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Unani Tibb Syllabus

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Medlclne of Avlcenna
lull Course Syllabus

1he Lheorles and hlsLorlcal lmpacL of
Lhe medlclne of Avlcenna/lslamlc
medlclne ls on Lhe verge of becomlng
as popular as people sLudylng Lhe Lheorles and hlsLorlcal lmpacL of Chlnese
medlclne ln Lhe WesL -and mosLly ouLslde of Lhe Mlddle LasLern
communlLy. Avlcenna, Lhe cornersLone ln Lhe Mlddle LasLern heallng
movemenL was heavlly lnfluenced by Chlnese, Creek and Ayurvedlc healers
and wroLe Lhe !"#$# $& '()*+*#(, whlch was Lhe mosL wldely sLudled work
of medlclne ln Lurope from Lhe 12Lh Lo Lhe 17Lh cenLury.
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Avlcenna's meLhods, whlch draw from LradlLlonal LexLs, Chlnese medlclne,
Ayurvedlc medlclne and Lhe medlclne of PlppocraLes has been reflned and
expounded on for Lhe pasL 1000 years by promlnenL healers Lo produce a
masLerful sysLem of heallng whlch ls fllled wlLh lnsplred and orlglnal ldeas
as well as a synLhesls of all heallng LradlLlons from Lhe LasL. 1hls course
lncludes all of Lhe Medlclne of Avlcenna lndlvldual courses:
4546 7$81+09 +2 :0//;< =+,#" > ?0#' @/A$3$"/
1he goal of Lhls unlL ls Lo famlllarlze Lhe sLudenL wlLh Creek, 8oman and
Arab medlcal hlsLory and Lo puL lnLo place and perspecLlve whaL lslamlc
Medlclne ls as opposed Lo Arab Medlclne and how Creek, 8oman and Arab
medlclne lnfluenced each oLher. ln addlLlon Lo a vasL amounL of wrlLlngs on
Lhe Loplc, orlglnal works are also read ln Lhls unlL.

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1he goal of Lhls unlL ls Lo show, ln more deLall, how Lhe Arab and lslamlc
world lnfluenced wesLern medlclne durlng Lhe polnL ln hlsLory known ln Lhe
wesLern world as Lhe uark Ages. AddlLlonally, Lhls unlL lllusLraLes how Arab
and lslamlc Medlclne was lnfluenced by oLher culLures, lncludlng Chlna and
Lhe WesLern world.

!,()*- .$/,01 223
202: PadlLh on Medlclne - 34 CredlLs
202A: Luropean lnfluences - 32 CredlLs
2028: Arab and lslamlc Medlcal PlsLory and Medlcal MyLhs - 24 CredlLs

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(1hls course ls slmllar Lo Lhe course 801: 8alance 1hrough 1emperamenLs
and 1ypology of Lhe naLuropaLhlc (nu) Course). 1he goal of Lhls unlL ls Lo
lnLroduce Lhe sLudenL Lo Lhe ldeas of LemperamenL and physlologlcal Lype.
1hls meLhod of vlewlng bodlly healLh was used ln Creek and 8oman Llmes
and was made famous agaln by Avlcenna. lrom Lhere lL passed lnLo Lhe
Arab world as well as Lurope. 1ypology ls sLlll heavlly used Loday ln Chlna as
well as lndla and oLher areas. 1hls unlL sLrlves Lo famlllarlze Lhe sLudenL
wlLh Lhe hlsLory of Lypology as well as Leach Lhe sLudenL how Lo use a
worklng model of Lhese Lheorles.

!,()*- .$/,01 245
303: lnLroducLlon Lo 1ypology - 12 CredlLs
303A: 1he Pumors ln PlsLorlcal World Peallng - 33 CredlLs
3038: PlsLory of 1ypology and 1emperamenL
303C: unanl 1lbb and Lhe lour Pumors - 33 CredlLs
303u: 1he lour Pumors ln ArL and LlLeraLure - 12 CredlLs
303L: usage and AppllcaLlon of Lhe lour Pumors - 42 CredlLs

H5H6 &I/+09 $" C8*#,$3 @/A$3$"/
1he goals of Lhls unlL are Lo lnLroduce Lhe sLudenL Lo some hlsLorlcal
aspecLs of lslamlc Medlclne LhaL could be consldered unlquely lslamlc ln
naLure such as Lhe properLles of heallng wlLh Lhe lunar calendar and food
properLles menLloned unlquely ln Lhe PadlLh.

!,()*- .$/,01 67
404:1heory and Lhe Lunar Calendar - 24 CredlLs
404A: LxcerpLs from Lhe WrlLlngs of Avlcenna/lbn Slna - 34 CredlLs

J5J6 7/0'8 +2 1I/ 7#A$1I
1he goal of Lhls unlL ls Lo lnLroduce Lhe sLudenL Lo PadlLh, Lhe sclence of
PadlLh and all of Lhe herbs LhaL were menLloned ln Lhe recorded PadlLh and
how Lhey were used accordlng Lo Lhese sources. Modern usages of all Lhe
PadlLh herbs are also covered. LaLln names are provlded for all herbs. 1he
8ook, 1he CompleLe Culde Lo Medlclnal Perbs wlll be used for oLher unlLs
ln Lhls course. 1hls unlL ls useful for seelng how rellglon lnfluenced Lhe use
of LradlLlonal medlclne ln Lhls area of Lhe world. Medlclne of Lhe PadlLh ls
unlque among Lhe heallng LradlLlons of Lhe world ln LhaL lL ls one of Lhe
mosL wldely used LradlLlons wlLhln a rellglon. 1o conLrasL, noL all ChrlsLlans
are famlllar wlLh Lhe herbs of Lhe blble, nor are people of oLher rellglons
famlllar wlLh Lhe herbs and heallng LradlLlons of Lhelr rellglon. Powever, ln
Lhe lslamlc world, Lhe heallng PadlLh are as much parL of Lhe rellglon as
prayer ls.

!,()*- .$/,01 235
303: Perbs of Lhe ropheL - 32 CredlLs
303A: ropheLlc Peallng and Modern Medlclne - 32 CredlLs
3038: lslamlc PosplLals - 24 CredlLs

K5K6 7/0'8 +2 1I/ 7+*9 L++;8
1he goal of Lhls unlL ls Lo lnLroduce Lhe sLudenL Lo all of Lhe herbs and
planLs LhaL were menLloned ln Lhe Curan and how Lhey were used
accordlng Lo PadlLh sources. Modern usages of all Lhe C'uranlc herbs are
also covered. LaLln names are provlded for all herbs. 1he goal of Lhls unlL ls
Lo show how rellglon lnfluenced heallng.

!,()*- .$/,01 86
606: Perbs ln Lhe Cur'an - 34 CredlLs
606A: Perbs ln Lhe Poly 8ooks (8lble, 1orah, Cur'an) - 43 CredlLs

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1he goal of Lhls unlL ls Lo provlde Lhe sLudenL wlLh a look aL herbal usage ln
Lhe modern Arab world. l have sLudled herbal usage ln lndla, Chlna, Mexlco
and naLlve Amerlca as well as oLher areas of Lhe world. lL ls fasclnaLlng how
each area of Lhe world shares many of Lhe same herbs buL uses Lhem ln
dlfferenL ways. Lach area of Lhe world also has herbs unlque Lo Lhelr
geographlc locaLlon.

!,()*- .$/,01 232
Perbs of Saudl Arabla - 12 CredlLs
Perbs of Lhe unlLed Arab LmlraLes - 12 CredlLs
A Luropean Perbal of Lhe Arab World - 24 CredlLs
Pandbook of Arablan Medlclnal Perbs - 24 CredlLs
lolk Medlclne of 1urkey - 24 CredlLs
lolk Medlclne of Sudan - 24 CredlLs
lolk Medlclne of 1ehran - 24 CredlLs
AmuleLs ln lslamlc Medlclne - 24 CredlLs
Perbal Medlclne ln Cman - 24 CredlLs
Perbal Medlclne ln ?emen - 24 CredlLs

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1he goal of Lhls unlL ls Lo famlllarlze Lhe sLudenL wlLh Lhe concepLs of
splrlLual aromaLherapy as used by many healers LhroughouL hlsLory. 1he
sLudenL wlll also become famlllar wlLh sLudles done on Lhe heallng power of
scenLs and essenLlal olls.

!,()*-01 244 !,()*- .$/,0
AromaLherapy for Lhe SplrlL - 43 CredlLs
1he Sclence of AromaLherapy - 24 CredlLs
reparaLlons of LssenLlal Clls - 64 CredlLs

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1he goal of Lhls unlL ls Lo educaLe Lhe sLudenL abouL varlous herbs and how
Lo make herbal preparaLlons from Lhese herbs. 1owards Lhls goal Lhe
sLudenL ls also educaLed ln Lhe hlsLory of herbal preparaLlons. ln addlLlon,
alchemy ls lnLroduced, noL for purposes of usage, buL as a hlsLorlcal unlL.
Perbal preparaLlons are LaughL Lhrough Lhe maklng of LlncLures, Leas, salves
and oLher common preparaLlons.

!,()*- .$/,01 89
201: Perbal reparaLlons - 24 CredlLs
201A: World vlews - 24 CredlLs
2018: 8aslc reparaLlons - 32 CredlLs
201C: Slmple lormulas - 12 CredlLs

4456 7/#*$"F S$1I R0#9/0
1hls unlL lncludes lnformaLlon on Cem 1herapy and rayer 8eads, Color
1herapy and laces of Worshlp, ?oga, lslamlc rayer and hyslcal 8eneflLs
of rayer oslLlons. 1he goal for Lhls unlL ls Lo lnLroduce Lhe sLudenL Lo a
number of meLhods of heallng used hlsLorlcally and ln varlous culLural

!,()*- .$/,01 236
Peallng wlLh rayer - 43 CredlLs
CLher AlLernaLlve 1heraples - 62 CredlLs

4446 &0#A$1$+"#* TD10$1$+"#* 7/#*$"F +2 1I/ U#81
1he goal of Lhls unlL ls Lo show how LasLern heallng has meL wlLh Lhe
modern world and modern sclence and medlclne ln successful ways. 1hls
unlL also lncludes lnformaLlon on baslc dleL and offers a number of
suggesLlons for balanclng dleLs, dleLs for well-belng, Lhelr baslc Lheorles,
usage and beneflLs.

!,()*- .$/,01 85
nuLrlLlonal Well-8elng and lslamlc Medlclne - 34 CredlLs
Modern nuLrlLlonal uangers - 42 CredlLs

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1hls course glves you some Llps on how Lo sLarL dolng consulLaLlons for
your famlly, frlends and cllenLs uslng Lhe lnformaLlon you have learned ln
Lhls serles of courses or oLher courses you have Laken. 1hls course helps
you use Lhe lnformaLlon you have learned ln Lhese courses ln a responslble,
eLhlcal and legal manner. 8uslness ldeas and [ob opporLunlLles lncludlng
[ournallsm, coachlng and Leachlng are explored ln Lhls unlL.

!,()*- .$/,01 286
303: no Lo ulagnosls-?es Lo ConsulLlng - LegallLles and MeLhods- 43 CredlLs
303A: Case SLudles - 43 CredlLs
3038: ConsulLlng racLlcum and CllenL lorms and CharLs - 62 CredlLs
3038: unanl 1lbb MeLhods - ulse, urlne, 1ongue - 43 CredlLs

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