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Project Marketing Trim

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Submitted By:

Section F
Final Project Marketing
Submitted to:
Prof. Waseem Irshad

Haris Mustafa Ali L1S13MBAM2113
Yasir Ammar L1S13MBAM2128
Isma Umer L1S13MBAM2083
Imran Younas L1S13MBAM2077
Mubeen Hussain L1S13MBAM0112

Treet Corporation Limited
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Treet Corporation Limited

Companies History

Holding Company is one of the oldest and largest business groups of Pakistan. It was
incorporated as a public limited company in Pakistan in 1977 under companies act, 1913 (now
Companies Ordinance, 1984). As a sole manufacturer and marketer of conventional shaving
blades, razors and soaps, the business history of the group dates back to pre-independence days,
almost a century ago, when a highly dynamic personality of Sir Syed Maratib Ali expanded his
canteen contract and agric business into trading and industrial partnerships. This expansion saw
no bounds and soon after the 'Divide' in 1947, new business opportunities were successfully
explored in the fields of Textile, Automobiles, Trucks and Tractors, Soap, Ghee and Razor
manufacturing. This progressive journey also saw the transition from manufacturing
conventional Double Edge shaving blades to modern age Bonded razors in Pakistan. The
company was quoted as one of the best 25 industries on Karachi Stock Exchange in the year
2004. Treet was among the first ten companies in Pakistan to obtain ISO 9001
2000certification in 1997 for its outstanding attainment. The company employs approximately
1400 people with factories in Hyderabad and Lahore. Its renowned brands, TRBC (Treet Blade
Coated) in Carbon Steel and TPS (Treet Platinum Super) in Stainless Steel are market leaders in
Double Edge blades category. While in Bonded razor category Trim-II XL, Treet-II, and Treet
Hygiene disposable razors are leading brands in popular price segment of the market. Another
type of conventional Cut-throat turned modern fixed head disposable salon razor is 'Safex'. This
razor at salons not only provides excellent shaves but has proved hygienically reliable as well.

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Companies Mission

Our Mission is, to satisfy and meet the needs of our customers, providing our products
and services with the quality, adjusted to their needs and preferences and to create, value for our
stakeholders through originality and strict adherence to our principles. We being a conscientious
producer, and having stood the test of time, will continue our emphasis on responding to
customer need with value added and services.
It is our belief that we can fulfill this mission through a unique combination of
vision, effective supply chain management and innovative technology.

Companies Vision

Be innovative in our field for the benefits of society. We will fairly compete in quality,
technology, sales and marketing expertise, while ensuring sound financial and sustainable
growth of the TREET GROUP for the sake of its stakeholders and reputation.

Our basics objective is to create value and innovation in product and awareness in the
mind of customer for the purpose of increasing sales.

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We collected some facts through research
Average 30,000 beard hairs on the face.
Razor blade meeting the face (The ideal shave angle) is28-32 degrees.
42% of men report that they prefer to be clean shaven.
The average shave takes 3 minutes.
Average a man spends 10-15 hours on shaving in a year.
Average man starts to shave regularly when he begins to work regularly.
Man between the ages of 18 and 24 shave an average of three to four times a week.
Men over the age of 35 shave an average of six to seven times a week.
The male razors and blades market in Pakistan increased at a compound annual growth
rate of 11.9% between 2004 and 2009.
The blades / cartridges segment led the male razors and blades market in Pakistan in
2009 to 2012, with a share of 76.4%.

Product (Trim Razors)

Trim Comfort 3 razor combines sophisticated
Shaving technologies that work together as a
Manual system to deliver a close, comfortable shave.
The Trim Comfort 3 razor combines Trim 3 Blade Shaving
Technology with Anti-Friction blades that gently glide
Over your face. Its pivoting razor head with 10 Micro fins
Follow every contour on your face for outstanding comfort
And closeness.

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Customers Core Values

Dual Spring Mounted Blades
Blade Alignment
Minimize Cutting Force
Closer Shave
Less Pull & Drag
Extra Comfort
Closer Shave
Enhance Lubrication, Improved Razor Glide
Minimum Irritation
Enhanced Control
Better Grip
Actual Product
Logos and Symbols

Logo is a term used to refer to a graphic symbol or emblem commonly employed by
commercial enterprises, organizations and even individuals to aid and promote instant public
recognition. At the level of mass communication or simply in the high street a company's logo is
today often synonymous with its trademark or brand.
Trim Comfort 3s logo has the words Comfort 3 printed on it. The word Trim is written
in the same fashion as that present in the parent brands logo. In order to provide continuity and
to avoid confusion Trim uses the strategy of using the parent brands logo as a part of the logo of
all its sub brands.
The three stripes which are sharp and somewhat faded at one end signify the speed,
accuracy and comfort which the triple blade action formula present in comfort 3 provides.

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Packing is the container in which a product is shipped, displayed, sold and purchased in.
It can represent the brands category while also enable transport, storage and consumption ease.
Trim has come up with packing which fulfill all the essentials of packing the material,
color, size and shape has been designed well. Its packing is very eye catching. Trim created
similar packaging for both the Trim XL and Swift Xl.
The front of the Trim razor pack is transparent allowing the customer display of the
product. Also for mens razor the colors that have been chosen are dark and solid.
The cartridges are packed in similar blue box and come in sets of 4, 8 and 12 cartridges.
The only difference in the packing of cartridge is that it is packed in hard multilayer corrugated
box and the inner pack is a plastic casing which protects the blades.

More and more companies are bundling their products with other accessories to use the
product. Bundling is the process of packing and selling more than one product with related
features or use together.
The Trim Comfort comes with a shave gel pouch combo in which the customer can save up to Rs
Augmented Product

Product support

Product support is a service provided by many retailers of various products, primarily
electronics, that provides the end-user with a resource for information regarding the product, and
help if the product should malfunction.
We provide product support information which is printed on the back card of the packet
for the beneficial of customer.

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Geo Graphic Segmentation contains the Country wise Pakistan includes 184 millions or
Region wise Punjabs population is 80 million. Metro city wise Lahores population is 7132000
Demo Graphic Segmentation contains Age 20-40 which is 60.3% in 2013, Gender males
only, and Family life cycle young, married and unmarried, Income levels, Occupation
employment rate is 53.84% or unemployed are 3.40% Labor force is 40.33% , Education
includes 70% educated in 2012 ,

Trim comfort 3s main target is to capture the demo graphic segmentation because our
main consideration is male so trim comfort 3 focuses on demographic segmentation with respect
to geo graphic segmentations. The Companys objective Comfort 3 should be considered by the
customers as the best shaving product.
Selecting Target Market

Trim marketing strategy was differentiated marketing from the beginning. Treet wanted
to differentiate it from other shaving products and to target several market segments. Some
segments purchased comfort 3 because of the income factor. Some did because of their
preferences and particular lifestyles. So trim target its customer on the basis of income, gander,
Age, Education basics.
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Comfort 3 position in the market place is extremely strong and secure. Consumers
definitely consider it a superior shaving product compared to other products. One can definitely
say that it occupies a unique position in the minds of those consumers who want to have an
extremely close and smooth shave.
We analyze the position of Comfort 3 on a positioning map, As far as the performance
concerns, Comfort 3 is more inclined towards performance due to its three blades and other
product features. These product features have provided Comfort 3 with a strong competitive
advantage. The value proposition of Comfort 3 is definitely more for more. Extra product
features have prompted treet to charge an average price. Comfort 3s positioning statement
should be: To those people who want to get up in the morning with a desire to succeed in this
world, Comfort 3 is a three blade shaving product with extra features that allows you an
extremely smooth and close shave.

Marketing Mix
Marketing mix includes the 4ps of marketing. Product, Price, Place and Promotion.


Trim Comfort 3 razor combines shaving technologies that work together as a system to
deliver a close, comfortable shave. Trim Comfort 3 razor combines 3 Blade Shaving Technology
with Anti-Friction blades that gently move over your face. Its pivoting razor head with 10 Micro
fins follow every contour on your face for outstanding comfort and closeness. A new technology
is introduced in our product with smooth strip at the top of the razors blade. Thats filling up
with ultra fluid of aftershave and complete fragrance.

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Trim Comfort 3 uses Perceived Value Pricing model. It means the valuation of good or
service according to how much consumers are willing to pay for it, rather than upon its
production and delivery costs. Using a perceived value pricing technique, but it can greatly assist
in the effective marketing of a product since it sets product pricing in line with its perceived
value by potential buyers.
The price range of Trim Comfort 3 is between Rs.45 to Rs.65.

Trim uses the hub of distribution channels. It is also available at departmental stores and
retail stores with all ranges.

BTL Marketing
ATL Marketing

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Value Proposition

For the most effective branding results, the Value Preposition selected should be a short
sentence which is memorable and, easily remembered by customers. This will then combine with
the name to strengthen the branding structures working for the product. In order to generate ideas
for Value Preposition to lead the branding, focus on the potential customer should be maintained.
Trim Comfort 3s Value Preposition: Smooth Shave Ab Khushboo Laga K.
Now going by the value preposition we can make out two meanings from it, either Trim
is the best smooth shave use of Trim product a man is Feeling the overall fragrance by the using
of that strip which is used on the top of razor having the effect of after shave and fragrance.
Going through its features what makes it admirable, efficient and popular among the
general public are installations like sharp blades, easy to clean, good handle design and not to
mention the number of blades-three to be precise in the comfort 3 version of its razors, not seen
in any other brand. The value preposition is what catches the attention of most potential buyers
of razors as it gives a strong meaning and identification to the buyers that what the product offers
is nothing but the best that is not offered by any of the other competitors.
Unique Selling Proposition

The key to effective selling in this situation is what advertising and marketing
professionals call a "unique selling proposition" (USP). That makes our business unique in a
world of homogeneous competitors. Our USP is We Sell Smoothness Not Razors.
Our USP differentiate our products with our direct competitors at different levels like
Price level and the effect of and level of smoothness that trim comfort is the only brand which
provides fragrance in their disposable razors with removable cartages.
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Suitable locations near the availability of rich raw material.
Spare production capacity for domestic and international market.
Imported machinery for manufacturing of disposable razors
Sound financial resources.
Fewer resources of research and development.
Take longer time in Razor replacement.
Low brand image
Increase in domestic and international demand.
Increase in government support.
Conversion of manual system to automation machinery
Low GDP growth rate
High interest and tax rate
Increase in energy crisis

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Micro Environment

These are some micro factors
The aim of every company is to build a good relationship with customer. Customer is
the backbone of every company. Without customers no business can run. Our Company has great
relations with our customers our customers are very loyal with our products.
Competitors are threat of every company. Our competitor is very strong and good
reputation in market. If our company follows a cartel system then we gain higher profit.

Our Direct competitor is InDirect Competitors are
Gillette 7O Clock Blades
Dorco Electric trimmers

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Marketing Mix Comparison between Competitors

Companies involve top management, finance, research and department, marketing
and accounting. Top management makes company vision, mission, and objectives. And manager
makes decision about how target can be achieved. Lower level management actually physically
performs on tasks. Our company allows incentives to our management too
Supplier is very important micro factor. If we follow a JIT rule and supplier not
provide material on proper time then we bear a big loss. So Our Company maintains good
relation with suppliers.
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Macro Environment
PEST Analysis


Political factors include areas such as tax policy, labor law and political
stability. The government applies new policy of RS 12000 minimum wage law. Then this is
unexpected situation for our company to handle this problem. And if governments change the tax
rate this is also effect because price of raw material increase so we must increase the price of

Economic factors include economic growth rate 4 %, interest rate 10% and
the inflation rate %9. These factors have major impacts on how business operate and make
decisions. For example, interest rates effect a firms cost of capital and therefore to what extent a
business grows and expands.

It includes the culture aspects and includes health consciousness, population
growth rate, age distribution and emphasis on safety aspects. Thats why trim introduce safety
and hygienic products.

It includes R&D activity, automation, technology incentives and the rate of
technological change. They can determine barriers to entry, minimum efficient production level
and influence outsourcing decisions. Furthermore, technological shifts can affect costs, quality,
and lead to innovation. These developments can benefit consumers as well as the organizations
providing the products.
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Marketing Strategies
To create the consumer awareness BTL is an effective approach. The company places the
stalls in different shopping malls and crowded places to attract the buyers.
We decide firstly to aware our products in the minds of end users through stalls in
Universities, or in Offices or specific houses near the industrial areas and using a tool of
transport advertisement.
After ensuring that our product is well aware in the mind of customers then we also use
the ATL marketing.

Newspaper Purchase a slot in newspaper for half month
TV Purchase a slot in television during a cricket match.
Radio Purchase a slot on fm radio during peak hours like 7am to 9am & 5Pm to 7pm.
Billboards Bill boar advertisement on busiest Roads
E-Mail After collecting the email ids we generate formal email for advertisement purpose.
Sms Send sms by selecting random numbers.
Trim needs to advertise at right time at right place
We Will collect data from market on daily basis that what changes need to adopt in our
Planning according to the market.
We will give different packages on different events.
We will give sales promotions like discount.
We will improve its direct marketing through media.
Electronic advertisement like TV radio etc and Bill board advertisement
Integrated market campaign will be used in every kind of promotional activity.
Advertisement programs like activities in different shopping malls and crowded places.

Due to these activities we hope that our customer must consider us during his
purchases and remains loyal with Trim Comfort 3 for future purchases.
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Size Rate
Color Rate Page Total Of
Per Add
No Of a
Jang 4*7 1725 per
Double 2
120,750 4 483,000

Medium Internet Cost No Of Persons Salary Duration Total
E-Mail 4,000 1 12,000 2 times a week 16,000

Medium Size No of boards Cost Per board Total
Bill boards 12*24 5 50,000 250,000

Medium Duration On Air Time No Of Adds Monthly Cost
TV 30 sec 20:02 - 20:59 2 1,000,000

Medium No Of Rickshaw Cost Per Rickshaw Total
250 500 125,000

Medium No Of SMS Cost Per SMS Monthly
SMS 2,500 weekly .20 2,000

Medium Pre Min (cost) Adds \ Day Monthly Cost
Fm Radio 500 10 150,000

Medium Department Cost
Web Site Web Development 50,000

2 million reserve for BTL activities for per month in different crowdie places. Our
estimated advertisement budget is 4.1 millions.

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