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14 Ar, 17:1, 2005

Celiac Ganglion Block

Serdar Erdine*
lyak gangliyon blou
Perktan lyak pleksus blou yaklak bir asrdr uygulanan bir yntemdir. lyak pleksus ve splanknik sinir
bloklar, balangta cerrahi anestezi elde etmek amacyla uygulanmtr. Ancak, bu bloklarn uygulamadaki teknik
zorluklar ve cerrahi anestezi elde etmedeki deiken sonular nedeniyle zamanla bu uygulamalarn yerini spinal
anestezi ve somatik paravertebral sinirlerin segmental bloklar almtr. lyak pleksus ve splanknik sinir bloklarnn
cerrahi anestezide kullanmnn daralmasn, bu yntemlerin yeni bir uzmanlk alan olan ar tedavisinde artan
kullanmlar takip etmitir. Bu bloklar, pankreas, karacier, safra kesesi, omentum, mezenter ve mideden transvers
kolona kadar olan sindirim kanalndan kaynaklanan, zellikle malign kkenli kronik arlarda etkili olmaktadr. Bu
yazda, lyak blok ile ilgili anatomi, endikasyon ve kotrendikasyonlar, deiik uygulama teknikleri ve bunlarn
sonular irdelenmektedir.
Anahtar kelimeler: lyak, splanknik, blok, teknik, abdominal ar
The percutaneus blockade of the celiac plexus is being performed nearly for a century. The aim of performing celiac
plexus and splancnic nerve blocks was surgical anesthesia at the beginning. But because of the technical demands
and variable results of celiac plexus and splanchnic nerve blocks as a surgical anesthetic, over time, these techniques
were supplanted by spinal anesthesia and segmental blockade of the somatic paravertebral nerves. As celiac plexus
and splanchnic nerve blocks were falling into disuse for surgical anesthesia, the clinical utility of these techniques
was becoming apparent in the new specialty of pain management. Celiac plexus and splancnic nerve blocks are
effective in relieving chronic abdominal pain, especially originating from the malignancies of the pancreas, liver,
gallbladder, omentum, mesentery, and alimentary tract from the stomach to the transverse portion of the large colon.
The relevant anatomy, indications, cotraindications, different application techniques and results of celiac blockade is
reviewed in this paper.
Key words: Celiac, splancnic, block, technique, abdominal pain
(*) Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Department of Algology, Prof., M. D.
(*) stanbul niversitesi stanbul Tp Fakltesi, Algoloji Bilim Dal, Prof. Dr.
Correspondence to:
Serdar Erdine, Prof., M. D., Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Department of Algology, 34390 Capa, Istanbul, TURKEY
Tel: (+90 212) 531 31 47 Fax: (+90 212) 631 05 41 e-mail:
Bavuru adresi:
Prof. Dr. Serdar Erdine, stanbul niversitesi stanbul Tp Fakltesi, Algoloji Bilim Dal, 34390 apa, stanbul
Tel: (0212) 531 31 47 Faks: (0212) 631 05 41 e-posta:
Ar, 17:1, 2005 15
n 1914, Kappis introduced the percutaneous
technique for block of the splanchnic nerves
and celiac plexus with local anesthetic (Kap-
pis 1914). He described a posterior approach
intended to be used primarily for a surgical anes-
thesia that utilized two needles, the tips of which
were placed into the retroperitoneum via a retro-
crural approach. He rapidly gained experience
with this technique and reported on it in a series
of 200 patients (Kappis 1918).
The same year, Wendling (1918) described a
method of blocking the celiac plexus and
splanchnic nerves utilizing a single needle placed
anteriorly through the liver. Judged to be riskier
than Kappis posterior approach, it rapidly fell
into disfavor.
Labat, Farr, and others introduced modifications
of Kappis technique over the ensuing 30 years
(Roussiel 1923, Braun 1921, Labat 1920). Because
of the technical demands and variable results of
celiac plexus and splanchnic nerve blocks as a
surgical anesthetic, over time, these techniques
was supplanted by spinal anesthesia and segmen-
tal blockade of the somatic paravertebral nerves
(De Takats 1927).
As celiac plexus and splanchnic nerve blocks
were falling into disuse for surgical anesthesia, the
clinical utility of these techniques was becoming
apparent in the new specialty of pain manage-
ment. Recognizing the difficulty in distinguishing
the somatic and visceral components of abdomi-
nal pain, Popper (1948) recommended the use of
splanchnic nerve block with local anesthetic as a
diagnostic tool.
Alcohol neurolysis of the splanchnic nerves and
celiac plexus for long-lasting relief of abdominal
pain was first described by Jones (1957). Briden-
baugh and colleagues (1964) reported on the role
of neurolytic celiac plexus block to treat the pain
of upper abdominal malignancy.
In spite of these modifications, Kappis classic
posterior approach to the celiac plexus and
splanchnic nerves continues to serve as the basis
for contemporary techniques. Interestingly, there
is renewed interest in the anterior approach to
celiac plexus block, utilizing computed tomogra-
phy or ultrasound to allow more accurate needle
placement (Matamala et al. 1992, Matamala et al.
Innervation of the abdominal viscera originates in
the anterolateral horn of the spinal cord with the
ventral spinal routes to join the white communi-
cating rami en route to the sympathetic chain. In
contradiction to other preganglionic sympathetic
nerves, these axons do not synapse in the sympa-
thetic chain; rather, they pass through the chain to
synapse at distal sites, including the celiac, aortic
renal and superior mesenteric ganglia. Postgan-
glionic nerves accompany blood vessels to their
respective visceral structures (Figure 1).
Preganglionic nerves from T
to T
and occasion-
ally T
and T
travel caudally from the sympa-
thetic chain along the lateral and anterolateral
aspects of the vertebral bodies. At the level of T
and T
, the axons coalesce to form the greater
splanchnic nerve, course through the diaphragm,
and end as numerous terminal endings in the celi-
ac plexus. Most travel ipsilaterally, but a few cross
and synapse with contralateral postganglionic cell
Sympathetic nerves from T
and occasionally
, combine to form the lesser splanchnic nerve.
Their course parallels the greater splanchnic
nerve in a posterolateral position and ends in
either the celiac plexus or aorticorenal ganglion.
The least splanchnic nerves arise from T
, paral-
lel posteriorly the lesser splanchnic nerve, and
synapse in the aorticorenal ganglion.
Figure 1: Splanchnic nerves; greater, lesser and least.
Formation of the respective abdominal plexuses is
16 Ar, 17:1, 2005
Nociceptive input from abdominal viscera is car-
ried by afferent nerves that are part of the spinal
nerves but accompany the sympathetic nerves.
Cell bodies exist in the posterior roots of the
spinal nerves, with proximal axons synapsing in
the dorsal horn of the spinal cord.
The celiac plexus lies anterior to the aorta and
epigastrium. It is also located just anterior to the
crus of the diaphragm and becomes an important
consideration in selection of the approach for
blockade. The plexus extends for several cen-
timeters in front of the aorta and laterally around
the aorta. Fibers within the plexus arise from pre-
ganglionic splanchnic nerves, parasympathetic
preganglionic nerves from the vagus, some sen-
sory nerves from the phrenic and vagus nerves,
and sympathetic postganglionic fibers. Afferent
fibers concerned with nociception pass diffusely
through the celiac plexus and represent the main
target of celiac plexus blockade.
These fibers coalesce to form a dense, intertwin-
ing network of autonomic nerves. Three pairs of
ganglia exist within the plexus: (1) the celiac gan-
glia, (2) the superior mesenteric ganglia, and (3)
the aorticorenal ganglia. Postganglionic nerves
from these ganglia innervate all of the abdominal
viscera with the exception of part of the trans-
verse colon, the left colon, the rectum, and the
pelvic viscera. Pelvic viscera ultimately have noci-
ceptive synapse from T
spinal levels and
include the uterus and cervix (Raj 1985).
Any pain originating from visceral structures and
innervated by the celiac plexus can be effectively
alleviated by block of the plexus. These structures
include the pancreas, liver, gallbladder, omentum,
mesentery, and alimentary tract from the stomach
to the transverse portion of the large colon.
An additional benefit in these patients may be the
effect of celiac plexus block on gastric motility.
Complete sympathetic denervation of the gas-
trointestinal tract allows unopposed parasympa-
thetic activity and increases peristalsis. Whereas
diarrhea has been reported in a few patients, a
concomitant decrease in the incidence of nausea
and vomiting has also been reported. The pres-
ence of severe nausea and vomiting may be as a
primary indication in patients with pancreatic can-
Owing to the proximity to vascular structures,
celiac plexus block is contraindicated in patients
who are on anticoagulant therapy or suffer from
congenital abnormalities of coagulopathy,
antiblastic cancer therapies, or liver abnormalities
associated with ethanol abuse (Patt 1993, Wald-
man 1990). Local or intraabdominal infection and
sepsis represent absolute contraindications to celi-
ac plexus block.
As blockade of the celiac plexus results in greater
bowel motility, the technique should be avoided
in patients with bowel obstruction. Neurolytic
celiac plexus block should probably be deferred
in patients who suffer from chronic abdominal
pain who are chemically dependent or who
exhibit drug-seeking behavior, until these relative
contraindications have been adequately addressed
(Waldman 1992). The use of alcohol as a neu-
rolytic agent should be avoided in patients on
disulfiram therapy for alcohol abuse.
25 G skin infiltration needle
22 G 1.5-inch needle for deep infiltration
16 G 2-inch angiocath
Curved blunt needle, 10 or 15 cm (10 or 15 mm
Local anesthetic block
0.5 % ropivacaine / 0.5 % bupivacaine equal
parts = 40 ml
2 % lidocaine
Steroids (water soluble)
Depot methylprenisolone or triamcinolone diac-
etate or equivalent
6-10 % phenol in iohexol (Omnipaque)
Absolute alcohol
97 % alcohol
50 % alcohol in saline
Radiofrequency thermocoagulation (RFTC)
Preoperative evaluation
1. Prothrombin time, activated partial thrombo-
plastin time, bleeding time or platelet function
study, blood count with platelets
Ar, 17:1, 2005 17
2. CXR (chest X-ray)
3. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI, for cancer;
in area of block and detection of aneurysms)
Preoperative medication
Standard ASA conscious sedation.
Posterior approach blind technique
The patient is placed in the prone position with a
pillow beneath the abdomen to reverse the thora-
columbar lordosis (Figure 2). This position
increases the distance between the costal margins
and the iliac crests and between the transverse
processes of adjacent vertebral bodies. For com-
fort, the patients head is turned to the side, and
the arms are permitted to hang off freely at either
side of the table. The operative field is prepared
and draped in standard aseptic manner.
Some clinicians find it beneficial to delineate the
pertinent landmarks on the skin with a sterile
marker. The landmarks include the iliac crests,
ribs, dorsal midline, vertebral bodies (T
and lateral borders of the paraspinal
(sacrospinalis) muscles. Moore (1965) recom-
mends that the intersection of the 12
rib and the
lateral border of the paraspinal muscles on each
side (which corresponds to L
) should be marked
and connected with lines to each other and to the
cephalic portion of the L
spine, forming an
isosceles triangle, the sides of which serve as an
additional guide to needle positioning (Figure 3).
The skin and underlying subcutaneous tissues
and musculature are infiltrated with 1.0 % lido-
caine at the points of needle entry, which is about
four fingerbreadth (7.5 cm) lateral to the midline,
just beneath the 12
ribs. Either 20 or 22 G, 13 cm
styletted needles are inserted bilaterally through
the previously anesthetized areas. The needles are
initially oriented 45 degrees toward the midline
and about 15 degrees cephalad, to ensure contact
with the L
vertebral body. Once contact with the
vertebral body has been verified, the depth at
which bone contact occurred is noted (some clin-
icians find it useful to actually mark this measure-
ment on the shaft of the needle with a sterile gen-
tian violet marker after the needle is withdrawn).
After bony contact is made and the depth is
noted, the needles are withdrawn to the level of
the subcutaneous tissue and redirected slightly
lateral (about 60 degrees from the midline) so as
to walk off the lateral surface of the L
body. The needles are reinserted to the depth at
which contact with the vertebral body was first
noted. At this point, if no contact with bone is
made, the left-sided needle is gradually advanced
1.5 to 2 cm or until the pulsations emanating from
the aorta transmitted to the advancing needle are
felt (Thomson et al. 1987, Moore et al. 1981). The
right-sided needle is then advanced slightly far-
ther (i.e., 3-4 cm past contact distance with the
vertebral body) (Figure 4). Ultimately, the tips of
the needles should be just posterior to the aorta
on the left and to the anterolateral aspect of the
aorta on the right. It is essential that anteroposte-
rior (AP) and lateral images are taken to confirm
the correct position.
The stylets are removed, once the needles are in
good position and the needle hubs are inspected
for blood, cerebrospinal fluid, thoracic fluid and
urine. A small volume of contrast material is
injected bilaterally and its spread is observed radi-
Ideally, on the fluoroscopic AP view, contrast
material is confined to the midline and concen-
trated near the L
vertebral body. A smooth pos-
terior contour can be observed on the lateral
view, in front of the vertebral body.
Alternatively, if computed tomography (CT) guid-
ance is used, contrast material should appear lat-
eral to and behind the aorta. If contrast material is
confined entirely to the retrocrural space, the nee-
dles should be advanced to the retrocrural space
to minimize the risk of posterior spread of local
Figure 2: Patient is placed is prone position with C-
arm in oblique position at T
18 Ar, 17:1, 2005
anesthetic or neurolytic agent to the somatic
nerve roots (see later) (Jain 1989).
Intradiscal approach
The patient is placed in prone position with a pil-
low beneath the iliac crest to facilitate the open-
ing of the interdiscal space as much as possible.
level is identified under fluoroscopy. The
fluoroscope is turned oblique at an angle of 15-20
degrees. It is important to align the inferior end
plates with a cephalocaudal projection (Figure 5).
Paraspinous posterior approach
This approach is similar to the approach for
splanchnic nerve block. The difference is the nee-
dle which is diverted at the L1 vertebra and ante-
rior to the vertebral body.
For diagnostic and prognostic block by utilizing
the retrocrural technique, 12 to 15 ml of 1.0 %
lidocaine or 3.0 % 2-chloroprocaine is adminis-
tered through each needle (Waldman 1992). For
therapeutic local anesthetic toxicity, all local anes-
thetics should be administered in incremental
doses (Waldman 1991). For treatment of the pain
of acute pancreatitis, an 80 mg dose of depot
methylprednisolone is advocated for the initial
celiac plexus block and 40 mg for subsequent
Most investigators suggest that 10 to 12 ml of 50 %
ethyl alcohol or 6.0 % aqueous phenol be inject-
ed through each needle for retrocrural neurolytic
block. Thomson and colleagues (1987), however,
strongly recommend that 25 ml of 50 % ethyl alco-
hol be injected via each needle.
After the neurolytic solution has been injected,
each needle should be flushed with sterile saline
solution (there have been anecdotal reports of
neurolytic solution being tracked posteriorly
along with the needles, as they are withdrawn).
Radiographic guidance, in particular CT guidance,
offers the pain specialist an added margin of safe-
ty when performing neurolytic celiac plexus block
and thus should be utilized.
Catheter placement
Patients with nonmalignant abdominal pain often
fare poorly after neurolytic blockade of the celiac
plexus, yet many derive temporary benefit from
local anesthetic blockade. Because this pain is
sympathetically mediated and reflexively perpetu-
ated, continuous denervation of the plexus by
local anesthetic infusion may provide prolonged
The technique for placement is similar to that
described previously. 23 Instead of 22-gauge nee-
dles, use a 6 or 8-inch catheter system (e.g.:
Longdwel, Bection & Dickinson) placed bilateral-
ly. Once they are placed, secure the catheters at
the skin with either a 2-0 silk skin suture or ben-
zoin and Steri-Strips. Place a sterile, clear dressing
over the catheters, which are connected to local
anesthetic solutions of bupivacaine 0.1 %, given at
6 to 8 ml/hr. These catheters can be maintained
for 4 to 7 days if placed sterilely and if the sites
are checked daily.
Anterior approaches to celiac plexus block
A percutaneous anterior approach to the celiac
plexus was advocated early in this century, only
to be abandoned because of the high incidence of
complications (Labat 1928, Wendling 1918). The
Figure 3: Surface landmarks for celiac plexus block.
The diagram drawn resembles a flat isosceles triangle.
Figure 4: Cross-section of celiac plexus block. The
proximity of renal parenchymal tissue necessitates
placing needles no farther than 7 to 8 cm from
Ar, 17:1, 2005 19
advent of fine needles, improvements in radiolog-
ical guidance technology, and the maturation of
the specialty of interventional radiology have
since led to renewed interest in the anterior
approach to the celiac plexus.
Extensive experience with transabdominal fine-
needle aspiration biopsy has confirmed the rela-
tive safety of this approach and provides the ratio-
nale and method for the modification of this radi-
ologic technique for anterior celiac plexus block.
The anterior approach to the celiac plexus neces-
sarily involves the passage of a fine needle
through the liver, stomach, intestine, vessels, and
pancreas. Surprisingly, it is associated with very
low rates of complications (Eisenberg et al. 1995,
Lieberman et al. 1988, Mueller et al. 1987, Patt and
Cousins 1988).
Advantages of the anterior approach to blocking
the celiac plexus include its relative ease, speed
and reduced peri-procedural discomfort as com-
pared with posterior techniques (Patt 1993, Mata-
mala et al. 1992). Perhaps the greatest advantage
of the anterior approach is the fact that patients
are spared having to remain prone for long,
which can be a significant problem for patients
suffering from intraabdominal pain. The supine
position is also advantageous for patients with
ileostomies and colostomies.
The anterior approach is probably associated with
less discomfort because only one needle is used.
Furthermore, the needle does not impinge on
either periosteum or nerve roots or pass through
the bulky paraspinous musculature. Because nee-
dle placement is pre-crural, there is less risk of
accidental neurologic injury related to retrocrural
spread of drug to somatic nerve roots or epidural
and subarachnoid spaces.
Potential disadvantages of the anterior approach
to celiac plexus block include the risks of infec-
tion, abscess, hemorrhage, and fistula formation
(Mueller 1987). Although preliminary findings
indicate that these complications are exceedingly
rare, further experience is needed to draw a defin-
itive conclusion.
Figure 5: A. Curved blunt needle
in place at T
intradiscal approach, oblique view.
B. The needle in the middle of the
disc confirming disc placement of
the needle AP view. C. Lateral view
of a single needle placement of the
celiac plexus with the contrast con-
firming the correct position anterior
to the vertebral body. D. Bilateral
needle placements in a lateral view,
contrast on the celiac plexus and
the disc. E. AP view with bilateral
celiac plexus needle placements
with contrast spread from L
bilaterally. Note the contrast also in
the disc between L
20 Ar, 17:1, 2005
The anterior technique can be carried out under
CT or ultrasound guidance. Patient preparation is
similar to that for posterior approaches to celiac
block. The patient is placed in the supine position
on the CT or ultrasound table. The skin of the
upper abdomen is prepared with antiseptic solu-
tion. The needle entry site is identified 1.5 cm
below and 1.5 cm to the left of the xiphoid
process (Lieberman 1988). At that point, the skin,
subcutaneous tissues and musculature are anes-
thetized with 1.0 % lidocaine. A 22 G, 15 cm nee-
dle is introduced through the anesthetized area
perpendicular to the skin and advanced to the
depth of the anterior wall of the aorta, as calcu-
lated using CT or ultrasound guidance.
If CT guidance is being utilized, 4 ml of water-sol-
uble contrast in solution with an equal volume of
1.0 % lidocaine is injected to confirm needle
placement. If ultrasound guidance is being used,
10 to 12 ml of sterile saline can be injected to help
confirm needle position (Matamala et al. 1992).
After satisfactory needle placement is confirmed,
diagnostic and prognostic block is carried out
using 15 ml of 1.5 % lidocaine or 3.0 % 2-chloro-
procaine. Owing to the potential for local anes-
thetic toxicity, all local anesthetics should be
administered in incremental doses.
Matamala and associates (1992) recommended 35
to 40 ml of 50 % ethyl alcohol for neurolytic
blocks of the celiac plexus via the anterior
approach. Other investigators have had equally
good results utilizing 15 to 20 ml of absolute alco-
An alternative technique uses fluoroscopy to
guide the passage of a single needle just to the
right of the center of the L
vertebral body, after
which it is withdrawn 1 to 3 cm (Labat 1928).
Important precautions for the anterior approach
to celiac plexus block include the administration
of prophylactic antibiotics and the use of needles
no larger than 22 gauge to minimize the risks of
infection and trauma to the vasculature and vis-
In the hands of the skilled clinician, serious com-
plications should rarely occur from celiac plexus
and splanchnic nerve blocks. Because of the
proximity of other vital structures, however, cou-
pled with the use of large volumes of neurolytic
drugs, the following side effects and complica-
tions may be seen:
Paresthesia of lumbar somatic nerve
Intravascular injection (venous or arterial)
Deficit of lumbar somatic nerve
Subarachnoid or epidural injection
Renal injury
Vascular thrombosis or embolism
Vascular trauma
Perforation of cysts of tumors
Injection of the psoas muscle
Intradicsal injection
Retroperitoneal hematoma
Urinary tract abnormalities
Failure of ejaculation
Pain during and after the procedure
Failure to relieve pain
The main side effect from celiac plexus block is
backache, which usually results from the passage
of needles through the back muscles. This can be
minimized by gently positioning the needles, min-
imal repositioning and adequate local infiltration.
Although self-limiting, back pain can be a signifi-
cant complaint and can require use of a nons-
teroidal anti-inflammatory drug, muscle relaxant
or heating pad. Celiac catheter placement and
subsequent maintenance can be distressing
enough to require the ongoing treatments.
Efficacy of Celiac and Splanchnic
Nerve Blocks
Despite general agreement that celiac plexus
block is indeed efficacious, significant controver-
sy persists regarding (1) its efficacy relative to the
opioid therapy, (2) the relative efficacy among dif-
ferent approaches and techniques, and (3)
whether even a remote risk of paraplegia warrants
a commitment to neurolysis, especially when
treatment with analgesics usually provides ade-
quate relief. Regrettably, despite the legacy of a
richly descriptive literature, these questions
Ar, 17:1, 2005 21
remain largely unresolved because of persisting
scientific inadequacies.
A survey of the literature reviewed data from 23
studies on celiac neurolysis performed on 1126
patients, 64 % of whom had pancreatic cancer
pain and 36 % of whom had pain caused by other
intra-abdominal malignancies (Eisenberg 1995).
Good to excellent pain relief was achieved in
90 % of available patients during the first 2 weeks
after treatment, only 6 % of whom required a
repeated procedure for inadequate analgesia. Par-
tial or complete pain relief was observed in 95 %
of patients alive at the time of last follow-up and
87 % of patients at the time of death. In another
review that addressed the treatment of pain due
to intra-abdominal malignancy independent of the
site of primary tumor, significant relief of pain and
persistence of effect until death were reported in
62 % to 100 % and 35 % to 100 %, respectively,
with most studies reporting favorable outcomes in
the higher ranges (Patt and Cousins 1998).
Another carefully conducted survey of the avail-
able literature draws similar conclusions (Mercan-
dante and Micosia 1998). In this paper, Mercan-
dante and Micosia conclude that favorable results
are achieved in 85 % and 73 % of patients with
pain caused by pancreatic and other malignan-
cies, respectively, independent of the technique
used. Such results include a low incidence of seri-
ous side effects, dose reduction in most patients,
and a half-life for pain relief in excess of 4 weeks,
with the likelihood of pain relief receding with
increased survival time. In a recent small,
prospective randomized controlled trial compar-
ing celiac plexus neurolysis in 12 patients with
medical management alone in 12 patients, all of
whom suffered from pain caused by pancreatic
cancer, neurolysis was associated with significant
benefit, although this benefit was ultimately not as
dramatic as the older literature would predict
(Polati et al. 1998). Patients treated with neural
blockade had much greater initial pain relief and
similar long-term results for pain but used
reduced drug doses and differed significantly
from untreated patients on the basis of drug-relat-
ed adverse effects. Complications were limited to
transient hypotension and diarrhea in treated
patients, whereas control patients experienced
more constipation (12 of 12 versus 5 of 12), nau-
sea and vomiting (4 of 12 versus 1 of 12, and
other events, including a gastric ulcer and a
gluteal abscess.
A carefully conducted randomized, prospective
evaluation of quality of life in pancreatic cancer
patients treated with celiac neurolysis versus
pharmacotherapy reported on 10 and 11 patients,
respectively (Kawamata et al. 1996). Patients
given neural blockade had less pain for the first 4
weeks after treatment and used less morphine
through week 7, after which lower doses persist-
ed but not at a statistically significant level.
Whereas performance status improved only tran-
siently after celiac block, the most striking obser-
vation was that of a profound deterioration of per-
formance status noted in pharmacologically treat-
ed patients that appeared to have been prevented
in patients treated with neural blockade.
Using a similar design in 20 pancreatic cancer
pain patients, Mercadante (1993) also achieved
similar pain scores in patients randomized to
pharmacotherapy alone and celiac block with
pharmacotherapy but only as a consequence of a
significantly greater opioid burden and attendant
side effects. Factors influencing efficacy are uncer-
tain but may include plexus invasion by tumor,
which in one study, was found in 70 % of patients
with pancreatic cancer and was independent of
tumor size and histopathology (Ihse 1990).
Time to maximal pain relief is variable. In most
patients, relief is immediate and complete; in oth-
ers it will accrue over a few days (Staats and Kost-
Byerly 1995, Jain et al. 1989). In addition, pain
relief is often reestablished with repetition. If the
interval of comfort is extremely short, repetition
by an alternate route may be warranted.
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Bridenbaugh L. D., Moore D. C., Campbell D. D.: Management of
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block with alcohol. JAMA 1964; 190: 877.
De Takats G.: Splanchnic anesthesia: A critical review of the theory
and practice of this method. Surg Gynecol Obstet 1927; 44: 501.
Eisenberg E., Carr D. B., Chalmers T. C.: Neurolytic celiac plexus
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1995; 80: 290-295.
Ihse I.: Pancreatic pain. Br J Surg 1990; 77: 121-122.
Jain S., Hirsh R., Shah N.: Blood ethanol levels following celiac
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Jain S.: The role of celiac plexus block in intractable upper abdomi-
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22 Ar, 17:1, 2005
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