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Reactive Processing of Polymers Begishev VP Malkin AY ChemTec 1999

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The key takeaways are that multistage production processes have advantages like flexibility but also disadvantages like increased energy consumption and transportation costs, while decreasing the number of process stages can reduce energy usage, production time and waste.

Some advantages of multistage processes are flexibility and ability to store intermediate products, while disadvantages include repeated heating/cooling, long production cycles and transportation between stages.

The idea behind decreasing process stages is to exclude some intermediate operations, obtain a final product directly from raw materials, decrease net energy usage, shorten production time, reduce transportation and waste.


I), 6egishev
8. Ya. Mcrlkin
Reactive Processing
of Polymers
ChernTec Publishing
Copyright 0 1999 by ChemTec Publishing
ISBN 1-895 198-20-8
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted
in any form or by any means without written permission of copynght owner. No responsibil-
ity is assumed by the Author and the Publisher for any injury or/and damage to persons or
properties as a matter of products liability, negligence, use, or operation of any methods,
product ideas, or instructions published or suggested in this book.
Printed in Canada
ChemTec Publishing
38 Earswick Drive
Toronto- Scarborough
Ontario MlE 1 C6
Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Data
Begishev V. P.
Reactive processing of polymers
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 1-895198-20-8
1, Plastics--Molding. I. Malkin, Alexander Yakovlevich
11. Title
TP1150.B44 1999 668.4'12 C99-900308-9
Modern technologies of large-scale production processes are based on the strategy of a multistage
approach to the final product. This is the historical course of development of the metallurgical indus-
try: first, iron-ore is transformed into cast iron, then the latter is converted into steel of different
types; this steel is then rolled and the final article only at the last stage by machining the rolled pro-
files. The same general approach is used in the building materials and construction industries. This is
also true for polymeric materials. A monomer is first converted into a polymer; then raw material in
the form of granules or powder is prepared by compounding of the polymer with various additives.
Only after that is the polymeric material processed into a final article by extrusion, injection molding
or other processing methods. The heart of this multistage process consists primarily in the separa-
tion in place and time of consecutive processing steps in passing from ore to the final article.
This approach has a great advantage of flexibility. It eliminates the necessity for rigid connec-
tion and correspondence between the various units for producing raw materials and final products,
and allows for the storage of intermediate products and easy variation of the type of final articles,de-
pending on changing demand. However, this strategy also has some obvious disadvantages. It re-
quires repeated cooling-heating operations at different stages of the overall process and this
increases energy consumption. Also, a complete cycle of the whole process - from a raw materials to
an end product - is long and may require transportation and storage of intermediate products.
This is why the idea of decreasing the number of process stages has been proposed with the
goal of excluding some intermediate operations and obtaining a final product directly from the raw
material. The advantages of this approach are obvious: a decrease in net energy consumption, a
shortened production cycle, exclusion of transportation between separate stages of a process, and re-
duction in wastes. The latter is especially important for ecological reasons. All this is a direct conse-
quence of fewer processing operations. In addition, direct processing of raw materials into articles
allows us to produce very large items, which are impossible or at least very difficult and expensive to
make by traditional methods. This is especially true for articles of complicated configuration; appli-
cation of a traditional technology is usually accompanied by a generation of large amounts of wastes.
Energy consumption and ecological and economic factors determine an expediency and some-
times a technical necessity to decrease the number of process operations and to change to processes
in which several stages, previously quite separate, are combined or superimposed in a single pro-
cess. At present this approach is only a tendency which does not exclude the traditional course of in-
dustrial development. Nevertheless, the tendency is seen quite clearly in the increasing volume of
products produced by such integrated production process and in the share of total production from
these processes.
This general tendency is also observed in the polymer industry . In this case it is realized in the
form of reactive (or chemical) processing. Its essence consists in carrying out chemical reacting, re-
sulted in synthesis of the final molecular structure of a material, simultaneously with processing of
this material, thus forming and shaping the final article in a mold. Of course, filling a mold can be
combined with additional operations, such as inserting fillers or other functional components into a
The current stage of development of reactive processing can be traced back to the technology
of processing thermosetting oligomeric resins, which appeared in the early years of a polymer indus-
try, about a century ago. In both cases, shaping of an article occurs simultaneously with formation of
a chemical (polymeric) molecular structure of the final material. Reactive technology can be treated
as a modem step (or a new stage) in a development of processing of reactive monomers and thermo-
setting oligomers. Meanwhile, reactive (chemical) processing, or reactive molding, is characterized
by some special features. None of them is unique or obligatory, and all could be met in other situa-
tions, but their sum creates the distinctive features of modern reactive processing of monomers
and/or oligomers, which allow us to treat it as a new technological approach to polymer processing.
These features are as follows:
low viscosity of initial raw materials; this permits the use of low or moderate injection pres-
sures to fill molds of large sizes and complex configuration quickly and completely; the
weight and size of an article are practically unlimited in contrast to traditional processes;
high reaction rates, leading to synthesis of hgh-molecular-weight polymeric products; this al-
lows us to shorten the process cycle from tens of minutes down to several seconds and to
achieve a reaction in mild processing conditions (Le., low temperatures and pressures);
absence of by-products in polymer synthesis; this makes the production process simpler, im-
proves the quality of a product, and favors environmental protection;
regularity of chemical structure of the final polymeric product; reactive processing very often
leads to synthesis of a thermoplastic material composed of linear macromolecular chains;
these may crystallize to yield materials belonging to the class of engineering plastics with high
brealung stresses and impact strength;
easy possibility for valying the properties of the final product; this is reaiized by simple
changes in the composition of the reactive materials used (by varying the chemical nature of
the monomers and oligomers, adding comonomers and modifiers and so on) and/or by intro-
ducing different functional additives into the reactive charge during processing.
However, it is obvious that the evident advantages of the reactive processing method - low en-
ergy consumption, high processing rates, mild processing parameters - can be realized only if some
principal technical and plant peculiarities of the process are taken into account. Some special prob-
lems appear in large-scale industrial applications of the reactive processing method. The most evi-
dent problems, which must be solved during laboratory development stage, are:
choice of reagents (monomers, oligomers, content of a reactive mass), to give a final product
with the necessary performance characteristics and to provide a technological process with the
required rate and without by-products;
solving a complex of kinetic, rheological, hydrodynamic, thermal and mechanical problems,
modelling the main stages of the process, such as filling the mold, polymer synthesis, cooling
of an article in the mold and so on.
choice ofprocess equipment, to provide the required production rate for satisfactory results.
This book attempts to answer some of the questions listed above. The method of choice in the
search for answers is modelling the principal stages of the technological process on the basis of labo-
ratory investigations of the fundamental chemical and physical phenomena leading to formation of
the final product (article).
Finally, it is our pleasure to acknowledge Dr. Yu. B. Lavochnik for his technical assistance in
preparing the manuscript; he also took part in gathering published papers and in discussing the mate-
rial related to Sections 4.5 and 4.9 of the book.
At last it is our special pleasure to express our gratitude to Mrs. K. Olson who courted out on
uneasy job of English editing the manuscript and made the text much more English-like than it was
written by the authors.
A. Ya. Malkin
B. P. Beghishev
December, I998
Table of Contents
1 The Method of Reactive Processing of Polymers
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Lactam polymerization
1.3 Polymerization of monomers and oligomers with double bonds
1.4 Curing of unsaturated polyester resins
1.5 Curing of epoxy resins
1.6 Curing of phenolic-based compositions
1.7 Synthesis of polyurethane compounds
1.8 Curing of liquid rubbers and oligomers with functional groups
1.9 Curing of polysulphide oligomers
1.10 Curing of silicon-organic oligomers
1.11 Processing of oligomer-monomer mixtures
1.12 Processing of filled compositions
2 Modeling Reactive Processing of Polymers
2.1 Objectives of mathematical modeling
2.2 Kinetics of polymer synthesis (general)
2.3 Kinetic models of lactam polymerization
2.3.1 General kinetic equation
2.3.2 Isothermal polymerization of E-caprolactam
2.3.3 Polymerization of w-dodecalactam
2.3.4 Synthesis of polybutenamide
2.4 Kinetic models of polyurethane synthesis
2.5 Kinetic models of curing of epoxy-based compounds
2.6 Kinetic models of curing of unsaturated polyesters
2.7 Non-isothermal polymerization in a batch-process reactor
2.8 Non-isothermal crystallization
2.9 Superimposed processes of polymerization and crystallization
2.10 Inverse kinetic problems
2.11 Changes in rheological properties of a reactive medium
2.11.1 Changes in rheological properties in the process of synthesis
2.11.2 Influence of shear rate on induction period in oligomer curing
2.11.3 Flow of reactive liquids
2.12 Residual stresses and strains
2.12.1 Physics of residual stresses in uniform materials
2 Modelling Reactive Processing of Polymers
2.12.2 Modeling residual stresses in reactive processing
2.12.3 Residual stresses in amorphous materials
2.12.4 Residual stresses in crystallizable materials
3 Research and Control Methods for Reactive Molding Processes
3.1 General
3.2 Control of relaxation properties in oligomer curing
3.3 Viscometric studies
3.4 Calorimetric methods
3.5 Thermal probe method
4 Principles of Technology of Reactive Molding Technology
4.1 Preparing components (Preliminary operations)
4.2 Engineering for for open mold processes
4.2.1 General layout of a production unit
4.2.2 Component metering
4.2.3 Component mixing
4.2.4 Polymerization or solidification stage
4.3 Modeling processes in a mold during solidification
4.4 Casting into rotary molds
4.4.1 Technological basis
4.4.2 Hydrodynamic phenomena during molding in a rotary mold
4.5 Polymerization in a tube reactor
4.5.1 Flow without transition to the solid state
4.5.2 The role of radial distributions
4.5.3 "Hydrodynamic" molecular weight distribution
4.6 Polymer coating by spraying
4.6.1 Devices for spraying liquids
4.7 Reactive extrusion of profile parts
4.8 Frontal processes
4.8.1 Principles
4.8.2 Front development in superimposed processes
4.9 Reactive injection molding
4.9.1 Introduction
4.9.2 General requirements for a composition used in the RIM-process
4.9.3 Plant layout for the process
4.9.4 Processing of reinforced composites
4.9.5 Modeling mold filling
4.9.6 Processability diagrams
List of Symbols
Subject Index

2.12.2 Modelling residual stresses in reactive prosessing
4.2 Engineering for open mold processes
Modelling processes in a mold during solidification
Modelling mold filling
Reactive processing of polymers is based on the use of low-melting-point solid or liquid raw materi-
als or premixes to form articles of the required by the usual polymerization process shape simultane-
ous transformation into linear, branched or network polymers and/or solidification at moderate
temperatures (as a rule, up to 20OoC) and pressure.
The general principles of the method for processing thermosetting resins were proposed and
developed in the beginning of the 20th century for phenol-formaldehyde, carbamide, glyptal and
other oligomeric products. These compounds transform into polymers by a polycondensation
mechanism with removal of low-molecular-weight, volatile products appearing during synthesis.
Subsequent efforts were devoted to finding other polymerization reactions using different initial sub-
stances, especially those that occur without the formation of by-products. The other problems which
had to be solved were: increasing article size, reduction of shrinkage, and removal of residual
Oligomeric products of the class of thermosetting compounds, such as unsaturated polyester
resins, epoxy oligomers, allyl monomers, urethane-forming oligomers, oligo(ester acrylates) etc.,
are widely used in this technology. The articles made of thermoplastics - polyamides, acrylate res-
ins, polyurethanes, and some copolymers - are also produced by the reactive processing method. Us-
ing a wide variety of initial reactants allows us to produce high-quality goods by different processes.
Thus, along with batch polymerization in stationary molds, centrifugal and rotational processes in
tubular reactors, shear continuous reactors,and front-spreading operating conditions are used.
During the first half of the 1970s, processing of liquid reactants into various articles by injec-
tion molding -the so-called RIM-process (reaction injection molding) -was implemented. This pro-
cess allows the production of goods of different sizes and complicated configurations at low energy
consumption (because of the low viscosity of the initial liquid reactants) and the low weight of the
metallic equipment.
A. Ya. Mallun and V. P. Beghishev
The choice of monomers, oligomers or their mixtures, catalysts and initiators, and other com-
(i) The properties and required use of the product
(ii) The process technology and its features
(iii) The safety of the process
(iv) The economics of the process
A great number of works dedicated to polymerization processes and oligomer curing have
been published. In this book, we will pay attention only to the main characteristics of reactive proc-
essing technology in the absence of by-products.
An example of reactive processing is acid-ion activated lactam polymerization catalyzed by basic
reagents. Thermoplastic engineering polymers are produced as a result of this reaction, and these
materials are widely used in many technologies. Polymers, copolymers, and reinforced composi-
tions based on &-caprolactam [-HN(CH2)5CO-In and dodecalactam [-HN(CH;?)11CO-In have
many applications. One of the peculiarities of acid-ion lactam polymerization is that there is no chain
termination stage. If the inhibiting effect of admixtures and other factors causing termination are ex-
cluded, it is possible to obtain polymeric products with sufficiently high degrees of polymerization.
A large number of compounds used as catalysts in acid-ion lactam polymerization are known.
These include alkalis, alkali-earth metals, hydrates, Grignard reagents, lithium oxide, various hy-
droxides and carbonates, sulfates, halides, sodium zincate, alkaline salts of different acids, Le.,
compounds that cause the formation of lactam acid ion in the reactive medium. The mechanism of
polymerization in the presence of sodium-lactam- salt compounds is largely known.
During a study of the &-caprolactam polymerization mechanism in isothermal conditions, 132 it
was found that there was a distinct induction period at the beginning of the process when sodium
caprolactam salt was used as a catalyst. The addition of the necessary quantity of an activator into the
reactive mixture leads to a reduction of the induction period and thus allows us to regulate the pro-
cess rate.
A large number of inorganic compounds can be used as the activators of acid-ion (anionic) ac-
tivated lactam polymerization . The activator in anionic activated lactam polymerization not only
increases the process rate, but also changes the structure and functionali of a polymer formed, and,
as a result an activator can regulate the properties of the end-product.
In the presence of an activator, for example, an alkyl-amide, polymerization begins with a
high reaction rate between molecules of the activator and the catalyst.
Except for lactam n-acyl derivatives, compounds such as esters, anhydrides and halogen an-
hydrides of carboxylic acids, which can activate lactam polymerization, can also be used as activa-
tors (promoters).
Polycaproamide (PA-6), which is synthesized from &-caprolactam in the presence of catalysts
such as sodium-&-caprolactam or magnesium bromide-caprolactam (obtained by the reaction of
ponents of a product depends on a number of factors:
Chapter 1. The Method of Reactive Processing 3
Grignard reagent with caprolactam) is widely used in technological practice. Compounds of the car-
bamoyl caprolactam class, for example, 2 ,4-toluylene bis(carbamoy1) caprolactam and acetyl capro-
lactam, are used as activators.
New reactive systems for synthesizing polyamides, with high impact strength and low
molding shrinkage have recently been investigated. The latter attribute appeared to be very impor-
tant, as it allowed the development of reactive molding processes for such compositions. This ap-
proach was implemented by the application of polymer activators containing isocyanate, acyllactam,
chloranhydride, and other groups. For this purpose, block copolymers of A-B-A structure were syn-
thesized. In this case, the two outer blocks A are polyamides and the inner block B is another poly-
mer. Polyethers and polyesters, liquid rubbers, polystyrene, epoxy resins, polysiloxane, and other
polyamides may be used to form the central block. By changing the polymer composition and the ra-
tio of macromolecular activator and lactam, the properties of the block copolymers may be varied.
The examples of two recipes used for the RIM-technology are listed below:3 the A and B com-
positions are mixed during processing in the ratio 1 : 1.
Composition A Composition B
Caprolactam 60% Caprolactam 99%
Polypropylene acyl 40 % MgBr-lactam 1%
Caprolactam 60% Caprolactam 99 %
Macro(diisocyanate) Na-lactam 1%
based on
2,4-toluylene isocyanate 40%
A peculiarity of the anionic activated polymerization process for &-caprolactam is that it proceeds at
temperatures below the polymer melting point. This leads to superposition of the polymerization
process and crystallization of the newly synthesized polymer.
Products of acid-ion activated polymerization of co-dodecalactam (PA- 12) are characterized
by a higher chemical resistance, improved low-temperature toughness, and low water absorption.
Caprolactam and dodecalactam copolymers are very important for various technical applications.
Polymers produced by the anionic activated process using other lactams have no practical applica-
tion as yet.
Articles made from polyamides synthesized by the reactive processing method are widely
used as engineering materials in the automotive industry, ship-building , electrical engineering, the
light and chemical industries, and other applications.
Properties of typical grades of PA-6 produced by the anionic activated polymerization
(AAPL) method in the form of blocks, slabs, rods, pipes, and plates are shown in Table 1.1.
In comparison with other thermoplastics, polyamides have superior mechanical properties,
vibration and chemical resistance, and high dielectric properties. The superior antifrictional charac-
teristics of cast PA-6 allow us to use it for bearings instead of bronze, cast iron, steel, babbit, rein-
forced phenolic compounds, and other materials.
A. Ya. Mallun and V. P. Beghishev
Table 1.1. Properties of some unfilled plastics produced by free casting compared with PA-6
PA-6 PMMA Epoxy * EPOXY** U-PEST*** OEA****
ob, MPa 90-96 60-80 40-60 50-80 5-60 30-50
Zb, MPa 80- 100 100-130 100-150 120-1 30 25-100 70-90
E, % 6-20 2-4 1.6-2.0 4-7 2-400
E, GPa 2.0-2.3 2.4-3.5
A, H/m2 5- 10 7-20 10-20 15-20 2- 10 7-20
Tg, O C 40-50 115-120 115-120
Tm, "C 220-225
P. g/cm3 1.15-1.16 1.18-1.20 1 .o-1.1 1.1-1.2 1.1-1.4 1.2-1.3
E, MVIm 20-23 30-45 20-25 14-23 20-40
cx x105 K-I 9.8 8 10-20
w, % 6-7 0.3-0.5 0.05-0.1 0.01-0.04 0.5-3
'Curing agent - amines; **Curing agent - acid anhydrides; ***Unsaturated polyesters; ****Oligoester acrylates
The following symbols are used in Table 1. 1: ob is the strength limit in extension; 7b is the strength limit in bending; E is elongation at
break E is the modulus of elasticity in extension (Young modulus); A is impact strength; T, is glass transition temperature; Tm is melting
point; p is density; Z is electrical strength; a is thermal coefficient of linear expansion; w is maximal water absorption.
Monomers containing double bonds, which can be transformed into massive items by free radical
polymerization, are widely used.
Vinyl monomers are important members of this group of products, particularly, methyl and
butyl methacrylates, which polymerize into useful thermoplastic materials :
poly(methy1 methacrylate) (PMMA): [-CH2-C(CH3)(CO0CH3)-ln
poly(buty1 methacrylate) (PBMA): [-CH2-C(CH3)(COOC4H9)-]n
Mixtures of methyl methacrylate and methacrylic acid or butyl methacrylate are also used.
Polymer-monomer mixtures are often used in the production process. This allows reduction of the
total exothermic effect of the process, shrinkage, and production time. These mixtures are obtained
by two methods:
dissolution of polymer powder in a monomer
monomer polymerization until the desired degree of conversion is achieved.
Organic peroxides: acyl peroxides (benzoyl, acetyl, lauryl peroxides, etc), alkyl peroxides,
hydroperoxides, etc. are used as polymerization initiators. Azocompounds (for example, a,a '-a-
zobis(isobutyronitrile), initiator mixtures, redox systems, etc. are also widely used as initiators. In
Chapter 1. The Method of Reactive Processing 5
some cases, activators - compounds, that are reductants and form redox systems, for example, di-
methylaniline and cobalt naphthenate - are used to accelerate the process and to realize it without
heat added.
Free radical polymerization of vinyl monomers is accompanied by the production of a large
quantity of heat (in the case of PMMA - 54.5 KJ /mol). In the production of glass sheet from amor-
phous organic polymers, t hl s heat output can be dissipated with coolants. However, this method is
ineffective for large articles. The greatest heat output occurs during gelation. It increases the polym-
erization rate due to a reduction in the chain termination rate.4 By influencing this important effect of
radical polymerization, the process rate as a whole and the heat output rate can be regulated. This can
be achieved by means of autoregulators: halogen alkanes, allyl halogen derivatives, polynitroal-
kanes, and hydrazine derivatives. Photopolymerization in the presence of photosensitizers, for ex-
ample, diacetyl and autoregulators, is used in order to obtain especially large articles. Along with the
block periodic method of monomer processing, continuous methods for bulk poly(methy1 methacry-
late) production have been developed: for example, this can be carried out by extrusion.
The important feature of polymers based on vinyl monomers is their transparency in the visi-
ble part of the spectrum. Ths is why the most important articles produced from these materials are
organic glasses, which are used in the aircraft, automobile and ship-building industries as engineer-
ing materials, and also in civil engineering, and the optical, chemical, food industries, etc. The main
technical characteristics of poly(methy1 methacrylate) are given in Table 1.1.
Mixtures of liquid vinyl monomers and polymer powders serve as a basis for a special group
of engineering materials. Vinyl acetate and acrylonitrile monomers are injected into polymer
powders to accelerate swelling and gel formation. Styrene is added to improved the molding charac-
teristics of reactive mixtures. Polystyrene, poly(viny1 acetate), poly(viny1 chloride), etc. are the
most commonly used polymer powders.
Optically transparent materials with different properties are synthesized from monomers con-
taining the allyl group CH2=CH-CH2-. Allyl monomers and their mixtures with other monomers
are polymerized in the presence of radical initiators, which break down into radicals during thermo-
lysis or under the influence of ultraviolet or ionizing rays. Such allyl monomers as diethylene glycol
bisallyl carbonate, diallylphthalate, triallylcyanurate, and others are widely used.
The nonisothermal character of the process caused by intensive heat output and the resulting
heterogeneity of the end-product are fundamental problems in monomer polymerization, especially
during the processing of large articles. One of the methods used for regulating heat output in block
polymerization consists in changing the starting reactants from monomer compounds to oligomers .
Thus, oligo(ester acrylates) (OEA), which are oligomers belonging to the class of esters and ethers
with end or regularly repeating acryl groups are of interest for use in reactive processing of large ar-
ticles. Their general formula is
where R is the glycol or poly01 residue; R' is the dibasic carboxylic acid residue; X = H, CH3, halo-
CH2 = C(X)-CO-0-R-0-(-CO-R'-CO-R-0-)n-CO-C(X) =CH2,
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
The main oligoester chain of these compounds may also include fragments of urethanes, sul-
foesters, amides, and others. Along with the end-acryl groups, they may contain other reactive
groups, such as carboxylic, allyl, hydroxylic, etc.
By varying the double bonds in OEA synthesis, materials with different characteristics can be
produced (an example can be found in Table 1.1). Homopolymerization of OEA proceeds at high
rates without the use of volatile monomers. Three-dimensional polymerization of OEA is initiated
by radical and ionic initiators. Some widely used systems are: peroxides, i.e., tertiary amine and hy-
drogen peroxides; organic salts metals with variable valence. OEA is used in the varnish and dye in-
dustries for production of film-forming compounds and tape dyes; in binders for glass-reinforced
plastics, glues, and molding materials; for the modifying thermoplastics, rubbers, fibers, and films;
and for electroinsulating filled compounds.
The integrity of articles formed from three-dimensional polymers of OEA is strongly influ-
enced by the residual stresses appearing during processing. With other parameters being equal, the
larger the article size and the greater the oligomer chain rigidity, which impedes stress relaxation,
the greater the probability of fracturing and premature failure of the article. The appearance of high
residual stresses during processing is one of the main difficulties in the production of large articles
from OEA.
Unsaturated liquid polyester resins - oligo(ester maleates), and especially oligo(ester maleate fu-
marates) - OEMF, are stable in storage for months and sometimes years at normal temperature.
Their general formula is:
where R' and R" are the residues of glycols and dibasic unsaturated acids.
Maleic and phthalic anhydrides and fumaric acid are mainly used for polyester resin synthesis.
However, dihydric alcohols such as ethylene and propylene glycols, diethylene, dipropylene, trieth-
ylene and neopentyl glycols, and hydrided or oxypropylened diphenylolpropane are also
Different combinations of dibasic acids with diols allow us to vary the composition and properties of
the resulting polyester resins over a wide range.
Resin solidification (curing) occurs by a free radical addition mechanism at the double bonds.
That is why no by-products are formed. Curing compositions based on polyester resins contain a
large number of different components (resins, initiators, accelerators, monomers, oligomers, fill-
ers, etc), which may have various chemical structures, and may be used in various proportions.
The best materials are produced by curing unsaturated polyester during copolymerization
with different types of unsaturated monomers and oligomers, such as styrene and its derivatives,
methyl methacrylate, vinylacetate, sulfone-type compounds, allyl esters, and oligo(ester acry-
lates) .5
The most widely used initiators for curing unsaturated resins are peroxide compounds, which
form free radicals on thermal breakdown, or redox systems. Duration of the process, lifetime of ini-
Chapter 1. The Method of Reactive Processing 7
tial reactant mixtures, rate and extent of copolymerization, and mechanical properties of the cured
copolymer all depend on the initiation system used. Accelerators are also employed to increase cur-
ing rates by promoting peroxide breakdown in the initial stage of the process. Heavy metal salts of
aliphatic acids (for example, cobalt MphtheMteS) are also widely used for curing polyester resins.
The curing process for three-dimensional copolymerization of mixtures of unsaturated resins may be
initiated by ultraviolet' or high-energy radiation.
Two rypical recipes (in weight proportions) for polyester resin-based materials are listed be-
low (I is a filled composite for radio and electrotechnical equipment, which can also be used for sheet
and rod production; I1 is a composite recommended for coating).
I. Resin consisting of a long-chain glycol dissolved styrene - the binder 100
Benzoyl peroxide (50% solution in dibutyl phthalate) - an initiator
Dimethylaniline (10 % solution in styrene) - the accelerator
11. Resin consisting of a short-chain glycol dissolved styrene - the binder
Methylethyl ketone (50% solution) - the initiator
Cobalt naphthenate (styrene solution) - the accelerator
Aerosil - a thixotropic additive
Two-component systems are used for reactive processing: the first component may be an un-
saturated polyester, containing an initiator and 30% monomer; the second may be the same mixture
but with the addition of copolymerization accelerators. The polymerization rate is increased if
heated molds are used.
Plastics with different properties, ranging from brittle to highly elastic (see Table 1. l), may be
produced from unsaturated polyester resins. It is often advantageous to load a composition with
powder and reinforcing fillers, such as alumina, silica, calcium carbonate, fiberglass, etc. Fillers in-
crease material strength and decrease shrinkage and costs. Thermoplastics, such as polyurethanes or
butadiene-styrene copolymers, are added to unsaturated polyester resins in order to decrease the
shrinkage of articles during processing and to increase their impact strength at the same time. It ma
also be useful to introduce a flexible thermoplastic block into a polyester resin during synthesis.
Transformation of epoxy resins, which are viscous liquids or thermoplastic solids, into network
polymers is a result of interaction with alkali or acid substances by means of to polyaddition and ionic
polymerization mechanisms. lo A resin solidified by to the polyaddition mechanism, is a block co-
polymer consisting of alternating blocks of resin and a hardener or curing agent. A resin solidified by
the ionic mechanism is a homopolymer. Molecules of both resin and hardener contain more than one
active group. That is why block copolymer formation is a result of multiple reactions between an ep-
oxy resin and a curing agent.
Epoxy resins are solidified by the polyaddition mechanism by primary and secondary amides
di- and polyamides, polybasic acids and their anhydrides, monomer and oligomer isocyanates, poly-
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
hydric alcohols, phenol-formaldehyde resins of novolac and resol types, etc. In the ionic polymeri-
zation mechanism, epoxy resins are solidified by tertiary amines, aminophenols and their salts,
Lewis acids and their amine complexes, etc. Photoinitiated catalytic acid ion polymerization is
widely used to solidify low-temperature coatings.
Depending on the type of curing agent, epoxy resins interact with it at room or higher tempera-
tures. In the first case, when aliphatic amines are used as curing agents, self-heating occurs. To-
gether with low heat conductivity, this phenomenon complicates the production of large size articles
with desirable properties. As a result of temperature variations during the reaction, complicated
Depending on the nature and proportions of the initial components and the technological pecu-
liarities of the polymerization process, it is possible to produce epoxy resins of different composi-
tions and molecular weights. Products can contain different contents of active groups; for example,
epoxy or glycidol and epoxydian, cycloaliphatic, nitrogenated, halogenated, and epoxy novolac res-
ins can also be produced from resorcin and its derivatives. Similarly, aliphatic resins can be formed
from di- and polyols, diglycil ethers, etc.
Epoxy resin-based compounds are used in many industries as binders for reinforced plastics,
engineering glues, putties, pastes, coatings, and cast articles. Materials based on epoxy resins are
widely used for their high chemical resistance, solvent resistance, high adhesion to some materials,
and their good mechanical and excellent electrical properties. There is a large amount of data on ep-
oxy resins, curing agents, fillers and modifiers, and their applications in different industries.12
Typical recipes of compositions, widely used in the electrical industry and in the production of
reinforced plastics, are given in Table 1.2, while the basic properties of epoxy plastics cured by
amine and anhydride hardeners can be found in Table 1.1.
Epoxy resins are an important class of polymers used for reactive processing. However, it is
rather difficult to find a formulation which provides sufficiently high process rates to be useful in the
modern processing equipment used for the RIM-process.
physical liquid-to-glass transitions typically occur during the processes of curing of epoxy resins. 12
Processing of phenol-aldehyde oligomers into various articles is based on a polycondensation reac-
tion which leads to solidification of the material at temperatures below 2OO0C and pressures exceed-
ing 10 MPa. The process is accompanied by volatile product formation. However, phenol-
formaldehyde resins of the resol type can be cast without additional pressure and heat. The raw
molding reactants contain different organic and mineral fillers and other additives in addition to the
basic resin.
The strength of articles based on phenolic compositions and solidified without additional pres-
sure and heat supply is 2-4 times lower than the strength of thermally solidified resins; this limits
their applications as engineering materials. One of the primary causes of material strength decrease
is pore formation due to volatilization of water and formaldehyde during polycondensation. Differ-
ent water adsorbents (calcium carbonate, clay, silicates, methasilicates, zeolites, etc .) should be
Chapter 1. The Method of Reactive Processing
Table 1.2. Examples of epoxy formulations
Contents, Curing
Component weight temperature, Type Main fields of application
proportions OC
Dian resin 100 140- 150 binder
phthalic anhydride 35 curing agent
quartz, powdered 200 filler
triethanol-amine titanate 8-11
Dian resin 100
Dian resin, modified by
aliphatic epoxy resin
polyethylene 20
polyamine 25
140-150 binder
curing agent
curing agent
dibutyl Dhthalate 20 Dlasticizer
Molding compound
Binder for reinforced plastics
Molding compound
Binder for reinforced plastics
incorporated into the molding compounds to eliminate pores. Increasing resin hydrophilicity, appli-
cation of special catalytic systems, adding fillers, and treating their surfaces by special physical and
chemical methods lead to improved strength in the final products. Casting of engineering materials
based on phenol-formaldehyde resins with various mineral fillers is widespread. The use of resol
casting resins permits the production of thick heat-resistant and even fireproof coatings, with good
electrical insulating properties, and chemical resistance.
Urethane-containing polymers -NH-(C0)O- are usually synthesized from esters and/or ethers with
hydroxyl groups on their chain ends, diisocyanates, and other polyfunctional compounds that con-
tain a mobile hydrogen atom. If there are only two reactive groups in starting compounds, then linear
polyurethanes are synthesized; if there are more than two groups, then three-dimensional structures
are obtained. Aggregates of stiff blocks (domains) are formed in the final products because of inten-
sive intermolecular interaction resulting from microphase separation.
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
These domains are connected by hydrogen bonds, which act as knots or crosslinking centers to
create flexible blocks. l3 Microphase separation and the appearance of domain structure are consid-
ered to be the main factors, which determine the unique properties of this class of polymers.
Mono- and two-stage methods are used to produce articles from polyurethane-containing ma-
terial~.~ In the two-stage method, prepolymers, e.g.macro(diisocyanates), are synthesized by the
reaction of polyesters containing end-hydroxy groups (polyols) with diisocyanates:
Low-molecular-weight glycols or diamines are used for further propagation of prepolymer mole-
cules and for crosslinking the chains:
The reagent ratio in the reactive mixture is selected so that there is a small surplus of isocyanate
Curing of the prepolymer occurs at temperatures 2 8OoC. If glycols are used for curing, a net-
work of allophanate knots leading to branching is formed. If the chains contain urea groups as a re-
sult of their interaction with surplus end NCO-groups, then biuret knots lead to branching.
Allophanate and biuret structures are not stable formations; therefore tri-functional agent is often
added to the initial mixture to increase the number of stable crosslinking urethane bonds. The curing
rate is regulated by organic derivatives of two- and four- valent tin, amines, etc. The use of catalysts
in the one-stage method of polyurethane synthesis is particularly important, because it is necessary to
follow a definite order when introducing reagents into a reaction.
One of the most widespread methods of preparing linear elastomeric polyurethanes is to use a
mixture of macrodiisocyanate prepolymer and methylene bischloraniline (Diamet Xn). Minimal
sensitivity to moisture, a short curing cycle and good properties of the end product are characteristic
of thi s method. Prepolymer is synthesized from 2,4-toluylene diisocyanate (TDI) and poly(te-
tramethylene glycol) or polyester polyol at a 2: 1 mole ratio of TDI to polyol. In such a prepolymer,
the majority of free isocyanate groups are in position 6, which makes it less chemically active and
provides high stability. In this case, it is possible to produce a ready-to-use prepolymer, so that the
whole process consists of adding Diamet X, which is used as a chain propagator and curing agent in
poly(urethane urea) elastomer formation.The presence of chlorine atoms in position 3,3 also dimin-
ishes amine group activity in Diamet X and slows the reaction rate. A combination of elastic polyes-
ter and rigid carbamide segments and the resulting, microphase separation guarantee rubber
elasticity and unique mechanical properties in the end-product even at low temperatures. Poly(te-
tramethylene glycol) segments provide good resistance to hydrolysis. When oil, gasoline and solvent
resistance is necessary, polyester-based compounds are used as additives. The principal disadvan-
tage of Diamet X is its toxicity. The use of mixtures containing diphenylmethane diisocyanate (MDI)
instead of TDI is ?he most common way of dealing with this problem. A possible new approach to
Chapter 1. The Method of Reactive Processing 11
Table 1.3. Properties of some elastomers based on of reactive oligomers compared with polyu-
Hydrocarbonate Thioko, Silicone organic
oligomer oligomer
Property PU-I PU-I1
ob, MPa 40-50 50-60 2.0-8.0 14-20 4.0-7.0
E, %
500 600 500-1000 150-300 500
E, MPa 13-15 6-7 0.5-3
Er. % 10-12 5-7 3-5 6-10 6-8
90-94 60-80 30-40 2040 4-60
35-38 25-28
-35 to -40 -25 to -30 -60 to -80 -40 to -50 < -80
me following symbols are used in Table 1.3: a is strength Iimit in extension; E is deformation at break; E is modulus of elasticity;
4 is residual deformation (after elastic recoil); Hb is Shore hardness; w is rebound elasticity; T, is glass transition temperature
elastomer production is to use a prepolymer synthesized from polyester and excess diphenylmethane
diisocyanate (pseudo-polymer). This allows us to use reactive processing technology, because it is
possible to use components in near 1: 1 proportions, to select those with similar viscosities, and to
vary their reactivity over a wide range by using catalysts. In this case the initial reaction is between
part of the poly01 and the isocyanate, as the latter is present in excess of 2: 1 ratio. The rest of the
poly01 together with the extender (1 ,Cbutane diol or 33-diethyl toluylene diamine), are added dur-
ing mixing. Other additives are dispersed or dissolved in other components according to their chemi-
cal nature. This approach provides extensive possibilities for synthesizing elastomers with a wide
range of physical and chemical properties. These possibilities arise for same reasons as those given
for poly(ester urethaneureas).
Esters and ethers based on poly(tetramethy1ene glycol) and propylene oxide or a combination
of propylene and ethylene oxides commonly are used in reactive processin The chemistry of lead-
ing to polyurethane formation, has been analyzed in many publications; 15-" however, the practical
problems of processing real initial oligomers and molding compounds based on them into articles for
different applications have received less attention.
The properties of some polyurethane elastomers, used as such as elastic damping components
in engineering applications (e.g in sheet stamping operations and for coating of press and other
rolls of paper-making equipment ) are shown in Table 1.3.
The two elastomeric polyurethanes listed in Table 1.3, are synthesized in the following way:
PU-I is the reaction product of a prepolymer based on poly(tetramethy1ene glycol) ether and 2,4-
toluylene diisocyanate; (this product is analogous to "Adiprenyl-167", Du Pont, USA); PU-I1 is the
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
reaction product of a prepolymer based on poly(ethy1ene glycol adipate) ester with 2,4-toluylene dii-
socyanate cured with a mixture of diethylene glycol and glycerin.
Among the new being consider for reactive processing into polyurethane-based materials, the
so-called polyester amines in combination with chain extenders, which also contain amine groups,
are especially promising. Using these materials allows the synthesis of polymers with polyurea in-
stead of polyurethane bonds. This results in materials with improved impact strength and lower wa-
ter absorption.
The synthetic rubber industry is now producing a great number of low-molecular-weight rubbers
that are liquids in the processing temperature range. The low viscosity of such rubbers allows us to
cast articles of any form and to produce rubber mixtures or glues using the reactive (chemical) mold-
ing method. Liquid rubbers synthesized by diene polymerization or copolymerization of dienes and
vinyl monomers form a large group of materials with many applications. Hydrocarbon oligomers
containing functional groups (OH, COOH, SH, NCO, epoxy, acrylate, etc.) are widely used. Liquid
rubbers can be improved by incorporating plasticizers and active fillers (carbon black, aerosil, etc).
Polymers with different structures and, therefore, with a range of properties from elastomers to high
impact plastics, may be synthesized from a liquid rubber base.
Vulcanization by the traditional curing methods utilized in the rubber industry is based on sul-
fur or sulphur-containing compounds and is also the most widely applied techmque for curing liquid
rubbers containing macromolecules with double bonds. Chinons, peroxides, phenol formaldehyde
resins, and other compounds are often used for curing liquid rubbers as an alternative sulfur vulcani-
Oligomers with functional groups are vulcanized by chemical interaction of these groups with
curing agents. The properties of the final product essentially depends on the nature and location of
the functional groups in the macromolecule and the oligomer's molecular weight distribution. Vari-
ous compounds are used for curing, depending on the chemical structure of the end-groups. Hy-
droxyl-containing oligo(butane dienes) are cured by the conventional methods used in polyurethane
chemistry to synthesize oligotdiene urethane). In this case, the one-stage method of curing by mix-
tures of polyols, diisocyanates, and curing catalysts is used. Curing systems, consisting of a mixture
of polyhydric alcohols and diamines are also widely employed to provide high-strength vulcanized
products. Two-stage elastomer production, including the isocyanate reaction for polymer forma-
tion, is also used. hydroxyl carbonate polyurethane and urea-urethane elastomers have important ad-
vantages (compared to polyurethanes based on esters and ethers): they are freeze resistant,
hydrolysis-resistant, and compatible with fillers and plasticizers, although they typically have lower
strength than polyurethanes (see Table 1. 3. ). Besides functional end groups, butadiene oligomers
contain double bonds, which can also react during curing. This allows the use of combined curing
systems that involve both functional end groups and double bonds.
Chapter 1. The Method of Reactive Processing 13
Oligo(diene urethane) with epoxy, acrylate, halogen-containing, hydrazine and other end-
groups are used to avoid the disadvantages (moisture sensitivity, toxicity, etc,) typical of curing sys-
tems containing diisocyanates. In this case, curing systems appropriate to each type of functional
group, are used. This allows us to synthesize a variety of polymers of with the desired range of prop-
erties. In addition, the potential for using rubber combinations with various additives, for example,
oligo(diene urethanes) with epoxy groups in a composition with epoxy resins poly(diene urethane
acrylates), with styrene and so on, is promising. Epoxy resins combined with catalysts (for example
tertiary amines) are used for curing bifunctional carboxyl containing oligomers. Liquid rubbers are
used to produce hermetic seals for artificial leathers and films and to modify tire rubbers, pneumatic
tires, plastic concrete, coatings, etc.
Liquid polysulphide oligomers (thiokols) X[-R-Sm-ImX (where R is an aliphatic radical, m = 2 or 4,
and X is an SH or OH-group) are cured by two possible mechanisms: oxidation of sulphohydryl end-
groups by inorganic oxides (MnO2, PbO2), metal peroxides, hydrogen peroxides, n-
chinonedioxime, nitrobenzene, and other compounds, and by interaction with different reactive
compounds, such as macro(isocyanates), unsaturated compounds, and epoxy oligomers, in the pres-
ence of an amine-type activator.20 Curing systems containing compounds of both types, for exam-
ple, manganese dioxide, epoxy resin, and diphenyl guanidine, are widespread in technological
practice. Thiokols are cured at temperatures of 5-3OoC, practically without shrinkage, resulting in
elastomer production (see Table 1.3).
The main application of polysulphide compounds is in seals and glues, e.g., gaskets with high
gasoline- and oil-resistance due to a high content of disulphide fragments in the polymer chain. Seal-
ers based on thiokols are primarily used in housing, machinery, road building, aircraft and ship-
building, space technology, etc. An important limitation on increasing thiokol production is the
large amount of waste produced and the difficulty of eliminating harmful admixtures from the
Curing of the majority of reactive silicone-organic oligomers (-[-R2Si0-ln-), usually, occurs by a
polyaddition (condensation) reaction at room temperature in one and two-component compositions.
One-component systems that contain an oligomer plus alkoxy silanes or acetoxy silanes are cured by
moist air. Curing of two-component systems occurs by interaction of the oligomer with alkoxy
silanes under the influence of a catalyst, i.e., tin-containing compounds, or by neutral cure process.
In both cases, the formation of low-molecular-weight substances (acid, alcohol) occurs as a result of
the reaction. If these low-molecular-weight substances remain in the polymer, they have an adverse
effect on its properties and performance.
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
Composites cured by the polyaddition mechanism are especially interesting for reactive mold-
ing, because by-products are not formed and there is no appreciable shrinkage during the reaction.
This is the principal difference between polyaddition and polycondensation.
The possibility poly(organo siloxanes) without by-product formation has expanded the areas
of application of silicone organic polymeric materials; in particular, this has allowed the production
of various articles by the reactive processing method. If there are vinyl groups in side-chains, then
organo-siloxanes are cured by conventional free radical polymerization. Bifunctional hydroxyl-con-
taining oligomers are cured by methods used in polyurethane chemistry. Silicone organic oligomers
containing spirane groups, which transform into three-dimensional polymers by cyclic reactions un-
der the influence of hydroxyl silane ions, are of growing interest. It has been suggested that linear
di(hydroxy1 organosiloxanes) could be vulcanized by catalytic polymerization methods. The high
molecular weight (not less than lo4) of di(hydroxy1 organosilanes) is their most important feature,
since they provide necessary level of physical and mechanical properties (see Table 1.3).
A reinforcing filler, for example, highly dispersed silicon dioxide, is added to the mixture to
produce vulcanizated material with improved strength. Cast silicone organic composites are widely
used in electrical and electronic devices, in medicine, in the aircraft industry, etc., due to their ease
of processing and the advantageous physical and chemical properties of the cured materials.
One of the principal features of the compounds discussed above is their ability to be transformed into
final products and/or articles from mixtures of almost any composition, even those whose compo-
nents have little compatibility. The use of oligomers and monomers of various chemical structures
expands the assortment of materials and articles that can be produced by combining different compo-
nents. The interest in so-called hybrid binders, interpenetrating networks, polymer-oligomer sys-
tems, and other possible reactive components has increased during recent years.
There are several techniques for producing polymer mixtures for further processing into arti-
cles by the reactive (chemical) molding methods: simultaneous formation of two polymeric systems
with mutual entanglement of their chains and the appearance of so-called interpenetrating networks;
synthesis of the second polymer within an expanded network of the initial polymer; incorporation of
oligomers into a polymer matrix as a temporary plasticizer followed by polymerization.
Block-copolymers based on polycaproamide and oligomer activators, composites based on
polyester resins with unsaturated monomers and oligomers, and oligo(diene epoxy urethanes) with
epoxy resins have already been mentioned. Combinations of epoxy resins with reactive silicone or-
ganic oligomers, poly(viny1 chloride) with oligo(ester acrylates), polyurethanes with vinyl mono-
mers, composites consisting of unsaturated esters and oligoesters, and many others are also used for
different applications. Problems in the reactive molding of oligomer-monomer mixtures are caused
by their complexity; the various components in these systems have different reactivities, resulting in
different rates for chemical and physical processes. The most promising method of forming articles
from these mixtures is reactive processing.
Chapter 1. The Method of Reactive Processing 15
The incorporation of different fillers, which essentially change the physical, mechanical and thermal
properties of a composite, into a polymeric matrix is one of the main methods for modifying material
properties. There are various methods for preparing filled polymeric composites. One of them is the
so-called "polymerization filling", when a filler is inserted into a composites at the pol mer synthe-
sis stage. This method has been actively developed, especially in the last twenty years." Implemen-
tation of this process is based on the principles of reactive (chemical) processing; this is due to the
simplicity of both the process itself and the processing equipment, although the presence of a filler
adds some special features to the process. A filler influences not only the properties of the final prod-
uct, but also the processing of the initial components. For example, fillers used in composites based
on unsaturated polyester resins make it possible to polymerize a monomer at higher temperatures,
the heat of reaction is reduced and hence, the articles produced have less tendency to crack.
Some new problems arise in processing filled composites. One of these is sedimentation insta-
bility of the initial reactive mixtures, especially if the viscosity of the monomer (or oligomer) is low;
an example is anionic activated polymerization of lactams in the presence of various solid fillers
(talc, graphites, molybdenum disulphlde, metal oxides). In this case, it is necessary to know the dis-
persion of the filler and its ability to absorb lactams. Sedimentation of filler particles in the polymer-
izing mass can be prevented by adding a special thickening agent, which increases the initial
viscosity of the reactive medium. For example, aluminum naphthenate, aerosil, or a polymer soluble
in the monomer or oligomer can be used as these thickening agents. However, it may be difficult to
achieve adequate dispersion of the filler in an oligomer if the viscosity of the reactive medium is too
high. One way to solve this problem consists in preliminary mixing of the filler with a small amount
of an oligomer and then using this thick paste in further operations. Fillers play an important role as
dyestuffs and pigments, oxidation stabilizers, ultraviolet absorbers, etc.
Filled composites consisting of a polymer binder and various reinforcing organic and inor-
ganic fibers are of special importance in different applications.22 Reinforcing fibers (made of glass,
carbon and graphite, boron, organic fibers, etc.) are now used in combination with practically all the
above mentioned binders to produce composite materials and articles made from them for almost all
branches of industry.
Finally, oligomers in reactive processing to produce foamed plastics and elastomers for vari-
ous industrial purposes. These materials have many of the valuable properties of conventional poly-
mers, with the addition of low density and high heat, electrical, and sound insulation
Reactive (chemical) processing of monomers and oligomers is now developing rapidly. New
initial reactants, which can be processed without significant shrinkage, residual stresses, or volatile
product formation are part of modern technology. These processes produce thermoplastics or ther-
moset plastics with the necessary range of performance characteristics. One of the newest examples
of materials produced by reactive processing is a system based on polymerization of a bifunctional
monomer - dicyclopentadiene - with a Ziegler-Natta catalyst. This system was developed especially
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
for reactive processing technology. As a result, a new, highly cured engineering plastic with high
performance characteristics was obtained.24 Another example of a new material is the urethane-
isocyanurate system.25 High-temperature engineering plastics based on cyclic oligomers, oligo-
imides, polyimides, etc. are also processed into articles of various types by reactive molding. Direct
transition from a liquid state into articles or structural engineering com onents is also used with inor-
ganic reactants, for example, in the production of ceramics articles.
Reaction (or chemical) molding of articles makes it possible to obtain both bulky semi-finished items
with simple shapes (in the form of rectangular plates, cylindrical blocks, tubes and shells) and
complex-shaped parts. The process comprises a number of different chemical and physical phenom-
ena and is therefore rather complicated. Commercial realization of the process, as with any chemical
process, comprises plant design and establishing controlled process variables. As usual, a central
problem to be solved is the extension of laboratory investigation results to a much larger scale. Here,
one can follow the conventional path by gradually scaling up from laboratory prototypes weighing
tens of grams to industrial items weighing hundreds of kilograms (1:10,000 increase in scaling).
This is a lengthy and expensive process, which is why it is desirable to eliminate the intermediate
steps and achieve the final result by a faster method.
It is clear that this method cannot be based on the use of similarity parameters since reactive
molding in common with other chemical engineering processes, involves nonlinear phenomena that
result in the invalidity of similarity conditions as geometric, chemical, and thermal parameters.
A universal method of handling the problem is mathematical modelling, Le., a quantitative
description by means of a set of equations of the whole complex of interrelated chemical, physical,
fluiddynamic, and thermal processes taking place concurrently or consecutively in a reactor. Con-
stants of these equations are determined in laboratory experiments. If the range of determining fac-
tors (reactive mass compositions, temperature, reaction rates, and so on) in an actual process lie
within or only slightly outside the limits studied in laboratory experiments, the solution of the deter-
mining set of equations provides a reliable idea of the process operation.
This approach, taken to its logical conclusion, makes it possible to achieve two main goals:
first, to optimize the process so as to provide the maximum possible throughput at minimum cost,
and, second, to ensure the required quality level of the final products. Development of a determinis-
tic mathematical model of a process requires an adequate representation of its main constituent
stages. This always involves an internal contradiction: on the one hand, it is desirable to describe all
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
I 11 n Final
mixlng Demouldlng I)
Component AI - >
Component BL- ~
Heat Heal
Figure 2.1. Scheme of two-component reactive processing.
the process elements as closely, fully, and accurately as possible, and on the other hand, the greater
the detail, the more effort, time, and funds are required and the less worthwhile (in terms of the final
result) the model becomes. The choice of an optimum compromise or a reasonable tradeoff is dic-
tated by the ultimate goal and sometimes has no unique solution. That is why in developing a mathe-
matical model of a process there is always room for a creative and intuitive approach; i.e., as in any
serious undertaking, success results from an alliance between science (design) and art (experience
and qualitative assessments).
The starting point in developing a mathematical model is breaking up a process into its main
stages (elements) and treating each one as an independent subject for mathematical modelling. Let us
consider this approach for a classical two-stream chemical molding flow sheet. The following basic
stages can be distinguished in this flow-sheet (Fig. 2.1): charging and heating of the feed reactants
(I); addition of agents, such as fillers (II); mixing of components to obtain a reactive mass (III); reac-
tive mass moves (flows) through channels, valves, etc. (IV); mold filling and polymerization (V);
discharge and heat treatment (VI).
Consideration of these stages makes it possible to review a number of problems, some quite
trivial and solvable by standard engineering methods and other, more general physical and chemical
problems calling for separate analyses. Process stages I, and to some extent I1 and 111, are among the
ordinary technical problems, although they also require a substantiated design. However, from stage
IV on, problems arise that are specific to reactive processing (or chemical molding). Thus, for stage
IV, a new problem, which has been given virtually no consideration in chemical engineering, turns
out to be the flow of a fluid with changing rheological properties. This involves evaluating changes
in the reacting fluid of a molecular flow characteristics in a nonuniform hydrodynamic field. For
stage V, it is necessary to consider the macrokinetic problem of polymerizationunder nonisothermal
conditions. A rigorous method for describing such polymerization processes has to be developed to
deal with this situation. It is also important that polymerization is very often accompanied by crystal-
lization of the newly formed product, which significantly complicates the process under discussion
and, consequently, its quantitative description.
For stage VI, the analysis of inherent (or residual) stresses resulting from nonuniform cooling
and heat treatment of final articles appears to be critical.Thus, stages N to VI should be the subject
of mathematical modelling specific to reactive processing (chemical molding processes).
It should be emphasized that in all these cases, combined or superimposed phenomena must be
dealt with, viz. : for stage IV, fluiddynamics, kinetics of polymerization, and rheokinetic changes
caused by chemical reactions; for stage V, polymerization kinetics, crystallization kinetics and heat
transfer effects; a thermomechanical problem in combination with crystallization kinetics. Con-
struction of a mathematical model requires simultaneous solution of a set of equations in order to de-
scribe these related phenomena.
In building mathematical models of product formation in a mold it is possible to treat a polymeric
material as motionless (or quasi-solid), because the viscosity grows very rapidly with the formation
of a linear or network polymer; thus, hydrodynamic phenomena can be neglected. In this situation,
the polymerization process itself becomes the most important factor, and it is worth noting that the
process occurs in nonisothermal conditions.
A complete description of the process must consist of kinetic equations for all components of
the reactive mass, including all fractions of different molecular weights and intermediate and by-
products as well. Such an exact approach is usually superfluous for modelling any real process
and should not be applied, because excessive detail actually prevents achievement of the final goal
due to overcomplicating of the analysis. Therefore, why correct (necessary and sufficient) choice of
the parameters for quantitative estimation is of primary importance in mathematical models of a
technological process.
On these lines, two approaches can be proposed. The first can be applied to the synthesis of
linear polymers. In this case, the degree of conversion of a monomer can be chosen as a determining
factor. This degree of conversion, p, is expressed as the proportion of a monomer included in macro-
molecular chains:
where [MI0 and [MI are the initial and current (not yet incorporated into polymeric chains at t con-
centrations of a monomer, respectively.
It is evident that at t = 0, p = 0, and after the sufficiently long time, some equilibrium (resid-
ual) concentration of the monomer in the reactive medium is maintained. In any practical situation
important for technological applications this residual concentration is much less than [MI0 and we
can assume that p = 1 at t + 00.
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
4.0 4.2 4.4 4 6 4.8
log $ (measured)
Figure 2.2. Correlation between molecular weights in synthesis of polydodecanamide (PA-12), calculated by
concentration of active centers of polymerization (I) and measured by intrinsic viscosity (11).
Now we can assume that a polymerization reaction starts at active centers, and that their initial
concentration is [A] mol % . Then we can calculate the number-averaged degree of polymerization in
the end product as follows
N =-
This means that the number-averaged molecular weight at any current time t can be expressed as
M (t) = -
The molecular weight of the end-product can be calculated as
where Mo is the molecular weight of a monomer.
Values of both parameters, p and Mn, are generalized characteristics of any polymerization
process; therefore, it is reasonable to construct a mathematical model of the kinetics for the parame-
ter P; and then calculate Mn from fi with Eq. (2.3).
Chapter 2. Modelling 21
An example illustrating the application of Eq. (2.4) for calculating Mn is shown in Fig. 2.2.
The position of the line at 45 reflects the exact equality of the Mn values calculated from the concen-
tration of active centers and those determined by measurement of intrinsic viscosity, [ql. Bearing in
mind possible experimental errors and the accuracy of the equation relating [ql and Mn, we can con-
clude that the correspondence between the two series of Mn values is satisfactory.
The second method of characterizing the chemical order of a reaction is by the concentra-
tion of reactive groups, [R]. This method is most applicable to reactive oligomers that polymerize
into both linear and three-dimensional polymers. Let the initial concentration be [R]O and the final
one be [R],. Then the chemical degree of conversion Pch is
where [R], is the concentration of reactive groups in the end-product.
It is evident that in this case, as in the former one, that at t = 0 (at the beginning of the process),
Pch = 0 and at t- >Q) (finish of the process) pch = 1.
Analytical monitoring of a polymerization process (during synthesis of either linear or three-
dimensional polymers) by purely chemical methods is often inconvenient or too slow and laborious.
Therefore the use of various physical methods for this purpose has became popular. All these meth-
ods are based on measuring different physical properties of a reactive medium. The most important
of these are thermal (or calorimetric) and mechanical methods.
The thermal method consists of measuring the rate of heat output dq/dt as a function of time t
in the course of a reaction. In thls case, it is assumed that the quantity of heat dq is proportional to the
change in the degree of conversion dp. According to this formulation, the actual nature of the reac-
tions occurring in the material is not a concern; however it is assumed that the total output Q corre-
sponds to completion of the polymer formation process; i.e., it corresponds top = 1. Therefore, the
main expression for the calorimetric degree of conversion pc becomes
1 dq
Q, dt
P, =- j -dt
[ 2 .71
This thermometric method, which consists of measuring the temperature of a reactive medium
in an adiabatic polymerization process T(t), is quite close to the calorimetric method. If we assume
that the product of specific heat and density, Cpp, does not depend on temperature and the degree of
conversion (this assumption is quite realistic), then it is possible to relate changes in temperature dT
to heat output dq:
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
293 313 t
Figure 2.3. Correspondence between chemical degree of conversion and the degree of conversion, found by a
calorimetric method proportional to the temperature difference.
Then the thermal degree of conversion pth can be calculated as
T - To
P* =-
where To is the initial temperature of a reactive medium and Tm is the maximum (adiabatic)
increase in temperature due to heat output in the course of polymerization.
It might be expected that pc should be close to pth, although there is no a priori knowledge of
the accuracy of the equality p3 =, pth . An example confirming the direct correspondence between pc
and pth is shown in Fig. 2.3. It IS evident that variation of the factor C$ is negligible for the exam-
ple shown in Fig. 2.3.
Chapter 2. Modelling 23
The mechanical method of monitoring chemical reactions is based on measuring the viscosity
or the elastic modulus of a reactive mass. Naturally, the viscometric method relates to liquid sys-
tems, while the elastic modulus method is valid primarily for solids (viscoelastic or elastic materi-
als). However, there is an important difference between these two methods. Viscosity and its rate of
change are not direct measures of a chemical reaction, because there are no linear or other simple re-
lationships between viscosity and molecular weight, degree of branching, and other structural pa-
rameters of a newly formed polymer. Therefore, changes in viscosity reflect chemical
transformations but cannot be related to them in a simple manner; correlations between changes in
viscosity and the kinetics of a chemical reaction must always be determined independently. Mean-
while, it is reasonable to assume that in many cases there is a linear relation between the modulus of
elasticity and the degree of curing (the reciprocal of the average length of a molecular chain between
adjacent crosslinking chemical bonds). The main equation for establishing the correspondence be-
tween the molecular weight of a chain between crosslinking, Mc, and the modulus of elasticity G is
as follows:
[2. lo]
where f is the so-called front-factor, with a value close to 1; p is the density; R is the universal con-
stant; T is the temperature in K. Strictly spealung, the modulus value in this equation should be the
equilibrium modulus, but for cured polymers in the low-frequency range (to be more exact - in the
plateau range), the modulus does not depend on frequency. Therefore Eq. (2.10) is also applicable if
the low-frequency dynamic modulus is used instead of the equilibrium modulus.
It is also possible to introduce the idea of the rheological degree of conversion Prh, I which
allows the curing process to be monitored. This is
where G(t) is the current value of the dynamic modulus at time t; GIrn, 20 is the value of the dynamic
modulus for the end state of the material at 2OoC. GIm, 20 is not equal to the final value of the modulus
reached as a result of isothermal curing at an arbitrary temperature T; use of this reference value of
the modulus at a fixed temperature is convenient for practical applications.
Other estimates of the degree of conversion in curing of reactive polymeric systems are also
possible but they have much narrower areas of application. To construct a mathematical model, it is
necessary to relate the inherent characteristics of the reactive mass (molecular weight, molecular
weight distribution, degree and character of branching, topology of the forming network, and so on)
to the process parameters (temperature, geometrical shape of the reactor or article, pressure, hydro-
dynamic situation) and the properties of an end-product.
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
Polymerization of lactams in reactive processing proceeds with the involvement of a catalyst and di-
rect or indirect activators. A mathematical model of the process must be a kinetic equation relating
the rate of conversion of a monomer to a polymer to the reagent concentrations and temperature. The
general form of the model is
9 = k, f@)e
where f(p) is a kinetic function whose form depends on the nature of the polymerizing monomer; U is
the apparent activation energy; ko is a constant related to the initial reaction rate. It is convenient to
impose the conditions f(0) = 1 and f( 1) = 0 on the lanetic function. These conditions correspond to
the starting and end-points of the reaction; thus, the initial reaction rate has the following value:
K = koe
where To is the initial temperature of the reaction mass.
The second limitation imposed on the function f a) means that the reaction rate decreases to
zero at completion, when all reactive groups (at P = 1) are exhausted. Since the structure of the ki -
netic function f@) depends on the type of monomer, it is reasonable to discuss the kinetics of polym-
erization of the main lactams separately.
The use of various thermal methods to investigate E-caprolactam polymerization allowed us to deter-
mine the expression for the kinetic function f@) for this monomer:
This function corresponds to the first order kinetic equation (first term on the right-hand side of the
equation) and also reflects the effect of self-acceleration (second term on the right-hand side of the
equation); the quantitative measure of this effect is the constant co. Thus the reaction rate is deter-
mined by two independent constants co and K. The fit of this equation to experimental data is illus-
trated in Fig. 2.4. The effect of self-acceleration in anionic polymerization of E-caprolactam was also
discussed in other publications .33-35 The kinetic equation of isothermal polymerization based on Eq.
(2.13) can be written as
f a) = (1 -P>(1 + COP)
where KO is the initial reaction rate at the polymerization temperature To. The integral of this equa-
tion is
Chapter 2. Modelling 25
Figure 2.4. Comparison of the kinetic function, calculated as f(p) =(1 - p)( 1 +cop), and experimental data ob-
tained by adiabatic polymerizationat different initial temperatures: 151OC (0); 159OC (0); 17OoC (0. Concen-
trations of the activator and catalyst are [A] =[C] =4.45~10-* mol-'.
c o+l
+ co
e (1 +GI )Kat
p=1- [2.15]
This integral function is shown in Fig. 2.5 a. This type of kinetic curve can be treated as a description
of a reaction with an apparent induction period ti. The method of estimating this apparent induction
period is also shown in Fig. 2.5. The influence of the constant co on the form of the integral kinetic
curve is illustrated in Fig. 2.5 b, where a dimensionless parameter (Kot) is used as the argument. At
co=O an apparent induction period is absent (in this case we are dealing with a standard first-order
reaction), but with increasing cg an apparent induction period appears and becomes longer. At the
same time the slope of the main (central) part of the dependence of Kot on co also increases.
Experiments have confirmed that the pre-exponential factor KO and the constant co, which
characterizes the self-acceleration effect, both depend on the concentration of the catalytic complex,
Le., on the concentrations of the catalyst [C] and the activator [A]. On the basis of purely chemical
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
K Ot
0 0,s
Figure 2.5. Typical pattern of the P(t) dependence in anionic activated polymerization of &-caprolactam at
17OoC (a) and the influence of the constant cg (marked on the curves) on the reaction rate (b). The apparent in-
duction period is also shown.
arguments, it seems reasonable to have equal concentrations of both components, although some de-
viation from strict equality is permissible (and sometimes even desirable) in real technological pro-
cesses. However, the relationships discussed below are correct if the following equality is
EA1= [Clf [2.16]
where f is the functionality of the activator; it is assumed that every molecule of the catalyst has only
one functional group. By maintaining this condition, the following dependencies of the kinetic con-
stants on the product [C][A] were found:
where k and m are empirical constants depending on the nature of the catalytic system.
Chapter 2. Modelling 27
Table 2.1. Efficiency of different catalytic systems in anionic activated polymerization
of E-capro~actam~'
Activator f IO-'^, l/mol min m, mollmin
N-acetyl CL 1 0.77 0.93
Phenylcarbamoyl CL 1 2.22 0.36
2,4-toluene-biscar~moyl CL 2 2.70 0.70
4,4-diphenylmethane-biscarbomoyl CL 2 6.70 0.16
Hexamethylene-biscarbomoyl CL 2 10.0 0.03
Figure 2.6. Dependencies of kinetic constants on the catalyst concentration in anionic activated polymerization
of E-caprolactam; concentrations of the activator and the catalyst are equal [A] =[C].
The adequacy of these relationships can be seen from Fig. 2. 6, where a coordinate system
linearizing these equations was chosen. Onthe basis of Eqs (2.13), (2.17) and (2.18), it is possible to
formulate the final equation of the kinetic model for anionic polymerization of &-caprolactam:
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
/ / l /
5 10 15 20 t min
Figure 2.7. Influence of different catalytic systems on the rate of anionic activated polymerization ofe-caprola-
ctam in an adiabatic regime. Numbers on the curves correspond to numbers in the list in Table 2.1.
The value of the initial concentration of a monomer [MI0 is introduced in Eq. (2.19) in order to ex-
press the constant k in the units of the reaction rate [l/(mol min)]; the coefficient m is expressed in
(mol/l). Eq. (2.19) demonstrates that the reaction rate is of second order in the concentration of the
The single form of the kmetic equation for anionic polymerization of &-caprolactam allows us
to make quantitative comparison of different catalytic systems using the constants k and m. Such a
comparison is represented in Table 2.1. Data reproduced in this table were obtained for the catalyst,
Na-caprolactam. Activators from the class of carbamoyl caprolactams (CL) are compared. They are
listed in the order of increasing values of k.
It is interesting to note the following rule applying to a homologous series of activators: the
higher the initial reaction rate (higher values of k) the smaller the effect of self-acceleration (lower
values of m). A typical example demonstrating the pattern of kinetic curves for the systems with dif-
ferent activators listed in Table 2.1 is shown in Fig. 2.7.
It is instructive to compare numerical values of the constant co in Eq. (2.13) for some real sys-
tems. For example, if N-acetyl caprolactam is used as an activator, increasing concentrations within
the range of standard formulations, the values of co can vary from 25 to 8.29 Some other examples
are listed below:
Catalyst cg Reference
Na-hexamethylene diisocyanate 6.4 8
Na-hexamethylene diisocyanate-propylene 6.4 8
Na-phenyl diisocyanate 5 9
Thus, in all investigated cases, anionic activated polymerization of E-caprolactam proceeds with
strong self-acceleration. Tbs phenomenon occurs in isothermal conditions and is not related to the
increase in temperature due to the exothermal nature of the polymerization reaction. The latter also
results in an increase in the reaction rate, but as a rule, it is weaker than self-acceleration due to
chemical reasons.
The treatment of kinetic effects in anionic polymerization of E-caprolactam in terms of self-
acceleration is now quite conventional; thus it is considered incorrect to use first- or second- order
kinetic equations to describe the kinetics of this reaction, although this was attempted in some early
publications. However, the analytical representation of the kinetic function f@) need not be like Eq.
(2.14). For example, the same qualitative effect was observed in one p~bl i cati on,~~ whch was
described in other publications as self-acceleration. A different kinetic function was derived from
the proposed set of elementary reactions:
f(p) k l - p
1 + cp
For low degrees of conversion Eq. (2.20) is the same as Eq. (2.13), because if @ < < 1, then
However, if the full range of conversions is of interest, then Eq. (2.20) shows that the constant of
self-acceleration cg depends on p.
The quantitative discrepancy between the functions represented by Eqs. (2.13) and (2.20) is
not large and therefore either one may be used for mathematical modelling of chemical processing.
However, experimental data can be better fitted by one or the other equation, since the choice de-
pends on the reactive system under discussion.
Analysis of the non-isothermal polymerization of &-caprolactam is based on the equations for
isothermal polymerization discussed above. At the same time, it is also important to estimate the
effect of non-isothermal phenomena on polymerization, because in any real situation, it is impossi-
ble to avoid exothermal effects. First of all, let us estimate what temperature increase can be ex-
pected and how it influences the kinetics of reaction. It is reasonable to assume that the reaction
proceeds under adiabatic conditions as is true for many large articles produced by chemical process-
ing. The total energy produced in transforming E-caprolactam into polyamide-6 is well known. Ac-
cording to the experimental data of many authors, it is close to 125 - 130 J /cm3. If the reaction takes
place under adiabatic conditions, the result is an increase in temperature of up to 50 - 52OC; this is the
maximum possible temperature increase T, . In order to estimate the kinetic effect of this increase
(1 -cp)-' = 1 + cp
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
it is convenient to linearize the exponential term in Eq. (2.12). If we let the reaction start at tempera-
ture To, it is easy to prove that
k , e -U/RTo a K, ( 1+ np) [2.21]
KO = k, e
The last factor reflects the role of the non-isothermal effect on the kinetics of the process. The com-
plete kinetic equation for non-isothermal polymerization can be written as
-- dp - KO( - P N + coP>(1+np) [2.22]
We see that an increase in temperature leads to self-acceleration (as expected), but it is important to
compare the two accelerating effects, of the reaction (factor a) and the other due to the increase in
temperature (factor n). The following are reasonable values of the constants: U=70 kJ /mol,
To =433K and ATmax =50K, which give n ~ 2 . 3 . According to the experimental data cited above, the
value of the self-acceleration constant cg in E-caprolactam polymerization is usually considerably
larger; Le., the acceleration due to inherent causes is greater than that due to non-isothermal ef-
fects. Nevertheless, it would be erroneous to ignore the latter factor completely if we are interested
in a quantitatively correct interpretation of the experimental data and adequate modelling of a real
The polymerization kinetics of o-dodecalactam in chemical processing has been investigated in a
more limited number of publications in comparison with &-caprolactam. It is not really possible to
compare different data; therefore only the results of Ref.37 will be discussed below. It was shown
that up to a degree of conversionp = 0.7, the kinetics of anionic activated polymerization of o-dode-
calactam is described by the first-order equation:
-U / RT
dp dt - ko( l -P)e
or in isothermal conditions at temperature To:
-- dp - Ko ( l - p) C2.241
Chapter 2. Modelling 31
KO = koe
is the initial reaction rate.
However, this equation is of limited value because investigations of the deep conversion stage
showed that activation energy changes appreciably. In the initial part of the process, at p < 0.35,
U=50 kJ /mol, but in the conversion range 0.35 < p c 0.8, it appears that the dependence U@) is
described by the formula:
U@) = 50 + SO@ - 0.35) kJ /mol [2.25]
Experimentally the increase in activation energy is quite evident, but the cause of this increase
is not clear. It can be argued that the increase in activation energy is related to a strong increase in
viscosity of the reactive medium or to phase separation in the reactive mass when a newly formed
polymer precipitates from a solution and forms colloid particles. The experimental data described by
Eqs. (2.23) - (2.25) can also be treated in ways other than those used in the original publication. For
example, it is possible to linearize the exponential factor in Eq. (2.23), as was done above for other
purposes. Then for the range of p from 0.35 to 0.8 we can write:
The kinetic equation can then be rewritten in the following manner:
where the factor E, = 8O/RTo represents the effect of deceleration on the polymerization reaction;
this effect is quite pronounced due to the high value of E,. In essence, this interpretation is equivalent
to an increase in the activation energy of the reaction.
It is worth emphasizing that deceleration in anionic activation polymerization of wdodecal-
actam is the reverse of self-acceleration in E-caprolactam polymerization.
Non-isothermal acceleration due to the enthalpy of the dodecalactam polymerization
reaction is much less than that of &-caprolactam polymerization. Indeed, the total heat effect in po-
lymerization of mdodecalactam is 243 J /g, and it results in a maximum increase in temperature in
adiabatic conditions of 18 - 2OoC (2.5 times less than for E-caprolactam).
The rate of polymer synthesis in dodecalactam polymerization is proportional to the first
power of the catalyst concentration (in contrast to &-caprolactam, where the rate is second-order in
the catalyst concentration when the concentrations of an activator and the catalyst are equal). If the
system Na-caprolactadNa-acetyl E-caprolactam is used in equimolar ratio as the catalyst/activator
mixture and the range of concentrations is [C] = 0.35 - 1.5 mol% (or 0.0175 - 0.075 mol/l), the de-
pendence of the constant ko on [C] is as follows:
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
Figure 2.8. Dependencies P(t) in polymerization ofw-dodecalactam, initiated by an indirect activator, N-acetyl
diphenylamine. Catalyst: Na. Initial temperature: 180C. Concentration of the activator [A]: 0.5 mol% (curve
1); 0.75 mol% (curve 2); 1.0 mol% (curve 3); 1.25 mol % (curve 4); 1.5 mol% (curve 5).
k, = 2.9 x IO5 [C] min-' [2.27a]
if [C] is expressed in mol%
k, = 5.6 x 106[C] mine' [2.27b]
and if [C] is expressed in mol/l. This range of concentration covers the whole range used in practice.
There is one especially interestin version of the anionic polymerization of a-dodecalactam,
that uses activators for indirect action!8 In some technological applications related to chemical
processing it may be desirable not to start the reaction at the beginning of the process. Then an acti-
vator need not be present in an initial reactive medium but may be synthesized directly from some
compounds during the process. In this case, it is necessary to take into account two independent se-
quential reactions that proceed with comparable rates: formation of active centers for polymeriza-
tion due to the reaction of the indirect activator and anionic lactam chains propagation. Let the rate
constant of the first reaction be lca and the second one be kp; then the dependence of the degree of con-
version on time in the initial stage of the process is described by the equationZ3'
p = - k,k,[A]i t2
where [AI0 is the initial (at t = 0) concentration of an indirect activator.
Chapter 2. Modelling 33
An example illustrating the validity of thls e uation is shown in Fig. 2.8: experimental data
are fitted to a straight line in the coordinates P-vs-t . Experiments also confirm the validity of Eq.
(2.28) for predicting dependence of p on [AI2o.
Eq. (2.28) is valid for initial part of the reaction. It is also possible to obtain a formula for the
whole range of p(t). This formula is as follows:4o
ln(1 - p) = - k, [A] t + 2 ln(1 + k, [A] ,, t)
It is easy to show that for small t values, Eq. (2.29) transforms to Eq. (2.28). However, it is in-
teresting to follow the pattern of p(t) dependence for the full range of j3, from which it can be seen
this dependence looks like a kinetic curve with self-acceleration. Thus the phenomenon of self-
acceleration, which is observed in some cases, may be treated as a consequence of a two-stage po-
lymerization reaction if the rate constants of both stages have values of the same order. The reaction
rate at the initiation stage can be limited by various factors, and in this case, classification of activa-
tors as direct or indirect becomes meani ngl e~s.~~
Na-caprolactam is widely used as a catalyst in o-dodecalactam polymerization. In fact, this
means that a copolymer of both lactams enriched in dodecalactam blocks is produced. Synthesis of
copolymers of both lactams with different ratios of monomers is used in chemical processing, since
varying the ratios of the monomers makes it possible to govern the mechanical properties and melt-
ing temperature of the final product and to create a range of products for different applications. In
particular, a copolymer in the middle range of monomer ratios is a low-crystalline product with high
impact resistance and represents a new engineering material in comparison with both homopoly-
mers. However, practically nothmg is known about the kinetics of copolymerization of different lac-
The kinetics of a-pyrrolidine polymerization has been investigated only qualitatively .42 Neverthe-
less, it is clear that the nature of the activator (using the catalyst Naa-pyrrolidine) greatly influences
the kinetics of polymerization. For example the presence of Si-C or Sn-C1 groups causes a decrease
in the polymerization rate.
A uantitative kinetic model of the polymerization of a-pyrrolidine and cyclo(ethy1 urea)
showed.4q that two effects occur: the existence of two stages in the initiation reaction and the absence
of an induction period and self-acceleration in a-pyrrolidine polymerization. It was also apparent
that to construct a satisfactory kinetic model of polymerization, it was necessary to introduce a pro-
ton exchange reaction and to take into consideration the ratio of direct and reverse reactions. As a re-
sult of these complications, a complete mathematical model appears to be rather difficult and the
final relationships can be obtained only by computer methods. Therefore, in contrast to the kinetic
equations for polymerization of E-caprolactam and o-dodecalactam discussed above, an expression
34 A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
for the time dependence P(t) applicable to polybutenamide synthesis cannot be written in analytical
Modern technological practice, particularly the various types of chemical processing, use a great va-
riety of formulations for the synthesis of polyurethanes. Therefore it is nearly impossible to create a
general kinetic model which would be valid for various polymerizing systems. However, the same
general approach to creating such models can be used for different cases. Therefore, it is useful to
demonstrate the method used to construct a model and its characteristic kinetic equations for some
typical cases.
The most comprehensive kinetic model for the synthesis of polyurethanes was developed by
Macosko and his team."46 In all cases the heart of the model is the degree of conversion, p, which is
defined for polyurethane synthesis as
I 310 -I31
[RI 0
P =
where [Rlo, as before, is the initial and [R] is the current concentration of reactive groups. In the
publications cited, a system consisting of 1,6-hexamethylene diisocyanate oligomers (18.5 % of
NCO-groups) and E-caprolactone-based triol was used; for this system [R]o = 2.64 x103 equiv/m3.
The authors of the original publications mention that the kinetic equation is rather complicated
but does not degenerate into an nth-order kinetic equation. However, in order to use the experimen-
tal data for practical calculations and computer simulations of a process, they can be described by the
following equation:
dP -U/ RT
-= ko[R],"(l - P) " e
where m = 0.5 and the order of the reaction is equal to 1.5.
For the specific polymerizing system, mentioned above, ko = 3.14 x lo8 (time in min); U =64
kJ /mol; and the enthalpy of reaction equals 60.33 W/equiv.
Equations of an analogous type can be used for other polyurethane-forming systems, although
the numerical values of the constants may be different, because Eq. (2.29) must be treated primarily
as empirical. It is reasonable to expect that an adequate approximation for other systems would be n
equal to 2 (which is typical for polyaddition reactions) and m also equals to 2. Such values of the con-
stants m and n are valid, for example, for RIM-2200 (produced b "Union Carbide"), which consists
The kinetics of polyurethane curing in adiabatic conditions was studied by the thermometric
method (see Section 2.2) for a composition based on macro(diis0cyanate) and diamine.48 It was
proved that in this case, the second-order kinetic equation was inapplicable for the rangeP > 0.7. By
analyzing the time dependencies of temperature of the reactive medium, it was established that the
basically of polyester and 4.4-diphenylmethane diisocyanate. 4 7
Chapter 2. Modelling 35
L min
Figure 2.9. Increase in temperature during polyurethane synthesis. Irutial temperature, To =90C (curves 1
and 2) and 72OC (curves 3 and 4). Solid lines are according to a selfdeceleration equation. Dotted lines corre-
spond to the second-order kinetic equation. Points - experimental data.
experimental data could be described by a selfdeceleration equation. For isothermal conditions this
equation can be written as
Its integral is
where KO and 5 are empirical constants.
This equation shows that at t + 00 (at the end of the process) a limiting degree of conversion
p = 5 -' is reached, and this limiting value is less than 1 ; Le., we have an incomplete conversion. In
particular, in adiabatic conditions at p + pad ,the temperature T approaches the limit Tad and conse-
quently we have:
k,e-U/RT(l -p) -+ k,e (1 - pad) = COnst
and again we reach a limit of conversion which is less than 1. At t + 00, at the end of the process, the
rate must decrease to zero; consequently (1 - &d) = 0 and pad = 6- .
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
The experimental curves in Fig. 2.9 are compared with the curves calculated according to the
second-order kinetic equation for two different initial temperatures. The divergence between the
pairs of curves at the final stages of the process reaches 15 % , while the experimental is less than 3 % .
This proves that the equation is inadequate. On the other hand, a kinetic equation that takes into ac-
count the effect of self-deceleration fits the experimental data along the whole curve. Therefore, we
can predict that the reaction in the system under discussion will be incomplete.
Some investigators who studied polyurethane synthesis proposed that both the forward and the
reverse reactions were important. For example this approach was assumed for the formation of lin-
ear p~l yurethane,~~ and the following kinetic equation was derived:
where kf is the rate constant for the forward reaction, and kr is the rate constant for the reverse reac-
Regardless of the detailed form of the kinetic equations describing polyurethane synthesis in
chemical processing, it is possible to state that these equations are exponential and that the value of
the exponents will depend on the formulation of the reactive system.
The next problem which needs to be discussed in modelling a process is the calculation of an
average molecular weight, because the performance characteristics of a material depend on its mo-
lecular weight. It is well known that the average molecular weight of a polymerized product depends
on the degree of conversionp, and if the chemical evolution of the reaction is known, the molecular
parameters of the reactive system can be found.
As an example, the following relationship between weight average molecular weight Mw and
p for a two-component reactive system can be given.46 Let the number and weight average molecular
weights of the two components be:
Mn.1 = 454; Mw, l = 810; Mn.2 = 537; Mw,2 = 715.
Then the weight average molecular weight of the olymerizing system as a function of the degree of
conversion can be calculated from the formula
4 8
172% + 1200
M, =768+p
1 - 2p2
[2. 32]
During synthesis of a polymer, particularly of polyurethane, gaseous products can appear.
Therefore, a complete model of the process must take into account (at least in some cases) the possi-
bility of local evaporation and condensation of a solvent or other low-molecular-weight products.
Such a complex model is discussed for chemical processing of polyurethane that results in formation
of integral foams in a stationary mold.50 In essence, the model is an analysis of the effects of tem-
perature in a closed cell containing a solvent and a monomer. An increase in temperature leads to an
increase in pressure which influences the boiling temperature of the solvent and results in an increase
in cell volume. The kinetics of polymerization is described by a simple second-order equation. The
Chapter 2. Modelling 37
Figure 2.10. Temperature increase in adiabatic polymerization of polyurethane accompanied by the formation
of interpenetrating networks in the polyurethane-unsaturated polyester system.
energy balance equation is used in its usual form, but an important new element of the model under
discussion is an equation of state for the medium inside every cell. The complete system of equa-
tions was solved numerically, and the computer simulation allowed the authors to calculate distribu-
tions for the main factors, such as temperature, degree of conversion, and density through the
volume of a cell (or a slab). It is worth mentioning that this method of calculation gives quite good es-
timates of time change in density with time, including the appearance of the dense crust and foam
core of an article at the final stage of the process.
This model, which is discussed in detail in the publication cited, can be successfully used to
analyze chemical (reactive) processing of foamed items of different sizes and shapes.
The problem of modelling polyurethane synthesis in reactive processing is similar to the re-
lated problem of the formation of interpenetrating networks in two-component systems, for example
the polyurethane-unsaturated polyester mixture. This is a complicated material with a wide range of
permissible ratios and corresponding variations in the properties of the end product. Formation of
interpenetrating networks can occur in various chemical systems and by different mechanisms. For
example, polyester is synthesized by the free-radical polymerization method, while polyurethane
forms as a result of a polyaddition reaction (polycondensation). Different phenomena, such as gela-
tion, glass transitions,and phase separatioqmay occur in the course of the reaction,partly due to the
incompatibility of the components. Therefore, the study of the kinetics of formation of the final
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
Figure 2.11. Changes in the rate of curing in the polyurethane-unsaturated polyester system.
product is perforce limited to a phenomenological approach to the final degree of conversion. How-
ever, it is quite enough for processing purposes, i.e., for choosing the appropriate temperature and
time regimes. In thls case, the clearest results can be obtained by thermometric or calorimetric meth-
ods. If the adiabatic temperature increase is measured as a function of time, two separate parts in the
curve are clearly seen (Fig. 2.10). The first part (I) is due to polyurethane synthesis and the second
(11) is related to polyester formation. The time dependence of the reaction rate can be estimated from
this curve, as shown in Fig. 2.11. There are two separate maxima (I for polyurethane and I1 for
polyester), connected with the two above-mentioned reactions. The relative heights of the maxima
depend on the ratio of the components in the reactive medium.
In discussing the formation of interpenetrating networks, we may reasonably assume as a first
approximation that the synthesis of each component occurs irrespective of the others, and that the ki -
netics of the process is determined by the concentration of one or another component. However, this
is a rather rough approximation, which is more or less valid at low concentrations of the polyure-
thane component. As was shown before,51 when the content of polyurethane exceeds 50%, its net-
work begins to work as a cage, preventing polyester formation because the primary polyurethane
network hampers diffusion of the ester. This means that in such systems, mutual interference of the
components occurs even in the absence of chemical interactions between them.
An approach based on measuring temperature changes in adiabatic polymerization or heat ef-
fects in an isothermal reaction gives us a clear picture of the process, although the overall estimate of
the process characteristics of a chosen formulation has only limited validity.
" T
Figure 2.12. Time dependencies of the degree of conversion in epoxy resin curing for complete (a) and incorn-
plete (b) conversion. The arrow shows the direction of the temperature increase.
Epoxy resins and other chemical products containing reactive epoxy groups are used in various com-
binations and compositions for producing engineering materials that are cured (solidified) directly in
a mold during processing of finished products. All these processes are quite similar to reactive proc-
essing. A great variety of materials belong to this class of products; therefore, it is impossible to con-
struct a general kinetic model of curing of epoxy resins, and we are only able to formulate common
approaches and discuss some typical results.
The following main factors help to determine the course of the curing process for epoxy res-
ins. First, a correlation exists between the change in concentration of the epoxy groups and the
modulus of elasticity of the product. Second, at least in some cases there is a distinct correlation be-
tween the heat of reaction and the modulus of the product material. Third, measured values of the
modulus of elasticity correspond to parameters of the molecular network formed during curing of
epoxy resin.52 All this means that by measuring the modulus of elasticity we obtain an adequate rep-
resentation of the chemical reaction and at the same time obtain direct quantitative characteristics of
the material at different stages of the process.
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
5 -
6 -
7 -
8 -
I I I 10
g ; 6 10 14
Figure 2.13. Dependencies of the rate constant of a reaction K and the constant of self-acceleration co on the
concentration I$ of a curing agent (dicyandiamide).
The degree of conversionp(t) calculated from changes in the modulus of elasticity is a measure
of the chemical degree of transformation of epoxy-based composites, and the time derivative dp/dt
is characteristic of the reaction rate. In an analysis of the time dependencies of p for epoxy-based
composites, two situations can be distinguished, which are shown in Fig. 2.12. In Fig. 2.12 the ar-
row shows the direction of temperature increase. In the first case, complete conversion takes place
at any temperature and the limiting degree of conversion p = 1. Temperature influences the rate of
the process only. In the second case, decreasing temperature not only slows the process but limits the
final degree of conversion. Transition of a reactive mass to the glassy state may be the most obvious
reason for incomplete conversion at low temperatures. However, the situation represented in Fig.
2.12 b, can also be observed at temperatures much higher than the glass transition temperature of the
reactive mass. Therefore, it is necessary to search for other reasons for incomplete conversion, such
as topological restriction.
For the case where complete conversion is reached (i.e., p -+1 when the reaction time is suffi-
ciently long), the following rheokinetic equation, which assumes a self-acceleration effect, is
-- dp - K(l -p)(l + cop)
The constant K in this equation, as in some other cases discussed above, denotes the initial re-
action rate. Its temperature dependence is described by the standard Arrhenius equation with activa-
tion energy U. The constant co characterizing the self-acceleration does not depend on temperature
but does depend on the composition of the reactive medium; in particular, such factors as the chemi-
cal structure and concentration of the curing agent, and the concentration of the catalyst and other
components influence the value of a.
The occurrence of self-acceleration during curing of epoxy resins and epoxy-based com-
pounds was proven by rheokinetic and calorimetric methods.53 This phenomenon can be treated for-
mally in terms of an induction period (when the reaction is very slow in the initial stage of a process),
followed by a constant rate. However, it seems preferable to use a single kinetic equation incorpo-
rating the self-acceleration effect to describe reaction as a whole. Such a kinetic equation contains
only a limited number of constants (K and co in Eq. (2.33)) and allows easy and unambiguous inter-
pretation of their dependencies on process factors.
A typical example illustrating the dependencies of K and co (kinetic curves fitted by Eq.
(2.33)) on concentration of the dicyandiamide curing agent @ is shown in Fig. 2.13 for the system
bisphenol A - dicyanodiamide. The dependencies K(@) and co(@) are opposite, although both of
them become straight horizontal lines at high concentrations of the curing agent.
Values of the activation energy U for the curing of epoxy resins depend on the chemical com-
position of the system, although as a general rule, U lies in the range 50 - 70 kJ /mol. It is also inter-
esting to note that the s q e value of activation energy is obtained when the temperature dependencies
of K and gelacon time t are compared, which proves the existence of a direct correspondence be-
tween K and t . The relationship*beween these two parameters can b," obtained from the general ki-
netic equation (2.33). For t = t the degree of conversion equals p , and then Eq. (2.33) gives:
t'K=- 1 l nl +coP*
1+c, 1- p'
where p* is the characteristic temperature-independent degree of conversion at the time of gelation,
i. e., when a three-dimensional network has formed throughout the whole volume of the material.
Incomplete conversion must also be covered by the rheokinetic equation. A possible version
of such an equation is:54
%= K(l -p)(1 -5p)
i.e., an equation with a self-deceleration term, as was discussed above for the other case. As before,
the constant characterizes the decreasing reaction rate at the final stage of the process, and the limit-
ing degree of conversionp = 5-l. It is evident that, at 5 = 1, Eq. (2.35) transforms to the ordinary
second-order kmetic equation, and in this limiting case p
It is generally found that the constant E,, in contrast to co, depends on temperature. If the tem-
perature dependence of 5(T) is represented by the standard Arrhenius equation, then the apparent
activation energy appears to be on the order of 10 kJ /mol, which is close to the activation energy of
most fluid diffusion processes.
In the most general case, curing of an epoxy-based compound can be accompanied not only by
self-acceleration at the beginning of the process but also simultaneous slowing of the reaction in its
f i ~l stage. Therefore the complete rheokinetic equation can be written as follows:
= 1.
- _
dp dt - K(1 -P)(l+ CoP)(l -5P)
Constants K and 5 have the same meaning as before and have different values for every composition.
In discussing the kinetics of epoxy-based oligomer curing, it is important to examine some
general features of the influence of the reactant composition on the reaction rate. Although it is diffi-
cult to do this in a generalized way due to the numerous possible formulations, some important fea-
tures can be noted. For example, let us analyze the results of a kinetic investigation of epoxy
oligomer curing by m-phenyl diamine.55 Adiabatic calorimetric measurements were made on this
system.The concentration of Y epoxy groups that have reacted at time t, when the temperature has
reached T(t), is given by the equation:
Y = - [T(t) - To] [2.37]
where To is the initial temperature; C, is the specific heat; p is heat density; Q is the heat (enthalpy)
of the reaction. For the reaction under discussion Q = 0.68 M/mol and the term (Q/Cpp) = 25.7 (K
I)/mol .
It was found that the initial reaction rate was equal to YoAo, where Yo and Ao are the initial
concentrations of epoxy groups and m-phenyl diamine. Formation of hydroxyl groups during the re-
action leads to self-acceleration. This prediction was confirmed by measurements carried out in an
isothermal regime, because adiabatic conditions for a reaction lead to self-acceleration due to an in-
crease in temperature (see above). Thus, the initial reaction rate vo can be expressed as
Q - U/ RT
vo = -k,Y,Aoe
where ko is constant and U is the activation energy equal to 5222 kJ /mol.
It is interesting to note that the kinetics of this reaction can also be treated the same as this of a
process with an induction period. In this approach, the activation energy calculated from the tem-
perature dependence of the induction time is the same as that found for the initial reaction rate.
Eq. (2.38) is valid for the initial part of a reaction. However the influence of concentration on
the kinetics of the reaction as a whole is not so simple, and a quantitative description of the process
Chapter 2. Modelling 43
tan b
Figure 2.14. Changes in viscosity and loss tangent during a curing process.
requires the construction of a rather complicated kinetic In particular, it was shown that the
initial rate of the curing reaction increases with an increase in the molecular weight of the epoxy
oligomer, but the higher the molecular weight the weaker the dependence of the initial rate on Yo. In
general, the existence of a group of catalytic and non-catalytic reactions proceeding simultaneously
during curing of epoxy oligomers leads to a system of kinetic equations which cannot be replaced by
a single phenomenological one-parameter equation, as is possible in some other cases.
Curing behaviors are very interesting, but in the actual practice of processing epoxy-based
cFmpounds it is also important to know how the properties of the material vary before the gel-point
t while flow is still possible. From this point of view, the time dependence of viscosity q(t) is of pri-
mary interest. Numerous experimental data for q(t) can be found in various publications, but they all
relate to specific systems. Also, in some cases, monitoring of curing was carried out not by direct
viscosity measurements but by following changes in the dynamic properties of the material, and by
mechanical loss or dynamic viscosity measurements at fixed frequency. The viscosity was then re-
calculated from the experimental data, a not entirely satisfactory procedure. On the other hand, the
use of a dynamic method can be especially fruitful for fast curing processes when direct viscometry
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
I 3
Figure 2.15. Correlation of the gel-time t* and the time period before the glass transition tg in epoxy resin cur-
ing. [Adapted, by permission, from 0. Harran, A. Lauconard, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 32 (1986). 6058.1
cannot be applied; this is true, for example, for monitoring the curing of epoxy-based compounds,
when curing is initiated by ultraviolet radiati~n.~
In some publications it has been stated that the moment of gelation is characterized by the
equality tan6 = 1 .58 However, it has been proven that this criterion is not generally valid.59 Never-
theless, monitoring of the initial stages of curing by measuring the changes in mechanical losses with
time is applicable to many situations. It is worth mentioning that during the initial stage of curing of
epoxy resins, as a general rule, tan6 > > 1 .60 Measuring viscosity and its changes is a very useful
method for assessing the properties of epoxy resins. Three factors determine properties: the initial
viscosity, the activation energy of viscous flow (which is on the order of 60 kJ/mol), and the induc-
tion period, which is treated as the period of time during which viscosity stays practically un-
changed in comparison with its initial level.
Estimates of the time period over which processing of a composite is possible, are rather
arbitrary and are based on the choice of some level of viscosity, up to which the reactants can be
treated as a viscous liquid. Measuring tan6 can be useful for this purpose, because it was shown that
the most rapid increase in viscosity occurs in the vicinity of values of tan6 close to 1 ,57 even if this
value does not correspond to the gel-point, as illustrated in Fig. 2.14. Therefore, the position of the
point corresponding to tan6 = 1 may have different meanings: in some cases it is related to gelation,
in others, to the maximum increase in viscosity.
1 3
75 loot, min
Figure 2.16. Changes in shear stress vs. time before the gel-point during curing of an unsaturated ester based
composite at different temperatures: 14OoC (curve 1); 150C (curve 2); 160C (curve 3); 17OoC (curve 4);
180C (curve 5).
As Gillham and his co-authors showed in many changes in the rheological
properties of materials during curing, and of epoxy resins in particular, are controlled by two phe-
nomena - gelation and the glass transition. Moreover, in low-temperature curing, the glass transi-
tion can occur before gelation so that that a three-dimensional network is absent from $e final
product. This point may seem obvious, even though it was stated that the time to gelation t in iso-
thermal curing of epoxy resins is always shorter than the reaction tim: tg leading to a glass transition
i? the material,63 as shown in Fig. 2.15. At lower temperatures, t approaches tg but invariably
t < tg, which means that gelation always proceeds a glass transition.
Unsaturated polyesters - oligo(ester maleinates and fumarates) are the basis of numerous composites
used for molding articles by the reactive (chemical) processing method in different technological
schemes. As with other materials, rheokinetic investigations of the curing process of unsaturated
polyesters have two aims: a description of the viscosity changes up to the gel-point and modelling the
complete curing process.
The increase in viscosity at the initial stages of a process is related to formation of a prepoly-
mer, i.e., a transition from a monomer (or a monomer-polymer mixture) with viscosity in the range
of 0.01 - 1 Pa s to a prepolymer with viscosity 100 - 1000 Pa s. The increase in viscosity occurs al-
most as ajump, Le., very sharply in a relatively short induction period. A typical example is shown
A. Ya. MaIkin and V. P. Beghishev
1 3
Figure 2.17. Change in viscosity innon-isothermal gelation and curing of an unsaturated polyester at different
temperatures (T2 >TI).
in Fig. 2.1664 for an ester-based composite with an initial viscosity of 2 Pa s at 3OoC, where a
threshold in the viscosity change (or shear stress at constant shear rate, as in Fig. 2.16) is clearly
By taking into account this sharp increase in viscosity, we can represent the dependence q(t)
by an exponential function:
rl = rloe , / , o [2.39]
where 170is the initial viscosity level, to is a characteristic time constant, depending (as does 170) on
temperature; at t < < b we have q =170; therefore,
Using an exponential equation to describe the time dependence of the viscosity clearly repre-
sents this process adequately, and in many cases the fit to the experimental data is quite satisfactory.
However, this approach does not allow us to determine the gel-point directly. The gel-point is defin-
ed as the time when the viscosity increases without limit; but according to Eq. (2.39), the viscosity is
always limited (although it can be very high) at any specified time. Therefore, if order to use Eq.
(2.39), in practice, it is necessary to characterize the properties of a material either by the time to or
by the time required to reach a certain viscosity level, for example 1000 Pa s.
The non-isothermal nature of the process is one of the most important problems in the gelation
and curing of ester-based compounds, since the increase in temperature in the reaction can reach
can be treated a measure of induction period.
100C . This figure is appropriate for adiabatic polymerization, which approximates reality in reac-
tive processing of large articles with high volume-to-surface ratios. In this case, it is impossible to re-
move the heat effectively and to avoid intense local temperature jumps. Therefore, it is essential to
know how to calculate temperature increase for reactions proceeding in non-isothermal conditions.
The time dependence of viscosity in this situation can be written as
[(E/RT)+ B Wl
tl= tloe
where E is the activation energy for viscous flow; B is a constant reflecting the dependence of viscos-
ity on the degree of conversion p(t); q, is a pre-exponential factor.
To carry out further calculations, the kinetics of a reaction, i.e., q(t) dependence, must be
known. As a first approximation, let the reaction rate be constant at temperature T. Then we have a
first-order kinetic equation such that
p(t) = kote
where ko is a constant and U is the apparent activation energy of the chemical process. Then we
derive the following equation for the time dependence of the viscosity:
-U / RT
The function T = T(t) in Eq. (2.42) is determined by the heat of reaction, as discussed above (see, for
example Eq. (2.9)). Experimental data confirm that such an equation is correct when there is an in-
herent source of heat due to an exothermal process of prepolymer formation and when temperature
profile is dictated by the surrounding^.^^
Eq. (2.42) predicts that in the initial stages of the process, the viscosity of a reactive medium
must decrease due to the input of the first term in the exponential (as in Fig. 2.17).0nly after that
does an increase in viscosity (explained by the increase in molecular weight of the prepolymer - the
second term of the exponential) becomes dominant. In this case, the two curves corresponding to dif-
ferent initial temperatures Ti and T2 cross each other, because at T2 > Ti we have ~ p , i > q3,2 but
the reaction rate is greater at T2. Therefore,the reduction in viscosity at higher temperature resulting
from the higher rate of increase in the molecular weight of the prepolymer will overcome the greater
viscosity at a lower initial temperature. Experimental data confirm this prediction. This provides a
means of governing the kinetics of a reaction by varying the temperature during the process: an in-
crease in temperature during the later stages allows us to decrease the initial temperature and to
shorten the induction period. Thus we can regulate the overall reaction rate as desired by varying
temperature during the process.
Polyester resins are frequently used as binders in various composites. Therefore it is neces-
sary to know the effects of solid fillers or reinforcing fibers on the properties of a material. System-
atic investigations66 that all the main effects observed when a filler is introduced into a low-viscosity
matrix also occur with polyester resins. As was shown in many cases the presence of a filler leads to a
48 A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
decrease in the rate of viscosity increase. Clearly thls effect depends on both the content and the
chemical nature of the filler, and we observe that the filler may have a double role: it can interact
with the matrix and change its reactivity, and it can also form its own three-dimensional structure,
thus influencing the rheological properties of a composite. If a non-active filler is used, the Newto-
nian flow properties of the composite remain the same as those of a polyester matrix. Introducing
active fillers results in non-Newtonian properties in a composite up to the appearance of yield stress.
The elasticity of the material also increases, and as a result, normal stresses (Weissenberg effect) ap-
pear and become appreciable.
that the rheological properties of polyester-
based composites can be regulated by varying the material proportions. The latter is also true for
some additives that are used in very small quantities. It is to be expected that varying the proportions
would change the rate of viscosity increase and limiting level of viscosity achieved during gelation.
Therefore, there is a vast field for regulating both the processing properties of polyester-based com-
pounds and the properties of the end-products.
Studies of rheokinetics over the whole range of polyester curing is based (as for other materi-
als) on a dynamic method, i.e., on measurements of the time dependence of the dynamic modulus at
a fixed frequency, from which the time dependence of the degree of conversion p(t). The observed
dependence@(t) for polyester resins can be analyzed by an equation of the type used for other materi-
als. Thus the following general equation was proposed for the kmetics of curing polyester and epoxy
Numerous experimental data clearly
- =( k, dt + k2Pm)(l -p)" [2.43]
where ki, k2, m and n are empirical parameters.
Althou h sim ler power equations were used in earlier publication^,^^later
investigations ' ' confirmed that the phenomenological Eq. (2.43) corresponds much better to
the numerous experimental data.
It is interesting to note the following results cited in these publications. First, the sum of the
exponents m + n = 2 which diminishes the number of arbitrary constants. Second, m and n do not
depend on temperature (changes of both constants with temperature were mentioned only id4).
Third, while kl and k2 are strongly temperature dependent functions, their ratio which characterizes
the effect of self-acceleration is almost independent of temperature. This was also mentioned above
in the discussion of self-accelerating kinetics equations for lactam polymerization. Values of the
constants m and n according to the experimental data from several publications are listed below:
68 74-
m 0.25 0.35 0.45 0.49
n 1.75 1.67 1.55 1.55
m+n 2.00 2.02 2.00 2.04
Reference 33 35 36 38
Chapter 2. Modelling 49
According to the results of many authors, the apparent activation energy, calculated from the
temperature dependence of k2, generally lies in the range 76k3 kJ /mol, although some other values
have also been found. For example, according U =40 kJ /mol, although this value was found
from the temperature dependence of the modulus and not from the constants of the kinetic equation at
the fixed frequency.
It is quite evident that the critical value of the time to gelation t* must depend on the tempera-
ture, because of the temperature dependence of the reaction rate. More interesting and unexpected
was the finding that the critical value of the degree of conversionp* in the curing of polyester resins
also depends on temperature,74975 although it might be expected that p* would be a purely topologi-
cal (rather than a kinetic) parameter of a network.However it may be that the temperature depend-
ence of p* is explained by inhomogeneity in the formation of a network of chemical bonds during
polyester curing.
The main application of interest is connected not with polyester resins themselves but with
polyester-based compounds. Therefore, it is interesting to know how a filler influences the kinetics
of curing. Different cases are possible, and the presence of a filler can have a strong effect on a life
time of a material (which determines whether a material can be processed) and its rate of curing.
Systematic and complete investigations of this problem are unavailable and general conclusions are a
most impossible due to the great variety of fillers and mix ratios in multicomponent compositions.
However, some known examples convincingly the need to consider this factor when discussing the
properties of filled composites. Filling a polyester resin with small glass or phenolic spheres results
in a twofold change in the lifetime of a material7 (i.e., the time during which processing of a mate-
rial is possible, because the material stays fluid). It is evident that, various effects can be expected
from different interaction between the filler and the polyester binder. In principle, it is possible to
use these interactions to optimize the process and performance characteristics of a material.
In current industrial practice, reactive processing carried out in non-isothermal conditions,
for both inherent and other reasons, such as changes in temperature at the surface of an article during
the process cycle. Inherent reasons are the existence of inner heat sources, which can be of chemical
origin (enthalpy of reaction), heat of phase transition from crystallization of a newly formed poly-
mer or heat dissipated due to the flow of a reactive mass.
Transfer of the theoretical results obtained for isothermal conditions to the non-isothermal
case is rather simple; provided the temperature dependencies of the constants are known. A theoreti-
cal analysis of non-isothermal processes may be limited by thermal runawa which is equivalent to
the thermal instability already thoroughly studied for chemical reactors.80 There are two limiting
situations, known as the Semenov and Frank-Kamenetzky models;80782 these correspond to periodic
ideal stirred and periodic ideal plug reactors, respectively.
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
Temperature and concentration gradients are absent inside an ideal stirred reactor. Mixing can
be achieved by forced or free-convective movement of a material. For such a reactor the energy bal-
ance equation can be written as:
where Cp is the specific heat; p is the density; Q is the enthalpy of the reaction; ko is a pre-exponen-
tial factor; U is the apparent activation energy of the chemical reaction; K is the heat transfer coeffi-
cient; S is the surface area of heat exchange; V is the volume of the reactive medium; T is
temperature of the reactive medium; Tsur is the temperature of the surroundings; f@) is a kinetic
function for an isothermal reaction. A system, described by Eq. (2.44) and first-order kinetic
reaction, was analyzed. 83*84 This approach is convenient for modelling reactive processing of large
slabs or articles because the polymerization regime inside these items is close to adiabatic (the Biot
Number is less than 1). The complete formulation of the reactive processing model is based on the
theory of an ideal plug reactor undergoing a non-stationary chemical reaction with conductive heat
exchange. One possible formulation of the problem is as follows:85
the reaction inside a certain volume is one-stage and irreversible;
heat exchange in the reaction zone is by conduction;
movement inside the reactive mass and convective transfer are absent;
the initial reactive mass and the final product are in the same phase, i.e., the chemical reaction
is not accompanied by phase transitions;
the boundary of the volume is impermeable to the reactive material;
heat exchange through the boundary occurs according to Newtons law;
the parameters characterizing the physical properties of material (specific heat, density, ther-
mal conductivity), the kinetics and thermodynamics of the chemical reaction (pre-exponential
factor, apparent activation energy, enthalpy), and the process conditions (ambient tempera-
ture, pressure, shape and size of the reactive volume) do not change in the course of the pro-
Based on these assumptions, the mathematical formulation for condensed media can be expressed by
the following system of equations:
c -=A- dT d2T ndT dl3
pp dt ( dx2+; d, ) +Q%
The boundary conditions are:
Chapter 2. Modelling 51
170 -
130 -
go -
0 2: 4 6 8 10 12
t, min
Figure 2.18. Development of temperature profiles along the length of the reactor (at three arbitrary points) vs.
time during front polymerization.
dT - 0
at x=r
-h- = K(T - T,,,)
The initial conditions are: at t = 0, T = To, andp = 0. The parameter ncharacterizes the dimensions
of the volume: for a parallel plate reactor n = 0; for a cylindrical reactor n = 1 and for a spherical re-
actor n = 2. In these equations, x is a space coordinate; h is the coefficient of thermal conductivity; r
is the characteristic size of the reactor; K is the heat transfer coefficient; and To is the initial tempera-
ture of the initial medium.
Analysis of the system (2.45) - (2.46) was carried outM for a wide range of values of parame-
ters U and Q. It is clear that the temperature field is inhomogeneous throughout the reactor the de-
gree of conversion is also inhomogeneous. The degree of inhomogeneity increases with an increase
in the Frank-Kamenetzky criterion 6, which is a measure of the ratio of the rates of heat output and
heat removal due to thermal conductivity. This parameter is given by:
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
Qk, Ur2
6 =
At low values of h polymerization proceeds with a relatively uniform distribution of tempera-
ture and degree of conversion throughout the reactive volume (volume polymerization regime).
At high values of h, the reaction is completed first in the outer layers of the reactive volume and then
moves into the center of the reactor (front pol merization re ime). 83984 This process was studied
lymerization with reaction temperature To, the reaction will be virtadly absent below this tempera-
ture. Initially wall temperature is increased to To, and this bursting temperature is enough to
initiate the reaction. Then the reaction starts, and is accompanied by heat output due to the exother-
mal effect. The heat flux moves along the reactor due to thermal conductivity and initiates a reaction
in the adjacent layers of the reactive medium. Thus, the reaction front is moving, and the process be-
comes stationary with a definite time. Fig. 2.18 shows the evolution of the temperature profiles
along the length of the reactor during curing of an epoxy dian oligomer by poly(ethy1 p~lyamine).~
It is important that the planar reaction front and the nearly complete conversion of the reactants cre-
ate optimal conditions for producing articles without residual stresses.
The thermal and kinetic models discussed above are the basis for determining the processing
conditions for reactive processing by ionic polymeri~ation,~~ addition polymerization, vulcaniza-
tion of rubbers and radical polymerization, although in the latter case additional assumptions of a
constant initiation rate and a quasi-stationary concentration of radicals are made. These models
can also be used to solve optimization problems to improve the performance and properties of end-
Modelling non-isothermal crystallization is the next important step in a quantitative description of
reactive processing. This is particularly important, because crystallization determines the properties
of the end product. Therefore, the development the spatial distribution of crystallinity, a, and tem-
perature, T, with time throughout the volume of the reactive medium must be calculated. It is also
noteworthy that crystallization and polymerization processes may occur simultaneously. This hap-
pens when polymerization proceeds at temperatures below the melting point of the newly formed
polymer. A typical example of this phenomenon is anionic-activated polymerization of e-caprola-
ctam, which takes place below the melting temperature of polycaproamide.
The key to modelling the crystallization process is the derivation a kinetic equation for a(t,T).
It is possible to find different versions of this equation, including the classical Avrami equation,
which allows adequate fitting of the experimental data. However, this equation is not convenient for
solving processing problems. This is explained by the need to use a kinetic equation for non-
isothermal conditions, which leads to a cumbersome system of interrelated differential and integral
equations. The problem with the Avrami equation is that it was derived for isothermal conditions and
in detail for radical polymerization of acrylics, 8 2 epoxy resins, and &-caprolactam.88 I na front po-
Chapter 2. Modelling 53
0 10 20 30 40
t, min
Figure 2.19. Isotherms of polycaproamide (a) and poly(ethy1ene terephthalate) (b) crystallization at different
temperatures. a: 180C (curve 1); 184C (curve 2); 188C (curve 3); b: 180C (curve 1); 200C (curve 2);
210C (curve 3); 220C (curve 4). Solid lines are calculated in accordance with Eq. (2.48); points are experi-
mental data.
generalized to non-isothermal conditions. The Avrami equation expresses the degree of crystallin-
ity, while the intensity of the heat output in the energy balance equation is proportional to the crystal-
lization rate, rather than to the degree of crystallinity. A new kinetic equation was proposed,
which is written as follows:
-- da* - Ko ( l -a*)(l+ Boa*)
wherea* is the ratio of the current degree of crystallinity to its equilibrium value: a* =a(t)/a ; Bo is
a constant characterizing the effect of acceleration during crystallization (analogous to the constant
co, which characterizes self-acceleration during polymerization); Ko is a temperature-dependent
factor, which in a general, may be some non-exponential function, in contrast to the constant appear-
ing in the kinetic equations of chemical reactions. The integral form of this equation is similar to the
Avrami equation. Its analytical form is:
Isothermal curves derived from this equation are shown in Fig. 2.19. It is clear that this equation fits
the experimental data. A comparisonof the kinetic equation (2.48) and the Avrami equation showsg3
that any experimental data described by the Avrami equation can be approximated by Eq. (2.48) for
any arbitrary set of constants. The divergence of the curves does not exceed 1% in the range
0.2 <a < 1 .O and 8% in the range 0 < a < 0.2. This means that the same experimental data (in the
isothermal case) can be analyzed by both equations with practically the same reliability. Thus the
choice of approximating equation depends on the goal of this procedure: if we are interested in physi-
54 A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
cal treatment of results, the Avrami equation if preferable, because it includes generally accepted
principles; if we are primarily interested in applying experimental results to solve non-isothermal
problems, then Eq. (2.47) must be used, because it gives the crystallization rate, which is a parame-
ter in the heat balance equations.
To applying Eq. (2.47) to non-isothermal problems, it is necessary to generalize it by intro-
ducing temperature-dependent constants. The basic approach was proposed by Zi abi ~ki ~?~~ who
developed a quasi-static model of non-isothermal crystallization in the form of a kinetic rate equa-
- UT@
The kinetic function f(T,a) was assumed to be a first-order equation. For a quasi-static approxima-
tion, we can write the following equation for the rate of crystallization:
- = K(T)[a 1) (T) - a][l + Bo (T)a]
The temperature dependencies of K, a and Bo in Eq. (2.50) can be found from experimental data
for the kinetics of isothermal crystallization. As a eneral rule, the temperature dependence of K can
be represented by a double exponential function:
K(T)=k,exp[-E- RT T(T, vTm -T) ] [2.51]
where E is the activation energy for mass transfer through crystal surface growing from the melt; Tm
is the equilibrium melting temperature; T is the current temperature; w and ko are constants. The
change in the constant Bo with temperature is negligible in comparison with the temperature function
K(T) in Eq. (2.50). Thus, the final form of the kinetic equation for crystallization is Eq. (2.50),
where Bo = const and the function K(T) is expressed by Eq. (2.51):
Eq. (2.52) is a self-acceleration type kinetic equation for crystallization, but the temperature depend-
encies of constants are different. In some cases, the temperature dependence of K(T) given by Eq.
(2.51) is better expressed by an alternative equation widely used in the theory of crystallization:
- -
K(T) = k, ex{- F - - 1 5
T-T, T-T,
where ko, E, and 5 are constants; T, is the glass transition temperature, and Tmis the melting tem-
perature. Eq.(2.53) clearly shows that the temperature dependence of the crystallization rate has a
Chapter 2. Modelling 55
353 373 393 413 433 453 473 493
T, K
Figure 2.20. Temperature dependence of the equilibrium degree of crystallinity for polycaproamide.
bell-like shape in the interval between the glass transition and the melting point, with the crystalliza-
tion rate falling to zero at T+Tm and T+Tg.
By integrating Eq. (2.50) for different cooling rates, Le., for different functions T(t), it is pos-
sible to find the time dependence of crystallinity and the rate of the crystallization process. It is also
necessary to bear in mind the temperature dependence of the equilibrium degree of crystallinity,
a (T). As an example, this dependence is shown for polycaproamide in Fig. ~ 2 0 . ' ~ It is evident
from Eq. (2.53) that the functiona(T) must have a maximum whose location on the temperature axis
depends on the cooling rate. This is illustrated in Fig. 2.21, where values of the rate of heat output
dQ/dt, proportional to da/dt, and degree of crystallinity a are shown as functions of temperature. It
is worth mentioning that all the curves in this figure are adequately described by Eq. (2.52).
A complete solution to the problem of modelling the crystallization process requires the deter-
mination of the space-time distribution of temperature and crystallinity. These distributions can be
predicted using the thermal kinetic approach formulated above with the following assumptions:
heat exchange in the crystallizing volume is by the conduction only;
movement of amorphous and crystalline phases and heat convection are absent due to the high
viscosity of the medium;
the boundary conditions and geometrical shape of the volume do not change during crystalli-
the power of the inherent heat sources is proportional to the crystallization rate;
heat exchange through the surface of the crystallizing volume proceeds according to New-
ton's law.
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
20 25
0 5 10 1 5
Figure 2.21. Temperature dependencies of the rate of heat output and time dependencies of the degree of crys-
tallinity in the homogeneously cooled polycaproamide sample. The rates of linear decrease in temperature are 2
Wmin (curves 1 and 8); 4 Wmin (curves 2 and 7); 8 Wmin (curves 3 and 6) ; 16 Wmin (curves 4 and 5) .
In this case, the differential equations describing the process of non-isothermal crystallization
in a batch-process reactor configured line a plane plate can be as:
dT d2T Q, da
-- - a-+--
8t dz2 C, p dt
I I - 0
20 40 60 80 100
Figure 2.22. Experimental data (points) and calculated curves (solid lines) for changes in the degree of crystal-
linity in the center (curves 1 and2) and at the wall (curves 3 and 4) of a plate reactor. The width of the plate is 32
mm. T,, =140C.
where the functiona(t) is described by Eq. (2.52) and a is the coefficient of temperature conductiv-
ity. Boundary conditions are as follows:
T(z) = To and a = 0;
at t = 0:
at z = 0:
atz = zo:
where To is the initial temperature inside the reactor; zo is the half-width of the plate; Bi is the Biot
Number; Tsur is the temperature of the surroundings; Qc is the enthalpy of crystallization.
Experiments were carried out on the crystallization of polycaproamide slabs produced by the
reactive processing method using the followin values:
Qc = 18.85 kl/mol;
a, = 0.5;
w = 225K.
? 2
To = 205OC;
Cp = 2.7 J /(g K);
ko = 1. 03~10~ min-'
a = 1x10- m /s;
Bo = 40;
E = 36 lcJ/mol;
An example illustrating the results of calculations for the dependencies T(t) and a(t) is shown in Fig.
2.22 for two locations: the center of the plate (zo = 16 mm) and its surface. Experimental points are
also ~nar k ed. ~~. ~~ The evolution of the spatial distribution of the crystallinity in a plate reactor is
shown in Fig. 2.23. Comparison of the calculated curves and experimental points confirms that the
theoretical model is correct and that the results reflect all the main features of the real situation, in-
cluding the slight curvature and the plateau in the T(t) dependence. A very pronounced inhomogene-
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
R 0 R
Figure 2.23. Evolution of the spatial distribution of the degree of crystallinity on cooling of a polycaproamide
plate. at T,, =14OoC. Figures on the curves show time from the beginning of the process.
ity in the a and T values really exists, even in rather thin plates. Clearly, this inhomogeneity depends
on the size and shape of the article being formed.
In the general formulation the reactive processing model (Section 2. I ), it was stressed that different
phenomena occurring during a process cycle may be superimposed and that may be mutual influence
between the various processes. Superposition of polymerization and crystallization is of particular
importance, because it always occurs when a crystalline polymer is synthesized below its melting
point. It is especially convenient to study this effect for anionic activated polymerization of E-caprol-
Chapter 2. Modelling 59
Figure 2.24. Changes in temperature in adiabatic regime of anionic polymerization of E-caprolactam when a
processes starts at low (a) or at high (b) temperature.
actam by measuring the heat output q(t) in isothermal conditions or temperature evolution T(t) in
adiabatic conditions.
Two typical cases are illustrated in Fig. 2.24: the first scheme (Fig. 2.24 a) is related to high-
temperature polymerization, in which newly formed polymer is molten and the processes of polym-
erization (part Obof the full curve) and crystallization (part bK of the full curve) are separated in
time. The second case (Fig. 2.24 b) illustrates low-temperature polymerization; in this situation
crystallization starts before the full process of polymerization is completed. This is typical superpo-
sition of two kinetic processes, and the shape of the curve in Fig. 2.24 b does not allow the separation
of these processes without additional information and assumptions.The net heat effect is the same in
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
Figure 2.25. Separation of the net exothermal effect (characterized by a temperature increase AT) into compo-
nents of polymerization ATp and crystallization ATc.
both cases and corresponds to a temperature increase of 80-82OC (the part of this temperature in-
crease, 50-52'C, is explained by the enthalpy of polymerization).
A typical example illustrating the separation of the net heat effect AT into parts corresponding
to polymerization ATp and crystallization ATc is shown in Fig. 2.25. loo These data were obtained by
direct measurement of the quantities of polymeric products formed during the reaction. This gives us
the value of ATp calculated fromp(t) and the known value of the maximum temperature increase dur-
Figure 2.26. Heat effects, observed during anionic activated polymerization of E-caprolactam at 19OoC (a) and
160C (b). Curves 1 and 2 are components related to crystallization and polymerization, respectively. Curves 3
and 4 are calculated from Eq. (2. 56) and from a simple additive rule, respectively.
ing adiabatic polymerization ATma. The value of ATc was then calculated as the difference between
the total value AT and AT,.
From the experimental data shown in Fig. 2.25 and other analogous situations, it is difficult to
ascertain the beginning of crystallization at the very start of the process. It is reasonable to suppose
that crystallization cannot occur at the beginning of the process but only after some degree of conver-
sion is reached"' or the molecular weight of the product becomes high enough.28 However, the ef-
fects at the beginning of crystallization are rather small, making it possible to formulate the
following general assumptions about the superposition of the two processes: only the material that
has been formed up to the current time can crystallize, and the kinetics of crystallization must be re-
lated to the polymer already existing at this time. These assumptions include the possibility of crys-
tallization from the very beginning, but the input of the initial part of the process is small and does not
significantly influence the final results.
Modelling of crystallization was discussed in Section 2.8. Now, we shall develop a model for
superimposed polymerization and crystallization processes. This model is important for calculating
temperature evolution during reactive processing, because an increase in temperature, regardless of
its cause, influences the kinetics of both polymerization and crystallization. This concept is ex-
pressed by the following equation for the rate of heat output from the superimposed proceses:
[ 2. 55]
where Qp and Qc are the enthalpies of polymerization and crystallization, respectively; P and a are
the degrees of conversion in polymerization and crystallization, respectively.
The most important feature of this model is the introduction of the factor P(t) into the second
term on the right-hand side of Eq. (2.55). This factor reflects the hypothesis stated above about crys-
62 A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
tallization of a newly formed polymer, an assumption that is quite different from the calculation of
the net heat effect by the simple additive scheme described by the equation:
dp da
ds, Qp -+ Qc -
dt dt dt
The validity of Eq. (2.55) is illustrated in Fig. 2.26, where calculated curves are compared
with experimental data for two different temperature regimes of a superimposed process. It can be
seen that for high-temperature polymerization, Eqs. (2.55) and (2.56) give similar results. Thls is to
be expected, because we are dealing with time-separated processes; i.e., crystallization only starts
when almost all of the polymer is already present. However, for low-temperature polymerization,
the situation is quite different, and the curves representing Eq. (2.55) - curve 3, and (2.56) - curve 4,
do not coincide. The experimental data follow curve 3, and thus we may conclude that the model rep-
resented by Eq. (2.55) is correct because it fits the experimental data. A model for superimposed
processes similar to that discussed above, was also proposed. In this approach, the temperature
increase in a superimposed process is expressed by the following equation:
-[MI o -+-a Qp Qc
where [M]o is the initial concentration of the monomer. The model, represented by Eq. (2.55), is
confirmed by experimental data, but there may be other situations for which Eq. (2.57) would be
more appropriate.
For modelling the temperature distribution in a cylindrical article and its evolution with time
during reactive processing with only an inherent heat source, Eq. (2.55) takes the form:
where the standard notation is used.
In addition to these equations, it is necessary to introduce Eq.(2.22) for the kinetics of anionic
activated polymerization of &-caprolactam and Eq. (2.52) for the kinetics of crystallization. Let us
write the boundary and initial conditions:
atr =R
-h - = K*(T - T,,,)
and at t = 0:
T=T,; P =O; a = O
Here IC* is the heat transfer coefficient and To is the initial temperature of the reactive medium. In
computer modelling and solution of this system of equations, the following values were used:
Chapter 2. Modelling 63
Figure 2.27. Experimental data (points) and theoretical curves (solid lines) representing changes in temperature
(curves 1 and 3) and the degree of crystallinity (curves 2 and 4) during anionic activated polymerization of E-
caprolactam in a plate reactor. Width of the reactor is 32 m; Tmr =l5OoC (a); 14OoC (b) and 13OoC (c). Data
are shown for the center (curves 1 and 2) and for the wall (curves 3 and 4).
Qp = 128 kJ /mol; U = 71.2 W/mol. E = 35.6 kJ /mol;
ko = 3. 85~10~ min-;
R = 0.08 m;
p = 1152 kg/m3.
k = 6. 3~10~ min-;
h = 0.361 W/(m K);
co = 18;
Cp = 3.04 J /(g K);
Qc = 18.8W/mol; w = 22513; Tm = 501K;
Solving this system of equations allows us to construct space-time distributions of temperature
and degree of conversion for various temperature regimes in anionic-activated polymerization of E-
caprolactam (Fig. 2.27). As can be seen,there is a good correlation between theoretical results and
experimental data. Specifically, the calculations correctly reflect two possible regimes of
polymerization-crystallization, when either separated or superimposed processes occur. The calcu-
lations also demonstrate that differences in crystallinity between the center and the surface of the ar-
ticle depend on the initial temperature of the reactive medium. It has been proven that a low-
temperature polymerization regime leads to near-adiabatic crystallization throughout the whole vol-
ume and improves the quality of the product by decreasing residual stresses. However, lowering the
temperature below 15OoC results in a rapid increase in the proportion of low-molecular-weight frac-
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
tions in the end-product (from the normal 1-2% to 8-16%) and synthesis of a polymer with a very
broad molecular weight distribution. Therefore, ths lower temperature limit must not be
transgressed. Use of a high-temperature polymerization regime leads to the formation of an end-
product by crystallization from the melt, analogous to injection molding. In this case, polymeriza-
tion influences only the initial temperature at which cooling and crystallization begin.
This approach to modelling superimposed processes is applicable to many cases where physi-
cal transitions proceed simultaneously with polymerization. Glass transition or phase separation are
typical examples of physical processes which may occur in addition to, or instead of, crystallization.
Let us discuss the general problem of estimating the terms in a kinetic equation for a specific process
with an equation written as:
-- do - K(T)f@)
where K(T) is the temperature dependence of the reaction rate; f@) is an isothermal kinetic phe-
nomenological function. As a general rule, the temperature dependence K(T) for chemical reactions
is described by the Arrhenius equation:
K(T) = koe
where R is the universal gas constant; T is the temperature in K; E is the apparent activation energy;
and ko is a pre-exponential factor. The solution depends on the kinetic function and the values of the
constants in Eq. (2.59). For many relatively simple analytical forms of the kinetic function, Eq.
(2.59) can be integrated, and the (Pt) dependencies can be obtained in an analytical form. In all cases
the initial conditionP(0) = 0 must be maintained. Several versions of kinetic functions are listed be-
low (the parameter Ki corresponds to the value of K at Ti, the temperature of isothermal polymeriza-
1. Kinetic equation of the n-th order:
f(P) = (1 -P>"
P(t) = 1 -
[l + (n - l)Ki t]
2. Kinetic equation with self-acceleration:
f(P>= (1 - P N + COP)
Chapter 2. Modelling 65
Table2.2. Values of the constants co and c1= K(1+ co) in the kinetic equation fors-caprolactam
Computer method Graphic method
Concentration of the cata-
lyst [CI AO~ mol/l
co. mi 2 C1 co. Inin-' c1
3.20 0.24 12.0 0.22 10.8
0.31 9.5 0.29 10.0
0.38 5.6 0.34 6.5
8.97 0.44 3.0 0.40 3.5
c, + c, )Kill
P(t) = 1 - [2.61]
This equation can be easily modified if the equilibrium degree of conversion at T = Ti is equal, not to
1, but to some value dp, < 1.
3. Kinetic equation with incomplete conversion:
fcp) = (1 - P)(1 - 5P)
The last two equations can be combined to describe a kinetic process with self-acceleration at the ini-
tial stage of the process and incomplete conversion at the final stage of the reaction.
The parameters in Eq. (2.59) are usually determined from the condition that some function CD
is minimized. This function can be, for example, the sum of the mean-square deviations between the
experimental and calculated curves (the error function). The search for the minimum of the function
CD can be carried out by various methods, in particular by the Nelder-Mead algorithm. As an ex-
ample, Table 2.2 contains results of the calculation of the constants in a self-accelerating kinetic
equation used to describe experimental data from anionic-activated &-caprolactam polymerization
for different catalyst concentrations. There is good correlation between the results obtained by dif-
ferent methods,as can be seen from Table 2.2. In order to increase the value of the experimental re-
sults, measurements have been made at different non-isothermal regimes, in which both the initial
temperature and the temperature changes with time were varied.
As a typical example let us discuss the experimental data for the kinetics of polycaproamide
crystallization obtained by differential scanning calorimetry. 99 The primary experimental data are
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
g . , J/(g*min)
Figure 2.28. Comparison of the results obtained by solving the inverse problem (solid lines) with experimental
data (points) for cooling of a polycaproamide plate with constant rate: 4 Wmin (curve 1) and 16 Wmin (curve
the heat output rates dq/dt as functions of temperature for different temperature variations with time
T(t). It is assumed that dq/dt is proportional to the crystallization rate da/dt, Le.:
where Qc is the enthalpy of crystallization.
In formulating the inverse problem, we are required to find the values of the constants in the
kinetic equation which will minimize the divergence between the temperature-vs. -time curves calcu-
lated from the equation and those obtained experimentally. To do this, the time dependence of the
temperature is taken to be linear:
T(t) = T, -a;t
where a; is the cooling rate and Tm is the melting point (start of crystallization). The inverse prob-
lem is solved by defining some function, 0, which characterizes the divergence (or error) between
the calculated and experimental curves. This function depends on the values of the parameters E, \v,
ko, Bo, and Qc,and is calculated as:
Chapter 2. Modelling 67
The values h in this function are measures of the "errors". They are determined in the following
In these relationships, N is the number of independent experiments; k is the number of an
experiment; mk is the number of time intervals into which the whole process time is divided; pk.1
is the "weight" corresponding to the 1-th interval in the k* experiment, whose sum over mk intervals
equals 1 ; & is the k* calculated function; @ is the k* measured function; and y are "weights".
Let us introduce a characteristic temperature T*, which is typical for the specific process
being discussed (it might be the wall temperature, the initial temperature of the reactive medium,
and so on). The introduction of this characteristic temperature allows us to obtain partial derivatives
&D/aOi of the same order. Then we can formulate a convenient system of parameters to use in
minimizing the function 0. These are as follows:
* u WO
W5 = 2'
u =-.
RT* ' R(Tm- t+)
Using this system of parameters, we can rewrite Eq. (2.52), which determines the crystallization
rate, as follows:
- = K*(l + Boa)(a, - a) exp [ 2.65]
with the following initial conditions: at t = 0 wehave c1 = 0 y d e*=T*m- T*. Then, the following
parameters must be found by minimizing the function 0: K , U , w , Qc, and the constant Bo,
which characterizes the self-acceleration effect in polymer crystallization.
Generally speaking, with having to find so many independent constants, we cannot be sure
that the solution is unambiguous. Therefore, it is preferable to find some of them by independent
methods. For example, it is possible to determine the activation energy or enthalpy of polymeriza-
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
tion. It is also possible to estimate solutions by applying common sense and eliminating some sets
of constants that are obviously unrealistic.
Fig. 2.28 shows the results of a solution of the inverse problem. The solid lines represent
the calculated function dq(T)/dt with the following optimal values of the constants: U = 36.9
kJ /mol; w = 225K; Bo = 42; ko = 1. 03~10~ min-' and Qc= 18.9 kJ /mol. The approach discussed
above allows us to find values of the constants of a kinetic equation that provide a satisfactory fit
to the experimental dq/dt curve, and to obtain results that correctly predict the shift in the maxima
as a function of the cooling rate.
An analogous method for solving the inverse problem allows us to determine the constants
in a kinetic equation using other experimental data; for example, the results of measurements of
the T(t) dependence at different points on an article (or model sample) can be successfully used for
this purpose.
Consideration of the changes in the rheological properties of a flowing liquid with time is one of
the fundamental tools for modelling reactive processing. Changes in viscosity and in the whole
complex of viscoelastic properties during polymerization and synthesis of linear polymers are
consequences of the increase in molecular weight due to chain propagation and of the increase in
their number in a reactive medium due to appearance of new polymeric chains. The kinetics of
changes in these two determining factors depend on the overall chemistry of the process and on the
kinetics of the elementary reactions. This is true until the reactive medium becomes a homogeneous
(one-phase) solution. If the newly formed polymer is insoluble in the reactive medium, new effects
might be expected, including such a "strange" phenomenon as inversion of the time dependence of
the viscosity in spite of increase in molecular weight.
Two stage can be distinguised in the curing of polyfunctional compounds form three-dimen-
sional networks. First, growth and branching of individual macromolecules takes place. This
c2ntinues up to some critical degree of conversion, at which fluidity is lost; this is the gel-point,
t . The rheological properties of a reactive medium up to the gel-point are characterized by the
viscosity, q , whose measurements provide a rheokinetic picture of the polymerization process.
Second, beyond the gel-point, a network of chemical bonds extends throughout the whole volume,
and the rheological properties of a material are usually characterized by its modulus of elasticity,
G, because viscosity cannot be measured at this stage (formally ?p+). The general pattern of
changes in viscosity, modulus of elasticity, and heat output during curing is shown schematically
in Fig. 2.29.
The main rheokinetic problem consists of the determination of the time dependence of the
degree of conversion P(t) and the correlation between p(t) and the changes in the rheological
properties of the reactants. One possible kinetic function P(t) was discussed in Section 2.2. In
considering the rheological properties of the reactive medium, we can neglect non-Newtonian
Chapter 2. Modelling 69
Figure 2.29. Changes in integral mechanical properties of a polymer (heat output, q, shear modulus of elasticity,
G, and Poisson ratio, p) in the process of homogeneous cooling.
effects, because, as a general rule, only relatively low-molecular-weight products are used in
reactive processing. The nature of the changes in the rheological properties of a reactive medium
during processing depends on its chemical formulation and temperature, 52~105~106 because these
factors determine the rheokinetic behaviour of the process. There are universal equations for the
dependence q(t), but well-known results from investigations of the viscous properties of linear
polymers (melts and solutions) can be used to discuss the rheokinetics of reactive processing. If we
consider a reactive mass, which can be treated as a homogeneous solution of a newly formed polymer
in its monomer or in a solvent, we can write the following expression for viscosity of such a solution:
= K , , M ~~ [2.66]
where K is an empirical constant; Mw is the weight-average molecular weight; cp is the concentration
of the polymer in the solution; a and b are constants that are generally known for many
polymer-solvent pairs; in many cases, a = 3.5 is an universal constant for polymer melts and
concentrated solutions.
Different kinetic processes lead to different dependences of the values in Eq. (2. 66) on the
degree of conversion. In Ref.lo5 formulas for the Mw(P) and q(P) dependences were obtained for
the principal reaction kinetics in the formation of linear polymers. Introducing these dependences
into Eq. (2.66), yields the unique dependence of viscosity on the degree of conversion, q(P).
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
For curing compounds, the dependence q(p) can be describEd by two types of equations. In
the first type, it is assumed that, as the gel-point is approached, t+t , the viscosity increases without
limit. The second type is an exponential equation, which does not contain any singularities.lM The
dependence of the viscosity of polyurethane on molecular weight and temperature can be represented
by the following equation:
where A, a, and E are empirical constants. The average molecular weight is unambiguously $elated
to the degree of conversion; moreover, this relationship is formulated such that as b p * (p is the
degree of conversion at the gel-point), Mw+=, which means that near the gel-point, q+m.
Therefore, Eq. (2.67) clearly reflects the existence of the gel oint, and the form of the function
q(P,T) can be found. This last problem was solved elsewhere.'It was shown that the whole range
of experimental data on the viscous properties of polyurethane-based compounds used for reactive
processing can be described by the following equation:
where qo(T) is the viscosity of the reactive system in its initial state; this function represents the
temperature dependence of viscosity during the whole process, regardless of the influence of
temperature on the kinetics of curing. The ex onential equation for the time dependence of viscosity
of a material being cured can be written as:
q =qo ekt [2.69]
where qo is the initial viscosity, which dependis on temperature; k is a constant representing the
influence of the polymerization reaction kinetics on the viscosity growth. The equation for the
dependence of viscosity on the degree of conversion can be formulated in an analogous manner:
q=qoe k'P [2.70]
where k' is an empirical constant.
Polymer synthesis is usually accompanied by a strong exothermal effect and, as a general
rule, real process proceeds in non-isothermal conditions. This problem was considered in Section
2.6 for polyester synthesis, and the results discussed above are of generally applicable to all
non-isothermal processes.
Real examples illustrating different types of time dependences of viscosity, can be found
elsewhere.52 It is worth mentioning that the rheokinetics of polymerization, even for a specific type
of polymer (for example, polyurethane) depends on the composition, which determines both the
kinetics of the process and the structure of the newly formed polymer. Clearly, the important factor
is whether a linear or three-dimensional polymer is formed. In the first case, the viscosity increases
Chapter 2. Modelling 71
t* log t
Figure 2.30. Increase i n viscosity during synthesis of linm (curve 1) and cured (curve 2) polymers.
only to some finite level, but in the second case, the viscosity increases without limit as the gel-point
is approached. This is shown schematically in Fig. 2.30.
Theoretical equations for describing time dependences of viscosity are known for linear
polymerization Difficulties arise when dealing with polymer curing, because there is no
universal relationship between the structure of branched polymers (molecular weight, molecular
weight distribution, branching characteristics) and their viscosity; therefore, it is impossible to
construct a theoretical equation for dependence of viscosity on the degree of conversion of the
functional groups. In the rheokinetics of branched polymers, particularly polyurethanes, the
dependence q(p,T) is always described by purely empirical formulas. The following equatiion is
a typical illustration of this approach for three-dimensional addition polymerization leading to the
formation of cured polyurethane:44
41. 65~ lo3
5.3176 e -
20. 96~10~
q =4. 747~10-~(Mw/ Mw, o) RT RT [2.71]
where Mw,o = 796 is the average molecular weight of the initial oligomer. The value of the
weight-average molecular weight in this equation changes in the course of the reaction, and the
dependence of MW on the degree of conversion follows from Eq. (2. 68). All numerical constants
in this equation are derived from experimental data. According to this relationship the position of
the gel-point is defined by an unlimited increase in molecular weight; consequently, q+-.
The same authors who developed a rheokinetic model for polyurethane synthesis also
proposed the following equation for the dependence q(P,T):
72 A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
where p* is the degree of conversion at the gel-point; A, a, and b are empirical constants; for
illustration, typical values of these constants for a test formulation (R1,M 2200, produced by Union
Carbide) are given: 3'47J08 A = 10.3~10- ~ Pa s ; E = 41.3 W/mol; p = 0.65; a = 1.5; b = 1.0.
Filled polymeric systems are especially important in reactive rocessing. There are many
publications devoted to the rheological properties of such systems. 1' 110 The simplest model for
filled polymeric liquids is a dilute suspension of inert particles, which means that the dynamic
interactions between the suspended particles must be taken into account. These particles may be
elastic, and their deformations influence the rheological properties of the liquid. Solid filler particles
can interact with each other or with the liquid medium, and the various physical or chemical
interactions affect the rheological properties of filled polymers. Liquid media used in reactive
processing are always chemically active, and solid fillers can also influence polymerization kinetics
in various ways, depending on the nature of the filler and the structure of the active groups in the
The role of shearing is especially important in the kinetics of oligomer curing. 11*-'14 It is related
to the ability to maintain the reactive material in the fluid state for some finite time during the curing
process. This time, t , called the induction period or "lifetime", is a veq important material
property, since the material can be processed only during this period. At t > t , viscosity increases
sharply, and the yaterial becomes solid.
The value t can be measured in two types of experiments. The induction period can be found
by dynamic measurements that follow the changes in the viscoelastic properties of a makrial at
low-amplitude deformations, Le., the measurement of some critical point corresponding to t . This
is a non-destructive method, and the value 6 obtained in this way reflects the "static" properties of
a during material curing. The induction period can also be measured by a rotational viscometer, in
which experiments are carried out at different shear rates and shear stresses. If the shear stress (or
shear rate) is low, the "static" value of the induction period is obtained, because in this case, shearing
does not influence the kinetics of curing. When the shear rate increases, experiments show that the
induction period becomes shorter, until at very high shear rates the induction period completely
disappear~.''~ The dependence of the induction period on shear rate is illustrated in Fig. 2.3 1. TWO
points are of special interest here: (1) Shear stress is nearly constant during the induction period
(since shear rate is also constant, to at least a first approximation, the viscosity of a reactive material
can be treated as constant during the induction period), and the transitio? to the solid state is a
critical phenomenon. (2) Non-Newtonian effects are weak at t < t , which is typical of
low-molecular-weight oligomers. Shear stress remains constant during the whole induction period.
Chapter 2. Modelling 73
t' fogt
Figure 2.31. Influence of shear rate on decrease of an induction period inoligomer curing. An arrow shows
the direction of increase in shear rate.
The dependence of the induction period on shear rate is essential for oligomer processing,
because in real processes, shear rates on the order of hundreds of s-' can be found. Loss of fluidity
occurs much earlier than is predicted on the basis of the "standard" quality factor 6, as measured
under static or quasi-static conditions. Therefore, the nature of this effect and methods for describing
it quantitatively must be considered. The intense heat dissipation during flow of a reactive liquid
is one possible explanation. It leads to a temperature increase in the reactive medium and an increase
in the reaction rate, which results in a shorter induction period in comparison with 6. The
deformations themselves can also play the role of a kinetic factor by influencing the rate of a
chemical reaction under isothermal conditions. In order to separate the two effects, let us examine
the possible influence of heat dissipation on the shortening of the induction period. Comparison
calculated results with experimental data should help to clarify the role of heat dissipation during
the flow of oligomer reactive compounds.
The rate of heat generation in shear flow is determined by the power of the work done; this
is the product of the shear rate and the shear stress. The resulting temperature change can be
expressed as:
where (3 is the shear stress; y is the shear rate; Cp is the specific heat; p is the density. The heat
output due to chemical reaction is neglected in this approximation. This assumption is valid for the
74 A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
induction period, when the reaction is still very slow and curing is practically absent. Therefore
"chemical" sources of heat are negligible. By considering a medium being defermed at a constant
shear rate and allowing for the temperature dependence of viscosity (or shear stress), Eq. (2.73)
can be rewritten for adiabatic conditions:
where A is a pre-exponential factor; E is the activation energy of viscous flow. The focus of this
problem is the criterion of curing (i.e., termination of the induction period) under non-isothermal
conditions. This criterion, which summarizes inputs from the curing processes at various tempera-
tures, can be formulated as:
where U is the apparent activation energy of the curing processes; tn* is the induction period for a
non-isothermal process with an arbitrary pattern of temperature changes T(t); B is a normalizing
constant, which can be expressed via the "static" induction period $ at the initial temperature To
in the following way:
B =y e 1 U/RT
Then we can rewrite Eq. (2.75) by replacing B with the expression from Eq. (2.76):
Eqs. (2.74) and (2.77) give us the principal solution of the problem being discussed, Le., it is
possible to calculate T(t) for different shear rates and then to find the upper limit of the integral in
Eq. (2.77) for these rates. The solution becomes clearer if we choose dimensionless variables and
transform Eqs. (2.74) and (2.77) into dimensionless form. Let us introduce a dimensionless
temperature 6 such that:
The dimensionless shear rate 6 is written as:
Chapter 2. Modelling 75
The dimensionless time t and dimensionless non-isothermal induction period T* are written as
Two additional dimensionless values connected with the activation energies are also used:
Now we can rewrite the system of determining equations in dimensionless form:
evolution of temperature with time
- de =6 exp [- &]
criterion for a non-isothermal induction period
The solution of this set of equations gives the non-isothermal induction period ~ * ( 6 ) as a function
of non-isothermal shear rate 6 for different values of the parameters p and 5. Fig. 2.32 shows the
results of calculations for a wide range of dimensionless shear rates from 0.01 up to 100. The
parameter p is equal to 0.03 and 5 varies from 0 to 1. At high shear rates, the decrease in the
induction period is proportional to 6-I. This means that a 100-fold increase in shear rate results in
an almost 100-fold reduction in the induction period, which could well be catastrophic for material
processing if the process rate is increased. The influence of the parameter 5 on t (6) is signifcant
only for high shear rates.
The results of the calculations shown in Fig. 2.32 represent a complete quantitative solution
of the problem, because they show the decrease in the induction period in non-isothermal curing
when there is a temperature increase due to heat dissipation in the flow of the reactive mass. The
case where 5 = 0 is of particular interest. ',t is related to the experimental observation that shear
stress is almost constant in the range t < t . In this situation the temperature dependence of the
viscosity of the reactive mass can be neglected because of low values of the apparent activation
energy of viscous flow E, and Eq. (2.73) leads to a linear time dependence of temperature:
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
1 .o
0.2 -
0 ' I
I I I )
-2 -1 0 1 2
log d
Figure 2.32. Predicted dependences of a dimensionless induction period in a non-isothermal process on
dimensionless shear rate at different values of the parameter 5: 0 (curve 1); 0.6 (curve 2); 1.2 (curve 3); 1.8
(curve 4).
~ 0 - f
T(t) =TO + - t
where 00 = Aexp(E/RTo) is the shear stress at T = To, which is assumed to be constant on the
plateau corresponding to the induction period.
An approximate analytical solution of Eq. (2.77) can be found, and, in fact, experimental
data correspond to the condition:
Then we can use the following approximation:
so the final equation is written as:
Chapter 2. Modelling 77
e&dz = 1 [2.84]
This is an equation for the dependence z*(6). An analytical solution of this equation is found by
integration and some rearrangement:
where the dimensionless shear rate is written as follows:
u OlYitt
It should be emphasized that in this case the dependence z*(6) is general, since it is insensitive to
changes in the parameter p, y d the role of the activation energy U is completely reflected h*the
value of 6. The dependence z (6) derived from Eq. (2.85) is very close to the dependence z (6)
shown in Fig. 2.32 for 5 = 0. This graph is especially convenient for comparing experimental data
with theoretical predictions.
Let us discuss the experimental data on the curing of phenolic resins,' '' which are shown in
Fig. 2.33. In order to make theoretical calculations, the following characteristics of the resin derived
from the experimental data were used: 114J18 at To = 393K, the "static" value of 6 correspondin
to the limit of very low shear rates, equals 240 s; 00 = 0.2 MPa; Cp = 2 kJ /(kg K); p = 1x10
kg/m3; U = 41.8 kJ /mol. Using these values, the dimensionless shear rate can be expressed as
6 = 0.72i
At a low shear rates equal to 0;015 s-', which is usually used to measure the induction period,
6=0.01. Fig. 2.32 shows that z = 1; Le., we have measured the "static" limit of the induction
period. The maximum shear rate used in the experimental investigations"' was equal to 15 s-'.
F e value 6 corresponding to this shear rate was 10.8 and (according to Fig. 2.32) in this case,
z =0.2; i.e., we can expect a 5-fold decrease in the induction period to only 0.8 min. Although it
is only an approximation, rather than an exact calculation, this 5-fold decrease in the induction
period in comparison with the static limit, corresponds to the experimental data shown in Fig. 2.33.
The correspondence between the calculated results based on the model of heat dissipation
due to viscous flow and the experimental data in the decrease of the induction period at high shear
rates proves that the observed effect is adequately explained by this mechanism. The effects of
shearing itself on the kinetics of curing are either absent or of secondary importance. If the
experimentally observed decrease in the induction period is more pronounced than predicted by the
dissipative model, then it is reasonable to consider additional heat sources, for example, the
exothermal effects of a reaction. Heat flux from the surroundings can also influence the kinetics of
78 A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
1.0 r MPa
2 3 4
t , min
Figure 2.33. Experimental data illustrating the effect of a decrease in the induction period during curing of a
phenolic-based compound at different shear rates: 0.015 s-' (curve 1); 0.95 s-' (curve 2); 3.75 s-l (curve 3);
15 s-l (curve 4).
curing. Non-isothermal curing may be caused by a linear temperature change in the surroundings,
according to the expression
T(t) =TO +aTt
where To is the initial temperature and aT is the rate of increase in temperature.
Eq. (2.85) is also applicable in thi! case, but the dimensionless shear rate must be replaced
with another dimensionless parameter 6 , which characterizes the non-isothermal effect. This is
expressed as
Fig. 2.34 can be used to compare theoretical predictions for non-isothermal curing due to
viscous heat dissipation with experimental data for two different curing materials. '19 For these two
very different oligomeric systems, the theory gives adequate results, although the chemical curing
mechanism is different in both cases. This is direct evidence that the effect is not caused by the
influence of shearing itself on the chemical reaction kinetics. Rather, in both cases, the shearing of
the induction period is due to the temperature increase resulting from heat dissipation.
Although the role of shearing has so far been restricted to dissipative heat generation, in some
cases, which are also important in reactive processing, shear deformations can directly influence
Chapter 2. Modelling 79
0 1
Figure 2.34. Comparison of theoretical predictions (curve, calculated from Eq. (2.85) according to the
dissipative model of non-isothermal curing) with experimental data on the decrease of the induction period at
hgh shear rates for phenolic-based compounds (vertical bars) and silicon-based composites at different initial
temperatures: 150C (1); 170C (2) and 190C (3).
the isothermal kinetics of a reaction.This depends primarily on the phase state of the polymerking
systern,l2' because shearing influences the conditions under which phase transitions occur, and it
is also important if the newly formed polymer is insoluble in the reactive medium. In such cases
reactive processing occurs in a heterogeneous system and the reaction rate changes, depending on
the phase state of the reactive medium.
11 1,120
A flow of liquids with changing rheological properties is a necessary feature of reactive processing
technology. The general theoretical treatment of the flow of reactive liquids is formulated using a
cylindrical channel as a model of a tubular reactor. This is different than the model of a batch-process
reactor discussed in Section 2.3, because it must include additional elements that reflect heat flux
and the movement of the reaction products due to flow. It is reasonable to regard the process as
quasi-stationary; this means that transient effects are determined b heat exchange processes, and
the velocity profile follows temperature changes very rapidly.'" In this case, the flow of a
polymerizing liquid in a cylindrical tube is described by the following system of equations:
momentum balance equation
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
continuity equation
energy balance equation
where P is the pressure, z and r are the axial and radial coordinates, respectively, vz and Vy are the
axial and radial components of velocity, respectively, T is the temperature, Cp is the specific heat,
Qp is the enthalpy of a chemical reaction (polymerization), p is the density, and q is the viscosity,
which (for a "rheokinetic" liquid) is a function of the degree of conversion p and temperature.
These equations must be supplemented by a kinetic equation for the time dependence of the
degree of conversion P(t), and the dependence of the viscosity of a reactive mass on 0, temperature,
and (perhaps) shear rate, if the reactive mass is a non-Newtonian liquid. The last two terms in the
right-hand side of Eq. (2.89) are specific to a rheokinetic liquid. The first reflects the input of the
enthalpy of polymerization into the energy balance, and the second represents heat dissipation due
to shear deformation of a highly viscous liquid (reactive mass).
The influence of rheokinetics on flow can be summarized as follows: 122
there are marked changes in velocity profiles;
the pressure-versus-output pattern is quite different than might be expected for a Newtonian
the characteristics of the end-product are sensitive to the flow behaviour of a reactive liquid.
When a curing (solidifying) reactive medium fills a mold a rapid increase in viscosity can halt the
flow, resulting in incomplete filling. A medium with a jump-like increase in its viscosity is a suitable
model for theoretical analysis of flow of a solidifying liquid. It flow2 with relatively low viscosity
up to a definite time limit, which can be treated as the "life-time'' t of the material, and then the
medium becomes solid-like and cannot flow. The life-time is a strongly temperature-dependent
characteristic of a material, and decreases as the shear rate increases due to intensive heat dissipation
during the flow of a viscous liquid. This phenomenon shows that it is very important to calculate
the temperature fields in a flowing liquid, taking into account all sources of heat release, including
hydrodynamic heat dissipation. Theoretical analysis has demonstrated and experiments have
confirmed that highly viscous materials flowing near the walls of a channel can adhere as solid
layers. This leads to a decrease in the cross-section of the channel and results in the deformation
of the velocity profile.46 Untimely solidification of the material can cause a sharp increase in
pressure, leading to equipment shutdown and incomplete filling of the mold. In addition exothermal
Chapter 2. Modelling 81
effect during a reaction causes a rapid increase in the temperature of a reactive mass, and as a result,
thermal decomposition of the material may occur.
The construction of a mold-filling model has been considered in the theory of thermoplastics
processing. A rapid increase in viscosity also occurs in the flow of these materials, but the effect
is different than in flow during reactive processing. The increase in viscosity of thermoplastic
polymer materials is due to physical phenomena (crystallization or vitrification), while the increase
in viscosity of reactive liquids occurs due to chemical polymerization reactions and/or curing. This
comparison shows that the mathematical formulation of the problem is different in the two cases,
although some of the velocity distributions may have similar features.
The most characteristic feature in models of two mold-filling stage is the existence of a stream
with a moving free boundary.Therefore, in modeling a flow with the free boundary, it is reasonable
to separate the stream into three parts: (1) the inlet into the channel; (2) the main region of stable
flow; (3) the area close to the front of the stream. If we assume that the flow is smooth and neglect
the inlet zone, then the most important factor is the flow near the free boundary. The interesting
feature of the flow near the front of the stream is the so-called "fountain effect". 123 This phenomenon
causes liquid particles around the axis of the channel to move with a higher velocity, resulting in
shorter residence times. They are ejected through the front from the center to the walls, so that the
flow lines are strew of a fountain. This transfer of the part of the reactive mass with the lowest
degree of conversion to the near-wall layers has a major affect on the temperature field, degree of
conversion, and viscosity.
Correct modeling of the flow near the front of a stream requires a rigorous solution of the
hydrodynamic problem with rather complicated boundary conditions at the free surface. In computer
modeling of the flow, the method of markers or cells can be used;124 however this method leads
to considerable complication the model and a great expenditure of computer time. The model
corresponds to the experimental data with acceptable accuracy if the front of the streamis assumed
to be flat and the velocity distribution corresponds to fountain flow. 125~126 The fountain effect
greatly influences the distribution of residence times in a channel and consequently the properties
of the reactive medium entering the mold.
There are two possibilities: first, nonuniform or multicomponent polymer materials. Internal
stresses may appear due to differences in the properties of various parts of an article and the existence
of phase boundaries. Second, uniform materials, which seem quite homogeneous, can be amorphous
or po1ycrystalline.The physics of the development of residual stresses in such materials will be
discussed in this section.
Residual (or inherent) stresses are self-balancing stresses that exist throughout the volume of
a body in the absence of external forces. The appearance and growth of residual stresses in
non-loaded articles are typical of materials prepared by the reactive processing. A general source
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
of residual stresses is nonuniform polymerization throughout the material volume. The degree of
conversion is therefore different in various parts of the material, and this results in different stages
of evolution of mechanical properties and shrinkage. Inherent stresses can be so large that they
significantly influence the mechanical behavior and dimensional stability of an article. Effects such
as rupture of semi-finshed products during machining are also known in practice. This is due to
the superposition of residual stresses and stresses caused by an applied force.
The important role of residual stresses is typical of large-size articles made by reactive
processing. The general cause of the phenomenon is that the material is prepared at temperatures
higher than its temperature range of use. On cooling (or quenching), the non-uniform temperature
field leads to a non-uniform temperature distribution inside the material. The mechanical properties
of polymer materials depend on temperature; therefore, the properties in a medium are with
non-uniform temperature distribution different at various points,and this difference results in
stresses and strains. During cooling and transition of a material to a solid (elastic) state these stresses
and strains are frozen and stored inside the material, because of the loss of molecular mobility and
a large increase in relaxation times in the process of vitrification or crystallization.
The viscosity of an initial reactive mixture used for reactive processing is low, and shaping
of the articles usually takes place in stationary molds; Le., external loading does not play a significant
role. The poor temperature conductivity of all polymer materials nevertheless contributes to
non-uniform cooling. Inhomogeneous crystallization increases the differences in material proper-
ties. In addition the increase in molecular weight during polymerization, structural changes during
crystallization, and the liquid-to-solid transition during cooling lead to a decrease in the specific
volume of the material, i.e., to shrinkage. Since shrinkage also occurs in inhomogeneous conditions,
this is a major source of inherent stresses.
One further reason for the development of residual stresses should be mentioned. This is the
heterogeneity of the final state of a material which may occur even if the initial reactive mixture
was homogeneous. This phenomenon is related to the differing diffusion rates of the various
components of the reactive mass during a chemical reaction. This localized distribution of
concentrations can be frozen upon solidification of the material.
The primary reason for the appearance of inherent stresses is inhomogeneity of the temperature
and conversion fields within an article. Therefore calculations of the T(z,t) and a(z,t) functions,
which were discussed in Section 2.3, are the basis for estimating residual stresses. It is generally
necessary to consider functions of all three coordinate directions. In many cases, it is important to
know the final stress distribution and its change in time; this is why time t enters the functions
T(z,t) and a(z,t) as an independent argument.
In the majority of practical important situations, it is reasonable to neglect heat output due
to deformations and its possible influence temperature and reaction rate. This simplifies the problem
and splits it into two independent parts: first, calculation of the temperature and conversion fields,
and second, estimation of the stresses from previously determined temperature and conversion
Chapter 2. Modelling 83
fields. The second part of the general problem will be discussed in this section. In this part of the
problem the relationship between stresses and deformations must be established. This entails
determining the rheological equation of state for a medium whose properties depend on temperature
and degree of conversion; this is a very general problem in continuum mechanics.
Extensive theoretical investigations devoted to calculation of residual stresses have been
carried out for metals. The principal theme of this work is assumption that residual stresses and
strains are the result of differences between pure elastic and elastic-plastic deformations under fixed
loading. 127, 12' The same mechanism, i.e., the appearance of plastic deformed zones, is responsible
for the residual stresses arising during crystallization of metals, which occurs on quenching from
the melt or cooling after welding.
The main difference between metals and polymers is related to the fact that transitions from
one state to another in polymers occur (as a result of changing of environmental conditions, primarily
temperature) not as jumps but continuously. This leads to the absence of a clearly defined line or
transition front. Additionally, because of the low heat and temperature conductivity of polymeric
materials, a change in material properties may take place over a large volume,or even simultaneously
throughout the whole mass of an article, although the local transition rates and degrees of conversion
may be different. Thus it is necessary to develop a macrokinetic model of the transition. This model
must describe the combined effects of non-stationary heat transfer and reaction kinetics and is used
to determine the temperature and conversion fields.
Every point of a body travels along a trajectory in the temperature-conversion field that is
different from that of any neighbouring point. Residual stresses in polymers are a result of
deformational inhomogeneities which arise in a material during solidification (crystallization or
vitrification) through evolution of the temperature-conversion fields. They provide a "memory" of
the stress state, which has been frozen into a material by solidification. Modeling the appearance
and evolution of inherent stresses involves solving the system of interrelated equations for energy
balance and the rheological equation of state (stress versus deformation), taking into account loading
prehistory, temperature and conversion changes, and the dependence of material properties on these
factors. The formulation of the problem is shown schematically in Fig. 2.35.
Real polymeric materials are viscoelastic bodies. In a purely elastic material stresses o(t) are
proportional to deformations &(t), and the coefficient of proportionality is Young's modulus E, i.e.,
at any time t
(T = EE
Stresses in viscoelastic materials "remember" deformation prehistory and so are not an
unambiguous function of instantaneous deformations; however, they may be expressed by a
functional. For a linear viscoelastic material, the relationship between stresses and deformations
can be defined by a pair of integral equations:
128, 129
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
Termal properties
and their
dependencies on
temperature and
degree of conversion
> Energy balance aquation
including chemical
, source of energy and '
Enthalpy of a
chemical process .
Geometrical shape - 3
of on article
conditions for
heat exchange
Kinetic equation
taking into account
influence of stress
state on the rate of a procass
Momentum balance
Coefficients of
thermal expansion
at changing temperature
and degree of conversion
Contrnuum equation
including relative change
of volume
Figure 2.35. Functional relationships among systems of equations used to describe stress, temperature, and
conversion fields in an article during processing.
mechanical properties
of a matenal
Balance equatIon
for inherent
Boundary forces
momentum balance
Chapter 2. Modelling 85
KO8 = (J + U(t - z)o(z)dz
where sij = Oij - O6ij is the deviator of the stress tensor; eij = ~ i j - E6ij is the deviator of the
deformation tensor; 8 is the relative volume change; (J is an average (equal to negative pressure)
stress; Go is the instantaneous shear modulus; is the instantaneous modulus of volume
deformations (bulk modulus); r and U are kernels characterizing viscoelastic properties of a
material, which represent its spectrum of relaxation times; both are functions of the difference
between current and fonner times (t - z).
This approach involves a limited number of material constants and functions, that characterize
material properties. There are standard experimental techniques for measuring these viscoelastic
properties in a material and well-developed mathematical methods for solving mechanical problems
concerned with these properties. Therefore, this approach is often used to solve many applied
problems. However, for calculating residual stresses, this general approach is too complicated
because the material properties are changing during the whole formation cycle making it necessary
to know the material constants and relaxational kernels as functions of temperature and degree of
conversion. The relaxation properties of a material also change radically at the gel-point (critical
point); in the vicinity of the gel-point, the relaxation spectrum not only shifts along the time scale
but changes its shape.130 This means that it is incorrect to use difference arguments in relaxation
kernels, as in Eqs. (2.90) and (2.91); instead, it is necessary to use more complicated models that
take into account changes in the shape of the relaxation functions. All this creates difficulties in
solving mechanical problems, so that it is questionable whether the complex of material constants
and functions which must be known to solve specific problems can be determined.
One method for overcoming this difficulty is to introduce the modified (or reduced) time t',
which allows the use of integral relationships with different arguments. The definition of modified
time is based on the principle of time-temperature superposition. This is the usual way to generalize
temperature-dependent functions using the argument
where aT(T) is the shift-factor or the function representing the temperature dependence of the
relaxation properties of the material.
The most popular and widely used formula for the function aT(T) is the Williams-Landel-
Ferry equation, which is quite adequate for amorphous polymers above the glass transition
86 A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
where c1 and c2 are constants; Tg is the glass transition temperature. If the temperature is a function
of time T(t) then the modified time is calculated as
t' = I aT(T)dt
The temperature dependence of the relaxation times introduced into mechanical equations by means
of Eq. (2.93) was used to calculate the residual stresses in cooling amorphous polymers.
This is a very useful approach, which can be recommended for practical applications. A simplified
version of this general treatment may also be useful. It is possible to consider vitrification of a
material as a jump-like transition from a liquid to a solid state. This idea was advanced elsewhere, 134
where residual stresses in inorganic glasses were calculated by treating vitrification as a sequential
solidification of layers of a viscous liquid on the rigid surface of a previously solidified material.
In a liquid layer (not yet solidified) at T > T,, only flow deformations can occur. In the transition
through Tg, this deformation is frozen in and cannot change later on.
The calculation of residual stresses in the plymerization process during the formation of an
amorphous material was formulated earlier.12 The theory was based on a model of a linear
viscoelastic material with properties dependent on temperature T and the degree of conversion S.
In this model the effect of the degree of conversion was treated by a new "polymerization-time'
superposition method, which is analogous to the temperature-time superposition discussed earlier.
A general method of applying viscoelasticity theory to unstable (changing) materials in
varying temperature fields was proposed in a number of publications (see, for example Ref. ).
In this approach, the state of a material is represented by the factor y, which is a function of a set
of "structural" parameters
y =~ ( W I , ~2,..,yn) [2.95]
The general equation for the kinetics of the structural transformation is as follows
where the first term F represents the kinetics of the structural transformations due to chemical
reactions, and the second reflects the quasi-equilibrium influence of temperature on material
properties. In this model, the rheological equation of state connects the stress tensor, the deformation
tensor, and the tensor of structural transformations. This model seems realistic and physically sound
but is rather difficult to apply for solving problems, because it is not clear how to relate the material
parameters of a medium to continuously changing structural factors.
Chapter 2. Modelling 87
By considering the polymerization process to be solidification of a reactive liquid, it is possible
to model the process as a liquid-to-solid transformation with a moving front.
shrinkage resulting from changes in specific volume during polymerization was chosen as the
determining factor. It was assumed that the width of the reaction zone was rather narrow, so that
it was possible to treat it as a front. It was proposed that only elastic deformations could occur in
the solid layer and that shrinkage deformations were superimposed on the elastic deformations
inside a narrow transitional zone. This model was used to analyze non-isothermal polymerization
in a hollow sphere in a reaction spreading from the center to the surface, from the surface to the
center, and from both sites in double-sided front s01idification.l~~ It was found that the theoretical
predictions adequately corresponded to some important practical observations, such as breaks in
continuity, a decrease in strength of the materials, etc.
initial state of the reactive mixture is a low-viscosity liquid, which passes into a uniform solid
material as a result of chemical reactions. The ratio of solid-to-liquid components is determined by
the degree of chemical conversion. This ratio is an important property of a reactive mixture, and
can range from 0 to 1. The fundamental characteristic of such a two-component material is its
specific free energy. This thermodynamic function is assumed to be the sum of the free energies
of both components calculated from the degree of conversion:
140,141 me
It is also quite reasonable to treat a reactive medium as a two-component material.
where 0 is the total free energy; @o and @I are the free energies corresponding to the initial and
final states of the material, respectively; Ei is the elastic deformation tensor; is the degree of
The phase transition rate in the crystallization of polymeric materials is of the same order as the
rates of the heat exchange processes accompanying crystallization. Consequently, the boundary
between phases becomes spatially dispersed. This excludes the possibility of using methods based
on the front transition model proposed for metals to calculate residual stresses in plastics. 14 It is
possible to split the general problem and to find the temperature-conversion field independently.
Then, assuming that the evolution of temperature T(x,t) and degree of crystallinity a(x,t) in time
t and in space (x is the radius vector of an arbitrary point in a body) is known, we can analyze the
mechanical problem. 143
Calculation of residual stresses in crystallizable materials is primarily based on the assumption
that these materials can be treated as a two-component mixtures of initial and final products, as
indicated in Eq. (2.97). In this case, the share of both components is determined by the degree of
crystallinity a, which is changing in time. The initial product is a melt, for which a = 0; the final
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
product is a solid material with an equilibrium degree of crystallinity equal to cy). A polymer melt
is a liquid, and in static conditions it can be loaded only by hydrostatic pressure. Thus, we can
assume that the relaxation time of the initial material with respect to shear stresses is equal to zero.
The stress-defonnation state of the final product, Le., the crystallized material, can be represented
by an ideal elastic body, with a corresponding i nf ~tel y long relaxation time. The share of the final
(crystallized) product is found as a solution of the energy balance and kinetic equations.
In order to derive the determining physical equation for the stress-deformation state of a
two-component mixture, let us consider the expression for the change in the elastic potential energy
during a continious transition from a liquid to a solid phase. Let this transition occur at time t =
to and let the quantity of material that undergoes the transition be equal to the increase in the degree
of crystallinity A a. The specific elastic potential characterizing the new state of the material up to
the time of a new transition can be written as
F(&o) =Fs(Eo)ACY) +Fi(EO)(1 - Am)
where FS and FI are elastic potential functions for the solid and liquid phases, respectively.
The detailed expressions for both components of the total elastic potential are as follows:
[2. loo]
FI(EO) =?IE;II?[EO(AW)] - ~KI I ~[Eo(A~o)]w[T(~) - TO]
where F is the total elastic potential function of the mixture (two-component material); EO is the
linear deformation tensor; Ks and Gs are volume and shear moduli, respectively, of a solidified
material, depending on the current temperature T(t); Ii[~o(Aao)] is the first invariant of the
deformation tensor EO, which depends on the degree of transformation Am; II[E~(AcY))] is the first
invariant of the squared deformation tensor; xs and w are coefficients of thermal expansion for the
solid and the liquid phases, respectively, which may depend on temperature; To is the initial
temperature; k is the coefficient of volume shrinkage, which depends on the difference in density
between the solid and liquid phases.
Let the next transformation occur at time t = ti, and let its value be Aai. Then the net degree
of transformation at time ti equals Aao + Aai . This change in the degree of transformation
corresponds to the passage of a volume share of non-solidified material proportional to A al into
the solid state. Then. starting from time ti, this volume share undergoes deformation together with
the portion of previously solidified material whose share is Aao. The specific elastic potential of
such a two-component composite up to the next step in the transformation can be written as
F(EI) =FS(EI)AW -I- FS(EI - EO) +FI( EI) ( ~ - ACCO - Aal)
Chapter 2. Modelling 89
where ~1 is the linear tensor of full deformation up to the next step of transformation, it depends
on the sum Aao + Aai; Fs(a - m)Aai is the share of the specific elastic potential of the solidified
part of a material which is proportional to Aai; its deformation tensor equals (&I - EO), because at
the moment ti its deformation state is regarded as zero (reference state).
Let US consider the n* step of the transformation Aan at time tn. Now, it is possible to write
down the equation for the elastic potential of the material up to time tn+i, when the next
transformation ban+i occurs:
F(En) =Fs(En)Aao +Fs(En - &o)Aal +. . . +Fs(En - Ei-l)Aai +. . .
. . . +Fs(En - En-1)AO.n + FI(En)( 1 -
Aai )
where Ei is a function of the sum (Aw + A ai + . . . + Aai), Le., of the degree of transformation at
time ti. It is evident that the right-hand side of Eq. (2.102) is an integral sum and in the transition
to the limit we have:
F[&(t)l =J Fs(&[a(t)l - &[a('Ol)dW) +Fl(&[a(t)l)[l - a(t)l
Using the expression for the specific free energy, it is possible to formulate the determining physical
(rheological) relationship:
aF 2
Oij =- = I ((& - +)Ii[E(t) - E(T)]6ij + 'tGs[Eij(t) - Eij(T)] - 3Ks%[T(t) -
- T(z)]Sij +&kGij)da(T) - 3Kl~l[T(t) - TolSij r2.1041
where 6ij is the Kronecker symbol (tensor unit).
According to the model under discussion residual stresses are the result of deformational
inhomogeneities in a material, which arise from the heterogeneity of the temperature-conversion
fields in the course of crystallization and are stored during solidification. The important advantage
of this approach is the evident introduction of the fundamental determining equation, Eq. (2.98),
and the direct experimental methods for finding the material constants and functions used in the
model. It is sufficient to measure the temperature dependence of the material constants of the initial
material (melt) and the final product (crystallized solid). After establishing the main rheological
equation (2.104) the boundary problem can be formulated in the usual way:
equilibrium equation
V a+f =O, X E V [2.105]
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
boundary conditions
u =0; s E su; v(J = g; x E SO
geometrical Cauchy condition
where (J is the stress tensor; u, f, and g are vectors of displacement, mass and surface forces,
respectively; V is the volume including the solidified material; x is the radius-vector of an arbitrary
point inside the volume V; Su and Sa are parts of the surface surrounding the volume V, where
different boundary conditions are present; v is the radius vector of the unit normal to the surface
SO; the point in Eq. (2.106) determines the scalar product of a vector by a tensor.
The generalized solution of this problem is found by the variational method of virtual
displacements. According to this principle, the sum of the virtual work done in traversing possible
displacement path is equal to zero:
6Ao +~A Q =0 [2.108]
Eq. (2.109) describes the virtual work done by the inherent stresses inside the volume V. In this
case, the virtual work done by the applied forces ~ A Q equals zero.
If we consider a cylindrical body as a typical example of an article produced by reactive
processing, we can write the variational equation as follows:
6Ao =I [6&]z[o]dV = 0
[2.1 lo]
where [a&] = [6&1,6~eJ is the matrix row and @a] is the matrix-column. The problem formulated
above was solved numerically by the finite element method. The displacements, temperatures, and
degrees of crystallinity a, entering Eq. (2.104) were approximated by linear functions along the
coordinate r inside all elements of the cylinder. The stress fields are calculated by integrating over
the parameter a by means of step-by-step calculation of the deformation fields at each time interval.
Let us compare the calculated temperature fields to the experimental values for cylindrical
articles made of polycaproamide (PA-@, since these fields are the starting point for further
calculations. Cylinders of diameter 67 mm and length 300 mm were prepared by anionic activated
polymerization,14 which is commonly used in reactive processing. The sample is sufficiently long
to be treated as homogeneous along the z-axis. The initial temperature was 228OC; Le., it was a
supercooled melt below the equilibrium melting temperature. The temperature of the surroundings
Chapter 2. Modelling 91
1 .o
0 80 160 t, min
Figure 2.36. Evolution of the temperature (curves 1 and 2) and the degree of transformation (curves 3 and 4)
at the surface (curves 1 and 3) and at the center (curves 2 and 4) of a cylinder of radius 34 mm. The dashed
line shows changes i n temperature of the surroundiigs. Solid lines are calculated. Points are from measure-
changed linearly at a rate of 1 K min-'. The constants of the equations were found by solving the
inverse problem.
The results of the calculations and a comparison with experimental data are shown in Fig.
2.36. For convenience in comparison, the degree of crystallinity i s normalized to its equilibrium
value, so that the calculated function of the reduced crystallinity a changes from 0 to 1. Fig. 2.36
shows that a solution with the appropriate values of the constants fits the experimental data with
high degree of accuracy. Both calculations y d experiment show a pronounced inhomogeneity in
temperature T and degree of transformation a , even for a cylinder with a relatively small diameter
the difference in temperature can reach some tens of K.
It is also possible to investigate the development of residual stresses in cylindrical articles.
The main parameters influencing the level of residual stresses, namely, the cooling rate and article
size, were varied. The following values of the material parameters were used:
K-'; ai = 2.8 lo4 IC1; Coefficients of thermal expansion: as = 9
Poisson's ratios: PS = 0.34; PI = 0.492;
Volume modulus of elasticity for the liquid phase: KI = 3 lo3 MPa.
Temperature dependencies of the volume and shear moduli for the solid phase were found
experi~nentally'~~ for polycaproamide (PA-6). The results of the calculations are shown in Figs.
2.37-2.41. These results demonstrate the evolution of the stresses Oij during crystallization and the
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
n m 4
Figure 2.37. Diseibutions of the degree of conversion a* (curves 1-3), radial OR (curves 1-3) and
circumferential oe (curves 1- 3) stresses in a cylinder of radius 40 mm after 40 min (curves 1, l), 70 min
(curves 2, 2) and 140 min (curves 3, 3) after the start of the process.
level of resi$ual stresses expected after complete cooling of the article. First, let us discuss changes
in Oij and a for a cylinder of radius 40 m at a cooling rate of 1 K min. The evolution of radial
Or and circumferential oe stresses is given in Fig. 2.37 for various times, including the final stage
of cooling. The results show that the mechanical processes in reactive processing and formation of
crystallizable polymeric articles can be successfully analyzed. In particular, it becomes possible to
esjablish the interrelation between the stress-strain state oca material and values of the crustallinity
a . Within 40 min from the beginning of solidification, a in the outer surface layers of the article
reaches 75 % , and is accompanied by large tensile circumferential stresses, while the 5entral part
of the article is under compressive stress. With increasing process time up to 70 min, a continues
to increase but the surface circumferential stresses change sign to become compressive and the
Chapter 2. Modelling 93
I 1
Figure 2.38. Distribution of residual stresses OR curves I) and rse (curves II) in a cylinder of radius 100 nun
at a cooling rate of 2 K min-' (curve 1). 1 K min- (curve 2), 0.75 K min-' (curve 3), 0.5 K rnin-' (curve 4).
volume under compression decreases. Growth of the zone of crystallized material leads to a further
reduction of hydrostatic compression at the center and a decrease in tensile circumferential stresses.
The residual stresses near the surface of the material change very little during the ensuing cooling
process. The material reaches equilibrium crystallinity throughout its full volume at =140 min after
the start of the process, and residual stresses are also fully developed at this time. These results
confirm the approximations used to calculate residual stresses in crystallizable polymeric materials.
The influence of the cooling rate VT on the level of residual stresses was investigated by a
numerical method for a solid cylinder of radius 100 mm at cooling rates varying from 0.25 to 2.0
K min". The results are shown in Fig. 2.38. It is clear that an increase in the cooling rate contributes
to residual stress formation (Fig. 2.39). The influence of the size of an article on the maximum
stresses is shown as a function of the cylinder radius at a constant cooling rate (Fig. 2.40). The
size of an article significantly influences the level of residual stresses, and even in relatively small
slabs, the residual stress can reach high values. Considering that the stresses Oij may be much higher
than in the final state, as was shown in Fig. 2.37, and that the strength of a material at elevated
temperatures is lower than at room temperature, mechanical damage of articles during processing
(especially during cooling) is a definite possibility.
Residual stresses can be reduced by thermal treatment of polymeric articles after processing.
The majority of investigations devoted to this technological method are based on an empirical
approach which yields the optimal conditions, such as temperature, pressure, duration of treatment,
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Figure 2.39. Dependences of maximum residual stresses be (curves 1 and 3) and OR (curves 2 and 4) on the
cooling rate imide cylinders of radii 150 mm (curves 1 and 2) and 100 mm (curves 3 and 4).
environmental conditions, and so on. Thermal treatment of finished polymeric articles is a very
energy-intensive and lengthy process. Thus, it is preferable to search for ways to reduce inherent
stress formation during processing (process optimization) to minimize energy consumption and
production time.
The experimental methods used to measure residual stresses are essentially the same for
metals and polymers. The most wides read are mechanical methods, which can be destructive,
non-destructive, and semi-destructive". Destructive methods involve cutting off part of a sample;
the residual part reacts to this procedure by deformations or displacements proportional to the
inherent stresses. This approach is based on the Saint-Venant principle: the response in the residual
part does not depend on the stress distribution in the cut part of a sample. After measuring the
distribution of deformations, residual stresses in the initial sample can be calculated.
The choice of experimental method for measuring residual stresses depends on the geometrical
shape of the sample. For example, to measure the inherent stresses in bars and plates, it is convenient
to use the bending method, in which the outer layers of a sample are cut off one by one and the
circular and axial deformations along the outer radius are measured. The accuracy of the results
can be checked by cutting rings and following the deformation of the cut pieces.l4 Using this
method, residual stresses were estimated for one typical case, a cylinder of radius 34 mm. The
calculated data are presented in Fig. 2.40. A comparison of the experimental and calculated values
of residual stresses is shown in Fig. 2.41. There is a good correlation of results; however, it was
Chapter 2. Modelling 95
Figure 2.40. Distribution of residual stresses UR and bg (marked on the curves) inside a cylinder of radius 34
mm at a cooling rate of 1 K min-'
very difficult to measure the stresses in the vicinity of the center of the article (at R < 8 mm) with
sufficient accuracy.This is explained by difficulties in preparing rings of small radius. The main
disadvantage of the above method is its destructive character.
Semi-destructive methods are used primarily for samples with a complicated shape. The
method consists of drilling small holes at selected locations in the article.
Non-destructive methods include holographic interferometry, resistance transducers, stress-
sensitive covers, and other similar techniques. In practice, the following physical methods of
non-destructive monitoring of residual stresses are commonly used: X-ray diffraction, measurement
of dielectric properties, and ultrasonic control. The main purpose of these methods is to monitor
the structural transformations or distortions taking place as a result of residual stresses and local
deformations. However, the application of methods such as X-ray diffraction to measure distortions
in unit cel dimensions, ultrasonics to measure elastic wave propagation velocities, etc., all encounter
numerous experimental problems. Therefore, in ordinary laboratory conditions only quantitative
estimations of residual stresses can be obtained.
- 96
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
' \ . \.
29- I Y
1 . 7 1 2.55 3.4
-21 -6
Figure 2.41. Comparison of calculated (solid lines) and experimental (dashed lines) dependencies of the
maximum residual stresses OR and 00 (marked on the curves) inside a cylinder of radius 34 mm at a cooling
rate of 1 K min-'
The manufacture of products by reactive molding results in the superposition of interrelated chemi-
cal and physical phenomena. These include polymerization, crystallization, vitrification, heat trans-
fer, rheolunetic effects, changes in the physical properties and volume of a material injected into a
mold. It is quite natural that special experimental methods are required to study and control the com-
plex processes which take place in molds.
The study and control of a chemical process may be accomplished by measuring the concen-
trations of the reactants and the properties of the end-products. Another way is to measure certain
quantities that characterize the conversion process, such as the quantity of heat output in a reaction
vessel, the mass of a reactant sample, etc. Taking into consideration the special features of the
chemical molding process (transition from liquid to solid and sometimes to an insoluble state), the
calorimetric method has obvious advantages both for controlling the process variables and for ob-
taining quantitative data. Calorimetric measurements give a direct correlation between the transfor-
mation rates and heat release. This allows to monitor the reaction rate by observation of the heat
release rate. For these purposes, both isothermal and non-isothermal calorimetry may be used. In the
first case, the heat output is effectively removed, and isothermal conditions are maintained for the re-
action. This method is especially successful when applied to a sample in the form of a thin film of the
reactant. The temperature increase under these conditions does not exceed l K, and treatment of the
experimental results obtained is simple: the experimental data are compared with solutions of the dif-
ferential kinetic equation.
The situation becomes more complicated if experiments are carried out in non-isothermal con-
ditions. First of al1,many non-isothermal measurement procedures are possible. The selection of a
particular method depends on the process characteristics and methods of interpretation. Scanning
calorimeters, which measure the quantity of heat released as the ambient temperature is varied line-
arly. The rate of temperature change can be varied by the experimenter.
98 A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
Another method for investigating non-isothermal polymerization is adiabatic calorimetry, be-
cause it is a convenient method for treating experimental data. A system is adiabatic if the tempera-
ture changes along the coordinates atlax = 0 and the Biot Number, Bi, is equal to zero. The &/ax
value may be considered equal to zero at Bi C 0.1. These conditions are achieved by reliable thermal
insulation of the reactive volume or by continuous measurement of the temperature of the reactant
mass and regulation of the containment temperature in order to exclude temperature gradients and
heat flux from the reactive volume to the surroundings. The simplest method of making measure-
ments in adiabatic conditions is to monitor the temperature in the center of the polymer volume
where near-adiabatic conditions are achieved because of the low thermal conductivity of the reactant
mixture; in this case, the reactive volume must be sufficiently large.
The engineering requirements for reactive molding of large articles depend to a large extent
on the changes in viscosity of the medium during polymerization. This is why it is important to meas-
ure the rheokinetics of the process, bearing in mind that these measurements are accompanied by in-
crease in sample temperature due to heat output. Standard rotational viscometer^'^^can be used,
although their application is limited to the range in which deformations do not influence the material
structure being formed by chemical reactions.
Dynamic mechanical analysis methods are frequently used to investigate polymerization and
curing processes in reactive systems. These methods allow us to obtain both relative and absolute
rheological characteristics of a material. Measurements can be made in both the fluid and solid states
without affecting the inherent structure of the polymerizing system.
One of most popular techniques for dynamic mechanical analysis is the torsion pendulum
method. In a modification of this method designed to follow curing processes, a torsion bar is manu-
factured from a braid of fibers impregnated with the composition to be studied; this is the so-called
torsional braid analysis (TBA) The forced harmonic oscillation method has been
also used and has roven to be valuable. This method employs various types of rheogoniometers and
vibroreometers, J5 which measure the absolute values of the viscoelastic properties of the sys-
tem under study; these properties can be measured at any stage of the process. The use of computers
further contributes to improvements in dynamic mechanical analysis methods for rheokinetic meas-
urements. As will be seen below, new possibilities are opened up by applying computer methods to
results of dynamic measurements.
Changes in the volume of the reactive mass during polymer synthesis permit the use dilatomet-
ric and gravimetric methods in laboratory research. In full-scale industrial applications, instruments
that can measure the temperature changes due to reaction heat output, viscosity change, shrinkage,
etc. are simultaneously used. Physical parameters such as electrical resistance and dielectric loss
tangent have also been used. For high-rate processes, a laboratory installation for reaction injection
molding might incorporate a calorimeter, a viscometer, and equipment for machining specimens for
mechanical tests.
This chapter is devoted to a discussion of some new methods (particularly those based on com-
puterized techniques) for research and control of the physical and chemical processes that occur dur-
Chapter 3. Research and Control Methods 99
ing reactive molding and that need to be quantitatively described to model real technological
Some new methods for measuring the relaxational modes of a material during the curing process
have been proposed. 150-153 A new experimental technique for investigating the viscoelastic proper-
ties of polymeric materials is called Fourier-Transform Mechanical Spectroscopy (FTMS). The
main advantage of the FTMS method is that the value of dynamic modulus components at different
frequencies can be obtained in a single experiment without changing the sample. An inharmonic me-
chanical input is fed in, and then this input and the corresponding output signals are expanded as a
Fourier series. The terms of both series are compared for the same frequency and give the values of
the components of the dynamic modulus (or elastic modulus and loss factor) at this frequency. The
FTMS method can measure rapidly changing values of viscoelastic properties of polymer materials
undergoing polymerization, solidification, crystallization, etc.
Theoretical investigations show that there is only one signal that satisfies the condition of
equal amplitudes in a Fourier expansion; this input signal is written as
sin2n0, t
x(t) =
where x(t) is the input signal; 6x1 is the circular frequency of the main (senior) harmonic. The ampli-
tudes of all terms in the Fourier series of this function are equal to one.
The FTMS method can be carried out by means of any mechanical forced oscillations
generator. A computer synthesizes a signal of preset shape (for example, the signal described by Eq.
(3.1) or simply a sum of harmonics) and transmits it through a digital-to-analog converter to the in-
put of the generator.The output signal from the specimen is measured by forced transducers and di-
rected through an analog-to-digital converter to the computer. Then the Fourier transformation
algorithm, which separates the amplitude and phase of the main and junior harmonics of the same
frequency is performed. These data serve as a basis for calculating the dynamic mfchanical
properties of the polymer system, Le., the components of the shear modulus of elasticity, G , and the
mechanical loss tangent tan6 in the polymerization process and/or curing.
The FTMS method allows us to follow changes in several parameters that carry information
on the role of different mechanisms during formation of an end-product by reactive molding. Spe-
cifically, the development of fluctuating entanglements of long-chain macromolecules can be distin-
guished from the appearance of rubber-like three-dimensional networks of chemical bonds.
Let us consider the application of the FTMS method for analysis of the evolution of relaxation
properties during synthesis of a polyurethane based on macro(diisocyanate and diamine. The i nstru-
ment used was vibrorheometer with a cone-and-plane type measuring cell. t 54 The experimental data
were obtained for the main frequency of periodic oscillations fo = 0.06 Hz. In processing the experi-
mental data, three frequencies were distinguished: fo, 4f0, and l6f0; i.e., the frequency range was
somewhat greater than one order of magnitude. One measurement gives the values of six quantities
t min
Figure 3. 1. Time dependencies of the real G' (a) and imaginary G" (b) components of the complex dynamic
modulus at the frequencies 0.0625 Hz (l), 0.25 Hz (2) and 1.00 Hz (3).
- the real G' and imaginary G" components of the complex dynamic shear modulus of elasticity G*
(or G' and the mechanical loss tangent tad) for three frequencies. Although the theory predicts
equal amplitudes at all frequencies, including those which are > > l6fo; it is virtually impossible to
use the higher terms of a series, because of increasing experimental errors due to the non-ideal form
of the input signal (i.e., divergence from that given by Eq.(3.1)) and unavoidable performance er-
rors in the transducers, transmitting systems, and so on.
wo =27cf0, wi = 4nw0, and w2=16nwo are shown in Fig. 3.1. The lack of coincidence in the
shapes of the time dependencies of the dynamic modulus components for different frequencies is ob-
vious. This phenomenon is especially true for G", because the position of the maximum differs sub-
stantially along the time axis. In the most general sense, this reflects the contributions of the main
relaxation mechanisms of the material to its measured viscoelastic properties.
The relaxation spectrum H(8) completely characterizes the viscoelastic properties of a mate-
rial. ?@) can be found from the measured frequency dependence of the dynamic modulus of elastic-
ity G (0) by means of the following integral equation:
The results of measurements of the dependencies G*(w, t) for three circular frequencies
G* ( ~) =G, + AG -
I t iw8
where Go is the equilibrium modulus of elasticity; AG is relaxation part of the*elastic modulus, 8 is
the relaxation time. The calculation of H(8) from the measured dependence G (w) is valid when the
frequency range covered by an experiment is sufficiently wide (several orders of magnitude).This is
nor the case with the results shown in Fig. 3.1; therefore, H(8) cannot be determined from a single
Chapter 3. Research and Control Methods
0.5 c
0 lL
0 0'56 0.1 0 0.1 5 % ' 6 G: MPa
Figure 3.2. Evolution of the Cole-Cole diagrams during a curing process at ti <t2 <t3 <ts <t5 <u. Fre-
quencies: 0.0625 Hz (l), 0.25 Hz (2). 1.0 Hz (3) and 4.0 Hz (4).
experiment. Thus, the study of relaxation characteristics should be conducted for a model viscoelas-
tic body with a limited set of constants. Cole-Cole diagrams, which show the interrelations between
the dynamic properties of a material in a G"-vs- G' coordinate system, can also be used. This method
excludes frequency from consideration as a parameter.
A Cole-Cole diagram is shown in Fig. 3.2. The experimental points in the G"- vs - G' coordi-
nate system fall lie closely on a balf-circle, with the exception of a narrow time interval very close to
the transition (gelation) time, t . This curve co$responds to simplest model of a linear viscoelastic
body with one relaxation time. In this case, G (0) is expressed as follows:
1 + iw0,
G* ( o ) =G, + AG
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
8. %
10 20 t min
Figure 3. 3. Root-mean-squareerror in fitting experimentaldata with three (1) and four-parametric (2) models.
1 + w20;
G' ( o) =G, + AG
G"(o) = AG
1 + 0%;
Here three constants appear: Go is the equilibrium modulus of elasticity; is the characteristic re-
laxation time, and AG is the relaxation part of elastic modulus. There are six measured quantities
(components of the dynamic modulus for three frequencies) for any curing time. It is essential that
the relaxation characteristics are related to actual physical mechanisms: the Go value reflects the ex-
istence of a three-dimensional network of permanent (chemical) bonds; (+, and AG are related to the
relaxation process due to the segmental flexibility of the polymer chains. According to the model, in-
termolecular interactions are modelled by assuming the existence of a network of temporary bonds,
which are sometimes interpreted as physical (or geometrical) long-chain entanglements.
The determinaiion of the three quantities Go, (+,, AG from six measured characteristics, i.e.,
the components of G at frequencies fo, 4f0, 16fo is carried out by minimizing root-mean-square er-
ror for each time t of during curing. Fig. 3.3 shows how the root-mean-square error 6 for this calcu-
Chapter 3. Research and Control Methods
Go, AG, MPa
10 20 t ,min
Figure 3.4. Dependencies of parameters Go (l), AG (2), and0 (3) of a three-constant model on time in polyure-
thane curing.
lation depends on time t. The error is always small, but during a certain narrow time interval close to
a characteristic time, it rapidly increases. This means that a three-constant model of a viscoelastic
body with one characteristic time near t* inadequately reflects the relaxation properties of a material
duringzcuring . This is probably not accidental, but caused by an intrinsic feature of material behavi2r
near t,. As it will be shown later, a three-dimensional network of chemical bonds is formed at t ;
i.e., t is the gel-point of the system.
Fig. 3.4 shows the results of calculations of Go, AG, and% carried out according to Eq. (3.3).
The parameter Go which is related to the density of the network of chemical bonds formed during
curing, is zero at the start of the reaction but increases in value some time la+ter. This time is obvi-
ously correlated with the beginning of gel formation, i.e., with the gel point t . Before this time, the
viscoelastic properties of a system in the process of curing are determined by the fluctuating network
of entanglements.
The model of a viscoelastic body with one relaxation time used above has one prinsipal disad-
vantage: it does not describe the viscous flow of the reactants before the gel-point at t < t . Thus it is
important to use a more general model of a viscoelastic medium to interpret the results obtained. The
model must allow for flow and may be constructed by combining viscous and viscoelastic elements;
the former has viscosity q~ and the latter has a relaxation modulus of elasticity Gp and viscosity 3,
104 A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
Go. MPa:r),MPa.s
10 20 t min
Figure 3.5. Dependencies of the parameters 110 (1) and Go (2) of the fourconstant model on time in the process
of curing (parameters G, and
Le., its relaxation time% = q,/AGp. This is the well-known Burgers model. 155 Let us now suppose
that an equilibrium modulus of elasticity Go exists, although it should be understood that in the time
interval during which the material is solidifying it retains its fluidity and Go = O.Now let us process
the same experimental data with the help of the four-constant (w, AGp, %q Go) model. The con-
stants are calculated by to the same method as before. The error 6 of this approximation is shown in
Fig. 3. 3 (the bottom curve 2). It is worth noting that in practice, the four constants were calculated
from a model constructed from two Maxwell elements joined in parallel.This construction is for-
mally equivalent to the Burgers model, because there is a direct and unambiguous correspondence
between the two sets of however, the model chosen for calculation was determined
mainly by the convenience and accuracy of the approximation. The constants of the double Maxwell
model were then compared with the Burgers model.
are the same as shown in Figure 3.4).
Chapter 3. Research and Control Methods 105
The results of calculations of the time dependencies of the constants are presented in Fig. 3.5.
In this case the root-mean-square error of approximation also has a maximum at a specific time, al-
though its magnitude is substantially lower than for the $ee-constant model. This is to be expected
with the four-contant model, because it is known that at t the relaxation spectrum of a curing poly-
meric material changes radically: it widens abruptly, and new relaxation modes appear. 130 The four-
constant model is insufficient to describe a rapid change in relaxation properties; furthermore, the
behavior of a real material near the gel-point (at the transition of the system to the heterophase state)
is a new phenomenon that is not described by a simple model.
The follo$ng results are important consequences of the model evaluation. First, the existence
of the gel point t is clearly s%ulated, because as a material approa+ches this point, rp+co; i.e., the
material loses fluidity at t + t . Second, in the time interval, t < t , Go = 0; Le., the model shows
that there is no equilibrium modulus, because the network of chemical bonds is not formed yet.
Therefore, the material behavior is described by a single value of viscosity qo and a single relaxation
time 8, . The existence of viscoelasticity in this interval is a result of aFuctuating network of intermo-
lecular interactions (entanglements). Third, in the time interval t > t , we have ~p + co and Go is not
equal to zero; i.e., there are two types of interpenetrating networks, with chemical and physical
bonds, respectively.Then, from the ensuing changes in Go and AGp (together with %), we may
speculate that both networks are formed independently.
These results clearly indicate that the multi-frequency dynamic analysis method allows us to
estimate the contribution of different relaxation mechanisms during curing of elastomers, and the
changes in chemical and physical networks densities can be studied separately.
Rapidly solidifying compositions used for reactive injection molding place some restrictions on
measurement. In the time required to prepare the reaction mixture, place a sample in the measuring
cell of an instrument, and achieve a steady state in the sample and the measuring system at a preset
temperature, chemical conversion of the material may advance considerably, making viscosity
measurements meaningless. The volume of lost information depends on the ratio of the transient
time necessary to achieve a steady state in the sample and the characteristic time of the chemical reac-
tion. The sensitivity of the reaction rate to temperature is also important. In order to avoid the neces-
sity to maintain isothermal conditions for the measurements, a non-isothermal scanning method for
viscosity measurements was proposed.
In this method, the components of a reactive mixture are thermally conditioned and mixed at a
low temperature, which retards the reaction during the preparatory stages. The working cell of a vis-
cometer is thermally conditioned at the same temperature. When the sample is placed in the measur-
ing device, a programmed heater controls the temperature changes. In the simplest case, the
temperature changes linearly as:
T = To + aTt
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
3 2 4
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 B
Figure 3.6. Changes in viscosity of polyurethane during non-isothermal curing at different scanning rates: 2
Wmin (l), 8 Wmin (2), 16 Wmin (3).
where To is initial temperature, t is time, and aT is the rate of temperature increase. A series of ex-
periments is carried out in different non-isothermal regimes (for example at different values of the
rate aT). The quantity of the reaction mass used in the experiments must be small in order to exclude
the formation of temperature gradients throughout the sample volume. The exothermal effect of a
chemical reaction can then be neglected, and the change in sample temperature can proceed accord-
ing to the preset regime of the external heater. When a programmed heater is used, an appropriate
initial temperature is determined experimentally for a particular composition prior to the measure-
ments. In some cases, this procedure may be limited by crystallization of the components or other
secondary effects.
Fig. 3.6 shows the results of viscosity determination for a linear temperature increase in a
polyurethane based on poly(butadiene diol), diphenylmethane diisocyanate, and diamine.
In order to describe changes in the rheological properties of polyurethanes during curing, the
following equation was proposed and proved to be correct:
Chapter 3. Research and Control Methods 107
where k,, is a pre-exponential factor; E,, is the apparent activation energy for viscous flow; p is the
degree of conversion; b is an empirical constant; and T is the temperature. The temperature in this
equation may be time-dependent, and can be described by various functions T(t). Values of the con-
stants in this equation are determined from a non-isothermal experiment by computer methods. With
these constants, Eq. (3.5) can be used to predict viscosity changes in a process with an arbitrary tem-
perature regime.
Calorimetry is a basic technique for establishing reaction parameters and comparing theoretical pre-
dictions with experimental results. However, studies of rapid reactions pose considerable difficul-
ties, because even the most sensitive calorimeters have a noticeable lag time. In many cases, this
time lag distorts the experimental results on a quantitative and even on a qualitative level. The diffi-
culty of separating the actual experimental signals caused by the effects being measured and the time-
lagged signals is of general importance for inertial measuring circuits. Multiple numerical or gra hi
cal differentiation methods have been proposed as means of retrieving the true initial signals.
If the measuring (transmitting) circuit of an instrument has linear characteristics (which re-
quires separate experimental validation), the output signal of a linear instrument y(t) is expressed in
terms of the input signal x(t) using the integral equation:
P57 -
y(t) = x(r)h(t - r)dr
where t is time; h(t) is the transfer (transmitting) function of the response of a linear instrument to an
input pulse at t = 0, which transforms the initial signal x(t) into the measured one, y(t).
To determine the function x(t), it is necessary to find the solution of the integral of Eq. (3.6)
for a known h(t) and measured y(t) functions. One proposed method of calculating x(t) assumes that
the shape of the function x(t) is known beforehand and that the transfer function h(t) can be experi-
mentally determined. 15' A more general solution uses Fourier transforms. If Eq. (3.6) is rewritten
with the Fourier transforms of the functions x(t), y(t), and h(t - T), which are denoted by Y, X, and
H, then, using the convolution theorem:
where f is the cyclic frequency. If H(f) is nowhere zero, the solution of Eq. (3.6) can be written in the
Y(f) = X(f)H(f) P.71
x(t) = Y(f)H(f)ei2""df
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
In real cases, the possibility of qualitative retrieval of the form of the function x(t) from y(t) is limited
only by the requirement for accurate measurement of y(t), which may be very strict.
There are many known methods for solving of integral Eq. (3.8), but preference should be
given to those which do not require a lot of calculations and which can be adapted to automated col-
lection and processing of the experimental information in real time. For this purpose, the following
conclusion is important: the most accurate retrieval of the true signal shape is achieved when Eq.
(3.8) is applied to results that have been preliminarily smoothed with a filter designed to provide the
minimum mean-square error of smoothing.
This method is basically simple: the measuring circuit of a linear thermal measuring instru-
ment includes a low-frequency filter, i.e., a filter which passes only low-frequency signals and
weakens high-frequency signals. If a true signal processed by the measuring circuit of a thermal in-
strument is delivered to a high-frequency filter, i.e., to a filter which weakens low frequencies and
amplifies lugh ones, the resulting signal will be closer to the true form. In this case the closer the
transmitting characteristic of the high-frequency filter is to the inverse of the transfer characteristic
of the measuring instrument, the closer the output signal is to the true measured signal.
The requirements for the transfer characteristic H(f) of a thermal measuring device are as fol-
H*(f) = 0 at high frequencies ( f 2 fo), where fo is the limiting cut-off frequency of the high-
frequency filter, which is chosen according to the noise performance of the measuring instrument
and the resolving time of the retrieved signal.
The transfer characteristics of the high-frequency filter defined by expression (3.9) are ideal.
In practice, it is impossible to achieve the ideal filter, so various approximations of the ideal filter
must be used. The design of filters approximating the ideal form have been discussed by numerous
authors. One simple design uses a filter described by expression (3.9) with the addition of a second-
order filter.
Let us consider the application of this technique to a Calvet differential calorimeter. Accord-
ing to the standard procedure an ampoule with the reactant mix is placed in the measuring chamber.
If the wall thicknesses of the measuring chamber and the ampoule are sufficiently small, the heat flux
q passing through a unit wall area with a stepwise change in temperature is described by the expres-
qocl -e-['r [3. lo]
where t is the time constant characterizing the signal delay; its value is proportional to h/ Cp, where h
is the thermal conductivity and Cp is the specific heat. When the heat flux passes consecutively
through the walls of the chamber and the adjacent ampoule, the heat flux through the unit area is pro-
portional to:
Chapter 3. Research and Control Methods
e -
0 0.02 Os04 0.06 1. Hz
Figure 3.7. Unit-step responses of an instrument (a) and of a high-frequency filter (b) in the same frequency
range 1 - no filter; 2 - with a filter; 3 - ideal filter characteristic; 4 - approximation by a second order Butterworth
q oc (1 - e-t/71)(1 - e-t'~)
where zi and 22 are the time constants of the measuring chamber and the ampoule, respectively.
Using Eq. (3.1 l), we can formulate the response of the calorimeter n(t) as a stepwise pulse:
n(ti) =qo(1 - e-ti/'1)(1 - e-ti/~> [3.12]
where ti is the time equal to iAt; At is the time increment; no is the steady-state value of the heat
flux, measured in the units of the instrument.
The constants zi and 22 in Eq. (3.12) can be determined experimentally by a standard
algorithm of nonlinear programming by writing the desired (efficiency) function E for this algorithm
as follows:
where ne(ti) is the experimental value of n at time ti. After determining TI and 72, we can find the
unit-step response of the measuring circuit:
The modulus (absolute value) of the transient function in the frequency range H(f) is shown in Fig.
3.7. The structure of the filter is determined by the following expression:
x(ti) = boy(i) + alx(ti-1) + azx(ti-2)
where bo, ai, and a2 are coefficients.
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
9. mWlg
Figure 3.8. Experimental curves of heat output during polyurethane curing. 1 - true curve (as a result of
filtration); 2 - no filtering (2).
The modulus of the gain factor of such a filter (Butterworth) is shown in Fig. 3.7 b (curve
4). The total unit-step response of a measuring instrument equipped with a filter determined by the
second-order expression (3.12) is presented in Fig. 3.7a (curve 2). Verification tests of the method
have given good agreement between theory and experiment.
Let us illustrate the action of the filter by an example of the restoration of the signal, beginning
with the instrumental signal obtained during curing of a polyurethane sample directly in the working
cell of a calorimeter. The type of polyurethane used in the experiments is characterized by
considerable intermolecular interaction; thus we may expect two peaks in the heat output intensity
curve. The first peak is related to the heat of chemical reaction, and the second is connected with
the heat release which accompanies the formation of a network of intermolecular physical bonds.
The magnitude of the second peak is considerably lower than the first. From an analytical point of
view, it is of particular interest to separate the second peak from the background of the heat output
caused by the chemical reaction. The curing temperature was 80C. Curve 2 in Fig. 3.8 was obtained
Chapter 3. Research and Control Methods 111
with an instrument without filtering; and has only an insignificant inflection (if any) in the range
10< t <20 min. This is explained by the thermal lag of the instrument and by the existence of two
processes with characteristic times of the same order.
The use of a filter determbied by Eq. (3.15) allows the true form of the signal to be restored
(Fig. 3.8, curve 1). In this case, both the magnitudes of the quantities measured and the qualitative
shape of the experimental curve change. The use of this filtration method has enabled us to broaden
the frequency range of the instrument by about an order of magnitude and to reduce the effective
time constant of the calorimeter from 4 min to 30 sec.
As a rule, reactive molding processes are accompanied by significant changes in the molecular
mobility of various elements in the molecular structure of the reactive components. Thus, thermal
method is among the most informative control techniques for these processes. In general, it would
be preferable to use non-stationary methods operating in real time with small samples that do not
need to be placed in a s ecial constant-temperature enclosure. In this respect a new method using
a pulsed thermal probelg2 is attractive and can be used to analyze some characteristics of reactive
The basis of the thermal probe method is the following. A test thermal pulse is sent to a wire
probe located in the medium to be studied, and the system response to the local heat pulse is
registered and analyzed. The length of a single pulse is about - lo4 s, and the frequency of
successive pulses is up to 10 Hz; the volume subjected to the thermal pulses is approximately
mm3. Two independent types of response relative to that of the surroundings are registered,
depending on the choice of pulse parameters. The first response records changes in thermal activity
of the material during the chosen time period. The thermal activity characterizes the reaction of the
material to the thermal pulse in a non-stationary process. This value b is defined by the ratio
where h is the coefficient of heat conductivity; p is the density, and Cp - is the specific heat of the
The second response records the characteristic temperature T*. This temperature is a
reflection of abrupt changes in the conditions of the contact between the probe and sample. For
example, such changes can occur due to a break in the continuity of contact after the thermal shock.
Analysis of the time and temperature effects is made by comparison with temperature changes
during uniform heating. The temperature response depends on the sample com osition, the
properties of the surrounding medium, and on the rate of temperature increase. 163-5 The value
of T* lies above the traditional temperature range of experiments on polymeric substances. The
response to the tem erature pulse is similar to that observed in spontaneous vaporization of
overheated liquids. 16 167 Measurements of the characteristic temperature T* give the absolute value
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
10 30
6o t , min
Fig 3.9. Dependences of the parameters T* and dT/dt(tf) on time during curing of macro(diisocyanate) by
diamine. To =90C (curves 1 and 3) and TO =7OoC (curves 2 and 4).
of the effect, while the parameter b is a material parameter. Combining the two methods in a single
experiment allows the nature of the thermal processes to be understood.
The main advantages of the method are: its rapidity, the minute quantity of sample material
required, the independence of the quantity T* from the environmental temperature, and the
compactness and stability of the instrumentation. Another advantage of the method for controlling
solidification and component reparation is its sensitivity to the presence of low-molecular-wei ht
compounds in a system. 163'16'1t is also sensitive to changes in the molecular weight of the sample
and in the relaxation state, especially the glass transition. Analysis of the data shows that the T+
level and the magnitude of its changes in a solidified system are determined mainly by the nature
and quantity of the relatively low-molecular-weight components. The changes Abreflects changes
in the packing density and degree of order of the structural elements.
A platinum probe of diameter 200 ycm and length 1 cm is the main element of the measuring
system, serving both as a heater and as a resistance thermometer. The probe is included in a bridge
circuit into which the current pulses are fed. The probe temperature (according to its resistance) vs
time dependence is recorded. The out-of-balance voltage from the bridge provides a measure of
the equivalent temperature change. The method is based on the high sensitivity of the probe to
changes in heat exchange conditions, attributable to its surface-to-volume ratio.
Let us examine both measurement procedures. The rate of temperature increase dT/dt for a
given volume heat output from the probe q(t) is determined by the heat flow dq/dt. A solution of
Chapter 3. Research and Control Methods
- 0.1 15
0 1 2 1, 1 1
Figure 3.10. Dependences of the parameters TI and dT/dt(tf) on time during curing of epoxy resin by methanol
aminotitanate. To =120OC. Content of curing agent 40 wt% (curves 1 and 4) or 15 wt% (curves 2 and 3).
the energy balance equation for experimental conditions (pulse time on the order of 100 - 400 ps)
using the approximation dT/dt = const and 1+- shows that the uantities dq/dt and b are
proportional to each other. This result was confirmed by experiments!@ An increase in thermal
activity of a system during the solidification process or volatile additive removal leads to decreasing
dT/dt at t = tf, where tf is a fixed time. Determining the temperature response requires separation
of the characteristic high-frequency signal from the T(t) dependence and finding the T value at the
instant of appearance. This response signal fixes the time of rapid change in contact conditions (for
example, due to spontaneous vaporization) and is concerned with instantaneous changes in dT/dt.
By applying correction factors for radial and end effects, it is possible to find probe surface
temperature at its center part. This value is assumed to be the sample surface temperature T* at a
specific time. The optimum pulse duration is 50 - 500 ps. The frequency is determined by the
relaxation time in the sample surface layers, tr, and can be varied within the limits of 0.01 - 1 Hz,
depending on a reaction stage. The value of tr is determined by measuring dT/dt at t = tf before
and after the heating pulse.
The results of dT/dt and T* measurements made during curing of two systems - macro(di-
isocyanate) based on poly(tetraethy1ene glycol) and 2,4-toluylene diisocyanate cured by diamine
(MDA) and epoxy diene oligomer cured by triethanol(amine titanate) are shown in Figs. 3.9 and
3.10, respectively. The monotonic increase in the parameters, monitored in the experiment,
114 A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
provides reliable results for process control. The most important results have been obtained from
experiments carried out at different process temperatures To and reagent ratios. It was found that
both dT/dt and T*(t) changed and the magnitudes of their changes correlated with the rate of
conversion dp/dt(t) and the limiting value of the conversion degree for the given reaction conditions.
For example, for epoxy oligomer curing at To = 9OoC, which results in incomplete conversion
(see Fig. 2.12), the limiting value of T* is close to 600OC. This is much lower than the T* values
shown in Fig. 3.10. The initial T* value of the system is determined by the molecular weights Mn
and properties of the reactant components. For the materials already studied, 163-165 this value
changes from 22OoC for poly(methy1 methacrylate) to 77OoC for MDI. The T*(t) curve for MDI
is similar to the dependence T*(Mn) of polymer homologues. It is interesting to note that in
poly(methy1 methacrylate) polymerization this curve is convex with respect to the t axis. This effect
is associated with a presence of monomer in a system until the end of the reaction.
The steepest part of the T*(t) curve, shown in Fig. 3.10, corresponds to the transition of
epoxy resin into the rubbery state. In MDI curing and methyl methacrylate polymerization the
amplitude of the response signal (T*) decreases monotononically and then becomes constant when
the rigidity of the system reaches a certain level. The completeness of the reaction can be determined
by saturation of the dT/dt(tf) curve. The product pC, is relatively insensitive to the transition of an
oligomer to a polymer. The shape of the dT/dt(tf) curve is determined primarily by changes in the
value of A, which are directly related to the value of Mn and the structural characteristics of the
polymeric material.
Chapter 4. Principles of Reactive Molding Technology
Reactive (chemical) molding technology and the equipment used depend on the geometrical shape
of the article produced. In all cases, initial liquid products are delivered into a mold where the
processes of polymerization (solidification), structure formation, and shaping proceed simultane-
The preliminary operations of preparation of the initial components can be carried out in
special centralized chemical production plants or directly in the work bays where the articles are
manufactured. When the initial components are obtained in the form of semi-finished products, the
manufacturing process is simplified. Semi-finished products are single- or, more often, two-com-
ponent mixtures, especially the prepolymers used in polyurethane production. Mixtures include
chemical reactants and mixtures of polymers or oligomers with different additives required for final
The batch process equipment used for preparing the components is essentially a set of reactors
equipped with heaters and agitators. They operate under vacuum or in an inert gas atmosphere.
One of the main requirements of the chemical molding process is the production of pore- and
defect-free articles. The volatile products and moisture must be thoroughly removed from the
reactant mixture. Moisture imparts porosity to the final articles due to evaporation and the chemical
interaction of water with the components of the reactant system, for example, with isocyanates in
case of polyurethane formulations. In some cases, moisture can also inhibit the polymerization
process, for example, anionic-activated polymerization of lactams. Many monomers, particularly
acrylic compounds, require removal of the inhibitors to increase their shelf-life.
If a monomer or an oligomer is delivered in heated tanks, it is immediately pumped into a
heated vessel for storage in controlled conditions. Other products, which are liquid during
transportation, are treated in the same way. Components with melting points higher than room
116 A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
temperature are melted. For this purpose storage containers are put into a thermostated cabinet or
chamber where the materials are maintained at the temperature 10 to 2OoC higher than their melting
point to ensure complete melting of the reactants. Then the reactants are pumped into a heated
vessel for storage. Preparation of solid components for mixing usually includes drying followed by
screening and fractionation. The latter may not be necessary if a powder is highly soluble in the
mixture. The conformity of all raw materials to the required standards is of particular importance
for high-quality process operations. Molecular weight distributions (MWD) and the proportions
and mixing of the initial rea ents are especially important as these factors influence the kinetics of
the polymerization process'" and the quality of the end-products.
An important step in the production process is the preparation of a standard specimen. This
specimen is used to qualify principle production parameters such as the long-term stability of the
reactive mixture, polymerization cycle, and the performance characteristics of the material obtained.
Simultaneous determination of the reaction parameters allows us to use mathematical modelling to
optimize the reactive processing regime.
Free injection of a reactant mixture to an open mold followed by polymerization and solidification
(curing, crystallization, and so on) in thermostated sets is the most widely used method of
manufacturing large-sized moldings, such as plates, slabs, and other items of a simple or complicated
The process usually takes place in a batch reactor, which serves simultaneously as a vessel
for preparing prepolymers and as a mixer. The design requirements of such a reactor are determined
by the viscosity of the initial raw materials, the temperature at which preparation and mixing of
the components are carried out as well as by lifetime of the reactant mixture. If the components of
a mixture do not require special preparation, they are loaded into the reactor manually. If it is
necessary to prepare a melt of a hardener or curing agent or to add a catalyst to the reactant mixture,
another small reactor is added. Components prepared in this auxiliary reactor are quickly transported
to a mixer by gravity or by means of a pump, either under vacuum or under pressure. The mass
of the item produced is limited by the volume of the main reactor. Hence to increase output, the
number and volume of the reactors must be increased. A variety of articles can be produced by
free molding or casting in a stationary mold. For example, polyurethane can be manufactured in
molding equipment suitable for stamping out sheets (e.g., diaphragms) or into massive blocks
weighing up to several tones. Similarly, one can also obtain a vast assortment of large-sized moldings
of epoxy resins, poly(methy1 methacrylate), polyamide-6 and many other polymers and polymeric
compositions can be produced.
High volume production requires continuous lines for preparing the components for mixing.
These lines feed into continuous mixers and then through filling devices into the mold, all in a
rational layout designed to allow continuous processing.
Chapter 4. Principles of Reactive Molding Technology
Figure 4.1. Flowsheet of production of a reactive mixture by activated anionic &-caprolactam polymerization
(explanations of numbers are in the text).
A basic two-reactor flow sheet for continuous component preparation is considered here for
activated anionic polymerization of &-caprolactam. According to this flow sheet, the whole
&-caprolactam melt delivered from storage is divided into two equal parts. One part is used to
prepare the catalytic system and the other is mixed with activating additives. Upstream of mixing;
the &-caprolactam melt should be thoroughly dried. A rotary thin-film apparatus is usually used as
a drier. This allows continuous processing, in contrast to lactam drying in batch processing, which
is carried out periodically in a vessel, either under vacuum or with inert gas bubbling. Owing to
the short residence time in the heated zone and the depression of the boiling point of water under
vacuum, the monomer does not decompose or deteriorate. The availability of evaporators
combinated with specially designed traps assures condensation of the lactam and its return to the
When a 30% solution of NaOH is used as a catalyst, the caprolactam is dried and its sodium
salt is formed at the same time (Fig. 4.1).The &-caprolactam melt goes to a receiving vessel I and
through a filter 2 before delivery to a collector 3. Then melt is pumped to prepare the sodium salt
of caprolactam and the activating system. An alkali solution is prepared in vessel 4 and then mixed
with the necessary quantity of a monomer in reactor 5. The mixture is dried in a rotary thin-film
drier 6 (Na-caprolactam is formed at the same time) and gathered in a collector 7. The other part
of the monomer melt is pumped for drying from a vessel 3 to a second rotary thin-film drier 8
whence it goes into a vessel 9. If the highly concentrated Na salt of caprolactam is prepared
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
Figure 4.2. Flowsheet of production of cast polyurethane elastomer articles from a prepolymer by the continuous
method: I - vessel to store prepolymer: 2 - vessel to prepare prepolymer; 3 - reactor for curing agent; 4 -
transfer pump; 5 - metering pump; 6 - mixing device: 7 - mold.
beforehand followed by dilution to the necessary concentration, only part of the monomer is pumped
from vessel 9 to prepare the activating system: the rest flows into reactor I3 to dilute the concentrated
salt of caprolactam into the reactor 13. An activator is delivered into a batcher IO and then is passed
through a filter 11 to mix with the monomer. An activating mixture is prepared in reactor 12. The
melt streams of the catalytic and activating systems are mixed in a 1 : 1 ratio in a mixing device 14.
To facilitate continuous production, multiple vessels are installed in the plant section where the
catalytic and activating melt streams are prepared. The number and size of these vessels are
determined by the unit capacity.
As a general rule, the reactors are vertical cylindrical vessels, either enameled or lined with
glass. They can also be manufactured of stainless steel with jackets for delivering hot fluids. Water
or steam may be used as heat transfer agents for &-caprolactam. However, if temperatures up to
15OoC are necessary, or in order to process other lactams, diphenyl mixture, silicon liquids, etc.
are used as heat-transfer agent. Electric heating is also extensively used. It is necessary to bubble
an inert gas through each vessel containing monomer melt to protect it against oxidation; this method
can also replace mechanical mixing devices.
Flow sheets for preparing the components of various monomer and oligomer reactant mixtures
do not differ significantly from each other, although they may have different sets of reactors. The
choice depends mainly on the physical and chemical properties of the initial components. Fig. 4.2
shows a flow sheet for obtaining continuously molded polyurethane elastomers. Fig. 4.3 illustrates
an elementary flow sheet for a batch process unit for manufacturing moldings of epoxy resin or
epoxy-based composites filled with quartz sand.
Chapter 4. Principles of Reactive Molding Technology
6 r
Figure 4.3. Flowsheet of a unit for producing moldings of epoxy resin-based compounds: 1 - vessel for preparing
epoxy resin, 2 - vessel for preparing a curing agent; 3 - vessel for a Nler; 4 - reactor-mixer; 5 - metering
pump; 6 - metering device matcher); 7- valve; 8 - evacuated vessel; 9 - molds.
A special feature of the free molding (casting) process is the widespread use of small-size
mobile units for various applications. In civil engineering, such units are extensively used for
producing floor coatings, for hermetic sealing of joints, for thermal insulation of building elements
with foamed materials, for applying protective surface coatings on concrete, etc.
Accurate metering of the components used to prepare prepolymers and their delivery into a mixing
device is one of the most important conditions for successful production by the reactive molding
method. The usual method for metering components in batch processes is weighing. In continuous
processes, a volumetric method is used to meter two or more streams entering a mixing device.
This method is sometimes used in batch reactors as well, particularly in production processes
employing anionic activated &-caprolactam polymerization. In this case, two streams of catalyzing
and activating mixtures each with a viscosity of about 1 mPa s are delivered through pipelines with
the same cross-section. Plunger, gear or screw pumps are used for volumetric metering. The first
two types of pumps have proved to be very satisfactory in practice and are widely used in industry.
A working diagram of the most commonly used gear pump is shown in Fig. 4.4. The gears
and body of the pump are assembled with the minimum possible gaps both at the circumference
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
Inl et
\Shaft (5)
Figure 4.4. Gear metering pump: I - body; 2 - gear; 3 - inlet; 4 - outlet; 5 - shaft.
and in the plane of the gears. This is why the mixture can only pass through the tooth spaces as
shown in Fig. 4.4. Fig. 4.5 shows a longitudinal section through a screw pump. The main elements
of a screw pump are: driven screw flight I , driving screw flight 2, suction chamber 3, driving
screw thrust bearing 4, driven screw thrust bearing 5, driving screw bottom 6, driven screw bottom
7, and delivery chamber 8. The suction and delivery chambers are connected to each other by three
parallel cylindrical holes in the pump body in which the three working screws rotate. The middle
screw; it has right-hand thread and rotates clockwise as seen from the drive motor end. The two
side screws with a left-hand thread are the driven screws; they rotate counter clockwise. The screw
threads have a special shape, which creates seals at the contact. This design divides the pump along
its length into a number of closed cavities formed by flight 2 of the driving screw, which enters
bottoms I and 7 of the driven screws. When the screws rotate, the liquid delivered from suction
chamber 3 fills bottoms I , 6 and 7 and then moves along the screws from the closed cavities into
the delivery chamber. Thus a screw pump continuously transfers the liquid forward along the screw
axis similar in principle to a continuously acting plunger pump. In this case, the movement of the
liquid inside the pump may be linked to a hydraulic nut shifting continuously along the screws.
Chapter 4. Principles of Reactive Molding Technology
12 1
Figure 4.5. Screw metering pump (explanations are inthe text).
The efficiency of screw pumps is about 70-80%. They work at high rotational speeds driven
by a high-speed electric motor, and they can work continuously with no outages. Screw pumps are
non-inertial, because there is no torque from the driving screw to the driven screws.
The metering pumps continuously deliver the components into mixing devices. There are many
designs for mixing devices, and the choice depends on the properties of the system being processed,
e.g., viscosity, gel formation time, temperature, etc.
The simplest example of a device to for mixing two liquid streams to produce articles from
low-viscosity monomers is the usual three-way cock. In most cases of batch processing of
polyurethanes, epoxy resins, and polyesters with viscosities on the order of 100 Pa s and more, a
reactor equipped with a set of agitators and working under vacuum serves as a mixer (Fig. 4.6.).
One version of a mechanical mixer designed to mix liquid streams of different is shown in Fig.
4.7. It consists of a mixer drive I equipped with a cooling system for removing excessive heat
transferred through the shaft from the working chamber and an agitator 2 with blades or a system
of pins for better mixing of the components. The agitator is contained within shell 3 with heating
system 4 to maintain the necessary temperature conditions in the mixing zone. Catalytic and
activating streams enter the mixing zone through pipelines 5 and 6. The mixer outlet is closed with
controlled gate valve 7, which may be operated by a general regulating system or by hand depending
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
Figure 4.6. Reactor-miwer for viscous media: I - compressed air; 2 - to vacuum pump; 3 - hot water; 4 - to
on the process selected. The mixing device outlet is a flexible hose 8, which may be submerged in
the mold being filled. Pipelines 9 and I O assure solvent circulation.
The solvent circulation system is arranged in such a way that during the working cycle the
solvent circulates through the working chamber; at the end of the working cycle the circulation
system is closed off from the working chamber by means of a special device that blocks the system
with a discharge valve so that a solvent can enter the chamber only if the valve is closed. A solvent
washes the chamber thoroughly and passes the dissolved residues into a purifying system. The
rotation speed of the agitators in mixing devices for oligomers may reach 30,000 rpm, with a
pressure at the mixing head outlet of no more than 0.2 to 0.3 MPa. The dwell period of the
components being mixed in the mixing chamber is several tenths of a second.
These dynamic mixing devices are usually installed in low-pressure processing lines, and one
of their main advantages is that they achieve adequate mixing, even of oligomer materials, which
are often difficult to mix. Washing a mixer with a solvent or blowing with air causes loss of part
of the material and requires additional measures for solvent recuperation. If it is possible to decrease
the viscosity of the components used in continuous molding of monomers and to improve
compatibility, then the mixer design can be simplified.
Chapter 4. Principles of Reactive Molding Technology
Figure 4.7. Mechanical mixing device (explanations are in the text).
Besides a three-way cock, other devices can also be used for mixing, for example a cone
feeder with tangential reaction stream feed, a vessel equipped with disks rotating on their axes, a
cylinder into which the initial components are fed turbulently, and various tubes for producing
turbulent streams, etc.
After mixing of several streams, the reactive mixture goes into a mold where polymerization or
solidification takes place. The behavior of materials in a mold depends substantially on the chemical
nature of the initial raw materials, on mixture viscosity, on shrinkage during polymerization and
solidification, on adhesion to the mold walls, and on temperature. The main feature of free casting
is that the mold is either unpressurized or the pressure is no higher than 0.5 MPa if a mold is
124 A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
replenished to compensate for shrinkage. These conditions permit the use of cheaper and simpler
molds than the standard mold used for injection molding.
Open molds destined to produce work pieces with large machining allowances are extensively
used. Aluminum and light alloys, polymeric materials, gypsum, sheet glass, plywood, tarpaulin,
and board are commonly used for molds. When molding monomers, the very low viscosity (about
1 mPa s) of the initial mixture entering the mold should be taken into account, and its ability to
interact chemically with the mold wall material should be taken into account. For molding oligomer
mixtures, it is important to ensure that there are no dead zones, so that the air displaced from the
mold can be removed freely; simple removal the article from the mold after polymerization or
solidification must also be ensured. This is achieved by the design of the mold (for example, creation
of tapers, lack of gaps in joints, simplicity of the joints in an open-type mold) and by cleanliness
of the mold surface. The quality of the mold surface also determines that of the article surface.
Thus, to obtain acrylic plastic with good optical properties, specially glasses must generally be used
for the casting surface.
To obtain high-quality article surfaces, chromium plated and polished working surfaces are
also used. In order to eliminate adhesion of items to the mold, the surface of the mold is coated
with anti-adhesives, which are chosen according to the material being processed and the design of
the mold. Organo-silicon, fluoroplastic, and other polymeric coatings are commonly used as
anti-adhesives. Such coatings may be used repeatedly (up to 5 to 10 times). Another method relies
on lubricating the mold surface with solutions of a polymer in a volatile solvent.
To increase the production rate, the casting devices and the molds are grouped into one unit.
Linear, vertical rotary, and multi-layer units are the most common.
A large exothermal effect resulting from chemical reactions is typical of these processes.
When using oligomeric initial components, for example, formulations based on urethane prepo-
lymers, epoxy resins, and lactams, self-heating may cause thermal decomposition. For this reason
the correct choice of the initial solidification temperature is very important.
In radical polymerization, particularly in the large-scale production of poly(methy1 methacry-
late), the monomer may boil; hence the process should be carried out with continuous removal of
reaction heat to eliminate overheatin in the reactive volume. In this case, the choice of cooling
method needs careful consideration.
Different devices are used to maintain the preset temperature in a mold: cabinets, boilers,
chambers, baths, infrared heaters, electromagnetic radiation, and so on. In a number of cases,
solidification takes place owing to the heat output during the chemical reactions.
In commercial production, the molds are either filled with the initial reactive mixture and
then transported for solidification, or they are located and filled in separate devices where
polymerization proceeds. The last method is most often used in chemical molding (reactive
processing) of articles from monomers, such as lactams; monomer polymerization proceeds at high
temperatures accompanied by the release of monomer vapor into the atmosphere. The process itself
is very sensitive to atmospheric oxygen and water and requires the use of an inert gas. For very
high production rates where controlled atmospheres are used, throughput is increased by the use
Chapter 4. Principles of Reactive Molding Technology
Figure 4.8. Closed sectional-type unit for continuous polymerization (explanations are in the text).
of multi-sectional units. Fig. 4.8 shows a closed sectional unit in which the molds gradually move
through the various temperature zones required by the process. 173
Such a unit is used in the production of slabs by the anionic activated &-caprolactam
polymerization. It has a chamber for filling molds 1 whose an entrance is closed by a lifting gate
2. There are several molds 3 in the a chamber. The initial reactive mixture is injected through
branch pipes 4. After the molds are filled, polymerization takes place in the same chamber. The
chamber I is connected to the top of the heat treatment chamber 5, where there is a conveyer 6
with molds on it. The required speed of the conveyer may be found experimentally or by
calculations. There is a port for unloading articles and another 7 with regulator valves 8 for feeding
in cooling air at the bottom of the heat treatment chamber. The top of the unit is equipped with
similar ports for air outlet. An advantage of this unit is a decrease in energy consumption due to
the use of convective cooling.
Fig. 4.9 shows a diagram of an automatic line for chemical molding (reactive processing) of
articles, which conveys the molds to a chamber for polymerization.'74 In this case, the mass and
geometric shape of the items can be taken into account more accurately and the reaction rate in the
mold can be chosen individually for each particular type and size of article by regulating the
temperature regime. The automatic line has the usual apparatus for preparing, metering, and mixing
the components (positions 1-5 as in the previous figures). A filling branch pipe is located above
the inlet port of the mold 6 installed in a conveyer cradle 7. The line also has a feeding unit 8, and
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
Figure 4.9. Automatic line for chemical molding (reactive processing) of articles with individual temperature
regimes (explanations are in the text).
a mobile recharger 9 standing on rail tracks 10, which are laid along both sides of the rows of
polymerization cells I I . The line has automatic control and monitoring instruments with transmitters
12, data processing uni t s 13, and systems for maintaining the required temperature conditions.
The loading mechanism first places a mold preheated to the polymerization temperature onto
the transporter; then the mold is positioned under a filling branch pipe of the mixing device which
fills the mold with the reactive mixture, which is prepared from initial products fed by metering
pumps from storage vessels. The filled mold goes to the unloading position and is taken away by
a transporter controlled by an automatic goods addressing circuit. Data on the reaction mixture, its
initial temperature, and the other characteristics of the process are delivered to the data processing
unit simultaneously with a signal for operating the transporter. Based on the data obtained, the data
processing unit selects a program for maintaining the proper temperature conditions in the
polymerization cell. The transporter installs the mold in the cell; subsequently, the temperature
Chapter 4. Principles of Reactive Molding Technology
Figure 4.10. Diagram illustrating production of poly(methy1 methacrylate) sheets by the continuous merhod:
I - conveyer belts; 2 - drums; 3 - rollers; 4 - feeder; 5 - limiting strips.
conditions in the cell are maintained by the control unit by the preset program corrected according
to the signal received from a temperature sensor. The end of the process is the signal for opening
the cover of the polymerization cell, for calling up the transporter, and for unloading the finished
In the production of poly(methy1 methacrylate) sheets or roll material, the polymerization
mold is fabricated as two closed-loop stainless steel conveyer belts, which are stretched in parallel
between two rollers. The belts move continuously; a gasket is inserted automatically on both edges,
forming a chamber into which prepolymers are continuously fed (Fig. 4. IO). The polymerization
zone has gas or electric heaters.
Units for producing slabs of expanded (foamed) polyurethane are also equipped with a
conveyer belt with side walls. The initial mixture is continuously fed onto the line, then foamed,
and finally passed into a solidification chamber, where it is heated under IR lamps. Commercial
lines for making slabs of elastic foamed polyurethane are up to 125 m long. The items produced
can be up to 2 m wide and 1.5 m high.
When the mixture of monomers is cast in an open mold, the air bubbles formed at the jet
nozzle in the mold usually have enough time to leave the material due to the low viscosity of the
reactive liquid. When more viscous oligomers and prepolymers are used, particularly in the case
of low-lifetime reactive mixtures, it may be necessary to use some simple procedures, for example,
filling through a pipe immersed into the mold, to prevent the formation of air bubbles in the product.
The quality of the items produced by free casting may be improved by evacuating the mold.
To do this it is necessary either to ensure that the mold is airtight and to connect it through a special
valve to a vacuum line, or to put the mold into an airtight vessel.
Covering metallic shafts, rolls and rollers with rubber is required for many applications; such
designs are used in the textile, printing, and many other industries. For producing coatings, molds
with a vertical axis are often filled through inlet holes located along the diameters of the mold
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
Figure 4.11. Section for manufacturing coated polyurethane rollers: I - reactor for polyester; 2 - batcher for
modifying agent; 3 - reactor-mixer; 4 - batcher for diisocyanate; 5 - batcher for curing agents; 6 - mold for
casting rollers; 7 - heat chamber for solidification; 8 - unloading device; 9 - transporting device.
bottom. A reactive mixture is fed from a mixer under pressure created by a compressor. Mold
filling is terminated by shutting off the mold from the filling device by a gate valve after a certain
quantity of a reactive mixture has entered. After solidification, the coated shafts are removed from
the molds using a pressing-out device. A similar procedure is used to produce other tubular items
coated with polyurethane, polyurethane-coated rollers for printing plants (Fig. 4.11).
The spraying of protective enamels without the use of solvents has became popular in coating
industry. These enamels are mixtures of oligomeric products with different pigments; i.e., it is a
typical example of reactive processing. A device for spraying these protective coatings is shown in
Fig. 4.12.
Utilization of liquid casting compounds in manufacturing protective coatings allows the
quantity of materials used for this purpose to be substantially increased. Rubbers have been widely
replaced by polyurethane elastomers as coatings for rolls used in the paper, printing and
metallurgical industries. In some cases, paper-making machines are fitted with pressing sections
consisting of a pair of rollers: one is faced with granite and the other is coated with an elastic facing.
Wet paper-making stock is fed on a cloth backing between the rolls, where it is dewetted. The more
efficient the process the less the heat is required to dry the semi-finished product in a drying chamber
with superheated steam. The metal core of the pressing roll is 0.5 to 1.5 m in diameter and up to
10 m long; 500 to 1500 kg of casting compound are required to coat it.
The use of cast polyurethane compounds instead of rubber is economical for several reasons,
mainly owing to the higher wear resistance of the cover. Rolls with rubber facings need to be
reground every 2 to 3 months while a polyurethane elastomer facing may operate effectively for
more than two years without regrinding. The regrinding procedure itself is required to retain the
necessary surface profile of the roll and to make grooves on the coating for better moisture removal.
Chapter 4. Principles of Reactive Molding Technology 129
1 2
Figure 4.12. Device for spraying reactive compounds with a round stream: I - ring channels for hot air feeding;
2 - ring channel for reactive compound feeding; 3 - valve for regulating hot air supply.
If polyurethane, is used the wetness of a paper sheet at the roll exit decreases on average by 1 .O to
1.5%, and as a result, steam consumption decreases in the drying section. The improvement in
rolling allows the working speed of the machine to be increased by 5 to 8 96, and so paper production
can be increased without additional investment. The life of the press cloths also increases by 15 to
20% when polyurethane is used instead of rubber.
When manufacturing coatings by reactive (chemical) molding, it is necessary to create a
strong adhesive bond between the substrate and the coating. This is achieved by proper preparation
of the substrate surface, which depends on the material and on the type of polymer used. As a rule,
the surface is treated by chemical washing, electrochemical pickling, and various mechanical
methods. The best results are achieved with shot-blasting followed by application of one or more
intermediate layers. The layers are applied from solutions of oligomers in volatile organic solvents
or from aero-dispersions followed by curing or drying.
The most efficient intermediate layers are polyurethane adhesives or glues. 175 In this case,
the correct choice of molecular weight of the polyester and its ratio to diisocyanate is very important.
The dependence of the adhesive strength on the molecular weight and the isocyanate-to-diol ratio
is shown in Fig. 4.13. The best adhesion to metal is achieved when an intermediate layer based on
low-molecular-weight polyester and at a ratio of NC0:OH = 2.5 is used.
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
A, Pa
Figure 4.13. Dependence of adhesive strength A of the glue-metal joint on the isocyanate/diol ratio B ( B is
the mole ratio of 2,4-toluylene isocyanate to polyester) of a glue. Molecular weights of polyester are 500 ( I ) ;
IO00 (2); 1700 (3); 2000 (4) and 2500 (5).
The overall dimensions and mass of pressing rolls and other similar coated cylinders do not
allow coating to be carried out when they are vertically positioned. Therefore, the rolls are
positioned horizontally, and the casting compound (reactive mix) is supplied through a distribution
device simultaneously along its entire length.
Solidification of a preshaped article is the longest stage in a process cycle and in many cases this
stage determines the duration of the process. After filling the mold, chemical reactions and physical
processes take place, which lead to the formation of polymeric macromolecules, the formation of
bonds between these macromolecules, and the growth of supermolecular structures. As a result,
the material becomes solid when it is cooled below its melting point, and the article preserves its
shape after removal from the mold. The mold cannot be opened until the polymer has gained
sufficient rigidity and strength to retain its shape.
Chapter 4. Principles of Reactive Molding Technology
13 1
The stability of the shape of an article is partly determined by the value of its modulus of
elasticity, but the required value of this parameter is not reached instantaneously and homogeneously
throughout the volume of an article. Therefore, estimates of material stability must be made from
the distribution of the elastic modulus throughout the volume of an article and its evolution in time.
In this approach, the modulus must reach the necessary minimum value at any point in the material
before the mold can be opened.
The reactive mix is injected or poured into a preheated mold, since a high temperature is
necessary to accelerate the chemical reactions leading to formation of the polymeric product.
Although an increase in temperature shortens the process cycle, it is important to remember that
superposition of heat from an external source and the exothermal effect of the chemical reactions
can result in undesirable temperature increase in an article, leading to thermal runaway and
decomposition of the polymer.
Determination of the process parameters that ensure a permissible temperature profile and
optimal solidification path is based on the general principles of the theory of batch reactors
formulated in Section 2.7. Let us illustrate this approach with the example of solidification of a
urethane-based compound for use as a coating. 17'
After filling a mold in the form of a thinrectangular parallel pipe, a reactive mass can be
represented by a layer of width H and length L (H < < L). This layer is positioned between the
mold wall at temperature Tm, and the surface of the item is at temperature Ti (Fig. 4.14).
A quantitative description of the solidification process of a reactive mixture is based on the
kinetic equations for that define the reaction parameters. One of these parameters is the "calorimet-
ric" degree of conversion, which describes the linear propagation of polymeric chains:
where p is the relative degree of conversion; q(t) is the heat flux at time t and Q is the enthalpy of
a reaction. The kinetic equation for the parameter p can be written as
where t is the current time; ko is a pre-exponential factor; U is the apparent activation energy of
the chemical reaction; and f(p) is a kinetic function.
Experimental investigation of the chemical reaction kinetics for a polyurethane compound
gives the following expression for the function f@):
fp(N =(1 - B)(1 + COB)
The values of the constants in Eqs (4.2) and (4.3) are: U = 49 kJ /mol; ko = 3.8 x 10 6 s -1. ,
co = 1.1. The second kinetic parameter is the "rheological" degree of conversion (or transfonna-
tion). The increase in the dynamic elastic modulus G(t) for various temperatures is shown in Fig.
Figure 4.14. A model of a thin rectangular mold.
4.15. The values of the modulus of the end product depend on temperature; therefore it is necessary
to introduce the equilibrium degree of conversion as a reference point:
qeq =Gm,20
where qeq is the equilibrium (limiting) "rheological" degree of conversion; Gm,T is the elastic
modulus of the end product, which is reached at temperature T after the end of a chemical reaction
in isothermal conditions; G- 3) is the same for the temperature of 2OoC.
The experimental data shown in Fig. 4.16 can be approximated by an empirical equation:
where (for the case under discussion) AG = 1.92; bG = 3.44. The kinetic equation for the
"rheological" degree of conversion is written as:
Chapter 4. Principles of Reactive Molding Technology 133
32 -
16 -
G, MPa
0 10 20 30 40 50
t, min
Figure 4.15. Time evolution of the shear dynamic modulus during curing at two temperatures: 23OC (curves
1 - 3 and 6loC (curves 4 to 6) and different frequencies: 3 s-' (curves 1 and 4); 12 s-' (curves 2 and 5) and
25 s' (curves 3 and 6).
The meaning of the symbols in Eq. (4.6) is the same as in Eq. (4.2); the difference is that symbols
in Eq. (4.6) relate to the "rheological" instead of the "calorimetric" degree of conversion. The
"rheokinetic" function ftl(q) is expressed as follows:
ftl(q) = [ MT ) - IIIU + c t l ~P H.71
The values of the constants are: E,, = 28 kl/mol; kq = 513 min' ; = 1.92. Experiments have
shown that values of G > 0 appear in the course of a chemical reaction at a "calorimetric" degree
of conversion p = 0.8; this clearly demonstrates that "rheological" and "calorimetric" degrees of
conversion are not equivalent.
For a complete description of the temperature and degree conversion fields throughout the
volume of an article it is necessary to add a term for the heat of chemical reaction to the energy
balance equation:
where h is the thermal conductivity; Cp is the specific heat ; p is the density; Q is the enthalpy of
the chemical reaction; x and z are coordinates along and across the polymeric layer, respectively.
134 A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
It is also necessary to write down the energy equation for an substrate of width Hi on of which the
polymeric layer is positioned:
where ai is the thermal conductivity of the substrate material and Zi is a coordinate directed normal
to the surface. It is convenient to search for a final solution in terms of dimensionless variables. If
we recall that Hi < < L and H < < L we come to the following system of equations:
The boundary conditions are:
at e =0, el =1, at 5 = 1, e(x,,) = Om
The initial conditions (at 7 = 0) are:
p<x,5, = PAX&; r(x& = 0
In all these equations we have used the following of notation for the dimensionless variables: z=&q
is dimensionless time; 5= z/H, 51 = zi/H are dimensionless coordinates; 8f and pf are the spatial
distributions of the temperature and calorimetric degree of conversion. As a first approximation it
is reasonable to accept that
eAx,{) = 00 =const;
pf(x,t) =0
In a more sophisticated analysis these functions can be found as the solutions of the dynamic and
energy balance equations for filling a mold. ern is the dimensionless temperature of the mold; To
is the initial temperature of the reactive mixture; o = (H kqT)/a is the dimensionless factor
characterizing the ratio of time scales for heat transfer and the chemical reaction. Other dimension-
less variables are as follows:
Chapter 4. Principles of Reactive Molding Technology
B o o
1 .0
0.6 '
20 40 60 T,OC
Figure 4.16. Temperature dependence of the equilibrium value of the "rheological" degree of conversion.
Points - experimental; solid line - calculated.
The system of Eqs (4.10) - (4.13) was solved numerically by the method of finite differences,
starting with Eq. (4.11) at the nodes of the network with p = 0.8. The process was assumed to be
over when the minimum value of the "rheological" degree of conversion throughout the volume of
the article had reached a preset level of conversion, q ; the calculations were ended at this time.
The results of calculations for two values of the initial temperature of the reactive mass To
are shown in Fig. 4.17. For To = 7OoC, the curves are practically insensitive to the value of 0.
This is explained by the fact that the mold temperature is lower than the initial temperature of the
reactive mass (polyurethane composition) and therefore the layers of polymeric material close to
the surface of the mold cool rapidly down to the temperature Ts, because this temperature is strictly
At mold temperature higher than 4OoC (Fig. 4.17), the total cooling time is determined by
the thickness of the layers contacting the surface of the article. The approach to q in these layers
is dependent on the heat flux from the hot mold and this is why there is some increase in solidification
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
t h i n
-c - --.
Figure 4.17. Dependences of the solidification time on the parameter o at different mold temperatures. Solid
lines - for the initial temperature To =40C; dotted lines - for To =7OoC.
time with an increase in w. In general, w C 1 and the characteristic time for heat exchange is much
less than the characteristic time for the chemical reaction monitored by measuring q. The
calculations show that the solidification time is determined primarily by the mold temperature and
is only weakly dependent on other factors related to the parameter w.
For the polyurethane composition considered here the maximum (adiabatic) temperature jump
is equal to 25 K. This means that at ordinary working temperatures of the mold, Le., 40 - 8OoC,
the maximum increase in the material temperature does not reach an unacceptable level of close to
20O0C, where thermal degradation of the polymer can begin. We can restrict the maximum
temperature growth T- by using the mathematical model based on Eqs. (4.10) - (4.13) and then
constructing Tmax - vs - w curves for various mold temperatures. These provides a means of choosing
the optimum process parameters when the temperature must not exceed Tmax.
Chapter 4. Principles of Reactive Molding Technology
t 8min
t 3min
3 0 1 I I I I a I I '
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Figure 4.18. Temperature distribution along the contact boundary between reactive mass and a solid wall at
different times (marked on the curves).
To analyze the temperature distribution in any real situation, it is necessary to consider mold
filling and solidification simultaneously. An example illustrating temperature distributions at various
times along the length of a polymeric layer at the surface of a solid wall is shown in Fig. 4.18. The
initial temperature and conversion distributions are not constant but reflect mathematical simulations
of various conditions at the mold filling stage.
One of the methods of obtaining products from reactive mixtures is centrifugal and rotational
molding which are widely used in manufacturing articles from melts and powders. Sleeve-type
(hollow cylindrical articles) are obtained by centrifugal molding (casting), and thin-wall three-di-
mensional seamless tanks are produced by rotational molding. Centrifugal molding may be treated
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
Figure 4.19. Layout of a unit for centrifugal casting (molding) of tubular blanks: 1 - rotary mold; 2 - mold
rotation rollers; 3 - heating chamber; 4 - blank; 5 - rotary gripper of f ~shed pipe extender; 6 - exhaust
as a particular case of rotational molding because in the latter, the mold rotates relative to two axes
and in the former, relative to one axis. The same reactive mixtures that are prepared for stationary
molding are also used for rotary processing. The mixture filling the mold is pressed against the
mold walls by centrifugal forces and is polymerized. Compared with casting in a stationary mold,
molding in a rotary mold allows more effective removal of air inclusions (occluded air), the
mechanical properties of the material are improved, and the amount of waste is reduced because
there is less need for further mechanical processing of the final products. Centrifugal molding of
tubular polycaproamide products by anionic activated &-caprolactam polymerization has become
common practice. Fig. 4.19 shows the layout of a unit for centrifugal molding of tubular
polycaproamide products in a mold with a horizontal axis of rotation. ' I 7 This unit is intended for
making articles with unlimited axial dimensions. Products with axial dimension not exceeding their
diameter can be molded in cylindrical units with vertical axis of rotation.
Casting of tubular polycaproamide items by centrifugal molding is carried out at lower rates
of rotation than those used for processing conventional thermoplastic materials because the viscosity
of the polycaproamide melt is lower than that of the majority of other thermoplastic polymers. The
rotation speed depends on the size and shape of the item as well as on the mixture reactivity and
may vary from of 100 to 200 rpm. The mixture is poured through the open end of a rotating mold
heated to 140 to 16OoC, and then the mold is blown through with nitrogen. After a short induction
period, the temperature of the mix increases by 50 to 6OoC due to the heat of polymerization. Mold
rotation is stopped after 15 to 20 min. The item is removed from the mold at the temperature of
120 to 14OoC and then put into a heating cabinet for programmedcooling. As in molding in stationary
molds, it is necessary to coat the mold surface with anti-adhesive or to maintain a high polish.
Chapter 4. Principles of Reactive Molding Technology
Opening the mold and removing items is considerably easier with polymers showing a high
shrinkage (5 to 15%).
In rotational molding of anionically polymerized &-caprolactam one can produce vessels up
to 10 m3, fuel tanks of various shapes, and other seamless large-sized items. As a rule, the mold
rotates with different speeds about the two axes in such a way that the reactive mixture flows to
the mold walls with minimal net centrifugal force. When molding long items, a greater difference
in rotation speeds is required than when molding round items.
Although the polymerization of &-caprolactam was described above, there is no difference in
principle from the process flow sheets for centrifugal molding of items from other polymers and
oligomers. Nevertheless, in most cases, the high temperatures used in lactam polymerization are
not required, and the flow sheet as a whole is simplified. In industrial practice, poly(methy1
methacrylate) pipes,'72 and sheets of polyurethanes and unsaturated polyesters are obtained by
centrifugal casting.
It is of interest to consider the process for applying protective coating to rotating cylindrical
surfaces, such as gumming rollers, or for applying of internal and external anti-adhesive coatings
to pipes, etc. This technology is considerably more economical than coating by casting into the gap
between the mold and the working surface, because the laborious manufacture of molds is
unnecessary. Fig. 4.20 illustrates various techniques for applying protective internal and external
polyurethane coatings. In this case, an experimental or theoretical investigation of the required
rotational parameters is necessary and must take into account the rheokinetics of curing mixture to
be applied.
The selection of optimum conditions for rotary molding requires extensive experimental
investigations of the various processing regimes. Recently, another way has been developed, i.e.,
simulation of the flow of a liquid system polymerized in a rotary (rotating) mold. 178
A complete analysis of the hydrodynamic phenomena occurring during molding into rotating molds
is rather complicated. The main problem here is the need for accurate determination of the shape
of the free surface of a rotating liquid. Hence, most approaches are based on the movement of thin
liquid films on a solid surface. In this analysis boundary layer theory is used to examine the flow
of thin films because the thickness of a film is small compared to its longitudinal dimensions. For
the particular case of a Newtonian liquid flowing down a vertical (or inclined) wall by gravity, we
can experimentally observe three different thin film flow regimes: purely laminar (Reynolds
Number, Re <20), wave, and turbulent modes. In practice, particularly in the application of
enamels by spraying, it is important to evaluate the hydrodynamic behavior of materials with more
complicated dependences of apparent viscosity on shear stress. In this context, the influence of the
yield stress on the layer thickness of the material flowing down the solid surface is especially
The geometrical characteristics of the flow field for free movement of a Newtonian liquid
on the surface of the rotating cylinder with a horizontal axis is shown in Fig. 4.21 (after179). In
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
Casting Mix
Figure 4.20. Elementary process flow sheets for molding an internal (a) and an external (b) anticorrosive
coatings by the continuouslsubsequent fdling method: 1 - cylinder (shell) being coated, rotating on supports;
2 - movable filling device; 3 - coating being molded; 4 - bearings.
this case, we need to examine only a thinlayer of liquid if R/b> > 1 (b is the mean thickness of
the liquid layer, R is the cylinder radius, and the ratio R/b = N, where N is a dimensionless
geometric criterion). The other dimeyionless variables which characterize the flow are:
dimensionless radial velocity v r = Vr/O,R,
dimensionless circumferential velocity v o = vo/wR,
dimensionless radius x = r/R,
Froude Number Fr = w x/g = w r/gR,
Reynolds Number Re = oR/v.
2 2
Here Vr is the radial speed of the liquid, vo is circumferential velocity of the liquid, w is the velocity
of rotation of the cylinder.
The solution of the hydrodynamic problem of boundary layer flow, excluding the effects of
surface tension, requires simplification of the formulation; this is achieved by introducing the flow
function w. Then the transition to a system of differential equations written for a new coordinate
system (turn angle and flow function) can be made, and we can find the form of the free surface
Chapter 4. Principles of Reactive Molding Technology
14 1
Figure 4.21. Geometrical scheme of a flow field pattern for a rotating liquid film with a variable thickness h(0).
[Adapted, by permission, from J. A. Deiber, R.L. Cerro, Id. Eng. Chem. Fund., 15 (1976), 103.1
of a rotating liquid which is the boundary flow line. The reduction of the proper systemof differential
equations to dimensionless form shows that the ratio between the Froude and Reynolds numbers
determines the zones of qualitatively different behavior of a liquid on a rotating surface. These
zones with their calculated boundaries are shown in Fig. 4.22. Four different modes are possible:
A is solid-like rotation,
B is the zone of a falling film,
C is an oscillating boundary layer,
E corresponds to unstable solutions.
Two additional parameters are the angular position of the point at which the film thickness is
maximum, Orot, and the ratio of the maximum thickness of the film to its mean thickness E. The
zone of large Re and small Fr is shaded in Fig. 4.22 in the right bottom. The existence of circular
closed flow lines proves to be impossible; hence, a stable solution of the hydrodynamic problem
is also impossible. The zone of quasi-solid rotation A is marked in the top left comer; film flow is
absent here and 1 5 E < 1.01. This zone is reached either at Fr = const by decreasing Re (due to
an increase in viscosity) or at Re = const by increasing Fr (through an increase in a). Two transient
zones are marked with the numbers 1 and 2 in the lower unstable zone of Fig. 4.22. In zone 1, the
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
100 I
I 0'
0.01 0.1 1 10 100 Re
Figure 4.22. Results of calculations showing different flow modes as a function of the Reynolds and Froude
Numbers (explanations are in the text). [Adapted, by permission, from J. A. Deiber, R. L. Cerro, I d . Eng.
chem. Fund., 15(1976), 103.1
film thickness becomes large and drops of liquid are tom off and fall to the bottom. If tearing-off
occurs below the uppermost point, a new flow mode characterized by formation of a cascade
becomes possible. For practical processing, the mode corresponding to the top left comer of the
diagram with E =1 is the most favorable. It follows from the figure that the inequality Fr/Re >
100 is the condition for quasi-solid rotation.
In reacting mixtures, the viscosity depends not only on the temperature, but also on the
conversion. The viscosity decrease that occurs for a short period at the beginning of the process is
due to the increase in temperature, whereas later on, there is a viscosity increase due to the chemical
reaction. Hence, a rather complicated picture of flow behavior is observed in rotary molding. Based
on an experimental study the flow of polyester resins,'*' four main modes of flow of reactive liquids
during rotation were established: film flowing-down (cascading), ring-shaped flow, hydrocyst, and
quasi-solid rotation. In principle, hydrocyst is a new mode characterized by flow of a stable laminar
secondary stream with local accumulation of material. Hydrocyst is an instability which is
determined by centrifugal (viscous and gravitational) forces. This phenomenon is observed at higher
angular velocities than in ring-shaped flow. The different flow modes for a reacting liquid can be
identified by its location on the dimensionless Fr-Re diagram (Fig. 4.23).
In reaction molding, the reactive mixture is initially poured or injected into the mold bottom
as a pool. As the mold rotates, the mixture moves along the mold surface and becomes uniformly
distributed on the wall in the ideal case. For example, let us suppose that the process begins from
point M in Fig. 4.23 at a fixed value of o and mean film thickness b. As the viscosity increases as
Chapter 4. Principles of Reactive Molding Technology 143
0.01 0.1 1 Re
Figure 4.23. Different possible flow modes in rotary processing of polyester resin: 1 - quasi-solid rotation; 2
- stable hydrocyst; 3 - rotation in an annular (ring-shaped) layer, 4 - cascade flow. [Adapted, by permission,
from I. L. Throne, I. Gianchandani, Polym. Eng. Sci., 20 (1980), 913.1
a polymerization proceeds, the polymer film movement changes from cascade to ring-shaped flow,
then to hydrocyst, and, finally, to rotation as a quasi-solid body. If gelation occurs during the
hydrocyst-type flow, the end product will be rejected as defective. Hence, it is necessary to pass
to the quasi-solid rotation mode well before the moment of gel formation. This can be achieved by
changing the rotation speed and the kinetics of the viscosity increase. If, for example the wall
thickness is increased 4 times, the initial point will move to the right from M. This will cause
premature gel formation and will lead to the appearance of a wavy surface. An increase in the
cylinder radius substantially relaxes the rigidity of the hydrodynamic conditions. This means that
it is simpler to manufacture large items with uniform walls than small articles, which is one more
reason why rotary reactive processing is especially favorable for producing large-scale articles. The
time necessary to achieve the optimal flow mode is also of practical interest. This factor depends
on viscosity, rotational speed, and film thickness.
144 A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
Tube reactors or engineering apparatus involving flow in tubes are frequently encountered in
polymer synthesis and reactive processing. The production of long ("infinite") articles with arbitrary
cross-section from thermoplastic polymers is an example of plug-type polymerization and process-
ing in a tube reactor. It is a mass production operation in which a melt of a newly synthesized
polymer is immediately transformed into a long "one-dimensional" end product (tube, bar, and so
on) during the same process operation.lgl This method permits the economical production of
high-quality polymers in a simple process without any additional finishing operations. The practical
realization of this approach as an integrated process requires several different parts,182 but the tube
reactor is at the center of the operation.
A typical example of a tubular reactor for one-step processing of a newly synthesized polymer
is described in a number of patents. 183J84 This device consists of a high-pressure tube with the
temperature profile regulated along its length. An extrusion die is mounted at the outlet end of the
reactor. Continuous feeding is provided by a piston pump.
Many processes involving the flow of a reactive liquid along a tube are known, which makes
theoretical analysis of the flow of polymerizing liquids, i.e., fluids with time-dependent rheological
properties, relevant to the tubular polymerization reactors and similar plant equipment used in
reactive processing.
One new factor that must be considered that is absent in classical hydrodynamics is the
change of viscosity with time as a consequence of the chemical reactions proceeding during flow.
It is therefore necessary to know the kinetics of these reactions and the dependence of the rheological
properties of the liquid on the degree of conversion. The physical movement of a reactive liquid
along a tube is quantitatively dependent on whether the reactive mass remains fluid during the whole
polymerization process or loses its fluidity due to formation of a three-dimensional polymer
network. Finally, we must remember that the phenomena occurring during reactive processing are
generally non-isothermal .
There are three main sources of non-isothermal effects which can play different roles in real
heat exchange with the environment as the channel walls are heated or cooled;
heat output due to the heat of the polymerization reaction;
dissipative release of deformation energy during flow inside a channel, as we are dealing
with highly viscous liquids.
The relative influence of these factors is different at the beginning and near the end of the
process. The heat output resulting from chemical reactions is usually greatest at the beginning,
when most of the individual chemical transformations take place and the reaction rate highest.
However, other situations in which the reactions are self-accelerating are also encountered.
Dissipative heat output becomes greater at the end of the process when high-molecular-weight
products with very high viscosity appear in the reactive medium. It is clear that there is a very
compiicated nonlinear interrelationship between the heat effects, the kinetics of the chemical
Chapter 4. Principles of Reactive Molding Technology
reactions, and the hydrodynamic situation inside a reactor. Relations connecting all these phenomena
can be found by mathematical modelling of the process.
There are some fundamental investigations devoted to analysis of the flow in tubular polymerization
reactors where the viscosity of the fmal product has a limit (viscosity q < ->; Le., the reactive
mass is fluid up to the end of the process. As a zero approximation, flow can be considered to be
one-dimensional, for which it is assumed that the velocity is constant across the tube cross-section.
This is a model of an ideal plug reactor, and it is very far from reality. A model with a Poiseuille
velocity profile (parabolic for a Newtonian liquid) at each cross-section is a first approximation,
but again this is a very rough model, which does not reflect the inherent interactions between the
kinetics of the chemical reaction, the changes in viscosity of the reactive liquid, and the changes
in temperature and velocity profiles along the reactor.
Thus we need to develop a more realistic "rheokinetic" model and assume that a severe
inhomogeneity in the rheological properties of reactant mix over the reaction volume is a necessary
feature of the real situation in any tube reactor; this is of fundamental importance in any analysis
of the problem. The volume distributions of temperature, reactant concentrations, degree of
conversion, and residence time directly influence the viscosity distribution, the hydrodynamic flow
pattern and the polymerization process. In all real situations involving the flow of polymerizing
liquids through a tube reactor, the dependence of viscosity on time and on the degree of conversion
is of primary importance. Therefore, we need to solve a system of rigorous equations for the volume
distributions of all these parameters simultaneously. The equations for the simple degenerate models
cannot reflect the characteristics of flow of "rheokinetic" liquids and should not be used. Both the
simplest models of a stirred tank reactor or a plug-flow reactor and their modifications and
combinations (dispersion model, cell model, cascade model, etc.) are very restricted in their ability
to describe the polymerization process in a real tubular reactor, because they all digress from an
accurate description of liquid flow; i.e., they deliberately ignore the rheokinetics of the process.
This is also true for models such as a stirred tank reactor combined with back flow,187 the
two-dimensional cell etc., which would be quite adequate to model chemical reactors for
processes involving low-molecular-weight products.
It is commonplace to use averaged models: zero-dimensional, where the averaging of
temperature T, degree of conversion f3, and other factors is over the volume; or one-dimensional
where averaging is over the section. In some cases, the models give basic information on the
processes occurring in a tubular polymerization reactor. For example, such an analysis proved that
the dependence of the pressure drop P on the flow rate Q (pressure drop - flow rate characteristic)
in a flow of a polymerizing liquid, i.e., liquid with time dependent viscosity, is nonlinear and may
be nonmonotonic, even in the isothermal case189 shown in Fig. 4.24. However, none of these
models is sufficient for engineering design.
If a liquid with constant viscosity q flows through a tube, the P(Q) function is described by
the well known Poiseuille equation, which can be written as
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
P = KqQ
where K is a geometrical factor, calculated from the tube dimensions.
If the viscosity varies during flow for some reason (decreases with rising temperature or
increases as a result of a chemical reaction such as polymerization), the linear Poiseuille P-vs-Q
relation is violated and the pressure drop - flow rate curve may become nonmonotonic. This effect
in polymerizing reactors can be explained by the fact that the most viscous products of a reaction
are swept out of the reactor with increasing flow rate and are replaced. Instead, a reactor is refilled
with a fresh reactive mixture of low viscosity. This leads to a decrease of the volume-averaged
integral viscosity and therefore the pressure drop decreases. This can be illustrated by the following
relationship :
where z is the coordinate measured along the reactor and L is the full length of the reactor. It is
evident that with a decrease in the integral in this equation, the pressure drop becomes smaller. The
potential for a nonmonotonic pressure - output relation in a tubular reactor must be examined to
ensure safe operation and control, etc.
Let us analyze the possible operational situations shown in Fig. 4.24. If we gradually increase
the pressure at the inlet section of the reactor we reach the peak of the P(Q) curve. Then, there is
an abrupt transition from the steady state on the left-hand branch (low flow rate and high conversion)
to the state on the right-hand branch (high output and low conversion). With a pressure changes in
the opposite direction, the jump from the right-hand to the left-hand branch will occur in some
other place, as shown by the arrows in the figure; this indicates that hysteresis will be operative.
All points on the declining part of the curve (negative slope) correspond to unstable states, which
cannot be reached if the pressure drop is preset. If the output rather than the pressure is fixed we
can work at any point on the P-vs-Q, since all the conditions at these points are stable.
Unstable branches on the P(Q) curve and the appearance of hysteresis loops can occur for
various reasons usually connected with an increase in viscosity. Thus, a non-monotonic P(Q) curve
was first encountered in an analysis of the flow of a hot inert (nonreactive) liquid in a cold tube
when the viscosity of the liquid was strongly dependent on temperature." The intense dissipative
heat output may have been the reason for the instability in the flow of an inert l i q~i d.'~' In both
cases, the reason for the nomonotonic in P(Q) dependence was the strong dependence of viscosity
on temperature, which is equivalent here to time dependence for viscosity. Detailed investigations
of the hysteresis transitions shown in Fig. 4.24 proved that they have a wave character;lg2 in this
case, the transition occurs at a constant flow rate.
An analogy can be seen between these phenomena and the decrease in volume-averaged
viscosity in the flow of a polymerizing liquid through a tubular reactor as described in Eq. (4.14).
In real situations, the flow of a polymerizing liquid is always non-isothermal, which leads to a very
Chapter 4. Principles of Reactive Molding Technology
Figure 4.24. Nonmonotonic dependence of a pressure drop on flow rate, showing possible instability in flow
through a tubular reactor.
complicated superposition of hysteresis phenomena of different origins. To further analyze a
one-dimensional model of a tubular reactor we need to introduce variable viscosity as a new
dominating factor. In this case, the degree of conversion influences viscosity more strongly than
the changing temperature. To a first approximation, it will not influence P(Q) dependence but not
the temperature and conversion distributions. However, changing to a two-dimensional model, i.e.,
calculating radial distributions of all parameters, radically changes the whole picture and leads to
fundamentally new results.
A complete analysis of the role of the radial distributions of all the parameters that determine the
flow through a tubular reactor during polymerization is a very complicated, and it is doubtful
whether general solutions can be found. However, solutions can be obtained for various situations
for a system with known kinetic and rheological properties, because we will be searching for specific
details rather than for a general physical picture of the process. It is also possible to carry out a
general analysis at certain simplified models, which nevertheless include the principal rheokinetic
As a first approximation, the several authors assumed a fmed constant parabolic velocity
profile. 193194 However, this approach is generally inadequate for a rheokinetic liquid because,
first, real velocity profiles have a very different shape (as will be demonstrated below), and second,
148 A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
they transform along the stream. These effects lead to a different thermal and kinetic situation than
would be expected from a model with a parabolic velocity profile and as a result, the predictions
of this model may be wrong. This was clear1 demonstrated when a pro osal for styrene
polymerization in a tubular reactor was examined. '' In a previous publication, 198,here a parabolic
velocity profile was assumed, this idea was considered to be feasible, but a more realistic rheokinetic
model which allowed for transformations in the velocity profile, subsequently showed that the
proposal was unacceptable, because it required an excessively long polymerization reactor. lg5 A
comparison of the predictions of these two investigations proved that only rheokinetic models should
to be used to obtain useful and unambiguous theoretical predictions.
Another approach 196' 197 described a solution obtained by assuming a predetermined velocity
profile derived from experiments. The governing factor was the heat exchange conditions, which
were characterized by the Biot Number. A model based on estimating temperature effects on velocit
but cannot be applied directly to flows for which the viscosity changes due to a chemical
polymerization reaction.
Non-isothermal phenomena lead to a number of interesting results obtained from analyses of
two-dimensional flows of liquids with viscosities that are strongly temperature-dependent. For
example, an attempt was made to determine how a heat pulse propagates during the flow of an inert
liquid. The result was rather obvious: the initial perturbation ("wave") became attenuated as it
propagated. The primary aim of this investigation was to expand the analogy between combustion
processes and non-isothermal flows, where the source of heat output in the latter case is energy
dissipation in a viscous medium. The mutual interaction between hydrodynamic dissipative heat
output and the thermal effect of a chemical reaction can lead to the phenomenon of "hydrodynamic
The intense heat dissipated by viscous flow near the walls of a tubular reactor leads to an
increase in local temperature and acceleration of the chemical reaction, which also promotes an
increase in temperature; the local situation then propagates to the axis of the tubular reactor. This
effect, which was discovered theoretically, may occur in practice in the flow of a highly viscous
liquid with relatively weak dependence of viscosity on degree of conversion. However, it is
questionable whether this approach could be applied to the flow of ethylene in a tubular reactor as
was proposed in the original publication. 199 In turbulent flow of a monomer, the near-wall zone is
not physically distinct in a hydrodynamic sense, while for a laminar flow the growth of viscosity
leads to a directly opposite tendency - a slowing-down of the flow near the walls. In addition, the
nature of the viscosity-versus-conversion dependence q(p) also influences the results of theoretical
calculations. For example, although this factor was included in the calculations in Ref. ,200 it did
not affect the flow patterns; because of the rather weak ~( ( 3) dependence for the system that was
The investigation by LYM and Huff201 was the first one in which the true velocity profiles
during polymerization in a tubular reactor were determined. The idea of the dependence of the
hydrodynamic field on the varying rheokinetics during a chemical reaction is quite fruitful and has
profiles is quite permissible for traditional reactions involving low-molecular-weight compounds, 194;
Chapter 4. Principles of Reactive Molding Technology 149
7 N P
w N
Figure 4.25. Profiles of axial velocities in the flow of a rheokinetic liquid through a tubular reactor. Flow rate
increases from (a) to (c). The dashed lines denote the boundary between the high-viscosity product @ngh degree
of conversion) and the low-viscosity reactant (breaking through stream).
been exploited by many authors. A complete formulation of the problem and the results of numerical
calculations can be found in several publications. 195i201-204 The main assumptions made were the
following: the flow remains laminar; the condition for adhesion to the wall is fulfilled; there is a
large jump in viscosity (by at least two orders of magnitude) due to polymerization. The most
important result of all these investigations is that a strong transformation of the velocity profile
occurs in the reactor, and concave flow velocity profiles appear, which are completely anomalous
from the point of view of traditional hydrodynamics. The general cause of this phenomenon is the
action of a positive feedback mechanism.
This phenomenon can be understood on the basis of the following qualitative arguments. A
small flow velocity near the walls leads to longer residence times for the liquid elements in a reactor
that are closer to the walls. This results in higher degrees of conversion and progressive increases
in viscosity. Thus, the flow in this zone continues to slow down. In the axial zone, the same positive
feedback has the opposite effect. At first, the liquid on the axis moves faster and has a smaller
residence time, so both the degree of conversion and the viscosity are lower in comparison with
the fluid layers near the walls. In the end, two sharply demarcated zones of flow are superimposed
on the usual flow velocities profiles (Fig. 4.25): a zone of slowly moving, highly viscous
high-molecular-weight product near the walls of the reactor and an axial zone consisting of a fast
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
8 -
0 1
X#L -
Figure 4.26. Profiles of monomer conversion along a reactor.
stream of reactants with a low degree of conversion (Fig. 4.26). The relationship between these
two zones and the manner of their mutual transformation along the channel depend on net the
volume output, the characteristics of the viscosity dependence on conversion, and the reactor length.
Clearly, thermal effects can also influence the hydrodynamic picture, but this is generally a
second-order effect, because the dependence of viscosity on the degree of conversion is much
stronger than its temperature dependence.
The three situations shown in Fig. 4.25 need some comment. First, if flow rates are small,
the stream of reactants remains entirely within the reactor, and we have a parabolic profile at the
inlet section. Going downstream we see a strong change in the velocity profile, namely, the
formation of sharply protruding curves as the chemical reaction proceeds. As this is a very slow
flow, and there is enough time to complete the reaction over the full cross-section of the reactor,
the velocity profde becomes parabolic again when we approach the outlet section as shown in the
upper part of Fig. 4.25. However the viscosity of the final product near the exit is much higher
than that of the initial reactants at the beginning of the reactor.
Second, if the flow rate is very high, wehave breakthrough of the initial reactants that had
insufficient time to react to reach any significant degree of conversion. Then we have a thin almost
motionless near-wall layer of material with a high degree of conversion and a central fast stream
of low viscosity material, which is close in chemical nature to the initial reactants, because the
reaction time was too short. This situation is shown in the lower part of Fig. 4.25.
Finally, we have a third intermediate case where the velocity profile changes along the whole
length of the reactor and we have a highly protruding profile at the outlet section of the tube as
shown in the middle part of Fig. 4.25. The increase in viscosity due the polymerization reaction,
the changes in the velocity profile, and the formation of protruding curves result in a large difference
between the maximum and average velocities. For a Poiseuille parabolic profile, this ratio is equal
Chapter 4. Principles of Reactive Molding Technology
I5 1
to 2 but in rheokinetic liquid flow, the ratio of the axial viscosity to the flow-averaged velocity can
exceed 10 or 20. The key question is, what is the reactor length and residence time required to
achieve full conversion of the initial reactants to a polymer? Let this time be T and the flow-averaged
velocity be V. Then for a zero-order approximation, we may assume that the flow in the reactor is
plug-type (velocity is constant over the cross-section); then the reactor length Lo is calculated by a
self-evident formula:
For a first approximation, when we assume a Poiseuille parabolic profile, the necessary length Lp
is two times larger:
Lp = 2Lo
because the axial velocity (for the portion of material with minimum dwell time) is twice as high
as the average velocity. Finally, for a real rheokinetic model with highly protruding velocity
profiles, the necessary reactor length for full chemical conversion L x is much higher than Lo and
we can write
where the constant N > > 1.
These arguments explain why it is unacceptable to use a tubular reactor for synthesis of
polystyrene: the required tubes would be too long, as is clear from the last formula were N > > 1.
This result reflects the main disadvantage of tubular polymerization reactors if no additional devices
are used to mix the reactants in different sections. Moreover it shows that such devices, averaging
portions of a material with different degrees of conversion are necessary for successful operation
of tubular reactors. Unfortunately, changes in operation (changes in the wall temperature,
organization of recycling, separate reactant feeds, etc.) will not help to get rid of the phenomena
described above, Le., non-uniform conversion, protruding velocity profiles, and reactant break-
Quantitative analysis has shown that when there are major increases in viscosity from the
initial reactants to the fmal products, the main characteristics of the flow pattern are determined by
the ratio of these viscosities,205 and this effect dominates when there are large changes in viscosity
at relatively low degrees of conversion.
There are many more theoretical and modelling calculations involving the flow of rheokinetic
liquids, than there are experimental data which could be correlated with theoretical predictions. No
measured velocity profiles have been published for the flow of reactive liquids, althou some
overall properties were measured in a tubular reactor used for lactam polymerization. 206,2'1n this
case, the viscosity of the reactants increased by a factor of 400 due to the formation of high-molecular
weight products. This led to a sufficiently strong distortion of the velocity profile that the quantities
calculated for a real rheokinetic liquid and for the zero-approximation case of plug flow or the
first-approximation of a parabolic profile were distinctly different. The experimental data and
152 A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
calculated values of average conversion Pav and minimal residence time tmin were compared. The
value of pav was calculated as
Pav = I P(r)v(r)2nrdr
where v(r) is the radial distribution of axial velocity, r is the current radius (radial coordinate), R
is the radius of the tube reactor.
It was found that the maximum deviation between the experimental and calculated values of
Pav for different experimental conditions (various flow rates, initial temperatures and concentra-
tions) did not exceed 1 %,
The value of tmin corresponds to the maximum velocity at the tube axis (at r = 0).
Experimental values of tmin were found by radioactive tracers; the deviation between the measured
and calculated values of tmin was less than 10%.
It is worth noting that when the Poiseuille flow model was used, the divergence in the average
conversion amounted to 50%, whereas the divergence in the minimum residence time exceeded
100 % . This shows that the use of the plug and parabolic flow models is incorrect in principle. The
inadequacy of both simplified models was confirmed by direct comparison of their predictions of
changes in the concentration of a radioactive tracer with time. Meanwhile, the rheokinetic model
gave reasonably accurate predictions205 in all cases.
The technological and practical properties of a polymeric material are determined by its average
molecular weight and molecular weight distribution (MWD). If a polymer is synthesized in an
ideally stirred reactor,so that it is perfectly homogeneous, the MWD of the end product is a function
of the polymerization reaction mechanism and can be easily calculated if we know the content of
a reactive mix, the kinetics of the reaction, and its duration. This is not true for a tubular reactor
because the end product is a result of mixing species with different polymerization histories. Layers
moving at different distances from the tube axis have been in the reactor for different amounts of
time due to the existence of a radial distribution of velocities. Therefore, the MWD of the end
product is a function of the mechanism and kinetics of the polymerization reaction (as in the case
of a stirred reactor) and also of the specific hydrodynamic conditions during material flow through
the reactor. The last factor is important only if we have incomplete conversion over part of the
cross-section. If the tubular reactor is long enough for complete conversion over the whole
cross-section, the resulting MWD will be determined by kinetic factors only. However, the length
of the reactor is more important in most practical situations; therefore calculation of the "hydrody-
namic" MWD, or MWD-H (i.e., an MWD depending on the hydrodynamics of the flow of the
reactive liquid), is of general importance for reactive processing.
Chapter 4. Principles of Reactive Molding Technology
Let us analyze isothermal polymerization in a tubular reactor of finite length.2o8 The
formulation of the hydrodynamic problem is based on some obvious assumptions:
Then we can use the following system of equations (reduced to dimensionless variables) to describe
the flow in a tubular reactor:
aP aP
az ax
- + v- = Dafi(P) [4.15]
where x = z/L and r = ro/R are the dimensionless axial and radial coordinates, respectively;
v =vz/vo is the axial component of the dimensionless velocity; z = tvo/L is dimensionless time; Da
is the Damkohler number, which is the dimensionless ratio of the characteristic flow time to the
characteristic reaction time; vo = QhR2 is average output velocity; p = PnR4/[2QLq(P)] is the
dimensionless pressure; fi = fp(p)/kpT is the dimensionless kinetic function; R is the radius of the
tubular reactor; L is its length; Q is the volume output (flow rate), which is assumed to be constant
in time; P is the degree of conversion calculated from the change in monomer concentration in the
reactive mix; kpT is the initial reaction rate at constant temperature; q(p) is the viscosity depending
on the degree of conversion. The boundary conditions are the usual ones: at the initial degree of
conversion p0 the viscosity is q(p0); at the initial time z = 0:
P = PO; v(ro) = 2(1 - r8)
at the wall (ro) = 1:
v =o
atx = 1:
ax ax
- 0
-=o; ap --
at the axis of the reactor (ro = 0):
Solving the system of Eqs (4.15) - (4.16) allows us to find the velocity and degree of conversion
distributions for the stationary state.
Now we shall discuss the method used to calculate the "cup"-averaged MWD-H, in which
all portions of a polymerized liquid are mixed and averaged in a "cup" (vessel) positioned after the
reactor. In this analysis, recourse was made to the so-called "suspension" model of a tubular reactor.
According to this model, the reaction mass is regarded as an assemblage of immiscible microvolume
batch reactors. Each of these microreactors moves along its own flow line. The most important
point is that the duration of the reaction is different in each microreactor, as the residence time of
each microvolume depends on its position at any given time, i.e., on its distance from the reactor
The radial distributions of velocity and degree of conversion in each section of the reactor,
including the outlet section, are time-independent, as we are considering a steady state working
apparatus. Therefore we can find the volume dW, which flows out of the reactor through a layer
of the width dr (the subscript showing that r is a dimensionless value is omitted) at a distance r
from the axis:
dW =2nrv(r)dr
The influence of the rheokinetic factor v(r) is quite evident in this relationship.
The degree of conversion inside this volume is constant, but the MWD function qw(n, r),
where n is the degree of polymerization, depends on r. This is a reflection of different reaction
time in the various layers of the polymer. The residence time distribution function f(r) for the
reactive mass in a reactor is determined from rheokinetic considerations, while the MWD for each
microvolume qw(n,t) is found for various times t from purely kinetic arguments. The values t and
r in the expressions for qw are related to each other via the radial distribution of axial velocity.
MWD of a polymer at any reactor cross-section is given by:
pw = I f(t)qw(n,t)dt
where t- is the minimum residence time of the reactive mass in the cross-section under
consideration (at the axis of the reactor); f(t) is the distribution of residence times. In order to
calculate f(t), it is necessary to solve the rheokinetic problem, i.e., to derive the velocity distribution
and change along the reactor. Then we can find the cup-average MWD, i.e., MWD-H, and pw(n).
The latter is defined as
Chapter 4. Principles of Reactive Molding Technology 155
This equation clearly demonstrates the difference between instantaneous MWD qw(n) and MWD-H
pw(n): we see that the definition of pw(n) includes hydrodynamics of flow of a reactive liquid
through a reactor.
It is worth noting that averaging in Eq. (4.18) is possible for the MWD only. Therefore, if
the molecular number distribution qn(n) is known, it is necessary to derive the MWD by the usual
qw(n) = -
where Mnis the number-averaged molecular weight. Eq. (4.18) has meaning only if the reactor is
of limited length and polymerization is not completed over at least some part of the cross-section;
i.e., t- at the axis of the reactor is not sufficient for complete polymerization. In the opposite
case, the MWD is the same for any value of r and MWD-H is equal to the instantaneous MWD.
As an example of the application of the general relationships and definitions let us analyze a
specific polymerization. We shall discuss anionic activated polymerization of w-dodecalactam,
which has been thoroughly investigated.209 It is important that polymerization of this monomer can
be treated as approximately isothermal, because the heat of polymer formation from w-dodecalactam
is very low and, so the increase in temperature caused by this source can be neglected.210
Assuming that we are dealing with so-called "living" polymerization (in the absence of chain
termination in the course of polymerization), the kinetic mechanism of w-dodecalactam polymeri-
zation with instantaneous initiation can be written as
P(n) + M + P(n+l)
The initial conditions are as follows:
at t = 0 (initial time)
[P(i)l = [Plo; [P(n)] = 0 for n > 1; [MI =[M]o
where [PI0 is the concentration of active centers, at which polymerization proceeds; [P(n)] is the
concentration of macromolecules having the degree of polymerization n; [MI is the monomer
concentration. The MWD for "living" polymerization is well known:211 it is the Poissondistribution
described by the function:
Here z is the "generalized" time, which is
156 A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
Z =6P(t)
where p is the current degree of conversion, depending on the current time t; 6 is the limiting
(maximum possible) degree of conversion. For the case under discussion the generalized time can
be calculated as
z = J' k[M(t)]dt = [l - ek[P1ot] = &3(t) [4.20]
For the Poisson distribution
Now we can write the equation for MWD-H according to its definition, Eq. (4.18):
By using some known expressions for the moments of MWD 211 and changing the order of
integration by t and n, we can obtain formulas for the moment A (upper case) of MWD-H, in terms
of the moment h (lower case) of "chemical" MWD qw(n). The resulting equation is as follows:
Ai = J' rv(r)hi(r)dr [4.22]
As expected the moments of MWD-H depends on the velocity distribution v(r). The first three
moments of MWD-H calculated for the Poisson MWD are the most representative features of
MWD-H. They are calculated as:
l +Z
hl = 1
A2 =
1 +Z2 +32
1 + Z
The averaged molecular weights are the ratios of the moments:
Chapter 4. Principles of Reactive Molding Technology
(a) 6 (b)
I 7
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 7
Figure 4.27. Velocity profiles (a) and di5eibutions of the degree of conversion @) along the radius of a tubular
reactor at [A] =0.7 mol%. The Da/Da values are: 0. 2 ( I ) ; 0.3 (2); 0.5 (3 and 1 (4).
Mn=-; Ai Mw=-. A2 Mw-- - A d 2
Ao AI' Mn A$
Now we can find all the parameters of MWD-H by solving the hydrodynamic, Eqs. (4.14) - (4.16),
because the solution is a function of v(r) and P(r). The theoretical relationships discussed above
can be illustrated by the results of calculations of MWD-H for anionic polymerization of
w-dodecalactam.210 The viscosity q(P) during isothermal polymerization, when the degree of
conversion has reached 8, is described by the equation:
where kqT, a and b are empirical constants; qo is the viscosity of the monomer; [A] is the initial
concentration of the activator. For the case under discussion, at T = 18OoC, the parameters in Eq.
(4.24) are:
a 1; b =2.3; kqT =0.025; To =0.01 Pa S
and the kinetic function for the initial part of the polymerization, at least up to P =0.7, is:
fl(P) =1 - P
Calculations were carried out for different values of the Damkohler Number (Le., for various
reactor lengths) and various concentrations of the activator [A], which determine: the number of
active centers and therefore the final degree of polymerization. The ratio DdDa was used, as a
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
p , r ~ ~ 4
0 BO 160 0 40 BO 0
Figure 4.28. MWD-H of a polymer at different [A] =0.5 mol% (a) and 1.2 rnol%(b). "he Da/Da* values
are: 0.2 ( I ) ; 0.3 (2); 0.5 (3) and 1 (4).
measure of the length of a reactor, where Da* is the value of Da which gives a degree of conversion
p=O.9 (close to complete conversion) at the axis of the reactor.
Fig. 4.27 represents the velocity profiles v(r) and degrees of conversion P(r) at the exit of a
reactor for different values of DdDa and constant [A] = 0.7 mol%. At Da = 0.5 (a rather low
degree of conversion at the axis of the reactor), a low-viscosity stream flows out (breaks through)
into the central zone (Fig. 4.27 b, curves 1 and 2). This means that the end-product leaving the
reactor is a mixture consisting of two species (fractions) with very different molecular weights,
leading to the appearance of a pronounced bimodal MWD-H, which is not due to the chemical
process but is a direct consequence of the hydrodynamic situation in the reactor.
The results of calculations of MWD-H from Eq. (4.17) are shown in Fig. 4.28, where the
influence of both factors, Da and [A], is shown. It can be seen that for increasing Da @e., increasing
reactor length) the height of the low-molecular-weight peak decreases, the high-molecular-weight
peak height increases, and MWD-H approaches a unimodal MWD, which in the limit, becomes a
very sharp Poisson distribution. When [A] decreases, a polymer with higher molecular weight is
obtained; the value of the average molecular weight is a function of the parameter 6 . At low degrees
of conversion, the distance between the low- and high-molecular-weight peaks in MWD-H is large.
Increasing the concentration of active centers results in a decrease in the average molecular weight
and a decrease in this distance. When the value of Da is increased beyond 0.5, MWD-H becomes
essentially unimodal. There is no point in calculating "average" values of MWD Mn, MW or their
Chapter 4. Principles of Reactive Molding Technology
u,3 p- 7
Figure 4.29. Comparison of velocity profiles (a), degrees of conversion (b) and MWD-H (c) for calculations
carried out for a rheokinetic model with changes i n of the velocity profile along the reactor (solid lines) an!
for an unchanging Poiseuille velocity profile (dashed lines). Values of the parameters in calculations: Da/Da
=0.2; [A] =0.7 mol%.
ratio (as a measure of the width of the MWD) while the MWD-H of the final product is still bimodal.
Calculations indicate that in the transition to a unimodal MWD-H with increasing p, the ratio
Mw/Mn quickly approaches 1; i.e., the distribution becomes Poisson-like.
It is also instructive to compare the results of calculations of MWD-H for a real rheokinetic
model with a hypothetical situation in which there is a the Poiseuille profile along the full length
of the reactor (Fig. 4.29). In all instances, the MWD-H corresponding to the Poisseuille velocity
profile remains nearly unimodal (from the very beginning of the reactor when fi C C 1 at the reactor
axis). It follows from these results that the assumption of a Poiseuille profile that remains unchanged
along the length of the reactor leads to completely unrealistic predictions for the MWD-H pattern
of the end product. The same is true for any other constant velocity distribution, for example, those
based on power-type rheological equations for the flow curve of a polymer. Only those rheokinetic
models, that take into account the transformations in the velocity profile along the reactor due to a
chemical reaction can present a correct picture of the real properties of an end product polymerized
in a tubular flow reactor.
Polymer coatings are one of the main protection methods against corrosion and are also widely
used to decorate articles, equipment, and structures for industrial and domestic use. These coatings
are films made of high-molecular-weight compounds formed on a solid surface.
The coating process consists of the following stages:
preliminary operation of preparing a polymeric material or reactant composition for appli-
160 A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
coating application and formation;
cleaning and preparation of the substrate surface before spraying the polymer material
physical and chemical treatment and mechanical machining of the applied coating and quality
The preparation of polymer materials for coating requires the choice of a suitable composition,
depending on the expected use, followed by composition preparation and processing. The choice
of polymer depends on the physical, chemical, and mechanical properties of the materials themselves
and on the intended purpose of the coating being applied.
Individual polymers as materials for film formation have the following disadvantages: high
melt viscosity, a narrow interval between the flow and decomposition temperatures, insufficient
adhesion to coated surfaces (for example to steel), low mechanical strength, etc. Therefore,
compositions consisting of polymer mixtures with different additives are widespread at present.
Solvents, plasticizers, pigments, fillers, curing agents, surfactants and other functional materials
are commonly employed as additives in coating compositions.
Depending on article geometry and size, its engineering and technological complexity,
conditions of use and the type of polymer material, different methods for applying coatings are
used. In general, they differ from each other, in the state of aggregation of the material being
applied. The main methods of coating application are the following: manual (hand-brushing,
roller-coat, tampon methods), dipping, sponging, spraying (pneumatic, hydrodynamic, electro-
static), electrical sedimentation, injection molding, fluidized bed coating, cladding, and lining
Spraying of polymer solutions and melts is the most widespread method in industry.217 The
high productivity and efficiency of the process and the possibility of continuous regulation of quality
and coating thickness to produce coatings with the specified quality are the main advantages of this
method. The essence of the spraying method is that the liquid is initially ejected as thin jets, which
break up into droplets of different sizes. J et fragmentation occurs as a result of a sharp pressure
drop in the stream of compressed air inside the spray nozzle for pneumatic spraying or by the action
of electric forces in electrostatic spraying.
To achieve the main process requirements (ability to be applied by different methods: by
hand, spray, electropaint), and to provide the necessary decorative, physical, and mechanical
properties, organic solvents are used in concentrations up to of about 50 % to modify the viscosity
and other rheological characteristics of the some polymer compositions. During the application and
formation of the coating, the solvents evaporate into the atmosphere as pollutants. This serious
disadvantage of formulations based on the use of solvents as "intermediate" carriers has provided
the incentive to develop polymer compositions and application technologies which yield the required
rheological characteristics either without solvents, or at least with low concentrations of them.
Materials with a higher content of non-volatile components are the most attractive for use in
industry. This group of polymer compositions contains binders of lower molecular weight, but
higher reactivity. These provide coating materials with the necessary high fluidity and high
concentration of film-forming components. As a result, the traditional methods of applying coatings
(gluing of sealant and film materials). 212-216
Chapter 4. Principles of Reactive Molding Technology
16 1
(roller, brush, spray) can be used under normal curing conditions without the addition of large
amounts of solvents to reduce viscosity.
The formation of network structures in polymers is of great importance in forming coatings
from oligomers by reactive processing. This type of coating is usually formed by polymerization
and polycondensation of reactive oligomeric roducts such as oils, unsaturated polyesters, oligo(es-
ter acrylates), and alkyd and epoxy resins. 1218 Polyurethanes, polyesters, and silicon organic
oligomers are also used as coatings in reactive processing.
A typical example of a new formulation used for producing coatings by reactive processing
for coating is an alkyd-based air-drying composition containing up to 80% nonvolatile components.
This material has superior decorative and protective properties compared to traditional polymer
compositions. Great progress has also been made in the development of thermal curing materials
based on epoxy, polyester, acryl and acryl urethane binders. 218-221 In order to improve the
processing properties of these compositions, liquid rubbers are extensively used as a polymer base
and simultaneously act as low-viscosity solvents.219 Thus, the admixture of epoxy oligomers with
liquid rubbers allows a number of important technical problems to be solved: they improve both
the mechanical and the protective and adhesion properties of the final coatings.
When preparing coatings from reactive compositions, a thin layer of material is first applied
to the item. The coating material adheres to the item by gravitational, magnetic, centrifugal or
adhesion forces. The prepared article with its reactive layer is then placed in a chamber where the
final polymeric coating is formed.
This method is used for producing cable insulation from film-forming material without the
use of solvents. 2209221 The key element of this technology is passage of the wire or cable through
a molten oligomer bath with a viscosity close to that of the lacquers used in wire enameling. The
chosen coating material should not be reactive at the bath temperature used in the coating process.
The coated wire then passes to high-temperature oven, where, in a short period of time, the resin
is transformed into a hard elastic film by a polymerization reaction.
Reactive processing has also been proposed for use in the continuous production of insulated
cables.222 In this case, the reagents are first mixed and then injected into a tubular reactor. Previously
heated cable moves along the axis of the reactor and the insulating coating is formed. The principal
advantage of this method is that the chemical reaction occurs, during the process rather than before
coating. As a result the process cycle is reduced and economies are achieved through lower energy
consumption and increased productivity.
The pneumatic spraying method is one of the best for protective coating of large-sized items.
Some versions of this method are described in Ref.223 for spraying of high-viscosity materials. A
method em lo ing an external gas flow to atomize liquid jets or films is one of the most
In traditional gas or liquid spraying technologies, liquid jets are carried by coaxial
or transverse as flows, whose mass flow rate often exceeds those of the liquid. Another scheme
was proposed!26 in which it is suggested that the gas should be added to the liquid before injection
of the stream into the exit nozzle. In this case, a gas-liquid mixture flows out the sprayer and, as
a result, the size of the liquid droplets being sprayed. However in this technique, the sprayer design
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
becomes more complicated, its size increases, and stratification of the two-phase mixture a long
exit channels may appears. This can lead to instability of the exit flow and inhomo eneity of the
drop sizes during spraying. Nevertheless, the advantages of the method proposed22'have led to a
search for ways to improve it and adapt it to current requirements.
It was also suggestedz7 that the spray streams can be improved by blowing a gas into the
liquid stream just before it exits from the sprayer channel into the open space. Investigations of
liquid spraying in an experimental setup allowed the authors227 to determine the main features of
the process. Water at room temperature was used as the spray liquid, and argon and helium were
tried as the blowing gases.
The equipment described in Refs 223-227 is mainly used for spraying materials with stable
rheological properties. For processing rheokinetic liquids, special equipment has to be designed.
This equipment must work with the low-viscosity material present at the initial stages of the process.
It is also necessary to allow for possible inadequate life times of the reactive mixtures, the need for
through mixing of the components, and methods for equipment washing. These are the main
problems in processing of reactive materials. The studies in this field are insufficient because of
numerous technological uncertainties in coating processes and lack of understanding of the
fundamental aspects of the process.
The process of creating a protective coating from a reactive liquid by spraying consists of
preparation of the required composition of low viscosity reagents and solid fillers, transporting the
mixture through a spraying device, to the item surface. Temperature conditions are monitored inside
the channel of the spraying device and on the product surface. In order to make a high-quality
coating and to improve the stability of its properties, it is necessary to solve the following problems:
provision of a high-quality finely dispersed spray of the coating material during the whole
production of a coating with minimum porosity and admissible surface waviness;
solidification of the coating on the item while maintaining its geometric size and shape to
exclude leaks.
Successful solution of these technical problems depends on the initial viscosity of the material in
the sprayer, the surface tension of the material, changes in the rheokinetic properties during the
process, sprayer design, and jet configuration.
The reactive mixture is heated to the necessary temperature in the spraying device (above the
temperature at which the reaction starts), dispersed, and then applied to a surface in a uniform
layer. The efficiency of the device depends on preserving the fluidity of the reactive mixture as it
moves along the channel, preservation of the necessary degree of conversion of the reactive mixture
at the exit from the nozzle for an adequate time, and sufficient dispersion of the jet leaving the
nozzle of the sprayer.
Creating or maintaining uniform distributions of temperature, flow rate, and conversion
degree appear to be most important during the flow of chemically reactive liquids, especially since
the reaction leads to changes in material viscosity of several orders of magnitude. Even in the
Chapter 4. Principles of Reactive Molding Technology 163
simplest streams (flow in a pipe or through a rectangular cross-section) changes in flow kinematics
when the liquid sticks to the channel walls leads to the appearance of inhomogeneities across the
channel. Loss of material fluidity at high degrees of conversion leads to gradual overgrowth of the
channel by solidified material, a phenomenon that is intensified by heat supply.
Plug-like flow and uniform volume heating (or cooling) leading to a flat chemical reaction
front (uniform conversion at each section of the channel) may be regarded as an ideal flow systems.
Maintenance of complete (or close to it) sliding conditions at the walls is one of the ways to achieve
this goal.
Various types of sprayers and pneumatic nozzles which allow us to produce finely dispersed
gas-liquid jets and aerosols with drops 500-10 pm in diameter are used to create coatings. Two
ways of producing finely dispersed jets are known:
spraying under the influence of centrifugal forces;
spraying due to the action of streams of a compressed gas.
In the first case the liquid being sprayed is poured onto a plane rotating disk from the center
to the circumference.'28 Breakup of the liquid film on the disk surface leads to the production of
polydisperse drops, even at low rates of liquid supply. It is possible to obtain a narrower, almost
monodisperse distribution of drop sizes with total weight of satellite drops of not more than 3-5 %
of the main fraction by a cut-off baffle in the disk center.229 The surface of the disk is radially
grooved, and on rotation produces a number of streams equal to the number of grooves. These
streams disintegrate into drops of almost monodisperse composition at the disk edge. The disk
surface and its parts are made of materials that are not wetted by the liquid being sprayed, so that
there are equal flow conditions for all streams.228
In the second case, disintegration of a liquid jet into drops is achieve b hi h-velocity streams
of compressed air flowing out of holes positioned at the stream perimeter. 23dI 239Porous permeable
bushings with a ring cavity around the bushing for uniform mixing of a liquid and a gas are used
to inject the liquid into the air stream. 2329233 This design provides a uniformly mixed two-phase
stream with a droplet size of about 10-20 pm.
Aerosols and mists are formed when liquids are sprayed using compressed gas; However this
increases the proportion of waste liquid. In order to eliminate waste, a porous diaphragm resembling
a cut-off cone is used. Its smaller base borders the face between the nozzle for the liquid and holes
for the gas; the larger base is connected to the s raying head and forms chambers connected via
holes to create a peripheral enclosing ai r stream.
One suggested technique for spraying chemically reactive liquids is to force air through
porous ring sections of the tube into the flowing liquid to act as a lubricant. Use of this technique
in sprayer devices break up the liquid stream even before it exits from the nozzle, and hence reduces
dispersion of the drops in the jet. When a chemically reactive liquid flows through a channel,
functional heating occurs at the walls and spreads to the center of the stream. Thus to achieve a
uniform conversion degree through the cross-section of the channel, it is desirable to create
B 4
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
10 11 9 8 4
Figure 4.30. Device for spraying hgh-viscosity liquids (for an explanation of the positions, see in the text).
conditions such that the material slides easily along the walls of the spraying device by means of a
gas lubricant supply. This allows us to decrease the pressure at the exit, which is also important.
A typical device for spraying chemically reactive materials, designed with the proceeding
remarks in mind, is shown in Fig. 4.30. It consists of: a body 1, a core 2, between which there is
a channel 3 for supplying the spray liquid by a pipe line 4. Channel 3 tapers towards the exit and
forms an exit ring nozzle 5 on which internal and external walls of which porous rings 6 and 7 are
placed. The rings are connected by channels and tubes 8 and 9 to a pressurized system. A housing
10, forming channel 11, which provides ring clearance, is placed on body 1 on the external boundary
of this gap. Gas for blowing the liquid jet is supplied to channel 11 by means of a pipeline 12. To
blow the liquid on the inner surface, gas from pipeline 13 moves to the internal cavity 14 of the
core 2. Then, one part of the gas stream goes through the ring clearance through passages to the
blower and the other part goes to a porous spacer 16. The surfaces of the nozzle 5 and the channel
3 are covered with a fluoroplastic, heat-resistant anti-adhesive material. Core 2 is COMeCted to a
power drive providing circular rotation.
The spraying device works in the following way. The prepared liquid mixture of reactive
components flows to channel 3 through pipeline 4, and is distributed in a circular direction by the
rotation of core 2. This movement simultaneously reduces the apparent viscosity of the liquid. Then
the liquid goes to the ring nozzle 5. Porous rings 6 and 7 are placed on the external and internal
surfaces of nozzle 5 at a distance of (1 - 20)h from the exit (where h is the distance between the
Chapter 4. Principles of Reactive Molding Technology 165
external and internal surfaces of nozzle 5) . The blower gas at the necessary pressure enters to
channel 5 through the porous rings by pipelines and channels 8 and 9. A lubricating film, formed
on the walls by the gas permeating through the porous rings 6 and 7, sharply decreases friction
between the wall and the moving liquid stream.
A sharp decrease in wall friction in the flow of visco-elastic liquids (including chemically
reactive liquids) leads to the formation of low pressure zones. The gas flows into these zones, which
leads to disruption of the liquid stream in nozzle 5. Additional gas blown into the disrupted liquid
stream through the ring gaps by pipelines 11 and 15 causes separation of the liquid into smaller
droplets, thus improving spray dispersion.
The porous rings are positioned at a distance of (1 - 20)h from any exit, because if they are
positioned any closer, stream rupture inside the channel cannot be guaranteed. If they were placed
at a further distance, the disrupted stream reforms into a compact stream further along the channel,
which would prevent proper dispersion of the spray jet.
Coating of the channel 3 and nozzle 5 surfaces with fluoroplastic prevents the stream of hot
gas from heating the liquid channel walls due to the good heat insulations properties of this covering
material. This makes it possible to shift the zone where the chemical reaction starts towards the
exit from the sprayer. The use of fluoroplastic makes it possible to prevent sticking of the reactive
liquid to the channel walls because of its anti-adhesive properties. Using this device for spraying
high-viscosity liquids ensures the following advantages:
improved coating quality due to increased spray dispersion at the local gas supply to the
increased process output due to a reduction in shut downs, which are usually necessary for
channel cleaning when processing reactive materials.
Reactive processing by extrusion is primarily used for manufacturing profile parts from poly-
caproamide (Nylon 6), synthesized by anionic activated polymerization of &-caprolactam. Another
application of reactive extrusion is processing of thermoplastic materials modified by reactive
additives, which can be introduced as co-monomers or separate components of a mixture.
Continuous polymerization or reactive modification in extrusion can be successfully realized if
stationary processing conditions are achieved, in particular, a constant ratio between the initial
reactive system (low-viscosity liquid) and the high-viscosity newly formed product need to be
maintained. Perhaps the most important consideration in continuous extrusion of reactive systems
is controlling the temperature polymerization regime by removing the excessive heat of polymeri-
zation, which eliminates thermal runaway and stabilizes the temperature profile throughout reactive
The main problem (or disadvantage) in reactive processing by extrusion is the choice of the
reaction rate. If it is too fast (due to unexpected temperature rise during processing) the
extruder-reactor may become plugged. If it is too slow the process is lengthy; i.e., a long residence
time is required to complete the reaction. Thus the extruder has to be very long and/or the velocity
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
Figure 4.31. One-section single screw extruder used inreactive processing (for an explanation of the numbers
see text).
of movement along it must be very low. The main method of adjusting the process rate is to vary
the activity of the catalyst and/or the activator used in polymerization. The temperature sensitivity
of the reaction rate must be taken into account in designing an extrusion-reactor unit.
The first attempts to create an extrusion process for reactive processing were based on the
use of a one-section single screw extruder.236 The principal parts of this unit are shown in Fig.
4. 3 1. The head part of the unit is typical for reactive processing. It consists of two separate tanks,
one containing a mixture of a monomer and a catalyst and the other containing a mixture of a
monomer and an activator ( I and 2 in Fig. 4.31). Metering pumps 7 inject both components into
the inlet of the extruder, which consists of a screw 6 placed in a barrel 4, which is fitted with heaters
5. Mixing of the components of the reactive system takes place due to rotation of the screw.
Polymerization proceeds during the movement of the reactive mass along the extruder, and the
newly formed product is ejected through a profiling die 3. In anionic activated &-caprolactam
polymerization in an extruder-reactor, the process takes approximately 25 min at 225 - 24OoC. The
final product (polycaproamide) contains 11 - 12% of monomer residues, which limits the
applications of articles made from this material. The process in the extruder can be shortened by
using an intermediate storage tank.237 In this case, necessary the residence time for a reaction in
the extruder need be no more than 10 - 12 min.
Chapter 4. Principles of Reactive Molding Technology
Figure 4.32. Two-section single screw extrusion unit for reactive processing
The main difficulty in encountered in using one-section single screw extruders is separating
and coordinating the different stages of the polymerization process, because the reaction rate is not
constant, but is changing from start to finish of the process. This is the reason why such simple
devices are not used in industry. This difficulty can be overcome by using a set of single screw
machines arranged in series, which makes it possible to separate the various stages of a
polymerization process. Changes in residence time can be easily controlled by regulating the screw
rotation speed in the separate extruders. A typical layout of a two-section extrusion unit is shown
in Fig. 4.32.238 There are two independently operated extruders (I and 2 in Fig. 4.32), each with
its own regulated drive (3 and 4). The reactive mass flows from the first to the second section
through a transfer tube 3. The first section is used for melting and homogenization of the initial
reactive mixture, and the screw rotation speed in this extruder is high. Most of the polymerization
process and extrusion of the product through a die occur in the second section where the screw
rotation speed is low. Correlation of the operation of both sections is achieved by adjusting the
rotation speed of both screws. The governing parameter is pressure which is measured in the transfer
tube 5. This transfer tube is a passive element of the production line.
Twin screw extruders have also been proposed for use in reactive processing of &-caprolactam.
Intermeshing corotating screws with a minimal gap between the threads are self-cleaning, thus
eliminating the growth of newly formed polymer on the screw surfaces.239 An example of a twin
screw extruder is shown in Fig. 4.33. This machine, built by the Werner und Pfleiderer Company,
has two intermeshing screws rotating in the same direction. The screws have interchangeable
sections, which have transportation and mixing functions. This design eliminates undesirable shifts
of the polymerization zones, but has the same disadvantage as one-section single screw extruders:
the constant rotation speed is incompatible with the varying rate of polymerization along the length
of the extruder.
168 A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
1 2
Figure 4.33. Twin-screw extruder for reactive processing. Each screw consists of meshing (1) and compressive
(2) inter changeable sections.
Figure 4.34. Double screw exnuder with two separated screws placed in series inside a common barrel
(explanation of the numbers see text).
A possible design of an extruder for reactive processing is shown in Fig. 4.34.240 Two screws
are installed on the same axis inside a common barrel I but they have independent drives. This
design eliminates stagnation zones, where the extruder is obstructed by the polymeric product.
Independent drives for both screws permits the choice of optimal rotation speeds, Le., to synchronize
the polymerization rate with the residence times of the reactive mass in both stages of the process.
The extruder shown in Fig. 4.34 can be used for anionic activated &-caprolactam polymeri-
zation. In this case, the operation of the extruder proceeds as follows. An initial reactive mixture
(prepared earlier by mixing a two-component system) is passed through a feeding (loading)
arrangement 4 to the inlet section of the transporting screw 2. During movement along this screw,
Chapter 4. Principles of Reactive Molding Technology
Figure 4.35. Extrusion die for reactive processing with a gap (of the width a) for injecting a lubricant.
polymerization takes place only to a very limited extent. Metering screw 3 creates the necessary
pressure to extrude the a final product through a profiling die. The geometry of the thread, the
rotation velocity, and the temperature regime inside the channel are chosen so that the end of the
polymerization zone corresponds to the outlet section of the extruder and the entrance to the profiling
die allows the 8. The two parts of the extruder are separated by a stiff perforated membrane, or
diaphragm 9, with installation of two screws in the same barrel. The shape and size of the holes in
the diaphragm are found experimentally and depend on the type of polymer being synthesized. This
diaphragm also smoothes out pressure fluctuations, which arise at the inlet section of the metering
screw as a result of the operation of the transfer screw. Speeds of rotation of both screws are adjusted
by the regulating unit in response to signals fed from the pressure transducers mounted on both
sides of the diaphragm.
The transducer 11, mounted before the diaphragm measures the pressure created by the
transfer screw. This pressure depends on the output of the screw and the hydrodynamic resistance
of the diaphragm. The transducer 10 mounted beyond a diaphragm measures pressure, depending
on output of the metering screw Le., the pressure created by the transfer screw and pressure drop
through the diaphragm. Then both values of pressure can be varied by varying the rotation speed
of the screws, because their speed determines the throughput.
The operating temperature is controlled by the regulated heaters 6 and 7. Volatile products,
which can appear as a result of chemical reactions or evaporation of low-molecular-weight
components (water residues and others) are removed through the outlet tube 5.
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
Figure 4.36. Extrusion die for reactive processing with an interchangeable sleeve (for an explanations of the
numbers see text).
The viscosity of the reactive mass increases significantly at the end of the polymerization
zone and results in a pressure increase. In addition, undesirable excessive polymerization and even
incipient crystallization can occur near the walls of the extrusion die, because the material velocity
in the near-wall zone is very low (theoretically zero at the wall). Thus it is necessary to design
special dies, some of which have been proposed and used in practice.
these designs is to exclude direct contact between the polymeric material and the wall. Fig. 4.35
illustrates how this can be achieved by injecting a liquid or a gas between the melt and the wall, to
provide a low-viscosity lubricating layer. The thickness of the lubricating layer (u in Fig. 4.35) can
be regulated by shifting the outer conical part of the die (I in Fig. 4.35).
Another design for introducing a lubricating layer is shown in Fig. 4.36.243 In this design
the extrusion die consists of a body I with a jacket 2 and a sleeve 3. Feeding and removal of the
lubricating liquid (or gas) occur through inlet 4 and outlet 5 tubes. The body of the die is connected
to a crystallization furnace, where the polymerized material crystallizes. The die operates in the
following manner. As the polymeric mass moves along the die, the lubricating gas or liquid is
pumped from a jacket through holes 7 into the ring cavity of width a. The pressure in the cavity a
is controlled by changing the gas (or liquid) feed rate through the inlet tube 4. The necessary pressure
in the lubricating layer is regulated by the rheological and adhesion properties of the reactive mass
being processed. Using a die of this design allows us to decrease the pressure necessary or extrusion
183,241,242 ne goal of all
Chapter 4. Principles of Reactive Molding Technology
-.--- I----
Figure 4.37. Extrusion die for reactive processing with walls (1) made of porous material.
and to facilitate plastic deformation of the reactive mass by making it more homogeneous. In general,
the quality of the end product is improved and the production rate increases.
An original design of an extrusion die is shown in Fig. 4.37.244 The walls of the die are
porous, changing along the length of the die. Lubricating liquid is pumped through the porous walls
and creates a thinlow-viscosity layer between the wall and the moving polymeric material. The
operation of the die is controlled automatically. The layout of the control system and its main
elements are shown in Fig. 4.38.245
Reactive extruders and extrusion dies of different designs can be easily included in standard
technological scheme of polymer production plants, such as those for polycaproamide synthesis,
as shown in Fig. 4.39. In this case, a reactive material premixed in a tank I is fed into a static
device 2 for prepolymerization, where part of the polymerization process takes place. Then the
reactive mixture enters the extruder-reactor 3. The necessary temperature distribution is maintained
along the extruder. Transfer of the reactive mass proceeds by a system of two coaxial screws
mounted in series in a common barrel. Controlling the relative rotation speed of both screws provides
the necessary residence time for the reactive mass in the extruder, so that the material reaching the
outlet section of the die is a finished polymer.
This lubrication principle is also used in this plant: a lubricant gas or liquid pumped through
a ring sleeve leads to a decrease in the required pressure and improved quality of the end product.
Clearly the lubricant gas or liquid must be inert in relation to the reactive mass and must not interact
with the die material. Crystallization of the newly formed polymer takes place inside a calibrating
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
Figure 4.38. Extrusion die with automatic pumping of a lubricant. Layout of regulating system: 1 - high pressure
cylinder; 2 - air pressure regulator; 3 -joining tubes; 4 - lubricating chamber; 5 - porous element; 6 - rwm
for the liquid lubricant; 7 - transducer for lubricant pressure; 8 - transducer for polymer material pressure; 9
- electronic governing unit; 10 - recording unit.
device 5, where the temperature continuously decreases along the path of material movement. After
leaving the calibrating device, the f d extrusion is cut off by a knife 6. Some finishing operations
(for example thermal treatment in a special oven) can be done on the cut extrudate, if necessary.
Plant processes using reactive extrusion look promising from the point of view of productiv-
ity, labor costs, and the possibility of making various polymer extrusions for different applications.
However practical design of such equipment is difficult due to the complexity of the various physical
and chemical processes involved in the overall process. Therefore, it is important to turn to
mathematical models, based on separate laboratory investigations.of the main process paramaters.
In some cases known methods of designing screw extruders for processing thermo lastic polymer
materials can be used and applied to the functional zones of two-screw extruders. 2%,247 provided
we account for changes in the rheological properties of the material in the different This
Chapter 4. Principles of Reactive Molding Technology
Figure 4.39. Technological scheme for producing extruded parts from polycaproamide (for an explanation of
the numbers see text).
approach, although rather complicated, allows the qualitative distributions of velocity, temperature,
degree of conversion in an apparatus to be assessed. Quantitative results can also be obtained,
although they require much more information about the properties of the material and especially
of the rheokinetics of the process at different temperatures. Nowadays, the reactive extrusion process
is the subject of numerous investigations because of its engineering and economical advantages.
Front polymerization processes are of interest primarily for formation of massive articles from
materials which undergo severe shrinkage during reactive processing. This method holds the
promise of reducing the level of residual stresses and to form massive monolithic items. There are
several versions of frontal processes used in engineering practice at present, such as zone
polymerization and polymerization with continuous build-up of polymeric layers.
A typical example of frontal polymerization is the polymerization of methyl methacrylate (or
an oligomer), placed inside a long aluminum tube;249 these tubes continuously dip into a bath with
a liquid heated up to temperature of 70 - 8OoC. The part at the tubes above the bath are cooled so
that the reactive material does not polymerize. Polymerization shrinkage is compensated by
continuous injection of a monomer or oligomer into the reaction zone. The appropriate combination
of injection rate, velocity of tube movement through the reaction zone, and tube diameter are chosen
according to experimental studies of the process.
The possibility of feeding additional reactive material into the reaction zone is a determining
factor in processing defect free articles. This is true not only for reactive processing but also for
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
Figure 4.40. A model reactor for front polymerization in the synthesis of slabs from "anionic" polycaproamide.
1 - insulation cover; 2 - plane heater; 3 - bottom; 4 - safety-valve.
traditional injection molding of thermoplastic materials.25o A similar frontal process, which uses
a thin layer of reactive mixture, can be employed for anionically activated &-caprolactam
polymerization. In this case, the initial components, heated up to the reaction temperature, are
injected into the reaction zone portion by portion. The polymer builds up layer by layer,and the
newly formed material passes on to the end of the process at a temperature of 150 - 2o0C.251
The most favorable conditions for reactive processing of monolithic articles are created when
the frontal reaction occurs at a plane thermal front. For example, a frontal process can be used for
methyl methacrylate polymerization at high pressure (up to 500 MPa) in the presence of free-radical
initiators. The reaction is initiated by an initial or continuous local increase in temperature of the
reactive mass in a stationary mold, or in a reactor if the monomer is moving through a reactor. The
main method of controlling the reaction rate and maintaining stability is by varying the temperature
of the reactive mass.252
Chapter 4. Principles of Reactive Molding Technology
One of the most interesting uses of frontal processes is in anionic activated lactam
polymerization. The heat source for this process is the heat of polymerization but heat output due
to crystallization of a newly formed polymer. Frontal polymerization of &-caprolactam with the
formation of polycaproamide slabs can be realized in the reactor shown in Fig. 4 .40.253 A cylindrical
reactor is equipped with an insulating adiabatic cover I, plane heater 2, bottom 3 and a control
valve 4. The upper and lower covers are insulating to minimize heat exchange with the surroundings.
A reactor heated to 75 - 95C is filled with an initial reactive mass at the same temperature. It is
important to maintain close contact between the heater surface and the reactive mass. Then the
heater is switched on and the temperature of the layer of reactive mix contacting the heater is rised
to 150-20O0C, which initiates the polymerization process inside this layer. Then heat input from
the heats of polymerization and crystallization allows the process to continue in the neighboring
layer and so on. The adiabatic temperature increase arising from these two energy sources equals
90C. The characteristic time of the process is determined by the velocity of the temperature front,
which depends on the composition of the reactive mass (governing the rate of chemical reaction)
and the initial conditions. The approximate size of the layer, where the primary reaction is initiated,
is about 5 mm.
The choice of the temperature of the initial reactive mass (75 - 90C) is dictated by two
requirements: firstly, the reactive mass must be liquid; secondly, the reaction rate in this temperature
range must be negligible. It was established in preliminary experiments that the temperature of the
heater surface needs to be 75 - 125C higher than the initial temperature of the reactive mass. The
necessary operation period for the heater depends on the initial temperature of the reactive mixture
and its reactivity (i.e., on its composition). The temperature of the heater does not influence the
properties of the final product or the stationary kinetics of the process. The local temperature
increase inside the adjoining layer must be supplemented by a heater for 30 - 50 min. This is the
time required to set up the reaction front; after that, the front exists by itself and propagates due to
the exothermal heating effects of chemical reaction and crystallization.
The velocity of the polymerization front is 0.065 - 0.18 mm/ s , and the temperature of the
polymer at the end of the process is about 170 - 180C. The degree of crystallinity reaches 40 -
50%. The newly formed polymeric slab has no cracks, blow holes or crazing. The mechanical
properties of the material are homogeneous throughout the entire volume and are close to those of
a material synthesized in a stationary mold.
Frontal polymerization carried out as described above can be turned into a continuous process.
In order to do this, it is necessary: to move the newly formed polymer and the reactive mixture in
the direction opposite to the direction of spreading of a t hem front at a velocity equal to the
velocity of the front development; to feed the reactor with a fresh reactive mass.254 Control of the
process, choice of process parameters and proper design of the equipment require solving the system
of equations modelling the main physical and chemical processes characteristic of frontal reactions.
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
The theoretical approach to modelling frontal plymerization is based on the well developed theory
of the combustion of condensed materials. 255, 56 The main assumptions made in this approach are
the following: the temperature distribution is one-dimensional; the development of the reaction
front is described by the energy balance equation, including inherent heat sources, with appropriate
boundary and initial conditions. Wave processes in stationary and cyclical phenomena which can
be treated by this method, have been investigated in great detail. These include flame spreading,
diffusion processes, and other physical systems with various inherent sources.
As we know, several heat sources can exist. The most typical heat source in frontal reactions
is the heat of reaction. Chemical reactions at the front can be sequential257 or independent. In both
cases, analysis of the kinetics the overall reaction allows us to solve the problem of heat wave
propagation, and thus to understand how the reaction progresses. The reaction zone can be very
narrow, as for example in combustion problems. Thus allows us to treat a reaction front as a surface.
Such an approach allows us to determine the main features of the process, Le., to distinguish
between different wave propagation regimes, and the critical conditions for its realization, and also
to find the propagation velocity of the polymerization front and the distance between neighboring
reaction zones. The appearance of several reaction zones is explained by the low reaction rate at
the initial temperature; thus the characteristic time for approaching a steady polymerization or
combustion regime is less than the characteristic time of reaction, and so the secondary reaction
wave can propagate through the products of the primary reaction.
In some cases, the heat source can include both the heat of polymerization and the heat output
of crystallization of the newly formed products. This is the case in anionic activated &-caprolactam
polymerization. This dual heat source must be included in the energy balance equation. As was
discussed above, the temperature dependence of the crystallization rate is somewhat complicated.
Nevertheless, the propagation of the heat wave is analogous to other well-known cases of wave
propagation from consecutive reactions.
Theoretical modelling and analysis of the results for the superimposed processes of polym-
erization and crystallization was carried out for wave propagation in anionic activated reaction of
&-caprolactam pol ymeri zati ~n.~~~ In the steady situation, the process is described by the system of
differential equations:
uc =a& + &fp(p,T) + -fc(p,a,T) Qc
dx dx2 CpP CPP
where u is the wave propagation velocity; Qp and QC are the heats of polymerization and
crystallization, respectively; Cp is the specific heat; p is density; a is the coefficient of temperature
Chapter 4. Principles of Reactive Molding Technology
3 6 9 X . cm
Figure 4.41. Comparison of experimental data (points) with the results of calculations (solid lines) for
propagation of a polymerization wave in thesynthesis of polycaproamide. 1 - distance from the plane of initial
setup of the reaction. Curves correspond to different time from the st ar t of a reaction: 1 - 30 min, 2 - 60 min;
3 - 90 min, 4 - 120 min.
diffusivity; a and p are the degrees of conversion in crystallization and polymerization, respectively;
fp and fc are kinetic functions for polymerization and crystallization, respectively; according to the
discussion of the problem (see Ch. 2) these functions can be written in the following form
where kp and kc are pre-exponential constants in the kinetic equations for polymerization and
crystallization, respectively; Epand I% are the apparent activation energies of both processes; cp
and cc are the self-acceleration constants in the kinetic equations describing crystallization and
polymerization; CL is the temperature-dependent equilibrium degree of crystallinity; Tm is the
melting temperature; x is the coordinate axis in the front propagation direction.
The boundary conditions for temperature are:
T ( e ) = TO; T(m) =Tlim= TO +AT- [4.29]
and for the degree of conversion:
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
p(--) = 0; p(-) = 1; a(-..) = 0; a(-) = CL [4.30]
where To and Tiimare the initial and final temperatures of the reactive mass and Tiimis determined
by the net temperature rise AT- due to the heats of polymerization and crystallization.
Solution of the system of Eqs (4.25) - (4.29) gives the velocity of wave propagation.
Numerical values of the constants in the kinetic equations for polymerization and crystallization
were found from a standard calorimetric experiment. Then we can find the solution and compare
it with experimental data,as is done in Fig. 4.41. The results are quite satisfactory. This means that
the theoretical model of front polymerization (with crystallization of the newly synthesized product)
correctly represents main features of the process and can be used for plant design.
It can be shown that three different modes of front propagation during the formation of
polycaproamide can be observed, depending on the relationship between the process parameters.
In the first mode, which was found experimentally, the zones of polymerization and crystallization
coincide. In the second mode these zones are separated in space. The third mode, which was
predicted theoretically, is characterized by a non-monotonic distribution of the degree of crystal-
linity. However, it is not clear whether this situation can actually be observed in anionic
&-caprolactam polymerization because even slight variations in parameters transfers the system into
another regime.
If a mold is filled by free casting without additional pressure, no rigid connection between the
injection pipe and the mold is necessary. This approach is not suitable for processing complicated
articles which are to be used without machining or other finishing operations. This can only be
achieved by continuous replenishment with fresh reactive material in order to compensate for
polymerization shrinkage. This technique is especially important in high-temperature processes or
in processing highly reactive compounds. Continuous replenishment is achieved by reactive
injection molding under pressure. The difference between reactive injection molding and traditional
technology for processing thermoplastic or thermosetting materials is the reduced heat and
mechanical energy consumption required to melt the granules or powder and the use of much lower
pressures than are needed to transport highly viscous polymer melts.
Several reactive injection molding techniques are used in practice; the most typical of these
is shown in Fig. 4.42. In this method, the reactive mixture is prepared in vacuum mixers, as in
reactive free casting then injected through a regulated valve into a mold at a pressure of 0.1 - 0.4
MPa. Airtight molds are used in this technique, and therefore the material can be transported under
vacuum. After the mold is filled, a valve shuts off the main feed of material, but simultaneously a
fresh supply of reactive mixture continues to replenish the mold through a gate valve. All the lines
and the gate valve are cooled, but the mold is heated. Effective replenishment is guarantied by
choosing a temperature that maintains a liquid outer layer of reactant mix when the rest of the mass
Chapter 4. Principles of Reactive Molding Technology 179
Figure 4.42. Scheme of the equipment used for reactive injection molding. 1 - reactor; 2 - safety-valve; 3 -
mold; 4 - piston-rod; 5 - device for feeding a mold under pressure.
has become a gel. The reactive mixtures intended for reactive injection molding must meet a number
of stringent quality criteria. They must remain liquid for a long time at low temperature (long
lifetime), but must polymerize quickly at elevated temperatures. It must also be borne in mind that
cleaning and washing reactive injection mold is virtually impossible unless they are dismantled.
The so-called RIM-process (reactive injection molding) is a current realization of the reactive
molding process. The heart of the process is the shock mixing of the reactive ingredients, which is
achieved by collision of two jets injected at a pressure of 10 - 20 MPa. The reactive mixture is
injected into the mold in a laminar flow regime; the pressure at this stage does not exceed 0.1 - 0.4
MPa.259 The practical development of this method relies on automatic control systems and modem
high quality equipment.
The most successful application of the RIM-process is in the production of polyurethane-based
materials. Other systems, such as composites based on polycaproamide, epoxy resins, and
unsaturated polyesters can also be processed by reactive injection molding. New reactive systems
have also been specially created for the RIM-process2m because of the exceptional opportunities it
offers for manufacture of finished articles from engineering plastics with a high modulus of elasticity
and impact strength. The automotive industry, which is the main customer for RIM-articles, can
utilize this technology to manufacture of massive parts such as body panels, covers, wings, bumpers
and other made of newly developed plastics.
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
RIM-technology is used primarily for producing massive parts weighing from 1 to 25 kg. In
some applications, the articles can weigh up to hundreds of kilograms. The RIM-method has
important economic and technological advantages over traditional injection molding of thermoplas-
tic materials processing these articles. The most effective application of RIM-technology is in the
manufacture of large sheets and thick components; in traditional injection molding machines these
applications require very hgh clamp pressures to process thermoplastic polymers. The RIM-process
is especially effective for mass-produced parts, but also can be used to manufacture individual
articles when the cost of a mold for traditional injection molding is much higher than that for
RIM-technology; because of the low pressure used in the RIM process, there is no need for a mold
with heavy strong walls.
The general requirements for compositions, that can be effectively used in the RIM process depend
on the conditions of the main process operations, each of which imposes some requirements on the
reagents in the reactive mix. The following list is an overview of these requirements:
Materials stable at temperatures up to 100C, or even 15OoC, which
can be transported by pumping
Two-component mixtures; deviations from the stoichiometric ratio
must not exceed 1 %
The Reynolds number in mixing operations must be > 200
The ratio of the mold filling and gelation time must not exceed 0.5
No volatile products must appear; shrinkage must be compensated;
chemical reactions and phase transitions (crystallization) must proceed
quickly, regardless of the size of the article
Reaction must be 95 %complete; no interaction with the anti-adhesive;
minimal removal time.
Mold filling
Curing (solidification)
Removal from a mold
It is clear that polymers that are synthesized in solutions, emulsions or suspensions are not
appropriate for RIM technology. The use of monomers or oligomers that are polymerized above
their melt temperature is also unlikely, because the a mold needs initial heating in order to initiate
the reaction and then must be cooled to solidify the article. This is not convenient for industrial
operations. There are some additional special requirements. For example, the formation of volatiles
is generally undesirable but may be useful if the RIM-process is used for manufacturing porous
Some typical operating parameters for processing various polymers by the RIM method are
listed in Table 4.1. Table 4.2 contains the main performance characteristics of polymers produced
by the RIM process.
Chapter 4. Principles of Reactive Molding Technology 18 1
Figure 4.43. Plant layout for reactive processing. 1 - tanks for reagents; 2 - heat exchangers; 3 - low-pressure
pumps; 4 - high pressure metering pumps; 5 - low-pressure recycling line; 6 - high-pressure recycling line; 7
- chamber for shock mixing; 8 - mold.
Table 4.1. Operating parameters for processing polymers by the RIM-methodZ6
4. s Qp, kJ/mol U, W/mol Sh, 96
To, O C T,, O C
Polyurethanes 40 70 45 84 59 5
Polyureas 40 70 30 84 13 5
100 130 150 42 88 10
Unsaturated polyesters 25 150 60 67 126 20
Epoxy resins 60 130 150 126 67 5
Notation: To is the initial temperature of the reactive composition; T, is the mold temperature; t, is solidification (curing) time; Qp is
the heat of polymerization; U is the apparent activation energy of the chemical reactions; Sh is shrinkage
182 A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
Table 4.2. Main performance characteristics of unfilled materials produced by RIM-technology
Property Polyurea Epoxy Poly(cyc1o pentadiene) Block copolyamide A-B-A
Ob, MPa 30-35 65-75 32-35
E, GPa
in extension 0.08-0.1 2.5-3.0 1.8-1.9
in bending 0.7-0.8 2.6-2.8 1.8-2.0
E, % 300-400 5-6 7 200
A, kJ lm 5-10 45-55 40-50
~~10 . K-I 14 4 5 12
Notation: a is the strength limit in extension; E is the modulus of elasticity; E is the elongation at break; A is the impact strength; a is
the coefficient of linear thermal expansion
The plant layout for the RIM-process and all the main parts are shown in Fig. 4.43: 1 -storage
tanks for reagents; 2 - heat exchangers; 3 - low pressure pumps; 4 - high pressure metering pumps;
5 and 6 - of high and low pressure, recycling lines respectively; 7 - mixing chamber; 8 - mold. The
process is monitored and controlled by a microprocessors system. This installation is used for
processing polyurethane-based compositions and other reactive systems.
During operation, the initial reagents are transported by low pressure pumps through the heat
exchangers to the high pressure pumps. These pumps create pressure on the order of 15 - 25 MPa
and meter the two streams in the required ratio into a mixing chamber, where the reactive
components are mixed by shock collision. Then the prepared reactive mixture passes through a
transition zone where turbulent flow transforms into a laminar stream. This allows mold filling to
proceed in a quiet frontal regime without the formation of flow disturbances and vortices. The
transition from turbulent to laminar flow can be achieved by various engineering designs.
The metering systems can work in either of two operating regimes: recycling and feeding.
The low pressure recycling regime provides a homogeneous stream with uniform temperature. This
is especially important when a filler is added to the reactive mix for processing reinforced parts.
The mixing system must provide high-speed feeding of both components into the mixing
chamber, synchronization of feeding, a well-mixed turbulent stream, and adequate facilities for
cleaning the mixing chamber and ridding it of polymer residues. A special line, through which
solvents can be circulated at high pressure, is used to clean the mixing chamber. For high-capacit
units, mechanical cleaning by a plunger that enters the chamber after the end of mixing is used.
A typical design of such a unit is shown in Fig. 4.44. According to this method, the start and finish
of mixing and, consequently, the time of feeding the mold are exactly determined by the location
Chapter 4. Principles of Reactive Molding Technology
Figure 4.44. Functional design of a mixing chamber with mechanical cleaning. 1 - plunger for feeding reagents
A and B and for cleaning the mixing chamber; 2 - mixing chamber.
of the plunger, which opens and closes the inlets. As a general rule, the main components of the
reactive mix are injected into the mixing chamber to meet each other (as shown in the figure) and
supplementary additives are fed in perpendicular to the main direction. There are other designs of
mixing chambers in which reagent injection is controlled by special inlet valves, rather than by a
The molds in a RIM-process plant are located in a separate assembly, which has devices for
opening and clamping a mold and, in some cases, for changing it. The pressure in the RIM-process
is considerably lower than in traditional injection molding of thermoplastics; thus, the requirements
for the mold material are less rigid. Molds may be made from aluminum or reinforced plastics,
since high-strength steel is not necessary.
Removal of the article from the mold is lengthy process because anti-adhesive lubricants have
to be sprayed on the on a mold surface before every injection, in an operation that takes up to 25
- 30% of the full cycle. In reactive molding of polyurethane-based compounds, internal lubricants
are used in combination with surface coatings. This allows us to remove articles from a mold many
times with a single coating treatment. One of the compounds used as an internal lubricant is
silicon-organic liquids.
184 A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
RIM is new the most popular technique for producing polyurethanes or polyureas. In
polyurethanes synthesis two streams, containing polyols and isocyanates (Le., a prepolymer and a
curing agent), are mixed under pressure. These streams are metered and injected into the mixing
chamber, and then the reactive mixture passes to the mold. Depending on the formulation used, a
rigid plastic or an elastomer can be obtained as the final product. A feature of the compositions
used in the RIM-process in comparison with free-cast polyurethane compounds is their short
"life-time". Mechanical mixing is not required, and for this reason, stream collision under pressure
is the preferred mixing technique. In some cases, the pressure can reach 150 MPa or more.262
Polymerization reactions are always exothermal; this is why mold heating is usually not
necessary. However, in some cases the initial mold temperature must be high; for example, a mold
used for reactive molding of polycaproamide (Nylon-6) must be heated to 13OoC in order to melt
the monomer. In reactive processing of polycaproamide, the reactive components are also injected
into the mixing chamber as two separate streams. The ratio of catalyst to activator is less of a
determining factor than the ratio of the components in polyurethane processing; in the case of
polyamides, this ratio influences only the polymerization rate. Polymerization under pressure is an
excellent way to compensate for shrinkage and to obtain articles of complex shape.
The length of the process cycle for polycaproamide and its copolymers depends on the
formulation of the reactive mixture and the molding regime. On average the cycle time for
processing block-(copolyamide esters) is about 2 min, and parts do not require further solidification
after molding. Removal of polyamide articles from the mold is relatively easy, but the full cycle is
much longer than in polyurethane processing. This is due to the crystallization process, because it
is much more difficult to regulate the crystallization rate than the polymerization rate. The most
popular method for accelerating crystallization uses nuclei of crystallization, which can be inorganic
or organic finely dispersed materials.263 Shortening the cycle can also be achieved by introducing
small amounts of a foaming agent into the composition. For example, nitrogen can be injected under
pressure into the reactive system. Slight foaming increases the reaction rate and the final product
has a small cell structure providing a sufficient level of impact strength.
Molding plants are universal and can be used for processing a wide range of materials,
including polyamides, polyurethanes, epoxy resins, and other RIM-formulations. To give some
idea of the technical capabilities of RIM-machines main technological features of a Krauss-Maffei
(Germany) unit, known as NBC-RIM-star-40 machine, are listed below.
Capacity (for both components), l /mh
Volume mixing chamber, 1 10
5 - 90
8 Volume of a shot (ratio of components 1 :I ), 1
Accuracy of metering, % 0.5
Maximum temperature, OC 150
Maximum pressure, MPa 10
Power consumption, kW 70
Overall dimensions, m 3x3
Volume of mold, 1 100 - 250
Chapter 4. Principles of Reactive Molding Technology
This installation is built on the modular principle. Component output is measured by a gear counter,
and there are various possibilities for programming the operating cycle of the unit.
One interesting application of RIM-technology is the production of gum-coated parts. Liquid
polymerizing mixtures flow easily around inserts and can adhere strongly to metal surfaces. Inserts
can be made of practically any material, except those which interact with components of the
RIM-mixture. There are few other technological processes that can produce gummed parts of any
size and shape by a one-shot procedure.
Recent developments in industrial applications of RIM-technology are related to the processing of
highly loaded composites, which can contain up to 90% of a filler.262 A filler can be introduced
into the reactive mix during its preparation stage or it can injected into the mold and impregnated
with the mix in the mold filling stage. Only filler consisting of short cut fibers can be added to the
reactive mix in the mixing stage, since the filler is injected through small orifices into the mixing
chamber. Milled glass fibers and cut glass roving are commonly used as fillers in the RIM-process.
In this case the length of the strands cannot exceed 1.5 mm. However, the longer the fibers the
stronger is the reinforcing effect. Therefore, it is preferable to use long fibers in the form of a mat
placed inside the mold. This allows the production of a composite material with valuable
performance properties. Glass fibers are widely used in processing composites based on unsaturated
polyesters and epoxy resins.
In processing polyurethanes by RIM-technology, short fibers can be introduced into both the
poly01 and isocyanate streams. Adding glass fibers to the poly01 stream greatly increases the
viscosity of this component, which results in complications in mixing and to a certain extent, lowers
the quality of mixing during shock collision. Therefore the filler content (e.g., milled glass fibers)
must not exceed 40% of the mass of the end product. The maximum content of cut glass roving of
length 15 mm is 15 % , and the efficiency of cut fibers is about three times higher than that of milled
fibers. In all cases, the fiber surface is treated with a finishing agent to improve their adhesion to
the polymer matrix.
Some other fillers have also been tried in the RIM-process, primarily carbon black, mica,
wollastonite (calcium silicate), carbon and organic fibers, and so on.262 The strength-to-weight
ratios for mica and wollastonite exceed that of glass fiber, but mica is very abrasive and hygroscopic,
and wollastonite has a low length-to-diameter ratio. The latter parameter is very important because
it determines the efficiency of fibers in reinforcing a matrix. When fibers of constant diameter
exceed a certain critical length, an increase in load results in rupture rather than plastic elongation
of the polymer matrix. Typical examples of the changes in properties of polyurethane-based plastics
reinforced by 1.5 mmcut glass fibers is shown below.
Content of filler, % 0 10 20 25
Breaking elongation, % 100 40 28 28
Limiting strength, MPa 42-44 49-5 1 68-70 71-73
Shrinkage, % 2.5 2.0 1.2 1.2
186 A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
Two factors are especially important in processing filled composites: increased abrasive wear of
equipment and the high viscosity of the reactive mixtures, which are suspensions of fillers in
low-molecular-weight liquids. Therefore, these liquids are metered by means of high-pressure
piston pumps, and special gasket materials are used.260 In addition wear-resistant materials such
as tungsten carbide are used for parts that come in contact with composite materials during
Another problem encountered in processing of filled composites by the RIM-process is
sedimentation of the filler in tanks, transport tubes, etc. In order to overcome this problem the tanks
are fitted with stirrers, so that the filled liquid is forced to circulate in the intervals between shots.
Finally, it is necessary to consider the possibility of breakdown of the filler structure; if this occurs,
there is usually an adverse effect on the properties of a final product.
Reactive processing consists of three principal stages:261
filling the mold,
exposure of the material in the mold until it becomes rigid enough to be extracted from the
mold without distortion.
The material necessary to form the article is not prepared before injection; instead component
mixing and preparation of the reactive material take place during processing, starting in the mixing
chamber of the molding machine. Thus, chemical reactions and changes in the rheological properties
of the material occur during its passage through the plant. In addition, in order to increase the
reaction rate the components of the reactive mixture and the feed lines are heated, so the process
proceeds in non-isothermal conditions. Formation of the final product and the major part of the
viscosity increases take place in the mold after filling. Therefore, the pressure drop in the feed lines
is not high; this is the main reason why reactive processing does not require high pressures and
power consumption. Nevertheless, chemical reactions are possible during material flow in the feed
lines. This may result in premature gelation and incomplete filling of the mold. In some applications,
the mold can be very long (for example when reactive processing is used to form a thin coating
layer), and it is impossible to separate the flow in the feed lines and the mold.
Mold-filling processes in which flow and chemical reactions are superimposed with continu-
ous changes in the rheological properties of the liquid are of particular interest in modelling. The
importance of this theoretical analysis stems from the trend toward using reactive processing to
produce articles of complex shape and large size.265 In this case, the problems of incomplete curing
and formation of molding lines due to contact of the streams in the mold with the inserts are the
most important. Molding lines appear if the temperature the of stream contact locations is relatively
low and/or the viscosity of the reactive material becomes too high for rapid diffusion. Increases in
viscosity and decreases in concentration of the reactive groups prevent formation of a uniform
material, and then molding lines appear inside and on the surface of the final product. This degrades
the appearance of the article and results in interior product quality due to a decrease in strength.
Chapter 4. Principles of Reactive Molding Technology 187
Figure 4.45. Three basic mold shapes.
If reactive processing is used for coating solids (metal or other materials), the surface changes
in viscosity and concentration of reactive groups also influence adhesion to the substrate and thus
the quality of coating. Generally speaking, an increase in viscosity and the decrease in concentration
of the reactive groups in a macromolecule results in a reduction in the adhesive strength of the
coating. Therefore, it is important to know the interrelation between the process parameters and
the properties of the material at various stages of coating formation.266 Among the effects observed
in reactive processing, one is especially important in coating formation. In some cases, the stream
front loses its stability and small air bubbles are trapped by the polymer,267 reducing the quality
of the coating surface. Filling a cavities of various shapes with liquids possessing different
rheological properties (including "rheokinetic" liquids) has been discussed in many publications
because of the importance of this stage in injection molding of polymers. The details of flow clearly
depend on the geometry of the cavity (mold). In principle, it is possible to find a solution to the
hydrodynamic problem for a cavity of arbitrary form by finite element analysis.
188 A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
Figure 4.46. Evolution of the melt front in the mold filling process in isothermal (a) and non-isothermal (b)
However the search for solutions is time-consuming even with modem computers, and results
have only limited value, because they do not provide an understanding of the influence of the main
geometrical and technological factors on the qualitative pattern of the process. Therefore, models
of the flow in channels of relatively simple shape have became very popular.
It is usually assumed,270 that any complicated mold shape can be regarded as a combination
of simple geometrical elements. Three standard elements can be treated as the basic ones: a
cylindrical cavity of constant diameter, a plane rectangular channel with a constant gap, and a plane
disk of constant width (Fig. 4.45). It is also assumed that a characteristic dimension (diameter, gap,
width) can vary along the direction of flow, shown by the arrows in Fig. 4.45. The majority of
investigations have been devoted to flow and filling of long rectan ular molds, and in fact many
typical molded articles are formed of combinations of thin plates.2g5 Experimental investigations
of flow in cavities, including visualization of streams, are very important for checking the calculated
results from the theoretical model.
The first systematic investigations of the movement of a front inside a cavity were made for
a disk-shaped mold, and the results were documented by photograph^."^Later papers
devoted to experimental observations of mold filling were published as this area of research became
more popular. Investigations of radial flow in a transparent half-disk and high-speed
photographic documentation of flow in both a plane rectangular and the complicated mold for
269- 271
Chapter 4. Principles of Reactive Molding Technology 189
isothermal and non-isothermal situations276 were also published. It was established276 that at
moderate flow velocities, movement of the liquid is quite regular. Typical results for liquid flow
for the case when the wall and melt are the same temperature are shown in Fig. 4.46 a (view from
above). It is seen that at the early stages of filling, the flow is strictly radial and the stream front
is rounded. However, the shape of the flow front changes along the length of the mold.
If the melt is hotter than the mold walls (2OOoC and 8OoC, respectively) the pattern changes.
Fig. 4.46 shows that the shape of the front remains unchanged to the end of the process. However,
if the velocity becomes very high, another type of flow is observed, in which a melt injected into
the mold forms a jet, which reaches the opposite wall of the mold. After the tip of the jet touches
this back wall, regular straightforward filling occurs. Another type of jet filling is also possible, in
which the stream turns back after reaching the back wall, and the liquid begins to move in the
opposite direction. In this situation regular mold filling becomes possible, as the returning stream
fills the mold almost completely.
It was established experimentally that a jet-type of flow appears when the characteristic size
of the stream is less than the minimal gap between the walls of the mold.277 This proves that the
cause is related to the ratio between the size of the injection nozzle and the coefficient of swelling
of the elastic liquid moving inside the mold rather than to the axial momentum of the moving liquid.
This conclusion is also supported by evidence that highly filled polymers, which are less elastic
than pure melts, form jet-like patterns at lower flow speeds.
J et-like flow is undesirable for high quality processing; therefore, various methods of
suppressing jet formation have been proposed.278 One method relies on positioning the injection
point close to the opposite wall, such that the melt reaches it at the beginning of mold filling, and
after that, the regular process occurs. Another method uses a fan nozzle, which increases one of
stream dimensions, and thus lowers the momentum of the liquid. J et formation is undesirable in
injection molding of thermoplastics because this type of flow leads to appearance of molding lines,
which spoil the performance properties and surface quality of the article. J et-type flow is also
encountered in injection molding of thermoplastics; this mold-filling regime occurs when the nozzle
size is much less than the mold size.
Experimental investigations of filling a thin rectangular mold with a reactive mixture showed
that disturbances in stable flow are possible. Three filling patterns, depending on the injection rate,
can occur: stable, unstable, and transient.
In addition to high-speed photography, which was used to obtain the results discussed above,
other methods have been used to visualize flow, for example, the tracer method.
experimental device consists of a capillar viscometer connected to a mold, which is a simple model
of plunger-type injection molding ~ni t.~~'A special device was used to introduce tracers of different
colors in regular succession. After sample solidification, it is possible to examine the position of
the various colors on the surface (Fig. 4.47 a) or through the volume by cutting sections (Fig. 4.47
b). It can be seen that the tracers are positioned symmetrically near the surfaces and that they have
a V-type shape, with the tip oriented toward the stream.
279-281 A typical
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
IY -
Chapter 4. Principles of Reactive Molding Technology
Figure 4.48. Diagram illustrating propagation of the front line and appearance of welding lines (dotted lines)
at filling a plane mold with inserts.
Figure 4.49. A device used for visualization of a stream. [Adapted, by permission, from D. J. Coyle, J. W.
Black, C. W. Macosko, MChE J. , 33 (1987), 1171.1
mold was the determining factor in fiber orientation rather than such parameters as volume output,
melt temperature, and glass fibers content.
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
Figure 4.50. "Fountain" and "reverse fountain" effects.
Detailed kinematic investigations of flow near the front of a stream were undertaken.284 A
diagram of the experimental device is shown in Fig. 4.49. In the experimental procedure, a liquid
was placed in a chamber with transparent walls above an aluminum piston, which was driven
downwards by connection to a suitable drive. This resulted in the appearance of streams inside the
liquid,and three different flow zones could be distinguished. The so-called "fountain" effect
discussed in Section 2.11 appeared near the free surface, while a reverse fountain flow was observed
below the moving surface. It is interesting to note the movement of two liquids with different
densities, when one liquid is used as a piston to push the other (analyzed experimentally and
the~retically).~~' If the boundary between the two liquids is stationary and the walls of the chamber
move at constant velocity, then the pattern of flow is as shown in Fig. 4.50, where flow trajectories
corresponding to front and reverse fountain effects are clearly shown. Two other flow patterns -
developed flow inside the main part of the chamber and circulation near the surface of the al umi num
piston - were also observed.
The volume of Iiquid in these experiments must be large enough so that circulation flow near
the piston does not influence the flow pattern in other parts of the liquid. These experiments were
performed with different liquids, both Newtonian and non-Newtonian (shear-thinning). The
introduction of tracers allowed the authors to obtain pictures showing the movement and deformation
of the tracers when they appeared near the front of the stream. In the beginning, a Poiseuille-like
velocity profile is present (Fig. 4.51 a). Then the material reaches the region of fountain flow,
Chapter 4. Principles of Reactive Molding Technology
Figure 4.51. Consecutive stages of tracer deformation inthe region of fountain flow.
where it undergoes extensional deformations (Fig. 4.51 b), and a transverse component of velocity
appears. As a result, a rather peculiar velocity profile with a "hat" is documented (Fig. 4.51 c and
d). Subsequently the material moves primarily in the direction of the walls, extends along the walls,
and comes back to the region of the main stream (Fig. 4.51 e and f). Part of the tracer always stays
near the free liquid-air boundary and forms a thread-like track. When the tracer reaches a boundary
surface, its mirror reflection appears. This reflection is distorted when it occurs at the curvilinear
surface of the liquid-air boundary.
Analysis of numerous experimental data obtained by various methods of flow visualization
led the investigators to the conclusion that in all cases it is possible to separate three main regions
with essentially different flow patterns. Fig. 4.52 shows these regions for a rectangular channel.
The first region is in the volume close to the inlet pipe. A liquid initially entering the mold
flows in the radial direction until it reaches the walls of the mold. In other words, this type of flow
is important only at the start of the filling process. As filling proceeds, the flow stream lines near
the inlet are still complex, but the inlet volume is small in comparison with the whole volume of
the mold. There is not enough time for significant changes in the properties of thermoplastic
materials or reactive components during flow in this region. This region is therefore excluded from
consideration in mathematical simulations of mold filling.
The second region is the volume where fully developed flow occurs. If we consider a thin
mold, which is the most common model, it is reasonable to assume that there is one-dimensional
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
Developed flow Front
- -
Figure 4.52. Structure of the flow stream in injection molding during filling of a plane cavity.
flow inthe axial direction (for rectangular or cylindrical molds) or in the radial direction (for a
disk mold). The flow is nonsteady and non-isothermal. The flow is also accompanied by cooling
and solidification in the molding of thermoplastics or polymerization and exothermal temperature
increase in injection molding of reactive liquids.
The third region of flow near the front is of special interest. The important feature of this
region is the fountain effect, which must be considered in modelling all types of mold filling. It is
important not only for estimating the hydrodynamic flow pattern, but also because the deformation
of the macromolecules near the front influences their orientation and the properties of the end
One of the key parameters in reactive processing is the distribution of residence times and
temperatures for all particles in the liquid, because their reactivity depends on temperature, and the
degree of conversion is determined by the dwell time inside the mold. Since the fountain effect
changes residence time distribution from that in the hypothetical case of steady unidimensional
flow, this factor becomes especially important in chemical (reactive) processing, more so than in
standard injection molding of thermoplastic materials .284
An artificial method of incorporating the fountain effect into the general description of flow
was proposed.49 In this publication numerous combinations of process parameters were analyzed,
and velocity profiles and distributions of temperature and degree of conversion were calculated.
Variation of the process parameters over a wide range of values established the principal qualitative
situations encountered in filling a mold. As an obvious example, it is interesting to compare Figs.
4.53 a and b. In the second figure, the rate constant of the chemical reaction is four times higher
than in the first, the filling time is also longer. It is clear that the velocity profiles (positions of
isovels) for the two cases shown are quite different. In the second case, the degree of conversion
reaches 90%, resulting in the appearance of a thick viscous liquid layer and a strongly protruding
velocity profile with a very large gradient (Fig. 4.53 b).
Chapter 4. Principles of Reactive Molding Technology
1 0 i x
Figure 4.53. Locations of the lines of constant velocity at the finish of mold filling for a rate constant qual to
ko (a) and 4ko (b).
The possibility of predicting the molding time cycle, maximum temperature increase and
processibility of a material was investigated286 by modelling the combined processes of mold Nling
and solidification; the problem was solved by a simplified system of markers and cells.287 Analysis
of the calculated results showed that development of local regions of high conversion near the walls
did not result in channel blocking and that relatively fresh material continued to move in the central
part of the channel. The flow stopped only when gelation occurred at the front of the stream. The
velocity profile distributions show that flow does not cease in regions of high conversion, but the
appearance of a gelled layer near the walls results in jet-like flow of the liquid in the mold. This
particular type of instabili
that, in order to shorten processing time, it is much more effective
to increase the initial temperature of the reactive mixture than to increase the temperature of the
mold walls. This is a consequence of the high activation energy and low thermal diffusivity of the
reactive mix. Then, by solving the system of energy balance and kinetic equations, we can optimize
the process by choosing the temperature thereby minimizing the molding time. However, in general,
the higher conversion reached during the mold filling stage does not result in a short overall cycle
time, because conversion is not homogeneous through out the entire mold, and a long delay in
conversion of some parts of the reactive mix is quite possible.
A complete description of model of filling a rectangular mold and the subsequent solidification
of an article was developed,47 and in this case a fountain effect near the stream front was included.
The authors used the model to predict pressure increase during mold filling, and the distribution
of the degree of conversion and temperature at both stages (filling and solidification). The results
leads to the production of defective articles articles.
9 8 6
Calculations indicate
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
corresponded closely with experimental data on temperature and pressure patterns for reactive
processing of a polyurethane-based composition.
Analysis of the various stages in mold filling is based on two dimensionless criteria: the
Graetz Number, Gz, which is a measure of the ratio of convective to conductive heat exchange:
and the gelation criterion, G, which is equal to the ratio of the time of flow to the time of a gelation
reaction. Here, Vav is average flow velocity inside the mold; c is the specific heat; p is the density;
H and L are transverse and longitudinal characteristic dimensions; h is a coefficient of thermal
Numerous calculations and measurements showed that in normal situations, the pressure
increases during mold filling in reactive processing is low, and that an appreciable pressure increases
is possible only if gelation occurs before complete filling and blocks the flow. A small value of the
gelation criterion G and a large value of the Graetz Number are indicative of a slight degree of
reaction and negligible heat exchange during mold filling. As a result, the viscosity of the reactive
liquid stays almost constant. It is therefore reasonable to explore the simplest model with constant
viscosity equal to the initial viscosity of the reactive mass. This constant-viscosity model predicts
a linear increase of pressures with time which corresponds to experimental data. However if the
assumed values of G and Gz are incorrect, then a model of a linear pressure increase is inadequate
to explain the experimental observations.
If mold temperature is higher than the initial temperature of the reactive liquid, the critical
value of the gelation criterion47 Gcr, which depends on the Graetz can be found. When
G > Gcr, deviations from a linear pressure increases with time are observed. The role of the Greatz
number is explained by the temperature dependence of the reaction rate coupled with the mold wall
acting as a heat source. If the Graetz Number is lower a greater quantity of heat is transferred to
the moving liquid. It was established by experiment^,^^that the critical value Gcr is related to the
criterion of premature gelation and is approximately equal to 0.8 of the latter value.
A typical estimate of the critical value Gcr is discussed in Ref. ;47 it was shown that if Gz > 10,
then gelation happens at G > 0.17; if the Graetz number lies between 2 and 10, Gcr = 0.06. These
results apply only to the specific system i nve~ti gated~~ but since the viscosity changes in a similar
manner for other reactive mixes the authors of the cited publication believe that analogous
conclusions are valid for other systems.
An analysis of the temperature distribution in a mold (Fig. 4.54) at the final moment of filling
for two reactive systems with different values of G shows that the temperature along the central
line increases monotonically downstream (at distance x) from the inlet nozzle. At high values of
the gelation criterion, the temperature at locations close to the injection nozzle is maximum near
the mold wall. Moving down stream, the position of the temperature maximum shifts to the center,
except at the frontal zone. Here the temperature is nearly constant, because the major part of the
Chapter 4. Principles of Reactive Molding Technology
Figure 4.54. Patterns of temperature evolution at the end of mold filling for high (solid lines) and low (dotted
lines) values of G. Figures on the m e s approximately correspond to x/L values equal to: 0.15 (1); 0.7 (2);
1 (3); 0.05 (4); 0.6 (5); 0.9 (6).
material circulates to the front from the center of the stream. If G is small, the maximum temperature
is near the wall along the whole length of the mold, because the heat output from the chemical
reaction is low; nevertheless the temperature near the front of the stream is again almost constant.
A comparison of the calculated pressure drop with and without the fountain effect in the frontal
zone showed that when G is small, the difference in results is negligible, but at high values of G
the discrepancy becomes large.47 This result confirms the importance of correctly modeling the
flow in the frontal zone.
A detailed analysis of the distributions of conversion, temperature and velocities was carried
out126 using a model, which included the fountain effect at the front of the stream. A comparison
of the results was made for molds of different geometrical form (plane cavity, cylindrical and
disk-like shapes) for the same temperature, average output and cross-sectional width of the mold.
It was established that the distribution of the degree of conversion is qualitatively the same in all
these cases (Fig. 4.55).
An interesting feature of the conversion profile is the existence of a maximum located between
the wall and the axis of the mold. This effect is explained by the superposition of the influence of
temperature and residence time on the kinetics of the reaction: a liquid moves faster in the central
zone than at the wall, therefore the residence time is longer near the walls, but temperature is higher
in the center; therefore the reaction rate of the material near the walls is lower than in the center.
As a result, there is a point between the center and a wall where the degree of conversion is
maximum. The results in Fig. 4.55, also answer the question about the role of the fountain effect:
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
Figure 4.55. Conversion distribution at the finish of mold filling. Figures on the curves show the relative values
Of X: <XI <xz <x3 <X4 <xs =x6 =L. Curve 6 is calculated for the case when the fountain effect was not
taken into account in the calculations. [Adapted, by permission, from C. N. Lekakou, S . M. Richardson,
Polym. Eng. Sci., 25 (1986), 1272.1
the dotted line corresponds to the results of calculations using the model without the fountain effect
at the front, i.e., without transverse convection. It can be seen that the degree of conversion appears
too low at the wall and is overestimated in the center than in a more realistic model.
A disk-like mold is a separate case. The average flow velocity for a constant-volume injection
rate does not depend on the axial position of the front in plane and cylindrical molds, but in a
disk-like mold with an inlet nozzle located at the center. The front slows down as the stream moves
from the inject to the periphery of the mold. This results in higher conversion at the final stage of
mold filling. If a polyfunctional oligomer is used for reactive processing this effect can lead to
gelation and incomplete filling. The magnitude of the shift in the flow in a disk-like mold is only
one half of the possible shift in a rectangular plane mold at the equivalent process conditions.
The reactive processing at polyurethane - unsaturated polyester mixtures, which is of special
interest this problem has also been investigated.288 Making compounds of these polymers after
polymerization is impossible because neither can be melted or disolved. However, the reactive
processing technique makes it possible to prepare materials based on these polymers by injecting
of the components of the reactive mix into a mixing chamber. This approach allows us to obtain
materials with new performance characteristics and enlarged areas of applications.
In these polyurethanehnsaturated polyester mixtures chemical reactions and physical entan-
glements proceed simultaneously during processing and in the mold. The final goal of this process
is the formation of a polymer composite with interpenetrating networks. These networks provide
Chapter 4. Principles of Reactive Molding Technology 199
good cohesion between regions with partly separated phases without the formation of chemical
bonds. By controlling such factors as temperature and pressure during injection, it is possible to
vary the formation of physical bonds and thus the properties of the end product according to customer
Optimization of the reactive processing of mixtures of interpenetrating polymers can be
achieved by varying the initial temperatures of the reactive components and the mold and the
concentration of the catalyst.288 The authors of the cited publication assume that the time the material
spends in the mold and the maximum temperature increase during polymerization are the two most
important parameters of reactive processing. Shortening the residence time of a material in the mold
can be achieved by increasing the reaction rate. This may seem economically desirable, but the
temperature increase may adversely affect the properties of the final product. Solving this
contradiction provides the optimum processing conditions.
The mathematical model developed288 included two stages of the process, Le., mold filling
and curing. However, the main focus was on to the second stage, because the filling time is short
and does not effect the duration of the cycle as a whole or the maximum temperature increase. The
latter two parameters were considered to be the most important ones. It was found that the initial
temperature of the reactive mixture did not appreciably influence the residence time required to
create the desired properties in the end product. Changing the mold temperature or the concentration
of an activator leads to analogous results if a thin mold is used. In fact the temperature of the
material inside a thin mold is nearly constant. With increase of the mold width, heat transfer becomes
more difficult and there is a maximum effect of the reaction rate on the temperature increase,
because the process approaches adiabatic conditions. Moreover, in a high temperature mold, the
level of the temperature maximum is reduced. This occurs because the initial temperature increase
for highly reactive compositions is explained primarily by the exothermal effect of the chemical
reaction, since the heat input by conductive heat transfer from the wall is small; in this situation
most of the heat generated by reaction corresponds to the initial increase in temperature.
A simple calculation method, which takes into account the fountain effect, was proposed.289
In this approach the flow is assumed to be laminar and unidimensional. The front of the stream is
regarded as straight (plane), perpendicular to the walls of the mold and moving with a constant
average velocity Vav. Then the following dimensionless variables are introduced:
where x and z are axial and transverse coordinates, respectively; lfi is the length of the mold filled
by the material, Le., the coordinate of the front (distance from the inlet up to the line of the front);
H is width of the mold.
A coordinate of a point, containing liquid moving with velocity Vav is designated z&. As the
front line is assumed to be straight, the fountain effect is described by the assumption that transverse
flow occurs along this line from the part of the cross-section where the velocity is high
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
Figure 4.56. Pattern of timf-space distribution of the residence time in filling of a mold by a Newtonian liquid.
Figures on the curves are t values.
(0 < z* < z&),:o the zone, where the velocity is low (z&, < z* < 1). Liquid particles reaching the
front line at z (calculated from the axes) leave this point and return to the main stream at the point
with a coordinate z:. Then according to the mass balance the following equality is holds:
Z* 1
I (v* - l)dz* = J (1 - v*)dz*
This equality represents the net effect of fountain flow. For a Newtonian liquid we have:
These two relationships yield the following differential equation:
(2:)3 - z: + z* - (z*)3 = o
This equation has an analytical solution, which allows us to check the correctness of the proposed
approach. To do this, the authors calculated lines of movement of tracers and compared the results
with other published where the same effect was studied using more complicated models
Chapter 4. Principles of Reactive Molding Technology
20 1
A,MP a
Figure 4.57. Dependence of the adhesive strength on the degree of conversion on a boundary surface.
and computer methods. The comparison demonstrated that the simplified approach did not provide
the details although the net effect of fountain flow was represented adequately.
In the investigation,288 all liquid particles were divided into three groups. The first group
consisted of particles which entered the mold first; Le., at t = 0 they form the front line. These
particles had the maximum residence time. The second group consisted of particles which did not
reach the front at all. The third was an intermediate group, and included particles which entered
the mol! later than the particles of the first group but still reached the front of the stream. A diagram
in the x - z plane was constructed,288 which showed positions of the particles of these three groups
(Fig. 4.56). Calculations were carried out to determine the distributions of residence times for liquid
particles of these three groups for a Newtonian and a non-Newtonian power-type liquid. If the
kinetics of the chemical reaction is known, it is possible to find the distribution of the degrees of
The following equations were proposed289 for the energy and mass balances when the reactive
liquid occupies a mold (after flow is completed):
dT* 1 21f Da 21f
dt* Pe H qz*)2 Pe H
+ - - k*(l - c * ) ~
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
i L
Figure 4.58. A scheme illustrating filling a plane cavity (see also Figure 4.52).
where Da and Pe are the Damkohler and Peclet Numbers, respectively; a star * indicates
dimensionless (reduced) variables. The reaction rate in this model is described by an nth order
kinetic equation.
For the range of variables encountered in reactive processing, the Peclet Number values are
rather large, which makes it is possible to neglect conductive heat transfer. We can then assume
that the temperature and the degree of conversion for any liquid pFic!e depend on residence time
inside the mold only, and the curves of constant residence time in x - z coordinates are also curves
of constant temperature and constant degree of conversion.289 Clearly, this approach is applicable
for processes with short mold filling times and negligible conductive heat transfer.
Let us illustrate the main theoretical results by discussing a mold-filling model when the mold
contains a metal insert to be coated with a polyurethane compound.266 Two principal conditions
must be met in this case. First, the total pressure drop must not exceed the limiting power of the
molding machine. Second, the degree of conversion of the reactive mass at the moment of contact
with the surface of the insert must not be higher than some critical level plb, which is determined
by the requirement for sufficient adhesion between the polymer and the metal, because the adhesive
Chapter 4. Principles of Reactive Molding Technology
strength depends on the degree of conversion (Fig. 4.57, see also experimental data in Fig. 4.13).
It is assumed that ideal mixing of components of a reactive mass proceeds before entering the mold,
so that the liquid filling the mold is homogeneous and its properties at the inlet do not change with
Recall that we are discussing the process of covering the cylindrical metal surface of an insert
with a polyurethane coating. The thickness of the coating is much less than the diameter of the
insert and thus the mold, which is the gap between the metal insert (lower part of the diagram in
Fig. 4.58) and the cap (upper part of the scheme in Fig. 4.58) can be considered as flat and
rectangular (as was shown in Fig. 4.52 and with some additional details in Fig. 4.58). Its dimensions
are: length L, width H, transverse dimension W, equal to 2nR, where R is the radius of the insert.
We have W/H > > 1 and L/H > > 1, so the stream is assumed to be two-dimensional.
In accordance with the usual process conditions, the initial temperature of the reactive mixture
To and the upper cap temperature Tw are constant during filling, and the temperature of the insert
Ti equals the ambient temperature (2OOC). The model takes into account that during filling the
temperature of the insert increases due to heat transfer from the reactive mix. It is assumed that the
thermal properties and density of both the reactive mass and the insert are constant. It is reasonable
to neglect molecular diffusion, because the coefficient of diffusion is very therefore, the
diffusion term is negligible in comparison with the other terms in the mass balance equation.
Three zones coexist during mold filling:29o the inlet region, the main (fully developed) stream
and the front of the stream. The initial reactive mass can be assumed to enter the mold continuously
and uniformly through the inlet cross-section, so that inlet effects can be neglected. Flow inside
the mold is non-isothermal, and the viscosity depends on the temperature and the degree of
conversion. Therefore, changes in the flow profile (changes in the axial component of velocity and
the appearance of a transverse velocity component) along the mold are inevitable. However, as
L/H > > 1, it is easy to prove that in the region of developed flow, the axial component of velocity
v is much larger than the transverse velocity, and the latter can be ignored. Therefore the trajectories
of the liquid particles in the mold can be considered to be straight and parallel to the axis of its long
axis. This is not true for the frontal zone because the fountain effect results in obligatory
two-dimensional flow123 and "fresh" portions of mix are taken from the central part of a stream to
the mold walls (as shown in Fig. 4.58). Clearly, this influences the temperature and degree of
conversion. An exact description of flow in this zone requires the solution of a flow problem
involving a free surface.291 Marker techniques and finite element methods can be used for this
purpose. However, even if we ignore the changes in the liquid properties and heat and mass transfer
phenomena at the front, attempts to find an exact solution lead to considerable complications in the
model. Meanwhile, simplified calculation methods involving analytical simulation of the flow in
the front zone based on experimental data appear to be quite adequate for solving applied problems.
Flow patterns are different in the three main zones of the stream. Therefore, it is reasonable
to search for separate solutions for each zone and then to join solutions at the zone boundaries. The
three governing equations for the main stream zone can be written on the following form:
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
momentum balance equation:
energy balance equation:
kinetic equation:
ap ap U/RT
- + vx- =kofp(P)e-
at ax
The condition that the feed rate Go = const must be included in the system of equations:
I vxdz =Go [4.33]
where U and ko are parameters of the kinetic equation; fp(P) is a phenomenological kinetic function;
Qp is the heat of polymerization; H is the height of the mold (the gap between the insert and the
cap). All other symbols used in these equations are as usual. The momentum balance equation can
be easily transformed into a dimensionless form:
H av* ap* a av*
- Re - = 7 + - [q(e,P) 7 1
L at* ax az* aZ
where 8 and f3 and all variables marked with a star are dimensionless, and Re = pv~H/ q is the
Reynolds Number.
It is reasonable to assume that in the vast majority of cases encountered in reactive processing
Re < < 1 and (H/L)Re < < 1. Thus, we can consider the flow to be quasi-stationary and that
temperature changes occur quickly after alterations in the temperature and degree of conversion
distributions.202 Now we can rewrite the system of balance equations in the following dimensionless
momentum balance equation:
dP* a av*
dx* aZ az
- * h*(%P> - 71
Chapter 4. Principles of Reactive Molding Technology
energy balance equation:
kinetic equation:
aP *ap e/(i +ve)
- +v - = Dafp(p)e
at* ax*
constancy of output:
5 v*dz* = 1 [4.38]
In addition, it is necessary to use the equation for the dependence of viscosity on the degree of
conversion and temperature:
-oe/(i +ve)
W9 P) = (P(P)e
Dimensionless variables and groups entering all these equations are defined in the following manner:
where To and p0 are the temperature and the degree of conversion at the inlet section. The
temperature distribution in the surface layer of the insert (of width Hi) is described by the following
balance equation:
where ai is the coefficient of thermal conductivity of the insert material and Zi is a coordinate
coinciding with the z-axis but with the origin at Zi = -Hi. By taking into account the condition
(Hi/L) < < 1, it is possible to neglect the conductive heat transfer along the x-axis, and to use the
following dimensionless form of Eq. (4.40):
206 A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
ae ,a2e
at* ad
- =a-
where a
= aiL/vavH is the reciprocal of the Graetz Number; Zi* is a dimensionless coordinate
for the insert. The initial conditions for the system of Eqs. (4.35) - (4.37) and (4.41) are:
att = 0
O(x,z) = 0; p(x,z) =p0; B(x,zi) =0
The toundary cond$ions are:
v(x,z) = 0
atz =Oandatz = 1
atx = O
w,Z) =0; p(x,z) =so;
at z* = o
- =o
If the temperature of the upper cap (Fig. 4.58) Tw is constant, then the heat exchange condition at
the cap - polymer boundary (at z = 1) can be written as:
e(x,z) =ew [4.42]
where Ow is the, dimensionless temperature of the cap. Heat exchange through the polymer - insert
boundary (at z = 0 and Zi* = 1) is determined by the following equalities:
where ar = (hi/h)(H/Hi) is the "reduced" coefficient of thermal conductivity and Ai is the thermal
conductivity of the insert material.
The system of equations with initial and boundary conditions formulated above allows us to
find the velocity distributions and pressure drop for the filled part of the mold. In order to incorporate
effects related to the movement of the stream front and the fountain effect, it is possible to use the
velocity distribution obtained285 for isothermal flow of a Newtonian liquid in a semi-infinite plane
channel, when the flow is initiated by a piston moving along the channel with velocity uo (it is
evident that LIO equals the average velocity of the liquid in the channel). An approximate
quasi-stationary solution can be found. Introduction of the function yf, transforms the momentum
balance equation into a biharmonic equation. Then, after some approximations, the following
solution for the function yf was obtained:285
Chapter 4. Principles of Reactive Molding TechnoloPy
Figure 4.59. Distribution of the relative velocity vector in the front region during mold filling.
The meaning of the symbols is the same as above.
This equation can be used as a basis for calculating $e velocity components in the plane front
zone. Analysis of this equation shows that, at a distance x = H from the surface of the piston, the
flow can be treated as unidimensional to within an error of less than 1 % . Then, based on this result,
wecan assume that the length of the front zone If (Figs. 4.52 and 4.58) equals H and that the line
dividing the stream into main and frontal zones is positioned at this distance from the front. The
stream can be treated as unidimensional up to this line.
Now let us introduce dimensionless variables for the front zone:
dimensionless velocity components
where ux and uz are the velocity components; x* is the dimensionless longitudinal coordinate:
208 A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
The x* axis coincides with the x-axis; its origin is located at the boundary between the two zones
and is moving together with a flowing liquid (Fig. 4.58).The distribution of the axial velocity
component in the front zone ux(z) at the line dividing the two zones is the same as the velocity
distribution v(z) for the main stream. Below this boundary, the distribution of velocities will be
designated as vdz). Let the viscosity of a liquid through the front zone be constant. Then the
component uz* is found from the following equation:
1+1 [4.45]
-(1 - X * ) P
uI(x*,z) = [ v~z) - 11[1 - e
This equation shows that uz*(z) = vdz) at x* = 0 and uz*(z) = 1 at x* = 1; Le., ux is equal to
the average velocity vav. Now we need the balance equation:
* au: aU;
l f-+-=o
ax* aZ*
where 1ZE = lf/H is the dimensionless length of the front. Finally, we can write the equation for
the uz distribution:
Fig. 4.59 illustrates the flow pattern determined by Eqs (4.45) and (4.47). The distribution of the
velocity vectors is shown for the case when the axial velocity component equals (ux*- 1). Eqs.
(4.45) and (4.47) allow us to find temperature and degree of conversion distributions in the frontal
zone based on the fundamental balance equations. These equations differ from Eqs. (4.36) and
(4.47) because they take into account convective heat transfer along the z-direction. The dimen-
sionless forms of the main determining equations are as follows:
energy balance
kinetic equation
* H ap ap * * ap * H 9/(l+v9)
If - - +ux - + uzlf - = Da lf - f(p) e
L at* ax* aZ* L
where the meaning of all symbols is the same as before. The temperature and degree of conversion
distributions at the boundary between the frontal and the, main stream zones are determined from
the solution for the main stream, i.e., at x = xf and at x =0:
e(x,z) = e(x*,z); ~(x,z) = ~(x*,z) [4.50]
Chapter 4. Principles of Reactive Molding Technology
3 4 5t , s
0 1 2
Figure 4.60. Changes in pressure drop during the process of filling a mold. Points - experimental. Curves are
calculated for two different processing regimes.
This system of equations allows us to take account of the flow in the frontal zone and the influence
of the fountain effect on the distributions of variables in the main stream zone. The equations for
this rather complicated model can be solved numerically by computer. Comparison of the
calculations with experimental data shows that the maximum deviations of the predicted values
from the experimental points do not exceed 15 % (Fig. 4.60).
For known values of the parameters in the kinetic equation for a specific reactive mix, it is
easy to calculate the dimensionless factors y and v . Then the flow pattern in the mold filling process
is completely determined by the dimensionless Da and Gz Numbers and the boundary conditions.
The Damkohler Number characterizes the ratio of the rates of chemical reaction and convective
heat transfer and the Graetz Number is a measure of the ratio of the convective heat flux due to a
moving liquid to the heat flux due to the conductivity of the liquid.
We have discussed the use of reactive processing for coating a metal surface with a polymeric
layer. In this case, the main quality criterion for the process is the provision of adequate adhesion
between the polymer and the metal. To achieve this the process must provide the appropriate degree
of conversion at the metal-polymer boundary at the moment of termination of mol9 filling. This
must not exceed a certain critical level, which, according to Fig. 4.57, this level is = 0.4. This,
then, is the principal limitation in the choice of process parameters: the maximum degree of
conversion at the metal surface during filling must not exceed 0.4.
210 A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
F i v e 4.61. Dependence of the limiting values of the Damkiihler Number on the reciprocal Graetz Number
at p =0.4. To =4OoC. Temperature of the mold: 2OoC (1); 40C (2); 5OoC (3); 60C (4) and 7OoC ( 5) .
As an example, let us analyze mold filling with a model polyurethane formulation. Let the
kinetics of curing be described by an equation with the self-deceleration term (as was discussed
above). The following values of the parameters were used: U = 49.1 kJ /mol; ko = 3 . 8 ~ 1 0 ~ ;
5 =1. 1; AT- = 25.8'C where AT- is the maximum expected increase in temperature for
adiabatic curing.
From the mathematical model of the process of filling a mold containing a metal insert
formulated above, we can construct a diagram that shows the dependence of the Damkohler Number
on the reciprocal Greatz Number for a constant initial temperature of the reactive mass To = 40'C
for a range of mold temperatures. The results of the calculations are shown in Fig. 4.61. Values
of the Da and Gz Numbers corresponding to the points in this figure define the limits for the filling
process. The area below any curve contains the set of Da and Gz Numbers co!responding to degrees
of conversion at the metal-polymer boundary less than the limiting value p = 0.4; Le., this area
represents permissible filling regimes for a specified mold temperature. The area above any curve
corresponds to p > p and indicates that attempts to carry out molding under these flow and
temperature conditions would lead to poor adhesion.
Chapter 4. Principles of Reactive Molding Technology 211
10 I I
0 0 2 0,4 Gz-I
Figure 4.62. Dependence of the coefficient Po on Gz-' at different mold temperatures: 20C (1); 40C (2);
50C (3): 60C (4); 70C ( 5) .
These results of theoretical calculations can be illustrated by the following example. Suppose
we need to manufacture a cover 3 mm thick for an insert with the following dimensions: length
L= 1.5 m, diameter 0.25 m. The volume feed rate for mold filling is assumed to be Go = 1 ~1 0 ~
rn3/s. Then for a reactive mixture with the kinetic parameters discussed above we obtain: Da=0.85
and Gz-' = 0.31. As can be seen from Fig 4.61, the point with these coordinates lies above all the
curves. This means that for any specified mold temperature Tm, the degree of conversion in the
layer contacting the metal surface exceeds the critical level; therefore, the chosen volume feed rate
is inadmissible, and we need to increase the output. At Go = 1.2~10 m /s we have Da = 0.71,
and the corresponding point (point A in Fig. 4.61) lies on the limiting curve for Tm = 4OoC.
ConsequeFtly, the limiting value of the degree of conversion*at the moment of complete filling
reaches p at the contact layer. At Tm = 2OoC, f is less than , but at Tm > 4OoC, p exceeds p .
Increasing the feed rate up to Go = 1. 5~10' ~ m /s corresponds to a transition to the point with the
coordinates Da = 0.56 and Gz-' = 0.21 (point B in Fig. 4.61). The position of this point shows
that reactive processing is possible for any mold temperature.
Industrial equipment use for reactive processing is limited by the permissible injection
pressure. The model being discussed can also be used to estimate the pressure drop necessary to
fill the mold. The pressure changes during the filing process, and the time dependence of the
pressure is determined by the rheokinetic properties of the reactive mixture and the dimensions
4 3
212 A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 X
o 1 2 ~ : n ~
0,2 0,4 0,6 0, 8X
Figure 4.63. Isotherms for five positions of the stream front for a regime marked by point D inFigure 4.56.
sizes of the mold. At fuced values of the Da and Gz Numbers, the pressure drop may vary, depending
on the value of the coefficient K, which characterizes the process parameters. The limiting values
of this coefficient Klim are shown in Fig. 4.62 as a function of Gz-, and Klim is defined as:
where Apis the predicted dimensionless pressure drop at termination of mold filling and APiimis
the maximum permissible pressure drop in the processing equipment; as a general rule, APiimdoes
not exceed 1 MPa.
If for any real situation K < Kl h, as determined from Fig. 4.62, then the pressure dro
during processing will not exceed the permissible level. Fig. 4.62 also shows that decreasing Gz-
and increasing the mold temperature results in a considerable increase in Klim.
Chapter 4. Principles of Reactive Molding Technology
0 ,8
0,2 0 2 0.3
0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 X 0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 X
0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 X
Figure 4.64. Lines of constant degrees of conversion for five positions of the stream front for a regime marked
by point D in Figure 4.56.
Figs. 4.63 - 4.66 illustrate the location of lines of constant values of temperature, degree of
conversion, velocity and viscosity for five consecutive positions of the front of a stream, which
correspond to the following values of the axial coordinate x?: 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, and 1.0. These
lines of constant values of the process variables are calculated for the flow and property values
designated by the point D in Fig. 4.61. In this case, the mold temperature Tm = 7OoC, the initial
temperature of the reactive mi x To = 4OoC, and the initial temperature of the insert Ti = 2OoC.
An area above the horizontal line of symmetry of the mold cavity (i.e., the upper part of the cavity)
contacts the "hot" surface of the mold and the lower part is in contact with the surface of the cooler
metal insert. Thus, we can conclude that the distributions of temperature, degree of conversion,
viscosity and velocity of movement of the reactive mix along the mold are related to the ratios
between the transfer rate and the chemical reaction, which are characterized by the values of the
Daand Gz Numbers.
2 14
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
0.1 0.1
It 01
0.9 0.3
0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0, 8XO 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,81
OIZ 0 EcEEzl
0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 X
Figure 4.65. Lines of constant velocities for five positions of the stream front for a regime marked by point D
in Figure 4.56.
The mathematical model discussed above allows us to find all the parameters of a technological
process, such as changes in pressure and output, temperature distributions, and the degree of
conversion. The determining factors are: the geometrical form and dimensions of the mold, the
mold temperature, the initial temperature of the reactive mass, the rheokinetics of polymerization
(curing), and the details of the processing equipment. This approach is very useful for detailed
analysis of a technological process, but there are some difficulties in applying it to practical
problems, because we need a lot of additional information before we can obtain the final quantitative
results. Therefore, it would be convenient to generalize the results of experimental investigations
and modelling in order to choose the main parameters in reactive processing and to establish their
Chapter 4. Principles of Reactive Molding Technology
2 15
094 I- I
0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8>
m SI -
0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 X
0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 X
Figure 4.66. Lines of constant values of viscosity for five positions of the stream front for a regime marked
by point D in Figure 4.56.
permissible limits. It would also be desirable to construct graphic diagrams which would clearly
define the limits of variation of the process parameters for molding specific articles. These diagrams
must exclude such undesirable effects as incomplete mold filling, thermal degradation of the
polymer, unstable flow of the reactive mix in the mold, and so on. The fmal goal of the diagrams
is to optimize the process for maximum output and quality of the end products.
These processibility diagrams have been devised for injection molding of thermoplastic
materials265 for correlating the temperature of the melt with the injection pressure (Fig. 4.67). The
central area in this diagram characterizes the permissible processing regime for a specific polymer
and mold. This area is bound by four curves. A polymer does not flow below the lower line (its
temperature is too low). Thermal degradation takes place above the upper curve (the temperature
is too high). To the right of the right-hand curve, the melt viscosity is too low, and the melt flows
2 16
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
Figure 4.67. Processability diagrams (moldability) for injection molding of thermoplastic materials. I - thermal
degradation zone; I1 - incomplete filling; III - melting; IV - bum. [Adapted, by permission, from 2. Tadmor,
C. G. Gogos, Princ. Polym. Process., (1979), 591.1
through all the gaps and clearances between the parts of the mold. To the left of the left-hand line,
the fluidity of the melt is low or the pressure is insufficient to fill the mold. These diagrams are
usually based on laboratory experiments using a "standard" spiral mold as a model.
Several methods for estimating processibility have also been proposed for reactive processing.
For example, a processability diagram for the reactive rocessing of epoxy-based compounds
derived experimental investigations is shown in Fig. 4.68!92 Diagrams of this type are drawn for
a specific reactive mix and for a "standard" plane rectangular mold of constant width. The
determining factors are the initial temperature of the reactive mass and the mold temperature. There
are some inadmissible regions shown in this figure. First (I), at temperatures below a certain limit,
To, the quality of mixing of the reactive components is inadequate. Second (II), there is a region,
where complete mold filling cannot be achieved. Third (111), the temperature of a reactive medium
may exceed the permissible limit due to the exothermal effect of the reaction. Fourth (IV), the
process may proceed too slowly, so that it becomes uneconomical.
These diagrams can be constructed for articles of different sizes. They show, areas
corresponding to the recommended processing conditions and inadmissible values for the process
parameters. As a general rule, an increase in article size results in a considerable contraction of the
Chapter 4. Principles of Reactive Molding Technology
Figure 4.68. Diagrams for the choice of permissible values of mold temperature and initial temperature of a
reactive mass. I - mixing; I1 - filling; I11- Tmax >temperature of degradation; IV - t > t [Adapted, by
permission from L. T. Manzione, J. S. Osinski, Pulym. Eng. Sci., 23 (1983), 583.1
recommended processing zone, whereas a decrease in articles size results in the opposite tendency.
This effect is especially important at the curing stage; generally speaking, it is explained by the
poor thermal conductivity of polymeric materials. Therefore, the curing process for thick articles
takes place in near-adiabatic conditions with a significant temperature increase in the central part
of the article. The temperature distribution is much more homogeneous in thinitems due to the
relatively intense heat exchange with the surroundings.
The prevention of premature gelation must be re arded as one of the most important criteria
for choosing the technical parameters for mold filling.29%he authors of the cited publication assume
that predicting the maximum pressure increase is important primarily for injection molding of
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
G ;
Figure 4.69. Nature of dependences of the gelation criterion G on the reciprocal Graetz Number at different
mold temperatures. The arrow shows the direction of increasing wall temperature. To =const. [Adapted, by
permission from S. R. Esevez, J. M. Castro, Polym. Eng. Sci., 24 (1984), 431 .]
thermoplastic polymer materials. An intolerable increase in pressure during reactive processing can
only occur due to premature gelation when the mold is partially filled. The set of determining factors
for mold fdling includes the following parameters: the Graetz Number, the gelation criterion47 at
the initial temperature To, and the mold temperature Tm. Based on the model of a thinrectangular
cavity,47 a processability diagram can be constructed like the one shown in Fig. 4.69.293 The curves
in this figure are the limiting values of the gelation criterion as a function of the reciprocal Graetz
Number for different values of dimensionless mold temperatures and a constant initial temperature
for the reactive mix. Each of these curves is the lower limit of a diagram of processability,
corresponding to regimes excluding premature gelation due to incomplete filling.
This approach proved to be valid for modeling the mold filling process when thin coatings
were prepared.266 It was assumed that the main factor influencing the quality of the end product
was the degree of conversion at the boundary surface, which provided the necessary adhesive
strength. If this critical value of the degree of conversion is known, we can construct processability
diagrams, which show the dependences of the Damkohler Number on the reciprocal Graetz Number
Chapter 4. Principles of Reactive Molding Technology
Figure 4.70. Processability diagram (moldability) for the stage of mold filling in reactive injection molding:
dependence of material temperature (or average temperature on flow rate G). I - premature filling; II - poor
impregnation mixing; III - flow instabilities.
(as in Fig. 4.61) at different mold temperatures and the chosen initial temperature of the reactive
The curve Da(Gz-l) is limiting, because it corresponds to process parameters, which provide
the minimum necessary level of adhesive stren th. The area below this curve (at a definite mold
temperature Tm) corresponds to the Da and Gz Numbers, for which the degree of conversion is
less than the critical level; these parameters do not provide the maximum output. Points above this
curve, represent inadmissible process parameters, which do not provide the required level of
polymer-metal adhesive strength.
The dependence of the minimum time necessary to complete the molding process (when
some limiting degree of gelation is reached), can be found as a function of the Damkohler number.293
The latter also determines the maximum temperature of the material in the mold at different wall
A different approach to constructing processability diagrams, shown schematically in Fig.
4.70, was proposed elsewhere281 for reactive mixtures. Undesirable process parameters, which
could lead to defects in processing during mold filling, are also shown. Relatively simple methods
were proposed for constructing processability diagrams for reactive materials, and their predictions
r i
220 A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
fit the experimental data well.47 The limiting curve, which characterizes the quality of mixing in
preparing a reactive mixture, is represented via the Reynolds Number:
where G is the volume feed rate; q is the viscosity of the most viscous component in a mixture.
Curve 11, representing the poor impregnation, is found from the gelation criterion. The
limiting curve I11 for the regime of unstable flow depends on the average velocity Vav, which is
calculated in a standard manner as
where tf is the time necessary to fill the mold, which, for polyurethanes depends on the
- -
polyol-to-isocyanate ratio in the reactive mixture. The limiting value of Vav was found experimen-
tally. 296
Symbols 22 1
Latin symbols
c. c
Cl r c1
Fs, F1
G', 20
K, k, k', ki, kz
empirical constants in different equations
adhesive strength
impact strength
initial concentration of diamine
concentration of an activator
initial concentration of an activator
coefficient of temperature diffusivity
coefficient of thermal conductivity of an insert (in coating process)
reduced thermal conductivity
rate of increase (or decrease) in temperature
shift-factor (ratio of relaxation times at two temperatures)
empirical constants in different equations
coefficient of self-acceleration (in kinetics of crystallization)
concentration of a catalyst
specific heat
concentration of reagents (or functional groups)
initial concentration
constant of self-acceleration (in chemical kinetic equations)
empirical constants
geometrical size (depth)
modulus of elasticity in extension (Young's modulus)
apparent activation energy of viscous fl ow
empirical constant
different functions and empirical constants
total elastic potential function of a mixture (for a twocomponent material)
elastic potential functions for solid and liquid phases, respectively
functionality of an activator
vector of body forces
main frequency
volume feed rate
modulus of elasticity (in shear)
dynamic modulus
instantaneous shear modulus
equilibrium modulus of elasticity
dynamic modulus at the end state at 2OoC
vector of surface forces
geometrical size (height)
relaxation spectrum
Shore hardness
first invariant of the deformation tensor
empirical constants in different equations
coefficient of volume shrinkage
initial rate of a chemical reaction
instantaneous modulus of volume deformations
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
pre-exponential factor in a kinetic equation
initial rate of a reaction at temperature To
rate constants of direct (forward) and reverse reactions, respectively
geometrical sizes
length of the frontal zone
molecular weight of a monomer
concentration of a monomer
number-averaged molecular weight
weight-averaged molecular weight
initial concentration of a monomer
empirical constant
ordinal numbers
number-averaged degree of polymerization
empirical constant, exponent
initial pressure (at the inlet to a mold)
heat (enthalpy) of a chemical reaction
heat (enthalpy) of crystallization
heat (enthalpy) of polymerization
heat flux
universal constant
concentration of reactive groups
initial concentration of reactive groups
final concentration of reactive groups
area of a surface
parts of a surface in contact with surroundings with different boundary conditions
initial temperature
glass transition temperature
temperature of an insert (in coating process)
melting point
temperature of a mold
temperature at the surface
temperature of surroundings
temperature at a wall
characteristic temperature
critical time (e.g. time of gelation)
"standard" (isothermal) induction period of curing, measured in static or
quasi-static conditions
induction period for curing in nonisothermal conditions
time for glass transition (in curing)
apparent activation energy of a chemical reaction
displacement vector
velocity of a piston in a channel
dimensionless velocity
components of velocity
dimensionless components of velocity
Symbols 223
Vx, Vr
=, Y
x, Y, z
radius vector of the unit normal to the surface SO
average velocity
velocity of the front of a stream
axial and radial components of velocity
geometrical size (width of a mold)
maximum water absorption
arbitrary functions
Cartesian coordinates
concentration of epoxy groups
size (half-width) of a plate
Dimensionless Numbers
reciprocal of the Graetz Number
Biot Number
Damkohler Number
gelation criterion
Graetz Number
Pecklet Number
Reynolds Number
Frank-Kamenetzky criterion
Greek symbols
a degree of crystallinity
as, a1
CL, equilibrium degree of crystallinity
Pc "calorimetric" degree of conversion
Pch "chemical" degree of conversion
b h "thermal" degree of conversion
Prh "rheological" degree of conversion
P- limiting degree of conversion
i shear rate
AG relaxation part of modulus
6 dimensionless shear rate
Sij Kronecker symbol
E elongation at break
Eo linear deformation tensor
Ei elastic deformation tensor
thermal coefficient of linear expansion
thermal coefficients of linear expansion for solid and liquid phases, respectively
reduced crystallinity (ratio of the current degree of crystallinity to its equilibrium value)
degree of conversion (in a chemical reaction)
dimensionless parameter (of different structure)
characteristic (critical) degree of conversion
degree of transformation (in crystallization)
AP pressure drop
limiting pressure drop (process parameter)
maximum (adiabatic) rise in temperature
loss angle (in periodic oscillations)
A. Ya. Malkin and V. P. Beghishev
residual deformation
rebound elasticity
initial viscosity of a reactive liquid
intrinsic viscosity
initial value of viscosity
viscosity of a monomer
dimensionless temperature
relative change in volume
relaxation time
heat transfer coefficient
thermal conductivity
Poissons ratio for solid and liquid phases, respectively
dimensionless parameter
coefficient of self-deceleration (in chemical kinetic equations)
dimensionless parameter
empirical constant
electrical strength
stress tensor
components of stress tensor (with different number subscripts)
strength limit in extension
dimensionless or generalized time
critical value of dimensionless time
strength limit in bending
dimensionless time of gelation in nonisothermal curing regime
total free energy
free energy corresponding to initial and fmal states of a material, respectively
volume coeficients of thermal expansions of solid and liquid phases, respectively
function introduced for solving the balance equation for flow at the front of stream
circular frequency
main circular frequency
Index 233
Acceleration 3 1, 53
non-isothermal 3 1
of chemical reaction 148
copolymerization 7
Accelerators 6
Acetyl diphenylamine, Na-salt 32
Acid anhydrides 4
Activation energy 24, 31, 41- 43, 67, 75, 77, 194
apparent 24, 42, 47, 49, 50, 64, 74, 107, 131,
177, 181
for mass transfer 54
of fluid diffusion 42
of polymerization 67
of viscous flow 44, 47, 74
amine type 13
catalyst-, mixture 32
concentration 25, 28, 32, 33, 157, 199
direct 33
functionality of 26
homologous 28
indirect 24, 32, 33
polymerization 166
ratio-tocatalyst 183
Activator 2, 3, 5, 27, 28, 32, 33, 118, 166
Active centers 20, 21, 32, 157, 158
Active groups 72
Adhesion 160, 161, 170, 185-6, 201, 108. 109
Adhesive strength 216, 217
Adiabatic 50
calorimetric measurements 42, 98
conditions 29, 31, 34, 35, 42, 43, 59, 74, 98,
199, 215
near-, crystallization 63
regime 28, 59
system 98
temperature 38, 136, 195
Aerosil7, 12
Aerosols 163
Agitator 115, 121
Algorithm Fourier 99
Allophanate and biuret structure 10
Allophanate knots, network 10
Alkyl amides 2
Alkyl peroxide 4
Alumina 7
Aluminum alloys 124
Amorphous 55, 81, 85, 85
Ampoule 108, 109
Analog-todigital converter 99
Analysis 19
dynamic mechanical 98, 105
finite elements 187
FTMS method 99
multi-frequency dynamic 105
of inherent stress 19
of the dependence 40
of the effects of temperature 36, 109
of hydrodynamic phenomena 134
of temperature distribution 196
of the non-isothermal polymerization 29
of the system 51
theoretical 49, 80, 144, 185, 176
torsional braid, TBA 98
Arrhenius equation 41, 42, 64
Automatic pumping 172
Autoregulators 5
Avrami equation 52-54
Bar 94, 144
Barrel 166-169, 171
Batch polymerization 1, 43-52
Batch process 115, 117, 121
Batch process reactor 49, 56, 79, 116, 119, 131,
234 Index
Batch process unit 1 18
Batcher 118, 119, 128
Bath 161, 173
Bearings 120, 140
blow 142
flow 80
hydrodynamic 139
near gel-point 105
near t* 103
Benzoyl peroxide 7
acryl 161
acryl urethane 161
epoxy 161
Bisphenol A - dicyanodiamide system 41
Blades 121
Boundary 207
between zones 206, 208
cap-polymer 205
conditions 50, 57, 62, 81, 90, 205, 206, 208
free 81
metal-polymer 208, 209
moving free 81
polymer-insert 206
surface 216
Branching 10
characteristics 71
of individual macromolecules 68
degree of 23
topology 23
Breakdown of filler structure 185
Breakup of liquid film 163
Boiler 138
Burgers model 104
Bushing 163
1,4-Butane diol 11
Butterworth filter 110
Cabinet1 16, 124, 138
Calcium carbonate 7
Calorimetric methods 21, 22, 38, 41, 42, 97,
107-1 11
Calvet differential 108
scanning 97
isothermal, non-isothermal97, 107
differential scanning 66
Cap 204-206
crystallization 57
liquid segments 10
based triols 34
by RIM-method 167
melt 139
polymerization of 24, 26-35, 52, 59, 61
&-Caprolactam 2, 3, 29-34, 52, 62, 63, 65, 139
anionic activated 52, 62-65, 117, 125, 139,
frontal 174
kinetic equation for 65
sodium salt 117
165-168, 173, 176, 178
Caprolactam, Na-acetyl28, 32
Carbomoyl caprolactams (CL) 27-28
4, 4-diphenylmethane - bis 27
hexamethylene- 27
phenyl- 27
2, 4-toluylene @is-) 27
centrifugal 139
into rotary molds 137
free4, 123, 124
rollers 128
Casting process 116
Catalytic system 9, 26-28, 118
Catalyst 2, 10, 11, 13, 23, 25-28, 32, 33, 41, 116
photoinitiated 8
activity 166
concentration 27, 28, 31, 32, 65, 198
in polymerization, o-dodecalactam 33
Ziegler-Natta 15
Cavity 164, 179
cylindrical 187
mold 21 1
plane 194, 196, 202
rectangular, model 216
Index 235
ring 163
width 190
cone- and plane type 99
of calorimeter 110
structure 81, 95, 184
of operation 144
of the reactor 52
of stream 163, 196
ends 9
length of 23
long- 7, 99, 102
polymer(ic ) 19, 68, 102, 131
propagation 32, 68
rigidity 6
short 7
side 14
termination stage 2
cleaning 183
delivery 120
drying 128
heat treatment 125
heating 118
lubricant 172
mixing 122
suction 120
volume 184
bonds 23,49, 68
conversion 129
interactions 38, 72, 115
molding process 17-19, 97, 115, 124, 126, 129,
MWD 156
processing methods 30, 45, I15
reactions, monitoring 22, 23
reactors 49, 145
transformations 23
washing 129
Cladding 168
Clearance 214
Cell 81, 95, 105
Centers 57, 63
Chain6, 10, 12-14, 19, 32
Chamber 125, 128, 163, 190
Coating 7, 9,208, 216
adhesive strength of 186
anti-adhesive 139
anticorrosion 140
application 160
channel 165
fluidized bed 160
industry 128
insulating 16 1
layer 186
low-temperature 8
polymeric 124
protective 119, 128, 139
solidification 162
thickness 202
Cobalt naphthanate 7
Cole-Cole diagrams 101
air-drying 161
alkyd-based 161
epoxy-based 40
ester-based 45, 46, 48
filled 49
highly loaded 184
in RIM-process 180
monodispersed 163
on polycaproamide 184
polymer 198
reactive 161, 181, 199
reinforced 184, etc.
silicon-based 79
two-component 88
multi-components 49
rapidly solidified 105
reactive mass 17
reinforced 2
coefficient of temDerature 57
thermal 50-52, 98, 198, 133, 134, 195, 205,
206, 215
Cone feeder 123
Constants 47, 48, 54
arbitrary 48, 53
236 Index
empirical 26, 35, 70-72, 107, 157
equations, in 17, 71
independent 24, 67
of influence on viscosity 47, 70
kinetic 26, 27
kinetic equation 48, 49, 53, 65, 68
material 85-91
normalizing 74
pre-exponential 177
rate 39, 40, 42, 52, 68
shear-rate 46, 74
temperature dependent 54, 68
time 46, 108, 109, 111
universal 23, 64
universal, polymer melts 69
Constancy of output 204
Continuity break 87
automatic 126, 172, 179
layout of 171
methods 97
relaxation properties, oligomer curing 99
systems 171, 179
ultrasonic 95
unit 127
valve 174
chemical 105
complete 41, 52, 151, 158
degree of 19-23, 29, 41, 47-52, 61-65, 68-72,
Conversion 32, 36, 40, 42
107, 114, 144, 153, 159, 163, 172-177,
193-196, 200-217
equilibrium 132
calorimetric 131, 133, 135
high, low 146, 149, 194
relative 3 1
rheological 131, 134
incomplete 41, 65, 114,152
fields 82-84
low-temperature 40
nonuniform 15 1
profile 197
stage 31
uniform 163
Conveyer belts 127
Cooling 82, 93
nonuniform 82
rate 91-96
time 136
Copolyamide 182, 184
Copolymers 2, 7, 15, 33, 184
kinetics 33
block 3, 7, 14
butadiene-styrene 7
Core 164
Crosslinking 23
Crystallinity 92
degree of 87-9 1
equiIibrium 93
178, 180
bell-like shape 55
enthalpy of 57, 66
furnace 170
heat of 170
output 176
incipient 169
isothermal 54
kinetic of 19, 61, 62, 66
kinetic equation 54
modelling of 61
near-adiabatic 63
non-isothermal 52-56
nuclei of 184
rate 53-55, 65-67, 184
superimposed processes of 58
theory of 54
Curing 2, 6, 8, 10-13, 23 42,44, 45.48, 52, 68,
72, 74, 77, 78, 81, 115, 129, 133, 139, 180,
209, 212, 215
agents 4, 7-10, 41, 99, 115, 160, 183
behaviors 43
catalysts of 12
complete, process 45
composition 6, 7
compounds 69
criterion of 74
Crystallization 3, 18, 49, 52-68, 99, 115, 175,
Index 237
cycle of 10
degree of 23
incomplete 186
initiators of 7, 45
kinetic models 39, 45
kinetics of 34, 49, 70, 72, 77, 78
liquid rubbers 12
low-temperature 45
mechanism of 13
chemical 78
methods of 12
monitoring of 43
non-isothermal75, 78, 79, 106
of ester-based composite 45, 46, 48, 49
rates of 7, 10, 38, 43, 49
temperature 9, 111
time 102
polymer 71
of polyfunctional compounds 68
process 23, 39, 43-45, 72, 74, 98, 99
Cyclo(ethy1urea) 33
Deceleration 3 1, 36
Deformations 11, 72, 73, 80-83, 89
axial 94
circuIar 94
deviator of 85
elastic 87
-plastic 83, 83
energy 144
fields 90
instantaneous 83
low-amplitude 72
of macromolecules 193
plastic 170
prehistory 83
shrinkage 87
reactive processing shear 78, 86
residual 11
tensor of 85-88
tracer 193
nonmonotonic 146, 147
on numbers 209, 210, 211, 217
pressure drop - vs. -flow rate 146, 147
probe -vs.-temperature frequency 100, 112
temperature- vs.-rheological degree 135
viscosity -on-temperature 146
-vs.-conversion 148, 204
-vs. -time 146
Deviators 85
Diamet X 10
Diamines 1, 10, 12, 34, 42, 99, 106, 129
Dian 9
Dibuthyl phthalate 9
Dicyanodiamide 41
Die 166-172
Dielectric properties 95
2, 5-Diethyl-toluylene diamines 1 I
Diethylene 6
Diffusion 38, 42, 175, 186, 202
fluid, process 4 1
processes 175
molecular 202
rates 82
Di(hydroxylorganosi1oxanes) 14
Diisocyanate(macro) 23, 9, 10, 99, 112, 129
Dimethylaniline 7
Diphenylamine, Na-acetyl 32
Diphenyl mixtures 1 18
4,4-Diphenylmethane-biscarbamoyl CL 27
Diphenylmethane diisocyanate 11, 34, 106
Dipping 160
Dipropylene 6
phase 11
spray 163
of drop 163
ofjet 162
of spray 165
heat 72, 75, 77, 78, 80, 144, 146,148
energy 148
Distortion 95
Distributions 37, 55
monotonic 178
238 Index
of conversion 92, 137, 147, 154, 195-198, 200,
of crystallinity 52, 57, 178
of deformations 94
of drop sizes 163
of molecular number 155
of stresses 82, 94
of residence time 193, 200
of residual stresses 93, 95
of velocity 172, 194
radial 147, etc., 152, 154
space-time 55, 63, 64, 200
spatial 52, 57, 58, 134
temperature 52, 62, 82, 137, 147, 163, 171-175,
194, 196, 205, 211, 212, 215
volume 145
Divergence 66, 100
polydispersed 163
satellite 163
size, distribution 162
Droplets 160-165
Dwell time 151, 193
period 122
balance equation 134
measurements 98
method 43, 48
situation 23
propenies 43, 99, 11 1
viscosity measurements 43
o-Dodecalactam 2,3
- polymerization 30-34, 155, 157
- polymerization, kinetic models 30, 155
- copolymers 3
Drums 127
adverse 185
fountain 190-198, 202-208
heat 60-62
net-exothermal 60
non-Newtonian 68
shear-Newtonian 72
reinforcing 185
reverse fountain 192, 199
temperature response 1 11
transient 79
Weissenberg 48
Efficiency 121
function 109
of catalytic systems 27
of cut fibers 185
of devices 162
body, ideal 88
energy 88
films 161
potential 88, 89
potential functions 88
recoil 11
state 82
wave propagation 95
Elasticity 48
modulus of 91, 131, 179, 182
Elastomers 1, 11-13, 105, 118
Electrical sedimentation 160
Electrochemical pickling 129
Electropaint 160
Elongation 182, 185
Enamels 139
Enameling wire 161
consumption 94
free specific 87, 89
potential 89
sources 175
total free 29, 87
of crystallization 57, 66
of polymerization 31, 60, 61, 68, 80
of reaction 34, 42, 49, 50, 131, 133
compounds, curing 39-42, 214
composites 40, 43, 44, 51, 118
oligomers 42, 43, 50, 115
Enthalpy 50
model 39-45
Index 239
Epoxy dian oligomer, curing 52
Arrhenius 41, 53, 64
balance 204, 205, 208
biharmonic 206
continuity 79, 80
energy balance 37, 50, 53, 80, 112, 133, 134,
equilibrium 89
for isothermal polymerization 29
for non-isothermal polymerization 30
fundamental 84
heat balance 54
kinetic 19, 24, 28-36, 41-44, 47, 49, 52-54,
mass balance 202, 207
momentum balance 79, 203, 204, 206
MWD 156
of kinetic model 27
Poiseuille 145
of polymerization kinetics 28
second order kinetic 29, 35, 37, 42
self-deceleration 35, 36, 41
rheokinetic 41, 42
rheological 83, 86, 89, 159
universal 68
Williams-Landel-Ferry 85
175, 176, 203, 204
64- 68, 97, 131, 203, 204, 208
Equilibrium modulus 23, 102-105
Equipment 80, 162, 172-179, 185, 210-212
Ester-based compounds 46, 47, 49
Ethylene flow 148
Extruder 167
length 167
reactive 171
reactor 165, 166, 171
screw 166, 172
double 168
twin 167, 168
single 167
Extrusion 165, 167, 171
175, 199, 215
effects 29, 52, 60, 70, 77, 80, 106, 124, 131,
MtUK 29
process 47
Feed lines 178, 186
Feed rate 203, 210
Feed volume 209, 210, 218
Feeding168-173, 179, 182, 183
Fibers 47, 98, 184, 188, 190
Fillers6-9, 12, 15, 18, 47-49, 72, 160, 182, 184
active 12, 48
carbon organic 185
content 185
glass 185, 190
mineral 8, 9
non-active 48
orientation 190
powder 7
processing of 15
reinforcing 7, 14, 47
short cut 184
solid 15, 47, 48, 72
structure of 185
surface 185
suspension of 185
vessel for I19
composites 15, 49, 118
mold 126, 206, 216
Filled polymeric systems 72, 182, 185
high-frequency 108, 109
ideal 108, 109
low-frequency 108
second-order 108
Flame spreading 175
Flexibility 102
Flexible thermoplastic block 7
Flow 18, 43, 118, 140, 149, 186, 203, 213
back 145
boundary layer 140, 141
cascade 143
deformations 86
filed 139, 141
fountain 81, 192, 193, 199, 200
240 Index
reverse 190
front 188
function 140
gas 161
-liquid 161
heat 112
hydrocyst-type 143
instabilities 219
isothermal flow 206
jet-type 189, 194
laminar 148, 179, 181
lines 141, 154
modelling 187, 196
modes 142, 143
Newtonian, properties 48, 139
non-isothermal 148, 193
non-Newtonian, properties 48
one-dimensional 193
of oligomer reactive compounds 73
of thin films 139, 141
of reactive liquid 73, 79-81, 139, 144, 145, 151,
of reactive mass 49, 75
patternof 190, 191, 192, 193
parabolic model of 152
plug 151, 163
Poiseuille model of 152
radial 188
rate 145-147, 161, 162
ring-shaped 142, 143
shear 73
sheet 117-119, 139, 140
turbulent 127
two-dimensional 208
unidimensional 193
velocity profile of 149, 151
viscous 44, 47, 74, 77, 103, 107, 148
without transition, solid state 145
diffusion process 42
hot 118
layers 149
pressure 169
state 72, 98
Fluid 18, 49
Fluidity 68, 73, 104, 105, 144, 160-163, 214
Fluoroplasts 147, 164-161
adhesion 161
applied 90
centrifugal 138, 161, 163
electrical 160
external 81
gravitational 142
surface 90
Fourier transformation 107
Frank-Kamnetezky criterion 5 1
Front 1
axial position of 197
coordinate of 199
development, superimposed processes 175
double-sided 87
factor 23
line 191, 199, 200
modes of 179
planar 174, 175, 206
polymerization regime 52
propagation direction 177
reaction 52
flat 163
transition 83
model 87
stream 81, 188, 190, 192-199, 203, 206, 211-215
velocity 173-176
zone 203, 206-208
Frontal processes modelling 175
Frontal processes 173
principles of 173
zone 196
transient IO9
transfer (transmitting) 107
Functional 83, 84
end-groups 12
groups 12, 71
poly-, compounds 9, 197
three-, agent 10
of activator 26
Functionality 2
Index 241
Gap 164, 169,202, 204,214
constant 187
minimal 167, 189
ring 165
Gel-formation 103, 121, 143
Gelled layer 194
Gel-point 43-46, 68-72, 85, 103, 105,
Gel-time 41, 44, 49, 101, 121, 180
Gelation 5, 37, 41, 44-49, 143, 186, 194-197, 216
Gelation criterion 195, 196, 216-219
Geometrical Cauchy condition 90
Glass 15, 49, 118
inorganic 86
sheet 5, 124
transition 8, 38, 40, 44, 45, 55, 64, 85, 76, 112
temperature 11, 41, 54
Glassy state 40
Glue 126, 130
Grignard reagent 2, 3
Grooves 128
Gypsum 124
Hardness Shore 11
Harmonic oscillation 98
exchange55, 79, 87, 144, 174, 195, 206, 215
Newtons law 55
exchangers 180, 181
chemical source of 74
conductivity 8, 83, 11 1
convection 55
dissipation 80
flux52, 77, 79, 98, 108, 109, 135, 208
generation, rate 73
insulation 165
125, 144, 148, 174, 196
release 80, 97
resistant 9, 164
0utput21, 51-61, 66, 68, 69, 74, 82, 97, 110,
transfer 19, 32, 83, 97, 134, 199, 201, 203,
agent 1 18
source 49
specific 21,42, 50, 74, 80, 108, 111, 133, 176,
wave propagation 176
electrical 127
external 106
infrared 124
plane 174
programmed 106
Heterogeneity 82, 89
Heterogeneous system 79
1,6- Hexamethylene diisocyanate 34
Hexamethylene diisocyanate, Na-salt 29
Hexamethylene diisocyanate, propylene Na-salt 29
High-rate processes 98
High-rate streams 163
Holographic interferometry 95
Homophase cooling 68, 69
Homopolymerization 6
Homopolymers 7, 33
Hydrocarbonate oligomer 12
Hydrocyst 142, 143
Hydrodynamic ignition 148
Hydrodynamics 17-19, 149, 153
Heater 164, 169, 175
field 18, 148
interactions 72
phenomena 19, 139, 150
process 17
resistance 169
situation 23
Hydrolysis 10
resistant 12
Hydrostatic compression 93
Hysteresis 146, 147
Impregnation 219
Incompatibility of the components 38
Induction period 2, 25-26, 33, 43-47, 41, 72-79
Induction time 43
Industrial purposes 15
Inhomogeneity 49, 51, 58, 82, 83, 89, 91, 145,
162-167, 189
Initiation 33, 34
Initiator 2, 4, 5
free-radical 174
system 7
pipe 178
plunger-type 189
rate 189, 197
Injection molding 160, 173, 178, 194
Insert 204-206, 209.2 11
Interactions chemical 38, 72, 115, 180, 184
Isocyanate-diol ratio 130
conditions 2, 29, 30, 35, 49, 52, 59, 73, 97,
105, 132. 188
crystallization 54
curing 23, 45, 79
curves 53
kinetics 64, 79
reaction 39, 50
regimes 43, 65
of polycaproamide 53
Intermolecular interaction 9, 102, 110
Inverse kinetic problems 64-68
Jet 161-173
Kernel 85
changes 68
constants 26, 27, 67, 68
curves 25,28, 33, 41
effects 29, 30
factor 75
function 24, 26, 29, 50, 54, 64, 68, 131, 153,
176, 204
investigation 41, 45
problems 18, 64
process 19, 23-36, 43, 47-49, 64-66
of anionic polymerization 27, 30
of anionic activated polymerization
&-caprolactam 27, 62
o-dodecalactam 30
of chemical reaction 23, 78, 144
of copolymerization 33
of crystallization 19, 54, 61, 62, 65
of curing 39, 49, 70, 72, 77
of curing, epoxy-based compounds 39, 41
of curing, polyesters 45, 48
of curing, polyurethane 35, 131
of oligomer curing 72
of polymerization 19, 24, 33, 37, 61, 70, 72,
116, 152
of polymerization, a-pyrollidine 33
of reaction 29, 43, 47, 80, 68, 69196, 200
of structural deformations 86
of viscosity increase 143
macro-, of transition 83
polymer synthesis 19, 34
polymerization, lactam 23
polyurethane synthesis 34
transformations 86
Kinetic models 43, 52
Kronecker symbol 89
Lactam 125
polymerization 115, 139, 151
salts, Na, Mg-Br 3
models of 24
Lacquers 161
Lag time 107
Lifetime49, 72, 80, 116, 127, 162, 178, 183
Limiting strips 127
Limiting values 209, 210, 216, 219
automatic 126, 127
continuous 1 16
low pressure processing 122
low-(high) pressure recycling 180, 181
of constant degree of conversion 213
values of process variables 21 1
of temperature 21 1
of viscosity 2 15
of constant velocities 195, 214
Index 243
of symmetry of mold cavity 21 1
vacuum 127
welding 191
Lining 160
Liquid 7, 8, 12
elastic 189
filled 72, 185
films, thin 139, 163
flowing, properties 68, 72, 80
medium 72
mono- and two-stage 10, 12
Newtonian 80, 139, 145, 192, 199, 200, 206
non-Newtonian 80, 192
non-reactive 146
overheated, vaporization 11 1
particles of 81, 200, 201, 203
rheokinetic 80, 147, 149
state 16
stream 121
systems 23
to-glass transition 8
to-solid 82, 86-88
viscous 44, 80, 86, 148, 164, 165, 194
Liquid rubbers 3, 12, 13
silicone organic 184
Loading prehistory 83
Loss 122
factor 99
of fluidity 163
tangent 43, 98-100
compound 112, 148
fractions 63
liquids 184, 185
oligomers 72
peak 158
polyester 129
products 36, 68, 145
Lubricant 163, 169, 170, 172, 182, 183
molecular chain 19, 99
molecules 130, 155
(isocyanates) 13, 38
Mat 185
Mass transfer 54
double, model 104
elements 104
Measurements 98, 1 1 1, 195
in adiabatic conditions 98
of intrinsic viscosity 21
condensed 50
liquid 72
viscous 122
front 188
polymer 69, 88, 178
pure 189
streams 118
supercold 90
temperature 180, 188, 190
viscosity of 166
Melt 54, 64, 83, 87116, 137, 144, 160, 170, 189
Metering 117, 119, 180, 182, 184
Methods 44, 68, 72, 214,218
bending 94
computer 34, 65, 98
continuous 118, 127
destructive 94
dilatometric 98
elastic modulus 23
finite elements 90,203
graphic 65
gravimetric 98
mechanical 21, 23
Nelder-Mead algorithm 65
non-destructive 72, 94
non-stationary 11 1
numerical 93
of finite differences 135
of markers and cells 81
polymerization-time superposition 86
rheokinetic 41
semi-destructive 94
thermal 21, 24, 111
244 Index
thermometric 21, 34, 38
volumetric 119
Methylethyl ketone 7
Methylmethacryla te
Microphase separation 10
Microprocessor system 180
Microreactor 154
Microscopic investigations 190
Microvolume 154
Mobility molecular 82, 11 1
Modelling 17-31, 36, 77, 96, 130, 213
polymerization 114, 173, 174
computer 62, 81
complete curing process 45
front transition 87
mathematical 116, 145
of crystallization 52, 55, 61
frontal polymerization 175
mold filling 180, 201, 216
polyurethane synthesis 37
reactive processing 50, 68
superimposed processes 64
the temperature distribution 62
cascade 145
cell 145
constant viscosity 196
dissipative 79
for filled polymeric liquids 72
for superimposed polymerization 61, 62, 64
for polymerization 34
four-constant 102, 104
kinetic 23, 27, 33, 34, 37, 43, 45, 52
quantitative for polymerization 33
mathematical 172, 198, 209, 212
of batch-process reactor 49-52
of flow 187
of heat dissipation 77
of linear pressure 196
of ideal plug 132
of plunger-type injection 189
of process 18, 36, 37
of rectangular mold 132
Models 52, 6 1, 62203, 208
reactor I45
of tubular reactor 79, 154
of viscoelasticity 86, 147
one-dimensional 147
quasi-static 54
reactive processing 50-58
rheokinetic 145, 148, 151, 158, 159
sample 68
Semenov-Frank-Kamenetzky 49
three-constant 103
two-dimensional 147
Modes of front propagation 178
at fixed frequency 48, 49
bulk 85
dynamic 23, 48, 99, 100-102
elastic 99, 100
equilibrium 23, 100, 101, 104
of elasticity 11, 23, 39, 40, 68, 69, 99, 100-103,
of transient function 109
of volume deformations 85
shear dynamic 133
shear rate 100
Young 83
air-tight 178
bottom 128, 142
cylindrical 193, 197
disk-shaped 188, 193, 197
half-disk 188
height of 204
length 188, 196
open 124
plane 191, 197
preheated 13 1
rectangular 187, 189, 194, 194
removal from 180, 182
rotary 137-139
shape 187
size 184
spiral 214
stationary 116, 138
surface 124, 138, 142, 211
temperature 209, 210, 216, 217
Mold 1, 19, 36, 97, 115, 130-137, 182
Index 245
thin 199
volume of 184, 193
washing of 178
wall 124, 139, 203
width 196, 199
modelling 130
Mold casting processes 116-130, 137
Mold filling modelling 18, 80, 81, 186, 190-219
Moldability 216, 219
Molding 5, 17-19, 35
centrifugal 138
cyclic time 194
fluctuating 103, 105
injection 1, 64, 98, 105, 216, 219
line 184, 186, 189
machine 179
rotational 137
stationary 138
plants 184
Molding technology principles 115-219
Molecular weight distribution 116, 152-159
function 154
hydrodynamic 152, 159
bimodal 158
Monitoring instruments 126
Monolithic articles, items 173, 174
Monomer 4-8, 45, 63, 69
allyl 1, 5
acrylonitrile 5
bifunctional 15
low-viscosity 121
molding of 122
vinyl 4, 5, 12
volatile 6
CO- 165
Neopentyl glycols 6
Network 7, 10, 23
density of 103-105
expanded 4
interpenetrating 14, 37, 38, 105, 198
modes of 135
molecular 40
of chemical bonds 49, 68, 99-105
of physical bonds 110
parameters of 49
polymers 1, 19, 38
structure 161
three-dimensional 41,45,68, 99, 102, 144
Non-catalytic reactions 43
acceleration 3 1
effect 30, 76, 78, 144
conditions 18, 47, 49, 52, 53,70, 74, 186, 188
continuous 97, 186, 188
flow 148
induction period 75
processors 49, 70, 74, 77, 76
share rate 76
Non-loaded articles 81
Non-solidified material 88
injection 189, 196
inlet 196, 197
pneumatic 163
ring 164
size 189
average molecular weight 20, 36
Biot 50, 52, 57, 98, 148
DamkOhIer 153, 157,201, 208-212, 217, 218
Froude 140, 141, 142
Graetz 195, 196, 205, 208-212, 216-218
Peclet 201
Reynolds 139, 141, 142. 180, 204, 218
Oligo(diene urethanes) 12
Oligo(ester acrylates) 161
Oligo(ester maleinates and fumanates) 45
Oligomers 1, 2, 11, 14-16, 72, 73
bihnctional carboxyl-containing 13, 61
coating from 161
curing 42, 43, 69, 72-74, 99
diisocyanate 34
hydrocarbon functional 12
246 Index
hydroxyl-containing 13, 14
monomer mixtures 14, 15
phenol-aldehyde 8
polyfunctional 197
polysulphide (thiokols) 13
reactive 11, 21, 73
silicone organic 13, 14
with double bonds 13
Oscillation 99
Oven 161, 171
Oxypropylened diphenylolpropane 6
Phase 50, 68
boundaries 81, 87
separation 38
transition 49, 50, 79, 87, 180
Phenolic-based compounds 79
Phenolic spheres 49
Phenomena non-linear 17
Phenyldiamine, m- 42
Phenyl diisocyanate, Na-salt 29
Photopolymerization 5, 8
Phthalic anhydride 9
Pigments 160
Pipes 162, 178, 192
Pipe lines 119-122, 164, 165
Piston-rod 179, 190, 192, 206
Plastics 12, 87
acrylic 124
cyclic 175
deformation 170
elongation 185
high-temperature engineering 16
polyuretane 185, 189
reinforced 6-9, 179
unfilled, properties 4
Plasticizer 160
Plug 145
Plywood 145
equation 145
flow model 144
linear P-vs.-Q relation 146
parabolic profile 150, 151, 158, 159
velocity profile 145, 159, 192
distribution 155, 156, 158, 159
's ratios 19, 91
mechanism of 7, 8, 13, 14
reaction 13, 34, 37
Polyamides 1, 3, 6, 8, 29, 184
Polyamide4 1 16
Polyamine 9
Polybasic acids 8
Poly(butadiene) diol 106
Polybutenamide, synthesis (kinetic model) 33, 34
Poly(buty1 methacrylate) 4
Polycaproamide 2, 14, 52-58, 66, 90, 91, 138,
165, 173, 178
anionic 174
by RIM-method 18 1, 183, 186
melting point 52
process cycle for 184
slabs 174
synthesis 171, 172
crystallization, kinetics 66
kinetics 19
mechanism of 1
Polycondensation 1, 8, 9, 14, 37
Polycrystalline materials 8 1
Poly(cyclo pentadiene) 182
Polytdiene urethane acrylates), resins I3
Polydodecane amide 20
Polyester 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 35, 37, 38
curing 48, 49
binder 49
based compounds 10, 48, 49
matrix 48
molecular weight 129, 130
systems 37, 39
synthesis 70
unsaturated 4, 45, 46, 161, 181, 185
Poly(esterurethaneureas) 1 1
Poly(ethy1 polyamine) 52
Polyethylene 9
Poly(ethy1ene glycol adipate) ester 12
Poly(ethy1ene terephthalate) 53
Polyfunctional compounds 9, 68
Polyhydric alcohols 8, 12
Polyimides 16
Polymerization 18-24, 30-33,52, 53, 60-68, 97
acid-ion (anionic ) 2, 3, 8, 27, 29
adiabatic 21, 25, 37, 38, 39, 47, 61
addition 52, 71
anionic 24, 27-29, 32, 59, 60
anionic activated 3, 15,26-31, 52, 59-65, 90,
115, 155
batch 1, 48
bifunctional monomer 15
catalysts for 2
cell 126, 127
centers for 20, 31
continuous 165, 173
crystallization, superposition 59
degrees of 20, 157
diene 12
excessive 169
equations for 28, 34
(free)radical, method 14, 37, 51, 52, 124
frontal 173-178
in tube reactor 144
ionic 7, 8, 15, 52
heat of 165, 176, 177, 181
high-temperature 69, 62, 64
isothermal 24, 29, 58, 62, 64, 155, 157
linear 71
living 155
low-temperature 59, 62, 63
mass 17
mechanism of 2, 6, 7, 8
monitoring 21, 60, 68
non-isothermal 29, 30, 49, 87, 98
nonuniform 82
plug-type 144
rate 168, 184
shrinkage 172, 173
superimposed 58, 61
three-dimensional 6, 21, 73
under pressure 184
three-dimensional 71
velocity of 175
wave 177
Polymerization-crystallization 63, 68
Polymers 31, 32,45, 49, 59,62, 68,70, 214, 216
amorphous 5, 85, 86
binder 15
branched 71
crystalline 52, 59, 67
crystallization of 87
crystallizable 92, 93
cured 23, 71
film 143
interpenetrating 198
kinetic of synthesis 64, 70
layer 134, 137
linear 19, 21, 68, 69, 70, 71
matrix 185
mechanical properties of 69
non-linear 19
non-uniform 81
precipitates 3 1
soluble 15
three-dimensional 14, 21, 70, 144
Polymer-solvent pairs 69
Poly(methy1 methacrylate) 4, 5 , 114, 116, 124,
127, 139
Polynitroalkanes 5
Polyols 5, 8, 10-12, 183, 185
to-isocyanate ratio 219
Poly(organosi1oxanes) 14
Polypropylene 3, 189
Polysiloxane 3
Polystyrene 3, 5, 151, 189
Polytetraethylene glycol 1 13
Polytetramethylene glycol 10, 11
Polyurea 12, 181-183
Polyurethane 1, 9-14, 35-35, 70, 71, 115, 161,
179-183, 219
adhesive 129
based compounds 70
bonds 12
by RIM-method 185
cast 118, 128, 183
coating 139, 202
248 Index
composition 135
copolymers 7
cured 71
curing 34, 103, 106, 110
elastomeric 10
foamed 127
forming system 35
formulation, model 208
gaseous products 37
linear 9, 10, 36
network 38
sheets of 139
synthesis 34-39 (kinetic models), 71, 99, 183,
unsaturated polyester mixture 37, 38, 197, 198
viscosity of 69
Poly(urethane urea) elastomer 10
Poly(viny1 acetate) 5
Poly(viny1 chloride) 5, 14
Powder 4, 5, 7, 116, 137, 178
Prepolimerization 171
Prepolymers 10-12, 45, 47, 115, 116, 118, 124,
127, 183
molecular weight 47
molecules 10
macrodiisocyanate 10
formation of 45, 47, 48
drop 206, 209-21 1
hydrostatic 88
output pattern 80
Processability 194
diagrams 2, 10, 212-219
Propylene glycols 6
Proton exchange reaction 33
Pseudopolymer 11
Pressure 85
body 120
gear 119
high (low-) pressure 180, 181
metering 118-9, 121, 126, 166, 180, 181
piston 144, 185
plunger 120
transfer 118
vacuum 122
Pumping 179, 180
Pyrolidine, a- 33
Quasi-equilibrium influence 79
Quasi-solid body143
Quasi-solid materials 19, 119
Quasi-solid rotation 141, 142, 143
Quasi-static conditions 73
Quasi-stationary flow 204
Quasi-stationary process 79
Quasi-stationary solution 206
Quenching 82, 83
Radioactive tracer 152
Radiation, ultra violet 44
Rate constant reverse 36
Rate constant forward 36
Rate of heat output 21, 51, 55, 61, 66
consecutive 176
cyclic 14
energy 31
first-order 25, 50
primary 176
processing, noncatalytic 43
secondary 176
50, 52, 78, 70, 72, 78, 79, 115, 178, 219
machine 184
main performance characteristics 182
model 174
plan layout for 180
pressure in 181
requirements for composition 180
RIM-processes (reactive injection molding) 1, 8,
Reactive extrusion 153, 165, 172
Reactive liquids 73, 80, 81, 87, 127, 142, 144,
152, 155, 162-165, 193, 196, 200
flow 74, 79, 163
Reactive mass 17-19, 23, 31, 40, 41, 49, 50, 69,
75, 80, 98, 135, 137, 145, 154, 171-182,
Index 249
Reactive medium, rheological properties 62
Reactive molding technology 3, 14-17, 97, 99,
Reactive processing 1-19, 24, 37, 39, 47, 49, 52,
119, 159, 202
61, 62, 69-72, 78-82, 90, 92, 124, 126, 204,
Reactive processing method 12, 14, 143, 144,
Reactivity 48, 138, 160, 175, 193
Reactor 50-58, 63
151, 161, 165-174, 181-186, 193-198, 201
auxiliary 116
axis 153, 154, 159
chemical 145
cross-section 154, 158
cylindrical 51, 174
exit 158
length 150, 151, 158
mixer 1 19, 122
plug 145, 151
spherical 51
tank 145
tube, (tubular) 79, 144, 159
walls of 150
Recycling 180- 1 82
Redox system 4-6
Reinforced composites 184
Reinforced plastics 6-9, 182, 185
combustion 176
front polymerization 52
molding 184
of unstable blow 219
volume polymerization 52
characteristics 101
elasticity modulus 101-103
function 85
kernel 85
mechanisms 100, 105
modes 99
properties 85, 99-105
spectrum 85, 100, 105
state 112
control 85
time 82, 85, 86, 88, 100-103, 113
Residual stresses 1, 5, 19, 52, 63
and strains 81-96
in amorphous materials 83-87
in cylindrical articles 91
in crystallizable materials 87-96
in uniform materials 81-83
modelling 82, etc.
near surface 93
reducing of 184
Resins 6-9
acrylate 1
aliphatic epoxy 9
alkyd 161
epoxy 3, 7-9, 13, 14, 39-45, 48, 58, 52,
113-121, 124, 161, 179, 181-185
SlYPtal 1
polyester 1, 6, 7, 14, 15, 43, 47-49, 142, 143
phenol-formaldehyde 8, 9, 12, 77
resol casting 9
unsaturated 6, 7
changes 19
effects 97
liquid 80, 147-151, 186
methods 41
model 145, 148, 151, 158, 159
of branched polymers 71
polymerization 2 12
S, of reaction processing 69, 98
s, of curing 139
characteristics 98, 160
properties 18, 45,48, 68,69, 72, 79, 106, 144,
Rheokinetic 45, 48, 68, 69, 175
147, 162, 170-172, 186
Ring-channel 129
Rings 94, 95
Roller-coat 160, 161
Root-mean square method 102
Rubber 127, 129
Rubber-like networks 99
Rubbery mixtures 12
Rubbery state 114
Rupture 82
250 Index
Screw 166
coaxial 171
metering 168, 169
rotation 167
single, machines 167
transfer 160
transporting 168
Sealant 160
Self-acceleration 29-33, 41, 42, 48, 53, 54,
64-67, 144
constant of 29-31, 36, 41, 42, 65
effect of 24, 25, 28, 36,41, 48, 68
equation 35, 36, 48, 54, 65, 65
kinetics of 48, 54, 64, 65
reverse 3 1
Self-balancing stresses 81
Self-cleaning 167
Self-deceleration term 41, 42, 208
effect 36
equation 35
Self-heating 8
continuous reactors 1
deformations 78
flow 74
modulus 85, 88, 91, 99, 100, 133
rate 46, 72-79, 80
stress 45, 46, 72-76, 88, 139
thinning 192
volume 88
Shearing 72, 77-80
Shift factor 85
Silica 7
Silicone dioxide, dispersed 14
Shrinkage 1, 3, 7, 13-15, 82, 87, 88, 98, 123,
Slab93, 174, 175
Sleeve 137, 170, 171
Solidification 80-83, 89, 86, 99, 112, 123, 137,
139, 173, 178, 180, 184, 185
180, 184, 189
modelling processes 130
of coating 162
stage 121, 195
temperature 124
time 135, 136, 181
Solution 7, 31
alkali 117
concentrated 79
homogeneous 68, 69
of linear polymers 69
of oligomer 129
one-phase 68
stable 141
unstable 141
circulation 122, 182
low-viscosity 161
organic 129, 160
polymer-, pairs 69
recuperation 122
volatile 124
Spectrum 100, 105
relaxation 85
Spectroscopy 99
Sponging 160
Spray dispersion 165
Sprayer 161, 162, 165
hydrodynamic 160
liquids 162, 163
of protective enamels 128
of reactive component 129
pneumatic 160, 161
polymer coating by 157
techniques 161
Stable laminar secondary stream 142
Stepwise pulse 109
Stirrer 185
Solvent 8, 10, 36, 37, 69
circumferential 92, 93
compressive 92
deformation state 83, 88
evolution of 9 1
inherent 19, 81-83, 94
fields 90
normal 48
Index 251
radial 92
relaxation 6
sensitive covers 95
three-dimensional 9
Stringent quality criteria 174
Structure 2, 3, 12, 14, 24, 48
domain 10
inherent 98
formation 109
of branched polymers 71
of the active groups 72
supermolecular 130
three-dimensional 48
Surfactants 160
model I54
of inert particles 72
activating 11 8
cooling 121
heating 121
of markers 194
oligomeric 78
one-component 13
order 35
purifying 122
reactant I15
reactive 165, 179, 185, 196
supply 165
two-component 7, 13, 37
Tampon method 160
Tanks 166, 171, 185
for reagents 181
storage 166, 180
Tarpaulin 124
conductivity 57, 82, 83, 98
conversion fields 83, 84, 87, 89
dependence 41-43, 48-50, 53-56, 64, 70, 74,
85, 86, 89, 91, 93
diffusivity 176
distribution 52, 55, 62, 63, 176, 208, 212, 215
evolution patterns 197
fields 80-86, 90
function 54-56
for RIM-process 160, 181
gradient 98, 106
profiles 47, 51-5
pulse 11 1
rate 97
response 11 1
sensitivity 166
vs.-time curves 66
deformation 85, 87
linear 88, 89
squared 88
stress 85, 86, 90
chain2, 155
of the induction period 74
activity of system 113
conductivity 195
decomposition 81, 124
degradation 136,213
diffusivity 194
expansion 88, 91
front, planar 174, 175
instability 49
insulation 1 19
methods 2 1,24
models 52
parameters 17
pulse 11 1
runaway 165
shock 111
Thermal kinetic approach 55
Thermal probe method 11 1
Thermodynamics 50, 81
Thermomechanical problem 19
Thermoplastics 1-3, 7, 15, 17, 165, 173, 178,
Thermoset plastics 15, 178, 179
Thermosetting resins 1
Thixotropic additive 7
182, 189, 193
252 Index
Three-way cock 123
cooling I35
residence 82, 117, 145, 151, 154, 165-171,
193-198, 200-201
Time dependence 34, 38, 40
of crystallinity 55, 56
of degree, conversion 48, 68, 80
of dynamic modulus 48, 100
of pressure 210
of temperature 66, 75
of viscosity 43, 46, 47, 68, 70, 71, 146
Time-separated processes 62
Time-temperature superposition principle 85
Toluylene bis(carbomoy1) caprolactam 3
Toluylene diisocyanate (TDI) 10, 12, 113, 130
2,4-Toluylene isocyanate 3, 10
Toughness, low-temperature 3
Torque (amplitude) 121
Torsion bar 98
Torsion pendulum method 98
Transducers 95, 99
Transfer agents 119, 134
Transformation 89, 149, 150
degree of 40, 88, 91
structural 86, 95
jump-like 86
liquid-to-glass 8
liquid-to-solid 80
physical 64
solid state to 72
Transmitters 126
Transporter 126, 127
Triethanole-amine titanate 9
Triethylene 6
Tubes 17, 79, 176, 173
inlet 170
outlet 169, 170
transfer 167
transport 185
Two-component materials 87, 88
Two-dimensional cell model 145
Two-dimensional criteria 195
Two-dimensional stream 202
Two-phase stream 163
Two-stage polymerization 33
Two-stream chemical molding 18
Ultrasonics 95
closed sectional 124
control 127
cylindrical 138
data processing 126
electronic governing 172
extrusion reactor 166, 167
for centrifugal casting 138
for producing slabs 127
Krauss-Maffei 184
linear 124
mobile 119
multi-layer 124
multi-section 124
recording 172
sectional-type 125
step responses 109, 110
vertical rotary 124
wall area 108
moldings 119
Urethane-isocyanurate system 16
Urethane-based compounds 13 1
axial 151, 154, 203, 206, 207
circumferential 140
components 80, 203,206
dimensionless 153, 194
distribution 81, 156, 159, 172, 206, 207
of conversion 157
profiles 78, 80, 145-151, 157-8, 159, 192, 194
transverse 103
rotation 140, 168
radial 140
Verification tests of method 110
Index 253
airtight 127
evacuated I I9
for preparing 119
heated 1 15
receiving 11 7
Vibration 3
Vibrorheometer 89
Vicinity 85, 95
Viscosity 19-23, 31, 43-48, 55, 68-75, 80, 81,
87, 105, 119, 121, 145-147, 151, 157, 165,
176, 183, 194, 203-218
apparent 139
change, rate 23,48, 98, 107
constants 70
intrinsic 20, 21
method 23
measurements 43
Viscoelasticity 68, 72, 98, 105
theory 86
Viscoelastic body 83, 86
medium, model of 103
properties 68, 72, 85, 98, 100
stresses in 83
three-constant model 101-103
threshold in 46
Viscoelastic liquid 165
Viscoelastic materials 86
Viscometers 105
capillary 189
rotational 72, 98
working cell 106
Viscometric studies 105
Viscometry 44
Vitrification 81-83, 97
Vorties 181
Vulcanization 52
Wave95, 176, 177
Weight molecular 82, 129, 130
average number 20, 36
high 144, 149, 151, 158
low 145, 158
of chain 23
of epoxy oligomer 43
of polymer 47
weight 152, 155, 156
Weight-average molecular 36, 69-71
Welding 83
X-ray diffraction 95
Zero-approximation 145, 151
Zero-dimensional 145
axial 149
boundaries 203
central 158
dead 124
demarcated 149
front 206, 207
frontal 196, 203, 206, 208
inlet 81
heated 1 17
main, of stream 203,208
mixing 121
near-wall 148, 169
of falling film 158
polymerization 127, 167, 169, 173, 178
reaction 87, 173-176
stagnation 167
temperature 125
transient 141
transitional 87
unstable 141

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