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High School Physics 2

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Day: 005 Subject: Physics Grade Level: High School
Correlations(SG,CAS,CFS): 11A2; 11B1-5,8,9,11; 11C6; 13A1,3,5; 13C1,3
1a. Scientific Method/Inference
1b. Analysis of Data and Information
4a. Mechanics, Forces and Motion
4b. Forms of Energy
4d. Characteristics of Matter
4e. Changes and Reactions
1a. Scientific Facts and Theories
1b: Simple and Complex Problems
3a. Ethical Principles in Science
3b. Valid Sources of Knowledge
3c. Identification of Variables
3d. Logic of Different Experimental Designs
4a. Analysis of Data
4b. Uses of Scientific Units and Instruments
4c. Safety Practices
Unit Focus/Foci
The Science of Physics
Physics is a basic science and deals with the fundamental aspects of energy and non-living matter. In
order to build a knowledge base of physics, it is necessary to consider the scientific method as a means
of problem solving and mathematics as the language of physics.
Supporting Ideas/Instructional Focus
1. Technology is the application of our understanding and control of physical phenomena and results
from the application of the systematic procedure of problem solving called the scientific method.
2. The scientific method requires careful observations, the formation of the hypotheses and meticulous
testing of the hypotheses.
3. Physics is a quantitative science. The relationships between variables may be expressed as
equations and graphs and often requires error analysis.
4. The Systeme International (SI) units are used in expressing the relationships between variables.
Copies of the planned quiz and scheduled laboratory activities for day 6
Scientific calculators
Educational Strategies/Instructional Procedures
The homework problems from Day 004 should be reviewed at the beginning of class.
Ask: If your book measures 1.5" x 8" x 10", what are the dimensions in cm?
Have students compute the problem by canceling the units.
1.5 inches x 2.54 cm = 3.81 cm
1 1 inch
8 inches x 2.54 cm = 20.32 cm
1 1 inch
10 inches x 2.54 cm = 25.4 cm
1 1 inch
Therefore, the 1.5" x 10" x 8" book is equal to 3.81 cm x 20.32 cm x 25.4 cm.
Model the next two sample problems, but have students state where the units would be and how they
cancel so that the answer is correct for both numeric computations and the units used.
Ask: To convert cm to mm, do you multiply or divide? Multiply by 10, because
X cm x 10 mm = Y mm
1 1 cm
Ask: Which units will cancel? (as shown above)
Ask: To convert cm to m, do you multiply or divide? Divide by 100, because
X cm x 1 m = Y m
1 100 cm
A quiz (10 - 15 minutes) should be given consisting of short answer questions covering the material
presented during the past several days (scientific method, vocabulary, SI units, scientific notation, and
conversion of units).
Remaining time should be spent in discussion of:
1. Speed vs. velocity; instantaneous speed vs. average speed; distance vs. displacement.
A forward slash (/) means per and a delta () means a change in value
Ask: How is rate defined? A quantity divided by time. Example: MPH
Ask: What do we mean by relative motion? Movement with respect to some frame of
reference. Example: the earth spins on its axis daily, but we say we are standing still when
we reference our position on the earths surface.
Ask: What is the definition of speed? How fast something is moving.
Ask: How is instantaneous speed different? It is the speed at any given instant of time.
Example: the reading on a speedometer.
Ask: What is average speed? The total distance covered divided by the time interval.
2. An introduction to the lab activities scheduled for day 6
Integration with Core Subject(s)
LA: Understand explicit, factual information
Understand the meaning of words in context
Draw conclusions, inferring meanings from the text
Identify common themes and main idea
Apply information presented in the text to a new or different situation
MA: Perform arithmetic operations
Choose and apply appropriate operational procedures
Understand geometric properties
Apply a variety of estimation strategies
Use variables and equations to solve problems
Analyze and interpret data
Understand and apply principles of probability
Apply measurement skills
SS: Demonstrate time and chronology
Demonstrate an understanding of important historical events
Enrichment: Have students develop a table or graph to describe concept relationships.
Have students create an observation activity with natural phenomena.
Have students apply knowledge gained to social issues or further scientific questions.
Have students develop and test a prediction related to the unit.
Have a student discuss how s/he solved one problem that occurred away from school
using the steps of the scientific method.
Connection(s), continued
Fine Arts: Have students create a collage or photographic study illustrating the topic.
Physics is all around us: Create original drawings to illustrate examples of physics in
everyday life each to be 5" x 8" or larger and in color. Examples may show: motion, force, energy,
matter, heat, light, sound and electricity.
Home: Have students create a collage or photographic study illustrating the topic.
Have students revise and edit the project/paper by presenting it to the home audience.
Have students discuss their goals and evaluate their progress with a family member.
Have students interview a family member to discover what s/he knows about the topic that is
being studied.
Have the student discuss how s/he solved one problem that occurred away from school using
the steps of the scientific method.
Remediation: Have students write a story of this experience.
Have students assemble questions for a Jeopardy-type review game or a vocabulary
matching game like Memory.
Have students write a letter to someone (real or imaginary) describing the topic that is
being studied.
Technology: All physics students are expected to have a scientific calculator for doing computations.
Have students explore the following Internet address for more information about physics
Continuous assessment should be made for class participation along with the quiz scheduled for this day.
Copies of the laboratory activities planned for Day 006 should be handed out today for students to
review prior to coming to class on Day 006.
Teacher Notes
Laboratory work planned for Day 006 is done outside the building. Every school has its individual
rules about taking students outside the building though students remain on school property. It is best to
check with an administrator before going out of the building. If a school hallway will be used for these
activities, it is also best to clear its use with the administration. These labs can easily take more than one
class period if time has not been allocated to its planning before the actual lab day.
Reminder: Safety first in all laboratory activities. You must set the ground rules. Physics has many fun
labs, but students need to remember they are doing them with a purpose.
Planned activities:
1. Measuring height indirectly and
2. Prepare or locate a lab activity that is similar to the Physics 500 from PRISMS and Hewitt or
other laboratory activity for computing average speed may be used. The teacher should consult
the Blueprint (Appendix A) and the Program of Study (Appendix B) for additional ideas.
Measuring Height Indirectly
A clinometer (figure A) is used to measure heights of objects indirectly and is an easy device to
It is a simplified version of the quadrant and the sextant, which are devices that are graduated in degrees
for measuring angles of elevation. The arc of a clinometer is marked from 0 to 90 degrees. When an
object is sighted through the straw, the number of degrees in angle ABC can be read from the
protractor. Angle BDE is the angle of elevation of the clinometer. Angle ABC on the clinometer is
equal to the angle of elevation, BDE.
In the diagram (figure B), the clinometer was used to find the angle of elevation from eye level to the top
of a building.
Clinometer in Use
This angle is 25 degrees. The distance from the person to the base of the building is 60 meters and the
observer's eye from ground level is 150 cm. In this diagram, the person and the building are not drawn
to the same scale.
Clear tape
Washer, nut, or some type of light weight
Meter sticks
Tape measure with metric scale
Scientific calculator
Using the diagram as shown, assemble a clinometer.
Your instructor will designate an object for you to measure its height indirectly such as a flagpole,
tree, or building.
With your partner, assemble a clinometer like the one shown in figure A. A weighted thread should be
tied through the hole of the protractor. Tape the protractor to a drinking straw so that the straw is at a
right angle to the base of the protractor. When you look through the straw at an object, the position of
the string against the protractor will show the angle between your line of sight and the horizontal. Never
look at the sun or any bright light source through the clinometer.
With your partner, hold a meter stick perpendicular to the floor end to end with a second meter stick in
order to determine eye level. Record this measurement. ____________
With the clinometer, measure and record the distance from the observation point to the designated
object. ____________
With the tape measure, measure and record the distance from the observation point to the designated
object. ____________
Now, determine the height of the object using your calculator. Don't forget to make the correction for
the height by adding the distance from the ground to eye level. ____________
Day: 006 Subject: Physics Grade Level: High School
Correlations(SG,CAS,CFS): 11A1,2; 11B1-5,7-9,14,17; 11C5,6; 12D1,4
1a. Scientific Method/Inference
1b. Analysis of Data and Information
4a. Mechanics, Forces and Motion
1a. Scientific Facts and Theories
1b: Simple and Complex Problems
3a. Ethical Principles in Science
3b. Valid Sources of Knowledge
3c. Identification of Variables
3d. Logic of Different Experimental Designs
4a. Analysis of Data
4b. Uses of Scientific Units and Instruments
4c. Safety Practices
Conceptual Statements/Unit Foci
The Science of Physics
Physics is a basic science and deals with the fundamental aspects of energy and non-living matter. In
order to build a knowledge base of physics, it is necessary to consider the scientific method as a means
of problem solving and mathematics as the language of physics.
Kinematics is the process of describing the motion of objects in terms of position, velocity, acceleration
and time using algebraic equations and graphs as well as words and visual images.
Supporting Ideas/Instructional Foci
Physics is a quantitative science. The relationships between variables may be expressed as
equations and graphs and often requires error analysis.
The Systeme International (SI) units are used in expressing the relationships between variables.
Speed is the total distance covered divided by the time taken.
Velocity is speed that an object is moving together with the direction of movement.
Acceleration is the rate at which velocity is changing.
Laboratory activity: Measuring Height Indirectly including required instrumentation:
Meter sticks/student
Stopwatch Protractor
String Thread
Straw Washer or nut
Clear tape Tape measure
Scientific Calculator Whistle
Laboratory activity for computing average speed including required instrumentation
Educational Strategies/Instructional Procedures
Although the laboratory activity information should have been given out and studied by students before
coming to class today, it is important to quickly review the labs and ask: What are the purposes of the
two laboratory activities? (The average speed activities will permit students to collect data and
compute average speed in a variety of student-designed races. The second activity prepares students to
indirectly measure the height of an object by using measurements and calculations.)
Since this is the first laboratory experience of the physics class and students will have a measure of
freedom which they have probably never previously encountered, it is important to remind students of
the ground rules:
1. Work with your assigned group in your assigned area.
2. Work on the task at hand.
3. No horseplay.
4. Use the time allotted efficiently.
5. All data must be collected during the time period.
6. Move through the hallways quietly so that other classes will not be disturbed.
7. The signal to stop work and listen for instructions will be your blowing the whistle.
Circulate around the area to assist groups and keep them on task. Allow at least five minutes to
reassemble and return to the classroom.
Integration with Core Subject(s)
LA: Understand explicit, factual information
Understand the meaning of words in context
Draw conclusions, inferring meanings from the text
Identify common themes and main idea
Apply information presented in the text to a new or different situation
Interpret nonliteral language
Integration with Core Subject(s), continued
MA: Perform arithmetic operations
Choose and apply appropriate operational procedures
Understand geometric properties
Use variables and equations to solve problems
Analyze and interpret data
Understand and apply principles of probability
Apply measurement skills
SS: Read and interpret maps, charts, and graphs
Demonstrate time and chronology
Enrichment: Have students develop a table or graph to describe concept relationships.
Have students create an observation activity with natural phenomena.
Have students apply knowledge gained to social issues or further scientific questions.
Have students develop and test a prediction related to the unit.
Have a student discuss how s/he solved one problem that occurred away from school
using the steps of the scientific method.
Fine Arts: Have students create a collage or photographic study illustrating the topic.
Physics is all around us: Create original drawings to illustrate examples of physics in
everyday life each to be 5" x 8" or larger and in color. Examples may show: motion, force, energy,
matter, heat, light, sound and electricity. Using indirect measurement techniques, draw objects to scale.
Home: Have students create a collage or photographic study illustrating the topic.
Have students revise and edit the project/paper by presenting it to the home audience.
Have students discuss their goals and evaluate their progress with a family member.
Have students interview a family member to discover what s/he knows about the topic that is
being studied.
Have the student discuss how s/he solved one problem that occurred away from school using
the steps of the scientific method.
Remediation: Have students write a story of this experience.
Have students assemble questions for a Jeopardy-type review game or a vocabulary
matching game like Memory.
Have students write a letter to someone (real or imaginary) describing the topic that is
being studied.
Connection(s), continued
Technology: All physics students are expected to have a scientific calculator for doing computations.
Have students explore the following Internet address for more information about physics
Optional use of graphing calculators should be encouraged as these laboratory exercises
provide some excellent opportunities.
There are some interesting computer simulations available which are suitable substitutes
for actually participating in the races. Conceptual Physics, Interactive Physics, Simulations Software,
Ice Skating I and II are excellent products.
In addition to grading the laboratory write-up that students submit, it is suggested that a grade be given
for student participation. As this is early in the school year and you may not know students by name,
using a seating chart covered with an transparency and marked on with an overhead projection marker
is an excellent means of learning student names as well as providing a writing surface for participation
Completion of the lab calculations and analysis should be done at home. These labs cannot be
completed in a 50-minute period; however; all of the data can be collected within that time frame.
Teacher Notes
Laboratory work planned for Day 006 is done outside the building. Every school has its individual rules
about taking students outside the building though students remain on school property. It is best to check
with an administrator before going out of the building. If a school hallway will be used for these
activities, it is also best to clear its use with the administration. These labs can easily take more than one
class period if time has not been allocated to its planning before the actual lab day.
Reminder: Safety first in all laboratory activities. You must set the ground rules. Physics has many fun
labs, but students need to remember they are doing them with a purpose.
In the event of rain, you need to have an alternate activity prepared. A video on Linear Motion would
be an option; a sample data table that would reflect the type of data collected in the Average Speed
activity could be used in place of doing the activity; taking indirect measurements through the classroom
window would be options.
Should an accident occur while you are doing these activities, you need to know the schools policy.
There is an official form that must be filed, and the parent or guardian must be notified. Make sure you
check with your administrator for the appropriate persons to contact and the procedure to follow before
you proceed with the activity.
Day: 007 Subject: Physics Grade Level: High School
Correlations(SG,CAS,CFS): 11A1,2; 11B1-5,7,8,9,14,17; 11C5,6; 12D1,2
1a. Scientific Method/Inference
1b. Analysis of Data and Information
4a. Mechanics, Forces and Motion
1a. Scientific Facts and Theories
1b: Simple and Complex Problems
3a. Ethical Principles in Science
3b. Valid Sources of Knowledge
3c. Identification of Variables
3d. Logic of Different Experimental Designs
4a. Analysis of Data
4b. Uses of Scientific Units and Instruments
4c. Safety Practices
Conceptual Statements/Unit Foci
Kinematics is the process of describing the motion of objects in terms of position, velocity, acceleration
and time using algebraic equations and graphs as well as words and visual images.
The past and future motion (position, velocity, time and acceleration) of an object can be predicted by
applying the fundamental principles of Newtons Laws of Motion and the Conservation Laws of Energy
and Momentum.
Supporting Ideas/Instructional Foci
Speed is the total distance covered divided by the time taken.
Velocity is speed that an object is moving together with the direction of movement.
Acceleration is the rate at which velocity is changing.
Weight is the local force of gravitys effect on a mass. Near the Earth, a falling object accelerates at
9.8 m/s
toward the Earth, unless air resistance is significant. The force due to gravity drops off as
the inverse square of the distance of separation.
2 sheets of paper for demonstration purposes
Educational Strategies/Instructional Procedures
Begin the class by requesting a student volunteer to show how to solve for the d in the equation of d =
v*t on the overhead projector where:
v = 30 km/hr
t = 1 hr
Therefore: d = (30 km/hr) x (1 hr)
So: d = 30 km
By looking at the above analysis and thinking about the problem, the units become apparent. Explain
that equations are important guides to ones thinking. In a problem where no numerical quantities or
units are expressly given, the student can make-up his/her own numeric values. These problems are
more conceptual in nature. For example: An airplane makes numerous round trips, always at the same
airspeed, between two cities. If it encounters a steady tailwind going and the same steady headwind
returning, will the round trip take more, less, or the same time as with no wind? Note that neither
numerical values nor units were given. Therefore, you must first make up some numeric values and
d= 600 km
v = 300 km/hr
d= v*t
600 km = (300 km/hr)*t
t = 2 hr (if there is no wind)
Roundtrip = 4 hrs
But in the problem there is a headwind. Ask: What does headwind mean? (The wind that works
against you.)
v = 300 km/hr 100 km/hr
v = 200 km/hr
600 km / 200 km/hr = 3 hrs
Ask: What does tailwind mean? (The wind works with you.)
v = 300 km/hr + 100 km/hr
v = 400 km/hr
600 km / 400 km/hr = 1.50 hrs
Roundtrip = 3 hrs + 1.5 hrs = 4.5 hrs
Therefore, the wind adds 0.5 hr to the trip. It takes more time with the wind.
Some students can use d = v*t and solve for any factor by substitution of the knowns into the equation.
Other students would rather manipulate the equation so the unknown is solved for. These students
would solve for t first and have d = v*t become t = d / v
Select questions from your textbook that deals with speed or velocity and work the problems with your
Have students take out their lab write-ups from Day 006. Ask: Did you include units for distance,
time and speed? Were your distances long enough to get accurate results? Was the distance you
used uniform for all of your activities? Remind students that it is essential to include complete
information and that the experimental design must be well thought out and planned in advance. Groups
that did not pre-plan probably wasted time and were unable to finish data collection during the class
period. This is an important lesson to learn; you will need to emphasize it often.
Review the analysis portion of the labs by going around the room asking students for their answers.
Ask: How does average speed relate to distance covered and time taken? Average speed equals
distance divided by time. Ask: Does average speed represent maximum speed? No, average
means high, medium, and low values are combined mathematically. Ask: Which event had the
greatest average speed? Answers will vary with the type of activity and distance. Ask: Does your
measurement technique for speed enable you to measure the fastest speed attained during an
event? No, the interest in this activity was to measure the average speed in multiple trials.
Introduce the concepts of acceleration and free fall. Take two sheets of paper; crumple one into a
ball. Stand on your desk or chair. Have students make careful observations as you take the smooth
paper and drop it; then drop the crumpled paper. You may have to repeat this a few times for students
to make detailed observations. Now, drop both papers at the same time. Ask: What observations
did you make about the falling papers? Answers will vary, but students will note that the smooth
paper floated down. Ask: Why did the paper behave in this manner? Air resistance.
Next, drop a book and the smooth paper simultaneously. Observations should be noted. Drop the
book with the smooth paper held against the upper surface of the book. Observations should be noted.
Make the point that gravity acts on all objects equally; air resistance changes the apparent motion.
Acceleration of free fall on earth is 9.8 m/s
. Ask: How would you define acceleration?
Acceleration is the change in velocity divided by the change in time. Ask: How would you define free
fall? The acceleration of an object due to gravity.
There are numerous videotapes available that are appropriate to this discussion.
Integration with Core Subject(s)
LA: Understand explicit, factual information
Understand the meaning of words in context
Draw conclusions, inferring meanings from the text
Identify common themes and main idea
Apply information presented in the text to a new or different situation
MA: Perform arithmetic operations
Choose and apply appropriate operational procedures
Use variables and equations to solve problems
Analyze and interpret data
Apply measurement skills
SS: Read and interpret maps, charts, and graphs
Demonstrate time and chronology
Enrichment: Have students develop a table or graph to describe concept relationships.
Have students create an observation activity with natural phenomena.
Have students apply knowledge gained to social issues or further scientific questions.
Have students develop and test a prediction related to the unit.
Have a student discuss how s/he solved one problem that occurred away from school
using the steps of the scientific method.
Fine Arts: Have students create a collage or photographic study illustrating the topic.
Physics is all around us: Create original drawings to illustrate examples of physics in
everyday life -- each to be 5" x 8" or larger and in color. Examples may show: motion, force, energy,
matter, heat, light, sound and electricity. Using indirect measurement techniques, draw objects to scale.
Connection(s), continued
Home: Have students create a collage or photographic study illustrating the topic.
Have students revise and edit the project/paper by presenting it to the home audience.
Have students discuss their goals and evaluate their progress with a family member.
Have students interview a family member to discover what s/he knows about the topic that is
being studied.
Have the student discuss how s/he solved one problem that occurred away from school using
the steps of the scientific method.
Remediation: Have students write a story of this experience.
Have students assemble questions for a Jeopardy-type review game or a vocabulary
matching game like Memory.
Have students write a letter to someone (real or imaginary) describing the topic that is
being studied.
Technology: All physics students are expected to have a scientific calculator for doing computations.
Have students explore the following Internet address for more information about physics
Optional use of graphing calculators should be encouraged as these exercises provide
some excellent opportunities.
There are some interesting computer simulations available which are suitable substitutes
for actually participating in the races. Conceptual Physics, Interactive Physics, Simulations
Software, Ice Skating I and II are excellent products.
It is suggested that a grade be given for student participation. As this is early in the school year and you
may not know students by name, using a seating chart covered with a transparency and marked on with
an overhead projection marker is an excellent means of learning student names as well as providing a
writing surface for participation grades.
Select questions and problems from those at the end of the chapter from your textbook.
Teacher Notes
When calling upon students to answer questions, remember three important points:
1. Call upon everyone.
2. Call upon students in a random pattern to keep them on their toes.
3. Keep the discussion moving; dont let one person monopolize the discussion.
You will quickly learn who is having difficulty and be able to suggest help sooner by having everyone
contribute to the review discussions.
For additional ideas, the teacher should consult the Blueprint (Appendix A) and the Program of Study
(Appendix B).
Day: 008-009 Subject: Physics Grade Level: High School
Correlations(SG,CAS,CFS): 11A1,2; 11B1-5,7,8,9,14,17; 11C5,6; 12D1,4
1a. Scientific Method/Inference
1b. Analysis of Data and Information
4a. Mechanics, Forces and Motion
4e. Changes and Reactions
1a. Scientific Facts and Theories
1b: Simple and Complex Problems
3a. Ethical Principles in Science
3b. Valid Sources of Knowledge
3c. Identification of Variables
3d. Logic of Different Experimental Designs
4a. Analysis of Data
4b. Uses of Scientific Units and Instruments
4c. Safety Practices
Conceptual Statement/Unit Focus
Kinematics is the process of describing the motion of objects in terms of position, velocity, acceleration
and time using algebraic equations and graphs as well as words and visual images.
Supporting Ideas/Instructional Foci
Speed is the total distance covered divided by the time taken.
Velocity is speed that an object is moving together with the direction of movement.
Acceleration is the rate at which velocity is changing.
For a laboratory activity similar to The Hewitt Domino Effect, the following materials are required for
each group of 4 to 6 students:
50 dominos
1 stopwatch
1 meter stick
For a laboratory activity where time and distance are measured for an object rolling down an inclined
plane, the following materials are required for each group of 4 to 6 students:
1 2-meter ramp (which can be a 2-meter board supported by a stack of books)
1 steel ball bearing or marble
1 wood block
Materials, continued
1 stopwatch
1 roll of masking tape
1 meter stick
1 protractor
Optional Technology may include photogates; with or without CBL or MBL
An optional activity may be developing a laboratory experience using a Sonic Ranger or other motion-
measuring device complete with CBL or MBL
Educational Strategies/Instructional Procedures
Begin class by having students form groups of four. Suggest that each person in a group have a specific
task to perform such as gathering/returning materials, timing, performing the activity, and recording data.
Stress that every person in the group is responsible for data analysis, not just the recorder. Explain that
there will be two activities going on simultaneously and that groups will rotate activities in order to
maximize materials and time.
The teacher should develop or locate laboratory activities similar to The Hewitt Domino Effect for
examining the relationship between distance, time, and average speed and a second activity for
measuring the time and distance of an object rolling down an inclined plane.
Allow five to seven minutes for clean up of materials.
Integration with Core Subject(s)
LA: Understand explicit, factual information
Understand the meaning of words in context
Draw conclusions, inferring meanings from the text
MA: Perform arithmetic operations
Choose and apply appropriate operational procedures
Understand geometric properties
Use variables and equations to solve problems
Analyze and interpret data
Understand and apply principles of probability
Apply measurement skills
SS: Read and interpret maps, charts, and graphs
Demonstrate time and chronology
Enrichment: Have students develop a table or graph to describe concept relationships.
Have students create an observation activity with natural phenomena.
Have students apply knowledge gained to social issues or further scientific questions.
Have students develop and test a prediction related to the unit.
Have a student discuss how s/he solved one problem that occurred away from school
using the steps of the scientific method.
Fine Arts: Have students create a collage or photographic study illustrating the topic.
Physics is all around us: Create original drawings to illustrate examples of physics in
everyday life each to be 5" x 8" or larger and in color. Examples may show: motion, force, energy,
matter, heat, light, sound and electricity. Using indirect measurement techniques, draw objects to scale.
Students may want to choreograph and videotape a dance performance illustrating a chain
reaction or produce a video illustrating hang-time.
Home: Have students create a collage or photographic study illustrating the topic.
Have students revise and edit the project/paper by presenting it to the home audience.
Have students discuss their goals and evaluate their progress with a family member.
Have students interview a family member to discover what s/he knows about the topic that is
being studied.
Have the student discuss how s/he solved one problem that occurred away from school using
the steps of the scientific method.
Remediation: Have students write a story of this experience.
Have students assemble questions for a Jeopardy-type review game or a vocabulary
matching game like Memory.
Have students write a letter to someone (real or imaginary) describing the topic that is
being studied.
Technology: All physics students are expected to have a scientific calculator for doing computations.
Have students explore the following Internet address for more information about physics
Optional use of graphing calculators should be encouraged as these exercises provide
some excellent opportunities.
If the instrumentation is available, using photogates and/or a Sonic Ranger with a CBL
or MBL may enhance the inclined plane activity.
It is suggested that a grade be given for student participation. This includes pre-lab preparation.
Both of these activities should include laboratory write-ups and answering appropriate questions.
Because of the very nature of the activities, there is not sufficient time in class to appropriately complete
these necessary write-ups.
Teacher Notes
The chain reaction (domino) activity conceptualizes average speed and may take less than a period or it
may take considerably longer than a single period if students do not show reasonable care in setting up
their dominoes. It is important that the teacher circulates and assists where necessary.
Rolling objects down an incline is fairly straightforward and should take less than a full period to
complete. As equipment for these types of activities is usually in short supply, it is suggested that the
class be split in half and both labs be run concurrently over a period of two days. Ideal group size is 4
to 6 students.
The inclined plane activity requires the teacher to assist students with their setups. Two days, back-to-
back, have been allocated for these lab experiences. Optional activities of graphing the data collected
are beneficial for many students. Class time has not been provided to complete the write-ups.
One method of measuring student laboratory participation on a daily basis is to have a set of stamps and
a stamp pad. Each day, select a stamp and go around the class stamping each students paper. As you
enter papers in your grade book, the stamp (or lack of it) will indicate participation.
Some classes get overly loud when working in laboratory situations. You should establish a signal to
alert classes that they need to work more quietly. One technique that seems to work well is the flashing
of lights in the classroom when a reminder is needed.
Because there is no further class time allocated to these activities, it is important to keep students on
track. By circulating in the room to help with the laboratory questions, students will respond positively
to the teachers presence. In addition, the teacher will get to know his/her students better and be able
to evaluate their participation more effectively.
Inform students that there will be a test on Day 011 that they should start studying for now.
Day: 010 Subject: Physics Grade Level: High School
Correlations(SG,CAS,CFS): 11A1,2; 11B1-5,7,8,9,14,17; 11C5,6
1a. Scientific Method/Inference
1b. Analysis of Data and Information
4a. Mechanics, Forces and Motion
4e. Changes and Reactions
1a. Scientific Facts and Theories
1b: Simple and Complex Problems
3a. Ethical Principles in Science
3b. Valid Sources of Knowledge
3c. Identification of Variables
3d. Logic of Different Experimental Designs
4a. Analysis of Data
4b. Uses of Scientific Units and Instruments
4c. Safety Practices
Conceptual Statements/Unit Foci
The Science of Physics
Physics is a basic science and deals with the fundamental aspects of energy and non-living matter. In
order to build a knowledge base of physics, it is necessary to consider the scientific method as a means
of problem solving and mathematics as the language of physics.
Kinematics is the process of describing the motion of objects in terms of position, velocity, acceleration
and time using algebraic equations and graphs as well as words and visual images.
The past and future motion (position, velocity, time and acceleration) of an object can be predicted by
applying the fundamental principles of Newtons Laws of Motion and the Conservation Laws of Energy
and Momentum.
Supporting Ideas/Instructional Foci
Technology is the application of our understanding and control of physical phenomena and results
from the application of the systematic procedure of problem solving called the scientific method.
The scientific method requires careful observations, the formation of the hypotheses and meticulous
testing of the hypotheses.
Physics is a quantitative science. The relationships between variables may be expressed as
equations and graphs and often requires error analysis.
The Systeme International (SI) units are used in expressing the relationships between variables.
Speed is the total distance covered divided by the time taken.
Velocity is speed that an object is moving together with the direction of movement.
Acceleration is the rate at which velocity is changing..
Weight is the local force of gravitys effect on a mass. Near the Earth, a falling object accelerates at
9.8 m/s
toward the Earth, unless air resistance is significant. The force due to gravity drops off as
the inverse square of the distance of separation.
Educational Strategies/Instructional Procedures
Have students review the problems assigned previously on the chalkboard.
Create a transparency to show acceleration of Free Fall; that is, a time and distance graph.
Ask: Does the acceleration of a ball depend on how fast it is thrown initially? No, with each
second speed changes by 10 m/s, slower going up, faster going down. Velocity changes, not
Ask: In which direction is the ball accelerating while going up? While coming down?
Acceleration is downward in both cases- toward the center of the earth.
Create a transparency for Free Fall graphing speed: and time.
Ask: What will be the speed of a freely falling object after falling 6 sec? 7 sec? 8 sec? Each
second its speed increases by 10 m/s, so
6 sec = 60 m/s,
7 sec = 70 m/s,
8 sec = 80 m/s
Note that the speed vs. time relationship is linear.
Create a transparency for Free Fall graphing speed and distance.
Ask: How would the relationship differ between distance and time if the object has an initial
speed other than zero? gt
is added/subtracted. Ask: The text says a curved line has a slope.
Isnt the slope different along different parts of the curve? Yes, slope gives the speed of the object
at that particular time.
If students are having difficulty at this point, review the questions above.
Ask: What does the slope of the curve on a distance time graph represent? Speed. Ask: What
does the slope of the curve on a velocity time graph represent? Acceleration. Ask: Does air
resistance increase or decrease the acceleration of a falling object? Decrease. Ask: What is the
appropriate equation for how fast an object freely falls from a position at rest? V = gt. Ask:
What is the appropriate equation for how far an object falls? D = (1/2)gt
If time permits, you may want to review some of the chapter questions provided in your textbook. If
the class seems to have a good grasp of the material have a brief discussion/presentation of the
laboratory activities by students.
Announce that a test will be given the following day. Encourage students to review vocabulary,
laboratory activities, and homework problems in preparation.
Integration with Core Subject(s)
LA: Understand explicit, factual information
Understand the meaning of words in context
Apply information presented in the text to a new or different situation
MA: Perform arithmetic operations
Choose and apply appropriate operational procedures
Use variables and equations to solve problems
Analyze and interpret data
Apply measurement skills
SS: Read and interpret maps, charts, and graphs
Demonstrate time and chronology
Enrichment: Have students develop a table or graph to describe concept relationships.
Have students create an observation activity with natural phenomena.
Have students apply knowledge gained to social issues or further scientific questions.
Have students develop and test a prediction related to the unit.
Have a student discuss how s/he solved one problem that occurred away from school
using the steps of the scientific method.
Connection(s), continued
Fine Arts: Have students create a collage or photographic study illustrating the topic.
Physics is all around us: Create original drawings to illustrate examples of physics in
everyday life each to be 5" x 8" or larger and in color. Examples may show: motion, force, energy,
matter, heat, light, sound and electricity. Using indirect measurement techniques, draw objects to scale.
Students may want to choreograph and videotape a dance performance illustrating a chain
Reaction or produce a video illustrating hang-time.
Home: Have students create a collage or photographic study illustrating the topic.
Have students revise and edit the project/paper by presenting it to the home audience.
Have students discuss their goals and evaluate their progress with a family member.
Have students interview a family member to discover what s/he knows about the topic that is
being studied.
Have the student discuss how s/he solved one problem that occurred away from school using
the steps of the scientific method.
Remediation: Have students write a story of this experience.
Have students assemble questions for a Jeopardy-type review game or a vocabulary
matching game like Memory.
Have students write a letter to someone (real or imaginary) describing the topic that is
being studied.
Technology: All physics students are expected to have a scientific calculator for doing computations.
Have students explore the following Internet address for more information about physics
Optional use of graphing calculators should be encouraged as these exercises provide
some excellent opportunities.
Consistent ongoing assessment of class participation should continue even while doing a review of
chapter concepts. In addition to providing data for class evaluation, it keeps students on their toes to
always come to class prepared.. Relative to homework, some believe that it should be collected each
day and graded; others think it should be graded and corrected in class; others believe that it should be
collected on the day of the chapter test. Either way, it should be used as a study aide, collected and
graded...when, is a teacher option.
A test is planned for the next class period; therefore, it is necessary to study for it.
Teacher Notes
There are a number of videos available should students have difficulty with the concepts of linear
For additional ideas, the teacher should consult the Blueprint (Appendix A) and Program of Study
(Appendix B).
Day: 011 Subject: Physics Grade Level: High School
Correlations(SG,CAS,CFS): 11A1,2; 11B1-5,7,8,9,14,17; 11C5,6
1a. Scientific Method/Inference
1b. Analysis of Data and Information
4a. Mechanics, Forces and Motion
4e. Changes and Reactions
1a. Scientific Facts and Theories
1b: Simple and Complex Problems
3a. Ethical Principles in Science
3b. Valid Sources of Knowledge
3c. Identification of Variables
3d. Logic of Different Experimental Designs
4a. Analysis of Data
4b. Uses of Scientific Units and Instruments
4c. Safety Practices
Conceptual Statements/Unit Foci
The Science of Physics
Physics is a basic science and deals with the fundamental aspects of energy and non-living matter. In
order to build a knowledge base of physics, it is necessary to consider the scientific method as a means
of problem solving and mathematics as the language of physics.
Kinematics is the process of describing the motion of objects in terms of position, velocity, acceleration
and time using algebraic equations and graphs as well as words and visual images.
The past and future motion (position, velocity, time and acceleration) of an object can be predicted by
applying the fundamental principles of Newtons Laws of Motion and the Conservation Laws of Energy
and Momentum.
Supporting Ideas/Instructional Foci
Technology is the application of our understanding and control of physical phenomena and results
from the application of the systematic procedure of problem solving called the scientific method.
The scientific method requires careful observations, the formation of the hypotheses and meticulous
testing of the hypotheses.
Physics is a quantitative science. The relationships between variables may be expressed as
equations and graphs and often requires error analysis.
The Systeme International (SI) units are used in expressing the relationships between variables.
Speed is the total distance covered divided by the time taken.
Velocity is speed that an object is moving together with the direction of movement.
Acceleration is the rate at which velocity is changing.
Weight is the local force of gravitys effect on a mass. Near the Earth, a falling object accelerates at
9.8 m/s
toward the Earth, unless air resistance is significant. The force due to gravity drops off as
the inverse square of the distance of separation.
Test, either teacher-made or from your textbook publisher, on linear motion
Educational Strategies/Instructional Procedures
The students have been working for several days with the concepts of linear motion speed, velocity,
acceleration, and free fall. Before beginning the test, a few minutes should be spent on a quick review
of the chapter concepts to include a discussion of instantaneous speed and average speed. Mention that
the automobile speedometer indicates the instantaneous speed while average speed would have to be
computed by dividing the total distance traveled by the time elapsed. Allow 20-25 minutes for the
A textbook test is generally adequate to test these concepts; however, some higher order thinking skill
(HOTS) questions should be added to the test. Obviously, the teacher is encouraged to consider his/her
own appropriate questions
Integration with Core Subject(s)
LA: Understand explicit, factual information
Understand the meaning of words in context
Apply information presented in the text to a new or different situation
MA: Perform arithmetic operations
Choose and apply appropriate operational procedures
Use variables and equations to solve problems
Analyze and interpret data
Apply measurement skills
SS: Read and interpret maps, charts, and graphs
Demonstrate time and chronology
Enrichment: Have students develop a table or graph to describe concept relationships.
Have students create an observation activity with natural phenomena.
Have students apply knowledge gained to social issues or further scientific questions.
Have students develop and test a prediction related to the unit.
Have a student discuss how s/he solved one problem that occurred away from school
using the steps of the scientific method.
Fine Arts: Have students create a collage or photographic study illustrating the topic.
Physics is all around us: Create original drawings to illustrate examples of physics in
everyday life each to be 5" x 8" or larger and in color. Examples may show: motion, force, energy,
matter, heat, light, sound and electricity. Using indirect measurement techniques, draw objects to scale.
Students may want to choreograph and videotape a dance performance illustrating a chain
reaction or produce a video illustrating hang-time.
Home: Have students create a collage or photographic study illustrating the topic.
Have students revise and edit the project/paper by presenting it to the home audience.
Have students discuss their goals and evaluate their progress with a family member.
Have students interview a family member to discover what s/he knows about the topic that is
being studied.
Have the student discuss how s/he solved one problem that occurred away from school using
the steps of the scientific method
Connection(s), continued
Remediation: Have students write a story of this experience.
Have students assemble questions for a Jeopardy-type review game or a vocabulary
matching game like Memory.
Have students write a letter to someone (real or imaginary) describing the topic that is
being studied.
Technology: All physics students are expected to have a scientific calculator for doing computations.
Have students explore the following Internet address for more information about physics
Optional use of graphing calculators should be encouraged as these exercises provide
some excellent opportunities.
The days activity is the Linear Motion test.
Provide a reading assignment on vectors for homework.
Teacher Notes
Most textbook publishers have tests available for this material. Note that the Blueprint provides a listing
of all formulas that may be used on the CASE exams. Students should gain experience in working
problems with these formulas. Also note that there are three State Goals that must be met: Inquiry,
Content, and Science/Technology/Society. Try to construct test questions toward these goals.
For additional ideas, the teacher should consult the Blueprint (Appendix A) and Program of Study
(Appendix B).

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