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(TP0A013) Liquid Measurement Station Design

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James C.

The purpose of this paper isto review the criteria used in
the design of liquid measurement stations. After review
ing this paper, the reader should have a better under-
standing of the pivotal items to consider in this design,
as well as an appreciation for the major components
which are a part of liquid metering stations.
Design considerations can be separated into four major
areas: acCracy, space, pressure lss, and cost. Majr
components will be reviewed as they constitute the me-
tering skid, the prover skid, and the instrumentation con-
trais. In most cases, the metering systems reviewed are
used in high-accuracy, custody transfer applications.
Typica! app!ications inc!ude tanker and barge !oading
and offloading, pipeline to storage measurement, LACT
(Lease Automatic Custody Transfer) units, metering into
and out of refineries, ship bunkering, and iow-tempera-
ture applications such as LPG or Butane.
Accuracy Considerations
Systems can be designed to have different degrees of
overall accuracy. In some cases this is defined by local
weights and measures requirements, the end user's stan-
dards, or the national standards to which the end user
must strictlv adhere. The overall svstem flow caoacitv
must be clarly defined, resulting in 'the proper selectioi
of the number and sizes of meter runs. This will insure
that the meteis a;e ope;ating not only within theii design
capacity, but also at or near their ideal flow rates. lf
required, the meters can be supplied with premium lin-
earity to ensure the highest degree of overall accuracy is
achieved. The low flow rate also needs to be reviewed to
ensure the meters still maintain their required accuracy
under these low flow conditions. Flow circumstances
may require that a smaller meter be included in the
design i be uiilized during ihe siart-up and ipping-ff
operations. Viscosities also affect some meter's
rangeability and accuracy. This information is usually
listed in the meter manufacturer's specification data
sheets published by the manufacturer.
Proving meihods and frequency f pmving will greaily
impact the system's accuracy. The standards associ-
ated with these are, again, normally set by local or na-
tional authorities. The majority of high-accuracy custody
transfer metering stations includes some type of a sta-
tionary volumetric prover. The exception to this would be
LACT units, which are normally calibrated with a por-
Liquid Measurement
Station Design
Technical Paper
Bulletin TPOAO 13
table prover. The different types of provers commonly
sed foi these applications will be ;eviewed late i in this
paper. Some applications have required that a smaller
prover be supplied along with the larger prover. The
smaller prover is then used in combination with a mas-
ter meter to confirm the accuracy of the main prover on
a regularly scheduled basis. Frequency of proving is
determined by local requirements, changing conditions,
and possible wear due to corrosiva products. In ali
cases, pmvers are calibrated and waterdrawn at the
factory (usually to N.I.S.T.) and calibration certificates
should be supplied with the final documentation pack-
age. Today's microprocessors allow for automatic, on-
line proving; can calculate a meter factor; and generate
the required proving report.
System designs can include different types of compen-
sation, such as temperatura, pressure, and density.
Temperatura compensation is the most common and
this can be accomplished through mechanical means
(ATG) ar through today's microprocessor f!ow comput-
ers. Microprocessors will have a much faster response
time and allow the actual A.P.I. formulas to be loaded
into memory. Both of these capabilities result in a higher
overall degree of accuracy.
Meter se!ection type can a!so affect the system accu-
racy. Most liquid meter systems are designed around
either positiva displacement (PD) or turbina meters.
Operating conditions such as fiow rates, products, vis-
cosity, temperatura, pressure, and type of service should
ali be considered in the final meter selection.
Space Considerations
lf space is very limited or expensive (such as on an
offshore platform), then it can become a prime factor in
the overall system design and selection of major com-
Typically, a turbina meter system will require more space
than a PD meter system, dueto the requirement for the
upstream and downstream straightening sections. How-
ever, the application may still require that turbina meters
be utilized. The size and number of meters will also
affect the overall meter skid size.
Not only the selection, but the design of the prover will
have an impact on the prover skid dimensions. Small
volume provers would normally require the least space.
Other orovers (bidirectional. unidirectional) can be
for a more compact design'. Launch
chambers can be at 90 degrees, 45 degrees, or straight
through, ali varying the prover skid height and length.
1602 V.Jagne Avene ii P.O. Box 10428 ii Eie, PA 16514-0428 ii Telephne: 814/898-5000 Telex: 19-9902 Fax: 814899-8927_
The prover and meter skid can be into one
integral package to reduce space.Th1s des1gn may be
more costly (extra engineering, piping, and design sup-
port), but if space is the prime concern, this may be the
solution that you require for your application.
Pressure Loss Consideration
Pressure ioss costs money in terms of wasted energy
and capacity. lncreasing the size of the headers, meters,
and valves will ali reduce the pressure drop through the
system and prover. Supplying 1 00% full-port opening
valves versus 70% opening valves will reduce the pres-
sure loss. But is the extra associated cost for your appli-
cation worth this change? Strainer bodies and the inletl
outlet nozzles can also be increased to reduce pressure
drop. Strainer mesh size will likewise impact the pres-
sure drop. Special launch chambers and bypasses on
the prover can be investigated for additional pressure
loss reductions. The overall system pressure drop must
be considered at the maximum flow rate of the system
wiih one metei in being pmved. This wHI ensue that
the pressure drop through the prover is included in this
Cost Considerations
Overall system cost is usually the prime consideration
by the en user in his esign. Tha finai of
alternativas already reviewed will have a SIQnlflcant lm-
pact on the final price. Major cost items to consider
Meter Selection Type
PD's versus turbinas. Typically, on larger size meters
turbinas will be less axpensive, but will they meet the
other criteria for this application? There would also be
the trade-off for the larger meter skid if turbinas are
Prover Selection Type
Biirectionai provers are utiiize in the majority of appii-
cations. Others to consider include small volume prov-
ers and unidirectional provers. Alternativas, including
the use of a single-loop design or a double-loop design,
also need to be investigated.
The degree of compensation (temperatura) V1fill impact
the system cost. Mechanical will normally
be less expensive, however, w1th th1s method of com-
oensation it will orove difficult to achieve the accuracy
with today's electronics. The choice becomes
accuracy versus cost.
Normally, the higher the degree of automation, the
greater the initial cost, however, the higher levei auto-
mation-type systems will probably save time (manpower,
loading duration), improve the accuracy, improve safety,
and provide management with more current and de-
tailed reporting.
Safety requirements - beginning with the alarm sys-
tem through the construction cedes, offshore cedes,
drio oans. and safetv relief valves- will ali impact cost
----r -
Shipping costs can be extremeiy important, especiaiiy if
overseas transportation is required. A few more dollars
spent in proper design may allow the system to be
broken down for shipment, greatly reducing the overall
shipping cost.
Standardization (if you have more than one system ) on
meter sizes, valve sizes, and the type of instrumenta-
tion may allow you to reduce the quantity and value of
operational spare parts requirements.
it may be more expensive to design grading, wa!kways,
and items such as lights and overhead cranes mto the
initial systems package. However, these particulars may
save a great deal ofmoney in the field during start-up,
recalibration, or when maintenance on major compo-
II'O'IIl.;;) I U'"iUII VU.
Metering Skid Components (See Figure 1)
The inlet and outlet header of the metering skid are
used for the field connections to the inlet and outlet
piping. The entire system flow capacity will travei through
these headers, and therefore, they must be properly
designed to handle this flow capacity. Velocity through
these headers is normally held at 13 feet per second or

I ,......., I
Figure 1

Block Vai ve
t92J Flow Contr. Valve
@ Detector Switch
@ Flow Meter
Pressure lnstr.
(0 Temperatura lnstr.
less. Headers can be extruded, tees, ar fabricated. Lo-
cation of in-field connections needs to be identified. Typi-
cally, these can be at either end of the header ar in the
center. The outlet header will also have a connection for
the prover return line. The most well-balanced system is
typically to allow for the flow to enter at one end of the
in!et header and exit through the oppos!te end of the
outlet header. This is sometimes referred to as the "Z"
Coming off the inlet header are the flanged connections
for the individual meter runs. The system flow is split
here through t'I.JO or more nieter runs. The components
of each meter run will be identical.
The first meter run component is normally an inlet valve.
This valve is customarily a gate-type valve and its main
purpose is meter run isolation for maintenance (clogged
. strainer, equipment repairs, etc.).
Since this valve is infrequentiy used, it is usually sup-
plied with a manual operator. lt is not mandatory that
this valve be of the high integrity, double-block-and-
bleed type necessary for proving.
Deaerators (optional) may be required if there is the
possibility of entrained air (heavy crude oils) ar large
batches of air, as seen when completely off-loading a
ship ar a storage tank. Deaerators can be supplied with
baffle plates and a number of air release heads. The
!arger diameter in the body of the deaerators reduces
the velocity of the product, allowing the air bubbles to
accumulate on the baffle plates and move to the top of
the deaerator. From here, the air reiease heads wiii
allow the trapped ai r to escape.
Strainers are supplied to act as a protective device. As
previously mentioned, the body sizes and flange con-
nections can be altered to reduce pressure drop. lf
deaerators are not inciuded in the system, then an air
release head would normally be mounted on the top of
the strainer. Various types of quick-opening closures
are available for these strainers: This allows for quick
access to clogged strainers or for the replacement of
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cluded to check for clogged strainers. Drain valves are
normally supplied on the strainers, as this is a low point
of the system.
The operating conditions and products will help with the
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turbina meters). lf turbina meters are being utilized, then
upstream and downstream straightening sections will
also be included. As a minimum, it is recommended that
a backup counter and a transmitter be mounted on the
top of the meters. The entire system is built around the
meter and proper care should be exercised in the selec-
tion of the type and size of the meters. The meter size
(flow rate) will determine the size of the pove. tv1ltiple
meter runs are supplied to add flexibility, rangeability,
and support the most economical cost alterative. The
majority of custody transfer systems is supplied with a
spare meter run. The system can then operate at full
f!ow capacity with a backup or standby meter in case of
damage ar maintenance requirements. The spare meter
run should be rotated in and out of service with the other
meter runs.
Temperatura and pressure gauges and transmitters are
located downstream of the meter. They are used for net
volume corrections and for determining the correct meter
factor when proving.
Flow contrai valves (butterfly type) serve a number of
purposes within the meter system. They will ensure that
ihe meier is flowing wiihin its specified operating range.
They will, likewise, ensure that the system flow is equally
dispersed through the various on-line meter runs. On
light products, such as LPG's, they will maintain back
pressure on the meters to prevent flashing.
Each meier rn has a connection to the prover inlet
header. Only one meter product flows through the prover
at one time; therefore, the prover header is designed to
handle a single meter run flow rate.
Downstream of the flow contrai valve and on the inlet to
the prover header are located high-integration, double-
block-and-bleed valves. The valve located on the meter
run serves two purposes. The first isto isolate this meter
for proving. The second is to isolate (working with the
meter run inlet valve) the meter run for maintenance.
This va!ve is norma!!y supp!ied with an e!ectric or hy-
draulic actuator for remate operation, allowing for auto-
matic proving. The integrity of these valves during prov-
ing can be verified through the doubie-blok-nd-bieed
feature. The double-block-and-bleed valve on the prover
inlet ensures that during proving, no product from other
meter runs (those not -being proved) can bypass this
valve and leak into the prover. lf this were to happen,
the meter fa.ctor of the meter being proved wou!d be
incorrect and, most likely, you would not be able to
obtain a repeatable and acceptable meter factor.
Other items to consider in the meter skid design include
the support structure, electrical wiring, conduit, signal
cab!e, junction boxes, uti!ities avai!abi!ity {power, air,
hydraulics), thermal relief valves, walkways, grating drip
pans, and the drain system. Lifting eyes and spreader
bars can be suppiied for transporting and positioning
the system in the field. Anchor and bolt holes should be
properly located to match the field support structure.
Prover Skid Components (See Figure 1)
The prover is sized to handle the maximum flow through
one meter run. Provers can be mounted on the meter
skid, but generally are loaded on their own skid founda-
tion. These can be either fullv skid-mounted. or semiskid-
- - -- - - ---- --- - - - -- -- --- - ---,I -- -- - - - - - - - - - ' - -
mounted. Common to most provers are detector
switches, a sphere or piston, exchange valves, and a
librted or certified measring section. Prover inlets
and outlets would include pressure and temperatura
instrumentation for either manual or automatic proving.
Most prover internais have some type of a coating (such
as an air-dried epoxy) for protection and a smooth flow
of the sphere through the measuring section. !n ex-
tremely severe conditions (product or temperatura), this
coating may require a special material and to be baked
onto the internai surfaces. Vents and drains are usuiiy
supplied at the high and low points of the provers. To
ensure a stable temperatura during proving conditions,
the prover can be heat-traced or insulated. lf this is
required, then usually ali piping from the meter down-
stream through the prover and back to the prover return
line will also be insulated or heat-traced. The four major
tvoes of provers incorporated into custody transfer meter
stations 'include: . .
Bidirectional (Bidi)
nidirectionai (ni)
Low Temperature Piston
Small Volume
Bidi provers can be of the straight-ype design, single-
loop, or double-loop. These provers incorporate a four-
way vaive to reverse the fiuid fiow and to iaunch the
sphere into the measuring section. An area of prerun
lenath is included, precedi na the detector switches, to
ensure the four-way valve is properly sealed prior to the
sphere making contact with the first detector switch.
Launch chambers are normally at a 90-degree angle to
the measuring section, but can be at 45 degrees or
parallel to the measuring section. The design should
require that one launch chamber be suppiied with a
quick-opening closure for removal and inspection of the
sohere. To ensure that no oroduct bvoasses the sohere.
itis sized a few percent lrger than the 'inside
diameter of the measuring section pipe.
Unidirectional provers operate under the same principie
as bidi provers, except that the product flow is always in
the same direction. Uni orovers incoroorate an inter-
change valve to capture, 'seal, and lau'nch the sphere.
Uni provers can reflect cost savings on larger meter
Low temperatura piston provers (-50 degrees F) are
used to measure products such as LPG and Butane.
The principie is the same as the straight-type bidi prov-
ers. However, they incorporate a piston (in place of the
sphere) and special low tempeatre materiais for the
pipe and fittings. On this type of prover, the launch
chambers are in line with the measuring section and
sized with the same pipe diameter.
Small volume provers are being accepted and used in
custody transfer applications. Some of thei advantages
include size, space, weight portability, full automation,
and the ability, with a single prover, to calibrate numer-
ous sizes of meters. Offshore platforms have proven
ideal for the use of small volume provers. These prov-
ers use a piston and optica! or !aser detector switches.
lnstrumentation Contrais
lnstrumentation to contrai the metering system can be
classified into three major types: local, discrete, and
Locai instrumentation woui be used on LACT-type sys-
tems. This equipment may include mechanical or elec-
tronic temperatura compensators, totalizers, transmit-
ters (for proving, sampling) and a ticket printer. These
would normally be unmanned sites, operating 24 hours
tJVI .. Al.A.J
Discrete instrumentation could be of the CMOS (Com-
plimentary Metal Oxide Semiconductors) type where
one instrument is dedicated to each function. These
instruments would be housed in a contrai panellocated
in a remote-contro!!ed environment. The pane! wou!d
probably include an alarm annunciator system and a
mimic panel. This type of system contrai is sometimes
referred to as "semiautomatic." Each instrument is dedi-
cated to one function: one for totais, one for tempera-
tura correction, one for batching, one for flow contrai,
etc. Valves are normally opened and closed with
pushbuttons !ocated on the mimic pane!.
The vast majority of systems being supplied today are
of the fully-automated type. With the enhancement of
microprocessors, these systems are capable of func-
tions such as:
ii Redundancy.
Flow contrai.
Automatic proving.
Automatic meter factor calculation.
Meter linearization.
Customized reports and alarm systems.
Graphics display of on-line activities.
Interface to other computer systems.
Batch contrai.
Enhanced safety and security.
Such systems are norma!!y operated from a keyboard
anda VOU. The panel-mounted instruments pose as a
backup to this supervisory system. Two printers are
normaiiy requested: one for reports and one for event
logging. When alarms occur, this system can be pro-
arammed to shut the entire meter station down in a
safe, secure sequence.
Other equipment which is sometimes included in the
meter system design includes samplers, BS&W, densi-
tometers, pumps, and pump contrais. Ali systems should
be fully-tested at the manufacturer's facilities prior to
shipment. This would include a hydrostatic test, as well
as a fu!!-f!o\J test Ylith the centro! console. Documenta-
tion should include "as-built" drawings, ali instrumenta-
tion and calibration certificates, and operating manuais
for each piece of equipment in the system.
As seen above, the design of !iquid measurement sys-
tems is affected by a number of different factors. What
is of key importance to one user may be a secondary
issue to another user. Even on systems with similar fiow
rates, the number and sizes of meter runs may differ. lt
is extremely important in the specification stage and
early in the' desgn stage to completely understand the
alternatives and how they will affect the system design
and the overa!l performance of the measurement sys-
tem. With this understanding in hand, you should have
the ability and knowledge to design a system ideally
suited to meet your specific requirements.
This paper was originally presented by the author at the
lnternational School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
(ISHM) at the University of Oklahoma on May 21-23,
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The specifications contained herein are subject to change without notice and any user of said specifications should verify from the manufacturer that the specifications are
currently in effect. Otherwise, the manufacturer assumes no responsibility for the use of specifications which may have been changed and are no longer in effect.
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