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Initial Test: Regele Si Regina Erau Casatoriti de Mult Cand Baiatul Pe Care-L Vezi Acolo S-A Nascut

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I. Put in AM, IS or ARE. (1p)

1. My mother...a nurse.
2. I ..thirsty.
3. What and your brother?
4. They . very good teachers.
5. .your teacher nglish?
II. Choose the correct form: (p) !,1"#
1. !e came to the "arty #### he hadn$t been invited.
a% even b% although c% in s"ite
2. I &asn$t #### to reach the shel'.
a% enough tall b% so tall c% tall enough
3. !e &as ha""y because he #### the lottery.
a% &on b% has &on c% had &on
4. #### boo(s #### hel" me much.
a% this)doesn$t b% these)don$t c% this)don$t
5. I' I #### the lottery* I &ould buy a big house.
a% &in b% &ill &in c% &on
+. We are very &orried #### Tom.
a% about b% 'or c% at
,. This is the boy #### 'ather is a mayor.
a% &hose b% &ho$s c% &ho
-. .ou cannot &in a #### i' you don$t even
a% "rice b% re&ard c% "ri/e
0. I #### to contact 1ohn 'or a &ee(* but in vain.
a% am trying b% have tried c% have been trying
12. The air #### by a 'actory &hen I lived there.
a% is "olluted b% "olluted c% &as "olluted
11. It &as #### good 'ilm that I &atched it t&ice.
a% so b% such a c% such
12. I must give #### smo(ing.
a% o'' b% out c% u"
13. My 'riends #### me a visit yesterday.
a% "aid b% have "aid c% "ay
14. #### I hel" you &ith the coo(ing?
a% Will b% 3hall c% 4m
15. !e hasn$t le't the o''ice #### .
a% yet b% 5ust c% be'ore
1+. !e told me he #### soon.
a% &ill arrive b% &ould arrive c% arrives
1,. verything in this room is &et 'rom the rain. I
#### the &indo&s.
a% should have shut b% must have shut c% should shut
1-. I' I had (no&n you &ere in to&n* I #### you.
a% &ould visit b% &ould have visited c% visited
10. I thin( this is the #### boo( I have ever read.
a% most interesting b% more interesting c% most
22. I #### a lot o' cartoons &hen I &as 'ive.
a% used to &atch b% have &atched c% had &atched
21. I can$t do this e6ercise. I &ish I #### more
attention in class.
a% had "aid b% "aid c% &ould have "aid
22. This dress is #### long 'or me to &ear.
a% too b% so c% enough
23. !e doesn$t drive as #### as I do.
a% good b% better c% &ell
24. .ou #### come to this course. It$s o"tional.
a% mustn$t b% don$t have to c% can$t
25. I didn$t #### you yesterday. What ha""ened?
a% see b% sa& c%seen
III. $se the correct form of the %er& in &r'c(ets: () p)
1.When Tom 7come% to our house last night &e 7have% dinner* so &e invited him to 5oin us.
2. My mother 7&or(% here 'or ten years. 3he really li(es it.
3.My brother usually 7study% very little* but no& he 7read% a lot 'or that nglish test.
4. We 7listen% to the radio 'or ten minutes &hen &e heard the bad ne&s.
I*. Tr'ns+'te into En,+ish: () p)
1. 8u trebuie sa iei autobu/ul. 9oti sa iei ta6iul. 2. 9ro'esoara de obicei vorbeste in engle/a* dar a/i vorbeste in
'rance/a. 3. :e cand a castigat la loterie* 1ames a "utut sa calatoreasca oriunde in lume. 4. ;egele si regina erau
casatoriti de mult cand baiatul "e care<l ve/i acolo s<a nascut
1 point for ,r'nte-

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