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Improving The Quality of Nipa (Nypa Fruticans) Wine

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Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Arts and Sciences | Vol. 1, No.

1 | March 2014
ISSN 2362 8022 |
Improving The Quality Of Nipa ( Nypa fruticans) Wine

Apayao State College, San Isidro Sur, Luna, Apayao

Abstract - This study was aimed to improve the quality
of nipa wine. Specifically, it was intended to determine what
fruit juices that can be added to nipa wine that improve its
quality; compare the sample treatments in terms of taste, color
and aroma; and determine the cost of production of the
different samples.
The different treatments were: T0-Nipa wine (NW)
control, T1 Nipa wine + Mulberry fruit extract T2 NW +
Pineapple, and Treatment 3 NW + Calamansi. The samples
were evaluated by 30 panel of judges in terms of taste, aroma
and color. Data were analyzed using ranking and rank
difference was further tested using the Friedmans rank test.
Results revealed that T1 was the most preferred
sample in terms of taste and color while treatment 2 on aroma.
The least preferred treatment was the control. Rank differences
showed highly significant result in their taste, aroma and color.
Hence, nipa wine can be further improve using fruit
juice additives. Hence, the following recommendations are
forwarded: Mass Production of the improved nipa wine should
be undertaken as part of the income generating activities of the
college; Promotion of the improved nipa wine should be done
especially in trade fairs; The alcohol, sugar content and other
nutrients content should be done which is a needed in the
development of product label; Design and development of
packaging materials should be done for an added market
value; Conduct other researches which focuses on other fruit
additives should be done; Similar studies should be conducted
especially to other wine of less economic value.

Nipa is scientifically known as Nypa fruticans. It is
grown abundantly in estuaries body of water. This palm has a
short, mainly underground trunk and very large erect leaves up
to 6 meter tall. The leaves are divided into leaflets. A
flowering head forms on a short erect stern that rises among the
palm leaves.
The young flower stalk and the seeds provide a good
source of sap that can be processed into varied products. The
sap can be taken by cutting the flower stalk and collect the
juice. The juice is rich in sugar and can be used in fermenting
wine. The seeds are hard but edible.
Some wine connoisseurs say its taste is comparable if not
better to imported wines. Many wine drinkers would try it too,
but it cost more than the popular barangay gin of a favorite
Barangay basketball team. And so, the kapainan nipa wine of
Tabba, Abulug, Cagayan envisioned of introducing their wine
into Philippine market, initially which will eventually move to
the world market in the future.
Nipa is a kind of palm tree that grows profusely on the
banks of Cagayan river in Cagayan province. It provides a
great source of livelihood namely wine and vinegar from the
sap, sugar, roofing from the leaves, and the haven for varied
forms of aquatic life.
In addition, casual observation of most nipa population
reveal the limited adaptiveness of the palm. It occurs most
commonly in areas where brackish water occurs, extending for
upstream into permanent fresh water areas where tidal
influential water level fluctuations are able to carry and
deposits the seeds. Secondarily, it can occur on low flats and
depressions near or from the main water bodies, at the base of
eroding slopes and cliff, or on sandy ridges or embankments. It
can tolerate infrequent inundation.

This study was intended to improve the quality of nipa
wine using fruit additives. It sought to determine what fruit
juices that can be added to nipa wine that improve its quality;
to compare the sample treatments in terms of taste, color and
aroma; determine the cost of production of the different


Treatments Preparations
Nipa wine was purchased from Tayak, Abulug, Cagayan.
The juice of three known fruits from the locality were added to
add flavor and taste to the wine. The following were the
treatments preparations:
T0- control ( nipa wine)
T1- 1 L nipa wine + 1 cup sugar + 2 cups Fermented mulberry
T2- 1 L nipa wine + 2 cups sugar + 2 cups calamansi juice
T3- 1 L Nipa wine + 1 cup sugar + 2 cups Fermented pineapple

Data Gathered
Samples were coded and were subjected to sensory
evaluation. Samples were evaluated by panel of examinees (
wine drinkers) consisted of community people and some
members of the faculty of the college . Each samples were
evaluated in terms of color, aroma and taste.

Statistical Analysis of Data
Data were analyzed using ranking. Rank Differences were
subjected to Friedmans Rank Test.

Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Arts and Sciences | Vol. 1, No. 1 | March 2014
ISSN 2362 8022 |

Figure 1. Schematic Diagram of the processes involved in the study.


Characteristics of Each Sample
The ripe fruit of the fruit additives were selected and
fermented for about two weeks. These were added to nipa
wine based on the desired proportions. The color, aroma and
color characteristics is tabulated below.

Table 1. Color, aroma and taste characteristics of the samples.
Treatments Color Aroma Taste
T0 Turbid
Nipa odor,
A little of bitter
T1 Violet
Sweet( mulberry
Little of sweet
and bitter taste
T2 Turbid Calamansi aroma
A blend of sweet,
sour and bitter
Pineapple aroma
A blend of sweet
and bitter (
pineapple flavor)

The color of the different samples vary from each other
based on the additives added to the wine. The addition of
fermented fruit extract to treatment 2 and treatment 3 (
pineapple and mulberry) added color to the wine. The violet
color of the mulberry is due to the extracted anthocyanin
content of fruits and vegetables in plants. Anthocyanin has
been proven to be a good antioxidant.

Sensory Evaluation
Sensory evaluation was done by 30 wine drinkers who
served as panel of judges. The wine samples were judged in
terms of taste, color or body, and aroma. Each of the samples
were ranked based on the preference of the panelists. The data
is tabulated below.

Table 2 shows the taste preference of the different samples
by 30 panel of judges

Fruit Selection and
Mixing ( Nipa Wine and Fermented Fruit
Bottling, Sealing &
Nipa Wine
Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Arts and Sciences | Vol. 1, No. 1 | March 2014
ISSN 2362 8022 |
Table 2. Taste preference of the different samples by 30 panel
of judges
Panelists T0 T1 T2 T3
1 4 1 2 3
2 4 2 1 3
3 4 1 2 3
4 4 1 2 3
5 4 1 3 2
6 4 2 1 3
7 4 1 3 2
8 4 3 2 1
9 4 1 2 3
10 4 2 1 3
11 4 1 2 3
12 4 2 1 3
13 4 1 2 3
14 4 1 2 3
15 4 1 2 3
16 4 1 2 3
17 4 2 1 3
18 4 2 1 3
19 4 2 1 3
20 4 2 1 3
21 4 1 2 3
22 4 1 3 2
23 4 1 3 2
24 4 2 1 3
25 4 2 1 3
26 4 1 3 2
27 4 2 3 1
28 4 1 2 3
29 4 1 2 3
30 4 1 2 3
Total 120 43 56 81
Overall Rank 4 1 2 3

The above table shows the sensory evaluation made by 30
panel of judges on taste to the different treatment preparation.
Results showed that the addition of fruit fermented juices
improve the taste quality of the samples. As shown in the table
treatment 1, a nipa wine added with fermented mulberry juice
came up to be ranked 1 followed by pineapple flavored wine,
and calamansi juice. Mulberry is a fruit, popularly known for
its leaves used in sericulture. Some notable institutions such as
the MMSU, DMMSU and other SUC have been processing
mulberry wine. Likewise, pineapple wines are already out in
the local and international markets. The taste of pineapple
added flavor to the taste quality of nipa wine. Calamansi
flavored wine is the least preferred among the fruit flavors due
to its sour taste. Aside from the alcohol content, wine drinkers
prefer wines which has good taste such that most wines are
made up of fermented fruit juices.
Results of the Friedmans Rank test shows highly
significant result as revealed in the computed Fr value, 68.92.
This value is greater than the critical value of Fr at 5% and 1%
which are 7.81 and 11.34 respectively.
Table 3. Preference of 30 panel of judges on the different
treatments in terms of aroma
Panelists T0 T1 T2 T3
1 4 2 1 3
2 4 1 2 3
3 4 2 1 3
4 4 1 2 3
5 4 3 2 1
6 4 2 1 3
7 4 2 1 3
8 4 2 1 3
9 4 2 1 3
10 4 3 1 2
11 4 2 1 3
12 4 3 1 2
13 4 2 1 3
14 4 3 1 2
15 4 3 1 2
16 4 2 1 3
17 4 2 1 3
18 4 3 2 1
19 4 3 1 2
20 4 2 1 3
21 4 3 1 2
22 4 1 2 3
23 4 1 3 2
24 4 2 1 3
25 4 2 1 3
26 4 2 1 3
27 4 2 1 3
28 4 2 1 3
29 4 2 1 3
30 4 2 1 3
Total 120 64 37 79
Overall Rank 4 2 1 3

The aroma of food and drink products has been one of the
important considerations. The aroma of food, wine and
beverages add up to the overall acceptability and marketability.
Looking at the above table, nipa wine mixed with fermented
pineapple juice ranked first among the treatment followed by
treatment 1 and treatment 3. The least preferred among the
treatment is the control. This means that the aroma of nipa
wine can still be improved by adding fruit juices. Pineapple
juice has been noted for its sweet aroma such that it has been
used for culinary purposes. Besides, people are already
familiar with pineapple aroma.
Highly significant result was observed in the rank
differences of the different treatment as manifested in the
computed Fr value, 72.12. This value is greater than the
critical values of Fr both at 5% and 15 level of significance
which are 7.81 and 11. 34 respectively. This means that
treatment 2 is the best treatment followed by treatment 1 and
treatment 3.

Table 4 shows the color preference of 30 panelists on the
different treatments
Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Arts and Sciences | Vol. 1, No. 1 | March 2014
ISSN 2362 8022 |
Table 4. Color preference of 30 panelist on the different
Panelists T0 T1 T2 T3
1 4 1 2 3
2 4 1 2 3
3 4 1 2 3
4 4 1 3 2
5 4 1 3 2
6 4 2 1 3
7 4 2 1 3
8 4 1 2 3
9 4 1 2 3
10 4 1 2 3
11 4 1 2 3
12 4 2 3 1
13 4 2 1 3
14 4 1 2 3
15 4 1 3 2
16 4 1 2 3
17 4 1 3 2
18 4 1 3 2
19 4 1 3 2
20 4 1 3 2
21 4 1 2 3
22 4 1 3 2
23 4 3 1 2
24 4 1 2 3
25 4 1 3 2
26 4 3 2 1
27 4 1 3 2
28 4 1 2 3
29 4 1 2 3
30 4 1 2 3
Total 120 38 67 75
Overall Rank 4 1 2 3

The color preference of the different treatments is
tabulated in the above table. Result shows that treatment 1 is
the most preferred treatment, followed by treatment 2 and
treatment 3 respectively. The least preferred sample is the
control. The violet color of mulberry added color to the nipa
wine which makes its color pleasing to wine drinkers. Fruits
that contains pigmentation has been known for their
anthocyanin content. Anthocyanin is a color ( blue, red,
violet)found in fruit, vegetables and root crops (sweet potato)
which is known to have antioxidant property.
When rank difference was subjected to Friedmans rank
test, the computed Fr value is 69.16. This value
is greater than the value of Fr at 5% and 1% level of
significance which are 7.81 and 11. 34 respectively. Thus,
result is highly significant difference favoring treatment 1
followed by treatment 2 and treatment 3. the least preferred is
still the control.

This study was aimed to improve the quality of nipa wine.
Specifically, it was intended to determine what fruit juices that
can be added to nipa wine that improve its quality; compare the
sample treatments in terms of taste, color and aroma; and
determine the cost of production of the different samples.
The different treatments were: T0-Nipa wine (NW)
control, T1 Nipa wine + Mulberry fruit extract T2 NW +
Pineapple, and Treatment 3 NW + Calamansi. The samples
were evaluated by 30 panel of judges in terms of taste, aroma
and color. Data were analyzed using ranking and rank
difference was further tested using the Friedmans rank test.
Results revealed that T1 was the most preferred sample in
terms of taste and color while treatment 2 on aroma. The least
preferred treatment was the control. Rank differences showed
highly significant result in their taste, aroma and color.
From the result of the study, it can concluded that the
quality of nipa wine can be further improve using fruit juice
additives. Hence, the following recommendations are
forwarded: Mass Production of the improved nipa wine should
be undertaken as part of the income generating activities of the
college; Promotion of the improved nipa wine should be done
especially in trade fairs; The alcohol, sugar content and other
nutrients content should be done which is a needed in the
development of product label; Design and development of
packaging materials should be done for an added market value;
Conduct other researches which focuses on other fruit additives
should be done; and similar studies should be conducted
especially to other wine of less economic value.
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