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About the authors
Asoke Dey is an Assistant Professor inthe Department of Management at the University of Akron.
He received PhD in Business Administration from the University of Minnesota and a Master of
Business Administration from the University of Utah. He also has a BS degree in Mechanical
Engineering from the Calcutta University, India, and over ten years of industry experience. His
research interests include supply chain management and health care operations and his research
inquiries are motivated by contemporary, real world problems in the areas of operations strategy,
procurement, innovation, informatics, and quality management. Dr Dey has made several regional
and national conference presentations and his work has appeared in Hospital Topics.
Paul LaGuardia is currently enrolled as an MBA student in Supply Chain Management and
Finance at The University of Akron, Ohio. Paul is a Project Manager for Diamond
Communications LLC. Diamond Communications is a fast-growing tower company experienced
in tower management, site development, build-to-suits, and tower acquisitions. Paul manages the
eld operations for Ohio, Pennsylvania, and NewJersey. He also coordinates withthe management
of FirstEnergy Corp. (Diamond has a relationship with FirstEnergy Corp. to provide collocation
opportunities on FirstEnergy utility structures).
Mahesh Srinivasan is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Management at the
Universityof Akron. He received a PhDinBusiness Administration anda Master of Science degree
in Business Logistics from the Pennsylvania State University. He also has a BS degree in
Mechanical Engineering from the University of Pune, India, and over ve years of industry
experience working for a German MNC. His research interests include supply chain and logistics
management with particular focus on the role of ITin supply chain collaboration and integration,
logistics performance metrics, stochastic inventory modeling and inter-organizational
relationships within supply chains. Dr Srinivasan has made several regional, national and
international conference presentations and his work has appeared in Journal of Business Logistics,
International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems, European Management Journal and
Supply Chain Practice Journal. Mahesh Srinivasan is the corresponding author and can be
contacted at:
sustainability: a
research agenda
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