Crtificate of Proficiency in Russian: (One Year Course)
Crtificate of Proficiency in Russian: (One Year Course)
Crtificate of Proficiency in Russian: (One Year Course)
All the grammar and its usage as covered in lessons of the prescribed textbook.
History and culture of the USSR (topics given below)
Translation from Russian into English and vice-versa.
Russian for Everybody by V.G. Kostomarov and others (Lesson 1-20)
Essential Russian Part I by Prof. A. K. Maurya (Lesson 1 11)
Novel Mother by M. Gorky (in English)
Paper I Grammar 3 hrs 100
Paper II Translation 3 hrs 100
Translation of an unseen Russian text into English or Hindi (about 200 words). (70 marks)
Translation from English into Russian of a text (about 150 words) (30 marks)
Paper III Oral Exam 100
Reading of text studied and questions on it. (50 marks)
Questions on the topics given below. (50 marks)
Total marks: 300
Topics for Oral Examination:
Origin of Russian People The Slav People
The Early village commune The Mir
Home reading of reference book: Soviet Union and People
The period of First (Kievian) Rus
Rise of Moscow and Institution of Tsardom
The system of Serfdom
The Stepan Razin and Pugachev Revolts
Europeanization of Rus under Peter I
Radichshev and his Journey from Petersburg to Moscow
The Decembrist Movement of 1825
First Russian Revolution Events of Bloody Sunday and Revolution of 1905 1907; The First World War.
February Revolution of 1917
October, 1917 Revolution
Life and works of V.I. Lenin
The Collectivization Campaign
The Great Patriotic War (II World War): the role played and sacrifices made by the Soviet People.
The USSR: its Republics, Land and territory, climate, seas, rivers, people and cities.
Perestroika and Post-Perestroika phase.
Russian Federation
Note: The candidates will be permitted to use Dictionary only in Paper II
Besides six periods per week, if necessary, additional lectures will be given.