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J Patil Guidelines For Preservation of Lakes in The City of Bangalore

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Preservation of Lakes in the City of

Report of the Committee constituted by the
Honble High Court of Karnataka to examine the
ground realities and prepare an action plan for
preservation of lakes in the City of Bangalore
(Honble High Court of Karnatakas Order dated 26/11/2010
in WP NO!1"/200! # others$
Report submitted on 26/02/2011 by the Committee, appointed by the Honble High
Court of Karnataka ide its order dated 26/11/2010 in !"#$o %1&/200% ' others#
Honble Sri Justice N.K.Patil
Judge, High Court of Karnataa
Chair!an, Karnataa High Court "egal Ser#ices Co!!ittee
Sri K.S.Prabhaara, $%S
Secretar&, 'e#enue (e)art!ent, *oK
Sri %.S.Sadasi#aiah, $+S ,retd-
Karnataa State Pollution Control .oard
Sri P...'a!a!urth&,$%S
.angalore /ater Su))l& 0 Se1earge .oard
Sri $...Sri#asta#a, $+S
Princi)al Chief Conser#ator of +orests, Karnataa State
Sri .harat lal 2eena, $%S
.angalore (e#elo)!ent %uthorit&
Sri Siddaiah, $%S
.ruhat .angalore 2ahanagara Palie
Sri P.N.Srini#asachari, $%S
2inor $rrigation (e)art!ent, *oK
Sri K.S. Sai .aba, $+S
Chief 34ecuti#e 5fficer
"ae (e#elo)!ent %uthorit&
Sri H...2uunda
(irector, 6o1n Planning, *oK
S.No Index Page
1 $ntroduction 1
8 Historical .acground to the laes of .angalore 2
9 "ash!an 'au Co!!ittee for Preser#ation and 'estoration of .angalore
"aes and subse:uent de#elo)!ents
; 'a)id urbani<ation of .angalore, its i!)act on laes and the ground realities 7
5 6he i!)erati#es for Preser#ation of .angalore laes 9
7 "ae (e#elo)!ent %uthorit& and its role in )reser#ation of laes 10
= 3cological Pers)ecti#e of lae restoration 11
> Strateg& for )reser#ation of .angalore laes 12
? %ction )lan 16
1@ 'eco!!endations 20
11 %cno1ledge!ents 21
18 "ae 'estoration A Photos 22
19 %nne4ures Attached
#ote! $ %ap of Lakes of Bangalore City is appended to this report
S.No Index Attached
$ (e#elo)ed laes in the custod& of ..2P
$$ "aes being de#elo)ed b& ..2P
$$$ %ction )lan for laes to be restored ,8@11-1;--..2P
$B 'estored laes in the custod& of .(%
B "aes under restoration b& .(%
B$ %ction )lan for laes to be restored b& .(%
B$$ "aes in the custod& of "ae (e#elo)!ent %uthorit&
B$$$ %ction )lan for laes in the custod& of Karnataa +orest (e)art!ent
$C "ist of Dilla Pancha&at laes in .angalore Cit&
C "aes in the custod& of 2inior $rrigation (e)t., in .angalore Cit&
C$ "ist of additional tans/untes for #erification in ..2P area
C$$ "ist of "aes di#erted or ha#e lost their characteristics
C$$$ *uidelines 0 2odels for ecological restoration of "aes
C$B /aste 1ater treat!ent in .angalore Cit& -./SS.
CB %ction )lan for )ro)er /aste 1ater dis)osal in .angalore to )re#ent )ollution of 1ater bodies-
CB$ *round /ater Eualit& %nal&sis - KSPC.
CB$$ /ater Eualit& 2onitoring b& KSPC.
List of $bbreviations used in the Report!
(()"* (ruhat (angalore )ahanagara "alike
(+,* (angalore +eelopment ,uthority
(!--(* (angalore !ater -upply ' -e.erage (oard
K/+* Karnataka /orest +epartment
K-"C(* Karnataka -tate "ollution Control (oard
0+,* 0ake +eelopment ,uthority
(1,",* (angalore 1nternational ,irport ,rea "lanning ,uthority
)1C",* )ysore 1nfrastru2ture Corridor "lanning ,uthority
)1 * )inor 1rrigation
)0+* )illion 0itres per +ay
-3"* -e.age 3reatment "lant
45+* 4nder 5round +rainage
1. &ntroduction!
-eeral "ubli2 1nterest 0itigations 2on2erning 2onseration of lakes hae been filed
in the last 16 years before the Honble High Court of karnataka# 3here are standing
dire2tions of the Honble Court regarding surey of lake areas and remoal of
en2roa2hments, stoppage of se.erage entry into lakes, non7diersion of lake area for any
other purposes et2# 1n 2ontinuation of its 2on2ern for preseration of lakes the Honble
High Court ide order dated 26/11/2010 passed in !" $o#%1&/200% and others has
2onstituted a 2ommittee to e8amine the ground realities and prepare an a2tion plan for
the preseration of lakes in the City of (angalore# 3he Composition of the 2ommittee is as
Honble Sri Justice N.K.Patil
Judge, High Court of Karnataa
Chair!an, Karnataa High Court "egal Ser#ices Co!!ittee
Sri K.S.Prabhaara, $%S
Secretar&, 'e#enue (e)art!ent, *oK
Sri %.S.Sadasi#aiah, $+S ,retd-
Karnataa State Pollution Control .oard
Sri P...'a!a!urth&,$%S
.angalore /ater Su))l& 0 Se1earge .oard
Sri $...Sri#asta#a, $+S
Princi)al Chief Conser#ator of +orests, Karnataa State
Sri .harat lal 2eena, $%S
.angalore (e#elo)!ent %uthorit&
Sri Siddaiah, $%S
.ruhat .angalore 2ahanagara Palie
Sri P.N.Srini#asachari, $%S
2inor $rrigation (e)art!ent, *oK
Sri K.S. Sai .aba, $+S
Chief 34ecuti#e 5fficer
"ae (e#elo)!ent %uthorit&
Sri H...2uunda
(irector, 6o1n Planning, *oK
3he 2ommittee 2haired by Honble -ri 9usti2e $#K#"atil met si8 times on :/12/2010,
16/12/2010, ;0/12/2010, 16/01/2011, ;0/01/2011, 12/02/2011 and finally on 26/2/2011
to finalise and submit the report# 1n addition, the members of the 2ommittee met as
fre<uently as ne2essary to deliberate on arious issues 2on2erning lakes# ,n intera2tie
session .as also held on 11/01/2011 to soli2it the ie.s/suggestions from arious
organi=ations and indiiduals asso2iated .ith lakes 2onseration and .etland 2onseration#
3he report is the 2ulmination of many inputs from the re2ords of arious offi2es and
suggestions of many e8perts#
1n this Report, (angalore City is 2onsidered as 2o7terminus .ith (+, area of 1;00
-< Km, .hi2h in2ludes %00 -< Km area of (()" and >1 -< Km of ()1C",# 0akes
numbering ;%6 situated in this area of 1;00 -< Km are 2onsidered for restoration, .here
as ground position is to be erified in 2ase of another 121 Kuntes/0akes#
8. Historical Background to the Lakes of Bangalore!
(angalore City is lo2ated at an aerage eleation of >00 metre aboe )-0# 3he
undulating terrain of (angalore, .ith its hills and alleys proided a ery natural drainage
pattern .ith small streams originating from ridges 2as2ading do.n to form ma?or streams
in the three ma?or alleys i#e#, Hebbal, @rushabhaathi and Koramangala ' Challaghatta#
3he City falls into the 2ategory of semi7arid tropi2s .ith an annual aerage rainfall of >00
mm, distributed .ell among the -outh7!est and $orth7Aast monsoon# 3he natural
streams .ere inter2epted at appropriate pla2es to 2reate man made lakes/tanks to 2apture
the rainfall to meet the irrigation and drinking .ater needs of the 2ity# Hen2e ea2h lake
harests rainfall from the 2at2hment and surplus .ater flo.s into the do.nstream lakes#
(angalore 2ity has no perennial rier nearby and this 2ould be one of the reasons for
2onstru2tion of series of tanks, most of them during the 16
2entury# 3he earliest history
of 2reation of lakes in and around (angalore City is tra2ed to the founders of (engaluru,
the Kempe 5o.das and later to the !odeyars of the )ysore Kingdom# 3he 2iti=ens had
abundan2e .ater to drink and irrigate their lands and use for se2ondary purposes also#
1n her seminal 2riti<ue of the urbanisation pro2esses of (angalore oer time, 9anaki
$air in her book B3he "romise of the )etropolis* (angaloreCs 3.entieth CenturyD
the eolution of this metropolis to the building and 2onseration of tanks/lakes# -he
reports that B for a settlement that has been in e8isten2e for oer four and half 2enturies,
the 2ity of (engaluru boasts a fe. physi2al marker or monumental sites as isible signs of
its anti<uity# 3he topography of the region to .hi2h (engaluru belongs is remarkable and
there are fe. signs of an ar2hai2 temple to.n, a 2ommer2ial 2entre, or a tra2t energi=ed
by a rier or other .ater sour2e#D -o in su2h a lands2ape that does not bear the physi2al
details of histori2ity of 2enturies as +elhi or Hampi does, $air suggests that Bthe earliest
1 Nair, Janai, Bangalore's Twentieth Century: The Promise of a Metropolis, ,54ford Fni#ersit& Press, 8@@5-
settlement .as probably a hamlet of no parti2ular 2ommer2ial or demographi2 importan2e
to .arrant the name of an urban setting, fun2tioning instead as a node that dre. the
surpluses of the agri2ultural 2ountryside, and .as dominated by rural notables##### 0o2ated
at the ridge top of the main .ater parting of the ,rkaathi and the -# "inakini riers, the
region relied on tanks .hi2h .ere 2onstru2ted right a2ross this territory as the prin2ipal
sour2e of .ater for agri2ultural and domesti2 needs# 3his net.ork of tanks supported
mi8ed farming and market gardening a2tiities#D
En the anti<uity of the 2ity, $aik highlights that Bsome historians beliee that the
name C(engaluruC is deried from an old settlement near present day Felahanka, long
before the time of Kempego.da, the CFelahanka $ada "rabhuC or Chieftain .hose name is
usually asso2iated .ith the founding of the to.n in 16;&D# 1mportantly she notes that it Bis
likely that Kempego.daCs rule 2oin2ided .ith the deelopment of a ne. urban form* a
fortified settlement linked to a net.ork of temples and tanks, later attra2ting many
mer2hants and artisans .ho took up residen2e there#D !ere it not for tanks proiding
.ater se2urity in an other.ise semi7arid area, it is more than likely that the ?ourney
to.ards a su22essful metropolis .ould hae been trun2ated 2enturies ago# 3he 2riti2al
importan2e of tanks to the su22ess of this emerging urban area has been re2ognised by
eery ruler from Kempego.da, Hyder ,li, 3ipu -ultan and the (ritish as .ell# ,22ording
to $air Bfor a site that .as not 2lose to a .ater sour2e and .as situated on an eleated
ridge, a reliable supply of .ater for agri2ultural or domesti2 purposes .as imperatie from
the earliest days of the settlement# 3he limited aailability of .ater may hae imposed its
o.n limits on the of the City population# $o .onder then that the proision of
.ater through a system of tanks be2ame a 2ru2ial element of 2ity building throughout the
t.entieth 2entury# -ome 2laim that (engaluru .as referred to as C KalyananagaraC, a 2ity of
kalyanis or tanks# Kempego.da himself is 2redited .ith the 2onstru2tion of the famed
+harmambudi and Kempambudi tanks, as .ell as -ampangi tank# 3he founderCs
namesake and su22essor 1mmadi Kempego.da 2onstru2ted the 5idda 5o.da and Karan?i
tanks, the latter supplying the fortified 2ityG both these tanks appear to hae been filled up
in the 1>20s to make .ay for a labour 2olony and a ?utka stand respe2tiely#D
Highlighting ho. the importan2e of tanks in sustaining (angaloreCs and
prosperity .as re2ognised and promoted by the (ritish, $air indi2ates that Bthe
dependen2e of tanks did not diminish een .hen the e2onomi2 stru2ture of the 2ity had
astly 2hanged# 3he (ritish did not dra. legitima2y for their rule from the patronage of
(rahmins and temples, but the supply of .ater to the old and ne. 2ities .as as important
as in earlier times# 3he 4lsoor tank, )illerCs tank and Hesarghatta lake sered as
reseroirs for the 2ity in the nineteenth 2entury# 3anks re<uired periodi2 human effort on
a massie s2ale to keep them fun2tional# 3he 4lsoor tank around 1>00 .as regarded so
dangerous to publi2 health, that it re<uired drainage and de7.eeding on a massie s2ale#
(y the late nineteenth 2entury, .hen tanks .ere be2oming 2learly inade<uate to meet the
2ityCs needs, -ankeyCs Reseroir .as designed to 2olle2t and store rain .ater, .ith
2onne2tions through 2ontour 2hannels to the )illerCs tank and +harmambudhi tank#
1ndeed, said Ri2e, so keenly felt .as the need for augmented .ater supplies to the
2ity, that 2ontests .ere fre<uently held to design su2h systems, and Cthere is s2ar2ely a
site or tank for miles around (angalore that has not formed part of one or another
pro?e2tCD# 3he eiden2e of su2h 2reatie 2rafting of lands2ape into a .ater terrain is
eident in any toposheet prepared by the -urey of 1ndia, .ith its last most authoritatie
a22ount of 1>&2 reealing not one alley or depression being left un2ared forG instead they
are all sites to harest rain and runoff, thus signifi2antly enhan2ing .ater se2urity and
produ2tiity of agri2ulture and horti2ulture#
3his 2omple8 history of tank building has to be taken into 2onsideration .hen .e
approa2h the 2ontentious problems of its 2onseration and rehabilitation# Aaluating the
e8tensie nature of its emergen2e oer 2enturies, the (angalore +istri2t 5a=eteer reports
in 1>>0 that tanks in the (angalore region that roughly 2orresponds .ith the ()R+,
region of today, 2ontributed 12,6:1 ha# of .ater spread
# 3his is a 2riti2al determinant to
the future of this metropolis as mu2h of this .ater7spread and the 2anals that interlinked
them hae been destroyed# 3his has eroded the 2apa2ity of these .ater systems to
2apture and store the rain that falls only on 6& days of the year, yet demonstrating
ama=ing resilien2e in supporting re2harge of ground.ater, thus .ater se2urity for the
millions depending on it.
1n 1&>1 .hen 0ord Corn.allis sent a 2ontingent of (ritish Aast 1ndia Company
soldiers from /ort -t# 5eorge, )adras, to the )ysore -tate to find an alternate route to
-rirangapatna for fighting 3ippu -ultan, the Captain .ho headed the team 2ame to
(angalore to.n# He .as ama=ed by the 2limate and enironment of (angalore and
8 .angalore (istrict, *a<eteer of $ndia, 1??@, ed. Sur&anath F. Ka!ath.
des2ribed it as 0,$+ E/ , 3HE4-,$+ 0,KA-#
+harmabudhi, )illers, -ankey, 4lsoor and Hessarughatta tanks .ere supplying
.ater to the needs of the 2ity# 1n the 1>&0s the s2heme to pump .ater to the 2ity, that too
against graity from Cauery rier 100 km a.ay, began to proide piped .ater supply to
the 2ity#
Aarlier to urbani=ation, these lakes .ere maintained on the traditional 2ommunity
pattern of o.nership as a 2ommon resour2e, .hi2h needed regular maintenan2e in order
to meet .ater needs#
9. Lakshman Rau Committee for Preservation and Restoration
of Bangalore Lakes and 'ubse(uent )evelopments!
+uring 1>%6, the 5oernment of Karnataka 2onstituted an e8pert 2ommittee
headed by -ri $#0akshman Rau to e8amine all the aspe2ts of the preseration,
restoration or other.ise of the e8isting tanks in the metropolitan area of (angalore#
3he Committee made the important re2ommendations#
a- 3he e8isting .ater bodies a2t as re2harging resour2es to ground .ater on the
do.nstream .hi2h .ill help to draft .ater through dug .ells/bore .ells meant
for domesti2 or industrial purposes# 3hese e8isting tanks should not be brea2hed
but retained as .ater bodies#
b- Afforts should be made to ensure that these tanks are not polluted by dis2harge
of effluent and industrial .aste#
c- /urther, to preent silting up of these lakes, off7shore deelopment is to be
taken up by large s2ale tree planting and also remoal of en2roa2hments
d- 3he tanks .hi2h hae already been brea2hed should not be utili=ed for
formation of sites but taken up to 2reate tree parks#
e- A8isting tanks should be de7.eeded and a<uati2 life must be deeloped
f- 3he tank areas .here there is no at2h2ut H2ommand areaI are to be handed
oer to /orest department for tree planting and formation of regional parks#
g- 3he (+,/()"/)inor 1rrigation department must immediately remoe
en2roa2hments on the tank areas#
h- 5oernment should set up an implementation agen2y and reie. the
implementation of the re2ommendations periodi2ally# /or this purpose the /orest
+epartment, (+,, ()", )inor 1rrigation +epartment, (!--( and 3o.n "lanning
+epartment may be inoled#
i- )os<uito 2ontrol measures are to be entrusted to (angalore City Corporation or
any other suitable agen2y#
G- 3he responsibility for the maintenan2e of .ater bodies in 2lean and safe
2ondition should be by (angalore !ater -upply ' -e.erage (oard# (y proper
maintenan2e of .ater bodies, it is possible to improe the ground .ater table,
so that there .ill be s2ope for tapping ground .ater through bore7.ells#
- 3he possibility of 2onstru2tion of more tanks along the natural alleys .hi2h no.
hae a run7off .ater should be e8amined and implementation taken up#
3he 2ommittee has dealt .ith :6 disused tanks and %1 lie tanks in the (angalore
2onurbation area and gae re2ommendations lake7.ise# Regarding 262 tanks bet.een the
2onurbation boundary and metropolitan area boundary, the 2ommittee opined that the
lakes hae 2ommand area and 2annot be brea2hed and hen2e no deelopment .as
proposed, e82ept foreshore area planting to preent silting up of lakes#
3he 5oernment has a22epted the 0akshman Rau 2ommittee report in 1>%% and
issued, the 5E $o#"!+ %2 1)( %6 (angalore dated 11
/ebruary,1>%%# (ut,
implementation agen2y as enisaged .as not 2onstituted to reie. the implementation of
the re2ommendations of the 2ommittee periodi2ally#
,s per the re2ommendations of 0akshman Rau 2ommittee, 116 0akes .ere
transferred to /orest +epartment in the year 1>%%# K/+ deeloped 1: 0akes in an
integrated manner and fen2ed another 1; lakes# /oreshore planting .as 2arried out in ;2
lakes# An2roa2hments of around 120 a2res .as ei2ted in ;2 lakes# K/+ 2ould hae done
better if ade<uate staff and funds .ere proided for the task entrusted to it#
(()" and (+, hae deeloped lakes in a big .ay during the past one de2ade#
(()" has restored 1; lakes and (+, has restored & lakes#+etails of restored 0akes is
proided ide $nnexure*&+BB%P, and $nnexure*&-+B)$,# /urther restoration .ork is
in progress in another 1% lakes H(()"I and 6 lakes H(+,I# +etails are furnished ide
$nnexure*&&+BB%P, and $nnexure*-+B)$,# -in2e the (()" 2ame for.ard to
deelop the lakes on priority basis, 5oernment ordered transfer of >: lakes from the
2ustody of /orest +epartment to (()" ide its order dated 1>/0:/2010# -ubse<uent to
this /orest +epartment has only 6 lakes in its 2ustody i#e Hennur, 9arakbandekaal ,
)adiala, )ylasandra and "uttenahalli HyelahankaI lakes#
;. Rapid urbani.ation of Bangalore/ its impact on lakes and the
ground realities
1n 1>:1 the population of (angalore .as 0#:1 million and the Citys area .as 2> -<
km# !hen the ele2tions to the (ruhat (angalore )ahanagara "alike H(()"I .as held in
2010 its population .as about %& lakhs, .ith its area %00 s< Km# 1t is estimated that the
population of the City .ill be around 12#6 million by 2020#
!hen the 2ity started getting .ater from Cauery rier and the agri2ultural lands
.ere 2onerted into built up areas due to urbani=ation, many lakes .ere 2onerted into
residential layouts, bus7stands and play grounds#
(y 1>%6, there .ere about :; disused tanks in (angalore City and these lake lands
.ere utili=ed for arious publi2 purposes/2onerted into house sites or en2roa2hed# 3he
ground realities 2on2erning the preseration of (angalore City lakes 2an be summed up as
a- 3he se.erage net .ork in 2ore area of (angalore City Hold ()" areaI is outdated
and not properly net.orked# Conse<uently the storm .ater drains feeding the
series of lakes of (angalore 2ity 2arry untreated se.age in to the lakes, 2ausing
enormous pollution of lake .ater and resultant unhygieni2 2onditions in surrounding
areas# (angalore 2ity has around 01 lakh bore*2ells to meet the 2ater
re(uirement of the city and there are in2idents of ground .ater 2ontamination
reported# , ground .ater study 2arried out in 200% in the three alley regions of
the 2ity indi2ated that the .ater is not fit for human 2onsumption# +etails are
furnished ide $nnexure*3-&# 3he non7inter2eption and diersion of se.age entry
into the storm .ater drains is a ma?or problem and a serious 2on2ern to be
addressed by (!--(#
b- 3he series of lakes in (angalore 2ity are meant to 2apture rain.ater effi2iently from
2at2hment area# (ut the Ra?a kalues and other drains that 2arry rain.ater in to the
lakes are en2roa2hed, blo2ked or narro.ed in many pla2es# Conse<uently many
lakes are getting dried up .ithout entry of .ater during rains# +ried up lake beds
are e8posed to en2roa2hments# En the other hand some of the areas are getting
flooded een after a rainfall of :0 mm, as the ra?akalues and drains are
blo2ked/en2roa2hed/narro.ed do.n, 2ausing aoidable miseries and hardship to
the people#
c- 0ake areas hae be2ome dumping grounds for solid .aste debris, 2onstru2tion
.aste et2# )ost of the lakes are open areas .ithout fen2ing and .at2h ' .ard#
d- 0ake areas are dierted for road making, road .idening in a big7.ay# /or e8ample
the outer7ring road 2onstru2ted during early 1>>0s has used lake bed area in many
lakes like ,gara, 1bbalur, )ahadeapura and $agaara#
e- An2roa2hments are rampant in lake areas due to high alue of land 2onse<uent to
the unpre2edented rapid urbani=ation of the 2ity, espe2ially during the past t.o
de2ades# 3he 9oint 0egislature Committee HRamas.amy 2ommitteeI Report H200&I
on en2roa2hments of 5oernment lands, in2luded 1%:% a2res H2:%% 2asesI of
en2roa2hment in 2ase of lake/tank areas in (angalore 4rban distri2t# , task for2e
.as 2onstituted for prote2tion of 5oernment lands# 0and grabbers in the guise of
deelopers and builders pose serious threat to the prote2tion of all publi2 landsG
lakes are no e82eption# /abri2ation of re2ords and do2uments is resorted to, leading
to grabbing of lake lands# +espite of the fa2t that surey number .ise details of
en2roa2hments and en2roa2hers is a part of the report, a2tion is yet to be initiated
in many 2ases#
f- (angalore +eelopment ,uthority a2<uired lake area on arious o22asions of its
layout deelopments and 2onerted it into sites subse<uently# ,gara,
-aneguruanahalli, Chikkamarenahalli, Ka2harkanahalli, 5eddalahalli, Chelkere,
lakes are some of the e8amples#
g- Reenue department has granted lake area for arious publi2/priate purposes in
many 2ases iolating the proisions of la. and it 2ontinues unabated#
h- 3he areas, .hi2h .ere earlier salubrious for their surrounds .ith lakes, hae no.
be2ome unhygieni2 due to pollution and bad odour#
i- +ue to depleted +issoled E8ygenH+EI leels fish deaths o22ur o22asionally in
many lakes like 1bbalur, +earabisanahalli# 0akes are loaded .ith nitrates and
phosphates leading to eutrophi2ation# 0+, 2arried out .ater analysis of %6 lakes in
(angalore City during 200>710# Eut of the %6 lakes, ;> are highly polluted and :&
are moderately polluted# K-"C( has a regular monitoring of 0ake !ater Juality and
the details are furnished ide $nnexure*3-&&
G- 0ayouts and apartments hae 2ome 2lose to lake boundaries and there are
instan2es of dire2t 2onne2tions of se.erage line in to the lakes#
- 3he added 3o.n )uni2ipal Coun2ils and illages to the (()" ?urisdi2tion,
hae no 45+ net.ork and the open se.age enters the nearby lakes along .ith
drains meant to 2arry rain.ater#
l- Heay e8tra2tion of earth and sand is also seen in some of the lakes, leaing huge
2raters on lake beds#
5. 4he imperatives for Preservation of Bangalore lakes!
3he ne2essity of lake preseration is more pronoun2ed in the 2onte8t of
urbani=ation, .hen 2ity takes more and more illages into its fold as in 2ase of eer7 (angalore City# 4rbani=ation leads to 2onersion of agri2ultural lands to non7
agri2ultural purpose# (ut it does not mean that the lakes that irrigated these lands hae
lost their utility to the 2ommunity#
a- 0akes hae a greater role to play in urbani=ed areas to 2apture rain.ater
effi2iently to fa2ilitate ground .ater re2harge, .hi2h is absolutely re<uired in
(angalore .ith around 1#6 lakh bore7.ells to meet the .ater re<uirements#
/urther, .ell maintained lakes 2an augment the .ater supply to the (angalore
City, as there is already a2ute shortage of .ater supply# $o more .ater 2an be
dra.n from Cauery, after -tage 1@, "hase 11 is 2ompleted by 2011# "resently
the City is not in a position to supply the re<uired 160 litres/2apita .ater
re<uirement to the e8isting population of %> lakh people in (()" area# Hen2e it
needs emergent proa2tie planning and implementation to 2ater to the needs of
estimated 12 million population by 2020# 3he most feasible and iable option is
to keep the lake .ater 2lean by not se.erage entry into lakes on one
side and to re2y2le about 1000 )0+ of .aste .ater by going for tertiary
treatment# Ether.ise the basi2 .ater se2urity need .ill be at stake and the
poorer se2tions of the so2iety get affe2ted badly#
b- 0akes are the lung spa2es of a 2ity and 2limate moderators adding to
thermal ambien2e# 3he City .ith its built7up area and asphalted roads and less
tree 2oer, .ill hae further deteriorated enirons if lakes are disused/destroyed#
0akes hae a dire2t bearing on the <uality of life in urban areas#
c- 0akes support a<uati2 and semi7a<uati2 e2o7systems and 2onseration of
lakes is important to 2onsere biodiersity of flora and fauna uni<ue to the
a<uati2/.etland e2osystems# 0o2al and migratory birds depend on these lakes
for food and per2hing#
d- "roper maintenan2e of lake series and 2onne2ted ra?akalues/drainages
.ill preent flooding of areas as is happening in the 2ity in an in2reased manner
in re2ent years#
e- 0akes hae a great re2reational alue in urban setting# 1f parks are
deeloped surrounding the lake at the time of layout deelopment, they add to
the <uality of urban life#
7. Lake )evelopment $uthority and its role in preservation of
0ake +eelopment ,uthority .as 2onstituted in 2002, as a registered so2iety#
3he ?urisdi2tion of the so2iety e8tends oer the lakes in metropolitan area of
(angalore in2lusie of ()R+, area# (esides the 0+, has ?urisdi2tion of lakes oer
other City )uni2ipal Corporations and 3o.n )uni2ipal Coun2ils in the -tate# 0+, is
the regulatory, planning and poli2y making body .ith nodal fun2tions for prote2tion,
2onseration, re2lamation, restoration, regeneration and integrated deelopment of
lakes in the ?urisdi2tion of the authority# 0+, has a 5oerning 2oun2il headed by the
Chief -e2retary, 5ot#, of Karnataka# $ot.ithstanding its lofty ob?e2ties, 0+, has
no statutory po.ers and has no teeth to deal .ith the 2omple8 issues inoling the
0ake 2onseration in urban areas of the state# 1t is the nodal agen2y for the
$ational 0ake Conseration "rogramme H$0C"I in the -tate and took up restoration
of 16 lakes in Karnataka, .ith 6 of them in (angalore City# 1t is also the $odal
agen2y for $ational !etland "ro?e2ts in the -tate# 3he 0+, has in its 2ustody 11
lakes in (angalore City# +etails are furnished ide $nnexure*-&&
0ooking into the need for a fo2al agen2y to 2onsere lakes in the urban areas
of the -tate and to hae a proper la. to deal .ith arious offen2es related to lakes,
the -tate 5oernment is 2ontemplating on 0ake +eelopment ,uthority (ill# 3he
+raft bill is under the a2tie 2onsideration of the 5oernment# 1f it 2omes in the
form of legislation, 0+, 2an play a ery meaningful role in the 2onseration of lakes
in (angalore City and other urban areas in the state#
=. 5cological Perspective of lake restoration!
3he purpose of any lake restoration programme is to keep the area of the
lake inta2t by remoing en2roa2hments, proide for impounding only 2lean .ater
and safeguard the e2ology of the lake# -ome of the e2ologi2ally sound te2hni<ues
for la2k restoration are listed hereunder and +etailed "ro?e2t Reports hae to be
prepared keeping these prin2iples in ie.#
a- 6n &sland )esign! 1slands in lakes are used by birds and other biota for resting,
roosting and nesting# /or this, islands need to be .ell a.ay from human a2tiity
and should be lo2ated at suffi2ient distan2e from the main7bund and .ater7edge in
su2h a manner that the surrounding .ater proides suffi2ient insulation from
ground predators and human a2tiity# 4nless the area of the lake is more than 20
Ha, it may not be .ise to plan for island formation in the lake under restoration#
Reed planting on the islands must be based on 2areful sele2tion and based on a
2lear understanding of bird use of islands# 3he design of islands and 2hoi2e of
trees for plantation is gien in $nnexure*3&&&
b- 7alk2ays above High 7ater %ark instead of 8ogging 4racks! 1nstead of
ringed eleated ?ogging tra2ks, a pa2ked7mud/ 2obble7stone ground7leel .alk.ay
2an be deeloped .ith a .idth not e82eeding ; mt Hthree metersI# 3his 2an be
established all around the lake perimeter beyond the high7.ater mark or 2lose to
the perimeter fen2e# -u2h ground7leel .alk.ays .ill not obstru2t the inflo. of
run7off .ater from the surrounding 2at2hment area, .hereer it is still e8ists#
c- Planting of tank area 2ith trees and bushes above high 2ater mark! 1n
the open lake area that spreads aboe the high7.ater mark and the perimeter
fen2e, sele2t trees and bushes that are benefi2ial to birds, butterflies and other
biota 2an be planted# 0ist of su2h trees is listed in $nnexure*3&&&#
d- )esignation of lakes as bird sanctuaries +2ith no boating and commercial
fishing,! Histori2ally, the lakes in Karnataka hae supported immense a<uati2
biodiersity in2luding birds and other biota# 0akes that hae a past history of
supporting high bird diersity in terms of spe2ies ri2hness and their numbers should
be identified in 2onsultation .ith 2ompetent personnel/bird.at2hers and de2lared
as bird san2tuaries# ,n in situ deelopment and management plan should be
dra.n7up by treating ea2h lake as a uni<ue 2ase# -u2h lakes should be identified
as uni<ue bird habitats/bird refuges, should be kept free of all disturban2es like
boating and other .ater7sports, 2ommer2ial fishing, poa2hing, et2, and notified for
prote2tion as per the !etland Rules, 2010#
e- %anagement of Ra9a Kaluves! $o en2roa2hment, se.age inflo. or garbage
dumping must be allo.ed into Ra?a Kalues# 1n addition, appropriate silt and .aste
trapping stru2tures may be set up at regular distan2es of the Ra?a Kalue#
"rote2tion of these 2anals are 2riti2al as they lifelines for the surial of lakes and
harbour immense potential for biodiersity 2onseration, re2reation, and gra=ing
and farming, in2luding urban 2ommunity gardens# !ith imagination and
innoation, Ra?a Kalues 2an easily be2ome the spa2e for building e2ologi2ally
2ommitted 2ommunities in urban areas# 3he Ra?a Kalues that are not en2roa2hed,
or partially destroyed, must be prote2ted from further en2roa2hment and
destru2tion by lie fen2ing as though they .ere tree .edges interlinking lakes# ,
list of spe2ies that may be planted along Ra?a Kalues is furnished in $nnexure*
f- Prevention of se2age inflo2 into the lake!

-e.age treated to se2ondary
treatment standards must only be allo.ed into the lake bodies# $o ra. se.age or
trade effluents must be allo.ed into lakes bodies# !hereer possible, treated
se.age must be made to flo. through dense reed beds and/or 2onstru2ted
.etlands, designed in a manner that is both aestheti2, e2ologi2ally iable and .ith
lo. maintenan2e# 3hese reed beds/2onstru2ted .etlands aid in 2leaning
up/filtering the .aters, improe lo2al mi2ro72limati2 2onditions, in2rease ground
.ater re2harge bet.een the lake bodies#
>. 'trategy for preservation of Bangalore lakes!
1- 0ake area should not be dierted for any other purpose as lakes hae an in2reased
and important role to play isKa7is lakes in rural areas, like ground .ater re2harge,
2limate moderation, a2t as lung spa2es, .ater for arious purposes, urban
re2reation et2# 3he City has lost many important lakes due arious diersions
8- 0ake area is to be sureyed .ith total station as per the illage map and re2ords#
An2roa2hments, if any, are to be remoed# ,s part of surey, boundary stones in
2on2rete are to be fi8ed in ; to : 2orners of the surey, to fa2ilitate easy future re7
surey .ork of the lake as and .hen re<uired# 1t is suggested to re2ord 0atitude '
0ongitude alues of the 2orner stones so fi8ed by using +ifferential 5lobal
"ositioning -ystem H5"-I of sub7meter a22ura2y# 1t is releant in the ba2kground of
eer es2alating land alue in (angalore 2ity and 2onse<uent ested interests to grab
publi2 lands ad?oining priate lands# 5eographi2al 1nformation -ystem H51-I is to be
established for the lakes of (angalore City for planning and monitoring purpose#
9- 0ake preseration is not limited to lake area itself, but ery mu2h dependant on
2at2hment area and the drains that bring rain.ater in to the lake# Ra?a kalues,
bran2h kalues are to be sureyed and en2roa2hment therein ei2ted# 3he buffer
pres2ribed for primary, se2ondary ' tertiary drains in alleys as per Lonal
Regulations has to be religiously implemented, more so in areas .hi2h are not
deeloped yet, to fa2ilitate appropriate storm .ater drains, se.erage lines,
inspe2tion paths et2#, as .hen the area 2omes up for deelopment/urbani=ation#
,dan2e a2tion in this manner is imperatie, if the unplanned deelopment of Core
area (angalore City is not to re2ur in future#
;- 3he present norm of ;0 mt buffer surrounding leagal boundary lakes is a must to
presere the lakes and if the buildings are allo.ed too 2lose to lakes, it .ill affe2t
the lake enironment adersely# 3he buffer limits, needs to be reie.ed and it is
suggested to in2rease the ;0 mt buffer progressiely by 2mt per eery 6 ha of
in2rease in lake area beyond :0 ha2# 3his .ill fa2ilitate deelopment of buffer
surrounding the lake in the form of tree parks, .alking path .ithout
redu2ing/2ompromising lake area for 2reation of su2h fa2ilities#
5- 0ake preseration has to be integral to 0ayout +eelopment by (+, and 0ayout
approals by deelopment and planning authorities like (1,",, )1C,",,
$elamangala "lanning ,uthority, Hosakote "lanning ,uthority et2#, as eentually
these areas .ill be part of (angalore 2ity# (+, should not a2<uire lake area at the
time of notifying the area for deelopment and allot sites in the lake area as .as
done in many a layout deelopment preiously# 1nstead they hae to properly get
all the lakes, ra?a kalues, drains sureyed and marked on the ground as per illage
re2ords .ith boundary stones and make proisions for buffers as laid out in their
norms# 3he area that has to be kept for parks as amenity in the (+, 0ayouts, 2an
be earmarked surrounding the lake area, so that it seres the 2onseration of lakes
and publi2 re2reation as .ell# -torm .ater drains and 45+s are to be laid out,
before the sites are allotted, lest the problems of 2ore (angalore are bound to o22ur
een in ne. areas#
7- Core operations like surey, remoal of en2roa2hments, fen2ing, .at2h and .ard,
2learing of blo2ked and en2roa2hed ra?a kalues ' drains, .aste7.eir repairs, de7
silting to the e8tent absolutely re<uired are to be taken up on priority#
=- Affe2tie 0ake area should not be redu2ed by 2onerting lake area into parks,
2hildren play grounds, .idened bunds et2# 3he de7silting has to be minimi=ed to
remoe only sludge portion .ith minimum depth near foreshore rea2hing ma8imum
depth at the bund# 3he present sau2er shaped de7silting should be gien up as it is
2ost prohibitie and leads to huge bund making and 2reating storage 2apa2ity
beyond the need# -au2er shaped deepening of lake bed .ill affe2t the .etland
formation in the foreshore region of the lake, .hi2h is essential to filter the .ater
that enters the lake and important from e2ologi2al point of ie.# A82eption to this
2an be restoration of lakes, .ith ade<uate anti2ipated inflo. during rainy season,
.here deepening is suggested keeping in ie. impounding more .ater to re2harge
the depleting ground .ater and to mitigate the flash floods#
>- 4nless se.age entry is restri2ted, based on the e8perien2e of lakes deeloped so
far, no lake improement is to be taken up e82ept surey, remoal of
en2roa2hments, fen2ing and .at2h ' .ard# 3here is no point in de7silting and other
deelopments, if lake 2ontinues to re2eie polluted .ater# +ierting se.age is not
an option in the absen2e of other inlets into the lake to bring rain.ater# +ierting
se.age is leading to drying of lakes as in 2ase of +oddabommasandra lake, ,gara
lake et2# (!--(s a2tion plan to separate the se.erage entry in to storm .ater
drains dire2tly and 2onse<uently in to the lakes .ill be in pla2e only by 201:/2016#
3his being the 2ase the agen2ies deeloping the lakes may hae to inariably go far
a -e.age 3reatment "lant for an indiidual lake/for a group of inter2onne2ted lakes
in 2onsultation .ith (!--( to ensure that they fit into their larger plan of se.age
treatment# Lake restoration is to be taken up based on lake series:sub*
series and not in isolation/ to have better results and impact
?- -ome of the lakes of (angalore are prominent for their e2ology due to lo2al and
migratory birds, a<uati2 fauna and flora# 0akes of this nature are to be improed
keeping this aspe2t in fo2us so that after the deelopment lake is not sub?e2ted to
in2reased disturban2e in the area# -u2h lakes may be identified and notified under
!etland HConseration and )anagementI Rules, 2010#
1@- ,nnual field inspe2tion by higher authorities of the 2ustodian organi=ations and
annual ?amabandi of lake re2ords by reenue department ' lake 2ustodian
organi=ations are to be 2arried out#
11- -ele2ted lakes are to be deeloped for augmenting .ater supply to 2ity as the City
2ant dra. .ater from Cauery beyond its allo2ation to the City, .hi2h it .ill
e8haust on2e Cauery .ater supply -tage 1@, "hase 11 is 2ompleted by 2011#
-e.age entry into the sele2ted lakes has to be stopped totally and tertiary .ater
treatment has to be installed#
18- 0ake management 2ommittees hae to be 2onstituted .ith representaties from
Resident !elfare ,sso2iations/$5Es#
19- 3raditional users of the lakes like +hobis/fisherman interests are to be taken 2are
of# 1f lake is used traditionally for .ashing 2lothes, dhobi ghats are to be
2onstru2ted .hen the lake is taken up for deelopment#
?. $ction Plan
a- Preservation and restoration of lakes in BB%P area
3here are 1%> lakes in (()" area, out of .hi2h 12> are .ith (()", :: .ith
(+,, 11 .ith 0+, and 6 .ith K/+# 3he summary of lakes deeloped, being
deeloped and to be deeloped is furnished hereunder# ,ll these lakes are to be
deeloped by the end of 201:#
in Progress
HaI (()" 1; 1% >% 12>
HbI (+, & 6 ;1 ::
H2I 0+, > 7 2 11
HdI K/+ 2 0 ; 6
4otal ;0 <= 0;= 0>?
(()" 2an restore the >% lakes yet to be deeloped, if Rs 262 2rore is made
aailable, as their internal resour2es are ?ust ade<uate to 2omplete the restoration
.orks already 2ommen2ed in 1% lakes# (+, is taking up the restoration .ork of ;&
lakes H6 ongoing restorationM;1 yet to be restoredI through its internal funding#
0+, 2an take up the restoration of 2 lakes and maintenan2e of other lakes from its
internal resour2es and by utili=ing the annual budgetary support from the
5oernment# K/+ needs a budgetary support of Rs ;06 lakh for restoration of
"uttaeahalli HFalahankaI, )ylasandra and 9arakbande kaal lakes and for
maintenan2e of )adi.ala and Hennur lakes# (ellandur and @arthur lakes are .ith
(+, and they are preparing pro?e2ts for restoration of these t.o highly polluted
terminal lakes of Koramangala ' Challaghatta alley# 4nless the pro?e2t report is
ready, the 2ost estimates are not aailable#
0ake restoration on an aerage needs 2 to ; years, as it inoles surey, remoal of
en2roa2hments and 2onse<uent litigation, preparation of +etailed "ro?e2t Reports,
3e2hni2al approals, 3endering "ro2ess, finan2ial 2losure of bids and e8e2ution of
restoration .ork# Hen2e the time frame of 20117201: is made for restoration of 1%>
lakes in the 2ustody of (()", (+,, 0+, ' K/+# +etails of lakes proposed for
restoration are furnished in $nnexure*&&& +BB%P,/ $nnexure* -& +B)$,/
$nnexure @-&& +L)$,/ $nnexure*-&&& +KA),
$ction! BB%P/ B)$/ L)$/ KA)
4ime frame! By the end of <B0=
b- Record verification and 9oint inspection n of certain lakes:kuntes in BB%P
3here are 121 additional kuntes HpondsI/lakes as per illage maps ' re2ords and
a thorough erifi2ation of these 2ases based on re2ords and ?oint field inspe2tion is
re<uired to assess the ground position and to arrie at a time bound ,2tion "lan# 3his
task inoles thorough erifi2ation of reenue re2ords and illage maps and physi2al
erifi2ation of the fa2ts on the ground# Hen2e time is re<uired till +e2ember, 2011#
,fter field erifi2ation 2ase by 2ase, surey of the area .ill be taken up and ,2tion
"lan .ill be dra.n up for remoal of en2roa2hment ne2essary restoration
programme# 0ist of lakes/kuntes in (()" area to be erified on ground is furnished in
$nnexure @ 3&
$ction! Revenue )epartment/ BB%P/ L)$
4ime frame! By the end of <B00
c- Preservation and restoration of lakes in the custody of Cilla Panchayat/
Bangalore Drban )istrict in Bangalore City +BB%PEB)$ area,
1n (+, area He82luding (()" areaI, there are 1&> lakes in the 2ustody of
Lilla "ana2hayat, (angalore 4rban distri2t and 1% lakes in the 2ustody of )inor
1rrigation +epartment# ,ll these lake areas are to be sureyed, en2roa2hments to
be remoed and fen2ed by the respe2tie 2ustodian departments in one year time#
1n 2ase further restoration .orks are re<uired, the 2ustodians .ill 2omplete them by
201:, .ith the budgetary support from the respe2tie +epartments# )inor 1rrigation
+epartment has already made a budgetary proision for surey, remoal of
en2roa2hments and fen2ing of 1% lakes in their 2ustody under grants from 1;
Central /inana2e Commission# 3he list of the 1&> lakes and 1% lakes under Lilla
"an2hayath, (angalore 4rban +istri2t and )inor 1rrigation +epartment repe2tiely is
furnished ide $nnexure* &3 F $nnexure*3
$ction! Cilla panchayath/ Bangalore Drban )istrict F %inor &rrigation
4ime frame! By the end <B0< +for CP lakes, and by %arch/ <B0< for %&
d-B7''B $ction Plan to completely collect and treat se2age in BB%P area
3he e8isting se.erage system .as proided in 1>&: and 1>%2 in the 2ore
area of (angalore 2ity# 3he total length of smaller diameter se.ers laid in 2ore area
is around ;;6& Km and trunk se.ers proided is about 2:; Km# +ue to 2ontinuous
usage oer the years, the e8isting se.erage system is not fun2tioning properly# 3he
main reasons attributable for this are en2roa2hments made oer the lines at
some pla2es resulting in non7maintenan2e, spillage due to oer load effe2t, 2ro.n
2orrosion of pipes at some rea2hes due to gas effe2t, silting up of lines,
damages 2aused to the lines running in storm .ater drains et2# ,s a result
the (oard is finding it ery diffi2ult to 2oney the entire .aste .ater generated to
the -3"s for treatment before dis2harging to the nearby lakes and .ater bodies#
3hese main trunk lines and laterals need repla2ement#
3he added eight 3o.n )uni2ipal Coun2il areas and 110 illages to
(()" area hae no se.erage net.orkG hen2e trunk se.ers and laterals are to be
laid out#
(!--( has 1: -e.age 3reatment "lants .ith installed 2apa2ity of &21 )0+
and these plants are operated at 60N 2apa2ity utili=ation as se.erage net .ork is
not 2omplete# En2e if the se.erage net .orks are upgraded and net.orked
properly, 2apa2ity utili=ation of e8isting -3"s 2an be optimally utili=ed# !aste .ater
treatment fa2ility of (!--( is furnished ide $nnexure*3&- (!--( has plans to
establish -3"s in 2: more lo2ations .ith additional 2apa2ity of 6;> )0+, making a
total -3" 2apa2ity of 1;60 )0+#
3he salient features of ea2h alley, treatment fa2ility aailable in ea2h alley,
a2tion taken for repla2ement/rehabilitation of the e8isting se.ers, se.erage
net.ork to be proided in the peripheral areas in2orporated in (()" is furnished
ide $nnexure 3-#
3he total estimated fund re<uirement is Rs 6>&2 2rore, out of .hi2h (!--(
has tied up for Rs 16%6 2rore and funding of Rs :2%6 2rore is yet to be sour2ed#
3he detailed a2tion plan of (!--( is furnished in $nnexure*3-
$ction! B7''B
4ime frame! By the end of <B0=
e- 7ater (uality monitoring by K'PCB
K-"C( .ill take up a onetime analysis of <uality of .ater Ht.i2e a yearI in
2ase of all the lakes in the City to hae a ben2hmark information#
$ction! K'PCB
4ime frame! 6ne year
f- $nnual inspection of all the lakes in Bangalore city by higher officials
,part from periodi2al inspe2tions by field staff, a mandatory inspe2tion by
A8e2utie Angineers/ ,AA of the respe2tie 2ustodian organi=ations of the lakes,
should be held annually to take sto2k of the status of lakes# ,fter the annual
inspe2tion, a report shall be prepared and .ebhosted#
g- Creation of data base for the lakes in Bangalore City and making it 2eb
0+, .ill build up a database for all the lakes in (angalore City, based on the
illage maps and re2ords giing @illage .ise, -urey number .ise details and
.ebhosting the same# 3he database also proides information about the status of
ongoing restoration .orks of lakes# 5eographi2al 1nformation -ystem has to be
established for proper planning and monitoring of lake 2onseration#
$ction! L)$ and Revenue )epartment
4ime frame! By the end of <B0<
h- $ugmenting 7ater 'upply to Bangalore City from Lakes!
(angalore population .ill e82eed 12 million by 2020 at the 2urrent rate#
3he present .ater shortage may lead to .ater 2risis, if the problem is not ta2kled .ith
lot of foresight and adan2ed planning# 3he lakes of (angalore, if maintained properly,
.ill augment the .ater supply to the 2ity besides in2reased ground .ater re2harge#
3he ground .ater is getting depleted and bore7.ells of &00 to 1000 feet deep are
<uite 2ommon in the City these days# 0ooking at the grae .ater 2risis looming, it is
prudent to take up a 2omprehensie study of use of lakes to augment drinking .ater
and to re2y2le .aste .ater through tertiary treatment for reuse#
$ction! B7''B
4ime frame! one year
0B, Recommendations!
aI 5oernment may e8amine e8tending the s2ope and ?urisdi2tion of (angalore
)etropolitan 3ask /or2e H()3/I to remoe en2roa2hments on lake lands#
bI -eparate 2ell may be 2reated in the Reenue +epartment for -urey of lake
areas in the (angalore City, .ith dedi2ated staff of 100 sureyors, to 2omplete lake
surey as planned#
2I 5oernment may 2onsider imposition of 5reen Cess and its modalities may be
.orked out# 1t may be leied on @ehi2le users/"E0 2onsumers, Anergy ineffi2ient
buildings et2# /unds so generated 2an be utili=ed for the maintenan2e of the
restored lakes#
00, $ckno2ledgements!
3he Committee is immensely thankful to -ri ,#@#Chandra -ekhar, "rin2ipal +istri2t '
-essions 9udge, (angalore Rural +istri2t and -ri )ustafa Hussain -#,, )ember -e2retary,
High Court 0egal -eri2es Committee for their unstinted support and assistan2e in
finali=ing the draft#
3he Committee keeps on re2ord the a2tie parti2ipation in deliberations,
suggestions and assistan2e from -ri @#(alasubramanian, 1,- HretdI, Chairman, 3ask /or2e
for "rote2tion of 5oernment 0andsG -ri R#)#$#-ahai,1/-, +5, A)"R1G
+r#4#@#-ingh,1/-,CC/,0+,G -ri 5uruprasad, CA, )inor 1rrigationG-ri )#$#9ayaprakash, -AE,
K-"C(G -ri (#@# -athish, CA, 0akes, (()"G )s @anashri @ipin -ingh, 1/-, +C/, (angalore
4rban +iisionG -ri ,#4daya Kumar, AE, K-"C(G -ri ,marnath, +C/, (+,G -ri @#C#Kumar,
AA, (!--(G -ri Rai, AA, (()"G -ri @# ,nandG+AE, K-"C(#
3he Committee has organi=ed an intera2tie session on 11/01/2011# +r $andini,
Chairperson, +ept of Anironmental -2ien2es, (angalore 4niersityG -ri C#$#(abu, CA
HretdIG -ri K#-#Ramas.amy, Chairman, 3,C, 0+,G Capt -# "rabhala,Chairman, (angalore
Anironment 3rustG )a?or "ramod Kapur HRetdI, Koramangala 1nitiatieG )s "urnima
Kumar, Resear2h ,sso2iate, ,3RAAG -ri 9ai )an?unath, -ep2on -ystemsG -ri )#-ekhar, 11-2,
(angaloreG -ri -umesh +udani, 11-2, (angaloreG -ri R#Ramamurthi, Anironmentalist,
(ellandu, (loreG -ri (oshy Khanna, +$, $e.s "aperG -ri -unil +utt Fada, ,do2ate hae
attended the session and offered their aluable suggestionsG the 2ommittee is grateful to
3he Committee e8tends its spe2ial thanks and appre2iation to -ri 0eo -aldanha,
Conenor, A-5, (angalore and +r -ubramanya, "rofessor, 4,-, 5K@K for their aluable
suggestions, parti2ularly 2on2erning A2ologi2al Restoration of 0akes, dealt in the report
under 2hapter H>I and ,nne8ure HO111I# Eur thanks are due to -ri F#+#)anmohan, -enior
Consultant, -34", for haing proided the re<uired support at arious stages#
3he Committee thanks one and all, .ho hae assisted it in the task of Report
12. #a$e %estoration & Photos
'engaina$ere #a$e
(e!ore restoration
A!ter restoration
Naga)ara "a$e
(e!ore restoration
A!ter restoration
#a"bagh "a$e
(e!ore restoration
A!ter restoration
*ebba" "a$e
(e!ore restoration
A!ter restoration
+othan,r -an$. %estored
San$e/ -an$. %estored
0""a" #a$e & %estored
Ma""athaha""i #a$e. %estored
+)o2nloaded as a separate folder,

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