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Health Is Wealth

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The passage discusses how increasingly busy lifestyles and poor diet and exercise have led to increased rates of obesity and diseases like diabetes. It argues that maintaining good health is important for quality of life and career, and is a form of wealth in itself.

The passage argues that good health means lesser healthcare expenditures and more savings, so good health effectively means wealth. It says that in difficult times, health cannot be considered in isolation from lifestyle management.

The passage says that increased work hours, less physical exercise, and a diet of 'fast foods' have contributed to increased health issues. It also mentions artificial preservatives, salts, and sweeteners in fast and junk foods.


These days, living in the world seems to have become very complicated.
Everyone seems to be in a great hurry to do anything, whether it is going to office or
even during meals. Working hours are increasing by the day, and as a result, it means
no recreation in the evenings, no holiday outings during weekends, leave alone the
occasional vacations during summer or Christmas.
Busy livelihoods have meant even less physical exercise combined with a diet of
fast foods! both of which would enable additional time for work. "o, it appears that man
is #ust thinking only about work, work and work. But what are the conse$uences and
where is this taking us%
&esearch by worldwide health care institutions have shown that in the last
decade since the millennium, the rates of obesity, lifestyle diseases such as diabetes
and hypertension along with elevated lipid levels have increased by at least '(), which
is alarming. This has led to increased expenditure on hospitali*ation and medicines, not
to mention the costly loss of lives of the unfortunate ones who could not have been
saved due to complications such as heart attacks, strokes and cancers.
This is a vicious cycle because after a person starts having ma#or health related
issues, it begins to affect his day to day work and then gradually, his career, and
sometimes, he may lose his #ob in these recessionary times. This increases his stress
levels, contributing to discord at home with his family, and hence, the situation only
takes a turn for worse.
The phrase health is wealth! had a direct meaning to imply that ultimately, poor
health would cost a lot and hence, losses. +n other words, good health meant lesser
expenditure and more savings, and hence, it meant wealth. ,ence, in these trying
times, we cannot take the issue of health in isolation. Being healthy is part of a much
larger framework of lifestyle management.
+t is therefore important to understand what our ideals in life are, what we want to
achieve and this would guide us to the kind of lifestyle that we have to lead. -oney is
not everything, for, there are many, who, in the wild pursuit of wealth, could hardly live
longer to en#oy it. .n the other hand, communities such as the "eventh /ay 0dventists
or certain reclusive communities have had generations of people living in their nineties
or even touching a century.
This brings us to the point, is mere living in this world the aim, or should not we
leave our footprints on this earth before we depart so that our contributions would live
longer than us. 1robably, the middle path may be the best way out.
Today, the environment is under threat due to effects of global warming. ,ence,
we people need to understand that even if we cannot create a green environment, at
least we should not harm it. The concept of a health living is closely associated with an
environment friendly lifestyle. When we consume more fast foods and #unk food, we are
also consuming more artificial preservatives, salts, sweeteners, all of which are
manmade and not natural for the habitat.
The concept of health is not #ust physical through exercises and sports, but also
mental and spiritual. ,ere is where, 2oga and -editation comes into our lives. The
effect of regular breathing exercises and 2oga will be to calm us down, bringing down
our blood pressure and calming our nerves, whether in office or with our spouses and
children. .verall, this would be great for life, for the #oy of living would be rediscovered.
"o, to conclude, health is the best form of wealth, a lot better than material
wealth. What health can buy is the #oy of living, which, richness somehow seems to fail.
This is similar to the story of the king, who was advised to wear a happy man3s shirt for
happiness, ultimately found a beggar who was happy, but did not have a shirt4
Poem of the day-66: "Only a Soldier!"
Unarmed and unattended' walks the Czar'
Through Moscow's busy street' one winter's day.
The crowd uncover as his face' they see:
"od greet the Czar!" they say.
"long his #ath there moved a funeral$
rave s#ectacle of #overty and woe %
" wretched sledge$ dragged by one weary man
&lowly across the snow.
"nd on the sledge$ blown by the winter wind$
'ay a #oor coffin$ very rude and bare(
"nd he who drew it bent before his load
)ith dull and sullen air.
The *m#eror sto##ed and beckoned to the man:
")ho is it thou bearest to the grave+" he said.
",nly a soldier$ sire!" the short re#ly(
",nly a soldier$ dead."
",nly a soldier!" musing$ said the Czar:
",nly a -ussian$ who was #oor and brave.
Move on$ . follow. &uch' a one goes not
Unhonored to his grave."
/e bent his head and silent raised his ca#(
The Czar of all the -ussians$ #acing slow$
0ollowed the coffin as again it went
&lowly across the snow.
The #assers of the street$ all wondering$
'ooked on that sight$ then followed silently(
1easant and #rince$ and artisans and clerk$
"ll in one com#any.
&till as they went$ the crowd grew ever more$
Till thousands stood around the friendless grave$
'ed by that #rincely heart$ who$ royal$ true$
/onoured the #oor and brave.
5 Poem author - Unknown

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