x-direction [rad]
0 =angle [rad]
v =thickness of boundary layer [m]
P =
r =
w =
P =
1 7 =
internal friction angle [ rad]
speed of rotation [rad/s]
filling angle [ rad]
dynamic viscosity [kglm . s ]
apparent viscosity [ kglm . s]
strain rate [ s ~ 1
p =particles
i , j =tensor notation
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