The document describes several feats related to armor proficiency, weapon use, and combat abilities. The Goad feat allows a character to taunt opponents into attacking only them. The Heavy Armor Optimization and Greater Heavy Armor Optimization feats improve armor bonuses and reduce armor check penalties for wearing heavy armor. The Heavy Lithoderms feat provides a natural armor bonus for Goliath characters. The Knockback feat allows large characters to attempt bull rushes against opponents they hit with Power Attack. Armor Specialization provides damage reduction while wearing high-quality armor the character is proficient with. Long Reach increases the reach of lances, short lances, and long lances wielded by the character.
The document describes several feats related to armor proficiency, weapon use, and combat abilities. The Goad feat allows a character to taunt opponents into attacking only them. The Heavy Armor Optimization and Greater Heavy Armor Optimization feats improve armor bonuses and reduce armor check penalties for wearing heavy armor. The Heavy Lithoderms feat provides a natural armor bonus for Goliath characters. The Knockback feat allows large characters to attempt bull rushes against opponents they hit with Power Attack. Armor Specialization provides damage reduction while wearing high-quality armor the character is proficient with. Long Reach increases the reach of lances, short lances, and long lances wielded by the character.
The document describes several feats related to armor proficiency, weapon use, and combat abilities. The Goad feat allows a character to taunt opponents into attacking only them. The Heavy Armor Optimization and Greater Heavy Armor Optimization feats improve armor bonuses and reduce armor check penalties for wearing heavy armor. The Heavy Lithoderms feat provides a natural armor bonus for Goliath characters. The Knockback feat allows large characters to attempt bull rushes against opponents they hit with Power Attack. Armor Specialization provides damage reduction while wearing high-quality armor the character is proficient with. Long Reach increases the reach of lances, short lances, and long lances wielded by the character.
The document describes several feats related to armor proficiency, weapon use, and combat abilities. The Goad feat allows a character to taunt opponents into attacking only them. The Heavy Armor Optimization and Greater Heavy Armor Optimization feats improve armor bonuses and reduce armor check penalties for wearing heavy armor. The Heavy Lithoderms feat provides a natural armor bonus for Goliath characters. The Knockback feat allows large characters to attempt bull rushes against opponents they hit with Power Attack. Armor Specialization provides damage reduction while wearing high-quality armor the character is proficient with. Long Reach increases the reach of lances, short lances, and long lances wielded by the character.
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You are skilled at inducing opponents to attack you.
Prerequisites: Cha 13, base attack bonus +1. Illus. by J. Thomas The Fling Ally feat in action 141 CHAPTER 6 CHARACTER OPTIONS Benefi t: As a move action, you may goad an opponent that threatens you, has line of sight to you, can hear you, and has an Intelligence of 3 or higher. (The effect is a mind-affecting ability.) When the goaded opponent starts its next turn, if it threatens you and has line of sight to you, it must make a Will saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Cha modifi er). If the opponent fails its save, you are the only creature it can make melee attacks against during this turn. (If it kills you, knocks you unconscious, loses sight of you, or otherwise is unable to make melee attacks against you, it may make any remaining melee attacks against other foes, as normal.) A goaded creature can still cast spells, make ranged attacks, move, or perform other actions normally. The use of this feat restricts only melee attacks. Special: A fi ghter may select Goad as one of his fi ghter bonus feats (see page 38 of the Players Handbook).
GREATER HEAVY ARMOR OPTIMIZATION [GENERAL] You have mastered the use of heavy armor, maximizing its protective qualities while moving more easily in it. Prerequisites: Armor Profi ciency (heavy), Heavy Armor Optimization, base attack bonus +8. Benefi t: When you are wearing heavy armor, lessen the armor check penalty of the armor by 2 and increase the armor bonus by 1. Both of these effects stack with the benefi t of the Heavy Armor Optimization feat, for a total lessening of the armor check penalty by 3 and a total increase to the armor bonus pf 2. Special: A fighter may select Greater Heavy Armor Optimization as one of her fi ghter bonus feats (see page 38 of the Players Handbook). HEAVY ARMOR OPTIMIZATION [GENERAL] You have trained extensively in heavy armor, and you have learned to take advantage of the protection it offers. Prerequisites: Armor Profi ciency (heavy), base attack bonus +4. Benefi t: When you are wearing heavy armor, lessen the armor check penalty of the armor by 1 and increase the armor bonus by 1. Special: A fi ghter may select Heavy Armor Optimization as one of his fi ghter bonus feats (see page 38 of the Players Handbook).
HEAVY LITHODERMS [RACIAL] You have stony growths on your skin that afford you protection against attacks. Prerequisite: Goliath. Benefi t: You gain a +1 natural armor bonus.
KNOCKBACK [GENERAL] By putting your bulk behind a blow, you can push your enemy backward. Prerequisites: Improved Bull Rush, Power Attack, size Large or larger (goliaths qualify by virtue of their powerful build racial trait). Benefi t: If you score a hit while you are using the Power Attack feat, you can make a free bull rush attempt against the foe you hit, applying the number by which you reduced your attack roll as a bonus on the opposed Strength check (as well as on the damage you deal). If you hit with a twohanded weapon, you can apply double that number on the opposed Strength check. Unlike standard bull rush attempts, knockback attempts dont provoke attacks of opportunity, and you dont move with the enemy you knock backward. Bull rush rules can be found on page 154 of the Players Handbook. Special: A fi ghter may select Knockback as one of his fi ghter bonus feats (see page 38 of the Players Handbook).
Especializacion con armaduras [general, guerrero] Armor Specialization Tras un uso intensivo y horas de combate, has entrenado tu cuerpo para que confe en tu armadura. Cuando otros se quejan, t ests listo para la pelea. Cuando la espada desciende hacia ti, tus instintos ganados a base de moretones y cortes hacen que antepongas tu peto, greba, yelmo o gorguera para que desve el filo con el ngulo correcto, haciendo que resbale sin causar ningn mal. Libro: Libro Basico Prerrequisitos Competencia con el tipo de armadura elegido, ataque base +12. Beneficio elige un tipo de armadura intermedia o pesada con la que seas competente. Cuando lleves puesta una armadura de gran calidad (incluidas las mgicas) de dicho tipo, obtendrs una RD 2/-. Si pierdes tu bonificador de Destreza a la CA por cualquier causa, tambin perders el beneficio de esta dote, ya que no podrs desviar con eficacia los golpes del enemigo. Especial puedes escoger esta dote varias veces. Sus efectos no se apilan. Cada vez que lo hagas, sus efectos se aplicarn a un nuevo tipo de armadura.
Largo alcance [general, guerrero] Long Reach Sabes cmo usar tu gran estatura para alcanzar a contrincantes que se encuentran a ms de 5 pies con armas similares a lanzas. Regin: gnoll, volodni Libro: El este inaccesible Beneficio cuando empuas una lanza o una lanza corta, puedes usar el arma para atacar a contrincantes a 5 10 pies de distancia. Cuando empuas una lanza larga, puedes atacar a contrincantes a 10 15 pies de distancia. No consigues la ventaja del alcance adicional ms que durante tu accin, de modo que amenazas la zona habitual a tu alrededor segn las caractersticas normales del arma. Normal los personajes que no tienen esta dote slo pueden atacar a contrincantes a 5 pies de distancia con una lanza o una lanza corta y a 10 pies de distancia con una lanza larga.