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Characteristics of Leprosy Diagnosed Through The Surveillance of Contacts: A Comparison With Index Cases in Rio de Janeiro, 1987-2010

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Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Vol. 107(Suppl. I): 49-54, 2012
Leprosy has remained an important public health
care problem, despite the adoption of specific goals and
strategies from the World Health Organization (WHO) to
eliminate this disease across the globe. The annual num-
ber of cases detected has been declining worldwide; in
2003, more than 514,000 cases were detected, while only
228,474 cases were reported in 2010. In Brazil, 34,894
new cases were detected in 2010. The global prevalence
of leprosy was 192,246 cases in early 2011 (WHO 2011).
In addition to multi-drug therapy, the Brazilian lep-
rosy control programme includes the early diagnosis of
new cases, together with clinical examination and intra-
dermal BCG vaccination of contacts considered most at
risk for developing the disease (MS 2002). Studies have
shown that once contacts have received the BCG vac-
cine (either the 1st or 2nd dose) and the primary patient
has begun treatment, the risk of contracting the disease
declines (Dppre et al. 2008).
When leprosy is either untreated or diagnosed late,
there is a high probability that disabilities will occur.
However, once leprosy is diagnosed, early treatment re-
duces the potential for developing disabilities, which are
responsible for the stigma and discrimination that have
been experienced by many leprosy patients throughout
history (Mankar et al. 2011).
Epidemiological surveillance of contacts is a highly
efficient component of leprosy control. Actively searching
for new cases is pivotal for early detection while simulta-
neously interrupting the chain of transmission and helping
to prevent the disabilities that arise from untreated disease.
The importance of contact surveillance in controlling the
incidence of leprosy has been consistently highlighted by
the Brazilian Ministry of Health (MS 2006).
The aim of this study was to compare the epidemio-
logical characteristics of the cases diagnosed through
contact surveillance with the characteristics of the pas-
sively detected cases. This comparison could yield in-
formation to improve leprosy prevention and control
strategies in endemic areas of Brazil and help acquire
subsidies to implement these strategies.
Selection of participants - The patients at the Souza
Arajo Ambulatory (SAA) clinic are primarily from the
metropolitan region of Rio de Janeiro, but also come from
other cities in the state. Because the clinic is a national
referral centre, coverage is not limited to any particular
location. Most of the patients in the study (70%) were
referred from other health care institutions (both public
and private); the remaining patients either arrived spon-
taneously (approximately 6%) or were identified by con-
tact surveillance (approximately 16%). After the clinical,
histopathological and bacteriological confirmations of
leprosy were obtained, the patients began treatment and
were monitored. The services of the clinic include out-
patient dermatology, neurology, physiotherapy and health
care education. Patient and contact information, including
socio-economic, clinical and laboratory data, is recorded
+ Corresponding author:
Received 15 March 2012
Accepted 18 July 2012
Characteristics of leprosy diagnosed through the surveillance
of contacts: a comparison with index cases
in Rio de Janeiro, 1987-2010
Mariana de Andrea Hacker/
, Nadia Cristina Duppre, Jos Augusto Costa Nery,
Anna Maria Sales, Euzenir Nunes Sarno
Laboratrio de Hansenase, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz-Fiocruz, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil
Contact surveillance is an important strategy to ensure effective early diagnosis and control of leprosy; pas-
sive detection may not be as efficient because it is directly tied to the ready availability of heath care services and
health education campaigns. The aim of this study was to reinforce that contact surveillance is the most effective
strategy for the control of leprosy. The analysed data were obtained from a cohort of contacts and cases diagnosed
through a national referral service for leprosy. We analysed data from patients diagnosed between 1987-2010 at the
Souza Arajo Ambulatory in Rio de Janeiro. Epidemiological characteristics of leprosy cases diagnosed through
contact surveillance and characteristics of passively detected index cases were compared using a conditional logis-
tic regression model. Cases diagnosed by contact surveillance were found earlier in the progression of the disease,
resulting in less severe clinical presentations, lower levels of initial and final disability grades, lower initial and
final bacterial indices and a lower prevalence of disease reaction. In this respect, contact surveillance proved to be
an effective tertiary prevention strategy, indicating that active surveillance is especially important in areas of high
endemicity, such as Brazil.
Key words: surveillance - contact - leprosy
Leprosy and contact surveillance Mariana de Andrea Hacker et al. 50
in the SAA clinical database. The database has been regu-
larly and systematically maintained since 1987.
All of the outpatients were classified by clinical ex-
amination and histopathology tests according to the Rid-
ley and Jopling (1966) criteria. The spectral classification
of leprosy is divided into two polar groups, namely tuber-
culoid (TT) and lepromatous (LL) and three intermediate
types, namely borderline tuberculoid (BT), borderline
borderline (BB) and borderline lepromatous (BL).
The collection of material for bacteriological exami-
nation and the determination of the bacterial index (BI)
were performed by specialised professionals using the
standard procedures recommended by the WHO (MS
2009). The slit skin smear test determined the BIs at di-
agnosis and at the end of treatment. Leprosy treatment
followed WHO guidelines throughout the study.
The patients were classified as paucibacillary (PB),
when the smear was negative, and as multibacillary (MB)
when the smear was positive. The operational classifica-
tion used in the routine treatment at the SAA is different
from that used at other health care centres in Brazil, in
which BIs are not considered and disease classification
is based on the number of detected skin lesions.
For contact surveillance, the SAA maintains a cohort
consisting of all the contacts of diagnosed patients, who
are asked to attend the clinic for dermatological exami-
nation. Those with signs or symptoms of leprosy at this
examination were evaluated via bacteriological and his-
topathological tests to confirm the diagnosis. The healthy
contacts were instructed to return to the clinic if they lat-
er experienced any signs or symptoms of the disease.
The index leprosy patient was responsible for bring-
ing his/her contacts to the clinic. If an MB patient was
detected among the contacts after diagnosing a PB in-
dex case, the MB case was considered the index case.
The contacts consisted of those who inhabited the same
household as the patient or had close contact in other
ways (such as neighbours and relatives) during the five-
year period preceding diagnosis (MS 2010). Contacts
were considered co-prevalent cases when leprosy was
detected at initial examination. Incident cases did not
have any signs or symptoms of the disease at the initial
examination after an index case was diagnosed, but they
were diagnosed during contact follow-up surveillance.
We selected 414 patients detected by contact surveil-
lance at the SAA from 1987 through September 2010
among the cohort of contacts; 286 of the patients were
co-prevalent cases and 128 were incident cases. Their
respective index cases (n = 310), who were passively de-
tected at the SAA during the same period, were selected
for comparison.
Statistical analysis - The variables considered in this
study were gender, age, clinical presentation, disability
grade, BI at both diagnosis and the end of treatment and
the presence of a reaction at diagnosis.
A conditional logistic regression model was used to
estimate the odds ratios (ORs), taking into account the
relationship between the contacts and their respective
index cases (Hosmer & Lemeshow 2000). Because of
the close relationship between the contacts and their re-
spective index cases, a similar approach was undertaken
in a previous study conducted by our group (Sales et al.
2011), which examined the index-case factors associ-
ated with disease among contacts. The index cases were
compared with both the co-prevalent and incident cases
detected via contact surveillance. A significance level of
5% was established.
The variables that showed statistical significance in
the bivariate analysis were considered for inclusion in
the multivariate models. The final models consisted of
the variables that remained significant in the multivari-
ate models. Analyses were performed in Stata version
9.2 (StataCorp LP, College Station, Texas, USA).
Ethics - The Ethicals Committee of the Oswaldo Cruz
Foundation approved the use of these data for research and
publication in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration.
We analysed 286 co-prevalent and 128 incident cases
detected via contact surveillance. These cases were re-
lated to 310 index cases of leprosy; 218 of the index cases
(70.3%) had one secondary case, 52 (16.8%) had two sec-
ondary cases, 22 (7.1%) had three secondary cases, 11
(3.5%) had four secondary cases, four (1.3%) had five
secondary cases, one had six secondary cases and one
had eight secondary cases.
All of the variables showed statistically significant
differences (p < 0.001) in the bivariate analyses (Table
I). While the majority of index cases were male (71.3%),
there were more females among the co-prevalent and in-
cident cases detected by contact surveillance (55.6% and
59.6%, respectively). Among the index cases, 7.7% were
under 15 years of age. Among the co-prevalent and inci-
dent cases, this proportion was much higher (29.4% and
28.9%, respectively). The predominant clinical presenta-
tions among the index cases were LL (46.5%) and BL
(31%). In the cases detected by contact surveillance, the
predominant clinical presentation was BT (51.4% of the
co-prevalent cases and 50% of the incident cases). The
majority of index cases had MB leprosy (83.5%), while
most of the cases found through contact surveillance had
the PB form (74.5% of the co-prevalent cases and 82.8%
of the incident cases).
The percentages of index cases without disabilities
at the beginning and end of treatment were 56.1% and
57%, respectively. This percentage was much higher
among the secondary cases (82.7% and 86.4%, respec-
tively, of the co-prevalent cases and 87.4% and 86.5%,
respectively, of the incident cases). Reaction at diagnosis
was present in 42.9% of the index cases, in 13.6% of the
co-prevalent cases and in 7.8% of the incident cases.
The index cases had a higher initial bacterial index;
namely, 34.7% of the index cases had a BI between 0-3
and 46.8% had a BI above 3, while 73.7% of the co-prev-
alent and 83% of the incident cases had a BI of 0.
In the simple logistic regression analyses, all of the
ORs were statistically significant (Table II). The co-
prevalent contact cases were more likely to be female
(OR = 2.78) and 15 years of age or less (OR = 5.44) and
they were less likely to have the MB form (OR = 0.01).
In addition, compared with the index cases, participants
were 72% less likely to have an initial disability of grade
51 Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Vol. 107(Suppl. I), 2012
1.81% less likely to have a final disability grade of 1,
58% less likely to have an initial disability grade of 2 and
71% less likely to have a final disability grade of 2.
The odds of reaction at diagnosis were 81% lower for
co-prevalent cases detected by contact surveillance than
for the passively detected cases. Compared with passive-
ly detected cases, co-prevalent cases also presented lower
odds of having an initial and final BI of between 0 and 3
and they had even lower odds of having a BI above 3.
Compared with the index cases, the incident cases
were more likely to be female (OR = 3.27) and 15 years
of age or younger (OR = 7.20), but they were less likely
to have the MB form of the disease (OR = 0.01).
Regarding disability at baseline, the incident cases
detected by contact surveillance were 90% less likely to
reach a disease grade of 1 and 70% less likely to reach
grade 2 than the passively detected cases. Lower odds
were also observed in the cases detected by contact sur-
veillance with regard to reaching a final disability grade
of 1 (OR = 0.16) or 2 (OR = 0.08). The odds of reaction
at diagnosis were 90% lower for incident cases than for
index cases. Incident cases also presented lower odds of
The clinical and epidemiological characteristics of the index cases, co-prevalent contacts
and incident contacts, Souza Arajo Ambulatory patients, Rio de Janeiro, 1987-2010
Index cases
n = 310
n (%)
Co-prevalent contacts
n = 286
n (%)
Incident contacts
n = 128
n (%)
Male 221 (71.3) 127 (44.4) 52 (40.6)
Female 89 (28.7) 159 (55.6) 76 (59.4)
Age (years)
15 24 (7.7) 84 (29.4) 37 (28.9)
> 15 289 (92.3) 202 (70.6) 91 (71.1)
Clinical form
Tuberculoid leprosy 0 (0) 4 (1.4) 6 (4.7)
Boderline tuberculoid 37 (11.9) 147 (51.4) 64 (50)
Borderline boderline 19 (6.1) 19 (6.6) 10 (7.8)
Borderline lepromatous 96 (31) 31 (10.8) 8 (6.2)
Lepromatous leprosy 144 (46.5) 24 (8.4) 3 (2.3)
I 7 (2.3) 43 (15.1) 27 (21.1)
NI 2 (0.6) 17 (5.9) 8 (6.2)
NP 5 (1.6) 1 (0.3) 2 (1.5)
Operational classification
Multibacillary 259 (83.5) 73 (25.5) 22 (17.2)
Paucibacillary 51 (16.6) 213 (74.5) 106 (82.8)
Initial disability grade
0 170 (56.1) 229 (82.7) 104 (87.4)
1 17 (24.4) 31 (11.2) 8 (6.7)
2 59 (19.5) 17 (6.1) 7 (5.9)
Final disability grade
0 150 (57) 178 (86.4) 83 (86.5)
1 77 (29.3) 16 (7.8) 9 (9.4)
2 36 (13.7) 12 (5.8) 4 (7.1)
Reaction at diagnosis
Yes 133 (42.9) 39 (13.6) 10 (7.8)
No 177 (57.1) 247 (86.6) 118 (92.2)
Initial bacterial index (BI)
0 56 (18.4) 196 (73.7) 98 (83)
0 < BI 3 106 (34.7) 42 (15.8) 12 (10.2)
> 3 143 (46.8) 28 (10.5) 8 (6.8)
Final BI
0 45 (19.5) 65 (62.5) 23 (69.7)
0 < BI 3 134 (58.3) 29 (27.9) 7 (21.2)
> 3 51 (22.2) 10 (9.6) 3 (9.1)
a: all the variables shown have statistically significant (p < 0.001) differences when compared with the index cases. I: indeterminate
leprosy; NI: nodular leprosy; NP: pure neural leprosy.
Leprosy and contact surveillance Mariana de Andrea Hacker et al. 52
having an initial or final BI of 0-3, while the odds were
even lower of their BI being above 3. The clinical disease
form, final BI and disability grade were not included in
the final multivariate models due to the reduced number
of observations in some of these categories and the lack of
complete information for all of the cases. The operational
classification was not included in the multivariate analy-
sis because of co-linearity with the bacterial index. In the
multivariate analysis of the incident cases, the BI remained
statistically significant. For the co-prevalent cases among
contacts, both age and BI were found to be statistically
significant in the multivariate analysis (Table II).
For both the co-prevalent and incident cases diag-
nosed by contact surveillance, diagnosis occurred ear-
lier in the progression of the disease and the disease had
a less severe clinical presentation. These cases also ex-
hibited lower levels of initial and final disability grades,
a lower initial and final BI and a lower incidence of reac-
tions. These differences were more significant between
the prevalence and index cases than between the co-
prevalent and index cases.
For the most part, the sample group analysed in this
study consists of individuals with difficult diagnoses,
severe illnesses and other atypical features because the
participants were from a national leprosy referral ser-
vice. Because of this selection bias, this sample group
does not constitute a representative sample of leprosy
patients within the general population. However, the
SAA is less prone to having operational problems, rig-
orously follows standard procedures and employs quali-
fied professional staff. Another strength of this study
is that these findings highlight the most recent trends
in the leprosy epidemic and may be relevant in guiding
subsequent interventions in the effort to control and pre-
vent the spread of the disease.
Possibly due to inter-relationships among the vari-
ables, however, only the initial BI remained significant for
the incident cases and only age and the initial BI remained
Odds ratios (ORs) (crude and adjusted) of the co-prevalent and incident contacts,
Souza Arajo Ambulatory patients, Rio de Janeiro, 1987-2010
Crude OR
(CI 95%)
co-prevalent contacts
Adjusted OR
(CI 95%)
co-prevalent contacts
Crude OR
(CI 95%)
incident contacts
Adjusted OR
(CI 95%)
incident contacts
Male 1 1 1 1
Female 2.78 (1.87-4.11) 1.73 (0.95-3.17) 3.27 (1.89-5.68) 0.63 (0.21-1.86)
Age (years)
15 5.44 (2.76-10.72) 2.87 (1.08-7.61) 7.20 (2.57-20.60) 4.31 (0.67-27.48)
> 15 1 1 1 1
Operational classification
Multibacillary 1 - 1 -
Paubacillary 0.01 (0.01-0.08) - 0.01 (0.01-0.08) -
Initial disability grade
0 1 1 1 1
1 0.28 (0.16-0.49) 0.83 (0.39-1.79) 0.10 (0.03-0.29) 0.79 (0.17-3.68)
2 0.42 (0.29-0.60) 0.74 (0.46-1.19) 0.30 (0.16-0.54) 0.86 (0.39-1.92)
Final disability grade
0 1 - 1 -
1 0.19 (0.09-0.39) - 0.16 (0.06-0.43) -
2 0.29 (0.12-0.70) - 0.08 (0.01-0.48) -
Reaction at diagnosis
Yes 0.19 (0.11-0.34) 0.62 (0.29-1.35) 0.10 (0.05-0.23) 0.37 (0.12-1.15)
No 1 1 1 1
Initial bacterial index (BI)
0 1 1 1 1
0 < BI 3 0.04 (0.01-0.11) 0.06 (0.02-0.18) 0.04 (0.01-0.18) 0.05 (0.01-0.30)
> 3 0.02 (0.01-0.06) 0.04 (0.01-0.12) 0.01 (0.01-0.07) 0.02 (0.01-0.14)
Final BI
0 1 - 1 -
0 < BI 3 0.11 (0.04-0.33) - 0.07 (0.01-0.58) -
> 3 0.12 (0.03-0.53) - 0.06 (0.01-1.25) -
CI: confidence interval.
53 Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Vol. 107(Suppl. I), 2012
significant among the co-prevalent cases. Again, taking
into account the relationships among the clinical vari-
ables, the patients diagnosed through contact surveillance
were diagnosed significantly earlier and had significantly
lower bacterial loads compared with the index cases.
Recently published work by our group (Sales et al.
2011) using multilevel analyses measured the effect of in-
dex case characteristics on the risk of developing leprosy
among contacts; this work showed that the bacillary load
of the index case was the principle factor leading to dis-
ease among his/her contacts. The present study demon-
strated that for the contacts and especially incident cases
who became sick after the index case began treatment,
there were reduced odds of disability and a severe clinical
presentation, as well as increased odds of early diagnosis,
in those who were detected through contact surveillance
compared with passively detected cases. Reduced odds
of final disability among the co-prevalent and incident
cases detected among contacts were observed. However,
importantly, this effect was not statistically significant
in the final models. The disability grade has commonly
been used as an indicator of diagnostic timeliness based
on the assumption that the presentation of grades 1 and 2
constitutes evidence of late diagnosis.
Physical disability is considered the most severe com-
plication of leprosy and the presence of reaction at diag-
nosis is a risk factor for developing disability (Saunderson
2000). In the present study, cases detected by contact sur-
veillance presented lower odds of reaction at diagnosis.
Another study investigated the characteristics of the
cases detected among the contacts between 1998-2002
and compared them with index cases. The results showed
that the contact group had a higher proportion of female
patients, children, skin lesions and nerve damage, but a
greater proportion of negative smears, than the primary
cases. In our results, however, there were no differences
in the degrees of disability between the contact group
and index cases (Ignotti et al. 2007).
The prevalence of the MB form of the disease may in-
dicate delayed diagnosis. Our study showed higher odds of
the paucibacillary form occurring among cases diagnosed
by contact surveillance than among the passively detected
index cases, thus confirming once again the importance
of early diagnosis. Similarly, a study of 107 families con-
ducted between 1998-2002 showed that the most frequent
operational classification among contacts was PB, but no
age or gender differences between the co-prevalent and
index cases were found (Duraes et al. 2010).
With respect to clinical form, the present study also
found that the cases diagnosed by contact surveillance
presented a less severe form of the disease. Likewise,
Goulart et al. (2008) showed that in patients diagnosed
between 2002-2007, the TT and BT clinical forms were
predominant among contacts, but that LL was the most
common among the index cases.
Different types of studies have confirmed contact
surveillance as an important strategy in leprosy control.
A microsimulation model developed to predict future
leprosy trends showed that leprosy incidence would be
substantially reduced by effective BCG vaccine cover-
age in concert with the combined strategies of contact
tracing, early diagnosis and the treatment of infection
and/or chemoprophylaxis in household contacts (Fis-
cher et al. 2011).
On the other hand, Moet et al. (2004) noted that, de-
spite epidemiological contact surveillance, transmission
often occurs before index case detection. The results of
the present study, however, reinforce the importance of
contact surveillance in the prevention of leprosy.
A recent study demonstrated that, in endemic ar-
eas, neighbourhood contacts also appear to be important
sources of transmission. Therefore, control measures in
endemic areas should not be limited to households, but
rather should include high-risk groups in the neighbouring
areas of patient households as well (Feenstra et al. 2012).
Contact surveillance facilitates early diagnosis,
which, in turn, helps control the spread of the disease,
thus reducing the incidence of disability and disease-
related stigma. Early detection immediately provides
an opportunity for treatment, consequently leading to
a reduction in contagiousness (Rodrigues & Lockwood
2011). The introduction of multidrug therapy has led to
a drastic decline in the prevalence of leprosy (Khub-
chandani 2011). Health education is also an important
coadjuvant of prevention in contact surveillance strate-
gies. Clearly, leprosy elimination activities, as detailed
in the National Plan for Leprosy Elimination, should be
expanded (MS 2006).
Leprosy in passively detected cases tends to be much
more severe, thereby leading to the highest levels of dis-
ability and requiring larger investments in financial and
human resources. Disabling injuries have a profound im-
pact on the socio-economic sector of society and often
lead to the exclusion of these patients from the labour
force and even from social contact. A study delineating
the impact of leprosy on quality of life found that leprosy
causes high percentages of secondary injuries that com-
promise the capacity of the individual to engage in gain-
ful employment and satisfactory life experiences and
that perpetuate the stigma associated with the disease
(Lustosa et al. 2011).
Government action for leprosy control should prior-
itise contact surveillance, as it has proven to be an indis-
pensable tool in early leprosy detection and in prevent-
ing the more serious disease-related complications while
also contributing to the control of disease spread.
In summary, the data in this study convincingly show
that contact surveillance is a highly effective strategy in
leprosy control efforts and that active surveillance is es-
pecially needed in highly endemic areas, such as Brazil.
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