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Psychoanalytic Theory

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Psychoanalytic theory

Refers to the definition of personality organization and the dynamics of personality

development that underlie and guide the psychoanalytic and psychodynamic psychotherapy,
called psychoanalysis, a clinical method for treating psychopathology. First laid out by Sigmund
Freud in the late 19th century, psychoanalytic theory has undergone many refinements since his
work. Psychoanalytic theory came to full prominence in the last third of the twentieth century as
part of the flow of critical discourse regarding psychological treatments after the 1960s, long
after Freud's death in 1939, and its validity is now widely disputed or rejected. Freud had ceased
his analysis of the brain and his physiological studies and shifted his focus to the study of the
mind and the related psychological attributes making up the mind, and on treatment using free
association and the phenomena of transference. His study emphasized the recognition of
childhood events that could potentially influence the mental functioning of adults. His
examination of the genetic and then the developmental aspects gave the psychoanalytic theory its
characteristics. Starting with his publication of The Interpretation of Dreams in 1899, his
theories began to gain prominence.

Through the scope of a psychoanalytic lens, humans are described as having sexual and
aggressive drives. Psychoanalytic theorists believe that human behavior is deterministic. It is
governed by irrational forces, and the unconscious, as well instinctual and biological drives. Due
to this deterministic nature, psychoanalytic theorists do not believe in free will.

The Beginnings
Freud first began his studies on psychoanalysis and in collaboration with Dr. Josef
Breuer, especially when it came to the study on Anna O. The relationship between Freud and
Breuer was a mix of admiration and competition, based on the fact that they were working
together on the Anna O. case and must balance two different ideas as to her diagnosis and
treatment. Today, Breuer can be considered the grandfather of psychoanalysis. Anna O. was
subject to both physical and psychological disturbances, such as not being able to drink out of
fear. Breuer and Freud both found that hypnosis was a great help in discovering more about
Anna O. and her treatment. The research and ideas behind the study on Anna O. was highly
referenced in Freud's lectures on the origin and development of psychoanalysis.
These observations led Freud to theorize that the problems faced by hysterical patients
could be associated to painful childhood experiences that could not be recalled. The influence of
these lost memories shaped the feelings, thoughts and behaviours of patients. These studies
contributed to the development of the psychoanalytic theory.
Personality Structure
Sigmund Freud determined that the personality consists of three different elements, the
id, the ego and the superego. The id is the aspect of personality that is driven by internal and
basic drives and needs. These are typically instinctual, such as hunger, thirst, and the drive for
sex, or libido. The id acts in accordance with the pleasure principle, in that it avoids pain and
seeks pleasure. Due to the instinctual quality of the id, it is impulsive and often unaware of
implications of actions. The ego is driven by reality principle. The ego works to balance both the
id and superego. In order to balance these, it works to achieve the id's drive in the most realistic
ways. It seeks to rationalize the id's instinct and please the drives that will benefit the individual
in the long term. It helps separate what is real, and realistic of our drives as well as being realistic
about the standards that the superego sets for the individual. The superego is driven by morality
principle. It acts in connection with the morality of higher thought and action. Instead of
instinctively acting like the id, the superego works to act in socially acceptable ways. It employs
morality, judging our sense of wrong and right and using guilt to encourage socially acceptable
The Unconscious
The unconscious is the portion of the mind of which a person is not aware. Freud said
that it is the unconscious that exposes the true feelings, emotions, and thoughts of the individual.
There are varieties of psychoanalytic techniques used to access and understand the unconscious,
ranging from methods like hypnosis, free association, and dream analysis. Dreams allow us to
explore the unconscious; according to Freud, they are "the 'royal road' to the unconscious.
Dreams are composed of latent and manifest content. Whereas latent content is the underlying
meaning of a dream that may not be remembered when a person wakes up, manifest content is
the content from the dream that a person remembers upon waking and can be analyzed by a
psychoanalytic psychologist. Exploring and understanding the manifest content of dreams can
inform the individual of complexes or disorders that may be under the surface of their
personality. Dreams can provide access to the unconscious that is not easily accessible. Freudian
slips (also known as parapraxes) occurs when the ego and superego do not work properly,
exposing the id and internal drives or wants. They are considered mistakes revealing the
unconscious. Examples range from calling someone by the wrong name, misinterpreting a
spoken or written word, or simply saying the wrong thing.

Defense Mechanisms
The ego balances the id, the superego and reality in order to maintain a healthy state of
consciousness. It thus reacts to protect the individual from any stressors and anxiety by distorting
reality. This prevents threatening unconscious thoughts and material from entering the
consciousness. The different types of defense mechanisms are: Repression, reaction formation,
denial, projection, displacement, sublimation, regression, and rationalization.
Psychosexual development
It is a stage theory that believes progress occurs through stages as the libido is directed to
different body parts. The different stages, listed in order of progression, are: Oral, Anal, Phallic
(Oedipus complex), Latency, Genital. The Genital stage is achieved if a person has met all of his
or her needs throughout the other stages with enough available sexual energy. If the individual
does not have his or her needs met in a given stage, he or she will become fixated, or "stuck" in
that stage.\

1. Oral Stage (birth to 1.5 years of age): The oral stage's major pleasure center is the oral
cavity. A baby's first experience with much of the physical world is through the mouth. The goal
of this stage was to develop the proper amount of sucking, eating, biting, and talking, which aid
in early development steps such as breast feeding and speaking. Children who did not master this
stage would develop an oral fixation that might lead to drinking, smoking, and nail-biting or
other mouth-based aggressive behaviors.
2. Anal Stage (1.5-3 years of age): The anal stage's major pleasure center is the anal cavity. One
of the first impulses that a baby must learn to control is his/her excretion system. The goal of this
stage is mastery of this system, which usually culminates in proper toilet training. Children who
do not adequately master this stage or were harshly punished during the toilet training process
developed an anal fixation. This might lead to anal retentive or anal expulsive personalities in
which one is overly tidy, and the other overly messy.
3. Phallic Stage (3-5 years of age): The phallic stage's major pleasure center is the main genital
organ in either boys or girls. The child is thought to develop his/her first sexual desires which are
directed at the closest known adult: the opposite sex parent. Boys develop the Oedipal complex
with affection for their mothers while girls developed the Elektra complex with affection for their
fathers. The goal of this stage is to master this internal conflict and move toward more
appropriate sexual desires.
4. Latency Stage (5-12 years of age): The latency stage's major pleasure centers are dormant
sexual feelings for the opposite sex. Here, the child consolidates character habits developed in
the previous three stages. Successful mastery in each of these stages is necessary for a mature,
adult personality to develop before puberty. If the child does not learn to derive pleasure from
external sources such as schooling or friendships, he/she may develop neuroses or fixations on
socially unacceptable activities.
5. Genital Stage (12 years - adulthood): The genital stage's main pleasure center is the surge of
sexual hormones in the body during puberty. Adolescents must establish successful relationships
with peers in order to master this stage. Young adults who do not transition from solitary,
infantile sexuality to consensual, mature sexuality develop fixations on sex and tend to have
unsuccessful relationships.

Neo-analytic theory
Freud's theory and work with psychosexual development lead to Neo-Analytic/ Neo-
Freudians who also believed in the importance of the unconscious, dream interpretations, defense
mechanisms and the integral influence childhood experiences but had objections to the theory as
well. They do not support the idea that development of the personality stops at age 6, instead
they believed development spreads across the lifespan. They extended Freud's work and
encompassed more influence from the environment and the importance of conscious thought
along with the unconscious. The most important theorists are Erik Erikson (Psychosocial
Development), Anna Freud, Carl Jung, Alfred Adler and Karen Horney, and including the school
of object relations.

Critics of psychoanalytic theory
The Psychoanalytic approach has a variety of advantages and limitations that have spurred
further research and expansion into the realm of personality development.
The theory emphasizes the importance of childhood experiences.
It initiated and addressed the importance of the unconscious, sexual and aggressive drives
that make-up the majority of all human beings' personalities.

The approach also explains defense mechanisms and why every individual reacts
differently to similar situations.
Sigmund Freud failed to include evidence of the impact of the environment on the
individual throughout his theory.
The theory is lacking in empirical data and too focused on pathology.

This theory lacks consideration of culture and its influence on personality.

These limitations have led to the resolution that much of modern research does not
support many of its notions.


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