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Bangladesh Med Res Counc Bull 2012; 38: 94-97

Pattern of cutaneous tuberculosis among children and adolescent

Sultana A
, Bhuiyan MSI
, Haque A
, Bashar A
, Islam MT
, Rahman MM

Dept. of Dermatology, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU), Dhaka,
Dept. of Public health and informatics, BSMMU, Dhaka,
SK Hospital, Mymensingh Medical College,
Dept. of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, BSMMU, Dhaka,

Dept. of Dermatology, National Medical College, Dhaka.


Cutaneous tuberculosis is one of the most subtle and difficult diagnoses for dermatologists practicing in
developing countries. It has widely varied manifestations and it is important to know the spectrum of
manifestations in children and adolescent. Sixty cases (age<19 years) of cutaneous tuberculosis were
included in this one period study. The diagnosis was based on clinical examination, tuberculin reaction,
histopathology, and response to antitubercular therapy. Histopahology revealed 38.3% had skin
tuberculosis and 61.7% had diseases other than tuberculosis. Among 23 histopathologically proved
cutaneous tuberculosis, 47.8% had scrofuloderma, 34.8% had lupus vulgaris and 17.4% had tuberculosis
verrucosa cutis (TVC). Most common site for scrofuloderma lesions was neck and that for lupus vulgaris
and TVC was lower limb. Cutaneous tuberculosis in children continues to be an important cause of
morbidity, there is a high likelihood of internal involvement, especially in patients with scrofuloderma. A
search is required for more sensitive, economic diagnostic tools.


Tuberculosis (TB), an ancient disease has affected
humankind for more than 4,000 years
and its
estimated total number of cases has reached to the
highest in its history
. In Bangladesh, TB remains a
major cause of morbidity and mortality
and the
burden of TB patients in Bangladesh is sixth of its
world burden
. The global burden of tuberculosis
among children under age 15 is 884019, 11.0% of
total cases of tuberculosis
Cutaneous TB, as like its systemic forms have a
variable clinical appearance, significance and
prognosis. Childhood cutaneous TB has a prevalence
rate among all forms of TB ranges from18.7% to
53.7% in India and other Asian countries
. The
clinical presentation of different types of cutaneous
TB varies and determined by factors such as route of
infection and cellular immune status of the host
The current study was aimed to describe the varied
clinicopathological patterns of cutaneous tuberculosis
in children and adolescents.

Materials and Methods
This cross sectional observational study was
conducted in all government medical college
hospitals in Dhaka, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib
Medical University (BSMMU), Bangladesh Institute
of Child Health (BICH) and Institute of Diseases of
Chest and Hospital (IDCH) from J anuary to
December 2010. Sixty children (<19 years) with
tuberculosis were included after taking consent from
parents or the legal guardians. A detailed history
including present and past history of tuberculosis and
BCG immunization status were taken and a thorough
physical examination was done. Complete blood
count (CBC), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR),
mantoux test, X-ray of chest and other regions,
ultrasound of the abdomen and biopsy of the lesion
were done. The mantoux test was performed using 1
tuberculin unit (0.02 mg of purified protein
derivative) and read at 72 hours. Induration of more
than 10 mm was taken as suggestive of infection with
mycobacterium tuberculosis in non vaccinated
patients and 15 mm and above was in vaccinated


In the current study, 60 children with cutaneous
tuberculosis were analyzed to explore the clinico-
pathological spectrum of skin TB in Bangladesh. Out
of them maximum 46.7% patients were within 11 to
15 years age group followed by 25% within 6-10
years, 15% more than 15 years and 13.3% up to 5
years. Mean age of the patients was 11.63.92 years.

Seventy percent were male and 30.0% female. Most
91.7% of the patients were from poor social strata
and only 8.3% from middle class (Table I).

Table I: Demographic variable (n=60)

Variables Frequency Percent
Up to 5 8 13.3
6-10 15 25.0
11-15 28 46.7
>15 9 15.0
MeanSD (range)=11.63.92 (4-18)
Male 42 70.0
Female 18 30.0
Total 60 100.0
Socioeconomic status
Poor 55 91.7
Middle 5 8.3

Five percent of the children had previous history of
tuberculosis, 10% had family history of tuberculosis
and only one patient had radiological evidence of
pulmonary tuberculosis. Seventy five percent of
children had single and 25% had multiple lesion on
skin. Histopahology revealed 38.3% had skin
tuberculosis and 61.7% had diseases other than
tuberculosis. Among 23 histopathological proved
cutaneous tuberculosis, 47.8% had scrofuloderma,
34.8% had lupus vulgaris and 17.4% had TVC (Table

Table II: Distribution of the clinico-pathological characteristics of the
patients with cutaneous tuberculosis (n=60)
Variables Frequency Percent
Previous history of TB
Present 3 5.0
Absent 57 95.0
Family history of tuberculosis
Present 6 10.0
Absent 54 90.0
X-ray chest findings
Pulmonary TB 1 1.7
Normal 59 98.3
Number of lesion
Single 45 75.0
Multiple 15 25.0
Skin TB 23 38.3
Other than Skin TB 37 61.7
Clinico-pathological types(n=23)
Scrofuloderma 11 47.8
Lupus vulgaris 8 34.8
Tuberculosis Verrucosa Cutis (TVC) 4 17.4

Most common site of scrofuloderma was neck (figure
1) and that for lupus vulgaris and TVC was lower
(figure 2) limb. Second most common site for
scrofuloderma was groin and that for lupus vulgaris
was face (figure 3). Lymph node was found enlarged
in 5 (45.3%) cases of scrofuloderma and 1(12.5%)
cases of lupus vulgaris. In TVC systemic involvement
was not found. All (100%) of lupus vulgaris and
TVC cases and 90.9% of scrofuloderma cases were
found immunized with BCG. Mantoux positivity was
found in 63.6% of scrofuloderma cases, 62.5% lupus
vulgaris and 100% of TVC cases (Table III).

Table III: Pattern of presentation of the cutaneous tuberculosis

Character Scrofuloderma
(TVC) (n=4)
Most common site Neck Lower limb Lower limb
Second most common site Groin Face
Lymph node 5(45.3%) 1(12.5%) None Systemic
involvement others none 1(12.5%) None
BCG vaccination 10(90.9%) 8(100.0%) 4 (100.0%)
Mantoux positivity 7(63.6%) 5(62.5%) 4 (100.0%)

Fig. 1: Scrofuloderma

Fig. 2: Tuberculosis verrucosa cutis (TVC)

Fig.3: Lupus vulgaris.


Tuberculosis (TB) is a major public health problem
in Bangladesh. In 2008, the World Health
Organization (WHO) ranked Bangladesh sixth among
the worlds 22 high-burden TB countries. The
incidence of both pulmonary and extra pulmonary TB

is expected to rise. The emergence of HIV virus has
led to a 20% increase in incidence of extra pulmonary
TB in the U.S
. Although the prevalence of
cutaneous TB in Bangladesh is not known, it
accounts for 0.1-0.9% of the total dermatology out-
patients in India
. Cutaneous tuberculosis
represents 1.5% of all cases of extra pulmonary

The current study was conducted to see the pattern of
cutaneous tuberculosis in children and adolescent in
Bangladesh. Cutaneous TB affects the entire age
spectrum in children
. Majority of children in the
current study were from the age group of 11 to 15
years with a mean age of the patients was 11.63.92
years, which is close to some previous studies (10 to
14 years group) though these can not be compared
with many other studies as different studies had
different age group

Tuberculosis in children usually contracted from
infected family members, in the current study 5% of
the children had previous history of tuberculosis,
10% had family history of tuberculosis and only one
patient had radiological evidence of pulmonary
tuberculosis. In different Indian studies an infected
parent or close household member were found in
19.0% to 41.2% cases
. Most (91.7%) of the
patients in the current study in agreement with
previous Indian studies
were from poor social
strata and only 8.3% from middle class. In developed
countries, 10-15% of TB cases have extra-pulmonary
involvement, but in patients from high-incidence
countries the rate is much higher. People who are
HIV positive and infected with TB develop extra-
pulmonary disease much more frequently, up to 50%
of cases

Confirmatory diagnosis and exclusion other
differential diagnosis of skin TB by clinical features
and histopathology is really difficult
. In the
current study among sixty clinically diagnosed skin
TB cases only 23 (38.3%) was histopathologically
diagnosed as skin TB. Among those Scrofuloderma
was the most common pattern of skin TB in children
and adolescent, which was consistant with different
previous India studies
. The second most
common type of skin TB seen in the current study
was lupus vulgaris which is considered as the most
common type in adult
. Although TVC is defined
as uncommon form of cutaneous tuberculosis among
Indian children
, higher rate was found in
(65.5%) and other Indian studies

and it was found in 17.4% cases of our series.
In agreement with previous studies, majority of the
Scrofuloderma lesions were located on neck
. Most of the lupus vulgaris lesions were
situated on lower limb which is explained by high
prevalence of children with habit of out door games
without clothings
and TVC was found typically on
exposed part of the body (lower limb)

Scrofuloderma commonly results from contiguous
involvement of the skin overlying tuberculosis in a
deeper structure, which is most commonly lymph
node, bone or joint
. In the current study, in
45.3% of Scrofuloderma patients have enlarged
lymph node and only one cases of lupus vulgaris
patient had lung and lymph node involvement and
none of TVC cases had systemic involvement. Some
, demonstrated that BCG immunization
has some protective role against skin TB and others
failed to demonstrated such association
. In the
current study, 90.9% patients of Scrofuloderma, all of
lupus vulgaris and tuberculosis Verrucosa cutis cases
were vaccinated for BCG. The Mantoux test, a good
screening test for TB infection was found to be
positive in >90.0% children with TB
. In the
current study 63.6% of Scrofuloderma, 62.5% lupus
vulgaris and 100.0% of TVC patients found to be
positive for Mantoux test.

Skin tuberculosis as well as other extra-pulmonary
TB is an important issue in the era of HIV-AIDS. As
current and newer diagnostic tools are not enough
sensitive, specific or cost effective in its diagnosis,
knowing its clinical pattern and presentation is
important. Scrofuloderma is the most common type
of skin TB in children and adolescent scrofuloderma
is the most common type of skin TB in children and
adolescent followed by lupus vulgaris and
tuberculosis verrucosa cutis (TVC).

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