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Satria Taking Notes

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Satria Malindo Setiawan

Taking good notes is an invaluable skill to any college student. In order to succeed in a class you
!ust !e!ori"e and understand t#e !aterial to t#e best o$ your ability and one e$$ective way to do
t#is is to develo% good note taking skills.
&ollow t#ese ti%s to #el% %er$ect your class notes and ace e'a!s and (ui""es:
1. Take your own notes.
It)s i!%ortant t#at you take your own notes as o$ten as %ossible. I$ you rely on your class!ates) notes
you risk !issing valuable in$or!ation due to illegible #andwriting an inattentive class!ate or a
!isunderstanding o$ t#e !aterial on t#e class!ate)s %art. *o not leave your education in your
class!ates) #ands.
2. Always co%y down lists.
Not sure w#at)s i!%ortant enoug# to write down and w#at can be ignored+ Generally i$ a %ro$essor
creates a list o$ in$or!ation ,e'. T#ree rules seven c#aracteristics $our $a!ous acco!%lis#!ents
etc.- t#e in$or!ation will likely a%%ear on an e'a!. .ists are easily testable but lucky $or you
t#ey)re also easily !e!ori"ed.
/. 0eword everyt#ing.
I$ %ossible write your %ro$essor)s notes in your own words. &irst t#is ensures t#at you)ll be able to
read t#roug# t#e! (uickly and easily later on. Also i$ you write everyt#ing down in your %ro$essor)s
e'act words you risk si!%ly co!!itting t#e !aterial to %a%er !indlessly but rewording t#e
in$or!ation re(uires you to t#ink critically about t#e !aterial as you learn it. T#is #el%s you to learn
t#e !aterial earlier and $aster.
1. 2e s#ort.
3ne o$ t#e !ost i!%ortant rule o$ note taking is to write in s#ort#and. Avoid writing in co!%lete
sentences at all costs4 Not only is t#is e'tre!ely ti!e consu!ing ,and cra!%5inducing- but you also
risk s%ending so !uc# ti!e writing down one %oint t#at you aren)t able to %ay attention to !ore
i!%ortant in$or!ation.
6. 7se your resources.
T#ere are !any resources available to #el% you take good notes. &or e'a!%le i$ your %ro$essor
u%loads 8ower8oint %resentations onto 2lackboard or so!e ot#er ca!%us wide in$or!ation s#aring
syste! %rint t#e lectures be$ore class. T#is allows you t#e $reedo! to listen to your %ro$essor)s
lecture wit#out #aving to write down every single %oint since you)ll already #ave t#e lecture %rinted
out and in $ront o$ you. 9riting t#e notes t#e %ro$essor $orgot to include in t#e 8ower8oint directly on
t#e %rinted %resentation also #el%s you stay organi"ed by kee%ing all your notes $or one sub:ect in t#e
sa!e %lace.
;. 0ead t#e book.
I$ your %ro$essor assigns a c#a%ter to be read be$ore class actually co!%leting t#e assign!ent could
save you ti!e later on. 2y reading t#e c#a%ter and taking notes on t#e in$or!ation you can rela' a
little in class because i$ your %ro$essor covers so!e o$ t#e in$or!ation $ro! t#e c#a%ter you will
already #ave t#e necessary notes.
2y learning #ow to be a good note taker you can #el% to ensure your success as a college student.
Taking good notes can boost your grade and i!%rove your overall organi"ational skills so it)s a skill
you s#ould develo% early in your college career.
Su!ber: #tt%:<<!<note5taking5ti%s<

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