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A Wayne Scott !

LifeHouse Production
An Original Adaptation with
Script, Music and Lyrics by
Additional Music and Lyrics by
Bethany Schwartzkopf and Wayne Scott
Inspired by the Classic 1838 novel by Charles Dickens
Copyright Mcmxcviii by Wayne R. Scott LifeHouse Productions, Inc. All rights reserved.
(In Order of Appearance)
Agnes Fleming Leeford Oliver's Loving Mother (20's-30's)
Mr. Bumble Corrupt and Inept Parish Official (40's-60's)
Mrs. Bumble Greedy Workhouse Matron Bumble's Wife (40's-60's)
Old Sally Thingummy Elderly Nurse and Workhouse Servant (60+)
Oliver Twist A Sensitive Foundling (About 9-12 years old)
Danny Children of the Workhouse; Friends of Oliver (8-12)
Mr. Sowerberry Cross Undertaker (Middle Age)
Mrs. Sowerberry Undertaker's Sour Wife (Middle Age)
Noah Claypole Obnoxious Apprentice to the Sowerberrys (14-19)
Charlotte The Sowerberry's Sarcastic Maid
The Artful Dodger Teenage Leader of Fagin's Pickpockets (14-19)
Fagin Eccentric Greedy Fence and Crime Ring Head (55-70)
Nancy Gang Cohort and Bill Sike's Conscience-Stricken Wife (25-40)
Bet Teenage Gang Member Often Tagging Along with Dodger (14-19)
Bill Sikes Murderous Thief Raised with Nancy by Fagin (25-40)
Mr. Brownlow Respected and Benevolent Gentleman (50's-60's)
Miss Wordsmith A Kindly Bookseller (20's-30's)
Constable Competent Official (30+)
Miss Monks Conniving Woman of Mystery (Early 20's)
Rose A Young Lady Under Mr. Brownlow's Care (Late Teens Early 20's)
Mrs. Bedwin Mr. Brownlow's Matronly Housekeeper (40-60)
Mrs. Grimwig Mr. Brownlow's Rich Old Family Friend (60+)
Merchant Vendors: Bread, Milk, Meat, Nuts, Ale, Eggs, Poultry, Produce, Cheese
"The Poor" / Londoners, Children of the Workhouse
Orphans of Fagin's Gang, Townsman & Wife
Constable II, Additional Constables

By Wayne R. Scott

1. "Street Song"..............................................Merchant Vendors, the Poor, Agnes, the Bumbles, Old Sally
2. "Mother's Lament"................................................................................Agnes, Priest, Old Sally, the Poor
3. "Only the Strong Survive"..........................................................................Oliver, the Bumbles, Children
4. "What's This Life For"......................................................................Oliver, Dick, the Bumbles, Children
"Only The Strong Survive (Reprise)...................................................................................The Bumbles
"Street Song (Reprise)........................................................................................................The Bumbles
"Mother's Lament (Reprise)......................................................................................................Old Sally
5. "Oliver's Prayer"...............................................................................................................................Oliver
6. "I'd Like to Be a Friend to You"........................Dodger, Oliver, Fagin, Merchants, Londoners, Orphans
7. "It's Never Too Late To Start Over"..................Fagin, Dodger, Nancy, Bet, Oliver, Merchants, Orphans
8. "The Pickpocket Game"............................................Fagin, Dodger, Sikes, Nancy, Bet, Oliver, Orphans
"Street Song (Reprise).........................................................................Merchants, Miss Wordsmith
9. "Oliver!".............Oliver, Dodger, Bet, Mr. Brownlow, Miss Monks, Constable, Miss Wordsmith, Sikes
Act II
10. "At Home"............................................................................Mr. Brownlow, Mrs. Bedwin, Rose, Oliver
"Oliver's Prayer (Reprise)......................................................................................Mr. Brownlow, Rose
"Oliver!" (Reprise)..............................................................................................................Sikes, Nancy
"I'd Like To Be A Friend To You (Reprise).............................................Fagin, Dodger, Bet, Orphans
11. "The Legend of Bill Sikes"...................................................................................Fagin, Sikes, Orphans
"Oliver's Prayer (Reprise).................................................................................................Oliver, Nancy
"Mother's Lament (Reprise)........................................................................................................Nancy
"What's This Life For?" (Reprise).......................................................................................Dodger, Bet
"The Legend of Bill Sikes (Reprise).................................................................................Sikes, Fagin
"Lament For Nancy ("Mother's Lament" Reprise)........................................................Mr. Brownlow
Finale: "It's Never Too Late..." (Reprise)...Oliver, Fagin, Dodger, Bet, Mr. Brownlow, Cast Ensemble
"At Home (Reprise).................................Mr. Brownlow, Rose, Mrs. Bedwin, Oliver, Orphans
"Oliver's Prayer (Reprise).........................................................................Oliver, Cast Ensemble
Copyright Mcmxcviii by Wayne R. Scott- LifeHouse Productions, Inc.
All rights reserved.
(As the lights rise up, an assortment of tattered vendors gather to form a street market and seek to
sell wares to downtrodden passersby)
Bread Vendor Buy my bread! Bread for sale! You will savor each slice!
It is fresh baked and delectable and sensibly priced!
Milk Vendor Buy my milk! Milk for sale! It's the purest of pure!
It's the finest milk in England, and of that you can be sure!
Meat Vendor I have meat! Tender meat! Beef and lamb here for sale!
Nut Vendor Roasted chestnuts! Hot chestnuts!
Ale Vendor I have fine tea and ale!
Egg Vendor I have eggs! Buy my eggs! They're freshest of the fresh!
Poultry Vendor Buy my poultry!
Produce Vendor Buy my vegetables!
Cheese Vendor Buy my cheese, please, it's the best!
All Come to the square and examine our wares;
The finest and fair anywhere!
Our prices are low One look and you'll know!
Come see all the bargains we have to bestow,
Yes, come one and all! We have so much to show!
(Lightning flashes, (Brief musical interlude.)
thunder cracks)
The Poor (As "daylight" Day after day, how we long to eat more
fades, becoming What a hard life it is to be poor!
dusk) No food, no bed . . . Only hunger instead!
Condemned to a beggar's life of children unfed
Some say it's a war that has made England poor
But all we know is poverty has darkened all our doors
And we're tearful and we're fearful for the hungry days in store!
(Lightning flashes, (Musical interlude: music suddenly becomes intense.)
thunder cracks)
Agnes (Suddenly emerging) Help! Oh, please help me I can't find my way!
I seem to have wandered astray!
(Some bewildered I need help! Who will help? I am lost and I'm ill . . . .
villagers assist I'm weak and I am starving and, oh, so very chilled!
staggering Agnes I need help! Who will help? I am lost and forlorn
who grabs work- I am burning with a fever and all I get is scorn.
house bell rope Will you help me? Someone help me!
as she collapses) There's a baby to be born!
The Poor (Lightning flashes, Oh, the night is foreboding, the storm is so wild
thunder cracks) God, please help this mother and child ! (Ahhhh )
Mrs. Bumble (Appearing w/ Now, who rang the bell?
Mr. Bumble Mr. B. from Well, you never can tell . . .
workhouse) But on stormy nights like this one, dear,
I fear it won't be well . . . .
The Poor It's a woman bereft and she has nothing left
(Old Sally appears And she's come to the poorhouse for help and for rest.
Mrs. Bumble & helps Agnes) Why do they come here a-wailing to me?
And just when I'm drinkin' my tea!
Mr. Bumble I cannot say I'm shocked, and as often as not
The destitute come wandering or else, they are brought
Old Sally In a world filled with woe, it will always be so:
All the cold, lost, and wandering need someplace to go.
The Poor (As Agnes When we're cold and bereft and we have nothing left
collapses) Then you surely must know we need somewhere to go!
(Musical interlude as underscore)
Mrs. Bumble (To Agnes) For heaven's sake, where did you come from?! . . . . Well?. . . . Are you too proud to
answer?. . . . In with you now and be quick about it! I don't want to catch my death out here! . . .
Come along! Hurry up!
Mr. Bumble Hmmm. She's rather the worse for wear, I must say.
Old Sally (Helping Agnes toward workhouse door) The poor dear has a nasty cut on her head. I dare say
she's been hit by somebody.
Agnes Robbers . . . . thieves! (Crying) My husband! They killed my husband! . . . .
Mr. Bumble Can you tell us your name?
Agnes I think . . . . I think it's Agnes, (In pain) Ahhh! My baby! . . . . My baby . . . .
Old Sally She's going to give birth!
Mrs. Bumble I might have known she'd be nothing but trouble! Well, let's get her in and be done with it!
(The Bumbles and Sally help Agnes into workhouse interior where, behind a drawn window shade,
the silhouette of Agnes and her baby's "delivery" is seen as the song resumes; the sound of the
baby's crying is also heard)
(Song resumes)
The Poor (In candlelight Oh, the night is foreboding, the storm is so wild
vigil) God, please help this mother and child!
Lord, have mercy on her and to Thee we defer
Give her strength and give her stamina, the night to endure
(As baby is "born") In a world filled with woe, it will always be so:
As the cold, lost, and wandering need someplace to go.
Seek the Lord, God of all, and on Thee we shall call !
Mr. Bumble (Drawing shade & Well, the birth was a hard one and I wasn't sure
opening window) If this mother and child would endure.
Mrs. Bumble Well the brat has been born, though his welcome is worn
Here's a blanket to bundle him so he can stay warm.
Old Sally Let us keep our fingers crossed, for the birth had a cost:
This mother is exhausted now and may, I fear, be lost . . . .
(Music continues as underscore, segues to next song)
(The Poor/Vendors "freeze" on dim "street," keeping a candlelight vigil)
Agnes (Rallying as Mrs. Bumble presents baby to her) My baby!
Mrs. Bumble It's a boy. What a pityhe'll live . . . .Just means more work for me.
Mr. Bumble Now, my dear, I'd rather think of him as a minor inconvenience on the road to potential profit. A
short term investment for long term dividends. There's plenty to be done in the workhouse and, in
a few years, I'll wager he'll more than earn his keep here.
Mrs. Bumble If he should live that long in this filthy fire trap! (She joins Mr. Bumble in a cackle, then, to Old
Sally) Look after them, Old Sally. And thin out the gruel for the morning. It's got to go farther
with another mouth to feed.
Old Sally (Hopefully) Two mouths, mum.
Mrs. Bumble (Grimly) If she lives . . . . (She and Mr. Bumble exit.)
Old Sally (To Agnes) You mustn't mind Mr. And Mrs. Bumble. It's nothing personal. The Bumbles have
never thought of anyone but themselves.(Taking Agnes' hand) How are you feeling?
Agnes (Oblivious to Old Sally) My boy . . . . my boy . . . .
Old Sally Save your strength, my dear. He'll be all right . . . (She listens tearfully)
Agnes (To baby) What will become of you, little boy? If only . . . if only I had something to give
you...Wait!...I do have something to give you.
(Removing gold heart-shaped locket from around her neck) This locket...the thieves who stopped
us...didn't get it. They never saw it...It's yours now...Isn't it beautiful? (Opening locket) And
inside something very special. (Closing locket and turning it over) And on the back, an
inscription. (Reading) "The ways of the Lord are right. Psalm 19:8." (Pondering) The ways of
the Lord...are right...
Agnes (Looking upward) God, I call out in despair
God, please hear my simple prayer!
God, my baby boy is now in Your hands,
My precious lamb my little man;
Lord, You know I have no strength to go on
And by the light of dawn, I know I'll be gone
What will happen to my baby at morn?
What will become of this sweet child I have borne?
God, this is agony! Never to know!
Never to watch and see my baby grow!
Oh! It's more than what a mother can bear!
Lord, please help him know I care
(To baby) I hope you know, just as we part, dear,
I love you so, with all my heart, dear;
Time goes quickly much too swiftly
But we'll never, no, not ever be apart:
I'll be here in your heart
I'll be here in your heart
(Musical interlude as underscore)
Agnes (To baby) Keep this locket with you always, my son. Perhaps someday it will lead you back to
your family. (Reading inscription) "The ways of the Lord are right..." Remember these words,
my son...and live by them. And know that I love you. Yes...I shall always love you...(She kisses
(Song resumes)
Agnes Only the ways of God are righteous, my son,
He will complete in you the work He's begun;
(Looking upward) Lord, please take my son in Your loving hands
Help him to know and follow Your blessed plans
(To baby) God will provide a way out of the night
Follow the ways of God, they will be right;
(Looking upward) God! Please hear a dying mother's last prayer
Please help him know I care
(As the Bumbles I hope you know, just as we part, dear,
reappear) I love you so, with all my heart, dear;
All Time goes quickly oh, so swiftly
But we'll (you'll) never, no, not ever be apart:
Agnes I'll be here in your heart
The Poor (As Agnes "dies:") She'll be here in your heart . . .
(Exiting) She'll be here in your heart . . . your heart!
(Musical interlude as underscore)
(Old Sally continues crying and pulls sheet over Agnes)
Old Sally (Sadly) She's gone now . . .
Mrs. Bumble (Noticing locket in Agnes' protruding hand) Hallo! What have we here? (Picking up locket)
Hmmm. Pretty. And gold, too! Well, I guess she won't be needing this here locket now, will she?
Old Sally But, Mrs. Bumble . . .
Mrs. Bumble Never mind, Old Sally! I think I'd best keep this for him. Wouldn't want anything to happen to it
now, would we? . . . (To Mr. Bumble) What are you going to name this one?
Mr. Bumble Well, I always name the babies unfortunate to be born here alphabetically.
Mrs. Bumble Yes, I suppose that's as practical a way as any . . . so? . . .
Mr. Bumble (Consulting booklet) Er let's see now. The last baby born at the workhouse I named "Swizzle."
Hmmm. So we're on the letter er L, M, N, O, P Q, R, S er
Mrs. Bumble T!
Mr. Bumble T! Right . . . Hmmm. I'll call him . . . Twist.
Mrs. Bumble Twist . . . I suppose that will do.
Mr. Bumble Oliver Twist . . .(They exit)
(Music Rises)

(A procession of young boys enter from the audience and work their way to the main stage
engaged in various chores of weeding, sowing, removing rocks, etc.)
Boys Days and nights trudge swiftly on
Many years have come and gone
Years are short and days are long
Those who survive are fit and strong
Oliver Keep your chin up, sing a song:
Be quick and look alive, boys,
Boys Only the strong survive!
Oliver Sing it high and sing it low:
Boys There's a lot of rows to hoe!
We must work to pull our load;
Oliver Be quick and look alive boys!
Boys Only the strong survive!
Though we're starving and we're cold,
(The Bumbles enter We must do what we are told;
and eavesdrop) Mr. and Mrs. Bumble are
Meaner than mean, the worst by far:
When they whip us, they leave scars;
Oliver Be quick and look alive, boys,
Boys Only the strong survive!
(Musical interlude as underscore)
Dick (Amidst arduous labor with the others) There's not much hope of surviving if the Bumbles don't
feed us. Isn't it past our supper time? I'm starving!
Danny Me too. (To Johnny) I'm so hungry, I think I could eat you. Anything but that same old thin gruel.
Leslie It's a pretty poor excuse for gruel. We've looked in every cranny and corner of the workhouse, but
there's not so much as a crumb fit for a mouse!
Sidney The Bumbles keep all the food locked away, they do.
Dick And Mr. Bumble whips us if he sees us anywhere near the kitchen.
Danny Can you imagine what it might be like to be able to eat anything you wanted? And as much as you
wanted?! Just dream of it!
Oliver I've overheard Mr. and Mrs. Bumble talk about times when they've eaten at fancy places in
London places where you can order roast beef on a platter as big as a wagon wheel! And stuffed
turkey and cranberries, and pudding, and sausages, and hot bread, and
Danny Oh, Oliver! Please stop!
Leslie Thanks a lot, Oliver! Now I'm really hungry!
Dick I can't stand to think of it all!
Oliver I think of it all the time. And someday . . . I think I'll go to London.
Sidney (Shocked) You're going to London?!
Oliver Someday . . . I want to find my family . . . I think my mother would like that.
Leslie But how would you get there?
Oliver Well, I guess I can walk.
Dick But what about fat, grouchy old Mr. and Mrs. Bumble?
Danny Quiet! They might hear us!
Mr. Bumble (Approaching) We have! What's all the chatter?!
Mrs. Bumble What we need is less talk and more work!
(Song resumes)
Mr. Bumble (Encroaching upon I expect your sweat to drip
the cowering and Or you'll feel my cracking whip!
suddenly busier If you expect a speck of gruel
boys) I shall expect the work of mules,
And I do not suffer fools;
Oliver (Helping a weak Be quick and look alive boys,
All child) Only the strong survive!
Mrs. Bumble If you want your board and bed,
If you dream that you'll be fed:
Hoe every row with lightning speed,
Clear every rock and pull each weed;
Mr. Bumble Dig and dig till blisters bleed!
Oliver Be quick and look alive, boys,
All (Children may bring Only the strong survive!
on tables/chairs, if Sing it high and sing it low:
necessary, as part There's a lot of rows to hoe!
of their "work:") We (You) must work to pull our (the) load;
Oliver Be quick and look alive boys!
All Only the strong survive!
Mr./ Mrs. Bumble Do not dream of bold escapes,
Those who try meet dreadful fates!
The law has entrusted you to us
So there is nothing to discuss;
Wiser boys will make no fuss;
Oliver Be quick and look alive, boys
All Only the strong survive, boys
Only the fit ad strong survive!
(Musical interlude as underscore)
(Old Sally awkwardly struggles to bring out a heavy kettle which she places on a wooden table)
Mr. Bumble Well, I suppose it's time we fed the little beggars. Come along, Old Sally! Let's get these orphans
their supper.
Danny Eeeh! Gruel again!
Sidney It's better than nothing.
Leslie Even if it's the closest thing to nothing there is.
Oliver I'm so hungry, even gruel looks good.
Dick If only they'd give us enough of it!
Mrs. Bumble All right children line up! Nice and orderly and don't be all night about it! Hurry along, now! . .
(The children file by the table as Mr. Bumble ceremonially hands out bowls and Mrs. Bumble
hands out spoons. Old Sally ladles gruel into bowls)
Mrs. Bumble No, no, Old Sally! You're giving them too much! Pour some back!
Old Sally (Following orders, reluctantly) Er yes, mum.
Mrs. Bumble That nasty generous streak of yours is going to bankrupt this workhouse. (To children) All right,
don't dilly-dally! Move along!
(As children take place at table, Mr. Bumble surveys and glowers at them)
(Music becomes suspenseful)
(The children sit expectantly poised as if about to begin a race. Mr. Bumble pokes and prods at
some of them with his cane to discourage any too eager to begin eating)
(Song resumes)
Mr. Bumble (Removing hat) Let us give humble thanks . . . .
(All bow) Lord we pray with gratitude:
Thank You for this hearty food.
(Pause as some of the children cough at the term "food.")
(Leering at children) Please forgive those who are rude!
Make them obedient, Lord,
Grateful and quite content, Lord
And we say A men!
Children A men!
(Musical interlude as underscore; segue to next song)

(The children, except Oliver, eat ravenously)
Mrs. Bumble (To Old Sally) All right, Old Sally make sure everything gets cleaned up.
Oliver (Having lingered at serving area, to Mrs. Bumble) Excuse me.
Mrs. Bumble (To Mr. Bumble) They'll be no gruel for us. I have a fine meal laid out over there. (She points to a
table of good food)
Mr. Bumble: (Leaping toward the table) Aha! Thank you, my dear! (He begins eating at table.)
Oliver Excuse me, please.
Mrs. Bumble What do you want?!
Oliver May I have a look at the locket?
Mrs. Bumble What locket?
Oliver My locket. The one my mother gave to me. The locket you said you were keeping for me.
Mrs. Bumble And what have I told you about that, Oliver Twist?
Oliver That I can have it . . . when I'm thirteen.
Mrs. Bumble If?! . . .
Oliver If. . . . I'm good.
Mrs. Bumble Then I do believe we have completely exhausted this topic of conversation. Go eat.
Oliver Please, ma'am. I only want to look at it. I'll give it right back. I I just want to think about my
my mother.
Old Sally (Who has been eavesdropping) It couldn't do any harm, could it, mum?
Mrs. Bumble Tend to your work, Old Sally! (To Oliver) As for you forget about the locket. And forget about
your mother.
Oliver I can't do that. I won't.
Mrs. Bumble Well, you better. Just remember, Oliver Twist, anybody who winds up here has come to no good.
They're less than worthless. And that's what's happened to you and your pauper mother! Now go
(Mrs. Bumble abruptly joins Mr. Bumble in eating. Old Sally reaches out and touches tearful
Oliver's shoulder as he rejoins the boys. She resumes cleaning)
(Lighting focuses on boys. Bumbles and Old Sally "freeze:")
Dick (To Oliver who eats hungrily) Hey, Oliver it looked like Mrs. Bumble was giving you a piece of
her mind.
Sidney She couldn't have. She doesn't have one!
Leslie If she did, and she gave me a piece of it, I'd eat it!
Danny Me too. I'm still starving.
Dick Too much work. Too little food. Work and gruel, gruel and work that's our lot in life . . .
Dick (Rising up in What's this life for? Nothin' but wastin' . . .
protest) Workin' and slavin' and always behavin'
And cravin' some real food, boys!
Boys (Getting into What's this life for? Nothin' but workin' . . .
flamboyant Our hands are achin' and our backs are breakin'
spirit) While they do the takin'!
Clean the pots and pans, work from night 'til dawn
Blisters on your hands and the hours are long!
What's this life for? No time for dreamin' . . .
What's the use hopin' when we're only copin'
And mopin' the night through.
Oliver I'll continue to dream
That someday soon we'll have a home;
I'll come up with a scheme
Dick You might as well stop tryin'
Oliver I'd rather live than dyin'
Boys (Spoken in song) What's this life for? Nothin' but heartache . . .
No one is here when we're sheddin' our tears
And we fear all the darkness.
Oliver Come on boys, don't give up
Tomorrow is a bright new day!
Boys There's no future for us
This lot that we've been given
Ain't worth the cost of livin'
(Brief march-like musical interlude leading to key change)
(Key change) So we say: What's this life for"
It's nothin' but hopeless!
What good is hopin' when each day is just misery?
When you're a slave and a rat in a dungeon of filth,
Gettin' nothin' from those of position or wealth,
You get fed up with all of this, we need some help!
(Subdued) What's this life for? Accept your low station . . .
Oliver (Soulfully) Keep workin' and prayin' all night and all day
Boys For a new situation
(All others "unfreeze:")(Music continues, building suspensefully, segue to reprise)
Oliver (Thoughtfully) Maybe we shouldn't have to settle for this.
Dick What?!
Oliver (Examining empty bowls) Maybe we should ask for more.
Dick I don't know about that . . .
Danny Awfully risky.
Oliver What have we got to lose?
Sidney Nobody's ever asked for more.
Oliver Maybe somebody should.
Dick That's right! Maybe somebody should! (Suddenly sheepish) Er well go ahead, Oliver. We're
behind you.
(Oliver realizes the task is up to him and he begins creeping toward the Bumbles)
Leslie (Whispering to boys) There goes a brave lad.
Sidney Who knows? . . . It just might work.
Old Sally (Realizing what Oliver is about to do, as well as the peril; in a loud whisper) Oliver! . . . . Wait!
(Oliver, carrying bowl, watches Bumbles gorging themselves until he is noticed)
Mrs. Bumble Well, Mr. Bumble! Look what we have here!
Mr. Bumble Well?! . . . .What do you want, you urchin? . . .
Oliver (Extending bowl, cupped in his hands; with halting voice) Please sir, . . . . I . . . want some more.
(All gasp in terror.)
Mr. Bumble (Choking) . . . What?! (Rises.)
Oliver Please sir . . . I want some . . . more?
Mr. Bumble More?! More?! Mrs. Bumble?! Did I hear this boy ask for more?
Mrs. Bumble He wants more, now fancy that!
What a brazen little brat!
Mr. Bumble He makes a most unseemly sight,
Who is this bold precocious tyke?
I've never seen or heard the like!
No one should ask for more, no!
Who dares to ask for more?
(Brief musical interlude)
Mrs. Bumble It's that Oliver Twist!
Mr. Bumble Oh yes. Oliver Twist!
Oliver (Terrified) Oh, please sir, don't beat me, sir! It's just that we're so . . . . so very hungry.
Mr. Bumble You're hungry, eh? (Grabbing him severely) I'll show you how we deal with children who dare to
be hungry! . . . .
(Song resumes)
Mr. Bumble No one dares to ask for more
What a rude inquisitor!
Our protocol has been defiled
And you are worthless, wicked, wild!
Spare the rod and spoil the child
You'll get a whippin' now, boy,
It's gonna hurt, and how!
(Music continues, agitated)
(Chase ensues)
Oliver (Breaking away) No! Please! . . . . (Oliver runs about, under table(s), over benches, etc. Bumble
awkwardly chases Oliver about, falling over other boys who trip him, running into table and Mrs.
Bumble; general chaos prevails momentarily)
Mr. Bumble (To boys) I'll get you boys for tripping me! (To Oliver) Come back here, Oliver! You'd better stop!
Oliver! Etc.
Old Sally Please don't hurt him! . . .
Mrs. Bumble Oliver! Stop! . . .
Mr. Bumble (Catching Oliver by his ankles, both having landed flat on floor) Aha! I have you now, you greedy
glutton! (Puffing, out of breath, slowly getting up) Yes, you thought you . . . could out-run
me . . .but . . .as you can see . . . (huff). . . I'm. . . (puff) . . . in . . . better shape . . . than you . .
might think . . .(He wheezes and gasps.)
Mrs. Bumble (Angrily at other children giggling at Mr. Bumble) Well, what are you little hooligans all staring
at?! Get off to bed, the lot of ya! . . .And you can expect even less gruel tomorrow! (The children
nervously scamper off; Dick and Danny may linger briefly to peek out)
(Music fades)
Mr. Bumble (To Oliver) And as for you such rebelliousness is intolerable. Old Sally lock this Oliver Twist
away for now while I consider what shall be done with him.
Old Sally Oh, I beg you, sir . . . please don't do anything rash.
Mr. Bumble Mind your own business, Old Sally, and lock him up by himself.
Old Sally Have pity on him for his poor dead mother's sake.
Oliver (Eagerly) Did you know my mother?
Old Sally I nursed her when you were born, Oliver. She was such a lovely
Mrs. Bumble Mind your babbling tongue, Old Sally! This boy's mother was nothing but a nameless pauper who
thoughtlessly died and left this little villain here to be a burden upon the parish. We've never been
able to discover anything about his wretched parents.
Mr. Bumble Now lock him away! . . . (Old Sally stands awkwardly)
Mrs. Bumble Well . . .go on! . . .
(Old Sally leads Oliver away)
(Music begins: introduction to following reprise)
Mr. Bumble There's only one thing to do about Oliver Twist.
Mrs. Bumble I completely agree. And we should have done it years ago . . .
(The Bumbles step into "street" area, passing out flyers to passing villagers)
Mr. Bumble There's a boy, a boy for sale he's meek, mild, and nice
He'll work like a Trojan and he's sensibly priced;
Mrs. Bumble There's a boy, a boy for sale, and he'll work his keep;
You'll find him dependable, and at five pounds, he's cheap!
The Bumbles Come to the workhouse and see what we mean:
The boy is quite fit, strong and lean
Mrs. Bumble And whatever he lacks
Mr. Bumble (Holds up cane) Can be cured with one whack;
The Bumbles (Aside) And all sales are final 'cause we don't want him back! . . .
(Music continues as underscore; segues to next song)
Mr. Sowerberry (Approaching Bumbles with his wife, Noah and Charlotte) Ah, Mr. and Mrs. Bumble.
Mr. Bumble Well, well! Mr. Sowerberry! (Shakes hands.)
Mrs. Bumble And Mrs. Sowerberry!
Mr. Bumble And, bless me, here is young Noah Claypole, your apprentice.
(Noah removes his cap and bows awkwardly.)
Mrs. Bumble And Charlotte, your maid.
(Charlotte curtsies.)
Mr. Sowerberry About this boy you're offering . . .I could use another apprentice to work with Noah in learning
the undertaking business. Is the boy suitable?
Mr. Bumble Indeed! Indeed!
Mrs. Bumble Why, I dare say he was practically born to learn the undertaking trade. Weren't we just saying that
this morning, dear?
Mr. Bumble Huh?! . . .Oh, yes, yes . . .
Mr. Sowerberry Tell me more about the boy . . .
Mr. Bumble Why, certainly . . .
(The Bumbles and Sowerberry party "freeze" in dim light as lighting transitions to)
(Oliver is consoled by Old Sally in dismal side room area)
Old Sally I know everything seems against you, young Oliver. But you mustn't despair. God knows what
He's up to. Your own mother said as much the day you were born.
Oliver Oh, please tell me more about her.
Old Sally She was a pretty young thing. Which, of course, helps explain why you're such a handsome young
lad. And she held you in her arms and kissed you before she died, poor dear.
Oliver She did?
Old Sally Oh, yes. Yes indeed . . .
Old Sally You can depend on me. My word is true . . .
(Hugging Oliver) She took you in her arms and cradled you . . .
Oh! She prayed for you with tears in her eyes!
You became her joy and pride . . .
And you should know right from the start, dear,
She loved you so . . . with all her heart, dear
Time goes quickly, oh so swiftly
But you'll never, no, not ever be apart:
(Revealing gold She'll be here in your heart
locket to Oliver) She'll be here in your heart
(Musical interlude as underscore) `
Oliver My locket! The one from my mother! I haven't seen it in ever so long! But but how?
Old Sally Mrs. Bumble carelessly left it out months ago. I found it on the floor and have kept it ever since.
She hasn't even missed it. When I found it, I thought of the day you were born. I've been keepin'
my eye on you ever since that day, dear boy.
Oliver (Reading inscription on the locket) "The ways of the Lord are right. Psalm, 19:8"
Old Sally Them are words to live by, young man.
Oliver I remember . . . And I try.
Old Sally Yes, I know you do. You're different from the others.
Oliver But if God is so good . . . Why are there such terrible things all around us?
Old Sally Well . . . I'm not sure I have all the answers to that, Oliver . . . except to say that there are a lot of
folks who make bad decisions and do wicked things. But you don't have to be one of them. And it
was your mother's last prayer that you would follow God and do what's right . . .
(Song resumes)
Old Sally Time goes quickly, oh so swiftly
But you'll never, no not ever be apart:
She'll be here in your heart
(As Oliver hugs her) She'll be here in your heart your heart
(Music continues briefly as underscore, then fades.)
(The Bumbles and Sowerberry party "unfreeze," lights rise, and Mr. Bumble leads all into
Workhouse "main room" area, abruptly calling out)
Mr. Bumble Old Sally! Old Sally! Fetch me young Oliver Twist!
Mrs. Bumble Come along now! Be quick about it!
Mr. Bumble (As Old Sally leads Oliver in) Ahh! Here we are. (Leering at Oliver) You'd like to be an
undertaker's apprentice, wouldn't you, Oliver?
Oliver (Frightened) I'm afraid not, sir. I don't think I would like it at all, sir.
Mr. Bumble You will learn to like it! (Grabbing Oliver) Here he is, Mr. Sowerberry. (Prodding Oliver with his
cane) Make a bow, Oliver . . .
Mr. Sowerberry (Inspecting Oliver along with the others) Hmmm. So this is the boy, eh? (To Mrs. Sowerberry)
What do you think of him, my dear?
Mrs. Sowerberry Rather dirty and rather small.
Mr. Bumble Oh, I dare say he'll grow, Mrs. Sowerberry.
Mrs. Sowerberry Indeed. And while he's growing he'll probably eat us out of house and home.
Mr. Sowerberry But my dear look at his unusual face.
Old Sally He looks just like his mother, he does. I remember.
Mrs. Bumble Hush, Old Sally Get about your business! . . . Go on! . . . .
(Old Sally reluctantly leaves, giving Oliver a hug which demonstrates she realizes she may never
see him again)
Mrs. Sowerberry (To Mr. Sowerberry) Er what were you saying about his face?
Mr. Sowerberry It's a sad, soulful face of melancholy most interesting and engaging, my dear. I think he would
be a delightful coffin follower for children's funerals.
Mrs. Sowerberry Hmmm. Perhaps. I suppose he might come in handy for that . . . if we can get enough work out of
him without putting too much food into him.
Mr. Bumble A diet of the thinnest gruel is all he requires, Mrs. Sowerberry. That and a good stout whack now
and then to keep him sharp. (Taps Oliver with his cane)
Mr. Sowerberry Very well, Mr. Bumble, we'll take him.
Mr. Bumble You do the parish a great service, sir. And what a bargain he is at only five pounds!
Mrs. Sowerberry Humphf! The boy isn't worth a shilling more than two pounds!
Mr. Sowerberry Er perhaps three pounds, my dear?
Mrs. Sowerberry Certainly not!
Mr. Bumble Er perhaps if you'll step this way, we can settle the matter privately and, I'm sure, amiably . .
Mr. Sowerberry Of course. Noah, look after the boy.
Noah Yes, sir
Mrs. Sowerberry What an inconvenience! Charlotte hold my umbrella.
Charlotte Yes, ma'am. (Takes umbrella and curtsies)
(The Bumbles and Sowerberrys exit)
Noah (Swaggering over to Oliver and shoving him) So! You're gonna be the new boy, eh?
Oliver Er yes. Yes, sir.
Noah (Rudely) And how old are you?
Oliver Ten, sir.
Noah Ah. A good age for beatin'! I'll whip you good when we get back to the shop you'll see.
Oliver Oh I wish you wouldn't, sir. Please.
Noah Hah! You don't know who I am, do you?
Oliver No, sir.
Noah Well, I'm Noah Claypole, Mr. Sowerberry's first apprentice! (Grabbing Oliver) And you'll be
workin' under me now. Under me. You'll take orders from me and do what I say or you'll get it, ya
hear? You'll be up at five every morning and you'll start the fire and open the shutters and wash the
windows, and empty the trash and anything else I think of. And you'll sleep in the room with all
the coffins in it! And you'll eat last ya hear me?!
Charlotte Be careful, Noah. Master Sowerberry might hear you. Don't forget he's going to make Oliver the
children's coffin-follower.
Noah Yes and that don't suit me very well, that don't. He'll get to parade around in fine Sunday clothes
while I get stuck at the shop doing odd jobs and dirty work! (Pushes Oliver)
Charlotte (Giggling) But, Noah! You don't have Oliver's sweet, soulful face!
Noah Ha! You mean his dirty pauper's face and I'm right glad I don't have it. (To Oliver) Look at you!
What a mess! Dirty face, dirty clothes. Guess your momma hasn't been around much to look after
ya, has she? Ha!
Oliver (Quietly) She's gone. Gone to heaven. Don't say anything about her.
Noah Oh, she's dead, eh? Well, ain't that too bad! What was her name?
Oliver (In tears) I I don't have to tell you.
Noah Ha! You don't even know her name, do you? What do you think, Charlotte? He don't even know
his own mother's name!
Oliver (As Charlotte giggles) No . . .no, I don't know what her name was. But I still love her, just the
Noah (Nudging Charlotte) Awww. Look at the tears. Poow widdle Oliver!
Oliver (Becoming angry) Don't say anything more about my mother.
Noah What? Listen here, Mister Work'us. Don't you be impudent with me. Ain't my fault your mother
was a downright bad'un who came to no good!
Oliver (Angrily) That's not true.
Noah It is true! Oh, yes, Mr. Work'us. There ain't no other kind to be found in a workhouse. And if she
didn't die, they probably would have hanged her!
Oliver (Snapping) Don't you talk about my mother that way! (Pushes Noah to the floor and pounds wildly
on him with both fists. Charlotte screams)
(Music begins: intense; segues to action, chase, and following song)
Noah (Struggling now as a blubbering coward) Ahh! Help! He's gonna murder me! Help, Charlotte! Get
help! This kid's a killer! Ahhh . . .
Charlotte (Feebly hitting Oliver with half-open umbrella) Stop it, you little wretch! Stop! Help! Missus!
Master! Help us! Oh, you horrid little villain! . . . Help! . . .
(The Bumbles and Sowerberrys run in, shocked and horrified at the scene)
Mrs. Sowerberry Oh! The little monster! Poor Noah! He'll kill our Noah! Stop! Somebody stop him! . . .
(Over the following dialogue, the Bumbles rush to Oliver and, foolishly dodging Charlotte's
umbrella-whacking and tripping over Oliver, Noah, and each other, they finally manage to get
Oliver on his feet)
Mrs Bumble Stop! Stop this at once! . . .
Mr. Bumble Oliver! . . .Oliver Twist! . . . What is the meaning of this?!
Noah He's gone mad! He tried to murder me!
Mrs. Sowerberry Poor Noah. Are you hurt?
Noah I'm half dead! Nothing but bumps and bruises! Ohhhh! . . . .
Mr. Bumble You see what you've done, Oliver?
Oliver (Still struggling) Yes, I see! Let me go! He was running my mother down . . .
Mrs. Bumble So what if he did?! She was a no-good.
Oliver She was not! It's a lie!
Mr. Bumble Oliver!
Mrs. Sowerberry The little brat! I won't have him!
Mr. Sowerberry Mr. Bumble, I'm afraid he simply will not do at all.
Mrs. Bumble Oh, please don't be too hasty.
Mr. Bumble He evidently has a bad temper bad family and all but, I assure you, a good thrashing will
restore him! . . .
(Mr. Bumble raises his cane to strike Oliver. Oliver lunges away desperately)
Oliver (Breaking free and running) Nooooo! . . .
Noah (Terrified, diving under table) Ahhh! Keep him away from me! . . .Help! . . .
(All others attempt to catch Oliver, who frantically dodges about. He finds an opening and runs
out through the audience)
Mr. Bumble Stop! Oliver! Come back!
Mrs. Bumble He's running away! Stop him!. . .Stop him! . . .
(All, except Noah, run out after Oliver. Noah peers out from under table)
Old Sally (Running in) What's happened? What's going on?
Noah That boy nearly killed me! And now he's run off!
Old Sally What? Oh, no . . .(Dick and Danny, in night shirts, run in)
Dick He's gone!
Danny Oliver got away! We saw the whole thing from our window!
Old Sally What do you mean?
Dick He's outrun them all and got out into the woods.
Danny They'll never catch him now!
Old Sally But he's only a little boy . . . what will become of him?
Dick Well, if he finds the right road . . .
Danny He'll probably run all the way . . .
Dick & Danny To London!
Old Sally (Looking upward) Oh, Lord help him! He's in Your hands now . . .
(Music rises; segue to)
(Black out.)

(Oliver, worn and weary, stands in the dim illumination of a street lamp)

Oliver I've hardly ever heard one little kindly word . . .
(Looking about:) Will I be blessed to see someone who cares for me?
(Looking upward) Dear heavenly Father, who'd ever bother
With a poor, dirty castaway like me?
Where do I go now? Who do I know now?
If You can hear me, will You stay near me?
I'm hungry, tired, and cold, and I'm afraid so afraid
I must leave this life behind, but will I find
What I've prayed and prayed?
Oh God, If You hear me, will You stay near me?
Are You really there and do You answer prayer?
(Key change)
(Behind a nearby God, can You show the way? God, are You really true?
window scrim, What would my mother say? What would she have me do?
(Oliver's mother, If Mother could hold me, she'd prob'ly scold me
Agnes, is seen And she'd tell me to
briefly watching him trust in what You'll do
sing) Deep in my pocket, her golden locket
Tells that You're near me and that You'll hear me
And it says the ways of God are right and true always true
And perhaps these words inscribed will be my guide
To You, to You;
Oh, Lord, if You know me, will You please show me?
And help me find what Mother had in mind
I'll follow You !
(Music segues to)
(Merchants and Londoners emerge)
Bread Vendor (As Dodger I have bread!
Milk Vendor spies upon I have milk!
Nut Vendor Oliver) I have chestnuts!
Ale Vendor Hot tea!
Produce Vendor Try my fresh fruit! Try my vegetables!
All There is so much to see!
Meat Vendor Buy my meat!
Egg Vendor Buy my eggs!
Milk Vendor (Oliver, obviously Buy my milk!
Ale Vendor hungry, is tempted Tea and ale!
Cheese Vendor by apples & takes Try my cheese, if you please!
All one from unwary Lots of bargains on sale!
vendor) Come to the square and examine our wares;
The finest and fair anywhere!
Our prices are low One look and you'll know!
(Dodger pilfers Come see all the bargains we have to bestow,
apple) Yes, come one and all! We have so much to show!
(Brief musical interlude)
Agnes' Voice (Heard spoken as Oliver is about to bite apple) "The ways of the Lord are right . . ." Remember
these words, my son, and live by them . . .
(Song resumes)
Oliver (Replacing apple) Day after day, how I long to eat more
What a hard life it is to be poor!
Dodger (Approaching No food, no bed . . . . only hunger instead . . .
Oliver) Condemned to a beggar's life of wandering unfed;
You are new in these parts and you like apple carts
(Giving apple to And I have just what you want, my friend,
Oliver) Or at least, it is a start;
When you're tearful and you're fearful,
You need someone with a heart.
(Music continues as underscore)
Oliver (Speaking with mouth full) Thank you ever so much for the apple.
Dodger You do seem a little hungry and the worse for wear.
Oliver I am hungry and tired. I've been walking through the country for days to come here to London.
Dodger Have you now?! Runnin' away from home, eh?
Oliver Not a very good home.
Dodger So what do you think of London?
Oliver (Observing Londoners and merchants milling about) It's a very large and very strange, new place
to me. But I've heard a poor boy like me might seek his fortune here.
Dodger Very likely, my friend. Very likely indeed! Got any lodgings yet?
Oliver No.
Dodger Any parents to come look after you?
Oliver (Sadly) I'm afraid not.
Dodger Relations of any kind?
Oliver None that I know of.
Dodger You're a regular orphan then, ain't ya? Say er ya happen to have any money?
Oliver Not a single tuppence.
Dodger Well! I guess it's a good thing I found you, isn't it? I suppose you'll be wantin' to look for
someplace to eat and sleep, won't you?
Oliver Well, yes. But I don't know where to look.
Dodger Now, you just leave that to me, ol' chum. I happen to know a very respectable old gentleman
who'll give you bed and board for nothing!
Oliver For nothing?
Dodger Nothing! That is, if a gentleman he knows introduces you. (Grinning) And I can assure you, he
knows me. And I know you. And so he'll know you, too! Er although I suppose I should ask
your name.
Oliver Oliver. Oliver Twist.
Dodger Oliver, Oliver Twist? Kind of redundant, ain't it?
Oliver Just one Oliver.
Dodger What a coincidence! There's only one of me, too. The name's Jack Dawkins, but my intimate
acquaintances call me . . .(With a flourish) . . .The Artful Dodger!
Dodger I'd like to be a friend to you shake hands, sir;
(They shake hands) Just call me Artful Dodger and I'll answer!
I'm just a man about town, footloose and free;
I'm just a vagabond of sorts and that suits me;
I'd like to be a friend to you I'll guide you,
And as your friend I'm always here beside you;
I'll be your new compatriot, I know the ropes
And now, my friend, you can have the highest hopes!
(Oliver shivers) (Brief musical interlude)
I'd like to be a friend to you
Oliver Me too, sir!
Dodger (Offering coat) I've got a coat to lend to you
Oliver Thank you, sir!
Dodger And as the Artful Dodger I'm known for my tricks:
I'll get you out of any jam or any fix;
I'd like to be a friend to you forever;
And as your friend, I'll never leave. No never!
I'll be your pal, your buddy through thick and through thin
And now you see I'm your very best of best friends!
(Musical interlude as underscore)
Oliver I'm so very pleased to meet you, Dodger. But are you sure the old gentleman you spoke of
won't mind if I stay with him?
Dodger Not a bit. He has lots of young friends he takes care of and you'll get to meet them all. In fact,
they'll be along any minute. And as I was sayin' any friend of mine is a friend of his. He likes me
a lot and so I know he'll be very happy to have you indeed . . .
(Song resumes)
Dodger (Fagin, Nancy & Ol' Fagin is a friend to us indeed, sir;
orphans enter as He'll help an orphan boy who is in need, sir!
Merchants & Here comes that jolly gentleman of which I spoke;
Londoners observe) He'll help you find your fortune there's no better bloke!
(Shaking Fagin's hand) Just call him Mister Fagin and he'll answer;
Fagin (Shaking Oliver's hand) I'd like to be a friend to you shake hands, sir!
Dodger & Fagin We'll be your new compatriots, we'll point the way
And now, my friend, let's begin a bright new day!
(Brief musical interlude)
Merchants & Londoners Fagin and Artful Dodger are two book-ends!
You were alone but now you have two new friends;
Orphans And you've got chums to care for you it's a great day

We'll be your new compatriots, we'll point the way!
All (Key change) We're (They're) one big happy family of street urchins,
We'll (They'll) give you food and lodgin' so quit searchin'!
We'll (They'll) be your new companions now
We (They) know the ropes
(Coda) Life is sensational and inspirational
We have the high, high, high, high, high, high, highest of hopes!
Your life will be sensational and truly inspirational
You'll have the high, high, high, high, high, high, highest
Of highest hopes !
(Music continues as underscore; segue to next song)
Fagin (Inspecting Oliver) Well, well, well! Dodger has brought us a new member to welcome into our
happy family. And it appears he has made a fine acquaintance indeed.
Dodger (Aside) As always, Fagin, I've brought him on trial, of course.
Fagin Of course. Good work, Dodger.
Dodger (Less confidently) His name is Oliver Twist.
Fagin How do you do, my dear? We're very happy to welcome you into our midst. Our existence is
humble, but not without adventure and excitement.
(Orphans surround Oliver eagerly as Dodger whispers in Fagin's ear, gesturing toward Oliver)
A Girl Let me hang on to your cap for you, Oliver! (Snatches cap and turns it inside out)
A Boy Permit me to spare you the trouble of emptying out your pockets before you go to bed tonight!
(Dives into Oliver's pockets, but finds nothing.)
Nancy (Pushing Orphans aside) Now, now let him be. Let him get acquainted. I'm Nancy, Oliver. And
this is Miss Betsy, although we call her Bet for short.
Oliver (Bowing) I'm so very pleased to meet you.
Nancy Well, look at that! He's got manners!
Bet A perfect gentleman!
Nancy I'm very pleased to meet you, Oliver! (She curtsies)
Bet (Curtsies) A pleasure, I'm sure, Oliver!
(Orphans make faces and rudely mimic the bows and curtsies)
Fagin (Noticing Orphans' rude behavior) That's enough, boys and girls. You're not making a very good
first impression. After all, the boy's undoubtedly had a rough few days and a long journey. This is
his opportunity to set things right, make fine new friends, put all his troubles in the past and start
over again. Yes! That's it! A whole new beginning for Oliver Twist! After all . . .

Fagin It's never too late to start over again,
And I am here to help remind you!
It's never too late to start over again,
No matter what has come behind you;
It's never too late to start over again,
You'll be "in the chips, " yes, "your ship has come in!"
Let come what may, there's no need for dismay,
It's a wonderful day to start over
Dodger & Fagin Life can be great when you anticipate
That it's never to late, no, it's never too late
(Nancy) No, it's never too late to start over (over)
Over (over) over!
Nancy It's never too late to start over again,
Fagin It doesn't matter how you "blew it!"
Oliver It's never too late to start over again,
Nancy Just make up your mind and then do it!
Dodger/Fagin/Nancy Forget all your troubles, forget all your woes,
(Bill Sikes appears Just pick yourself up and then dust off your clothes
and dourly observes) Wear a confident grin as a man among men,
'Cause it's never too late to start over again!
It's never to late to start over (over)
Over (over) over!
Produce Vendor What should you do when your vegetables wilt?
Egg Vendor And what if the eggs in your basket should tilt?
Milk Vendor Try not to cry over milk that's been spilt!
Fagin Just wear a big grin and start over again!
All Life can be great when you anticipate
That it's never too late, no, it's never too late
No, it's never too late to start over (over)
Over (over) over!
(Musical interlude as underscore)
(Taking chest from Bill, who pulls them both to less conspicuous position)
Fagin Ahh! Our old, dear friend Bill Sikes! How did it go last night, Bill?
(Opening chest top) Ah ha! Very well, I see! Good work, Bill! (Greedily lifting up pieces of bright
jewelry and necklaces) Yes, indeed! You've done a beautiful piece of work, ha! (As Nancy, Bet,
Dodger, and orphans gather) Look my dears, but . . .(sharply) . . . don't touch! . . . Yes, a
wonderful haul indeed . . .
Sikes (Grimly) It wasn't an easy job to pull, I assure you, Fagin.
Fagin (Holding up glittering necklace to Nancy) Wouldn't you look like a queen in this, my dear Nancy?
(Orphans "oooh and ahhh.")
Nancy It's beautiful. (Laughing) If only I had the clothes to go with it.
Fagin (Waving a braclelet) And wouldn't our Bet make a fine lady with this on her arm, eh? (Orphans
"oooh and ahhh.")
Bet (Also laughing) A bid gaudy, Fagin. (Blinking) Besides, it don't match me eyes!
Fagin And it's not nearly as lovely!
Sikes You best mind how you handle these things, Fagin. See that you take care of it or I'll take car of
Fagin Now, now Bill. That's no way to talk to the man who practically raised ya. Why, you and your wife
Nancy are like me own flesh and blood. Seems to me I can remember when we were a lot worse
off back when you came to me just like Oliver here has come. So what if we lose it all? . .
We've started over before, haven't we? Just like Oliver . . .
(Song resumes)
Fagin It's never too late to start over again.
Dodger The day is yours, make something of it!
Oliver It's never too late to start over again,
Nancy Whatever happens, rise above it!
All (Except Sikes) It's never too late to start over again.
Greet the new day in a lighthearted way
Oliver When tragedy comes and you're feeding on crumbs,
(Merchants & There's no need to be glum, just start over!
Londoners laugh (Brief musical interlude)
and exit)
Fagin (Spoken) That's the spirit, Oliver! You're going to be a splendid addition to our humble home!
Speaking of which . . . let's head for home now . . .
Fagin (As Dodger, Nancy Oh, let's get you where you can have a new start,
Orphans, and Sikes It's just behind the town square alley;
All join Fagin & Oliver We know the way well, yes, we know it by heart
parading through And once you're there, you'll start to rally
audience and back It isn't real fancy, it's kinda "low brow."
to main stage) But we call it home and we like it somehow;
The finest of shacks on this side of the tracks,
It's a place to relax and start over (over)
Over (over) over !
All We welcome you here to our cozy abode,
It isn't a lot, but we make it;
Nancy You'll find that we live by our own special code:
Dodger We live day by day and we fake it;
Nancy You're welcome to bed and you're welcome to board
Fagin And we only charge what a lad can afford
All Let come what may, there's no need for dismay
It's a wonderful day to start over!
Fagin (Scolding Orphans) Now, nobody's rude here and no one offends,
The boys and the girls here will soon be your friends;
All You won't be alone in your happy new home
It's a place of your own
Fagin Yes, a place of your own
All It's a place of your own to start over (over)
Over (over) over !

Oliver My! You have a rather large family here, haven't you, Mr. Fagin?
Fagin (Jovially grinning) Oh, yes, indeed I have, Oliver. You might say all these boys and girls are just
like my er grandchildren . . .
(Orphans laugh loudly, to Oliver's surprise.)
Oliver Oh?
Fagin With the exception of this fine gentleman, Oliver. (Leading Oliver over to grim Sikes) This is my
er business partner. Yes, that's it. Mr. Bill Sikes. (Sikes scowls and growls at Oliver, who
backs away frightened.)
Oliver (Looking about awkwardly) Er what are all these. Mr. Fagin?
Fagin Ah, yes. I see you've noticed the pocket handkerchiefs, eh? There are a good many of them, ain't
there? Er we've just got 'em ready for the wash! (Orphans laugh again.)
Bet It's a regular laundry we've got here, Oliver.
Fagin Come sit down, Oliver. Bring him something to eat, Nancy. He must be hungry. (As Nancy gives
Oliver bread) Now, Dodger, I hope you've been hard at work this morning.
Dodger (Pulling several handkerchiefs out of his pockets) Hard as nails, Fagin!
Fagin (Examining handkerchiefs) Ahh! These are very good ones, Dodger, but the initials shall have to
be picked out with a needle before we can sell them. Nancy & Bet will teach Oliver how to do it.
You'd like that, wouldn't you Oliver, my dear?
Oliver Oh yes, sir. I'll do whatever I may to earn my keep.
Fagin That's a good lad. Very good indeed! (Slyly) Er I think it would be to your advantage if the boys
and girls and I present you with an opportunity. Yes, an opportunity! Boys and girls get ready,
now. Oliver I'd like to show you a little game we play around here. (Boys stuff handkerchiefs
into Fagin's pockets.)
(Music begins)
Oliver A game, sir?
Fagin Indeed! Now, Oliver, I'll pretend to be an absent-minded old gentleman, browsing in great leisure
along a row of shop windows thusly. (He demonstrates.) Now watch closely. (He wanders
about in a whimsical manner, humming or whistling melody of underscore. Boys/Girls take
opportunity to jostle and distract him taking the handkerchiefs one by one and passing them to
Nancy, Bet and Dodger.) Ha, ha! Well done!
Dodger You're picked clean, Fagin! (General laughter.)
Fagin (Checking pockets) So I am. so I am!
Oliver What a fun little game it is!
Fagin Indeed! Indeed, my dear boy! . . . Now, make our friend Dodger here your target and do just what
you saw the others do. See the handkerchief hanging out of his pocket?
Oliver Yes, sir.
Dodger See if you can take it out without my feeling it.
Fagin That's right! It's a truly delightful game . . .have a go at it, won't you? . . .
Fagin Wouldn't you like to tame our little game now?
Wouldn't you like to score a victory?
(Positioning Oliver) Step right up and make yourself a name now!
It's just about as easy as can be!
And you'll find the peace of mind that comes from every pocket,
(Sikes is clearly But don't ya dare to drop it, 'cause I'm gonna have to swap it
agitated) For some hard money cash, clear and free.
Dodger (Oliver makes efforts Come and grab it boy! Do it gingerly!
Fagin to retrieve pocket Better nab it boy! You'll have victory!
Dodger handkerchiefs) You can have it, boy! But the secret of the trick
Fagin & Dodger Is to do it slyly and do it quick!
Orphans (Cheering on Oliver) Do it slyly and do it quick!
Sikes (Aside, angrily) Did ya have to tell him you're a "fence," sir?
Fagin (Spoken) (Well . . . )
Sikes Isn't that extreme and rather rash?
Fagin (Spoken) (Now, now . . .)
Sikes I always have suspected you were dense, sir!
Fagin (Spoken) (Oh?!)
Sikes Ya told the kid ya fence the goods for cash!
Fagin (Spoken) (So what?)
Fagin (Resumes singing) Oliver is just a lad, naive and sweet and mild,
Why, he's just a simple child and he's thoroughly beguiled;
(Oliver succeeds) He will soon earn his keep, so just smile!
(Excitedly to Oliver) You have done it boy! And so easily!
Nancy & Bet You have won it boy! And so naturally!
All You have done it, boy! You not only played the game,
You have played it well and deserve acclaim!
(Brief musical interlude)
Fagin What an exceptionally clever lad you are, Oliver! Isn't he clever, boys and girls?!
Orphans Very clever! Amazing! He's done so well for his first time! He plays a good game! Etc.
(As the Orphans surround and cheer Oliver, Dodger joins Fagin, Nancy and Bet in an informal
conference near Sikes)
Dodger What do ya think, Fagin? Can we let him come with us?
Bet Only to watch of course.
Dodger And give us a chance to watch him!
Fagin He's amazingly good at it, isn't he? Hmmm . . . Perhaps . . . just perhaps . . .
(Song resumes)
Dodger Fagin, don't ya think the boy is ready?
Fagin (Spoken; resolved) (Ready!)
Dodger Shouldn't he see the action for himself?
Fagin (Spoken) (Indeed!)
Dodger He's proven that his hand is quick and steady
Fagin (Spoken) (Right!)
Dodger (Grabbing Oliver) And Oliver wants to earn his share of wealth!
Oliver (Spoken) (Yes, sir!)
Orphans (Grabbing Oliver & With pockets on the docket, we might find a fancy locket
circling him) And then Fagin's gonna hock it or he'll find a way to swap it
(Boy searches Oliver) For some hard money cash, don't you see?
Fagin (Aside to Sikes) The boy doesn't see obviously
And therefore he can be of use to me!
(Reflective musical interlude "Mother's Lament" chorus)
Boy (Holding up Oliver's locket taken from a vest pocket) Hey look! Speakin' of pockets look what I
found! I musta missed it earlier. (Hands it to Fagin.)
Fagin A beautiful locket indeed. (Orphans "oooh and ahhh.")
Oliver Please, sir. May I have it back?
Fagin You've been holdin' out on us, Oliver?
Oliver Please, sir. It's the only thing I have in the world. Please don't take it away. I'm hoping that one day
it will help me find my family.
Fagin Oliver, my dear! We're your family now! I'll just tuck this away in my treasure box, temporarily,
for safe keeping, eh? (Slyly) There are treacherous people about!
Oliver But, sir (Fagin places locket in treasure box.)
Fagin Now, now, Oliver, my dear. Let's not forget our little game! This is your opportunity. Just follow
Dodger's example and do what he tells you.
(Music returns to "The Pickpocket Game" theme, with ominous tones)
Dodger (Taking Oliver) I'll keep a sharp eye on him.
Fagin Be sure that you do, Dodger. And bring him safely home. Don't lose sight of him for an instant.
Dodger Don't worry . . . (To Oliver) Now, here's some special tips for the game . . . (He whispers to Oliver
briefly, "in conference.")
Nancy I don't know about that one, Fagin. He's not like the others. He's not like the way er we were.
Besides, he doesn't look well.
Sikes He's too sickly and pale to be of any use to us.
Fagin Ahh but if he proves himself, Bill, his sweet angelic face will work to his advantage and ours.
Who would suspect him?
Sikes But if he doesn't work out . . . he'll be just another street child who meets with an unfortunate
disappearance and remembered by nobody . . . (He stares at Oliver.)
Fagin (Changing subject to something less distasteful) Ahem! Let's get these handkerchiefs ready,
Nancy. I plan to sell them tomorrow. Come, Bill. I've got to get these jewels locked safely away . .
(Noticing Sikes staring at Oliver) . . . Must you always brood over everything so much, Bill? Let's
give the boy a chance. He may prove to be a valuable investment indeed.
Sikes You'd better be right about him.
(Music brightens)
Fagin (Festively) Of course! Of course! (To Oliver) All right, Oliver! Get to it! To work, boys and
girls! . . .
(Song resumes)
Fagin Oliver, it appears that you are ready!
Oliver (Spoken) (Ready)
Fagin I think it's time you saw the game for real!
Oliver (Spoken) (Oh boy!)
Fagin You've proven that you're honest and you're steady.
Oliver (Spoken) (Steady!)
Fagin (Shaking his hand) So go and earn your keep, is that a deal?
Oliver (Spoken) (Yes, sir!)
Dodger& Orphans So, now we're off and running to be clever, quick and cunning
(Dodger & Bet lead And remember all the same now, it is just a friendly game now,
Orphans into And we'll have a ball, let's be swift!
audience area) (Let's be swift!)
And pick up lots of pocket handkerchiefs!
Fagin ` Yes, gang!
Fagin & Orphans Pick up lots of handkerchiefs !
(Segue to next song)
(Fagin, Sikes, and Nancy exit. Dodger, Bet, and Oliver emerge from pack of Orphans, who
disperse, and return to main stage where Merchants and Londoners appear. Among them,
Brownlow approaches book vendor, Miss Wordsmith. A constable roams about)
Bread Vendor (As Brownlow Buy my bread! Golden bread! Wholesome bread here for sale!
Nut Vendor approaches) Roasted chestnuts, hot chestnuts!
Ale Vendor I have fine tea and ale!
Egg Vendor (Dodger & Co. I have eggs! Buy my eggs! They're the freshest of fresh!
Poultry Vendor observe) Buy my poultry!
Produce Vendor Buy my vegetables!
Cheese Vendor Buy my cheese, please it's the best!
Miss Wordsmith (To others) That's all well and good, but it's also well known
(Motions to Bread Vendor) Men cannot live on bread alone!
We must feed the mind, and if you're so inclined,
(Enticing Brownlow) Come see me and look at the books you will find!
I have books! Buy my books! Many books here for sale!
(Holding up books) All the latest new novels and interesting tales;
As you look at a book, you may travel afar,
For a book can transport you to places bizarre
You can go 'round the world while
You're standing where you are!
(Music continues as underscore)
Mr. Brownlow Wonderful, dear lady! And what a fine selection of books you have. Such quality!
Miss Wordsmith Thank you, sir. Do take your time and browse to your heart's content.
Mr. Brownlow Thank you, I will . . . (He browses)
Oliver (To Dodger and Bet) Why are we stopping here?
Dodger Shhh. Do you see that rich-looking gentleman over there by the bookseller?
Oliver Yes, I see him.
Dodger He's perfect . . . He wouldn't notice if we dropped a firecracker down his drawers! . . . He'll be our
first customer.
Bet A prime target!
Oliver What do you mean? Does he buy handkerchiefs?
Dodger (Laughing with Bet) Just wait here, Oliver, and watch how Bet and me play the game! . . .
(Dodger and Bet stalk Brownlow, looking around carefully)
Oliver (Confused) What are you doing? What? . . . (Starts to follow them, then stops, watching in
amazement as Dodger neatly takes a handkerchief from Brownlow's coat pocket and hands it to
Bet, who swiftly tucks it up her sleeve. Then both link arms and saunter casually away from
Brownlow.) Why it isn't a game at all! You're you're you're theives! . . . It isn't right . . .
(Dodger beckons urgently to Oliver, who shakes his head "no" and backs away toward Brownlow)
Mr. Brownlow (Looks up, feels in his coat pocket, then turns around just as Oliver begins to back away) My
handkerchief! (Looking at Oliver) You!
Oliver (Horrified) No!
Mr. Brownlow Here, boy! Give me my handkerchief!
(Oliver panics and runs.)
(Music rises a mood of excitement bursts forth)
Mr. Brownlow Stop! Stop! My handkerchief! Stop, thief! Thief!
Londoners There he goes! Don't let him get away! After him! He stole that gentleman's handkerchief! Quick,
quick! Here he is! Catch him! Etc. (Oliver runs about wildly as Dodger and Bet sneaks to
sidelines. As Oliver is chased, Dodger pulls his cap low over his face and turns collar up. Bet
conceals herself with shawl over her head. Oliver eventually plows into the Constable, who grabs
him. Emerging from the crowd that gathers is Miss Monks, who peers sharply at Oliver and
disdainfully observes the commotion)
(Music becomes subdued; fades.)
Constable (Grabbing Oliver;) Well! What have we here? A young pickpocket, eh?
Mr. Brownlow I'm afraid this boy took my handkerchief, Constable. (Hesitantly) At appears he did.
Oliver (Terrified) Oh, no sir. I didn't take it! I didn't!
Constable (A bit roughly) Sure, sure....of course you didn't. That's what they all say.
Oliver Please believe me.
Constable (Searching Oliver) Hold still, you young devil....You're probably part of that pickpocket ring that's
been the scourge of all London. I'd like to get my hands on that gang!....Hmmm....(To Brownlow)
Well, I must admit, there's no handkerchief on his person, sir. You'll have to come to headquarters
to press the chargeofficial paperwork and all....
Mr. Brownlow (Lost in thought and "melting" at the sight of Oliver) Erwhat? Oh charges er well, is
that really necessary, Constable?
Constable Yes, sir. We have cases like this every day, sir. If the boy is fortunate, he'll get off with a light
sentence of only, say, three months hard labor. (Begins to take Oliver.)
Mr. Brownlow (Shocked) Hard labor! Constable, I really don't....
Miss Wordsmith Wait! Please stop! Don't take the boy.
Constable Who are you, ma'am?
Miss Wordsmith I'm Elsa Wordsmith, Constable. I'm a bookseller and I saw what happened.
Constable Oh? And what did you see ma'am?
Miss Wordsmith I saw this boy, and another boy, and a girl loitering on the street near this gentleman who was
browsing through my books. His handkerchief was taken by the other boy, who handed it to the
girl, and they both disappeared in all the confusion.
Constable Are you quite certain of all this?
Miss Wordsmith Yes, indeed. The little vagabonds! In broad daylight and on a respectable street! What is the
world coming to? This poor boy is mustn't take him away.
Constable I see. Very well. There's no need to overcrowd the courts with another case. (He releases Oliver,
who collapses. To onlookers) All right....move along. Move along! (Constable disperses
Londoners, then returns to Brownlow and Oliver. Dodger and Bet watch intently on one side of
the "street" as Miss Monks peers at Oliver from the other side)
Mr. Brownlow (Bending over Oliver) Poor, poor boy! I'm afraid he's very ill and frightened half to death.
(Kindly to Oliver) No one will hurt you now. I'll see to that. (Oliver nods weakly.)
Constable From the looks of him, he doesn't seem to have any home but the streets.
Mr. Brownlow He does now.
Miss Wordsmith Are you going to help him, sir?
Mr. Brownlow Indeed I am. I'll bring him to my home in Pentonville. My housekeeper will help me take good
care of him. (He helps Oliver up; Oliver leans against Brownlow, obviously weak.)
Constable You're doing a commendable thing, sir. Much obliged. I'm sorry I was so hasty in misjudging the
Mr. Brownlow Perhaps we both were. (Extending hand to Constable and Wordsmith) My name is
Constable Mr. Brownlow, isn't it?
Mr. Brownlow Why, yes.
Constable I thought I recognized you. Your philanthropy and work for charitable causes is well-known here
in London and much appreciated.
Miss Wordsmith Indeed it is, sir.
Mr. Brownlow Thank you. For now, I'll just get the lad in my coach around the corner and welcome him to his
new home.
Oliver (Weakly) Thank you, sir....
Mr. Brownlow You are most welcome. Goodness! It occurs to me I don't even know your name....
Oliver/Dodger/Bet Oliver!
Mr. Brownlow (Oliver!)
Miss Monk (Oliver!)
Dodger/Bet We have let him get away
Mr. Brownlow (Oliver!)
Miss Monk (Oliver!)
Dodger & Bet All our secrets will betray!
Miss Monk (All my secrets betray!)
Dodger & Bet We lost the "game" and we'll get the blame;
We'll pay the cost for what we've lost
And nothing will be the same!
Miss Monks (Nothing will be the same!)
Dodger & Bet (Oliver!)
Mr. Brownlow (Oliver!)
Miss Monks It's him! The very same!
Dodger & Bet (Oliver!)
Mr. Brownlow (Oliver!)
Miss Monks Yes, how well I know that name!
Dodger & Bet (We'll get all the blame!)
Miss Monks Through all the years, he's my worst of fears;
He's haunting me, so endlessly
I curse his wretched name
Dodger & Bet (We will get all the blame!)
Miss Monks (Oliver!)
Mr. Brownlow (Oliver!)
Dodger & Bet (Exiting) Old Fagin will be sore!
Mr. Brownlow Oliver!
Miss Wordsmith (Exiting) (Oliver!)
Constable (Exiting) (Oliver!)
Brownlow (Exiting w/Oliver) I will see your health restored....
Miss Monks (Stepping into I know that boy....And I know that man!
audience) I curse the day when they got in my way
Oliver!....I cannot endure this boy;
Oliver!....I will see his life destroyed!
In my good time, I will get what's mine
And Oliver will fall once for all
(Exiting) Once for all once for all
(Music continues as underscore)
(Fagin is running his hands through the loot in his treasure box as Sikes enters accompanied by
Sikes I might have known I'd find you counting your money.
Fagin Merely a hobby of mine, Bill.
Sikes Well, while you're counting, you can just throw a little more of it my way.
I've had Nancy go through those scribbled figures you call books and just
as I've thought all along things aren't adding up. You've been cheating me,
you old buzzard. And you know what happens to people who dare to cross
me! I have a good mind to
Fagin Bill, Bill! I wouldn't cheat you! We've known each other too long for that sort of
Dodger (Entering with Bet) Er hello, Fagin....Bill.
Fagin Back already?
Sikes What's this? Only the two of you?
Fagin Where's Oliver? (Dodger and Bet look at each other uneasily.) What's become of the
boy?!....(Grabbing Dodger by collar) Speak up!
Dodger Well, he didn't take much to our line of work, Fagin. So when a rich gentleman
offered him a ride in a coach off he went!
Bet That's what happened.
Fagin What?!
Dodger That's all. Let me go! (Jerks free and joins Bet in retreating away from Fagin.)
(Advancing on Dodger and Bet) I put him in your charge and you let him get
away?! Do you know what this means?! He knows all about us! He might say
something that could get us into trouble!....
Sikes Why, you greedy old skeleton! What are you afraid of? Do you think the little brat will
blab to his rescuer so you'll be found out, maybe? (Sneering)
And hanged?
Fagin (Fiercely) Perhaps you don't realize, Bill, that if the game was up with me, it might be
up for all of us! And you're the murderer among us. It would come out much worse for
you than it would for me!
Sikes (Realizing his position) Well, then....we've got to get the boy back, don't we!
Fagin Dodger! Spill what you know!
Dodger We heard the old gentleman say he lived in Pentonville.
Fagin Pentonville? A very genteel neighborhood. We shall have to look around there and
investigate first. Bet would like to make a few discreet inquiries for us, wouldn't she?
Inasmuch as she helped get us in this mess!
(Miss Monks appears in background and eavesdrops)
Bet (Backing away from Fagin) Er ah I never travel that far from home, Fagin.
Besides, it sounds dangerous. I don't think so....
Fagin (Growls at Bet and turns to Nancy) Then Nancy will go, won't you, my dear?
Nancy The boy's out of our company now. Let him be.
Sikes What kind of talk is that?! He could blab to the police about us! You'll go, Nance!
Nancy But he's not like the others. He's better off where he is. Why should he be like us?
Sikes (Grabbing Nancy roughly by the arm) You always have had a pathetic soft spot,
haven't you?
Nancy Some people might call it a conscience.
Sikes (Pulling her toward himself) I say you'll go help get the boy. He's more likely to
come along quiet with you.
Nancy (Wincing in pain) All right! You're hurting me, Bill. I'll go. (Sikes releases her)
But what shall I do? How shall I go about it?
Miss Monks (Stepping forward suddenly) I'll tell you exactly how to go about it!....
(All are startled. Fagin snaps closed his treasure box lid in panic. Sikes draws
his pistol. Dodger and Bet grab Miss Monks)
Fagin Who are you?! How did you get in here?
Miss Monks I know how to slip into places without being noticed. Don't worry. You certainly
have nothing to fear from me. I've heard enough and seen enough to know that we
can do business together concerning the boy.
Fagin And just what boy are you talking about?
Miss Monks The one just taken home by a Pentonville gentleman. We both know who I mean.
Fagin (Exchanging looks with Sikes) What about him?
Miss Monks I want him. And I think you and your friends here can secure him for me. I cannot
pursue him myself, for the gentleman knows me and would interfere.
Fagin I have particular reasons for wanting him back. Why should I get him back for you?
Miss Monks For a price! (Removing coin bag from her cloak) And I do not deal in trifles!
(Throws bag at Fagin; Dodger and Bet relax hold on her and peer curiously at bag.)
Fagin (Examining coins greedily) Well, well. Most generous indeed! You have my full
Miss Monks Consider that bag of coins your fee for getting the boy back. Then, if you do as I ask,
you'll get double this amount.
Fagin Double?!
Miss Monks I assure you, my interest in him is similar to yours. We can assist each other very
Fagin Double this amount, you say? (Miss Monks nods.) Very well. Do go on, Miss er
Miss Monks I call myself Miss Monks. (Sikes puts pistol away.) Now, the gentleman's name is
Thomas Brownlow. He is a very rich and influential philanthropist. It won't be easy
to get the boy away from him. The first thing to do is to spend a few days keeping a
watch on the house.
Fagin Yes. Nancy and Bill can help with that, if you'll show the way.
Miss Monks I will. (She begins leading the others toward audience) The boy is obviously exhausted
and ill, so he'll probably remain at Brownlow's at least until he begins to recover. I'll
explain my plan on the way to Pentonville....
(Song resumes)
Miss Monks (As Fagin shows Oliver!
Others off money from (Oliver! Oliver!)
Miss Monks Monk's pouch, He's a specter from the past but Oliver
Others inciting others) (Oliver! Oliver!)
Miss Monks Will be in my grasp at last!
Others (He'll be ours at last!)
Miss Monks Time after time
Others (Time after time)
Miss Monks I get what's mine!
All (We'll pull the crime!)
And Oliver will fallonce for all
Once for allonce for all
(Music rises to crescendo.)
(Black out.)
(End of Act I).
End of ACT I
(As lights on main stage rise, Mr. Brownlow and Rose meet at center stage. Mr. Brownlow enters
with a walking stick and holds a rose; Mrs. Bedwin is busy dusting and observes)
Rose Good morning, sir.
Mr. Brownlow Good morning, my dear. (Handing the rose to her) Fresh from the garden. A rose for my lovely
Rose! . . .
Mr. Brownlow Rose, you're as lovely as can be
Mrs. Bedwin (Lovely as a spring time flower!)
Mr. Brownlow I'm glad you've come to stay with me
Mrs. Bedwin (You're delightful every hour!)
Mr. Brownlow A picture of splendor, so tender, my dear,
I'm so happy that you're here;
Your father always had been a good friend to me;
Since childhood we were close as two good friends could be;
Rose & Brownlow When he passed away, we cried;
Since then, you've been at my side . . .
Rose You've loved me like Father
Mr. Brownlow A daughter you are!
Rose & Brownlow You're so dear to my own heart . . .
The Three We won't be alone now,
We're home now as three
And we're happy as can be!
Mr. Brownlow (To Both) And I'm so glad you like the lad who stays with us;
Rose Oliver has earned our faith and trust;
Mr. Brownlow (To Rose) You've helped the boy to read and, indeed, he's excelled . . .
Rose & Bedwin I'm just so glad he's healing and feeling so well;
(Oliver makes a , (Musical flourish)
Brownlow grand entrance, Here he is and he looks grand!
Rose & Bedwin looking his best) (What a handsome boy we see here!)
Rose (Oliver bows) What a proper little man!
Brownlow & Bedwin (Yes, indeed, we must agree, dear!)
Rose God gave to us a foundling, astounding to see
The Three No need for you to roam now, you're home now , and free!
Oliver Top of the morning, ladies, sir
Rose (It's a morning bright and happy!)
Oliver (Serving from trays) Tea and muffins you prefer
Mrs. Bedwin (Service that is mighty snappy!)
The Three And as we are eating, some reading, dear boy
You have brought us so much joy!
(Music continues as underscore, eventually fading)
Mr. Brownlow I am so very pleased to learn of your ability in reading, young man, and I think it's a capital idea to
hear a sample of your progress. (Rose gets large family Bible.)
Oliver Rose has helped me, sir. And it was a dear older lady named Sally who first who first taught me
back at the at the workhouse.
Mr. Brownlow I see. That was certainly a kind gesture on the woman's part. But you needn't worry about the
workhouse. That's all in the past now. Tell me, what have you and Rose been reading lately?
Rose (Handing Oliver the Bible) Here, Oliver. We left off here . . . chapter nineteen . . .
Oliver We've been reading the Psalms together . . .(Reading) Ummm . . . "The law of the Lord is perfect,
re reviving the soul. The sta sta
Rose (Over Oliver's shoulder) Statutes.
Oliver "The statutes of the lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple."
Mrs. Bedwin Good lad.
Mr. Brownlow Very fine, Oliver. Good words to think upon . . . wise and true indeed. And you're sounding out the
words very well. Do continue.
Rose Verse eight.
Oliver (Reading) "The ways of the Lord are right." (Oliver looks up.) That's the verse my mother gave to
me. It's inscribed on a locket she gave me . . . (Lost in thought) . . . Mother . . . (Mr. Brownlow,
Rose, and Mrs. Bedwin exchange anxious looks, sensing awkwardness.)
It would be a fine mother indeed who would have those words inscribed on a locket.
Oliver She was good, sir ,. . . I'm sure of it . . .
Mr. Brownlow I have no doubt.
Rose (Changing subject) Well, as you can see, Oliver is becoming quite a fine reader. And he writes as
well as he reads.
Oliver Thank you, Miss Rose. You've been a very kind teacher.
Rose You've been an eager pupil. You learn quickly.
Oliver (Looking at portrait on wall) Do you think that someday I might learn to paint pictures, too?
Rose It's quite possible.
Mr. Brownlow You are very fond of that portrait, aren't you?
Oliver Oh, yes. The lady has such a beautiful face, yet her eyes are so sorrowful. When I sat here while I
was ill, I used to look at her. She almost seemed alive as if she wanted to speak to me. (The
others chuckle)
Oh? (Looks at portrait, then at Oliver, , then back again) How odd . . . I never noticed that before.
Oliver Noticed what, sir?
Mr. Brownlow Oh, nothing, my dear, nothing at all. (Glances at portrait again, then turns back to Oliver) Now,
Oliver, you have been with me for a month and, since you have recovered from your fever, I'm
sure you will understand that I must now
Oliver (Alarmed) Oh! Don't send me away, sir! Please don't send me away! Don't send me to that awful
place I came from! . . .
(Consoling) Oh, no Oliver. Don't worry, dear. (A knock is heard.) Excuse me . . . (Exits.)
Rose Mr. Brownlow would never send you away.
Mr. Brownlow Certainly not. My boy, you needn't be afraid of my ever deserting you. unless you give me cause
to do so.
Oliver Oh, I'll never do that, sir.
Mr. Brownlow I hope not. Indeed, I feel strongly disposed to trust you and I am more interested in your welfare
with each passing day more interested on your behalf than I can well account for. Now, we must
think about your future and your education and . . .
Mrs. Bedwin (Re-entering) pardon me, sir. Mrs. Grimwig is here. She inquired if there were any muffins in the
house and, when I said yes, she announced she had come to tea.
Mr. Browlow (Laughing) Very well, sen her in. (Mrs. Bedwin exits.) We'll have our little talk after tea, Oliver.
Mrs. Clara Grimwig is an old and dear friend of mine. She is a bit crusty in her manners, but a
very worthy creature, I assure you.
Mrs. Grimwig (Led in by Mrs. Bedwin and huffily brandishing a walking cane) Now look here, Thomas! Do you
see this? (Waving an orange peel) It's a fine thing to call at a friend's house only to find a piece of
orange peel on the front step! I've slipped and nearly died on an orange peel once almost lame
for life! And I know an orange peel will be my death! (Noticing Rose) Oh! How are you, my
dear? (Noticing Oliver through spectacles)
Hullo!...Aha! Who is this?
Mr. Brownlow (Barely concealing his amusement) Why, this is young Oliver Twist. Surely you remember me
telling you about him?
Mrs. Grimwig Aha! So this must be the boy who ate an orange and left the peel on the front step!
Mr. Brownlow No, no, Clara. He hasn't eaten an orange today. (Helping her into armchair) Come, do sit down.
Mrs. Grimwig (Peering sharply at Oliver) So this is the boy you found in the street, is it? This is the boy who
had the fever?
Mr. Brownlow This is the boy.
Mrs. Grimwig And how are you now, boy?
Oliver (Bowing politely) Much better now, thank you ma'am.
Mrs. Grimwig (Snorting) Humphf!
Mr. Brownlow Rose, will you kindly tell Mrs. Bedwin she may bring Mrs. Grimwig some fresh muffins now?
Rose Of course. Come along Oliver. We'll each have a sample too! (They exit.)
Mrs. Grimwig Now, Thomas, what on earth do you really know about that boy?
Mr. Brownlow Well, I've made some inquiries and I've advertised in the papers, but I've had no satisfactory
answers to date. He has told me he's an orphan, raised in a country workhouse. He ran away to
London to escape a miserable apprenticeship to an undertaker, fell in with bad company
completely unaware, and you know how I came to find him.
Mrs. Grimwig Humphf! Does Mrs. Bedwin count your silverware at night, my friend? She just might find a
teaspoon or two missing one of these days!
Mr. Brownlow I'm sure nothing of the kind will ever happen, Clara. Oliver is quite well-mannered. And well,
I've noticed that he bears a striking resemblance to that portrait of Rose's sister.
Mrs. Grimwig (Peering at portrait through spectacles) Humphf! That's a stretch, I must say! And I should think
you'd spare Rose the chore of keeping company with that young vagabond.
Mr. Brownlow Rose and Oliver have become good friends. As you know, Rose is very dear to me for the sake of
my long acquaintance with her father. (Glancing at portrait) And the unfortunate circumstances
surrounding the death of her sister. This is her home now. And Oliver's. (Mrs. Bedwin enters
with Rose and Oliver, carrying muffins and offering them to Mrs. Grimwig)
Mrs. Grimwig Ah, Mrs. Bedwin! You are indeed a wonder with muffins! (Tasting) Excellent, as usual!
Mrs. Bedwin Thank you, ma'am. (Tea is poured.)
Oliver A man who works with Miss Wordsmith left these books for you, Mr. Brownlow.
Mr. Brownlow Oh? I have some books to send back to Miss Wordsmith.
Mrs. Bedwin I'm sorry, sir. But the man has gone.
Mrs. Grimwig Why don't you let Oliver take them back for you? (With a sarcastic cackle) I'm sure he'll deliver
them safely!
(Music resumes)
Oliver Oh, yes! Do let me take them for you, sir. I would be happy to help you.
Mrs. Bedwin But, Oliver I'm not sure you're well enough yet to go out in the streets and
Mrs. Grimwig Nonsense. He looks perfectly well to me. (With a snide cough) But, of course, if he can't be
trusted . . .
Mr. Brownlow (Firmly) You shall go, Oliver. It isn't far. Here are the books and a five pound note to pay Miss
Wordsmith for the others.
Oliver (Taking books and placing money in his pocket) Yes, sir! I won't be gone long, sir.
Mr. Brownlow I have complete confidence in you, Oliver...
(Song resumes)
Mr. Brownlow Yes, I'm so glad you're just the lad who came to us;
Rose & Bedwin You certainly have earned our faith and trust;
Mr. Brownlow So go and pay my bill, sir;
Oliver I will, sir, oh yes!
I'll be back in ten minutes or possibly less!
Mr. Brownlow Sounds as if you'd like to race...
Oliver I think that I could win first place!
Mr. Brownlow (Spoken, with smile) (Oh, really?)
(Pulling out vest watch) The watch in my pocket will clock itso go!
(As Oliver dashes out) Come back quickly, don't be slow!
(Music continues as underscore, eventually fading)
Mrs. Bedwin (Running after him, shouting) Let me tell you the fastest way to get there!...(Exits.)
Mr. Brownlow (Chuckling along with Rose) I'll wager he'll be back in no time at all!
Mrs. Grimwig Oh? You expect him back, do you?
Rose Why, of course we do!
Mrs. Grimwig Well, I don't! He has a new suit of clothes on his back, a valuable set of books under his arm, and
a five pound note in his pocket. He'll join his old friends, the thieves, and laugh at you.
Rose Dear Mrs. Grimwig it's true Oliver came from difficult circumstances, but he is a grateful,
gentle child. He strives to do what is right.
Mrs. Grimwig My dear, I think I know a young vagabond when I see one!
Mrs. Bedwin (Entering) Excuse me, sir, but there are a gentleman and lady here in answer to your
advertisement for information about Oliver.
Mr. Brownlow Please bring them in, Mrs. Bedwin. I've been hoping to hear something.
Mrs. Grimwig (As Mrs. Bedwin gets the visitors) Humphf! I'll wager you won't like what you hear, Thomas!
(Mrs. Bedwin ushers in The Bumbles, then exits.)
Mr. Brownlow Welcome. My name is Brownlow. You have information about Oliver?
Mr. Bumble Yes, sir. I'm in London on parish business, sir, and I happened to notice your advertisement. My
name is Bumble, sir. I am master of the workhouse where the boy was born...and this is my wife,
sir. Ahem! Er I understand there is a reward of five guineas for the information you seek?
Mr. Brownlow (Dryly) There is. What do you know of the boy?
Mrs. Grimwig (Rapping cane on floor) You don't know anything good about him do you?!
Mrs. Bumble Indeed we do not! The boy was barely born before his indigent, vagabond mother died.
Mrs. Grimwig Aha! Vagabonds. I knew it!
Mrs. Bumble Since birth, he has displayed nothing but treachery, greed, ingratitude and malice.
Rose (Upset) You must be thinking of some other child, ma'am.
Mr. Brownlow Come, come! Surely you are mistaken.
Mr. Bumble No, sir! We brought him up and gave him the best care, and all necessities. And he up and runs
away from his home after a cowardly attack on a poor, unoffending apprentice. We ain't never
heard from him since. Why, he's the most ungrateful, ill-mannered boy I ever did see!
Mrs. Grimwig You see, Thomas? What did I tell you?
Rose I'm sorry, but I can't believe a word of this.
Mr. Brownlow Nor can I....This is most disturbing. The boy has told me the facts, much as you have told
them....and have added some particulars....
Mrs. Bumble The boy is not to be trusted. He's no good.
Mr. Brownlow I don't know what to think. I I
Mr. Bumble May I be so bold to ask, sir, what has happened to the boy and what is your interest?
Mr. Brownlow (Handing him coins) It is my affair, sir. Here are the five guineas....(Sadly) I would gladly have
given you five times this amount if your news about the boy had been favorable....
Mr. Bumble Favorable? Er well now ah indeed, sir, I might have been hasty! Come to think of it, he
was really a rather delightful lad and I
Mr. Brownlow (Firmly) Good day, sir. Ma'am. (Turns from them.)
Mrs. Bumble Come along, you old fool! (Mrs. Bumble drags Mr. Bumble off as he mumbles)
Mr. Bumble But, my dear, how could I know what he wanted to hear?....(Exiting) That little brat cost me a
bundle in reward money!....
(Music subdued theme of "Oliver's Prayer" begins as underscore)
Mr. Brownlow (Consulting watch) Surely he has had time to go and return. (Calling) Mrs. Bedwin?
Mrs. Grimwig Come, Thomas, admit the truth. The boy has played a game with you.
Mrs. Bedwin (Re-entering) Yes, sir?
Mr. Brownlow Is there any sign of Oliver?
Mrs. Bedwin I'm afraid not, sir. But he hasn't been gone long.
Mr. Brownlow (Despairing) After what we've just heard, I'm afraid we may have been deceived by him.
Rose Oh, no, Mr. Brownlow! I'll never believe that!
Mrs. Bedwin Nor I, sir!
Mrs. Grimwig Come to your senses, all of you. The boy's an imposter who has taken advantage of your pity and
generosity. He came from a den of thieves and he'll return to a den of thieves.
Mr. Brownlow If he returns in the next few minutes, I shall forget what I've heard about him. But....if he does
not....then I wish never to hear his name again....
Rose Oh, Mr. Brownlow surely you don't mean that.
Mr. Brownlow (Taking her hand, and saying after a pause) No. But it hurts to think he may have deceived us
and left us. Still....he certainly has stolen a place in my heart....God be with him...
Mr. Brownlow (Gazing out) Oliver, please come home come and stay with me;
Don't wander all alone where can the poor boy be?
Rose & Brownlow Dear God in Heaven, he's just eleven
And he needs You to show him that you care;
God, please stay near Him and please help steer him,
Stay right beside him, and gently guide him
To this place which has become his special home yes, his own
Oh, God please protect him gently direct him
And help him know You care and that You're there
(Black out on Brownlow To lead him home !
scene on last note) (Segue to next song)
(Sikes and Nancy warm themselves at glowing barrel fire, watching for
Oliver, who walks along "Street Area:")
SONG: "OLIVER!" (Reprise)
Sikes & (Nancy) Oliver! (Oliver?) Oliver!
Sikes Yes, I see the boy at last!
Oliver is finally in our grasp!
He won't escape he's ours to take!
Yes, Oliver will fall once for all!...
(Music continues as underscore)
Nancy (Calling out to Oliver as Sikes hides behind street barrel) Oliver!....Oliver!....
Oliver (Startled) Nancy? (Running to her) Nancy! (Hugging her) But what are you
doing here?
Nancy (Sincerely) Oh, it is good to see you!
Sikes (Suddenly appearing, alarming Oliver) How tender and sweet! (Grabs Oliver.)
Oliver Bill Sikes! What are you?
Sikes Now if we can dispense with the sappy sentiments, you have an appointment with us!
Oliver No! Help! Somebody please help ! (Bill covers his mouth; Oliver bites him.)
Sikes Ahh! Why you monstrous little brat! (Pushes Oliver down, then drags him back up.)
Nancy Careful, Bill. You're hurting him.
Sikes Good! (To Oliver) I'll teach you what happens to little varmints who run away and
Oliver (Struggling to be heard) Stop! I've got to get back to Mr. Brownlow! Help!....
Sikes Quiet! You can kiss easy street good bye. You're ours now!....
(Song resumes)
Sikes (Covering Oliver's Yes, now at last you are in my grasp
mouth & struggling You'll pay for wasted time
with him) You are mine You are mine
(Dragging Oliver & You are mine !
Nancy off) (Music rises to crescendo)
(Music segues to)
(Lighting transitions to)
(Fagin greedily enjoys counting his treasure box loot as Miss Monks anxiously paces)
Fagin (Greedily, to Monks) I just love countin' money it's sure grand, ma'am!
(Holding up Some say it can't bring happiness it can, ma'am!
Oliver's locket) To those who have some culture, yes to those like me,
We can appreciate every fine luxury!
Orphans (Bounding in) We brought you lots of handkerchiefs we stole, sir;
They came from wealthy gentlemen they're full, sir!
Fagin (Examining goods) You've done a splendid job of it you've earned your keep
Now rest your weary bones, and then you can eat!
(Orphans form line) (Musical interlude as underscore)
Miss Monks (To Fagin as he serves soup in bowls to Orphans, who slurp it up) I know what you're up to....
Fagin (Aside to Monks) Yes, I use them a bit. Use them for my own purposes. But I do care about
'em. And I feed 'em, don't I? And put a roof over their heads. And I look after 'em when they're
sick. It's not exactly charity, I'll grant. I'm lookin' after my investment. But I do love 'em. Yes, I
do. (Loudly) Don't I love ya, boys and girls?!....
(Song resumes)
Dodger & Bet (Cheering, We're one big, happy family of
Orphans hugging and Street urchins!
All saluting Fagin) We've got our food and lodgin' so we're splurgin'!
Dodger & Bet Fagin's our pal, our buddy, yes,
All He knows the ropes
And now we have the high, high, highest of hopes!
(Segue to next song)
Dodger (Pointing off toward audience) It's Bill Sikes! (Orphans gasp, alarmed.)
Fagin About time!
Bet (Also looking off) And I think he's draggin' Oliver along with him!
Dodger And Bill looks mad. Madder than I ever seen him before!
Fagin Oh, dear.
Miss Monks Is Sikes really everything the rumors and legends make him out to be?
Fagin Oh, no. He's much worse!....
Fagin (As if telling a You must never ignore any legends or lore
"ghost" story; all Of a treacherous man we call Bill;
eventually advance In the dark of the night he's a terrible sight
upon and circle And he strikes with a fright and a chill!
around Monks) So beware when he's near! He is cold and severe!
Orphans Better fear, and stay clear, when the likes of Bill Sikes may appear!
Fagin When most folks are sleepin' a man'll be creepin'
Through valleys of alleys quite dim;
You wake with a start because deep in your heart
You just know that it has to be him!
Orphans So beware when he's near! He is cold and severe!
Better fear, and stay clear, when the likes of Bill Sikes may appear!
Fagin I raised him up myself, I did, I raised him as a lad
How could I know that he would grow to be so very bad?
Orphans Everyone's heard o' his bloodthirsty murdahs,
Yes, Bill is a man who can kill!
As a general rule, he suffers no fools,
So you better watch out for Bill!
Fagin So beware when he's near! He is cold and severe!
Orphans Better fear, and stay clear, when the likes of Bill Sikes may appear!
Fagin One day the law will catch him and his fortunes will reverse,
He'll hang upon the gallows if they haven't shot him first!
But until then the most feared of all men
Has a part as the heart of our gang;
If we don't stick together, then we will be tethered
To ropes from which we will all hang!
Now, be still! Here comes Bill to our domicil!
Orphans Better fear and stay clear for the likes of Bill Sikes is now here!....
(Bill enters with Oliver (Music "hangs in the air" with suspense and tension)
& Nancy and glowers
at all momentarily) (Song resumes)
Sikes (Pushing Oliver We trudged through the stubble of factory rubble
to floor) And finally we made it back here;
(To Monks;) My fee will now double for Oliver's trouble,
The worst of my cursed career!
(Pointing to Oliver) I have found what was lost and you will pay the cost
(As Monks hands over Pay me today for I am not one to be crossed!
All Others more money) Better beware, for he never would dare to be,
Bill Sikes will never be crossed!
(Music continues briefly as underscore, then fades)
Oliver (Leaping to his feet and shouting defiantly to Bill) I'm not afraid of you! (All are stunned,
frozen) I told you I didn't want to come back here! (Sikes grabs him and Oliver pounds on
his chest) Let me go! Let me go!
Sikes (Throwing him back to the floor) Quiet, brat! (Orphans flee in alarm.)
Fagin I'm delighted to see you looking so fine, Prince Oliver! (He bows, mockingly.)
Dodger Fanciest clothes I ever did see....(Helping Oliver up, in awe) Amazing!
Sikes I thought he'd never leave that mansion. But he did. That Mr. Brownlow let him out alone
and he walked right into our hands.
Dodger He sure looks stylish, don't he? (Reflectively) Must've been a good life for him.
Bet And he's got nice books, too. He's a regular gentleman, he is!
Dodger (Searching Oliver's pockets and discovering note) Well, I'll be....
Fagin What ya got there, Dodger? (Grabbing note) Well, well! A five pound note!
Oliver (Attempts to grab note but is pushed away by Sikes) That's Mr. Brownlow's!
Sikes That's mine, Fagin! Mine and Nancy's for grabbin' him!
Fagin No, Bill. Mine! That's our arrangement. You shall have the books.
Sikes (Snatching note) Mine, you old devil! (Throwing books across the room)
Give the books to someone who can read. I got no use for them!
Fagin (Snatching note) Our arrangement has always been that I
Sikes (Snatching note) I don't care. I done the work! I want the money! That's that.
Oliver Those books and the money belong to Mr. Brownlow. (Tearing up) He took care of me....
Please....send the books and money back to him. He'll think I stole them....
Sikes (Laughing) That's right, Oliver. That's just what he'll think!
Miss Monks (Stepping forward) And he won't ask questions after the boy for fear he'll have to prosecute
him. It's perfect. (Leering at Oliver) We have him now!
Oliver (Starts to run) No!....Help! Police! Somebody! Help!
Sikes (Enraged, grabbing Oliver) So you'd bring the police down on us, eh? Well, I'll
soon cure you of that! (Raises arm to strike Oliver.)
Nancy No, Bill! (Knocks Sikes' arm aside and pulls Oliver away) You've got him back here,
now let him be!
Sikes Nancy?!
Fagin Why, Nancy....what do you mean by this?
Nancy I wish I had been struck dead before I lent a hand in bringing him back! Now he'll
become a thief and a liar like the rest of us.
Fagin There are worse things.
Nancy No, Fagin! We chose our course. But nothing is worse than dragging an innocent
child into our mess!
Fagin Come, come, my dear. You're tired. We must be civil.
Nancy Civil?! How dare you? I've robbed for you since I was only half his age and you
dare to ask for civil words from me?
Sikes (Pulling her back, roughly) Keep quiet, Nance, or I'll quiet you! A pretty subject
you are for the boy to make a friend of....
Nancy If you only knew how ashamed I am! (Tears away from Sikes and rushes out angrily.)
Fagin Temper! Passion! But she's clever and we can't get on without her. (To Oliver) As for
you, did you tell Mr. Brownlow anything about us?
Oliver No, sir. I only mentioned a little about you.
Fagin (Alarmed) Oh?! (Grabbing Oliver) And what did you say?
Oliver I just said you were a kindly old man who took me in.
Sikes Ha!
Dodger I told you Oliver wouldn't rat on us.
Sikes He just hadn't gotten around to it, that's all.
Dodger (Reflective, somewhat bitter) Maybe he saw life here for what it really is and tried to
forget about it.
Sikes You watch your tongue, Dodger. It's not such a bad life.
Fagin (Defensively) Er well you're not starving, anyway. And don't forget where you was
when I found you.
Bet Maybe Oliver really didn't want to make trouble for us. Maybe he's as nice as he seems.
Fagin Well, in any case, Oliveryou have been in our adversaries' camp and you have
yourself admirably.
Oliver Please let me get the money and books back to Mr. Brownlow. He trusted me and I
Fagin Sorry Oliver, it's too late for
Oliver But please, I
Sikes (Angrily) It's over! Done! Now shut up about it!
Oliver I'll prove I didn't steal it if it's the last thing I do and I
Dodger (Trying to relieve the tension of the moment) Come along, Oliver. We'll get you a change of clothes
so you don't spoil your Sunday suit.
Bet Good idea, Dodger. (Bet joins Dodger in leading Oliver out.)
Miss Monks Now we're ready for the next step of the plan!
Fagin Sure enough. You're set for the robbery job, aren't you, Bill? Judging from Oliver's appearance,
Brownlow is even richer than I imagined. There's no doubt there'll be plenty of silver in the
mansion just waiting to be taken. And Oliver will know his way around the place. He'll be quite
useful. (Nancy slips in and eavesdrops, unnoticed)
Sikes I've cased the place and can find my way around Brownlow's easy enough myself. I don't want the
boy along!
Miss Monks He must go with you! That's the deal.
Sikes I don't like it. He'll just be in the way.
Miss Monks That's the whole point make him one of the gang. His first real robbery.
You've go to use him, Bill. He's small enough just put him through the window and he'll go
softly through the house. He'll unlock the door for you. He'll do it without any trouble at all if you
just frighten him enough.
Sikes Frighten him! Ha! So help me, if he makes one wrong move, no one will ever see him alive again!
Miss Monks He's not to be harmed! It's only his undoing I'm after. I'll not be party to violence!
Fagin Just let him feel that he's one of us, Bill. Make him believe he's a thief and he's ours. He won't try
to escape again and he'll be my er our fortune.
Miss Monks He'll be branded a thief the rest of his life. That's all I need for my purpose.
Fagin Remember Bill . . . the second bag of gold she's promised us!
Sikes All right! . . . All right! . . .
Miss Monks Good. Now I have business with some people from the country business which I hope will seal
Oliver's fate once and for all! I'll be back with payment upon completion of the plan. I trust you
will not fail . . . (She exits.)
Sikes (Watching with a sneer as Monks exits) Who is that woman, Fagin?
Fagin What does it matter, Bill? She wants the boy made a thief and so do we. But she pays us in gold
for doing what we would have done for nothing. I don't see any trouble in that and I don't ask
questions. Now, let's discuss the particulars of the robbery. (Leading Sikes out)
I have a few ideas . . .
Nancy (Muttering) I don't like this . . . not a bit. Oliver will be as bad as any of us if he goes on that job
with Bill . . . (She follows them out)
(Dodger and Bet lead in Olive, who is dressed up in rags again)
Bet Now you look like yourself again, Oliver. A regular prig!
Dodger Why Bet I don't suppose Oliver even knows what a prig is.
Oliver Yes, I know. It's a thief. You're one . . And so are you, Bet.
(Dodger and Bet are sobered and exchange looks; Nancy reappears and listens, unnoticed)
Dodger (Kneeling to Oliver) Let's take a minute to think about your situation, Oliver. Those people that
took you in they won't ever want to see you again now that they think you're a thief.
Oliver (Sadly) No . . . I guess not.
Dodger Then make the best of things. Think about handkerchiefs and purses and the handiest way to lift
'em. Remember our game? We'll get lots of handkerchiefs!
Bet (Waving handkerchief) They make ol' Fagin happy, and he'll reward you for 'em.
Oliver But . . . but, it's wrong! . . .I can't do it . . . I won't do it . . .I don't want to . . . be like you . . . It's
not a game.
Dodger (After a pause, kindly) No, Oliver. You're right. It's not a game . . . I know what you're thinkin'.
The worst thing that ever happened to you was when you met up with the Artful Dodger. It was
me who brought you here . . .
Oliver No, Dodger . . .You've been good to me. You and Bet and Nancy . . . I really don't think you
you haven't really meant to hurt me . . .have you?
(Dodger and Bet exchange looks of sincere conviction; Nancy is clearly touched)

(Music begins: "Mother's Lament" chorus part; transitions to first part of
"Lament", then to "Oliver's Prayer.")
Dodger If you ever get a chance to escape here and go back to that nice gentleman . . .then go. We won't
blame you. This is no place for you . . .
Bet Good food, nice lodgin's, nice clothes maybe a chance at an education.
Dodger That's the life for you, Oliver. You're different . . . you deserve better than this.
Oliver It's nice of you to say that . . . I wish things were different . . . for all of us.
Nancy (Stepping forward) Let's let Oliver get his rest, shall we? In fact, you could all use some.
Dodger Well, here's Nancy bein' our mother hen again. (Briefly squeezing Nancy's hand) Good night.
Bet (As Nancy kisses her forehead) Good night. (Bet and Dodger exit.)
Nancy (Leading Oliver to bed) You'd better go to sleep now, Oliver.
Oliver Oh, Nancy! Please don't let anyone make me steal! Please! I don't want to be a thief! it isn't
right . . . And Mr. Brownlow must hate me for losing his money and the books . . .
Nancy I know. I'm sorry for you Oliver. If there was something I could do, I well, I I can't arouse
Fagin's suspicions and I can't go against my Bill or he'll he'll er you must understand,
Oliver . . .we stand by each other here . . .bad as we all are. It's the only way we survive.
Oliver That lady dressed in black . . . who is she? Why did she look at me the way she did?
Nancy Have you never seen her before?
Oliver No, not until tonight.
Nancy Don't worry about her. Somehow . . . everything will be all right . . .somehow . . .
Oliver (Taking Nancy's hand) I know it will, Nancy. Thank you. You're one of the only true friends I have
now. (Nancy suddenly buries her face in her hands) What's the matter?
Nancy (Quickly recovering) Er nothing. You mustn't mind me, Oliver. I'll be all right Oh (Pulls
Oliver's locket from her pocket) I snuck this out of Fagin's chest . . .
Oliver My mother's locket! (He hugs Nancy.)
Nancy I thought you'd like a little look at it. Fagin will miss it, so I'll have to sneak it right back. It
certainly is beautiful. I have a locket too, see?
(Pulls out her own locket and opens it) Who do you think that is?
Oliver It looks like Bill. Bill Sikes.
Nancy It is Bill. Well, when I first met him. He was handsome then, wasn't he? . . . My knight in shining
armor. I had nothing. No family. He and Fagin took me in. They weren't so bad back in those days.
One thing leads to another . . . and before you know it . . .well . . .
Oliver It's a very nice locket Bill gave you.
Nancy It's it's probably stolen! (Laughs with Oliver) . . . Oliver what was it like in that gentleman's
Oliver It was a lovely place.
Nancy Was he good to you?
Oliver Oh yes. And there was a beautiful young lady, too.
Nancy More beautiful than me?
Oliver Oh, I didn't mean that. You're both beautiful in different ways. But nothing could be more
beautiful to me than having you here right now.
Nancy (Hugging him) Oh, Oliver . . .
Oliver (Handing over locket) I don't want you to get in trouble about the locket. You can put it away now.
I hope Fagin will give it back to me someday.
Nancy I'm sure he will. I'll see to it. (Reading inscription) "The ways of the Lord are right."
Oliver My mother wanted me to remember that always. Which reminds me, I should say my prayers
before bed. Will you say them with me?
Nancy Oh...ah, well, I'm afraid I'm a little out of practice, Oliver. But you go ahead if you think it'll do
some good...Do you really s'pose He's up there, listening?
Oliver Well, my mother must have thought so. And that got me to thinking a lot about it. And with
everything that's happened to me I've got to think that He's been helping me along the way...
Oliver I know that God is there, I know He'll see me through,
I know that He must care I see Him here in you....
(Oliver kneels and (Brief musical interlude)
takes Nancy's hand, God, we're alone now; we're on our own now
gradually inducing And we need you to show us what to do;
her to join in kneeling) Mother has told me, You shape and mold me,
If that is true, then, I'll trust in You, then;
You saved me from the workhouse and a life of despair
And Nancy, Rose, and Mister Brownlow show that You care
Oh, God, You can hear us, so please stay near us
And help us know where You would have us go
To follow you Amen.
(Nancy tucks Oliver into (Musical interlude)
bed, kisses him on his fore-
Nancy head & moves toward I've heard a child's prayer simple, sincere and true
audience, looking upward God, if You're truly there please show me what to do....
in special lighting) (Segue to)
Nancy God, You know that I am leading a life
Wretched and full of trials, evil and strife;
I regret the path that I chose to take
Won't You please help me now for this child's sake?
Show me what I must do help me to know
How I may help this boy; Where should I go?
Oh, I know my Bill will kill me for this
Give me strength to take this risk....
(Examining locket:) "Your ways are right" has been inscribed her,
Please be my light, please be my guide here;
I am fearful, helpless, tearful:
Come beside me, lead me , guide me,
Give me sight!
Help me see through the night
(At conclusion, Nancy Help me do what is right
runs out just before a I will follow Your Light....Your Light!
brief black out) (Music continues as underscore, then fades)
(The Bumbles enter street area from audience; Londoners mill about; Miss Wordsmith is at her
book cart.)
Mrs. Bumble (Grumpily) Well? Are you sure this is the street? Where is this mysterious person we're suppose
to meet?
Mr. Bumble The message she sent clearly stated she would meet us here at eight o'clock.
Miss Monks (Appearing suddenly from audience) Mr. Bumble?....
Mr. Bumble (Startled) Yes?
Miss Monks You're the master of the parish workhouse?
Mr. Bumble Yes, ma'am, I am. Are you the lady who sent us the message?
Miss Monks I am. Who is this?
Mr. Bumble My wife, ma'am, matron of the workhouse.
Miss Monks Very well. I am seeking information. If you can tell me what I want to know, I'll pay you well.
Mr. Bumble Indeed? (To wife) I told you this trip to London would be worth our while.
Miss Monks Carry your memory back eleven years last winter. A boy was born in your workhouse who was to
be apprenticed to a coffin-maker. But he recently ran away to London.
Mr. Bumble Why, you must mean Oliver Twist!
Miss Monks Yesbut what of the old woman who nursed his mother. Where can I find her?
Mrs. Bumble She must mean Old Sally.
Mr. Bumble Old Sally? Why, she died lat week.
Miss Monks Died? (Angrily) Then our meeting has been pointless! (Begins to walk away.)
Mrs. Bumble Wait! I was with Old Sally when she died, if that's of any help...
Miss Monks Did she tell you about something the boy's mother had with her when she died?
Mrs. Bumble (Slyly) Perhaps....what is the information worth to you?
Miss Monks (Handing her a coin bag) Here.
The Bumbles (Greedily) Ahh! Aha!
Miss Monks Now tell me what you know.
Mrs. Bumble Well, Old Sally was a bid delirious before she er
Mr. Bumble Before she kicked the bucket.
Mrs. Bumble She mumbled something to me about a gold locket. Kept saying it over and over.
Miss Monks Yes! Yes! The gold locket! Where is it know?
Mrs. Bumble Well, I had completely forgotten about it until Old Sally said what she did. Then I remembered I
put it away in this little box. (Pulls out box from pocket) And so I dug out this box and brought it
with me 'cause I was going to see what I might get for it here in London. I think it may be worth a
lot and
Miss Monks Yes! (Snatches box) This is what I want!
Mrs. Bumble But, but I
Miss Monks You have a bag of gold for the locket. You've made a handsome profit on this little bauble. And in
five minutes, this locket will be tossed in the river and with it all proof of the true identity of the
child called Oliver Twist. I warn you! Keep a quiet tongue in your heads for your own good. I
promise you, you'll hear no more from me or the boy!....At last! The locket is mine! (Opens box)
What?! Empty!....Ohhh! I've wasted my time on you people!....(She throws the box down, grabs
the coin bag, and storms out.)
Mrs. Bumble Empty?
Mr. Bumble Empty?! What are you doing carrying around empty boxes? What happened to the locket?
Mrs. Bumble I must have misplaced it. Maybe it fell out of the box. Let's look for it...
Mr. Bumble It's too cold out here and we'll miss our coach! This is the height of incompetence!
Mrs. Bumble Don't lecture me about incompetence, you big oaf! You're the one who let Oliver slip through
your fingers! He could have been our fortune!
Mr. Bumble I don't ever want to see or hear of that brat again!....(The exit, bickering.)
(Mr. Brownlow and Rose enter, opposite the Bumble's exit)
Rose We mustn't give up our search, Mrs. Brownlow. Perhaps Miss Wordsmith invited Oliver to stay
for supper. She did like him so.
Mr. Brownlow My dear, I'm sure this search is hopeless, but since you are so insistent oh there's Miss
Wordsmith. (The approach her.)
Rose Please don't be upset with me, sir. I simply cannot believe Oliver has deceived us.
Wordsmith Mr. Brownlow! Rose! It's nice to see you again.
Mr. Brownlow Is Oliver with you, my dear?
Wordsmith Oliver? Why, no.
Mr. Brownlow Was he here earlier? I sent him with some books.
Wordsmith No, sir. I haven't seen him. Perhaps he lost his way. I hope nothing's wrong, sir.
Mr. Brownlow No, no. I'm sorry to have troubled you, Miss Wordsmith. Good night.
Wordsmith Good night. I hope you find the boy soon. It's getting late and the streets are becoming deserted.
(She moves her cart out and exits.)
Mr. Brownlow Thank you! (To Rose) We'll let that good lady remain ignorant of the truth. Come, Rose. We
must give up our search. (Begins to exit.)
Rose But Oliver wouldn't leave of his own free will. I know he wouldn't.
Mr. Brownlow (Kindly, but firmly) I'm afraid we must forget him, my dear...
Nancy (Appearing suddenly from the audience) Wait! Mr. Brownlow! Please wait!
Mr. Brownlow (Turning, startled) Yes? What is it?
Nancy I must speak to you...(Looking about anxiously)....over here. (They step to another area.) And
you (looking at Rose: you must be the beautiful lady he spoke of.
Mr. Brownlow What? Who are you? What's going on?
Nancy I'm risking my life and the lives of others by speaking to you.
Mr. Brownlow Oh?
Nancy I am the one who led little Oliver away earlier today.
Mr. Brownlow You? You led him away? But why? Where is he now?
Rose Is he safe? Oh, please tell us he's safe!
Nancy As safe as he can be among thieves.
Mr. Brownlow Thieves! So it is true....(Begins to leave) I don't wish to hear any more. I can't bear it! He stole
my money, my books and worst of all he stole my heart!
Nancy (Following him and pulling his arm) But you must hear me, sir! (Looking around with caution)
There are those who wouldn't hesitate to murder me if they knew I was here talking to you...
Mr. Brownlow Murder? What do you mean?
Nancy Oliver is being kept against his will by a man called Fagin. He and er another man forced me
to keep watch on your house and then to help kidnap the boy the minute he went out alone. You
must understand, sir, that the boy is innocent of any crime.
Mr. Brownlow Fagin! Yes, I recall Oliver spoke of him. (Hesitantly) Oh how I want to believe you, but....
Nancy You must believe me, sir, or the boy is lost.
Rose Mr. Brownlow, please! We must get him back!
Mr. Brownlow Yes, of course. Surely I have been mistaken about Oliver. But what can we do now?
Nancy First, tell me, do you know a young woman who calls herself Miss Monks?
Mr. Brownlow Miss Monks? No.
Nancy She seems to know you very well. I've heard her talking to Fagin and if Fagin makes Oliver a
thief, Miss Monks will pay him a large sum of money.
Mr. Brownlow Make Oliver a thief! Why, this is monstrous! Who is this Miss Monks?
Nancy I don't know she's not one of us.
Mr. Brownlow Can you describe her?
Nancy She is rather tall, and dark, and always dresses in black. And she has a wide scar on her neck,
deep red in color about here. (Indicates place on her neck.)
Mr. Brownlow A scar on her neck? Like a burn or scald?
Nancy Yes. Do you recognize her?
Mr. Brownlow It can't be....and yet, it's possible. If it is who I think it is, we mustn't waste a moment in helping
Nancy Will you promise that I won't be watched or followed?
Mr. Brownlow Very well.
Nancy Meet me here tomorrow night between eleven and twelve. If I can, I'll bring Oliver to you.
Rose Must we wait 'til tomorrow? Can you do anything sooner?
Nancy I'm afraid not. And if I'm discovered, you'll never see either one of us alive again.
Mr. Brownlow We will trust you. But won't you tell me where Fagin can be found?
Nancy No, I can't do that. Devil that he is, I owe him too much to betray him. And I must not endanger
the many others who depend on him.
Mr. Brownlow Then at least put this Miss Monks in my hands and let me deal with her.
Nancy I can't. She might turn on us and tell all she knows.
Mr. Brownlow But I must find her. She holds the key to so much that is at stake. I promise you that your friends
shall not be exposed or endangered by my hand.
Nancy For the boy's sake, I must believe you. You will find Miss Monks at the inn around the corner. I
overheard her say she was staying there. I must go now...(She exits.)
(Music begins soulful strains of "Street Song" leading to next reprise)
Mr. Brownlow (Calling to Nancy as she leaves) May God go with you!...(To Rose) My dear Rose, if you hadn't
believed in Oliver, we would never have known this. My interest in him grows by the minute.
Tomorrow I shall make more inquiries. This Miss Monks....yes, and the portrait....Rose, you may
figure in this matter more than you realize....
Rose I, sir?
Mr. Brownlow Yes. Come, my dear. I can't explain it all now. We must wait until tomorrow night....Let's be on
our way....
(Music Rises)
(Black out.)
(Dodger and Bet emerge through audience, singing)
Dodger & Bet (Fingering What's this life for? Life's for the liftin'
handkerchiefs) Pickin' their lockets and trinkets from pockets
They'll never feel it, no!
Dodger What's this life for?
Bet (About to bite Life's for the tastin'!
Dodger apple) Times may get tough but we're stealin' this stuff
To fill our bellies full!
Dodger & Bet Another day has passed, now our work is through,
Home we go at last for a bite o' stew!
What's this life for? Life's for the takin'
(Slower tempo) Though we're near grown it is all that we've known
And we doubt that we're changin' too much rearrangin'
(Fast tempo) Why be a slave and a rat in a dungeon of filth,
Gettin' nothin' from those with position or wealth?
Well, we're takin' not givin', 'cause who needs their help?
(Musical "hold:")

Townsman (From an open window, spoken) Hey! Shut up down there! We're tryin' to sleep!....
Dodger (Quietly) What's this life for?
(Spoken) I'll tell ya what it's for....
(Loudly) This life's for me !
(Music continues as underscore, bridging to next reprise)
Townsman (Throwing shoe at Dodger from window) I said, quiet down there!.....
Dodger (Picking up shoe and shouting at Townsman) Oh yea?! I dare you to try that again, you cranky ol'
bloke! (Townsman throws second shoe at Dodger) Aha! (Picking up other shoe) Now I have a
new pair!
Townsman Hey! Come back here!....(Closes window in disgust as Dodger and Bet run.)

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