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ELEX Template

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IEICE Electronics Express, Vol.* No.

IEICE 2008
[DOI: **.****/*****************]
Received September **, 2008;
Accepted September **, 2008;
Published in October **, 2008 issue

Instructions/template for
preparing your ELEX
manuscripts (As of
December 1, 2008)

Hiroshi Toshiyoshi,
Kazukiyo Joshin,
and Takuji Takahashi

Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo
4-6-1 Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8505, Japan

Photo Electronics Lab, Fujitsu Laboratories Co.
10-1 Wakamiya, Morinosato, Atsugi, Kanagawa 243-0197, Japan


Abstract: Use this instruction file as a template for preparing your ELEX
articles with Microsoft Word. It is essential to adhere to this template
because your manuscripts are printed as submitted with minimal
editing/formatting by publisher. Do not modify any formats or styles. Main
text is limited to 1,500 words, and abstract is about 100 words. You may
include total maximum three display items (Figures and Tables) but do not
exceed 2 MB after converting to PDF. Use latest Adobe Acrobat to attach
movie pictures in your PDF version of manuscript. Visit for the latest version of ELEX template.
Keywords: ELEX, template, up to six words
Classification: XYZ (choose one from Table II)

1. Visit for latest version of this template.
2. A. B. Author1, C. D. Author2, and E. F. Author3, Title of journal paper with a
comma inside the quotation marks like this, Journal Title in Italic vol. 12, no.
3, pp. 456-789, month, year.
3. A. B. Chapter-Writer, Title of quoted chapter in Book Title in Italic without
Quotation Marks, ed. C. D. Editor, pp. 123-456, Publisher Name, City, year.
4. A. B. Book-Author, Book Title in Italic without Quotation Marks, Publisher
Name, City, year.
5. A. B. Author1, C. D. Author2, and E. F. Author3, Title of paper in
proceeding, Proc. 12
Conf. Name, City, Country, paper ID, pp. 123-456,
month, year.

IEICE Electronics Express, Vol.* No.*,*-*
IEICE 2008
[DOI: **.****/*****************]
Received September **, 2008;
Accepted September **, 2008;
Published in October **, 2008 issue

1. Introduction
This template provides formats and styles for ELEX manuscript. It is essential to
adhere to this template because your manuscript will be published as is with
minimal copy-editing by the publisher. Do not modify formats (font, font size,
paper size, printing area, line space, etc). Keep one copy of this template
untouched for your reference and prepare your manuscript on another copy.

2. Software and article charge
Microsoft Word and LaTeX compatible files are officially acceptable for
ELEX submission. This template file is designed for MS Word. LaTeX style files
can be found elsewhere [1]. Article charge is J PY 31,500 for a manuscript using
MS Word template and 21,000 for a manuscript using LaTeX style file. Including
movie picture(s) costs extra J PY 3,150 per movie file.

3. Manuscript length
Papers do not usually exceed six (6) pages of an A4-sized PDF file. The first page
contains paper title, author list, affiliation(s), 100-word-abstract, keywords, and
references. The main body of the text is limited to approximately 1,500 words.
Manuscripts are allowed to have up to three (3) display items (Figures and/or
Tables) with brief captions as long as the final PDF file size would not exceed 2
MB. Including multimedia files (movie graphics) in a final PDF file is possible, if
any, by using attachment function of Adobe Acrobat.

4. Typographical style
Consult with Table I on the detail typographical styles.
4.1 Title
Title should start flush left. Only the first letter in the title is capitalized (this is true
to section titles and figure captions) Avoid including abbreviations unless
definitely needed.

Table I. ELEX typographical style
Article Title Arial 26pt Bold Green
Author Name Times New Roman 12pt Bold Black
Author Affiliation Times New Roman 10pt Italic Black
Author Address Times New Roman 10pt Italic Black
Author Contact E-mail Times New Roman 10pt Italic Blue
Section Heading
(incl. Abstract and Keywords)
Arial 11pt Bold Black
Abstract Body Times New Roman 11pt Black
Reference Body Times New Roman 10pt Black
Section Title Arial 12pt Bold Black
Text Body Times New Roman 11pt Black
Figure & Table Label in Caption Times New Roman 10pt Bold Black
Figure & Table Caption Body Times New Roman 10pt Black
Acknowledgement Body Times New Roman 11pt Black

IEICE Electronics Express, Vol.* No.*,*-*
IEICE 2008
[DOI: **.****/*****************]
Received September **, 2008;
Accepted September **, 2008;
Published in October **, 2008 issue

4.2 Author name and affiliation
Author names should start flush left. Spell out both first and last names but initial
middle name. Use one blank line between authors from different affiliations.

4.3 Abstract
The abstract should be complete sentence(s) that is limited to approximately 100
words. It should be a concise summary of the paper that clearly conveys the
problem, the methods, and the conclusions to readers. It also should include
appropriate keywords for the convenience of computer search. Do not include
reference numbers.

4.4 Keywords
Maximum six (6) keywords are listed. Carefully choose appropriate keywords for
your paper being correctly spotted by computerized search.

4.5 Classification
Category index in the classification is used by the ELEX Editorial Office when
directing your manuscript to corresponding Associate Editor. Furthermore it is
displayed in ELEX website and in archives for readers' convenience. Choose most
relevant category from Table II. The Editorial Committee may change the subject
index that authors select, if the Editorial Committee judges that the authors'
selection is not the best. Note that the index might be changed without

Table II. ELEX category classification (As of October 1, 2008)
Optoelectronics, Lasers and quantumelectronics, Ultrafast optics,
Silicon photonics, Planar lightwave circuits
Fiber optics, Microwave photonics, Optical interconnection,
Photonic signal processing, Photonic integration and systems
Electromagnetic theory
Microwave and millimeter wave devices, circuits, and systems
Electron devices
Integrated circuits
Micro- or nano-electromechanical systems
Storage technology
Superconducting electronics
Electronic materials, semiconductor materials
Electronic displays
Organic molecular electronics, Polymer optical circuits
Ultrasonic electronics
Electron tubes, vacuum and beam technology
Electronic instrumentation and control
Wireless circuits and devices
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
Fiber-optic communication
Optical fiber
Science and engineering for electronics
IEICE Electronics Express, Vol.* No.*,*-*
IEICE 2008
[DOI: **.****/*****************]
Received September **, 2008;
Accepted September **, 2008;
Published in October **, 2008 issue

4.5 Main text and headings
Single column format is applied throughout the manuscript. The first line of the
first paragraph of each section start flush left. Section headings are numbered
consecutively in Arabic numbers. Subsection headings are numbered in Arabic
numbers to the right of the decimal point (like this 4.5).

4.6 Equations
Equations are centered with the equation number (in Arabic) appearing at the
right-hand margin, in parenthesis:

= 2
G w t


. (1)
Long equations can be folded in several lines but avoid leading to
misinterpretation. Equations are referenced in the main text as Eq. (1).

4.7 References
References should appear on the first page of the paper, in the order in which they
are referred in the main text. See the example in this template for different styles
for citing a journal paper, a whole book, a contributed chapter in a book and a
proceeding paper. WWW links can be placed as a reference. It is authors
responsibility to provide correct information of references. Use a pair of square
bracket to cite reference like this [2]. Multiple references can be cited by using a
hyphen like this [2-5].

4.8 Acknowledgements
Acknowledgements, if any, can be placed at the end of the manuscript.

5. Display items (figures, tables, and movies)
You may include total maximum three (3) pieces of display items in a final PDF
version of your manuscript but do not exceed 2 MB file size.

5.1 Figures
Figures should be placed in the document. Do not submit figures in separate files.
Use MS Word function Insert Textbox to place frames for figures. Use white
color for the textbox so that no box frame appears. Place your figure as close to as
the main text where it is referred. Figure position in published paper may differ
from that in your original file, when publisher adjusts the final format. Figures are
numbered in Arabic numerals. Figures are referred as Fig. 1 even at the beginning
of a sentence. Figure captions are placed under corresponding figures.

5.2 Tables
Tables are placed in the document in the same manner as figures. Tables are
referred in Roman numbers such as Table I, without abbreviating to Tab. I. Table
captions are placed above the corresponding tables.

IEICE Electronics Express, Vol.* No.*,*-*
IEICE 2008
[DOI: **.****/*****************]
Received September **, 2008;
Accepted September **, 2008;
Published in October **, 2008 issue

5.3 Movie files
It is one of the ELEX features that author could include movie files (mov or mpg)
in their final PDF manuscript. Use file attachment tool of Adobe Acrobat (not
Acrobat Reader):
1. Select the file attachment tool .
2. Select the location where the movie file is placed (in the figure box).
3. Select the movie file from a dialog box.
4. In the comment properties, set the desired options, if needed.
5. Click OK
Movies are represented by an Adobe Acrobat icon (like this: ) and activated by
clicking on it. To help readers, you need to place a snapshot of the movie file and
place it as a figure. Notice readers that a movie file has been attached (see Fig. 2).
When saving a file in PDF, choose None for security option; higher security
would not allow reviewers to see your movies.

6. Conclusion
To submit manuscript to ELEX, authors should visit an IEICE website

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Fig. 1. Include all graphics in the manuscript file. Do not submit
figures in separate files. Figure is placed in a Textbox with invisible box

Fig. 2. Place a snapshot from the movie file to display for readers.
Movie can be activated by clicking on the icon. Movie file attached.

IEICE Electronics Express, Vol.* No.*,*-*
IEICE 2008
[DOI: **.****/*****************]
Received September **, 2008;
Accepted September **, 2008;
Published in October **, 2008 issue

( to complete a
Manuscript Information Entry Form and to upload the following items: a PDF file
for review; an electronic file of manuscript in either LaTeX or MS Word; original
art work in separate electronic files. Art submitted electronically is only acceptable
as Encapsulated PostScript (.EPS) for graphics and MOV or MPG for movies.
Self-descriptive file names such as fig1.eps and fig2.mpg are preferred. Authors
are also requested to select the subject index (code and field) best fitting
manuscript from the candidates. The index is used by the IEICE Publishing Office
when directing manuscript to corresponding Associate Editor. Furthermore it is
displayed in ELEX website and in archives for readers' convenience. The Editorial
Committee may change the subject index that authors select, if the Editorial
Committee judges that the authors' selection is not the best. Print and fill in a
downloaded Copyright Transfer and Article Charge Agreement Form, and send it
to the IEICE Publication Office by postal mail, fax or e-mail. If authors fail to print
out the Agreement Form provided in manuscript submission website, they are
advised to use its PDF version (
The manuscript would be automatically rejected irrespective of review results, if
the Agreement Form is not received by the IEICE Publication Office within three
(3) weeks after submission:
IEICE Publishing Office
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg., Annex 3F
3-5-22, Shibakoen, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 105-0011 J APAN
Phone: +81-3-3433-6692 Fax: +81-3-3433-6616

Your acknowledgements to co-workers and financial sponsors are placed here.

A. Suggestion for authors preparing multi-color display items
Color figures or movies can be included in ELEX manuscripts. Authors, however,
should be reminded that some reviewers/readers might be colorblind. Authors are
kindly advised to consider the following suggestions when preparing figures or
1. Avoid using a combination of red and green. Use magenta (purple) and green
2. Do not overuse colors in the graphs but consider using different hatchings,
shapes, line types (solid, dotted or dashed) or symbols for different curves.
3. Note that red color does not appear bright or vivid for colorblind people.
Avoid using red characters or symbols for the purpose of highlighting.
For further information, see this webpage:

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