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DL PA 251-Local Governance

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Baruzo, Jasmin S.

Exercise #1
1. What must a local government have so that it can be called as such?
Local government is a political s!"ivision o# a nation or state constitte"
!$ la%& %'ic' 'as s!stantial control over lan" a##airs incl"ing t'e po%er to
impose ta(es& t'e governing !o"$ o# %'ic' is electe" an" appointe") *t is a set o#
rle+ma,ing an" rle+en#orcement activities !in"ing pon a set o# collectivit$) *t
also 'as a "e#inite area& polltion& contining organi-ation& an" t'e at'orit$ to
n"erta,e an" t'e po%er to carr$ ot p!lic activities in a particlar area) *t is
re#erre" as mnicipal corporation)
2. What are the reuisites o! local government?
a) Legal creation or incorporation.
!) Corporate name.
c) *n'a!itants.
") Place o# /erritor$.
e) C'arter. an"
#) Legislative Po%er)
". #he t$o ma%or conce&ts o! the local government are'
a) *t is a political s!"ivision o# t'e national government e(cl"ing t'e #iel"
o##ices o# line agencies geograp'icall$ locate" %it'in t'e 0ris"iction o# t'e
local government nits) *t is t'e tra"itional an" legal concept o# local
!) /'e geograp'ic area %'ere all government nits& incl"ing t'e #iel" o##icers o#
line agencies o# t'e national government& are consi"ere" as part o# t'e local
(. #he di!!erence bet$een a com&onent cit) to that o! a highl) urbanized cit)?
Component cit$ is li,e a mnicipalit$& %'ereas 'ig'l$ r!ani-e" cit$ is
in"epen"ent o# t'e province %'ere i# is locate" an" n"er t'e Presi"ent1s in
"irect spervision)
*. +re ,egional -evelo&ment .ouncils considered local government?
/. Wh) or $h) not?
Regional Development Concils are not consi"ere" as local governments or
mnicipal corporations !ecase t'e$ "o not 'ave separate corporate
responsi!ilities. neit'er "o t'e$ e(ercise legislative #nctions)
Exercise #2
1. 0o$ the baranga) became the local government unit?
Dring t'e 2panis' Perio"& t'e 3ilipino ancestors esta!lis'e" an
in"igenos political instittion ,no%n as t'e !aranga$) *t compose" o# some 45+
155 'ose'ol"s& !ase" largel$ on ,ins'ip) Ever$ !aranga$ %as 'ea"e" !$ a
rler ,no%n as t'e "at %'o %as also re#erre" to as ra0a'& gat& or la,an&
"ats'ip& or lea"ers'ip& %as attaine" t'rog' in'eritance& p'$sical pro%ess&
%ealt'& %is"om or virte& or t'rog' a com!ination o# an$ to% or more o# t'ese
2) 7o% %as t'e !aranga$ o# t'e 2panis' era "i##erent #rom t'e martial regime8
Dring t'e 2panis' perio"& t'e !aranga$s %ere trans#orme" into !arrios
an" t'e "ats relegate" to t'e role o# ta( collectors ,no%n as ca!e-as "e
!aranga$& %'ile "ring t'e martial regime& rename" some o# t'e local
government nits an" se" in"igenos terms sc' as t'e !aranga$ #or !arrio)
". -i!!erentiate the local government o! the di!!erent &eriods in term o!'
(. What is the signi!icance o! the !ollo$ing'
a) 9atas Pam!ansa 9ilang 222& prsant to t'is la%& !aranga$ election %as 'el"
on Ma$ 1:& 1;<2. conversion o# t'e Ministr$ o# local Government an"
Commnit$ Development =MLGCD> into a Ministr$ o# Local Government
=MLG>. an" t'e approval o# t'e Local Government Co"e.
!) E(ective Or"er No) :::& man"ate" t'e MLG to "evelop t'e capa!ilit$ o#
local government o##icials an" strengt'en t'e a"ministrative capa!ilit$ o# local
government nits& to assist t'e Presi"ent in e(ercising 'is po%er o# general
spervision over local governments an" to assist in t'e a"ministration o# t'e
?atarngang Pam!aranga$.
c) 9atas Pam!ansa 9ilang 44: enacte" t'e Local Government Co"e "e#ining a
more responsive an" acconta!le local government strctre %it' an
e##ective s$stem o# recall& allocating among t'e "i##erent local government
nits t'eir po%ers& responsi!ilities& an" resorces& an" provi"ing #or t'e
6ali#ications& election an" removal& term& salaries& po%ers& #nctions an"
"ties o# local o##icials& an" all ot'er matters relating to t'e organi-ation an"
operation o# t'e local government nits)
") Local Government Co"e contains a nm!er o# signi#icant provisions& incl"ing
principle o# li!eral interpretation o# local government po%ers) *t "e#ines t'e
role an" #nctions o# t'e local government nit an" t'e "egree o# spervision
!$ t'e central agencies) *t also provi"es #or a s$stem o# recall o# local
Exercise #"
1. #he cor&orate &o$ers o! the local government are'
a) /o 'ave continos sccession in its corporate name.
!) /o se an" to !e se".
c) /o 'ave an" se a corporate seal.
") /o ac6ire an" conve$ real or personal propert$.
e) /o enter into contracts. an"
#) /o e(ercise sc' ot'er po%ers as are grante" to corporations)
2) /'e "i##erent #nctions o# local government are@
a) Legislative #nction
!) E(ective #nction
!)1 A"ministrative #nction
!)2 Governmental #nction
4) /'e #ollo%ing are t'e o##ices organi-e" in t'e local government in or"er to assist
t'e local c'ie# e(ective@
a) 9$ prpose 'ealt'& 0ail& engineering.
!) 9$ process treasr$ an" assessment) Prc'asing an" general services&
legal services& personnel& !"geting.
c) 9$ area clientele "a$+care centers an" ot'er social services.
4)19"get O##ice
4)2Planning an" Development
4)4Personnel an" Legal 2ervices
4)AO##ice o# t'e A"ministrator
4)5General 2ervices
4)B2ecrit$ 2ervices
4):/reasr$& Assessment& Engineering& Agricltre& Veterinar$& Li!rar$ an"
2ocial 2ervices
4)<Civil Registration O##ice
A) /'e Cgeneral+prposeD concept in t'e mnicipalities an" cities is t'e coor"ination
an" "eliver$ o# !asic& reglar an" service %it'in t'eir 0ris"iction) /'e$ mst
provi"e services %'ic' are !asicall$ nee"e" !$ t'eir imme"iate poplations)
E(ercise EA
1) /'e #ollo%ing are t'e ma0or #nctions o# t'e !aranga$@
a) A"ministrative an" "evelopment involves t'e planning an" implementation o#
programs& pro0ects an" activities. an"
!) Political in t'e sense t'at t'e !aranga$ serves as t'e son"ing !oar"& !ot'
p%ar" an" "o%n%ar"& #or t'e articlation o# t'e pro!lems& nee"s& an"
sentiments o# t'e people& as %ell as t'e mec'anism t'rog' %'ic' t'e
government "irectl$ interacts %it' t'e people)
2) F'at is t'e "istinction !et%een a mnicipalit$ an" a cit$8
.ities sall$ 'ave to encompass a certain geograp'ic area an" consist
o# a minimm o# a certain nm!er o# citi-ens in or"er to !e consi"ere" Gcities)G
/'e term Gmunici&alit)&G on t'e ot'er 'an"& is a generic term an" can re#er to
an$ incorporate" s!+"ivision =ot'er t'an a a cont$Hparis'> regar"less o# its si-e
or poplation)
4) /'e province n"er t'e local Government Co"e is a political nit comprise" o# a
grop o# mnicipalities an" component cities) *ts role is to serve as an e##ective
mec'anism in t'e "evelopment process an" assme !asicall$ area+%i"e
#nctions& roles an" activities)
A) /'e role o# a regional government n"er t'e Local Government Co"e is to
coor"inate an" integrate t'e planning an" implementation o# "evelopment
programs an" pro0ects in t'e region %'ic' are no% !eing per#orme" !$ t'e
varios regional o##ices o# line agencies an" special stattor$ !o"ies)
Exercise #/
1) F'at is t'e "i##erence !et%een government an" governance8
Governance an" government are interc'angea!le in t'e sense the
process of governing& !t t'e$ "i##er in ot'er senses) Government o#ten re#ers to
t'e governing !o"$ itsel#& %'ile governance o#ten re#ers to t'e act o# governing)
2o mem!ers o# a government are engage" in governance)
Government is t'e electe" !o"$ o# representatives 'ea"e" !$ a person)
/'is !o"$ 'as t'e man"ate to rle or govern people) An" t'e manner in %'ic'
t'e$ se t'e esta!lis'e" s$stem an" principles to rn t'e a##airs o# t'e contr$ is
calle" governance)
Mean%'ile& governance is o#ten t'e !etter %or" #or t'e a"ministration o#
nongovernmental organi-ations =corporations& #or e(ample>&
%'ile government %or,s !etter in re#erence to t'e p!lic a"ministration o#
nations& states& mnicipalities& etc)
Governance can !e goo" or !a" "epen"ing pon t'e perception o# t'e
people an" t'e$ ma$ accor"ingl$ c'oose to retain or vote a particlar
government ot o# po%er)
*n nts'ell& governance is %'at a government "oes) *t is t'e e(ercise o#
po%ers t'at are !esto%e" pon t'e government accor"ing to set rles an"
reglations sing a s$stem o# !reacrac$ t'at "e#ines governance) Government
is merel$ an instrment #or t'e prpose o# governance)
Exercise #1
1) F'at are t'e #nctions o# government an" governance8
3nctions o# Government 3nctions o# Governance
to esta!lis' 0stice& #orm a nion&
insre "omestic tran6ilit$& promote
%el#are an" provi"e "e#ense.
ena!le t'e government to esta!lis'
an" en#orce la%s.
is also a!le to set p #orces to
protect its citi-ens !ot' locall$ an"
also cover t'e !asic nee"s o# t'e
citi-ens. an"
%or,s #or t'e people an" it s'ol"
al%a$s 'ave t'e !est interest o# t'e
people at t'e #ore#ront o# all re#orm)
e(ercise o# political& economic an"
a"ministrative at'orit$ to manage
a nation1s a##airs.
em!races all o# t'e met'o"s
goo" an" !a" t'at societies se
to "istri!te po%er an" manage
p!lic resorces an" pro!lems.
is t'e manner in %'ic' po%er is
e(ercise" in t'e management o# a
contr$1s social an" economic
resorces #or "evelopment
2) Descri!e t'e #ollo%ing terms o# government an" governance)
2overnment is a !o"$ t'at comprises a person or a grop o# persons %'o
rn t'e a"ministration o# a contr$) /'is is a means in %'ic' po%er is e(ercise")
/'ere are varios #orms o# governments sc' as "emocrac$ or atocrac$ !t t'is
article %ill remain con#ine" to t'e general term government %'ic' is commonl$ se"
in social sciences) *n normal circmstances& a state is rn !$ a government t'at 'as
a man"ate #rom t'e people to rn t'e a##airs o# t'e contr$ an" also a term t'at ma$
!e o# A+B $ears to serve t'e state) /'s t'ere is a sccession o# governments in an$
contr$ or t'e same government ma$ !e electe" again #or a sccessive term i#
people #eel t'at it 'as "one its 0o! o# rnning t'e contr$ in a #air an" close to i"eal
2overnance re#ers to t'e activities o# a government) *n la$man1s terms& it is
t'e rles an" la%s ma"e !$ t'e government t'at are sog't to !e implemente"
t'rog' a c'osen !reacrac$ %'ic' is re#erre" to as governance) /'e process o#
governing people or a state is calle" governance)
Exercise #3
1) F'at are t'e actors in government8
a) Rling 2tate is t'e %iel"er o# po%er& t'e principal actor in government) *ts
ma0or #nction is to #acilitate !$ provi"ing resorces to assist mar,ets an"
commnities) 2c' resorces incl"e in#ormation& tec'nical e(pertise an"
a"vice& researc' an" "evelopment programs& p'$sical in#rastrctre as %ell
as grants+in+ai" or incentive sc'emes.
!) Orc'estrating
c) Controlling
") Governing
2) 7o% "oes t'e state pla$ its ,e$ roles o# ena!ling an" #acilitating t'e participation
o# ot'er elements o# societ$8
/'e state as ena!ler provi"es t'e legal an" reglator$ #rame%or, an"
political or"er %it'in %'ic' #irms an" organi-ations can plan an" act) *t can
encorage citi-ens to act !$ li!erating t'em #orm t'e #ear o# militar$ reprisals
%'en t'e$ critici-e policies or serve marginali-e" grops) *t can assre private
#irms t'at policies are #air an" not s!0ect to caprice or %'im or t'e private
interests o# political o##icials)
4) *n %'at #orms o# resorces "oes t'e state #acilitate8
/o #acilitate !$ provi"ing resorces to assist mar,ets an" commnities)
2c' resorces incl"e in#ormation& tec'nical e(pertise an" a"vice& researc' an"
"evelopment programs& p'$sical in#rastrctre as %ell as grants+in+ai" or
incentive sc'emes)
A) F'at are t'e t%o ot'er actors in governance8 7o% "oes eac' one act8
a) Civil societ$ consists o# t'e comple( o# citi-ens an" grop otsi"e
government !t %or,ing in t'e p!lic arena) *t is also calle" as non+
government organi-ations %'ic' attempts to represent t'e interests o# t'e
inarticlate an" t'e e(cl"e" even as t'e$ en"eavor to organi-e t'em so t'at
t'e$ ma$ arise t'eir o%n voices on social isses an" e(ercise t'eir o%n
po%er over t'emselves an" t'e collective li#e o# t'e nation)
!) Mar,et
5) In"er t'e regime o# governance& %'at is t'e role o# t'e private sector8
/'e role o# t'e private sector n"er t'e regime o# governance is as t'e
engine o# societ$)

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