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Bismillah IrRah’man IrRahiim

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

Guide to Prayer Salat
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Opening Prayer

• All praises are due to Allah (SWT) the Cherisher and

Maintainer of Mankind.

• I testify that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad

(SAW) is His last and final Messenger.

• All knowledge is from Allah SWT and He chooses when to

disclose it to us or hide it from us, as has been made clear
in the Quran (87:6-7):

• We shall make thee read (O Muhammad) so that thou shalt not forget -
Save that which Allah willeth. Lo! He knoweth the disclosed and that
which still is hidden;

• Right from the start it is also worth refflecting on the

following verses from the Quran (2:284-286):

• Unto Allah (belongeth) whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is

in the earth; and whether ye make known what is in your minds or hide
it, Allah will bring you to account for it. He will forgive whom He will
and He will punish whom He will. Allah is Able to do all things. (284)
The messenger believeth in that which hath been revealed unto him
from his Lord and (so do) believers. Each one believeth in Allah and
His angels and His scriptures and His messengers - We make no
distinction between any of His messengers - and they say: We hear,
and we obey. (Grant us) Thy forgiveness, our Lord. Unto Thee is the
journeying. (285) Allah tasketh not a soul beyond its scope. For it (is
only) that which it hath earned, and against it (only) that which it hath
deserved. Our Lord! Condemn us not if we forget, or miss the mark!
Our Lord! Lay not on us such a burden as thou didst lay on those
before us! Our Lord! Impose not on us that which we have not the
strength to bear! Pardon us, absolve us and have mercy on us, Thou,
our Protector, and give us victory over the disbelieving folk. (286)

• I pray that you will take this little journey with me without
any preconception or prejudice and that Allah SWT enable
you to see and accept the truth for what it is, and gain more
than what I have gained, Insha Allah (God willing).
1. Copyright and Reproduction
2. Opening Prayer
3. Contents
4. Contents (cont.)
5. Contents (cont.)
6. Foreword & Abbreviations
7. Foreword & Abbreviations
8. Introduction to Prayer
9. Introduction (Cont)
10. Introduction (Cont)
11. Introduction (Cont)
12. Types of Salat
13. Types of Salat
14. Conditions for Salat – Cleanliness
15. Conditions for Salat – Place
16. Conditions for Salat – Time for salat
17. Conditions for Salat - Clothing, Qiblah
18. Conditions for Salat (Focus, Forbidden times)
19. Conditions for Salat (only Naf’l forbidden, Sutra)
20. Conditions for congregational prayer (jam’aa)
21. Congregational Salat (Positions in relation to Imam)
22. Congregational Salat - Not Praying alone, child imam
23. Congregational Salat - Imam , Straight rows, feet together
24. Ablutions – Wudhu –Obligations, procedure
25. Ablutions – Wudhu
26. Ablutions – Wudhu -Thoroughness, Additional facility,
27. Ablutions – Wudhu and Tayyamum
28. Ablutions – Tayyamum
29. Ablutions – Tayyamum - Procedure, Ghus’l
30. Ablutions – Ghus’l
31. Call for Prayer – Azan
32. Call for Prayer – Azan – Listening to Azan dua after azzan
33. Call for Prayer – Iqamat
Contents (cont.)
34. Call for Prayer – Iqamat, Filling the saffs in an orderly way
35. Salat – Qiyyam, placement of hands, Opening duas
36. Salat - Ta’awuz, Tasmi’ah
37. Salat - Qiyyam (Standing position), Niyah
38. Salat – Fatiha
39. Salat –Amin
40. Salat Ruku (Bowing)
41. Salat - Ih`tidal – Straightening up
42. Salat - Sujjud – Prostration
43. Salat – Sujjud, Jalsah
44. Salat – Sujjud, 2nd Rakah
45. Salat – Tashahud
46. Salat – Tashahud
47. Salat – Index raised and not moved for Tashahud, Duas to end
48. Salat – Ending salah
49. Salat - Qiyyam for 3rd Rakah, 3rd Rakah, 4th Rakah
50. Du’as after Salat,
51. Du’as after Salat, Salat al-Witr’
52. Dua Qúnút
53. Salat – The importance of praying correctly
54. Salat – Obligation of saying Bismillah before Fatiha & Fatiha
55. Number of Rakat in salat – Five compulsory prayers
56. Number of Rakat in salat – Faj’r salah
57. Number of Rakat in salat – Zuh’r salah, As’r salah
58. Number of Rakat in salat – As’r salah, No Naf’l after As’r
59. Number of Rakat in salat – Ma{rib salah, I’sha salah
60. Table of rakat in salat
61. Suras the Prophet (SAW) used to recite
62. Suras the Prophet (SAW) used to recite
63. Special Prayers – Jumu’a
64. Special prayers – Jumu’a
65. Special prayers – Jumu’a
Contents (cont.)
66. Special prayers – Jumu’a
67. Special prayers – Tahajuud or Tarawih
68. Special Prayers – Tarawih
69. Special Prayers – Tarawih
70. Special Prayers – Tarawih
71. Special Prayers – Janazah
72. Special Prayers – Janazah
73. Special Prayers – Janazah
74. Special Prayers – Janazah
75. Special Prayers – Eid, When is Eid
76. Special Prayers – No fasting on eid
77. Special Prayers – Eid, Further proofs
78. Special Prayers – Eid – The sighting of the new moon by one
muslim is sufficient
79. Special Prayers – Eid, Further proofs
80. Special Prayers – Eid Preparations
81. Special Prayers – Eid, Listening to Khutbah after salat
82. Special Prayers – Eid, Additional Takbirs
83. Special Prayers – Eid, Salatul Eid
84. Special Prayers – Eid, Missing the salah, Khutbah
85. Remembering the Spirit of Sacrifice for Eid ul Adha
86. Special Prayers – Eid, Eid takbir before salah
87. Special Prayers – Ishtikhara
88. Special Prayers – Ishtikhara
89. Special Prayers - Ishtikhara, Qas’r
90. Special Prayers - Qas’r, Number of rakat
91. Special Prayers - Qas’r, Rules for praying Qas’r
92. Special Prayers - Qas’r, Distance, How long for?
93. Special Prayers – Sahu (forgetfulness)
94. Special Prayers – Sahu (forgetfulness)
95. Arabiya
96. Arabiya
97. Conclusion 5

• Muslims were not the first to bow and prostrate in worship

to Allah SWT, the Almighty.

• All the prophets of Allah SWT, be it Ibrahim (AS)

(Abraham), Musa (AS) (Moses) or Issah (AS) (Jesus) and
finally the last Prophet, Muhammad (SAW) bowed and
prostrated in worship to Allah (SWT):

• And falling down, I adored the Lord, blessing the Lord God of my
master, Abraham, who hath brought me the straight way to take the
daughter of my master's brother for his son.
• (Genesis 24:48)

• And Abram fell on his face: and God talked with him,
• (Genesis 17:3)

• And Moses and Aaron went from the presence of the assembly unto the
door of the tabernacle of the congregation, and they fell upon their
faces: and the glory of the LORD appeared unto them.
• (Numbers 20:6)

• Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed,
"My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as
I will, but as you will."
• (Mathew 26:39)

• In the Qúran, Chapter 5, verse 12 Allah SWT tells us:

• “Allah did aforetime take a covenant from the Children of Israel, and
we appointed twelve captains among them. And Allah said: "I am with
you: if ye (but) establish regular prayers, practise regular charity,
believe in my apostles, honour and assist them, and loan to Allah a
beautiful loan, verily I will wipe out from you your evils, and admit you
to gardens with rivers flowing beneath; but if any of you, after this,
resisteth faith, he hath truly wandered from the path or rectitude." 6
• But the muslims, are the only ones who have kept up with
the faith and still worship Allah in the same way as it was
taught to the last Prophet, Muhammad (SAW) by Jibriil (AS)
(Arch Angel Gabriel)

• Narrated Ibn Shihab: Once Umar bin Abdul Aziz delayed the prayer
and Urwa bin Az-Zubair went to him and said, "Once in Iraq, Al-
MughTra bin Shu'ba delayed his prayers and Abi Mas'ud Al-Ansari
went to him and said, 'O Mughira! What is this? Don't you know that
once Gabriel came and offered the prayer (Faj’r prayer) and Allah's
Apostle prayed too, then he prayed again (Zuh’r prayer) and so did
Allah's Apostle and again he prayed (As’r prayers and Allah's Apostle
did the same; again he prayed (Maghrib-prayer) and so did Allah's
Apostle and again prayed (I’sha prayer) and so did Allah's Apostle
and (Gabriel) said, 'I was ordered to do so (to demonstrate the prayers
prescribed to you)?'“
• Sahih Bukhari, Volume: 1, Book Number: 10, Hadith Number: 500

• Muslims have to be grateful to Allah (SWT) for the special

favour of having been sent the Holy Qur’an. These are the
words of Allah (SWT) protected by Him, as promised, and
not a single dot has been altered since then. We should be
even more grateful for having been sent a prophet to teach
us how to pray and live according to Allah’s commands.
The teachings and words of the prophet (SAW) have been
documented in authentic books and traced back to the
source to enable us to pray the same way as it was
practised by the Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

• It is hoped that this guide will be read as it is meant to be,

i.e. it is not intended for any particular people, from any
particular country, or sect, caste, belief, class, school of
thought or creed but as an ordinary human being in search
of the true path.


• (SWT) Subahana Wa Ta’ala means All Praise be to Allah

• (RA) Radi`Allah Anhu(ha) means May Allah be
pleased with him (her)
• (SAW) Sallalahu Alayhi Wassalam May Allah’s blessings
and peace be upon him 7

• (AS) Alayhis Salam Peace be upon him

No of rakat in salat - Table

The ahadith about the varying maximum number(13 or 11) of

rakat prayed by Muhammad (SAW) has been clearly explained
by Aisha (RA) as being the reduction in the number of rakat
prayed for Witr’ which was reduced by the Prophet (SAW)
from 5 to 3 as narrated by Aisha (RA).
(Sahih Muslim, Bukhari)

Prayer Wajib Súnnah Far’d Súnnah Naf’l Wit’r

Múakad Múakad
da da

Faj’r 2 2

Zuh’r 2 or 2X2 4 2

As’r (Mid- 2 or 2X2 4


Ma{rib 3 2

I’sha 4 2 3 (Only if
(Night) last Salat)

Tahajuud 2X4 3 (Only if

last Salat)

Jumu’a 2 2 2

Tarawih 4x2 3 (Only if

last Salat)

Eid 2 8
Special prayer – Jumu’a

The importance of the Jumu’a prayer can never be

underestimated. One has just to look at the number of
ahadith that exist, concerning jumu’a, to appreciate that this
salah should not be taken lightly.

‫ﺳ َﻌﻮْا‬
ْ ‫ﺠ ُﻤ َﻌ ِﺔ ﻓَﺎ‬ُ ‫ﺼﻠَﺎ ِة ﻣِﻦ َﻳ ْﻮ ِم ا ْﻟ‬ ‫ﻦ ﺁ َﻣﻨُﻮا إِذَا ﻧُﻮدِي ﻟِﻠ ﱠ‬ َ ‫ﻳَﺎ أَ ﱡﻳﻬَﺎ اﱠﻟﺬِﻳ‬
َ ‫ِإﻟَﻰ ِذ ْآ ِﺮ اﻟﱠﻠ ِﻪ َو َذرُوا ا ْﻟ َﺒ ْﻴ َﻊ َذ ِﻟ ُﻜ ْﻢ ﺧَ ْﻴ ٌﺮ ﱠﻟ ُﻜ ْﻢ إِن آُﻨ ُﺘ ْﻢ َﺗ ْﻌ َﻠﻤُﻮ‬

Ya ayyúha allazina amanú iza núdiya lilssalati min yawmi

aljúmúa`ati fais`aw ila zik`ri Allahi wazarú albayaa zalikúm ¬ayrún
lakúm in kúntúm tah`lamúna

O ye who believe! When the call is heard for the prayer of the day of
congregation, haste unto remembrance of Allah and leave your
trading. That is better for you if ye did but know.

The Obligation of Attending the Jumu`ah:

People must stop leaving the Jumu`ah or else Allah will seal
their hearts and then they will be among the negligent.”
Reported by Muslim (1999).

In Sahih Bukhari Volume: 2, Book Number: 13, Hadith Number: 4

Narrated Abu Said Al-Khudri: Allah's Apostle (SAW) said, "The taking
of a bath on Friday is compulsory for every male (Muslim) who has
attained the age of puberty."

Authenticated by An-Nawawi (734), Ibn-ul-Mulaqqin (Tuhfat-ul-Muhtaaj, 1/489) and Al-

Albaani (Saheeh Abee Daawud, 2/128; Sahih-ul-Jaami`, 3521).

Salatul Janazah

Procedure For Salat ul Janazah

The following is a brief description of Salat ul Janazah:

Start with the niyah, facing Qiblah, just like in an ordinary


• (1) The Imam should raise his hands, recite the Takbir, and
then tie his hands as in all other Salat. Those offering the
Salat should follow, and then recite Sana, Tasmi’ah,
Ta`awuz, then Surat ul Fatiha silently.

• "Súbhanak’ Allahúmma wa bihamdika wata barakasmúka wata'la

jaddúka wala ilaha {ayrúk“

Then, "Aúzú billahi minas ~aytan-irrajim“,

Then recite Fatiha..

Bimillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahiim

Al`hamdú lillahi rabbil &alamiin.
Ar-Rah`man ir-Rahiim.
Maliki yaúmidiin.
Iyy'aka na'búdú wa iyyaka nastaiin
Ih`dinas sir'atal mústaqiim, sir'atal Laziina an'amta 'alayhim.
{ayril ma{dúbi 'alayhim walad d'al-liin. 'Amiin.“

Special prayer - Eid

Salat-ul Eidein (Two Eid prayers) is Wajib (obligatory) and

extra takbirs in the Eid Salah is Sunnah (favoured upon).
Missing the takbirs, doing extra one or less does not nullify
the Salah.

Hence, it is best for you to pray according to the Imam who

is leading the prayer. There is no confusion in this and no
contradictions either. By the mercy of Allah, all the
Sunnah’s of the Prophet (saw) are preserved in the
practices of the four Madhabs (schools of fiqh).

The first of Shawwal is known as Eid-ul-Fitr, and the tenth
of Zil Hijah is known as Eid-ul-Ad'ha. Both these days are
days of festivity and celebration in Islam.

Narrated Ibn Abbas: The Prophet went out for the 'Id prayer on the
'Id day and offered a two Rakat prayer; and he neither offered a
prayer before it or after it. Then he went towards the women along
with Bilal. He preached them and ordered them to give in charity. And
some (amongst the women) started giving their fore-arm bangles and
Sahih Bukhari, Volume: 2, Book Number: 24, Hadith Number: 511

The Muslims have no festivals apart from `Eid-ul-Fitr and

Anas (RA) said: “The Messenger of Allah (SAW) came to Al-Madina,
the people of Madina used to have two festivals. On those two days
they had carnivals and festivity. The Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
asked the Ansar (the Muslims of Madina) about it. They replied that
before Islam they used to have carnivals on those two joyous days.
The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) told them: "Instead of those two days,
Allah has appointed two other days which are better, the days of `Eid
ul-Fitr and `Eid ul-Adha."
(Reported by Abu Dawud)
Special prayer - Eid

No fasting on Eid

It is haram to fast on the days of `Eid because of the

hadith of Abu Sa`id Al-Khudri (RA) in which he said that the
Messenger of Allah (SAW) forbade fasting on the day of Fitr
and the day of Adha. (Reported by Muslim)

Some new converts to Islam, and some muslims who have

moved from one country to another, as is very frequent
these days, find it very confusing and at times most
disturbing that within a hundred metres of each other,
people from different sects, areas, tribes, countries who
have moved to that area, offer salat ul-Eid on two or more
days and find this incomprehensible. All we can do is
follow what Allah SWT has told us about those things and
what Muhammad SAW has guided us to do and remember
certain basic facts.

a) There is only one earth, one moon, one qiblah, one hijri
calendar and one weekly jum’ua, as jum’ua finishes in one
time zone, it starts in another time zone, practically straight
away and people do not dispute about this at all, and yet
they dispute the start of the month of Ramadhan.

b) Just look at the kind words from Allah (SWT) and reflect,
as he has asked us, so generously and so many times in
the holy Qur’an:

Eid (cont.)

Wahúwa allazi madda al`arda waja &ala fiha rawasiya wanharan

wamin kúlli assamarati ja`ala fiha zawjayni ithnayni yughshi allayla
an`nahara inna fi zalika la`ayatin liqawmin yatafakkarún (Sura
A’rad [13:3] )

And it is He who spread out the earth, and set thereon mountains
standing firm and (flowing) rivers: and fruit of every kind He made in
pairs, two and two: He draweth the night as a veil o'er the Day.
Behold, verily in these things there are signs for those who consider!

Bialbayyinati wa`azzúbúri wa`anzalna ilayka al`zikra litúbayyina

lin-nasi ma núzzila ilayhim wala`allahúm yatafakkarún(16:44)

(We sent them) with Clear Signs and Scriptures; and We have sent
down unto thee (also) the Message; that thou mayest explain clearly to
men what is sent for them, and that they may give thought.

If we look at the hadith on page 7,5, when qiblah was

changed from Jerusalem to Mecca Mukarramah, and ask
ourselves what would those good muslims of the first three
generations do, based on all that has been said above. Will
they have argued about it if a muslim told them that today is
the first day of Shawwal and Allah (SWT) has shown the
sign to a muslim today!! Is there any chance that they
would say that in such and such a place, where we come
from, they don’t celebrate for another two days?
Subahanallah. Let’s trust in Allah (SWT) and do the right
thing and may Allah (SWT) help us to pray at the right time,
Insha Allah.
Eid (cont.)

The sighting of the new moon by one trustworthy,

reliable Muslim is sufficient for fasting
This is clearly proven in the following hadith. This makes it
obligatory for all muslims to fast, and the sighting of the
new moon for Eid is not different.

Ibn ‘Umar (RA) said: “The people went out to sight the new moon and
I told the Messenger of Allah (SAW) that I had seen it, so he fasted
and told the people to fast.” (Reported by Abú Dawúd in his Súnan, Kitab
al-Saum, Baab fi Shahadat al-Wahid ‘ala rú’yat hilaali Ramadhan).

One could ask the following rhetorical questions:

1. Would Muhammad (SAW) have said “I have not seen the

new moon (hilal) with my own eyes, if a muslim had told
him that he had seen the new moon for Shawwal? ( * see
below 6)

2. If the hilal has been seen and therefore it is the first of

Shawwal, would Muhammad SAW have celebrated Eid or
would he have fasted still?

3. If Muhammad SAW was in Medina and the muslim telling

him that it is the 1st of Shawwal tomorrow, came from
Mecca, would it have made any difference?

4. Since Islam was not as well-spread as it is today, would

it have made any difference if the muslim came from a
different country?

Qas’r Salat (Short Prayer)
How far do we have to travel before offering Qas’r prayer

Narrated Umar ibn al-Khattab: Jubayr ibn Nufayr reported: I went

along with Shurahbil ibn as-Simt to a village which was situated at a
distance of seventeen or eighteen miles and he said only two rakat of
prayer. I said to him (about it) and he said: I saw Umar observing two
rakat at Dhul-Hulayfah and I (too) said to him (about it) and he said: I
am doing the same as I saw the Messenger of Allah (SAW) doing.
(This hadith has been transmitted by Shu'bah with the same chain of
narrators and it is narrated from Simt, and the name of Shurahbil has not
been mentioned, and he said that he had gone to a place called Dumin,
situated at a distance of eighteen miles from Hims.)
Sahih Muslim, Book Number: 4, Hadith Number: 1472

Modern writers and travellers, using a camel caravan, have

recorded travelling 18 miles in 3 hours. Using that as a
measure of time, as only time has stayed constant since the
time of the sahabas, then a distance of about 200 miles at
today’s speed by car is average. Of course, by plane it is
different or on foot.

This is not a definitive calculation, but is meant as guide,

for some people are not sure after what distance they
should pray qas’r prayer or should it be for any journey no
matter how short it is. You should do what your iman tells

How long can we offer Qas’r salat for

Narrated Ibn Abbas : “The Prophet once stayed for nineteen days and
prayed shortened prayers. So when we travel led (and stayed) for
nineteen days, we used to shorten the prayer but if we travelled (and
stayed) for a longer period we used to offer the full prayer.”
Sahih Bukhari, Volume: 2, Book Number: 20, Hadith Number: 186
Special Salat - Sahu

Sahu (forgetfulness) Salat

If we forget something or make a mistake during our salah,

the Prophet (SAW) has taught us how to make amends. The
following ahadith make it clear how to proceed.

In Shahih Bukhari, Volume: 2, Book Number: 22, Hadith Number: 324

Narrated Abu Huraira: “Allah's Apostle said, "When anyone of you
stands for the prayers, Satan comes and puts him in doubts till he
forgets how many Rakat he has prayed. So if this happens to anyone of
you, he should perform two prostrations of Sahu while sitting.
Narrated Abu Huraira: “ Then he said Takbir, performed a
prostration of ordinary duration or longer, then he raised his head and
said Takbir and performed another prostration of ordinary duration or
longer and then raised his head and said Takbir (i.e. he performed the
two prostrations of Sahu, i.e., forgetfulness).”

Narrated Abdullah bin Buhaina : “Allah's Apostle once led us in a

prayer and offered two Rakat and got up (for the third Rakah) without
sitting (after the second Rakah). The people also got up with him, and
when he was about to finish his prayer, we waited for him to finish the
prayer with Taslim but he said Takbir before Taslim and performed
two prostrations while sitting and then finished the prayer with Taslim.
Volume: 2, Book Number: 22, Hadith Number: 315

Narrated Abu Huraira: “Once Allah's Apostle prayed two Rakat

(instead of four) and finished his prayer. Dhu-l-yadain asked him
whether the prayer had been reduced or whether he had forgotten.
Allah's Apostle asked the people whether Dhu-l-yadain was telling the
truth. The people replied in the affirmative. Then Allah's Apostle stood
up, offered the remaining two Rakat and then finished his prayer with
Taslim and then said, "Allahu Akbar." He followed it with two
prostrations like ordinary prostrations or a bit longer.
Volume: 1, Book Number: 11, Hadith Number: 682
Special Salat - Sahu

Narrated Abdullah: “Once Allah's Apostle offered five Rakat

in the Zuh’r prayer, and somebody asked him whether there
was some increase in the prayer. Allah's Apostle said, "What is
that?" He said, "You have offered five Rakat." So Allah's
Apostle performed two prostrations of Sahu after Taslim.
Sahih Bukhari, Volume: 2, Book Number: 22, Hadith Number:

Narrated Abu Huraira: “The Prophet led us in the As’r or the

Zuh’r prayer and finished it with Taslim. Zul-Yadain said to
him, "O Allah's Apostle! Has the prayer been reduced?" The
Prophet asked his companions who answered in the
affirmative. So Allah's Apostle I offered two more Rakat and
then performed two prostrations (of Sahu). Sad said, "I saw
that Ursa bin Az-Zubair had offered two Rakat in the Maghrib
prayer and finished it with Taslim. He then talked (and when
he was informed about it) he completed the rest of his prayer
and performed two prostrations, and said, 'The Prophet prayed
like this.' "

Sahih Bukhari, Volume: 2, Book Number: 22, Hadith Number:


Narrated 'Abdullah bin Buhaina:Once Allah's Apostle led us in

prayer, and after finishing the first two Rakat, got up (instead
of sitting for At-Tahiyyat) and then carried on with the prayer.
When he had finished his prayer, the people were waiting for
him to say Taslim, but before saying Taslim, he said Takbir
and prostrated; then he raised his head, and saying Takbir, he
prostrated (SAHU) and then raised his head and finished his
prayer with Taslim.

Volume: 8, Book Number: 78, Hadith Number: 663


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• Whilst it is not possible to list all the benefits of salat here
as the list would be inexhaustible, it is worthwhile
remembering that salah is not an end in itself but a means
to an end.

• Now that, Insha Allah this little guide may have helped you
(or not, for those who were fully-versed in their salat before)
it is worth contemplating on the various revelations in the
Quran when Allah SWT has purposefully instructed us that
salah is not a complete act in itself until accompanied by
various supplementary deeds:

• Patience and perseverance

• (2.153) O ye who believe! seek help with patient perseverance and prayer; for
Allah is with those who patiently persevere.

• Charity and praying in congregation

• (2:43) And be steadfast in prayer; practise regular charity; and bow down your
heads with those who bow down (in worship).

• Prayer, Charity, Kindness to parents, needy, orphans

• (2.83) And remember We took a covenant from the Children of Israel (to this
effect): Worship none but Allah. treat with kindness your parents and kindred,
and orphans and those in need; speak fair to the people; be steadfast in prayer;
and practise regular charity. Then did ye turn back, except a few among you,
and ye backslide (even now).

• And the deeds get even more comprehensive with (2.177)

• It is not righteousness that ye turn your faces to the East and the West; but
righteous is he who believeth in Allah and the Last Day and the angels and the
Scripture and the Prophets; and giveth his wealth, for love of Him, to kinsfolk
and to orphans and the needy and the wayfarer and to those who ask, and to
set slaves free; and observeth proper worship and payeth the poor due. And
those who keep their treaty when they make one, and the patient in tribulation
and adversity and time of stress. Such are they who are sincere. Such are the
God fearing.

• Your opinions and contributions would be most welcome at

• Brotherly yours

• Toolah 20

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