1, Name of Vendor:: Questionnaires
1, Name of Vendor:: Questionnaires
1, Name of Vendor:: Questionnaires
: ..
2) Hand phone
: ..
3) Email
: ..
Manufacturing Shop
1) Name
: ..
2) Hand phone
: ..
3) Fax
: ..
4) E-mail
: ..
5) Website of company: .
3, Company General
1) Business field, product
- Main business : ..
- Main production: ..
2) Established: dd/mm/yy
3) Employee
- Permanent
: . person
- Temporary
: . person
- Total
: . person
4) Shop area
- Total shop area
: m2
Page 1 of 3
Yes / No
- Air conditioning/Ventilation
Yes / No
- Lighting
Yes / No
Yes / No
6) How is the package substation transported to the site?
7) About your largest (or typical) package substation, please inform us the following:
- Applicable codes and standards
: .
- Highest voltage
: .
Page 2 of 3
- Highest capacity
: .
- Largest Dimensions
: .
- MV panels manufacturer
: .
- LV panels manufacturer
: .
: .. . week(s)
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