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Bag of Bones

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Bag of Bones

A Miscellany on the Body

Bhikkhu Khantiplo
Buddhist Publication Society
Kandy Sri Lanka
The Wheel Publication No. 271
Copyright Kandy, Buddhist Publication Society, (19!"
BPS #nline $dition (%!!9"
&igital 'ranscription Source( )'* and BPS+
,irst $dition, 19!
Buddhist Publication Society
,or -ree distribution+ 'his .ork /ay be republished, re-or/atted, reprinted and redistributed in
any /ediu/+ 0o.e1er, any such republication and redistribution is to be /ade a1ailable to the
public on a -ree and unrestricted basis and translations and other deri1ati1e .orks are to be
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original publisher+
23 2a44hi/a5nik6ya
) )7guttara5nik6ya
S Sa8yutta5nik6ya
2+9+ Minor Readings (and Illustrator):Khuddakap6;ha
<Bhikkhus, they do not sa1our the deathless
.ho do not sa1our /ind-ulness o- the body=
they sa1our the deathless .ho sa1our
/ind-ulness o- the body+>
() * ?@"
<) skeleton .rapped up in skinA>
(23 %"
'he body is thought to be /ost ob1iously </e,> .hat * regard as the /ost tangible part o-
/ysel-+ )round it there-ore are constructed /any 1ie.s, all o- the/ distorted to so/e eBtent,
.hich pre1ent insight arising into the body as it really is+ 'his book is a s/all anthology relating
to the body in 1arious .ays, and presents /aterial, .hich, i- conte/plated by the earnest and
sincere student o- &ha//a, .ill e1entually pro1ide -ruit-ul insight and, thereby, -reedo/ -ro/
the /any desires and -ears centred on the body+
Such desires -or pleasures in .hich the body is the instru/ent (though it is in the heart5/ind
.here they d.ell", a.aken and intensi-y greed o- all kinds, -or -ood or seB -or instance+ Creed
.hich is o-ten acco/panied by pleasurable sensations:and there-ore desired:needs a rather
bitter /edicine to co/bat it( hence the nu/ber o- pieces here on the unattracti1eness o- the
body, its decay and death:all unpleasant /atters+ So/e o- the /aterial, concerned .ith bodily
unattracti1eness, is like a /edicine .hich need only be taken .hile the disease o- greed5lust is
acti1e, and a-ter.ards /ay be discontinued+ *t is i/portant to understand this, and not to -or/
the /istaken i/pression that the Buddha ad1ocated all beauty as loathso/e+ *t is only
that there is a hook in beauty .hich tangles .ith the greed in oneDs o.n heart and leads to /ore
and /ore co/plications and di--iculties+
,ears centre around ageing5decay, disease and death+ 'hey are not o1erco/e by pretending
they do not eBist, as the ostrich is said to bury its head in the sand at the approach o- ene/ies+
#nly resolutely -acing these ine1itable -eatures o- li-e can bring insight and relie- -ro/ -ear+
'he BuddhaDs instructions on the conte/plation o- the body are addressed to those .ho are
able, through their li-e5style, to practise the/+ 'his /eans in e--ect /onks and nuns, together
.ith dedicated lay people+ 'he -or/er group ha1e this conte/plation gi1en to the/ by their
'eachers at the ti/e o- Coing5-orth -ro/ ho/e to ho/elessness, and they need such a /edicine
to co/bat lust, .hich is destructi1e to the celibate 0oly Li-e+ Lay people keeping the ,i1e
Precepts ha1e content/ent .ith their partners as an i/portant part o- their practice+ SeB is a
natural part o- their li-e but should still be restrained and kept .ithin the bounds o- the 'hird
Precept+ *- not, ho. /uch trouble -ollo.sE But so/e o- the/ /ay .ish to li1e .ithout seBual
attach/ent, and this cannot be done in the .ay o- &ha//a by ignoring the o- the seBual
dri1e, or by suppressing it+ #nly .hen it is treated .ith /ind-ulness can it be transcended+ 'he
aspect o- /ind-ulness .hich is needed -or this is the sub4ect, or rather the interrelated sub4ects,
o- this book+
*n the .orld today people are sub4ected to a bo/bard/ent o- sensuality by .ay o- the /ass
/edia+ SeB especially is used as a bait to sell things, and as a titillation o- sensory eBperience+
Fhen this sub4ection is continued, the de-ile/ents o- the /ind, notably lust, greed, and
attach/ent, are sure to be strengthened+ 'hen .hen this has happened, the result is not /ore
happiness, only an increase o- dukkha, su--ering, trouble, and di--iculties+ 'he /edicine -or such
o1er5indulgence and o1er5sti/ulation is gi1en in this book+
*t is said that this sub4ect o- /editation is uniHue to the BuddhaDs 'eachings and that it is not clearly taught+ 'his is not surprising as .e -ind that desire is so/eti/es
accepted as being <natural+> Fhere1er desires are 1ie.ed as <natural,> that is, inherent in oneDs
nature or sel-, nothing /uch can be done about the/+ But the Buddha analysed desires into
those .hich are .holeso/e:to practise &ha//a, -or instance:and the un.holeso/e ones,
a/ong .hich are greed and lust+ 'hey /ay not be gross either, as in the case o- the /editator
.ho is greedy -or bliss, or 1isions, and attached to such things+ 'he Buddha has pro1ided the
/edicine -or all un.holeso/e desires, and according to our 1arious .ays o- li-e .e can use it to
e--ect partial or co/plete cures+
Fhen the e/phasis is so /uch on sensuality, youth, and beauty as .e -ind no., the darker
sides o- li-e get pushed a.ay and atte/pts are /ade, al.ays unsuccess-ul, to s.eep the/ under
the carpet+ 'hose .ho try to do so .ill not be pleased .ith the eBercises contained in the
BuddhaDs conte/plation o- the body+ Such things .ill appear to the/ as /orbid and unnatural+
Iet they are also a part o- this li-e and should not be ignored+ )nd i- the e--ort is /ade to ignore
.hat is unpleasant about the body, sooner or later one .ill be 4olted into the recognition o- these
things+ Such 4olts are not pleasant+ 9ather than lea1e it until one is -orced to kno. the bodyDs
unpleasant sides it is better to acHuaint oneDs e/otions .ith this kno.ledge gradually+
*n this spirit, Bag of Bones is being published+ Jn-ortunately, being only a book it cannot gi1e
person5to5person ad1ice on special proble/s+ *t can only o--er so/e general guidelines to people
.ho are interested in reducing their greed and lust+ A word of warning: /editation on the
unattracti1eness o- the body can be 1ery potent and should only be practised .ith /oderation
and care, especially i- one has no personal contact .ith a 'eacher o- Buddhist /editation+ *- -ear
and anBiety, or other eBtre/e un.holeso/e e/otional states arise a-ter practise o- it, then it .ill
be better to lay it do.n and take up Lo1ing kindness (mett" or 9ecollection o- the Buddha
(Buddhnussati" as oneDs /editation instead+
'his book, there-ore, is not so /uch -or beginners in Buddhis/ but rather -or those .ho ha1e
already practised -or so/e ti/e+ 2ay it inspire /any people to practise the &ha//a /ore
'ranslations .hich ha1e no oneDs na/e a-ter the/ are by the co/piler+ )nd all other
re-lections, dialogues, and poe/s too are his .ork, and ha1e been 4otted do.n as they occurred
to hi/, /ostly in the peace-ul ,orest 0er/itage o- Ken+ 3yanaponika 2ah6thera outside
Kandy+ 2ay * also here ackno.ledge the Kenerable 2ah6theraDs kind ad1ice and help in
bringing this collection to print+
Bhikkhu Khantip6lo
Fat Buddha5&ha//a
,orest 2editation Centre
'en 2ile 0ollo.
Fise/anDs ,erry, 3+SF+ %%@@
Bag of Bones
<Bhikkhus, .hen one dhamma is de1eloped and culti1ated it leads to a great sense o- urgency, to
great bene-it, to great sa-ety -ro/ bondage, to great /ind-ulness and -ull a.areness, to
obtain/ent o- kno.ledge and insight, to a pleasant abiding here and no., to realisation o- the
-ruit o- true kno.ledge and deli1erance+ Fhat is that one dhamma? *t is /ind-ulness occupied
.ith the body+>
:)3 1(%1, trans+ Ken+ L6Ma/oli
2 The Advantages of Mindfulness of the Body
1+ #ne conHuers a1ersion and delight,
%+ )nd -ear and dread as .ell+
G+ Besides, one can stand cold and heat, hunger and thirst, troubleso/e things in the .orld,
harsh .ords and pain-ul -eelings+
?+ #ne obtains all -our 4h6nas,
@+ )nd supernor/al -aculties,
N+ 'he hea1enly ear ele/ent (clairaudience",
O+ Kno.ledge o- othersD /inds,
+ )nd o- all oneDs past li1es,
9+ )nd sees besides, ho. beings appear and pass a.ay according to their ka//a+
1!+ ,inally one enters upon the t.o deli1erances (o- the heart and by .isdo/", and all taints
(sava" are abolished+
:23 119, 2ind-ulness o- the Body

<Fhen anyone has de1eloped and repeatedly practised /ind-ulness o- the body, he has
included .hate1er .holeso/e dha//as (/ental states" there are that partake o- true
kno.ledge (vi"+
<Pust as anyone .ho eBtends his /ind o1er the great ocean has included .hate1er strea/s
there are that -lo. into the ocean, so too, .hen anyone has de1eloped and repeatedly practised
/ind-ulness o- the body, he has included .hate1er .holeso/e dha//as there are that partake
o- true kno.ledge+>
:23 119, trans+ Ken+ L6Ma/oli (re1ised"
! Insight "no#ledge
<'his /y body consists o- the -our great ele/ents, procreated by a /other and -ather, is built
up out o- boiled rice and bread, is o- the nature o- i/per/anence, o- being .orn and rubbed
a.ay, o- dissolution and disintegration, and this /y consciousness has that -or its support and
is bound up .ith it+>
:23 OO, trans+ Ken+ L6Ma/oli
<3o., this body that has /aterial -or/ consists o- the -our great ele/ents, it is procreated by a
/other and -ather, and built up out o- boiled rice and bread, it has the nature o- i/per/anence,
o- being .orn and rubbed a.ay, o- dissolution and disintegration+ *t /ust be regarded:
as i/per/anent:as (liable to" su--ering,
as a disease:as a cancer,
as a dart:as a cala/ity,
as an a--liction:as alien,
as a -alling to pieces:as 1oid,
as .ithout a sel-+
<Fhen a /an regards it thus, he abandons his desire -or the body, a--ection -or the body, and
his habit o- treating the body as a basis -or his in-erences+>
:23 O?, trans+ Ken+ L6Ma/oli
Iou li1e by <following the body!? $ating .hen itDs hungry, resting .hen itDs tired, dressing .hen
necessary, urinating, de-ecating, going to .ork to get /oney:all -or .hatQ ,or this bodyQ 'hen
.hat about the ti/e .hen its end co/esQ Fhat .as it all -orQ
0o. /uch ti/e do you spend on your body:
to -eed it:to clothe it,
to cleanse it:to .ash it,
to beauti-y it:to relaB it,
to rest itQ
0o. /uch ti/e do you spend on your /indQ
'hree things .e ne1er -orget to do -or the body:
wash it"
feed it"
medi#ate it$
'hree things .e usually -orget to do .ith the mind:
wash it (.ith the purity o- cal/ /editation",
feed it (.ith good &ha//a",
medi#ate it (/ind-ully ridding oursel1es o- the diseases o- greed, a1ersion and delusion,
.ith the supre/e /edicine o- &ha//a"+
'he /ind gets dirty and needs .ashing, it beco/es hungry and needs nutri/ent, and it is /ost
o- the ti/e diseased and needs curing+
Fhy are .e so -orget-ul o- our o.n goodQ
#r <habit o- the body, being dependent on the body+>
' (ratification and )anger in *or+ ,Body-
<)nd .hat is grati-ication in the case o- -or/ (body"Q
<Suppose there .ere a girl o- .arrior5noble caste or brah/in caste or householder stock, in
her -i-teenth or siBteenth year, neither too tall nor too short, neither too thin nor too -at, neither
too dark nor too -air( is her beauty and lo1eliness then at its heightQ>
<Ies, 1enerable sir+>
<3o., the pleasure and 4oy that arise in dependence on that beauty and lo1eliness are the
grati-ication in the case o- -or/+
<)nd .hat is danger in the case o- -or/Q
<Later on one /ight see that sa/e .o/an here at eighty, ninety or a hundred years, aged, as
crooked as a roo-, doubled up, tottering .ith the aid o- sticks, -rail, her youth gone, her teeth
broken, grey haired, scanty5haired, bald, .rinkled, .ith li/bs all blotchy( ho. do you concei1e
this, bhikkhus, has her -or/er beauty and lo1eliness 1anished and the danger beco/e e1identQ>
<Ies, 1enerable sir+>
<Bhikkhus, this is the danger in the case o- -or/+>
:23 1G, <'he 2ass o- Su--ering,> trans+ Ken+ L6Ma/oli
%$B$ &omen reading this should #hange the se' of the (erson in the above$
1. /eflections on her body by the for+er beautiful courtesan0 later the
arahat nun A+ba12li
Black .as /y hair, the colour o- bees, curled at the ends=
.ith ageing itDs likened to -ibres o- he/p:
not other than this are the 'ruth5speakerDs
,ragrant .as /y hair, -ull o- -lo.ers like a per-u/e boB=
.ith ageing it possesses the s/ell o- dogDs -ur:
not other than this are the 'ruth5speakerDs .ords+
'hick as a .ell5planted gro1e and co/ely .ith co/b, pin and parting=
.ith ageing itDs thin here and there:
not other than this are the 'ruth5speakerDs .ords+
Braided .ell, adorned, black /asses beauti-ied by gold=
.ith ageing has the head beco/e Huite bald:
not other than this are the 'ruth5speakerDs .ords+
2y eyebro.s then as though by artists .ere .ell5dra.n=
.ith ageing they are .rinkled, hanging do.n:
not other than this are the 'ruth5speakerDs .ords+
,lashing and brilliant as 4e.els, black and long .ere /y eyes=
by ageing o1er.hel/ed no longer beauti-ul:
not other than this are the 'ruth5speakerDs .ords+
Long, beauti-ul and delicate /y nose in the bloo/ o- /y youth=
.ith ageing has beco/e Huite pendulous:
not other than this are the 'ruth5speakerDs .ords+
'he 'ruth5speaker (.ho speaks the truth o- i/per/anence" is the Buddha+
,air /y earlobes, -or/erly as bracelets .ell and truly cra-ted=
.ith ageing they are .rinkled, hanging do.n:
not other than this are the 'ruth5speakerDs .ords+
'hen .ere /y teeth beauti-ul, the hue o- plantain buds=
.ith ageing they ha1e broken and yello.ed:
not other than this are the 'ruth5speakerDs .ords+
S.eet .as /y singing 1oice as cuckoo in the -orest gro1e=
.ith ageing it is broken no. and then:
not other than this are the 'ruth5speakerDs .ords+
,or/erly /y throat .as beauti-ul, polished like a conch=
.ith ageing decayed it is and t.isted:
not other than this are the 'ruth5speakerDs .ords+
9ound as door5bars then .ere /y ar/s beauti-ul=
.ith ageing they are .eak as the tru/pet5creeper:
not other than this are the 'ruth5speakerDs .ords+
)dorned .ith gold and delicate signet rings /y hands .ere beauti-ul=
.ith ageing 4ust like knotted and t.isted roots:
not other than this are the 'ruth5speakerDs .ords+
,ull and round .ere /y breasts, close together, lo1ely and lo-ty=
pendulous they hang no. as .ater5skins .ithout .ater:
not other than this are the 'ruth5speakerDs .ords+
,air .as /y body then as a .ell5burnished tablet o- gold=
no. it is co1ered all o1er .ith 1ery -ine .rinkles:
not other than this are the 'ruth5speakerDs .ords+
Lo1ely both /y thighs as the trunks o- elephants=
.ith ageing they are as a ba/booDs ste/s:
not other than this are the 'ruth5speakerDs .ords+
,air .ere /y legs adorned .ith -ine golden anklets=
.ith ageing stick5like as the sesa/e:
not other than this are the 'ruth5speakerDs .ords+
)s though -illed out .ith do.n /y -eet so lo1ely=
.ith ageing they are cracked and .rinkled:
not other than this are the 'ruth5speakerDs .ords+
So .as this congeries= decrepit no., abode o- dukkha=
old house .ith its plaster -alling o--:
not other than this are the 'ruth5speakerDs .ords+
'herag6th6, Kerses o- the $lder BhikkhunRs, 1erses %@%S%O!
<Co/e, bhikkhus, abide conte/plating ugliness in the body, percei1ing repulsi1eness in
nutri/ent, percei1ing disenchant/ent .ith all the .orld, conte/plating i/per/anence in all
:23 @!, trans+ Ken+ L6Ma/oli

&irectly counter goes this to the .orldDs .ay .hich is( to see beauty in the body or at any rate
disguise the ugliness, to delight in -ood both physical and /ental, to be enchanted .ith (the
beauty o-" the .orld (and -orget the other side", and to regard /ental -or/ations as a basis -or a
per/anent sel- or soul+
Rohitassa" a deva: )Lord, the .orldDs end .here one is neither born nor ages nor dies, nor passes
a.ay nor reappears( is it possible to kno. or see or reach that by tra1elling thereQ>
*he Buddha: ),riend, that there is a .orldDs end .here one is neither born nor ages nor dies,
nor passes a.ay nor reappears, .hich is to be kno.n or seen or reached by tra1elling there:
that * do not say+ Iet * do not say that there is ending o- su--ering .ithout reaching the .orldDs
end+ 9ather it is in this -atho/5long carcass .ith its perceptions and its /ind that * describe the
.orld, the origin o- the .orld, the cessation o- the .orld, and the .ay leading to the cessation
o- the .orld+>
:S3 %(%N, )3 ?(?N, trans, Ken+ L6Ma/oli
'he current rash o- so /uch porn has the e--ects .e see, increased and open eBpression o- greed
and lust+ 'he /editation techniHues .hich can cure these diseases are all the di--erent aspects o-
/ind-ulness concerned .ith the body:-or they cut the body do.n to siTe, .ithout har/ing it,
.hile e/phasising the i/portance o- the /ind+
Conte/plation o- the bodyDs unattracti1eness is not a popular /editation+ People are happy to
try to rid the/sel1es o- anger and hatred because they are pain-ul+ 'his can be done by the .ell5
kno.n /editations de1eloping lo1ing kindness (mett"+ But /editating upon the nature o- this
body dulls the appetites rooted in greed:and greed is o-ten associated .ith pleasure+ )nd isnDt
pleasure .hat this li-eDs all aboutQ
Sa-ely bagged by 26ra:&eath and Lord o- the sensual real/E
Fhen the body is not .ashed it attracts -lies and 1er/in .hich -eed on it+ Fhen the /ind is not
puri-ied but is -ull o- lust, hate and delusion .hat does it attractAQ
'he body is so near, yet like an uneBplored continent+ Large areas in it are a blank+ Fhile this is
so, greed, lust and cra1ing d.ell sa-ely in the 4ungles o- ignorance+
PeopleDs attitudes to the body are liable to -ro/ the eBtre/e o- indulging the desires
connected .ith the body, to the other eBtre/e o- /orti-ying it+
'he 2iddle Fay o- /ind-ulness regarding the body is unkno.n to the/+
Fhen desires connected .ith bodily pleasures can be indulged, .hich /eans that greed rules
the /ind, aversion only arises i- oneDs ai/s are th.arted= but .hen a person has undertaken
so/e /ethod o- sel-5discipline not guided by .isdo/ ((a++", then suppressed desires -ind
their outlet not only by a1ersion but also by bodily /orti-ication+ )s though the body .as
responsibleE So, ha1ing no .isdo/, people sub4ect their bodies to <disciplines> and rigours o-
1arious kinds in order, they think, to #ontrol strong desires$ 'hen aversion" that is sel-5hatred in a
/ore or less subtle -or/, reigns supre/e and su--erings are increased+ &esires can ne1er be
understood in this .ay, only suppressed+ 'he only .ay to understand desires is through
/ind-ulness, and the 1arious eBercises on /ind-ulness o- the body are -or this purpose+
'here are 1ery -e. beings .ho do not su--er -ro/ lust, in this .orld o- sensuality at any rate+ *t
is a great sickness o- the /ind, an epide/ic .ith no beginning, and no end in sight -or /ost
beings+ Fise /en .ant to be cured o- this disease and the Buddha o--ers -or this the /edicine o-
conte/plating the unattracti1e in oneDs o.n body+ #ne should not try to see the ugly or -oul in
others+ 'his could turn to hatred:e1en i- not, it could result in a <sour grapes> attitude to the/+
'o.ards others /aintain one o- the &i1ine )bidings( lo1ing kindness, co/passion, 4oy5.ith5
others, or eHuani/ity, but to.ards oneDs o.n sel-ish desires -or pleasure de1elop the seeing o-
'rue lo1e, .hich is cool, unattached mett, and co/passion -or othersD sorro.s, do not gro.
.hen people are bound up .ith greed and sensuality+
Fhen lust arises in the /ind, .hich leads to /ore de-ile/ents, /ore burning desires in -uture,
4ust take a look at this butcherDs shop o- a body+ )nything attracti1e about red /eatQ )re .hite
bones especially lo1ableQ #r coiled <innards> desirableQ Lust soon disappears .hen the body is
regarded in this .ay+ 9epeating this practice, lust beco/es .eaker and arises less o-ten+
<A no one .ho searches earnestly throughout the .hole o- this -atho/5long carcass, starting
-ro/ the soles o- the -eet up.ards, starting -ro/ the top o- the hair do.n.ards, and starting
-ro/ the skin all round, e1er sees e1en the /inutest ato/ o- pureness in it such as a pearl or a
crystal or a beryl or aloes or sandal.ood or sa--ron or ca/phor or talcu/ po.der, etc= on the
contrary, he sees nothing but 1arious 1ery /alodorous o--ensi1e drab5looking sorts o- i/purity
consisting o- head5hair, body5hairs, and the rest+>
:2+9+ *** ?, trans+ Ken+ L6Ma/oli
2 The Thirty3t#o Parts of the Body
'he practice o- this /ind-ulness attending to the body can begin by reciting this passage(
<*n this 1ery body, -ro/ the soles o- the -eet up, -ro/ the cro.n o- the head do.n,
surrounded by skin, -ull o- these 1arious /ean i/purities, he re1ie.s thus(
<'here are in this body(
Anta/:large gut
Antagu5a/:s/all gut
-asik:oil o- the 4oints
(to .hich is added <brain in the skull> to /ake up G% parts"+
<*n this 1ery body, -ro/ the soles o- the -eet up, -ro/ the cro.n o- the head do.n, surrounded
by skin, -ull o- these 1arious /ean i/purities, he re1ie.s thus+>
:23 1!, Satipa;;h6na Sutta, trans+ Ken+ L6Ma/oli
'here is no unhealthy sel-5disgust or a1ersion here, 4ust seeing .hat is unattracti1e as it really is+
But in later ti/es so/e teachers (such as U6ntide1a in his Bodhi#ryvatra"
.ent to eBtre/es in
this /atter+ #ne /ust suspect in such a case not the proper dispassion .ith the body but rather
per1erted passion+ Lust can s.itch to a1ersion and hatred Huickly+
*t is a re/arkable thing that the -irst -i1e parts on this list:the <person> .e see:are all deadE
0air o- the head and body li1es only at its roots, .e see dead hair+ 3ails that .e see are dead
nails, the Huick is pain-ul and hidden+ 'he teeth, all that is 1isible, are dead, and their tender
2any 1erses in Chapter o- that .ork are certainly <sick+>
li1ing roots .e only eBperience pain-ully -ro/ ti/e to ti/e+ #uter skin is dead:horrible i- it
.as not, -or it is sensiti1e enough already+ 'he li1ing skin belo. is /ore pain-ul+
So .hen .e get eBcited about a 1isual -or/:so/eone elseDs body:.e are sti/ulated by
i/pressions o- .hat has died already+ Strange to be eBcited by .hat is dead on the outside and
dying .ithinE 0o.e1er, the real lure is in our o.n /inds( the thoughts o- lust that arise there
and e/bellish the corpse be-ore us+
)part -ro/ this, li1e bodies and dead ones di--er only in degree+ Lust -astens only on the
body+ But lo1ing kindness and co/passion are concerned .ith the .ell5being o- peoplesD /inds
and bodies+
Fhen .e see a <person,> .e see 4ust the -irst -i1e o- the G% parts( head5hair, body5hair, nail,
teeth and skin+ Fhen head:hair is o- certain colours and -or/s, body:hair present or absent
according to seB and race, nails cut and cleaned, teeth .hite, polished and .ith none /issing,
and skin" .ell .ashed and unble/ished by scars or .rinkles and co1ering -lesh o- certain
shapes:then .ith all these conditions -ul-illed, desire arisesE
Fhat about grey or .hite hair on the head or body:thin and straggly, nails cracked, dirty
and broken, teeth yello. or /ostly /issing and skin .rinkled and blotchyQ Fho gets eBcitedQ
Staring at corpses as reco//ended by co//entary5.riter Buddhaghosa in his 4ath of
4urifi#ation is not really to the point+ #ne has inwardly to stare at this corpse to acco/plish
)nd he gets /uch too co/plicated in his descriptions o- ho. to do the actual practice, .hich
does not reHuire a lot o- categories and analysis, or things to be learnt by heart+ 'his applies to
both the /editation on corpses and to the G% parts o- the body+
*n the latter case, 4ust a -e. parts are needed -or repetition and inspection, and e1en one .ill
be su--icient i- oneDs /ind .anders+ Si/plicity and directness cut out the clutter o- thoughts:
and clearing those out is the .ay to get into /editation+
2& Meditation on Bones
<Bones in a pattern ordered
Standing end to end
Fith /any 4oints, .hose shaping
#n no one does depend=
By sine.s held together,
2enaced by ageingDs threat,
*ncogniTant, rese/bling
) .ooden /arionette+>
2 9+ *** %%
2' 4onte+1lation of the Body5 4harnel (round Meditations
<)gain, a bhikkhu 4udges this sa/e body as though he .ere looking at bodily re/ains thro.n
on a charnel ground, bones .ithout sine.s scattered in all directions( here a hand bone, there a
-oot bone, there a shin bone, there a thigh bone, there a hip bone, there a back bone, there a rib
bone, there a breast bone, there an ar/ bone, there a shoulder bone, there a neck bone, there a
4a. bone, there a tooth bone, there the skull+
<'his body too is o- such a nature, it .ill be like that, it is not eBe/pt -ro/ thatE
<*n this .ay he abides conte/plating the body as a body in hi/sel-, or he abides
conte/plating the body as a body eBternally, or he abides conte/plating the body as a body in
hi/sel- and eBternally+ #r else he abides conte/plating in the body its arising -actors, or he
abides conte/plating in the body its 1anishing -actors, or he abides conte/plating in the body
its arising and 1anishing -actors+
<#r else, /ind-ulness that D'here is a bodyD is si/ply established in hi/ to the eBtent o- bare
kno.ledge and re/e/brance (o- it", .hile he abides independent, not clinging to anything in
the .orld+>
:-ro/ 23 1!, trans+ Ken+ L6Ma/oli
Fhen the /ind is cal/, look into this bony -ra/e to see its e/ptiness, ho. the .ind blo.s
through it+ Fho o.ns these bonesQ
*t see/s that as the $lder (2ah65tissa" .as on his .ay -ro/ Cetiyapabbata to )nur6dhapura -or
al/s, a certain daughter5in5la. o- a clan, .ho had Huarrelled .ith her husband and had set out
early -ro/ )nur6dhapura all dressed up and tricked out like a celestial ny/ph to go to her
relati1esD ho/e, sa. hi/ on the road, and being lo.5/inded, she laughed a loud laugh+
(Fondering" <Fhat is thatQ>, the $lder looked up and -inding in the bones o- her teeth the
perception o- -oulness, he attained arahatship+ But her husband .ho .as going a-ter her sa.
the $lder and asked <Kenerable sir, did you by any chance see a .o/anQ> 'he $lder told hi/(
<Fhether it .as a /an or a .o/an
'hat .ent by * noticed not=
But only that on this high road
'here goes a group o- bones+>
*he 4ath of 4urifi#ation" *+@@
) /ound o- about -i1e -eet high o- bones, skulls, long bones and 1ertebrae all /iBed up+ 3o .here one personDs bones ended and anotherDs began+ #1er the/ all the hot sun beat
do.n and bleached the/, the rains lashed do.n and .ashed the/= these re/ains o- unkno.n
poor people .aiting to be cre/ated in a Chinese gra1eyard in Bangkok+ ) rare and stirring
sight in these days o- <.indo.5dressing+>

Suppose, that during /editation, this bony -ra/e appeared to oneDs /indDs eye but .hen one
opened the eyes at the /editationDs end, the bones o- the hand, or other parts, .ere still 1isible
.ithout their co1ering o- <decent> -lesh:ho. upsetting -or onesel-:and others i- they too
could see it+ 0o. 1ery odd to be so -ear-ul o- a part o- oneDs <o.n> bodyE
! 6tory
#nce there .as a /an .ho had charge o- a hothouse in .hich a great 1ariety o- tropical .ater5
lilies and gourds .ere #n this particular a-ternoon it .as cold and raining outside, so
that a continuous strea/ o- 1isitors entered to .ar/ the/sel1es and ad/ire the eBotic plants+
0a1ing sprayed the plants o1er .ith .ater -ro/ a hose the /an bent do.n to turn o-- the tap+
Fhen he raised his eyes he sa., not people, but a procession o- skeletons+ 'he 1ision lasted a
/o/ent and .as gone+ )n indication o- .hat sort o- /editation he should practise, perhapsQ
<Bhikkhus, the bones o- a single person 4ourneying on, .andering on -or an aeon, .ould /ake a
cairn, a pile, a /ound as great as 2ount Kepulla, .ere there a collector o- those bones and i- the
collection .ere not destroyed+>
:*ti1uttaka 1
<Pust as .hen a space is enclosed by ti/ber and creepers, grass and clay, there co/es to be the
ter/ house,D so too, .hen a space is enclosed by bones and sine.s, -lesh and skin, there co/es
to be the ter/ -or/D+>
:23 %+GN, trans+ Ken+ L6Ma/oli
#r again, the )ncient 'eachers said(
<3ine hundred sine.s all round
*n this -atho/5long carcass -ound
Fhereby its bony -ra/e is bound
)s creepers ser1e a building to co/pound+>
2+9+ again
#r ho. about this -or the bodyQ
<) tu/our .here nine holes abide
Frapped in a coat o- cla//y hide
)nd trickling -ilth on e1ery side,
Polluting the air .ith stenches -ar and .ide+>
2+9+, Huoting ;uestions of Milinda" p+ O?
' An 7lcer
2onks, it is 4ust like an ulcer that had been -or /any years, ha1ing nine gaping
.ounds, nine lesions, and .hate1er discharged and ooTed out o- it .ould be -oul and stinking,
it .ould be loathso/e+
<Jlcer,> /onks, is a na/e -or this body consisting o- the -our great ele/ents, procreated by
/other and -ather, and built up out o- rice and bread+ *t is sub4ect to i/per/anence, to breaking
('.o" eyes, (t.o" ears, (t.o" nostrils, /outh, urinary duct, and anus+
up and .earing a.ay, to dissolution and to disintegration, ha1ing nine gaping .ounds, nine
lesions+ Fhate1er discharges and ooTes out o- it is -oul and stinks, it is loathso/e+
'here-ore, /onks, turn a.ay -ro/
this body+
:)3 9(1@
<) /anDs body is structurally si/ply a hollo. ring+ ) hollo. ring elongated into a hollo.
cylinder, .ith the inner portion -urther lengthened and coiled= and abo1e the upper ori-ice there
bulges a head and bet.een the upper and ori-ices the li/bs stick out+ 'he .orld passes in
s/all portions through the ring, helped in by spoon and gulping, and out by pressure and
:A *hinker<s %otebook by Ken+ L6Ma/oli V %?!, 2arch D@N
!1 Tale5
) .o/an, in-atuated, ca/e to a bhikkhu and stripped o-- her clothes+ 'he bhikkhu, .ithout
batting an eyelid, said:<3o. take o-- your skin+>
<Beauty is skin5deep>:ho. true this saying isE Fho .ants a beauti-ul body .ithout skinQ 0o.
-ragile is skin, but ho. strong is lustE
)nother 1ie. o- the body(
<) carcass daubed .ith bits o- /eat
3ine ti/es a hundred .hen co/plete,
Fhere clans o- .or/s
'o share the rotting /idden -or their seat+>
#n this sub4ect .e ha1e also(
<As to sharing the body with many: 'his body is shared by /any+ ,irstly, it is shared by the
eighty -a/ilies o- .or/s (parasites"+ 'here too, creatures li1e in dependence on the outer skin,
on the inner skin, on the -lesh, on the sine.s, on the bones, on the /arro., -eeding on these
things+ )nd there they are born, gro. old and die, e1acuate and /ake .ater= and the body is
their /aternity ho/e, their hospital, their charnel ground, their pri1y and their urinal+ 'he body
can also be brought to death .ith the upsetting o- these .or/s+ )nd 4ust as it is shared .ith the
eighty -a/ilies o- .or/s, so too it is shared by the se1eral hundred internal diseases, as .ell as
by such eBternal causes o- death as snakes, scorpions and .hat not+>
Pali( nibbindatha$ 'his can also be rendered <be .eary o-> or <be a1erse to> or <be disgusted .ith+> But
none o- these renderings con1eys the -la1our o- 1ery subtle &ha//a5practice= they are too gross and
con1ey negati1e or de-iled states o- /ind+ Fe should note that the Buddha is speaking to /onks:that is,
to those .ho practise &ha//a -ull5ti/e, and i- .e kne. the circu/stances in .hich these .ords .ere
spoken, .e should probably -ind that the /onks addressed needed such a <se1ere> eBhortation in order
to o1erco/e greed or attach/ent+
<For/s> /eans not only the parasitic .or/s, but all the other parasites, 1isible or o- /icroscopic
siTe, .hich /ake this body their ho/e+
: *he 4ath of 4urifi#ation" K**+%@
!$ The )iscourse on 8ictory
(*he Buddha:"
Falking or standing, sitting, lying do.n,
0e bends it in or stretches it( this is the bodyDs /o1e/ent+
'his body by bones and sine.s bound, bedaubed .ith /e/brane, -lesh,
)nd co1ered up .ith skin:is not seen as it really is+
,illed .ith guts, .ith belly -illed .ith li1er5lu/p and bladder,
Fith heart, .ith lungs as .ell, .ith kidneys and .ith spleen,
Fith snot and spittle, and .ith -at and,
Fith blood, and oil -or the 4oints, .ith bile, and grease o- the skin=
'hen by nine strea/s the unclean -lo.s -ore1er -ro/ it(
$ye5dirt -ro/ the eyes, ear5dirt -ro/ the ears,
Snot -ro/ the nose, no. -ro/ the /outh bile is spe.ed,
3o. is spe.ed out phleg/, and -ro/ the body and dirt+
)nd then its hollo. head is stu--ed .ith brains=
'he -ool thinks (all is" beauti-ul:led on by ignorance+
But .hen itDs lying dead, bloated up and li1id blue,
Cast a.ay in the charnel ground, e1en kin do not care -or it+
&ogs eat it and 4ackals, and .ol1es and .or/s,
Cro.s and 1ultures eat it, and .hate1er other creatures are+
Fise the bhikkhu in this .orld .ho ha1ing heard the Buddha5.ord,
'he body he kno.s surely and thoroughly, he sees it as it really is,
('hinking"( )s this (li1ing body" so that (corpse .as once",
)s that (corpse is no." so this (body .ill surely be":
So -or the body, .ithin and .ithout, discard desire+
Such a bhikkhu, .ise, discarding desire and lust in this .orld,
)ttains to deathlessness, to peace, 3ibb6na the unchanging state+
Pa/pered is this -oul, t.o5-ooted, -oetid thing,
'hough -illed .ith 1arious sorts o- stench and ooTing here and there(
0e .ho .ith such a body thinks to eBalt hi/sel-,
#r should despise another:.hat else is this but blindnessQ
:Sutta53ip6ta, Ki4aya Sutta, Kerses 19GS%!N
!% )ha++a1ada 8erses on the Body
3ot long alas:and it .ill lie
this body here, upon the earthE
9e4ected, 1oid o- consciousness
and useless as a rotten log+
(1+ ?1"
0a1ing kno.n this body likened unto -oa/
and understanding thoroughly its nature /irage5like,
cutting do.n the sha-ts o- 26ra, -lo.er5tipped,
unseen one can go beyond the king o- death+
(1+ ?N"
See this body beauti-ul,
a /ass o- sores, a congeries,
/uch considered but /iserable
.here nothing is stable, nothing persists+
(1+ 1?O"
)ll decrepit is this body,
diseasesD nest and -rail=E
this -oul /ass is broken up:
indeed li-e ends in death+
(1+ 1?"
'hese do1e5hued bones
scattered in -all
like long .hite gourds,
.hat 4oy in seeing the/Q
(1+ 1?9"
'his city is /ade o- bones
plastered .ith -lesh and blood=
in it are stored decay and death
as .ell as pride, detraction+
(1+ 1@!"
$1en rich royal chariots decay=
this body also reaches to decay=
but the &ha//a o- the good does not decay=
so the good /ake it kno.n to the cal/+
(1+ 1@1"
But those .ho al.ays practise .ell
bodily /ind-ulness,
do ne1er .hat should not be done
and e1er do .hat should be done=
/ind-ul, clearly co/prehending,
their pollutions out o- eBistence go+
(1+ %9G"
Fell a.ake and .atch-ul
e1er are Cota/aDs s61ak6,
.ho constantly by day and night
are /ind-ul o- the body+
(1+ %99"
&isciples, literally <listeners+>
!7 T#o Pairs of 8erses on the 4onte+1lation of Beauty and
#ne .ho li1es conte/plating beauty,
.ith -aculties o- sense unrestrained,
.ho kno.s not /oderation in his -ood,
and .ho is indolent, o- little e--ort=
hi/ indeed does 26ra o1erthro.
as .ind a tree o- little strength+
#ne .ho li1es conte/plating -oulness,
.ith -aculties o- sense .ell5restrained,
.ho does kno. /oderation in his -ood,
and .ho has -aith, o- roused5up e--ort=
hi/ indeed does 26ra ne1er o1erthro.
as .ind does not the rocky /ount+
(1+ OS"
#ne .ho conte/plates the beauti-ul,
o- agitating thoughts and acti1e lust,
cra1ing in this person constantly increases=
that one indeed /akes strong his bonds+
But .ho delights in cal/ing thoughts,
he de1elops -oulness e1er /ind-ully,
he indeed .ill /ake an end=
that one .ill se1er 26raDs bonds+
(1+ G?9S@!"
!& 8erses of the Arahat "a11a Thera
,ull o- /any kinds o- -ilth,
producer o- /uch eBcre/ent,
as ripe as a /idden5pool,
a tu/our, a great .ound
-illed up .ith pus and blood,
as though sunk in a cesspit
the body ooTes .ater
and e1er -ilth out-lo.s+
'ied together by siBty tendons
and plastered .ith plaster o- -lesh,
tightly 4acketed .ith skin:
.ith no 1alue, this body o- -ilth+
) connected skeleton o- bones
bound together .ith sine. cords
producing 1arious postures
by conditioned things co/bined+
Set out .ith certainty o- death
and near to King 2ortality
but ha1ing re4ected it

4ust here

)s </e> or </ine+>
a /an goes as he likes+
Co1ered o1er .ith ignorance
and tied .ith the -our-old tie,
en/eshed in the net o- tendencies
this body sinks in the -lood+
0itched to the -i1e hindrances
and so, a--ected by thoughts,
acco/panied by cra1ingDs root
and .rapped by delusionDs .rappings:
this body continues on,
/ade to go by ka//aDs /eans,
its eBistence in the end destroyed,
all sorts o- beings perish+
'hose ordinary people, blinded -ools,
thinking their bodies belong to the/
-ill up the -ear-ul ce/eteries
and seiTe repeated birth+
'hose .ho abandon
this body
as one .ould a dung5s/eared snake,
ha1ing 1o/ited beingDs root,
.ill, taintless, 3ibb6na attain+
'herag6th6, Kerses o- the $lder Bhikkhus, 1erses @NOS@ON
!' 8erses of the Arahat Nanda9a Thera
Sha/e on it then, -ull o- stinks
and ooTing, 26raDs partisan,
in your body nine strea/s are
leaking out continually+
&o not concei1e o- these -illed5up things,
they are not praised by 'ath6gatas
.ho desire not e1en the hea1ens,
not to speak o- the hu/an .orld+
But those .ho are -oolish, stupid,
ill5counselled, dullness5shrouded,
such do indeed desire it
thro.n do.n by 26raDs snare+
'hose in .ho/ desire and hate
and ignorance are discarded:
such do not desire it,
se1ered their ropes:unboundE
'herag6th6, Kerses o- the $lder Bhikkhus, 1erses %O9S%%
)bandon attach/ent to it+
Fhy is the body called <26raDs partisan> (lit( on the side o- 26ra"Q Because the body is sub4ect to all
sorts o- pain, dis/e/ber/ent, death, as .ell as un.holeso/e desires connected .ith the body:such as
to o1ereat or -or seB, .hich are obstacles to purity o- /ind, riddance o- de-ile/ents, and enlighten/ent+
$. 8erses of the Arahat 6abba92+a Thera
'his -oul t.o5-ooted thing,
-ull o- /any kinds o- -ilth out -ro/ here and there,
ill5s/elling:dearly lo1ed it is+
)s by a trap the .ary deer,
as by the hook the -ish,
4ust as the /onkeyDs caught .ith pitch,
so ordinary /en are trapped+
,or/s, sounds, s/ells and tastes
and tangibles, delighting the /ind,
these are the -i1e cords o- desire
seen in a .o/anDs -or/+
'hose .ho pursue the/:
ordinary /en .ith /inds en-la/ed:
-ill up the -ear-ul ce/eteries
and heap up -urther birth+
But one .ho does a1oid it
as the -eet a serpentDs head,
/ind-ul, such a one transcends
clinging to this .orld+
Seeing the danger o- sensual desires,
renunciation seeing secure,
escaped -ro/ all desires
to eBhaustion o- taints attained+
'herag6th6, Kerses o- the $lder Bhikkhus, 1erses ?@GS?@
$1 8erses of the Arahat /a::ha12la
2is family tried to snare him" with the bait of his former wives and good food" into returning to the
household life" at whi#h he said:
<Behold a puppet here pranked out,
) body built up out o- sores,
Sick, and /uch ob4ect -or concern,
Fhere no stability abides+
Behold a -igure here pranked out
Fith 4e.ellery and earrings too,
) skeleton .rapped up in skin,
2ade creditable by its clothes+
*ts -eet adorned .ith henna dye
)nd po.der s/eared upon its -ace,
*t /ay beguile a -ool, but not
) seeker o- the ,urther Shore+
Fo/en reading this /ust substitute <a /anDs -or/+>
'his theraDs na/e /eans <all desires+>
*ts hair is dressed in eight-old plaits
)nd unguent s/eared upon its eyes+
*t /ay beguile a -ool, but not
) seeker o- the ,urther Shore+
) -ilthy body decked .ithout
Like a ne.5painted unguent pot,
*t /ay beguile a -ool, but not
) seeker o- the ,urther Shore+
'he deer5hunter sets .ell the snare
But the deer springs not the trap=
Fe eat the bait, and .e depart,
Lea1ing the hunters to la/ent+>
23 %, trans+ Ken+ L6Ma/oli
'he 1ast array o- <beauty products,> -or both /ale and -e/ale, should /ake people think+ *- it is
so necessary to beauti-y the body .hat is it really likeQ
'his i/pure body
like a .a1e that rises suddenly,
breaks and disperses+
'his i/pure body
like a speck o- dust
in a desert land
.here /irages are seen+
Fi4ayasiri )/aratunga
'he body is like a leaky barrel, ooTing all the ti/e+ But a barrel can be bunged up, .hile the
body /ust continue ooTing its .hole li-e+
) dru/ has -our characteristics:it is round in section, co1ered by hide, is beaten -reHuently,
and e/its sound+ *n the sa/e .ay the body has -our characteristics( it is round in section or
-airly /uch so, it also is co1ered by hide, it is beaten by the /any sorts o- physical and /ental
dukkha, and e/its sound:that is, the sounds indicating pleasure .hich is unreliable and
i/per/anent, and those .hich acco/pany su--erings such as .eeping and la/entation+ )nd
.ho is the beaterQ 0is na/e is =raving+
'he Buddha said(
<Birth is dukkha,
disease is dukkha, decay is dukkha, death is dukkha>:all this is dukkha
related to this body+ *t is interesting that each sort o- dukkha has special institutions in Festern
Su--ering o- all kinds, physical and /ental, and su--ering due to the i/per/anence o- e1erything+
society to screen it o-- -ro/ the generality o- people, .ho are <in bet.een> these e1ents so to
speak+ Birth takes place in /aternity .ards and nursing ho/es+ #ther parts o- the sa/e hospital
take care o- <disease+> ,or <decay> .e ha1e old peoplesD ho/es and the geriatric .ards, .hile
<death> /ay occur in all such places, the corpse then going on to the undertakersD chapels, and
to religious rites+ 'hings hidden a.ay are unhealthy+ Look at the dukkhaE Look at itE
Fhen one considers ho. /any things a--lict this body, it is a .onder that it keeps going so .ell
and -or so longE
2any, /any kinds o- dukkhaE
'here is so /uch dukkha connected .ith this body, .hich people ne1er notice due to shi-ting
around -ro/ one position to another+ Fhen tired o- .alking or standing, they sit do.n= .hen
tired o- sitting, they stand or lie do.n= .hen they ha1e enough o- lying do.n, they get up+
Falking an uneBpectedly long distance is dukkha+ Standing long in Hueue is dukkha+ Sitting in
e1en a co/-ortable chair -or hours is dukkha+ Lying in a hospital bed -or days or .eeks is
dukkha+ By changing position .e e1ade the dukkha, or /ake it less ob1ious+ But .hen so/eone
starts to /editate, spending hours on .alking /editation, hours on sitting /editation:then
this bodily dukkha can be -elt and in1estigated+
$' Pain and the Body
<'he uninstructed ordinary person, bhikkhu, has a saying( 'here is a botto/less abyss in the
great ocean+D But the uninstructed ordinary person speaks o- .hat does not eBist, o- .hat cannot
be -ound, that is that there is a botto/less abyss in the great ocean+ ) designation -or pain-ul
bodily -eeling, bhikkhus, is this ter/ botto/less abyss+D Fhen an uninstructed ordinary person
eBperiences pain-ul bodily -eeling, he grie1es, is a--licted la/ents, beats his breast, cries out
loud, and beco/es distraught+ So it is said, bhikkhus, the uninstructed ordinary person has not
e/erged -ro/ the botto/less abyss, has not obtained a -ir/ -oothold+
<But, bhikkhus, .hen an instructed 3oble &isciple eBperiences pain-ul bodily -eeling he does
not grie1e, is not a--licted, does not la/ent, nor beat his breast, nor cry out loud, nor beco/e
distraught+ So it is said, bhikkhus, the instructed 3oble &isciple has e/erged -ro/ the
botto/less abyss and has obtained a -ir/ -oothold+>
:S3 GN(?, trans+ Ken+ 3yanaponika
%. This ;for+< (=body)
<Fhy does one say -or/D (r>(a"? *t is de-or/ed (ru((ati), that is .hy it is called -or/+D
&e-or/ed by .hatQ By cold and heat and hunger and thirst, by contact .ith /osHuitoes, -lies,
.ind, sunburn, and creeping things+>
:S3 1%(O9, trans+ Ken+ L6Ma/oli
#ne could play si/ilar .ord ga/es in $nglish( Fhy is it called a body? Because it is oneDs abode"
there-ore it is a body = or again because it bodes no good" there-ore it is a body ?though this is
rather pessi/istic perhaps+ 'o balance up one could ety/ologiTe thus( *t is called a body since
depending on it bodhi is disco1ered+
%2 The Body>s Needs as the Buddha 6u++arised The+
Clothing to co1er it,
-ood to sustain it,
shelter to keep it -ro/ har/,
and /edicine to cure it+
Buddhist /onks recollect these -our <supports> e1ery day+
) .ay o- cutting do.n greed(
,e. and si/ple clothes co1er it
enough .holeso/e -ood sustains it,
a s/all shelter keeps it -ro/ har/,
and appropriate /edicine cures it+
0o. /any sets o- clothes can you .ear at onceQ
0o. /any di--erent dishes do you need to eatQ
0o. /uch roo/ does this body -illQ
0o. /ay pills and po.ders to keep in healthQ
% (reed and the Body
Look at it like this(
'hereDs a .ardrobe .ith lots o- clothes to co1er your body+ )re they all neededQ ('here are
so/e clothes5less poor in this .orld+"
'here is a pantry (a re-rigerator and a -reeTerQ", stacked .ith -ood+ *s all that 1ariety and
Huantity neededQ ('here are people star1ing in this .orld+"
'hereDs the house one li1es in .ith its -urnishings+ *s it too large or too luBuriousQ ('here are
house5less people in this .orld+"
'hereDs that /edicine chest o- pills and crea/s and .hatnot+ Can you use the/ allQ )re they
all neededQ (0o. /any people ha1e no /edicine in this .orldQ"
%! ?vereating@ (luttony@
*hen read these verses:
'he -ood and drink so greatly priTed:
'he crisp to che., the so-t to suck:
Co in all by a single door,
But by nine doors
co/e ooTing out+
'he -ood and drink so greatly priTed:
'he crisp to che., the so-t to suck:
2en like to eat in co/pany,
But to eBcrete in secrecy+
'he -ood and drink so greatly priTed
'he crisp to che., the so-t to suck:
'hese a /an eats .ith high delight,
)nd then eBcretes in du/b disgust+
'he -ood and drink so greatly priTed:
'he crisp to che., the so-t to suck:
Co in by the /outh but can co/e out -ro/ the eyes (%", ears (%", nostrils (%", /outh, urinary duct, and
anus, as 1arious sorts o- <dirt+>
) single night .ill be enough
'o bring the/ to putridity+
*he 4ath of 4urifi#ation" Ch+ W* para+ %G
(Remember while eating@"
%$ /eflections on a Aoo
$arth and .ater ele/ents inside
press to get out,
all that solid -ood, and drink
ingested, /ust be in ti/e eBtruded+
3o polished <sanitary .are>
adorns /y -orest loo
all natural
a .ooden plat-or/ raised upon a pit+
Fhere * .alk up and do.n
pacing steadily to still the /ad /ind,
at the end surrounded by trees:
/y lo1ely loo+
'rees .ith asbestos sheeting broken up
nailed to the trunks:-or pri1acy,
.here only trees can .atch
bored:but nourished:by this necessity+
'o cli/b up to /y toilet
siB -eet up s.aying .ith the trunks
o- trees, t.o logs are dri1en in the ground
as steps up to the throne+
) plat-or/ .ith a hole
through .hich one can look do.n
ten -eet to the papered pit belo.
and .atch the great black dung5
beetles at .ork burying the /ess,
hygienic -ro/ our point o- 1ie.
but .hat a birth to get,
perhaps -or per1erters and pornographersQ
)ny.ay, * sHuat lordly -ar abo1e
.hile .ater and earth ele/ents .ithin
4oin .ater and earth ele/ents .ithout+
.hen .ithin * call the/ </ine>=
.hen in the pit theyDre not /e:
.here does the change take placeQ
Strange /ind .hich lo1es this stinking -or/
But loathes the stink do.n there+
9e4oicing in -ine -la1ours,
&etesting stench and eBcre/ent(
<*> a/ /ade up o- all this
re4oicing and detesting+
Kassa, the 9ains, %@1@X19O%
,ood arranged nicely on plates is attracti1e to the eyes and nose+ <*t looks goodE>:<*t s/ells
goodsE>:people say+ Fhen it reaches the /outh it is attracti1e to the tongue and touch+ 'hey
say <0o. good it tastesE> or <9eal crunchyE> (crackly, crea/y, or .hate1er"+ But 4ust spit it out
:attracti1e to the eyes no. or notQ Creed can only arise i- conditions are right -or it+ )nd ho.
attracti1e is the sa/e -ood spe.ed up a-ter a -e. hours in the bellyQ *t beco/es e1en less
desirable .hen a-ter a day or t.o its re/ains are eBpelled+ 'hree stages -or conte/plationE
)s the /editator -inds out, .ithout -ood the body beco/es .eak, .ith /uch -ood it is hea1y
and disturbed( t.o kinds o- dukkha+ 'he only .ay is to kno. /oderation in -ood, neither
altogether abstaining, .hich can easily beco/e the eBtre/e o- sel-5/orti-ication= nor o1ereating,
.hich is 4ust the other eBtre/e o- sensual pleasure
%& /e+ind Bourself5
<'his reHuisite that accrued to /e:
itDs 4ust /ere 1arious ele/ents,
that is, these clothes
and the person using the/:
4ust ele/ents,
not a person,
not a being,
4ust 1oid+
<'his reHuisite that accrued to /e:
itDs 4ust /ere 1arious ele/ents,
that is, this shelter
and the person using it:
4ust ele/ents,
not a person,
not a being,
4ust 1oid+
<'his reHuisite that accrued to /e:
>itDs 4ust /ere 1arious ele/ents,
that is, this -ood
and the person using it:
4ust ele/ents,
not a person,
not a being,
4ust 1oid+
<'his reHuisite that accrued to /e:
itDs 4ust /ere 1arious ele/ents,
that is, this /edicine
and the person using it:
4ust ele/ents,
not a person,
not a being,
4ust 1oid+>
'ranslated -ro/ a traditional P6li recollection, <3ath (a##aya/A>
%' A *lec9 of *oa+
)t one ti/e the Lord .as staying at )yo44ha on the bank o- the ri1er Canges+ 'here the Lord
addressed the bhikkhus as -ollo.s( <Suppose, bhikkhus, a large -leck o- -oa/ .ere -loating on
this ri1er Canges and a clear5sighted /an .ere to see it, obser1e it and properly eBa/ine it+
0a1ing done this it .ould appear to hi/ to be e/pty, insubstantial, .ithout essence:-or .hat
essence could there be in a -leck o- -oa/Q
<*n the sa/e .ay, bhikkhus, .hate1er body, past, -uture, or present, in onesel- or eBternal,
gross or subtle, in-erior or superior, -ar or near, that a bhikkhu sees, obser1es and properly
eBa/inesA it .ould appear to hi/ to be e/pty, insubstantial, .ithout essence:-or .hat
essence could there be in a bodyQA>
'he Kins/an o- the Sun /ade clear(
,or/ co/pared to a -leck o- -oa/,
,eeling to a bubble co/pared,
)nd perception to a /irage,
'houghts co/pared to a plantain5tree
)nd consciousness to a /agical trick+
(S3 %%(9@"
<2y> body, but /osHuitoes like to suck its blood+
<2y> body, but -leas and bugs -ind on it a -eeding place+
<2y> body, nits and lice en4oy it too+
<2y> body, .hich /akes a cattle5tick a /eal+
<2y> body, .here .or/s li1e happily+
<2y> body, attacked by /icroscopic -oes+
<2y> body, sure it gets sick .ithout per/ission+
<2y> body, .hich is not .ell though * .ant it so+
<2y> body, getting old -ro/ day to day+
<2y> body, though * .ant youth, e1er ages+
<2y> body, goes and dies against /y cries+
<2y> body, buried or burned to ele/ents turned+
<2y> body:ho. co/eQ
<2y>Q FhoDs the o.ner hereQ
71 A /ationalist and a Buddhist
B+ Fhose is that bodyQ
9+ *tDs /ine, o- courseE
B+ Better be care-ul .ith that <o- course+> )ny.ay, ho. do you kno. itDs your bodyQ
9+ Fell, * see it:e1ery day -or years+
B+ So itDs yours because you see itQ
Bubbul>(am is translated in 'hai as <a .a1e co/pared,> a .a1e being a 1ery suitable si/ile -or
) banana5plant+
9+ Ies+ Besides, * -eel itDs /ine+
B+ #+K+ So thatDs another reason .hy it belongs to you+ Iou -eel it:rightQ
9+ SureE *t -eels like /e+
B+ )ny other e1idence that itDs yoursQ Fhat about the other sensesQ
9+ * suppose you could say that * hear it too+ 2y guts gurgle and /y -eet thu/p the deck+ #-
course it s/ells like /e too+ 'asteQ #h * donDt think that helps identi-y it 1ery /uch+ So thatDs all
the senses, and they tell /e that it is /ine+
B+ IouD1e le-t out the /ost i/portant sense:the /ind+ 'hat tells you <this is /y body> all
the ti/eA
9+ Ies, i- you .ant to call /ind a sense+ Ies, it identi-ies .hat is /ine and .hat is not+
B+ Fell, * donDt think it is so easy to tell .hat is oneDs o.n and .hat is not+
9+ #h, thatDs easy+ * ha1e o1er .hat is /ine:like /y o.n bank5account+ * can do .hat
* like .ith it+
B+ * see that you ha1e a bandaged -inger+ Sho. /e ho. /uch you ha1e o1er it by
healing it instantlyE
9+ CanDt do that, you kno.+ *tDs not naturalE
B+ Fell no., .hat is naturalQ )nd does o1er a thing signi-y o.nershipQ ,or instance,
that bit o- dead .ood o1er there+ *s it /ysel-Q
9+ #h, co/e onA o- course notE
B+ But itDs Huite natural, and one can do nothing about /aking it li1e again+ Fhen it li1ed,
that li-e .as conditioned by /any -actors, no. itDs dead because o- those -actorsD change+ Iet
you say </y body>E
9+ *t is /ineE *t has belonged to /e since * .as bornE
B+ 9ightoE 'hen <your> body, .hich you canDt heal:at least you kno. .hen it is going to
9+ 3oA (-altering" *D1e no ideaA butA
B+ But itDs your body, and you canDt cure it, canDt stop it getting old, canDt stop it dying, you
donDt e1en kno. .hen that bodyDs going to die+ But still itDs your body+ 0o. /uch yoursQ
B+ )nd .ho is the o.ner any.ayQ
72 Not Bours
<'his body, bhikkhus, is not yours nor is it othersD+ *t should be seen as produced by past
ka//a, 1olitions, and -eelings+ 9egarding this, the learned noble disciple thoroughly and
syste/atically attends to dependent origination( 'his being, that is= -ro/ the arising o- this, that
arises= this not being, that is not= -ro/ the cessation o- this, that ceases+ 'hat is to say( conditions ka//a5-or/ationsA>
:S3 1%(GO
'he brain proclai/ed( <*D/ the boss here+ Cet up instantly, laTy bonesE>
Croans -ro/ the bones( <*D/ brokenE *D/ s/ashedE Fho are you ordering around any.ayQ
Ieah, .ho is he? CarnE Fe boss the lot, unless .e are .hole the contraption canDt standE>
#utcry -ro/ the tendons( <Iou bones .ill stand up by yoursel1es, .ill youQ FonDt do
.ithout usE Pust -all to bits, a right skeletonEDE>
) ho.l -ro/ the heart( <Fhat are you all Huarrelling aboutQ 3o one gets .ithout
/e, #ld Brain least o- allE>
) grunt -ro/ the guts( <3o., donDt you get superior, heartE Fhere you goin5a5be .ithout us
.orkers sending you -oodQ>
Cla/our -ro/ the kidneys( <,ine /ess youDll be in .ithout usE>
Loud laugh -ro/ the lungs( <$re, .atcha gonna do .ithout us .indbagsQ FonDt get
1ery -ar, .ill youQ>
Shriek -ro/ the skin( <Shut up the lot o- youE * .rap you all up so that you donDt look like a
butcherDs shopE>
)nd so the debate .ent on but no /aster could be -ound+
7! Coles and holiness
Jn-illable hole
this .hole body
look at it:hollo.
holes -or -ood in
and holes -or /uck out
holes -or air both in and out
do.n to hollo. lungs,
belo. is a hole o- a belly
and yards o- hollo. tubes
a big hole o- a bladder
so/e senses lurk in hollo.s:
eye5holes, ear5holes too,
the tongue in its hollo. /outh
the air5holes holding s/ell=
one great big hole, hollo.
the .hole o- this body
.holly e/pty
.holly 1oid
all holes
.holly insubstantial
hollo. AA +hollo.
the .ay to holiness+
Fe take a bag to go shopping, and it gets -illed up .ith .hat .e .ant, i- .e pay the price+
*n the sa/e .ay this skin bag gets -illed up, according to our desires+ )nd .e pay the price(
old age and death+
7% The )iscourses on the Arro#
*he Buddha:
0ere li-eDs -or /ortals, .retched and brie-, unkno.n its end= incalculable and tis to dukkha
'hat those .ho are born .ill ne1er die no /eans are there indeedE
0a1ing reached decay thereDs death, thus is the la. -or beings+
)s -or -ruit that is ripe thereDs al.ays -ear o- -alling so -or /ortals .ho are born thereDs
al.ays -ear o- death+
Pust as 1essels /ade o- clay by a /aker o- pots all end by being broken, so death is (the end"
o- li-e+
'he young and those .hoDre great in age, the -ools together .ith the .ise, all go under the
s.ay o- death, -or all death is the goal+
'hose .ho are o1erco/e by death and going to another .orld, the -ather cannot protect his
son, nor relati1es their kin+
Fhile relati1es are .atching, .eeping and la/enting, see /ortal beings one by one led as an
oB to slaughter+
)s the .orld is thus a--licted by death and by decay, there-ore the .ise grie1e not
the nature o- the .orld+
'heir path you do not kno. by .hich they co/e, by .hich they go+
3either end is seen by you, useless your la/entE
*- then by la/enting bene-its .ere obtained then the .ise .ould do so, a -ool 4ust hurts
3ot by crying nor by grie- the /ind attains to peace but still /ore dukkha is produced, the
body as .ell is har/ed+
#ne beco/es both pale and thin:one /erely hurts onesel-, not thus are the dead protected,
itDs useless to la/entE
By not -orsaking grie- one goes to greater dukkha, be.ailing those .hoD1e died, oneDs in the
s.ay o- grie-+
See other /en .ho go along, go according to ka//a, so beings tre/ble here .ith -ear co/e
under the s.ay o- death+
0o.e1er they concei1e it, itDs Huite other than that, 4ust so is separation:see the nature o- the
'hough one li1ed -or hundred years or e1en /ore, such a /an is separated -ro/ his kin and
here he lea1es his li-e+
So ha1ing heard the arahats, gi1e up your la/entation+
Seeing the corpse (one should think"( <0eDll not be /et by /e again+>
)s a burning house .ith .ater should be eBtinguished,
so one .ise and stead-ast, a /an
.hoDs .ise in .holeso/eness Huickly is rid o- arisen grie- as .ind a tu-t o- do.n+
#ne .ho desires his o.n happiness( let hi/ pull out his o.n arro.:la/entations and
longings, the grie- thatDs in hi/sel-+
)rro. .ithdra.n, unattached, the /ind attains to peace, passed beyond all grie-, grie-less
and eBtinguished+
:Salla Sutta, Suttanip6ta @O?S@9G
77 The )iscourse on ?ld Age
*he Buddha:
Short indeed is this li-e:
.ithin a hundred years one dies,
and i- anyone li1es longer
then he dies o- decay+
People grie1e -or .hat is </ine>(
indeed possessions are not per/anent
and this is sub4ect to destruction:
see this and ho/eless d.ellE
*n death it is abandoned
yet /an thinks <it is /ine+> this, the .ise /an de1oted to /e
should not stoop do.n to /aking <his o.n+>
)s a /an a.ake sees not
the things he /et in sleep,
so too the one belo1ed is not seen
ha1ing departed and done his ti/e+
People no. are seen and heard
and thus are called by na/e,
but alone shall the na/e re/ain
-or the departed to be spoken o-+
'he greedy in </ine>5/aking do not gi1e up
sorro., la/entation, a1arice
there-ore sages lea1ing possessions
ha1e .andered about, Seers o- the Secure+
,or a bhikkhu practising seclusion,
keeping co/pany .ith the secluded /ind,
all are agreed and say o- hi/
<0e should not sho. hi/sel- again in beco/ingE>
'he sage is unsupported in all circu/stances,
nothing he /akes dear nor .hat is not dear,
sorro. and a1arice stain hi/ not,
4ust as .ater stays not upon a lea-+
<$Btinguished>( -or the putting out o- the -la/es o- greed, a1ersion and delusion (Y )rahatship" the
sa/e 1erb is used, as in the last line o- the 1erses+
#r on <)geing> or <&ecay+>
)s a .ater5drop upon a lotus plant,
as .ater does not stain a lotus,
e1en so the sage is ne1er stained
by .hat has been seen, heard, and sensed by hi/+
Certainly the .ise /an does not concei1e
by .hat has been seen, heard and sensed,
nor through another does he .ish -or purity
-or he is not attached nor yet is he displeased+
Par6 Sutta, Suttanip6ta 1erses !?S1G"
7& 4onte+1lation of )eath
Jncertain is li-e(
Certain is death+
*ne1itable is death -or /e+
2y li-e has death at its end+
Li-e is indeed unsure,
But death is sure,
&eath is sure+
,ro/ the &ha//apada co//entary story
o- the Fea1ersD daughter
<)s soon as e1ening co/es, or .hen the night 1anishes and day is breaking, a bhikkhu re-lects
in this .ay( <'ruly there are /any possibilities -or /e to die:* /ay be bitten by a snake, or
stung by scorpion or centipede:and thereby lose /y li-e+ But this .ould be an obstacle -or /e+
#r * /ay stu/ble and -all do.n, or -ood eaten /ay not agree .ith /e+ #r bile, phleg/, and
piercing bodily <.inds> /ay upset /e:and thereby * /ay lose /y li-e+ 'hen /en or ghosts
/ay attack /e:and thereby * /ay lose /y li-e+ But this .ould be an obstacle -or /e+D 'hen the
bhikkhu should consider thus( )re there still -ound in /e unsubdued e1il un.holeso/e -actors
.hich, i- * should die this day or night, /ight lead /e to dukkhaQD 3o., i- he understands that
this is the case, he should use his ut/ost resolution, energy, e--ort, endea1our, stead-astness,
attenti1eness, and clear5/indedness to o1erco/e these e1il un.holeso/e -actors+>
:)3 (O?, trans+ a-ter Ken+ 3yanatiloka
in Buddhist .i#tionary" p+9
&. The Arahat /a::ha12la Thera>s 8erses Addressed to the Aged "ing
* see /en .ealthy in the .orld, .ho yet
Ci1e not, -ro/ ignorance, their gathered riches=
But greedily .ill hoard a.ay their .ealth,
'hrough longing -or still -urther sensual pleasures+
) king .ho has by -orce conHuered the earth
)nd e1en lords the land the ocean bounds
*s yet unsated .ith the seaDs near shore
)nd hungers -or its -urther shore as .ell+
2ost /en as .ell, not 4ust a king,
$ncounter death .ith cra1ing unabated=
Fith plans still inco/plete they lea1e the corpse=
&esires re/ain unsated in the .orld+
0is relati1es la/ent hi/, rend their hair,
Crying <)h /eE )lasE #ur lo1e is deadE>
'hen bear a.ay the body .rapped in shrouds
'o place it on a pyre and burn it there+
Clad in a single shroud, he lea1es behind
0is property, and prodded .ith stakes he burns,
)nd as he died, no relati1e or kin
#r -riends could o--er re-uge to hi/ here+
'he .hile his heirs anneB his .ealth, this being
2ust no. pass on according to his ka//as=
)nd as he dies no thing can -ollo. hi/(
3or child nor .i-e nor .ealth nor royal estate+
Longe1ity is not acHuired .ith .ealth
3or can prosperity banish old age=
Short is this li-e, as all the sages say,
$ternity it kno.s not, only change+
'he rich /an and the poor /an both shall -eel
(&eathDs" touch, as do the -ool and sage alike=
But .hile the -ool lies stricken by his -olly,
3o sage .ill e1er tre/ble at the touch+
Better is understanding, then, .hereby
'he goal can here be gained, than any .ealth=
,or /en through di--erent li1es in ignorance
&o e1il, .hile they -ail to reach the goal+
)s one goes to the .o/b and the neBt .orld, the successi1e round, so another
Fith no /ore understanding, trusting hi/,
Coes also to the .o/b and the neBt .orld+
Pust as robber caught in burglary
By his o.n ka//aDs /arked a /iscreant,
So people a-ter death, in the neBt .orld
By their o.n ka//as /arked are they as /iscreants+
,or sense5desires so /ind5alluring, s.eet+
*n /any a di--erent .ay disturb the /ind=
Seeing the danger in these sense5desires
So * .ent -orth to ho/elessness, # king+
,ro/ 2iddle Length &iscourses 3o+ %, trans+ Ken+ L6Ma/oli 'hera
<Short indeed is this li-e o- /en, li/ited, -leeting, -ull o- .oe and tor/ent= it is 4ust like a
de.drop that 1anishes as soon as the sun rises= like a .ater5bubble= like a line dra.n on .ater=
like a torrent dragging e1erything along and ne1er standing still= like cattle -or slaughter that
e1ery /o/ent look death in the -ace+>
:)3 O(O!, condensed trans+ a-ter Ken+ 3yanatiloka, Buddhist .i#tionary" p+99
*- <*> a/ dying .hen this Bag o- Bones packs up, then the pain is terrible indeed= but i- itDs 4ust
this bag o- bones packing upA ;henQ
)+ FhatDs going to dieQ
B+ * a/ going to dieE
)+ 3onsenseE
B+ Fhat do you /eanQ
) 'he body is going to die+ *tDs only you dying i- you identi-y the body as yoursel-+
B+ 'hatDs a good thought+ 'hen * a/ not going to die+ * shall li1e -or e1erE
) Can do, i- thatDs .hat you .antE But think o- the su--erings, born and dying, again and
B+ 0o. do * get out o- itQ
)+ Pust as you donDt identi-y .ith the body, so you try not identi-ying .ith the /ind+
B+ Fo.E 0o. co/eE */possibleE I donDt identi-y .ith my /ind+ 'hereDs only one me+
)+ Suppose you see no me" suppose there is 4ust e/ptiness, and no me percei1ing it, .hat
B+ #hE
*nteresting that religions (all o- the/" concern the/sel1es so /uch .ith the dead bodies$
Cere/onies o- 1arious sorts are all conducted round the li-eless lu/ps o- decaying -lesh+ Iet
each religion is concerned really .ith .hate1er is thought o- as continuing+ *t sho.s that
attach/ent to the body as the (erson is 1ery strong+
)nd in $nglish .e talk o- <the dead> as opposed to <the li1ing+> But -or a Buddhist there are
no dead people, only decaying bodies+ ParadoBically, a person, .hile not rid o- the concept o-
personality, ne1er dies+
Killagers in Buddhist countries are o-ten better schooled in the body and its end than are
educated Festerners+ 'he -or/er ha1e plenty o- chances to go to the local te/ple, or to see the
nearest /editation teacher+ )nd .hat do they hearQ )gain and again they hear the sound o-
ani##a" dukkha" anatt
o- all parts o- the hu/an being, /ind and body+ By hearing -reHuently it
sinks in, so that e1en i- people ne1er penetrate these 'hree 2arks o- $Bistence in the/sel1es, at
least they ha1e an attitude o- accepting the/ to so/e eBtent+ *t helps .ith decay, disease, and
death+ )nd they see -riends and kin cre/ated, not in a posh chapel .ith so-t /usic, sole/n
*/per/anence, Jnsatis-actoriness, 3o5sel-+
colours and concealed o1en, but on top o- a pile o- logs in the -orest+ 'hatDs the body burning:
thereDs that s/ell o- /eat A and this body too .ill go the sa/e .ay+
'hese things are good to see+ 'hey are healthy, .holeso/e+ 'here is no -alse sole/nity, things
are 4ust the .ay they are+ Jndisguised+
People in Buddhist lands .ho ha1e so o-ten heard teaching about ani##a, i/per/anence, are
/ore ready to accept the co//on end than a great /any Festerners+ #ld age, disease and
death are better accepted by Buddhists as 4ust as natural a part o- li-e as birth+ #ne does not
be.ail the birth o- a child:though pain-ul enough -or both /other and child:so .hy be.ail
the naturally succeeding e1entsQ Buddhists .ho kno. the &ha//a .ell, talk naturally and
cal/ly about their old age and death as they ha1e conte/plated as ani##a e1erything in this (and
any other" .orld+
'here is nothing like li1ing in a little hut in the tropical -orest to /ake one realise ho.
1ulnerable this body is to all sorts o- attack+ 0o. 1ery s/all creatures can /ake li-e di--icult i-
not precarious -or this body+ ) city5d.eller /isses /ost o- this and /ay easily get a -alse sense
o- security+ ()ll those neat little suburban houses in regular ro.sA"
)nother thing .hich li-e in the .ilds /akes really necessary is /ind-ulness+ 2ind-ulness
.here one puts oneDs -eet, specially in the dark+ )nd then one cannot get on .ithout lo1ing
kindness too, since all sorts o- other beings are so near to onesel-, near to this body .hich one
-ears -or+ Lo1ing kindness rids one o- such -ears and hatreds+
Fe ha1e so /any -ears:all things out there:ghosts, darkness, unkno.n people, loneliness,
and so on+ 'he really -ear-ul things, this /ind5and5bodyDs precarious state, .e ne1er see+
'he body has a side .hich /ost o- us donDt .ant to see and kno.+ Fe .ish to hush up its dirt,
stinks, belches, and -arts, to disregard and o1erlook the/+ Iet -inally .hen laid lo. and near to
death, these stenches and -ilths can be disguised no longer+
*t is a salutary lesson, i- one gets the chance, to go to an autopsy and .atch the doctors and
nurses pulling a body to pieces+ #neDs eyes are not prepared -or this sight e1en i- one has
.atched a butcher chopping up /eat+ )nd oneDs nose can .ell be assaulted too by the
o1erpo.ering stench o- decay i- the corpse is 4ust a -e. days old+ 'o see this is to eBperience -or
onesel- so/e &ha//a( ho. the body is 4ust conditioned and decaying bits and pieces+ <)s this
body is, so that body .as= as that body is, so this body .ill be+>
Lists like the ten stages o- the bodyDs decay are o-ten illustrated in traditional
Buddhist art, in ancient books and on te/ple .alls, as o-ten seen in 'hailand+ 'hese are like
special prescriptions -or the disease o- lust(
a bloated corpse (cures attach/ent to shapeliness"
a discoloured corpse (cures attach/ent to colour and co/pleBion"
a -estering corpse (cures attach/ent to bodily s/ell and -ine per-u/es"
a gna.n5by5ani/als corpse (cures attach/ent to greed -or -leshy protuberances"
a scattered corpse (cures attach/ent to grace-ulness o- li/bs"
a bleeding corpse (cures attach/ent to decoration o- the body .ith orna/ents"
a .or/5in-ested corpse (cures attach/ent to body as oneDs o.n"
a skeleton held together by sine.s (cures attach/ent to -ine bone structure"
scattered bones (cures attach/ent to body as <one thing>"
rotting and po.dered bones (cures attach/ent to the body as per/anent"
'2 This BodyD
'his body lying in decay
'o .or/s and -lies unconscious prey,
Bere-t o- /ind and ani/ation
Portrays /anDs -inal situation+
$ngendered in a hu/an .o/b,
) -abric .rought upon the loo/
#- sensual lust and .ill5to5be,
*t gre. in stature like a tree,
But /ind5in-or/ed, .ith -resh desires
9aging .ithin like hungry -ires,
,ed by the sensesD a/ple -uel
*n an eternal
Sel-5rene.ed and sel-5consu/ed,
) turbulence -ore1er doo/ed
'o -utile stri1ing, hopes and -ears,
)lternating through the years(
Childhood, youth, /aturity,
Seeking in 1ain security,
Seeking in 1ain to Huench the -ire
By satis-action o- desire+
)nd day by day .ith e1ery breath,
$1ery heart5beat a little death,
Stole -ro/ the bodyDs -alling source
) -raction o- its 1ital -orce+
'he body under/ined by stealth,
'hen kne. the pangs o- -ailing health+
,rancis Story, -ro/ *he Buddhist Cutlook
' 8erses of the Arahat "ulla Thera on 6eeing a 4or1se
0a1ing gone to the charnel5ground
* sa. cast there a .o/anDs corpse, discarded in the ce/etery,
being gna.n and -ull o- .or/s+
) rotten congeries, Kulla, see:
diseased it is, i/pure,
ooTing and trickling here and there
.herein -ools -ind delight+
'his body * inspected:
inane .ithin and .ithout:
taking the &ha//aDs looking5glass
to and Seeing attained+
)s this body is, so that body .as=
as that body is, so .ill this body be+
)s -oul it is abo1e so -oul it is belo.,
and as it is abo1e so it is belo.+
)s it is by day, so it is by night=
as night, so day the sa/e+
'hereDs no such pleasure e1en -ro/
a HuintetDs /usic as there is
-ro/ rightly &ha//a seeing
.ith singleness /ind+
Kerses o- the $lders Bhikkhus, G9GSG9 'he < and Seeing>:insight
(vi(assan):that this thera sa. in hi/sel- is -irst(
Seeing no di--erence bet.een the li1ing and the dead bodies:only ti/e /akes a di--erence+
'hen seeing the dead body as totally -oul:not attracted to this (Ygreed" or repelled by that
(Yhatred", and applying this to his o.n body+
'hen seeing that all the ti/e, day or night, the body has the sa/e Hualities:not that it is
desirable at so/e ti/es but not at others+
'he en4oy/ents that /ost get -ro/ sense5pleasures:here the eBa/ple o- a Huintet is gi1en:
this thera has -ound -ar /ore abundantly in seeing &ha//a rightly+
8(iritual obe#tor:
<)ll this pondering o1er corpses and looking into the bodyDs parts is 4ust /orbid+ #ne should
look at the body as a pure te/ple o- the spirit+>
4ra#ti#al 6(saka:
<*t goes against the grain to gaTe at the bits and pieces in this body and see that they ha1e
nothing attracti1e about the/+ But this .ay lies Liberation+ 'o glori-y the body is to be bound
by cra1ing -or it+>
* cannot understand you .hen you say that the body is unbeauti-ul= to /e it is such a
.onder-ul /achineE
) Buddhist lay/an keeping -i1e or eight precepts+
'he trouble .ith that 1ie. o- the <.onder-ulness o- the body> is that it is near delight (nandi"
and delighting in the body is another na/e -or cra1ing, the root o- dukkha+ Seeing the bodyDs
unattracti1eness is opposed to cra1ing+
<IouDre .rong, /an, seB is 4ust natural, like breathing:4ust so/ething youD1e got to do+ Pust
like eating+ *tDs a beauti-ul natural -unctionE>
<3ot trueE Iour co/parisons are not apt+>
<0o. co/eQ Iou /ean itDs not naturalQ>
<Ies, seB is natural -or people .ith desire, that /eans seB5desire or lust, in their hearts+ But
lust is a hindrance to the de1elop/ent o- /ental5e/otional purity+ But your co/parisons to
breathing and eating donDt stand eBa/ination+ Breathing is an auto/atic body -unction+ 3o
ka//a, good or bad, is /ade because no intention is needed to decide to breatheE
<$ating is di--erent because, though necessary -or the bodyDs li-e, it is connected .ith
intention, so ka//a is /ade+ Fhen greed -or -ood is present, bad ka//a is /ade .hich .ill
-ruit as su--ering+ But .hen -ood is eaten /ind-ully and 4ust to keep the body going, then good
ka//a is /ade:o- /ind-ul re-lection+
<SeB is di--erent -ro/ both these+ 3o seB takes place .ithout desire or lust( this is a/ong the
un.holeso/e /ental -actors:it can ne1er be kar/ically .holeso/e:so un.holeso/e ka//a
is /ade .hich has the nature to li/it the /ind to sensual things+>
<'hatDs painting seB too blackE>
<3o, thatDs being realistic+ #- course, states o- /ind .ill 1ary .hile one has seB:/ore or less
lust and /ore or less o- lo1ing kindness+ 2ore lust (as .hen seB is co//ercial" /eans /ore bad
ka//a+ 2ore lo1ing kindness, as bet.een t.o people deeply attached to each other, less bad
ka//a and /ore good ka//a+ *n the latter case it is called ka//a .hich is dark and bright,
.ith a dark and bright result+>
'7 A Manichean and a Buddhist
2+ *tDs all the .ork o- Satan:this -oul body+ Fe agree .ith you Buddhists about that+
B+ Fell, the body is certainly not pleasant .hen eBa/ined, but .e do not say that it has been
created, by Satan+
2+ But all /atter is e1il, -oul, dragging the soul into darkness, as our 2ani says+
B+ 'hatDs not .hat the Buddha says, though+ 2atter is 4ust earth, .ater, -ire, and air ele/ents
.hich are Huite neutral, neither good nor e1il+ 'hey -or/ bodies due to ka//a /ade by beings=
good or e1il ka//as both lead to the -or/ation o- bodies+
2+ Iou /ust ad/it, though, that your body is a hindrance to the attain/ent o- spiritual
states+ Iou ha1e to -eed it and rest it, dose it .ith /edicine .hen it gets sick+ Because o- its
.retchedness the soul is .eighed do.n+
B+ 3o, * do not ad/it that+ 'he body is the basis and 1ehicle -or practise so one should take
care o- it .ithout pa/pering it+ 'hough it has to eat, sleep, eBcrete, and gets sick too, at these
ti/es .e should be /ind-ul, .hich is possible at all ti/es .hen not asleep+ $1en the di--iculties
o- the body can be used in &ha//a5practice+ )nd .hat is this about a soul being .eighed
2+ Fell, that is the pure aspirations, the pure thoughts, the still states o- conte/plation:that
is the beginning o- disco1ering the soul+
B+ #h, then the i/pure aspirations, thoughts and con-used states o- /ind /ust be not soulE
Iou should in1estigate all /ental states, pure and i/pure, cal/ and distracted, and -ind out
.hether any o- the/ are substantial or per/anent+ Fhat .ould you -ind, do you thinkQ
2+ )ll right, theyDre changing+ But behind the/ all is the pure tranHuil soul, eternally
B+ But ha1e you eBperienced this or are you 4ust telling /e so/e dog/a or belie-Q
2+ Ies, * think * ha1e eBperienced it+ 'hen one is -ree -ro/ the tra//els o- this body+
B+ 9eally you need to eBa/ine all /ental states, as * /entioned be-ore, and the body too, in
the sa/e light+ 'heyDre all )nicca, &ukkha, )natt6A
2+ FhatAQ
B+ SorryE * get so used to using those .ords that they ha1e slipped o-- /y tongue,
un/ind-ully * a/ a-raidE 'hey /ean i/per/anent, unsatis-actory, and no sel-+ Fhen you look
at the/ like this you neither lo1e the soul nor hate the body+ 'hat is, put in a Buddhist .ay, you
donDt cling to pure tranHuillity and identi-y it as your soul or sel-, neither do you re4ect this
body+ &onDt lay the bla/e on this poor old bodyE *tDs not to bla/e+
2+ But 2ani says that it is+
B+ Fell then, * shall ask you a Huestion+ Fhat /akes decisions and choices, is it the body or
the /indQ
2+ 'he /ind decides, o- course+
B+ 'hen ho. can the body be bla/edQ *t is not e1il, nor is /atter darkness+ Poor old body 4ust
gets dragged along by the decisions the /ind /akes+
2+ But you Buddhists practise conte/plation o- the body as -oul+ * ha1e read about it+
B+ Ies, but that does not /ean it is e1il+ 'hat kind o- /editation is 4ust to break up the
attach/ent to the beauty o- bodies+ *t is the attach/ent in oneDs o.n /ind, not any Satan or e1il
creator, that is responsible -or keeping the /ind tied do.n to sensual pleasures+ Look inside -or
the e1il creator:his na/e is attach/ent, greed, desire, lust:and he is put out o- business by
conte/plating the unattracti1e+ 'he good creator is in there too, the /ind that creates pure
/ental states, the eBperience o- 4h6na and so on+ But all this creating keeps one in the round o-
rebirth, you kno.E
)+ 0ey, /anE Fhy you cut your hair and beardQ 0airDs natural to ha1e but you /onks cut it o--+
Fe should keep it= itDs natural, itDs beauti-ul+
Bhikkhu( *tDs cut o-- -or t.o reasons+ ,irst, it decorates this body+ Iou people like decoration+
'hatDs .hat lay li-e is all about+ But bhikkhus like the body plain, .ithout distractions, so that
they can see .hat itDs really like+
)+ Fell, .hatDs it really likeQ
B+ *- you like it as it is, <naturally,> you should try not .ashing, not brushing the teeth or
cleaning the nails, not co/bing the hair:and so on+ Body and its parts are only beauti-ul i-
.ashing is also <natural+>
) So, you said that hair decorates, .hatDs your other reasonQ
B+ *tDs a disguise, that beard and /oustache:itDs so/ething to hide behind, a /ask+ Fhen
you ha1e no hair on the head and -ace you ha1e no /ask behind .hich to retire+ *s it natural or
beauti-ul to hide thingsQ *snDt it better to open upQ Fho sol1es proble/s by hiding the/ a.ayQ
Sha1ing hair and beard is also an outer token o- the sha1ing o-- o- conceit and pride .hich has
to be done steadily and care-ully o1er years o- practice+
'' *utility
2ad -or pleasure
-or -leeting pleasant -eelings
clinging to i/per/anence+
t.o pulsing bags
clinging together
ho. piti-ulE
clinging to .hat canDt be clung
clinging to change-ulness
a -ist-ul o- .ater+
-e. /o/ents o- happiness
-ound in seB
-or .hich the .orld is /ad+
he burns, on -ire inside
-or another,
ho. co/e he -eels no painQ
pain to be assuaged
so he supposes
by /aking t.o -ires one+
one -ire is not enough,
.hen .ith another 4oined
ho. /uch /ore scorchingQ
scorched and a-la/e
beings run
-ro/ on -ire to another+
another -ire, another,
as though the -ire
by -ire could be eBtinguished+
eBtinguished, -ire gone out
cool peace
no one .ants it+
stoke up the -urnaces
pile high the blaTe
the .orldDs .ay+
.ays to hells and ani/als
-urious -ires o- desire
burning endlessly+
.hy do .e ne1er tire
o- being burntQ
<0ot but s.eet> they say+
pleasure like a leperDs
picking his scabs
a s/all relie- -ro/ pain+
pain, pain-ulness
ho. pain5-illed indeed
entire Sa8s6ra:
-illed .ith pleasure5lo1ing beings
not .anting pain
.hose pleasures dri1e to &ukkha+
1.. The 6ilent 6hrine
Fhere silence reigns the Buddha sits,
0e d.ells alone, the only -ace
0as he that one should e1er look upon
&eep .ithin the shrine that al.ays is,
'he centre o- this house:
Fhere is it -oundQ
,lesh the .alls and bones the bea/s
Fith .indo.s -i1e to look upon the .orld,
Fhile .andering, a .itless idiot
9oa/s through the e/pty roo/s=
0o. slo. is he to co/e upon that shrine,
0o. -altering his steps unsureE
&istractedly, con-used
0e -u/bles -or the door:
0inges rusty, locked -or long, unused,
S.ollen .ood and 4a//ed the door decayed+
Fhen .ill he look, this .itless one,
Fhen .ill he see the ancient -ace o- peaceQ
Fhen .ill he .orship at the shrineQ
Fhen .ill he kno. the Fay and ,ruitQ
Fhen .ill he -ind the silenceQ
Fhere the Buddha sitsQ
The Buddhist Publication 6ociety
'he BPS is an appro1ed charity dedicated to /aking kno.n the 'eaching o- the Buddha, .hich
has a 1ital /essage -or all people+
,ounded in 19@, the BPS has published a .ide 1ariety o- books and booklets co1ering a great
range o- topics+ *ts publications include accurate annotated translations o- the BuddhaZs
discourses, standard re-erence .orks, as .ell as original conte/porary eBpositions o- Buddhist
thought and practice+ 'hese .orks present Buddhis/ as it truly is:a dyna/ic -orce .hich has
in-luenced recepti1e /inds -or the past %@!! years and is still as rele1ant today as it .as .hen it
-irst arose+
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