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The Trinity Doctrine For Seventh Day Adventists

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For Seventh-day
By Max Hatton


This book is dedicated to all of my dear brothers and sisters in the
Seventh-day Adventist Church who are willing to diligently search
for the truth on subjects such as this. They are the true Seventh-day
Adventists people of the Book. They are people who have a burning
desire to know and believe what God wishes us to know and believe
and then to share His truths with other erring mortals.

Honour and glory to Him who made us, loves us, and died for us. He
is coming back to planet earth soon so that we may be rescued from
this dying planet and then share eternity with Him.

Prepared at the Little Palace,
51/10 Central Road,
Cooranbong, NSW, 2265,
February 2008.


Introduction 3

1. The Biblical Basis for our Belief in the Trinity Doctrine 5

2. The Credential of Jesus to be a Member of the Trinity 6

3. Ellen G. White and the Person of Jesus 8

4. Semi-Arianism and our Early Pioneers 12

5. Semi-Arianism and Jesus as the Son of God 15

6. Jesus was God in the Fullest Sense of the Word 20

7. Jesus Became the God-man 23

8. The Death of Jesus 27

9. Who Raised Jesus from the Dead? 32

10. The Credentials of the Holy Spirit to be a Member of the Trinity 34

11. Ellen G. White and the Holy Spirit 36

12. Matters Related to an Understanding of God 39

13. Examples of Trinitarian Type Statements from Ellen G. White 43

14. The History of the Trinity Doctrine in Seventh-day Adventism 46

15. Conclusion 48



Please note that unless otherwise stated my Scripture quotations will be from the New
International Version.

There are wonderful blessings in retirement for Seventh-day Adventist Ministers. My own experience
has been really wonderful. The first two years of my retirement saw me teaching Bible doctrines to
young people at Avondale College here at Cooranbong. For most of my years as a Christian I had a
burning desire to share my discoveries related to the Trinity doctrine. I could not seem to be able to
make headway with this while teaching so I reluctantly withdrew from it and devoted my time to the
writing of a book. Along the way I have had the great privilege of relieving as Church Pastor in six
Parishes here in Australia - three in Western Australia (one of them on two occasions), one in New
South Wales, and one in Queensland. A couple of other requests for me to fill this position have also
come my way but I have not been able to fit these into my schedule. I am sad to report that the joy has
been somewhat marred because in recent times I have been invited to a number of Churches that have
requested me to run meetings on the Trinity because of members who oppose this teaching. The most
recent experience I had in a Church in which I was relieving was in Queensland. A number of
dissidents had been bothering the members with attacks on the Trinity doctrine. I ran four Sabbath
afternoon meetings, each of ninety minutes duration, on the subject in order to try and clarify the matter
for as many as wanted to attend. Incredibly, not one of the dissidents attended any of the meetings, but
I think I can safely say that each meeting was attended by at least fifty appreciative members, some
coming from other nearby SDA Churches

Unfortunately, some Adventists have chosen to oppose this doctrine, which is a Fundamental Belief of
the Seventh-day Adventist Church. My research on the matter has convinced me that they have taken
their stand without being properly informed. This may be because they have not adequately done their
homework and have just accepted what some other agitators have spread around. There is much
defective material on the subject being circularised. It seems to have been spread all over the world.
Their advertising against the doctrine comes in a variety of forms. I personally have a video and audio
tapes as well as more than two dozen books and booklets produced by the dissidents. As I have read
and heard much of it I have been unable to refrain from thinking SOS (same old stuff) for most of what
is circularised is merely a rehash of what others have prepared. Collectively, this material is like a
guided missile which has a triple warhead. The warheads are aimed at the Trinity doctrine and
Trinitarians and could be labelled 1, 2, 3 as follows:
1. Biblical arguments.
2. Our leading Pioneers did not believe the doctrine.
3. Ellen G. White did not teach the subject positively..

Their advertising is extensive but their missiles fail on impact. Their attempts to advertise against the
subject remind me of a story told by Morris Venden:

A lion met a tiger as they drank beside the pool.
Said the tiger to the lion, Why are you roaring like a fool?
Thats not foolish, said the lion, with a twinkle in his eyes.
They call me king of all the beasts because I advertise.
A rabbit heard them talking, ran homeward like a streak.
He thought hed try the lions trick, but his roar was just a squeak.
A fox was walking by that way had luncheon in the woods.
Moral: Never advertise unless you have the goods.

The clear facts are that the agitating anti-Trinitarians do not have the goods as will become obvious to
all those willing to consider the contents of this book. The information I provide is, in some places, in
note form, in others the information is considerable. It should be sufficient for anyone desiring a fair-
minded appraisal of this very important subject. However, I wish also to draw attention to my book

Understanding the Trinity (available at Seventh-day Adventist book stores). This provides a treatment
of the subject based upon Scripture only. It exposes warhead 1 as being entirely out of harmony with
the Bible. I strongly recommend the study of this book to those interested in truth. While the book is
based upon Scripture only, this book, The Trinity Doctrine for Seventh-day Adventists, also takes into
account what our Pioneers and Ellen G. White said on the matter (The dissidents rely a lot on a
distorted understanding of Sister Whites writings). It exposes missiles 2 and 3 to be real fizzers.

I want to say that although this subject may sound rather daunting, complicated, and beyond the
understanding of ordinary people, it is not. Please believe me when I say that I am just an ordinary
person and that I speak and write in an ordinary way. You will find very little in this work that sounds
like the high and lofty language of the Theologians. It is written by an ordinary person for ordinary
people. As you progress through the work you will find this to be true. I invite you to try it and see.

Before launching into a study of the subject I must say that I thank God that our Church is strongly in
support of the Trinity Doctrine; otherwise I would not have been able to become a member.


It was apparently the English preacher Robert South (1634-1716) who claimed, If you deny the
doctrine of the Trinity, you could lose your soul, but if you strive too hard to understand it, you could
lose your wits. This doctrine is undoubtedly one of the most difficult on which to gain some
understanding. Of course to try and fully understand God is like trying to put together a 1,000-piece
jigsaw puzzle when you only have about 250 pieces of the puzzle. Nevertheless, the principle found in
Deuteronomy 29:29 requires that we seek to understand what God has revealed of Himself. We must
then inevitably arrive at conclusions. A faithful study of what Inspiration has revealed to us requires
that we must accept the doctrine of the Trinity. We should do so in great humility. We need to be
prepared to commit ourselves to spending much time, prayer, meditation, and effort in our study. I can
promise that the rewards for doing so are really great. It is my prayer, dear reader, that our gracious
God will abundantly bless you as you open your heart and mind to His leading in your study.





a. There is but one True God Isaiah 44:6; James 2:19, etc.
b. There are 3 Persons that inspiration reveals to be True God (i.e. God by nature). We are
therefore driven to the conclusion that God is a Trinity. It is not something that we have dragged
in from Paganism or the Roman Catholic Church as some who attack our Church like to
suggest. The Trinity is a Biblical doctrine, a doctrine revealed by God. We believe it and teach it
because this is so. We are compelled by God to accept that the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit
are all God but there is only One God by nature.


The following is perhaps the simplest definition of the Trinity I have seen:

Within the one Being that is God, there exists eternally three coequal and co-eternal persons,
namely, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.1

We could hardly hope to find a more minimal statement than this. However, when its implications are
teased out we have a full picture of the Trinity. Obviously, though, to begin with we need to examine
the credentials of each of these Members.


There are many among the agitators who have a peculiar way of going about their theology. They note
that almost all of our leading pioneers were not Trinitarians and they then conclude therefore that
neither should we be. This is peculiar because we have advanced in a number of matters beyond what
our Pioneers believed, as I will reveal later on. How then should we do our theology? Should we, like
many of the agitators, gain our beliefs from Ellen White? Or, should we obtain them from the Bible?
Many of the people I have referred to seem to do their theology mainly from Sister White but
surprisingly, they ignore what she insists upon on this matter. Listen to just one of many statements that
could be offered from her:

The Testimonies of Sister White should not be carried to the front. Gods Word is the unerring
standard. The Testimonies are not to take the place of the Word. Let all prove their positions from
the Scripture and substantiate every point they claim as truth from the revealed Word of God. 2
Ellen White was a true Protestant and insisted that the Bible is the source from which
we must obtain our true beliefs. Nevertheless, because the agitators quote, and quote

out of context, so much from Ellen White, I will reveal what she truly believed on the
Trinity also.NOTES

1. James R. White, The Forgotten Trinity, Bethany House Publishers, Minneapolis, 1998, page
2. Evangelism page 256 (Letter 12, 1890).



The following is necessarily in note form otherwise this section would reach enormous proportions.
Here is where personal perusal of the Scriptures is necessary. The effort, I promise, will be greatly

THE FATHER: No one disputes that He is God so we will not investigate His credentials further.

We will examine the evidence from Scripture that reveals the Deity of J esus and then we will do the
same thing with reference to the Holy Spirit, at the same time noting that He is unquestionably a
a. Jesus is identified as God in both the Old and New Testaments: See Isaiah 9:6; John 1:1;
20:28; Romans 9:5; Titus 2:13, 14; Hebrews 1:8; Philippians 2:6, etc.
b. Jesus claimed the Divine Name I AM which Yahweh used when He revealed Himself
to Moses at the burning bush: John 8:58 compare Exodus 3:14.
c. In Jesus dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily: Colossians 2:9.
d. Jesus is The Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End
Revelation 22:13 compare Isaiah 44:6; 48:12.
e. Jesus shares the glory of God: John 17:5; Matthew 16:27 compare Isaiah 42:8; 48:11.
f. Jesus is the Creator: Yahweh says He made everything by Himself Isaiah 44:24. The New
Testament states clearly that Jesus was the Creator and that He made everything for Himself
Colossians 1:15, 16; John 1:3; Hebrews 1:10. Quite clearly Jesus is Yahweh God.
g. Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of Lords: Revelation 17:14; 19:16 compare Deuteronomy
10:17 and 1 Timothy 6:15.
h. Jesus is Eternal: Hebrews 7:3; Micah 5:2 compare Psalm 90:2; 93:2.
i. Jesus accepts worship: Worship is for God only Exodus 34:14; Matthew 4:10; Acts 10:25,
26; Revelation 19:10; 22:8, 9. Jesus accepted worship Matthew 28:9; Luke 24:50-52;
Hebrews 1:6. To call upon the name is related to worship Genesis 4:26; 12:8; Psalm
116:17; 79:6; Jeremiah 10:25; Zephaniah 3:9; Joel 2:32. This phrase is used with reference to
Jesus Romans 10:13; Acts 9:14; 9:20, 21; 1 Corinthians 1:2; Acts 22:16; 2 Timothy 2:22.
j. Jesus hears prayers: Acts 1:24; 7:59, 60; 2 Corinthians 12:8, 9; John 14:14; Revelation
k. Jesus is Omnipresent (Everywhere present at the same time): Matthew 18:20; 28:20.
l. Jesus reveals God to us: John 1:18; 14:9; Colossians 1:15; Hebrews 1:3. No mere man can
reveal God only God visible could reveal the invisible God. Jesus was both God and man
John 1:1, 14.
m. A comparison of some NT and OT passages showing that Jesus is Yahweh.
Hebrews 1:8-12 with Psalm 102:24-27
John 12:36-41 with Isaiah 6:1-3, 10
1 Peter 3:14, 15 with Isaiah 8:12, 13
n. Jesus is he who searches hearts and minds Revelation 2:23. you (Yahweh) alone know
the hearts of all men 1 Kings 8:39, see also Psalm 7:9. Jesus is quite clearly Yahweh.

o. Firstfruits were offered to God but in Revelation 14:4 they are spoken of as offered to God
and the Lamb.
p. Saved people will be priests of God and of the Lamb: Revelation 20:6.


Some, influenced by others not properly informed, have been led to believe that the New Testament
reveals that Jesus was less than the Father by nature. A close look at the texts concerned reveals that
Jesus was less in position while a human, not nature (Of course I am talking of His Divine Nature).
We must not fail to notice that the Trinity is revealed to us in the context of the plan of redemption
(covering the whole Bible). Jesus accepted a subordinate position to the Father as the Messiah. When
He became a man He was in a far less position than God in heaven. The above evidence clearly shows
that He was not less than the Father by nature. (His Divinity was veiled while He was a man He did
use it on occasions but never for His personal comfort or purposes). These things will become clearer
as we proceed through our study.

I emphasise that position is not nature. For example, when Jesus said, My father is greater than I.
John 14:28 He was saying that the Father in heaven was in a greater position than was His who was
then still on the Earth. Some try to make out that this shows that Jesus was less than the Father and
therefore the Trinity cannot be true. They confuse position with nature. This is an immature
unacceptable view of the matter. Jesus in His humanity was in a less position than the Father who was
in heaven.





Some Seventh-day Adventists have the erroneous idea that the Trinity is a falsehood while Semi-
Arianism is correct in saying that Jesus came into existence as an emanation from the Father at some
time in the very distance past. It must be one of the great ironies in the history of our Church when
modern SDA Semi-Arians insist that we should be Semi-Arian as a Church simply because most of our
early Pioneers were Arian in belief. Arians believe that Jesus was created. Our early believers later
moved to Semi-Arianism with the belief that Jesus was born from God. Some of our original Pioneers
had carried with them into our Church their Arian convictions from their previous Church affiliation.
Some of our early leaders came from a non-Trinitarian group, the Christian Connection. Of course
they brought with them other false beliefs also. They were Sunday keepers, non-vegetarians, they had a
legalistic attitude toward salvation, and so on. As they progressively studied many things they
advanced into greater light. It was even so with their study of the Trinity.

Semi-Arians of the early Christian centuries encouraged their followers to produce catchy jingles in
their endeavours to spread their convictions. The following example reveals their teaching clearly:

If you want the Logos-doctrine,
I can serve it hot and hot
God begot him and before he was begotten
he was not.

The above-mentioned irony is seen in the fact that these Pioneers strongly resisted providing a
Statement of Belief for fear that it would become a Creed. They did not want their beliefs set, as it
were, in concrete. Today, SDA Semi-Arians want to give our Pioneer Arian beliefs Credal Status. Is
this not Irony of the highest order? Listen to what Ellen G. White says in contradiction of this situation:

We have many lessons to learn, and many, many to unlearn. God and heaven alone are infallible.
Those who think they will never have to give up a cherished view, never have occasion to change an
opinion, will be disappointed. 1

Quite obviously, Ellen White had no burden for the Church to be stuck at the point where we first
started. In fact she had a burden that this should not be so. She saw only a few things that were an
essential part of our foundation. She believed that these items should not be rejected. Anti-
Trinitarianism was not one of these. The following reveals what she said should be maintained:

In Minneapolis God gave precious gems of truth to His people in new settings. This light from
heaven by some was rejected with all the stubbornness the Jews manifested in rejecting Christ, and
there was much talk about standing by the old landmarks. But there was evidence they knew not
what the old landmarks were. There was evidence and there was reasoning from the word that
commended itself to the conscience; but the minds of men were fixed, sealed against the entrance of
light, because they had decided it was dangerous error removing the old landmarks when it was
not moving a peg of the old landmarks, but they had perverted ideas of what constituted the old
landmarks. The passing of time in 1844 was a period of great events, opening to our astonished
eyes the cleansing of the sanctuary transpiring in heaven, and having decided relation to Gods
people upon the earth, (also) the first and second angels messages and the third, unfurling the

banner on which was inscribed, The commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. One of the
landmarks under this message was the temple of God, seen by His truth-loving people in heaven,
and the ark containing the law of God. The light of the Sabbath of the fourth commandment flashed
its strong rays in the pathway of the transgressors of Gods law. The nonimmortality of the wicked
is an old landmark. I can call to mind nothing more that can come under the head of the old
landmarks. This entire cry about changing the old landmarks is all imaginary. 2


The SDA Semi-Arians claim that Ellen G. White was in harmony with our early Pioneers who believed
in some form of Arianism. See chapters 4 and 5 for a fuller discussion on what Semi-Arians believe.
Here it is sufficient for me to say that they contend that Jesus was not eternal but was actually born
from the Father. This, they say, means that He is an inferior type of god. Unfortunately, those making
these claims cannot have done their homework for it is quite unacceptable to portray Ellen White as
having such a concept. She unquestionably believed that Jesus was God full and complete and that He
never did have a beginning. A genuine unbiased review of all of her writings reveals that she was, in
the maturity of her understanding, definitely anti-Arian and without doubt a Trinitarian.


Christ is the pre-existent, self-existent Son of God. . . . In speaking of his pre-existence, Christ
carries the mind back through dateless ages. He assures us that there never was a time when he
was not in close fellowship with the eternal God .3

[Christ] announced himself to be the self-existent one. 4

In Christ is life, original, unborrowed, underived. He that hath the Son hath life. The divinity of
Christ is the believers assurance of eternal life. 5

Christ was God essentially, and in the highest sense. He was with God from all eternity, God over
all, blessed forevermore 6

Please notice that Ellen White is here applying Romans 9:5 to Jesus. She does this in a context
where she affirms that Christ was God essentially, and in the highest sense. This unquestionably
demolishes the arguments of some who try to depreciate Romans 9:5 as a reference to the absolute
Deity of Jesus.

When the voice of the angel was heard saying, Thy Father calls thee, He who had said, I lay
down my life, that I might take it again, Destroy this Temple and in three days I will raise it up,
came forth from the grave to life that was in Himself. Deity did not die. Humanity died, but Christ
now proclaims over the rent sepulcher of Joseph, I am the Resurrection and the Life. In His
divinity Christ possessed the power to break the bonds of death. 7

He was equal with God, infinite and omnipotent. He could pay the ransom for mans freedom. He is
the eternal self-existing Son. 8

These are wonderfully solemn and significant statements. It was the Source of all mercy and
pardon, peace and grace, the self-existent, eternal, unchangeable One, who visited His exiled
servant on the isle that is called Patmos. 9

The greatness of God cannot be measured or comprehended. And that doctrine that denies the
absolute Godhead of Jesus Christ, denies the Godhead of the Father; for no man knoweth the Son
but the Father. 10

With what firmness and power he uttered these words. The Jews had never before heard such words
from human lips, and a converting influence attended them; for it seemed that divinity flashed
through humanity as Jesus said, I and my Father are one. The words of Christ were full of deep
meaning as he put forth the claim that he and the Father were of one substance, possessing the

same attributes. The Jews understood his meaning, there was no reason why they should
misunderstand, and they took up stones to stone him. 11

Silence fell upon the vast assembly. The name of God, given to Moses to express the idea of the
eternal presence, had been claimed as His own by this Galilean rabbi. He had announced Himself
to be the self-existent One, He who had been promised to Israel, whose goings forth have been
from of old, from the days of eternity. 12

Jehovah is the name given to Christ. behold, god is my salvation, writes the prophet Isaiah, I
will trust, and not be afraid; for the Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song. 13

He clothed His divinity with humanity. He was all the while as God, but He did not appear as God.
He veiled the demonstration of Deity, which had commanded the homage, and called forth the
admiration of the universe of God. He was God while upon earth, but He divested Himself of the
form of God, and in its stead took the form and fashion of a man. He walked the earth as a man.
For our sakes He became poor, that we through His poverty might be made rich. He laid aside His
glory and His majesty. He was God, but the glories of the form of God He for a while relinquished.

Please pay attention to chapter 5, the discussion of only begotten (monogenes). This clarifies that
only begotten is a mistranslation of monogenes. This word should be translated as only or
unique or something similar. Please see recent Bible translations which provide the correct rendering.


It would be helpful if I should summarize the salient points from the above. Ellen White says:

Christ is the pre-existent, self-existent Son of God . . . . there never was a time when he was not in
close fellowship with the eternal God.

In Christ is life, original, unborrowed, underived.

Christ was God essentially, and in the highest sense. He was with God from all eternity, God over

In His divinity Christ possessed the power to break the bonds of death.

[He has] absolute Godhead

He and the Father were of one substance, possessing the same attributes.

He was equal with God, infinite and omnipotent.

[He is the] unchangeable One

[His was the] eternal presence

Jehovah is the name given to Christ.

[When on the earth as the God-man] He clothed His divinity with humanity. He was all the while as
God, but He did not appear as God. He veiled the demonstration of Deity


The above statements are plain, clear, and simple. There is no room for confusion or for the slightest
doubt that the mature Ellen White was NOT in harmony with either of the Arian views of some of her
contemporaries. Her statements are decidedly in harmony with the Trinitarian teaching of the Bible.

The Deity of J esus was absolute; there never was a time when He did not exist. Therefore, all those
who deny these truths should note the counsel following.

If men reject the testimony of the inspired Scriptures concerning the deity of Christ, it is in vain to
argue the point with them; for no argument, however conclusive, could convince them. The
natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither
can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. 1 Corinthians 2:14. None who hold this
error can have a true conception of the character or the mission of Christ, or of the great plan of
God for mans redemption. 15

At this point I think it would be beneficial if I should digress and deal with the real problems of Semi-
Arianism. This will be our goal in chapters 4 and 5.


1. Selected Messages, page 37.
2. Counsels to Writers and Editors, pages 30, 31, 18.
3. Evangelism, page 615.
4. The Desire of Ages, page 469.
5. Ibid. page 530
6. The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 5, page 1126.
7. Ibid. page 1113.
8. Ibid. page 1136.
9. Ibid. Volume 7, page 955.
10. The Signs of the Times, June 27, 1895.
11. Ibid. November 27, 1893.
12. The Desire of Ages, pages 469, 470.
13. The Signs of the Times, May 3, 1899.
14. The Review and Herald, July 5, 1887.
15. The Great Controversy, page 524.





As the title Semi-Arianism suggests it is a variety of Arianism. That heresy gradually developed in the
very early centuries of the Christian era. It proposed that God created Jesus who created the Holy
Spirit. Semi-Arianism, on the other hand, claimed that rather than being created, Jesus was born from
God. Semi-Arians in the SDA Church today say that the Holy Spirit is not a Person but is the spiritual
presence of the Father or Jesus, or of both of them. This diversion from the truth about the Father and
Jesus, although condemned as heresy, has managed to pop up here and there down through the


It seems that at least most of the early leaders of the Seventh-day Adventist Church were contaminated
by this teaching. They misunderstood terribly the true facts of the Trinity doctrine. Wherever they
obtained their concepts from I cannot guess. I have never read anything from a competent Trinitarian
that sounds anything like the garbled ideas our Pioneers gained from who knows where. Maybe some
confused the Trinity doctrine with Modalism but they are not the same. On Modalism see later.

The Athanasian Creed, which comes from early Christian centuries, rightly insisted that Trinitarianism
does not confuse the Persons of the Trinity. Unfortunately, these Pioneers were apparently not aware
that this is so.

Many centuries ago Christians used a triangle to illustrate the relationship of the three Members of the
Trinity. At the peak of the Triangle appears the words The Father, at the left bottom corner, The
Son, and then at the right-hand bottom corner the words, The Holy Spirit. Down the left-hand side
of the triangle we read, The Father is not the Son also, The Son is not the Father. On the right-hand
side we find The Father is not the Holy Spirit, and, The Holy Spirit is not the Father. Across the
bottom of the triangle we find The Son is not the Holy Spirit and The Holy Spirit is not the Son.

Trinitarians have always believed and taught that the Persons of the Trinity must not be confused. Our
non-Trinitarian Pioneers were obviously not at all well informed on what they opposed. Some had
come into our Church from a non-Trinitarian group called the Christian Connection. I have found that
without exception those who attack the Trinity doctrine dont understand what they are attacking. Our
Pioneers were no exception. They had some very distorted views on the Trinity doctrine. I have been
surprised and disappointed to read the following in their writings where they over and over confuse the

J. B. Frisbie asked:

How can the Holy Ghost proceed from the Father and the Son, if it is both the Father and Son
itself? 1

He also provided a poem that reveals quite clearly his confusion:

That three be one, and one are three,
Is an idea that puzzles me;
By many a learned sage tis said,

That three are one in the Godhead.

The Father then may be the Son,
For both together make but one;
The Son may likewise be the Father,
Without the smallest change of either.

Yea, and the blessed Spirit be,
The Father, Son, and Trinity;
This is the creed of Christian folks,
Who style themselves true orthodox,
All which against plain common sense,
We must believe or give offense.

D. W. Hull asserted that a Trinitarian contends:

That Christ and his Father are one personHe also said that Christ being God, would no more
make him the same person with the Father He later says that Trinitarians say, the Father and
Son are one personThe Father and Son are spoken of as two separate beings. 2

In 1871 an anonymous writer asserted:
The simple language of the Scriptures represents the Father and Son as two distinct persons to
say that Jesus Christ is the very and eternal God makes him His own Son, and his own Father,
and that he came from himself, and went to himself3

D. M. Canright, when referring to Revelation 1:8, stated:

Trinitarians grasp at this text to prove that the Father and Son are only one person. 4

He then asserted:
If Christ is a mediator between the Father and man, how can it be that he and his Father are only
one person? This cannot be so. He and his Father are two distinct persons.

The confusion that we discover seems to have been common among the leaders. R. F. Cottrel made
similar statements to the above:

We understand that the term Trinity means the union of three persons, not offices, in one God; so
that The Father, Son and Holy Ghost, are three at least, and one at most. That one person is three
persons, and that three persons are one person is the doctrine, which we claim, is contrary to
reason and common sense. 5

So much for the confusion among our Pioneers. How can it be denied that they never did understand
the true teaching found in the Trinity doctrine? I would suggest that they were good men, but, like us,
they were not without their misunderstandings and prejudices. Like the twelve Apostles, they
misunderstood many things at first but they were teachable and God was able to use them and lead
them. When the time was ripe, and the necessity arose, the Church moved forward to a greater
understanding of these vital matters. We are privileged today to have much greater light on the subjects

I have to say that if I lived back there and had the same concepts of the Trinity that our leaders had, I
too would have rejected that doctrine. But I must say as well that what they rejected was not the
legitimate doctrine of the Trinity. I have never read even one Trinitarian who had the beliefs that our
Pioneers thought were taught by Trinitarians.

That many of our early believers were still not clear about exactly what God was in 1890 comes
through in a comment by D. T. Bourdeau. The comment is found in The Trinity by Woodrow
Whidden, Jerry Moon, and John W. Reeve. 6

Although we claim to be believers in, and worshipers of, only one God, I have thought that there
are as many gods among us as there are conceptions of the Deity.

However, in a comparatively short while the Church worked its way to a true Scriptural understanding
of various matters related to the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit and became a legitimate Trinitarian
Christian Movement.

Sad to say, heresy, like its originator, dies hard. The Bible tells us that the Devil knows that his time is
short and is therefore going about like a roaring lion endeavouring to devour whoever he can. 1 Peter
5:8. Some who are not really conversant with the facts are still unable to come to terms with the truth
on what Inspiration teaches on the Godhead. I am genuinely sorry about that and would like to help
these people. However, they are usually very dogmatic and unwilling to listen.

The statement of our Church Historian, George Knight, is sometimes seized upon because he said that
our early Pioneers would not be able to join our Church today because of the Trinity doctrine. Of
course they would not if they maintained their early stance. However, I have sufficient confidence in
their integrity to believe that had they lived long enough they would have advanced with the rest of the
Church into the light that we now enjoy. Historian R. W. Schwarz says:
By the end of the century (1800s) the Adventist ministry had largely swung over to viewing the
Trinity as three coequal, coeternal members of the Godhead, united in substance, purpose and
character, but each with His own personality and work. 7

Praise the Lord that our Church has not been stuck with traditions. Our early believers were not content
to let this happen and for this reason they steadfastly refused to offer statements of belief for some time
fearing that they would achieve the status of a Creed. We see ourselves as continuers of the
Reformation and we remain open to a clearer understanding of the Scriptures.

I should also make it clear that the sincerity of many of the people troubling the Church is not
necessarily in question for many good people are lured by the seeming logic of the proponents of
Semi-Arianism. However, it is nevertheless true that some personality types relish the opportunity to
become prominent by their opposition to orthodoxy and they run off with some idea new to them and
by various means publish their immature concepts far and near. As I commented in the Introduction,
such people advertise but they do not have the goods.

NB. From here on I will abbreviate Semi-Arianism and other extensions of Semi-Arian to SA for
convenience sake.


1. The Review and Herald, Volume 9, March 12, 1857, page 146.
2. Ibid. Volume 14, November 10, 1859, page 194.
3. Ibid. Volume 37, June 6, 1871.
4. Ibid. Volume 30, June 18, 1867, pages 2 and 3.
5. Ibid. Volume 34, July 1, 1869, page 10.
6. Whidden, Moon, and Reeve, The Trinity, Review and Herald, Hagerstown, 2002, page 195.
7. R. W. Schwarz, Light Bearers to the Remnant, Pacific Press Publishing Association,
Mountain View, California, 1979, page 168.




It will be my sincere endeavour to state as simply as I can the SA teaching as it has been presented to

At some time in the mystical past God produced from Himself another lesser god who, while being of
the same sort of substance as God was inferior in several aspects. This lesser god was used by the Big
God to create everything else. What is offered is a Big God and a little god.

I must explain at this point that, rather than use the Biblical terms, that they do not truly represent by
their teaching, I feel compelled to view the Father and the Son, as they represent them, as the Big God
and the little god. I mean no offence by this; I simply cannot bring myself to use the Biblical terms for
the falsehoods that SA present.

As a result of the human race becoming sinful, according to SA, the Big God sent the little god to
become a man so that he could, in dying, pay the penalty for mankinds sin thus freeing them from

In becoming a man the little god somehow lost all the powers he had as a god and was even able to die.
The consequence was that while he was a man even though he was still god he retained none of the
benefits of being god. After he died, the Big God raised him from the dead and he returned to heaven to
sit on a throne with the Big God.

Since the return to heaven of the little god, the Big God and the little god stay in heaven but are able to
be in touch with the world by means of the Holy Spirit, which they refer to as the spiritual presence
of the Big God and/or the little god.


The short answer is that it doesnt stand up well at all. However, we must outline the reasons for its
failure so that no doubts should be left to trouble those having questions about this. What we are
studying is of the most vital importance and we must come to conclusions about the matters involved. I
like the way that William G. Johnsson highlighted the importance of Jesus:

To be wrong about Jesus is to be wrong about everything. But to be right about Him is to be right
about what matters most. 1


The Jesus of SA is not the Jesus of the Bible. What we are about to look at is no doubt the most crucial
matter in our review. If the SA teaching is wrong on this point it is wrong on all that is built upon it.
There is not the slightest doubt that SA is wrong on this point.

The aggressive SA will almost invariably offer a verse, probably John 3:16, to prove that Scripture
describes Jesus as the Only-begotten Son of God. Be careful to note though that one of the older
Translations will be offered. Why is this? Because modern Scholarship has shown that the New
Testament Greek word monogenes does NOT mean Only-begotten. What it does mean is something
like unique or only but I emphasize not Only-begotten. Naturally, then, out of the need for
accuracy, modern Translations reflect a correct understanding of the word.


There are many examples of the use of the word to be found in the literature of the ancient world up to
and including the time of the writing of the New Testament. Something like unique or only is used.
The following very interesting comment is found in The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia,
concerning what happened in the Latin Vulgate after New Testament times:

The Old Latin MSS rendered monogenes by Lat. Unicus (only) rather than unigenitus (only
Begotten). In the Vulgate Jerome changed unicus to unigenitus (only begotten) for
theological reasons, ie., to ensure the doctrine that Jesus was begotten, not made. (In passages
that lack this theological interest (Lk. 7:12; 8:42; 9:38) he kept unicus as the translation of Gk.
Monoges.) The Vulgate exercised a formidable influence on the AV and subsequent English
Translations .2

Linguistic studies have shown that genes is not related to the verb gennao (to beget) but rather to the
term genos (class or kind). So, I repeat, the word means something like unique or one of a kind. It
must also be noted that if the Bible writer had wanted to say only-begotten he would have used the
word monogennetos. 3 A perusal of any of the up-to-date Greek Lexicons for New Testament Greek
will verify these facts. Newman and Nida state unequivocally:

There is no doubt regarding the meaning of the Greek word used here (monogenes); it means
only and not only begotten. 4

When we read Hebrews 11:17 we learn of Abrahams near sacrifice of his unique (monogenes) son
Isaac see also Genesis 22:2, 12. Of course we know that Isaac was not Abrahams only son, but he
was the unique son in that the promises to Abraham would continue through him.

The record of how monogenes was twisted to be understood as only-begotten in the early years of
the Christian Church is a fascinating one. I cannot include all of the available information here. It
seems likely that at about the same time that Jerome fiddled with the Latin unicus the word monogenes
was also fiddled with twisting it to mean only-begotten. At about the same time another concept was
introduced, the idea of eternal generation. If Jesus only came into existence at some time and was a
separate god from the Father, this would make two gods and Jesus would not be eternal. So, Jesus was
said to be eternally being born. This seemed to the perpetrators to provide a satisfactory conclusion to
the problem.

The eternal generation concept became standard doctrine and along with only begotten in John 3:16
was carried through the Roman Catholic Church past the Reformation into many Protestant Churches.
Those who fight to perpetuate the error of John 3:16 (only begotten) dont seem to realise that they are
giving support to Roman Catholic doctrine. William Tyndale ignored it and offered only in John
3:16 in his translation rather than only begotten. The King James Version was considerably
influenced by the Vulgate and maintained the rendering only begotten.

Prior to the 20
century it was common practice to render John 3:16 as only begotten. There was
quite an uproar when the Revised Standard Version was published in 1901 because it offered only
rather than only begotten. Some very unkind and unreal things were said about this version.

Today the majority of recent translations deny the validity of only begotten and have something like
only or unique in its place. See The Bible in Basic English, The Contemporary English Version,
Good News Translation, International Standard Version, Jerusalem Bible, The Living Bible, The
Message, New American Bible, New Century Version, New English Bible, The Revised English
Bible, The New International Version, New Revised Standard Version, and the World English Bible.

In the light of all the evidence provided above it would be absolute foolishness for anyone to maintain
the belief that Jesus was somehow born from God. Jesus is absolute Deity and Deity is, it does not
become. However, as I read the literature, that is circularised by many rebel Seventh-day Adventists, I
find that their whole case rests upon their claim that at sometime in the long ages past Jesus was
literally born from God. They dont have the eternal generation concept so they are left with two gods
and Jesus not being eternal. It is vitally important that we become fully conversant with the facts
outlined in this chapter.


Please be very clear on this point, if what the dissenters claim were true it would mean that there are
two gods - an Eternal one and a mortal one. How far from the truth can you get and still expect people
to listen to you? This fact alone reveals that there is no possibility of the dissenters teaching having any
validity or credibility.

Please stop for a moment or two and consider the following by Ellen G. White and compare these
statements with the claim of the Semi-Arians that there was once a time when Jesus did not exist and
then He was somehow born from God ages ago:

[Christ] announced himself to be the self-existent one. 5
In Christ is life, original, unborrowed, underived. 6


Before I go on I will add a little more on the word monogenes for those who like to dig a little deeper.
An excellent study, Gods Only Son, was provided by Dale Moody. In it he was quite clear that
monogenes means something likeonly or unique. 7

J. V. Dahms has not agreed with Moody and wrote the article The Johannine Use Of Monogenes
Reconsidered. He claimed that only begotten is the most accurate translation. 8

Gerard Pendrick later wrote the article MONOGENHE in which he contradicts and nullifies much of
the claims of Dahms. He concludes: the preceding discussion has shown that in all probability
monogenes in John and 1 John means only or unique, it is nevertheless certain that the Johannine
monogenes came soon to be interpreted as only-begotten. 9

In the year 2000 the University of Chicago Press, Chicago, published A Greek-English Lexicon of the
New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature, 3
Edition. On page 658 we find the word
monogenes. Definition 1 is pert. to being the only one of its kind within a specific relationship, one
and only, only. Definition 2 is pert. to being the only one of its kind or class, unique (in kind). Both
Dahm and Pendrick are mentioned. 10

We have every right to maintain our claim that monogenes means only or unique in the writings of
John. Sadly, as Pendrick insinuates, its meaning was changed in the period after the New Testament
was written. The history of that change is briefly revealed above.

Now let us consider the result of what I have revealed. The Divine Jesus was not begotten neither was
He created. These facts are as devastating to the SA case as an exploding Hydrogen bomb would be to
any modern-day city. It completely takes away the jumping off point for the teaching that there is a
little god. Given a little time to think the defensive SA then tries to retreat to dependence upon Jesus
being referred to as the Son of God as though Jesus was the literal Son of the Father. We need also to
clarify the meaning of this term, so, next we turn to examine what Scripture would have us believe
about Jesus when it is used of Him.

The valid facts of Scripture demand that Jesus did not come into existence in any way at any time. He
is God and has always existed. Scripture says that Melchizedek, the ancient King of Salem, was made
to appear to be like Jesus:

Without father or mother, without genealogy, without beginning of days or end of life, like the Son
of God he remains a priest forever. Hebrews 7:3.



In chapter 3 of my book Understanding the Trinity I gave considerable attention to the fact that in the
ancient world to call someone the Son of God could be to refer to them as God. I also revealed the fact
that the Sonship of Jesus was unshared. His was an exclusive Sonship. I quoted Theologian Lorraine
Boettner who certified that there are places in the New Testament where the Sonship of Jesus revealed
the Semitic and oriental ideas of likeness or sameness of nature and equality of being with the Father. I
wont repeat that information here. Rather, I want to highlight what I believe is the meaning of the
Sonship of Jesus in most places.


We must first be very clear of the fact that God has revealed Himself to us in what is termed the
economy of the plan of redemption. This is really what the Bible is all about. The terms Father,
Son, and Holy Spirit, are suitable to help us understand the Heavenly Three and their relationship
to one Another in the plan of redemption. These terms were descriptions specially suited for the people
living in the time and culture when the Scriptures were written more than two thousand years ago.

The Father in a family was the leader. A Son did his fathers bidding. The Holy Spirit was recognised
to be the ever-present invisible influence of God who was there to help and support them. The titles
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit were apt descriptive titles for the Heavenly Trio in the roles they adopted
in the plan of redemption. They were understandable descriptions for the people for whom the Bible
was first written.

Our study has made it crystal clear that Jesus has always existed. Obviously, He has not always been
the Son of God. He could not be the Son of God literally because He is God. He could not be the Son
of Yahweh (Jehovah) because He is Yahweh (Jehovah). Ellen White says, Jehovah is the name given
to Christ.12 His Sonship can only be figurative. Correspondingly, the Father has not always been the
Father. These must have been adopted titles suitable for the parts the Two played in the Plan of
Redemption. This is how the Two were first introduced to the New Testament world. The Father was
the senior controlling member and Jesus the obedient Son who carried out the will of the Father. This
must be the primary answer to the question What does it mean to call Jesus the Son of God?

It will be obvious to all who are well informed that the Three Members of the Trinity are equal in every
possible way. Yet for the purposes of the Plan of Redemption they each adopted a particular role. This
required Jesus to accept a lesser position than the Father. However, position is not nature. In His
Divinity, Jesus was still equal with the Father in nature. Remember that the Bible is written in the
context of the Plan of Redemption. That is really what it is all about the program of God for our

The Record of September 7, 1996 contained the Week of Prayer readings for that year. The reading
for Wednesday is found on pages 12ff. The article is Jesus, the Heavenly Intercessor. It was written
by Gordon Jenson the then President of Spicer Memorial College in Pune, India. I quote a section of
his article found on page 12:

A plan of salvation was encompassed in the covenant made by the Three Persons of the Godhead,
who possessed the attributes of Deity equally. In order to eradicate sin and rebellion from the universe
and to restore harmony and peace, one of the divine Beings accepted, and entered into, the role of the
Father, another the role of the Son. The remaining divine Being, the Holy Spirit, was also to
participate in effecting the plan of salvation. All of this took place before sin and rebellion transpired
in heaven.
By accepting the roles that the plan entailed, the divine Beings lost none of the powers of Deity. With
regard to their eternal existence and other attributes, They were one and equal. But with regard to the
plan of salvation, there was, in a sense, a submission on the part of the Son to the Father.

Consider please the following quotes from the book Seventh-day Adventists Believe: 11


The Father, Son, and Spirit are equally self-existent. Though each is equal, an economy of function
operates within the Trinity. page 71.

In the economy of function, different members of the Godhead perform distinct tasks in saving man.
page 31.

Within the Godhead an economy of function exists. God does not unnecessarily duplicate work. Order
is the first law of heaven, and God works in orderly ways. This orderliness issues from and preserves
the union within the Godhead. The Father seems to act as source, the Son as mediator, and the Spirit
as actualizer or applier. page 30.

So J esus bearing the title Son of God is in no way revealed to be in any way inferior to the Father.
We have no way of knowing how each of these would be referred to outside of the Plan of Redemption.

A thorough study of the Word of God reveals that Jesus adopted many roles in the plan of God for our
salvation. He is the Angel of the Lord, Michael the Archangel, the Rock, the Messiah, the Mediator but
also the Judge, the Great High Priest but also the Sacrificial Lamb, and also the Shepherd, the Son of
God but also the Son of Man, and much more. Yes, He is the Son of God who adopted the subservient
role of a loyal obedient Son. As such He was sent by the Father, the Senior Partner in the program of
the Trinity, to come and die for us. He willingly adopted this role that made Him less than the Father in
position but not in nature. He was God as well as man on earth, and always will be God in the
absolute sense a member of the Holy Trinity.
The efforts of some to demote Jesus from being Eternal God and a member of the Trinity, to being a
sort of demigod, must be condemned and rejected. While doing this they promote a grotesque picture
of God giving birth to Jesus which proves to be out of harmony with the revelation supplied us by God.
Bible believers will join with Thomas and me in praising Jesus as our Lord and our God John 20:28.
If we may be allowed the luxury to speculate a bit we might expect that if the Scriptures were written
today, in our western culture, Inspiration might be expected to use something like the following
descriptions for the Three:
The Father might be referred to as the Architectural Managing Director.
The Son could be said to be the Roving Project Manager.
The Holy Spirit might be described as someone similar to a Field Director and Communications

We do not know how each of the Three Persons would be described apart from the plan of redemption.
Probably, when the work of God for our salvation has been completed, we will be given further
understanding of these things


1. William G. Johnsson, Adventist Review, March 19, 1998, page 5.
2. The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, 1986, Volume 3, page 606.
3. J. H. Moulton and G. Milligan, The Vocabulary of the Greek Testament, Grand Rapids,
Eerdmans, 1930, pages 416, 417.
4. Newman and Nida, A Translators Handbook on the Gospel of John, United Bible Societies,
New York, 1980, page 24.
5. The Desire of Ages, page 469.
6. Ibid. page 530.
7. Dale Moody, Journal of Biblical Literature, Vol. LXXII, December, 1953.
8. J. V. Dahms, The Johannine Use Of Monogenes Reconsidered. New Testament Studies,
Vol. 29, 1983, pp. 222-32.
9. Gerard Pendrick, New Testament Studies, 1995, Vol. 41 pages 587-600.
10. A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature, 3

Edition, by Frederick William Danker, the University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 2000.
11. Seventh-day Adventists Believe, Ministerial Association of the General Conference of
Seventh-day Adventists, 2005 Second Edition:
12. Ellen G. White, SDA Commentary, Vol. 7A, page 439



The SA would have us believe that God brought from Himself something less than He Himself was.
This lesser god (Jesus) was incapable of many things while a man, but was capable of death. We will
investigate these matters as we proceed but for the moment we must accept the evidence for the
absolute Deity of Jesus. This evidence is abundant as was shown at the beginning of this study.

Isaiah prophesied about the incarnate Jesus more than 700 years before He was born as a man:

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he
will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Isaiah

Matthew leaves no doubt about who it was that was coming into the world as our Saviour. He clearly
revealed the status of the coming Jesus at Matthew 1:23:

The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel which
means, God with us.

It is well attested that in ancient times the name of someone was descriptive of their person. When we
talk of Gods name being hallowed, we mean that we want Him to be appreciated for who He is.
Immanuel was never used as a literal name for Jesus, it was rather a description of who He is He was
God with us. Not a lesser-restricted sort of god mind you, but God in the fullest sense. The evidence for
Jesus absolute Deity is abundant. I will not attempt to repeat it all here. A rather full presentation is
contained in my book Understanding the Trinity and objections often raised are answered there. I
again suggest that it should be consulted. Jesus is, without any reservations, described as God on many
occasions. Here are some examples:

John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

The Revised English Bible reveals the true meaning of these words:

In the beginning the Word already was. The Word was in Gods presence, and what God was, the
Word was.

Some SAs have tried to weaken the last statement of John 1:1. They try to assert that it just means
that Jesus had some divine quality about Him. Do not be deceived by this. The word God is a
translation of the Greek word Theos which unquestionably means God. Had J ohn wanted to just
say that Jesus was divine, or had some divine quality, he would have used the Greek word Theios.
John was in no doubt about what He was reporting and we should not be either.

A damning aspect of the SA case is that in depreciating Jesus Deity they are left with the conclusion
that there are two gods. A Big God and a little god. They have been known to say that the Father is
Almighty God but Jesus is just a Mighty God. They therefore cannot escape the charge of Polytheism
that is a belief in more than one god. This in itself is a heresy and is sufficient to throw the SA case on
the scrap heap. I need to emphasize that there is but One God by Nature. In order to justify the claim
that Jesus was another god one proponent of SA stated that in one sense there are hundreds and
thousands of gods. He was trying to have us believe that there are a great number of gods in a limited
sense. This is an unscriptural invention. Jesus is never said to be god in a limited sense. His Deity is
unqualified. He is God full and complete.


Certain people may make gods of wood and stone. Some have made the Devil a god (2 Corinthians
4:4). Others conjure up gods in their minds, while still others think of themselves as a god. The
obstinate fact of Scripture that cannot be denied and which demolishes all such fantasies is that in
reality there is only one true God only one God by nature.

The Scriptural truth is that there never has been and never will be any god by nature apart from the
Trinity God of the Bible. I will quote just a few texts in order to settle the matter:

Isaiah 43:10 Before me no god was formed nor will there be one after me.

Isaiah 44:6 This is what the LORD says Israels King and Redeemer, the LORD Almighty, I am the
first and I am the last; apart from me there is no God.

James 2:19 You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that and shudder.

There are false gods but they are not gods by nature. As Paul said when writing to the Galatians:

Formerly, when you did not know God, you were slaves to those who by nature are not gods.
Galatians 4:8.

It is unquestionably true that some who were acting on behalf of God were called gods. Moses is an
example in a legitimate way and the Devil is an example in an illegitimate way.

Exodus 7:1 The LORD said to Moses, See, I have made you like God to Pharaoh

2 Corinthians 4:4 The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers

The vital point that must be clearly understood is that there is ONLY ONE GOD BY NATURE.

Back to the point Jesus is clearly identified as God by Nature in Scripture.

John 20:28 is the record of the exultant reference of Thomas to Jesus - My Lord and my God.

Romans 9:5 speaks of Christ as God over all, forever praised.

Titus 2:13, 14 proclaim Jesus to be our Great God and Saviour . . . who gave himself for us.

There is not the slightest hint here, or in the other examples quoted in my book, that Jesus was a god of
a lesser sort. Jesus Himself professed to be the great I AM of Exodus 3:14 see John 8:58. The
Jews to whom He made this claim attempted to stone Him for blasphemy but He managed to escape. I
AM is the name Yahweh revealed to Moses in order to identify Himself to the Egyptian Pharaoh.

Jesus was the Creator compare Isaiah 44:24, where Yahweh claims to have created without any
assistance, with Colossians 1:15-17 where Paul reports that not only did Jesus create everything but
that He made it all for Himself. J esus also maintains it all. He is clearly revealed to be Yahweh. Dont
be distracted by the reference to Jesus as firstborn. This is often a symbolic reference used in the
Bible for pre-eminence (compare Exodus 4:22; Jeremiah 31:9; Psalm 89:27 and Job 18:13) and
this is the theme of Colossians 1:15-18 NB verse 18. This is how The Revised English Bible
translates Colossians 1:15:

He is the image of the invisible God; his is the primacy over all creation.

It is interesting to note that the early Church Father Polycarp (c.70-155/160) used the word firstborn
in the same way as Paul: Whoever perverts the sayings of the Lord to his own desires and says there is
neither resurrection or judgment he is the firstborn of Satan. The letter of Polycarp to the Philippians
7:1, 1

Hebrews 1:8-12 is another notable example where Jesus is revealed to have been the Creator. SA get
very confused when they read in one place that Yahweh created all by Himself, and then read that God
created, and then in other places, such as the one just noted, that Jesus was the Creator. Trinitarians

have no problems with all this for they know that what one member of the Trinity does, has the quality
of having been done by all. It is true that God created, Yahweh created on His own, Jesus created, and
the Holy Spirit created. All statements are true and there is no confusion but the non-Trinitarian. SAs
are nonplussed.

Please refer to my notes provided at the beginning of this study for an abundance of evidence
confirming the decision of Christians from the beginning that Jesus is God in the fullest sense. This is
not difficult to accept for Jesus read hearts and minds, accepted worship, forgave sins, raised the dead,
performed miracles, and hears prayers. We can advertise these things because without doubt we have
the goods.


1. Edgar J. Goodspeed, The Apostolic Fathers, An American Translation, Independent Press Ltd.,
London, 1950, page 242.





Jesus, who was God (John 1:1), took upon Himself humanity as well (John 1:14). Make no mistake
about it; He was not a 90% god, or 80%, not 50% but 100% God. Paul left no doubt about this when he

In Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form Colossians 2:9.

Jesus took upon Himself humanity in order that He might die for us Hebrews 2:14. Here we have a
straight contradiction of the SA case. If Jesus as the little god could die, why did he have to become
human to die? Their contention is that when Jesus died both His divinity and his humanity died. We
will remind ourselves of these things a little later in this paper.

There is no evidence that Jesus Deity became ineffective while a man. The SA would have us believe
that Jesus was something like a bird that has had its wings clipped and cant fly anymore. Jesus
attributes of Omnipotence, Omnipresence and Omniscience are what make Him God. These attributes
were unavailable to Him when He was a human, the SA say.

This is what R. L. Reymond says in an article he wrote on the incarnation:

It might suggest that the eternal Logos by the act of incarnation was confined to the human body of
Jesus of Nazareth. The implication of such a construction of the result of the incarnation is that
God the Son, kenotically emptying himself, divested himself of his attribute of being always and
everywhere immediately present in his universe. But to hold such a view is tantamount to
contending that he who enfleshed himself as Jesus of Nazareth, while doubtless more than man, is
not quite God. Divine attributes are not, however, characteristics separate and distinct from Gods
essence that he can set aside when he desires. To the contrary, it is precisely the sum total of Gods
attributes that constitutes the essence of his deity and expresses his divine glory. Jesus, during the
days of his flesh, claimed omnipresence for himself in Matt. 18:20 and 28:20 .1

Jesus was one Person with two natures. Inspiration requires us to accept that there were some things
Jesus did in His Divine Nature and some things He did in His human nature. In His human nature Jesus
was weak and grew tired see Matthew 4:2; 8:24; Mark 15:21 John 4:6. In His Divine Nature He
was Omnipotent. He was able to do such things as calm the wind and the waves with a command see
Matthew 8:26, 27. The following comments by Wayne Grudem are very helpful to our understanding
of the Incarnation:

If someone asks whether Jesus, when he was asleep in the boat, was also continually carrying
along all things by his word of power (Heb. 1:3, authors translation), and whether all things in
the universe were being held together by him at that time (see Col. 1:17), the answer must be yes,
for those activities have always been and will always be the particular responsibility of the second
person of the Trinity, the eternal Son of God. . . Jesus was not just potentially God or someone in
whom God uniquely worked, but was truly and fully God, with all the attributes of God. He was a
Savior, who is Christ the Lord (Luke 2:11). Those who reject this as impossible simply have a
different definition of what is possible than God has, as revealed in Scripture. To say that we
cannot understand this is appropriate humility. But to say that it is not possible seems more like
intellectual arrogance .2

The above statements are illuminating and helpful but more important for Seventh-day Adventists is
the fact that Ellen G. White believed that Jesus still had all of His divine powers available while a man

and at times He used them. The following short study leaves us in no doubt concerning this. First of all
we note her comments on John 10:30:

It seemed that divinity flashed through humanity as Jesus said, I and my Father are one. The
words of Christ were full of deep meaning as He put forth the claim that he and the Father were
of one substance, possessing the same attributes .3

It is evident that normally Jesus lived and thought as a man. It seems that His Divinity was kept below
the threshold of His consciousness. When it pleased the Father His Divinity came to the fore and He
was able to use His Divine attributes. John 5:19 and30 suggest that this was so.

The most convincing way to demonstrate that Jesus maintained His Divine Attributes must surely be to
show that He used them on some special occasions. Please enjoy with me the following thrilling
encounters Jesus had resulting from the use of His Divine Attributes:


At John 3:13 Jesus said that while He was on earth He was also in heaven. Let me quote from The
Revised English Bible:

No one has gone up into heaven except the one who came down from heaven, the Son of Man who
is in heaven.

Unmistakably, Jesus, while on earth claimed that He was in heaven at the same time! It seems probable
that Ellen White was referring to this verse when she commented:

Though Christ humbled Himself to become man, the Godhead was still His ownJesus could yet
speak of Himself as the Son of man in heaven. He was ready to take once more His divine glory
when His work on earth was done .4

The last portion of John 3:13- the Son of Man who is in heaven is not found in all Bible Versions. It
is found however, in other leading translations such as The New English Bible, The Jerusalem Bible,
The King James Version, and The New King James Version. A. M. Hunter clarifies the situation for

These words, omitted by some good MSS, may well belong to the true text, as the N.E.B. assumes.
They are true to Johns thought, which is that Christ does not cease to be with the Father and so
in heaven - even while he walks the ways of earth. 5

In summary we can say that St. Germanus had it right when he wrote in a seventh century hymn:

The Word becomes incarnate
And yet remains on high!

Testimonies to Ministers, page 405 and The Desire of Ages, page 23 refer to the times when Jesus
appeared in the burning bush, the cloud, and the pillar of fire. His glory was veiled but we must not
conclude that His immensity was restricted then. Likewise, there is no reason to assume that the Son of
God was no longer Omnipresent during the time of the incarnation. The facts we are studying show
clearly that He was still Omnipresent. Remember what Jesus said at Matthew 18:20 - He promised that
where two or three are gathered together in His name there am I with them. Please note that this is
stated in the present tense. In other words it was true of Him while still a man.

Jesus bore humanity while on earth, He bears humanity today. Even though he maintains His humanity
today, He promised to be with His followers to the end Matthew 28:20.

At John 4:46-53 we read the moving account of the healing of the son of the nobleman of Capernaum.
Ellen White comments on this incident. Speaking of the Nobleman she says:

He secured an interview with Jesus, told his errand, and besought the Saviour to accompany him to
His home. But already his sorrow was known to Jesus. Before the officer had left his home, the

Saviour had beheld his affliction. (Emphasis supplied). 6

There are other illuminating statements such as this. She brings to our attention Jesus meeting with
the paralytic and we read such comments as:

While the paralytic was yet at home, the Saviour had brought conviction to his conscienceJesus
had watched the first glimmer of faith grow into a belief that He was the sinners only helper, and
had seen it grow stronger with every effort to come into His presence. (Emphasis supplied). 7

There are yet further amazing comments related to the incidents involved with the death of Lazarus:

The disciples marvelled at Christs words when He said, Lazarus is dead. And I am gladthat I
was not there. Did the Saviour by His own choice avoid the home of His suffering friends?
Apparently Mary and the dying Lazarus were left alone. But they were not alone. Christ beheld
the whole scene, and after the death of Lazarus the bereaved sisters were upheld by His grace.
Jesus witnessed the sorrow of their rent hearts, as their brother wrestled with his strong foe, death.
(Emphasis supplied). 8

It hardly seems necessary to assert that Jesus was not present in the sickroom of Lazarus in the form of
a man, He was there as the Omnipresent God.

John 1:47-51 is the account of the meeting of J esus and Nathanael. Jesus told him that He knew him
and saw him before He had met him. Nathanael recognised that what had happened required
supernatural qualities in Jesus. In verse 50 Jesus affirmed that He had used powers not available to
other men.


J ohn 4:1-42 contains the record of the delightful encounter Jesus had with the woman of Samaria.
Verse 29 testifies to the Omniscience of Jesus. Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did,
said the woman. Here are Ellen Whites discerning remarks on verse 35:

He who knew all things perceived that she would make right use of knowledge (Emphasis
supplied). 9
See also John 21:17 for Peters similar statement.

He had given them such repeated evidence that He could read the hearts of others.10

Christs heart had said How can I give thee up? He had dealt with Israel as a loving, forgiving
father would deal with an ungrateful, wayward child. With the eye of Omniscience He saw that
the city of Jerusalem had decided her own destiny. (Emphasis supplied). 11


Colossians 1:17 and Hebrews 1:3 reveal that it is Jesus who maintains the Universe as a Cosmos.
This must have been true of Him even during the time of the Incarnation. Speaking of His years at
Nazareth Ellen White says:

He whose word of power upheld the worlds would stoop to relieve a wounded bird.12

He was equal with God, infinite and omnipotent. He could pay the ransom for mans freedom. He is
the eternal self-existing Son13

With Christ is Omnipotence. He alone is able to keep that which I have committed to His trust
against that day.14

Only God is Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent, so Jesus was God with all of His attributes
available while a man on earth. The above facts also show that Jesus was Deity in the fullest sense and
that such aberrations as Arianism are totally out of harmony with Inspiration and must be rejected as

serious heresy. There were two sides to the God-man Jesus He was Gods perfect man and mans
perfect God.

That Ellen White believed in the absolute Deity of Jesus cannot reasonably be denied in the light of all
that has been revealed above.

Remember that Pilate was able to refer to J esus as a man (Matthew 27:24) while Paul revealed Him to
be the Lord of glory (1 Corinthians 2:8).

Inspiration requires us to accept that Jesus was God in the fullest sense. There is no way that He could
make Himself less than God in Nature. He voluntarily assumed humanity and veiled His Deity. He
voluntarily gave up the independent exercise of His Divine attributes and only used them when
prompted to by the Father in heaven (see John 5:19, 30; 6:38 and 8:29). They were never used for His
personal comfort or benefit but only in the interest of others. Unless He had these Divine attributes
though, all the temptations that the Devil brought to Him, trying to entice Him to use His Divine
powers for His own benefit, would have been meaningless.

The above statements revealing that while on Earth Christs Omnipotence, Omnipresence, and
Omniscience were still available to Him are undeniable. However, there are some who rely solely on
the following statement in support of their claim that Christ had none of His attributes available to Him
as a man. Let us first look at the statement concerned:

The Holy Spirit is Christ's representative, but divested of the personality of humanity, and
independent thereof. Cumbered with humanity, Christ could not be in every place personally.
Therefore it was for their interest that He should go to the Father, and send the Spirit to be His
successor on earth. No one could then have any advantage because of his location or his personal
contact with Christ. By the Spirit the Saviour would be accessible to all. In this sense He would be
nearer to them than if He had not ascended on high.15

How can the above statements and this one be reconciled? It seems clear enough that His followers
were dependent upon the visible man Christ Jesus with whom they associated for their comfort,
blessing, and support. However, as the work spread far and near this support, according to their
understanding, could only be limited to an isolated place in the world. It was better for them that the
Divine Spirit be their Comforter and that they get to understand that He can be everywhere at the same
time. They did gain this mature understanding, as a reading of the Bible book of Acts will confirm.


1. R. L. Reymond, Incarnation, Evangelical Dictionary of Theology, Baker Book House,
Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1984, pages 555, 556.
2. Wayne Grudem, Systematic Theology, IVP, Leicester, 1994, page 559.
3. E. G. White, Signs of the Times, November 27, 1893, page 54.
4. E. G. White, The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 5, page 1129.
5. A. M. Hunter, The Gospel According to John, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,
1965, page 38.
6. E. G. White, The Desire of Ages, pages 196-198.
7. E. G. White, Ibid. page 268.
8. E. G. White, Ibid. page 528.
9. E. G. White, Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 5, page 1134.
10. E. G. White, Ibid. Volume 5, page 1125.
11. E. G. White, Ibid. Volume 5, page 1098.
12. E. G. White, The Desire of Ages, page 74.
13. E. G. White, The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 5, page 1136.
14. E. G. White, Manuscript Releases Volume Fifteen, page 101.
15. E. G. White, The Desire of Ages, page 669.




After all the discrepancies we have noted in the SA proposals we now come to a place where they think
they can gain a victory. In actual fact this is another place where their contentions run head on into
what God has clearly revealed. Their argument is devastated here. They think to score heavily because
if God cannot die they insist that the sacrifice of Jesus was just a human sacrifice. On the other hand
Trinitarians have to point out that the SA Jesus wasnt really God, he was just a god of sorts. Their god
is often referred to as a demi-god. Their little god could die and was therefore a finite being. To them
He was a toothless Tiger while a man. Do not forget either that their teaching is a heresy because it
causes them to have two gods and this is a miniature form of Polytheism which is paganism.

Matters related to the Incarnation as proposed by the SA may seem simple and convincing to the
uninformed. However, they will find no foothold in the minds of those who are sincere and properly
informed. The little finite god of the SA cannot stand in the light of what Scripture teaches and would
be quite insufficient as a sacrifice to atone for the sin of the world.

We must surely agree with Ellen White who says on page 44 of Our High Calling, No finite being
could make atonement.

Websters Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary defines finite as:

1a: having definite or definable limits b: having a limited nature or existence.

This is a description of the SA concept of Jesus. According to Ellen White Jesus would have had to
have an infinite existence. Here now is the Dictionary definition of infinite:

1: subject to no limitation or external determination 2: extending indefinitely: ENDLESS. Etc.

That Jesus had an infinite Divine nature is testified again by Ellen White when she says:

He was equal with God, infinite and omnipotent. He could pay the ransom for mans freedom. He is
the eternal self-existing Son1

I freely confess that there are many things involved with Jesus being God and man at the same time
that are beyond my comprehension. However, if the death of the God-man at the end of His earthly
experience causes puzzlement, what about His conception and birth at the other end? How could the
great Creator (the Word) become part of a tiny seed in the womb of a little virgin girl? No matter how
much time one spends on that confusing event we will still move away baffled by what God would
have us believe. Mystified? Yes! Sceptical? No! Because what we are informed about is part of what
our gracious God tells us in His Word! So too, we try humbly to understand what happened when Jesus
took our place in paying the penalty for our sin.

SAs need to remember that sin is an infinite problem. It has affected the whole of creation, at least on
planet Earth. How could any sacrifice that was of less than Infinite value atone for this sinfulness? I
would like to know what there was about the SA little god that made it possible for him to atone for
this infinite problem in the minds of SA? For my part I can accept and appreciate the delightful way
that John Stott describes the situation:

The concept of substitution may be said, then, to lie at the heart of both sin and salvation. For the
essence of sin is man substituting himself for God, while the essence of salvation is God substituting
himself for man. Man asserts himself against God and puts himself where only God deserves to be;
God sacrifices himself for man and puts himself where only man deserves to be. Man claims
prerogatives, which belong to God alone; God accepts penalties, which belong to man alone .2


Nothing less than the substitution of the Infinite God could be sufficient to settle the sin problem. A
representative Seventh-day Adventist statement on this is found in the book Seventh-day Adventists

When He became incarnate, Christ did not cease to be God, nor was His divinity reduced to the
level of humanity. Each nature kept its standing. In Him, Paul says, dwells all the fullness of the
God-head bodily (Col. 2:9). At the crucifixion His human nature died, not His deity, for that
would have been impossible. 3

We must always remember that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ. 2 Corinthians

At this point I think it necessary to make some comments related to the full dimension of the problem
and how the God-man came to meet it. We need to ask, Was the fate that the God-man was to
substitute for us just death? Certainly, death is a consequence of sin. But Jesus had to deal with much
more than this death for us. We need to remember that it is the Second Death that is the ultimate
penalty for sin. At the end of the Age, those who have accepted the benefits of Christs sacrifice for us
will receive the benefit of eternal life. Those who have not accepted J esus as their Saviour will suffer
the separation from God from which there is no resurrection this is the Second Death. This is really
what Romans 6:23 is talking about. Listen to it:

The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Revelation 20:14, 15 explain further:

The lake of fire is the second death. If anyones name was not found written in the book of life, he
was thrown into the lake of fire.

Those who accept Jesus as their Saviour have their name inserted in the Lambs Book of Life.
Obviously then, Jesus saves from the Second Death. We know that Jesus died for us on the Cross of
Calvary, but what happened to link that with the Second Death? The movie The Passion revealed the
terrifying experience and suffering that Jesus went through physically, but it did not reveal His real
agony. We can again thank Ellen White for the following insight:

the wrath of God, and the terrible manifestation of his displeasure of iniquity, filled the soul of his
Son with consternation. The withdrawal of the divine countenance from the Saviour, in this hour of
supreme anguish, pierced his heart with a sorrow that can never be understood by man. Sin, so
hateful to his sight, was heaped upon him till he groaned beneath its weight. The despairing agony
of the Son of God was so much greater than his physical pain, that the latter was hardly felt by

As we try to identify more closely with His final 24 hours we notice that Inspiration makes it clear that
His suffering began not on the Cross but in the Garden of Gethsemane. Jesus went with Peter, James,
and John to the garden on the night before His Crucifixion:

He said to them, My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow, to the point of death . . . Going a little
further, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be
taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will. . . He went away a second time and prayed, My
Father, if it is not possible for this cup to be taken away unless I drink it, may your will be done.
Matthew 26:38-42.

Luke amplifies for us the great anxiety and misery that Jesus was experiencing by adding the fact that
being in anguish, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the
ground Luke 22:44.

Can we have any real appreciation of what was going on there in the garden? Can we for even a
moment truly imagine the anguish Jesus felt as the guilt and penalty of the whole world pressed upon
Him? He was already experiencing the wrath of God and He could hardly stand up under the enormous
load. His agony, His sorrow, is something that you and I never could and never will have to bare. No
other man has ever known or really experienced the full consequence of the curse of sin. No other man

than Jesus has ever felt the full wrath of God, Jesus experienced it for us and the most wonderful part
of it all is that He did it voluntarily.

We are permitted to gain only a glimpse of what was going on within Jesus during this final period of
His life. There are many things that took place while J esus suffered for us that seem quite paradoxical
but they are nevertheless true. God was pouring out His wrath upon Christ but was nevertheless
suffering with Him because they are both part of the Triune God. Listen to Ellen White on this:

God Himself was crucified with Christ; for Christ was one with the Father.5

What happens to one member of the Trinity is experienced by them all for They are all One.

There are many who have thought that the Father had no part in the sufferings of the Son; but this is
a mistake. The Father suffered with the Son6

Remember too Acts 20:28: Be shepherds of the Church of God, which he bought with his own blood.

On the Cross Jesus offered the heart wrenching agonizing cry, My God, My God, why have you
forsaken me? Jesus, as our sin-bearer, was forsaken but yet all the while the Father was there with
Him hidden in the darkness. We thank God then for Jesus cry of faith, Into your hands I commend
my spirit. Despite His feelings He remained faithful to the task right to the end.

Can you agree with me that from the time in the Garden of Gethsemane to His death on the Cross,
Jesus was more and more experiencing the Second Death which is separation from God? Finally, even
from the depths of His Divinity, when the full impact of the experience came to His full realization, He
cried out in utter despair Why have you forsaken me? It seemed as though separation from God was
complete. It was as though the Trinity had been rent first, then the rending of His flesh, and then the
rending of the Temple curtain from top to bottom. I marvel at what God has done for us and it leaves
me in almost astonished silence. Who am I to think to explain what was going on in the heart and mind
of the Divine human Jesus? I desperately want to understand and I believe that God wants us to
appreciate as much as we can what He has revealed to us. I nevertheless realize my limitations so I
leave myself open to further understanding.

If anyone tries to tell you that they can comprehend all that happened in the experience of J esus in His
life and death, do not believe them. Maybe one day God will help us to understand a little more for we
shall marvel at what God has done for us throughout the ages of eternity. We will never exhaust the
theme. We will eternally remain astonished and yet thrilled by it.

Amazing love! How can it be
That Thou, my God, shouldst die for me? Charles Wesley.


I want to back-pedal a little and respond to a question that will be in some peoples minds. The
question is something like this: How could the Divinity of Jesus benefit us when His Divinity did not
die? We need to explore this point a little. Let me ask a question in response: Why did the Word
become a man? Hebrews 2:14, 15 clarify by showing that Jesus became a man so that He could die
for us:

Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he
might destroy him who holds the power of death that is the devil - and free those who all their
lives were held in slavery by their fear of death.

Verse 9 says:
He suffered death, so that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone.

I think it was Martin Luther who said that the Bible can be summed up in four words:

He took my place.


He could not die as God and had to become a man in order to die. Does this not require that only His
humanity died? As we examine other matters in the Scriptural record we will see that the Divine Jesus
provided benefits for humans by means of His humanity. In other words His humanity was, in a sense,
an instrument of His Divinity. Think of these few examples from among the many that could be

1. Who provided the extra wine for the wedding in Cana? Of course it was the Divinity of Jesus
that made the wine available and it was distributed by His humanity see John 2:1-11.

2. Mark 5:25-35 contains the story of a woman touching the garment of J esus and being healed.
Was it the humanity of Jesus that healed her? Verse 30 says, At once Jesus realized that
power had gone out from him. He turned around in the crowd and asked, Who touched my
From the perspective of His humanity Jesus hardly knew what had happened. Do humans
normally have such power as was displayed here? Of course not! It was the Divinity of J esus
working through His humanity that provided the healing.
3. What about when Lazarus was raised from the dead? It was the command of the human lips of
Jesus that brought the resurrection about. But did His humanity or His divinity provide the
power? There is only one possible answer His Divinity provided the power see John

Interestingly, Ellen White asserts that This crowning miracle, the raising of Lazarus, was to set the
seal of God on His work and on His claim to divinity. 7

It is not difficult to see that Jesus Divinity worked through His humanity, which was like an
instrument of His Divinity.

Now then, when Jesus died, where did the quality that made His death of infinite value come from?
From His humanity? Obviously not. From His Divinity? Yes, of course, it was providing the death of
Jesus with that quality. Jesus Divinity suffered everything that His humanity suffered, and more, in
His dying and death. There was nothing that His Divinity did not suffer as compared with His
humanity right up to the point of unconsciousness in death. At the point of death there was no more a
living God-man and Divinity had flavoured that death with Divine quality. That is why 1 Corinthians
2:8 can report that the rulers had crucified the Lord of glory. Acts 20:28 admonishes, Be shepherds
of the church of God, which he brought with his own blood.

I received a great deal of pleasure in discovering that Wayne Grudem had some further thoughts
similar to my own. I think you would enjoy them so I share them with you:

If I type a letter, even though my feet and toes had nothing to do with typing the letter, I do not tell
people, My fingers typed a letter and my toes had nothing to do with it (though that is true).
Rather, I tell people, I typed a letter. That is true because anything that is done by one part of me
is done by me. Thus, Christ died for our sins (1 Cor. 15:3). Even though actually only his human
body ceased living, ceased functioning, it was nonetheless Christ as a person who died for our sin.
This is simply a means of affirming that whatever can be said of one nature or the other can be said
of the person of Christ. Therefore it is correct for Jesus to say, I am leaving the world (John
16:28), or I am no more in the world (John 17:11), but at the same time to say, I am with you
always (Matt. 28:20). Anything that is done by one nature or the other is done by the person of
Christ .8

When the final words of Jesus It is finished (John 19:30) were uttered from the Cross, the terrible
work of the Devil, working through humanity, was done and seemed to be triumphant. At the same
time the wonderful work of God, working through Jesus humanity, was finished as well and seemed to
have been a failure. However, because of the resurrection, the work of the Devil was shown to be a
dismal failure and the work of God was shown to be a magnificent triumph.
I conclude this section by saying that there is one thing absolutely certain that is that God accepted
the sacrifice of J esus and I humbly acknowledge, So do I.

Upon a life I did not live; Upon a death I did not die;
Upon anothers death, anothers life, I risk my soul eternally.


1. Ellen G. White, The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 5, page 1136.
2. John Stott, The Cross of Christ, Inter-Varsity Press, Leicester, 1986, page 160.
3. Seventh-day Adventists Believe, Second Edition, Pacific Press Publishing Association,
Boise, ID. 2000. page 59.
4. Ellen G. White, The Signs of theTimes, November 25, 1889, page 706.
5. Ellen G. White, The Faith I Live By, page 50.
6. Ellen G. White, The Signs of the Times, November 25, 1889, page 706.
7. Ellen G. White, The Desire of Ages, page 529.
8. Wayne Grudem, Systematic Theology, Inter-Varsity Press, Leicester, 1994, page 562.





Are these two statements contradictory? If it were not for the fact that the Trinity doctrine is true they
would be. We need to explore this question more fully.

Most New Testament writers on the subject simply state that God raised Him back to life see for
example Acts 2:23, 24. But we must listen as well to the report found in the Gospel of John chapter

Then the Jews demanded of him, What miraculous sign can you show us to prove your authority to
do all this? Jesus answered them, Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days.. . .
the temple he had spoken of was his body. After he was raised from the dead, his disciples recalled
what he had said.

Here Jesus was predicting that He would raise Himself from the grave. We also have His words at
John 10:17, 18:

The reason my Father loves me is that I lay down my life only to take it up again. No one takes it
from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it
up again. This command I received from my Father.

Do we have a conflict arising from these statements? Did the Father raise Jesus or did the resurrection
result from the Divinity of Jesus bringing the God-man back to life? Remember that Jesus, during the
time of His life on earth, only used His Divine powers at the instigation of the Father. Additionally, we
recall that these powers were never used for His personal comfort or benefit. Jesus says that He had
received authority from the Father to both lay down His life and take it again. The Father was no doubt
then, involved in the resurrection, but so was Jesus because at that time He could use His Divine
powers on His own behalf. When Jesus called Lazarus forth from the grave He used the Divine power
that was eternally His. Now He could use that same power on His own behalf. I dont think there is
much value in discussing this matter further a statement from Ellen White should settle the matter for

When the voice of the angel was heard saying, Thy Father calls thee. He who had said, I lay
down my life, that I might take it again, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up,
came forth from the grave to life that was in Himself. Deity did not die. Humanity died, but Christ
now proclaims over the rent sepulcher of Joseph, I am the resurrection, and the life. In His
divinity Christ possessed the power to break the bonds of death. He declares that He had life in
Himself to quicken whom He will. . . Only He who alone hath immortality, dwelling in light and life,
could say, I have power to take it again. All the human beings in our world take their life from
Him. He is the spring the fountain of life (MS 131, 1897) .1

I must move on but before doing so I want to emphasise the statement just reported from the pen of
Ellen G. White. SDA Semi-Arians fail badly when they try to condemn SDA Trinitarians because we
say that the Divinity of Jesus did not die. I have been scoffed at because of this. However, this is
exactly what Ellen White says in the above statement and in many other places. I must pause even for
another moment to point out that Mrs. White refers to J esus as He who alone hath immortality,
dwelling in light of life. Have you heard that expression before? Of course you have, she is referring
the words of 1 Timothy 6:16 to Jesus:

who alone is immortal and who lives in unapproachable light

Ellen White is unmistakeably showing that Jesus is the Supreme Deity and as such He was able to take
His life back again from the grave. Where does all this leave the SDA Semi-Arians and their proposed
little god that they say dies completely and could not raise himself from death and the grave? Their
case is devastated and must be thrown on the scrap heap! It is true without a doubt that if you dont
have the goods, you shouldnt advertise.


1. Ellen G. White, The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 5, page 1113.




Trinitarians find no problem in accepting that the Father and Jesus, either individually or together, can
come to us through the Holy Spirit. This is not a problem because all three are the One God. What one
does has the value of them all doing it. The SA on the other hand have an enormous problem in
declaring that the Big God and the little god come to us via the Holy Spirit. To them, when the Spirit
comes to us, it is the spiritual presence of either the Big God, or the little god, or both. There is a great
breakdown here from the point of view of both Scripture and logic. The SA teach that the Big God and
the little god are quite separate individuals. This being so, how can their holy spirit, which clearly
comes from the Big God, be said to also come from the little god? There is no Scriptural warrant for
this and they also have a great gap in their logic! There is no doubt that the Holy Spirit is a Person.
Consider please the following brief points certifying the truthfulness of this claim:


We do not learn much of His personality in the Old Testament, however, revelation is progressive
(Romans 16:25, 26; Ephesians 3:5, 6) and the Old Testament also leaves us in doubt as to the nature of
the Word (e.g. Psalm 33:6) but the New Testament makes it quite clear that He is a Person and is in
fact God John 1:1-3, etc. We cannot understand much about the personality and nature of the Holy
Spirit for He is far different to us. However, the following references insist upon His personality.

a. He performs personal actions in association with other persons: Matthew 28:19; Acts
15:28; Revelation 22:17 NB The Holy Spirit is a separate person from the Father and Jesus
Matthew 28:19 etc.

b. He takes the place of Jesus: J ohn 14:16. Jesus said another Comforter would take His
place with us. The word another is the English translation of the Greek word allos, which
means another of the same sort. Only another Divine Person of the Trinity could take the
place of Jesus. An impersonal force could hardly take the place of the Divine Jesus on earth.
W. E. Vine clarifies this for us:

ALLOS (allos) and HETEROS (heteros) have a difference in meaning, which despite a
tendency to be lost, is to be observed in numerous passages. Allos expresses a numerical
difference and denotes another of the same sort; heteros expresses a qualitative difference and
denotes another of a different sort. Christ promised to send another Comforter (allos, another
like Himself, not heteros), John 14:16. 1

The Greek word translated Comforter, Helper, or similar here is parakletos. This New
Testament Greek word is never applied to other than persons. I could not accuse Jesus of
fooling us by saying He would send someone else to take His place when all the while He was
coming back to be with us in the guise of the Holy Spirit.

Take your pick:
1. Jesus was genuine when He said another was to come to take His place.
2. Jesus deceived us into thinking He was going when all the time He knew He would be
back as the Holy Spirit.
Which did you choose?

c. In John chapters 14-16 Jesus many times over deliberately broke the rules of Greek
Grammar and referred to the Holy Spirit as He, Him, etc. Noted Theologians such as
Leon Morris and J. I. Packer have pointed this out. Our own Scholar Woodrow Whidden,


We should observe that while the word Spirit (Greek pneuma) is in the neuter gender in
Greek, the personal pronoun ekeinos (that one, or He, clearly used to refer to the neuter
Spirit) is in the masculine gender. It is this grammatical fact that has led the majority of
translators to render the other personal pronouns called for in these passages as He rather
than it or that one 2

The Greek word for Spirit is a neuter word and therefore should rightly be referred to as it
but a perusal of Bible translations will confirm that because of what Whidden has stated Bible
translators feel compelled to translate various pronouns as He etc. We must either accept
that Jesus did this in order to make it clear to us that the Holy Spirit is a Person, or, we have to
accept that our perfect Jesus made a number of uncharacteristic blunders.

d. He exhibits qualities which evidence personal existence:
Mind Romans 8:27; 1 Corinthians 2:10, Will 1 Corinthians 12:11, Foreknowledge John
16:13, He speaks Acts 1:16, Commands and Forbids Acts 8:29; 11:12; 13:2, 4; (In these
verses just mentioned He refers to Himself as me and I.) 16:6, 7; 10:19, 20, Appoints
Acts 20:28, Vexed and Grieved Isaiah 63:10; Ephesians 4:30, Works Miracles Acts 2:4;
8:39, Can be insulted Hebrews 10:29 (Can an impersonal force be insulted?), Blasphemed
Mark 3:29, Loves us Romans 15:30.


Most, even those who deny the personality of the Holy Spirit will admit that He is God in some way.

a. He is clearly referred to as God: Acts 5:3, 4. Compare 1 Corinthians 3:16, 17 with 6:19 and
also 2 Corinthians 6:16. Compare 1 Corinthians 12:11 with 12:28.

b. The Holy Spirit is Yahweh: Compare Jeremiah 31:33, 34 with Hebrews 10:15-17.
Psalm 95:7-11 with Hebrews 3:7-11.
Isaiah 6:9,10 with Acts 28:25-28.
2 Samuel 23:2 with 2 Samuel 23:3.

c. The Holy Spirit is Eternal: Hebrews 9:14.

It is futile to try and argue that the Holy Spirit is not a Person and that He is not God. The evidence
speaks for itself. We have the goods when we make this claim and we should not hesitate in advertising
1. W. E. Vine, An Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words, page 60, Oliphants,
London, 1950.
2. The Trinity, Review and Herald Publishing Association, Hagerstown, 2002, page 71.





Some anti-Trinitarian Adventists say that Ellen White teaches contrary to the Trinity and the belief that
the Holy Spirit is a Person. They contend that the Holy Spirit is Jesus and/or the Father. I wish to
digress for a moment or two to show from Scripture that Jesus is not the Holy Spirit. Here are a few
references that clearly show this to be so:

Jesus birth was due to the Holy Spirit Matthew 1:20.
The prophet Isaiah foretold that the Spirit would rest on Jesus Isaiah 11:1, 2.
John the Baptist was told to recognise Jesus when the Spirit came upon Him John 1:32, 33.
Acts 10:38 tells of God anointing Jesus with the Holy Spirit.
The record of this happening at Jesus baptism can be found at Matthew 3:13-17; Mark 1:9-11; Luke
3:21, 22; John 1:31-34.

If we substitute the name Jesus for the Holy Spirit when He is mentioned; we see how ridiculous
the claim that Jesus is the Holy Spirit really is. For example: Isaiah foretold that Jesus would rest on
Jesus. After His baptism Jesus was led by Jesus into the wilderness.

We could not possibly accept that the Holy Spirit is Jesus when Ellen White says The Holy Spirit is the
Comforter, in Christs name. He personifies Christ, yet is a distinct personality. 1

How could the Holy Spirit be said to personify Christ if He is Christ? If He is a distinct personality,
how can we say other than that He is not Christ?

After His baptism Jesus is led by the Spirit into the wilderness Matthew 4:1. Shall we say that Jesus
was led by Jesus into the wilderness?


In the following passages we will substitute the name Father or God for the Holy Spirit when the
Spirit is mentioned:

God has revealed it to us by God. God searches all things, even the deep things of God 1 Corinthians
No one knows the thoughts of God except God 1 Corinthians 2:11.
May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of God, be with you all
2 Corinthians 13:14.
Does God give you God and work miracles among you . . . ? Galatians 3:5.
We have access to the Father by the Father Ephesians 2:18.
You are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by God Ephesians 2:22.
At John 14:26 Jesus advised that the Father would send the Holy Spirit. Would He be sending

These are just a sample that illustrates the point that the Father is not the Holy Spirit.

It is quite ridiculous to say that the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Jesus or the Father and not a third Person
for when Jesus was baptised we have the Father who spoke from heaven, we have Jesus being baptised

in the river Jordan, and we have the Holy Spirit coming down upon Jesus in the form of a dove. How
can it possibly be denied that we have Three here?


The plain truth is that she teaches that the Holy Spirit is a Person of the Godhead who is not Jesus or
the Father. He is the Third Person of the Trinity.

The Holy Spirit is a person, for he beareth witness with our spirits that we are the children of God
The Holy Spirit has a personality; else he could not bear witness to our spirits and with our
spirits that we are the children of God. He must be a divine person, else he could not search out the
secrets which lie hidden in the mind of God. 2

We have been brought together as a school, and we need to realize that the Holy Spirit, who is as
much a person as God is a person, is walking through these grounds3

Such statements as this are displeasing to the dissenters so they try desperately to change the obvious
and clear meaning of it but their case is far less than convincing. The following statement settles the

The Father is all the fullness of the Godhead bodily, and is invisible to mortal sight. The Son is all
the fullness of the Godhead manifested. The Word of God declares Him to be the express image of
His person. God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever
believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Here is shown the personality of the
The Comforter that Christ promised to send after He ascended to heaven, is the Spirit in all the
fullness of the Godhead, making manifest the power of divine grace to all who receive and believe
in Christ as a personal Saviour. There are three living persons of the heavenly trio; in the name of
these three great powers the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit those who receive Christ by
living faith are baptized and these powers will co-operate with the obedient subjects of heaven in
their efforts to live the new life in Christ. 4

I am astonished that some people are either unaware of statements such as these or they
somehow distort them. Each of the three Persons in the heavenly trio (not a duo) is said to be
all the fullness of the Godhead. How could this be said of them unless they were each fully
God? It could not! Furthermore, they are three great powers not two! Ellen White distinctly
says, there are three living persons.

Because the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are all the One God in Triunity (Trinity), what one does
has the value of them all doing it. When the Holy Spirit comes to us it is the same as the Father coming
to us, or of Jesus coming to us, or of the whole Three coming to us. The Holy Spirit is sometimes
referred to as the Spirit of Christ Romans 8:9, 10; Galatians 4:6; Philippians 1:19, etc. Luke 21:15
says Jesus will tell His followers what to say in time of trouble while Mark 13:11 says it is the Holy
Spirit Who will do this. This is where some dissidents have become confused. They think that Jesus
and the Holy Spirit are the same Person or that the Holy Spirit is some force that comes from Jesus and
the Father. The truth is that Jesus and the Holy Spirit are the same God not the same Person.
Remember the baptismal formula of Matthew 28:19, 20 where they are spoken of as separate Persons.
John 14:18 tells that Jesus will come to His followers Verse 23 says that both the Father and the Son
will make their abode with believers. Verse 26 indicates that this will be through the Holy Spirit see
also verse 28 first part. There is no need for confusion there are Three Persons all working in perfect
harmony as One God. What One does is inevitably done by them all because They are a Trinity.

Ellen White says that Jesus is present in the person of His representative, the Holy Spirit. 5

Could it be made any clearer that the Holy Spirit is not Jesus but that He can represent Jesus? He is
clearly a different Person of the Godhead. This fact can be seen in many places. Here is an example:


Sin could be resisted and overcome only through the mighty agency of the Third Person of the
Godhead, who would come with no modified energy, but in the fullness of divine power .6

We should also note that on this same page Ellen White used personal pronouns when referring to the
Holy Spirit:

The Comforter is called the Spirit of truth. His work is to define and maintain the truth. He first
dwells in the heart as the Spirit of truth. . . He exposes error, and expels it from the soul. . .6

Here is another example:

Did you recognize His presence? Did you accord Him the honor due to a heavenly messenger? 7

Ellen White plainly believed that the Holy Spirit is a Person, the Third Person of the Godhead.

What more could we possibly ask for than the evidence available from Scripture and from Ellen
White? Ill tell you what else we need! It is a surrendered heart and mind. Only then can we accept the

Before closing this chapter I want to tell of an old book that I have in my library. 8
At the time of writing G. B. Thompson was the Secretary of the North American Division. Ellen White
was still alive at this time. On page 63 of his book Thompson says:

The Holy Spirit is not merely an influence, or power, or some enthusiasm; but, as the word paraclete
suggests, a personality with a mind, thinking, planning, interceding, exerting an influence, wielding a
power, awakening enthusiasm.

A little further down on the same page he says:

The Godhead is incomprehensible. But Christ used a word which means a person, and the Spirit
himself, speaking to the church through a chosen instrument, calls the holy Spirit the third person of
the Godhead. In view of these statements, if for no other reason, we feel warranted in attributing
personality to the Holy Spirit.

So in the time of Ellen White we have the Secretary of the North American Division understanding
Ellen White and the Bible to be saying that the Holy Spirit is a Person.

I almost forgot to mention that some anti-Trinitarian Adventists charge that the Church has altered the
writings of Ellen White to make them conform to our belief in the Trinity. This reveals a sad state of
affairs when people have to resort to this sort of thing. It reveals that the statements we present really
do teach the Divinity of Jesus and the Divinity and Personality of the Holy Spirit. The charge is easily
refuted in a paper prepared by Tim Poirier, Those interested should read and/or download the paper
Ellen Whites Trinitarian Statements: What Did She Actually Say? by Tim Poirier. This can be
found at The photographs of Ellen White originals easily show that the charge of
interfering with her writings is just a miserable falsehood.


1. Ellen G. White, Manuscript Releases, No. 20, page 324.
2. Ellen G. White, Evangelism, pages 616, 617.
3. Ellen G. White, Manuscript Releases, Volume 7, page 299.
4. Ellen G. White, Testimonies Series B, No. 7, pages 62, 63.
5. Ellen G. White, Manuscript Releases Volume 12, page 145.
6. Ellen G. White, The Desire of Ages, page 671.
7. Ellen G. White, Testimonies, volume 8, page 61.
8. The Ministry of the Spirit, by G. B. Thompson, Review and Herald, Washington, 1914.





Illustration: An Amoeba is a microscopic single cell creature. There is a great gap between an
Amoeba and a human made up of millions of cells. Shouldnt we expect the gap between a
human and the Infinite God to be enormously greater? We would expect God to be vastly
more complex than we are. See Isaiah 40:18, 25.


For example, light. Some say it is made up of particles, others say it is composed of waves.
Yet others say it is a combination of both. We might not understand light but we believe it
does exist. We dont know how could God always have existed? How can He know the end
from the beginning? Christians dont understand these things but we believe them.


Illustrations: God is like a very tall man who stoops down and lisps in a little childs ear.
John Calvin (16
century Reformer) referred to the Bible as Gods baby talk.
God meets us where we are and reveals Himself to the degree that suits His purpose and to the
degree that we can understand. Remember Deuteronomy 29:29.
He expects us to seek to understand what He has revealed of Himself.


We have already noted that the terms Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, are suitable to help
us understand the Heavenly Three and their relationship to One Another in the plan of
Redemption. I will not reiterate the details already provided but just offer a reminder that the
titles mentioned are role titles. It is important that we keep this fact in mind.


The Holy Spirit was more fully revealed when Jesus was about to return to heaven. Jesus
intercedes for us in the Heavenly Sanctuary (Romans 8:34) and the Holy Spirit intercedes for
us on the earth (Romans 8:26, 27). According to Scripture then, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are
engaged differently, they are not the same.

God has revealed Himself gradually it would be too much for us if what He desires us to
know were provided all at once.



Let us not forget that a complete understanding of God is beyond us. As St. Augustine rightly said: If
you can understand it, it is not God. Remember Isaiah 40:18.
Illustration: We can see only one tenth of an Iceberg. Likewise there is much more to God
than our finite minds can possibly understand or absorb.
Illustration: A bucket of salt water, sand, and seaweed cannot help us understand all about an
Ocean. Likewise, what we know of God is no more than a small part of what could be known
of Him.

The doctrine of the Trinity is an adequate definition of what has been revealed in Scripture.


a. Subordinationism: This system claims that Jesus and the Spirit are lesser deities. Some say
that God the Father created them.

b. Modalism: This claims that God just manifests Himself in one of three ways on various

c. Tritheism: The Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are three separate deities (a form of

d. Arianism: The Father created Jesus who created the Holy Spirit.

e. Semi-Arianism: Jesus was born from the Father in the mystical past. The Holy Spirit is not
a person but is the Spirit of the Father and the Son.

For good Biblical reasons all shades of Arianism have been condemned as heretical when they
have popped up down through the Christian centuries. Today some confused Seventh-day
Adventists have been misled into accepting the Semi-Arian system. Remember that if you
want to go along with them you have to accept that there is a Big God (the Father) and a little
god (Jesus who is not eternal). This is quite unacceptable and is a miniature form of

Sin is an infinite problem. It has affected the whole of creation. How could any sacrifice
which was of less than of Infinite value pay for the sin of the whole world?

If J esus could die in His Divinity He would have to have been of something less in substance
than the Father yet Semi-Arians say He was born from the Father. Would they say that God
brought forth from Himself something less perfect than He was? Their greatest problem is that
they have not understood the Greek word monogenes which the King James Version wrongly
translated as Only Begotten when referring to Jesus at John 3:16. The word has been
correctly translated as something like unique or only in modern translations.

e. The Trinity: There are three Persons in One Substance or Essence. God is Three as to Persons
but One as to Substance. This must be true if there is only One True God for The Father is
God, Jesus is God, and the Holy Spirit is God. Only the Trinity doctrine is faithful to

Dr. Raoul Dederen, one of the most respected theologians in the Seventh-day Adventist Church,
made the following statement:

the term Trinity has been found a most fitting way of referring to the one God who has revealed
Himself in the Scriptures as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The concept suggests that within the one
essence of the Godhead we are to distinguish three persons who are neither three parts nor three
modes of God, but coequally and coeternally God. 1

Dederen made a somewhat similar statement in Andrews University Seminary Studies:


we must confess that the trinity is one indivisible God and that the distinctions of the persons do
not destroy the divine unity. This unity of God is expressed by saying that he is one substance.
Nevertheless, in the divine unity there are three co-eternal and co-equal persons, who, though
distinct, are the One undivided and adorable God. This is the doctrine of Scripture. 2

More recently we have the following statement from Dr. Ekkehardt Mueller of the General Conference
Biblical Research Institute:
We do not believe in three Gods but one God in three persons. These three personalities
participate in one substance. In the divine unity there are three coeternal and coequal persons,
who, though distinct, are the one undivided God. 3

Please dont forget that Ellen White said that the Father and the Son were of one substance:
With what firmness and power he uttered these words. The Jews had never before heard such
words from human lips, and a convicting influence attended them, for it seemed that divinity
flashed through humanity as Jesus said, I and my Father are one. The words of Christ were full of
deep meaning as he put forth the claim that he and the Father were of one substance, possessing
the same attributes. The Jews understood his meaning, there was no reason why they should
misunderstand, and they took up stones to stone him. 4

Imagine the great howl of protest that would have arisen in the 1
century if Christians preached two
or three gods to the strictly monotheistic Jews. Quite clearly they taught that there is but One True God.
Matthew 28:19, 20 presents Three Persons embraced in the One Name. See also Mark 3:16, 17;
2 Corinthians 13:14, etc.

A very good statement on the Trinity has been penned by Norman Geisler and Thomas Howe:

God is one in essence, but three in Persons. God has one nature, but three centers of consciousness.
That is, there is only one What in God, but there are three Whos. There is one It, but three Is. This is
a mystery, but not a contradiction. It would be contradictory to say God was only one person, but also
was three persons. Or that God is only one nature, but that He also had three natures. But to declare,
as orthodox Christians do, that God is one essence, eternally revealed in three distinct persons is not a
contradiction. 5

Logic and reason combine to assure us that God is a far more complex Being than any other we are
acquainted with. It was He who made everything in the vast universe. This thought staggers us when
we contemplate the enormity of such a project. Then we remember that as the Astronomers advise, for
us to reach the edge of the known universe, travelling at the speed of light (186,000 miles per second) it
would take us 10 billion years. The mind boggles as we try to understand the enormity of what we are
trying to consider.

The next thought is also astonishing for if we understand Scripture aright it teaches that we would find
that when we reached the edge of the universe we would find that God is there also. Beside these things
we discover from the Bible that God knows everything past, present, and future. He knows even the
number of hairs that lye atop our heads; He knows when even a small bird falls to the ground. God
hears our prayers, perhaps millions of them all at the same time and in a multiplicity of languages.

These are just some of the things that demonstrate to us the wonder of the Being we call God. Is it too
much for us to accept that this God would be far more complex than we can understand? Could I
suggest that we should expect Him to be more, far more, complex than our small minds can ever hope
to contemplate. When we have explored Scripture and have found that it reveals God to be a Tri-unity
Father Son and Holy Spirit, should we object to the concept saying It cant be true because I
dont understand it.? Can an ant understand the complexity of a human being? We should thank God
for the clarifying revelations of Himself that He has made in Scripture and humbly admit that God is
what He is whether we understand all about Him or not. Please join with me in praising Father, Son,
and Holy Spirit the Eternal Three in One God.


. 1. The Mystery of the Trinity, page 8, Adventist Review, August 26, 1993.
2. Reflections on the Doctrine of the Trinity, page 16, Andrews University Seminary

Studies, Vol. VIII, No. 1. January, 1970.
3. Reflections page 9, the Biblical Research Institute Newsletter for July, 2008.
4. The Signs of the Times, November 20, 1893.
5.. Norman Geisler and Thomas Howe, WHEN CRITICS ASK, Baker Books, Grand Rapids,
Michigan, 1992, page 367




There are three living persons of the heavenly trio; in the name of these three great powers the
Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit - those who receive Christ by living faith are baptized, and
these powers will cooperate with the obedient subjects of heaven in their efforts to live the new life
in Christ.1

the three persons the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.2

Volume 6 of The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary quotes from Manuscript 57, 1900, on
page 1074. Ellen White emphatically refers to the Three Persons and a check of the original shows
quite clearly that she wrote Persons. I have included this comment because I have read the attempts
of some who try to make out that she never refers to the Holy Spirit as a Person. In this they are also
quite in error.

At this point it would be appropriate for me to make a few comments on the word person. It is an
undeniable fact that when we talk about God we are compelled to use human language. We also have
to acknowledge that human language is not really adequate to describe Him. There are three who are
God and when we want to refer to them we become somewhat confused. We say They are. . . ? It
seems best to say persons but that word is not really adequate for they are not like any persons within
the field of our experience. I think it was St. Augustine who said something like this:

We say persons, not that we want to say persons, but otherwise we would be reduced to silence.

I think it probable that Ellen White was faced with this dilemma in her endeavours to describe the
members of the Trinity. In some of her writings she wrote the word persons but later changed the word
to personalities. Of course both words refer to persons, as any Dictionary will testify. My contention
is that because of her dilemma she used a variety of expressions for the Heavenly Three in lieu of the
word persons. Notice the following which show that she used the words characters, powers,
Godhead, and dignitaries with reference to them.

While noting these interesting facts that I bring to your attention, do not forget that each statement
requires a belief in the Trinity.

The three great and glorious heavenly characters are present on the occasion of baptism.3

The three powers of the Godhead, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, are pledged to be their strength
and their efficiency in their new life in Christ Jesus.4

The eternal Godhead the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost is involved in the action required
to make assurance to the human agent.5

The Godhead was stirred with pity for the race, and the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit gave
themselves to the working out of the plan of redemption.6

The eternal heavenly dignitaries God, and Christ, and the Holy Spirit arming them [the
disciples] with more than mortal energy,would advance with them to the work and convince the
world of sin .7

Please note well the following which is also very powerful evidence in favour of the Trinity Doctrine
and which should convince even the most committed Semi-Arian that their claims that the Church is
wrong on this matter is quite out of order:



We need to consider Who is the Omnipotent One according to Ellen White? What does the word
Omnipotent mean?

The first meaning provided by Websters Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary is ALMIGHTY.
The definition provided by The Readers Digest WORD FINDER is ALL POWERFUL,

QUESTION Is it possible to have more than one who is OMNIPOTENT? (i.e. All Powerful,
Almighty, or Supreme).

GOD THE FATHER It is admitted by all that he is Omnipotent.

JESUS He was equal with God, infinite and omnipotent. He could pay the ransom for mans
freedom. He is the eternal self-existing Son. 8

With Christ is Omnipotence. 9

THE HOLY SPIRIT The omnipotent power of the Holy Spirit is the defense of every contrite soul.10

He knew that truth, armed with the omnipotence of the Holy Spirit, would conquer in the contest with
evil. 11

There is only One who is Omnipotent. It is quite impossible to have Three who are Omnipotent unless
they comprise the One God. Ellen White obviously believed in the Trinity because she labelled the
Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit as all being Omnipotent. Many may be mighty or powerful but - It is
impossible to contradict the fact that there cannot be more than one who is Omnipotent or
Almighty. The Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are all One Trinity God. Any thought that Ellen
White was not a Trinitarian is impossible to maintain.

As we noted above the words Omnipotent and Almighty are synonymous. Notice with this in mind the
following interesting comment of Ellen White:

Come out from among them and be ye separate, . . . and touch not the unclean thing; and I will
receive you, and will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord
Almighty. This is the pledge of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; made to you if you will
keep your baptismal vow, and touch not the unclean thing. . . .12

I cannot escape the implications of this statement. Ellen White is equating the Father, the Son, and the
Holy Spirit, with the Lord Almighty here. She is saying that the three Members of the Almighty Trinity
will be a Father to true Christians.

Unquestionably, the mature Ellen White was a committed Trinitarian. She never sat down and wrote a
detailed description of what she understood God to be. What she did say however is sufficient for us to
accept that she believed, in later life, that God is a Trinity comprising Three Divine Persons. No doubt,
as a young girl, her understanding of God was quite immature and somewhat deficient. Nevertheless, it
grew over time and really blossomed in her later years. When it became time for the matter to be
clarified she was right out in front in favour of the Trinity doctrine. Mrs White grew in understanding
on many matters and on occasions had to reverse her conclusions. This was so on such matters as when
to begin the Sabbath, the Law in Galatians, the daily in Daniel 8. These subjects have been well
documented and I dont need to go into them here.


The Trinity doctrine helps us to see the full dimension of Gods love. He didnt send an innocent Third
Party to die for us He came Himself in the Person of J esus, a Member of the Trinity, and died for us.

What greater exhibition of love could we have than this? See 1 Corinthians 2:8; 2 Corinthians 5:19;
Acts 20:28; Hebrews 2:14, 15.

God is complete in Himself. The Trinity teaching makes this clear to us. Before He created anything
else, He was able to express and experience love within the confines of the Godhead. He didnt need to
create in order to be able to express love as some have erroneously claimed. Nevertheless, God is love
and He found great joy in creating a perfect planet to be occupied by perfect creatures. That things have
not stayed as He intended is another sad story. The Gospel (a good story) nevertheless reveals that His
love will win the day. In a wonderfully loving way God will restore things to what He intended in the
beginning. Each Member of the Trinity fulfilling the role He accepted before the World began will
bring this about. Praise God Father, Son, and Holy Spirit for their great love and blessings shared
with us through the Plan of Redemption.


1. Ellen G. White, The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 7A, page 441.
2. Ellen G. White, Ibid. Volume 6, page 1074.
3. Ellen G. White, Manuscript Releases, Volume 6, page 389.
4. Ellen G. White, (Australasian) Union Conference Record, October 7, 1907.
5. Ellen G. White, The Upward Look, page 148.
6. Ellen G. White, Counsels on Health, page 222.
7. Ellen G. White, Evangelism, page 616.
8. Ellen G. White, The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 5, page 1136.
9. Ellen G. White, Manuscript Releases, Volume 15, page 101.
10. Ellen G. White, The Desire of Ages, page 490.
11. Ellen G. White, Ibid. page 679.
12. Ellen G. White, The Signs of theTimes, June 19, 1901.




The following statement from our 27 Fundamental Beliefs certifies that Seventh-day Adventists are
strongly committed to Trinitarianism.

2. The Trinity
There is one God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, a unity of three co-eternal Persons. God is
immortal, all-powerful, all-knowing, above all, and ever present. He is infinite and beyond human
comprehension, yet known through His self-revelation. He is forever worthy of worship, adoration,
and service by the whole creation. (Deut. 6:4; 29:29; Matt. 28:19; 2 Cor. 13:14; Eph. 4:4-6; 1
Peter 1:2; 1 Tim. 1:17; Rev. 14:6, 7). 1

Unfortunately, we hear all sorts of accusations made about our acceptance of this belief. Some claim
that the doctrine was sneaked into our Fundamentals in 1980. Others insist that we had no such belief
certified by the General Conference prior to that date. Claims such as these are way off centre and are
spread abroad by persons who are sadly misinformed or uninformed. It is unfortunately true that, as
was stated by George Santayana, those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it It
is also true that those who have not properly studied the history of the past are bound to repeat the
errors of the past. This has been the experience of some in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The
Church developed its understanding of God moving through falsehoods such as Arianism to an
eventual acceptance of the Biblical teaching on the Trinity. This was not without much pain but at least
the lessons were learnt by the Church. Not so by some of its adherents. Unfortunately, some groups
never move forward from the aberrations they have accepted. It is to be hoped that my endeavour here
will enable some to make an informed decision now.

In the formative years of our Church we had no statement of beliefs but it gradually became apparent
that such a statement was necessary. Some of our leading pioneers were quite vocally non-Trinitarian.
As I have already reported they came from a group that did not believe in the Trinity doctrine. They
were initially quite Arian in their belief but gradually moved to semi-Arianism and as the Church
matured and settled down it became very clearly Trinitarian.

While there were still many Semi-Arians in the Church it was nevertheless moving into Trinitarianism
in the late 1800s but the matter was not settled in all minds. Samuel Spear, a non-Seventh-day
Adventist had an article, Bible Doctrine of the Trinity published in the New York Independent on
November 14, 1889. The Seventh-day Adventist Pacific Press published it as number 90 in the Bible
Student Library series in 1892. The pamphlet is defective in some of its statements but this is not the
important point. Obviously, to publish the pamphlet would be unthinkable if Trinitarianism was not
acceptable among Adventists at the time. This article may be read on pages 115 to 124 of M. L.
Andreasen The Book of Hebrews Review and Herald Publishing Association, Washington, D.C. 1948.

A statement of some of the points of our faith was published in The Advent Review and Sabbath
Herald, under the pen of F. M. Wilcox the Editor of the paper October 9, 1913. What Wilcox wrote
appeared alongside an article by Ellen White which she included in her book Prophets and Kings. The
following is the section important for our study:

For the benefit of those who may desire to know more particularly the cardinal features of the faith
held by this denomination, we shall state that Seventh-day Adventists believe, -
1.In the divine Trinity. This Trinity consists of the eternal Father, a personal, spiritual being,
omnipotent, omniscient, infinite in power, wisdom, and love; of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the
eternal Father, through whom all things were created, and through whom the salvation of the
redeemed hosts will be accomplished; the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Godhead, the one
regenerating agency in the work of redemption. 2


Ellen White must have been aware of this statement and she in no way commented adversely about it.
She apparently just accepted it.

On December 29, 1930, the General Conference Committee voted that a statement of beliefs be
prepared by a committee of four, including the General Conference president and the editor of the
Review and Herald (F. M. Wilcox). This appeared in the 1931 Yearbook and in the Church Manual in
1932. The approval of this statement by the General Conference is evident because in 1946, at the
General Conference session, it was voted that the statement could not be altered except at a session of
the General Conference. Here is the statement on the Trinity as it appeared in the Seventh-day
Adventist Yearbook :

That the Godhead, or Trinity, consists of the Eternal Father, a personal, spiritual Being,
omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, infinite in wisdom and love; the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of
the Eternal Father, through whom all things were created and through whom the salvation of the
redeemed hosts will be accomplished; the Holy spirit, the third person of the Godhead, the great
regenerating power in the work of redemption. Matt. 28:19. 3

Most will quickly observe that although written about 18 years apart the two statements are almost
identical. To say that Seventh-day Adventists did not officially believe in the Trinity doctrine until
1980 is clearly without foundation. It is a great pity that uninformed people are willing to spread
abroad claims that will not stand up to investigation. It is a case of advertising when you dont have the

The Review and Herald publishers of Washington D.C. published Getting Acquainted With God by
Otto H. Christensen in 1970. This book has some interesting sections related to the Trinity.

In the same year (1970), Dr. Raoul Dederen had a fine article Reflections on the Doctrine of the
Trinity, published in Andrews University Seminary Studies 8, pages 1-22.

There have been bits and pieces in magazines and some papers written for university courses and such-
like but no book wholly devoted to the subject had been published in Adventism until my book
Understanding the Trinity was published by AUTUMN HOUSE Alma Park Grantham, Lincs.,
England in 2001. The book has been described as The best defence of the Christian doctrine of the
Trinity in the last fifty years. FOCUS. I would also like to draw attention to the excellent article
Doctrine of God by Fernando L. Canale in Handbook of Seventh-day Adventist THEOLOGY,
Review and Herald Publishing Association, Hagerstown, 2000. Published in 2002 is The Trinity which
is contributed to by three authors, Woodrow Whidden, Jerry Moon, and John Reeve. They are all
scholars in the employ of Andrews University. It is published by the Review and Herald Publishing
Association, Hagerstown. It contains excellent material on the development of understanding of the
Triune nature of God by the early Church and also the growth of understanding among Adventists.
Anyone who wants to seriously study the subject will need to examine closely this volume also.
Anyone who intends to attempt to continue an opposition to our belief in the Trinity must respond to all
of the evidence provided in these sources.

If the abundant material I have provided above together with the sources I have just described is
sincerely studied, the opposition arguments of the dissenters should be clarified and left behind as mere
peculiarities of our history.


1. Ministerial Association, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Seventh-day
Adventists Believe, Review and Herald, Hagerstown, 1988, page 16.
2. F. M. Wilcox (Editor), The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, October 9, 1913, page 21.
3. The Seventh-day Adventist Yearbook, 1931, page 377. The statement also was included in the
Church Manual in 1932.


It hardly needs to be pointed out that the above is not an exhaustive study but it is nevertheless an
adequate presentation of much of the evidence available from the Bible and Ellen G. White, which
positively require Seventh-day Adventists to accept that God is a Trinity. This is the inevitable
conclusion that we are compelled to come to. I am pleased to be able to say that we have, as a Church,
accepted this fact. God is, however, far above us and beyond our complete comprehension. To
completely understand all about God we would have to be God. However, the simple fact remains, God
has revealed certain things about Himself in His Word. He has made it clear that within the complexity
of His Being there is a threeness. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit all comprise the One True
God. This information we must thankfully accept and we must also be prepared to defend this belief.
We cannot, I repeat, hope to understand all about God but we should accept what He has revealed of
Himself with gratitude and leave it at that.

It is my sincere prayer that there may be at least some from among the agitators who, having now
gained a better understanding of what Inspiration teaches, are prepared to acknowledge and accept
what God has really revealed about Himself and are then willing to rededicate themselves to serving
Him as loyal members of His Remnant Church.

It is also my prayer that there will be some from among our members, who formerly could only
vaguely understand that God must be a Trinity, but who now rejoice in seeing more clearly what Gods
Word is saying to them about Him. May they now be bolder in affirming that they hold this belief and
may they also be more willing to share it with others. Seventh-day Adventists really do have the goods
on the Trinity doctrine and we should loudly advertise the fact.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow. He made us, He has maintained responsibility for us, He
loves us, He died for us, and He is coming again soon to restore for us that which was lost through sin.
How can we do other than love, adore, worship, and serve Him? If we lift Him up we can be sure that
He will never let us down. I, for one, can testify that this is true.

To God the Father, God the Son,
And God the Spirit, Three in one,
Laud, honor, might, and glory be
From age to age eternally.
Seventh-day Adventist Hymnal No. 72.

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