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Let's Talk Bitcoin, Episode 90, "Not About Gox"

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Episode 90 Not About Gox

Adam B. Levine (ABL) Host
Stephanie M!ph" (SM) Co#host
$onathan Mohan ($M) LTB Co!!espondent
Lama! %i&son (L%) 'onde! o( %i&& Love LLC) C"*&e o( +oodness *oope!ative , -heeva
La(e Ta"&o! (LT) 'onde! o( %i&& Love LLC) C"*&e o( +oodness *oope!ative , -heeva
Matt Co!a&&o (MC) Bit*oin deve&ope!
Mi*hae& %. /ean (M/) Host o( '!eedom 'eens !adio sho. and pod*ast , '!eeSpee*hMe
$e!em" 0and ($0) '!eeSpee*hMe deve&ope!
Toda" is Ma!*h 1
2345 and this is Episode 63.
This program is intended for informational and educational purposes only
!ryptocurrency is a ne" field of study !onsult your local futurist# la"yer# bro$er#
in%estment ad%isor and ban$ before ma$ing any in%estment decisions for yourself
A&': %e&*ome to Lets Ta&7 Bit*oin) a t.i*e .ee7&" sho. a8ot the ideas) peop&e and
p!o9e*ts 8i&din: the di:ita& e*onom" and the (t!e o( mone". M" name is Adam B. Levine
and toda") .e!e 8a*7 in the (&o..
Eve! .ant to *han:e that one &itt&e anno"in: thin: a8ot Bit*oin .ithot havin: to
sta!t "o! o.n a&t*oin. $onathan Mohan *a:ht p .ith Matt Co!a&&o) an enthsiast
.ho too7 his ve!" o.n Bit*oin imp!ovement p!oposa& (!om ideation to inte:!ation.
No. "o *an (o&&o. his &ead (o! the :ood o( the &and
Then) Name*oin .as a :ood sta!t 8t Stephanies :ot a &ine on an a*tive *!o.d#
(ndin: *ampai:n that aims to pt the p!iva*" 8a*7 in domain names .ith the p&:#in
desi:ned (o! "o! 8!!. %e end toda"s sho. .ith Mi*hae& and $e!em" (!om
Bt (i!st) in the .a7e o( +o;) eve!"one sho&d 7no. .hat a hot .a&&et is. One .hose
(nds a!e easi&" sa8&e 8t *onve!se&") m*h mo!e easi&" sto&en sho&d "o 8e
ta!:eted. S*a!" Bit*oin (<<) !ea&it" aside) hot .a&&ets a!e a ne*essa!" too& (o! dai&" se
and toda") La(e and Lama! 9oin s to 7i*7 o(( Episode 63 .ith thei! -heeva .a&&et.
In*identa&&") i( "od &i7e to send an" tips via the -heeva*oin / s"stem) simp&" di!e*t
donations to se! name LTB. On a !e&ated note) .e nea!in: the &an*h o( LTB*oin. I(
"o .ant to &ea!n mo!e and 8e pa!t o( the p!e#&an*h *ommnit" dist!i8tion) "o *an
:et invo&ved ove! at LTB*oin.*om
En9o" the sho.= >4?55@

Adam & 'e%ine inter%ie" "ith 'amar (ilson and 'afe Taylor
A&': Lama! %i&son and La(e Ta"&o! a!e (onde!s o( Love %i&& LLC and the C"*&e o(
+oodness *oope!ative ot o( Le;in:ton) Kent*7". +ent&emen) than7s (o! 9oinin: s toda"
on Lets Ta&7 Bit*oin. >4?B6@
'(: He") .hats :oin: on Adam< >2?34@
'T: Ceah) than7s (o! invitin: s. >2?32@
A&': A8so&te&". Co :"s have a *op&e o( p!o9e*ts 8t the one that .e!e he!e to ta&7
a8ot toda" is a .a&&et app&i*ation that has some 7ind o( niDe (eat!es. Can "o te&& me a
&itt&e 8it a8ot -heeva< >2?44@
'(: %hen .e made -heeva) .e tho:ht a8ot havin: a dedi*ated hot .a&&et. %e a!e se!s
o( Coin8ase and .e !ea&iEed that .hen "o se Coin8ases .a&&et) "o tend to have a&& o(
"o! 8it*oins the!e o! "od have them o((&ine on a pie*e o( pape! some.he!e and its not
!ea&&" eas" to :et to them and "o dont .ant to 8e .a&7in: a!ond .ith a&& o( "o! Bit*oin i(
"o se Coin8ase to 7eep a&& o( them the!e. %e tho:ht .e need a hot .a&&et that is "o! :o
to) 7ind o( &i7e a de8it *a!d o( the Bit*oin spa*e. %e .e!e t!"in: to (o!m&ate this hot .a&&et
that .as !ea&&") !ea&&" eas" (o! m" mom to se) o! m" :!andmothe! to se) o! .hoeve! and
ma7e it !ea&&" eas" (o! them to :et into the :ame and 8e a8&e to se somethin: on a dai&"
8asis) instead o( sin: "o! .ho&e enti!e Coin8ase .a&&et (o! eve!"thin:. >2?BF@
A&': %hats di((e!ent a8ot a hot .a&&et (!om a not hot .a&&et< %hat a!e the othe! options<
I( "o!e spe*i("in: this is a hot .a&&et. >G?3G@
'(: This is a hot .a&&et so .hat .e .e!e envisionin: is that "o dont 7eep a &ot o( Bit*oin
in the!e eve!. %e a!e :oin: to ma7e it to .he!e "o *an Di*7&" :et "o! Bit*oin ot o( the!e
and pt it into *o&d sto!a:e. $st sa" "o :et paid on the st!eet o! somethin:) sa" "o t!ade
.ith someone on the st!eet and "o dont .ant to 7eep a&& o( them in that .a&&et) .e a!e
t!"in: to 7eep the !is7 do.n as (a! as ho&din: a &ot o( Bit*oin in that .a&&et. It 8e*omes mo!e
o( a t!ansa*tiona& .a&&et than it does a sto!a:e .a&&et. Thats .hat .e .o&d *onside! a hot
.a&&et is. Its mo!e (o! 9st eve!" da") a&& the time t!ansa*tions .hi*h a!e .hat most peop&e
se thei! phone .a&&ets (o!. %e a!e 9st *omin: ot and sa"in: this is "o! dedi*ated hot
.a&&et. >G?G1@
'T: Ceah) thin7 o( it as *he*7in: as opposed to a savin:s a**ont. >G?54@
A&': This is 7ind o( a so&tion "o!e *!eatin: (o! "o!se&( and (o! peop&e .ho "o 7no.
.ho a!ent as te*hni*a&&" savv") ma"8e) .ho a!e sin: thin:s &i7e Coin8ase .hi*h is a (ai!&"
se*!e .e8 so&tion that sho&d 8e (ai!&" !esistant to an" so!t o( tampe!in:. Im .onde!in:)
the!e a!e options ot in des7top .a&&et *&ients. /o "o :"s se an" o( those o! do "o (ind
them to 8e se(& at a&&< >5?33@
'(: Ceah) I se the standa!d *&ient) the Bit*oin HT *&ient. I se that and Ive sed
M"*e&im Ive sed that. Ive t!ied a &ot o( them. The thin: is that) I thin7) the &ea!nin:
*!ve on those a!e a &itt&e steep (o! m" mom and so thats .hat .e tho:ht a8ot .hen .e
.e!e ma7in: it. %e .anted to ma7e it mo!e o( a *onsme! app&i*ation and mo!e a8ot 9st
&oadin: it and 8ein: a8&e to send Di*7&". A 8i: pa!t o( those) as .e&&) is that "o sti&& have to
.!est&e .ith those h:e Bit*oin add!esses. I :ave m" mom some Bit*oin (o! Ch!istmas and
the Bit*oin add!ess is somethin: that doesnt (ee& &i7e its :!eat (o! he! to dea& .ith and have
to mess .ith and ma"8e *op" and paste and a&& o( that. %e *ame p .ith .hat .e *a&& I*oin
I/s that t!" to ma7e that easie!) as .e&&. >5?55@
A&': Lets ta&7 a8ot *oin I/s (o! a se*ond 8e*ase is an idea that .eve seen 8e(o!e. Its
7ind o( &i7e /NS s"stem) d"nami* name s"stem) (o! Bit*oin add!esses .he!e instead o(
havin: to !emem8e! that &on: a&pha#nme!i* *apita&s *ont st!in:) instead "o 9st have to
!emem8e! somethin: thats hman !eada8&e and on the 8a*7#end) that :ets atta*hed to "o!
Bit*oin add!ess. Is that .hat "o!e doin: he!e< >B?3F@
'(: Ceah) thats *o!!e*t. %hen .e tho:ht a8ot it) .e .e!e thin7in: a8ot ea!&" Hotmai&)
+mai&) and those t"pes o( thin:s... +mai& .asnt that ea!&" 8t Hotmai&) Cahoo) and those
thin:s that made it easie! (o! peop&e to se emai&. %e .e!e thin7in: i() even .ithin 9st o!
app&i*ation) .e had these *oin I/s to a&&o. peop&e to send Bit*oin to those *oin I/s) instead
o( an add!ess) .e e&iminate peop&e havin: to have the add!ess. O( *o!se) !i:ht no. .e have
to have the add!ess 8e*ase i( "o .ant to &oad a &ot o( the .a&&ets that peop&e a&!ead" se)
have H0 *odes s*anne!s and the" on&" ta7e add!esses. Hope(&&") movin: (o!.a!d) the mo!e
peop&e .e :et on) .e *an :o ahead and open that p and a&&o. mo!e peop&e to ma7e *oin I/s.
A&': I( I am not sin: "o! .a&&et and "o a!e sin: the .a&&et) *an I sti&& send to "o!
name th!o:h that s"stem) o! .o&d I need to insta&& the *&ient) &oad the -heeva .a&&et
so(t.a!e onto mine in o!de! to a**ess that< >B?BF@
'(: 0i:ht no.) &i7e I .as sa"in:) it 9st &i7e 7ind o( 8ein: in AOL) o! somethin: &i7e that.
Co a&most have to have o! .a&&et 8t .e!e :oin: to open that p &ate! on. %e!e 9st
testin: it to see i( peop&e &i7e it and 8e*ase its a hot .a&&et) it doesnt !ea&&" 8othe! an"one to
9st have a Di*7 .a&&et. Li7e) Lets Ta&7 Bit*oin *o&d have a .a&&et that "o :"s 9st
do.n&oad and thats the one that peop&e .ho have the -heeva .a&&et *an Di*7&" send "o
*oins to. Hope(&&") that 8e*omes a &ot easie! (o! peop&e so it ma7es it easie! (o! "o to 9st
sa") and i( "o have a -heeva .a&&et) send to Lets Ta&7 Bit*oin on the -heeva .a&&et... tips.
The" dont have to *ome to "o! site and (i:!e ot .hat the add!esses a!e and those thin:s.
A&': 0i:ht) a8so&te&". That has 8een a h:e p!o8&em) not 9st (o! Lets Ta&7 Bit*oin) 8t
.ith Bit*oin add!esses and non#visa& (o!mats in :ene!a&. Even .ith video) its sti&& ha!d
8e*ase most o( the time) the *ode on the video isnt se&e*ta8&e o! an"thin:. Co 9st have to
.!ite it do.n !ea& Di*7 o! pase it o! somethin: &i7e that. The!e hasnt !ea&&" 8een) otside
o( H0 *odes) a :ood .a" to do this. Even .ith H0 *odes) "o dont !ea&&" 7no. that its
:oin: to the !i:ht pe!son) "o 9st 7no. that its :oin: to .hateve! that H0 *ode is te&&in: it
to :o to. Ta&7in: a8ot this *oin I/ se!vi*e (o! a se*ondJ .ith the *oin I/ thin:) "o said that
its 7ind o( a .a&&ed :a!den) at the moment) 9st &i7e the ea!&" AOL .as .hen "o .e!e on
AOL in the 8e:innin:J "o didnt inte!(a*e .ith othe! di((e!ent .a&&ed :a!dens. That
happened at a &ate! point. I a:!ee .ith "o. I thin7 that .e!e not !ea&&" the!e "et so the!e is
!oom (o! these *&osed and e;pe!imenta& e*o#s"stems .he!e "o!e t!"in: to (i:!e this st((
ot. A!e the!e an" *ent!a&iEation isses th!o:h this me*hanism that "ove *!eated (o! the
names< >K?2F@
'(: The!e a!e some *ent!a&iEation isses 8t the thin: is i( "o have o! .a&&et and "o t!st
s an".a") its 7ind o( &i7e AOLJ its &i7e :ettin: the emai&s. The *oin I/ doesnt stop "o
(!om sin: "o! standa!d add!ess. It doesnt stop "o at a&& 8e*ase) in the .a&&et) "o *an
sti&& &oad to the add!ess) o! to a H0 *ode) the same .a" "o a&.a"s 7no.. It doesnt stop "o
(!om 8ein: a8&e to se a !e:&a! add!essJ it 9st adds a &itt&e pie*e o( *onvenien*e (o! peop&e
.ho dont .ant to dea& .ith it. >K?BG@
A&': Its a va&e add and a:ain) it sonds &i7e "o have a 8i::e! p&an he!e .ith .hat "o!e
doin: .ith these thin:s. >K?B1@
'(: Ceah) .e do. %e .ant to ma7e it de*ent!a&iEed &ate! on. %e!e 9st t!"in: to see i(
peop&e .ant it (i!st. >1?3G@
A&': 0i:ht. >1?35@
'(: Its 7ind o( the .ho&e... I hate sin: &ean sta!t#p 8t "eah) &i7e the &ean sta!t#p method
o( 9st &ets see i( peop&e .ant it and see i( it ma7es it easie! (o! peop&e to se. Even .ithin
o! testin: .ithin the peop&e that .eve :iven the .a&&et to) .e intend to not se add!esses at
a&&. %e 9st t"pe in La(e o! t"pe in Lama! and then send Bit*oin that .a") Di*7&". >1?24@
A&': 'o! peop&e .ho a!e inte!ested in t!"in: this ot !i:ht no. o! &ets sa" .e .ant to set p
LTB as o! donation add!ess) is the .a&&et avai&a8&e and *an .e sta!t sin: this no.< >1?G4@
'(: He!es the thin:. %e have Love %i&& LLC .hi*h is a *ompan" and then .e have the
C"*&e o( +oodness *oope!ative that .i&& o.n a pie*e o( Love %i&& LLC. Thats the othe! pa!t
o( this .ho&e thin:. The -heeva hot .a&&et is 9st the (i!st app&i*ation o( Love %i&&. Its)
8asi*a&&") Love %i&& .o!7s (o! the C"*&e o( +oodness. %hen "o *ome to the site) "o *an
8" a mem8e!ship to the C"*&e o( +oodness *oope!ative and .ith that mem8e!ship) "o :et
to) 8asi*a&&") pe!sona&iEe "o! *oin I/ and "o a&so :et a**ess to a&& o( the app&i*ations that
Love %i&& *!eates. %ith that) .hat happens is Love %i&& *!eates the app&i*ations (o! the
C"*&e o( +oodness and then the C"*&e o( +oodness :oes ot and ma!7ets Love %i&&s
app&i*ations. %hat happens is "o :et this *"*&e .he!e Love %i&& is *!eatin: app&i*ations and
the C"*&e o( +oodness is 8!in:in: in the ma!7etin:. %hat happens is those peop&e .ho a!e in
the C"*&e o( +oodness :!o. &a!:e! and &a!:e! and &a!:e! .hi*h a&&o.s the C"*&e o( +oodness
to have) .hat .e *a&&) ad spa*e .hi*h is .hat) "o 7no.) :"s in media &i7e "o!se&(
nde!stand. The mo!e peop&e .e have in the C"*&e o( +oodness) in that net.o!7) the mo!e
adve!tisin: spa*e .e have (o! adve!tise!s. Most o( that) .hat .e!e :oin: to do is most o(
that ad !evene .i&& :o di!e*t&" 8a*7 to the C"*&e o( +oodness. Lets sa" i( Ove!sto*7 o!
Ti:e!/i!e*t .ants to adve!tise inside o( the C"*&e o( +oodness) the"&& *ome to Love %i&&)
.e&& p&a*e the ad and then .e&& :ive most o( the mone" 8a*7 to the peop&e in the C"*&e o(
+oodness. I( eve!"8od" 7no.s ho. a *oope!ative .o!7s) eve!"8od" .hos in the
*oope!ative :ets a pie*e o( that ad !evene. >43?34@
A&': That sonds inte!estin: and it sonds p!ett" eDita8&e and it a&so sonds a &itt&e 8it
*omp&i*ated. Ho. did "o *ome to this as a 8siness mode&< Ho. did that a!ise< >43?42@
'(: The phi&osoph" 8ehind it) 8asi*a&&") *ame (!om nm8e! one) the (a*t that .e a&.a"s
thin7 a8ot this .ho&e 66L ve!ss the 4L and ho. a &ot o( times) the 66L .o&d 9st *!"
&i7e... Im not into 4L. %e ta&7 a8ot the ineDa&it" and this is &i7e :ivin: the 66L a *han*e
to add the eDa&it" o! 8!in: the :ap a &itt&e 8it *&ose!. %e *ame to... .e .e!e &i7e OK) ho.
*an .e do this 8e*ase nm8e! one) in the same *ont!" .he!e the" a&&o. the poo!est peop&e
to 8e adve!tise the &otte!") .hi*h is a.(&) !i:ht< In that same *ont!") in this ve!" *ont!")
.e *ant adve!tise sma&& 8sinesses o! ea!&" sta:e sta!t#ps to those same poo! peop&e to
a&&o. them to :et in ea!&". I thin7 that is n9st. I 9st !ea&&" do thin7 that i( "o!e not an
a**!edited investo!) thats the on&" .a" "o *an :et a pie*e o( a *ompan". Co 7no. .hat I
mean< >44?43@
A&': Ceah. >44?43@
'(: To me) thats *omp&ete&" n9st so .e said OK) ho. *an .e do this< I( .e :ive 8a*7
th!o:h a *oope!ative) .hat .e *an do is a&&o. the peop&e in the *oope!ative to 8ene(it (!om
a&& o( the same ea!&" sta:e 8ene(its and va&ation that a *o!po!ation .o&d :et o! a *ompan"
.o&d :et in the ea!&" sta:es. Thats .h" .e have the name Love %i&& 8e*ase its 9st the
.ho&e thin: o( s 8ein: a8&e to :ive 8a*7 to the peop&e that he&ped s to :et to .he!e .e a!e.
'T: %e!e :oin: to have a Ch!ome e;tension) as .e&&. That .i&&) (o! the most pa!t) 8e (!ee
and i( "o a!e pa!t o( the mem8e!ship) the *oop mem8e!ship) then "o *an &o: in .ith the
Ch!ome .a&&et as .e&& and se "o! I/ !e&ated to that. >44?BG@
'(: Ceah. The Ch!ome e;tension "o dont have to pa" (o! 8t "o a&so dont :et a *&ea!
*oin I/) so i( "o se the Ch!ome e;tension) "o&& :et a s((i; on the end &i7e .ph8. It .o&d
8e &i7e Adam.ph8 and that .i&& 8e the Ch!ome e;tension so "o *o&d :o ahead and se it.
O! Ch!ome e;tension # it a&&o.s s to pa" Di*7&". I dont 7no. i( "ove seen the videos
(o! that "et 8t it a&&o.s "o to pa" Di*7&" on sites &i7e "o!s) &i7e i( "o .ant to &eave tips.
On Coin8ase and a&& o( that) it (inds the add!esses on the pa:e and it (i&&s the .a&&et so it
ma7es it !ea& eas" to !o&& a!ond the inte!net. Its 7ind o( &i7e .ith K!"pto7it as .e&&. >42?21@
A&': Lets ta&7 a8ot that (o! a se*ond. The .a&&et spa*e has 8een a p!o8&em (o! "ea!s and
this is !ea&&" not a ne. p!o8&em and "et) "o :"s and K!"pto7it and the!e a!e a *op&e o(
othe!s .ho a!e a&& so!t o( atta*7in: these va!ios sa8i&it" p!o8&ems. It seems to a&& 8e
happenin: !i:ht no.. As someone .hos 7ind o( in the t!en*hes on this) .he!e do "o thin7
.e!e :oin: to 8e as an e*o#s"stem in si; months o! a "ea!< >42?56@
'(: I thin7 that .ith addin: thin:s &i7e the K!"pto7it (I &i7e the K!"pto7it a &ot)) I thin7
addin: thin:s &i7e that and o! .a&&et) o( *o!se) it a&&o.s peop&e to Di*7&" t!ansa*t. Im not
sa"in: thats the on&" thin: that Bit*oin sho&d 8e sed (o! 8t I thin7 i( .e .ant to :ain a &ot
o( ne. peop&e) &i7e m" mom &i7e I said) .e .ant to :ain a &ot o( these peop&e ot he!e .ho
a!e not ne*essa!i&" ea!&" adopte!s o( te*hno&o:") .e have to ma7e it e;t!eme&" eas" (o! them
to *ome onto the s"stem. Thats anothe! thin: &i7e !i:ht no.) Im not s!e i( the!es an"
.a&&ets that) 8asi*a&&") a&&o. "o to (i&& p .hen "o :et the .a&&et 8t 8e*ase "o!e :ettin:
the mem8e!ship to the C"*&e o( +oodness *oope!ative) .hat Love %i&&s :oin: to do is on*e
"o pa" the M43 (o! ea!&" mem8e!ship) .e!e :oin: to :ive "o ha&( o( that 8a*7 in Bit*oin
into "o! .a&&et) so "o&& have Bit*oin as soon as "o sta!t. >4G?G1@
A&': That sonds !ea&&" inte!estin: to me. Co said this is :oin: to 8e ot ne;t .ee7. %i&&
this 8e avai&a8&e< %i&& I 8e a8&e to have... >4G?55@
'(: Ceah) .e&& :et "o one Di*7. %e!e .o!7in: on a&& o( that to ma7e s!e the
mem8e!ships and the &i*en*es) and a&& o( that) :o 8a*7 and (o!th 8t on*e .e :et that) .e&&
send it to "o (i!st to ma7e s!e "o *an se*!e "o! *oin I/. Thats it 8t) othe! than that)
.e have eve!"thin: :oin:. %e .e!e :oin: to se*!e "o one an".a". Co :"s have 8een
ve!") ve!" :ood (o! me as (a! as m" ed*ation o( it. Thats anothe! thin: .e ed*ate) .e :o
a!ond the state ta&7in: to peop&e a8ot it. >45?31@
A&': Ceah. >45?36@
'(: %e!e 9st :oin: to 8i&d mo!e and mo!e apps (o! the C"*&e o( +oodness. 0i:ht no.)
.hat "o *an do is) "o *an :o to -heeva.*om and !e:iste!. -t "o! emai& in and .hen .e
:et the *oope!ative site p and !nnin:) .e .i&& send "o an emai& so that "o *an 9oin ea!&"
and se*!e "o! *oin I/. A&so) the Ch!ome e;tension is ot !i:ht no.. I( "o :o to the
Ch!ome sto!e) "o *an :o the!e and (ind the -heeva .a&&et) -heeva hot .a&&et Ch!ome
e;tension and se it immediate&" .ithot havin: to 8" a mem8e!ship. Its (!ee 8t "o dont
:et that .onde!(&) *stom *oin I/. Co have to add .ph8 onto the end o( it 8t "o *an :et it
!i:ht no.. >45?55@
A&': Thats -heeva.*om) !i:ht< >45?51@
'(: Ceah) -heeva.*om is -heeva. I :ot a -heeva and I *ant &et it :o. (La:hte!) %hats
his name< Ch!istophe! %a&7en... so thats -heeva) -heeva) -heeva) -heeva. (La:hte!)
A&': Lama! %i&son and La(e Ta"&o!) (onde!s o( Love %i&& LLC and C"*&e o( +oodness
*oope!ative) than7s ve!" m*h (o! "o! time. >4B?43@
'(: Man) than7 "o ve!" m*h Adam. >4B?4G@
This is Ch!is $oseph 8!in:in: "o ne.s on N;t) the (i!st t!e se*ond :ene!ation
*!"pto*!!en*" (o! Ma!*h 1
2345. Its 8een a 8s" .ee7 o( ne. !e&eases (o! N;t. %es&e"
Hs .e8#8ased inte!(a*e (o! the N;t so(t.a!e has 8een in*&ded in the so(t.a!e dist!i8tion
and a ne. *&ient) N;t '!ee!ide! has 8een !e&eased. Seve!a& othe! N;t *&ients) Ne;s) N;t
So&a!is and O((sp!in: have a&so !e&eased ne. ve!sions this .ee7. N;t is no. a&so avai&a8&e
(o! t!ade on C!"pts" and) in addition to that) it is sppo!ted 8" *oin!epo!tin:.*om)
8it*oin.isdom.*om and a&t*oinsma! 'ina&&") no. that N;t is (&&" open so!*e)
.e!e &oo7in: to e;pand the N;t deve&opment team. I( "o!e a st!on: $ava *ode!) have
testin: e;pe!ien*e o! have a deep &ove o( *!"pto:!aphi* a&:o!ithms) 8" the (o!ms and
&et s 7no.. 'o! mo!e :ene!a& in(o!mation on N;t) head to N;tC!"pto.o!: o! M"N;t.o!: and
sta" tned (o! mo!e ne.s on N;t in the ne;t Lets Ta&7 Bit*oin 8!oad*ast. >4F?43@
,onathan -ohan inter%ie" "ith -att !orallo
,-: Im he!e .ith Matt Co!a&&o at the Bit*oin Miami *on(e!en*e. Co have the :!eat
distin*tion o( 8ein: one o( the *hosen (e. .ho a*ta&&" :ot a BI- passed in Bit*oin... aaahhh=
(La:hte!) A BI-) (o! those .ho dont 7no.) is essentia&&" a Bit*oin Imp!ovement -!oposa&.
-!: Ceah. >4F?G4@
,-: Essentia&&") its the .a" in .hi*h p!o:!ammin: *han:es to Bit*oin... essentia&&") the
*han:es to Bit*oin itse&( a!e made. >4F?GK@
-!: Not 9st Bit*oin... eve!"thin: in the spa*e o( Bit*oin) .hethe! its di!e*t&" in the
p!oto*o& .hi*h means Bit*oin / *han:es o! somethin: m*h hi:he! &eve&) 9st 7ind o( in
!andom .a&&ets) ma"8e this is ho. the" sho&d do thin:s o! this is a .a" to do thin:s.
,-: Can "o e;p&ain a &itt&e mo!e a8ot .hat a BI- is then< >4F?BG@
-!: Ceah. I mean) the p!o*ess is mode&&ed a(te! the -"thon Imp!ovement -!oposa&s .hi*h
a!e a 8it mo!e te*hni*a& and those a!e :ene!a&&" (ai!&" (o*sed on spe*i(i* thin:s to *han:e to
the &an:a:e) .he!eas Bit*oins a 8it mo!e :ene!a&. A &ot o( the BI-s a!e spe*i(i* *han:es to
the &an:a:eJ thin:s &i7e pa" to s*!ipt hash .hi*h is a *han:e to the s*!iptin: &an:a:e in
Bit*oin. Some o( them a!e 7ind o( in the midd&e) .hi*h is somethin: that I did) .hi*h .as
the Bit*oin N0I spe*) so thats the Bit*oin &in7s .he!e "o pt an add!ess in a &in7 and then it
opens Bit*oin. The!e a!e some thin:s that a!e .a" mo!e a.a" (!om the p!oto*o& .hi*h is &i7e
.a&&et thin:s) .he!e sa" "o! .a&&et... ho. "o! .a&&et sho&d sto!e 7e"s) ho. "o! .a&&et
sho&d mana:e t!ansa*tions .hi*h is (a! !emoved (!om the &o. &eve& Bit*oin p!oto*o& and
mo!e into the imp&ementation o( .hat othe! peop&e a!e doin:. >4K?GK@
,-: I 9st .anted) (o! m" o.n edi(i*ation) to nde!stand ho. the he*7 *han:es in Bit*oin
o**! 8e*ase .e ta&7 a8ot *ent!a&iEation in Bit*oin. %e had that .ho&e s*a!e .ith +Hash
and a&& the othe! minin: ope!ations that *ome ot the!e... Oh m" :od) the"!e :ettin: to a
point to .hi*h the" *an a((e*t the *onsenss. >4K?BB@
-!: Ceah. >4K?BB@
,-: Then) .hen it *omes to the most impo!tant thin:... .hen it *omes to de*ent!a&iEin:
Bit*oin .hi*h is .ho *an imp&ement *ode *han:es into .hat .e *a&& Bit*oin. I dont (ee& &i7e
the!es eno:h de*ent!a&iEation in it. >41?3K@
-!: Ceah. >41?3K@
,-: I 7ind o( .anted to 7no.... &i7e) &i(t the vei&. >41?43@
-!: I a:!ee. The!e sho&d 8e as m*h de*ent!a&iEation as possi8&e the!e. At the end o( the
da") it ta7es time and it ta7es peop&e to vo&ntee! thei! time to &oo7 at these thin:s and !evie.
them and ma7e :ood) se(& *omments and then de*ide .hen) ma"8e) its !ead" to move
(o!.a!d on thin:s. At the end o( the da") the!e a!e a &ot o( peop&e in Bit*oin and a &ot o(
peop&e doin: !ea&&" inte!estin: thin:s .hi*h a!e ta7in: p a&& thei! time so the" dont
ne*essa!i&" have time to 9oin a mai&in: &ist that has .a" too man" posts to !ead them a&&.
,-: Ho. man" peop&e a!e on the mai&in: &ist< %e!e ta&7in: a8ot ho. *onsenss is
de!ived. Its de!ived 8" the voi*es in the mai&in: &ist. >41?54@
-!: Ceah) I mean) its de!ived 8" the voi*es o( an"one .hos :oin: to end p imp&ementin:
the BI-s .hi*h) 8e*ase the"!e sa&&" p!oposed on the mai&in: &ist 8" peop&e... most o( the
*&ient deve&ope!s .ho a!e :oin: to 8e imp&ementin: this a!e on the mai&in: &ist) at the end o(
da") it 8e*omes the peop&e on the mai&in: &ist (o!m the *onsenss a!ond the BI-s) .hi*h a!e
then imp&emented. >41?B6@
,-: Can "o e;p&ain the t.o BI-s that "o .e!e a8&e to :et th!o:h< %hat .e!e the"
a8ot< >46?3G@
-!: I havent done a BI- in a .hi&e) most&" 8e*ase I havent .o!7ed on Bit*oin as m*h
!e*ent&". I did the Bit*oin N0I spe* .hi*h means) at the time) L7e had a p!oposa& .hi*h
had a &ot o( detai&s that .e!e 7ind o( ove! the top and not ne*essa!i&" .o!th imp&ementin: that
I tho:ht and a &ot o( peop&e a:!eed) so I !edid his BI- and s::ested that its 8asi*a&&"
simp&e... 9st Bit*oin?add!ess<amontO .hateve!. A (ai!&" simp&e p!oposa& .hi*h then :ot
imp&emented and no.) i( "o *&i*7 on a Bit*oin &in7) it ma:i*a&&" opens "o! *&ient and it
sa"s He") do "o .ant to send mone" to .he!eve!< That .as 7ind o( pshed th!o:h
8e*ase it .as seen as a :!eat idea and the!e .asnt too m*h dis*ssion 8e*ase it .as 7ind
o( (ai!&" simp&e. >46?5B@
,-: I( I 9oined the mai&in: &ist) I *an have a voi*e in .hats :oin: on .ith Bit*oin< >46?56@
-!: Oh) a8so&te&") a8so&te&". %e en*o!a:e an"one .ho .ants to have a voi*e to 9oin the
mai&in: &istJ an"one .ho is .i&&in: to spend the time to .!ite .e&& !easoned a!:ments as to
.h" the" a:!ee o! disa:!ee .ith somethin:. >46?B1@
,-: %he!e .o&d I :o in o!de! to 9oin the Bit*oin Imp!ovement -!oposa& mai&in: &ist<
-!: Most o( the dis*ssion happens 9st on the :ene!a& Bit*oin deve&opment mai&in: &ist.
That means) +oo:&e Bit*oin deve&opment mai&in: &ist on So!*e'o!:e. I dont 7no. the
N0L o((#hand 8e*ase its &on: and... >23?4B@
,-: No one in the past (ive "ea!s has made a tin" N0L (o! it< >23?41@
-!: No) o( *o!se not. >23?46@
,-: (La:hte!) No) thats .a" too ha!d) !i:ht< >23?24@
-!: Ceah) o( *o!se. >23?22@
,-: Tin" N0LPBI- Imp!ovement -!oposa&s. >23?25@
-!: Someone &istenin: sho&d do that and pt it in the *omments some.he!e and post it
eve!".he!e. >23?2K@
,-: Ma"8e .e sho&d pt it on the mai&in: &ist and :et *onsenss on it< >23?G3@
-!: The!e .e :o. %e sho&d do a BI- a8ot the tin" N0L (o! mai&in: &ist N0L. >23?G5@
,-: I thin7 thats !ea&&" impo!tant and sho&d tota&&" ta7e p eve!"ones time. Con:!ess
sta!ted ta&7in: a8ot 8ase8a&& and I tho:ht that .as the pe!(e*t se o( thei! time. >23?53@
-!: A8so&te&". No) no Destion) espe*ia&&" .ith the h:e amont o( deve&opment
!eso!*es that Bit*oin has toda". >23?5B@
,-: (La:hte!) I( an"one .ants to ta7e on that as thei! *!*i8&e in the BI- (o!ms) p&ease)
p&ease do that. >23?B4@
-!: The!e .e :o. -&ease do it. (La:hte!) >23?BG@
,-: The!es one thin: to 8e t!anspa!ent and open and the!es anothe! to 8e in*&sive and
a**essi8&e. I (ee& &i7e the BI- (o!ms a!e t!anspa!ent 8t that the"!e not :ettin: the .o!d
ot... the"!e not p!ose&"tiEin: peop&e to 9oin them o! ma7in: it easie!... ma7in: the
on8oa!din: p!o*ess easie! (o! peop&e to *ome on8oa!d. >24?44@
-!: Ceah. I mean) most o( the deve&ope!s) most o( the peop&e .ho a!e .o!7in: on these
thin:s have ve!" &imited time and a!e .o!7in: on ten othe! p!o9e*ts (ive p!o9e*ts in Bit*oin
and p!o8a8&" have some Bit*oin sta!t#p) o! somethin:. The!es not m*h time to do that
and) at the same time) the!e is some 7ind o( pe!ve!se in*entive that the mo!e peop&e .e have)
the &on:e! these thin:s ta7e to :et pshed th!o:h 8e*ase eve!"one a&.a"s has an opinion
and "o have to !ead a&& the opinions and eventa&&") de*ide .hethe! o! not the!es a
*onsenss (o! them to ma7e a&& the *han:es. %e en*o!a:e eve!"one .ho .ants to .!ite
:ood opinions to *ome 9oin 8t I dont thin7 the!es !ea&&" eve! :oin: to 8e some 7ind o(
ot!ea*h to :et mo!e. >24?B3@
,-: 0i:ht. I :ess m" p!o8&em .ith that... "o 7no.) And!eas Antonopo&os) .hos on
Lets Ta&7 Bit*oin) a&.a"s ta&7s a8ot the othe! si; and a ha&( 8i&&ion. No.) i( .e!e t!"in: to
ma7e Bit*oin 8e the p!e#eminent) :&o8a&) apo&iti*a& *!!en*") .hat .e!e !ea&&" ta&7in: a8ot
is the othe! si; and a ha&( 8i&&ion. %hen .e!e de!ivin: *onsenss (!om .hat ha!d *o!e
*!"pto:!aphe!s a!e doin: on a mai&in: &ist) .hi*h a!e p!o8a8&" t!endin: to.a!ds one t"pe o(
spa*e) the!es 7ind o( this nspo7en *&t!a& 8ias that 9st :ets (o!med in .hat Bit*oin is) 9st
8e*ase the" dont have the same 8a*7:!ond. >22?23@
-!: Ces and no. The deve&opment mai&in: &ist has :one) in the past ma"8e si; months) has
:!o.n a &ot and its :!o.n ot o( 9st deve&ope!s) a&tho:h it is sti&& ve!" p!ima!i&"
deve&ope!s) the!e a!e a &ot o( BI-s and :ene!a& Bit*oin imp!ovement st(( is ve!" :ene!a&&"
se&(#se!vin: in the sense that i( someone has an idea (o! ho. to :et a 8n*h o( peop&e in
Soth Sdan into Bit*oin that !eDi!es some mino! *han:e) the"!e :oin: to :o .!ite a BI-
(o! it and s8mit it and sa" I have this idea and I thin7 this is .hats !eDi!ed to ma7e it
happen and the"!e :oin: to ma7e it happen) .hi*h is somethin: thats :!eat a8ot the
Bit*oin *ommnit" is the!e a!e so man" peop&e .ho have so man" :!eat ideas and a!e
.o!7in: so ha!d to ma7e thin:s happen and I thin7 its open in the sense that an"one *an
s8mit and ths) the peop&e .ho have :ood ideas and .ho need a BI- to ma7e somethin:
happen) .i&& do it. >2G?31@
,-: Ho. .o&d I dete!mine i( I need a BI- to ma7e somethin: happen< /o I 9st pt it ot
the!e< >2G?4G@
-!: The!e a!e :ide&ines (o! .hat de(ines a BI-) .hat 7ind o( *ate:o!" it sho&d 8e in
the!e a!e a (e. *ate:o!ies. As to .hethe! o! not "o need a BI- (o! somethin:) :ene!a&&" the
ans.e! is "o dont need one e;*ept n&ess "o .ant eve!" .a&&et to in*&de it o! "o .ant a
ma9o! p!oto*o& *han:e. >2G?G3@
,-: Nn&ess "o!e t!"in: to pass an amendment) then "o !ea&&" dont need to t!" to modi("
the *onstittion. >2G?GB@
-!: Ceah) "o dont ne*essa!i&" need one 8t it is a&so a ve!" :ood idea to do one i( "o!e
&oo7in: at) sa") ho. sho&d m" .a&&et en*!"pt 7e"s o!... the!es a !e*ent one a8ot ho. to
en*!"pt 7e"s (o! .a&&ets. I( "o!e t!"in: to (i:!e ot a .a" to do that and "o .ant othe!
.a&&ets to do it the same .a") so that thin:s a!e inte!#ope!a8&e) a BI- p!o*ess is a :ood .a" to
:o th!o:h that and sa" Loo7) &ets :et some *omments) &ets :et eve!"one to:ethe! thin7in:
a8ot this p!o8&em and (i:!e ot ho. to do this the 8est .a". >25?33@
,-: I( I .anted to :et invo&ved on a BI-) .hat .o&d I do !i:ht no.< I .o&d :o to the... I
.o&d 9st +oo:&e Bit*oin BI-s and I .o&d s8mit one< %hat .o&d 8e that p!o*ess< Is
the!e someone I *onta*t< >25?44@
-!: The BI-s a!e no. on +itH8. The" .e!e &ivin: on the %i7i (o!eve! 8t no. the!e is a
BI-s +itH8 that sho&d 8e +itH8.*omPBit*oinPBI-s) I 8e&ieve. >25?24@
,-: The!e "o :o. The" :ot a N0L. >25?22@
-!: That ones not 8ad. >25?2G@
,-: That on&" too7 (ive and a ha&( "ea!s. >25?25@
-!: Ceah) "eah) "o 7no.. A &ot o( dis*ssion has moved the!e as .e&& 8t the!e is a&so
a&.a"s a &ot o( dis*ssion) :ood dis*ssion on the deve&opment mai&in: &ist. The Bit*oin
deve&opment mai&in: &ist is a :ood p&a*e to :o to dis*ss BI-s and othe! thin:s in Bit*oin.
,-: I thin7 the thin: to mention is that BI-s a!ent 9st so(t.a!e) its not 9st *ode. >25?53@
-!: Oh no) most o( the BI-s) in te!ms o( *han:e to 9st Bit*oin *ode st(() a &ot o( the BI-s
a!ent that) espe*ia&&" 7ind o( p!oposa&s (o! ho. Bit*oin thin:s sho&d happen) ho. .a&&ets
sho&d (n*tion) ho. Bit*oin sho&d .o!7) in te!ms o( NI. >25?BK@
,-: It *o&d 8e as meta as "od &i7e it to 8e. I( the!e is some evi&) evi& hman 8ein: ot
the!e .ho doesnt &i7e the *o&o! o!an:e) and the" !ea&&" thin7 that the" *o&d ma7e that *ase...
(&a:hte!) >2B?3B@
-!: N&timate&") i( "o thin7 nothin: in Bit*oin sho&d eve! se the *o&o! o!an:e) "o *an
ma7e a BI- (o! it. It&& p!o8a8&" :et !e9e*ted and 7ind o( &a:hed a.a" p!ett" Di*7&" 8t
he") i( "o .ant to t!") :o (o! it. >2B?41@
,-: 0i:ht) !i:ht. >2B?41@
-!: %e t!" to 8e as open as possi8&e. $st :et invo&ved and) he") i( "o thin7 "o *an he&p)
i( "o have the time to thin7 *!iti*a&&" a8ot thin:s in Bit*oin and ho. the" sho&d 8e done.
,-: Co 9st &ost &i7e t.o thi!ds o( the inte!netJ the *!iti*a& thin7in: pa!t a&one. >2B?G4@
-!: C!iti*a& thin7in: is ha!dJ time is a&so ha!d. I( "o do) (o! some st!an:e !eason) (a&& into
these *ate:o!ies and .ant to :et invo&ved) a8so&te&". >2B?53@
,-: I) a*ta&&") have a BI-. M" o.n &itt&e a:enda .hi*h is as it !e&ates to the &an:a:e o(
Bit*oin. I thin7 its !ea&&" si&&" that (o! thin:s o! th!ee thin:s a&& have the .o!d Bit*oin
asso*iated .ith it. >2B?BG@
-!: Ceah) the!es no Destion. >2B?BB@
,-: In the Qeit:eist) it is the *!"pto*!!en*" the (ie&d is *a&&ed Bit*oin) the Bit*oin
8&o*7*hain is *a&&ed Bit*oin and the *!!en*" is *a&&ed Bit*oin. >2F?35@
-!: Oh "eah. No) I mean) it ma7es pe!(e*t sense. >2F?3F@
,-: It ma7es pe!(e*t sense. (La:hte!) >2F?3K@
-!: -e!(e*t sense. >2F?31@
,-: %hen "o e;p&ain it to a &a"man) the"!e &i7e....hat<... "o have to e;p&ain this is the
Bit*oin Im ta&7in: a8ot no. and then) this is the Bit*oin Im ta&7in: a8ot no.... and this
is... >2F?4F@
-!: Oh "eah. The dp&i*ation o( namin: in Bit*oin is hi&a!ios. Co have the *oin8ase)
.hi*h is a t!ansa*tion and then "o have a *ompan" *a&&ed Coin8ase and then "o have
Bit*oin .hi*h !e(e!s to th!ee o! (o! di((e!ent thin:s in the spa*e. >2F?2B@
,-: Co have B&o*7* .hi*h *!eated the 8&o*7*hain appa!ent&". >2F?2K@
-!: Then "o have B&o*7* .hi*h appa!ent&" !ns the 8&o*7*hain. This is a (nn"
sto!" a8ot that. A pape! 8" a ve!" (amos !esea!*he!) one o( his (i!st Bit*oin pape!s) I .ont
name names) .as... !e(e!!ed to the 8&o*7*hain as an HTML dmp that he .as ana&"sin:
8e*ase it .as an HTML thin: and .as ana&"sin: the 8&o*7*hain via HTML) 8" a ve!"
(amos *!"pto:!aphe!. Kind o( em8a!!assin:. >2F?B3@
,-: The!es a &ot o( *on(sion. >2F?B4@
-!: The!es a &ot o( *on(sion. >2F?B2@
,-: Its &i7e .hen that 0SA did .as &i7e Ceah) Satoshi Na7amoto tota&&" invested into
/!ead -i!ate 0o8e!ts. >2F?B1@
-!: Oh "eah. >2F?B1@
,-: He 9st didnt do an" ana&"sis .hatsoeve!. He .as &i7e Ceah) this is tota&&" t!e.
-!: %hat .as it) &i7e a month &ate!) a (e. .ee7s &ate!) someone .as &i7e Nah) that .as
me. >2K?35@
,-: I dont 7no. i( I .o&d have admitted that i( I .e!e him. >2K?3F@
-!: Ceah. The!e .as some &on:e! sto!" to it) I dont Dite !emem8e! 8t an".a". >2K?43@
,-: This dis*ssion o( &an:a:e and this p!o8&em .ith Bit*oin and &an:a:e and mBits and
nBits and Bits and .hateve! the he*7 .e!e :oin: to 8e &i7e) I !ea&&" (ee& &i7e this needs to
8e dis*ssed and d!iven th!o:h *onsenss in the BI- (o!mat. Ho. .o&d I :o a8ot doin:
that< >2K?2G@
-!: +o on the +itH8 BI-s site) &oo7 at some o( the e;istin: BI-s. The!es BI- 4 is the
(o!mat (o! BI-s and ho. to (o!mat them and ho. to s8mit them and a&& this st((.
+ene!a&&") 9st .!ite p somethin: (o! the mai&in: &ist) p!opose it on the mai&in: &ist) :et some
dis*ssion and then .!ite it (o!ma&&" as a BI- and :et it s8mitted to the +itH8 a(te! "o
have a &ot o( dis*ssion and peop&e a:!ee 7ind o( this is ho. it sho&d (n*tion. >2K?B3@
,-: 0i:ht. >2K?B4@
-!: It .i&& :ene!ate a &ot o( dis*ssion and it .i&& 8e months o( .o!7 8t "o&& :et the!e.
,-: (La:hte!) OK. >2K?BB@
-!: It&& :et the!e. >2K?BF@
,-: A&!i:ht. %e&&) I &oo7 (o!.a!d to ta7in: that *!oss on and seein: i( I *an ma7e it .o!7.
-!: He") i( "o .ant to imp!ove Bit*oin) thats a :ood .a" to do it. >21?3G@
,-: 0i:ht. Than7s a &ot man. >21?35@
-!: A8so&te&". >21?3B@
K!"ptoKit is the .o!&ds (i!st Ch!ome 8!! Bit*oin .a&&et. Its the easiest) (astest Bit*oin
.a&&et pa"ment s"stem .ith a simp&e one *&i*7 insta&&) it ta7es 9st se*onds to :et "o! .a&&et
set p and 8e*ase K!"ptoKit (inds the add!ess and pa"ment (o! "o) the!es no mo!e (ssin:
a!ond o! ta8*hin:. K!"ptoKit is mo!e than 9st a .a&&et. It *omes .ith a p!e#&oaded
-+- en*!"pted so*ia& net.o!7) ne.s(eeds (!om 0eddit and +oo:&e and p to date *ha!ts (!om
e;*han:es. 'ina&&") K!"ptoKit di!e*to!" a&&o.s "o to ma7e t.o *&i*7 pa"ments .ith an" o(
the Bit-a" me!*hants. On*e "o insta&& K!"ptoKit) "o .ont need an"thin: e&se. 'o! mo!e
in(o!mation) o! to do.n&oad K!"ptoKit) visit K!"ptoKit.*om. >21?55@
The Bit+ive 'ondation is the non#p!o(it *ha!ita8&e :ivin: o!:aniEation) &eve!a:in: the
po.e! o( the Bit*oin *ommnit" to imp!ove p8&i* hea&th and the envi!onment .o!&d.ide.
He&p s demonst!ate the si:ni(i*ant impa*t o( Bit*oin in add!essin: these *!iti*a& isses on a
:&o8a& s*a&e. Sppo!t inte!nationa& :ivin: in Bit*oin. -&ease visit o! .e8site at
Bit+ive'ondation.o!:. Thats Bit+ive'ondation.o!:. >26?22@
.tephanie -urphy inter%ie" "ith -ichael ( )ean and ,eremy +and
.-: This is Stephanie M!ph" (o! Lets Ta&7 Bit*oin. Im he!e toda" ta&7in: .ith Mi*hae&
%. /ean and $e!em" 0and. The" a!e t.o peop&e 8ehind the p!o9e*t *a&&ed '!eeSpee*hMe.
'!eeSpee*hMe is somethin: that I thin7 is !ea&&" :oin: to *han:e a &ot. Its :ot a &ot o(
potentia& he!e. I&& &et them e;p&ain .hat it is 8t (i!st o( a&&) :ent&eman) .e&*ome to Lets
Ta&7 Bit*oin. Than7s so m*h (o! ta7in: the time to ta&7 .ith me. >26?BG@
-): Than7s. >26?B5@
,+: Than7s. >26?BB@
.-: Te&& me .hat is '!eeSpee*hMe. %hat is the e&evato! pit*h< >26?B6@
-): I&& :ive the e;*itin: Ithis is :oin: to *han:e the .o!&d one and then $e!em" *an te&&
"o the te*hni*a& !easons o( .h" it&& a*ta&&" *han:e the .o!&d 8e*ase eve!"8od" a&.a"s
sa"s M" thin: .i&& *han:e the .o!&d. 'i!st o( a&&) the!e a!e seve!a& peop&e .ho did the .o!7
8ehind this) that $e!em" is standin: on the sho&de!s o(. Hes *onne*ted .ith the Name*oin
team. Name*oin is a de*ent!a&iEed *!"pto*!!en*") 7ind o( &i7e Bit*oin. Its p!o8a8&" the
on&" *!!en*" thats not a th!eat to Bit*oin and peop&e .ho a!e heavi&" invested in Bit*oin
sho&d 7no. this. Its not a *ompetitionJ it *omp&ements Bit*oin 8e*ase its 8a!e&" a
*!!en*". The thin: that .o&d *han:e the .o!&d and .hat peop&e sho&d 8e .o!7in: at the
most is *omme!*e sites &o*ated an".he!e that ta7e Bit*oin on&" and !n a Name*oin. The"d
have thei! /NS se!ved on Name*oin 8e*ase the" *ant 8e sht do.n and ha*7ed and ta7en
a.a" 8" :ove!nments nea!&" as easi&" as .*om o! dot .hateve!. >G3?BF@
.-: 'o! an"8od" .hos tota&&" n(ami&ia! .ith this) Name*oin is a spino(( o( Bit*oin. Its
an a&t*oin and its main (n*tion is !ea&&" not as a *!!en*") its as a dist!i8ted domain name
s"stem o! /NS s"stem. >G4?43@
-): Nnti& !e*ent&") it .as di((i*&t and nse*!e to se!ve .8it domains. Its !ea&&" eas" to set
them p 8t it .as ha!d to s!( them and not se*!e. $e!em"s *ome p .ith this p&:#in
*a&&ed '!eeSpee*hMe that ma7es it !ea&&" eas". Im :oin: to &et $e!em" ta7e ove! (!om he!e.
,+: Name*oin o((e!s /NS) thats de*ent!a&iEed and is di((i*&t to *enso!) hi9a*7 o! s!vei&.
Its an advanta:e ove! standa!d /NS 8t .hen Name*oin .as o!i:ina&&" set p) and p nti& I
:ot invo&ved .ith it) the!e !ea&&" .asnt a :ood) eas" to se .a" that .as sti&& se*!e. The!e
.e!e some peop&e .ho .e!e *han:in: thei! /NS settin:s on thei! *ompte! to point to a /NS
se!ve! that .o&d t!eat st(( (!om the 8&o*7*hain and that 7ind o( de(eats the se*!it" point o(
Name*oins /NS 8e*ase then "o sti&& have a&& the se*!it" isses that someone *an hi9a*7
"o! *onne*tion. I( the"!e on "o! net.o!7) the" *an 9st *han:e .hat "o see (!om that
/NS se!ve!. The /NS se!ve! "o *on(i:!e a&so has the a8i&it" to hi9a*7 "o! !eDests and
send "o .hateve! the" .ant (o! .hateve! ma&i*ios p!poses the" .ant. Thats !ea&&" not a
se*!e .a" to se itJ it de(eats the point. The!e .e!e some othe! methods o( sin: .8it .hi*h
is the /NS s"stem that Name*oin sets p. The!e .e!e thin:s &i7e nmCont!o& and nm*So*7s)
thin:s &i7e that 8t) in :ene!a&) the" .e!e ve!" di((i*&t to set p) espe*ia&&" (o! novi*es.
The!e !ea&&" .e!ent man" peop&e sin: thin:s &i7e that and i() .hen I .as han:in: a!ond in
the Name*oin I0C *hat) it .as ve!" (!eDent to see peop&e in the!e advisin: Oh "eah) "o
9st se this /NS se!ve! and eve!"thin: .i&& 8e (ine. -eop&e didnt seem to 8e a.a!e that this
.as a !ea&&" inse*!e .a" o( sin: it. I tho:ht Name*oin seems &i7e a !ea&&" :ood .a" o(
p!eventin: *enso!ship) imp!ovin: se*!it") imp!ovin: p!iva*" 8" some ma"8e .e sho&d 8e
sin: it (o! that) !athe! than 9st havin: it eithe! (o! se*!it" (o! the e&ite o! inse*!it" (o!
eve!"one e&se. >GG?2K@
.-: Cove :ot a p&:#in he!e) the '!eeSpee*hMe p&:#in) thats :oin: to a&&o. peop&e to
easi&" vie. .8it domains .ithot *han:in: thei! /NS settin:s o! doin: an" o( this
*omp&i*ated sondin: st(( that most peop&e p!o8a8&" dont 7no. ho. to do. >GG?52@
,+: Thats !i:ht. >GG?5G@
.-: %h" .o&d some8od" .ant to vie. .e8sites that a!e .8it .e8sites< %hats the
advanta:e o( havin: .8it domains that a!e not !e:iste!ed th!o:h a *ent!a& !e:ist!" &i7e
,+: %hen "o ma7e a /NS !eDest (o! a .e8site) o! (o! an" inte!net se!vi*e (o! that matte!)
sende! /NS is !ea&&") !ea&&" inse*!e. Its a&so not p!ivate and it *an 8e easi&" *enso!ed.
%hen I .ant to a**ess +oo:&e.*om) o! somethin: &i7e that) an" .e8site) m" *ompte! has to
send a !eDest to a /NS se!ve!. An"one .hos on m" net.o!7) as .e&& as an"one .hos on
the /NS se!ve!s net.o!7 and the /NS se!ve! themse&ves) the" *an see that m" I- add!ess
.ent to +oo:&e.*om and so thats a p!iva*" isse. The /NS se!ve!) o! an"one 8et.een me
and the /NS se!ve! *an then eithe! (a&se&" sa" +oo:&e.*om doesnt e;ist) the!es nothin:
he!e o! it *an !edi!e*t me to a (a&se .e8site .hi*h mi:ht 8e eithe! a phishin: site o( some
7ind o! it mi:ht 8e a site that 9st insta&&s ma&.a!e on an"one .ho vie.s it. Its) :ene!a&&")
not a se*!e s"stem. >G5?BK@
.-: Can "o te&& me some e;amp&es o() 8asi*a&&") p!o8&ems .ith the standa!d /NS s"stem<
Be(o!e) I 7no. "ove :ot some on "o! Ki*7Sta!te! pa:e 8t te&& the &istene!s a8ot that.
-): %e&&) $e!em" *o&d :ive 8ette! e;amp&es than I. I 7no. one is that) !e*ent&") 'a*e8oo7
.as !edi!e*ted to a (a7e 'a*e8oo7 site. Its one thin: i( the" !edi!e*t it to a site that sa"s
Cove 8een p.ned= O.ned= Haha= Co!e an idiot) .e too7 "o! .e8site= Thats 8ad.
%o!se is i( it :oes to a .e8site that .o!7s e;a*t&" &i7e "o! .e8site and "o!e &i7e Oh) Im
on 'a*e8oo7) OK) .e&& I&& enti!e m" pass.o!d... BAM= The"ve :ot "o! pass.o!d. Oh)
I&& 8" some &itt&e *!edits to p&a" An:!" SDi!!e&s. Oh BAM= The"ve :ot "o! *!edit *a!d
nm8e!. Thats a 8i: isse !i:ht the!e. A&so) :ove!nments and *o!po!ations ta7e do.n
.e8sites a&& the time .ithot an" de p!o*ess. The" sa" Oh) .e sa. the .o!d pi!ate on
he!e and it t!ns ot "o!e &i7e Ta!!in Lpo) .!itin: a8ot sto!ies a8ot the da"s o( o&d and
pi!ates on the hi:h seas. The"!e &i7e This is a pi!a*" site and 9st ta7e it and .hen peop&e
:o to it) it&& sa" This has 8een seiEed 8" the /epa!tment o( /e*en*" and Mo!a&it" and
+ood Thin:s that O8ama Li7es and +eo!:e Bsh Li7es. (La:hte!). The" do that. This
*ant 8e done nea!&" as easi&" .ith that. I dont .ant to sa" *ant 8e*ase its a *ha&&en:e.
Co te&& a sa(e *!a*7e! This sa(e *annot 8e *!a*7ed. Then) the" .ant to *!a*7 it. >GF?2B@
,+: Ceah) .e!e ve!" *a!e(& to sa" its !esistant to some o( these atta*7s. %e dont sa" its
*omp&ete&" immne (!om them. The!e is a th!eat mode&) 9st &i7e an" othe! 7ind o( se*!it"
so(t.a!e. One o( the othe! thin:s thats inte!estin: a8ot '!eeSpee*hMe) in pa!ti*&a!) is it
doesnt 9st :et /NS data (!om the Name*oin 8&o*7*hain) &i7e most Name*oin so(t.a!e does.
It a&so :ets HTT-S (in:e!p!ints (!om the 8&o*7*hain and the !eason .h" this is se(& i( I
.ant to visit a .e8site that ses HTT-S) the!e a!e t.o main *omponents in HTT-S. One o(
them is the en*!"ption) .hi*h most peop&e a!e a.a!e o(. The!e is a&so athenti*ation)
ve!i("in: that the .e8site that "o :o to is the .e8site that it sho&d 8e. HTT-S is o(ten
toted as the .a" to dea& .ith hi9a*7ed /NS 8e*ase peop&e .i&& sa" Oh) i( "o!e
!edi!e*ted to a (a&se .e8site) then the HTT-S .i&& sho. an e!!o! and so "o&& 8e sa(e. As it
t!ns ot) HTT-S is !ea&&" not that ha!d to do 8ad thin:s to) pa!ti*&a!&" i( "o!e a &a!:e
*o!po!ation o! a de*ent&" siEed :ove!nment. As an e;amp&e o( that...>GK?G5@
-): O! a de*ent&" (nded :an: o( *!imina&s &i7e a ma(ia. >GK?G6@
,+: ...In $&" 2344 a*ta&&") .hi*h is Dite !e*ent&") the HTT-S *e!ti(i*ate atho!it"
/i:iNota!) .as *omp!omised. The!e .e!e !epo!ts that the pe!son .ho did it .as a((i&iated
.ith the I!anian :ove!nment) a&tho:h .e dont !ea&&" 7no.. The atta*7e!s) .hoeve! the"
.e!e) .e!e a8&e to !et!ieve (a&se *e!ti(i*ates (!om this *e!ti(i*ate atho!it" that a&&o.ed them
to se*!e&" impe!sonate the CIA) MIF) 'a*e8oo7) Mi*!oso(t) S7"pe) T.itte!) %o!d-!ess)
MoEi&&a and hnd!eds o( othe! ta!:ets. %hats !ea&&" s*a!" is /i:iNota! didnt even noti*e
that this had happened (o! ove! a month. >G1?45@
-): The CIA) thin7 a8ot that. Li7e) the CIA and the 'BI. The peop&e .ho *&aim the"
sho&d 8e n*!a*7a8&e. The" .e!e o.ned) 8asi*a&&". >G1?2K@
.-: Mmm. %o.= I .o&d sa" thats a p!ett" 8i: se*!it" 8!ea*h. >G1?G2@
,+: Ceah. The!e a!e some p!oposa&s that have 8een made to t!" to imp!ove the HTT-S
s"stem. One o( those p!oposa&s is somethin: *a&&ed -e!spe*tive Re!i(i*ation) pop&a!iEed 8"
Mo;ie Ma!&inspi7e) .ho .!ote the Conve!:en*e p&:#in (o! 'i!e(o;. %hat that t!ies to do is
"o *hose some t!sted thi!d pa!t" and eve!" time "o visit a HTT-S .e8site) "o! 8!!
ta7es the *e!ti(i*ate (!om them and sends it to the thi!d pa!t" and) 8asi*a&&") that thi!d pa!t"
*he*7s the .e8site themse&ves and sa"s He") do I see the same thin:< I( it sees somethin:
di((e!ent) then it *an te&& "o Oh) "o!e 8ein: atta*7ed) dont t!st this .e8site. The
p!o8&em is .hat happens i( that t!sted thi!d pa!t" is a&so atta*7ed. I( somethin: is 8ein:
atta*7ed on the se!ve! end o! the atta*7 is .idesp!ead eno:h and it a((e*ts some o( those
t!sted thi!d pa!ties) then "o!e no 8ette! o(() .he!eas .hat '!eeSpee*hMe does is it sto!es
the (in:e!p!ints in the Name*oin 8&o*7*hain .hi*h is 8a*7ed 8" p!oo(#o(#.o!7) sin*e its a
8&o*7*hain. Basi*a&&") to 8e a8&e to (eed (a&se data into '!eeSpee*hMe) "o .o&d have to do
a B4L atta*7 on Name*oin .hi*h .e thin7 is p!o8a8&" a &ot ha!de! than doin: a man in the
midd&e atta*7 on one o! t.o o( those t!sted thi!d pa!ties) espe*ia&&" i( those t!sted thi!d
pa!ties a!e .e&& 7no.n and a!e ta!:ets (o! someone .ho .ants to atta*7 st((. >G6?BK@
-): %hat $e!em" has done is 7ind o( the di((e!en*e 8et.een .hat Lin; sed to 8e &i7e... I
mean +NNPLin; sed to 8e &i7e .hen it .as most&" *ommand &ine to .hen the" :ot a +NI
(o! it and no.) its a&most &i7e sin: %indo.s in ease. Thats one thin: and the othe! thin: is
&i7e Im app!oa*hin: eve!"8od" I *an a8ot this... &i7e a&& 7inds o( peop&e) &i7e te*h peop&e)
&i8e!t" peop&e) *!"pto*!!en*" peop&e and some peop&e a!e :ettin: it and the!e a!e some (i!st
adopte!s 9mpin: on it and some peop&e have :iven mone" to o! Indi:o:o *ampai:n and its
:!eat. Ceste!da") a mind#8& thin: happened a tota& st!an:e! *ame ot o( the .oods
and said This is :oin: to *han:e the .o!&d. Ive :ot some Bit*oin. I .ant to 8" ads (o!
"o) !adio ads on '!eeTa&7 Live and this :"... .o!7ed it ot at '!eeTa&7 Live. He 8o:ht B3
da"s o( ads (o! '!eeSpee*hMe on '!eeTa&7 Live. >53?B3@
.-: %o.= >53?B3@
-): The"!e !easona8&e 8t thats not *heap. Thats an investment (!om a st!an:e!. >53?BG@
.-: I hea!d "o! ad toni:ht and I .as .onde!in: ho. "o :ot that. Thats a *oo& sto!".
-): He paid (o! B3 da"s on the !adio sho. and on the pod*ast. The!e a!e peop&e &i7e that
8t then the!e a!e a&so peop&e &i7e... Im not :oin: to name an" names 8t I *a&&ed one o( the
8i::est te*h 8&o:s in the .o!&d. I *a&&ed it on the phone... I 7no. them) Ive .o!7ed (o! them)
the"ve 8een... &i7e paid me as edito!s 8e(o!e) 8a*7 in the da"... at 8oo7 p8&ishin: st((. I
*a&&ed them p and to&d them a8ot it and the" .e!e &i7e Oh) I dont 7no.. That sonds
inte!estin: 8t I have to :o pt p these pi*t!es o( sDi!!e&s in the sno. .ith the ne. i-hone.
Im &i7e Co :"s sed to 8e *ttin: ed:e man. %hat happened< Im t!"in: to *a&& this
othe! (I .ont sa" an" names) 8t its a !adio sho. thats h:e) its &i8e!t"#o!iented and its
&i7e) I 7no. peop&e at it and its somethin: the" .o&d &ove and thei! &istene!s .o&d &ove.
The" .e!e &i7e... its &i7e t!"in: to :et the -ope to ta&7 to a peasant) man. 0ea&&") .hat this
!ea&&") !ea&&" needs is peop&e to :o *he*7 ot '!eeSpee*hMe.o!: and &oo7 at it and !ea&iEe that
this is .hats :oin: to save the inte!net and .ithot this) "o! inte!net in (ive "ea!s) the .a"
thin:s a!e :oin:) is :oin: to 8e -!esident Hi&a!"s 'a*e8oo7 pa:e is a&& "o!e :oin: to 8e
a8&e to :et to o! -!esident Ch!is Ch!isties 'a*e8oo7 pa:e. Thats a&& that "o!e :oin: to 8e
a8&e to do on the inte!net i( eve!"one doesnt sta!t adoptin: .8it Name*oin /NS and sin:
'!eeSpee*hMe. %hat $e!em" is p&annin: on doin: "o *an :o to the Indi:o:o site o! to
'!eeSpee*hMe.o!: he has a &ist o( G3 o! 53 imp!ovements. %e!e not sa"in: %e have this
idea) :ive s mone" and .e&& ma7e this thin:. %e!e sa"in: %e have the thin:) .e have a
8eta) it .o!7s toda") "o *an set p a .8it .e8site (o! M3.43 and :et "o! vie.e!s to sha!e this
thin: and the" .i&& 8e a8&e to 8i&d it and he&p .ith it and &oo7 at it. $e!em" has p&ans to
imp!ove this to the point .he!e &i7e it is :oin: to 8e*ome ho. the inte!net .o!7s. Its not 9st
Oh) .e have a *oo& p&:#in. Its &i7e this *o&d 8e the nde!&"in: (ondation o( inte!net 5.3.
$e!em") :o ahead and te&& .hat some o( those imp!ovements a!e. >52?B4@
,+: O8vios&") one o( the (i!st thin:s .e .ant to do is ma7e it a &itt&e 8it *&eane! &oo7in:) in
te!ms o( 9st the se! inte!(a*e. 0i:ht no.) (o! e;amp&e) i( "o!e on %indo.s) "o&& see a
*op&e o( te!mina& .indo.s pop p .hen .e &an*h the Name*oin so(t.a!e on 'i!e(o;.
O8vios&") thats not se!#(!iend&". It .i&& s*a!e some peop&e. %e .ant to (i; that and thats
p!ett" eas". The!e is &ots o( 9st simp&e se! inte!(a*e st(( &i7e that .hi*h .e .ant to
imp!ove. The!e a!e a&so se*!it" !e&ated thin:s .e .ant to imp!ove. 'o! e;amp&e) !i:ht no.
i( "o have an in*omp&ete 8&o*7*hain in Name*oin) '!eeSpee*hMe .i&& se .hateve! 8eta
"o have p to that point .hi*h a) means &ots o( psides .ont .o!7 8t) mo!e impo!tant&"
(o! me at &east (!om a se*!it" standpoint) .hoeve! sed to *ont!o& a domain ma" have
!etained some &eve& o( *ont!o& a(te! the" se&& it to someone e&se .hi&e "o!e sti&& pdatin: the
8&o*7*hain. Thats 7ind o( dan:e!os. >5G?B4@
-): I .ant to inte!9e*t t.o Di*7 thin:s !i:ht the!e. One is that .hen "o insta&&
'!eeSpee*hMe) "o have to .ait (ive ho!s o! so (o! the 8&o*7*hain to do.n&oad. It doesnt
.o!7 nti& that happens. %eve 8een :ettin: tons o( emai&s (!om peop&e .ho a!e so e;*ited
to insta&& it. The" dont !ead that and the"!e &i7e Ive had it in (o! ten mintes and its not
.o!7in:. Cove :ot to .ait (ive ho!s. The othe! thin: is) *!!ent&") it .ont p&a" .e&& .ith
the Name*oin .a&&et. The" .ont h!t ea*h othe! 8t "o *ant se one .hi&e the othe! is
open 8t $e!em"s :oin: to (i; that. It p&a"s .e&& .ith othe! .a&&ets .ith Bit*oin) .ith
Lite*oin and I t!ied it .ith -hoeni;*oin) Im a(!aid to even admit I have a -hoeni;*oin .a&&et
8t I :ot some as a 9o7e. Let it do.n&oad the (ive ho!s and then it .i&& do it atomati*a&&" in
the 8a*7:!ond. A&so) dont se it .hi&e !nnin: "o! Name*oin .a&&et. >55?53@
.-: %ait a minte. This is on&" (o! 'i!e(o;) !i:ht no. 8t it .o!7s in %indo.s< >55?55@
-): Thats *o!!e*t. >55?55@
.-: In Lin; and ma"8e Ma*< Is that !i:ht< >55?5F@
,+: %eve :otten some !epo!ts that it does not .o!7 on Ma*. >55?B3@
.-: OK. >55?B4@
,+: That doesnt s!p!ise me that m*h 8e*ase it hasnt 8een tested on Ma*. I thin7 some
o( the *ode (!om Conve!:en*e) .hi*h is .hat '!eeSpee*hMe is 8ased on) has not 8een tested
on Ma* eithe!) so that doesnt s!p!ise me a &ot. O8vios&") .ed &i7e to ma7e it .o!7 on
Ma* and i( .e *ant do that o!se&ves) .e&& happi&" *ont!a*t that ot to someone .ho does
Ma* 'i!e(o; e;tension deve&opment) somethin: &i7e that. >5B?42@
.-: 0i:ht and thats .h" peop&e sho&d *ont!i8te to "o! Indi:o:o *ampai:n< >5B?4B@
,+: Ces. >5B?4F@
-): Ceah. $e!em" is a (&& time *o&&e:e stdent o( *ompte! s*ien*es at the Nnive!sit" o(
O7&ahoma. Hes doin: a&& o( this a!ond a mo!e than (&& time s*hoo& &oad) a&tho:h
smme!s *omin: p) so eventa&&". >5B?21@
.-: Ceah 8t this is :!eat 8e*ase "ove :ot he!e a .o!7in: p&:#in that .i&& ena8&e peop&e
to easi&" vie. .8it domains. Cove a&so :ot some ma!7etin: 8ehind it and "ove :ot a
*ampai:n to &et peop&e 7no. a8ot it. I thin7 this is a :!eat *om8ination 8e*ase not on&" is
it a 7i&&e! app) 8t its a&so ho. to t!ans&ate that to the not Dite so ne!d" amon: s ot the!e)
that ma" not 7no. ho. to se it 8t the" do 7no. ho. to do.n&oad a p&:#in and then "o
*an possi8&" save the inte!net (!om that. >5F?33@
,+: Some othe! thin:s .e .ant to do a!e some imp!ovements (o! p!iva*". One o( the thin:s
I didnt mention "et is one othe! (eat!e '!eeSpee*hMe has) .hi*h is a&most enti!e&" ne.) is a
.8it domain .hi*h is .hat Name*oin ses (o! its /NS. A .8it domain *an point to eithe! a
TO0 hidden se!vi*e o! an I2- se!vi*e .hi*h a!e anon"mos&" hosted .e8sites. %e thin7 this
is !ea&&" impo!tant 8e*ase i( "o have a .e8site .hi*h someone .ants to ta7e ot) 8asi*a&&")
then even tho:h the" *ant seiEe "o! /NS) then *an 9st sht do.n the se!ve! and then "o!
.e8site :oes do.n an".a". I( "o host it anon"mos&" sin: TO0 o! I2- o!) :oin: to add
'!eenet as .e&& in the (t!e) "o *an have "o! .8it domain point to that and that 8asi*a&&"
:ives "o anon"mos&" hosted .e8sites that have (&& /NS. The thin: is) sin*e Name*oin is
8&o*7*hain 8ased) it has anon"mit" isses. $st &i7e Bit*oin is not !ea&&" anon"mos 8t
psedon"mos) Name*oin is a&so psedon"mos and so .e .o&d &i7e to ma7e some
imp!ovements so that eithe! peop&e .ho a!e 8!o.sin: .e8sites sin: '!eeSpee*hMe o!
peop&e .ho a!e hostin: .8it domains sin: TO0 o! I2-) so that the" *an have a &itt&e 8it mo!e
anon"mit" !athe! than 9st psedon"mit". Some o( that) .e *an .o!7 on) some o( that mi:ht
ta7e *o&&a8o!ation .ith othe! peop&e 8t a:ain) an"thin: that .e *ant do) i( .e :et eno:h
mone" th!o:h Indi:o:o) .e .i&& happi&" *ont!a*t that ot. >5K?5G@
-): The!e is a :" named $ohn +i&mo!e .ho is a *ompte! s*ientist .ho said somethin:
thats 8een Doted a &ot and it .as The net inte!p!ets *enso!ship as dama:e and !otes
a!ond it. Thats a8so&te&" t!e 8t the .ea7 point in that) the .ea7 *hain in that is /NS
*ont!o&&ed th!o:h thin:s &i7e ICANN) .hi*h I *a&&... it stands (o! somethin: &on: and si&&"
and *ompte!#!e&ated and s*ienti(i*... one o( them s*ienti(i*... one o( them 8oo7 &ea!nin:
thin:s (&a:hte!) 8t I sa" it stands (o! ICANN ta7e "o! .e8site 8e*ase the :ove!nment
*ont!o&s me. The" have simi&a! thin:s in othe! *ont!ies and p!ett" m*h an" ..hateve!) i(
its not .8it and its not th!o:h the 8&o*7*hain) p!ett" m*h an" othe! domain name) "o!
domain *an 8e ta7en 8" a :ove!nment a:en*" o! 8" a 8i: *o!po!ation demandin: a
:ove!nment do it) .ith a &ette!. The" *o&d .!ite a &ette! a &a."e! *an send an emai& and
some depa!tment o( somethin: *an .!ite) an" th!ee &ette! a:en*" *an .!ite to ICANN and
the"&& ta7e it do.n. The!e is no de p!o*ess. The"ve sto&en "o! p!ope!t" and... >51?56@
.-: The" sho&d *a&& it I CANN has "o! .e8site. (La:hte!) >51?B2@
-): I CANN has "o! .e8site) "eah) "eah. >51?BB@
.-: I nde!stand and p&ease :o ahead i( "o have mo!e. >56?33@
-): I .as 9st :oin: to sa" one o( the thin:s .e!e doin: to p!omote this .e have a th!ee
minte video .e made and its p on CoT8e. Its &in7ed at '!eeSpee*hMe.o!:. Im :ettin:
peop&e to do &an:a:e t!ans&ations o( it to t!ans&ate it te;t and then a&so) the same pe!son o! a
di((e!ent pe!son !ead it and do a de*ent !e*o!din: o( it. Im :oin: to ma7e di((e!ent &an:a:e
ve!sion o( this video 8e*ase I !ea&&" thin7 .e *ant have a NS#*ent!i* vie. .ith a p!o:!am
&i7e this. It has to 8e .o!&d.ide. So (a!) .eve :ot peop&e .o!7in: on that !i:ht no.. I sa"
that m" 9o8 is Im the '!eeSpee*hMe *at he!de!) thats m" o((i*ia& 9o8 e;p&anation. Ive done
a &ot toda" 9st :oin: 8a*7 and (o!th to peop&e ans.e!in: thei! Destions %hat does this
mean< %hat does this mean< and :ettin: peop&e to .o!7 on t!ans&ations in '!en*h) +e!man)
+!ee7) 'a!si ("o 7no.) (o! I!an)) -o!t:ese) Se!8o#C!oatian) A!a8i*) T!7ish) $apanese)
Spanish and Cata&an (I dont 7no. ho. its p!onon*ed) 8t its a ve!sion o( Spanish) a
va!iet" o( Spanish a de!ivation thats a*ta&&" 7ind o( &i7e a sepa!atist &an:a:e. The!e a!e
&i7e K mi&&ion native spea7e!s in the .o!&d 8t Im &i7e Oh) its peop&e .ho a!e !e8e&s<
Ceah) .e .ant it in that. The :" .ho did the Spanish *o&d do it too. %e need t!ans&ato!s in
an" othe! &an:a:e 8t) in pa!ti*&a!) .e t!"in: to :et it in Ko!ean) 0ssian) N7!ainian) Ita&ian
and Chinese. >B3?22@
.-: %o.= >B3?2G@
-): I( an"one spea7s those &an:a:es) d!op s a &ine. +o to '!eeSpee*hMe.o!:) *&i*7 on
IMeet the Team o! IConta*t) o! emai& add!ess is at 8oth p&a*es. %e *ant pa" a &ot (o! it
8e*ase .e havent made a &ot "et 8t .e&& pa" one Name*oin (o! t!ans&atin: it and anothe!
Name*oin (o! !e*o!din: it. I&& a&so :ive "o a &itt&e 8it o( te*h he&p in settin: p
'!eeSpee*hMe o!) espe*ia&&") a .8it domain. Thats anothe! thin: .e need is peop&e to set
p .8it ve!sions o( thei! .*om o! .hateve! and :ive it ot to thei! se!s. A&so set p) i( "o
.ant) this is 7ind o( *oo& I a*ta&&" set p a *op&e o( .8it on&" domains and one is a 7itt"
*at pi*t!e site *a&&ed .8it7itt"pi*s.8it. I( "o have '!eeSpee*hMe... "eah) 8e*ase its &i7e
7itt" *ats d!ive the .*om inte!net and I (i:!e the" !ea&&" sho&d a&so d!ive the .8it inte!net.
.-: Thats ho. "o 7no. its made it) !i:ht< >B4?22@
-): Ceah. >B4?2G@
.-: %hat is the p!o*ess (o! !e:iste!in: a .8it domain and .hat do "o do a(te! "o !e:iste! a
.8it domain< Ho. do "o host it and ho. do "o set it a&& p< >B4?GG@
,+: 'i!st) "o need to o8tain some name*oins .hi*h is a *!!en*") 9st &i7e Bit*oin. Co *an
o8tain it at an e;*han:e) some peop&e mine it i( the" have minin: ha!d.a!e) "o *o&d
p!o8a8&" se&& a p!od*t (o! Name*oin) i( "o !ea&&" .anted to sin*e its te*hni*a&&" a *!!en*"
a&tho:h) most peop&e .o&dnt do that. On*e "ove o8tained some name*oins) "o need
the Name*oin .a&&et so(t.a!e. >B4?BB@
.-: Ho. m*h Name*oin do "o need< >B4?BF@
,+: To !e:iste! one domain !eDi!es dest!o"in: one name*ent) so .34 name*oins and then
"o a&so have to pa" a!ond anothe! ha&( o( a name*ent as a t!ansa*tion (ee. >B2?43@
.-: $st to :ive peop&e an idea) !i:ht no. the p!i*e o( one name*oin is a8ot a!ond M5 o!
a8ot FmBits< %e!e ta&7in: a8ot M3.B3 to !e:iste! a domain< >B2?2G@
,+: Ceah) I thin7 its a &itt&e 8it &ess than that. Its *heap. Its *heap) "eah. On*e "ove
done that and "ove ente!ed eithe! the I- add!ess) o! /NS name se!ve! add!ess) o! .hateve!
and "o *an a&so ente! an HTT-S (in:e!p!int) at this point) in *ase "o .ant to se HTT-S
.hi*h is a*ta&&" se*!ed 8" the 8&o*7*hain. On*e "o do that) the Name*oin HT *&ient .i&&
.ait (o! 42 8&o*7s .hi&e that (i!st t!ansa*tion :ets *on(i!med and it has to .ait 42 8&o*7s so
that someone e&se *ant see that "o!e dest!o"in: a *e!tain domain and then ta7e it (!om "o
8" pa"in: a hi:he! t!ansa*tion (ee 8e*ase that .o&d o8vios&" s*7. A(te! this 42 8&o*7s) it
sends in anothe! t!ansa*tion .hi*h *on(i!ms that "es) this is m" name and I a*ta&&" .ant it to
point to this and it points to that (!om then on. A(te! "ove done that) "o *an eithe! !i:ht
*&i*7 on the name in Name*oin HT and hit pdate and "o *an t"pe in the ne. I- add!ess o!
somethin: &i7e that o! "o *an se a *ommand &ine app&i*ation i( "o .ant to s*!ipt
somethin:. I( "o .ant to atomati*a&&" have it pdate .ith d"nami* /NS o! somethin:)
the!e is a*ta&&" a too& .hi*h Ive .!itten .hi*h *an do that (o! "o and so p!o:!amme!s *an
have &ots o( (n ma7in: thei! names atomati*a&&" pdate 8ased on the otside .o!&d. Co
have to isse) at &east) one pdate eve!" GF)333 8&o*7s) othe!.ise "o! name .i&& e;pi!e and
thats) 8asi*a&&") so that i( someone &oses thei! 7e"s to thei! .a&&et) eventa&&") the domain .i&&
:et !e&eased 8a*7 into the .o!&d so that someone e&se *an se it o! the same se! *an :et it
a:ain .ith a di((e!ent .a&&et. >BG?B6@
-): 0i:ht no.) thats a8ot eve!" ei:ht months. %hen I (i!st .ent on) a 8n*h o( months
a:o) to *he*7 this ot and !e:iste! some domain names) '!eedom'eens.8it had 8een *"8e!#
sDatted. >B5?44@
.-: '!eedom 'eens is "o! pod*ast) 8" the .a". >B5?45@
-): Ceah) its m" !adio sho. and it had 8een ta7en and n&ess some8od" pts a note in the
8&o*7*hain .ith thei! emai& add!ess o! the" point it to a site that sa"s Conta*t me and :ive
me MB3)333 o! *onta*t me and I&& :ive this to "o (!ee 8e*ase Im "o! (an. The!es no .a"
to (i:!e it ot that I 7no. o( 8t I 9st 7ept *he*7in: and &oo7in: at the 8&o*7*hain *ontin:
do.n and 9st .aited (o! it to e;pi!e and :!a88ed it the minte it .as avai&a8&e. I did the
same thin: (o! Bad Ha7e!) Ben Stones pod*ast) 8adDa7e!.*om. I :!a88ed 8adDa7e!.8it.
The !ea&&" *oo& thin: is no. that .eve 8een doin: this) $e!em" and I have so!t o( t!ned into
an no((i*ia& ICANN) &i8e!ta!ian ICANN) o! (!ee ma!7et ICANN 8e*ase a&& these peop&e
that have 8een (i!st adopte!s o( this have seen .hat $e!em"s done and a!e so e;*ited a8ot it)
the"!e *onta*tin: s and the"!e sa"in: He") I have st(( on Mo&"ne;.8it) .o&d "o &i7e
to o((e! it to him< Im &i7e Ces) send it to me. He sends it to me and then I have it and then
I *onta*t Ste(an and he doesnt :et 8a*7 to me. %hen he does) I&& have it (o! him (o! (!ee.
(La:hte!) >BB?24@
.-: I( "o have a .8it domain) ho. does the hostin: .o!7< Co sti&& have to have hostin:
(o! it) !i:ht< >BB?2K@
,+: The!e a!e a (e. ans.e!s to that. 0i:ht no.) "o! .e8 se!ve! eithe! has to have a
dedi*ated I- add!ess) in .hi*h *ase the!e is no othe! *on(i:!ation "o have to do o! i( its not
a dedi*ated I- add!ess) "o!e :oin: to have to ma7e s!e that the!e is a vi!ta& host set p on
that se!ve! so that it 7no.s that .hen it :ets a !eDest (o! somethin:.8it) that it points it to the
same (o&de! on the se!ve! that the .*om is pointin: to. In the (t!e) the!e is a*ta&&" a
p!oposa&) .hi*h I .!ote) .hi*h I thin7 .e *an imp&ement it in the (t!e .hi*h .o&d
a*ta&&" have the '!eeSpee*hMe p&:#in hand&e that *onve!sion. The .a" that .o&d .o!7
is) in the (t!e) "o *an !e:iste! a .8it domain in Name*oin and "o *an pt a note in the
8&o*7*hain that) 8asi*a&&") sa"s I .ant this .8it domain to point to a .*om domain that
a&!ead" e;ists 8t I dont .ant to have this se!ve! 7no. that its .8it and the se!ve! *an thin7
its sti&& .*om and '!eeSpee*hMe .i&& 9st so!t o( ma:i*a&&" *han:e the HTT- heade!s so that
it 9st .o!7s. >BF?GF@
-): %o.= I didnt 7no. a8ot that one. >BF?GK@
,+: Thats not imp&emented "et 8t that is p&anned. >BF?G6@
-): A.esome. $e!em") .hen $e!em" sa"s Im p&annin: on imp&ementin: this o! that hes
.!itten this) its not &i7e some :". Hes a*ta&&"... a!e "o on the Name*oin deve&opment
team te*hni*a&&"< I 7no. that "ove done some .o!7 .ith that and pt some thin:s that a!e
8ein: imp&emented) !i:ht< >BF?BK@
,+: Ceah. I dont 7no. that the!e is one spe*i(i* de(inition o( a Name*oin deve&opment
team 8t I am on some o( the inte!na& mai&in: &ists. I( that *onts) then "eah. >BK?3K@
-): Cove a&so .!itten some thin:s that a!e p!o8a8&" :oin: to 8e imp&emented in
Name*oin) !i:ht< >BK?45@
,+: 0i:ht. Seve!a& o( the spe*i(i*ations that have 8een p!oposed (o! Name*oin .hi*h eithe!
have 8een o! .i&& soon 8e imp&emented .e!e .!itten o! *o#.!itten 8" me. >BK?2G@
-): Coo&. >BK?2B@
.-: Ceah) *oo&. I thin7 "ove :iven peop&e a p!ett" :ood ove!vie. o( .hat the" mi:ht
need to set p a .8it domain i( the"!e some8od" .ho ma7es .e8sites o! to !e:iste! .8it
domains and) ma"8e) :ive them to othe! peop&e o! to insta&& the '!eeSpee*hMe p&:#in. I
thin7 .eve painted a pi*t!e (o! peop&e o( .h" the" mi:ht .ant to sta!t sin: .8it domains
and .hat the 8ene(its mi:ht 8e o( doin: that. Cove :ot an Indi:o:o *ampai:n :oin: !i:ht
no. and .hat "o .ant) 8asi*a&&") .hat "o!e as7in: (o! is to !aise some mone" to 8e a8&e
to imp!ove the '!eeSpee*hMe p&:#in and imp&ement some ne. (eat!es and) I have to sa")
"o! T#shi!ts a!e !ea&&" *oo&. I( "o donate to thei! Indi:o:o *ampai:n) "o .i&& :et a T#shi!t
that sa"s I saved the inte!net and a&& I :ot .as this &os" T#shi!t. (La:hte!) >B1?4B@
-): +&ad "o &i7e it. >B1?4K@
.-: I &ove it. I &ove it. Im :oin: to have to send "o a... >B1?46@
,+: I( I *an 8!ie(&" e&a8o!ate on that. >B1?2G@
.-: Ces. >B1?2G@
,+: The (nds .e!e !aisin: a!e not 9st (o! '!eeSpee*hMe itse&() .e!e a&so &oo7in: to
imp!ove othe! !e&ated Name*oin so(t.a!e. 'o! e;amp&e) !i:ht no. .e!e 8nd&in: the
Name*oin / *&ient .hi*h is) 8asi*a&&") the *ommand nm8e!s o( Name*oin HT. The!es &ots
o( so(t.a!e that '!eeSpee*hMe !e&ies on and .e .ant to ma7e s!e that that so(t.a!e :ets
imp!ovements .he!e it needs it as .e&&. A8ot ha&( o( the thin:s .eve &isted and thin:s .e
.ant to do a!e (o! '!eeSpee*hMe itse&( and the othe! ha&( a!e (o! !e&ated so(t.a!e .hi*h)
8asi*a&&") has the same :oa&s 8t .hi*h '!eeSpee*hMe needs that so(t.a!e to .o!7 and
'!eeSpee*hMe 8ene(its that so(t.a!e. >B6?3G@
-): Its 7ind o( one e*o#s"stem. Its ha!d to e;p&ain as... "o 7no.) most peop&e thin7 o( a
p&:#in &i7e %e&&) "o .ant to imp!ove the p&:#in 8t "o .ant to imp!ove some
*!"pto*!!en*"< I dont :et it. The .a" I pt it is that .hats :ood (o! Name*oin is :ood (o!
'!eeSpee*hMe and .hats :ood (o! '!eeSpee*hMe is :ood (o! Name*oin. >B6?23@
.-: Ceah. >B6?24@
-): I&& st!ess this a:ain. This isnt 9st Oh) .e have a p&:#in. Some8od" *ame ot .ith
a p&:#in a (e. "ea!s a:o that .as 7ind o( neat. It .as a 'i!e(o; add#in that had a *ontina&&"
pdatin: &ist o( 8&o*7ed .e8sites and then "o *o&d :o to the 8&o*7ed .e8sites th!o:h thei!
/NS 8t the peop&e doin: it had to maintain it and it .asnt a&.a"s a**!ate. The" a*ta&&"
:ot a th!eatenin: &ette! (!om the :ove!nment (o! that. %e havent :otten an"thin: &i7e that
"et 8t .e&& see. That .asnt &i7e this. That .as 9st a t!i*7. This is a .ho&e ne. e*o#
s"stem o( ho. to !n the inte!net. Its ve!" 8o&d to sa" that 8t its t!e. I( "o!e te*hni*a&)
:o *he*7 ot .hat $e!em"s :ot .!itten do.n (o! .hat he .ants to do and "o&& :et it. I(
"o!e not) insta&& the p&:#in and "o&& :o Man) this is neat. I :et it. >4?33?31@
.-: Ces and :o to '!eeSpee*hMe.o!: and "o!e :oin: to (ind ot) not on&" a8ot the p&:#
in) 8t "o *an do.n&oad it !i:ht no.. Its avai&a8&e !i:ht no.. Its not 9st somethin: that
the"!e :oin: to 8i&d. Co *an a&so &ea!n ho. to set p a .8it ve!sion o( "o! .e8site.
The"ve :ot a tto!ia& the!e) the"ve :ot a video .hi*h) o( *o!se) is 8ein: t!ans&ated into
di((e!ent &an:a:es and) o( *o!se) the"ve :ot the Indi:o:o *ampai:n and some !easons .h"
"o mi:ht .ant to sppo!t this. I !ea&&" en*o!a:e eve!"8od" to :o the!e. I thin7 its a !ea&&"
*oo& p!o9e*t and Id &ove to have "o :"s 8a*7 on to see ho. it deve&ops. I thin7 this is
:oin: to 8e !ea&&" 8i:. -eop&e *an (ind "o) o( *o!se) at '!eeSpee*hMe.o!: 8t) $e!em") do
"o have a pe!sona& .a" that peop&e *an :et in to*h .ith "o &i7e T.itte! o! an"thin: &i7e
that that "o .ant to :ive ot< >4?33?B4@
,+: I have a pe!sona& .e8site ve*& and thats) 8asi*a&&") (o! p!ett" m*h a&& o( the
p!o:!ammin: p!o9e*ts Ive done ove! the past (e. "ea!s. Its not pdated ve!" o(ten. I&&
.a!n "o o( that 8t i( peop&e a!e *!ios .hat the '!eeSpee*hMe p!o:!amme! does in his
spa!e time) "o *an see some othe! st(( Ive done. >4?34?45@
-): He 8i&ds !o8ots. He 8i&ds !o8ots. >4?34?4F@
.-: That is so *oo&. Some8od" is :oin: to s*oop "o p and hi!e "o !i:ht ot o( *o&&e:e) I
thin7. (La:hte!) >4?34?22@
-): I thin7 the" a&!ead" have. /ont "o have &i7e a !o8ot 8i&din: smme! 9o8 *omin: p
o! somethin:< >4?34?2K@
,+: Ive had some !o8oti*s inte!nships in the past. I dont 7no. a8ot this smme!. %e&&
see ho. that :oes. >4?34?G5@
.-: S.eet. A&!i:ht so) "o! .e8site ve*& and Mi*hae& %. /ean is the host o( the
'!eedom 'eens !adio sho. and pod*ast. -eop&e *an (ind that at '!eedom'eens.8it) !i:ht<
(La:hte!) >4?34?5K@
-): .8it and .*om. >4?34?56@
.-: Ceah. >4?34?B3@
-): .8it i( "o have the '!eeSpee*hMe p&:#in and .*om i( "o dont. >4?34?BG@
,+: Ceah and Re*&a8s is a&so avai&a8&e at .8it) a&tho:h (o! Re*&a8s .8it) "o need HTT-S
8e*ase Im &i7e that. >4?32?33@
.-: OK :"s) than7 "o so m*h. This has 8een a.esome. >4?32?3G@
Than7s (o! &istenin: to Episode 63 o( Lets Ta&7 Bit*oin.
Content (o! toda"s sho. .as p!ovided 8" La(e Ta"&o!) Lama! %i&son) $onathan
Mohan) Matt Co!a&&o) Stephanie M!ph") Mi*hae& %. /ean) $e!em" 0and and Adam
B. Levine. This episode .as p!od*ed 8" Adam B. Levine .ith additiona& p!od*tion
8" Stephanie M!ph" and $onathan Mohan. This episode .as edited 8" /enise
Levine) Matthe. Qip7in and Adam B. Levine
Msi* (o! toda"s episode .as p!ovided 8" $a!ed 08ens and +ene!a& 'EE
An" Destions o! *omments< Emai& adamS&etsta&78it*oin.*om.
Have a :ood one and I&& see "o at LTB*oin.*om= >4?32?G1@

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