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Mesh Modelling

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Short paper 335
of Achievements in Materials
and Manufacturing Engineering
of Achievements in Materials
and Manufacturing Engineering
1. Introduction
Casting is one of the most efficient manufacturing means in
mass production for geometrically complex as well as precise
products. Its high flexibility in metal forming process is a most
favourable feature of this manufacturing technique. Achieving
uniform cooling rate in a whole cast body while solidifying must
be an ideal casting process to avoid undesirable thermal distortion
and stress in product which may induce hot tear and crack.
Conventionally many prototyping tests should be conducted to
this end and necessitate expensive costs. For the last two decades,
1. Introduction
A management on mesh modelling for finite
element analysis in casting simulation
C. Cho
*, W. Kim
, B. Choi
, S. Kwak
, Q. Pan
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Inha University,
253 Yonghyun-Dong, Nam-Gu, Incheon, 402-751, South Korea
KITECH , No. 2005, 994-32, Dongchun-Dong,
Yeonsu-Gu, Incheon, 406-800, South Korea
* Corresponding author: E-mail address:
Received 24.11.2006; accepted in revised form 15.11.2006
Analysis and modelling
Purpose: In this paper we present a finite element mesh management technique applied to analyze thermal stress
distribution of mushy region including molten materials and solidifying shell.
Design/methodology/approach: In this study we terminated and eliminated the finite elements representing
molten materials on the element list. When they became cooler than the liquidus temperature, the deleted
elements were recreated.
Findings: We considered temperature-dependent material properties during simulation and adopted hybrid
FDM/FEM method for enhancing accuracy: We validated the proposed technique by comparing with other
methods. As results, the proposed method is found to effectively simulate real-time casting process.
Research limitations/implications: The resulting simulation of conventional methods should induce errors on
estimating residual stress of the cast subjected to non-uniform cooling. For the stress analysis study of casting
process before complete solidification, we introduce a special technique to treat molten parts in the numerical
procedure. This study proposes a method reducing by several orders the elastic modulus of molten material
through employing a reduction factor.
Practical implications: Conventional casting process simulations dont consider stress due to complex
rheological behavior of molten metals until the cast completely solidifies. Achieving uniform cooling rate in
a whole cast body while solidifying must be an ideal casting process to avoid undesirable thermal distortion
and stress in product which may induce hot tear and crack. Conventionally many prototyping tests should be
conducted to this end and necessitate expensive costs.
Originality/value: In this study we propose a new technique of Element Creation and Termination which
terminates (or removes) molten elements and creates them just after they cool down to lower than liquidus
temperature. Notice that the previous methods do not remove but deactivate molten elements.
Keywords: Numerical techniques; Element creation and termination; Casting process; Thermal stress
Short paper 336
Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering
C. Cho, W. Kim, B. Choi, S. Kwak, Q. Pan
Volume 20 Issues 1-2 January-February 2007
numerous computational techniques have been introduced in
engineering community thanks to the success in developing
computer hard wares of low cost and high quality, although there
are still unresolved computational fields of multi-physics like
casting process. With increasing demands for casting products, a
computational method to be able to optimize casting process with
reduced tests should have been a cost saver to the foundry
industries. These days, simulation of the casting process is
commonly considered as a favorable tool before undertaking mass
production to understand solidification process in mold cavity,
heat transfer between mold and cast, and contraction and
deformation of cast.
Many research efforts have been made for simulating casting
processes. Thomas et al. [1] developed a two-dimensional
mathematical model to predict internal stress generated in a steel
ingot during thermal processing, calculating thermal history and
stress respectively by the finite element method (FEM).
Grill et al. [2] used numerical methods in predicting the heat flow
and the gap formed at the mold of a continuous slab caster.
Williams et al. [3] presented a thermal model allowing phase
change to occur in the body and considering elasto-visco-plastic
constitutive relationship for creep effects. Chandra [4]
investigated finite element based analysis in predicting hot tears,
hot cracks, residual stresses and distortion in precision casting.
The complex rheological behavior of metals includes creep and
progressive failure as well as elastic-plastic straining [5]. Thus due
to their difficulties, stress analyses in most of casting processes are
usually skipped until all the parts of the casting product have been
completely solidified. However thermal stresses and strains would
be induced in casting while phase transforming before the whole
cast body completely finishes solidification. In addition, there have
been reported many investigations on casting and thermo-elasto-
plastic processes. [6-10]
For the stress analysis study of casting process before complete
solidification, we introduce a special technique to treat molten parts
in the numerical procedure. This study proposes a method reducing
by several orders the elastic modulus of molten material through
employing a reduction factor. Lewis and Ravindran [5] varied the
properties of the liquid elements to prevent them from changing
their volume and building significant stress. Element birth and
death in the commercial program ANSYS is a similar technique
for simulating welding process, which deactivates molten material
with a huge reduction factor as multiplying it with material
properties such as stiffness and conductivity. In addition, mass,
damping, specific heat, and other effects are nullified for
deactivating the liquid elements [11]. Analogous techniques
presented in other commercial programs and their applications have
been also studied [12]. Deactivated elements are regarded as molten
because their stiffness is much lower than that of surrounding
elements. This technique is used to easily model things influenced
by phase changes. However, the reduction factor often induces
convergence problems and some calculations have to be repeated
with other values of reduction factor.
Hence in this study we propose a new technique of Element
Creation and Termination which terminates (or removes) molten
elements and creates them just after they cool down to lower than
liquidus temperature. Notice that the previous methods do not
remove but deactivate molten elements. In this study, material
properties in mushy region are used to be temperature-dependent
in accordance with their phases at the corresponding time step.
Molten elements are removed and eliminated on the element list,
which results in no adverse effects of reduction factor. This
technique can also save the calculation time because the number
of nodes and elements are reduced in the model. Besides, hybrid
method [10] was used in this study to take both advantages of
FDM and FEM; for stress analysis, the FEM is more effective
than the FDM [12]. Remarkable advance in computational
methods has been made along with rapid development of
computer technology. In mechanical engineering, the finite
difference method (FDM) is well known to be efficient in flow
and temperature analysis whereas the finite element method
(FEM) is mostly favored in stress analysis among many other
methods. Desire to solve more complicate problem seeks more
efficient way to best simulate multiphysics in a time.
In the hybrid method, FEM is preceded by FDM which
simulates solidification temperature history; FEM is employed to
calculate thermal strains by in interpolating the nodal
temperatures by FDM onto the finite elements nodal data [13]. In
the results, we compared this study with conventional techniques.
2. Description of the work methodology
Element Creation and Termination technique is applied to
thermal stress analysis. The numerical procedure for creating and
terminating elements is shown in the Figure 1. Elements with
lower solidification fraction than a critical value are first
terminated. The solidification fraction value (50% chosen for this
study) should be set for terminating elements. 0% and 100%
correspond to the respective liquidus and solidus. Molten
elements are made to disappear on element list and hence their
stiffness is not included in the global stiffness matrix for FEM.
Once when molten elements are terminated and deleted from
the element list, new connectivity table must be written. To keep
the procedure efficient, we adopted the ordering algorithms of
RCM (Reverse Cuthill-McKee), for renumbering [15]. We may
decide whether this renumbering option is active or not.
Similar to element terminating process, elements can be
created when the effects of killed elements become appreciable
after sufficiently solidified. When the elements are not completely
solidified, the modulus of elasticity should be multiplied by a
factor to reduce it by several orders. In addition, other properties
are modified in accordance with temperature. Thermal loading to
which elements are subjected are adjusted according to stress-
strain relations, which is to prevent the development of the
significant stress and strain. The criteria of how to determine the
temperature-dependent material properties in the mushy zone will
be discussed later in this paper.
3. Results and discussion
A simple model is selected for the verification of our study;
model has geometry of 400*250mm with 50mm slot in the base
together with two vertical cylinders on the top. The cast is
SCMoSC1, and the mold material is sand. All of the material
properties are assumed to be temperature-dependent. At the
2. Description of the work
3. results and discussion
Analysis and modelling
A management on mesh modelling for finite element analysis in casting simulation
Fig. 1. Numerical procedure for creating and terminating elements in the algorithm
mushy zone, the modulus of elasticity is multiplied by a decreased
factor corresponding to solidification fraction. A 4-node
tetrahedron element is used for the finite element analysis. The
number of elements and nodes for Figure 3 model are 28,461 and
6,435 respectively.
Temperature distribution data consists of 62 discrete time steps.
Temperature field of the FD model is transferred to the FE model
for stress analysis. It is assumed that the pouring temperature is
1,550C and the cast cool down to 100C. Figure 2 shows deformed
shape. Table 1 is the summary of the analyses results.

(a) Conventional (b) Earlier (c) This study
Fig. 2. Deformed shapes (10 magnified)
As the above results shows, each value of stresses are similar
but strains have considerable deviation of which maximum is
22%. These results prove that the level of strain which is
generated before complete solidification is ineligible even if it is
not significant. For that reason, we investigate stress generation
and shape of deformations. (Figure 3)
In a conventional simulation of the casting process, the stress
analysis is not commonly conducted until all parts of the casting
product are completely solidified, which leads to poor estimation.
Table 1.
Computation results
This study
max min. max min. max min.
Disp x
Disp y
Disp z



In this study, it is assumed that liquids and elements of which
solidification fraction is lower than 50% are negligible. If the
effects of removed elements were not negligible after enough
solidification, they were simply created. At this moment, the
modulus of elasticity is multiplied by a decrease factor to reduce
by several orders because the elements are not completely
solidified. Material properties depending on temperature and the
corresponding phase are used as Decreased factor
(10e-5 to 1) for elastic modulus in 50~100% mush zone
liquid solid
). This method oversimplifies the behaviors of
Calculate thermal stress and strain
Heat flow analysis
Terminate elements
Rebuild connectivity and renumber
The Initial step of
stress analysis
Create elements
Identification of elements to be created
Adjustment of material properties
Yes No
Identification of elements to be terminated
Short paper 338 READING DIRECT:
Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering Volume 20 Issues 1-2 January-February 2007
metal in the mushy region. Therefore, we have studied and
developed a numerical model which considers both: the time and
the temperature-dependent characteristics of the rheological
behavior of metals. It is expected that the simulation of the casting
process can be much closer to the real-time phenomena if the
numerical model comes to be in perfect harmony with our
Element Creation and Termination technique.
Fig. 3. Deformation the solidified whole body
4. Conclusions
We proposed and developed a new simulation technique,
Element Creation and Termination, for the casting process. It
was verified with the numerical example and the results were
compared with those of conventional methods. Using the
proposed technique considering the behavior of molten and quasi-
solid elements, we can overcome the difficulties arisen in thermal
stress analysis. Additionally, the effects of generated constraints
due to non-uniform cooling rates can be investigated more
accurately. It is expected that we can obtain better results of stress
analysis for the casting process if we accomplish the development
of a numerical model for the time and temperature-dependent
behaviors of materials in the mushy region, together with taking
into account the effects of externally generated constraints.
"This research was supported by the MIC (Ministry of
Information and Communication), Korea, under the ITRC
(Information Technology Research Center) support program
supervised by the IITA(Institute of Information Technology
Advancement)" (IITA-2006-C109006030030)
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4. conclusions

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