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Calkins 2007 (1-2-5-7) A Fresh Look at Meat Flavor

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A fresh look at meat avor

C.R. Calkins
, J.M. Hodgen
Department of Animal Science, University of Nebraska, A213 Animal Science, Lincoln, NE 68583-0908, United States
Received 13 March 2007; received in revised form 12 April 2007; accepted 12 April 2007
Hundreds of compounds contribute to the avor and aroma of meat. Complex interactions between various compounds inuence the
perception of meat avor. Inherent avor of a meat product can be inuenced by oxidation, lipid content, feeding/diet, myoglobin, and
pH. Diet plays an important role in both ruminants and nonruminants. New research reveals important relationships in avor among
multiple muscles within a single animal carcass. This animal eect includes the presence of o-avors. Diets high in polyunsaturated fatty
acids may be contributing to the appearance of o-avors in beef. Compounds associated with liver-like o-avor notes in beef have been
identied in raw tissue.
2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Flavor; Meat; Beef; O-avor; Liver avor
1. Importance of avor to eating satisfaction
Flavor is a very complex attribute of meat palatability.
The Beef Customer Satisfaction Survey found many factors
that inuenced overall like ratings of top round, top sirloin,
and top loin steaks with avor and tenderness contributing
equally to overall like ratings (Lorenzen et al., 1999; Neely
et al., 1998; Neely et al., 1999; Savell et al., 1999). For clod
steaks, avor like had the largest simple correlation (0.86)
to overall like ratings and was the rst variable to enter
the stepwise regression for predicting overall like rating
(Goodson et al., 2002).
While it has been known for many years that tenderness
plays a large role in acceptability of meat by a consumer, it
has become increasingly apparent that avor also needs to
be addressed. In a large, multiple-city study, avor was
found to be the most important factor aecting consumers
meat buying habits and preferences when tenderness was
held constant (Sitz, Calkins, Feuz, Umberger, & Eskridge,
2005). Human et al. (1996) found avor had a stronger
relationship (R
= 0.67) to overall steak palatability ratings
than any other factor when consumers prepared meat at
home. Platter et al. (2003) determined that small changes
in sensory ratings for avor greatly inuenced the overall
acceptability of steaks.
Because of the relationship of avor to meat palatability
it is important to gain a better understanding of factors
that inuence avor in order to produce the most avorful
and consistent product possible.
2. Basic avor compounds formed upon cooking
There are literally hundreds of compounds in meat that
contribute to avor and aroma. Many of them are altered
through storage and cooking, making meat avor an
incredibly complex topic. Entire books have been written
on individual aspects of meat avor. The intent of this
paper is to highlight some of the major avor compounds
and to discuss a unique avor problem with global implica-
tions currently facing beef producers in the US. The pri-
mary focus of this paper is the inherent avor of meat.
That is, little attention will be given to post-cooking avor
changes (like the development of warmed-over avor).
Flavor and aroma compounds found in meat (Table 1)
include a broad array of compounds, including hydrocar-
0309-1740/$ - see front matter 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 402 472 2907; fax: +1 402 472 6362.
E-mail address: (C.R. Calkins).
Meat Science 77 (2007) 6380
Table 1
Compounds identied in beef and characteristic avors and/or aromas associated with those compounds
Compound name Characteristic avors/aromas
Benzaldehyde Volatile almond oil, bitter almond, burning aromatic taste
Benzene Pleasant, distinct
sec-Butanamine Seafood, green, onion
Butenal Malty, green, roast
n-Caprioc acid Goaty
3-Carene Sweet and pungent odor but more agreeable than turpentine, orange peel, lemon, resin
Cyclobutanol Roasted
2,2,6-Trimethylcyclohexanone Mint, acetone
2,4-Decadienal Deep fat avor, chicken avor at 10 ppm, citrus/orange/grapefruit avor at lower dilutions
Decanal Powerful, waxy, aldehydic, orange, citrus peel
2-Decenal Tallow, orange
1,3-Bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)benzene Cooked beef
2,3-Dimethyloxirane No reference
-Dimethyl 1,2-ethanediamine Ammonia
5-Ethylcyclopent-1-enecarboxaldehyde Fragrant, perfume
2-Pentylfuran Green bean, butter
2,4-Heptadienal Nut, fat
Heptanal Oily, fatty, rancid, unpleasant, penetrating fruity odor in liquid
5-Methyl 2-heptanamine No reference
1-Heptanol Fragrant, woody, oily, green, fatty, winey, sap, herb
2-Heptanone Fruity, spicy, cinnamon, penetrating fruity odor in liquid
6-Methyl 2-heptanone Cloves, menthol, eugenol
2-Heptenal Soapy, fatty, almond, shy, unpleasant
3-Ethyl-2-methyl 1,3-hexadiene No reference
Hexanal Fatty-green, grassy, strong green, tallow, fat, unripe fruit when dilute
Hexane Faint peculiar odor
Hexanol Woody, cut grass, chemical-winey, fatty, fruity, weak metallic
2-Ethyl 1-hexanol Resin, ower, green
2-Hexen-1-ol Green, sharp, leafy, fruity, unripe banana
Hydroxymandelic acid No reference; catecholamine metabolite
Limonene Pleasant lemon-like, turpentine, citrus, fruity, fresh, light
Bis(2-trimethylsilyethyl ester) malonic acid No reference
3-Methylbutanal Pungent apple-like odor, malt
Methyl salicylate Cooling sensation, wintergreen, gaultheria
2,4-Nonadienal Fat, wax, green, watermelon, geranium, pungent
Nonanal Floral, citrus, fatty, grassy, waxy, green
2-Nonanone Hot milk, soap, green, fruity, oral
2-Nonenal Cardboardy, orris, fat, cucumber, paper
Octadecanal Oil
Octanal Harsh, fatty, orange peel, soapy, lemon, green, honey
1-Octanol Penetrating aromatic odor, fatty, waxy, citrus, oily, walnut, moss, chemical, metal, burnt
2-Methyl 3-octanone Herb, butter, resin, gasoline
2-Octenal Green, nut, fat
(Z)-3-Octene Fruity, old apples
1-Octen-3-ol Mushrooms, compound excreted by many insects
2-Octen-1-ol Green citrus
3-Octen-2-one Nut, crushed bug, earthy, spicy, herbal, sweet, mushroom, hay, blueberry
Hexadecyl oxirane No reference
Pentanal Almond, malt, pungent, acrid
Pentane Very slight warmed-over avor, oxidized
1-Pentanol Mild odor, fusel oil, fruit, balsamic
5-Amino 1-pentanol Mild
a-Pinene Piney, fruity, citrus, turpentine
b-Pinene Pine, citrus, fruity, resin, turpentine
Piperazine Salty
N-Methyl 1,3-propanediamine No reference
Propanol Alcoholic
Styrene Penetrating odor, sweet smell
Tetradecane Alkane
Tridecane Alkane
2-Tridecenal Sweet, strong, spicy
Undec-4-enal No reference; animal pheromone
64 C.R. Calkins, J.M. Hodgen / Meat Science 77 (2007) 6380
bons, aldehydes, ketones, alcohols, furans, thriphenes,
pyrrols, pyridines, pyrazines, oxazols, thiazols, sulfurous
compounds, and many others (MacLeod, 1994; Ho, Oh,
& Bae-Lee, 1994). A few of the key reactions will be
discussed below.
2.1. Maillard reaction
The Maillard reaction, or nonenzymatic browning,
helps explain amine and carbonyl reactions in food. In gen-
eral, amino compounds condense with the carbonyl group
of a reducing sugar in the presence of heat. This produces
gylcosylamine which is rearranged and dehydrated to form
furfural, furanone derivatives, hydroxyketones, and dicar-
bonyl compounds. All of these compounds contribute to
avor. As the reaction progresses, the intermediates can
react with other amines, amino acids, aldehydes, hydrogen
sulde, and ammonia through the Amadori rearrangement,
Strecker degradation, and Schi bases pathways.
Once the reaction has progressed through the Schi
base, Strecker degradation, or other pathways, the reac-
tions can lead to melanoidins (brown, high molecular
weight polymers from the condensation of cyclic com-
pounds) (Fay & Brevard, 2005). These products can be
pleasing or unacceptable avors and aromas (Manley &
Choudhury, 1999).
Dierent sugars and amino groups can produce dierent
end products. Cysteine and glucose produce mainly sulfur
compounds whereas cysteine and glucose under oxidized
conditions produce more pyrazines and furans (Tai &
Ho, 1997). Maillard volatile compounds from glutathione
and glucose produce sulfur-containing compounds thi-
ophenes, thiazoles, and cyclic polysuldes at pH 6 and
8, but furans are more often the end products at more
acidic pH. When glutathione is oxidized it becomes gluta-
thionesulfonic acid, which produces furans, carbonyls, pyr-
roles, and pyrazines with glucose. Sulfur-containing
compounds are not formed when glutathione is oxidized
(Tai & Ho, 1998).
Cysteine and ribose, through the Maillard reaction, as
well as thiamin have been shown to create compounds such
as 2-methyl-3-furanthiol (Mottram & Whiteld, 1994).
From these compounds thiols and disuldes can originate.
An exhaustive review of the nine most common aro-
matic compound classes from precursors of the Maillard
reaction can be found in Manley and Choudhury (1999).
However, more extensive research is needed to determine
the role of each amino acid and sugar in meat to create
the browned, cooked meat avor. It would be useful to
know if there are dierences among muscles, cooking meth-
ods, and degrees of doneness, and how these dierences
aect the end avor prole.
2.2. Flavor compounds
Sulfurous and carbonyl compounds seem to be the pre-
dominant contributor to meat avor (Mottram & Mad-
ruga, 1994; Shahidi, 1989). Gasser and Grosch (1988)
established that 2-methyl-3-furanthiol and bis(2-methyl-3-
furyl) disulde contribute to the desirable aroma of beef
when isolated from other possible compounds contributing
to meat aroma. Bis(2-methyl-3-furyl) has an odor threshold
of 0.02 ng/g in water and methylating 2-methyl-3-furanth-
iol increases the odor threshold. This suggests 2-methyl-3-
(methylthio)furan is only a minor contributor to the avor
of meat (MacLeod, 1986). Gasser and Grosch (1988) also
established avor dilution factors (FD; aroma extracts
are stepwise diluted until sniers cannot detect odorants
with the highest level reported as avor dilution) to evalu-
ate the contribution of a compound to overall beef avor.
Forty compounds were determined in cooked beef to have
FD factors larger than four, and 17 compounds, which
where stated to be major contributors to cooked avor,
had FD factors larger than 64. Farmer and Patterson
(1991) isolated ve compounds that were found to be desir-
able to cooked beef avor: bis(2-methyl-3-furyl) disulde,
2-furfuryl 2-methyl-3-furyl disulde, bis(2-furfuryl) disul-
de, dimethylfuryl 2-methyl-3-furyl disulde, 2-methyl-3-
furyl 2-methyl-3-thienyl disulde.
A Strecker aldehyde, methional, is a low threshold
(0.2 lg/g in water) sulfur compound that is described as
pleasant, warm-meat, or soup-like (Gasser & Grosch,
1988). The roasty note in beef is in part produced by
2-acetyl-1-pyrroline and 2-acetylthiazole.
Many compounds that contribute to meat smell and
avor are lipid breakdown products. Fatty acids such as
linoleic and arachidonic acid start to autoxidize to 9-hydro-
peroxide and 11-hydroperoxide, respectively, which can
form 2,4-decadienal, 2-nonenal, 1-octen-3-one, 2,4-nonadi-
enal, and 2-octenal through b-scission with 2-nonenal and
2,4-decadienal having as high of FD values as the sulfur
compounds contributing to meaty avor.
Through oxidation of b-carotene, a very intense aro-
matic b-ionone is formed (Sanderson, Co, & Gonzalez,
1971) which likely comes from animal feed (Gasser &
Grosch, 1988). One compound responsible for the tallowy
and/or beef-like smell is 12-methyltridecanal (Guth &
Grosch, 1993), a compound derived from plasmalogens,
glycerophospholipids with a long chain fatty aldehyde
linked to the sn-1 position by a vinyl ester bond (Dannen-
berger et al., 2006; Guth & Grosch, 1993). The 12-methylt-
ridecanals odor threshold is 0.1 lg/kg in water and the
compound is found in higher amounts in lean from beef
than other species (Guth & Grosch, 1993). Increasing the
amount of forage in the diet of cattle increases 12-methylt-
ridecanal in the phospholipids of muscles as well as
n-octadecanal, another plasmalogen. Octadecenal, a mono-
unsaturated plasmalogen with a low odor threshold, was
reduced when forages were fed instead of concentrates,
but n-hexadecanal concentration was not aected by diet
(Dannenberger et al., 2006).
Hexanal and 2,4-decadienal contribute positively to beef
avor, but may produce undesirable avors at higher con-
centrations (Melton, 1983). This is probably because these
C.R. Calkins, J.M. Hodgen / Meat Science 77 (2007) 6380 65
two compounds are produced in the greatest amounts dur-
ing oxidation of 18:2 during heating as well as overshadow-
ing of compounds that also help produce typical beef
avors. Others have found that hexanal is the most prom-
inent volatile compound in cooked meat with the amount
being directly proportional to thiobarbituric acid reactive
substances (TBARS), a measure of oxidation, and inversely
proportional to avor acceptability (Shahidi & Pegg, 1994;
Ullrich & Grosch, 1987).
2.3. Species dierences in fatty acid deposition
Because of dierences in digestive systems between
ruminants and nonruminants, deposition of fatty acids is
dierent. Poultry and pork muscle typically have higher
levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids than lamb or beef.
Pork muscle has more linoleic acid than beef or lamb which
contributes to the higher polyunsaturated:saturated fatty
acid ratio. However, beef and lamb commonly have more
favorable n6:n3 fatty acids ratios than pork (Wood &
Enser, 1997). Through diet manipulation some change
can in the fatty acid composition can be achieved. Since
dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids undergo little change
during digestion in pork and poultry, feeding products with
higher levels of linolenic, eicosapentaenoic, and docosa-
hexaenoic has been studied to modify the n-6 concentration
of fatty acids in those species.
Modifying the levels of unsaturated fatty acids in pork
and poultry has lead to conicting reports on the eect
on avor. Rhee, Davidson, Cross, and Ziprin (1990) found
all taste panel palatability scores for pork improved as oleic
acid concentration increased. Myer et al. (1992) found
feeding high oleic acid peanuts to pigs did not aect taste
panel scores for avor. However, they did see an increase
in o-avor scores when canola oil was fed at levels where
the content of linolenic was raised vefold in subcutaneous
fat. Shackelford, Reagan, Haydon, and Miller (1990) also
found o-avors increased with feeding canola oil to pigs,
compared with other high oleic acid dietary products,
which they attributed to the increase in 2-pentenal and
2,4-heptandienal, derivatives of linolenic acid. Based on
these studies it appears raising monounsaturated fatty
acids does not lead to the negative avor prole that is seen
by increases in polyunsaturated fatty acids in pork.
Wood and Enser (1997) reviewed factors inuencing
fatty acids in meat and their eect on quality and con-
cluded that poultry and pork respond similarly when trying
to manipulate the n6:n3 fatty acid ratio. Increases in n3
fatty acids in bacon, like those found when feeding sh
oil (eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid), lead
to increases in perception of o-avors by taste panelists.
This trend was not seen for the pork loin (Romans, John-
son, Wulf, Libal, & Costello, 1995; Romans, Wulf, John-
son, Libal, & Costello, 1995).
Cameld, Brown, Lewis, Rakes, and Johnson (1997)
presented simple correlations of medium and long chain
fatty acids to specic avors and concluded unsaturated
fatty acids were positively correlated to cowy, cardboard,
painty, and livery avors that are unsatisfactory for beef
Dierences in production systems create contradictory
ndings in the relationship of fatty acid type and concen-
tration to avor. Some studies have shown avor dier-
ences when beef cattle are fed forage- and cereal-based
diets (Mandell, Buchanan-Smith, & Campbell, 1998; Mel-
ton, 1990; Raes et al., 2003; Young & Baumeister, 1999).
In one review, it was concluded avor dierences could
not be reliably determined (Muir, Deaker, & Brown,
2003). There are many reasons for the discrepancies in
these studies. Consumer preferences and animal manage-
ment systems vary greatly, as do the amount of grain/con-
centrate and type of forage used for comparison. Several
studies have investigated breed eects, age of the animal,
estimated fat cover end point, or supplements, all of which
could impact the fatty acid prole of fat deposits. Studies
with USA consumers demonstrate they prefer meat from
grain-nished beef (Killinger, Calkins, Umberger, Feuz,
& Eskridge, 2004; Sitz et al., 2005). However, those same
studies revealed a small sector of the US population that
prefers the avor and palatability of steaks from grass-n-
ished animals. This split preference for meat from dierent
production systems is probably true in many countries. In
general, grass-fed and grain-fed ruminant animals have
been shown to have dierent fatty acid proles with
grass-fed animals having higher levels of polyunsaturated
fatty acids, especially linolenic acid and other n-3 fatty
acids, while concentrate-fed animals contain higher levels
of n-6 fatty acids and a lower proportion of n-3 fatty acids.
3. Eect of fat, lipid content and oxidation on avor
3.1. Fat and lipid content
It is commonly known that the degree of lipid oxidation
in meat is dependent on the composition of the phospholip-
ids, amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids, and the concen-
trations of metal ions, oxygen, salt and other pro-oxidants.
Peroxides are formed by the free radical chain mechanism
between a polyunsaturated fatty acid and oxygen. This oxi-
dation forms products like aldehydes, lactones, hydrocar-
bons, furans, and ketones that create undesirable, rancid
o-avors due to the oxidation of meat (Ladikos & Lougo-
vois, 1990).
Oxidation can be controlled by the amount of antioxi-
dant compounds found in the muscle tissue. Grass-fed beef
may not be much more prone to lipid oxidation than grain-
fed beef because of the increased levels of vitamins A, C,
and E, cartonenoids, and avonoids found in forages
(Wood & Enser, 1997). Grain-fed animals also consume
polyphenols or may be fed vitamin E supplements during
the nishing period which act as antioxidants.
Lipids serve several roles in avor development. Lipids
in meat act as a solvent for the volatile compounds that
develop during production, handling, and thermal process-
66 C.R. Calkins, J.M. Hodgen / Meat Science 77 (2007) 6380
ing (Moody, 1983). They undergo thermal oxidative
change to produce compounds that inuence beef avor
and react with components of lean tissue to give distinct
avor compounds (Mottram & Edwards, 1983).
Correlations between 14:1, 16:1, 18:0, 18:1, 18:2, 18:3,
and desirable beef avor have been reported (Melton,
Black, Davis, & Backus, 1982). Although species avor
depends primarily on unsaturated aldehydes, fatty acids,
ketones, and saturated aldehydes all play a role in beef a-
vor especially since many of the aldehydes are derived
from pathways with fatty acids (Melton et al., 1982).
Fat content has been shown to aect palatability,
including avor. As intramuscular fat increases, the fat a-
vor increases which is preferred by most US consumers
(Miller, Moeller, Goodwin, Lorenzen, & Savell, 2000).
The minimal level of intramuscular fat in beef for US con-
sumer acceptance and preference, described as slightly
intense fat avor, is approximately 3% (Miller, 2001). Lev-
els of fat above 7.3% in meat may have a negative eect on
perception of avor and acceptability (Miller, 2001). Fran-
cis, Romans, and Norton (1977) also found a bell-shaped
curve for the eect of marbling on avor. Conversely, loin
steaks had a linear decrease in avor desirability as quality
grade went down from USDA Prime through USDA Cut-
ter (Smith, Savell, Cross, & Carpenter, 1983). Flavor desir-
ability ratings in top round steak were less aected by
grade and marbling score.
3.2. Oxidation and volatiles from fatty acids
To determine the volatile compounds that are derived
from linoleic acid and methyl linoleate, Ullrich and Grosch
(1987) used gas chromatography to derive a D-value (the
highest dilution at which the aroma of a substance is still
detected) to reveal the most intense avor compounds.
With both lipids, hexanal, 2-octenal, and 2-nonenal had
the highest D-values. The fourth highest compound for lin-
oleic acid was 1-octen-3-ol while 1-octen-3-one was for
methyl linoleate. After 24 h of linoleic autoxidation, 2-non-
enal was the most potent volatile, with hexanal the most
potent volatile after 48 h, and hexanal and 2-octenal the
most potent volatiles after 72 h. The authors also found
pentane to be a better indicator of lipid peroxidation
because it has a shorter induction period than other volatile
compounds even though its D-value is not as high.
Arachidonic acid, a long chain omega-6 polyunsatu-
rated fatty acid, was originally found to be autoxidized in
meat into hexanal, methyl 5-oxopentanoate, pentane, and
2,4-decadienal volatile compounds (Artz, Perkins, & Salva-
dor-Henson, 1993). However, the most intense aroma
compound from the oxidation of arachidonic acid is
trans-4,5-epoxy-(E)-2-decenal followed by 1-octen-3-one,
2,4-decadienal, 2,4,7-tridecatrienal, and hexanal (Blank,
Lin, Vera, Welti, & Fay, 2001).
For human health reasons, there is a desire to increase
the PUFA in the lean portion of meat. However, when lev-
els become too high, o-avors can develop, especially dur-
ing cooking (Elmore, Campo, Enser, & Mottram, 2002).
4. Eect of diet on avor
4.1. Flavor intensity
The primary focus on the eect of diet and avor accept-
ability has been comparing pasture-fed cattle to grain-fed
cattle. A wide range of results have been reported: some
papers suggest there are no dierences between forage-fed
and grain-fed animals and others stating there are large dif-
ferences. Most of the dierences can probably be explained
by the dierent production systems which aect the level of
energy intake, days on feed, growth rate, age of the animal,
fat deposition, fat composition, and carcass weight. Brown,
Melton, Riemann, and Backus (1979) stated sensory panels
do not nd a lack of avor in grass-fed beef, but rather the
presence of an o-avor.
4.2. Lipid deposition and fatty acid oxidation
Compared to same-age steers fed corn silage-, pasture-,
and Bermuda pellets, steers nished 90 d on high energy,
corn-based diets had more desirable or intense beef avor
(Melton, 1983). When feeding to a constant fat thickness
in dierent production management systems, avor dier-
ences existed (Bowling et al., 1978). Even when comparing
corn diets to corn silage diets, signicant dierences were
seen in avor proles of beef, although not to the extent
of grass or alfalfa nished steers (Berry, Leddy, Bond,
Rumsey, & Hammond, 1988). Conversely, no dierence
in avor was seen between the grass- and grain-fed animals
when animals were blocked by growth rate (French et al.,
2001). The high growth rate animals fed on grass had little
dierence in meat quality to concentrate-fed cattle which
the authors attributed to high protein turnover (French
et al., 2001). Global dierences in avor preference may
partially explain the latter result.
Several grasses in ruminant diets have been demon-
strated to cause less desirable meat avor (Melton, 1990).
In contrast, Bidner, Montgomery, Bagley, and McMillin
(1985) found no dierence in avor intensity in meat from
animals fed high quality Bermuda grass pasture compared
to corn-based diets. French, ORiordan, et al. (2000)
reported no dierences in avor after aging the meat 2 d
when steers were nished on autumn grass, grass silage,
or concentrate diets with low levels of supplements to
maintain constant carcass growth rate between treatments.
Melton (1983) suggested dierences in results could be due
to dierences in sensory panels or quality of the grasses.
Hay diets were also found to produce meat less desirable
in avor than corn silage diets with no direct link to intra-
muscular fat (Dube et al., 1971), while another study
showed the opposite eect (meat from animals on a 91%
corn diet were less desirable in avor than meat from ani-
mals fed alfalfa or Tmothy hay) when using hay as the
C.R. Calkins, J.M. Hodgen / Meat Science 77 (2007) 6380 67
energy source (Oltjen, Rumsey, & Putnam, 1971). Further-
more, hay versus grass silage diets fed at the same net
energy do not aect avor (Listrat et al., 1999). Melton
(1983) concluded corn could be replaced partially or totally
with high quality alfalfa or in combination with Timothy
hay without a signicant change in avor.
Corn is the staple grain used in grain-fed cattle in the US
while Canada and Japan predominately use barley. Sitz
et al. (2005) and Jeremiah et al. (1998) found US consum-
ers preferred the avor of domestic beef over Canadian
barley-fed beef. In contrast, no dierences in avor inten-
sity, 12 aromatics, two mouthfeels (astringent and metal-
lic), and three tastes as determined by a trained avor
and descriptive panel were found when comparing corn,
barley, and 5050 corn/barley diets in the meat from young
animals (Miller, Rockwell, Lunt, & Carstens, 1996).
The majority of the avor eect due to feeding of for-
ages is hypothesized to be due to changes in lipid deposi-
tion and fatty acid composition. Using sheep as a
ruminant model, Lee et al. (2004) hypothesized red clover
fed to grass-nished steers would increase both n-6 and
n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) due to reductions
in ruminal biohydrogenation of PUFA. French, Stanton,
et al. (2000) found meat from cattle that were grass supple-
mented to maintain constant growth rate with concentrate-
fed animals had a linear decrease in saturated fats and n-
6:n-3 PUFA ratios and increases in unsaturated fats and
conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) when concentrate percent-
age went down, without aecting avor scores (French,
ORiordan, et al., 2000). Fishy o-avor was signicantly
higher and overall avor liking scores were signicantly
lower in meat from grass-nished cattle with increased
18:1trans isomers and, notably, CLAcis-9, trans-11 (Nuern-
berg et al., 2005). Animals backgrounded on grass and then
nished approximately 190 d on a high energy diet of
silage, hay, and barley had meat with higher levels of n-3
fatty acids than animals fed concentrate after weaning,
but no dierence in CLAcis-9, trans-11 in the lipids of
the longissmus muscle (Dannenberger et al., 2004) and sub-
cutaneous fat (Dannenberger et al., 2005). However, CLA-
trans-7, cis-9 was the second most abundant CLA isomer in
meat from concentrate-fed animals whereas CLAtrans-11,
cis-13 was the second most abundant in grass-fed. Total
CLA isomers were increased in the longissmus, subcutane-
ous fat, heart, and liver, but not in the semitendinosus
(Dannenberger et al., 2005) in grass-fed animals. Most
importantly, this study showed D
-desaturase activity was
decreased due to pasture feeding. This elongase, in con-
junction with trans vaccenic acid, is responsible for the syn-
thesis of CLAcis-9, trans-11. By disrupting the elongase
activity, avor changes might occur because of the unused
trans vaccenic acid, a fatty acid implicated in o-avors
(Cameld et al., 1997) as well as less CLAcis-9, trans-11
(Dannenberger et al., 2005). French, Stanton, et al.
(2000) also hypothesized the increase in CLAcis-9, trans-
11 in animals on higher grass-based diets was due to a
change in biohydrogenation. However, they concluded
grass diets favored the growth of Butyrivibrio brisolvens,
the ruminal bacterium responsible for producing the lino-
leic acid isomerase.
With interest to increase the PUFA in beef, trials with
supplements high in certain fatty acids have been con-
ducted. Most attempts have been made using linseed, lin-
seed oil, sunower, sunower oil, and sh oil (Mandell,
Buchanan-Smith, Holub, & Campbell, 1997; Scollan
et al., 2006). Generally, levels of PUFA in the lean have
not been high enough to claim health benets, but some
negative avors due to oxidation and shorter shelf-life have
been reported (Miller, 2001). The long chain fatty acids in
sh oil (Richardson et al., 2004) and several long chain
fatty acids from plant oils can bypass rumen biohydrogena-
tion with minimal change (Scollan et al., 2004). This
increase in unsaturation can lead to negative avor
After 8090 d on a corn nishing diet, no further signif-
icant beef avor changes occur (Melton et al., 1982). Liver
avor intensity increased up to 86 d of corn-based diets,
and sour avor intensity decreased to a minimum at
122 d on corn, while metallic and o-avor intensity were
unaected by time-on-feed. Fishy and milky-oily avors
decreased linearly with time-on-feed. Melton et al. (1982)
hypothesized increased beef fat and liver avor with
decreased milky-oily, sour and shy avor gave a more
desirable beef avor in corn-fed beef. Mandell et al.
(1998) disagreed with this hypothesis as they found liver
avor was positively correlated to metallic and grassy
aroma, sour avor, and metallic and grassy aftertaste and
negatively correlated to beef avor. They also found sour
avor notes were not aected by production type, but
metallic aroma was aected due to the dierences in 18:1
and 18:3 in the meat from the dierent feed sources.
The biggest dierence in the avor of meat from grass-
and grain-fed beef animals probably is due to fatty acid
concentration and type as fatty acids are the primary
source of carbonyl compounds (Melton, 1983). Oleic and
linoleic acid are found in higher concentrations in grain-
fed diets than in grass-fed diets (Enser et al., 1998; Vasta
& Priolo, 2006) while a-linolenic is higher in grass-based
diets (Enser et al., 1998). Therefore, compounds which
are derived from linolenic acid (4-heptenal, 2,4-heptadie-
nal, and 2,6-nonadienal) are usually in higher concentra-
tion in meat from grass-fed animals while hexanal,
2-heptenal, and 2,4-decadienal (products of linoleic acid)
are typically found in higher concentrations in meat from
grain-fed animals (Larick et al., 1987). Those compounds
have been shown to be higher in beef with higher levels
of oxidation. Furthermore, beef from corn-based diets
has higher levels of glucose (Brown et al., 1979; Melton
et al., 1982), c- and a-tocopherol (Yang, Lanari, Brewster,
& Tume, 2002), and carotenoids (Melton, 1990; Yang
et al., 2002).
It is important to note most of these ndings on avor
were studied in the US. An individual usually comes to pre-
fer the foods he/she grew up eating. Sitz et al. (2005) and
68 C.R. Calkins, J.M. Hodgen / Meat Science 77 (2007) 6380
Killinger et al. (2004) found the greatest sensory dierence
between Australian or Argentine (respectively) grass-fed
and USA grain-fed beef to be avor when Warner-Bratzler
Shear force values were kept constant. Canadian, barley-
nished cattle were also rated less desirable for avor than
domestic beef (Sitz et al., 2005). However, 19% of the con-
sumers in the study preferred the Australian meat when
compared to domestic beef while 29.3% preferred the
Canadian-fed beef when compared to domestic beef. Con-
sumers in both studies were willing to pay a premium for
their preference, which was heavily inuenced by avor.
4.3. Volatile compounds
Larick et al. (1987) investigated dierences in volatile
compounds in forage systems and grain-fed cattle. Fat
from animals nished on tall fescue, brome grass-red clover
versus orchard grass-red clover pastures were not dierent
in volatile compounds, but 31 volatiles were in dierent
concentration in the meat from grain-fed animals. Volatiles
higher in the meat fat from grass-fed animals included pen-
tanoic, heptanoic, octanoic, nonanoic, decanoic, and
dodecanoic acids; heptanal, 2,3-octanedione, 3-hydroxy-
octan-2-one, 2-decenal, 2-tridecanone, hexadecane, hepta-
decane, octodecane, d-dodecalactone, phyt-1-ene, neophyt-
adiene, phyt-2-ene, an isomer of neophytadiene,
2-heptadecanone, dihydrophytol, and phytol with the terp-
enoids in much higher concentration due to rumen-fer-
mented chlorophyll (Suzuki & Bailey, 1985). The fat from
the grain-produced animals was higher in d-tetradecalac-
tone and d-hexadecalactone (Larick et al., 1987). These lac-
tones are derived in the rumen by the oxidation of linoleic
and oleic acids (Vasta & Priolo, 2006). In the study, Larick
et al. (1987) found phyt-2-ene to be highly correlated to
beef avor intensity while d-tetradecalactone and d-hexa-
decalactone were negatively correlated to grassy avor.
Pentanal, toluene, 1-ethyl-2-methylbenzene, and an
unknown compound explained 51% of the variation of beef
fat avor intensity between grass and grain nished (Mel-
ton, 1990). As days on feed increased, pentanal, hexanal,
4-methyl-3-penten-3-one, nonane, acetone, nononal, and
two unknown compounds increased while trans-3-octene,
cis-2-octene, toluene, 3-penten-2-one, 3-hydroxy-2-buta-
none, and ve unknown compounds decreased (Melton,
Several classes of compounds are aected by the ani-
mals diet. Descalzo et al. (2005) found more aldehydes
in meat from animals eating concentrate diets rather than
grass. Phenolic compounds are secondary metabolites of
plants so they are typically found in higher concentration
in meat of forage-nished animals compared with grain-
nished with the exception of 4-ethylphenol and cresols
(Vasta & Priolo, 2006). Diet plays a large role on indoles
and their derivatives with grass-fed animals having much
higher levels, especially skatole. Production of these indoles
from ruminal microorganisms can be reduced by feeding
feedstus with higher levels of tannins for a few days
(Vasta & Priolo, 2006). The volatile 2,3-octanedione has
been suggested as an indicator of grass-fed animals since
the compound is produced by a lipoxygenase on leafy
plants (not seeds) (Young, Berdague, Viallon, Roussett-
Akrim, & Theriez, 1997) and soybeans (Elmore et al.,
2004). This compound can also be derived from heating
and breaking down linoleic acid (Elmore et al., 2002) so
care is needed if using the compound as an indicator of
grass-fed animals. Terpenoids are directly transferred from
grass to animal tissue so these compounds are also consid-
ered a green forage indicator except for b-gurjunene and
limonene, which are higher in concentrate-fed animals
(Vasta & Priolo, 2006). Cornu, Kondjoyan, Frencia, and
Berdague (2001) discovered several terpenoids, including
b-pinene, in beef could be used to determine the region that
an animal came from based on volatile compounds from
the forages in the geographic area that were ingested by
the animal.
Because of sulfurs low threshold, the small amount of
these volatile compounds in meat plays a signicant role
in meat avor (Drumm & Spanier, 1991) with aldehydes
from PUFA playing a role in the synthesis of these hetero-
cyclic compounds (Vasta & Priolo, 2006). Typically, sulfur
compounds are in higher concentration in grass-fed cattle
because of the tendency of the fatty acids to convert to
aldehydes during thermal processing (Elmore, Mottram,
Enser, & Wood, 1999).
4.4. Oxidative stability
The source of feed can play a role in the oxidative stabil-
ity of beef. When cattle were nished on a mixed diet of
silage, hay, and concentrate (corn, beet pulp, and linseed
cattle-cake), TBARS were always signicantly higher than
grass-fed animals regardless of age of animal or storage
condition of the meat (Gatellier, Mercier, Juin, & Renerre,
2005). Brown et al. (1979) also found ground beef from
steers on low energy diets had more free fatty acids and
lower TBARS than meat from animals that consumed a
high energy diet. This was attributed to the increased levels
of vitamin E in biological membranes and fat of grass-fed
animals although it was noted the grain diet also contained
antioxidants of proanthocyanidins and phytic acid (Gatel-
lier et al., 2005). In the same study, a higher heme iron con-
tent (considered to be a pro-oxidant) was found in the
heifer and cow meat on the mixed diets compared to the
grass diets and the steers, which they concluded also
aected the increased oxidation. Interestingly, when
grain-fed animals are supplemented with vitamin E, the
same level of tocopherol is achieved in the lean tissue,
and the meat is more stable following 47 d vacuum pack-
aged storage than grass-fed beef with or without supple-
mentation. Therefore, 46 lg/g of a-tocopherol in the
meat of supplemented grain-fed animals appears adequate
to minimize lipid oxidation, but not in grass-fed beef (Yang
et al., 2002).
C.R. Calkins, J.M. Hodgen / Meat Science 77 (2007) 6380 69
5. Myoglobin and heme iron concentration in beef
It has been suggested myoglobin has a close relationship
with lipid oxidation (Renerre & Labadie, 1993) which
could inuence avor. However, little evidence is present
to support these theories even though heme iron, myoglo-
bin, and total iron content have been shown to dier in
grass-fed (iron = 3.7 mg/100 g muscle) and grain-fed ani-
mals (iron = 2.52.7 mg/100 g muscle; Srinivasan, Xiong,
Blanchard, & Moody, 1998), dierent animal maturity lev-
els (older animals have higher levels; Boleman, Miller,
Buyck, Cross, & Savell, 1996), and gender (steers have
lower levels of heme iron than heifers; Gatellier et al.,
2005). Yancey et al. (2006) found livery avor in beef
increased and beef avor decreased when total iron levels
increased in the M. gluteus medius. In general, total iron
was not a good indicator of beef avor attributes. This con-
clusion for total iron was also seen in Jenschke, Eskridge,
and Calkins (2006) for normal-avored beef samples versus
liver avored samples (P = 0.23). Small correlations
between liver-like avor and myoglobin concentrations in
beef were seen, while hemoglobin relationship to livery a-
vor was not signicant (Yancey et al., 2006).
Heme iron was signicantly correlated (0.51) to o-a-
vor intensity for just one (M. vastus lateralis) of seven mus-
cles from the chuck and round (Meisinger, James, &
Calkins, 2006). In this study, regression equations contain-
ing linear and quadratic functions of heme iron concentra-
tion and muscle pH were established. Some relationships
between specic avors in certain muscles were observed,
but with the small number of o-avored samples no con-
crete trends were established. However, heme iron has been
thought to be a pro-oxidant that may inuence meat avor
due to its reaction to produce radicals that can promote
lipid oxidation in biological systems (Batifoulier, Mercier,
Gatellier, & Renerre, 2002; Kanner & Harel, 1985).
6. Eect of pH on avor
The pH of food plays a role in the development of a-
vors in the Maillard reaction. As pH increases, color and
polymeric compounds increase and nitrogen-containing
compounds like pyrazines are favored (Mottram & Mad-
ruga, 1994). Since fresh meat only has a pH range of
around 5.56.0 with a good buering ability, little work
has been done to investigate the eect of pH on Maillard
products although meat above the normal pH range is per-
ceived to have a decrease in meat avor intensity. There has
been some thought the higher ultimate pH in meat from
grass-fed animals might favor the formation of thiazoles
and thiophenones because of the availability of amino acid
degradation products while decreasing other sulfur vola-
tiles that favor lower pH (furanthiols, mercaptokin, ali-
phatic suldes, and thiopenes: breakdown products of
cysteine; Mottram & Madruga, 1994).
Many compounds contributing to beef avor are water-
soluble. As pH increases in meat, the proteins have
increased water binding properties. During cooking fewer
water-soluble proteins are lost from high pH meat since
there is less cooking loss (Miller, 2001). Dark, rm and
dry (DFD) meat is said to have a musty/moldy, cowy/
grassy, or bloody/serumy aromatic avors and very high
beef avor intensity (Miller, 2001). High levels of sodium
and phosphate in manufactured meats can lead to some
of the same avor perceptions that are in DFD meat. While
beef carcasses with lower than average pH are not com-
mon, the meat from these animals is usually blander.
Lower pH levels can also be attained through the use of
acidic ingredients (Miller, 2001).
7. Flavor relationships among muscles
Most of the research comparing muscles has dealt with
tenderness because there is approximately 34 times the
variation between muscles in tenderness compared to a-
vor (Shackelford, Wheeler, & Koohmaraie, 1995; Wulf &
Page, 2000), especially in the M. longissimus dorsi. In most
studies where avor or o-avor scores are determined, the
muscle used is the M. longissimus dorsi. Over the years
some researchers have investigated palatability characteris-
tics, including avor, from more than one muscle to try to
increase the value and usage of specic muscles. Tables 2
and 3 list the rankings of muscles for avor intensity and
o-avor intensity, respectively, from various studies. In
most of the studies the dierences in beef avor intensity
between muscles were relatively small.
7.1. Flavor desirability
Beef avor intensity was positively correlated to o-a-
vor intensity (r = 0.71) and weakly correlated to all other
traits (tenderness, r = 0.14; amount of connective tissue,
r = 0.11; juiciness, r = 0.13; sarcomere length, r =
0.31; percentage of desmin degraded, r = 0.34; cooking
loss, r = 0.20) except collagen concentration and shear
force (Rhee, Wheeler, Shackelford, & Koohmaraie,
2004). When simple correlations were run within muscle,
every muscle had signicant correlations between avor
intensity and o-avor intensity; the only other correla-
tions with o-avor intensity were the infraspinatuss cor-
relation to collagen concentration (r = 0.38) and the
longissimus correlation to juiciness (r = 0.44). Jeremiah,
Dugan, Aalhus, and Gibson (2003) found no correlations
between beef avor intensity and chemical characteristics
for 33 muscles.
Meisinger et al. (2006) found the M. infraspinatus had
the least o-avors and the lowest frequency of sour notes
of the six chuck and round muscles tested (Table 4). The
M. vastus medialis had the most intense o-avor ratings
with a high frequency of sour, charred, and oxidized avor
notes. Liver-like, bloody, and rancid avor notes and heme
iron content did not dier among muscles. O-avor inten-
sity within the M. rectus femoris, M. teres major, M. vastus
lateralis, and M. vastus medialis was signicantly related to
70 C.R. Calkins, J.M. Hodgen / Meat Science 77 (2007) 6380
pH and heme iron, but pH and heme iron were not related
to specic o-avor notes.
Flavor desirability has been used by some researchers in
addition to or in lieu of avor intensity. The Canadian Cat-
tlemens Association established a goal of 95% consumer
acceptance of beef, and seven muscles or muscle groups
M. teres major, M. psoas major, M. longissimus thoracis,
M. longissimus lumborum, M. ilio psoas, M. spinalis dorsi,
and M. subscapularis fell into that category for avor
desirability (Jeremiah, Gibson, Aalhus, & Dugan, 2003).
However, the two longissimus muscles were rated as the
second and third lowest for beef avor intensity, although
the range for avor intensity was fairly small (5.006.07 on
a 9-point scale) in that study. Five other muscles or muscle
groups were approaching 95% desirability for avor as
McKeith, De Vol, Miles, Bechtel, and Carr (1985) found
the M. psoas major, M. infraspinatus, M. longissimus thora-
cis, M. longissimus lumborum, and the M. rectus femoris to
be rated signicantly higher than M. supraspinatus, M.
semimembranosus, M. semitendinosus, M. adductor, and
M. pectoralis profundi for avor desirability with the M.
biceps femoris, M. gluteus medius, and M. triceps brachii
being similar to the two groups. Similar ndings from Wulf
and Page (2000) revealed the M. longissimus dorsi and M.
gluteus medius had the same mean for avor desirability
(5.73 with 8 = intense) while the M. semimembranosus
was less desirable. Muscle dierences in avor intensity
were not due to glycolytic potential, but less than
80 lmol/g aected the M. longissimus dorsi for avor desir-
ability while the M. gluteus medius saw a linear increase in
avor desirability with an increase in glycolytic potential
(Wulf, Emnett, Leheska, & Moeller, 2002), likely due to
ultimate pH. Flavor desirability was highly, negatively cor-
related (P < 0.001) to insoluble collagen in a study that
analyzed 33 muscles or muscle groups from 25 Canada
AA steer carcasses (Jeremiah, Dugan, et al., 2003).
7.2. Dierences in avor compounds among muscles
In a study using purge and trap mass spectrometry, dif-
ferences in volatile compounds between raw muscles from
Table 2
Ranking of muscles
for avor intensity from dierent studies
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1 LD
2 QF
3 ST
4 GM
5 SM
6 TB
7 BF
8 SP
9 PM
10 IF
11 TF PP
12 GM SP
13 GR PP
14 RA VL
15 PP SF
16 SD BF
17 OA GR
18 SS RF
19 IC BT
20 VL SL
21 TR SM
22 SM AD
23 RF
24 LD
25 ST
1: Shackelford et al. (1995); 2: Paterson and Parrish (1986); 3: Jeremiah, Dugan, et al., 2003 and Jeremiah, Gibson, et al., 2003; 4: Carmack et al. (1995); 5:
Jeremiah et al. (1985); 6: Molina et al. (2005); 7: Rhee et al. (2004); 8: Wheeler et al. (2000); 9: Brickler (2000), dry cookery; 10: Brickler (2000), wet
cookery; 11: Wulf and Page (2000).
AD = M. adductor; BB = M. biceps brachii; BF = M. biceps femoris; BT = M. brachiocephalicus; CP = M. complexus; DI = Diaphragm; GM = M.
gluteus medius; GR = M. gracillis; IC = intercostal muscles; IF = M. infraspinatus; IP = M. ilio psoas; LD = M. longissmus dorsi; LT = M. latissimus
dorsi; MD = M. multidus dorsi; OA = M. obliquus abdominus internus; PM = M. psoas major; PP = M. pectoralis profundi; QF = M. quadriceps femoris;
RA = M. rectus abdominis; RB = M. rhomboideus; RF = M. rectus femoris; SD = M. spinalis dorsi; SF = M. supercial pectoral; SL = M. splenius;
SM = M. semimembranosus; SP = M. supraspinatus; SS = M. subscapularis; ST = M. semitendinosus; SV = M. serratus ventralis; TB = M. triceps brachii;
TF = M. tensor faciae latae; TM = M. teres major; TR = M. trapezius; VI = M. vastus intermedius; VL = M. vastus lateralis; VM = M. vastus medialis.
Samples are ordered from the most intense beef avor intensity to the least (bland).
Means within column without common superscript dier.
C.R. Calkins, J.M. Hodgen / Meat Science 77 (2007) 6380 71
the chuck and the round were evaluated (Hodgen, Cuppett,
& Calkins, 2006). Twenty-eight volatile compounds were
identied in all four normal muscles (Table 5). The M. tri-
ceps brachii did not have any compounds unique from the
muscles in the knuckle. The M. vastus lateralis had two
unique aromatic compounds in its volatile prole. Both
of these compounds were in low concentrations relative
to other compounds in the sample. The M. vastus interme-
dius possessed four compounds that were unique to that
muscle, with one of the compounds being unknown. The
relative quantity of piperazine and (Z)-3-octene in the M.
vastus intermedius was signicantly higher compared to
the other compounds that make-up the volatile prole of
the muscle. These compounds may help explain why the
M. vastus intermedius is perceived as having moderately
intense avor (Brickler, 2000; Jones et al., 2004). The M.
rectus femoris had 10 unique compounds. Additionally,
the M. rectus femoris had higher concentrations of many
of the compounds in comparison to the other three mus-
cles. The beef myology website reports the M. rectus femo-
ris has slightly intense avor whereas the M. vastus
lateralis, M. vastus intermedius, and M. triceps brachii have
moderately intense avor (Jones et al., 2004). Apparently,
the additional compounds tone down the M. rectus femoris
avor so it is not perceived as intense or o-avored as
other muscles in the chuck and round (Brickler, 2000).
Interestingly, mass spectrometry also revealed that the
three muscles from the knuckle have 10 additional com-
pounds that are not found in the M. triceps brachii. These
ndings may explain why the M. triceps brachii was found
to have higher o-avor ratings than the other three mus-
cles by Brickler (2000).
The dierent combinations of volatiles may help explain
the dierence in perceived avor prole (Hodgen, Cuppett,
et al., 2006). The unique compounds of M. vastus interme-
dius create a avor prole that has higher liver-like, metal-
lic, and rancid characteristics than the M. triceps brachii,
M. rectus femoris, and M. vastus lateralis (James & Cal-
kins, 2005). All the volatile compounds in the M. rectus
femoris may help reduce the sour taste and oxidized, ran-
cid, and charred aromas (James & Calkins, 2005) when
compared to the other muscles in this study. While the
M. vastus lateralis only had two dierent compounds from
the other muscles, the combination of these compounds
helped reduce the perceived liver-like characteristic in these
samples. Meisinger et al. (2006) found no dierence in
liver-like between the M. rectus femoris, M. triceps brachii,
and M. vastus lateralis.
Cow muscles have very dierent avor characteristics
compared to meat from A-maturity steer carcasses. A
benchmarking study compared sensory properties of mus-
cles from Select, A-maturity carcasses to muscles from four
Table 3
Ranking of muscles
for o-avor intensity from dierent studies
1 2 3 4
1 LD
2 ST
3 GM
4 QF
5 M
6 BF
7 SP
8 TB
9 PM
10 IF
11 PM
12 SP
13 VL
14 BF
15 SF
16 VI
17 ST
18 RB
19 GR
20 SM
21 AD
22 PP
1: Shackelford et al. (1995); 2: Rhee et al. (2004); 3: Brickler (2000), dry
cookery; 4: Brickler (2000), wet cookery.
AD = M. adductor; BB = M. biceps brachii; BF = M. biceps femoris;
BT = M. brachiocephalicus; CP = M. complexus; GM = M. gluteus med-
ius; GR = M. gracillis; IF = M. infraspinatus; LD = M. longissmus dorsi;
LT = M. latissimus dorsi; MD = M. multidus dorsi; PM = M. psoas
major; PP = M. pectoralis profundi; QF = M. quadriceps femoris; RB = M.
rhomboideus; RF = M. rectus femoris; SF = M. supercial pectoral;
SM = M. semimembranosus; SL = M. splenius; SP = M. supraspinatus;
SS = M. subscapularis; ST = M. semitendinosus; SV = M. serratus ven-
tralis; TB = M. triceps brachii; VI = M. vastus intermedius; VL = M.
vastus lateralis; VM = M. vastus medialis.
Samples are ordered from the lowest o-avor score to the highest o-
avor score.
Means within column without common superscript dier.
Table 4
The eect of muscle on percentage of panelists detecting each o-avor note
Muscle Liver Sour Metallic Charred Bloody Oxidized Fatty Rancid
Mean SE Mean SE Mean SE Mean SE Mean SE Mean SE Mean SE Mean SE
Infra-spinatus 9.3 2.9 23.2
3.7 8.7
2.2 29.9
4.4 1.6 1.0 9.5
2.3 14.0
1.3 8.8 1.6
Rectus femoris 9.7 2.9 44.2
3.7 13.4
2.2 20.4
4.4 3.4 1.0 7.4
2.3 3.2
1.3 4.9 1.6
Teres major 8.8 2.9 48.7
3.7 15.5
2.2 21.6
4.4 1.8 1.0 8.5
2.3 3.3
1.3 5.8 1.6
Triceps brachii 7.7 2.9 49.5
3.7 19.5
2.2 22.2
4.4 0.8 1.0 13.3
2.3 1.6
1.3 5.6 1.6
Vastus lateralis 9.1 2.9 48.4
3.7 15.0
2.2 30.5
4.4 1.3 1.0 17.5
2.3 1.4
1.3 6.8 1.6
Vastus medialis 10.8 3.0 49.0
3.8 17.3
2.2 14.8
4.6 2.9 1.0 14.6
2.3 2.3
1.4 7.2 1.6
Taken from Meisinger et al. (2006).
Means within a column (for o-avor notes) with dierent superscripts are signicantly (P < 0.05) dierent.
72 C.R. Calkins, J.M. Hodgen / Meat Science 77 (2007) 6380
Table 5
Compound concentration dierences for between normal-avored beef muscles
determined by gas chromatographymass spectrometry analysis
Retention time
1.93 UNK
2.03 UNK
2.48 Oxirane, 2,3-dimethyl-
2.81 UNK
3.07 1,2-Ethanediamine, N,N
3.09 Pentanal
3.12 sec-Butanamine
3.15 UNK
3.17 Cyclobutanol
3.20 UNK
3.45 2-Heptanamine, 5-methyl
3.50 UNK
3.65 Pentanal
3.71 Pentanal
4.41 Piperazine
4.77 Cyclobutanol
4.88 UNK
5.29 1-Pentanol
5.56 1-Pentanol, 5-amino
5.82 UNK
5.86 UNK
6.11 Hexanal
6.27 3-Octene, (Z)-
6.44 1,3-Propanediamine, N-methyl or hexanal
6.49 2-Heptanamine, 5-methyl
7.60 UNK
8.05 1-Hexanol
8.18 UNK
8.25 1-Hexanol
8.62 2-Heptanone
8.88 Heptanal
9.72 a-Pinene
10.32 2-Heptenal
10.43 Benzaldehyde
10.60 2-Hexen-1-ol, (E)-
10.67 1-Heptanol
10.83 b-Pinene
10.90 1-Octen-3-ol
11.01 n-Caprioc acid vinyl ester or 3-octanone, 2-methyl
11.19 Furan, 2-pentyl
11.47 Octanal
11.66 3-Carene
12.10 1-Hexanol, 2-ethyl-
12.20 1,3-Hexadiene, 3-ethyl-2-methyl-
12.35 3-Octen-2-one
12.49 UNK
12.77 2-Octenal, (E)-
13.00 2-Octen-1-ol or 1,3-octadiene
13.05 1-Octanol
13.41 UNK
13.52 2-Nonanone
13.63 Octadecanal
13.80 Nonanal
14.28 UNK
14.83 3-Hydroxymandelic acid, ethyl ester, di-TMS or benzaldehyde, 2,4-bis(trimethylsiloxy)-
14.99 2-Nonenal or 1-tetradecene
15.13 UNK
15.69 Undec-4-enal
15.92 Decanal
16.11 2,4-Nonadienal
16.93 Benzene, 1,3-bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-
17.03 2-Decenal
17.39 UNK
(continued on next page)
C.R. Calkins, J.M. Hodgen / Meat Science 77 (2007) 6380 73
cow populations (beef-fed, beef-nonfed, dairy-fed, dairy-
nonfed) (Stelzleni, Johnson, Calkins, Mink, & Gwartney,
2005). All muscles from cows had more intense beef avor
and greater o-avor than muscles from younger, A-matu-
rity Select-grade beef carcasses.
In a study conducted in our laboratory (Meisinger et al.,
2006), seven muscles from the chuck and knuckle were
obtained from 30 animals, and animal identity was main-
tained. Three animals had the majority of their muscles
ranked 5 or below on an 8 point hedonic scale for o-avor
intensity (Table 6) which meant the o-avor was
approaching or below what average consumers would nd
acceptable. Theses data suggest that when an animal has
one muscle in the chuck or knuckle that has o-avor,
other muscles in the chuck or knuckle are likely to be o-
avored as well. This suggests there is an animal eect
to o-avors found in the chuck and knuckle, meaning
the animal has been exposed to something dierent than
a normal animal. After investigating several angles, our
laboratorys current hypothesis is the dierence is caused
at least partially by the diet of the animal.
This animal eect on avor leads to other questions
that need to be addressed. Do all muscles in a candidate
animal for o-avor possess o-avor? Is it just locomo-
tion muscles or muscles that lay on or near a bone? Most
importantly, what is causing these undesirable avors
and how can producers, processors, or individuals prepar-
ing the meals mitigate or eliminate the eect?
8. Liver-like o-avor in beef
With the increased use of muscles from the chuck and
round in the US for steak items, rather than roasts or
ground beef, restaurant personnel and foodservice employ-
ees that use these steaks have reported an increased number
of complaints regarding the avor of the beef they serve.
The majority of the complaints are referred to as liver-like
avor. Because of the economic impact these steaks have
on the beef industry, it is important to identify and under-
stand the causes of this particular o-avor.
8.1. Cooking rate and holding time
Most of the anecdotal reports of incidences of o-avors
our laboratory received were from foodservice personnel. It
was hypothesized that since foodservice preparation tradi-
tionally cooked the meat quickly and then held the product
in warming ovens until the food was presented to the con-
sumer these conditions might promote the liver-like avor.
Seven muscles located in the chuck and knuckle were
slowly or rapidly cooked (on a 149EC commercial gas grill
or a 249EC grill) and held for 0 or 1 h prior to consump-
tion. Results clearly demonstrated that cooking at a slower
rate and holding for a longer time reduce the intensity of
o-avor. It is hypothesized the slower cooking and longer
hold time allow the undesirable volatile compounds to dis-
sipate (James & Calkins, 2005).
Table 6
Mean o-avor intensity scores and the percentage of panelists who recognized livery-like avors
Animal O-avor intensity scores Percentage of panelists who recognized livery-like avor
6 3.78 3.78 1.60 2.22 3.00 2.30 66.70 44.40 30.00 44.40 62.50 60.00
7 4.88 3.38 2.67 4.00 3.57 4.60 12.50 50.00 66.70 11.10 42.90 60.00
8 3.88 4.88 4.90 4.50 3.57 3.90 100.00 50.00 50.00 37.50 37.50 60.00
Adapted from Meisinger et al. (2006).
Table 5 (continued)
Retention time
17.66 2,4-Decadienal
17.71 Tridecane
18.09 2,4-Decadienal
18.19 Malonic acid, bis(2-trimethylsilylethyl ester)
18.93 2-Tridecenal
19.51 Tetradecane
19.71 Oxirane, hexadecyl or UNK
21.20 UNK
21.43 UNK
Taken from Hodgen (2006).
TRI = M. triceps brachii, REC = M. rectus femoris, VAL = M. vastus lateralis, and VAI = M. vastus intermedius.
Retention time was obtained from GCMS report for each sample.
Compounds listed were matches found in the mass spectrometry database.
indicates that a higher concentration of the compound was found in that type of sample; indicates that a lower concentration of the compound was
found in that type of sample; indicates the compound was present and/or fell in between higher and lower than ones listed with an arrow.
74 C.R. Calkins, J.M. Hodgen / Meat Science 77 (2007) 6380
During this study the observation was made that the
samples that would be rated as having intense o-avor
by the trained taste panelists could be smelled during the
cooking process. With the knowledge that there appears
to be an animal eect and that the o-avor is at least
somewhat volatile, our laboratory has taken two directions
in determining the cause of this o-avor pre-harvest
conditions and compounds dierences between lean tissue
that is normal and lean tissue that is liver-like in avor.
8.2. Frequency
The frequency of this o-avor appears to relatively
low, although the initial speculation was the incidence
was between 7% and 10% based on Yancey et al. (2006)
and Meisinger et al. (2006). In a survey of urban Nebraska
residents, 6.9% (11 out of 159) of respondents who had
eaten a M. infraspinatus steak stated they had a poor eating
experience due to avor.
8.3. Sni test
To develop a sampling method for o-avored beef
samples, 10 g slices of the knuckle were sliced o on the
fabrication line in a packing plant, cooked immediately
in a room with air puriers and smelled and/or tasted to
determine if the sample was o-avored. Samples that were
thought to be o-avored by this test were taken to the
meat laboratory at the University of Nebraska and reeval-
uated by the panelists that had performed the evaluation at
the plant. Contingency tables revealed the panelists were in
close agreement, but there were few samples with the liver
avor (Jenschke, Hamling, et al., 2006). Further work is
needed to conrm the usefulness of this method to study
liver-like o-avors.
8.4. Feedlots and pre-harvest conditions
A total of 328 knuckles, which came from ve dierent
feedlots, were tested by the two panelists. Utilizing smelling
and tasting, feedlot A had 5.0% o-avored samples (1 of
20), feedlot B had 9.4% (5 of 53), feedlot C had 6.7% (10
of 148), feedlot D had 12.5% (9 of 72) and feedlot E had
14.3% (5 of 35) (Jenschke, Hamling, et al., 2006).
No relationships between any of the pre-harvest traits or
liver scores and the prevalence of o-avors existed. There
were also no trends in muscles having liver-like avor and
medical treatment or feed additives received (data not
shown). Since distribution of o-avors varied among feed-
lots, future research should investigate pre-harvest factors
that might lead to o-avor development.
8.5. Minerals and fatty acids
The liver-like avor in beef is often associated with an
increase in metallic avor (Miller, 2001) and increased
cooler aging (Campo, Sanudo, Panea, & Alberti, 1999).
Our laboratory investigated the relationship of eight miner-
als and fatty acids to the liver-like o-avor. Sodium, 16:1,
18:1n7 (vaccenic acid), 20:2n6, and 20:3 accounted for 46%
of the variation between liver-like samples and controls.
Sodium relationship was low in this study, but we hypoth-
esize sodium may help accentuate the liver-like o-avor
and that is why it fell into the model. Iron has often been
thought to play a role in the liver-like o-avor (Yancey
et al., 2006) but this mineral did not show up in any of
our analyses. Our fatty acid analysis revealed similar
results to others (Cameld et al., 1997; Yancey et al.,
2006) with medium and long chain unsaturated fatty acids
playing a role in creating the liver-like o-avor. Regres-
sion models of unsaturated fatty acids alone accounted
for 40% of the variation in liver-like o-avor. Further
understanding of manipulation of unsaturated fatty acids
in muscle tissue could prove benecial in reducing the inci-
dence of the liver-like o-avor. Current research is being
undertaken to consider a more complete picture of the fatty
acid proles between o-avored and normal samples. Sul-
fur level comparisons between the liver-like and the normal
samples need to be determined since this mineral could cre-
ate undesirable avors.
8.6. Gas chromatographymass spectrometry
With the evidence the liver-like o-avor is partially due
to a volatile compound, gas chromatography and mass
spectrometry work was conducted to evaluate the dier-
ences between compounds in liver-like beef samples and
normal-avored samples. Raw meat samples (5 g) were
mixed with 100 mL of double distilled water in a closed
container with an inlet to push nitrogen through and an
outlet to smell aromas emitted from the sample when
heated in a 40 C water bath (Table 8; Hodgen, Calkins,
& Cuppett, 2006). Undesirable aromas were emitted only
for the samples that were ranked by taste panelists as being
liver-like while normal beef aromas were emitted from the
control samples. When these compounds were collected
and injected into the gas chromatograph, dierences in
chromatograms were observed between the normal and
liver-like samples.
The raw, pulverized samples were run on a purge and
trap mass spectrometer (Hodgen, Cuppett, et al., 2006).
Because muscle tissue heated only to 40 C showed dier-
ences in volatile composition between normal and liver-like
samples, it was decided to eliminate much of the eect of
the cooking process by using raw tissue samples to reduce
the amount of compounds produced. This would reduce
the number of compounds produced by the Maillard reac-
tion, but compounds that help give rise to the liver-like a-
vor would still be present. Dierences in the presence of
numerous compounds were apparent between normal and
liver-like samples. Most of the compounds present in
higher concentration in the liver-like samples, like penta-
C.R. Calkins, J.M. Hodgen / Meat Science 77 (2007) 6380 75
nol, hexanal, hexanol, 1-octen-3-ol, and nonanal, are asso-
ciated with lipid oxidation (Table 7). The compounds b-
pinene, 1-octen-3-ol, and 2,4-decadienal were in higher
concentration in the liver-like samples in all muscles tested.
Several of these same compounds were implicated by Yan-
cey et al. (2006) when they used cooked samples for evalu-
ation between liver-like and normal samples. Interestingly,
these compounds (especially 2,4-decadienal) are associated
with the oensive odor of Eocanthecona furcellata (Wol)
commonly known as the stink bug (Ho, Kou, & Tseng,
2003). Limonene, a citrus aroma, was observed in higher
concentrations in the liver-like samples in their study and
in later studies in our laboratory (Hodgen, 2006). In the
original study (Hodgen, Cuppett, et al., 2006), the com-
pound with the same retention time as limonene was iden-
tied by the mass spectrometer database as a hexanol
isomer so it is likely this compound also contributes to
the liver-like aromatic prole in samples.
A larger pool of samples are needed to further investi-
gate the volatile make-up of liver-like samples. Further
investigation into oxidation also needs to be addressed in
regards to liver-like avor. Both Hodgen, Cuppett, et al.
(2006) and Yancey et al. (2006) found compounds associ-
ated with lipid oxidation, yet thiobarbituric acid assays
found no relationship (Yancey et al., 2006) between normal
and liver-like samples.
8.7. A candidate cause
While the liver-like o-avor has been around for many
years, there is speculation the increase in incidence of liver-
like samples may be attributed to changes in feeding prac-
tices in the US. Some evidence points to increased levels of
unsaturated fatty acids in the muscle in liver-like samples,
so feedstus that have higher levels of unsaturation have
been suspect. The biohydrogenation process in ruminant
animals minimizes passage of unsaturated fatty acids
through the digestive system. One possible candidate out
laboratory has investigated is wet distillers grain plus solu-
bles (WDGS) since the increased use of distillers grain
seemed to coincide with the increased complaints about
liver-like avor in meat. Feedlots receiving this by-product
of ethanol production also have to ensure sulfur levels in
the animal feed will not reach undesirable levels as the eth-
anol processing method uses sulfur. Sensory results in meat
from a feeding trial in which steers were fed 0%, 10%, 20%,
30%, 40%, and 50% levels of WDGS did not show any sig-
nicant relationship (P = 0.07) to the perception of liver-
like o-avor in the M. rectus femoris although it was
approaching signicance (Table 8; Jenschke, Hodgen, Van-
der Pol, Calkins, & Klopfenstein, 2006). However, this
work was conducted on meat aged 7 d. Storage (aging) of
meat would allow oxidation to occur.
Table 7
Compound concentration dierences between the liver-like and normal-avored beef muscles determined by gas chromatographymore spectrometry
Liver-like Normal Liver-like Normal Liver-like Normal Liver-like Normal
2,3-Dimethyl oxirane
b-Pinene NP
2-Methyl-3-octanone or n-caproic acid, vinyl ester
2-Pentyl furan
Hydroxymandelic acid
1,3-Bis(1,1-dimethylethyl) benzene
2,4-Decadienal NP
2,4-Decadienal NP
Taken from Hodgen (2006).
Compounds listed revealed visual concentration dierences in chromatograms.
indicates that a higher concentration of the compound was found in that type of sample; indicates that a lower concentration of the compound was
found in that type of sample; NP = not present.
TRI = M. triceps brachii, REC = M. rectus femoris, VAL = M. vastus lateralis, and VAI = M. vastus intermedius.
76 C.R. Calkins, J.M. Hodgen / Meat Science 77 (2007) 6380
Further research has been conducted in our laboratory
to investigate the relationship of avor to meat proper-
ties from steers fed WDGS. Increases in polyunsaturated
fatty acids were seen with an increase in WDGS levels in
the diet (4.90% of fatty acid methyl esters versus 5.91%
and 6.23% of fatty acid methyl esters for cattle fed
15% or 30% WDGS on a dry matter basis). Our results
(unpublished) also show an increase in oxidation and a
decrease in color stability when WDGS are fed. Simi-
larly, Roeber, Gill, and DiCostanzo (2005) found some
reduction in color stability upon storage for beef from
cattle fed distillers grains.
Approaching the cause of liver-like o-avors in beef
chuck and round muscles from a pre- and post-harvest
view has increased our knowledge about the liver-like a-
vor, but further research is still needed to be able to prevent
the occurrence of this undesirable avor from occurring.
9. Conclusions
Development of the avor of meat is a very complex sys-
tem. Factors that make some meat desirable and other
meat undesirable is inuenced by many conditions, includ-
ing pre-harvest animal environment and diet, post-harvest
handling, and consumers individual preferences. The rst
two factors can be investigated and solutions can be deter-
mined; the latter is a much harder variable to control since
a persons internal and external inuences help develop
personal preferences. The role of the meat industry should
be to try to produce the highest quality product for the
market they are targeting.
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Least squares means for main eects for o-avor intensity, liver-like and metallic o-avors
Eect O-avor intensity
0 5.72 14.44 34.07
10 5.49 19.63 27.41
20 5.69 11.85 31.85
30 5.74 7.41 31.85
40 5.54 12.22 34.81
50 5.73 8.52 36.30
Standard error of the mean 0.11 3.07 4.17
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Choice 5.51
Select 5.80
Standard error of the mean 0.07 1.77 2.41
Adapted from Jenschke, Hodgen, et al. (2006).
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P-value from analysis of variance tables.
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