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Strahlenfolter Stalking - TI - Why TIs Are Chosen and Who Are The Perpeterators - Targeted Individuals Europe - Targetedindividualseurope

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While in the US, the majority of the TIs used to be whistle blowers,
seem to be targeted because of their background or political views,
the same trend is not as apparent in Europe. The TIs are chosen out
because of opportunity, because they are easy targets, at random or because
they happen to be in the security services records of one reason or another.
Who are the perpeterators?
- Scientists.
- The Military.
- The Secret Service.
- Some of the politicians.
- Big, Powerful Corporations.
Who are in their service?
- The police.
.-The medical community.
- Anyone working in the public domain.
Any of the groups above have influence and power over the every day
citizens because of their position of power and influence.
Why does the Government do this?
If you look in history, every time there has been research done on people
without their consent, no matter the pain and the suffering it has caused the
victims, the reasons have been the following:
1. We are doing research on people that are no good. (Prisoners,
Terrorists, Jews, Criminals, Already Mentally Disturbed or Deviant
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Ethical Aspects | Targeted Individuals Europe 21.05.2014 1 / 9
Ethical Discussion: Nobody deserves this kind of torture. First of all, no
matter who we are, the International Laws regarding Human Rights is for
everybody. Second, many people that have been tortured in the name of
terrorism, have not been terrorists at all. Torture is also an unreliable form of
information, A tortured mind cant be trusted. In Nazi Germany, Jews were
the prime targets; They were fooled that they will travel away, somewhere, but
were taken to concentration camps. Hitler and his supporters fooled the
public, and even if the public knew what was going on, they said nothing. In
many way, targeted individuals experience about the same thing: at first, some
targeted individuals think that it must be some kind of strange, absurd game,
they never believe that the perpetrators go as far as torturing their victim day
and night, without trial, without even feeling the need to inform the victim
what the cause is. Even the worst of all criminals have the right to a fair trial
and to be treated fairly. Even when the victims is said to have behavioral
problems or suffer from depression, this should not further justify even more
torture. The torture that targeted individuals experience, cannot be compared
to normal depression. Its far worse.
Disclamer: None of the TIs are criminals, dangerous criminals, terrorists or
mentally ill.
2. We have to maintain technological advancement, or other
nations will become more advanced and eventually take over.
Ethical Discussion: The ones conducting the research could first develop safe
methods of research. A country that is technologically advanced, should not
measure its advancement only by its level of tech, but also its level of ethics
and morals. Work in stead to make this kind of intrusive and humiliating
experimentation on all human beings all over the world illegal and no other
country will take over.
3. If we sacrifice a few hundreds or thousands individuals nationally
or internationally, it will benefit millions of others.
Ethical Discussion: Who is to say that I or You or Somebody Else have the
right to live happily but not the Other? Who is the technology benefiting in a
world where millions of people still die of hunger, diseases and thirst? The
only people that this research is benefiting are large computer companies, the
secret service, the army and powerful individuals in our governments. This
kind of torture is always done in the Name of Humanity, but there is
almost no discussion about what effects it will ultimately have on Humanity.
We see glimpses about how the technology might benefit humanity in maybe
20 years, but none of the implementation is yet safe (thats why we are
tortured by it). People are not informed about. Newspapers show how BCIs
can help people, but they dont show the very aspect of the BCI that can
Ethical Aspects | Targeted Individuals Europe 21.05.2014 2 / 9
Tome says:
October 2, 2012 at 4:50 pm
Here is the truth about Mind Control:
The World is run by Illuminati. Chances are most people are simple by blood line. For example you cant
be a policeman or a doctor if you are not one of them.
They invented the Mental Hospitals, Psychiatry and Mind Control as they developed the technology and I
know for sure that they had technology this already 60 years ago and even before.
First ones that had the right to put someone int mental hospital were blue blood famillies, then they
recruted others. They are know performing Mind Control on unrestrained subjects as they call them (go
google Jose Delgado Physically controlling the mind).
In the past they had some silly rules that only them can have a tatoo for example or is alowed to change
his name
I think that they loosend up a little bit by know but if you are by some chance NOT one of them (go
check with your parents) there is a very big chance that if you tried to pull something like Merylin Mason
does (one of the biggest ones in their pyramid) youd get so screwed via mind control gadgets that you
would not know what hit you.
They are known to exterminate the whole famillies. They have some sysop secret way to make you spill
your guts and tell them everything. You wouldnt believe what they uncover. Sometimes they simple kill
the parents (or make them kill themselves) without the court or the police because this is FOR THEM.
control and torture the same people. There are documentaries about Non-
Lethal Weapons, where they say that they do not kill, but they do not show
the fact that with a Non-Lethal weapon you might be able to invisible and at a
distance slowly torture a person or a group of people at once. And because we
are targets, we know that the technology can be abused, and that it is abused.
Nothing is holy for the perpetrators.
4. We cant come up with the same results if we dont do this kind of
unethical murderous research without consent and its important:
It is a matter of national security.
Ethical Discussion: This is, besides the humanitarian reason discussed
above, just another justification and cover up for the torture of so many
people that have not even been given a choice. How is the government
protecting the nation, when it becomes the enemy of the people? Who is the
Nation, if not its citizens? This justification is also in part a very good lie,
because the implication from companies that develop products that will in the
future be used commercially is huge.
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Ethical Aspects | Targeted Individuals Europe 21.05.2014 3 / 9
Then they would replace the parents with their own people, take their posessions and put the children into
mind control program simple because of their blood line. In the past they rarely lived long. Eventually
they will be only ones left in the World.
If you are targeted with REAL MIND CONTROL know this: You have probabbly some sort of a battery
in your chest, On the top of your head you have an RF antenna with FM transmitter implanted. Also
some sort of cochlear implant so they can talk to you. They can hear your silent speech (thoughts) and
they can see what you see. Usually they start when you are not aware of this with giving you physical
problems with deep brain stimulation, and use strong sexual abuse. Then they start to gangstalk you.
They cooperate among countris so you cant escape anywhere. They are buliding some sort of file on you
where they record every thing about you that you might did to deserve this. They show this to everyone
you get in contact with even on your job. EVERYONE YOU GET IN CONTACT WITH HAS TO DO
WHATEVER CONTROLLERS TELL THEM TO. If you are despite that refusing to see a psychiatrist,
really bad things start to happen when they start to talk to you via syntetic telephaty and let you know
that they are watching you. Most people go crazy then. They might tell you that you might be the
choosen one and want you to fight it. Dont believe it. Remember they want you to kill yourself. As soon
as you start to produce seek staff in your head you should turn yourself up to the nearest mental hospital
where you will be diagnosed with Paranoid Psychofrenia but YOU WILL STAY ALIVE and that is the
only goal here. They will harras you for a couple of days in mental hospital but then the voices will stop,
they will tell you it is because they are giving you drugs, remember they all BELONG, that is why you
will not get any support from doctors or media because it is controlled by them. You should take your
medications when out because they see when youre not and then harras you. Be religious about it. I will
post here how to disable this implants on your head when I found out how. I already tryed shaving my
head and put TENS stimulator on bumps on my head, didnt work but mybe I didnt use it enough,
diathermy (I would start slow and be careful not to hurt myself) is another choice but you cant buy that
thing because they will not sell you they say you have to be licenced to use it, also go to the sauna,
another choice is scuba diving deep but I will not advise it because you have to be trained, you might try
to use BARO-CHAMBER, also they dont want you to drink, they say no, no you shouldnt drink when
you are taking your medications, well YOU SHOULD drink glass or two of red wine but never get drunk,
do not go to far. And dont get scared, remember they are NOT ALLOWED TO KILL YOU REMOTELY,
their goal is to make you kill yourself.
They say: only only only the fittest of the fittest shall survive Stay alive! Eh! Bob Marley (one of
the biggest in their pyramid).
My harrasment lowered, they still harass me with voices, sexuall stimulation etc. and I am not sure is it
because I was first implanted 30 years ago as a 10 years old boy or I managed to do something with
methods I described.
Also this works for me (listening out loud with headphones): (Metallica is one of the biggest)

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I am sick and tyred of all the bullshit I read all over the internet and cannot get in contact with a genuine
target anywhere, so if you had psysical symptoms, gangstalked and might hear voices dont get scarred,
and your psychiatrist tells you to take RISPOLEPT (RISPERIDON) INJECTIONS every two weeks and
pills at home contact me:
Tome says:
October 2, 2012 at 5:21 pm
Chances are that almost all people posting here and reading this belong but just a warning for those who
are NOT one of them (go check with your parents if you are not sure), be careful what you do cause their
eye is always watching. Courts, jails, police and human rights are for them, if you do something stupid or
you pulled the shortest straw (Metallica song) and you are simply born in a family which is targeted (yes
it is eugenics at work) you might and up in their mind control program, experimented on, gangstalked,
diagnosed with paranoid schizofrenia, forced to psychiatry and your life will become a living hell.
In that case contact me:
Tome says:
October 2, 2012 at 5:55 pm
Also I have found that them have also some sort of brain implant in their heads and probably a battery
(go listen Metallica: Battery) but in their case it enhances a standard of living, in victims case it is a hell.
They have their own private thoughts but they can make it somehow to hear a victims internal dialog
(thoughts) via their head/ear implant. Try this when you are talking to someone and in doubt, try tell
them something inside(silent speech NOT ALOUD) and watch face reactions. Did they hear it? Mybe,
not all probably have this capabillity. I think that humans are moving towards transhumanism but it is
all done in
secret. And one more advice for genuine victims: ALWAYS STAY COOL no metter what is happening
inside your head. And remember most people belong and try to make friends with as many as possible,
you want them on your side, if you say something against someone that person will know (they tell
everything) and you might created an enemy. They might help you if you make friends with them- they
are not alowed to tell you what I am telling you, be good, dont ever loose your temper or coolness. No
metter what. Could you be loved Bob Marley (one of the biggest and a good guy)
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Ethical Aspects | Targeted Individuals Europe 21.05.2014 5 / 9
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