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Guidelines For SSS

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Preamble: Technology Business Incubators (TBIs) and Science & Technology Entrepreneurs
Parks (STEPs) are a facility to incubate technological ideas or technologies under
development to enable them to reach the market place. It helps the young firms to survive and
grow by providing specialised support services during the critical period of a business venture
i.e. the start-up phase. The goal is to nurture successful indigenous technologies and growth
oriented entrepreneurs/ enterprises . Around 55 STEPs/TBIs have been promoted at the
institutions of higher learning e.g. IITs, IIMs, NITs, NID, ICRISAT etc. by the National
Science & Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board, of the DST across the country.

The requirement : While the STEPs/TBIs are able to support the Space + Services +
Knowledge requirements, wide gap exists in supporting the typical & specialised capital
requirements of a technology driven start up which are not being addressed properly
through existing mechanisms.

The basic idea of the proposed financial assistance is to equip the STEP/TBI with the much
needed early stage financial assistance to be provided to deserving ideas/technologies. This
would enable some of these innovative ideas/technologies to graduate to a level where they
can then be fit for seeking normal lending commercial banks /FIs route in their way to the
successful commercialization process. Thus the proposed assistance is positioned to act as a
bridge between development and commercialisation of technologies.

Guiding Features of the Proposed Assistance under SSS:

The Seed Support would be disbursed to incubatees (physical resident units within
STEP/TBI) who are registered units and there exist a proper legal agreement between
the incubatee and STEP/ TBI.
The funds would cater to early stage funding for indigenous ideas and technologies
requiring up-scaling and related work
The funds would be disbursed to the deserving incubatees with proper due diligence
by the STEP/TBI.
This assistance would be used by the incubated entrepreneur only and would not be
used by the incubator for facility creation.
The fund would be managed by identified TBIs/STEPs selected by NSTEDB
A modest seed financial support with an upper limit of Rs. 50.00 lakhs to a start-up.
The terms of disbursement to the selected incubatees should be linked to
benchmarks/milestones as per the business plan/project proposal.
The selection and disbursement of the proposed support would be based on
Simple procedures
Fast decision
Periodic Checks

Broad Areas to be covered under the financial assistance

The startups would be supported primarily on the following
Product development
Testing and Trials
Test Marketing
Professional Consultancy ( To attract Professors of institutions to work with small
IPR issues
Manpower for day to day operations
Any other area as deemed necessary and recommended by the Selection Committee of
individual STEP/TBI.

Mechanism of Selection, Disbursement , Governance and Fund Management of SSS

1. STEP/TBI would take measures to enhance the capacities of the TBI team to manage the
seed fund and equip them about the financing process and due diligence of a start-up.

2. Normal time range of utilization of the SSS by the STEP/TBI would be three years from
the date of receipt of the first installment of funds.

3. Each of the TBI/STEP implementing SSS would devise a proper mechanism and
governance structure involving the right experts to evaluate the prospective incubates under
physical incubation for seed fund support.

4. Each of these TBI/STEP would constitute a Management Committee and should associate
good fund managers as consultants for proper implementation and management.

5. NSTEDB would disburse the financial assistance of maximum Rs. 200 lakhs in
installments to the recommended TBIs/STEPs with a ceiling of Rs.50.00 lakhs for a start-
up, to be disbursed phase-wise based on progress milestones of the start-up.

6. The STEP/TBI CEO would be responsible for its proper disbursement and management.

7. STEP/TBI would have flexibility in disbursement of Seed Support to the potential
incubatees with proper due diligence in the form of soft loan / royalty sharing /minority
equity stake of the STEP/TBI depending on case to case basis.

8. The STEP/TBI would execute an agreement with the selected incubatee after sanction of
the seed support and it should be signed before the release of the first installment of seed
fund. Subsequent disbursement schedules should be linked to the progress milestones of
the incubate venture for a period normally linked to the incubation period. The TBI/STEP
should ensure that the necessary terms and conditions related to the Seed support
agreement recovery schedule are clearly defined and is a part of the Seed fund agreement.

Some of the suggestive clauses on seed fund recovery already in practice by some of the
STEP/TBI are given below:

a) The loan repayment period can normally vary from 2-5 years depending on the revenue
model and moratorium of interest payment which can be around 6 months. In some cases
STEP/TBI can also accept post dated checks as a part of the Seed fund payment recovery
b)The loan agreement provides for repayment of loan after a moratorium of one or two years
after full disbursal based on the project. The interest is @6% per annum and repayment
is in 5-8 half yearly installments depending on the quantum of loan. If an incubatee fails
to pay the installments on time as per the schedule mentioned in the agreement, penalty
of 2% on total due amount shall be charged. If an incubatee defaults in making payments
repeatedly then part / full outstanding loan amount with interest shall be converted into
fully paid equity. There is also a provision to right on IP in case of repeated default.
c) In case the agreement is for royalty sharing, the incubatee has to pay a royalty of 4% of
Gross Revenue from sales of the product, for the period of 3-5 years from the launch of
the product.
d) In exceptional cases the local selection committee would be empowered to relax certain
conditions on recovery depending on case to case basis with convincing justifiable
reasons, and these cases should be reported to the Department.

9. Various programmes should be organized periodically by STEP/TBIs implementing seed
support to enhance the investment readiness of the incubatees.

10. Seed Fund to an incubatee is also regarded as a means to attract and raise external angel /
venture capital funding. This would be an important parameter to judge the success of the
seed fund being implemented by STEP/TBI.

11. Encouragement to STEPs/TBIs who implement it successfully by way of showing growth
of the seed support fund through the reflows from the loan/royalty /realization of equity
stake for funding future proposals.

12. Submission of a detailed report on the status of utilization of grants along with Utilisation
certificate and statement of audited expenditure for every disbursement made by
Department in favour of the Seed Support.

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