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Experimental Stress Analysis Prof. K. Ramesh Department of Applied Mechanics Indian Institute of Technology, Madras

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Experimental Stress Analysis

Prof. K. Ramesh
Department of Applied Mechanics
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras

Module No. # 04
Lecture No. # 30
Analysis of Brittle Coatings

Let us continue our discussion on brittle coatings. We saw one of the earliest brittle
coatings was naturally formed scales on hot role steels, then we also saw even the oxides
that were formed on surfaces, they were also used as a brittle coating and primarily those
coating failed to indicate the presence of plastic deformation in the component.
Only latter with advancement in material research, people developed sensitive coatings,
which fail at strains much below the yield strain, that is about 2 thousand micro strains is
when the yielding take place. So, people developed coatings, which can fail even at three
hundred micro strains and in all the coating techniques, you need to follow a specific
procedure for bonding the coating over the specimen surface.
So, in the last class, we saw what are the steps in performing a brittle coating test. We
saw the first step was to select a suitable coating; the second step was how to clean the
specimen surface and now we will see the third step.
(Refer Slide Time: 01:40)

The third step is to provide an undercoat and what is the use of this undercoat?
Undercoating is used to provide an easy- to- see surface under the brittle coating and to
eliminate directional reflectance characteristics the test surface; it is very important,
because you have to go and identify the cracks and you must have a convenient detecting
the cracks.
And what are the types of undercoat that they have? The undercoat is composed of
aluminum particles in a carrier and you know, in order to make some of these procedures
systematic, you know, the manufacturer give you detailed set of instructions, because it
solve skill development and after trial and error, they find out typical values for each of
the operations.
So, what we will have do is, you have to apply several thin coats of undercoat and the
recommendation is spray from about 15 centimeter from the surface so that you will
have a uniform layer of coating being formed and you must allow after each spray, the
individual thin undercoats to dry and they take about three to five minutes. So, you have
a recommendation what kind of a cycle that you need to follow.
And after you made the several thin coats of undercoat, allow at least 30 minutes drying
time for the entire undercoat before applying the brittle coating. You know, what will
have to keep in mind is, though this procedure look very detailed, this has come out by
several iterations operated by the manufacturer and it is better that you follow this
And what will have do also keep in mind is, when you prepare the undercoat of the
model, you must also keep a number of calibration specimens; spray them with
undercoat and allow them to try in the same environment. Because in all these
techniques, calibration is equally important; unless I find out the failure strain of the
coating for each test, my data interpretation becomes difficult and this you have to keep
in mind.
(Refer Slide Time: 04:31)

And after undercoat, now you get on to application of the coating and how do you apply
the coating? You have to build up the brittle coating slowly by applying several light
coats on the test part and the calibration specimens simultaneously.
So, you are also taking care of preparing good calibration specimen, which are identical
to the way that we have prepared the model and like the undercoat, each coat should be
applied in one spray pass and you should also do this quickly and do it with steady hand
from a distance of about 15 centimeter.
So, the spraying technique is very similar as undercoat and what you have is, after each
spray, you must allow one minute drying time to allow for solvent evaporation; the
reason is also given. You know, after every coat, you must allow sufficient time fall,
whatever that you are apply to dry and what you find is, undercoat require little more
time for drying, whereas the actual brittle coating takes much less, it takes just 1 minute;
there you had about 2 to 3 minutes.
And all these information is very important to follow, because unless you allow the
solvent to evaporate, the next coating that you apply may not strict properly; smudges
may take place. So, that is the reason why you have to observe these types of procedures.
(Refer Slide Time: 06:38)

And you know, you will have to be careful when I say one minute for each of the
coating, the environment is also very important. Suppose you apply the coating slightly
below the design temperature or above the specified humidity, more solvent release time
must be used. So, you must access for the given environment, are you in a position to
establish that you have provided sufficient time for solvent evaporation. So, it is more
like an art; you know, you have to develop this; be sensitive to what is happening and
then apply the coat uniformly.
(Refer Slide Time: 07:31)

And what are all the problems that you can come across? So, you want the coats should
neither be applied so wet or thick, that they run nor so dry that they appear dusty; so it
has to be in between totally wet and totally dry.
And what will happen if we have excessive coating thickness? The excessive coating
thickness may cause sagging, running and trapping of large air bubbles. See, this is very
important; when you are applying a coating, you also ensure that the coating is uniformly
applied and there are no air bubbles in trap so that, whatever the strain of the prototype is
faithfully transmitted to the coating, that you have to ensure. So, I want a uniform
thickness; only if I have uniform thickness, my quantitative estimation will became
And what will happen? When you are putting a coat, the first coat may not cover the
surface evenly; so you do not have worry about it, because you are going to apply the
coating by several processes of spray.
So, the subsequent coats should even out the coating. So, what you need to look at is,
when you do the first coat, just follow the procedure; keep it at 15 centimeter away from
this specimen, and then, make one pass like this, allow it to dry and after you make
several passes, the coating will form more or less uniform on the surface and what is the
typical coating thickness you are talking about? This is about 0.06 milli meter to 0.11
milli meter; so here you have the comparison.
The moment you go to photo-elastic coating, I said coating of 3 milli meters are not
uncommon; people use less than that, but very often you come across 3 milli meter
coating so that you have sufficient optical response.
So, compared to whatever the thickness effects what we discussed in photo-elastic
coating, those effects are not significant in brittle coating and also you are not doing a
very careful quantitative evaluation of stresses; you are only using this for finding out the
principal stress direction; from that point of view, the technique is very robust and
industry friendly that is what you have to keep in mind.
It is industry friendly technique, because I can use it for a large structure simply sprays.
So, the final coating thickness is very small, so the assumption that you have a thin
coating is reasonably satisfied in brittle coating technique.
(Refer Slide Time: 10:42)

And how do I access, I have reached the final thickness? You know, color is very
important; you know human brain is very sensitive to observing the color. So, if I have a
uniform color, it is a good guide to coating thickness.
And what is stated is - a good coating while it is still wet appears glossy pale yellow.
Because you are now talking of huge structure; you are not talking of a simple cantilever
beam that is used for calibration. When you are having a huge structure, we must also
have a mechanism by which you quickly check. So, visual inspection is the first
operation that you can do. So, you can visually appreciate, whether the coating is
uniformly applied on the specimen surface.
(Refer Slide Time: 11:46)

And the next question is how you find out the thickness of the coating? So, one way of
looking at thickness is to measure the calibration specimen thickness before and after the
coating is applied. So, this is straight forward, because you are keeping the calibration
specimen as part of your specimen preparation. So, whatever the operation that you do
for the specimen is evenly done for the calibration specimen; if I have done five passes
on the actual specimen, you also do five passes on the calibration specimen.
So, that ensures that, if I five measure the calibration specimen thickness before and after
the coating, I can find out what is the thickness of the coating on the actual specimen.
And in critical applications, it can be done on the actual test surface depending on the
actual test part; you also have methodologies that help you to find out the thickness.
And I said, it is an industry friendly technique, not necessarily you apply the coating in
your controlled laboratory environment. So, you may have a light dust because of the
environment and this is the acceptable; you do not have to be annoyed that I have a dry a
light dust what I do; I do not have to get annoyed. Suppose I have a heavy dust, you also
have a methodology to handle the situations.
(Refer Slide Time: 13:21)

So, when you face a problem, you also have a solution. Heavy dust is not acceptable and
you can dissolve it by rapid spraying of a 50 by 50 mixture of coating and thinner; so,
this is the beauty. When you look at the procedure, you know, the manufacture has
looked at all aspects of applying the coating, because in all coating techniques only the
coating is properly formed, data interpretation is meaningful; this you cannot ignore it.
You know if it require skills, then you need a skilled technician who helps you to do this
or you have agencies which provides you such specialty. So, you must pay attention on
forming the coatings very carefully and there are also other minor recommendations that,
best practice is to apply the coating at about 3 to 5 degrees above the coating rating
design temperature, this helps in curing.
(Refer Slide Time: 14:36)

And the final process is how you do the drying. And you should note that brittle coating
takes 24 hours for drying it is not immediate; whereas the undercoat took about half an
hour, whereas the actual coating, you must allow 24 hours.
And you also have a suggested practice - best practice is to hold the coating at the
elevated application temperature for drying, and then, to slowly cool it to the test
temperature. And like what we have seen earlier, at the same time the model is sprayed, a
number of calibration specimens are also sprayed, and all are allowed to dry in the test
So, what you need to ensure is, you mimic a very similar processes like the actual
specimen to the calibration specimen also. So, now, after this processes, both the
calibration specimen and the actual model or prototype are ready for your test and now
the data interpretation comes. And I said, when we are discussing photoelastic coating,
we saw that for all coating techniques the basic equations are similar. So, I am going to
just show this equation for your refreshing; they are same set of equation, there is no
(Refer Slide Time: 16:15)

And the assumptions are also similar. So, I have a prototype, I have a coating and on the
coating, I select appropriately an axis, for convince I take axis 1 and 2; they correspond
to the principal strain direction at the point of interest. And what we assume is, the
coating strain is equal to the specimen strain at the point of interest. The adhesive is
properly used to transfer the strain without loss or amplification, that is what is
important; you should neither it should be amplified nor it should be a loss.
(Refer Slide Time: 17:00)

And then, we also looked at how to get the coating stresses; we have looked at stress
strain relations for the specimen; we have also seen this for the coating and you have also
got the expression for coating stress.
Now, look at these expressions very carefully. You know, I have always been saying
Poissons ratio place it spoils ports in all experimental techniques and in this case a very
special thing happens.
Suppose I have a specimen is subjected to only a uniaxial state of stress, what do these
expressions indicate? The specimen stress is only uniaxial; sigma 2 s is 0, but what
happens to the coating? By looking at this expression, what you infer?
Suppose I have mu c is not equal to mu s, when you have uniaxial specimen stress, I will
have biaxial coating stress, very interesting. You know, I have always cautioned uniaxial
stress is simpler, whereas uniaxial strain is difficult to achieve in experiments and I also
cautioned, when I apply a uniaxial stress on the specimen, the strain would be either
biaxial or triaxial depending on the specific geometry of the specimen under
And now, what you see here is, because I have a coating applied on this specimen and
the Poissons ratio of the coating and this specimen are different, which is usually the
case you find, I will have sigma 1 c as well as sigma 2 c for a uniaxial specimen stress.
So, this makes your data interpretation complex. See, my interest is to bring out and also
discourage you from using brittle coating for quantitative evaluations. Because left to
myself, I will use it only for finding out the principal stress direction and reduce the
channel and you have to know what are the difficulties.
So, you find for a uniaxial specimen stress, I have a biaxial coating stress in general.
Suppose I make the Poissons ratio equal, then I do not have this problem, but you have
to appreciate this.
(Refer Slide Time: 19:47)

Now, let us look at how I do quantitative evaluation of stresses and this is what I
emphasis again and again. Brittle coating technique is elegant to find the principal stress
direction thereby, reducing one channel per point for strain gauge instrumentation.
And I have already indicated, to some extent the quantitative evaluation of stresses by
brittle coating is quite involved. On the other hand, suppose I have only a uniaxial stress
field on the specimen, the procedure is a lot more simpler and you have enough
examples, where uniaxial stress need to be evaluated.
On the other hand, if the specimen has a biaxial stress field, the estimation is quite
complex. See, we have seen in some of the examples, that you saw one sets of cracks and
you saw another set of cracks form perpendicular to it and when you want to find out the
governing equations, what causes the formation of second set of cracks, you have to
bring in lot of approximations and also information from the actual experimental
situation, that makes the quantitative evaluation involved; not only involved, but
doubtful in accuracy.
And I have already said brittle coating provides you plus or minus 20 percent; you are
not guaranteeing plus or minus 1 percent. So, you have to consider that it is an industrial
friendly technique, where the problem is very complex, even small information will go a
long way in improving your design. So, in a biaxial stress field, the estimation is quite
complex mainly because of the formation of second set of cracks.
(Refer Slide Time: 22:12)

And what kind of information you need from the experiment? First is, you need to make
suitable approximations. In addition, one may have to perform a strain gauge experiment
at a few locations to find the factor governing the formation of second set of cracks.
Because in the initial case what we say is, the coating is unperfurated you know, I have a
uniform coating and you can say that coating being a brittle material, it may fail by
maximum stress theory or maximum strain theory, whatever the theory that you want to
have, then the cracks form.
But if you want to analyze the formation of second set of cracks, you do not have a
uniform coating; you have a coating with cracks. So, that is why you need to bring in
additional approximation and you have to say there must be some kind of factor which
governs, which may not happen at the actual failure strain of the coating; there will be a
factor, and that factor has to be determined experimentally; you need to make additional
experiment using strain gauges otherwise, you will not be in a position to do it.
See, my interest is, I am not going to get in to the mathematical details; I am going to
skip that. But I want to give you an idea that, when I get into a biaxial stress field, what
kind of complexities are involve in quantitative estimation of stress magnitudes, that is
where the focus is.
(Refer Slide Time: 24:00)

And what is the first step in the case of brittle coating? See, we have all along looking at
in any of the experimental techniques, you have to find out what is known as calibration
constant. In transmission photo-elasticity, you had sigma as the calibration constant that
you need to find out; in photoelastic coating, you need to find out k.
Once you come to brittle coating, I need to find out what is failure strain of the coating
for the given test conditions. This is the basic information that helps you to get the
quantitative data and you need to find out the failure strain and for our discussion, we
will look at the direct loading.
So, in order to indicate that we are finding out for direct loading, the failure strain is
indicated with the super script d, the d denotes that it is the direct loading. And I have
said cantilever beam is the best choice of the specimen configuration that is used for
calibrating the failure strain; whatever the coating that you have, you find out the failure
strain by coating a cantilever beam made of aluminum and then estimate it.
And we have already seen, the calibration specimen has to be kept under the same test
conditions as the test part and sprayed with the same coating material and you apply the
load and find out when do the cracks form. And now, we have to bring in several cases;
you know, you have to bring in I may do a calibration on an aluminium specimen so
that becomes a specimen for calibration.
So, I will have Poissons ratio of the aluminium; so I will have mu a as a Poissons ratio
of aluminium, then I have a Poissons ratio of the coating, then I have a Poissons ratio
of the specimen.
So, I am going to handle three different Poissons ratios; so that is how the expression
will come. And if you actually look at sigma 1 c and sigma 2 c expression which was
seen earlier, it is a play of that only. But what you need to keep in mind here is, because I
use a calibration specimen, which is made of aluminium and I have to do it on actual test
path, which material may be different and I said Poissons ratio mismatch is nuisance
and lets us see how. This is interplay of all these values that is what you are going to see.
(Refer Slide Time: 26:56)

And from whatever the expression that you have seen earlier, it is possible for you to
write an expression for coating stress sigma 1 c and I am having only a uniaxial
specimen stress; the same coating stress expression have two terms, one with sigma 1 x
and sigma 2 x; since I am using aluminium as the calibration specimen, instead of using s
as your sub script or super script I use a.
So, what I have here is, the coating failure strain can be determined from this expression;
the coating stress is expressed as e c by e a 1 minus v c square multiplied by 1 minus mu
c mu a into sigma 1 a.
We will modify this expression until we get the failure strain or failure stress and the
corresponding stress in the specimen; it can expressed in three different ways, all the
different ways we will look at.
Now, I put 0, and then, say that this is the failure stress of the coating and from this
expression, I rate sigma naught c equal to E c by I minus v c square into 1 minus mu c
mu a into epsilon d, because I have a uniaxial stress applied, sigma 1 a divided by
Youngs modulus of the aluminium gives you the strain.
So, this is the strain for the formation of first set of crack and I have already cautioned in
the brittle coating test, the first set of cracks of the most critical one. So, you should not
take the incremental loading casually; you have to estimate fairly, accurately what would
be the desirable increment for a particular component on hand and you are going to find
out the failure strain and you roughly know it will fail around 300 to 350 micro strain. So
you can also estimate.
So, you can do your experiment very carefully and not miss out this; this is what is
important. So, I have what is the failure stress. See, my interest is to go, and then, show
how these Poissons ratio mismatch can effect. What I am go to do is, I will also find out
what is the corresponding specimen stress; when the coating fails, there must be some
specimen stress for which the coating has failed.
(Refer Slide Time: 30:05)

And I can bring in the Poissons ratio of the specimen and look at what way this affects.
And you must also keep in mind, the environment place a very important role and what
is reported is even a 1 degree centigrade decrease in the ambient temperature reduces the
threshold strain by 60 micro strains, it is very large.
See, what you need to keep in mind is, you know when the temperature is lower the
coatings behaves more brittle. So, you have to be very careful, the temperature and
identifying the humidity relative humidity, this is the very important; you must maintain
that and you must also look at the charge supplied by the manufacturer that you have
used the appropriate coating for a given application.
And also ensure that you follow the recommendations and what is recommend is, a
statistical approach for determining and using the threshold strain is recommended.
Because I may have to do several test and find out from a statistical approach what is the
failure strain of the coating.
Even with all such precautions, the accuracy achievable for most of the time is estimated
to be only plus or minus 20 percent. See, this more of a caution; you have to keep in
mind that with all the precautions you do, you cannot get accuracy better than plus or
minus 20 percent.
So that is the reason why I have always been saying when you are asked to use a brittle
coating test, use it more for finding out the principal stress direction thereby, reduce 1
strain gauge for point. So, in order to establish that also, I am showing you all this; so,
now, after you see all this, even a 1 degree centigrade can affect the failure strain by 60
micro strain, so the quantitative evaluation becomes involved as well as not very
accurate when you have this.
(Refer Slide Time: 32:37)

And I had already mentioned to you that even for a uniaxial specimen stress, the coating
in general will have a biaxial stress that is why I am going to look at it. And from
whatever the expression that we have seen for the coating stresses, you readily get,
because the specimen now used is aluminium, you get sigma 2 c equal to E c by E a into
1 minus mu c square and you have mu c minus mu a into sigma 1 a.
So, the Poissons ratio mismatch becomes important in brittle coating analysis and what
is the Poissons ratio of resin based coating? It is typically about 0.42 that is of how they
have. And Poissons ratio mismatch is appreciable when brittle coatings are employed on
metals, where mu s ranges between 0.29 to 0.33. So, this is what you have to keep in
Poissons ratio mismatch has a role to play and what we do here is, what way the
Poissons ratio mismatch shows up in your equations. So, one way of circumventing this
is what, at least in calibration, do not do it on aluminium; do it on the specimen on which
you do the test.
So, in that case what will happen is, whatever I do it on the calibration specimen can be
easily related to the actual prototype. Now, we have not looked at; we have only looked
at the calibration specimen; we have only looked at the coating; we are not brought in the
actual specimen. Now, I am going to show you the Poissons ratio because of the actual
specimen, then you realize if I use the calibration specimen same as the actual material
on which I am go to the test, I have one problem less that is why we are talking about; is
not that you are eliminating all problems, you have one problem less; so that is what we
are going to look at it. Now, what we have emphasized is, for a uniaxial specimen stress,
the coating experiences biaxial stresses; so that is very important to keep in mind.
(Refer Slide Time: 35:11)

Now, I have an actual prototype also fails only with one specimen stress acting on it, the
other specimen stress is 0. Now, let us look at how the interpretation can be done. And
we have done a calibration test, from the calibration test what we have found out? We
have find out the failure stress of the coating.
And that is written as 1 minus mu c mu a divided by 1 minus mu c square Youngs
modules of the coating into failure strain epsilon d. And I can also go back to my original
set of expressions like what we have written for the calibration specimen, I can recast the
same expression with specimen Poissons ratio and the specimen stress.
So, when I have a coating stress sigma naught c, I can also find out when the coating
fails what is this specimen stress that has caused, that is given as sigma naught x and
what you have here is, sigma naught c equal to E c by e x into 1 minus mu c mu x
divided by 1 minus mu c square multiplied by sigma naught x.
(Refer Slide Time: 37:01)

Now, I can bring in; I can express sigma naught x and a different way, where I will find
out that if I use a specimen for calibration same as the actual prototype material, then my
problem is less and that is what is shown in the slide.
So, what you have here is sigma naught s is equal to 1 minus mu c mu a divided by 1
minus mu c mu x into Youngs modulus of the specimen into failure strain epsilon d.
This is simple to derive; I am skipping the mathematical steps, it is not difficult; you can
go back and work it out. And this brings out the role of Poissons ratio mismatch; in this
expression you have Poisson ratio of the coating, Poisson ratio of the specimen as well as
Poisson ratio of the calibration specimen.
And I said you can reduce the problem by having a calibration specimen same as the
specimen material, then this equation reduces to sigma naught x equal to Youngs
modules of the specimen into epsilon d.
So, this gives you a via media that if you want to have less mathematical calculation, if
you have very important problem where in you want to do this repeatedly, it is better to
use a calibration specimen same as the actual specimen material.
You know, I have expression for what happens in uniaxial specimen stress, biaxial
specimen stress, I will not get into those detail; those equations are very complex. Now,
what we look at is, we will look at, for revealing the crack patterns under different type
of practical situations that we may come across.
See, when you are looking at design, you want to optimize; you also want to prevent
failure. If you want to develop the design to prevent failure, I am interested in finding out
maximum stresses, stress concentration zone and so on, because there I would like to
reinforce until I am satisfied that it will withstand the operational loads and also any un-
force in exigencies.
On the other hand when I want to go for optimization, I must also look for low stress
regions; you cannot ignore them, because I put in unnecessary weight over it, so I may
have to identify and scoop out material out of it.
So, now, we will look at how brittle coating technique can be modified to reveal crack
patterns in zones, where you are not seen cracks; fine this is the one situation we look at.
The other situation is, suppose I apply a compressive loading, can brittle coating be
employed? You can also employ brittle coating in compressive loading if you restart to a
different technique, that is why we call as direct loading and other type of approach will
be called relaxation loading.
So, you can handle for situations, where you do not see cracks, how to generate cracks
and in situations like compressive loading, how to revel the cracks; so these two aspects
we will see now.
(Refer Slide Time: 40:38)

So, we are going to find out the principal stress direction in low stress region that is my
interest. Because when I want to do optimization, I need to scoop out material from low
stress region and what you have is, the cracks do not form in the low stress region and
only the information that you have in those regions is that stresses are below sigma
naught x. Because we have already seen, there is something called a failure strain of the
coating; we also looked at what is the failures stress of the coating corresponding to the
failure strain and we also looked at what is specimen stress has caused the failure of the
coating, we called that a sigma naught s.
So, now, we know from the appearance of no cracks that the stresses are below sigma
naught s and what we can do is, the next two point say why we need this. What you
actually do this, is a very significant temperature change of the coating can be obtained
by the passing a stream of compressed air through a box of dry ice before it is directed
on to the surface of the coated object.
So, what you do is, you generate a cool air and then put it, so you generate a temperature
field which is isotropic in nature and that precipitates cracks formation.
(Refer Slide Time: 42:26)

The general level of stress increase that is what you have. Due to rapid cooling, thermal
stresses are introduced which have no preferential direction and are isotropic in nature.
And what you have is, the combined load and thermal stresses are sufficient to produce
coating failure.
So, you are able to reveal crack patterns in region which are not appeared earlier and this
approach is known as crack patterns produced by refrigeration. And once you have got
the cracks, you have the direction of principle stresses are known and I can reduce the
number of strain gauges. So, it is a very simple extension of basic methodology of brittle
coating and what I will do for compressive stresses? You apply the coating differently.
(Refer Slide Time: 43:36)

What you do is, when I go for compressive stresses which is known as crack patterns
produced by relaxation, you load the specimen first; a load is applied to the coated
specimen before it has had the opportunity to dry; the loading is maintained until drying
is complete.
So, what will happen? When you release the load, whatever the stresses that were
compressive, they will behave like tension, so you will have cracks formed. So, you have
crack formation very similar to what you saw in direct loading, and then, you can mark
those. But these are very difficult experiments, you know (( )) and his coworkers have
very carefully demonstrated all these techniques and they are also very successful in
recording crack patterns in problem like ring and diametric compression.
It is essentially a compressive load apply and they have also shown that whatever the
isostatics that you get for these two cases, because when I have formation of second set
of cracks, what it indicates is, you get contours corresponding to the first set of crack as
well as contours corresponding to second set of crack and they showed experimentally
the principal stress direction are mutually perpendicular.
See, you have only heard from mathematics that the principal stress direction is
orthogonal, you have not visually seen it. Even when I do photoelastic analysis, I only
get contours of isoclinic; I do not get contours corresponding to sigma 1 contour
corresponding to sigma 2 and see whether they are mutually perpendicular; whereas in
brittle coating, it is possible to get one set of isostatics because sigma 1 to has reached a
failure strain of the coating and another set of contours, where sigma 2 has increase and
cross another set of cracks and they have demonstrated, that you have two families of
isostatics, they are orthogonal everywhere. So, you get an experimental proof that
principle stress direction are mutually perpendicular, that you get only from brittle
coating; that is the advantage of brittle coating.
(Refer Slide Time: 45:58)

What is the type of coating that is available now? You have what is known as stress coat.
I said that initial coatings were naturally formed coatings, then we saw the first coating
was a mixture of (( )) and alcohol and what you have widely now is called stress coat.
Stress coat consists of 150 to 300 parts by weights of carbon disulfide, 100 parts by
weight of zinc resinate base and 0.5 to 30 parts by weights of dibutyl phthalate as
And plasticizer is very important; you know, you need to handle it very carefully,
plasticizer added, it does the job of controlling the strain resistivity of the coating and if
do not plasticize the coating, the coatings will tend to craze, that means, spurious crack
patterns will get formed, so you need some plasticizer to be added and excessive
plasticizer if you what happens? The cracks once formed will close upon the release of
the strain which cause the crack information.
So, it is like we have to add it very carefully; you cannot remove it completely, you need
a minimum quantity and what is the minimum quantity? It is function of your
requirement and you can also control the strain sensitivity, that is what I said initial
coatings were very highly stressed; only when there are very highly stressed, they will
crack. But latter coatings with developments in material research, you have a coating
which fails between 300 micro strains to 3000 micro strain. So, all this is done by
slightly modifying the constituents to suite your requirement.
(Refer Slide Time: 48:14)

And you should also keep in mind, strain sensitivity is a function of environmental
temperature and humidity at the time of the test, which we have also seen when we are
talking about the calibration and plasticizer should be appropriately controlled.
You have to have the plasticizer very carefully you should handle it. So, what we have
seen in this class was, we had decent appreciations of what is brittle coating technique,
we have looked at what are the condition for formation of cracks; we have also emphasis
for a uniaxial specimen stress in general coating experiences biaxial stress. So, it makes
the interpretation and also application of failure theory complex.
And like in photoelastic coating, here also you have do a calibration and what you do a
calibration is the failure strain of the coating. We also saw we can find out the failure
strain of the coating and we can also expect as of a failure stress of the coating and we
can also find out what is the specimen stress which causes the failure of the coating.
So, we have also looked at interplay of Poisson ratio of the coating, Poisson ratio of the
specimen, Poisson ratio of the calibration specimen and I said you have one problem less
if you may the calibration specimen same as the actual test material, then we also saw
how to generate cracks in region, where you do not see cracks in the initial test, you can
do by refrigeration.
And finally, we also looked at, in problems where you apply compression, how do you
reveal the cracks, which can be done by relaxation technique and we also saw what is the
material that is available now for brittle coating, that is labeled as stress code, it is a
commercial name and that bricks into a close of what is brittle coating.
But I will still appreciate some of you to look at you know, suppose I have isoentatic for
various loads, I have got the isoentatic, how do you use this isoentatic for finding out the
magnitude of the stresses? Think about it, we will have a brief discussion on it in the
next class, and then we take it up strain gauges. Thank you.

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