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Injection Molding Assignment

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Although plastic sheet and film may be produced using a slit die, by far the most common method
nowadays is the film blowing process illustrated in Fig. 5. The molten plastic from the extruder passes
through an annular die and emerges as a thin tube. A supply of air to the inside of the tube prevents it
from collapsing and indeed may be used to inflate it to a larger diameter. Initially the bubble consists of
molten plastic but a jet of air around the outside of the tube promotes cooling and at a certain distance
from the die exit, a freeze line can be identified. Eventually the cooled film passes through collapsing
guides and nip rolls before being taken off to storage drums or, for example, gusseted and cut to length
for plastic bags. Most commercial systems are provided with twin storage facilities so that a full drum
may be removed without stopping the process.

Fig. 1 Film blowing process

The major advantage of film blowing is the ease with which biaxial orientation can be introduced into
the film. The pressure of the air in the bubble determines the blow-up and this controls the
circumferential orientation. In addition, axial orientation may be introduced by increasing the nip roll
speed relative to the linear velocity of the bubble. This is referred to as drawdown.


Calendering is a method of producing plastic film and sheet by squeezing the plastic through the gap (or
'nip') between two counter-rotating cylinders. The art of forming a sheet in this way can be traced to the
paper, textile and metal industries. The first development of the technique for polymeric materials was
in the middle 19th century when it was used for mixing additives into rubber. The subsequent
application to plastics was not a complete success because the early machines did not have sufficient
accuracy or control over such things as cylinder temperature and the gap between the rolls. Therefore
acceptance of the technique as a viable production method was slow until the 1930s when special
equipment was developed specifically for the new plastic materials. As well as being able to maintain
accurately roll temperature in the region of 200C these new machines had power assisted nip
adjustment and the facility to adjust the rotational speed of each roll independently. These
developments are still the main features of modem calendering equipment.
Calenders vary in respect of the number of rolls and of the arrangement of the rolls relative to one
another. One typical arrangement is shown in Fig. 8 - the inverted L-type. Although the calendering
operation as illustrated here looks very straightforward it is not quite as simple as that. In the
production plant a lot of ancillary equipment is needed in order to prepare the plastic material for the
calender rolls and to handle the sheet after the calendering operation. A typical sheet production unit
would start with premixing of the polymer, plasticiser, pigment, etc in a ribbon mixer followed by
gelation of the premix in a Banbury Mixer and/or a short screw extruder. At various stages, strainers and
metal detectors are used to remove any foreign matter. These preliminary operations result in a
material with a dough-like consistency which is then supplied to the calender rolls for shaping into

Fig. 2 Typical arrangement of calender rolls

However, even then the process is not complete. Since the hot plastic tends to cling to the calender rolls
it is necessary to peel it off using a high speed roll of smaller diameter located as shown in Fig. 4.57.
.When the sheet leaves the calender it passes between embossing rolls and then on to cooling drums
before being trimmed and stored on drums. For thin sheets the speed of the winding drum can be
adjusted to control the drawdown. Outputs vary in the range 0.1-2 m/s depending on the sheet
Calendering can achieve surprising accuracy on the thickness of a sheet. Typically the tolerance is f0.005
mm but to achieve this it is essential to have very close control over roll temperatures, speeds and
proximity. In addition, the dimensions of the rolls must be very precise. The production of the rolls is
akin to the manufacture of an injection molding tool in the sense that very high machining skills are
required. The particular features of a calender roll are a uniform specified surface finish, minimal
eccentricity and a special barrel profile (crown) to compensate for roll deflection under the very high
pressures developed between the rolls.
Since calendaring is a method of producing sheet film it must be considered to be in direct competition
with extrusion based processes. In general, film blowing and die extrusion methods are preferred for
materials such as polyethylene, polypropylene and polystyrene but calendering has the major
advantage of causing very little thermal degradation and so it is widely used for heat sensitive materials
such as PVC.


The extrusion process is a continuous operation of melting and conveying a polymer in a heated screw-
and-barrel assembly. The homogenous melt is forced to flow through a screen pack, then a sheet die
from which it exits in the desired width and thickness. The die discharge, or extrudate, is wound through
a three-chill-roll stack for cooling. The solid sheet is then cooled further on a cooling conveyor while the
edges are trimmed to final sheet width. The sheet is either rolled or sheared for later use.
A sheet die serves to spread the molten polymer to a predetermined width and uniform thickness. A
balanced die is essential for uniform sheet thickness. A typical polyethylene, monolayer, sheet die has a
standard, coat hanger-type, manifold design. This die has a streamlined manifold with at eardrop-shape
profile and chrome plated flow passage with a mirror finish. Such a die has an internal adjustable choker
bar to distribute polymer flow uniformly across the full width of the die and a flexible upper lip and fixed
lower lip for fine tuning of the final sheet thickness.

Fig. 3 Sheet die with internal deckles

To properly design a sheet die, a die manufacturer requires the following information:
Rheological data such as viscosity versus shear rate of the polymer
Thickness range of final product.
Sheet width.
Throughput rate.


When a thermoplastic sheet is heated it becomes soft and pliable and the techniques for shaping this
sheet are known as thermoforming. This method of manufacturing plastic articles developed in the
1950s but limitations such as poor wall thickness distribution and large peripheral waste restricted its
use to simple packaging applications. In recent years, however, there have been major advances in
machine design and material availability with the result that although packaging is still the major
market sector for the process, a wide range of other products are made by thermoforming. These
include aircraft window reveals, refrigerator liners, baths, switch panels, car bumpers, motor- bike
fairings etc.
The term thermoforming incorporates a wide range of possibilities for sheet forming but basically there
are two sub-divisions - vacuum forming and pressure forming.

(a) Vacuum Forming
In this processing method a sheet of thermoplastic material is heated and then shaped by reducing the
air pressure between it and a mould. The simplest type of vacuum forming is illustrated in Fig. 1(a). This
is referred to as Negative Forming and is capable of providing a depth of draw which is 113-112 of the
maximum width. The principle is very simple. A sheet of plastic, which may range in thickness from
0.025 mm to 6.5 mm, is clamped over the open mould. A heater panel is then placed above the sheet
and when sufficient softening has occurred the heater is removed and the vacuum is applied. For the
thicker sheets it is essential to have heating from both sides.

Fig. 4 Vacuum forming process

In some cases Negative Forming would not be suitable because, for example, the shape formed in Fig. 1
would have a wall thickness in the comers which is considerably less than that close to the clamp. If this
was not acceptable then the same basic shape could be produced by Positive Forming. In this case a
male (positive) mould is pushed into the heated sheet before the vacuum is applied. This gives a better
distribution of material and deeper shapes can be formed - depth to width ratios of 1 : 1 are possible.
This thermoforming method is also referred to as Drupe Forming. Another alternative would be to have
a female mould as in Fig. 1 but after the heating stage and before the vacuum is applied; a plug comes
down and guides the sheet into the cavity. When the vacuum is applied the base of the moulding is
subjected to less draw and the result is a more uniform wall thickness distribution. This is called Plug
Assisted Forming. Note that both Positive Forming and Plug Assisted Forming effectively apply a pre-
stretch to the plastic sheet which improves the performance of the material quite apart from the
improved wall thickness distribution.
In the packaging industry skin and blister vacuum machines are used. Skin packaging involves the
encapsulation of articles between a tight, flexible trans- parent skin and a rigid backing which is usually
cardboard. Blister packs are preformed foils which are sealed to a rigid backing card when the goods
have been inserted.
The heaters used in thermoforming are usually of the infrared type with typical loadings of between 10
and 30 kW/m2. Normally extra heat is concentrated at the clamped edges of the sheet to compensate
for the additional heat losses in this region. The key to successful vacuum forming is achieving uniform
heating over the sheet. One of the major attractions of vacuum forming is that since only atmospheric
pressure is used to do the shaping, the molds do not have to be very strong. Materials such as plaster,
wood and thermosetting resins have all been used successfully. However, in long production runs mould
cooling becomes essential in which case a metal mold is necessary. Experience has shown that the most
satisfactory metal is undoubtedly aluminum. It is easily shaped, has good thermal conductivity, can be
highly polished and has an almost unlimited life.
Materials which can be vacuum formed satisfactorily include polystyrene, ABS, PVC, acrylic,
polycarbonate, polypropylene and high and low density polyethylene. Co-extruded sheets of different
plastics and multi-color laminates are also widely used nowadays. One of the most recent developments
is the thermoforming of crystallisable PET for high temperature applications such as oven trays. The PET
sheet is manufactured in the amorphous form and then during thermoforming it is permitted to
crystallize. The resulting molding is thus capable of remaining stiff at elevated temperatures.

(b) Pressure Forming
This is generally similar to vacuum forming except that pressure is applied above the sheet rather than
vacuum below it. This advantage of this is that higher pressures can be used to form the sheet. A typical
system is illustrated in Fig. 2 and in recent times this has become attractive as an alternative to injection
moulding for moulding large area articles such as machine housings.

Fig. 5 Pressure forming process
(c) Matched Die Forming
A variation of thermoforming which does not involve gas pressure or vacuum is matched die forming.
The concept is very simple and is illustrated in Fig. 3. The plastic sheet is heated as described previously
and is then sandwiched between two halves of a mould. Very precise detail can be reproduced using this
thermoforming method but the moulds need to be more robust than for the more conventional process
involving gas pressure or vacuum.

Fig. 6 Thermoforming between matched dies

(d) Dual-Sheet Forming
This technique, also known as Twin-Sheet Forming, is a recent development. It is essentially a hybrid of
blow moulding and thermoforming. Two heated sheets are placed between two mould halves and
clamped as shown in Fig. 4. An inflation tube at the parting line then injects gas under pressure so that
the sheets are forced out against the mould. Alternatively, a vacuum can be drawn between the plastic
sheet and the mould in each half of the system. This technique has interesting possibilities for further
development and will compete with blow moulding, injection moulding and rotational moulding in a
number of market sectors. It can be noted that the two mould halves can be of different shapes and the
two plastic sheets could be of different materials, provided a good weld can be obtained at the parting

Fig. 7 Dual sheet forming


As a result of the wide range of requirements which occur in practice it is not surprising that in many
cases there is no individual plastic which has the correct combination of properties to satisfy a
particular need. Therefore it is becoming very common in the manufacture of articles such as
packaging film, yoghurt containers, refrigerator liners, gaskets and window frames that a multi-layer
plastic composite will be used. This is particularly true for extruded film and thermoforming sheets. In
co-extrusion two or more polymers are combined in a single process to produce a multilayer film. These
co-extruded films can either be produced by a blown film or a cast film process as illustrated in Fig. 6.
The cast process using a slot die and chill roll to cool the film, produces a film with good clarity and high
gloss. The film blowing process, however, produces a stronger film due to the transverse orientation
which can be introduced and this process offers more flexibility in terms of film thickness.

Fig. 8 Co-extrusion of plastic film
In most cases there is insufficient adhesion between the basic polymers and so it is necessary to have an
adhesive film between each of the layers. Recent investigations of co-extrusion have been centred on
methods of avoiding the need for the adhesive layer. The most successful seems to be the development
of reactive bonding processes in which the co-extruded layers are chemically cross-linked together.
The main reason for producing multi-layer co-extruded films is to get materials with better barrier
properties - particularly in regard to gas permeation.


The extrusion process is a continuous operation of melting and conveying a polymer in a heated screw-
and-barrel assembly. The homogenous melt is forced to flow through a screen pack, then a sheet die
from which it exits in the desired width and thickness. The die discharge, or extrudate, is wound through
a three-chill-roll stack for cooling. The solid sheet is then cooled further on a cooling conveyor while the
edges are trimmed to final sheet width. The sheet is either rolled or sheared for later use.
A sheet die serves to spread the molten polymer to a predetermined width and uniform thickness. A
balanced die is essential for uniform sheet thickness. A typical polyethylene, monolayer, sheet die has a
standard, coat hanger-type, manifold design. This die has a streamlined manifold with at eardrop-shape
profile and chrome plated flow passage with a mirror finish. Such a die has an internal adjustable choker
bar to distribute polymer flow uniformly across the full width of the die and a flexible upper lip and fixed
lower lip for fine tuning of the final sheet thickness.

Fig. 8 Sheet die with internal deckles

To properly design a sheet die, a die manufacturer requires the following information:
Rheological data such as viscosity versus shear rate of the polymer
Thickness range of final product.
Sheet width.
Throughput rate.

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